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Mid Term Questions For VAWs 2023-24

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Subject: Plant Protection


Batch - 01

Name: Part A (Objective Type) Roll No:

1. Multiple choice questions - 5 marks (each will carry 0.5 marks)

i. The most infesting stage of an insect is ____________________ (egg, larva, pupa, adult)
ii. The dormant mycelium of Fusarium fungus is ------------------------- (chlamydospore, oospore,
zoospore, zygospore).
iii. The causal pathogen for YMV in greengram is _________________ (CMV, GMV, MYMV, GV).
iv. The full form of I in IPM is _________________________ (Intensive, integral, integration,
v. The Botrytis blight, a whitish coloured leaves seen in ___________________ crop. (Cabbage,
cauliflower, onion, garlic).
vi. The Phomopsis blight disease in purple oblong brinjal varieties is more severe in
__________________ season (Autumn, kharif, summer, rabi)’
vii. The little leaf of brinjal is a ____________________ disease (fungal, bacterial, viral, nematode).
viii. The ETL level for BPH in Paddy is________________ nos of nymphs and adults/hill (5, 10, 15, 20).
ix. The desi method for managing Ear cutting caterpillar in paddy is by applying ________________
(Acid, alcohol, sugar, aldehyde).
x. The black rot of cabbage is a _______________________ disease (fungal, bacterial, viral,
2. Fill in the blanks - 5 marks (each will carry 0.5 marks)

i. For controlling termite in sugarcane, _____________ application of insecticides is a feasible option.

ii. _______________ is belongs to an extremely toxic insecticide group.
iii. The Helminthosporium oryzae fungus causes ________________in paddy.
iv. The late blight disease is generally seen in ________________ crop.
v. The Xanthomonas oryzae bacteria causes ________________in paddy.
vi. The root knots seen in brinjal is a __________________ disease.
vii. The WP formulated pesticides are generally in _________________ state.
viii. The zig zag mining in tomato leaves is caused by _______________.
ix. The cercospora leaf spot disease in blackgram is a _______________________ disease
x. Brinjal shoot and fruit borer is a ________________________ pest of brinjal crop.
3. Write “T” against true and “F” against false statements – 5 marks (each will carry 0.5 marks)

i. Rice is a monocotyledonous plant.

ii. Hasant is a very good resistant paddy variety against YSB.
iii. The vector for transmitting YMV in greengram is by mite.
iv. The hopper burn symptom in paddy has been developed by BPH.
v. Dimethoate 30EC is a contact insecticide.
vi. Stylets are seen in sucking insects.
vii. Pheromone traps are being used for mass trapping of female moths.
viii. Tricho cards are being produced by bio control laboratory of our state and basically used as an
egg parasite.
ix. The tikka disease in groundnut is a bacterial disease.
x. The Nativo, which is a systemic with contact fungicide primarily meant for controlling sheath blight
in paddy.
4. Match the followings – 5 marks (each will carry 0.5 marks)

(I) Dead heart Sesamum
(II) Neem Bio-fungicide
(III) LD 50 Fruit fly mgt. in cucurbits
(IV) Trichoderma Yellow stem borer
(V) Reagent top Chilli seedlings
(VI) Internode borer Pest monitoring
(VII) Phyllody Azadirachtin active ingredient
(VIII) Seedling root dip New generation insecticide
(IX) Pheromone trap Sugarcane
(X) Para pheromone trap Toxicity measurement of the insecticide

Section B (Subjective Type)

Attempts will be made for two questions out of three – 10 Marks (each will carry 5 marks)

1. Write down three major diseases attacking kharif paddy? Write down their damaging symptoms
and management strategy?
2. Write down three major insect pests seen in pulses with reference to greengram? Write down
their damaging symptoms and control measures to be undertaken to combat them?
3. Write down three major target insect pests seen in winter vegetables? Their damaging symptoms
and management option?



Subject: Plant Protection

FULL MARKS: 30 Batch – 02 DURATION: 01 hour

Name: Part A (Objective Type) Roll No:

1. Multiple choice questions - 5 marks (each will carry 0.5 marks)

i. The most infesting stage of BPH in kharif paddy is __________________ (egg, larva, nymph, pupa)
ii. The causal pathogen for YMV in cowpea is _________________ (CMV, GMV, CYMV, GV).
iii. The full form of “M” in IPM is _________________________ (Managing, manage, managerial,
iv. The bacterial leaf blight, a whitish edged coloured young leaf seen in ___________________ crop.
(Paddy, onion, cabbage, greengram).
v. The phyllody disease in sesamum is a __________________ disease (fungal, bacterial, nematode,
vi. The target board appearance in chilli leaves is due to _________________ (Alternaria,
cercospora, macrophomina, rhizoctonia).
vii. The ETL level for YSB in Paddy is ___________________ nos of egg mass per square meter
viii. The infesting stage of Gandhi bug in paddy is_________________ stage (milking, soft dough,
hard dough, maturity).
ix. The sterility mosaic disease in Arhar is transmitted by _______________________ (aphid, jassid,
white fly, eriophyid mite).
x. The Fall Army Worm is a serious insect pest attacking ______________________ (maize,
greengram, paddy, groundnut).
2. Fill in the blanks - 5 marks (each will carry 0.5 marks)

i. For controlling white grub in sugarcane, _____________ application of insecticides is a feasible

ii. _______________ is belongs to a slightly toxic insecticide group.
iii. The blast disease in in paddy is a ____________________ disease.
iv. The early blight in tomato is caused by _______________________.
v. The Xanthomonas oryzae bacteria causes ________________in paddy
vi. The root knots seen in chilli is a __________________ disease.
vii. The EC formulated pesticides are generally in _________________ state.
viii. The collar rot disease is a serious fungal disease in _______________.
ix. The silver sticky traps are now a days used for managing ______________________.
x. The yellow stem borer is a ________________________ pest in paddy.
3. Write “T” against true and “F” against false statements – 5 marks (each will carry 0.5 marks)
i. Greengram is a dicotyledonous plant.

ii. Pratiksha is a very good resistant paddy variety against brown spot disease.

iii. The vector for transmitting leaf curl in chilli is by mite.

iv. The dead heart symptom in paddy has been developed by BPH.

v. Thiamethoxam 25% WG belongs to neo-nicotinoid group is a systemic insecticide.

vi. The YSB has four life stages for completing its life cycle.

vii. Yellow sticky traps are being used for attracting thrips in Bhendi.

viii. Bracon cards are being produced by bio control laboratory of our state and basically used as larval

ix. The rust disease in groundnut is a bacterial disease.

x. The Difenoconazole, which is a third-generation systemic fungicide primarily meant for controlling sheath
blight in paddy.

4. Match the followings – 5 marks (each will carry 0.5 marks)

(I) Silver shoot Greengram
(II) Maize Bio-pesticide
(III) Upward curling of leaves Attracting male moths
(IV) Neem oil cake Gall midge
(V) Azoxystrobin Vegetable seedlings
(VI) Top shoot borer Emerging insect under changing climate
(VII) MYMV Banded leaf and sheath blight
(VIII) Seedling root dip New generation fungicide
(IX) Pheromone traps with lures Sugarcane
(X) Papaya mealy bug Mite

Section B (Subjective Type)

Attempts will be made for two questions out of three – 10 Marks (each will carry 5 marks)

1. Write down three major insect pests attacking kharif paddy? Write down their damaging
symptoms and management strategy?

2. Write down three major diseases seen in pulses with reference to greengram? Write down their
damaging symptoms and control measures to be undertaken to combat them?

3. Write down three major diseases seen in winter vegetables? Their damaging symptoms and
management option?



Subject: Plant Protection


Batch - 03

Name: Part A (Objective Type) Roll No:

1. Multiple choice questions - 5 marks (each will carry 0.5 marks)

i. The most infesting stage of an insect is ____________________ (egg, larva, pupa, adult)
ii. Fusarium spp, a perennial fungus causes ------------------------- in tomato (leaf spot, blight, rust, wilt).
iii. The vector for YMV transmission in greengram is by _________________ (aphid, jassid, white fly,
iv. The club root is a serious disease generally seen in _______________ crop (mustard, maize,
paddy, sugarcane).
v. The pre-incubation period of Trichoderma, a bio-fungicide with FYM for ____________ days (15,
18, 20, 21)
vi. The Phomopsis blight disease in purple oblong brinjal varieties is more severe in
__________________ season (Autumn, kharif, summer, rabi)’
vii. The phyllody of sesamum is a ____________________ disease (fungal, bacterial, viral,
viii. The ETL level for yellow stem borer in paddy is________________ % dead heart (5, 10, 15, 20).
ix. The desi method for managing case worm in paddy is by applying ________________ in stagnant
water (Acid, alcohol, sugar, kerosine).
x. The soft rot of potato is a _______________________ disease (fungal, bacterial, viral,
2. Fill in the blanks - 5 marks (each will carry 0.5 marks)

i. For controlling termite in sugarcane, _____________ application of insecticides is a feasible option.

ii. _______________ is belongs to highly toxic insecticide group.
iii. The Pyricularia oryzae fungus causes ________________in paddy.
iv. The blossom end rot, a serious disease in ________________ crop.
v. The white edged leaves is an indication of ________________in paddy.
vi. __________________ is used to manage powdery mildew in cucurbits.
vii. The SG formulated pesticides are generally in _________________ state.
viii. The concentric ring pattern in chilli leaves is caused by _______________.
ix. The white rust disease in mustard is a _______________________ disease
x. Early shoot borer is a ________________________ pest of sugarcane.
3. Write “T” against true and “F” against false statements – 5 marks (each will carry 0.5 marks)

i. Maize is a monocotyledonous plant.

ii. Swarna Massori is a very good resistant paddy variety against sheath blight.

iii. The vector for transmitting inward leaf curling in chilli is by mite.

iv. The white ear head symptom in paddy has been developed by yellow stem borer.

v. Flonicamid 50% WG is primarily meant for controlling leaf folder in paddy.

vi. Blue sticky traps are being used for controlling thrips in chilli.

vii. The conducive environment favours the disease development.

viii. The stem rot disease in groundnut is a fungal disease.

ix. The red hairy caterpillar is a regular pest in brinjal.

x. The K fertiliser application generally increases the insect pest intensity in different crops.

4. Match the followings – 5 marks (each will carry 0.5 marks)

(I) Hopper burn in paddy Brinjal
(II) Neem Bio-bactericide
(III) Red rot disease Parthenogenetic reproduction
(IV) Pseudomonas Brown plant hopper
(V) Gaucho Vegetable seedlings in nursery
(VI) Silver shoot Nocturnal insects
(VII) Little leaf Azadirachtin active ingredient
(VIII) Damping off Systemic insecticide for seed treatment
(IX) Light trap Sugarcane
(X) Aphids Gall midge

Section B (Subjective Type)

Attempts will be made for two questions out of three – 10 Marks (each will carry 5 marks)

1. Write down three major diseases attacking kharif paddy? Write down their damaging symptoms
and management strategy?
2. Write down three major diseases seen in oilseeds with special reference to groundnut? Write
down their damaging symptoms and control measures to be undertaken to combat them?

3. Write down three major target insect pests seen in winter vegetables? Their damaging symptoms
and management option?

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