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PG EG Governor Actuator

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Product Specification

38 (Rev. C

PGA‐‐EG Gover
G nor/A
f Marin
for ne Applicaations

The Woodw ward PGA-EG G Governor/
Actuator is designed
d spe ecifically for
marine appllications requuiring electron nic
engine conttrol with mech hanical backu up.
The governo or/actuator coombines the
proven depe endability of the
t hydro-
mechanical PG governorr with the flexxibility
of an electro
onic control.
 Compa atible with a
Woodw ward analog g
The mechan nical governo or features or digita
al electronicc
pneumatic tracking
t of the
e speed settinng,
which givess complete ba ackup speed controlss
control from
m a remote loc cation, with on
nly a  Pneumatic signal
slight chang
ge in engine speed
s should the
electronic signal fail. sets me
or speed
The PGA-EG can be use ed with a varie ety of
Woodward electronic con ntrols. The  All PG drives,
backup hydro-mechanica al governor giives outputss available
it redundantt speed control for critical
marine needds.  Vibratio
Outputs from m 16 to 678 Nm
N (12 to 50 00 construuction
lb-ft) allow use
u on all size
es of marine engines.
 Designed to meet
The actuato he PGA-EG requires a 0–2
or portion of th 200 mA control signal. Thiss is SOLAS S (Safety off
compatible with all Wood dward electronic controls. Life at Sea)
Descripttion requirements

Backup spe eed control is accomplished d by the simu eration of hydro-

ultaneous ope
mechanical (PGA) and electronic
e (EG
G) governing systems.
s To achieve
a backu up
control, the electronic system must be e reverse-acting (an increa
ase in fuel is called
c for
by a reductiion in current to the actuator portion of the
t PGA-EG)).
Setting the speed
s of the mechanical governor
g sligh
htly higher tha
an that of the
electronic governing systtem causes th he mechanica he PGA-EG to
al portion of th
always seekk a fuel setting higher thann that being coontrolled by thhe electrical part
p of
the PGA-EG G. Electrical control
c thus co
ontrols the fue ecause of the least-
el position be
on feature.
Should the electronic sig
gnal to the PG GA-EG drop to ome problem in the
o 0, due to so
system, the electric actua
ator will call fo on above the setting
or an increased fuel positio
of the mechhanical governnor. At this pooint, the mech
hanical speed d setting is low
wer and
the ballhead
d controls the
e engine-fuel setting.
Although the speed will be
b slightly hig
gher under me echanical con
ntrol, no grosss
overspeed or
o shutdown occurs
o due too a loss in sign
nal from the electronic
e con
Direct-actingg PGA-EG co o to minimum fuel on
ontrols are avvailable. These units will go
loss of electtronic control signal.
Woodward 36638 p.2

Special Features
Tracking Electronic Fuel Setting
The system requires the user to provide two simultaneous speed-setting signals (current and pressure). Because simultaneous
speed-setting signals are provided to both portions of the PGA-EG, speed increases only slightly during transition, regardless of
what speed is at the time of the transfer.
The standard PG adjustable needle valve and buffer compensation system is included in the mechanical side of the PG-EG to
adjust for stability of individual engines.
Speed, droop, shutdown devices, and torsional-resistant ballheads are available for the mechanical portion of the PGA-EG.
Linear or Rotary Outputs
Constructed on the standard Woodward PG power case, the PGA-EG is available with all PG linear or rotary output
Base and Drive Connections
All current PG governor bases can be used with the PGA-EG. The PGA-EG will adapt to most marine engines being built today
and is also available for retrofit to most existing marine propulsion systems, in many cases without changes in linkage, drive, or
other configurations.
Hydraulic Circuits
The PGA-EG operates from its own sump, using the high volume PG oil pump and accumulators. The proven PG pump and
accumulator is reversible or may be set for one-way rotation. A 140 µm, wire-mesh filter is accessible from the outside of the PGA-
EG case. The filter protects the small orifice in the pilot valve, which is an integral part of the electric actuator.

Tracking Ballhead Concept

Optional Features
Mode Select Valve
A mode selector is available which allows a manual, electric, or pneumatic signal to remove the electronic control from the system
for start-up without power and other conditions where mechanical-governor control is desirable.
Booster Servomotor
A booster servomotor may be used with the PGA-EG to help the prime mover start quickly by moving the actuator output toward
the maximum-fuel position at start-up.
Governor Heat Exchanger
A remote heat exchanger may be required to lower governor oil temperatures in applications where governor oil tends to exceed
93 °C (200 °F).
Mode Indication Switch
A switch is available which has both normally open and normally closed contacts. The state of the switch indicates whether the
engine is under electronic or mechanical control.
Woodward 36638 p.3

Outline Drawing of PGA-EG 200

(Do not use for construction)
d 36638 p.4

utline Drawing of PGA-EG G 29/58
(Do not use for constructiion)

For more informa

ation contact:
PO Box 1519, Fort Collin
ns CO, USA 805 522-1519
1000 East
E Drake Road, Fort Collins CO
O 80525
970) 482-5811  Fax: +1 (970) 498-3058
Tel.: +1 (9

Distributorrs & Service

Woodw ward has an inte
ernational networrk of distributors and service facilities.
For yo
our nearest repre
esentative, call th
he Fort Collins plant or see the
Worldwwide Directory on our website.

This doocument is distributted for informationaal purposes only. It is not to be constrrued as

creating or becoming partt of any Woodward contractual or warrranty obligation un nless
expressly stated in a writtten sales contract.
© Wo
oodward 1986, All Rights Rese
erved 2011/4

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