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000 BAC Synthesis essayMC

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Bac: Written Expression synthèse/synthesis essay 3.

5hours level:C1
What is a synthesis essay? It’s a structured synthesis of several documents that have a common theme. The
descriptive facts should be used to analyze what the documents have in common but also what makes them different.

It is NEITHER a summary of all documents NOR an analysis of each document separately.

Dossier comprised of: 3-4 documents linked to one theme in Terminale: obligatory : press article: optional: image
(photograph, painting, chart) literary text, excerpt of an essay

1st part: synthesis essay 16 points (500 words maximum) OR it is possible to have an argumentative essay (200
words), which would make the synthesis essay no more than 300 words(500 total).

2nd part: translation of an excerpt from a document OR summary of the main ideas of a document (4 points)
A monolingual dictionary is authorized during the exam

Step 1: Read the Documents

1) For each document, read the paratext: identify the source/ title/author/date and be able to contextualize it in
the culture/country/theme it belongs in.
2) Read each document and find the : WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, HOW. Underline key
elements/sentences/quotes. Note who the writer, narrator is and the tone or theme of each doc.
3) Re-read to identify more details: chronology of events, consequences of decisions, state of mind of
characters, the goal of the document/author (to criticize, promote, advertise, denounce, entertain, inform). Use
arrows to connect similar ideas, make columns, a Venn diagram…find a way to organize them
Read each document at least twice!!

Step 2: Identify similarities and differences/ Organize your ideas

4) The directions (or guiding questions if there are some) will help you to make your thesis question and your
outline. Underline the key words, reword the questions.
5) Make a rough draft organizing the similarities and differences between the documents with columns, a Venn
diagram, a mind-map
6) Prepare your different parts with the main ideas you will develop in each part. They must be clear and

Step 3 : Write
1) INTRODUCTION : Start with an opening sentence to introduce topic
a. brief presentation of documents-
b. define their common theme-
c. thesis question- an open-ended question which doesn’t lead to an obvious answer. ‘to what extent’
‘in what ways’ ‘how’ ‘why’ open the subject up to debate.
This leads us to wonder/We may wonder/ We may ask ourselves/…to what extent..)
“To what extent is Artificial Intelligence an opportunity for Mankind?”
d. announce outline: Give a title to each part(2 is recommended, 3 may make it too long), which are
common themes that are related to the documents and which help to answer the thesis question (other options:
present, highlight, tackle, show, analyse, explain)
-First/First of all, we shall focus on _________, Then, we will see how it leads to _____ and finally we will notice/ develop / deal
with / analyze / show / underline / emphasize that_______
-“First, we will focus on the advantages of AI, which will lead us to see the inevitable dangers, and finally we will analyze the
possibility of AIs replacing humans.”

2) BODY/Synthesis:
In 2 or 3 parts which are related to the guiding questions given to you and your thesis question explain your
synthesis by explaining the links there are between them while showing how these documents answer the
thesis question. Use linking words. Don’t forget transition sentences between the different parts. DO NOT
SUMMARIZE THE DOCUMENTS. ANALYSE THEM USING citations/examples from the documents (not too

3) Conclusion :
answer the thesis question without repeating what you’ve already written and branch out with an opening
(from class, from personal knowledge of current events)
4) Re-read your writing. Is it clear? Correct mistakes you missed, verify conjugations. Did you use all documents
and examples in each part of your body paragraphs
Introduce the documents:

Document A is an extract from a short story/ a novel / a play / an article / a speech/an essay… entitled… published in the

Document B/The second doc. is a song / a poem / a painting / a political cartoon / a film poster / a movie still / a photograph…

It was written / painted / drawn/ taken by …

These documents deal with / concern/ are about / tackle the issue of / provide an overview of …


In the picture, we can see … In the poster, there is + singulier / there are + pluriel.

In the background / foreground; on the left / right; at the top / bottom …


Both documents A and C show us that … yet, document B illustrates the idea that ….

All the documents denounce/show/put forward/highlight/share a similar viewpoint …

Every document in this set however/excerpt for/excluding doc. C advocates / defends the idea that…

Similar to doc. B, document C explains that …


Doc. A promotes X whereas / while doc. B criticizes Y

Contrary to / unlike doc. A, the other two prove that

Connecters/Link words:

Commencer: first of all, first and foremost,

Continuing: secondly, second of all

Making the same point: moreover, furthermore, in addition, additionally

Explain: because, since, as

Contrast: however, nevertheless, yet, on the one hand / on the other hand

Cause / effect: consequently, therefore,thus,hence

Conclude: to conclude, in conclusion

Kinds of images: photograph/picture, painting, portrait, landscape, poster, political cartoon, drawing, cover/front page, comic

Author of document: artist, photographer, cartoonist, painter, writer, author, journalist

Author’s point of view: Negative: It denounces/criticizes/questions/challenges/warns against

Positive: It claims/supports/contends/argues/advocates/promotes/champions/defends/upholds
The Press

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