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Exposure In Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks

Seapahn Meguerdichian1, Farinaz Koushanfar2, Gang Qu3, Miodrag Potkonjak1

Computer Science Department, University of California, Los Angeles
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, University of California, Berkeley
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Maryland
{seapahn, miodrag},,

Abstract y
p D =(-1,1)
Wireless ad-hoc sensor networks will provide one of
the missing connections between the Internet and the physi-
cal world. One of the fundamental problems in sensor net-
works is the calculation of coverage. Exposure is directly
related to coverage in that it is a measure of how well an
object, moving on an arbitrary path, can be observed by the s = (0,0) x
sensor network over a period of time.
In addition to the informal definition, we formally de-
fine exposure and study its properties. We have developed
an efficient and effective algorithm for exposure calculation
in sensor networks, specifically for finding minimal expo- p S =(1,-1)
sure paths. The minimal exposure path provides valuable Figure 1. Exposure Example.
information about the worst case exposure-based coverage
in sensor networks. The algorithm works for any given dis-
where the physical world can be observed and influenced
tribution of sensors, sensor and intensity models, and char-
through the Internet and wireless sensor network infrastruc-
acteristics of the network. It provides an unbounded level of
tures. Consequently, there have been a number of vigorous
accuracy as a function of run time and storage. We provide
research and development efforts at all levels of develop-
an extensive collection of experimental results and study the
ment and usage of wireless sensor networks, including ap-
scaling behavior of exposure and the proposed algorithm for
plications, operating systems, architectures, middleware,
its calculation.
integrated circuit, and system.
I. INTRODUCTION In many cases, the techniques and tools from general
purpose and/or DSP computing can be adopted to the new
A. Motivation scenarios with some modifications and generalizations.
However, there are also a number of technical challenges
Recent convergence of technological and application
that are unique for wireless sensor networks. For example,
trends have resulted in exceptional levels of interest in wire-
wireless sensor networks pose a number of fundamental
less ad-hoc networks and in particular wireless sensor net-
problems related to their deployment, location discovery,
works. The push was provided by rapid progress in compu-
and tracking, among which, exposure has a special place
tation and communication technology as well as the emerg-
and role. Exposure can be informally specified as expected
ing field of low cost, reliable, MEMS-based sensors. The
average ability of observing a target in the sensor field.
pull was provided by numerous applications that can be
More formally exposure can be defined as an integral of a
summarized under the umbrella of computational worlds,
sensing function that generally depends on distance from
sensors on a path from a starting point pS to destination
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work or point pD. The specific sensing function parameters depend
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
on the nature of sensor device and usually have the from
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to d-K, with K typically ranging from 1 to 4.
republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior
specific permission and/or a fee. The difficulty, complexity, and beauty of the exposure
ACM SIGMOBILE 7/01 Rome, Italy problem can be illustrated using a very simple, yet nontriv-
© 2001 ACM ISBN 1-58113-422-3/01/07…$5.OO ial problem illustrated in Figure 1. The task is to find a path
with minimal exposure for the object traveling from starting
point pS to destination point pD. The field has a single sensor

node s, located at the intersection of the diagonals of the study scaling, stability, and error propagation in wireless
square field F. The sensor s senses the object with sensitiv- sensor network problems.
ity that is inversely proportional to the square of the distance
between the object and s. C. Paper Organization
Recently, Meguerdichian et al. [Meg01] proposed an The reminder of the paper is organized in the following
efficient algorithm for calculating the maximal breach and way: First, we briefly survey the related work. After that, in
maximal support paths in a sensor network. There, the order to make the paper self-contained, we summarize the
maximal breach path, is defined as a path where its closest technical preliminaries and background information, as well
distance to any of the sensors is as large as possible, while as providing the formal definition of exposure. Next, in Sec-
the maximal support path is defined as a path where its far- tion IV, we present analytical discussions and results on
thest distance from the closest sensors is minimized. The exposure and discuss several properties. In Section V, we
key idea is to use the Voronoi diagram and the Delaunay present an efficient algorithm for exposure calculation. Fi-
triangulation of the sensor nodes as a set of piecewise linear nally, in Section VI, we present extensive, statistically vali-
components to limit the search for the optimal paths in each dated, experimental results, followed by the conclusion.
case. The Voronoi diagram is formed from lines that bisect
and are perpendicular to the lines that connect two neighbor- II. RELATED WORK
ing sensors, while the Delaunay triangulation is formed by
Both coverage and wireless sensor networks are intrin-
connecting nodes that share a common edge in the Voronoi
sically multidisciplinary research topics. Therefore, a wide
Diagram. For maximal breach, it is advantageous to move
body of scientific and technological work is related to re-
along the lines of the Voronoi diagram, since stepping away
search presented in this paper. In this section, we briefly
from the Voronoi lines will ensure that at least one sensor is
cover only the most directly related areas: sensors, wireless
closer to the path. At first glance, it may seem that for mini-
ad-hoc sensor networks, the coverage problem, and related
mization of exposure, it is also beneficial to follow the
sensor network problems such as location discovery and
edges of the Voronoi diagram. However, as we will prove in
Section IV, this intuition is not true.
For our simple example, the minimal exposure path can A. Sensors
be seen in bold in Figure 1. Interestingly, the optimal path in A sensor is a device that produces a measurable re-
this case partially, but not completely uses the edges of the sponse to a change in a physical condition, such as tempera-
bounded Voronoi diagram. In this example we can observe ture or magnetic field. Although sensors have been around
that it is at times beneficial to step closer to sensors and still for a long time, two recent technological revolutions have
reduce the overall exposure, due to the shorter sensing time greatly enhanced their importance and their range of appli-
(shorter path length). cation. The first was the connection of sensors to computer
systems and the second was the emergence of MEMS sen-
B. Research Goals
sors with their small size, small cost, and high reliability.
We have a number of strategic objectives. The first is a There are a number of comprehensive surveys for a variety
comprehensive and more importantly sound treatment of the of sensor systems, including [Bal98, Mas98, Ngu98,
exposure problem. Our goal is to provide formal, yet intui- Yaz00]. More computer science and mathematical treatment
tive formulations, establish the complexity of the problem of sensors can be found in [Mar90].
and to develop practical algorithms for exposure calculation.
The next objective is to study the relationship and interplay B. Wireless Ad-hoc Sensor Networks
of exposure with other fundamental wireless sensor network Recently, wireless sensor networks have been attracting
tasks, and in particular with location discovery and deploy- a great deal of commercial and research interest [Lan00,
ment. More specifically, we study how errors in location Haa00]. In particular, practical emergence of wireless ad-
discovery impacts the calculation of exposure and how one hoc networks is widely considered revolutionary both in
can statistically predict the required number of sensors for a terms of paradigm shift as well as enabler of new applica-
targeted level of exposure. tions. In ad-hoc networks there is no fixed network infra-
In addition to strategic goals, we also have several structure (such as in cellular phone networks) and therefore
technical and optimization objectives. The main goal is to they can be deployed and adapted much more rapidly. Fur-
establish techniques that bridge the gap between the con- thermore, integration of inexpensive, power efficient and
tinuous domain and discrete mathematical objects. It is im- reliable sensors in nodes of wireless ad-hoc networks, with
portant to emphasize that in addition to exposure related significant computational and communication resources,
problems, many other wireless sensor network problems opens new research and engineering vistas.
intrinsically have both continuous and discrete components. A number of high profile applications for wireless sen-
Furthermore, our goal is to apply statistical techniques to sor networks have been proposed [Ten00, Est00]. The ap-

plications range from connecting the internet to the physical addressed in the past, there is less material on the last phase.
world to creating new proactive environments. At the same During measurement one or more characteristics of the
time, wireless sensor networks pose a number of demanding wireless signal is measured in order to establish the distance
new technical problems, including the need for new DSP between a transmitter and receiver. For this purpose, most
algorithms [Pot00], operating systems [Adj99], low power often, received signal strength indicator (RSSI), time-of-
designs [Abi00], and integration with biological systems arrival (ToA), time-difference-of-arrival (TDoA), and angle-
[Abe00]. of-arrival (AoA) are used [Gib96].
C. Coverage Problems Procedures for algorithmic location discovery can be
classified in two large groups: those used in fixed infrastruc-
Several different coverage formulations arise naturally ture wireless systems and those in wireless ad-hoc systems.
in many domains. The Art Gallery Problem for example, While the first group has been an active area of research and
deals with determining the number of observers necessary to development for a long time, the second group has only
cover an art gallery room such that every point is seen by at recently become the focus of intense study. In the first
least one observer. It has found several applications in many group, most notable location discovery systems include
domains such as for optimal antenna placement problems in AVL [Rit77, Tur72], Loran [Sha99], GPS [Fis99, Bra99],
wireless communication. The Art Gallery problem was systems used by cellular base stations for tracking of mobile
solved optimally in 2D and was shown to be NP-hard in the users [Caf00, Caf98], the Cricket location discovery systems
3D case. Reference [Mar96] proposes heuristics for solving [Pri00], and active badge systems [Wan92]. A number of
the 3D case using Delaunay triangulations. Reference location discovery systems have been proposed. For the
[Kan00] describes a general systematic method for develop- sake of brevity, we refer to the comprehensive comparative
ing an advanced sensor network for monitoring complex survey and detailed discussion on a number of wireless ad-
systems such as those found in nuclear power plants, but hoc network location discovery systems and techniques pre-
does not present any general coverage algorithms. Sensor sented in [Kou01].
coverage for detecting global ocean color where sensors
observe the distribution and abundance of oceanic phyto-
plankton is approached by assembling and merging data III. TECHNICAL PRELIMINARIES
from satellites at different orbits as presented in [Gre98]. A. Sensor Models
Coverage studies to maintain connectivity have been Sensing devices generally have widely different theo-
the focus of study for many years. For example, [Mol99 and retical and physical characteristics. Thus, numerous models
Lie98] calculate the optimum number of base stations re- of varying complexity can be constructed based on applica-
quired to achieve service objectives. In some instances, tion needs and device features. Interestingly, most sensing
connectivity is achieved through mobile host attachments to device models share two facets in common:
a base station. However, the connectivity coverage is more
important in the case of ad-hoc wireless networks since the 1) Sensing ability diminishes as distance increases;
connections are peer-to-peer. Reference [Has97] shows the
2) Due to diminishing effects of noise bursts in measure-
improvement in network coverage due to multi-hop routing
ments, sensing ability can improve as the allotted sens-
capabilities and optimizes the coverage constraint subject to
ing time (exposure) increases.
a limited path length.
Having this in mind, for a sensor s, we express the gen-
References [Meg01] presents other formulations of
eral sensing model S at an arbitrary point p as:
coverage in sensor networks. These formulations include the
best- and worst-case coverage for agents moving in a sensor λ
field, characterized by maximal breach and maximal support S ( s, p ) =
paths respectively. There, distance to the closest sensors are [d (s, p)]K
of importance while in the exposure-based method pre-
where d(s,p) is the Euclidean distance between the sensor s
sented here, the detection probability (observability) in the
and the point p, and positive constants λ and K are sensor
sensor field is represented by a path dependent integral of
technology-dependent parameters. Although other sensing
multiple sensor intensities.
models can also be constructed and used for exposure calcu-
D. Related Sensor Network Problems: Location lations, we focus our subsequent discussions on this model.
Discovery and Deployment B. Sensor Field Intensity and Exposure
There are three separate, but related steps in the loca- In order to introduce the notion of exposure in sensor
tion discovery process: (i) measurement, (ii) algorithmic fields, we first define the Sensor Field Intensity for a given
location discovery procedure, and (iii) confidence (error) point p in the sensor field F. Depending on the application
calculation. While the first two steps have been extensively and the type of sensor models at hand, the sensor field in-

tensity can be defined in several ways. Here, we present two ing continuous functions x(t) and y(t), such that x(0)=1,
models for the sensor field intensity: All-Sensor Field Inten- y(0)=0; x(1)=X, y(1)=Y; and
sity (IA) and Closest-Sensor Field Intensity (IC).
1 2 2
1  dx (t )   dy (t ) 
Definition: All-Sensor Field Intensity IA(F,p) for a E=∫   +  dt
point p in the field F is defined as the effective sensing 0 x(t ) 2 + y (t ) 2  dt   dt 
measures at point p from all sensors in F. Assuming there
are n active sensors, s1, s2,…sn, each contributing with the is minimized. Note that here we are using the closest-sensor
distance dependent sensing function S, IA can be expressed (IC) intensity model.
Lemma 1
If q=(0,1), then the minimum exposure path is
I A ( F , p ) = ∑ S ( si , p )
 π π 
 cos t , sin t  , and the exposure along this path is
 2 2 
Definition: Closest-Sensor Field Intensity IC(F,p) for a
point p in the field F is defined as the sensing measure at π
E= .
point p from the closest sensor in F, i.e. the sensor that has 2
the smallest Euclidean distance from point p. IC can be ex-
pressed as: Proof:
Consider the lines that start from the origin, where sen-
s min = s m ∈ S d ( s m , p) ≤ d ( s, p)∀s ∈ S sor s is located, and intersect the x-axis, where the object is
I A ( F , p) = S ( s min , p) located, at angle αi, such that
where smin is the closest sensor to p. 0 < α 1 <  < α i < α i +1 <  < α n =
Suppose an object O is moving in the sensor field F
from point p(t1) to point p(t2) along the curve (or path) p(t). Clearly, the path from point p(1,0) to q(0,1) with mini-
We now define the exposure of this movement. mum exposure will intersect each line in order and only
once. Let pi be the intersection point. We use the line seg-
Definition: The Exposure for an object O in the sensor ments pipi+1 to approximate the path between points pi and
field during the interval [t1,t2] along the path p(t) is defined pi+1.
Draw lines perpendicular to line segments pipi+1 from
dp (t ) , origin s and name the intersection point si. We further de-
E ( p (t ), t1 , t 2 ) = ∫ I (F , p (t ) ) dt note the angles ∠ pissi and ∠ sispi+1 by βi and γi as shown
in Figure 2.
where the sensor field intensity I (F , p (t ) ) can either One can verify that the exposure from pi to si along the
dp (t ) line segment is:
be I A (F , p (t ) ) or I C (F , p (t ) ) and is the element
of arc length. For example, if p (t ) = ( x(t ), y (t )) , then,

2 2
dp (t )  dx(t )   dy (t )  .
=   +  pn=q
dt  dt   dt  pi+1
γi pi
We start our discussion on exposure by considering the
simplest case: There is only one sensor at position (0,0) βi
whose sensitivity function at point p(x,y) is defined as:
1 1 αi+1 p1
S ( s (0,0), p ( x, y )) = = . αi
d ( s, p ) 2
x +y 2 α1
s p0=p
We study the problem of how to travel from point
p(1,0) to point q(X,Y) with the minimum exposure, i.e. find- Figure 2. Proof for Lemma 1.

l sin β i
1 1 + sin β i y

0 l cos β i + x
2 2 2
dx = ln
cos β i q = (-1,1)

where l is the distance between points s and pi. Therefore

the exposure of traveling from point pi to pi+1 is
1 + sin β i 1 + sin γ i . Notice that since β +γ =α -α ,
ln + ln i i i+1 i
cos β i cos γ i
which is a constant for a given set of
s = (0,0) p’
π x
0 < α 1 < m < α i < α i +1 < m < α n = ,
we have that this exposure is minimized if and only if βi=γi.
This implies that d(s,p)=d(s,q). In other words, to reach the
(i+1)-th line (the one that intersects the x-axis with angle
αi+1) from point pi, the best way is to move towards point p = (1,-1)
pi+1, the point that has the same distance from the sensor as
Figure 3. Proof for Theorem 3.
pi does.
As n→∞, we conclude that if the destination point
q=(0,1), then the minimum exposure path is the quarter cir- By symmetry, we only need to prove that the minimum
cle from p=(1,0) to q=(0,1) with center (0,0) and radius 1. exposure path from point p (1,-1) to dashed line y = x is the
This path can be expressed as: line segment from (1,-1) to (1,0) followed by the arc cen-
tered at (0,0) as shown in bold in Figure 3. We show that
π π this path has less exposure than any other continuous curve
(cos t , sin t ) (0 ≤ t ≤ 1) . from (1,-1) to the line y = x.
2 2
Thus, the exposure is: Let the dotted curve in Figure 3 be an arbitrary curve
connecting point p(1,-1) and any point on the line y = x.
1  π  π   π
 π  π
Suppose it intersects the x-axis at point p’. From Lemma 2,
E=∫  − sin t   +  cos t   dt =
0 2π  2π   2  2   2  2  2 we know that the minimum exposure path from point p’ to
cos  t  + sin  t  the line y=x is the one that follows the circle centered at
2  2 
(0,0) from p’ to the dashed line y=x. Therefore, the dotted
 curve should include this arc. The exposure along this arc is
Notice that in the above proof, it is not necessary to π/4, same as that along the arc in bold from (1,0) to line
have the starting point and ending point at (1,0) and (0,1). y=x. However, exposure along the dotted curve from p to
The only fact we utilize is that they have the same distance p’ is larger than that along the straight line segment from p
to the sensor. In general, we have: to (1,0) for two reasons: (1) the sensor is more sensitive to
the points on the former curve because they are closer to the
Lemma 2 sensor; (2) the length of the former curve is longer than the
Given a sensor s and two points p and q, such that latter, which is the shortest from p to the x-axis. Therefore,
d(s,p)=d(s,q), then the minimum exposure path between p traveling along the dotted curve induces more exposure than
and q is the arc that is part of the circle centered s and pass- the bold curve, the minimum exposure path.
ing through p and q. 
Now we study the minimum exposure path in a re- We can extend this result to the case where the sensor
stricted region. We start with the case where the sensor is at field is a convex polygon and the sensor is at the center of
the center of the square |x|≤1, |y|≤1. the inscribed circle.
Theorem 3 Let v1v2…vi…vn be a polygonal field, s be the sensor,
and edge vivi+1 is tangent to the inscribed circle at point ui as
Let the sensor be located at (0,0) and the field restricted
shown in Figure 4. Define curves:
to the region |x|≤1, |y|≤1. The minimum exposure path from
point p(1,-1) to point q(-1,1) consists of three parts: a line OQU OQU ONQN U
segment from p to (1,0), a quarter circle from (1,0) to (0,1), Γij = vi u i ∗ u i u i +1 ∗ u i +1u i + 2 ∗ l ∗ u j − 2 u j −1 ∗ u j −1v j
and a line segment from (0,1) to q.

v1 vn v1 v4
un u4

u1 u1

s u4 u' s u3

u2 ui v u'' u2 v3
vi v''

Figure 4.
v2 Figure 5.


Γij = viui −1 ∗ ui −1ui − 2 ∗ ui − 2ui − 3 ∗  ∗ u j +1u j ∗ u j v j
where ui vi is the line segment from point ui to point vi, MINIMAL EXPOSURE PATH
- As shown in Section IV, it is possible to obtain analyti-
uiui +1 is the arc on the inscribed circle between the two cal solutions to several simple instances of the exposure
points that does not pass any other uj’s, * is the concatena- problem. However, finding the minimum exposure path in
tion, and all +/– operations are modulus n. Notice that if sensor networks under arbitrary sensor and intensity models
vertices vi and vj are adjacent, one of these two curves be- is an extremely difficult optimization task. In this section we
comes edge vi v j . We have: present a generic algorithm and several heuristics that can
be used to obtain the solution to the exposure based cover-
Corollary 4 age problem.
The minimum exposure path from vertices vi to vj is ei- The generic exposure problem domain is continuous
ther Γij or Γ’ij whichever has less exposure. and the exposure expression often does not have an analyti-
cal solution. To address these characteristics, the algorithm
Define the corner at a vertex vi as the area enclosed be we propose here has three main parts:

1) Transform the continuous problem domain to a dis-
curve vi ui ∗ ui u i −1 ∗ ui −1vi , i.e., the region that is inside the
crete one;
polygon but outside the inscribed circle. From any point v in
a corner other than the vertex vi, we draw two lines tangent 2) Apply graph-theoretic abstraction;
to the circle: vv’ that intersects edge vi-1vi at v’ and is tangent 3) Compute the minimal exposure path using Djikstra’s
to circle at u’; and vv” that intersects edge vivi+1 at v” and is Single-Source-Shortest-Path algorithm [Cor90].
tangent to circle at u”. Figure 5 shows this in a quadrilateral
v1v2v3v4 and its inscribed circle centered at s. Consider point To transform the problem domain to a tractable discrete
v in the corner at vertex v2. We want to find the minimum domain we use a generalized grid approach. For the sake of
exposure path from v to a point in another corner, for exam- clarity, we restrict our subsequent discussion to the 2D case.
ple vertex v4, in the quadrilateral field. After drawing the In the generalized grid-based approach, we divide the
two tangent lines vv’ and vv”, this problem is reduced to sensor network region using an nxn square grid and limit the
finding such a path in a smaller convex polygon v1v’vv”v3v4, existence of the minimal exposure path within each grid
which is solvable by Corollary 4. So we have: element. In the simplest case, the path is forced to exist only
Corollary 5 along the edges and the diagonals of each grid square as
shown in Figure 6(a). We call this case the first-order grid.
We can determine the minimum exposure path from However, since the minimal exposure path can travel in
one corner to another in a convex polygon. arbitrary directions through the sensor field, it is easy to see
However, the problem of finding the minimum expo- that the first-order grid creates significant inaccuracies in
sure path between two points belonging to the same corner the final results since it only allows horizontal, vertical, and
or when both are inside the inscribed circle (unless they are diagonal movements. We use higher order grid structures
equidistant to the sensor) remains open. such as the second-order and third-order grids shown in

(a) n=2, m=1 (b) n=2, m=2 (c) n=2, m=3

Figure 6. First-order (a), second-order (b), and third-order (c) generalized 2x2 grid examples.

Figure 6(b) and 6(c) to improve the accuracy of the final Procedure Minimal_Exposure_Path(F,pS,pD) {
solution. As can be deduced from Figure 6, to construct the FD(V,L)=Generate_Grid(F,n,m)
m-th-order grid, we place m+1 equally spaced vertices Init Graph G(V,E)
along each edge of a grid square. The minimal exposure For All vi∈ FD
path is then restricted to straight line segments connecting Add vertex vi’ to G
any two of the vertices on each square. It is easy to verify
For All li(vj,vk)∈ L
that as n→∞ and m→∞, the solutions produced by the algo- Add edge ei(vj’,vk’) to G
rithm approaches the optimum, at the cost of run-time and ei.weight=Exposure(li)
storage requirements.
vs = find closest vertex to pS
The details of the algorithm are listed in Figure 7. After
ve = find closest vertex to pD
generating the grid FD, the next step in the algorithm is to Min_Exposure_Path=Single_Source_Shortest_Path(G, vs, ve)
transform FD to the edge-weighted graph G. This is accom- }
plished by adding a vertex in G corresponding to each ver- Figure 7. Pseudo code for finding the minimal exposure path in
tex in FD and an edge corresponding to each line segment in a sensor field F, given starting point pS and ending point pD.
FD. Each edge is assigned a weight equal to the exposure
along its corresponding edge in FD, calculated or approxi- VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
mated by the Exposure() function. This function calculates
the exposure along the line segment using numerical inte- In order to gain a deeper understanding of the exposure-
gration techniques and can be implemented in a variety of based model of coverage in sensor networks, we have per-
ways. formed a wide range of simulations and case-studies. In this
As the pseudo-code in Figure 7 shows, we use Djik- section, we present several interesting results and discuss
stra’s Single-Source-Shortest-Path algorithm to find the their implications and possible applications.
minimal exposure path in G from the given source pS to the A. Simulation Platform
given destination pD. This algorithm can be replaced by the
Floyd-Warshal All-Pair-Shortest-Path algorithm to find the The main simulation platform consists of a standalone
minimal exposure path between any arbitrary starting and C++ package. The visualization and user interface elements
ending points on the grid FD. These two algorithms are well are currently implemented using Visual C++ and OpenGL
known and [Cor90] provides a detailed discussion on both. libraries. Network Simulator (NS) and a limited number of
Rockwell seismic sensor nodes are also used to verify the
When the starting and ending points of the path are ini- sensing models and the qualitative performance of the expo-
tially known, the run-time of the algorithm is generally sure model in a realistic environment.
dominated by the grid generation process which has a linear
run time over |FD|, the total number of vertices in the grid. The sensor field in all experiments is defined as a
However, if the Single-Source-Shortest-Path algorithm is square, 1000 meters wide. We have assumed a constant
replaced by the All-Pair-Shortest-Path algorithm, then the speed (|dp(t)/dt|=1) in all calculations of the minimal expo-
run-time of the entire process is dominated by the shortest sure path unless stated otherwise. This assumption signifi-
path calculation which has a complexity of O(|FD|3). cantly simplifies the required computation and allows for
more visually intuitive results that are essential for demon-

stration purposes. The grid resolution in all cases is also served in Figure 9 that shows the relative standard deviation
fixed and was experimentally determined. In most cases, a of exposure as the number of sensors increases. The results
32x32 grid with 8 divisions per grid-square edge (n=32, suggest that there is a saturation point after which randomly
m=8) were sufficient in producing accurate results. placing more sensors does not significantly impact the
minimal exposure in the field. In our experiments we have
B. Uniformly Distributed Random Sensor observed that under the IA intensity model, as the number of
Deployment sensors increase, the minimal exposure path generally gets
To create random sensor placements, we use two uni- closer to the bounding edges of the filed, and the path length
form random variables X and Y to compute the coordinates approaches the half field perimeter value. This behavior is
(xi,yi) of each sensor si in the field. The results in Table 1 caused by the fact that sensors are only allowed to exist in
and Table 2 show the mean, median, and standard deviation the field and thus the boundary edges of the field are gener-
(µ) of exposure and path length calculated for 50 such cases. ally farther from the bulk of sensors.
Table 1 lists results for varying number of sensors using the Figure 10 and Figure 11 show an instance of the mini-
1/d2 (K=2) model and Table 2 lists the results for the 1/d4 mal exposure path problem using the multi-resolution gen-
(K=4) sensing model. Both tables include results for the IA eralized grid. Shown are the solutions obtained for a low
and IC intensity models. resolution 8x8 grid, a higher resolution 16x16 grid, and an
As Tables 1 and 2 show, generally for sparse fields, ultra-high resolution 32x32 grid under the IA and IC intensity
there are a wide range of minimal exposure paths that can be models. It is interesting to note that using the very low-
expected from uniform random deployments. As sensor resolution 8x8 grid, the calculated path is fairly close to the
density increases in the field, the minimal exposure value accurate paths obtained by the higher resolution grids.
and path lengths tend to stabilize. This effect can be ob-

K=2 Intensity Model: All Sensors (IA) Intensity Model: Closest Sensor (IC)
Exposure Path Length (m) Exposure Path Length(m)
Sensors Avg. Med. µ Avg. Med. µ Avg. Med. µ Avg. Med. µ
23 0.29371 0.29364 0.043 1507.3 1537.9 258.3 0.07707 0.07386 0.023 1663.9 1671.9 205.7
26 0.33856 0.33542 0.051 1527.2 1538.0 269.0 0.08292 0.08200 0.024 1666.2 1673.5 214.4
27 0.35388 0.35310 0.054 1537.2 1607.1 280.7 0.08795 0.08490 0.023 1667.5 1688.2 228.5
74 1.21923 1.19378 0.133 1564.8 1576.2 229.2 0.22516 0.21827 0.049 1727.3 1757.3 169.8
79 1.29571 1.30208 0.130 1574.9 1558.9 245.8 0.23659 0.23168 0.046 1714.1 1700.0 183.3
85 1.43679 1.44794 0.127 1567.9 1568.1 203.4 0.25508 0.24577 0.049 1692.8 1689.8 181.8
119 2.18092 2.16669 0.147 1542.5 1552.7 233.2 0.35227 0.35154 0.056 1712.1 1707.6 155.2
126 2.32193 2.34368 0.176 1570.4 1577.5 209.3 0.36934 0.36404 0.059 1732.1 1702.4 151.8
146 2.78671 2.78598 0.202 1578.9 1595.3 196.1 0.42370 0.43267 0.059 1708.0 1714.1 121.6
Table 1. Uniformly distributed random sensor deployment statistics for 50 instances using 1/d sensing model.
K=4 Intensity Model: All Sensors (IA) Intensity Model: Closest Sensor (IC)
Exposure (x10 ) Path Length (m) Exposure (x10-5) Path Length (m)
Sensors Avg. Med. µ Avg. Med. µ Avg. Med. µ Avg. Med. µ
23 1.41637 0.95749 1.781 1617.6 1648.4 298.3 0.90822 0.43206 1.686 1753.4 1727.3 292.1
26 1.58834 1.10111 1.803 1718.7 1678.3 325.1 0.94988 0.51095 1.711 1807.6 1753.2 323.4
27 1.66767 1.19165 1.781 1678.6 1702.0 324.8 1.02837 0.61186 1.728 1726.9 1721.2 278.0
74 11.1643 8.99673 7.072 1777.1 1807.4 245.2 5.62326 3.79916 5.542 1881.0 1888.0 236.2
79 12.3447 10.3248 7.488 1730.7 1724.0 232.4 5.85618 4.19891 5.471 1833.4 1832.7 247.4
85 13.8395 11.9162 7.539 1696.0 1670.8 228.3 6.61165 4.96789 5.621 1838.0 1795.6 251.7
119 26.5454 23.3566 9.838 1783.6 1782.6 223.7 11.9136 9.45342 6.437 1872.5 1875.0 240.0
126 28.6042 26.7352 10.186 1776.0 1783.2 210.5 12.5021 10.9340 6.468 1902.7 1883.2 217.0
146 36.9259 34.6413 10.793 1755.4 1743.6 183.2 15.8885 14.0267 7.213 1861.8 1829.9 193.6
Table 2. Uniformly distributed random sensor deployment statistics for 50 instances using 1/d4 sensing model.

Exposure 2
(K=2 Sensing Model) (K=4 Sensing Model)
0.25 1.6

Relative Std. Dev.

Relative Std. Dev.

IC 1.2
0.1 IA 0.6


0.05 0.2
20 52 84 116 148 20 52 84 116 148
Number of Sensors Number of Sensors
Figure 9. Diminishing relative standard deviation in exposure for 1/d2 and 1/d4 sensor models.

Figure 10. Minimum exposure path for 50 randomly deployed sensors under the All-Sensor intensity model (IA) and vary-
ing grid resolutions: n=8, m=1 (left); n=16, m=2 (middle); n=32, m=8 (right).

Figure 11. Minimum exposure path for 50 randomly deployed sensors under the Closest-Sensor intensity model (IC) and
varying grid resolutions: n=8, m=1 (left); n=16, m=2 (middle); n=32, m=8 (right).

C. Deterministic Sensor Placement using the 1/d2 (K=2) and 1/d4 (K=4) sensing models, IA and
IC intensity models, and varying number of sensors.
In addition to random deployments, we have studied the
effects of several regular, deterministic sensor placement In the cross deployment scheme, sensors are equally
strategies on exposure. Table 3 lists the exposure and path spaced along the horizontal and vertical line that split the
lengths for several such strategies of sensor deployment square field in half. In the square-based approach, sensors

Figure 12. Minimum exposure path under the All-Sensor intensity model (IA) using cross, square, triangle, and hexagon based
deterministic sensor deployment schemes.

Figure 13. Minimum exposure path under the Closest-Sensor intensity model (IC) using cross, square, triangle, and hexagon
based deterministic sensor deployment schemes.

are placed at the vertices of a grid. In the triangle- and

hexagon-based methods, sensors are placed at the vertices of VII. CONCLUSION
equally spaced triangular and hexagonal partitions in the Calculation of exposure is one of fundamental problem
sensor field. Clearly, numerous other placements can be in wireless ad-hoc sensor networks. We introduced the ex-
constructed, however, these four cases serve as a guide on posure-based coverage model, formally defined exposure,
how coverage in deterministic deployment scenarios can and studied several of its properties. Using a multiresolution
differ from random cases. technique and Dijkstra and/or Floyd-Warshall shortest path
In our experiments the cross-based deployment scheme algorithms, we presented an efficient and effective algo-
seemed to provide the best level of exposure followed by rithm for minimal exposure paths for any given distribution
the triangle-based scheme. The hexagon- and square-based and characteristics of sensor networks. The algorithm works
schemes also present several interesting characteristics. for arbitrary sensing and intensity models and provides an
Figure 12 and Figure 13 depict the deterministic deployment unbounded level of accuracy as a function of run time. The
instances in action. Overall, the exposure along the minimal experimental results indicate that the algorithm can produce
exposure path for the cross-, triangle-, square-, and hexa- high quality results efficiently and can be used as a per-
gon-based deployment schemes was higher than the average formance and worst-case coverage analysis tool in sensor
randomly generated network topology. Finding the optimal networks.
placements of sensors to guarantee exposure coverage levels
is an interesting and challenging problem. For example, in
certain instances it may be desirable to detect objects enter- This material is based upon work supported by DARPA and
ing the field as soon as possible which may suggest placing Air Force Research Laboratory under Contract No. F30602-99-C-
sensors at the boundaries of the field. In other instances, 0128. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations
expressed in this material are those of the authors’ and do not
more uniform coverage levels may be beneficial, suggesting
necessarily reflect the views of the DARPA and Air Force Re-
the use of more uniform sensor deployment schemes such as search Laboratory.
the triangular and hexagonal deployment schemes.

Sensor Model K=2 K=4
Intensity Model IA IC IA IC
-5 -5
Sensors Exp. Len. (m) Exp. Len. (m) Exp. (x10 ) Len. (m) Exp. (x10 ) Len. (m)
Cross (+) 23 0.37921 1824.0 0.10534 1454.4 5.16387 1618.1 2.41489 1662.5
Cross (+) 79 1.81619 1885.5 0.46292 1626.3 263.737 1620.9 138.652 1659.8
Cross (+) 119 2.92691 1881.1 0.76240 1614.8 1076.93 1620.9 604.345 1655.5
Square 23 0.29164 1471.5 0.08075 1692.9 0.95149 1594.0 0.41017 1771.3
Square 79 1.53523 1452.6 0.35159 1688.5 17.3337 1613.2 7.40201 1835.4
Square 119 2.58348 1451.4 0.55955 1687.7 42.8954 1618.3 18.2303 1901.7
Triangle 27 0.41380 1730.6 0.12998 1713.3 1.92757 1785.3 1.04335 1783.4
Triangle 85 1.73666 1890.8 0.43943 1711.7 22.5250 2081.2 11.6667 1757.5
Triangle 126 2.78817 1917.6 0.65938 1708.4 51.3402 2010.2 26.2746 1775.7
Hexagon 26 0.38024 1455.1 0.10515 1630.0 1.58610 1559.2 0.67755 1845.1
Hexagon 74 1.48514 1450.9 0.34277 1642.2 16.6052 1776.4 7.03031 1864.1
Hexagon 146 3.43761 1446.9 0.70736 1624.3 72.4104 1545.5 31.3033 1795.1
Table 3. Deterministic sensor deployment results for several placement strategies.

Location Error 1% 5%
Intensity Model IA IC IA IC
Sensors Exp. Len. (m) Exp. Len. (m) Exp. Len. (m) Exp. Len. (m)
30 1.64 0.17 4.20 0.81 8.02 1.44 16.79 1.73
70 1.51 0.20 4.88 1.14 3.57 7.91 12.15 2.89
140 1.04 0.35 3.91 1.08 4.72 2.12 12.15 3.22
240 0.98 0.42 1.87 3.13 5.04 6.29 8.59 4.82
Table 4. Average exposure and path length errors due to uniform sensor location errors of 1% and 5% (K=2).

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