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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 3 Issue: 2 113– 119

An Overview of Human Operated Rice Dehusking Machine

Siddhesh J. Yerpude. Dr. Sharad S. Chaudhari M. Sohail Pervez

Department of Mechanical Engineering. Department of Mechanical Engineering. Department of Mechanical Engineering.
YeshwantraoChavan College of YeshwantraoChavan College of AnjumanCollege of Engineering and
Engineering. Engineering. Technology.
Nagpur, MH, India. Nagpur, MH, India. Nagpur, MH, India.

Abstract- This paper discuss the innovations that took place in dehusking machines from the earliest times to the present and its future scope.
The advantages and limitations of all mechanisms and their analysis are discussed in detail. This paper also comprises detail information
aboutthe process carried out during rice dehusking and how the paddy or raw rice has to pass through different processes so as to obtain white
polish rice.

Keywords: Dehusking, husk, bran, manual operated rice mill, dal mill.


I. INTRODUCTION rice is the individual rice kernels that are in their natural,
unprocessed state. Sometimes referred to as rough rice, it is
Rice is one of the most important grain in India. It is the harvested directly from rice fields or paddies and transported
staple food of the people in the eastern and southern parts of to a processing site.
the country. India is one of the world’s largest producer of
white and brown rice and produces 20% of the world rice The last step is Milling or Dehusking i.e. removing of outer
production. As rice is the basic food crop and being a tropical covering (called husk) from the grains.Rice hulls (or rice
plant, it flourishes comfortably in hot and humid climate. It is husks) are the hard protecting coverings of grains on rice. In
mainly grown in rain fed areas that receive heavy annual addition to protecting rice during the growing season, rice
rainfall and thus it is fundamentally a Kharif crop in India(see hulls can be put to use as building material, fertilizer,
Fig.1). It demands temperature of around 25 0 Celsius and insulation material, or fuel.After removing the husk from
above and rainfall of more than 100 cm. Rice is used in grains the rice that is obtain is a brown rice. This outer brown
manufacturing of alcohol, starch, glucose, acetic acid, vinegar, covering is called as Bran. The bran is then removed by
acetone, oil and pharmaceutical products and diet foods. polishing the grains and thus resulting in a white colour rice
A.Rice Dehusking Process

Rice dehusking isa process of removing the husk and bran

from the paddy rice and producing head white rice grains that
are sufficiently milled, free from impurities and contains
minimum number of broken grains.

First process is ofHarvesting. It is a process of cutting and

gathering of ripened rice crops. The rice crops are generally
cut with the help of sickles and are then stacked at one place
so as to allow them to dry in the sun for some days.

The next step is separating the grains from the stock

(culm). This process is called as Threshing. Threshing is done
Figure 1.Major cropping areas in India. Rice shaded in light jade green
by beating the crop with the sticks so as to separate the grains indicates the most important and extensive growing areas in the east of the
from their stock or the straw. In big fields, it is done with the country [12].
help of threshers. These grains are called as Paddy rice. Paddy
II.CASE STUDY development of dehusking machine. ABC rice mill has
been promoted by the family of Mr. XYZ in the year
This part provides case study information that will be 2007-2008 and is engaged in the activity of rice milling.
referred to as ABC rice mill and DEF dal mill. In order to Fig. 2 shows the Rice mill of Mr. XYZ.DEF dal mill has
understand the process of rice and dal dehusking; ABC been promoted by the family of Mr. UVW in the year
rice mill and DEF dal mill was visited. This case study is 1987 and is engaged in the activity of dal milling.
a part of a larger study that focused on design and

IJRITCC | February 2015, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 2 018– 021
A. Process carried out: other sieve. This sieve will separate the finer impurities
like fine sand particles, dirt, soil, small stones, and other
Fig.3 shows the block diagram ofthe processes carried out materials which are undersize than paddy. Likewise paddy
during rice dehusking. will pass through other sieves and these sieves will
1) The process starts by pouring the paddy rice into the separate the unwanted materials and impurities and allow
pit. only clean paddy to move further.

2) The paddy is carried to various machines via 4) The clean paddy from this machine is carried by an
Conveyors or Elevators. elevator to the husker.

3) The paddy rice is carried from pit to a Cleaner machine 5) Husker is an automatic machine used for removing the
also called as Rice De-stoner machine via elevator. This husk from the rice grain. These machinesconsist oftwo
machine has 5 graders (or more as per the requirement) rubber rollers which run in opposite directions with
that completely removes dirt, soil, stones, weed seeds, special cooling system to increase the rubber rollers
fragments of rice stalk, dust, husks, weevilled webs, and life.Rubber rollers are used to reduce the amount of
dead insects and other such impurities. This machine is breakage of the grains and increasing the yield of the best
provided with a separate aspiration machine for removing quality head rice, but the rubberrollers tend to require
the dust and very light impurities from paddy. The paddy frequent replacement, which can be a significant
is allowed onto the sieve where the oversize materials are drawback.
separated and the paddy automatically flows onto the

Figure 2.Rice Mill of Mr. XYZ, Lakhani, Nagpur.

Figure 3.Block Diagram of Rice Dehusking.

Paddy enters the machine through a hopper. Sensors are fitted pressure on the paddy grains due to which friction occurs
at a particular level. As soon as the paddy flows through the between paddy grains and rollers and due to this friction the
hopper and reaches the level of sensors, the sensor activates husk is separated from the rice grains as shown in fig 4.A
the feed shutter and the paddy flows through the shutter in blower is attached at the bottom of the husking machine which
between the two rollers. The rollers apply certain amount of helps to separate the husk from rice by blowing off the lighter
IJRITCC | February 2015, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 2 018– 021
husk and passing only the heavier rice grains to separator via
conveyor. Rice thus obtained in this process is called as brown
rice. The efficiency of the machine is between 80-90% and
hence thebrown rice along with unwanted material is send to
separator machine for separating the brown rice from
unwanted material.

Brown rice is unrefined version of white rice. According to

a study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, brown rice is the top choice in terms of both
nutritional and other inherent healthy benefits. It is better than
white rice. Brown rice, unlike white rice, has the side husk and
bran, requires lesser cooking time and is easier to digest as it is
Figure 5.Principle of separating pure paddy rice, brown rice and mixture of
much “lighter” in the stomach. The side husk and bran provide brown rice and paddy in Separator machine-1.
“natural wholeness” to the grain and are rich in proteins,
thiamine, calcium, magnesium, fibre, and potassium. For those The machine is provided with three outlets. From first outlet
trying to lose weight or those suffering from diabetes, brown the pure paddy rice is send to husker machine for removing the
rice can prove a healthful staple given its low glycemic rating husk. From second outlet the mixture of brown rice and paddy
which helps reduce insulin spikes. The conversion of brown (i.e. the grain with only a part of husk being removed) is send
rice into white rice by complete milling and polishing destroys to husker machine for dehusking process. From third outlet the
67% of the vitamin B3, 80% of the vitamin B1, 90% of the brown rice is send to polishing machine via elevators. The
vitamin B6, half of the manganese, half of the phosphorus, machine is also provided with an aspirator that blows off the
60% of the iron, and all of the dietary fibre and essential fatty husk.
7)Polishing machine is a versatile machine which is used for
6)The brown rice grains from husker machine reaches the giving better degree and quality of whiteness and gives better
Separator machine-1. This machine separates the brown rice yield of head rice and also reduces the amount of broken rice.
from the mixture of brown rice and paddy. This machine The polishing is achieved due to friction developed between
works on the principle of gravity and thus separates the the emery grains/stone and brown rice. Natural Emery is a
mixture into three parts (see fig. 5). very hard rock type used to make abrasive powder and is
 Pure Paddy Rice. mostly made of Corundum. Emery grains along with
 Brown Rice. magnesium oxide and magnesium chloride are applied to the
 Mixture ofbrownrice and paddy. Rice Sheller cone, in rice mills for polishing rice with
minimum broken grains and faster output. The special rice
polishing grade emery grains form a superior oxy-chloride
bond and as a result the stone lasts longer. Water is sprinkled
over the rice grains and then friction is applied via emery
stones. This removes the bran from the rice grains and gives
more shining and whiteness to the rice grains. The bran is then
blown off by the aspirator.

Rice bran is a by-product of the conversion of brown rice to

white rice. Bran is the hard outer layers of rice grain and is
particularly rich in dietary fibre and essentialfatty acids and
contains significant quantities of starch, protein, vitamins,
Figure 4.Diagram showing the process of removing husk from rice grains.
dietary minerals and phytic acid, which is an anti-nutrient that
prevents nutrient absorption. The bran has high oil content
which makes it subject to rancidification which is also one of
the reasons that it is often separated from the grain before
storage or further processing. The bran itself can be heat-
treated to increase its longevity.

8) The polished rice grains are send to Separator machine-2

through an elevator. This separator has an oscillatingsieve that
separates the broken and head rice grains based on their size
and length(small and big rice grains). The rice enters the
machine through hopper and then flows over the sieve. The

IJRITCC | February 2015, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 2 018– 021
sieve has different size holes that separate the broken and head 6) The output of the mill is 10-20 quintal/hr.
rice grains. 7) 6-10workers [4-8 helpers and 2 drivers] are required.
8) The cost of rubber rollers is Rs. 5000/pair.
9) The head rice grains from this separator are send to storage 9) Life of rubber rollers is 1500-2000 gunny bags.
tank through conveyor for storage.

10) These grains are then packed in the gunny bags and are C. Dal Dehusking Process:
send to storage section. Dal has an exceptional nutritional profile. It provides an
B.Thus, from the Case Study, following facts were obtained: excellent source of protein, particularly for those adopting
vegetarian diets or diets which do not contain much meat. It is
1) The purchasing price of Paddy ranges from Rs. 1300- typically around 25% protein by weight, giving it comparable
2600/quintal (as per the size and demand). protein content to meats. It is also high in carbohydrates whilst
2) The selling price of finished rice is Rs. 4000- being virtually fat-free. It is also rich in the B vitamins
4500/quintal (varies from place to place and country thiamine and folic acid, as well as several minerals, notably
to country). iron and zinc.Dal preparations can be eaten with rice, as well
3) The selling price of husk is Rs. 1500-2000/ton. as Indian breads in North India. In India, it is eaten with rice
4) 5000 units/month (approximately) electricity is and with a wheat flatbread called roti. The manner in which it
required. is cooked and presented varies by region. In South India, dal is
5) The cost of entire setup ranges from Rs. 20-40 lacs primarily used to make the dish called Sambar.
(varies from industry to industry).

Figure6.Block Diagram of Dal Dehusking.

Fig.6 shows the block diagram ofthe processes carried out during dal dehusking.

1) Raw dal / Chilka (Skin) dal / Paddy is first poured into the of the machine. Due to friction the chilka is loosened. Then the
pit. dal is send to another Gota Machine 2.

2) It is then carried to the Round Chalna via Elevator / 5)In Gota Machine 2 the same process is repeated. Then it is
Conveyor. send to separator machine.

3)This Round Chlana has 4 outlets (or more as per the 6)In Separator machine, there are 2 sieves that separate the
requirement), first outlet is used to remove excess dal round / desired dal and broken, crushed, powdered dal. The
(sometimes more amount of dal is carried to the machine so desired dal is then send to screw conveyor.
before going to the next machine excess dal is removed),
second outlet is used to remove dirt and other impurities, third 7)The screw conveyor is filled with the dal and then it is filled
outlet removes Mulan and fourth outlet removes big stones. with Linseed oil. The level of oil should be such that the dal is
The clean dal from this machine is carried by a conveyor to the completely immersed into it. The dal is left there for 12 hours
Gota Machine 1. and after 12 hours the dal is taken out and is kept in sun for
drying. The entire process from step 1 to 7 is repeated thrice
4)In this Gota machine, a roller made of (twice with oil and lastly with water in screw conveyor)in case
Carborendum+Cement+Salt is fixed. The roller is rotated and of Tur dal whereas the process is repeated twice (with water in
the dal is passed through the gap between roller and side wall screw conveyor) in case of Chana dal. After this process the
chilka is removed. Dal is then send to storage tank.
IJRITCC | February 2015, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 2 018– 021
8)From storage tank the dal is either send to drying platform III. DEVELOPMENT OF DEHUSKINGMACHINE
for drying or directly to the packaging section for packing dal
in the gunny bags. In earlier days the farmers used to dehusk the rice by pounding
the rice in mortar and pestle as shown in figure7. The mortar
D. Thus, from the Case Study, following facts were obtained: was made up of stones or wood that consists of a pocket or a
1) Capacity of entire setup is 10 tons/day (both tur and block into which paddy rice was kept. The paddy rice was then
chana dal). pound with the help of a long wooden log of 5-6ft called pestle
2) The cost of entire setup was 25 lacs (At the time of by one or two workers. The upward and downward movement
establishment). Today’s cost will be approximately 3 of the pestle induces force on grain against grain that removes
crore. the husk and some bran layer. Due to pounding the percentage
3) The purchasing price of raw dal is Rs.5000/quintal for of broken grains was more. The cleaning was done by
tur dal and Rs. 3000/quintal for chana dal. winnowing and gravity separation by hand [1]. In Bengal
4) The selling price of finished dal is Rs. 70/kg for tur dal (West Bengal, India and Bangladesh), this is called Dhenki.
and Rs. 45/kg for chana dal. This process is still used traditionally in the villages for
5) The cost of rollers is Rs 40000/-. personal use. This is because it preserves the brown rice
6) Life of rollers is 3000 quintals. coating that is perceived as a healthy part.
7) For 1 quintal of tur dal, 500gm of oil is required. The drawback of this process was that the mortar and pestle
8) ½ inch gap is maintained between roller and sides of were made of wood and thus large amount of trees were
the machine. required to cut in order to meet the requirement of millions of
9) 70% (and 2% is impurities) is the accuracy of machine rural people.The rice grains obtained by this process contain
in case of Chana dal.
husking efficiency, reduces production time and useful for
large scale production.

Although these machines have many advantages, there are

certain drawbacks such as the machines are very costly, the
rubber rollers used are also very costly, requires frequent
maintenance, runs on electricity and so continuous power
supply is required, it can be used only for dehusking large
quantity of paddy, if used at small scale more amount of
energy is lost and hence cannot fulfil the requirements of
individuals, requires more space, etc.

From the literature review it was found that many

specialists are working on developing manually operated rice
mills that can overcome the drawbacks of both automated
machines and mortar and pestle. These machines are mostly
pedalled and hand operated and does not depend on electricity
(see Figure 9).T.H. Surendranath Singh developed a pedal
operated rice mill thatconsists of a front and rear pedestal in
which sitting arrangement is provided on rear pedestal,
forward pedestal is provided with rice huller mechanism and a
rear pedestalis provided with a freely rotatable crank operated
Figure 7.Traditional method of rice pounding in mortar and pestle. by a pair of pedals provided sufficiently below the seat. The
more percentage of broken grains.Another drawback was that forward pedestal is provided with a means for mounting a
it required more human efforts and hence cannot be used for bigger crank to be operated by the smaller crank. A
large scale production [1]. winnowing fan is used to provide a current of air when the
In order to overcome above drawbacks automated machines flywheel is operated. It also consists of a sieve plate so as to
were developed. These machines are capable of performing all let the husk to pan through and to retain the dehusked rice[1].
operations of dehusking and are able to use for large scale
production. These machines are mostly power driven and are A. Need for human energized Grain Mill
used in almost all the rice mills.Figure 8 shows a modern
1) The problem with traditional rice pounding method is
automated rice husking machine.
the excessive human efforts, breakage of rice, requires
The main advantage of using these machines is that they more time to finishing whereas the power operated
reduce human efforts, reduce the percentage of broken grains, Baby hullers, consuming electrical energy up to
by-products are free from sand and other impurities, high minimum of 2-3 HP or diesel operated hullers up to 10

IJRITCC | February 2015, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 2 018– 021
HP are available ; big rice mills are very costly&
located far away [1].
2) Most of the mills are located far away, so farmers are
required to carry their paddy over a long distance.
Also they have to wait for a long time for their turn or
due to load-shedding.
3) Developing countries of the world like India are facing
problems of non-availability of power in rural areas
and unemployment among unskilled workers; urge
engineers to harvest energy from non-traditional
sources & should be eco- friendly. Such type of
equipment’s can easily find their place where there is Figure 8.Modern automated rice husking machine.
no power supply.
4) These machines are environment friendly i.e. non-
5) A group of 4 to 5 families in a village may be catered
for their daily demand of rice.

B. Advantages of Human operated rice mills

1) Best alternative source of energy.

2) Low maintenance cost.
3) Human power is easy to use and there is no need of
special training.
4) No air pollution takes place as there is no combustion
of fuel.
Figure9.Pedal operated rice mill [1].
5) Human operated machines are self-dependent source
of energy [9].


Type of Thresher Speed (rpm) Production rate (Kg/hr) Average Seed Loss (%) Mechanical Damage (%)

Hand Operated 100-150 20-30 13 0

Foot Pedal (treadle) 140-180 40-50 10 0
Prototype Hand Powered 120-180 40-80 06 0
Prototype Foot Pedal 180-220 0-100 05 0
Prototype Motor Power 400-750 200-400 0.5 1.5

On further study it was found that there are two types of Thus, this reduces the market price of rice and also the
portable dehusking machines, hand/pedal operated and motor wearing of machine parts and rubber rollers increases. This is
operated. Based on production rate, mechanical damage and not the case in hand and pedal operated machines as they are
seed loss both types of dehusking machines were analysed by operated at less speed [2].
byOlumuyiwa B. Ajayi, Buliaminu Kareem, Olanrewaju R.
Bodede andOluwasiji F. Adeoye and the following results IV. MULTI – GRAIN DEHUSKING MACHINE
were obtained from the analysis as shown in Table 1 [2].
From the literature review and case study it was observed
From the analysis it was observed that the hand operated that all the machines available are single – purpose machines
machine has less speed and thus less production rate. The foot and can dehusk only a single grain. Thus, these machines are
pedal machine has more speed and production rate than hand seasonal machines that depend on seasonal crop and if farmers
operated machine while the motor operated machine has the want to dehusk more than one grain, then they have to take
maximum speed and production rate than other machines. their grains to another mill for dehusking purpose. Thus, it
Also less the speed more will be the seed loss and thus this has becomes necessary to design and develop a hand or pedal
become the major disadvantage for both hand and pedal operated machine that can dehusk more than one grain by
operated machines. However, mechanical damage is more in doing simple adjustment with the mechanism. The machine
motoroperated machine as at high speed impact force is high. will be a multi-grain dehusking machine which will not
depend on a single seasonal crop but will be useful in all
IJRITCC | February 2015, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 3 Issue: 2 018– 021
seasons for dehusking multiple grains. Figure 10 shows a of rice or any other grain. Multi-grain dehusking machine will
conceptual design of such multi – grain dehusking machine. not depend on a single seasonal crop and will be useful in all
seasons for dehusking multiple grains.
Multi-Grain Dehusking Machine will be a compact machine
which will consist of a hopper, a hand operated mechanism, a
pair of detachable rollers, a winnowing fan and different grade ACKNOWLEDGMENT
sieves. A gear train will be used to run the entire mechanism. We arethankful to bothMr. XYZ and Mr. UVW for allowing
Grains will be fed from the hopper into the machine. A us carry out Case Study in their rice mill and we are indebted
lever will the attached to one of the roller. As this lever is for their valuable guidance and timely help on each and every
rotated, the rollers will the rotated and thus the rollers apply matter presented in this work.
certain amount of pressure on the grains due to which friction
occurs between grains and rollers and due to this friction the REFERENCES
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Since all the machines available are single purpose machines,
thus, it becomes necessary to design and develop a hand or
pedal operated machine that can dehusk more than one grain.
This machine will be very helpful for farmers as well as for
small group of families in a village tocater their daily demand
IJRITCC | February 2015, Available @

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