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SITHCCC013 Assessment Tasks and Instructions

Meng tsung pan

Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess your knowledge required to complete the tasks
outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:

 culinary terms and trade names for:

o ingredients commonly used in the production of different fish and shellfish dishes
o variety of classical and contemporary seafood dishes
o different varieties of seafood and styles of cooking
 contents of stock date codes and rotation labels
 seafood classifications
 characteristics of seafood products and fish and shellfish dishes:
o appearance
o freshness and other quality indicators
o nutritional value
o taste
o texture
 preparation techniques for fish and shellfish specified in the performance evidence
 cookery methods for different varieties and cuts of fish and shellfish specified in the performance evidence
 equipment used to produce seafood dishes:
o knife care and maintenance
o essential features and functions
o safe operating practices
 mise en place requirements for seafood dishes
 appropriate environmental conditions for storing and thawing fish and shellfish products to:
o ensure food safety
o optimise shelf life
 safe operational practices using essential functions and features of equipment used to produce seafood dishes.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
Eight mile plaiins

Resource Requirements
Pen, paper, calculator, internet access

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

You are required to address each question in this assessment.
Once you have completed all questions, check all responses and calculations.
Your trainer will be providing you with feedback.

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Assessment 1
Your task:
You are required to complete all questions and tasks for this assignment. All tasks and exercises are
based on the theory content and recipes contained in your workbook/ online unit.
The information you provide in this assignment may be followed-up with questions from your trainer
before the final practical assessment. It is therefore essential that you have sufficient knowledge to
explain and substantiate all information you provide in this paper.


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1. You arrive at work to start your shift. List 3 methods you could use to identify the mise en place
and preparation requirements for your shift:

Methods to identify mise en place and preparation requirements

1. Check out the refrigerators.

2. Look for the other chef's prep list and remarks.

3. Check the availability of your shift or any other function.

2. List 4 aspects you need to consider when selecting seafood for a menu and
explain how a chef could contribute to sustainability when purchasing seafood:

1. Season of Seafood(freshness)
-The season in which you buy or purchased your seafood for the menu can affect
the quality of the dish. Not only the sustainability of the fish, but also its price,
flavor and taste. If you eat it when nature intended, you'll notice the difference, and
you'll be helping to ensure and secure its around for next generations to enjoy and
2. Availability in the market
- Buying straight from the source is the best way to find fresh seafood at the most
affordable prices. Fresh catch availability assures that a restaurant or diner will
receive nothing less than top-tier seafood. Availability of seafood from a trusted
market offers reassurance that every product meets high quality standards.
3. Price of seafood for the season
- Food costs are one of the first considerations that go into restaurant or diner
pricing. Seafood products in particular vary in price over the year, due to many
factors such as weather, seasonality, cause of transportation, and commodity
4. Climate
- Climate affects on seafood's availability, safety, and quality.
* The purchasing process is an essential and crucial part of every food service
operation. All competent chefs should be skilled in buying the relevant ingredients,
in accurate and precise amounts, at the right time, and at the best price. Chefs
have a great responsibility to educate, teach and inform their customers, and
provide them with exceptional dish and customer service.

3. What are the nutritional values for seafood? Provide an overview of nutrients contained and the importance
of seafood in a balanced diet:

The above mentioned nutritional facts about seafood are all correct. To add,
consumption of fish once a week had a 15% lower risk of CVD mortality compared
with individuals who consumed no fish. Sufficient seafood consumption during
childhood demonstrated good fetal neuron development and infant and child
cognitive and visual development. The most important omega-3 fatty acids in
seafood are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Daily

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intake of PUFAs such as EPA and DHA which are found in seafood (fish) reduce the
rate of incidence and death from CVD. Vitamins and minerals in seafood include
niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin B12, thiamin, riboflavin, zinc, phosphorus,
magnesium, iron, copper, potassium and selenium.

4. Which aspects relating to seafood allergies require awareness and care when preparing and serving seafood
to customers?

Allergies to seafood can occur in a variety of ways. Some people are just allergic to
fish, while others are only allergic to shellfish or mollusks, while still others are
allergic to all sorts of seafood. Four out of every five persons who have a seafood
allergy will have it for the rest of their lives.

Allergies are triggered by a response to certain proteins found in meals. Allergic

responses can be triggered by a variety of factors, including:
 Salmon, cod, mackerel, sardines, herring, anchovies, tuna, trout, haddock,
John Dory, and eels are examples of fish.
 Crustaceans such as prawns/shrimps, lobster, crab, crayfish, yabbies, and
molluscs such as oysters, mussels, clams, octopus, squid, calamari, abalone,
and sea slugs; and molluscs such as oysters, mussels, clams, octopus, squid,
calamari, abalone,
Some people are allergic just to fish, some only to shellfish, and still others to both.
If you're allergic to one sort of seafood, it's impossible to say if you'll be allergic to
another. Testing or experience are the only ways to find out.

Oysters and mussels, as well as shark, tuna, and swordfish, can put high-risk
clients at risk, such as pregnant or nursing women, children, and the elderly. These
dangers are mostly linked to the possibility of high levels of mercury in predatory
fish or pollution in filter feeders.
Large tropical reef fish, such as snapper, provide another possible threat. Ciguatera
is caused by eating fish that contain microorganism-produced toxins. Cooking does
not eliminate the poisons, and there is currently no effective cure for the illness.

5. List the classifications for finfish and provide 3 examples for each category:

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Classification Examples
Flat fish English Soul, Petrale Sole, and Tongue fish
Round fish Mackerel, Salmon, and Sapper
White and oily fish Sardine, herring, and anchovies.
Fresh water finfish American eel, Apache trout, and Artic grayling.
Salt Water fish Striped Bass Redfish, and King Salmon

6. List the categories for crustaceans and provide 2 examples for each category:

Categories Examples
Bugs Moreton bay bug and Balmain bug
Crabs Green crab and Mud crab
Prawns Bay prawn and Banana prawn
Scampi West Australian scampi and Norwegian Scampi
Rock lobsters Eastern rock lobster and Tropical rock lobsters
Freshwater crayfish Marron and Yabby

7. List the categories for molluscs and provide 2 examples for each category:

Categories Examples
gastropods examples are Snails, slugs
bivalves examples are Clams, mussels
cephalopods examples are octopus and squid

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8. What are the requirements for the correct handling, storage and the killing of live seafood in a humane

Live seafood transporters must ensure the following in hadling live seafood:
 Transportation is undertaken in a manner that minimises stress (Sedation by
cooling or anisitising will assist in minimising stress).
 Only compatible species are mixed.
 Holding systems are of a size to prevent physical damage to animals.
 Finfish are provided with adequate filtration and aeration. This will depend on
the species and stocking density.
 Buyers are notified of any significant delays experienced during transporting
that may impact on the health and quality of the product.
 Transport records are kept including water temperature, time of collection
and delivery, stock density and stock condition.
Maintenance of biological filter systems adequate for the intended purpose is the
basis of good management of water based holding systems. All live seafood held in
water must be:
 Kept at a temperature slightly below the animals' normal temperature range.
This reduces the need for oxygen as well as reducing the need to feed and
minimises cannibalism. For finfish only feed as required to maintain
condition. Uneaten food causes deterioration in water quality.
 Cared for by people who have the appropriate skills and knowledge to care
for the species concerned.
 Kept in a holding system of suitable size for the animal(s) so as not to cause
physical damage.
 Checked regularly for weak or damaged individuals. Such animals should be
disposed of humanely or treated where practical.
 Only mixed with compatible species.
 Kept away from bright light if this is detrimental to their welfare.
 Kept away from unnecessary disturbance.
 Stored and displayed in compliance with all relevant legislation.
Humane Killing Procedures
 For humane reasons, all finfish and large crustaceans must be killed prior to
cooking or serving. All live seafood must be killed quickly and humanely. This
must always be undertaken by an appropriately skilled person. This also
maximises the quality of the final product and avoids toughening of the flesh,
and loss of claws and legs in crustaceans. Chilling seafood prior to killing
reduces stress and assists in maximising quality and makes handling easier.
 The most humane method of killing crustaceans is to effectively chill the
animal(s) to produce insensibility, followed by killing through splitting and
spiking to destroy the animal's nerve centers or cooking.

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9. List 6 quality indicators for fresh fish and explain what this would entail when inspecting fish for freshness:

Quality Indicators
1. odour

2. curved

3. bright and giills

4. firm and meat

5. reflective eyes

6. slimy
Fresh fish has a nice and mild odour that is distinctive to its source (sea, lake, river, or fish pond). The smell
of rotten fish is foul and harsh, resembling trimethylamine (foul fish) and rotting.
Fresh fish eyes are glistening and protruding. Old fish's eyes are hazy and buried in their heads.
Fresh fish have moist gills and fins. They are dry, coated with viscous mucus, greyish-brown in appearance,
and smell awful in old fish. The colour of healthy gills is a lovely, vibrant crimson.
The skin of live and fresh fish is wet, must be undamaged, and has a metallic lustre. The scales must be
securely fastened to the body. Healthy, fresh fish should have tight, gleaming skin so that they slip out of
your hands. The indicators of rotting fish include discolouration and damaged skin. The scales of an old or
unhealthy fish have already begun to fall off.
Slime is transparent and fragrant, and it is evenly dispersed throughout the fish. Slime thickens, becomes
murky and unclean, and has a sour odour as a result of bleeding.
A fresh fish's body is solid and has a distinct texture and look. It should bounce right back when tapped. Fish
that are soft, greyish, and rigid are either old or unhealthy.
The anal entrance is snug and the guts of a live and fresh fish are shining and unspoiled. Old and bad fish
have a yellow-brown anal aperture that stands out.

10. What are the quality indicators for the following categories of fresh shellfish? Which aspects need to be
considered to prevent food safety hazards, contamination or quality issues?


Fresh flesh, smells good. Aspect to considered, quality issues.


Shells that doesn't broke already, smells like fresh natural sea shell. Aspects to
considered quality issues.

Cockles, clams, vongole, periwinkles, turban shells and pipis

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Select a fresh live shellfish. Aspect to be considered quality issues.

Soft-bodied molluscs (ink fish)

Main preference it should be smells fresh. Aspects to be considered quality issues.

11.List 10 aspects of hygienic handling and storage of seafood including the

correct procedures for thawing to prevent contamination. What does this require
in terms of labelling?
1. Wash your hands prior to any 6. Rinse, then store freezer. To maintain the
handling of seafood. quality of the fish, it needs to be kept at
a temperature under 40°F.
2. Established overall SOPs 7. Use designated cutting boards to prevent
and HACCP systems including cross-contamination.
cleaning schedules.
3. Minimise handling of seafood. 8. Always thaw seafood out in the cool room
overnight, covered on trays, stored on lower
4. Handle seafood carefully and 9. Process only small amounts at a time and put it
separate according to species to straight back in the cool room.
prevent cross-contamination.
5. Never mix cooked and un- 10. Never float it in water to thaw out as you can
cooked fish and shellfish. contaminate the seafood and it also affects the
structure of the meat.
Using labels is an ideal way to be organised and to remember what was done
and when. This applies toeverything from simple labels, such as a cartouche
stating: Mayonnaise, 18/06/14, J. Peterson, up to fullnutritional labels required for
bulk cooking and distribution.

12. Calculating portion weights and yield

a. You have 0.800kg fresh cuttlefish. Waste and bones are 57%. What is the net
yield expressed in kg? ____0.344KG______
b. When filleting a Dover sole weighing 750g you obtain 405g cleaned fillets.
What is the wastage of skin and bones expressed in %? ____wastage is 46%
and clean fillests is 54%______
c. The net yield for a cleaned Octopus is 0.560kg. The waste accounts for 30%.
What was the original purchase weight of the octopus? _____0.800kg_____

13. In brief, explain the steps for the following preparation methods. Which tools are used?

Preparation Preparation procedure /Steps Tools used

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1. Use a fish scale or the Use a fish scaler or a
Scaling back of a knife. bread knife
2. Hold the fish firmly by
the tail and scrape the
knife from the tail to the
head of the fish removing
the scales in a stroking
motion - they should flake
off quite easily.
3. Finish by washing the
fish thoroughly.

1. Insert the fillet knife into knife

Gutting the anus near the tail.
2. Spread the abdominal
cavity with your fingers.
3. Rinse the cavity out with
a good stream of water.
4. Remove the head.

1. Preparing whole fish for Scissors

Preparing whole fish for pan frying or grilling
pan-frying or grilling 2. Place the floured fish in
the hot oil. Place only 2 or
3 fish in the pan at one
time so that they are not
crowded. Frying too many
at one time cools the oil
down too much, causing
the fish to absorb more oil.
3. Fry the fish for 5 to 8
minutes on the first side.
Turnover and cook another
4 to 7 minutes. Cooking
time will depend on the
thickness of the fish.
4. When the fish is done its
skin should be browned
and crisp. When inserting a
fork in the backbone, the
meat should flake and
separate from the bone
easily. The internal
temperature of the fish
should be 145°F.
5. Remove from the pan
and place on a paper towel
lined platter so the grease

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can drain. If frying more
fish, place the cooked fish
in an oven preheated to
175°F to 200°F to keep
them warm while more are
6. Add more oil if cooking
additional fish. Allow the oil
to heat up properly before
frying more fish.

1. Remove the head and

Filleting round fish tail. Filleting knife
2. Hold the fish firmly on a
chopping board and run
the knife along the
backbone from head to tail.
3. Keeping as close to the
bone as possible, remove
the fillet with a stroking
motion continuing until you
reach the other side of the
4. Repeat the process on
the other side.

1. Place one fillet, skin side Chefs Knife

Skinning round fish down, on a work surface.
2. Grasp the fillet firmly at
the tail end and, holding
the knife blade flat, work
the knife in between the
flesh and the skin, and
then carefully slide it down
the length of the fillet to
remove the skin in one

1. Place the fillet on a Chefs knife

Skinning flat fish clean, dry chopping board.
2. Hold the fillet at the tail
end and insert the knife
between the skin and the
3. Keeping the blade flat
against the chopping
board, push the knife along

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the fillet slicing as you go
until you reach the top of
the fillet.
4. Do this away from you to
avoid injury.

Make an incision at the tail Filleting knife Tweezers

Filleting flat fish end and ease the skin off
slightly. Use salt or a cloth
to hold the end of the skin
and carefully pull it off.
Support the flesh with your
other hand to prevent the
flesh from tearing. Once
the skin has been removed,
run your finger along the
outer edge of the fillet. This
helps separate the flesh
from the bone. If the roe is
evident, ease it out in the
same manner.

14. Provide a description for the following cuts of fish:

French Explanation

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Filet A meat cut into the sides of the fish. There are three types of scrolls:
complete, v-cut and j-cut and the latter two are very popular. With both
cuts, the pin bone is removed. In the j-cut, the nape - the thin, thin, oily
flesh on the lower part of the fillet - is also removed.

Délice is is a fish fillet. Flat shanks such as a sole or a flounder are often used.
The fillet is folded on both sides or threaded on a thick end..

Paupiett It is a type of roulade & called a braciole. Paupiette may also refer to an
e old French fish dish where a small piece of fish (tuna, sole, whiting or
anchovy) is stuffed, rolled & secured with string before cooking in a stock.

Goujon small strips cut from fillet lengthways. . These are usually
Goujon prepared by coating & frying. It is usually produced with white fish.

The supreme is a basic boneless cut from fillet or loin which is cut either
Suprêm as a block-cut or bias-cut, & is considered the best & most special fish
e cut.

is a large round fish like salmon, one to two inches thick. It is sold skin-on
and contains a section of backbone. The bone helps to retain moisture
during cooking, so this cut is best for high-temperature methods: broiling,
grilling, pan-searing

15. Explain the preparation requirements for the following types of shellfish:

Seafood Preparation requirements

Prawns are set up in the wake of cooking by
Prawns removing the shells and heads to make eating
prawns easier. By pulling and spinning,
evacuating the heads. ... Draw the legs off. ...
Strip your thumbs off the shell. Use a small
blade to make the rear of the prawn sharp.
Expel the vein of the prawn from
Strengthen the lobster in frosted water. Expel it
Lobster from the ice and the channel when the lobster is
cold. To shell, put the lobster tail in your left
hand and your privilege with the head

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Bugs are set up by washing the bug to
Bugs evacuateany grift at that point expelling the
head bybending it or first cutting in the neck
territory. Ithelps if you utilize a material to
ensure your handsas there are sharp finishes on
the shell
To the bubble, add a large container of well-
Crabs salted water. Lower in the crab, stew for 12
mins for every kg, leave to cool in the fluid a
little at that point.
Mussels should have the whiskers and any
Mussels barnacles associated with them evacuated
before cooking. To expel any barnacles and
coarseness, scour the mussels with steel fleece
or preferably a hardened brush. Dismantle the
facial hair to expel itand the mussels are
prepared for cooking. A few suppliers have pre-
cleaned mussels that are pressed by vacuum
and only need to be washed
In ethnic dishes, Cockles, clams, vongole,
Cockles, clams, vongole, periwinkles, turbanshells and pipisCockles,
periwinkles, turban shells and
shellfishes, vongole, periwinkles, turbanshells
and pipis are well known. They contain sand
regularly and should be washed to evacuate
sand in clean water. Keep in mind that they will
currently need to be washed following cleaning
and also know that any extra sandwill settle at
the base of the pot while making a sauce or
Clams can be purchased in the shell or pre-
Oysters shucked. By opening them with the ashellfish
blade from either the pointed end or the
modified front, clams can be shucked. You insert
the shellfish blade and switch the cover off, but
you do it. However much common ocean water
could fairly be anticipated, attempt to maintain
as this provides season. Opening clams from
the front will bring about more shell parts, as in
this locale the shell is gentler. Continuously
search for orcoarseness of any shell parts and
wash if vital. You can use separate water in the
event you have to wash the shellfish as this has
limited ontaste impact. It MUST be opened from
the pivot end to prevent shell parts in the event
that you need to serve the clamin with its usual

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Either roe on or roe off comes from scallops.
Scallops Slide the blade underneath the scallop while
you are connected to a shell, slicing through the
muscle that binds the material to the shell.
Evacuate from the side of the scallop any
remaining muscle and digestive system as this
winds up when cooked intensively. By just
squeezing it between your fingertips, this might
be possible.
Separate the body from the head and cut the
Soft bodied molluscs (Ink fish) tentacles off and clean

16. Describe how each of the following methods of cookery can be used for seafood, list the suitable species and
provide at least 2 menu examples including accompaniments for each method of cookery:

Process and suitable Menu examples & accompaniment

Poaching all shallow & deep poached Poached bug tails with asparagus
(Deep and are acceptable methods for tips Whole rocklobster for a buffet,
shallow) cooking fish. Adding flavor wholesalmon for a buffet display
and aromas like onions,
spices, and spices to the
seafood bouillon during
deeper poach. Immerse the
fish & cook when it is about
cooked, then gently pull it
out. The method of delicate
frying is used in traditional
dishes like blues trout.
Have used a superheated
steam beginning for
salmon fillets, but cold
water beginning for larger
fish like entire salmon, or
even the exterior will
indeed be overdone by
both the moment almost
everything is cooked.

Steaming Steaming is a mild Steaming chinese fish dumplings

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cooking process that is
good for sea-food since it
keeps the taste & texture.
With the exception of
octopus, never use a steam
Fill a saucepan halfway
with water, add all sea food
in a stockpot, and season
with slices of lemon & mint.
Make sure the cook is well
covered. This may also be
performed using just the
steam option in a hot oven.

Roasting Roast is seldom performed Roasted whiting with rosemary

in hotels, however, it can
be performed on a
Barbeque for caterers.
Roasted aquatic fish is a
common activity on
adventurous and cultural
and heritage excursions:
entire fish is frequently
chopped to aid
temperature transmission;
fresh shellfish simmer
spontaneously and explode
apart when finished.

Grilling Suitable for small, Lobster Mornay

complete goods, fillets Oyster Kilpatrick
and cuts. On the barbecue
or under the salamander,
you can grill. Under the
salamander, many
popular favourites such as
Oysters Kilpatrick and
Lobster Mornay are

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Shallow- Situable for whole fish, Prwan tails in garlic butter and
frying fish fillets and herbs
crustaceans. The seafood
isoften coated in flour
prior to cooking to keep it
dry and crispy

Deep-frying Whole fish are cooked at

lower temperature, Tempura prawn
depending on thickness,
to ensure even cooking all
the way through. The food
is usually coated with
flour, crumbs ,batter or
other situable coating

17. Provide 5 examples for the use of seafood offcuts, trimmings and by-products to provide for cost-
effectiveness in a kitchen operation:

1. From air-dried fish , fish sauce can be made from
2. For fish populations and fumets, bones may be used for
3. For fried rice or prawn omelettes, leftover cooked prawns can be used for
4. In making sauces, bones, stocks, and off-cuts can be used
5. It is possible to transform trimmings into goujons, goujonettes, farces,
quenelles, or souffles

18. Which essential factors need to be considered when presenting seafood dishes? How does this impact on
modern trends compared to traditional seafood preparations?

Presentation must consider palatability, visual appearance, harmony of

ingredients, comparative size of dishesand garnish, quality and taste. This
include all the food in the plate, accompaniments and sauces that combineto
provide contrast or a smooth flavour combination. Using a variety of cooking
methods within the dish alsoadd interest and show off the skills of the chef.

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19. List the typical preparation methods, garnishes and/or accompaniments for the following preparation

À la Describes how to season seafood with salt, pepper, lemon juice, and
meunière a flour dusting.
After that, the seafood is shallow-fried in butter.
The dish is finished with butter, lemon juice, and chopped parsley.

À l’Anglaise Crumbed and fried in a pan or deep fried

À l’Orly Better when accompanied by fresh tomato sauce.

Bercy Poached seafood in a white wine sauce

À la Colbert Crumbled and fried whole sole

After that, the bone is removed and maitre d'hotel butter is added.

Doria Tumed cucumbers in a pan-fried dish

Fritto misto Floated, crumbed, crumbed, or battered seafood selection

di mare Deep-fried and accompanied by a suitable sauce on the side

Mornay Mare-cooked seafood with a sauce

Tempura Seafood dipped in a light, comflour-based batter

Deep-fried with an Asian dipping sauce

20. How can you overcome shortfalls in mise en place or if a menu item sells out during service?

You may run out of stock unexpectedly, especially perishable commodities which go
off quickly, if not stored correctly. If stocks of fresh fish run our, substitute with a
frozen variety or a similar fish.

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21. Which aspects must be considered when storing cooked seafood or displaying cooked seafood for sale (for
example on a buffet)?

The aspects that must be considered when storing cooked seafood or displaying cooked seafood for sale are:
1. Keep all seafood out of the danger zone. Consider the danger zone. Hot food must be stored or held above 60°C
2. Don't store raw and cooked seafood together.
3. Always store raw seafood in trays with ace on the top and at the bottom of the coolroom.
4. Everything labelled correctly and covered.
5. Always use different serving utensil.
6. If storing life seafood in tanks, make sure they are regularly cleaned and maintained.

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