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SITHCCC013 Prepare Seafood Dishes

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SITHCCC013 Prepare seafood dishes

Answer book of UKA

By Tikaram Ghimire
Apex 5000
Guys This is not for copy it’s for idea. If you copy I
will complain

Q.1 You arrive at work to start your shift. List 3 methods you could use to
identify the mise en place and preparation requirements for your shift:

Answer-1. Figure out before start cooking which ingredients I need.

2.Prepare all the ingredients.
3.Place each ingredient in a container, and position all the
containers near the cooking work area
Q.2- List 4 aspects you need to consider when selecting seafood for a
menu and explain how a chef could contribute to sustainability when
purchasing seafood:

Answer. 1. Nutritional requirements

Chefs play an important role in ensuring the fish industry's long-term
viability. Chefs can help to raise awareness of issues by informing
suppliers and customers about sustainable seafood. Menu selections
and purchasing decisions can have a direct impact on the market and
fishing methods. Many sustainable fish species are high in protein,
vitamins, minerals, and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, with few toxic
additives. Overfished seafood, such as salmon and tuna, frequently
contains mercury, PCBs, and other pollutants. The chef can obtain fish
from nearby fishmongers who can deliver sustainable seafood to their
home, or they can use canned sustainable fish.

Q.3. What are the nutritional values for seafood? Provide an overview of
nutrients contained and the importance of seafood in a balanced diet:
Answer. Answer: All of the nutritional facts about seafood listed above
are correct. Furthermore, individuals who consumed fish once a week
had a 15% lower risk of CVD mortality when compared to those who did
not consume fish. Adequate seafood consumption during childhood was
associated with good foetal neurone development as well as infant and
child cognitive and visual development. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the two most important omega-3
fatty acids found in seafood (DHA). Daily consumption of PUFAs found
in seafood (fish), such as EPA and DHA, lowers the incidence and
mortality rate from CVD. Niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin B12,
thiamine, riboflavin, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper,
potassium, and selenium are all found in seafood.

Q.4. Which aspects relating to seafood allergies require awareness and

care when preparing and serving seafood to customers?

Answer. They should identify customers who have shellfish allergies

when preparing meals, clean cookware and utensils, gloves, chopping
boards, and other cooking equipment when preparing the dish to
minimise cross contact. Once the dish is ready, it should be covered
immediately and transported while covered to avoid splattering or
transferring steam that contains shellfish protein.
• If possible, prepare dishes containing fish/shellfish in a separate
section of the kitchen to reduce the possibility of cross-contamination
with other dishes.
• If possible, fry all your fish and shellfish in a separate fryer. If you only
have one fryer and serve fried fish and shellfish, anything goes.
• Including fish or shellfish as an add-on option or as a substitute for
chicken can provide your customers who are allergic to fish/shellfish with
more menu options. They can order salads or pasta dishes with chicken
instead of fish or shellfish, for example.

Q.5. List the classifications for finfish and provide 3 examples for each
Answer - "Fish that meet the scientific criterion are frequently known as
real fish or finfish." Finfish are classified into three main categories:
superclass Agnatha (jawless fish), class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous
fish), and class Osteichthyes (bony fish). The Superclass Agnatha has
one hundred and five recognized fish species. These are the oldest fish
that somehow still currently exist. The species lack a mouth, possess
tubular and extended shapes (similar to snakes), no scales, and no
bilateral flippers. Agnathan fish, such as the Hagfish and Lamprey, eat
via vacuum with their wide, powerful mouths and reside mostly on the
bottom. Agnathan fish has limited economic applications. Nevertheless,
a Hagfish industry known as slimy eels has lately established in
california.The seafood is wrapped and shipped to Korea. The Category
Chondricthyes contains at least nine hundred ad twenty eight fish
species. Sharks, rays, skates, and ratfishes are all members of this
family of fish. These fish have a calcified skeleton, movable mandible
with very well-developed teeth, lateral fins, and small scales. The fish
has sandpaper-like texture due to the small spikes. Chondricthyan fish
miss swim secretions, which are gas-filled sacs that the fish may
regulate to avoid drowning or floating. Consequently, the fish have
enormous livers that store a lot of oil, which keeps the animal from
drifting to the seabed. Chondricthyan fish may be encountered at
practically any bottom in the coastal and marine environment. Sharks
and skates are caught in both recreational and commercial fisheries. The
Category Osteichthyes has about twenty seven thousand fish species,
accounting for ninety six percent of all recognized fishes and over 50%
of all vertebrates. Those fish have skeletons made mostly of skeleton, if
not totally of bone. The fish also have tiny, stretchy overlaying plates that
form from bone, an operculum that shields the gills, fins made of
skeleton spines instead of flesh, and a swim bladder. Osteichthyan
fishes are incredibly varied, adapting to almost each sort of marine
habitat. These fish constitute the majority of recreational and commercial
fisheries worldwide."


Weitzman, J. (2019). Applying the ecosystem services concept to

aquaculture: A review of approaches, definitions, and uses. Ecosystem
services, 35, 194-206.
1. Round Fish • mackerel
• salmon
• snapper
2. Flat Fish
• sole
• flounder
• diamond turbot
3. Freshwater Fish
• catfish
• lake trout
• bluegill
Q.6. List the categories for crustaceans and provide 2 examples for each

Answer. Crustaceans belong in the phylum Arthropoda and subphylum

Crustacea. Members of subphylum Crustacea have a pair of antennae
on the third metamere, which is a distinguishing feature from other
arthropods. Most crustaceans are marine (ocean) animals the Some
crustaceans live on land and have two body region, cephalothorax and
abdomen. classes include.

Branchiopoda, which includes the brine shrimp and fairy shrimp

Maxillopoda, which includes the barnacles and copepods;
Ostracoda, which includes small seed shrimp
Malacostraca, which includes shrimp, crayfish, lobsters, and crabs


List of crustaceans. (n.d.). Encyclopedia Britannica.

Q.7.List the categories for molluscs and provide 2 examples for each
Answer. 1. GASTROPODA (single shelled cowries, cones etc)
2. BIVALVIA ( two shelled like clams, mussels etc)
3. APLACOPHORA (solenogasters)
4. MONOPLACOPHORA (segmented limpets)
5. POLYPLACOPHORA ( or Amphineura as it was earlier called-
6. SCAPHOPODA (tusk shells)
7. CEPHALOPODA (nautilus, squids, Cuttelfish, octopus etc)

Q.8. What are the requirements for the correct handling, storage
and the killing of live seafood in a humane manner ?

Handling- Always handle live seafood with extreme care and we should
make sure that we don't stress the animal at all.

Storage: Frozen seafood is to be stored at -18°C temperature.

Humane Killing Procedures: To kill live seafood humanely, fish from a

tank should be stunned with a hit to the back of the head, then guts
removed crustaceans should be placed in freezer, fridge or freshwater

Handling- Always handle live seafood with extreme care and we should
make sure that we don't stress the animal at all. Fresh seafood should
be chilled immediately.

Storage: Frozen seafood is to be stored at -18°C temperature.

If live seafood is kept in tanks, they must be cleaned and salt levels

Humane Killing Procedures: To kill live seafood humanely, fish from a

tank should be stunned with a hit to the back of the head, then guts
removed crustaceans should be placed in freezer, fridge, or freshwater
to slow the body functions and then submerge straight into the boiling
Q.9. List 6 quality indicators for fresh fish and explain what this would
entail when inspecting fish for freshness:

Answer. 1.Flesh that is firm and connected to the bones or does not
2. Cavity is clean, with no visible bones and undamaged lining.
3. Bright red color of the gills
4. Clear and bulging eye with a black pupil
5. Firm and resistant to the touch texture
6. odor- fresh but not stale, no ammonia or milky odor

When you touch the flesh of the fish, it should bounce back. The skin
should have a natural metallic luster and not appear dull. The skin's
surface must be taut, and the scales may be firmly adhered. Fish with
cracked skin or loose scales may be decaying.


Huss, Hans Henrik. Fresh fish--quality and quality changes: a training

manual prepared for the FAO/DANIDA Training Programme on Fish
Technology and Quality Control. No. 29. Food & Agriculture Org., 1988.
Q.9. List 6 quality indicators for fresh fish and explain what this would
entail when inspecting fish for freshness
1.Flesh that is firm and connected to the bones or does not gape.
2. Cavity is clean, with no visible bones and undamaged lining.
3. Bright red colour of the gills
4. Clear and bulging eye with a black pupil
5. Firm and resistant to the touch texture
6. odour- fresh but not stale, no ammonia or milky odor
Q.10. What are the quality indicators for the following categories of fresh
shellfish? Which aspects need to be considered to prevent food safety
hazards, contamination or quality issues?

Answer.1 Crustaceans-here are a number of quality indicators for

crustaceans, including:

- Freshness: Crustaceans should be as fresh as possible, and

ideally should be consumed within a day or two of being caught.

- Appearance: Crustaceans should have a bright, vibrant

appearance, with no sign of bruising or discoloration.

- Texture: Crustaceans should have a firm, succulent texture, with

no sign of toughness or rubberyness.

- Flavor: Crustaceans should have a sweet, briny flavor, with no

sign of any off-flavors.

2.Molluscs- The quality indicators for molluscs are as follows:

-The mollusc should be free from slime, dirt, and other foreign

-The mollusc should be free from signs of disease, injury, or


-The mollusc should be of the appropriate size, shape, and color

for its species.
-The mollusc should be free from any off-flavors or odors.

-The shell should be free of cracks, chips, and blemishes

-The flesh should be firm, plump, and free of any bruising or


-The mollusc should have a fresh, ocean-like smell

-The gills should be pink or red in color, and should not be slimy or

-The eyes should be clear and free of any cloudiness

3.Cockles, clams, vongole, periwinkles, turban shells and pipis-

The quality indicators for Cockles, clams, vongole, periwinkles,
turban shells and pipis are as follows:

-The shell should be intact and unbroken

-The shell should be free of any cracks or chips

-The shell should be free of any visible dirt or debris

-The shell should be free of any strong odors

-The shell should be free of any visible signs of spoila

4.Soft-bodied molluscs (ink fish)- Some potential quality indicators

that could be considered include the fish's appearance, size, and
health. Additionally, the fish's ability to produce a large amount of
ink could also be considered a quality indicator.

soft-bodied molluscs could include size, color, appearance, and

condition of the shell.Preventing Physical Hazards

Physical hazard prevention focuses on rigorous food inspection

and strict adherence to food safety rules, such as the Hazard
Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system described below.
Organizations can also take preventative measures to reduce the
risk of a physical hazard. Light bulbs, for example, can be made
from a variety of materials. Acrylic is more lightweight and tougher
than glass, and it shatters into larger, blunter bits.


Unfortunately, allergies cannot be prevented, but the risk of an

allergic reaction can be reduced. Allergies will be minimized as
long as companies use proper cleaning practices and clearly
display potential allergenic components on product packaging. The
consumer bears the primary responsibility for preventing allergic
reactions, but they can only do so effectively if businesses do their
part with proper cleanliness and ingredient labeling.

Laws and Regulations

Food safety rules have been created by regulatory authorities such

as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the United States
Department of Agriculture (USDA) to help limit food safety risks
and promote safer food safety procedures. As a result, food safety
procedures have grown far more strong and effective.

Critical Control Point in Hazard Analysis (HACCP)

HACCP, which was established in 1997, replaced traditional "sight,
smell, and touch" inspection with a science-based approach. The
HACCP principles give a framework for analyzing biological,
chemical, and physical risks across the supply chain. This helps to
speed technology used to regulate food safety by preventing
outbreaks rather than responding to them after they arise. As a
result of HACCP, foodborne diseases have decreased

Modernization of Food Safety Act (FSMA)

FSMA has permitted other approaches of preventing food

contamination, similar to HACCP. Foodborne illness can be
prevented in three ways: vehicles and transportation operations
must validate temperatures in transit, staff must be properly trained
to avoid practices that put food safety at risk, and new record-
keeping requirements have created efficient mechanisms to
demonstrate proper temperature control. Distributors are better
able to avoid foodborne illness by proactively managing food


Ha, T. M., Shakur, S., & Do, K. H. P. (2019). Consumer concern

about food safety in Hanoi, Vietnam. Food Control, 98, 238-244.

Gizaw, Z. (2019). Public health risks related to food safety issues

in the food market: a systematic literature review. Environmental
health and preventive medicine, 24(1), 1-21
When you touch the flesh of the fish, it should bounce back. The
skin should have a natural metallic luster and not appear dull. The
skin's surface must be taut, and the scales may be firmly adhered.
Fish with cracked skin or loose scales may be decaying.


Huss, Hans Henrik. Fresh fish--quality and quality changes: a training

manual prepared for the FAO/DANIDA Training Programme on Fish
Technology and Quality Control. No. 29. Food & Agriculture Org., 1988.

Q.11. List 10 aspects of hygienic handling and storage of seafood

including the correct procedures for thawing to prevent contamination.
What does this require in terms of labelling?
1. Proper cooking temperature for seafood: water at 135 degrees
Fahrenheit, air at 130 degrees Fahrenheit
2. Proper cooking time for seafood: approximately 5 minutes per inch of
3. Cooking times for different heat levels: low heat level (200°F) - cook
2-5 minutes high heat level (350°F) - cook 1-2 minutes
4. Deep freezing temperatures needed to kill HACCP pathogens in raw
shrimp, crabmeat and lobster meat
5. Minimum cooking temperature required to kill Listeria monocytogenes
in cooked poultry, pork, beef and veal
6. Preventing cross-contamination of other foods, during seafood
preparation and cooking
7. How to recognize spoilage in seafood products
8. Importance of the use of separate cutting boards for handling of fish
and poultry products
9. Properly cleaning utensils used to handle and prepare fish or shellfish
10. Preventing food poisoning by following proper hygiene procedures
when preparing seafood products

Always defrost seafood in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to 4

degrees C (32 to 39 F). Place the food on a raised wire rack at least 0.5
meters (1.6 feet) above the bottom of the refrigerator so that any liquid
can drain off, and there is good air circulation around it - make sure it
doesn't touch anything else in your fridge. When seafood is thawed,
never refreeze it without cooking first. This is because some
microorganisms can survive the freezing process and will then multiply
again when the food is defrosted. The best way to cook seafood that has
been defrosted is to use it immediately.

Q.12.Calculating portion weights and yield

1. ou have 0.800kg fresh cuttlefish. Waste and bones are 57%. What
is the net yield expressed in kg? 0.347 kg
2. When filleting a Dover sole weighing 750g you obtain 405g
cleaned fillets. What is the wastage of skin and bones expressed
in %? 46%
3. The net yield for a cleaned Octopus is 0.560kg. The waste
accounts for 30%. What was the original purchase weight of the
octopus?0.8n kg

Q.13. In brief, explain the steps for the following preparation methods.
Which tools are used?

Preparation Preparation Tools used

procedure /Steps
Scaling To scale the fish use for a Scale,, scaler plate
scaler or a breadknife and
hold the fish by the tail
and move the scaler
against the scale towards
the head so the scales
pop out,

Gutting To gut a fish hold and Knife, chopping board

firmly with one hand then bowl
cut along the stomach with
an appropriate knife to
reveal the guts,

Check out for remaining Pan, tong, Grilling pan

Preparing whole fish for scales and gut residue scissors bowl
pan-frying or grilling and remove necessary
use scissors to remove
any fins and trim the tail.
Filleting round fish Fillet the fish by cutting Boning knife, chopping
towards the spine starting board, bowl
at the head just behind the
gills, point the knife
towards the backbone
and slide once the fillet
have been taking off
remove any remaining

Skinning round fish Fillet is the laid skin side Boning knife. Chopping
down on a chopping board board, bowl
and the tail is held firm,
angle the knife towards
the skin with your wrist

Skinning flat fish Cut through the skin Boning knife , chopping
across the tail then turn board bowl, pan
over and repeat, lift the
skin the insert a finger
underneath and slide
along the fin, and repeat
on the other side

Filleting flat fish Use salt or a cloth to hold Boning knife, chopping
the end of the skin and board bowl, pan
carefully pull it off. Once
the skin has been
removed run your finger
along the outer edge of
the fillet

Q.14Provide a description for the following cuts of fish:

French Explanation
Filet Flesh of the fish completely removed from the bone and most often skinned; it is
generally accepted that there will be no bones, so remove the pin bones

Délice Folded fillet can have filling or farces

Rolled filled can have a farce on the skin side

Goujon Strips and cut diagonally across the fillet approximately 50x10x10mm
Strips and cut diagonally across the fillet approximately 50x5x5mm
Literally translated as the best A larger fillet is cut on a slant to make it look a bigger

Darne Cut through the bone of a whole round fish, usually referred to as a cutlet.

Q.15.Explain the preparation requirements for the following types of

Seafood Preparation requirements
Just cut them in haft for grilling, or removed the head
then peel the legs and shell off and remove the vein
and wash sore in the fridge,

Remove the vain and intestine wash the process
according to the recipe, cut the haft lengthwise or
peeled and the meat can be cut into segment

Prepared by the washing the bug to remove any grift,
then removing the head by twisting it or cutting in the
neck are, and cut the tail in the haft or use scissors to
cut through the side of tail and then peel the shell to
reveal the meat,

Removed the top shell, remove the gills, cut I haft
and removed the intestine and wash off, the meat
can be pulled out using a lobster fork

Scrub the mussels with steel wool or preferably a stiff
brush to remove any barnacles and grit , pull the
beard to remove it and the mussels is ready to
Cockles, clams, vongole,
periwinkles, turban shells and They often contain and must be purged in clean
pipis water to remove sand, remember that they may steel
need to be rinsed after purging and be aware that
when making a sauce or stock any leftover sand will
settle to the bottom of the pot

Oyster can be shucked by opening them with an
oyster knife from the either the pointed end or the
rounded front, insert the oyster knife and lever the lid
off try to maintain as much natural sea water as
possible as this provides flavor,

If attached to the shell, slide your knife underneath
the scallop, cutting through the muscle that attaches
the flesh to the shell, remove any remaining muscle
and intestine from the side of scallop as this becomes
tough when cooked.

Soft bodied mollusks (Ink Such as calamari, cuttlefish or octopus require

fish) separation 0of the body or tube from the head, cut of
the tentacles and slice up the tube or part body, and
always clean and wash whole ink fish thoroughly you
may want to keep the ink for pasta and risotto.

Q.16.Describe how each of the following methods of cookery can be used for seafood, list the
suitable species and provide at least 2 menu examples including accompaniments for each
method of cookery:
Process and suitable species Menu examples & accompaniment
Poaching For the deep poaching add Whole rock lobster for a buffet, whole salmon
(Deep and aromatics such as onion, spices, for buffet display; bourrideyo
shallow) vinegar and herbs to the court
bouillon. Submerge the fish and
cook through until just done then Poach bug tails with asparagus tips, white
lift out carefully truffles and lemon vinaigrette, coconut and
lime poached coral trout with fragrant jasmine
rice , sole, pipettes, in bourree blanc
Steaming Put the suitable liquid into a pot Whole fish e, g steam whiting on bok choy
place in the seafood in the with soy glaze; steam Chinese fish dumpling,
steamer basket and add the fish fillet e, g golden trout fillet with vegetable
other flavour such as lemon
slices and herbs cover and cook
through ,this can be also be done
in a convection oven the steam

Roasting Is rarely used in restaurant but Roasted whiting with rosemary , roasted
may be done on a BBQ or salmon fillet in lemon- caper butter with dill
catering purposes, adventured
and cultural tourism trips may
involve roasting fish and shellfish
whole fish which is often cut to
assist the penetration of heat,

Grilling You can grill on the BBQ or Grilled diver scallops with corn puree lime
under the salamander , may and Thai basil salad grilled snapper with
traditional favourites such as saffron potato and carrot foam, grilled
oyster Kilpatrick and lobster prawns with herbs and butter. Lobster
mornay are grilled under the Mornay; oyster Kilpatrick ;oyster Florentine ;
salamander, the seafood can be char grilled prawn with jicama salsa
put onto a greased tray, brushed
with fat then put under the
salamander and cooked all the
way through, seafood should be
dried and sprayed with oil prior
to being place on a grill this will
prevent it from sticking

Shallow-frying The seafood is often coated in Whiting meuniere; trout in almond butter ;
flour prior to cooking to keep and prawn tails in a garlic butter and herbs jewfish
dry and crisp the skin, heat darned with capers and lime
control is crucial particularly
when using butter only, place the
seafood in and seal cooked until
Deep-frying Whole fish are cooked at a lower Silverfish and wasabi tobacco; tempura
temperature , depending on prawns; chilli squid, Frito mistook snapper in
thickness to ensure even cooking beer batter
all the way through, the food is
usually coated with flour, crumbs,
butter or other suitable coating,
drain after cooking and serve

Q.17.Provide 5 examples for the use of seafood offcuts, trimmings and

by-products to provide for cost-effectiveness in a kitchen operation:

There are a variety of ways in which seafood offcuts, trimmings and by-
products can be used to provide cost-effectiveness in a kitchen
operation. The following are five examples:

· Extract crabmeat from cooked crab shells

· Use lobster claws to make lobster bisque
· Make fish cakes with any leftover fish
· Make use of the skinless carcass and meat left after filleting a whole
salmon or other large fish to produce smoked salmon (or lox) fillets
· Roast vegetables with carrots, celery and garlic that have been diced
into small cubes, then toss them with olive oil, salt and pepper.
Fish head can be used to make soup.Grill or roast the bones of
salmon and pick off the meat for salmon salad.Prawn shells can be used
to make stock.Excess crab meat can be used to make salads. Fish
bones can be used to make fish stock

Q.18 -Which essential factors need to be considered when presenting

seafood dishes? How does this impact on modern trends compared to
traditional seafood preparations?
Answer and explanations
The type of medium the food will be served in and the numbers of
portions are some factors considered when presenting seafood.
Step-by-step explanation

One of the things to consider in seafood presentation is whether the food

is portioned. For single serving of fish or other seafood it best to use a
flat platter with little garnishing.            Another thing is the type of plate
in which the food will be presented. These factors impact food
preparation in some ways. For instance, traditionally food could have
been served on smaller platters but modern trends especially about
serving whole fish may make it necessary to present the fish whole with
its head. For the food to sit better on the plate, it has to be moulded
before cooking so that its shape can be manipulated to fit in in the platter
it will be served in (Ajar Hospitality, 2020).
Ajar Hospitality. (2020). How to Present Seafood in a Proper Way.

Q.19. List the typical preparation methods, garnishes and/or

accompaniments for the following preparation methods:
Garnishes and Accompaniments
À la meunière Describe the seasoning of seafood with salt, pepper lemon juice and a dusting of
flour, the seafood is then shallow –fried in butter, the finished dis is covered with
butter lemon juice and chopped parsley

À l’Anglaise Crumbed and pan-fried or deep-fried

À l’Orly Drawn through butter accompanied by fresh tomato sauce

Bercy Seafood poach and served with white wine sauce

À la Colbert Whole sole crumbed and fried , the bone is then removed and maitre d hotel butte

Doria Pan-fried fish with turned cucumber

Fritto misto di Floured, crumbed or buttered selection of seafood, deep-fried and served with a
mare suitable sauce on the side

Mornay Seafood cooked in a mornay sauce(cheese flavoured béchamel)

Tempura Seafood drawn through a light, cornflour- base-batter- deep-fried and accompanied
by an Asian dipping sauce
Q.20. How can you overcome shortfalls in mise an place or if a menu
item sells out during service?

If a menu item sells out during service, it's important to be able to

prepare an alternative dish as quickly as possible. You can overcome
shortfalls in mise en place by having extra ingredients on hand or by
making sure that you have enough time to cook in between orders.

One way is to have a backup plan in place for items that commonly sell
out or run low. This could involve having extra of the item on hand, or
having a similar item that can be used as a substitute. Another way to
overcome these issues is to communicate with the kitchen staff and front
of house staff to ensure that everyone is aware of the situation and can
work together to find a solution.
If a menu item sells out during service, it's important to be able to
prepare an alternative dish as quickly as possible. This will allow you to
keep your customers happy, and it will help prevent any potential loss of
revenue. You can also make sure that you have enough mise en place
available so that you don't run out of ingredients during service.
You can overcome shortfalls in mise en place by having extra
ingredients on hand or by making sure that you have enough time to
cook in between orders. For example, if you are running low on chicken
stock but have another 15 minutes before the next order comes in, use
this time to cook down some onions and garlic for a sauce instead of
making more stock.
This way, both dishes can be ready at the same time and will not require
any additional preparation time after they are completed. Mise en place
is a method of preparing food in advance, allowing the chef to produce
dishes quickly when it's time to serve them. It's also a way to make sure
that every ingredient you need is available at any given moment.
If you're short on mise en place for a particular dish, or if it sells out
during service, here are some ways to overcome the shortfall: Ask
another chef if they have extra mise en place from another dish, ask
your server if they can get more of the ingredient from another section of
the restaurant if all else fails, have someone run out to the grocery store
or farmer's market for an emergency supply of that ingredient!

Q.21. Which aspects must be considered when storing cooked seafood

or displaying cooked seafood for sale (for example on a buffet)?
Fresh seafood must be stored at a temperature of 40°F or below to
prevent the growth of bacteria. Seafood should also be stored away from
other food items to prevent cross contamination. When displaying
cooked seafood for sale, it is important to keep the seafood at the
correct temperature and to use proper food handling techniques to
prevent the spread of bacteria.

1. Temperature: Cooked seafood should be kept at a temperature above
140°F to prevent the growth of bacteria. Fresh fish is to be stored at
40°F or temperature below this.

2. Time: Cooked seafood should not be kept for more than four hours
before being consumed.

3. Storage: Cooked seafood should be stored in a clean, covered

container in the refrigerator.

4. Display: Cooked seafood should be displayed on a clean surface,

away from raw seafood and other food items.

5. Consumer Advice: Consumers should be advised to consume

cooked seafood within four hours of cooking.

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