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Rice Milling
 refers to the process of removing husk from the
paddy and the bran pericarp,testa and aleuron
layer from the kernel.

Rice Mill
 machine used to remove the hull and bran of the
palay to produce milled rice and consists mainly of
hulling and whitening assembly
Paddy or rough rice is called Palay
(Oryza Sativa L.) in the Philippines. It
is the greatest source of energy
food for the Asian people.

Pinawa or Brown Rice – this is the

outcome when husk is separated
from the paddy. This is sometimes
called cargo rice or Pinawa in the
Philippines. It is composed of bran,
endosperm and the embryo.
Percentage Composition

Figure 1. Major Parts of Paddy Grain


 The rice husk(hull) is the hard, protective shell on the grain.

For every one million tonnes of paddy rice harvested, about
200 000 tonnes of rice husk is produced.

Rice husks are used in 3 main ways.

- Raw ~ animal bedding, growing seedlings, improving
mulch for gardens and as fuel.
- Burnt ~ the resulting ash is valuable for many
industries, including steel making, gardening and building.
- Ground and processed ~ stock feed, potting mixes and
pet litter.

 This part is the aleurone Table 1. Milling Degree based on the

layer, the main constituent bran removed from the brown
removed in the whitening rice

stage during milling. It has a Milling Percentage

very low starch content but Degree of Bran
has a high percentage of removed
oil, protein, vitamins and Under Milled 3- 4%
minerals. Because of its
high oil content, the bran is Regular Milled 5-6%
easily affected by oxidation Well Milled 7-8%
when the oxygen in the air
comes in contact with oil. Over Milled more than 8%

 Located at central bottom portion of the grain, where the grain

has been attached to the panicle of the rice plant
 Living organism in the grain which develops into a new plant.
 Respires by taking in oxygen in the air, consumes food which
comes from the starch in the grain itself while simultaneously
releasing moisture and heat.

This explains why grains during storage have the tendency

to decrease in weight as a result of the loss in moisture and dry
matter content in the endosperm.

 consists of starch with only a small concentration of

protein and hardly any minerals, vitamins or oil. With
high percentage of carbohydrates thus energy value
is high.

Machine that is used to convert paddy into milled

 The objective of a rice milling system is to remove
the husk and the bran layers from paddy rice to
produce whole white rice kernels that are sufficiently
milled, free of impurities and contain a minimum
number of broken kernels.

 The milling yield and quality of rice is dependent on

the quality of the paddy, the milling equipment used
and the skill of the mill operator.
Ancient Modern
- Stone disc huller
-Screw Huller -kiskisan(steel roller)
- Claywood Huller - Cono(under-runner
-Rubber Bond disc)
- Rubber Roll
- Impact
- Sonic
-X-M process type
-mortar and pestle - Combination:
rubber roll- Cono
-Rubber Wood rubber roll-
Roller Kiskisan
-Oxen walking rubber roll- Impact
over the grains cono- kiskisan
-Differential lock-
The kiskisan type rice mill is
Type Rice Mill:
one of the more popular and
most patronized milling in the
rural areas. Composed mainly
of a metal cylinder with
rectangular protrusions
running along its whole length
and a hollow cylinder casing,
the Kiskisan works on the
principle of friction in dehulling
the paddy and is often regarded
as a low recovery machine
(varying from 53-55%).
Diagram of Kiskisan Rice
• Kiskisan type ricemill
Rubber Roll Type Rice mill
• -consists of two rubber rolls rotating in opposite directions.
• -friction type machines.
• -different peripheral speeds and a clearance between them is
always smaller than the width of paddy being fed, at least
75%. - speed of one roller is 25% faster than the other one.
Hulling is accomplished mainly by stripping action. Paddy is
fed between the two rolls caught under pressure by the
• -the rubber roll which is flexible reduces greatly the amount
of broken grains and fissures. The difference in the relative
speed of the rolls is what actually is responsible for the
stripping action.
• -cost is a little bit higher but the high capacity and efficiency
compensate for the amount to be invested in the machine.
Rubber Roller Huller
(Multi-Pass Processing)

10” x 10” Rubber Roller Multi-pass Rice Mill Machines(Japan/China/Korea)

Rubber Roller Rice Mill
(Single Pass Type)
AncientMilling( Mortar and Pestle)
Hand pounding of paddy in a mortar with a pestle is the traditional milling
process in remote villages. Pounding the paddy induces upward and downward
forces on grain against grain that removes the husk and bran layers. The pounding
also breaks up fissured grain. The final cleaning is by winnowing in a woven
bamboo tray. The winnowing process to separate unmilled paddy grain is an art.
Types of Rice Mills According To
A.Dry Milling

a. Friction
a.1. Kiskisan
a.2. Cono
a.3. Rubber Roll
a.4. Hand pounding

b. Impact
b.1. Centrifugal Flush
Type Impact
Centrifugal Type rice mill :

• - one of the most advanced milling machineries

• - works on the principle of centrifugal force and impact.
• -main features is the rotating disc which serves to accelerate the
paddy being fed to the machine and a rubber ring which absorbs
the force of impact created by the high velocity grain.
• -The impact of the grain on the rubber ring breaks the hull open
• - ability to de-hull different grain size uniformly and without
damage due to breakage of fissures which is common in friction
type machines. Its
• -milling recovery ranges from 63% to 68%. It is bracketed under
high recovery machine group.

Centrifugal Huller combined with Kiskisan

 Single Capacity or Single Pass Milling Machine

 Large Capacity, Multi-pass Milling Machine

Single Capacity or single pass machine

 This is usually operated

at the village level for
custom milling.
 rice mill that employs
only one whitening
 Capacity ranged from
45 to 270 kg/hr

This is usually used for

commercial milling
rice mill that
employs a series of
two or more whitening
Capacity ranged from
2 to 4 tons per hour.

Rice milling process involves:

1. Pre-cleaning the paddy prior to milling.
2. Removing the husk or outer layer from the
3. Polishing or whiting the brown rice to remove
the bran layer.
4. Separating the broken grains from the whole
5. Bagging the milled rice.
6. Managing the by-products.
Modern rice milling processes basically
consist of:
Stage Function
Pre-cleaning ------------- removing
all impurities and unfilled grains from the

Husking -------------- removing the husk from the paddy

Husk aspiration -------------- separating
the husk from the brown rice/unhusked

Paddy separation -------------- separating the paddy from the brown rice
De-stoning ------------- separating small stones from the brown rice
Whitening ------------- removing all or part of the bran layer and germ from
the brown rice
Polishing ------------- improving the appearance of milled rice by removing
remaining bran particles and by polishing the exterior
of the milled kernel

Sifting -------------- separating

small impurities or chips from the milled

Grading ------------- separating small and large brokens from the head rice
Weighing and bagging -------- preparing milled rice for transport to the customer

 When paddy comes into the mill it contains foreign

material such as straw, weed seeds, soil and other inert
material. If this is not removed prior to hulling the
efficiency of the huller and the milling recovery are

Types of Pre-cleaning

• Oscillating Sieve Type

• Aspiration and Oscillating Type
• Rotary Cleaning Type
• De- stoner with Aspiration Type
Pre-cleaning flow diagram:

Paddy intake

Straws/other big

Aspirator(suction Light
blower) ure grain, others)

Sifter(screen Small impurities(weed


Clean Paddy
Paddy Cleaner

 „ Cleaner is used to separate

undesirable foreign materials from the
paddy prior to rice milling.
 „ Scalping is the first and most
important cleaning operation. It is the
removal of larger particles such as rice
straws, chaffs, etc.
 „ Foreign material during the
cleaning process is separated from
paddy by using vibrating or rotating
2. Removing the Husk

 The husk layer is removed from the paddy by friction and

the process is called either de-husking or dehulling.

 Types of Husking machines

1. Steel Huller - The steel huller removes the husks and

whitens the rice in one pass. Paddy rice is fed into the
machine and passes between a revolving steel shaft and a
cylindrical shaped mesh screen. These machines are
normally powered by a 15 to 20 hp engine and are very
simple to operate.

• Very compact.
• Easy to operate.
• Low cost and easy to maintain.
• Can mill small amount of paddy for individual farmers.
• Low cost of milling (handling and conveying equipment is minimal).


• Low milling efficiency.

• Produces high amount of cracked and broken rice.
• By-products - husk, bran and very small broken are often mixed
2. Under-Runner Disc Sheller – It consist of two
horizontal iron disc partly coated with abrasive layer. The
top disc is fixed to the housing while the bottom disc
rotates. Paddy is fed at the center and it moves outward
by centrifugal force which cause the grain to dehusked
due to friction.
• Capacity is higher than steel huller type.
• Cracked and broken grain is less than steel huller type.
• More power efficient than steel huller type.
• Easy to operate.
• Low operation cost.
• Machine is very durable.
• It is nearly comparable to rubber rolls huller

• Machine is very heavy and requires a moderate size

operating space
• This process scratches the rice kernels.
• As the abrasive stone wears, sand and silicon dislodges and
mixes with rice and bran
• Rice recovery less than the rubber rolls huller
• Huller efficiency in this machine is 85-90%
3. The rubber roller huller is the
most efficient hulling machine.
As the name suggests two rubber
rollers of the same diameter are
operated at different speeds to
remove the husk from the paddy.
The roll diameter varies from 150
to 250 mm and the roller width
from 60 to 250 mm.
• Reduce breakage of milled kernels.
• High hulling efficiency.
• By-products are free from sand and silicon.
• Bran also in higher quantities compared to disc
• Very compact in comparison to disc huller.
• Less vibration.

• Cost to purchase.
• Cost of rubber rollers.
3. Paddy Separation

 The output from the huller is a

mixture of paddy rice, brown rice,
husk, broken paddy, and sometimes
bran. The huller aspirator removes
the lighter material such as husk,
bran and very small brokens. The
remainder passes onto the paddy
separator where the unhulled
paddy rice is separated from the
brown rice.
Paddy Separator

 „ Compartment Type Paddy Separator –

this is made of steel or wood consisting of
number of compartments in one or more
decks. The number of compartment
determine the capacity. Each compartment
has a capacity of 40 kg brown rice per hour
for long grains and 60 kg/hr for short
 „ Tray-Type Paddy Separator - It consists
of several indented trays mounted one
above the other about 5 cm apart all
attached to an oscillating frame. The trays
moves up and forward causing the brown
rice and paddy to be separated.
4. Polishing/Brand Removal or Whitener

 White rice is produced from

brown rice by removing the
bran layer and the germ. The
bran layer is removed from
the kernel by applying
friction to the grain surface
either by rubbing the grains
against an abrasive surface or
against each other.
Polishing/Brand Removal or Whitener

 Vertical Abrasive whitener – De-husked

paddy enters the top center and moves
outward by centrifugal force to the edge
of metal cone. The cone has abrasive
surface and turn inside a cylinder the
covered with screen Clearance between
the cone is adjusted at 10 mm by raising
and lowering the cone. Vertical breaks
are placed at an interval around the
Polishing/Brand Removal or Whitener

 Horizontal Abrasive Whitener - This is

more compact than the vertical
abrasive whitener. The machine
consists of an abrasive roll operating in
a cylindrical metal perforated screen
mounted horizontally. Brown rice enter
at one end and discharges at the other
end. Bran removal is accomplished
similar to the vertical abrasive whitener.
Polishing/Brand Removal or Whitener

 Rice Polisher - This is called pearler

or refiner. It is used after whitener
to produce a glossy or highly
polished rice. Vertical or horizontal
polishers are provided with leather
strips and screens in which under
slight pressure cause the rice
surface smooth and glossy. This
machine produces few broken
grains and its power consumption is
30 to 40% less than the whiteners.
5. Grader/Separation of White Rice

 After polishing, the white rice is separated

into head rice and, large and small broken
rice by a sifter. The sifter is made up of a
series of oscillating screens through which
the rice passes.
 It is the process of separating different size of
broken rice, bran, and dust.
 „Bran and dust particles are separated by air
 „Small broken and germs are separated by
vibratory or rotary sieve.
 „Large broken grains are separated by using a
rotating indented cylinders or drum graders.
6. De-Stoner

 „This is a machine that separates stones

that is of the same size of the rice grain.
 Separation process is accomplished
with the difference in the specific
gravity and by the used of forced air.
 „It consists of perforated deck mounted
at an angle and operated by a
reciprocating motion. The blower is
used to force through the deck and
stratifies the material according to the
gravity differences which separates the
heavy stove from the lighter paddy.
7. Bagging the Milled Rice

 Rice is normally sold as 50kg sacks

which must be accurately weighed and
labeled. While most rice mills use a
manual, mechanical weighing system,
very accurate and fast electronic
systems are also available.
Management of Rice Mills
• Management of rice mills and its actual situations differ according to
the conditions of each plant location. There are, however, management
ideas to keep rice milling operation profitable. Their outline, however,
in the Philippines is as follows:
• The number and class of milled rice should be planned according to quality
and selling prices. Then, decide the quality and selling prices. Decide the
quality and price of palay and get the data on producing place, variety, grade
inspection, crop year, methods of processing and time of buying.
• The classes of rice sold in the market today are:
• a. Over milled rice
• b. Well- milled rice
• c. Regular milled rice
• d. Under-milled rice
• It is required that the product (milled rice) received/processed should
have inspection markings.
• In the production at rice mills, most strong attention is paid on milling
recovery and operation ratio. High milling recovery for each quality of milled
rice means a profitable management.
• In Japan, a goal to maintain an operation ratio of over 60% is a must. If it is
lower, management of rice mills will be fairly difficult.
• Operation ratio is the actual milled palay divided by the rated capacity per
month or per year.

• Public Nuisance Prevention -Problem on air pollution and noise are
generally less in rice mills compared to other industries. However, rice mills
must try to prevent the leakage of dust, noise, vibration and sometimes bad
smell coming from spoiled by-products and burned husks.
• Making regular trouble shooting makes management cut down
expenses on spare parts and keep the machinery its best condition. To
do this, make a simple organizational structure in-charge of the entire
mill and each men in charge of each machine composing the milling
• The chief of the mill should make an annual plan for maintenance,
budget and checklist of maintenance work. Inspections must be daily,
weekly and monthly reported. In actual cases, monthly inspections are
good for management control.


• Repair works should be done in regular intervals which lead
to most economical production operations. In actual cases,
standards of parts replacements are given by manufactures and
it is recommended to depend on this guideline to do
replacements of spare parts positively.
• Machinery, equipment and operators of the mill are the greatest asset of
management, therefore, adequate care and considerations should be
undertaken to prevent fire, accidents, and hygiene of the operators during and
between each operation.Occupational safety standards must be followed.
• Employees should be properly trained and informed of their duties and
have contentment in their work. The duties in a rice mill are often classified as
• a. Chief of the mill
• b. Feeding
• c. Milling
• d. Weighing and Packaging
• e. Collection of rice bran and by-products
• By-Products play an important role in increasing the rice mill’s revenue. A
study on the market price and storage ability of the by-products will be
the main factor in the selling of products according to the fluctuating
market demand.
• Dispose rice hull regularly.

• All the personnel in the mill should have a good grasp on the operation
and their proper utilization including its maintenance.
Things to do in the Inspection ,Checking up the machines before
& during the operation:

• Each machine shall be checked, maintained, adjusted, and

repaired before operation. In order to start operation when
any machine has not operated for a long time, thorough
check up is required.
• • Check if the facilities, machines, and dust chamber of
residual products have been cleaned up and if there are
residual grains or foreign substances.

• • Check if the power is being supplied properly. Check the
gauges at the central control room(panel board).Make
adjustment if necessary.

• Authortized and trained operator shall only
operate each machine.

• The operator shall understand the entire process

and shall be aware of how to handle the machines
based on the Operation Guide or on the
information attached to the machines when
handling the units or facilities.

• Check the rotation or operation direction of each

• Check and adjust the tension of operating devices such as the
V belts, flat belts, and chain.

• Check if the alternator and geared motor have sufficient oil. If

not, supply oil to them.

• Check if the bucket belts of elevators are transformed or tilted.

If so, correct them.

• Check the lubricating parts such as bearing and bushing of

axes. If required, pour grease.

• Dry run the machine to check if they have any error. If so, fix it.

• Check if the fixing bolts and gates of the pulleys and sprockets
are operating properly. If not, fix it.
• Attach a sign marked ‘Under Maintenance’ to the switch before
stopping the machine momentarily for repair or maintenance.

• The machines must be equipped with their safety covers

before operation. The covers shall not be installed or not be
touched during operation.

• Beware of handling fuels for the heated-air dryer when

operating it.

• Check if the gates that reach the destination are connected

properly before transporting raw materials by using a machine.
• Make appropriate plans for processing capacity and methods
to avoid difficult operation.

• Wear a safe uniform since loose clothing may cause an

accident of getting caught in the machines.

• Hazardous substances or unnecessary stuff shall not be

brought in the facility during operation. A person other than the
operator shall not be allowed to enter during the facility

• The operator must check the central monitor(Control Panel

Board). If a sound occurs from the machine, he or she shall stop
the operation and find out the causes. Then, the operator shall
repair and restart the machine.
• If the lamps turns off, do not press the On/Off switches
instead check if the machine is operating and find out the
causes. Then, operate the machine.

• If the machine shakes or a minor abnormal sounds occurs

during operation, record the observations and continue
operating the machine.

• Obtain help from a professional engineers for any error from

electronic devices such as PCs and measuring instrument except
for the parts of which the Operation Guide allows operation.

• Place fire extinguishers near the central control room and

heated-air dryer where a fire may break out.


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