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Full Syllabus Test # 1 (Final Dash)

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Full Syllabus Test # 1 (Final Dash)

Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

Biology I - Section A
7. Cells of which of the following wall layer of
microsporangium possess dense cytoplasm and
1. If one wants to recover many copies of the generally have more than one nucleus?
target DNA, it should be cloned in a vector: 1. epidermis
1. that is a single-stranded DNA molecule 2. endothecium
2. whose origin [ori] supports a high copy 3. middle layers
number 4. tapetum
3. that carries two selectable markers
4. whose cloning sites are all clustered at one 8. During the formation of the embryo sac in
place angiosperms, cell walls are laid:
1. from the first nuclear division
2. The flower cannot be divided into two 2. between the 2-nucleate and 4-nucleate stage
similar halves by any vertical plane passing 3. before the 8-nucleate stage
through the centre in: 4. after the 8-nucleate stage
1. Canna
2. Pea 9. Match each item in COLUMN I with one in
3. Mustard Column II and select the correct match from the
4. Datura codes given:
Column I Column II
3. If a cell had 2N chromosomes and 2C DNA [Element] [Role in plants]
content in G1 phase, what would be the A Magnesium P Synthesis of auxin
corresponding values at the end of the S phase? B Manganese Q Ribosome structure
1. 2N, 2C
C Boron R Pollen germination
2. 4N, 2C
3. 2N, 4C D Zinc S Splitting of water
4. 4N, 4C
4. Which step in the decomposition of detritus A B C D
is carried out by bacteria and fungi? 1. Q R P S
1. fragmentation 2. S R Q P
2. leaching 3. Q S R P
3. catabolism
4. R S P Q
4. mineralisation

5. The interaction where one species is

benefitted and the other is neither benefitted 10. The numbers of ATP and NADPH molecules
nor harmed is called: required to make one molecule of glucose
1. mutualism through the Calvin pathway, respectively, are:
2. commensalism 1. 9 and 6
3. competition 2. 18 and 12
4. amensalism 3. 6 and 9
4. 12 and 18
6. Which of the following polysaccharides does
not have glucose as its constituent unit?
1. Inulin
2. Starch
3. Cellulose
4. Glycogen

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Full Syllabus Test # 1 (Final Dash)
Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

11. Consider the two statements: 17. In mung bean, mutations were used to
Assertion: In a plant cell, the concentration of a induce resistance to:
number of ions is significantly higher in the I: yellow mosaic virus
vacuole than in the cytoplasm. II: powdery mildew
Reason: The tonoplast facilitates the transport 1. Only I
of a number of ions and other materials against 2. Only II
concentration gradients into the vacuole. 3. Both I and II
1. Both Assertion and Reason are true and 4. Neither I nor II
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
2. Both Assertion and Reason are true but 18. Which means of transport is very important
Reason is not the correct explanation of to plants since it is the only means for gaseous
Assertion. movement within the plant body?
3. Assertion is true but Reason is false. 1. Diffusion
4. Both Assertion and Reason are false. 2. Facilitated diffusion
3. Active transport
12. The most important cause driving animals 4. Secondary active co-transport
and plants to extinction in contemporary times
is: 19. The floral diagram describes the members
1. Habitat loss and fragmentation of angiosperms belonging to the family:
2. Over-exploitation
3. Alien species invasion
4. Co-extinction

13. Spraying sugarcane crops with which of the

following plant growth regulators increases the
stem's length, thus increasing the yield by as
much as 20 tonnes per acre?
1. Auxins
2. Gibberellins
3. Cytokinins
4. ABA
1. Brassicaceae
14. A ‘protonema’ stage in the life cycle of a 2. Fabaceae
moss is the: 3. Liliaceae
1. first stage in gametophyte generation 4. Solanaceae
2. second stage in gametophyte generation
3. first stage in sporophyte generation
4. second stage in sporophyte generation

15. Besides starch, pyrenoids in many members

of Chlorphyceae, contain:
1. Double-stranded DNA
2. A low molecular weight RNA
3. Protein
4. Lipids

16. Sex determination is based on the number

of sets of chromosomes an individual receives
1. Honeybees
2. Grasshoppers
3. Fruit fly
4. Birds
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Full Syllabus Test # 1 (Final Dash)
Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

20. Identify the simple tissue of plants shown in 24. ‘Toddy’, a traditional drink of some parts of
the given figure: southern India is made by fermenting sap from:
1. palms
2. soybean
3. bamboo shoots
4. barley

25. The consumers that feed on herbivores are

correctly described as:
1. Primary producers
2. Primary consumers
3. Secondary carnivores
4. Secondary consumers
1. Parenchyma
2. Collenchyma 26. Which of the following gases is responsible
3. Sclereids for the least contribution to total global
4. Sclerenchyma fibres warming?
1. Carbon dioxide
21. Bacteria are grouped under four categories 2. Methane
based on their shape. identify the incorrect 3. CFCs
match: 4. N2O
1. Coccus Spherical
2. Bacillus Rod-shaped 27. The salient features of the Double-helix
3. Vibrium Icosahedron structure of DNA include all the following
4. Spirillum Spiral
1. It is made of two polynucleotide chains,
where the backbone is constituted by sugar-
phosphate, and the bases project inside.
22. Earth has amazing bio-diversity. The 2. The two chains have anti-parallel polarity.
number of species on Earth that are known and 3. The bases in two strands are paired through
described ranges between: hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) forming base pairs
1. 0.8 - 1.0 million (bp).
2. 1.7 - 1.8 million 4. The two chains are coiled in a left-handed
3. 7 – 8 million fashion.
4. 20 – 50 million
28. All the following are purposes served by
23. Identify the correct statement regarding transpiration in plants except:
Euglenoids: 1. It creates transpiration pull for absorption
1. Majority of them are marine water and transport in plants.
organisms found in running water. 2. It supplies water for photosynthesis.
2. The cell wall has stiff cellulose plates on the 3. It warms leaf surfaces to activate enzymes
outer surface. for carbon fixation.
3. They have only one flagellum. 4. It maintains the shape and structure of the
4. Though they are photosynthetic in the plants by keeping cells turgid.
presence of sunlight, when deprived of sunlight
they behave like heterotrophs. 29. The vegetative propagule in the angiosperm
Agave is known as:
1. Bulbil
2. Runner
3. Rhizome
4. Bulb

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Full Syllabus Test # 1 (Final Dash)
Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

Biology I - Section B
30. In dicot roots, initiation of lateral roots
takes place in the cells of:
1. Endodermis 36. All the following biomolecules can be called
2. Pericycle both polymers and macromolecules except:
3. Epiblema 1. Lipids
4. Hypodermis 2. Proteins
3. Carbohydrates
31. Nitrifying bacteria are: 4. Nucleic acids
1. chemoautotrophs
2. photoautotrophs 37. Consider the two statements:
3. chemoheterotrophs Assertion: The evolutions of the flower and its
4. methanogens pollinator species are tightly linked with one
32. The water-splitting complex in green plants Reason: Plants need the help of animals for
is associated with: pollinating their flowers and dispersing their
1. PS I, which itself is physically located on the seeds.
inner side of the membrane of the thylakoid. 1. Both Assertion and Reason are true and
2. PS I, which itself is physically located on the Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
outer side of the membrane of the thylakoid. 2. Both Assertion and Reason are true but
3. PS II, which itself is physically located on the Reason is not the correct explanation of
inner side of the membrane of the thylakoid. Assertion.
4. PS II, which itself is physically located on the 3. Assertion is true but Reason is false.
outer side of the membrane of the thylakoid. 4. Both Assertion and Reason are false.

33. For the formation of interfascicular 38. Identify the incorrect statement:
cambium and cork cambium the parenchyma 1. Gross primary productivity of an ecosystem
cells first undergo: is the rate of production of organic matter
1. Differentiation during photosynthesis.
2. Dedifferentiation 2. Gross primary productivity minus
3. Redifferentiation respiration losses (R), is the net primary
4. Reverse differentiation productivity (NPP).
3. Gross primary productivity is the available
34. During glycolysis, an ATP molecule is biomass for the consumption of heterotrophs
synthesised during the conversion of: (herbivores and decomposers).
I: BPGA to 3-phosphoglyceric acid (PGA) 4. Secondary productivity is defined as the rate
II: PEP to pyruvic acid of formation of new organic matter by
1. Only I consumers.
2. Only II
3. Both I and II 39. Consider the given two statements:
4. Neither I nor II Statement I: All prokaryotes have a cell wall
surrounding the cell membrane except in
35. Consider the two statements: mycoplasma.
Statement I: The proteins encoded by the genes Statement II: No organelles, like the ones in
cryIAc and cryIIAb control the corn borer. eukaryotes, are found in prokaryotic cells
Statement II: The proteins encoded by the gene except for ribosomes.
cryIAb control the cotton bollworms. 1. Statement I is correct; Statement II is correct
1. Statement I is correct; Statement II is correct 2. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is
2. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct
correct 3. Statement I is correct; Statement II is
3. Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect
incorrect 4. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is
4. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is incorrect
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Full Syllabus Test # 1 (Final Dash)
Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

40. Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to 45. Consider the two statements:
the stigma of another flower of the same plant Assertion: It is necessary to define the
is known as: boundaries that would demarcate the region
1. Autogamy and the strand of DNA that would be
2. Geitonogamy transcribed.
3. Cleistogamy Reason: In transcription, only a segment of DNA
4. Xenogamy and only one of the strands is copied into RNA.
1. Both Assertion and Reason are true and
41. Which of the following will not be true for Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
gymnosperms? 2. Both Assertion and Reason are true but
1. Gymnosperms lack vessels in their xylem. Reason is not the correct explanation of
2. Gymnosperms have albuminous cells and Assertion.
sieve cells. 3. Assertion is true but Reason is false.
3. Gymnosperms lack sieve tubes and 4. Both Assertion and Reason are false.
companion cells.
4. Gymnosperms lack secondary growth. 46. Which histone is not a part of the octamer
that forms the core of histone molecules in a
42. Identify the incorrect statement: nucleosome?
1. Cytosine is common for both DNA and RNA. 1. H1
2. Uracil is present in RNA at the place of 2. H2A
Thymine. 3. H2B
3. A nitrogenous base is linked to the OH of 1'C 3. H3
pentose sugar through a N-glycosidic linkage to
form a nucleoside. 47. Consider the two statements:
4. When a phosphate group is linked to OH of Assertion: It is better to consider the
2'C of a nucleoside through phosphoester respiratory pathway as an amphibolic pathway
linkage, a corresponding nucleotide is formed. rather than as a catabolic one.
Reason: The respiratory pathway is involved in
43. Consider the two statements: both anabolism and catabolism.
Assertion: A high dose of UV-B causes 1. Both Assertion and Reason are true and
inflammation of cornea, called snow-blindness. Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
Reason: UV radiation of wavelengths shorter 2. Both Assertion and Reason are true but
than UV-B are almost completely absorbed by Reason is not the correct explanation of
Earth’s atmosphere, given that the ozone layer Assertion.
is intact. 3. Assertion is true but Reason is false.
1. Both Assertion and Reason are true and 4. Both Assertion and Reason are false.
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
2. Both Assertion and Reason are true but 48. What would be true for Alternaria but not
Reason is not the correct explanation of for Puccinia?
Assertion. 1. Heterotrophic mode of nutrition
3. Assertion is true but Reason is false. 2. Sexual stage is unknown
4. Both Assertion and Reason are false. 3. Lack of vegetative reproduction
4. Called as bracket fungi
44. In Cycas:
I: coralloid roots are associated with N2-fixing 49. Biodiversity hotspots are not characterised
cyanobacteria by:
II: the stems are unbranched 1. Having a large number of species
III: the pinnate leaves persist for a few years 2. Abundance of endemic species
1. Only I and II are correct 3. Being mostly located in the tropics
2. Only I and III are correct 4. Being mostly located in the polar regions
3. Only II and III are correct
4. I, II and III are correct

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Full Syllabus Test # 1 (Final Dash)
Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

50. Consider the given two statements: 53. PCT and DCT of a nephron are respectively
Statement I: Stem tendrils which develop from lined with:
axillary buds are slender and spirally coiled 1. Columnar brush-bordered epithelium and
and help plants to climb such as in Citrus and Simple cuboidal epithelium
Bougainvillea. 2. Cuboidal brush-bordered epithelium and
Statement II: Axillary buds of stems may get Simple cuboidal epithelium
modified into woody, straight and pointed 3. Cuboidal brush-bordered epithelium and
thorns found in many plants such as gourds Simple columnar epithelium
and grapevines. 4. Columnar brush-bordered epithelium and
1. Statement I is correct; Statement II is correct Simple columnar epithelium
2. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is
correct 54. Techniques to alter the chemistry of genetic
3. Statement I is correct; Statement II is material (DNA and RNA), to introduce these
incorrect into host organisms and thus change the
4. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is phenotype of the host organism comes under:
incorrect 1. Bioprocess engineering
2. Genetic engineering

Biology II - Section A
3. Bioinformatics
4. Biomedical technology
51. Each ejaculatory duct is formed by the
union of: 55. Consider the given two statements:
1. the vas deferens with the duct of the Statement I: Protonephridia or flame cells are
bulbourethral gland the excretory structures in Aschelminthes.
2. the vas deferens with the duct of the seminalStatement II: Reptiles, birds, land snails, and
vesicle insects are uricotelic animals.
3. the epididymis and the vas deferens 1. Statement I is correct; Statement II is correct
4. the duct of bulbourethral gland and the 2. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is
urethra correct
3. Statement I is correct; Statement II is
52. Match each item in COLUMN I with one in incorrect
Column II and select the correct match from the 4. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is
codes given: incorrect
Column I Column II
[Phylum] [Characteristic] 56. The somatic neural system relays impulses
A Porifera P Water vascular system from:
1. the CNS to skeletal muscles
B Aschelminthes Q Canal system
2. the CNS to the involuntary organs and
C Echinodermata R Pseudocoelom smooth muscles of the body
D Hemichordata S Stomochord 3. the skeletal muscles of the CNS
4. the involuntary organs and smooth muscles
Codes: of the body to the CNS
1. Q R P S 57. A man has type AB blood and he marries a
woman with type O blood. Two children are
2. S R Q P
born to the couple and they also adopted one
3. Q S R P child. If Child 1 has type A blood, Child 2 has
4. R S P Q type B blood, and Child 3 has type O blood,
which child was adopted?
1. Child 1
2. Child 2
3. Child 3
4. Cannot be commented

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Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

58. Atrial systole increases the flow of blood 63. Identify the incorrectly matched pair:
into the ventricles by about: An auto-immune disorder
1. 30 % affecting neuromuscular
2. 50 % Myasthenia
1. junction leading to fatigue,
3. 70 % gravis
weakening and paralysis of
4. 90 % skeletal muscle.
Progressive degeneration of
59. Consider the given two statements: Muscular
2. skeletal muscle mostly due to a
Statement I: Periplaneta americana is dystrophy
genetic disorder.
Rapid spasms (wild
Statement II: The development of Periplaneta
3. Tetany contractions) in muscle due to
americana is holometabolous.
high Ca++ in body fluid.
1. Statement I is correct; Statement II is correct
2. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is Inflammation of joints due to
correct 4. Gout accumulation of uric acid
3. Statement I is correct; Statement II is crystals.
4. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is
incorrect 64. Match the stage of Prophase I given in
Column I with the corresponding event in
60. Symptoms like constipation, abdominal Column II and select the correct match from the
pain and cramps, stools with excess mucous codes given:
and blood clots are commonly seen in: Column I Column II
1. Amoebic dysentery A Zygotene P Terminalisation of chiasmata
2. Ascariasis B Pachytene Q Appearance of chiasmata
3. Typhoid C Diplotene R Crossing over
4. Cholera
D Diakinesis S Pairing of homologues
61. The son of a woman who carries the gene
for colour blindness [but herself is not Codes:
affected]: A B C D
1. can never be colour blind 1. Q R P S
2. has a 25 per cent chance of being colour 2. S R Q P
blind 3. Q S R P
3. has a 50 per cent chance of being colour 4. R S P Q
4. has a 100 per cent chance of being colour
65. The sobriquet "Lungs of the planet Earth” is
used for:
62. The membranes of which of the following
1. Western Ghats in India
cell organelle are not included in the
2. Alpine tundra
endomembrane system of a eukaryotic cell?
3. Amazon rainforest
1. Vacuole
4. Khasi and Jaintia Hills
2. Lysosome
3. Plastid
66. An impairment affecting synthesis or
4. Endoplasmic reticulum
release of ADH results in:
1. a diminished ability of the kidney to conserve
2. enhanced re-absorption of water by the
collecting duct of the nephron
3. glycosuria and ketonuria
4. a generalised vasoconstriction in the body
leading to uncontrolled hypertension
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Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

67. The first clinical gene therapy was given in 72. Match the pulmonary volume/capacity
1990 to a 4-year-old girl with: given in Column I with the corresponding
1. adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency description in Column II and select the correct
2. alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency match from the codes given:
3. phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency Column I Column II
4. homogentisic acid oxidase deficiency Additional volume of air, a
A P person can inspire by a
68. The frequencies of dominant and recessive reserve volume
forcible inspiration.
alleles of a gene in a population are 0.7 and 0.3
Additional volume of air, a
respectively. The expected frequency for Inspiratory
B Q person can expire by a
heterozygotes in the population is likely to be: reserve volume
forcible expiration.
1. 42%
2. 49% Volume of air that will
3. 21% C R remain in the lungs after a
4. 9% normal expiration.
Functional Volume of air remaining in
69. What is the maximum number of oxygen D residual S the lungs even after a
molecules that a molecule of haemoglobin can capacity forcible expiration.
1. 2 Codes:
2. 4 A B C D
3. 6 1. P Q R S
4. 8 2. P Q S R
3. Q P R S
70. Which of the following secondary
metabolites is a carbohydrate-binding protein 4. Q P S R
1. Abrin
2. Vinblastin 73. Which of the following conditions is not a
3. Curcumin case of aneuploidy?
4. Concanavalin A 1. Down’s syndrome
2. Turner’s syndrome
71. Identify the incorrect statement regarding 3. Thalassemia
the layers in the wall of alimentary canal: 4. Klinefleter’s syndrome
1. Serosa is the outermost layer and is made up
of a thin mesothelium with some connective 74. A motor neuron along with the muscle
tissues. fibres connected to it constitutes a:
2. Muscularis is formed by skeletal muscles 1. Neuro-muscular junction
usually arranged into an outer circular and an 2. Motor end plate
inner longitudinal layer. 3. Sarcomere
3. The sub-mucosal layer is formed of loose 4. Motor unit
connective tissues containing nerves, blood and
lymph vessels. 75. Identify a vertebrate chordate amongst the
4. The innermost layer lining the lumen of the following:
alimentary canal is the mucosa. 1. Ascidia
2. Doliolum
3. Brancnhiostoma
4. Petromyzon

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Full Syllabus Test # 1 (Final Dash)
Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

76. Compressed natural gas (CNG) is a fuel gas 82. If the population pyramid of an associated
mainly composed of: population has an extremely broad base, it is:
1. Hydrogen 1. a rapidly expanding population
2. Methane 2. a stable population
3. Ammonia 3. a population where there were more old
4. Sulphur dioxide individuals than young individuals
4. a population with more males than females
77. Study the given two statements:
Statement I: The eye of the octopus and the eye 83. Inbreeding is important in animal
of mammals are homologous. husbandry because it:
Statement II: Sweet potato and potato are an 1. increases vigour
example of homology. 2. improves the breed
1. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is 3. increases heterozygosity
correct 4. increases homozygosity
2. Statement I is correct; Statement II is correct
3. Statement I is correct; Statement II is 84. If a plasmid is to be used as a cloning vector,
incorrect the most important feature which must be
4. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is present in it is:
incorrect 1. Origin of replication (Ori)
2. Presence of a selectable marker
78. Which of the following sexually transmitted 3. Presence of sites for restriction endonuclease
infections is caused by a bacterium? 4. Being linear rather than circular
1. Trypanosomiasis
2. Syphilis 85. Essential for the maintenance of the
3. Genital warts endometrium, what hormone is secreted in
4. Trichomoniasis large amounts by the corpus luteum in a non-
pregnant female?
79. The functions of hormones of Fight or Flight 1. hCG
do not include: 2. Progesterone
1. pupillary dilation 3. Estrogen
2. piloerection 4. LH
3. increase in the strength of heart contraction

Biology II - Section B
4. storage of glucose into glycogen resulting in a
decreased concentration of glucose in the blood
86. Consider the two statements:
80. Intrinsic factor, a factor essential for the Assertion: Removal of a keystone species from a
absorption of vitamin B12, is secreted by: community affects community structure
1. Parietal cells of gastric mucosa significantly.
2. Goblet cells Reason: Keystone species are always the apex
3. Paneth cells in the small intestine predators in an ecosystem.
4. Brunner’s gland in the duodenum 1. Both Assertion and Reason are true and
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
81. Erythroblastosis foetalis can be avoided by 2. Both Assertion and Reason are true but
administering anti-Rh antibodies to the: Reason is not the correct explanation of
1. mother between 20 weeks and 24 weeks of Assertion.
pregnancy 3. Assertion is true but Reason is false.
2. mother early in pregnancy 4. Both Assertion and Reason are false.
3. mother immediately after the delivery of the
4. newborn immediately after the delivery

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Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

87. The mode of inheritance of the trait [shown 91. The cell shown in the given figure is at:
by solid symbols] in the given pedigree is most

1. Early Prophase
2. Transition to Metaphase
3. Anaphase
4. Telophase
1. Autosomal recessive
2. Autosomal dominant 92. The T-cells:
3. Sex linked recessive I: themselves do not secrete antibodies
4. Sex linked dominant II: help B cells to produce antibodies
1. Only I is correct
88. Identify the correct statement: 2. Only II is correct
1. Evolution by natural selection works best on 3. Both I and II are correct
a population having no variation. 4. Both I and II are incorrect
2. Mutation is a relatively unimportant source
of variation and is not the foundation for 93. Consider the two statements:
evolution. Assertion: When Griffith injected a mixture of
3. The effects of genetic drift are most apparent heat-killed S and live R bacteria, the mice died.
in small populations. Reason: Mice infected with the S strain
4. Inbreeding increases the proportion of (virulent) die from pneumonia infection but
heterozygous individuals in a population. mice infected with the R strain do not develop
89. Consider the two statements: 1. Both Assertion and Reason are true and
Statement I: Irrigation without proper drainage Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
of water leads to water-logging in the soil. 2. Both Assertion and Reason are true but
Statement II: Besides affecting the crops, water- Reason is not the correct explanation of
logging draws salt to the surface of the soil. Assertion.
1. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is 3. Assertion is true but Reason is false.
correct 4. Both Assertion and Reason are false.
2. Statement I is correct; Statement II is correct
3. Statement I is correct; Statement II is
4. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is

90. ELISA stands for:

1. Easily Located Immuno Specific Antigen
2. Early Live Inactive Surface Antigen
3. Energy Loaded Intermediate Site on
4. Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay

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Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

94. Consider the two statements: 97. The number of chromosomes in the male
Assertion: A continuous culturing method and female is/are not equal in:
produces a larger biomass leading to higher I: Humans
yields of the desired protein. II: Honeybees
Reason: In a continuous culture system the III: Grasshoppers
used medium is drained out from one side IV: Drosophila
while the fresh medium is added from the 1. Only II
other to maintain the cells in their 2. Only I and IV
physiologically most active log/exponential 3. Only II and III
phase. 4. I, II, III and IV
1. Both Assertion and Reason are true and
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion. 98. For a female becoming haemophilic:
2. Both Assertion and Reason are true but I: mother of such a female has to be at least a
Reason is not the correct explanation of carrier.
Assertion. II: father of such a female has to be at least a
3. Assertion is true but Reason is false. carrier.
4. Both Assertion and Reason are false. 1. Only I is correct
2. Only II is correct
95. Consider the two statements: 3. Both I and II are correct
Assertion: As the filtrate passes upward in the 4. Both I and II are incorrect
ascending limb of the Loop of Henle, it gets
diluted. 99. Consider the two statements:
Reason: The ascending limb is impermeable to Assertion: The Golgi apparatus, also known as
water but allows the transport of electrolytes the Golgi body, is like a post office.
actively or passively. Reason: The Golgi apparatus is an important
1. Both Assertion and Reason are true and site for the formation of glycoproteins and
Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion. glycolipids.
2. Both Assertion and Reason are true but 1. Both Assertion and Reason are true and
Reason is not the correct explanation of Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
Assertion. 2. Both Assertion and Reason are true but
3. Assertion is true but Reason is false. Reason is not the correct explanation of
4. Both Assertion and Reason are false. Assertion.
3. Assertion is true but Reason is false.
96. Consider the two statements regarding the 4. Both Assertion and Reason are false.
human internal ear:
Statement I: The malleus is attached to the 100. Consider the two statements:
tympanic membrane and the stapes is attached Assertion: As long as the mother breast-feeds
to the oval window of the cochlea. the child fully, chances of conception are almost
Statement II: At the base of the cochlea, the nil upto six months following parturition.
scala vestibuli ends at the round window, while Reason: Although ovulation occurs, the
the scala tympani terminates at the oval endometrium does not undergo any change
window which opens to the middle ear. during the period of intense lactation following
1. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is parturition.
correct 1. Both Assertion and Reason are true and
2. Statement I is correct; Statement II is correct Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
3. Statement I is correct; Statement II is 2. Both Assertion and Reason are true but
incorrect Reason is not the correct explanation of
4. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is Assertion.
incorrect 3. Assertion is true but Reason is false.
4. Both Assertion and Reason are false.

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Full Syllabus Test # 1 (Final Dash)
Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718

Fill OMR Sheet*

*If above link doesn't work, please go to test link
from where you got the pdf and fill OMR from


days of ANY
NEETprep course

Page: 12

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