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Abdel Maksoud 2023

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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2023) 73, 231–248

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal


Convolutional-neural-network-based multi-signals
fault diagnosis of induction motor using single and
multi-channels datasets
Manar Abdelmaksoud a,*, Marwan Torki b, Mohamed El-Habrouk c,
Medhat Elgeneidy d

Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Computer and Systems Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt

Received 11 March 2023; revised 15 April 2023; accepted 25 April 2023

KEYWORDS Abstract Using deep learning in three-phase induction motor fault diagnosis has gained increasing
Induction motor; interest nowadays. This paper proposes a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model to diagnose
Fault diagnosis; induction motor faults during the starting period. The model is able to detect various faults (locked-
Deep learning; rotor, overload, voltage-unbalance, overvoltage, and undervoltage) under three loading levels (Light,
CNN; Normal, and Heavy loads). The proposed model has high reliability as it depends on image data from
Multi-signals; multiple motor signals (voltages, currents, torque, and speed). The transient response of the motor
Multi-channels starting period, makes it challenging to diagnose faults depending on raw time-domain images only.
Therefore, the measured signals are additionally represented as d-q, and Lissajous images to focus on
the effect of using these representations on the model performance. With multi-signals data, two forms
of data (single- and multi-channel input-shape) can be implemented and evaluated to figure out the
form that can capture the related fault features more efficiently. Experiments are performed using sim-
ulated machine model, to investigate the best signal representation and the best input shape for the
proposed fault diagnosis system. Eight distinct datasets are generated from the motor data to be used
in training and testing the CNN model. For the comparison of signals representations, the best accu-
racy is achieved with datasets containing both voltage and current d-q signals representation. They
performed better than the other representations in the range from (0.03%) to (3.57%). For the com-
parison of input shapes, all multi-channels datasets proved to have better performance than single-
channel datasets in the range from (0.77%) to (4.06%).
Ó 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Abdelmaksoud), (M. Torki),
(M. El-Habrouk), (M. Elgeneidy).
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
1110-0168 Ó 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
232 M. Abdelmaksoud et al.

1. Introduction  Fully Connected Networks (FC): are usually used with data
in 1-D vector shape [29]. They consist of a series of fully
connected layers which can find relations between the
Induction Motors (IMs) are used widely all over the world.
inputs and the fault type.
They have significant importance in several industrial applica-
 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN): are commonly
tions [1]. Although IMs are reliable machines, they are suscep-
used for 2-D inputs, [1,30–32]. They depend on filters/ker-
tible to having faults at starting or during operation, which
nels to extract features and patterns through convolutional
may lead to financial loss, downtime, or even harm to humans
layers from the given input.
[2]. Thus, there is a high need for fault detection systems that
 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN): have been used by
can detect a fault as soon as possible to take the proper action
researchers with sequential data or time-series data [33–
and prevent damages. Therefore, to ensure reliable operation
35]. Because RNNs are distinguished by having a memory
for IMs, researchers were motivated for a long time to develop
which can hold information from previous time instant
new techniques for fault diagnosis [3].
and use them to influence the current data.
For a long time, many researchers have used time domain
methods to detect IMs faults. The most common time domain
Input signals and their representations have a significant
technique used by researchers is the Clark’s and Park’s trans-
effect on the selected ANN type. Electrical [34,36,37] and
formation [4–7] transforming three phase motor signals into an
mechanical [32,38,39] motor signals are commonly used for
orthogonal rotating reference frame known as ‘‘d-q”. This
fault diagnosis, especially current and vibration signals as they
transformation results in AC signals being converted into
are non-invasive signals and can reflect several types of faults.
DC signals, which are easier to use for fault diagnosis. More-
Several researchers have focused on studying most frequent
over, well d-q plots have special geometrical shapes that can be
faults [40] which are bearing faults [32,39,41], stator winding
analyzed to diagnose faults.
faults [35,42,43], and rotor faults [25,42,44]. Some of them
In addition to time domain methods, converting signals
have generated their own datasets from scratch [30–32], other
from time domain to frequency domain can help to extract
researchers [45–47] used existing published datasets from pre-
valuable features from motor signals [8]. Hence frequency
vious work. There is a perceptible shortage in the published
domain methods have been widely used. Motor current signa-
datasets related to IM faults which slows down the develop-
ture analysis (MCSA) is a very common technique used by
ment in this field. Even the published datasets do not cover a
researchers [8–11] where the frequency spectrum of current sig-
wide range of faults [48,49].
nals is evaluated. Each fault type induces certain frequencies in
In this study, a deep CNN network is used to diagnose five
motor signals. However, frequency domain methods provide
main faults of three-phase IM, using different types and repre-
only frequency information about motor signals, which do
sentations of motor signals. Matlab/Simulink is used to gener-
not include transients [12]. Therefore, researchers have used
ate wide-ranging and versatile datasets covering multi-faults
Wavelet transforms as fault diagnosis technique [12–15] as it
and multi-signals inputs. Two comparisons are presented in
provides both time and frequency domain information [15]
this paper: between the effect of changing the input signal rep-
thereby allowing efficient extraction of motor signal
resentation (raw, d-q, Lissajous) and between the effect of
changing the method of presentation (single or multiple input
In addition to the previous conventional techniques, Artifi-
channels) of these signals’ representations to the CNN. These
cial Intelligence (AI) methods have gained huge interest in
will be explained in greater details in the following section.
three-phase IMs fault diagnosis. Fuzzy logic is an approach
The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as
that uses ‘‘degree of truth” to compute its output rather than
the regular Boolean logic that uses only ‘‘true” or ‘‘false”. This
approach is utilized by researchers to diagnose IM faults [16–
 The proposed model depends on multi-signals input to
19]. The faults of IM can be determined by converting numer-
diagnose the motor faults during the starting period. Using
ical data from motor signals into linguistic information. Then
multi-signals allows the model to have higher reliability
fuzzy logic rules are applied to find motor states. Though this
than single-signals input models. Thus, the model is able
method is effective, it needs prior engineering knowledge of the
to extract the significant features from any of the input sig-
process. Therefore, machine learning algorithms such as Sup-
nals depending on the type of fault.
port Vector Machine (SVM) [20–23] and Artificial Neural Net-
 The proposed model uses raw images for motor signals
works (ANN) [24–27] are utilized for fault diagnosis purposes
plotted with time axis. The presence of time axis has the
under supervised machine learning techniques. Both are using
advantage of preserving valuable information about the sig-
training data from motor signals to learn the features that are
nals’ images. In addition, this paper also utilizes Lissajous
mostly affected by motor faults. These features are then used
patterns for fault detection which is not covered with
to determine the state of the motor. For applications of rela-
CNN-based models in the surveyed literature. Moreover,
tively small amounts of available training data, SVM is mostly
this paper compares between the effect of using raw, d-q,
preferred and achieves higher accuracy. But when large
and Lissajous representations on the system performance.
amount of data are available, deep versions of ANN may per-
 This paper investigates the effect of presenting the multi-
form far better [28]. Deep Learning (DL) approaches are intro-
signals data to the CNN model by two different shapes.
duced to traditional ANN to cope with the increasing amount
Both single-channel (vertically stacked images) and multi-
of data available for training and allow higher accuracies to be
channels input shapes are used. The system performance
in both cases is investigated and compared to find the best
Three main types of deep ANN are usually used for fault
choice for the proposed application.
diagnosis according to the shape of the signals used:
Convolutional-neural-network-based multi-signals fault diagnosis of induction motor 233

 The dataset used in this paper is generated with a variety of have not gained the same attention as the previous faults since
normal operating conditions, by making small variations in separate protection devices are responsible for the monitoring
supply voltages and frequency for all types of faults. In of the supply. The second fault category is mechanical faults.
addition, three loading levels for each fault (light, normal, In this category, researchers have worked on: bearing faults
heavy loads) have been used, each loading level incorpo- and rotor mechanical faults. Bearing faults include outer and
rates a wide range of values. inner race faults [32] and rolling element faults [56], while rotor
mechanical faults include unbalanced rotor [57], bowed rotor
This paper is organized as follows: Related work of CNN- [58], and misaligned rotor [53].
based fault diagnosis is introduced in section 2. Section 3 Another aspect under consideration is the measured motor
demonstrates the details of the whole proposed system. In sec- signals used for fault diagnosis. Researchers have used differ-
tion 4, the results of all generated datasets are compared and ent kinds of measured signals to detect and classify faults.
discussed thoroughly. Finally, the conclusions and future work They have measured motor electrical signals: three phase volt-
are provided in section 5. ages [35], three phase currents [2], stray flux [59]. In addition,
measured mechanical signals such as vibration [32,60,61] have
2. Related work been widely used in fault detection research. Moreover, mea-
sured mechanical torque [38] has been utilized by some
The proposed work in this paper is based on AI techniques researchers for this purpose. Furthermore, certain unfamiliar
using CNNs. There is considerable diversity in the published signals have been used in literature such as thermal [55] and
work that uses CNN for fault detection and classifications acoustic signals [62]. It is to be noted that, most previous
[50,51]. The research work can differ according to the follow- research works have selected only one type of motor signal
ing aspects: for fault diagnosis (Single-Signal) [32,63,64] to reduce the cost
and implementation complexity of the system. Fewer number
 Types of detected faults under study. of researchers used two or more types of signals (Multi-
 Measured motor signals used to detect faults. Signals) [65,66].
 Measured motor signals representation methods. After selecting suitable measured motor signals, it is impor-
 Shape of input signal presented to the CNN. tant to decide how to represent them. Four major representa-
 Motor operating conditions for dataset generation. tions can be used as shown in Fig. 1. Some researchers used
 Source of dataset used for training and its availability. raw time signals vectors directly [35,67]. This enabled them
to study the effect of time variations on the signals.
Fig. 1 summarizes the different aspects considered when A drawback of this method [68] is that the 1D data vector is
building a fault detection system for induction motors using long, thus it is not suitable for CNN since the principle of its
CNN. operation forces the appropriate adaptation of a network
Motor faults types are divided into two main categories. input matrix. To transform the 1D vector into a 2D matrix
The first category is electrical faults. As shown in [52] they shape, the 1D data vector against time is subdivided into
are classified as: supply-related faults, stator-related faults, ‘‘m” portions each of ‘‘n” points (total size is m  n). The
and rotor-related faults. Many researchers have worked on ‘‘m” portions are then stacked vertically as shown in Fig. 2.
stator-related faults, such as winding failure [53], interturn The resulting ‘‘m” x ‘‘n” matrix has the same number of
short circuit [35], and phase to ground faults [54]. In addition, points, thus preserving all signal values. However, the time axis
rotor-related faults such as locked rotor [55], and broken rotor is no longer available resulting in a modified time domain. The
bar [56] have also gained great interest. Supply-related faults resulting 2D matrix is then handled as is as a 2D grayscale

Fig. 1 Main aspects of designing fault detection/classification system using CNN.

234 M. Abdelmaksoud et al.

forms [74–76] or time–frequency-domain signals such as Wave-

let and short time Fourier Transforms [1,65,76]; to capture the
key features related to the studied fault type which help in
increasing system performance [1].
The following aspect is the shape of the input to the CNN.
As shown in Fig. 3, either one motor signal or multiple motor
Fig. 2 Converting 1D vector to 2D matrix by reshaping. signals (either in time, frequency or time/frequency domains as
outlined above) can be used as inputs to the CNN. For the case
of Single-Signal (SS) models, the CNN input may be in one of
image or transformed using data from the three-phases into an the following forms:
RGB 2D image. This is called the reshaping method [68,69].
Modified time domain representations also include d-q repre-  Single-Signal Single-Channel (SSSC) input, where the
sentations of three phase signals [70]. motor signal is used as Discrete 1D vector [35] or One
It is to be noted here that none of the papers surveyed gray-scale image [77,78], as depicted in Fig. 3-a.
employed the 2D image resulting from the plotting of the motor  Single-Signal Multi-Channels (SSMC) input, where
signal against time. The advantage of this method, belonging to researchers used colored images [30,55] of 3 or 4 colors
the raw time domain representation, would be that the resulting channels, as depicted in Fig. 3-b.
images can preserve valuable information about the signal due
For the case of Multi-Signals (MS) models, the input can be
to the presence of the time axis. Similarly, Lissajous signals,
in one of the following forms:
which belong to the modified time domain representation, have
not been used with CNN techniques in the surveyed literature.
 Multi-Signals Single-Channel (MSSC) input, where all sig-
However, they have been used in induction motor fault detection
nals are either:
not employing CNN [71–73]. Also, it is to be noted here that d-q
o Placed in the same figure (stacked vertically) to form a
and Lissajous signals preserve motor signal information in a
large one-channel image [79], as depicted in Fig. 3-c.
more compact format by eliminating the time parameter. They
o Kept as separate images but used with multimodal net-
would be expected to have good performance, due to their
works with different convolution and subsequent flatten-
unique geometrical representation.
ing paths for each signal requiring concatenation
Other researchers converted the raw time-domain signals
afterwards [65,66], as depicted in Fig. 3-d.
into frequency-domain signals such as Fast Fourier Trans-

Fig. 3 Different shapes of input for CNN models. (a) Single-Signal Single-Channel, (b) Single-Signal Multi-Channels, (c) Multi-Signals
Single-Channel (Vertically Stacked), (d) Multi-Signals Single-Channel (Multimodal Network), and (e) Multi-Signals Multi-Channels.
Convolutional-neural-network-based multi-signals fault diagnosis of induction motor 235

quently, the CNN trained parameters can be transferred (using

 Multi-Signals Multi-Channels (MSMC) input, where each Transfer Learning) to another model which would then require
signal image is plotted in one channel, then all images are just a limited amount of real machine data for further training
stacked to form a 3D matrix [65], as depicted in Fig. 3-e. and tuning to the specific machine under consideration.

The next aspect of CNN based fault diagnosis is motor oper-

3. Proposed methodology
ating conditions used for training/testing dataset generation.
Most researchers have worked with datasets of single operating
condition, where the motor is operated under rated supply con- In this paper, the chosen aspects are as follows:
ditions and at specific values of load and speed [1,30,36,67]. The
disadvantage of this method is that it does not reflect the actual  Five main fault types are to be considered belonging to the elec-
operating conditions of motors as they are prone to supply fluc- trical faults category under supply related faults and rotor
tuations and load variations, within normal operating condi- related faults. These are namely locked rotor, overload, supply
tions. Consequently, some researchers recommended changing unbalance, supply overvoltage and supply undervoltage faults.
motor loading levels [64,69,80]. In other research work,  Motor electrical voltages and currents as well as mechanical
researchers considered voltage unbalance [35], speed variation torque and speed signals are used since their measurement is
[2], and frequency variation [59] merely to increase the size and relatively cheap and easy to implement [35,85,86]. Motor
diversity of their training/testing generated dataset. torque can either be measured or estimated according to
The last considered aspect of CNN based fault diagnosis in application [87,88].
the surveyed literature is the source of dataset used for train-  Raw time as well as modified time representations are
ing/testing. Most researchers used their own datasets which selected in order to represent the time variations of the
are generated specifically to accomplish their work. Datasets motor signals selected above. Torque and speed signals
may be generated using practical/experimental machine setups are represented as images plotted from the raw 1D vector
[68,74,77,78] or using machine simulation software [43,70,81– generated from the dataset. Voltage and current signals
83]. On the other hand, other researchers used open-source are represented either as:
datasets [69,76,79], which are available online [48,49], at no o Images plotted from the raw 1D vector generated from
cost. the dataset
Using simulated rather than practically generated datasets o d-q images representation of the three phases
has several advantages and disadvantages [83], as listed in o Lissajous pattern images plotted between respective volt-
Table 1. The main advantage of simulated datasets is that they ages and currents of each phase.
may include wide-ranging and versatile data covering multi-
faults and multi-signals inputs. On the other hand, their major  Both ‘‘Multi-Signals Single-Channel” and ‘‘Multi-Signals
drawback is that they are expected to perform less accurate Multi-Channels” representations for the CNN input signal
than practically/experimentally generated datasets when both shape are to be used. The system performance in both cases
are tested on real machines [84]. is investigated and compared to find the best choice for the
Simulated and open-source dataset datasets can be consid- application. Note here that each one of these representa-
ered as a primary step for training the network with large tions includes plotted raw image, d-q and Lissajous signals
amounts of data to learn several features about faults. Conse- as discussed above.

Table 1 Comparison between practical and simulated dataset.

Practical Datasets Simulated Datasets
Machine ✘ Need for special machine setup and modifications to ✔ Can be adapted easily to different machines with different
Requirements simulate some types of faults. types of faults.
✘ Need complicated modelling to mimic the real machine

Different Operating ✘ Have restricted ability to represent different ✔ Easy to represent large variety of operating conditions.
Conditions operating conditions.

Runtime ✘ Large period of runtime under fault condition is ✔ Can simulate large datasets during both steady state and
required to obtain large datasets during steady state starting periods without straining the machine.
operation. ✔ Can simulate large machines operation without the need
✘ Difficult to obtain large datasets for the motor of real testing.
starting period.

Fault Detection ✔ Provide actual measured data for training, which ✘ Provide simulated data for training that is not exactly as
Performance enhance the fault detection accuracy on real machines. real data, which cause challenges for real machine fault
236 M. Abdelmaksoud et al.

 It is intended to increase the normal operating conditions  xr o is the mechanical angular acceleration of rotor (rad/
variety of the dataset by making small variations in supply sec2)
voltages and frequency. In addition, three loading levels for  T e is the electromagnetic torque at the rotor shaft (N.m.)
each fault (light, normal, heavy loads) have been used. Each  T L is the applied mechanical load torque (N.m.)
level incorporates a wide range of values.
 The dataset is to be generated using a simulated induction The value of motor electromagnetic torque is presented in
machine model, using Matlab/Simulink as is detailed in equation (3), it is a function of stator and rotor currents and
the following sub-section. rate of change of motor inductances with respect to rotor
3.1. Induction motor modelling mechanical position (hr ). In this equation, ‘‘I” denotes three-
phase current matrix of stator and rotor, ‘‘L” denotes the total
inductances matrix, and the superscript (T) is the transpose of
In this subsection, induction motor modelling is introduced. The
the current matrix. It is composed of the self and mutual
proposed model simulates a wound rotor three-phase induction
inductances for both stator and rotor. This equation is given
motor with a star-connected stator windings, directly connected
to supply, and a short-circuited star-connected rotor winding.
The motor is modeled by time-domain equations [89]. Gener- 1 @L
Te ¼ IT I ð3Þ
ally, the model is based on two main sets of electrical and 2 @hr
mechanical equations. Electrical equation, where three-phase
Furthermore, load torque can be represented in different
currents of stator and referred rotor, are formulated in matrix
ways according to the type of connected load. It can be con-
format, as shown in equation (1). The three-phase model was
stant, exponential, or quadratic load. In this paper, load tor-
chosen here in order to enable the simulation of unbalanced con-
que is represented as quadratic load, which is calculated as
dition faults for stator and rotor that are not considered in this
shown in equation (4).
publication and are the subject of future work. In this equation,
subscripts (s) and (r) denote variables related to stator and TLrated
TL ¼ ðxr Þ2 ð4Þ
referred rotor circuits respectively. Mechanical equation, incor- ðxrrated Þ2
porating the torque equation and relating motor torque and
After establishing all the required equations, the motor
speed, is formulated, and expressed as in equation (2). The elec-
model is drawn and simulated using Matlab/Simulink soft-
trical equation is given by:
ware. Both electrical and mechanical equations are modeled,
2 3 2 3
iaðsÞ LaðsÞaðsÞ LaðsÞbðsÞ LaðsÞcðsÞ LaðsÞaðrÞ LaðsÞbðrÞ LaðsÞcðrÞ 1 and they are combined with motor inputs and outputs as illus-
6 ibðsÞ 7 6 LbðsÞaðsÞ LbðsÞbðsÞ LbðsÞcðsÞ LbðsÞaðrÞ LbðsÞbðrÞ LbðsÞcðrÞ 7 trated in Fig. 4.
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7 The motor used in this work is a 5.4 hp (4 kW) wound-rotor
6 icðsÞ 7 6 LcðsÞaðsÞ LcðsÞbðsÞ LcðsÞcðsÞ LcðsÞaðrÞ LcðsÞbðrÞ LcðsÞcðrÞ 7
6 7¼6 7 induction motor. The motor parameters are summarized in
6i 7 6L 7
6 aðrÞ 7 6 aðrÞaðsÞ LaðrÞbðsÞ LaðrÞcðsÞ LaðrÞaðrÞ LaðrÞbðrÞ LaðrÞcðrÞ 7 Table 2. The values of the machine parameters used in the
6 7 6 7
4 ibðrÞ 5 4 LbðrÞaðsÞ LbðrÞbðsÞ LbðrÞcðsÞ LbðrÞaðrÞ LbðrÞbðrÞ LbðrÞcðrÞ 5 Simulink model can be defined and controlled using Matlab
icðrÞ LcðrÞaðsÞ LcðrÞbðsÞ LcðrÞcðsÞ LcðrÞaðrÞ
LcðrÞbðrÞ LcðrÞcðrÞ m-file.
02 3 2 32 31 To simulate locked rotor faults, the rotor speed in the
vaðsÞ raðsÞ 0 0 0 0 0 iaðsÞ
B6 v 7 6 0 r 76 ibðsÞ 7C Simulink model is multiplied by a fault activator, which can
B6 bðsÞ 7 6 bðsÞ 0 0 0 0 76 7C be adjusted from the controlling m-file. This activator can be
Z B6 7 6 76 7C
B6 vcðsÞ 7 6 0 0 rcðsÞ 0 0 0 76 icðsÞ 7C either 0 or 1 to represent fault activated or non-activated
B6 7 6 76 7Cdt
B6 0 7  6 0 0 0 r 0 0 7 6 7C ð1Þ
respectively. The remaining faults are controlled directly from
B6 7 6 aðrÞ 76 iaðrÞ 7C
B6 7 6 76 7C the m-file.
@4 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 rbðrÞ 0 54 ibðrÞ 5A
0 0 0 0 0 0 rcðrÞ icðrÞ
3.2. Data collection and processing
The mechanical equation is:
Jxr o ¼ Te  Fxr  TL ð2Þ The model developed in the previous sub-section is used to
simulate one normal operating condition and five different
Where: fault conditions (locked rotor, overload, supply unbalance,
supply overvoltage, and undervoltage), as shown in Fig. 5.
 vxðsÞ is the stator voltage of phase x (x = a, b, c) Furthermore, some classes are simulated at three loading levels
 ixðsÞ is the stator current of phase x (x = a, b, c) amounting to 14 different classes denoted from F00 to F13.
 ixðrÞ is the rotor current of phase x (x = a, b, c) Eight simulated variables are collected from the proposed
 rxðsÞ is the stator resistance of phase x (x = a, b, c) Simulink model generating eight main output signals for
 rxðrÞ is the rotor resistance of phase x (x = a, b, c) each of the 14 classes outlined above. The simulated vari-
 LxðsÞyðrÞ is the inductance between stator phase x and rotor ables are stator voltages (va ; vb ; vc ), stator currents (ia ; ib ; ic ),
phase y (x = a, b, c and y = a, b, c) electromagnetic torque (T), and rotor speed (xr ) signals.
 LxðrÞyðsÞ is the inductance between rotor phase x and stator For all classes, the model simulates the first one second of
phase y (x = a, b, c and y = a, b, c) induction motor operation, with a time step of one milli-
 J is the moment of inertia coefficient of the motor (kg.m2) second. Hence, each signal is represented by a vector of
 F is the friction and windage coefficient of the motor (N.m. 1001 samples. All of them are extracted and saved to a
s) CSV file. Table 3 shows a sample of this CSV file. Each
 xr is the mechanical rotational speed of rotor (rad/sec) CSV file shows 1001 consecutive instantaneous values of
Convolutional-neural-network-based multi-signals fault diagnosis of induction motor 237

Fig. 4 Simulink model for three phase induction motor.

Each one of the time-domain signals (va ; vb ; vc ; ia ;ib ; ic ; xr ; T)

Table 2 Induction motor parameters.
are normalized by dividing them by their rated values and then
Parameters Values plotted against time to create 2D image. All generated images
Nominal Power 4 kW form 2D plots to be used later as CNN inputs for training and
Rms Line Voltage 400 V testing purposes. A sample of the above images is shown in the
Supply Frequency 50 Hz first eight left subfigures (from (a) to (h)) of Fig. 6. The data in
Nominal Speed 1430 rpm this figure represents data taken from Simulink model with no
Stator Resistance 1.405 O fault applied to the machine.
Stator Leakage Inductance 5.839 mH To plot dq0 components of voltages and currents, they are
Referred Rotor Resistance 1.395 O
divided over their rated values and combined as follows to
Referred Rotor Leakage Inductance 5.839 mH
Mutual Inductance 172.2 mH
form two images. Vdq0 image is created by plotting the voltage
Inertia 0.0131 kg.m2 components (vd ; vq ) with each other, where the d-component is
Friction Factor 0.002985 N.m.s on the horizontal axis and q-component on the vertical axis
Pole Pairs 2 which are plotted by blue color in Vdq0 and Idq0 plots in
the right-most two subfigures ((i) and (j)) of Fig. 6. On the
the measured variables for the no-fault normal load class same plot, vd is plotted with v0 by orange line, and v0 is plotted
(F00) with a sampling rate of 0.001 s. with vq by green line, on the horizontal and vertical axes
Further processing is applied to the (abc) representation of respectively. The same process is applied to dq0 components
currents and voltages using Clark’s and Park’s transforma- of current to create Idq0 image.
tions; to convert from three phase time-domain components An additional method used to represent voltage and current
in (abc) reference frame to a rotating reference frame defined signals relative to each other is Lissajous representation. The
as direct, quadrature, and zero components (dq0). The dq0 sig- horizontal axis of each Lissajous plot represents the phase’s
nals for both currents and voltages are calculated according to voltage, while the vertical axis represents the corresponding
equation (5), where h ¼ x  t and x ¼ xr  pole pairs. The phase’s current. Accordingly, three Lissajous patterns are gen-
result of the above is six extra signals (vd ; vq ; v0 ; id ; iq ; i0 ). erated as 2D images, one image for each phase as shown in the
last three subfigures at the bottom right (from (k) to (m)) of
2 3 2 32 3 Fig. 6.
d sinðhÞ sinðh  2p
Þ sinðh þ 2p
Þ a
6 7 2 6 2p 7 6 7
It is worthwhile to note here that, this work is concerned
4 q 5 ¼ :4 cosðhÞ cosðh  2p
Þ cosðh þ 3
Þ 5: 4 b5 ð5Þ with studying the first one second of motor operation which
3 1 1 1
0 2 2 2
c includes the transient response of the machine. Thus, it is to
238 M. Abdelmaksoud et al.

Fig. 5 Classes of motor conditions considered in the dataset generation.

Table 3 Sample of CSV file containing the signals generated from Simulink model for one case of (F00) class.
Sample t va vb vc ia ib ic xr Te
1 0 0 254.56 254.56 0 0 0 0 0
2 0.001 90.83 287.52 196.68 3.65 21.12 17.47 1.02 0.05
3 0.002 172.77 292.33 119.56 13.25 39.23 25.98 2.00 0.82
4 0.003 237.80 268.53 30.72 26.55 52.76 26.22 2.86 3.68
5 0.004 279.55 218.44 61.11 41.20 60.56 19.35 3.38 10.06
6 0.005 293.94 146.97 146.97 54.97 61.97 7.00 3.24 20.83
7 0.006 279.55 61.11 218.44 65.82 56.97 8.85 2.11 35.94
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1001 1 5.77E-13 254.56 254.56 3.78 2.51 6.30 153.03 13.74

Fig. 6 Sample for all signals of induction motor at no fault normal load (F00) class.
Convolutional-neural-network-based multi-signals fault diagnosis of induction motor 239

91% to 110% of rated load torque simulates the heavy-

load class. Similarly, overload fault is represented by load
torque ranging from 111% to 600% of rated value. Note
that 50% of the simulated overload cases are in the range
between 111% and 200%, while the range between 201%
and 600% is simulated to diversify the training dataset
and represents 50% of the studied overload cases.
 Furthermore, overvoltage fault simulates the case when
Fig. 7 dq0 and Lissajous representations at steady state at no supply voltage ranges from 111% to 200% of rated supply
fault. voltage, while undervoltage fault range is between 10% and
89% of rated value.
 The last considered fault is the unbalance fault which sim-
be noted that Lissajous and dq0 plots in Fig. 6 have unstruc- ulates the case when the magnitude of three phase voltages
tured lines. Unlike the case when only the steady state signals have an unbalance outside the range of ± 1%. Considering
are plotted as depicted in Fig. 7, which shows how the same that voltage unbalance is a ratio between the maximum
signals would look like when only steady-state operation is voltage deviation from average, and the average voltage
considered, which is not the case in this study. of the three phases.
The normal operating condition is simulated by a wide
range of values, as stated in NEMA standard [90]. A variation As depicted earlier in Fig. 5, the total number of generated
in supply voltage and frequency is applied as follows [90]: classes is 14. Each class is simulated by 1024 different cases.
Each case has 13 images with one signal per image. The next
 At rated frequency, a range of 10% to + 10% of rated subsection represents the dataset generation procedure from
voltage is simulated. all the available data.
 At rated voltage, a range of 5% to + 5% of rated fre-
quency is simulated 3.3. Dataset representations
 A combined variation in voltage and frequency is simu-
lated, where the sum of their absolute values is limited to
10%, provided the frequency variation does not go beyond With the aim of preparing the data extracted from Simulink
the range of 5% and + 5%. model for training and testing, this data is combined in differ-
 The absolute value of the supply voltage magnitude unbal- ent ways to generate 8 versions of dataset.
ance is less than 1%. First, all images are resized to the same size and then
cropped to prevent any unnecessary blank areas in the images.
Each of the above 14 classes is simulated with a wide range A sample of all signals for the 6 main fault classes after resizing
of values to get a widespread dataset (1024 cases for each class) is shown in Fig. 9. To do that, the minimum and maximum
to represent all the fault operating conditions presented by the possible limits of all signals are investigated for all fault classes.
NEMA standard, as summarized in Fig. 8, with the various As a result, the voltage axis is cropped at the range
loading conditions discussed earlier. of ± 150%, while the current axis is cropped to ± 15 times
its rated value. Similarly, the speed axis is cropped to lie
 Some motor operation classes (No-fault, unbalance, over- between 0 and 150%, while the torque is in range of ± 15
voltage, and undervoltage) are represented as three separate times its rated value. This means that the voltage and speed
classes for each fault, according to the loading level, previ- axes can show values that are up to 1.5 times of their rated,
ously shown in Fig. 5. They are first separated into light- whereas the current and torque can show values up to 15 times
load class, which simulate a load torque ranging from 0% of their rated. Lissajous and d-q plots are stretched horizon-
to 49% of rated load torque of motor. Then, a normal- tally to obtain the same image size as the other signals without
load class, which simulates a load torque ranging from having large blank areas in their images. Finally, all images are
50% to 90% of rated torque. Finally, the range from converted into grey scale and saved as 1880  620 pixels, con-
taining only the plotted signal without gridlines nor axes lines.
After that, images are subdivided into 4 groups:

 Group I (Raw): of 8 signals, which includes images for

(va ; vb ; vc ; ia ; ib ; ic ; xr ; T ) signals.
 Group II (Lissajous): of 5 signals, which includes images for
(Lisa ; Lisb ; Lisc ; xr ; T ) signals.
 Group III (Idq): of 6 signals, which includes images for
(va ; vb ; vc ; idq0 ; xr ; T ) signals.
 Group IV (VIdq): of 4 signals, which includes images for
(vdq0 ; idq0 ; xr ; T ) signals.

These 4 groups are outlined in the table accompanying the

graphs of Fig. 9.
Then, the set of images in each group is stacked using two
Fig. 8 Ranges of different operating conditions for induction methods to provide the final structure of the proposed dataset.
240 M. Abdelmaksoud et al.

Fig. 9 Sample of all images of motor signals for the main five fault classes.

 In the first method, images in each group are vertically training and testing sets with a ratio of 80% and 20%, respec-
stacked to form a single-channel image. tively. Therefore, the 1024 examples in each class are divided
 While in the other method, they are stacked as overlayers to into 820 cases for training and 204 cases for testing.
form multi-channels images.
3.4. Neural network model
All dataset representations are summarized in Fig. 10.
There are 8 datasets, the overall number of examples in each To verify the performance of the proposed representations of
dataset is 14,336. Each class in each dataset is then divided into dataset in fault detection and classification, a simple CNN is

Fig. 10 Summary of dataset representations.

Convolutional-neural-network-based multi-signals fault diagnosis of induction motor 241

built. The input to the CNN is one of the eight available data- Google Colab Pro virtual machines, with NVIDIA P100/T4
sets. The network outputs a prediction according to the classi- GPU and RAM with maximum of 32 GB. In the next section,
fied fault. The architecture of the network is illustrated in the performance of the different dataset representations is
Fig. 11. It is composed of three consecutive sets of 2D convo- carefully studied to figure out the best representation for the
lutional layers followed by pooling. The 2D convolutional lay- proposed application.
ers have filter numbers of 8, 16 and 32, respectively. The filter
size is 3  3 for all filters. All these layers have Rectified Linear 4. Results and discussion
Unit (ReLU) activation functions. Every convolutional layer is
followed by a Max-Pooling layer with a pooling size of 2  2. To evaluate the performance of each dataset type in fault
After the last layer, their outputs are flattened and then fully detection, the CNN model was trained with each dataset type,
connected to a dense layer with ReLU activation function for a certain number of epochs. Experimental results of the
and 512 neurons. Finally, the output layer is built using Soft- training process were obtained. Model accuracy for training
max activation function, which has 14 neurons representing and testing are recorded after each epoch. They are combined
the 14 fault classes. The weights of the model are randomly ini- in two plots as shown in Fig. 12. From this figure, it can be
tialized, and RMSprop Optimizer [67] is used to update the noted that both training and testing accuracies curves are
model parameters with a learning rate of 0.001, by calculating about to saturate after 10 epochs. The network is trained for
the categorical cross entropy loss function [91]. more epochs, but without any significant increase in accura-
The input shape of the network is different depending on cies. Since the main target of experiments is to compare the dif-
the dataset representation used. For the purpose of compar- ferent types of datasets to figure out the best representation,
ison between the various dataset representations of single- setting the number of epochs to 10 was found to be a suitable
and multi-channel, outlined above, the input shape is selected choice for training the network.
so that the number of trainable parameters is in the same level The performance of all dataset types is summarized in
for all cases. For single channel datasets, the input shape is Table 5. The training time, training/testing accuracies after
(600, 200, 1), while for multi-channels datasets, the input 10 epochs are listed in this table. The best accuracy values
shape is (200, 600, Nc), where Nc is the number of input chan- obtained from training/testing are also listed, where the num-
nels (8, 5, 6 or 4). Therefore, the total number of trainable ber between brackets in this column is the epoch number where
parameters for each representation is approximately the same, the best accuracy was obtained. All networks under study have
as listed in Table 4. The input is divided into batches, the Multi-Signals input, however they are different in the method
batch size is 10. The experiments have been conducted using the channels’ data is presented as an input to the CNN. By

Fig. 11 CNN architecture.

Table 4 Number of trainable parameters according to the input shape of different dataset representations.
Dataset Type Input Shape # Trainable Parameters
SingleChannel (600, 200, 1) 27,522,318

Multi-Channels GroupI Raw (200, 600, 8) 27,522,822

GroupII Lissajous (200, 600, 5) 27,522,606
GroupIII Idq (200, 600, 6) 27,522,678
GroupIV VIdq (200, 600, 4) 27,522,534
242 M. Abdelmaksoud et al.

Fig. 12 Training and testing accuracy curves of all dataset representations.

Table 5 Summary of CNN performance after 10 epochs for all dataset representations.
Dataset Type Avg. Training Time per Epoch (s) Train Accuracy % Test Accuracy %
After 10 Epochs Best Value After 10 Epochs Best Value
Single Channel GroupI Raw 441 96.58 Same 90.76 Same
GroupII Lissajous 313 97.47 Same 92.19 93.14 (6th)
GroupIII Idq 338 97.46 97.65 (9th) 91.32 Same
GroupIV VIdq 265 98.91 Same 93.28 94.33 (9th)

Multi Channels GroupI Raw 2224 94.91 Same 92.75 93.56 (8th)
GroupII Lissajous 1758 95.12 Same 94.54 Same
GroupIII Idq 2007 97.53 Same 95.03 Same
GroupIV VIdq 1651 98.14 Same 94.82 95.06 (4th)

comparing both Single- and Multi-Channels datasets represen- tation came next after VIdq, with accuracy less than the previ-
tations, using Table 5, it is worthwhile to note that: ous case by approximately 1%. The worst testing accuracy was
obtained from the network trained with raw signals, as it has
 Single channel datasets have less computational cost during 90.76% accuracy after 10 epochs. Therefore, among the four
training than multi-channels. For the same type of signal types of single channel datasets, VIdq has the best performance
representations, the networks trained with single-channel regarding testing accuracy and training time.
datasets train faster than multi-channels by 5.7 times on On the other hand, for multi-channels datasets, raw signals
average. representation led to the worst results too, with an accuracy of
 The average training accuracies of single channel datasets 92.75% after 10 epochs and 93.56% after 8 epochs. The other
are higher than multi-channels datasets values. However, three types had nearly similar results with small differences
the differences between training and testing accuracies are between them that do not exceed 0.5%. The highest accuracy
quite large. They have an average difference of 5.7%, which after 10 epochs was 95.03% for Idq representation, while VIdq
indicates that the network is overfitting the training data. In achieved best accuracy of 95.06% after the 4th epoch. So, the
contrast, multi-channel datasets have a smaller gap between best dataset representation among these three types cannot be
training and testing accuracies. They have an average differ- easily distinguished. Further investigation of the mislabeled
ence of 2.14%, so it can be said that the network with multi- classes is performed in the following paragraphs.
channels input is more effective in generalizing the learnt In the surveyed literature, researchers usually compared the
features from training data to testing data. accuracies of ‘‘single-signal” input to ‘‘multi-signals” input
 The average values of testing accuracies of multi-channels [38,56,59,66]. This is different from the work proposed here.
datasets are more than those of single channel datasets. Researchers in [65] compared the accuracies of two ‘‘multi-
Thus, multi-channels datasets are better performing in pre- signals” models (similar to the research presented in this
dicting the fault class for the testing data. paper). They detect stator, rotor, and bearing faults using cur-
rent and vibration signals represented in time–frequency
On one hand, by comparing different signal representations
domain. It is to be noted that, their dataset is different from
of single channel datasets as shown in Table 5 and Fig. 12, the
the dataset used in this paper, as it was generated using a dif-
best testing accuracy was obtained from the network trained
ferent machine with different parameters. The first model is
with VIdq dataset. It achieved testing accuracy of 93.28% after
‘‘multi-channels”, and its accuracy is (99.2%), while the second
10 epochs and 94.33% after 9 epochs. The Lissajous represen-
Convolutional-neural-network-based multi-signals fault diagnosis of induction motor 243

model is ‘‘multimodal single-channel”, and its accuracy is with close loading conditions that may be accepted to be
(99.83%) implying that ‘‘multimodal single-channel” input wrongly predicted. Only two pairs of loading conditions
outperforms ‘‘multi-channels” input by a percentage improve- (normal/heavy and normal/light) are permitted in this
ment of approximately 0.6%, as presented in Table 6. Simi- region. The third pair (light/heavy) loading is not accepted
larly for multi-signals comparison, the work in this paper to be wrongly predicted.
compared ‘‘multi-channels” and ‘‘vertically-stacked single-  The Third Region (accepted different fault types and same
channel”, to conclude that the former is better than the later loading levels): This region is shown on the figure using ‘‘or-
by improvements ranging from 0.77% to 4.06%. Results of ange” color. It defines the faults classes of different types
percentage improvement comparisons for both works are sum- but with same loading conditions which may be accepted
marized in Table 6. (with few numbers of examples) to be wrongly predicted.
The values of testing accuracies presented in Table 6 for the The following pairs are permitted in this region:
proposed work are slightly less than those of presented in [65]. o No-Fault condition with any of these faults (unbal-
However, those values may not reflect the actual accuracies of ance, overvoltage, or undervoltage) at the same loading
the adopted model, as depending on accuracy values only may level.
be sometimes misleading. Therefore, the confusion matrix of o Unbalance fault with any of these faults (overvoltage
each model was generated. Confusion matrix is a form of visu- or undervoltage) at the same loading level.
alization of the CNN model performance. It gives a summary o Overload Fault with any of these faults (no-fault,
of prediction results on the fault diagnosis model. In another unbalance, overvoltage, or undervoltage) at heavy
word, confusion matrix shows the ways in which the proposed loading level.
model is confused when it makes predictions. The confusion Any other combinations of faults with different types are
matrices of all 8 dataset representations are presented in not accepted to be wrongly predicted.
Fig. 13. The diagonal of each matrix determines the number
of examples that are correctly predicted by the CNN model,  The Fourth Region (unaccepted wrong prediction): This
while the off-diagonal regions show the number of wrongly pre- region is shown on the figure using ‘‘white” color. It defines
dicted examples and define their actual and predicted classes. all regions where wrong prediction is not accepted. The
By investigating the model’s predictions in the matrices in cases included in these regions are the rest of cases that
Fig. 13, it is to be noted that some faults are wrongly predicted are not included in previously mentioned regions.
due to the nature of the datasets used. The datasets used in this
work have sometimes non-distinctive margins between some It is to be noted that, the number of labels does not change.
examples in different fault classes as shown earlier in Fig. 8. The accepted class pairs of the second and third regions are not
As Each fault type (except locked rotor and overload) is repre- combined to have one label. They are only considered as ‘‘ac-
sented by three different classes according to the loading levels. cepted” to have been mislabeled among them.
Therefore, the model may be confused between (normal load According to the discussed regions of confusion matrices
and light load) or (normal load and heavy load) for the same for all models, and to accurately figure out the dataset achiev-
fault type. Moreover, some classes of different faults at the ing best performance, the number and region of wrongly pre-
same load level may also have few examples that confuse the dicted (mislabeled) examples for all cases are compared and
model (e.g., no-fault at heavy load and overload fault). listed in Table 7.
although those examples may be wrongly predicted by the The first observation is that all datasets have a relatively
model, they are still acceptable. large number of mislabeled examples in the second region
To sum up, the confusion matrix of each model can be (accepted same fault type and different loading levels) rang-
divided into four main regions according to the following: ing from (4.10%) to (6.93%). This reflects the nature of the
dataset where the margins between faults are not sharply sep-
 The First Region (correct prediction): This region is shown arated. However, three models belonging to multi-channels
on the figure using ‘‘blue” color. It defines the correctly pre- group have better predictions in this region than the other
dicted classes. It is located in the diagonal of the confusion 5 datasets. Lissajous dataset has the best performance in this
matrix. region. This is followed by Idq dataset and finally the VIdq
 The Second Region (accepted same fault type and different dataset.
loading levels): This region is shown on the figure using The second observation is that number of mislabeled
‘‘red” color. It defines the faults classes of same type but examples belonging to the third region (accepted different

Table 6 Diagnostic results comparison for multi-signals models.

Signal Representation Best Diagnostic Accuracy
Single-Channel Multi-Channels Percentage Improvement
Multimodal Network Vertically Stacked
Time-Freq. [65] 99.83 % ——— 99.20 % 0.63 %
Raw (proposed) ——— 90.76 % 93.56 % 3.08 %
Liss. (proposed) ——— 93.14 % 94.54 % 1.50 %
Idq (proposed) ——— 91.32 % 95.03 % 4.06 %
VIdq (proposed) ——— 94.33 % 95.06 % 0.77 %
244 M. Abdelmaksoud et al.

Fig. 13 Confusion matrices resulted from using different datasets. (a) Raw Single-Channel, (b) Lissajous Single-Channel, (c) Idq Single-
Channel, (d) VIdq Single-Channel, (e) Raw Multi-Channels, (f) Lissajous Multi-Channels, (g) Idq Multi-Channels, (h) VIdq Multi-

fault types and same loading levels) in ‘‘single-channel” data- (0.39%) ‘‘accepted” mislabels. In addition, Idq with multi-
sets, range from (0.74%) to (2.21%). It is relatively higher channels dataset has good results with only 17 (0.60%) ‘‘ac-
than the corresponding signal types from ‘‘multi-channels” cepted” mislabels.
datasets (ranging from 0.39% to 1.16%). The best result is The sum of region (2) and region (3) mislabels indicates the
for the case of VIdq multi-channels dataset. It has only 11 total number of accepted mistakes due to non-distinctive mar-
Convolutional-neural-network-based multi-signals fault diagnosis of induction motor 245

Table 7 Analysis of mislabeled examples for all dataset representations.

Dataset Type Number of Mislabeled Examples (from 2856 examples) Total Number of Regions
(1, 2, 3) Examples
Region (2) Region (3) Region (2)+Region (3) Region (4)
(from 2856 examples)
‘‘Accepted” ‘‘Accepted” ‘‘Accepted” ‘‘Unaccepted”
Single Channel GroupI Raw 198 (6.93%) 63 (2.21%) 261 (9.14%) 4 (0.14%) 2852 (99.86%)
GroupII Lissajous 169 (5.92%) 52 (1.82%) 221 (7.74%) 2 (0.07%) 2854 (99.93%)
GroupIII Idq 188 (6.58%) 56 (1.96%) 244 (8.54%) 3 (0.11%) 2853 (99.89%)
GroupIV VIdq 170 (5.95%) 21 (0.74%) 191 (6.69%) 1 (0.04%) 2855 (99.96%)
Average 181 (6.35%) 48 (1.68%) 229 (8.03%) 10 (0.09%) 2846 (99.65%)

Multi Channels GroupI Raw 175 (6.13%) 31 (1.09%) 206 (7.21%) 1 (0.04%) 2855 (99.96%)
GroupII Lissajous 117 (4.10%) 33 (1.16%) 150 (5.25%) 6 (0.21%) 2850 (99.79%)
GroupIII Idq 125 (4.38%) 17 (0.60%) 142 (4.97%) 0 (0.00%) 2856 (100.0%)
GroupIV VIdq 136 (4.76%) 11 (0.39%) 147 (5.15%) 4 (0.14%) 2852 (99.86%)
Average 138 (4.84%) 23 (0.81%) 161 (5.65%) 11 (0.10%) 2845 (99.61%)

Table 8 Modified testing accuracies of the proposed fault diagnosis.

Dataset Type Original Accuracy Modified Accuracy Modified Accuracy
(Considering only Region (Considering only Regions (1) and (Considering Regions (1), (2), and
(1)) (2)) (3)
SingleChannel GroupI Raw 90.76% 97.65% 99.86%
GroupII Lissajous 92.19% 98.11% 99.93%
GroupIII Idq 91.32% 97.93% 99.89%
GroupIV VIdq 93.28% 99.23% 99.96%

MultiChannels GroupI Raw 92.75% 99.88% 99.96%

GroupII Lissajous 94.54% 98.63% 99.79%
GroupIII Idq 95.03% 99.40% 100.0%
GroupIV VIdq 94.82% 99.47% 99.86%

gin between classes. Lissajous, Idq, and VIdq representations including the ‘‘region (2)” mistaken cases. The third column
have a sum of 150, 142, and 147 respectively. Hence, they have in the table represents the modified accuracy for the case of
the lowest sum among all types. This implies that they have removing the accepted mistaken cases of ‘‘region (3)” as well
good ability to distinguish faults with non-distinctive margins. as ‘‘region (2)” cases. The cases of ‘‘region (3)” as explained
The third observation is that the number of mislabels earlier are cases of different fault types but with similar loading
belonging to the fourth region (unaccepted wrong prediction) level (such as no-fault with heavy load against overload fault),
for all types is remarkably small. The maximum number of which are still acceptable with few numbers as in this case.
‘‘unaccepted” mislabels is 6 in the Lissajous multi-channel
dataset, which corresponds to 0.21% of the total number of 5. Conclusion and future work
testing examples. This yields a percentage of 99.79% for both
correct and accepted cases, which is considered as the modified It was shown that deep CNN is an effective tool for diagnosing
accuracy. Moreover, Idq multi-channels dataset has the best multi-signals IM faults at its starting period with different ver-
performance in terms of modified accuracy (100%), without sions of datasets. CNN model was proposed to detect different
any ‘‘unaccepted” mislabels. Thus, all models are achieving motor/supply related faults with multiple motor signals. Eight
relatively good performance in distinguishing faults that have different datasets were generated from the simulated motor
no close margins (with a modified accuracy ranging from model to be used in the training and testing of the proposed
99.79% to 100%). CNN. These datasets were divided into two main groups
The comparison between original and modified accuracies according to the CNN input shape (single- and multi-
for the same eight cases of single- and multi-channel datasets channels), each group consisted of 4 datasets with different sig-
is shown in Table 8. The first column represents the original nals representations (raw, Lissajous, current and voltage d-q,
accuracy obtained in Table 5 above. The mistaken cases of ‘‘re- current d-q). Comparison between all datasets was performed
gion (2)” type such as labelling the same fault type to be a high to investigate the effect of the different combinations on the
loading condition when it is in the vicinity of normal loading motor fault diagnosis performance, as well as to determine
condition is still acceptable. This implies that these mistaken the most effective signal representation and input shape.
cases can be removed from the overall erroneous ones leading On one hand, by comparing the 4 signals representations of
to the second column of Table 8 with modified accuracy not single-channel datasets, the dataset with both voltage and cur-
246 M. Abdelmaksoud et al.

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