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Logamatic 2107 Controls Applications Manual

Modular control system for

Buderus floor standing boilers with
indoor reset, outdoor reset, mixed zones,
and solar DHW capability
Logamatic 2107 Controls
Applications Manual

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Applications manual Logamatic 2107 Controls
Applications Manual

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 4

2 Terms 5

3 Control Programming 7

4 Installation of the Logabracket 9

5 Setting Parameters 10

6 Troubleshooting 12

7 Description of Wiring Terminals 17

8 Application Drawings 20

9 Burner/Boiler Wiring 52

10 Multi-zone Relay Controls 64

11 Mixing 67

12 Tables/Formulas 70

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Logamatic 2107 Controls
Applications Manual

1 Introduction
This manual addresses some of the many applications that are
possible using Buderus outdoor reset controls. Applications
depicted in the manual are presented with both hydraulical and
electrical outlines. The drawings contained in this manual are
intended to be used as an aid to system installers and
designers and are conceptual in nature. Auxiliary equipment
depicted in this manual does not necessarily represent any one
particular manufacturer or specific model number. There are a
wide variety of techniques, practices and piping arrangements
possible with hydronic heating systems and it is the
responsibility of the installing contractor to determine which of
these is best suited for a specific application.

In an effort to simplify electrical drawings, they have been

limited to zone controlling only (space heating and DHW). Other
constants such as power input, boiler sensor and outdoor
sensor wiring have also been eliminated. Information for wiring
of burners can be found in section 9 of this manual. Further
information can be found in the control service manual.

Although this manual covers many common applications for our

equipment, the possibilities are virtually endless. Should you
encounter an application that is not covered in this manual or
have questions regarding any of its content, we encourage you
to contact us here at Bosch Thermotechnology Corp.

Bosch Thermotechnology Corp. reserves the right to make

changes without notice due to continuing engineering
and technological improvements .

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Applications Manual

2 Terms
Outdoor Reset: Outdoor reset is a control method that takes The constant circulation zone will only be interrupted under the
outdoor air temperature into consideration when determining the following conditions:
system water temperature. Instead of a fixed high limit • Domestic hot water priority.
temperature (i.e. 180°F (82°C)), the high limit is reset to a • Certain setback modes (See the control Service Manual for
temperature high enough to satisfy the heat loss at any given information on various setback modes).
outdoor temperature. • Condensate protection. If boiler water temperature falls below
the condensate protection temperature while the burner is
In designing a heating system the first requirement is an accurate firing, the space heating circulator(s) will be shut off. Once the
heat loss calculation. Several factors are used in determining heat boiler temperature reaches a safe level, circulator operation
loss; the volume of space being heated, type of materials being will resume.
used in construction, insulation values and a design temperature. • When the outdoor temperature rises above the WWSD (warm
The design temperature represents the coldest day of the year. weather shut down) setting.
The heat loss calculation is then used to determine the output
requirements for the boiler, baseboard, panel radiators, etc. In WWSD: Warm weather shut down or summer-winter changeover,
short the system is sized to heat the house on the coldest day of is the outdoor air temperature at which the space heating function
the year. of the system shuts down. With the Buderus control system this
temperature is adjustable from 49°F to 87°F (9°C to 31°C). When
However, a building‘s heat loss is ever changing; and is largely the outdoor temperature rises above the WWSD set point, the
dependent on outdoor temperature. As the outdoor temperature system will only operate for domestic hot water production. (For
drops, the heat loss increases and as it rises the heat loss detailed operation of the WWSD feature refer to the control
decreases. The fact is that approximately 98% of the heating Service Manual).
season the boiler and radiators are oversized. With
outdoor reset controlling you can more accurately match the BFU Room sensor: The Buderus room sensor is similar to a
output from the heating system to the current heat loss. For thermostat although it will not turn a circulator on or off. The
example, it may require 180°F (82°C) water temperature function of the room sensor is to continually monitor room
circulating through the system in order to have enough output to temperature and relay this information back to the control system.
maintain a 70°F (21°C) indoor temperature on a 10°F (-12°C) day. This information is used to compensate for variations in room
Yet, at a 40°F (5°C) outdoor temperature it may only require temperature due to internal heat gains (or losses) such as solar
135°F (57°C) water temperature to satisfy the heat loss. By gain, fireplaces, wood stoves, appliances, lighting, people, open
resetting the system water temperature, a lower average water doors or windows, etc. The control compensates for these
temperature is used throughout the heating season and maximum variations by adjusting the system water temperature (up or down)
temperature is used only on the coldest days of the year. in order to maintain the desired room temperature. Buderus room
sensors also allow the occupant to manually override
Among the many benefits to this type of controlling is optimum programmed setback periods.
fuel economy. By only heating the water to the minimum
temperature needed, fuel economy is maximized (as much as The control system allows you to limit the amount of
30% in fuel savings!). Lower standby losses during “off” cycles compensation that the room sensor has over the selected
(due to a lower boiler temperature) also reduce fuel consumption. heating curve. This setting is referred to as “ROOM COMP” and
In addition, the room comfort level is significantly increased by can be adjusted at the programming level of the control. This
matching the heat output to the current heat loss. Less room setting is only available when using a room sensor.
temperature fluctuation is realized. System noise caused by
expansion of piping is significantly reduced due to lower system You may want to limit compensation if secondary zones are under
water temperatures. radiated.
Example: The main heating zone (continuous circulation) zone is
Constant circulation zone: A constant or continuous circulation experiencing solar heat gain. The room sensor senses the rise in
zone is just what the term implies, water continuously circulates room temperature and lowers the system water temperature in
through a given zone when the heating system is in operation. order to keep the zone from over heating. In this scenario, the
The water temperature in this zone is modulated so that the heat system water temperature could be lowered enough so that the
output from the distribution units (i.e., fin-tube baseboard, panel output from a secondary zone was insufficient to satisfy that zone.
radiators, radiant floors, etc.) matches the rate of heat loss for that
zoned area. A constant circulation zone is typically the main Only one Buderus room sensor can be used for high temperature
heating zone. In multi-zone systems, the constant circulation zone space heating (a second room sensor can be added when using
must require the highest system water temperature. With this an FM241 module for motorized mixing of a lower water
method of controlling, a room sensor is required in order to temperature).
monitor room temperature. All secondary zones will have standard
room thermostats to intermittently operate a zone valve or zone Careful consideration must be given to placement of room
circulator. sensors. Keep in mind that not all applications are suitable for
using a constant circulation zone. Avoid using a room sensor in a
small baseboard zone as overheating may occur during DHW

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Logamatic 2107 Controls
Applications Manual

production. A standard room thermostat can be used in

conjunction with the room sensor to give high limit protection.

Setback: Buderus reset controls allow the occupant to program

setback periods in order to further reduce operating costs.
Several modes of setback can be selected with the Buderus
control. The two modes used for residential applications are
“SETBACK” and “RMSETBACK”. Unlike conventional
setback thermostats that only reduce the zone temperature
setting, the Buderus control system will operate the boiler at a
reduced water temperature. For example, at a 30°F (-1°C)
outdoor temperature the boiler water temperature may be 145°F
(63°C), at that same 30°F (1°C) outdoor temperature during a
setback period, the boiler water temperature may be reduced to
130°F (54°C).

This further reduction of water temperature will decrease the

output from the radiators by lowering the room temperature in
the living space. The extent to which the water temperature is
reduced is dependent upon the desired room temperature
reduction during setback periods. This value can be set in one
of two ways:

• SETBACK mode - a “DAYTEMP” and a “NIGHTTEMP”

would be entered on the Buderus control (this would be
done when you are not using a BFU room sensor)

• RMSETBACK mode - when using a BFU room sensor, the

room sensor allows you to select the amount of room
temperature setback.

Allowance for pick-up time must be considered when coming

out of a setback period. Systems that operate on outdoor reset
will have a longer recovery time than systems that operate at
maximum temperatures all the time. The two variables to
consider are the amount of room temperature reduction
and the length of the setback period. The use of a BFU room
sensor can speed up the recovery time, however the amount of
temperature boost is dependent upon the ROOMCOMP setting
on the Buderus control (for details refer to the control Service

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3 Control Programming
The following will allow access to the service side of the control: and want to do the temp set back by it, you will need to
change it to RMSETBACK.
1. Push and hold the turn page button " " while inserting
a pen or wire into the hole " " on the display. 13. Turn the blue dial one more time and OFFSET will appear.
The setting will be at 0°F (0°C) and is okay with normal
2. The word AMERICAN will be displayed. radiation, but if you have an air handler, you will need to
raise the offset to 9°F (5°C). This will raise the beginning of
3. Turn blue dial once to the right, BLR TEMP will be displayed. the curve and supply enough temperature on milder days.
This is a main category.
14. Push and release the return button " " again.
4. Push and release return button to access sub menu.
FREEZE TEMP will be displayed. If the outdoor 15. Turn the blue dial one more time and DHW PROD will
temperature drops beneath the frost protection limit, the appear. The factory setting is ON. If no DHW tank is
heating system pump (contacts 61/63) will be started. installed, hold down the " " button and turn until it says
Factory default: 41°F (5°C). OFF and release.

5. Turn blue dial one more time and BUILD RESP will be 16. Turn the blue dial one more time and RECIRPUMP will
displayed. The current setting will be 2, change that to 1 by appear. The setting is 2, it can be changed to OFF,
holding the " " button and turning the blue dial until 1,2,4,5,6,ON. The pump will run 3 minute cycles depending
you get to the number 1 and release. This will let the boiler on the number of cycles you choose per hour. If you do not
respond faster to outside air temp changes. have a recirc pump turn it to OFF.

6. Turn the dial one more time and PUMPLOGIC will be 17. Turn the blue dial one more time and HTG CURVE1 will
displayed. The current setting is 104°F (40°C). This will not appear. Hold the " " button and turn the blue dial. It
let the burners and the pump run at the same time below will show you three points on the curve so you can see what
104°F (40°C) to protect from condensation. the water temp will be at 3 different points, then release.

7. Turn the dial one more time and MAXTEMP1 will be 18. Turn the blue dial one more time and RELAYS will appear.
displayed. The current setting for this is 176°F (80°C). To This will allow you to test all the components that are wired
change this to 194°F (90°C), hold down the " " button to the 2107 control.
and turn the blue dial until 194°F (90°C) appears, then
release. (this may not be necessary unless under radiated) 19. Push the " " button and BURNER will appear. Hold
the " " button and turn the blue dial and the LCD will
8. Now push the return button " " once. read ON, release and the burner will start. Hold the " "
button and turn the blue dial and the LCD will read OFF,
9. Now you are back to the main categories. Turn the blue dial release and the burner will turn OFF.
once to the right and it will read CIRCUIT1.
20. Test the Heating Pump (constant circulation pump),
10. Push and release the " " button and REF TEMP will DHW Tank Pump, and DHW Recirc Pump the same way.
be displayed which represents the boiler water temperature
at 14°F (-10°C). Default is 167°F (75°C). Refer to page 20 21. When you are done with the RELAY tests push the return
in the service manual for graphing REF TEMP changes. button " ".

11. Turn the blue dial one more time and REMOTE1 will appear. 22. Turn the blue dial one more time and LCD-TEST will
The factory setting is off, and the only time you have to turn appear. To test the LCD display, hold the " " button
this on is if you are using a BFU room sensor. Use a BFU and turn the blue dial, release and it should read
room sensor for constant circulation on one zone and power LCD-TEST.
the pump off of 61 and 63.
23. Turn the blue dial one more time and RESET should
Once REMOTE1 setting is turned „on“, the ROOM COMP appear. To reset the control back to factory settings, hold
parameter will be displayed. Use ROOM COMP to adjust the the " " button until all of the 8‘s disappear and release.
room influence on the heating curve. The first thing you will need to do is go back to the language
and it will read DEUTSCH. Hold the " " button and
12. Turn the blue dial one more time and OASETBACK will turn the blue dial until you read AMERICAN on the LCD.
appear. Hold the " " and turn the blue dial to The control is now back to factory setting.
SETBACK. On the OASETBACK mode, the pumps will
turn off in the night setback mode if the temp outside is Now push the AUT button and you will be back in Automatic
above the freezetemp. In the SETBACK mode the curve mode.
will drop back for fuel savings. If you have a room sensor

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This product has been tested and is certified for

both the US and Canadian markets and meets all
C US applicable US and Canadian standards.


To match the typical building, the following factory settings may

need adjustment:

BLDG RESP: Change to 1 if typical 2x4 or 2x6 construction

MAX TEMP: Change to 185-190°F if high temperature

baseboard is used

OASETBACK: Change to SETBACK if no room sensor is being

used or

RMSETBACK: if a room sensor is present

Refer to page 10 for additional details.

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4 Installation of the Logabracket

The Logabracket is designed to create strain relief for your line
voltage and low voltage wiring for the 2107 Logamatic controls.
The bracket is mainly designed for use with the G115, G125,
GB125 and G124X boilers, but with minor modifications can be
used on other boiler models as well.

G115, G125, GB125, G124X

Line the bracket up with holes, place the Logamatic in place

over the holes and secure with screws provided. Four conduit
connections are provided for line voltage wiring; a slotted
opening is used to run low voltage sensor wiring.

Figure 1 Logabracket installation
It is necessary to bend down the tabs on the rear jacket panel
to prevent interference between bracket and jacket panel. 1 Logabracket
2 2107 Logamatic control
3 Screws
G234X, G334X

Simply cut off the tabs of the bracket and mount on the rear
panel by drilling an additional hole for a second mounting screw.

GA124, GA244

These boilers do not require the bracket as strain relief

connections are provided on the rear of the boiler.

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Logamatic 2107 Controls
Applications Manual

5 Setting parameters and display

data for the Logamatic 2107

+ Press the ‘Display’ key and ‘Install’ key at the same time to call up the
service level. Alternatively press (1....7), clock, and return arrow button
simultaneously. See Chapter 3 for extended functions.


AMERICAN Language selection

BOILER Boiler parameters

FREEZE TEMP Freeze protection limit

BUILDING Building response
2-STAGE1 Burner type¹
MIN MOD² Minimum modulation output²
TIME RUN² Minimum burner run time²
PUMPLOGIC Pump logic threshold
MAX TEMP Maximum boiler switch-off temperature

CIRCUIT 01 Heating circuit 1 installation parameters (unmixed heating circuit)

PERIM HTG Heating system

REF TEMP Design temperature
REMOTE 1 Remote control ON/OFF
ROOM COMP Room temperature compensation³
OA SETBACK Type of setback
OFFSET Room temperature offset

CIRCUIT 02 Heating circuit 2 installation parameters (mixed heating circuit)4

FLOOR HTG Heating system

REF TEMP Design temperature
DHW PR5 DHW priority⁵
MAX TEMP Maximum heating circuit temperature
REMOTE 2 Remote control ON/OFF
ROOM COMP Room temperature compensation³
OA SETBACK Type of setback
OFFSET Room temperature offset

Note: For footnotes, see next page

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SLR FN ON Solar function ON/OFF

MAX SL SR Maximum storage tank temperature in solar mode
MIN SL SR Minimum storage tank temperature in solar mode

DHW PROD Domestic hot water ON/OFF

RECIRC PUMP⁵ DHW circulation pump⁵

HTG CURVE 1 Heating characteristic curve HK1

HTG CURVE 2⁴ Heating characteristic curve HK2⁴

RELAYS Relay test

BURNER (St.1) Burner relay stage 1

BURNER21, MOD2² Burner relay¹ stage 2, modulation output²
HTG1 PUMP Heating circuit pump (HZ1 unmixed)
HTG2 PUMP4 Heating circuit pump (HZ2 mixed)⁴
DHW PUMP Tank DHW pump
RECIR PUMP DHW circulation pump
SLR PUMP⁷ Solar pump⁷


TIME Time, accuracy


VERSION Version number

1 Only if the FM 242 module is installed and 2-stage burner is selected.

2 Only if the FM 242 module is installed and modulating burner is selected.

3 Only if BFU remote control is installed.

4 Only if the FM 241 module is installed.

5 Only if DHW is installed.

6 Only if FM 241 module is installed and if heating circuit 2 is selected as an "FLOOR HTG" or "PERIM HTG" heating system.

7 Only if FM 244 module is installed.

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6 Troubleshooting
6.1 "NO HEAT" call


“BRENNER” (burner) wiring block Example: Outdoor temperature at 32°F, based on heating curve
the water temperature required is 140°F with a 26°F burner
– Terminal 4 – 120V Neutral differential.

– Terminal 8 – 120V input clocks hours run meter The differential (26°F) is split (13°F) above & (13°F)
(must be field wired) below the target temperature.

– Terminal 9 – 120V input displays “BURNER ERR” 140°F target + 13°F = 153° high limit
message (must be field wired)
140°F target - 13°F = 127° low limit
– Terminal 10 / 11 – “dry” contacts close to energize
burner This 127°F to 153°F becomes the range of temperature that the
boiler will maintain. As zones call and pull heat from the boiler,
– Terminal 12 – 120V power (drops out when manual eventually the temperature in the boiler drops. Once the
reset limit is tripped) temperature in the boiler hits the low limit (127°F) the R2107
control closes a switch (dry contacts) between terminals 10 & 11
to fire the boiler (this is indicated by a flame symbol displayed
on the LDC screen of the R2107). When the boiler temperature
reaches the high limit (153°F), the contacts open and the boiler
Burner operation stops firing.

The R2107 is not a cold start control. It does not reply on a call Once the outdoor temperature drops below the WWSD setting,
for heat from an end switch or thermostat to fire the boiler. the boiler begins to maintain temperature. Above WWSD the
boiler will only fire on a call for DHW.
The boiler will maintain a range of water temperature based on
outdoor temperature. The differential of this range is dynamic,
meaning that it is not fixed, and will adjust based on outdoor
temperature and current system load. The starting point of the
differential is 27°F (15°C) and will adjust from there. The
differential will generally be wider at milder outdoor
temperatures and narrower at colder outdoor temperatures.

The differential is split above & below the current target


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Oil burners – factory jumper between terminals 12 & 10, brings Gas burners – remove factory installed jumper between
120V from 12 to 10. When contacts close between terminals 10 terminals 10 & 12. The contacts between terminals 10 & 11 are
& 11, 120V power is sent from terminal 11 to Hot on the burner now “dry” (no voltage present) and switching to the burner is
(terminal 4 is the neutral). now low voltage between terminals 10 & 11 on the R2107 and
TT (or RW) on the boiler aquastat.

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A call for insufficient heat is generally a simple matter of adjusting
the heating curve.

The water temperature required for any heating system is

determined by any number of factors but the biggest influence we
see is the amount of radiation in comparison to the actual heat
loss. Buildings with less radiation in relation to their actual heat
loss require higher water temperature than buildings that are
overradiated. Every house is unique in terms of it’s heat
requirements. Some of the many factors include, construction,
exposure to sun, elevation, surroundings (trees, other structures,
etc), furnishings, internal heat gain (computers, lights, people,
appliances, etc) and the expectations and comfort level of the

The heating curve on a R2107 can be adjusted in several


REF TEMP – the reference temperature adjusts the slope of the

heating curve. The REF temperature in the R2107 references a
boiler water temperature at 14°F outdoor temperature. In general,
if the homeowner complains that they can never get the house up
to temperature, adjust the REF temperature up. A rule of thumb
would be: for every 1°F you want to raise the room temperature,
increase the REF temp by 2.5°F.

For example: Customer says they can’t get the house above 65°F.
We need to increase the room temperature by 5°F
…5 x 2.5 = 12.5.

You would increase the REF temperature by 12 or 13°F. The

default setting in the R2107 is 167°F REF temperature.

OFFSET – the OFFSET setting is used to raise the starting water

temperature of the system. Another way to say this is, raising the
OFFSET setting will give you higher water temperature at milder
outdoor temperatures. Common applications for adjusting the
OFFSET setting include, hydro-air, fan coils, unit heaters, etc.
These types of heating units typically require some amount of
minimum water temperature. Occasionally, you may have a call
for insufficient heat but only in milder weather. Even with fin-tube
radiation, cast-iron radiators or panel radiators. With this type of a
call, you will want to increase the OFFSET setting.



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6.3 "NO DHW" Call


A “DHW PROD ERR” message will appear on the LCD screen

of the R2107 control with regard to domestic hot water

DHW ERR - when the tank temperature drops to the low limit
(7°F below the set point), the R2107 goes into DHW priority

The R2107 will learn through its own adaptive software

intelligence the required temperature needed in the boiler to
satisfy a call for domestic hot water. During DHW priority, it
interrupts power to the space heating circuit {terminals 61 & 63)
before the tank setpoint is reached and energizes the DHW
pump circuit {terminals 24 (N) & 25 (H)} to purge the generated
heat in the boiler into the indirect tank. The pump circuit symbol
is displayed on the LCD screen during DHW operation.

The purpose of the R2107 intelligence is such that it is designed

to operate the burner for the least amount of time to satisfy
DHW and return the boiler back to its required heating
temperature level.

In DHW priority, if the R2107 does not sense a rise in DHW

temperature in 30 minutes, it will display a DHW PROD ERR
message. The DHW PROD ERR will also be displayed if the
tank is not satisfied within 2 hours.

At this point, the control will go back to space heating mode and
lock out the DHW to avoid freezing the building. This message
is general in nature and the R2107 control is essentially telling
you, “I tried to make domestic hot water but nothing happened”.


CONTROL. To rule out the R2107, turn power off to the R2107
to reset.

The R2107 will again try to make DHW. Check terminals 24 &
25 for 120V. If power is present and boiler fires the R2107 is

Check the following:

1 - bad circulator

2 - stuck flow check

3 - piping is air bound

4 - closed valve

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7 Description of wiring


Line Voltage (120V) Connections:

White (ZM 1 ) Constant 120V power:
Used to supply line voltage power when using optional module FM241. The wiring harness on the
FM241 module plugs into this block.

White (Netz) Power input:

Connect 120V power source to L and N using 10 amp in-line fuse provided.

Orange (SI) Safety connections:

Terminals 17 and 18: There is a factory-installed jumper berween terminals 17 and 18. This jumper
must stay in place unless a dry contact Low Water Cutoff, CO-detector or similar
safety device is used. When using such a safety device, remove the jumper and
connect the normally closed contacts to terminals 17 and 18. On 24V devices
connect the dry contacts to 17 and 18.
NOTE: cutting this circuit will disrupt power to the burner, but keep the controls
and heating system powered.
Terminal 19: When the manual reset high-limit trips, terminal 19 puts out 120V for alarm
signal (alarm provided by others).

Green (Brenner) Burner connection:

Terminal 4: Common neutral
Terminal 8: Requires 120V input to operate the hours run meter
Terminal 9: Requires 120V input to display burner error
Terminal 10 and 11: Dry contact closure for burner firing
Terminal 12: Constant 120V voltage. Power from manual reset high limit
(See section 9 of this manual for application wiring diagrams for burner circuit)

Yellow/Blue (UE) Flue gas testing:

Used on GB125. Do not remove factory installed jumper between terminals 2 and 3.

Green (HK- I ) Space heating circuit # 1 :

120V power output on terminals 61 and 63 for space heating pump(s). Not to exceed 5 amp draw. If
multiple space-heating pumps are used, refer to specific application wiring diagrams provided in this
manual (section 8).

Grey (PS) Domestic water circulator:

120V power output on terminals 24 and 25 for DHW production.

Purple (PZ) Domestic water recirculation pump:

120V power output on terminals 13 and 14 for DHW recirculation.

Note: Power to terminals 61 and 63 are interrupted when the system is in domestic water production. Therefore, there will
never be power on terminals 24/25 and 61/63 at the same time, while operating in automatic mode

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Sensor Connections (Low Voltage):

Brown (BF) BFU room sensor-circuit #I:
Connect BFU room sensor (circuit #1) using 18-2 AWG wire. Connections are polarity sensitive, terminal
1 must be wired to terminal 1 on room sensor, etc. Wiring can be run up to 500’ from control.

Light Gray (FB) Domestic tank sensor

The FB tank sensor and terminal plug are supplied with the control. For SU and ST series tanks the FB
sensor is inserted into the immersion well in the tank. For L and LT series the sensor is surface mounted
on the front of the tank using the bracket provided on the tank. Sensor wire can be extended if
necessary, using 18 AWG wire.

Green (FK) Boiler sensor:

The FK sensor comes pre-wired to the terminal block and bundled together with two capillaries. This
sensor bundle is inserted into the chrome well provided. (refer to control Service Manual for well location
for specific boiler model)

Blue (FA) Outdoor sensor:

The outdoor sensor is a thermistor-type sensor protected by a UV resistant enclosure. The outdoor
sensor should be installed on the North/Northeast side of the building, out of direct sunlight. Mount the
sensor at a height where it cannot be tampered with or affected by snow accumulation. Run 18-2 AWG
wire to the outdoor sensor up to 300’ in length. Avoid running wire parallel to telephone or line voltage

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Optional modules:
FM241 Mixing module
Brown (SH/PH-HK2) Mixing and Space heating circuit #2:
Terminal 41 Power input for mixing motor
Terminal 43 “OPEN” output to mixing motor
Terminal 44 “CLOSE” output to mixing motor
Terminals 61/63 Power output for circuit #2 pump(s) (2 amp max)
(refer to section 7 of this manual for detailed wiring information for FM241)

Brown (BF) BFU room senor-circuit #2

Connect BFU room sensor (circuit #2) using 18-2 AWG wire. Connections are polarity
sensitive, terminal 1 must be wired to terminal 1 on room sensor, etc. Wiring can be run up to
500’ from control.

Light Brown (FB) Mixed circuit sensor:

The FB sensor and terminal plug are supplied with the FM241 module. The FB sensor is
strapped onto circuit #2 piping, for sensing of the mixed water temperature mount to piping
using the spiral spring and clip provided and cover with pipe insulation. The sensor leads can
be extended if necessary, using 18-2 AWG wire.

Wiring Harness Power Supply:

Connect the wiring harness attached to the FM241 module (brown, blue, and yellow/green
wires) to wiring block ZM 1 on the control.

FM242 Staging Module

White Terminal 36 Not used.
Terminal 37/39 Dry contact closure for firing of stage 2.
Terminal 38 Output signal for modulating burners only.
(refer to section 9 of this manual for detailed wiring information for FM242)

FM244 Solar Card

PSS Solar pump GND

61 N
63 L

FSK Terminal 1/2 Collector sensor

FSS Terminal 1/2 Tank bottom sensor

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8 Application drawings
Description (page#)
Single temperature systems

8.1 Single Zone Space Heating with panel radiators (constant

circulation)/Indirect DHW Heating (page 22)

8.2 Single Zone Space Heating/Indirect DHW Heating (page 24)

8.3 2-Zone Space Heating with BFU and 1 thermostat (with

constant circulation zone)/Indirect DHW Heating (page 26)

8.4 Multi-Zone Space Heating/Indirect DHW Heating (page 28)

8.5 Multi-Zone Space Heating using Zone Valves (with constant

circulation zone/Indirect DHW Heating (page 30)

8.6 Multi-Zone Space Heating using Zone Valves/Indirect DHW

Heating (page 32)

Multi-Temperature Systems

8.7 Multi-Zone High Temp Space/Radiant Floor Heating with

FM241 module & Motorized Mixing Valve/Indirect DHW
Heating (page 34)

8.8 Multi-Zone Radiant Floor Heating with FM241 module and

Motorized Mixing Valve/Indirect DHW Heating (page 38)

8.9 Parallel Boiler Piping with FM242 Module / Indirect DHW

Heating (page 42)

8.10 Dual Boiler / Primary/Secondary Piping with FM242

Module / Indirect DHW Heating (page 45)

8.11 Multi-Zone Space Heating/On-demand High Temp Heating/

Indirect DHW Heating (page 48)

Boiler/Burner Wiring

In order to simplify electrical application drawings, boiler/burner

wiring has been omitted from this section. Detailed wiring
schematics for oil burners, G124X, G234X and G334X gas
boilers are located in section 9.

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Mechanical/Electrical Symbols

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8.1 Single Zone Space Heating With Panel

Radiators (Constant Circulation)/Indirect
DHW Heating

Figure 2 8.1 Mechanical diagram

Space Heating Operation: DHW Heating Operation:

• Boiler temperature is maintained based on the selected • The boiler temperature rises on a call for DHW for fast
heating curve and inputs from both the outdoor sensor and recovery.
indoor room sensor.
• The control powers the domestic pump (PS) and the heating
• During setback periods, the boiler temperature will be reduced circuit (PH) is shut down.
based on the night setback setting on the room sensor.
• After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is
• The space heating pump (PH) runs continuously with the completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH circuit will
following exceptions: be turned on.

1) DHW priority
2) Condensate protection
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint
4) Initial part of setback period

• This application requires a room sensor for constant


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Figure 3 8.1 Electrical diagram

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8.2 Single Zone Space Heating/Indirect

DHW Heating

Figure 4 8.2 Mechanical diagram

Space Heating Operation: DHW Heating Operation:

• Boiler temperature is maintained based on the selected • The boiler temperature rises on a call for DHW for fast
heating curve and input from the outdoor sensor. recovery.

• During setback periods, the boiler temperature will be reduced • The control powers the domestic pump (PS) and the heating
based on the DAY TEMP and NIGHT TEMP settings on the circuit (PH) is shut down.
Logamatic control.
• After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is
• The space-heating pump (PH) requires a switching relay to completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH circuit will
operate on a call for heat from a room thermostat. be turned on.

• Power to the PH circuit is interrupted under the following


1) DHW priority
2) Condensate protection
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint

• This application does not require a room sensor.

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Figure 5 8.2 Electrical diagram

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8.3 2-Zone Space Heating with BFU and 1

Thermostat (With Constant Circulation
Zone)/Indirect DHW Heating

Figure 6 8.3 Mechanical diagram

Space Heating Operation: • This application requires a room sensor for constant
• Boiler temperature is maintained based on the selected
heating curve and inputs from both the outdoor sensor and DHW Heating Operation:
indoor room sensor.
• The boiler temperature rises on a call for DHW for fast
• During setback periods, the boiler temperature will be reduced recovery.
based on the night setback setting on the room sensor.
• The control powers the domestic pump (PS) and the heating
• The constant circulation zone pump (P1) will be wired directly circuit (PH-HK1) is shut down.
to the PH-HK1 circuit on the Logamatic control. Additional
zone pumps require a multi-zone switching relay to operate on • After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is
a call for heat from a room thermostat. completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HK1 circuit
will be turned on.
• Power to the PH-HK1 circuit is interrupted under the
following conditions:

1) DHW priority
2) Condensate protection
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint
4) Initial part of setback period
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Figure 7 8.3 Electrical diagram

Space Heating Operation: • This application requires a room sensor for constant
• Boiler temperature is maintained based on the selected
heating curve (REF TEMP and OFFSET) and inputs from the • End switch (XI - X2) on multi-zone relay panel is not used.
outdoor sensor (FA), boiler sensor (FK) and room sensor (BF)
• This application requires a multi-zone pump relay (not DHW Heating Operation:
supplied by Buderus). 120V output from terminal 63 (PH-HKl)
will energize the relay. However, the PH-HK1 circuit is limited • The tank sensor (FB) monitors domestic water temperature.
to a 5 amp maximum load. Therefore, multi-pump applications
require an additional source of 120V power to the pump relay. • 120V output from terminals 24 & 25 (PS) powers the DHW
Generally the #63 terminal is wired to the ZC terminal on the pump.
relay panel, however relay circuitry can vary. Refer to wiring
diagrams provided in this manual for specific manufacturer • During a call for DHW production the domestic pump (PS) is
and model of the relay being used. If the model being used is turned on and the space-heating circuit (PH-HK1) is turned off.
not listed, contact Buderus for assistance.
• After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is
• The constant circulation pump (PI) shall run continuously (see completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HK1 circuit
following exceptions). All other zone pumps are energized on will be turned on.
a call for heat from a room thermostat.

• Power to the pump relay and constant circulation pump shall

be interrupted under the following conditions:

1) DHW priority
2) Condensate protection
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint
4) Initial part of setback period
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8.4 Multi - Zone Space Heating/Indirect

DHW Heating

Figure 8 8.4 Mechanical diagram

Space Heating Operation: DHW Heating Operation:

• Boiler temperature is maintained based on the selected • The boiler temperature rises on a call for DHW for fast
heating curve and input from the outdoor sensor. recovery.

• During setback periods, the boiler temperature will be reduced • The control powers the domestic pump (PS) and the heating
based on the DAY TEMP and NIGHTTEMP settings on the circuit (PH-HK1) is shut down .
Logamatic control.
• After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is
• Space heating pumps require a multi-zone switching relay completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HK1 circuit
to operate on a call for heat from a room thermostat. will be turned on.

• Power to the PH-HK1 circuit shall be interrupted under the

following conditions:

1) DHW priority
2) Condensate protection
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint
4) This application does not require a room sensor.

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Figure 9 8.4 Electrical diagram

Space Heating Operation: DHW Heating Operation:

• Boiler temperature is maintained based on the selected • The tank sensor (FB) monitors domestic water temperature.
heating curve (REF TEMP and OFFSET) and inputs from the
outdoor sensor (FA) and boiler sensor (FK). • 120V output from terminals 24 & 25 (PS) powers the DHW
• This application requires a multi-zone pump relay (not
supplied by Buderus). • During a call for DHW production the domestic pump (PS) is
turned on and the space-heating circuit (PH-HK1) is turned off.
• 120V output from terminal 63 (PH-HK1) will energize the
relay. However, the PH-HK1 circuit is limited to a 5 amp • After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is
maximum load. Therefore, multi-pump applications require an completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HKl circuit
additional source of 120V power to the pump relay. Generally will be turned on.
the #63 terminal is wired to the ZC terminal on the relay panel,
however relay circuitry can vary. Refer to wiring diagrams
provided in this manual for specific manufacturer and model of
the relay being used. If the model being used is not listed,
contact Buderus for assistance.

• Each zone pump is energized on a call for heat from its

respective room thermostat. The end switch of the relay panel
is not used.

• Power to the pump relay shall be interrupted under the

following conditions:

1) DHW priority
2) Condensate protection
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint

• This application does not require a room sensor.

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8.5 Multi-Zone Space Heating Using Zone

Valves (With Constant Circulation Zone) /
Indirect DHW Heating

Figure 10 8.5 Mechanical diagram

Space Heating Operation: DHW Heating Operation:

• Boiler temperature is maintained based on the selected • The boiler temperature rises on a call for DHW for fast
heating curve and inputs from the outdoor sensor and indoor recovery.
room sensor.
• The control powers the domestic pump (PS) and the heating
• During setback periods, the boiler temperature will be reduced circuit (PH-HK1) is shut down.
based on the night setback setting on the BFU room sensor.
• After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is
• Constant circulation zone (Z1): Zone valve will be powered completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HK1 circuit
open when the PH-HK1 circuit is on. will be turned on.

• Additional zone valves will open on a call for heat from their
respective room thermostats.

• The PH-HK1 circuit and space heating pump (PH) shall have
continuous power with following exceptions:

1) DHW priority
2) Condensate protection
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint
4) Initial part of setback period

• This application requires a BFU room sensor.

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Do Not Use Power

Stealing T-Stats


Figure 11 8.5 Electrical diagram

Space Heating Operation: DHW Heating Operation:

• Boiler temperature is maintained based on the selected • The tank sensor (FB) monitors domestic water temperature.
heating curve (REF TEMP and OFFSET) and inputs from the
outdoor sensor (FA), boiler sensor (FK) and room sensor • 120V output from terminals 24 & 25 (PS) powers the DHW
(BFU). pump.

• This application requires a 24V transformer to power zone • During a call for DHW production the domestic pump (PS) is
valves (not supplied by Buderus). Transformer must be sized turned on and the space-heating circuit (PH-HKl) is turned off.
per manufacturer‘s instructions.
• After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is
• 120V output from terminal 61 & 63 (PH-HK1) will provide completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HK1 circuit
power to both the space heating pump (PH) and the 24V will be turned on.

• The constant circulation zone valve (Z 1) will be powered

directly from the transformer.

• Additional zone valves open on a call for heat from their

respective thermostats. Zone valve end switches are not used.

• The PH-HK1 circuit and space heating pump (PH) shall have
continuous power with the following exceptions:

1) DHW priority
2) Condensate protection
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint
4) Initial part of setback period

• This application requires a room sensor for constant

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8.6 Multi-Zone Space Heating Using Zone

Valves/Indirect DHW Heating

Figure 12 8.6 Mechanical diagram

Space Heating Operation: DHW Heating Operation:

• Boiler temperature is maintained based on the selected • The boiler temperature rises on a call for DHW for fast
heating curve and input from the outdoor sensor. recovery.

• During setback periods, the boiler temperature will be reduced • The control powers the domestic pump (PS) and the heating
based on the DAY TEMP and NIGHT TEMP settings on the circuit (PH-HK1) is shut down.
Logamatic control.
• After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is
• All zones require a call for heat from their respective room completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HK1 circuit
thermostats to open zone valve and operate space-heating will be turned on.
pump (PH).

• All zone valves will close when the PH-HK1 circuit is turned

• The PH-HK1 circuit shall have continuous power with the

following exceptions:

1) DHW priority
2) Condensate protection
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint

• This application does not require a BFU room sensor.

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Figure 13 8.6 Electrical diagram

Space Heating Operation: • The PH-HK1 circuit shall have continuous power with the
following exceptions:
• Boiler temperature is maintained based on the selected
heating curve (REF TEMP and OFFSET) and inputs from the 1) DHW priority
outdoor sensor (FA) and boiler sensor (FK). 2) Condensate protection
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint
• This application requires a 24V transformer to power zone
valves (not supplied by Buderus). Transformer must be sized • This application does not require a room sensor.
per manufacturers instructions.

• This application requires a pump-switching relay (not supplied DHW Heating Operation:
by Buderus).
• The tank sensor (FB) monitors domestic water temperature.
• 120V output from terminal 61 & 63 (PH-HK1) will provide 120V output from terminals 24 & 25 (PS) powers the DHW
power to both the space heating pump relay and the 24V pump.
• During a call for DHW production the domestic pump (PS) is
• Zone valves will open on a call for heat from their respective turned on and the space-heating circuit (PH-HKl) is turned off.
room thermostats. Zone valve end switches will pull in pump
relay to operate space-heating pump (PH). • After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is
completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HK1 circuit
will be turned on.

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8.7 Multi-Zone High Temp Space/Radiant

Floor Heating with FM241 Module &
Motorized Mixing Valve/Indirect DHW

Figure 14 8.7 Mechanical diagram

• This application does not require a room sensor for high
Space Heating Operation: temperature space heating.

HK1 circuit (high temperature)

• Boiler temperature is maintained based on the selected HK2 circuit (mixed temperature)
heating curve and input from the outdoor sensor. • Mixed water temperature is maintained based on the selected
heating curve and input from the outdoor sensor (FA), supply
• During setback periods, the boiler temperature will be reduced sensor (FV) and room sensor.
based on the DAY TEMP and NIGHT TEMP settings on the
Logamatic control. • During setback periods, the boiler temperature will be reduced
based on the night setback setting on the room sensor.
• Space heating pumps require a multi-zone switching relay to
operate on a call for heat from a room thermostat. • Power to the PH-HK2 circuit is turned off under the following
• The PH-HK1 circuit shall be wired to the multi-zone pump relay
to interrupt power to the space heating pumps under the 1) Initial part of night setback period
following conditions: 2) Condensate protection
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint
1) DHW priority
2) Condensate protection • This application requires a room sensor for radiant floor
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint heating.

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DHW Heating Operation:

• The boiler temperature rises on call for DHW for fast recovery.

• The control powers the domestic pump (PS) and the heating
circuit (PH-HK1) is shut down.

• The PH-HK2 pump will continue to operate during the DHW

cycle. The mixing valve can be set to either continue normal
operation or fully close to prioritize DHW production. (Refer to
the Logamatic Service Manual for setting options)

• After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is

completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HK1 circuit
will be turned on.

Note: 8.7 Electrical diagram on the following page

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Figure 15 8.7 Electrical diagram

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Space Heating Operation: DHW Heating Operation:

HK1 circuit (high temperature) • The tank sensor (FB) monitors domestic water temperature.
• Boiler temperature is maintained based on the selected
heating curve (REF TEMP 1 and OFFSET 1) and inputs from • 120V output from terminals 24 & 25 (PS) powers the DHW
the outdoor sensor (FA) and boiler sensor (FK). pump.

• This application requires a multi-zone pump relay (not • During a call for DHW production the domestic pump (PS) is
supplied by Buderus). turned on and the space-heating circuit (PH-HK1) is turned off.

• 120V output from terminal 63 (PH-HK1) will energize the • After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is
relay. However, the PH-HK1 circuit is limited to a 5 amp completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HK1 circuit
maximum load. Therefore, multi-pump applications require an will be turned on.
additional source of 120V power to the pump relay. Generally
the #63 terminal is wired to the ZC terminal on the relay panel, • During the DHW cycle the PH-HK2 circuit remains on. The
however relay circuitry can vary. Refer to wiring diagrams mixing valve can be set to either continue normal operation or
provided in this manual for specific manufacturer and model of fully close to prioritize DHW production. (Refer to the
the relay being used. If the model being used is not listed, Logamatic Service Manual for setting options)
contact Buderus for assistance.

• Each zone pump is energized on a call for heat from its

respective room thermostat. The end switch of the relay panel
is not used.

• Power to the pump relay shall be interrupted under the

following conditions:

1) DHW priority
2) Condensate protection
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint

• This application does not require a room sensor for high

temperature space heating.

HK2 circuit (mixed temperature)

• Mixed water temperature is maintained based on the selected

heating curve (REF TEMP 2 and OFFSET 2) and inputs from
the outdoor sensor (FA), supply sensor (FV) and room sensor

• 120V output from terminal 61 & 63 (PH-HK2) provide power

to pump P4. The PH-HK2 circuit is limited to a 2 amp
maximum draw. It is important that the amp rating of the pump
be verified to ensure that the circuit is not overloaded. Use an
isolation relay if max amp rating is exceeded.

• This application requires a BFU room sensor for radiant floor


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8.8 Multi-Zone Radiant Floor Heating with

FM241 Module and Motorized Mixing Valve/
Indirect DHW Heating

Figure 16 8.8 Mechanical diagram

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Space Heating Operation: Note: 8.8 Electrical diagram on the following page.

HK1 circuit (high temperature)

• System pump PH shall run continuously with the following

1) Condensate protection
2) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint
3) DHW priority

• The system pump may also shut down during the initial part of
night setback period if a BF room sensor is being used for high
temperature space heating.

To simplify this application, it is being shown without high

temperature space heating. Refer to previous application
diagrams for high temp heating.

HK2 circuit (mixed temperature)

• Water temperature is modulated based on the selected
heating curve and input from the outdoor (FA) and supply (FV)

• During setback periods, the water temperature can be

reduced based on the DAY TEMP 2 and NIGHT TEMP 2

• Space heating pumps (P1,P2,P3) require a multi-zone

pump relay to operate on a call for heat from room

• The PH-HK2 circuit shall be wired to the multi-zone pump

relay to interrupt power to the space heating pumps under the
following conditions:
1) Condensate protection
2) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint

• This application does not require a room sensor for radiant

floor heating.

DHW Heating Operation:

• The boiler temperature rises on a call for DHW for fast


• The control powers the domestic pump (PS) and the heating
circuit (PH-HK1) is shut down.

• The PH-HK2 circuit will remain on during the DHW cycle. The
mixing valve can be set to either continue normal operation or
fully close to prioritize DHW production. (Refer to the
Logamatic Service Manual for setting options)

• After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is

completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HK1 circuit
will be turned on.

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Figure 17 8.8 Electrical diagram

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Space Heating Operation:

HK1 circuit (high temperature)

• 120V output from terminals 61 & 63 (PH-HK1) provide power
to the system pump (PH).

HK2 circuit (mixed temperature)

• Mixed water temperature is maintained based on the selected
heating curve (REF TEMP 2 and OFFSET 2)and inputs from
the outdoor sensor (FA) and supply sensor (FV).

• This application requires a multi-zone pump relay (not

supplied by Buderus).

• 120V output from terminal 63 (PH-HK2) will energize the relay.

However, the PH-HK2 circuit is limited to a 2 amp maximum
load. Therefore, multi-pump applications require an additional
source of 120V power to the pump relay. Generally the #63
terminal is wired to the ZC terminal on the relay panel,
however relay circuitry can vary. Refer to wiring diagrams
provided in this manual for specific manufacturer and model of
the relay being used. If the model being used is not listed,
contact Buderus for assistance.

• Each zone pump is energized on a call for heat from its

respective room thermostat. The end switch of the relay panel
is not used.

• Power to the pump relay shall be interrupted under the

following conditions:

1) Condensate protection
2) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint

• This application does not require a room sensor for radiant

floor heating.

DHW Heating Operation:

• The tank sensor (FB) monitors domestic water temperature.

• 120V output from terminals 24 & 25 (PS) powers the DHW


• During a call for DHW production the domestic pump (PS) is

turned on and the space-heating circuit (PH-HK1) is turned off.

• After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is

completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HK1 circuit
will be turned on.

• During the DHW cycle the PH-HK2 circuit remains on. The
mixing valve can be set to either continue normal operation or
fully close to prioritize DHW production. (Refer to the Logamatic
Service Manual for setting options)

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8.9 Parallel Boiler Piping with FM242

Module / Indirect DHW Heating


Figure 18 8.9 Mechanical diagram

Space Heating Operation: DHW Heating Operation:

• Boiler temperature is maintained based on the selected • The boiler temperature rises on a call for DHW for fast
heating curve and input from the outdoor sensor. recovery.

• During setback periods, the boiler temperature will be reduced • The control powers the domestic pump (PS) and the heating
based on the DAY TEMP and NIGHT TEMP settings on the circuit (PH-HK1) is shut down.
Logamatic control.
• After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is
• Power to the PH-HK1 circuit shall be interrupted under the completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HK1 circuit
following conditions: will be turned on.

1) DHW priority Notes:

2) Condensate protection 1. Boilers shall be piped in a reverse return arrangement to
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint ensure equal flow through each boiler.
2. A small thermal bypass shall be installed immediately after
the FK supply sensor in order to create flow past the
sensor when the system pump (PH) is off.
3. 8.9 Electrical diagram is on the following page

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Figure 19 8.9 Electrical diagram

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Space Heating Operation:

• System temperature is maintained based on the selected

heating curve (REF TEMP and OFFSET) and inputs from the
outdoor sensor (FA) and supply sensor (FK).

• This application requires optional staging module FM242.

• The control will stage either one or two boilers to maintain the
desired set point. Refer to control Service Manual for wiring
information for burners.

• 120V output from terminals 61 & 63 (PH-HK1) provides power

to system pump (PH).

• Power to the PH-HK1 circuit shall be interrupted under the

following conditions:

1) DHW priority
2) Condensate protection
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint

DHW Heating Operation:

• The tank sensor (FB) monitors domestic water temperature.

• 120V output from terminals 24 & 25 (PS) powers the DHW


• During a call for DHW production the domestic pump (PS) is

turned on and the space-heating circuit (PH-HK1) is turned off.

• After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is

completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HK1 circuit
will be turned on.

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8.10 Dual Boiler / Primary/Secondary Piping

with FM242 Module / Indirect DHW Heating

Figure 20 8.10 Mechanical diagram

Space Heating Operation: DHW Heating Operation:

• The primary loop temperature is maintained based on the • The boiler temperature rises on a call for DHW for fast
selected heating curve and input from the outdoor sensor. recovery.

• During setback periods, the boiler temperature will be reduced • The control powers the domestic pump (PS) and the heating
based on the DAY TEMP and NIGHT TEMP settings on the circuit (PH-HK1) is shut down.
Logamatic control.
• After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is
• Boiler pumps (P1,P2) shall be wired to the Honeywell L8148 completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HK1 circuit
aquastat (L8148 (oil) or L7148 (gas)) and will operate on a will be turned on.
demand signal from the Logamatic control.
• Power to the PH-HK1 circuit shall be interrupted under the 1. Boilers shall be piped in a primary/secondary arrangement
following conditions: with recommended spacing of 4 pipe diameters with a
maximum of 8" between the supply and return to the
1) DHW priority primary loop.
2) Condensate protection 2. A small thermal bypass shall be installed immediately after
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint the FK supply sensor in order to create flow past the
sensor when the system pump (PH) is off.
3. 8.10 Electrical diagram is on the following page

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Figure 21 8.10 Electrical diagram

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Space Heating Operation:

• Primary loop temperature is maintained based on the selected

heating curve (REF TEMP and OFFSET) and inputs from the
outdoor sensor (FA) and supply sensor (FK).

• This application requires optional staging module FM242.

• The control will stage either one or two boilers to maintain the
desired set point. Refer to control Service Manual for wiring
information for burners.

• This electrical diagram addresses only boilers using an

operating aquastat/relay with a pump circuit (e.g. Honeywell
L8148). Both boilers require a L8148 operating control (L8148
(oil) or L7148 (gas). If this type of aquastat is not being used,
please contact Buderus for assistance.

• Boiler pumps (P1,P2) shall be wired to the Honeywell L8148

aquastat (L8148 (oil) or L7148 (gas)) and will operate on a
heat demand signal from the Logamatic control.

• 120V output from terminals 61 & 63 (PH-HK1) provides power

to system pump (PH).

• Power to the PH-HK1 circuit shall be interrupted under the

following conditions:

1) DHW priority
2) Condensate protection
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint

DHW Heating Operation:

• The tank sensor (FB) monitors domestic water temperature.

• 120V output from terminals 24 & 25 (PS) powers the DHW


• During a call for DHW production the domestic pump (PS) is

turned on and the space-heating circuit (PH-HK1) is turned off.

• After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is

completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HK1 circuit
will be turned on.

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8.11 Multi-Zone Space Heating/On-demand

High Temp Heating/Indirect DHW Heating




Figure 22 8.11 Mechanical diagram

Space Heating Operation:

• Boiler temperature is maintained based on the selected • On-demand zone requires a separate switching relay in order
heating curve and input from the outdoor sensor. to fire the boiler on a call for heat.

• Boiler will run to high limit on call from on-demand heat zone. • Power to the PH-HK1 circuit shall be interrupted under the
following conditions:
• During setback periods, the boiler temperature will be reduced
based on the DAY TEMP and NIGHT TEMP settings on the 1) DHW priority
Logamatic control. 2) Condensate protection
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint
• Space heating pumps require a multi-zone switching relay to
operate on a call for heat from a room thermostat.
Note - As shown, the on-demand zone is interrupted during
DHW priority, WWSD and condensate protection. For year
round, 24-hour operation of the on-demand zones, disconnect
the PH-HK1 connection from ZC on the pump relay. This will
allow the on-demand zone to operate during DHW recharging
cycles. Consideration to boiler sizing must be given.

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DHW Heating Operation:

• The boiler temperature rises on a call for DHW for fast


• The control powers the domestic pump (PS) and the heating
circuit (PH-HK1) is shut down.

• After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is

completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HK1 circuit will be turned on.

Note: 8.11 Electrical diagram on the following page.

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Figure 23 8.11 Electrical diagram

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Space Heating Operation: DHW Heating Operation:

• Boiler temperature is maintained based on the selected • The tank sensor (FB) monitors domestic water temperature.
heating curve (REF TEMP and OFFSET) and inputs from the
outdoor sensor (FA) and boiler sensor (FK). • 120V output from terminals 24 & 25 (PS) powers the DHW
• Boiler will run to limit set on L8148 aquastat on a call for heat
from on-demand zone(s). • During a call for DHW production the domestic pump (PS) is
turned on and the space-heating circuit (PH-HK1) is turned off.
• This application requires a multi-zone pump relay (not
supplied by Buderus). The on-demand zone also requires a • After the DHW recharging and intelligent purge cycle is
separate pump relay to fire the boiler on a call for heat. When completed, the PS pump will be shut down and PH-HK1 circuit
using a heat exchanger as shown, pumps P3 and P4 must run will be turned on.
simultaneously. The demand signal from the on-demand
zone(s) (aquastat, thermostat or end switch) must be wired to
turn both pumps on.

• 120V output from terminal 63 (PH-HK1) will energize pump

relay #1. However, the PH-HK1 circuit is limited to a 5 amp
maximum load. Therefore, multi-pump applications require an
additional source of 120V power to the pump relay. Generally
the #63 terminal is wired to the ZC terminal on the relay panel,
however relay circuitry can vary. Refer to wiring diagrams
provided in this manual for specific manufacturer and model of
the relay being used. If the model being used is not listed,
contact Buderus for assistance.

• Each zone pump is energized on a call for heat from its

respective room thermostat. The end switch of relay panel #1
is not used for regular space heating zones. The end switch of
the on-demand zone(s) relay (#2) is wired to T-T on the L8148

• Power to the pump relay #1 is interrupted under the

following conditions:

1) DHW priority
2) Condensate protection
3) Outdoor temperature exceeds WWSD setpoint

• For year round, 24-hour operation of the on-demand zone(s),

do not connect the PH-HK1 to ZC on pump relay #2.

• In order to use a room sensor with this type of application, a

standard room thermostat must also be used in the same zone
in order to prevent overheating when the on-demand zone is

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9 Burner/Boiler wiring


9.1 Burner Wiring Diagram for:

Buderus BE Burner (page 53)

9.2 Burner wiring diagram for:

L7148 Aquastat Relay (page 54)

9.3 Burner wiring diagram for:

G334X, G224E/73-128, Gas Boilers -Stage1 (page 55)

9.4 Burner wiring diagram for:

Riello F40 with AL 1009 Control (page 56)

9.5 Burner wiring diagram for:

Riello F40 Series F3, F5, F10 (page 57)

9.6 Burner wiring diagram for:

Carlin EZ1 with 40200-02 Control (page 58)

9.7 Burner wiring diagram for:

Carlin P10, 99 FRD - 60200-02 Control (page 59)

9.8 Burner wiring diagram for:

Beckett Genisys 7505 (page 60)

9.9 Burner wiring diagram for:

Beckett AFG, CF, SMG - R8148 Control (page 61)

9.10 Burner wiring diagram for:

Isolation Relay for High Amp Burner (page 62)

9.11 Burner wiring diagram for:

Taco ZVC Relay Used With Zone Valves (page 63)

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9.1 Burner wiring diagram for:

Buderus BE Burner









4 10 11 9 8








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9.2 Burner wiring diagram for:

L7148 Aquastat Relay


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9.3 Burner wiring diagram for:

G334X, G224E/73-128, Gas Boilers -Stage1



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9.4 Burner wiring diagram for:

Riello F40 with AL 1009 Control



AL 1009 Control


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9.5 Burner wiring diagram for:

Riello F40 Series F3, F5, F10



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9.6 Burner wiring diagram for:

Carlin EZ1 with 40200-02 Control



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9.7 Burner wiring diagram for:

Carlin EZ66 - 70200 Control






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9.8 Burner wiring diagram for:

Beckett Genisys 7505

L2 (IGN)

L2 (MTR)

Beckett Genisys 7505

L2 (MTR)

L2 (VLV)



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9.9 Burner wiring diagram for:

Beckett AFG, CF, SMG - R8148 Control



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9.10 Burner wiring diagram for:

Isolation Relay for High Amp Burner



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9.11 Burner wiring diagram for:

Taco ZVC Relay Used With Zone Valves

- Burner and sensor wiring not shown for clarity purposes.

- Priority must be switched “off”.

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10 Multi-zone relay controls


10.1 Multi-zone relay control wiring diagram for:

Taco models SR502, SR503 (page 65)

10.2 Multi-zone relay control wiring diagram for:

Taco models SR504, SR506, SR503-EXP, SR504-EXP, SR506-EXP (page 66)

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10.1 Multi-zone relay control wiring diagram for:

Taco models SR502, SR503



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10.2 Multi-zone relay control wiring diagram for:

Taco models SR504, SR506, SR503- EXP,
SR504-EXP, SR506-EXP



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11 Mixing

Description (page #)

11.1 Mixing Valves (page 68)

11.1.1 Mixing Valve Motor Wiring for:

24 volt wiring (page 69)

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11.1 Mixing Valves

T here are two types of mixing valves commonly used in
hydronic heating systems, 3-port and 4-port. Both of these
valves are used to mix return water from the system with water
from the boiler. A motorized actuator is used to make
adjustments to the valve positioning in order to maintain a given
outlet temperature. This type of controlling provides very
accurate control of water temperature to the system. It also
allows the system water temperature to be reset based on
changes in outdoor (and optionally indoor) temperature. Without
the use of a motorized actuator, the outlet temperature of the
valve is dependent on the flow rate and temperature of the
incoming water. Using a manually set mixing valve without a
motorized actuator can create wide swings in the outlet

3-port valve - Three port mixing valves allow system water to

return directly to the heat source. Buderus generally
recommends the use of 3 way mixing valves when using a
Buderus boiler. Due to the flexibility and corrosion resistance of
the Buderus boiler and the condensate protection feature of the
Buderus control system, cooler return water temperature does Figure 24 3 port valve
not present a problem.

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11.1.1 Mixing Valve Motor Wiring for:

24 volt wiring


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12 Tables/Formulas

Flow Rate Calculations for Water Table 1 Flow Rate Calculations for Water Table 2
Temperature Drop Temperature Drop
10 20 30 10 20 30
5,000 1 0.5 0.33 200,000 40 20 13.0

6,000 1.2 0.6 0.4 210,000 42 21 14

7,000 1.4 0.7 0.47 220,000 44 22 14.7

8,000 1.6 0.8 0.53 230,000 46 23 15.3

9,000 1.8 0.9 0.6 240,000 48 24 16

10,000 2 1 0.67 250,000 50 25 16.7

15,000 3 1.5 1 260,000 52 26 17.3

20,000 4 2 1.3 270,000 54 27 18

25,000 5 2.5 1.7 280,000 56 28 18.7

30,000 6 3 2 290,000 58 29 19.3

35,000 7 3.5 2.3 300,000 60 30 20

40,000 8 4 2.7 350,000 70 35 23.3

45,000 9 4.5 3 400,000 80 40 27.7

50,000 10 5 3.3 450,000 90 45 30

55,000 11 5.5 3.7 500,000 100 50 33.3

60,000 12 6 4

65,000 13 6.5 4.3

70,000 14 7 4.7
Mixing Valve Sizing Table 3
75,000 15 7.5 5
80,000 16 8 5.3 (Radiant System) 3-Way 4-Way
85,000 17 8.5 5.7
1 to 8 ¾" ¾"
90,000 18 9 6 9 to 14 1" 1"
95,000 19 9.5 6.3 15 to 22 1¼" 1¼"
100,000 20 10 6.7 23 to 40 1½" 1½"
110,000 22 11 7.3 41 to 60 2" 2"
120,000 24 12 8 61 to 125 2½" * 2½" *
130,000 26 13 8.7 126 to 200 3" * 3" *
140,000 28 14 9.3 * Requires VM83 motor and VL800 linkage
150,000 30 15 10

160,000 32 16 10.7

170,000 34 17 11.3

180,000 36 18 12

190,000 38 19 12.7

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Approx. Heat Output for Fin-Tube Baseboard Table 4 Conversion Formulas Table 6
Average Water Temperature BTU/Hr Per Lineal Ft @ Unit of Measure Formula
(°F) 1GPM Flow Rate

90 65 Recovery time for and indirect Q*

100 106 water heater Boiler Output (BTU/hr)

110 156
* Q(Load) = 8.31 (lbs/gal water) x Delta T x Gallons
120 209

130 262 Table 6 Example:

135 290 53 gallon tank + 85,000 Btu/hr boiler

140 320
8.31 x 90 (degrees Rise) x 53 (gallons) = 39,639 btu/hr
150 380
39,639 / 85,000 (bth/hr) = .466 (hour)
160 450

170 510 60 (minutes/hr) x .466 = 28 (minutes)

180 580

Conversion Formulas Table 7

Unit of Measure Formula
Conversion Formulas Table 5
Unit of Measure Formula
Temperature drop New Supply Temp – Previous supply temp –
through a series Q (Radiator)
GPM BTU/hr loop 500 x Loop GPM
500 x Delta T (°F)
Table 7 Example:
BTU/hr 500 x GPM x Delta T (°F)
Loop GPM = 2.5 Q(Radiant Output) = 4,000 BTU
Pressure (PSI) Head (ft) x 1(Specific Gravity) Starting Supply Temp = 180 degree

180 -(4,000/500 x 2.5) = 176.8° (New supply temperature)

Head (feet) Pressure(PSI) x 2.31
1(Specific Gravity)

Fahrenheit (°C x 1.8) + 32

BTU/hr Kilowatts x 3,413 Heat Values Table 8

Natural Gas 1 therm = 100,000 BTU
#2 Oil 1 gallon = 139,000 BTU

Propane 1 gallon = 91,800 BTU

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Bosch Thermotechnology Corp.
65 Grove Street BTC 463001101 C | 06.2018
Watertown, MA 02472
Tel.: 866-642-3198
Fax: 603-965-7581

Products manufactured by:

Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH
Sophienstrasse 30-32
D-35576 Wetzlar

Bosch Thermotechnology Corp. reserves the right to

make changes without notice due to continuing engineering
and technological advances.

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