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Sri Chaitanya Educational Institutions, India: NEET Grand Test

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Sr. ELITE BATCH (BOTANY) NEET Grand Test Date : 00.00.



NTA_43 Date : 00.00.20
BOTANY NEET Grand Test Max.Marks : 180

1. Which light is absorbed more by 2) Provide plants with a lot of auxin

carotenoids ? 3) Both (a) and (b)
1) Yellow and green region 4) None of these
2) Blue – green and violet region 7. Glycogen is a homopolymer made up
3) Yellow and orange – red region of
4) Yellow and blue – green region 1) Glucose units 2) Galactose unit
2. Where is the water – splitting 3) Ribose units 4) Amino units
complex associated with PS – II 8. Match the items in the column – I
situated ? with those in the column – II.
1) Inner side of chloroplast outer Column – I Column – II
membrane A. Ca 1. Chlorosis
2) Inner side of thylakoid membrane B. Mo 2. Delayed flowering
3) Outer side of thylakoid membrane C. Fe 3. Necrosis
4) Inner side of chloroplast outer D. Cl 4. Photolysis of water
membrane 1) A – 3, B – 2, C – 1, D – 4
3. At how many places in krebs cycle, 2) A – 2, B – 3, C – 4, D – 1
FADH2 is/are formed ? 3) A – 3, B – 2, C – 4, D – 1
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 4) A – 1, B – 4, C – 3, D – 2
4. Which of the following is the correct 9. Minerals are absorbed by the roots
sequence of glycolysis ? from the soil in the form of
1) G 6  P  PEP  3  PGAL  3  PGA 1) Very dilute solution
2) G 6  P  3  PGAL  3  PGA  PEP 2) Very concentrated solution
3) G 6  P  PEP  3  PGA  3  PGAL 3) ions
4) G 6  P  3  PGA  3  PGAL  PEP 4) molecules
5. The growth of the given system per 10. Beijernick concluded that the cause of
unit time which is expressed on a tobacco mosaic disease was not a
common basis or per unit initial filtrate toxin because
parameter is know as 1) The infectious agent could not be
1) Absolute growth rate cultivated on nutrient media
2) Relative growth rate 2) the infectious agent could be
3) Both (a) and (b) crystallized
4) Exponential growth rate 3) the infectious agent reproduced
6. The process that removes apical and could be passed on from a plant
dominance is ? infected with filtered sap
1) Removal of shoot tips

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Sr. ELITE BATCH (BOTANY) NEET Grand Test Date : 00.00.20
4) the sap was infectious even though 17. Significance of double fertilization is
it was filtered to remove bacterias. to
11. Rust and smut disease of fungi are 1) gives rise to an endosperm that
caused by fungi belonging to provides nourishment to the
1) developing embryo
Rust Smut 2) increases the viability of the seeds.
Puccinia Ustilago
3) use both the male gametes
4) all of these
Smut Rust
Basidiomycetes 18. Even in absence of pollinating agents,
Puccinia Ustilago
3) seed – setting is assured in :
Rust Smut 1) Zostera 2)Salvia
Puccinia Ustilago 3) Fig 4) Commelina
4) 19. Crossing over occurs between ___
Smut Rust chromatid of ___chromosome.
Puccinia Ustilago 1) Sister, homologous
12. The main difference in Gram +ve and 2) Non – sister, homologous
Gram –ve bacteria resides in their 3) Non – sister, non homologous
1) Differential staining of cell wall 4) Sister, homologous
2) Special staining of cell wall 20. How many statements are not
3) Simple staining of cell wall incorrect ?
4) Positive staining of cell wall 1) Schleiden gave the cell hypothesis
13. Cryptogams do not have 2) Golgi bodies are extensive and
1) Xylem vessels and sieve tubes continuous with the outer membrane
2) Tracheids and sieve tubes of the nucleus
3) Vessels, sieve tubes and companion 3) Endomembranous system contains
cells vacuoles
4) Tracheids and companion cells 4) Peroxisomes coordinate with Golgi
14. Juvenile state of moss is bodies
1) Protonema 2) capsule 1) Three 2) One 3) Two 4) Four
3) Prothallus 4) all 21. The biosynthelic phase of
15. All given factors promotes absorption photosynthesis is
of water by roots excepts 1) directly dependent on the presence
1) Well – aerated soil of light.
2) highly concentrated soil solution 2) directly dependent on the products
3) optimum soil temperature of the light reaction
4) available soil water 3) only dependent o CO2 and water
16. The female gametophyte of a typical 4) not dependent on ATP and
dicot at the time of fertilization is NADPH.
1) 8 – celled 2) 7 – celled
3) 6 – celled 4) 4 – celled

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Sr. ELITE BATCH (BOTANY) NEET Grand Test Date : 00.00.20
22. How many of the following cell of proteins that are collectively
organelles are bound by a single referred to as
membrane ? 1) Non – histone chromosomal
Mitochondria, Lysosome, Peroxisome, proteins
Golgi body, Nucleus, Nucleolus, ER, 2) Small nuclear
Spherosome, Ribosomes ribonucleoprotein(SnRNP)
1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) 7 3) Nucleoplasmin protein
23. Which of the following two features 4) Ribophorin protein
are present in meiosis but absent in 27. Which of the following is a family of
mitosis ? monocots ?
1) Pairing of non – homologous 1) Leguminoseae 2) Solanaceae
chromosome 3) Liliaceae 4) Brassicaceae
2) Pairing of homologous 28. Select the correct statement from the
chromosome and recombination following
between them A.Fleshy cylindrical stem in
3) Replication of chromosome Euphorbia carries out photosynthesis
4) All of these B. Pistia and Eichhornia are examples
24. Which of the following arrangements of offset
of xylem is found in the stem of C. Underground stem of grass and
plants ? strawberry spread to new niche and
1) Endarch 2) Exarch when older part die new plants are
3) Mesarch 4) Polyarch formed
25. Which one of the following D. Thorns are woody, straight and
statements pertaining to plants pointed
structure is correct ? 1) A and B only 2) B and D only
1) The sclerenchyma comprises of 3) B and C only 4) All of these
isodiametric cells and forms the 29. Which of these organisms show
major component with organs budding ?
2) Xylem parenchyma cells are dead 1) Yeast 2) Hydra 3) Spongilla
and this – walled with a cell wall 4) All of these
made of pectin 30. In china rose, the flowers are
3) Tracheids are elongated or tube – 1) Actinomorphic, hypogynous with
like cells with thick and lignified twisted aestivation
walls and no protoplasm 2) Actinomorphic, epigynous with
4) Parenchymatous cells provide valvate aestivation
mechanical support to the internal 3) Zygomorphic, hypogynous with
organs imbricate aestivation
26. The packaging of chromatin at a 4) Zygomorphic, egigynous with
higher level requires an additional set twisted aestivation

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Sr. ELITE BATCH (BOTANY) NEET Grand Test Date : 00.00.20
31. Match the following and choose the correct 1) pBR322 2) BamHll
option. 3) Sall 4) EcoRll
Group – A Group - B 36. Select the incorrect statements
A) Aleurone layer i) Without
1) Insertional inactivation technique
B) Parthenocarpic fruit ii) Nutrition helps in identification of the
C) Ovule iii) Double recombinant transformants with non
– transformants by forming colourless
D) Endosperm iv) Seed
1) A – ii, B – iv, C – iii, D – i colonies
2) A – ii, B – I, C – iv, D – iii 2) Insertional inactivation of  -
3) A – I, B – ii, C- iv, D – iii galactosides leads to the formation of
4) A – ii, B – iv, C – I, D – iii colourless colonies
32. AGGTATCGCAT is sequence form 3) Insertional inactivation of  -
the coding strand of a gene. What will galactosidase leads to the formation
be the corresponding sequence of the of blue color colonies
transcribed mRNA ? 4) In insertional inactivation, the
1) AGGUAUCGCAU rDNA is inserted within the coding
2) ACCUAUGCGAU sequence of an enzyme  -
3) UGGTUTCGCAT galactosidases.
4) UCCAUAGCGUA 37. Find the correct statement regarding
33. Which is the criterion for DNA DNA.
fragments movement on agarose gel 1) Form a double helical structure
during gel electrophoresis ? made up to two polypeptide chain
1) The smaller the fragment size, the 2) It is an acidic substance present in
farther it moves nucleus was first identified by F.
2) Positively charged gragments move Meischer in 1869.
to farther end 3) Phosphate group is linked to 5’OH
3) Negatively charged fragments do of the nucleoside by glycosidic
not move linkage
4) The larger the fragment size, the 4) All four deoxyibonucleotides are
farther it moves always equally present in both the
34. Stirred – tank bioreactors have been strands
designed for 38. If a completely radioactive double –
1) addition of preservatives to the stranded DNA molecule undergoes
product two rounds of replication in a non –
2) availability of oxygen throughout radioactive medium, what will be the
the process radioactive status of the four resulting
3) ensuring anaerobic conditions in molecules ?
the culture vessel 1) All four still contain radioactivity
4) Purification of product 2) Three out four contain radioactivity
35. Which of the following is a plasmid ?
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Sr. ELITE BATCH (BOTANY) NEET Grand Test Date : 00.00.20
3) Radioactivity is lost from all four 4) inactivated sludge
4) Half the number contain no 42. An explant is
radioactivity 1) dead plant
39. The recent record of ____ years old 2) Part of the plant that is not
viable seed in of the date palm, totipotent.
dactylifera, discovered during 3) part of the plant used in tissue
archaeological excavation at king culture
Herod’s palace near the dead sea. 4) part of the plant that expresses a
1) 1000 2) 2000 3) 3000 4) 500 specific gene
40. Which one of the following is an 43. 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 ratio of progenies can be
incorrect matching of a microbe and obtained if the plants employed for
its industrial product ? crossing are
1) Monascus purpureus – statins A) TTRR  ttRR B) TtRr  ttrr
2) Acetobacter aceti – Acetic acid C) TtRR  ttrr D) Ttrr  ttRr
3) Clostridium butylicum – Lactic acid 1) A, C and D 2) A, B, C and D
4) Aspergillus niger – Citric acid 3) B and D 4) A and B
41. Once BOD from the sewage is
reduced significantly, the ‘flocs’ are
allowed to sediment and it is known
1) primary sludge
2) secondary sludge
3) activated sludge

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