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Jane’s mind raced as they drove, what

were they going to do to her? She
remembered Jeffery, what was going to
become of him if they kill her? Maybe he
might try to rescue her, but then he wasn’t
even in the country, he was far away across
the Caribbean. Before he arrives, she might
have been long dead.

Jane panicked, she knew she needed to

find a way to escape from them so she
decided to engage Timothy in a

“Where are you taking me?”

“You will find out when we get there”

“How is your mother?”

“She is dead” Timothy spoke without any

iota of emotion.

“I’m sorry for your loss”

In response, Timothy hit her hard on her

head, this caused Jane to pass out.

Black knew the guy hit his back bumper on

purpose, and with the way he kept trying to
engage him in a conversation, it was
obvious he was trying hard to distract him.
“I’m very sorry sir” the middle aged man
apologized to Black as he examined the
damage done.

”It’s fine, no much damage was done”

“I’m sorry, I have had a little too much to

drink” the man apologized.

Black took a look at his wristwatch, it was

barely 12noon, a very odd time to drink at
all, talk more of getting drunk. And secondly
no drunk driver ever admits he is drunk.

“It’s fine no problem, you can go”

“No sir, let me fix it”

“No you don’t have to worry, you can go”

“No sir I insist, I know a good mechanic just

down the road, I’m sure he will be able to fix

“And I insist you go, before I report you for

drunken driving!”

The driver seeing Black’s mean face,

apologized and retreated to his car. Black
immediately sensed something was amiss.
He quickly rushed to Jane’s apartment. He
knocked severally and when there was no
response, he took out his gun, and kicked
the door open to find the room has been
turned upside down. He heard a muffled
sound coming from the kitchen, he rushed
there to find a bound Amaka sitting in a
corner of the kitchen floor, struggling to free

Black rushed to her side and untied her.

“He has her, we need to save her” Amaka
cried out.

“Who? Do you know the person?”

“Mr Okafor’s son, he has Jane” Amaka

gasped for breath as she spoke. Black got
her some water to drink, Amaka took some
sips. She tried getting up, but was greeted
by the pains on her knee and ankle.

Black helped her to the bedroom, and

helped her to sit on the couch. “I need you
to tell me everything that happened” Black
paced the room as he spoke. He couldn’t
believe he had been so stupid to allow
himself to be distracted by that guy. Now
Jane that he has been assigned to protect,
has been kidnapped.

“I was about to leave for work, when I heard

a knock on the door, I thought it was the
caretaker, because I called him about the
plumbing issue we were having, and he
promised to come check it this morning. So
I opened the door”

Amaka opened the door to find this strange

guy who she didn’t know, standing at her
“Yes? Good morning?” she asked, not
making any effort to allow him inside.

“Good morning Amaka”

“Sorry, but do I know you?” Amaka asked

“I’m quite sure your friend must have told

you about me” the stranger pushed his way
past Amaka into the room.

“Excuse me you don’t just barge into….”

Amaka was still talking when the stranger
pointed a gun at her.

“I’m sure you wouldn’t want me to use this,

close the door quietly and come in” he
instructed. Amaka did as she was told, her
eyes not leaving his hands. As she closed
the door, she threw the hot chocolate she
had in the mug she was holding in his face.
And as he struggled to clean his face, his
gun fell from his hands and Amaka took
that opportunity to grab a stool from the
dressing table to hit him with it, but he
caught her hands mid air causing the stool
to swing off her hands and break the
dressing mirror.

The stranger, caught her two hands, and

just then, Amaka bit his right hand. This
forced him to leave her hands. She tried
picking up the stool again, as that seems to
be the only weapon closest to her. He
caught her hands again and this time
around, he twisted them behind her.
“You think you are smart, don’t you?”
Amaka didn’t say a word, she was busy
calculating her next move. The stranger
turned her around to face him. “What do
you hope to achieve?”

Amaka’s right knee connected with his g---n

and she immediately ran to the kitchen to
get a knife, but he was behind her in no
time. And this time, he slapped her hard
causing Amaka to fall to the floor. He took
out his belt and flogged her severally,
making sure she was no longer strong
enough to fight him, before tying her hands
and her legs and then gagged her mouth.

“Now listen good, I’m not here for you but

your friend. So you can save your
taekwondo skills for some other time. Now
cooperate with me and I will be out of your
face in no time. But if you continue to prove
stubborn, I’m not assuring you I will
continue to be a gentleman. Is that clear?”

Amaka seeing she stood no chance of

winning him, nodded her response. “Good,
now where is your phone?” Amaka made a
muffled sound, which he couldn’t hear, so
he had to remove the gag from her mouth.

“It’s in my hand bag on the dresser” she

winced in pain as she spoke.

He replaced the gag on her mouth and

went to the dresser and took out her phone
from the bag.
“Now I’m going to be sending your beautiful
friend a message, asking her to meet you

As Amaka narrated her ordeal to Black, he

could see she was in pains, she had a few
bruises on her face and her hands. He
needed to take her to the hospital.

“I think we should take you to a hospital, to

get your injuries checked”

“What about Jane? We need to save her”

“I’m calling my agency already, we are

going to hunt that bastard down and get
Jane back” He tried to help her up.
“No! We have to save Jane. I think we need
to inform Jeffery” Amaka protested.

“He is out of the country on a business

assignment” Black told her as he tried
getting her to stand up.

“Then we inform his friends Dele and

Michael. I’m sorry but I can’t go to the
hospital just to take care of my minor
wounds while my friend is in grave danger”

“Very well then, we will inform them”

“Good, I think we should inform Dele first”

On their way to Dele’s office, Black called

his office and informed them about the
situation of things and they swung into
action of finding Jane Immediately.

When they arrived Dele’s office, he was in a

meeting so they had to wait a little while
before he came out to meet them.

“Hello Amaka, this is sure a surprise visit”

The moment he saw Amaka’s bruises, he
quickly went to her side. “Are you okay?
Who did this to you?” He examined
Amaka’s face as he spoke. “Wait, did he do
this to you?” Dele faced Black with an angry
look on his face.

“I’m fine Dele, he didn’t do any of these to

me. We are here because we have
something very important to tell you”
“What is that?” Dele asked looking

“Good day sir, my name is agent Black”

Black extended his hands to Dele for a
handshake “I’m the bodyguard Mr. Jeffery
assigned to protect Jane”

Dele shook Black’s hand “Good day Black, I

never knew Jeffery assigned a bodyguard
to watch Jane?”

“Yes he did” Amaka said.

“Whatever for? I thought the paparazzi’s

were no longer after her?” Dele asked.

“Well.. it wasn’t just because of the

paparazzi, he was protecting her from a
dangerous person who has now kidnapped

“What are you talking about?”

“Jane has been kidnapped!” Amaka cried


“Are you joking or what? What do you mean

by Jane has been kidnapped?” Dele asked
in shock.

“I’m afraid, she is not joking, miss Jane has

actually been kidnapped. But you need not
panic, my agency is working on getting her
back” Black said, as he tried to calm both
Amaka and Dele.
“So, if I get you correctly, someone has
been after Jane, so Jeffery hired you to
watch her, and now she has been
kidnapped by that same person?”

“You are very correct sir” Black said.

“Oh my goodness, how did this happen?”

Dele paced his office as Amaka narrated
everything that happened to him.

“We must inform the police at once” Dele

picked up his phone as he spoke.

“I’m afraid that won’t be a good idea” said

“What do you mean by that?”

“Informing the police isn’t going to help


“But the police needs to be informed of

what is going on, if anything is to go by with
the way you handled bodyguarding her,
then we would be needing the help of the
police to get her back”

“I totally get your point sir, but with what I

have come to know about this guy, he does
have an informant in the police. So that
means when we do report, he is most likely
to know and that won’t be good”

Dele knew Black was right, this is a case of

kidnapping and if Jane’s kidnappers heard
that they reported it to the police, that will
endanger Jane’s life all the more. “I guess
you do have a point. So what do we do

“We wait”

“What?” Dele and Amaka asked this at the

same time.

“We can’t just fold our arms and wait, we

have to do something” Amaka argued.

“We are not going be doing nothing, my

agency is already working on tracking him
down, while we also wait and see if he
contacts any of us”

“And if he doesn’t?” Dele asked.

“Let’s hope he does, we stand a better
chance of tracking him if he contacts us”

“Oh God please save my friend” Amaka

took to pacing the room as she prayed.
While Dele dialed Michael to inform him of
what was going on, Jeffery’s trip is twelve
hours long, he hasn’t landed the Caribbean
yet, so he won’t be able to reach him.

When Jeffery landed at the airport, the first

thing that came to his mind was to call
Jane, but he decided to get to his hotel
room first. He was just checking into the
hotel, when his phone rang. “Hello?” He
“Hey Jeffery, finally I have been able to
reach you” Dele said.

“I just landed a few minutes ago, what’s the

urgency, is everything okay?”

“I’m afraid not”

“What is it? What happened?”

“Jane has been kidnapped”

Jeffery’s mind started racing fast, “what did

you just say? When did this happen?”

“Earlier today”
“What of her bodyguard, where was he?”
Dele explained everything that he was told,
to Jeffery.

“I’m on my way” Jeffery immediately

grabbed his bag and started to leave the
room back to the airport.
The Battle Line Has Been Drawn…


I am on my way. Jeffery immediately
grabbed his bag and started to leave the

Jeffery I don’t think that …….!

Shut up please, stop talking. This is my

girlfriend we are talking about. Now listen, I
need you to help take charge of things in
my stead until I get there. Jeffery quickly
rushed back to the airport to see if he could
get a flight to take him back to Nigeria.

I am sorry Sir, but the next flight leaving for

Nigeria is in two days time the beautiful lady
at the airport said to Jeffery. You don’t
understand, I can’t wait until then. The
woman I love is in danger and I quickly
need to get to her. I truly understand but
there is no other flight leaving for Nigeria
before then, I am sorry.

Jeffery knew he had to get back to Nigeria

as soon as possible. If the kidnappers were
going to contact anyone, it was definitely
going to be him. His father had taken their
family private jet to South Africa and
sending it from South Africa was going to
take time. So he decided to call a friend of
his who owned a private jet in the
Caribbean. He owed Jeffery a favour.

Hello Radford. How are you?

I am good Jeffery, it’s been a while. I must

say I am surprised to see you call.
Yeah I am sorry to call you like this but I
need your help.

Whatever it is you need my help for?

Jeffery I have you big time.

I am stuck in the Caribbean right now. The

next flight leaving for Nigeria is in two days
and I need to be in Nigeria ASAP. I was
wondering if you could be kind enough to
lend me your private jet?

With the way you sound it seems really


It’s a matter of life and death.

What part of the Caribbean are you?


Then sending my jet all the way from Haiti

down there will take more time. I happen to
have a friend who owns a jet himself and he
is currently in Cuba. I will put a call across
to him and have it come pick you up.

That would be great, thank you Radford.

Nah, it’s little compared to the help you

have rendered me.

Two hours later, Jeffery was in a private jet

on his way back to Nigeria. All through the
journey all he kept thinking about was Jane.
How was she feeling? What if Mr Okafor’s
son decides to hurt her? Jeffery knew he
should have insisted she came with him.
Then all of these would have been avoided.
The thought of anything ever harming Jane
made Jeffery so angry. He clenched his fist
so hard he forgot he was holding a cup of
beer so he ended crushing it. He didn’t
realize what he has done until his palm
started bleeding from a cut from the cup.


Jane woke up to feel herself tied to a chair.

She struggled to get herself off the chair but

I suggest you save your energy you are

going to be needing it in due time
What do you want from me Timothy? Jane
asked trying to buy time.

With all the pain you caused my family you

still have the guts to ask me such question?
You killed my father and you sit there and
ask me what I want from you?

For all it’s worth. I am sorry for your father’s


I want a lot of things from you Jane and

trust me by the time I am done, you will be
You know you and your father’s aren’t
innocent? Both of you almost ruined my life.
What I did, I did to protect myself.

To protect yourself? He was harmless

Jane, and yet you stabbed him with a knife.

Harmless you say? Your father raped me

almost everyday and so did you. I could
have been your sister Timothy. What wrong
did I ever commit to deserve such treat
from you both? I am sorry but there was
only a limit to what I could take.

Timothy walked up to her and slapped her

hard on her left cheek. When Jane raised
her head to look at him he slapped her
again, this time it was harder causing Jane
to bleed on her lips. What happened to your
smart mouth? Go on and talk to me!
Timothy yelled at her. I am going to make
you suffer Jane. You will suffer so much
you will feel the pain I felt when you tore my
family apart.

Jane smiled, I am glad you felt pain at least

I know I wasn’t just the only one who felt it
too. You know sometimes it’s good we have
a taste of what we always dish out to

I can see you still think you are smart. We

will see about that. But first we call that rich
boyfriend of yours and get some money
from him, there’s a lot I could do with it.

Jeffery got to the airport to find Dele and

Michael waiting to pick him up.
Hey….. Welcome back man, Michael
greeted as he gave Jeffery a hug while
Dele took his bag from him and put it in the
car. Thanks guys. Have you guys heard
from the kidnappers?

Not yet but Black’s men are working on

getting her back. Sorry man Dele said as
they got into the car. If that bastard had
done his job in the first place this wouldn’t
have happened. I need to see him. Where
is he? Jeffery gritted his teeth as he spoke.

He is at my place with Amaka in case the

kidnappers decide to contact her Michael

How is Amaka? Hope she wasn’t badly

No, she suffered a few bruises though but
nothing that won’t heal within a few days.
Dele had tried taking Amaka to the hospital
but she refused saying all she needed was
some pain killers which he later got her, but
he still thinks she need to visit a hospital.

This is exactly what I am trying to avoid in

the first place. I don’t want anyone getting
hurt. Jeffery looked out of the window
wondering where Jane could be or what is
being done to her.

Michael drove them to his house. When

they got there Amaka was sitting quietly
with Anita in the living room. “Jeffery”
Amaka immediately stood up and
enveloped him in a hug. Hey Amaka, how
are you? I am sorry for what happened. I
should have ………… Shuuush……. None
of this is your fault. Jeffery rubbed her back.
I should have fought harder maybe I
shouldn’t have allowed him to send Jane
that text Amaka sobbed on Jeffery’s
shoulder. It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault. You
did what you could. Jeffery comforted her
until she stopped crying and helped her to
sit down.

Then Anita came and greeted him. Hey

Jeffery, welcome back. Hey trouble, how
are you? I should be the one asking you
that. How are you? You look like you have
slept a wink in the past 24 hours. Actually I
haven’t but that is the least of my problems
right now. Where is Black?
He is at the back of the house. I think he is
getting a smoke or something. And what
happened to your hand? She asked
referring to the cut on Jeffery’s palm which
he hasn’t even bothered to clean the dried
blood on it.

That bastard have the nerve to be smoking

when my girlfriend is out there in danger?
Jeffery was about storming off to the
backyard when Dele stood in his front.
Calm down Jeffery, violence will not solve
any of these. Calm down you say? My
girlfriend has been kidnapped by that idiotic
lunatic and you asking me to calm down?
And I assure you we will get her back Sir.
They turned to find Black standing in the
living room. I am sorry she got kidnapped
under my watch and I don’t think I can ever
forgive myself if anything is to happen to
her. So please take my words for it, I am
going to get her back alive even if it’s the
last thing I do.

I don’t care what you do or how you do it. I

want my girlfriend back! Jeffery barked out.
The whole room was silent. Everyone was
afraid to speak for they all knew they were
treading on eggshells with Jeffery. Black
nodded quietly as he paced the room trying
to contact his agency for feedback.

Very well then, while we wait who would

like something to eat? Perhaps a snack
maybe? Anita asked trying to break the
silence. Jeffery would you like something to
eat? She directed at Jeffery when no other
person answered. No I am fine Jeffery
grumbled as he slumped on couch from
fatigue. Forget I ever asked, it’s not
negotiable. Everyone is eating so you all
had better take your seats and be good
boys including you Black. You are about to
bore a hole into my rug with your constant
pacing. With that said, Anita left the sitting
room and went into the kitchen to get
everyone snacks.

Few minutes later she came back to the

sitting room carrying a tray with some
peanuts and a glass of juice for everyone.
Anita I just told you I am fine. I really don’t
feel like eating anything right now. Jeffery
protested as she serve him. This is the
reason I am offering you snacks and you
better eat it before I go bring a main meal
which you must eat. How do you intend to
help Jane you don’t eat something? In no
time you will run low on energy and what do
you intend to save her with if you don’t have
enough energy to even help yourself?
Please eat while I go get the first aid kit to
attend to your wound.

To avoid further argument Jeffery took a sip

of his juice. Good, now do well to eat the
peanuts as well Anita ordered as she came
back to the sitting room carrying a first aid
kit and started cleaning up his wound with
some spirit. He obliged her and took some
peanuts and just then, his phone ranged.
He quickly abandoned the peanuts and
took his phone out of his pocket to find it
was a private number calling. Black quickly
brought his laptop and connected and
connected Jeffery’s phone to it and asked
Jeffery to pick the call and place it on
Hello, Jeffery said.

Good day Mr Jeffery, I believe you know

who is calling?

No I don’t. Please who is this?

Well, this is Timothy Okafor the monster

whom you have been trying to protect your
girlfriend from.

Jeffery’s jaw was clinched. He wanted to

tell at him but he knew better than that.
Good day Timothy I believe you have my
girlfriend with you?

You are correct and I have no intention of

holding her much longer if my demands are
not met in the next 24 hours.
What do you mean by that?

If by the next 24 hours I am not given

#100m Naira, then consider the last time
you saw your girlfriend to be the very last.
And if you think of contacting the police, I
will have her body chopped to pieces and
delivered to your doorstep. You have 24
hours. With that said Timothy ended the

Did you get anything? Where you able to

trace his location? Jeffery asked Black.

No it kept showing several locations at

once. The guy is quite smart. We would
have kept him much longer on the phone
when he calls, it will help. Black wasn’t
even finished talking when Jeffery grabbed
him by his shirt and pushed him to the wall.
Now listen to me, I don’t have all day. My
girlfriend is in danger of being killed by that
lunatic so you better hurry up. He said with
gritted teeth. Michael and Dele had to pull
Jeffery away from Black.

Jeffery you need to calm down we are

going to get her back. Guy the next time
you ask me to calm down I will have your
teeth removed undermining you are my
sister’s husband. I will do it all the same.

No one is having their teeth removed, we all

need to calm down. Jeffery we are going to
get Jane back alive. I need you to have
faith, Anita said and turned to look at Black
who was straightening his shirt that Jeffery
had ruffled up. Black do you think we can
work on the locations you got from the call
and see if it would lead us to somewhere?
That’s what I intend to do. Good, now you
go do that while we hope he calls again
soon and we try to stall the call so his
precise location can be gotten.

This is rubbish, I need to call my bank. And

do what? Dele asked. What do you mean
and do what? Didn’t you hear what he said?
I am going to get him the money so he can
release Jane. And you think he is going to
give her back once you give him the
money? He is definitely not going to do that
Michael said. Jeffery I don’t think giving him
the money is a good idea, Dele said. The
ransom is the only bait we have, once you
hand it over to him, then we are powerless.
Black said from a distance to avoid being
So what do you suggest we do? Jeffery
asked helpless. We wait. Definitely he is
going to call again to give an address of
where to bring the money. Black was
already seated at the dinning with his

Jeffery felt so helpless. The wait is killing

him. He walked up to Michael’s bar at the
corner of the sitting room and poured
himself some scotch which he downed

I think there is something Jane would have

wanted us to do at a time like this. Amaka
who had been quiet all this while said. And
what could that be? Jeffery asked with so
much hope in his voice. Pray! She would
want us to pray so let’s all cone together
and pray for Jane’s safety. They all came
together and held each other’s hands.
Amaka led them in prayers


Jane had gone into the bathroom to take

her bath for over thirty minutes, and she
wasn’t out yet. Jeffery was beginning to get
worried, so he decided to knock on the
bathroom door.

“Hey babe, you have been in there for quite

some time, are you okay?” He listened for a
reply but there was none, so he knocked
again, still no reply.
“Babe are you there?” The only sound that
came was that of the shower and it has
been on since she went into the bathroom.

“Babe I’m coming in” he announced as he

went into the bathroom to find Jane sitting
on the floor and crying under the shower.

She couldn’t get herself to take the image

of Timothy’s dead body on the ground off
her mind, somehow she blamed herself for
his death.

“Oh baby what is the problem?” He quickly

turned off the shower and got a towel to
wrap around her. She was shivering from
cold. Jeffery carried her into the bedroom
and sat her down on a chair and stooped
down to look at her face.

“Hey… What is the matter, why are you

crying?” Jane who was now trying to stifle
her tears, shook her head. ”nothing, I’m just

”are you sure?” she nodded her response.

Jeffery toweled her body dry, and then got

one of his robes for her to put on.

“Would you like to lie down?” In response

Jane spread her hands for Jeffery to carry
her. He immediately obliged her, she
wrapped her legs around him and buried
her head in the crook of his neck. He kept
whispering soothing words into her ears,
trying to pacify her as he carried her to the
bed and placed her carefully on it.

“Please don’t leave me Jeff” she held his

hands as he covered her with a duvet.

“I’m going nowhere baby, I just need to

quickly take a shower and I will be back to
be with you” Jane nodded slightly, Jeffery
bent down and kissed her on her forehead
before going into the bathroom.

“Would you like something to eat?” He

asked as he got out of the bathroom. “My
housekeeper should be around by now,
what would you like her to make for you?”
“Noodles will be fine” Jane said quietly as
she folded herself into a ball on the bed.

“Noodles it is then” Jeffery placed a call to

his housekeeper who was already
downstairs doing her work, and asked her
to prepare noodles for them.

Fifteen minutes later, there was a soft

knock on the door. Jeffery opened, to find
his housekeeper with a tray.

“Good morning sir, I thought you were out

of the country?”

“Yeah I was, but I’m back now” he thanked

her and took the food from her.
Jeffery and Jane both sat down to eat, but
after taking eating only a little, Jane stood
up and climbed the bed.

“Baby are you okay?” Jane nodded her

head. “Then why did you stop eating, or
don’t you like the food?”

“I’m feeling sleepy”

Jeffery who wasn’t a fan of noodles himself,

ate a little more and then decided to get
some work done before catching some


“Yes baby” he turned to look at her.

“Please come get some sleep, you look
exhausted” she spoke with a sleepy voice

“I will baby, just a minute I need to send this

mail to my secretary” when he was done,
he joined her in bed and they both snuggled
against each other.

“Dele you can drop me off here, no need to

take me to my doorstep” Amaka said as
they got to her street.

“Amaka please allow me to take you to your

apartment, you look really exhausted and in
no good shape to be walking”

Amaka knew Dele was right so she relaxed

and allowed him take her to her apartment.
When they got to the apartment, Dele
insisted on walking her inside.

“Oh my God Dele, you don’t have to walk

me to my door. If you are doing all these to
satisfy your conscience then I suggest you
stop. Because I hold nothing against you”

“I’m doing this because I want to, now open

your door”

“You want to come in too?”

“Yeah, I need to know you are safe before I


“And why do you care?”

“Well if not for anything, but for the fact that
Jeffery and Jane are going to chop my
head off if anything happens to you” he said
with a crooked smile.

Amaka opened her door to a scattered

apartment, she had totally forgotten the
state she had left it in.

“Hmmmm… This place looks like it could

use some cleaning”

“Yeah, I know right? I had totally forgotten

about the way it was before I left yesterday”
Amaka’s head was beginning to spin from
lack of sleep and all the drugs she was
given at the hospital. The last thing on her
mind right now is cleaning.
“Maybe you should come to my apartment
with me, and at least get some rest. Maybe
you can come back later to clean this?”

“Nah that’s not a good idea, I will just lie

down and maybe clean this up later”

“Please just come to my apartment with me,

or how about I take you to a hotel? You
can’t stay here, the door lock looks broken.
Staying here alone is not safe”

“I really don’t think that’s a good idea, I

don’t want to be a burden”
“No you are not a burden, please come with
me and later I will have someone come
check your door and have it repaired”

Amaka knew she didn’t want to be alone

after what had happened, and to be honest,
she could use a little care from someone
other than herself, even if it was coming
from Dele. So she agreed to follow him to
his apartment.

As Dele drove to his apartment, he noticed

Amaka was rubbing her temple. “Are you
coming down with a headache or
something?” He asked.

“Yeah, my head aches a bit”

Dele stretched his right hand and
massaged her scalp gently, Amaka rested
her head on the seat and closed her eyes.

“Does this help?” Dele asked.

“Hmmmmm… ”

“I take it, I should continue doing it then?”

“Yes please, thank you”

Dele continued to massage her scalp, and

controlled the steering with his other hand,
as they were in traffic and the car was
moving slowly.
By the time they arrived Dele’s apartment,
Amaka was already sleepy, all she wanted
was to shower and go straight to bed. Dele
got down from the car and opened her side
of the door for her, and the moment she
stepped out of the car, her head started to
spin and she lost her balance. Dele was
quick enough to catch her on time.

“Amaka are you okay?” She only made a

groaning sound. Dele quickly carried her
into his apartment.

When Jane opened her eyes, her face was

buried in Jeffery’s chest and he was
soundly asleep. He had his right hand
holding her to himself, it was as if he was
making sure, she doesn’t leave while he
was asleep.
She turned to look at the table clock by the
side of the bed and noticed it was 6pm, she
had slept for over nine hours. Her stomach
made a rumbling sound from hunger, she
decided to go downstairs and make
something to eat.

She checked the microwave to find some

jollof rice, obviously the housekeeper had
kept it there for them to microwave when
they came downstairs. Jane was sipping on
a glass of juice watching the sunset from
the kitchen window while she waited for the
rice to get hot, when she felt a hand around
her stomach. She didn’t need turn for she
already knew who it was.
“What are you doing out of bed?” Came
Jeffery’s hoarse voice.

“I was hungry so I decided to heat up some

food, would you like some?”

“Yeah, I’m famished”

“Then go back to bed, I will bring the food to


“Why? Why can’t I just eat it here?” He

kissed her neck.

“That is because I was planning on bringing

the food to you, before you came
“Okay, but I’m here now so let’s just eat”
the microwave beeped to indicate the food
was done heating up.

“No, because I intended to serve you dinner

in bed and I’m still going to do it so go back
to bed”

“Okay.. ” Jeffery rose his hands as an act of

surrendering “no need to get all bossy, I’m
going back upstairs”

“Better” Jane smiled as she dished out the

food, and took it upstairs to meet Jeffery
who was already obediently seated in bed
waiting for her.

He had a smile on his face as she placed

the food on the bed.
“What is funny?”

“Nothing, I’m just grateful that you are here,

that’s all”

Jane sat on the bed and opened the plate

of food, and handed Jeffery a spoon.

“I’m more grateful, thank you for coming to

save me” she had tears in her eyes as she

“Baby I’m sorry I couldn’t get there earlier”

“No, no, no… You came right on time, if not

for your timely intervention, I would have
been…” Jeffery placed a finger on her lips,
he couldn’t bare to think what would have
happened to her if he hadn’t been there
when he did. He caressed her face with his
hands “the moment I heard you were
kidnapped, I came back to Nigeria

“I’m sorry I had to disrupt your conference”

“No apologies needed, you are more

important than any blasted conference, you
always come first okay?”

Jane smiled and leaned over the tray of

food between them to kiss him. “now eat
up, you look like you could use some food”

“And so do you, you have lost weight in

these few days”
“And so have you” they both laughed and
ate their food.



Jane stretched her hand across the bed to

find out it was empty, she opened her eyes
to see Jeffrey wasn’t in the room. She got
up to use the restroom, and brush her
teeth. The reflection she saw on the mirror,
made her cringe. Her hair was disheveled,
she had eye bags. Jane felt shy of Jeffery
seeing her like this, so she quickly jumped
into the shower, had her bath and changed
into something else other than the robe she
has been putting on.
On her way out, she met the housekeeper
who was doing some laundry. Jane greeted
her and asked where Jeffery was.

“I saw him going towards the pool about an

hour ago”

“Alright thank you Martha, enjoy the rest of

your day”

Jane went to the pool side, to find Jeffery

swimming in the pool. He looked so
incredibly sexy with his wet body. Jane
almost ran back to look at the mirror just to
make sure she wasn’t looking so horrible
anymore like she was when she first woke.
“Hey there sleeping beauty” he said to her
as he came up for air. He had just a brief
on, which did little or nothing to hide his
crotch. Jane had to tear her eyes away
from it to avoid him from noticing she was

“Why didn’t you wake me up? I didn’t know

I had slept that long”

“You were sleeping soundly, I didn’t want to

disturb you. You slept well I trust?”

“Yeah I did, I actually feel refreshed”

“I like that, want to come in for a swim?” He

swam towards where Jane was standing at
the edge of the pool.
“Nah, I’m really not feeling like swimming

“How about you just sit and dip your feet in

the water? That will help you to relax”

“Hmmm… Okay” Jane sat by the edge of

the pool and dipped her legs inside. Jeffery
got closer to her and she bent to kiss him,
as they kissed, he pulled her down into the
pool. Jane screamed as her body got into
the water.

“Now you are already inside the pool, you

might as well just swim” he said with a
corny smile on his face.

“You are so corny” Jane walked closer to

him and splashed water in his face.
“Oh you didn’t” Jeffery splashed water back
in her face. And before they knew it, they
were having a water fight.

When they were out of breath, they both

stood breathing heavily. Jeffery drew her
closer and held her to his chest.

“I love you”

“And I love you” she kissed him softly on

the lips.

“What do you say, we go for a vacation?”

“That sounds nice, when?”

“Next week?”

“Hmmmm…. Remember I just got a job at

Michael’s company, I was supposed to
resume this week before everything

“And Michael would understand if you took

a week off, considering what happened”

“Okay… Where are we going?”

“Any place of your choice”

“How about Calabar?”

Jeffery looked at her with a funny look on
his face “when I said any place of your
choice, I meant outside the country”

“Oh… So I can pick any country in Africa?”

“Babe you can pick any where in the world

and we would go there”

“What.. are you serious?”

Jeffery nodded with a smile on his face as

Jane pondered on which country she would
like to go.

“How about we go to Montego Bay in

Jamaica? I have always wanted to visit that
“Jamaica it is then, pack your bags baby for
we are going to Jamaica next week”

“Oh my God, really?”

“Yup” he swept her in his arms and carried

her out of the pool. “You my dear, deserve
to be taken care off”

Amaka woke up with a banging headache

on her head, she tried to recognize her
environment. This room looked strange,
she thought to herself. She was still trying
to figure out how she got here when Dele
walked in.

“Hey… You are awake” then everything

came back to Amaka in a flash, she tried
getting up but was greeted by pains in her
abdomen. Dele quickly rushed to her side
and helped her to sit up.

“Thank you”

“How are you feeling? Are you still having


“Yeah a little”

“Sorry, I’m sure it will subside once you

have eaten something and taken your

“I think I should be on my way” she tried

getting up but ended up slumping back on
the bed.
“Easy…. I don’t think you leaving now is a
good idea, please just relax while I go get
you something to eat” he immediately left
the room and came back with a tray which
he placed on her laps.

Amaka opened the plate to find fried eggs

and some slices of bread with a cup of
coffee beside it. She took a taste of the egg
and immediately had to wash it down with
some water, because it tasted bad.

“It’s bad, isn’t it?” Dele asked as she took a

slice of bread, without touching the egg.

“It’s okay” she was trying to be polite,

because the egg tasted awfully bad.
“No need to be modest, it does taste bad”
he took a spoon of the egg and immediately
took Amaka’s water to wash it down. “This
is really bad, please don’t eat it”

Amaka started laughing she almost choked

on her food. “Then why did you serve it?
Are you trying to kill me?”

“I’m sorry, I was only trying to be a good

guy” Dele too, was laughing.

“Nice try then”

When Amaka was done eating, Dele gave

her her medications and she went back to
“I have been trying to reach Amaka all day,
but she is not picking up” Jane said to
Jeffery who has been on his laptop all

“I called Dele already and he said she is in

his apartment”

“Oh that’s good, I was already worried

about her being in that house alone, I was
even thinking of going to see her”

Jeffery was too lost in what he was typing

on his computer to respond.

“Jeff did you hear what I said?”

“Yeah….” He kept typing away on his

laptop without even looking up.
Jane turned on the TV and increased the
volume to it’s loudest.

“Babe…. Why so loud” Jeffery cringed as

he spoke. Jane ignored him, instead she
sat down on the couch and crossed her

“Babe do you mind reducing the volume a

bit?” He was shouting so Jane could hear
him but instead she changed it to a music
channel which made the noise even worse.

Jeffery smiled. He knew he had ignored her

for too long, and she was seeking attention.
So he walked up to where she was sitting
and took the remote from her and mute the
volume of the TV. Jane tried to take the
remote from him but he removed it from her

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ignore you”

“No it’s fine” she pouted.

He sat down and carried her on his laps

“I’m sorry, I was just trying to get some
work done” kissed her on her lips. “You
know I can’t ignore you intentionally”

“I’m sorry too”

“It’s okay, how about I finish what I’m doing,

and we can go see a movie?”
“Yeah… ” Jane threw her hands in the air
like a baby “I would love that, now go finish
your work quickly” she got off his laps and
shooed him with her hands. Jeffery laughed
as he took his laptop and went back to

When Jane and Jeffery got to the cinema,

they argued on what movie to see. Jeffery
wanted to see an action movie while Jane
wanted to see a romance movie.

“Babe.. please, I did’t come all the way here

to see a romance movie now”Jeffery

“But what is wrong with a romance movie?

Isn’t it all about love? Is God not love?”
“When you put it like that, you make it
sound like I’m against love”

“Well if you aren’t, let’s see a romance

movie then”

Jeffery had no choice but to follow her to

see the movie. Jane cried from the
beginning of the movie until the end. At a
point Jeffery thought something was wrong
with her.

“Babe are you okay? Is something wrong”

Jeffery asked after she had been crying for
over 2minutes.

“I’m fine, it’s just this scene” she said

“What’s wrong with it?”

“It’s…so… touching”

Jeffery had to look at the screen again, to

find what was touching about it, yet the
more he watched the movie, the more he
just wanted to get out of there.

When the movie was over, he couldn’t be

anymore grateful to leave.

“I don’t know how you could watch a movie

like that and not shed a tear?”

“That’s because I didn’t see any need to

“Really? With all those touching scenes?”

“Babe please let’s just go and eat, I’m

famished. At least if those touching scenes
like you call them, didn’t touch my
emotions, they touched my appetite”

“Awwwwwww, sorry sweetheart. How about

we go get some suya?”

“I think that is a good idea, I know a good

suya spot close by”

“I wasn’t referring to any of those fancy

suya spots”

“Then which one were you talking about?”

“Roadside suya”

“You want me to buy roadside suya and

eat?” Jeffery asked with so much horror on
his face.

“Yes, now come with me”

“Remind me to never to follow you to watch

a movie again” Jeffery grumbled as Jane
purchased the suya from a roadside seller.
He kept grumbling about how someone
might see him and make a news of it.

“And since when did you start caring about

what people say so much?” Jane paid for
their suya and Jeffery immediately started
walking in the direction where he parked his
“Where are you rushing to?”

“To get into the car of course, or do you

have other plans?”

“Aren’t you going to taste the suya?” Jane

opened it and took out one and tried
feeding Jeffery with it.

“On the streets? You are not serious are

you?” Jeffery looked like he could burst with
embrassment any minute.

“Just open up first” Jeffery finally obliged

her and ate the suya. “Now, tell me that is
not one of the best suya you have tasted?”
“Well.. it’s not bad” he replied as he
chewed. If he was going to be honest, it
was really nice. The spices marinated well
into the beef.

“Good, that means you can have more.

Here” Jane took out more to feed him with.

“Babe, could we at least wait until we get

home before eating this?” Jeffery begged.

“Weren’t you the one talking about being


“Yeah, but I would prefer to eat at home.

You know what? I’m no longer hungry let’s
just go home”
“Well this suya would have been cold by the
time we get home”

“There is something called a microwave

babe, you will use it. It was bought for
reasons like this” he was clearly getting
pissed. Jane who wasn’t even deterred by
his attitude, started to eat her suya as they

“There is a bench over there, let’s go sit

there” she didn’t wait for Jeffrey’s response
before she went to where the chair was and
sat. Jeffery who had no other choice but to
follow her, sat with her on the chair. “You
are lucky I love you too much to complain”
he grumbled as he sat down.

“Then don’t” Jane fed him with more suya.

“What’s up with the bullying tonight? Did I
do something wrong?” He asked out of

“Hehehehehe…..” Jane laughed so hard

she had to hold her middle as she laughed,
the more she looked at Jeffery’s frustrated
look, the more she laughed.

“What is so funny?”

“You of course, what makes you think I’m

trying to punish you for something?”

“Then, why are you doing all these?”

Jane feed him with some suya before she
replied his question. “You have shown me
your world and all it’s glamour, but you are
yet to know mine. This is what a part of my
world looks like. Buying suya on the streets,
watching a romantic movie that makes me
cry all through the movie. This is a part of
my world Jeff”

Jeffery took some of the suya and fed her

and then bent to kiss her.

“Is there any other part of your world you

would like to show me?”

“Dele I think I’m strong enough to come to

the dining and eat” Amaka stood up from
the bed.
“Are you sure? I could bring the food to you

“If the food you served me earlier is

anything to go by, then I would rather eat
out of bed, just in case I need to throw up”
They both laughed.

“For someone who doesn’t know how to

make eggs, you sure do know how to make
a good yam porridge” Amaka complimented
Dele as they sat down on the couch to
watch TV after their meal.

“I didn’t make that, I actually ordered for it”

Dele couldn’t cook, even if it was to save
his life. While growing up, he never liked
anything that had to do with the kitchen.
The only time he tried making noodles for
his sick sister when they were little, he
almost burnt the house down. Ever since
then, he hadn’t attempted to cook until that
morning, when he decided to make eggs for

“Oh, I thought as much”

“I’m terrible when it comes to cooking” he

looked at Amaka whose focus was on the
television. “I’m terrible at so many things,
just like I’m terrible at making things right
with you”

“What are you talking about? If it’s about

what happened the last time, you should
know I hold no grudge against you. I keep
telling you this.”
“No, it’s not okay, I acted like a douchebag
and I am sorry for that”

“Dele it’s fine”

“I broke up with my girlfriend”

“I know”

“Really? How did you know?”

“You wouldn’t bring me to your house if you

both were still together”

“You are right. I’m truly sorry for leading you

on the last time. I promise things will be
different this time and..”
“Hey, hey…..hold up” Amaka raised her
hands to stop him. “What are you talking
about? What do you mean by this time,
things will be different?”

Dele took Amaka’s hand in his, “I would like

to date you the proper way Amaka”

Amaka tried to hold her laughter but

couldn’t, she laughed so hard Dele felt
confused. “did I say something wrong?”

“I’m sorry, but I think you have things mixed

up here, simply because I had sex with you
a few times or I decided to follow you to
your house, doesn’t mean I want to date
Dele tried his best to hide his hurt. “Amaka I
don’t understand, I thought the feeling was

“Then you thought wrong, I will not, and will

never date you. I leave first thing in the



“Jeff wake up” Jane has been trying to get

Jeffery to stand up for the past ten minutes
but he keeps tossing and changing position
instead of standing up.
“Oh God, baby it’s Sunday. Allow me to still
sleep a little”

“That’s why you need to wake up, it’s

Sunday. We are supposed to be packing for
our trip and not sleeping, remember we are
traveling this week?”

Jeffery turned on his stomach and

continued sleeping. Jane pulled out his
duvet cover and just then, Jeffery pulled her
into the bed. Jane shrieked as she fell on

“Since you pulled off my cover, you might

as give me some warmth”
“Jeff stand up and let’s pack our bags for
our trip”

Jeffery brushed a stray hair out of her face.

“Have I told you how beautiful you look this

“No, but you just did. Now stand up let’s

pack our bags”

“You look even more sexy when you get all


“Jeff stop trying to…” Jane wasn’t done

talking when Jeffery turned her unto the
bed and covered her body with his.

He kissed her slowly on her lips, making

her moan in pleasure. He bit her bottom lips
gently and then proceeded to take her right
earlobe in his lips and nibbled on it, gently
teasing her. Jane forgot about her mission
to wake him up as she threw caution to the
wind and pulled on his shirt.

He placed his hands under her night gown

and caressed her butt and hips.

*Few minutes later*

Jane was in a state of bliss, as she turned

to face Jeffery who was staring intently at
her, as he placed his finger in his mouth
and licked it slowly. Jane immediately
kissed him to have a taste of herself on his
“Where did you learn to do that?” She
asked dreamingly.

“You mean to f—k you incredibly with my


Jane who was too ashamed to say the

word, nodded her head. Jeffery smiled.

“You know you can say the word right? It’s

f—k” he kept teasing her with his finger.
Jane threw her head backwards in
pleasure. And as she threw her leg across
his lap to give him more access, he
withdrew his finger and stood up.

“I think you were waking me to help you


“Get up babe let’s start packing, we have a

trip to prepare for remember?” Jeffery
smiled at her as he walked into the
bathroom. Leaving Jane lying on the
wondering, if Jeffery was going to make
heaven for leaving her hanging.

*The next day*

“Amaka, don’t you think you should rethink

this properly? For all you know, things
might workout between you two”

“I don’t like him. Period! Please let’s change

the topic”
“You are just trying to run away from the

“Which is?”

“You love Dele and you know it”

“Keep telling yourself that, abeg talk about

something else because this topic is
beginning to give me constipation”

“Amaka?” Jane moved closer to her on the

bed and held her hands. “I don’t want you
to make the same mistake I almost made”

“Which is?”
“Fighting love. You like Dele, it’s obvious
even before he asked you out. Why don’t
you give yourself a chance to love? I mean,
that is what you always tell me”

Amaka sat up on the bed resting her back

against the headboard. “You know, if Dele
had come to me with this proposal a month
ago, I would have jumped at it, but right
now my answer is no”

“But why?”

“Because, I’m tired of jumping from one

man to the other, hoping to have my void
filled by them. I can’t continue living like
this. I need to learn to be whole being by
Ever since Amaka’s heart was broken by
Seun, and she lost her pregnancy, all she
has ever done was date numerous men.
Somehow, she was hoping to find another
person who was going to love her and take
away all the pains Seun caused her. But
instead, each man came with his own pain
and heartache. Making Amaka to jump to
the next one, and then the next and so the
cycle continued. Now she is burned out
from dating.

“You know, I always thought I was the one

meeting the wrong guys, but then I realized
that most of the time, the relationship
doesn’t workout because I’m carrying my
baggage into the relationship, hoping to be
fixed by those men” And every time, she
discovered that even the men had their own
baggage too.

“So what are you going to do?” Jane asked

as she stood up to give Amaka
handkerchief to wipe her tears.

“I don’t know yet, but what I’m certain of

right now, is that I’m putting a pause on
dating for now”

“Until when?”

“I’m able to fix my issues”

Jane hugged her “if there’s anything I could

do to help, please don’t hesitate to let me
“There’s something actually”

“What is it?” Jane pulled out of the hug to

look at Amaka’s face.

“Give me gist, have you and Jeffery done it

yet?” she asked smiling.

“Come, what has that got to do with what

we are discussing?”.

“Were you not the one who asked, anything

you can do to help? And this topic is a good
therapy for me. Oya start talking” Amaka
was grinning from ear to ear as she waited
for Jane to start talking.
“Well.. we haven’t really done it”

“Which one is you haven’t really done it?

It’s a yes or no question. Yes we have done
it, or no we haven’t”

“Okay, so we have done basically every

other thing but penetrative sex”

“Are you sure something is not wrong down

there?” Amaka asked with concern.

“Nooo I don’t think so, whenever we

engage in foreplay, it’s always erect. Most
times I even fear if it will fit”

“Hmmmmm….. you haven’t had sex ever

since that incidence have you?” Amaka was
referring to Jane being raped.
“No I haven’t”

“And that is over ten years now, right?”

Jane nodded

“That’s means, you are some sort of a

virgin again”

“No I’m not”

“Yes you are. You haven’t had sex for a

very long time, your hymen is most likely to
have grown back and you might find sex a
bit painful again at your next time. I think
that is why Jeffery is taking his time to
prepare your mind and body for the main
action by engaging in more of foreplay”

“You think so?”

“It’s just a thought, I’m not sure”

“Any advice on what I should do?”

“You need to get a lubricant, especially on

this trip just in case something goes down”

“What would I need it for?” Jane asked with

a confused look.
“You don’t know what a lubricant is, do
you?” Jane shook her head indicating she

“Where have been living? Under a rock?”

November is always the worst month of the

year for Dele and 30th is the hardest day for
him, for it was on that day, his parents died.

Jeffery had to move his trip with Jane to the

weekend because the remembrance they
always held for Dele’s parents was that
week and, he had to be around him.

Five years ago, on the day of the

remembrance, Dele got so drunk he almost
jumped off the top of a building. Ever since
then, Jeffery has learnt to never leave him
to be by himself on that day. Because of
that, he always tries to schedule his work
calendar in such a way that on that
particular day, he is free. No meetings, no

“I don’t think I will be going to visit my

parents at the cemetery tomorrow” Dele
said to Jeffery as they sat at a lounge
having drinks.

Every year, him, Anita and the Ademolas

always take flowers to the cemetery on the
rememberance day.

“But why not? Do you want to do something

“No, I don’t just want to go. My parents
would be ashamed of me, especially my

“What are you talking about man? If

anything, I think they would be very proud
of you. I mean look at who you have
become. You have been able to manage
your father’s company so well, you have
expanded to two other states in the country.
Who wouldn’t be proud of that?”

“I still haven’t made peace with their death.

Man I can’t even f-----g live in a spacious

When Dele got his first house, it was a two

bedroom duplex. He was always going to
spend the night at Jeffery’s or his parents
house. This got everyone worried until he
opened up to them that, he couldn’t stay
alone because a big apartment made him
feel lonely and yearned for his parents,
making him cry every time he got back from
work. He later went to therapy and his
therapist advised he got a smaller

“Guy, you living in a small apartment

doesn’t make you a failure, you will move
into a bigger one once you start your own

“Which is never going to happen”

“How do you mean?”

“She rejected me, she said she is never
going to date me. I’m going to be alone for
the rest of my life”

“Dele what are you talking about?”

“Amaka, she rejected me when I asked her

if we could date”

Jeffery could understand what Dele was

going through, he went through same thing
when Jane had rejected him at first.

“But that doesn’t mean you should give up,

you can persuade her, make her see
reasons to date you”
That night Dele had so much to drink, until
Jeffery had to force him to stop. He couldn’t
even stand properly without wavering, so
Jeffery had to drive him home.

“Come on man, you don’t have to drive me

home, I’m totally sober I promise”

“Dele, you are a far cry from being sober, I

made a mistake of allowing you to drink too
much and I’m not going to make same
mistake twice by allowing you to drive
yourself, I have told the lounge manager
you would be coming to get your car

When they arrived at Dele’s apartment,

Jeffery helped into bed.
“Guy all these things you are doing is not
necessary” Dele grumbled.

“If you talk too much now, I will lie down

and snuggle next to you”

“Guy abeg this is enough, you can leave.

It’s even useless because I will still have to
stand up and lock my door”

After Jeffery had left, Dele waited a while

before he dressed up, took his second car
key and drove down to Amaka’s apartment.

Amaka and Jane were sleeping when they

heard a loud bang on the door. They both
sat up in fear, none of them making any
attempt to go and open the door.
“I thought you said Mr. Okafor’s son was
dead?” Amaka whispered to Jane.

“Yes is” Jane whispered back.

“Then who is knocking at the door by this

time of the night? Wait what if he didn’t die?
Maybe he is still alive. Chineke…. Our own
is finished. Jane quick, let’s hide under the
bed” Amaka quickly got down from the bed
to go under the bed when she heard her
name at the door.

“Amaka! Amaka! Open the door”

“He came for me this time” she whispered

in fear and then started to pray ”blood of
Jesus o, I soak myself in the blood of
Jesus. Father please send your angels to
fight for us o, chineke God biko come and
help us o” Amaka opened her eyes to see
Jane walking to the door. “Jane are you
mad? Where are you going to?” she
whispered in a barely audible voice.

“That’s Dele’s voice I’m hearing” Jane

whispered back as she placed her ear to
the door.

“Amaka please open up, I need to talk to

you, I’m begging you, please” Dele called
out as he knocked again.

“The nerve!” Amaka immediately got up and

went to open the door to find a drunken
Dele standing there.
“What do you think you are doing, Coming
to knock at my door by this time of the

“I need to talk to you Amaka”

“It’s twelve midnight, Dele go home I’m sure

whatever it is can wait until tomorrow”
Amaka tried closing the door but Dele held
it with his leg

“I’m begging you please, Amaka”

“Okay fine, what is it?”

“Amaka I love you, please don’t leave me.

I’m sorry for the pains I caused you, I
promise I will never hurt you. Please come
back to me”
“I’m sorry Dele but I can’t”

“But why not?”

“Because I’m broken, I’m damaged goods

and I’m sure you don’t want that”

“I’m not complaining, I don’t mind, we can

work it out. But please don’t leave me”

“I’m sorry but I can’t” Amaka jammed the

door in his face and went back to bed. Dele
kept banging on the door and calling
Amaka to come out and talk to him. Jane
had to finally open the door for him, and the
moment she did, she regretted it. For he
threw up on her and passed out.



“Amaka get up and come help me carry him

inside” Jane who has been trying to drag
Dele into the room by herself to no avail,
was now breathing heavily, and was at the
verge of puking for she still had Dele’s
vomit on her night wear.

“Shebi you are the one that went to open

the door for him?” Amaka grumbled as she
reluctantly stood up from the bed and came
to assist Jane in carrying Dele inside.
“Let’s see if we can place him on the bed”
Jane said, after they had managed to take
him inside.

“Bia this girl, it’s as if you have too much

strength. You saw how difficult it was for us
to carry him inside, now you want us to put
him on the bed?”

“We can’t just leave him on the floor, he

might catch a cold, let’s put him on the bed

“Then, where will I sleep? Where will you

yourself sleep?”

“You both can stay on the bed, I can

manage the couch”
“You are not serious, leave him on the floor.
When he comes to his senses he will go to
his house”

“Amaka please help me carry him to the

bed, remember he nursed you back to
health just few days ago”

After much persuasion from Jane, Amaka

finally begrudgingly helped her in carrying
Dele to the bed.

“Let’s just hope he hasn’t broken any bone

with the way you kept pulling at his arm
angrily” Jane said as she went into the
bathroom to wash up.
When she came out of the bathroom, she
found Amaka sitting on the couch watching
Dele sleep. Jane joined her and they both
sat watching him.

“Only God knows what would have made

him this drunk” Amaka said.

“You of course, he must have taken your

rejection badly”

“I doubt that, there must be more to it”

“How do you mean?”

“While you were in the bathroom, he kept
mumbling something about his parents
forgiving him”

“What do think we should do?”

“We have already done our best, we

forfeited our bed for him. Now I will have to
watch him crash all night”

“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t leave him to sleep

on the floor”

“No problem, just know if I come down with

a migraine at the office tomorrow, I’m
holding you responsible”
First thing the next morning, Jane called
Jeffery to come pick Dele who was still
sleeping like a dead man on their bed.

When he arrived, Dele was still sleeping.

So he had to wake him up.

“Dele wake up” Jeffery tapped him gently

until Dele stirred and opened his eyes. “Guy
wake up, you need to go to your apartment.
You have already deprived the ladies of
their sleep, at least let them have back their

Dele sat up slowly as he took in his

surrounding. “How did I get here?”

“You passed out last night, so they took you

in, come on let me take you home” Jeffery
helped Dele to stand to his feet and walked
him to his car. “You will have to come back
for your car when you are much sober.
Don’t forget you left your other car at the
lounge too”

After Jeffery had helped Dele into his car,

he went back inside to apologize to Amaka
and Jane. Amaka was in the bathroom
taking her bath so she could prepare for

“I’m truly sorry babe, he has been going

through a lot recently, but that is not an
excuse for what he did. I apologize on his
behalf, and I promise to make it up to you”
he held Jane on her waist as he spoke.

“It’s fine, it’s Amaka I’m pitying actually,

because she has to go to work and she
barely slept. As for me I can sleep during
the day”

Jeffery kneaded his temple. “Please tell her

I’m truly sorry, I can speak to her boss to
give her the day off if she wants, he
happens to owe me a favor”

“Yes Jeffery that will be very much

appreciated” Amaka screamed from the

“Amaka I thought you were having your

bath?” Jane asked.

“I was, until I heard Jeffery talking about me

getting the day off”
“Alright Amaka I will talk to him” Jeffery
promised as he kissed Jane goodbye and
left their apartment.

An hour later, Jeffery called Jane to ask her

to tell Amaka he couldn’t reach her boss so
she would have to go to work, but promised
her a spa treatment over the weekend.

“This your Jeffery sha knows how to treat a

woman, not like all those monkey men that
don’t have any iota of care in them. Please
let him know I will take the spa treatment
abeg, I even prefer that one” Amaka said as
she hurriedly got dressed and left for work.
While Jane decided to rest, since Michael
has given her the week off.
After Jeffery had left, Dele decided to take a
shower and go visit his sister Anita. They
were supposed to visit his parents’
graveside at the cemetery later in the
evening. He was going to tell her he won’t
be coming with them.

“Look who we have here” Anita said to her

baby who was s-----g when Dele arrived.

“Good afternoon Nitee” a nickname he

always loves to call her whenever he
needed a favor.

“Hi Dele Welcome, how are you doing?”

“I’m good, how is William?”

“He is fine, but you don’t look fine at all.
What happened? Were you hit by a truck or

“Nothing happened, I just had too much to

drink last night” he sat on a couch opposite
Anita. ”Anyway I came by to tell you, I won’t
be going with you guys to the cemetery for
mom and dad’s remembrance”

“I called it off already”


“Jeffery called to tell me you weren’t

coming, so I decided to call it off. Probably
it was time we stopped the tradition
anyway. I mean, we can always go visit
their graveside, but it mustn’t be on the day
they died”

“You have a point”

“Yeah, it’s like we open the wound afresh

every time we go there on the same day
they died, because we keep remembering
everything that happened that morning
before they embarked on that trip”

On that particular morning, Dele wanted to

go on a road trip with one of his classmate
and his family, but his father had refused.
So he decided to go speak with his mom to
help him talk to his father.
“Dele, you need to understand that I am
with your father on this one. You can’t go
on that trip”

“But why mummy? I have always wanted to

go on a road trip, this is a good opportunity”

“You can’t go Dele, we don’t even know this

family well enough. If it were to be the
Ademolas I wouldn’t even bat an eyelid.
Besides if you go, your sister will be left all
by herself”

“Mummy Nitee will be fine, she will always

be going for her holiday lessons so she
won’t even feel it. What if I call my friend
and ask him to give the phone to his mom
so you can speak with her?”
“The answer is no Dele, stay at home and
look after your sister. When we are not
around that responsibility falls on you”

Dele walked out of his mother’s room

angrily, and when they were leaving for the
airport, he refused to come out from his
room to say goodbye to them. Even while
they were at the airport, before their plane
took off, his mother called the house and
after speaking to his sister, she asked to
speak to Dele but he refused answering the
call. An action he will forever regret
because the next call they got from the
airport was to inform them to come and
identify their parents’ body.
A week later he heard his friend’s family,
were involved in a ghastly motor accident
on their way returning from the road trip.

“Dele you need to forgive yourself, you did

what a normal child your age would have

“I was being stupid, and because of that I

missed the only last chance I had to see
and speak them” Dele held his head in his
hands as he spoke.

Anita called the nanny to come take William

who had fallen asleep on her breasts. She
got up and sat on the arm of the couch Dele
was sitting and placed her arm around him.
“Even if you had said goodbye to them
before they left for the airport or taken that
call when mummy called, do you think it
could have prevented the plane crash?”

Dele shook his head “I don’t think so”

“Then why are you beating yourself up? If

you think mummy and daddy were angry
with you before they left then I don’t think
so, because they said to tell you, that we
were going to have our own road trip once
they returned and that they loved you”

“Really they did?” Dele raised his head to

look at his sister.
“Yes mummy told me that when she called
from the airport when you refused talking to
her or daddy”

“How come you never told me?”

“Immediately after the call, I came knocking

on your door but you refused to open the
door. Then, I left for my holiday lessons and
when I came back, you were crying that the
they were dead. And after that, I didn’t see
the need to tell you”

Dele hugged his sister and cried really

hard, and for the first time in fifteen years,
he felt at peace with himself.

“Hey, how is my baby doing this morning?”

Jeffrey’s voice was hoarse from tiredness. It
was five in the morning, and he has been
awake all night trying to attend to every
office work that requires his attention, so he
doesn’t have to worry about work during his
vacation with Jane.

“Good morning sweet, I’m doing okay, but

I’m not sure I can say same for you. Were
you able to sleep at all?”

Jeffery used his hand to rub his face as he

stared out the window, watching his water
fountain glow under the security light. This
week has been a hectic one for him, from
helping Dele to deal with his parents’
remembrance, to attending to his business
which was demanding his attention more
and more these days because of the new
branch they were planning on opening
outside the country. He was really looking
forward to the trip, if not for anything but for
the fact that he would have the whole time
with his woman, and also relax and get
away from all the Lagos stress.

“Babe, let’s just say I can’t wait to have you

in my arms again”

“That wasn’t the question, you sound really

tired and grumpy”

“I’m grumpy because I haven’t seen you for

three days straight, when are you coming
over? Remember we are leaving for
Jamaica tomorrow”

“I will be there later this evening”

“Evening is far babe, what happened to this

“I will be there in the evening sweet”

Jeffery didn’t want to wait until evening

before seeing her, so he had to use
something that will make her come running.
“I think I will be needing help with my

“What are you talking about? I personally

packed your bag and mine on Sunday”

“Ehn…..the thing is, I was actually looking

for a particular boxer and I thought you
packed it, so I kind of scattered the bag
looking for it”
“So did you see it there?” Jane asked.
Jeffery could tell Jane was getting angry
and preparing for war. “Emm… Not really”

“Jeff! You have so many pairs of boxers,

enough to start a boutique for boxers. And
yet, you chose to scatter a bag I suffered to
pack, just because you were looking for a
particular one?”

“I’m sorry”.

“That one is your own, I’m not coming to

pack that bag again, you are going to pack
it yourself”
“Babeeee… please now, just come over
this morning and quickly help me to pack.

Jane who couldn’t stay angry at her man for

long, decided to get her things and go down
to Jeffery’s place.

“When you are coming back better get me

something nice” Amaka said to Jane as she
was about to leave.

“What would you like me to get you?”

“Anything nice. But it has to be nice o, else I

will send you back from the airport”

“Yes madam”
When Jane got to Jeffrey’s house, his
housekeeper told her he was at his home
gym exercising. So Jane decided to go to
his room to help him pack the things he had
unpacked. But to her surprise, the bag was
looking untouched, it was still in the same
position where she had left it.

She was still standing in front of the bag

wondering why Jeffery had asked her to
come help him pack, when she heard him
coming behind her, he hugged her from
behind and nuzzled her neck.

“Hmmmmmm, you smell so nice baby” he

said as he kept his eyes shut and nuzzled
her neck further.
Jane tried pulling out of his grip but he held
her still “Jeff….you are sticky and sweaty,
go take a shower”

“Care to join me?”

“No I just had my bath before coming”

“Then you bath again, please..” He held

unto her like his life depended on it.

“Jeff are you okay? You seem a bit off”

Jane turned to frame his face in her hands.

“I’m just exhausted, but I will be fine, once

you agree to take a shower with me” he
kissed the tip of her nose.
”Jeffery I think we need to talk” Jane looked
down as she spoke.

Jeffery used his finger to raise her chin to

look at him “what is it you want to talk

”do you mind, if we sit?”

”Sure, come” he led her to sit on the bed,

while he stooped down in front of her. ”what
is it you want to talk about?”

”Is something wrong with me? Like, is

something wrong with my body?”

”No, of course not. Why would you even

ask that?”
”well, you are yet to have sex with me, so I
was beginning to think probably you didn’t
like my body or something”

”Oh my goodness, you have it all wrong” he

stood up and joined her to sit on the bed.

“I enjoy being with you babe, I enjoy your

company. Am I sexually attracted to you?
Oh hell yes, sometimes I wonder how I
have been able to hold this long. But I want
you to know I’m not with you just for the
sex. Do you why I keep holding back from
having sex with you?”

“No, why?”
“It’s because the only image you have
about sex is marred, and I want to correct
that. I’m trying as much as possible to make
you see that sex can actually be enjoyed,
I’m trying to make you feel pleasure in
places you never thought possible. I want
you to want sex because you actually want
it, and not because you see it as an
obligation to your boyfriend or someone you
are in a relationship with. What I have with
you is special babe and I am willing to
safeguard it with all I own”

“How did I get so lucky to have you in my


“I think the question should be, how did we

get so lucky to have each other?” He pulled
her in for a hug “I love you baby”
“I love you too, but Jeff..?”

“Yes baby?”

“Please go and take a shower, you stink”

On the morning of their trip, Jane woke up

as early as 5am to get ready.

“Babe come back to bed, it’s still quite

early, our flight doesn’t leave until 10

“You can go back to sleep but I’m going to

have my bath and get prepared, I don’t
want us to miss our flight”
“Of course we can’t miss our flight, just
come back to bed”

“Jeff, I know you might be influential and all,

but that doesn’t mean if you are late to the
airport, the flight will be waiting for you”

“Of course it will wait, because I own it”

“What are you talking about?”

“I will tell you, if you come back to bed”

Jane quickly jumped on the bed. “Tell me

what you meant?”
“Baby please just sleep, you will find out
when you get to the airport”

“No tell me now”

“Okay fine, we are using my family’s private


“What…….?” Jane screamed.

“What happened? Did you hurt yourself?”

Jeffery sat up immediately.

“You mean I’m going to be traveling in a

private jet? You are joking right?”
“Was that why you screamed? I almost had
a heart attack babe” Jeffery placed his
hands on his forehead.

“Is that not enough reason to scream? So

tell me what it is like to fly in a private jet?”

“You will experience it when you use it, now

I’m going back to sleep, stop disturbing me”

“You are mean” Jane grumbled.

“Says the lady who wakes up by 5am to

prepare for a 10am trip” Jeffery covered
himself with the duvet and slept while Jane
who was too giddy with excitement to go
back to bed, sat down and kept bombarding
Jeffery who kept trying to get some sleep,
with questions.
When they arrived the airport, Jane couldn’t
contain her excitement, she still couldn’t
believe she was flying in a private jet. She
made sure to capture every moment.

“Baby my hand is aching from all the

pictures I have been snapping you” Jeffery
passed her phone to her and he closed his
eyes to rest, as the jet took off.

“I think I should have brought a camera with

me, that way, I won’t miss any single
moment” she said thoughtfully to herself.

“Jeffery Ademola, I believe you didn’t bring

me on this trip to start sleeping on the
plane, wake up!” Jane shook Jeffrey’s arm.
“When did you become this troublesome?”
He opened his eyes to look at her and she
leaned over and kissed him. “The day you
decided to be my boyfriend, you signed up
for this” her sentence made Jeffery smile
“and I have never regretted that decision”
he kissed her back.

“So you still aren’t going to tell me the name

of the hotel we will be lodging?”

“Nope it’s a surprise”

“Why can’t you just tell me?”

“Because if I did, it will no longer be a

surprise, now babe I suggest you rest and
conserve your strength, because you are
definitely going to be needing it on this trip”
Jeffery winked at her.

When they arrived the airport in Jamaica, a

car was already waiting to take them to
their hotel. Jane couldn’t stop herself from
smiling and after a while she feared her
facial muscles were going to burst from all
her smiles.

The driver drove them to a five star hotel in

Montego Bay and as they stepped into the
reception, and checked in, they were both
offered a glass of champagne each by a
man who introduced himself as Bosco, their
personal butler.

“We have a personal butler?” Jane

whispered to Jeffery as they followed Bosco
who was taking them to their suite.
“Yes” Jeffery whispered back in her ear as
he drew her closer to himself.

Jane thought she had seen it all until they

arrived their suite and she discovered it was
a presidential suite.

“Oh my God!” Jane exclaimed after the

butler had left the room asking them to call
him if they needed anything. “Do you know,
five of my apartment can actually fit into this
room alone? Woah look at the view! This is
a sight I can never get tired of waking up to”
from their suite, they had an ample view of
the ocean and it’s waves.

Jeffery leaned against the glass wall,

crossed leg, watching Jane marvel at the
room and all it’s features. If only she knew
he had more beautiful things and places to
show her on this trip.



”Wakey-wakey….. babe wake up, we have

to get going in an hour’s time” Jeffery knelt
beside Jane on the bed as he woke her up.

”I still want to sleep….” Jane buried herself

under the duvet. She was still tired from all
the fun she had last night.
After they arrived, Bosco their personal
butler came to inform them, that there was
a party going on at the hotel club later that
evening. Which Jeffery and Jane later
attended. Jane danced and drank so much
her head started spinning. Jeffery had to
carry her on his shoulders back to their
suite when she wouldn’t stop drinking, for
he knew she was lightheaded.

Now she was suffering the consequences

of her actions, for her head ached badly.

”Alright then, I guess I will just go on that

boat cruise without you”

”what did you just say?” Jane immediately

uncovered herself.
”I’m going down to have breakfast, and then
leave for a boat cruise, while you can
continue sleeping” Jeffery blew at his nails
as he spoke.

Jane quickly got off the bed and rushed into

the bathroom, while Jeffery sat on the bed
laughing at her.

Thirty minutes later, they were heading to

the hotel’s restaurant to have breakfast. ”we
only have about twenty minutes to have
breakfast, all thanks to you for taking over
thirty minutes to get dressed”

”If only you had told me about the boat

cruise last night, then I would have woken
up earlier”
”yeah right, tell me about it, like it’s my fault
you had too much to drink last night”

”you are just jealous because I am looking

better than you this morning” Jane wiggled
her hips as she stepped out of the elevator.

She was putting on a sleeveless sunflower

dress with a v-cut on the neck which
exposed some of her cleavage, that Jeffery
couldn’t get himself to look away from. The
gown stopped above her knees making her
look really sexy. While Jeffery had on a
white short and and a white shirt which he
didn’t button up completely.

”someone is feeling herself” Jeffery pulled

out a chair for her to sit at their table.
After they were done having breakfast, they
went on their boat cruise, where they met
other couples like themselves who were on
a vacation too. Jane couldn’t believe this
was her life. A year ago she was unhappy
and bitter, hating almost everything about
herself, wondering if she was ever going to
find love. Now, here she was with the man
she loved so much and who loves her too.
If this was a dream, then she doesn’t want
to be woken up.

When they got back to their hotel suite,

their butler who brought food up to them in
their suite, reminded Jeffery, their couple’s
yoga class was in two hours.

“We are going for a couple’s yoga class?”

Jane asked
“Yes my darling, but that would be after we
have eaten and rested”

Jane walked up behind him, as he stood by

the glass wall, watching the ocean. She
placed her chin on his shoulder. “How many
more events do you have lined up for
today?” She whispered sexily into his ears.

“You would have to find them out for

yourself” he turned and kissed her.

By the time they were done eating and

resting, they went down for their couple’s
yoga class which was being held in the
hotel premises for couples.

When they got there, they were taken into a

tent which was used as a couple’s changing
room, and they were both given white robes
to change into.

“I thought you said we were going to a

couple’s yoga class?” Jane asked as the
attendant left to give them privacy.

“Yes, that’s exactly what we are doing”

“Then why are we changing into a robe?”

“I don’t know either, we will have to find out”

When they were done changing, they were

led to another tent which was dimly lit with
scented candles, and a soft music was
being played at the background. There
were other couples already seated on mats
which were placed on the floor of the tent
waiting for the yoga instructor to arrive.

Few minutes later, a beautiful fair

complexioned woman, who looked to be in
her fifties, came in and introduced herself
as their yoga instructor.

“Good evening everyone, welcome to

tonight’s couple’s yoga class. My name is
Beatrice and I am yoga instructor for

They all responded to her greeting.

“Alright let’s get started, everyone sit on the

mat, crossed leg, facing your partner with
your knees touching” Jane and Jeffery sat
facing each other.
“Now hold each other’s hands, looking into
each other’s eyes. The eyes is the window
to soul, so I want you to look into your
partner’s soul. Don’t say a word to each
other, just look deep into each other’s eyes”
the yoga instructor walked around to make
sure each couple were doing what she
instructed. “Don’t break eye contact with
your partner, this helps to build a
connection between you and your partner”

After ten minutes of being in that position,

the yoga instructor asked them to change

“Now let the woman sit in front of the man,

while the man places his hands on her
shoulders and massage her gently”
Beatrice instructed.
Jane felt so relaxed as Jeffery massaged
her gently, she closed her eyes as the
sweet scent from the candles filled her
nostrils, making her want nothing but to hug
Jeffery and remain in his arms.

After sometime, they switched position and

Jane massaged Jeffery’s shoulders. After
that, they practiced other yoga poses which
their teacher instructed.

As they were in the elevator going back to

their suite after their yoga class, Jeffery
placed his hands on the wall of the elevator
caging Jane to a spot “I have wanted to do
this all night” he sealed her lips with his, in
a kiss. They were still kissing when the
elevator opened and another couple who
didn’t look too happy being with each other
walked in, making Jane and Jeffery
immediately pull apart.

“Why can’t you just be a little romantic, why

can’t you just let go a little, for once? Can’t
you see your mate?” The wife of the
grumpy man said to her husband in a
hushed tone. “Well romance doesn’t
provide you with all the luxuries I give” the
man replied his wife who looked like she
could cry any minute.

When they got to their floor, she turned and

looked at Jane and then said; “you are
lucky to have a husband who isn’t too busy
to kiss you in an elevator, hold on to him
sis” she gave Jane a weak smile and the
elevator closed before Jane got the chance
to correct her that Jeffery wasn’t her
husband. She turned to look at Jeffery’s
reaction, but he was smiling.

That night as Jeffery and Jane lay down to

go to bed, Jane kept tossing and couldn’t
get herself to sleep.

“Baby are you okay? You have been

tossing for over fifteen minutes now?”

Jane turned on her back, looking into the

mirror which was on their room ceiling.
Jeffery did same and they were both staring
at themselves in the mirror.

“You know you look incredibly sexy in this

your night gown?” Jane was putting on a
black lacy night dress which made her
curves more prominent.
”Thank you, I really had a great time with
you today”

“I enjoyed myself too, being with you this

weekend has been nothing but blissful”

“That class did something to me, I can’t

really place my fingers on it, but I felt
connected to you on another level tonight. It
was as if we were on another level of

“Yeah me too, I felt drawn to you in a

certain way”

They both kept quiet for a while, as they

stared at each other’s reflection
“What do you want to do babe?” Jeffery

“About what?”

“Your career, do you always want to be a

personal assistant? What are your dreams,
your goals?”

“I only became a personal assistant,

because that was the available job and I
needed to start earning money or risk going
back home”

“What is that thing you would like to do if

money wasn’t a problem?”

“I would like to have my own interior

decorating company. That has always been
my dream, it’s the reason I went to work at
High Waters in the first place”

”So, if you had enough funds, you would

start your own interior decoration

”Yes, definitely”

”What if I told you that I would fund your

dream?” Jane opened her mouth to protest,
but Jeffery interrupted her. ”hear me out
before you reject my offer. I’m not giving
you the money for free, because I know you
won’t accept it. So here is my proposal; I
can be a silent partner, providing all the
funds you would be needing, or I could loan
you the money and you pay me back later?”
”You would really do any of these, just to
make sure I actualize my dream?”

”anything for you my love”

Jane had tears in her eyes as she stared at

the man she never stops asking God what
good she has done to deserve him in her

”I must have done something really good in

my previous life to deserve having you in
my life”

”oh baby you don’t have to cry, I count

myself really lucky to have you too” Jeffery
kissed her. ”so is that a yes to my offer?”

”yes, I’m taking your offer”

”Then I would need you to come up with a
business plan, once we get back to Lagos”





The next day, Jane and Jeffery went to

swim at the hotel pool, where they lounged
lazily for hours. After which, they went for
window shopping, which actually turned out
to be an actual shopping, because Jeffery
insisted she took almost every dress she

“Babe, remember we are going for wine

tasting this evening by 7” Jeffery said as
they both sat down watching a movie with a
bowl of popcorn on Jane’s laps.

“Yeah, I remember. I still haven’t made up

my mind on what to wear”

“How about that red gown we got today? It

goes with the strap heels” Jeffery said with
a coy smile on his face.
“Something tells me you made me pick that
dress and shoe, just so you could ask me to
wear it this evening”

”You can’t deny the fact that you like the

dress too” he kissed her.

By 7pm, Jeffery was already dressed in a

black pant and a long sleeve shirt which he
didn’t button up fully. He was watching TV,
waiting for Jane who was in the bathroom
applying her make up.

When she stepped out, Jeffery couldn’t

wipe off the grin on his face, for she looked
incredibly beautiful in the red dress which
had stones all over the body making it
glitter under the light, and it hugged her
body, stopping a little above her knee.
Jeffery whistled as he saw her “wow…..
You look incredibly beautiful in this dress”

“Thank you” Jane said with an air of pride.

“Turn around let me see you” Jane obliged

him and turned around, then she walked up
to him “you look incredibly handsome too

Jeffery bent and kissed her “I suggest we

start going, before I changed my mind and
took this dress off”

When they were done with the wine tasting,

on their way back, Jeffery received a call.
“Hey babe, why don’t you go on? This is a
work call and it might take a bit long” he
kissed her on the forehead and went out to
answer the call, as Jane stepped into the

When Jane opened the door to their suite,

something wasn’t quite right, the light was
off and they usually left it on. She turned on
the light to find a note close to her feet and
some rose petals on the floor forming a sort
of an arrow. She picked up the note and
opened it. It was handwritten.

”Remember the first time we met? It wasn’t

a regular love at first sight, but that event
changed my life, follow the petals my love”
Jane smiled as she followed the petals to
the sitting room remembering her first
encounter with Jeffery, and she found
another note on the table.

“Remember the first time we kissed?

Having your soft lips against mine was a
loving experience. It still is every time I kiss
you. It’s a feeling that never gets old. Follow
the petals”

Jane traced the petals to the bedroom to

find another note on the bed with petals
around it forming the shape of a heart, the
light in the bedroom was dimly lit, with
scented candles similar to the ones at their
yoga class last night. All of me by John
Legend was playing in a very low volume
on the sound system.
“Babe, having you in my life and falling in
love with you, is one of the greatest thing
that has ever happened to me. Whenever
you run through my mind, I can’t but smile,
you brighten my day baby. I can’t wait to
wake up next to you every morning, for the
rest of my life. WILL YOU MARRY ME?”

Jane gasped as she read the last sentence,

she placed her hands on her chest as she
tried to still her raising heart.

“Will you?” Came Jeffery’s quiet voice from

behind her. Jane turned to find Jeffery on
one knee holding a ring in his hands.

“Oh my God, Jeff…” Tears rolled down

Jane’s cheeks, the harder she tried holding
them back, the more they came running

“Will you marry me and share forever with


“Forever is a long time away, I want to

share in your today, and your tomorrow and
then we can throw in forever” she said

“Okay… I would love to…” Jeffery

nervously spoke as he tried to remember all
the speech he has been rehearsing to say
to her. But the only thing he remembers is
that he loves her, every other thing seems
not to matter. “I love you Jane, and I would
want nothing more than to make you my
“Yes” Jane said smiling.

“Would you marry me?” Jeffery asked to be

sure he heard correctly.

“Yes, I will marry you Jeffery Ademola”

Jane stretched out her left hand to Jeffery,
who took the ring and slipped it on. Then he
got up and kissed her.

Jane stretched out her hand to look at the

ring, she couldn’t believe she was engaged,
and then she found out it was same ring
she had admired in the page of a magazine
few weeks back.
“Sweet… How did you know I liked this
exact ring?”

”let’s just say…. I have my way” Jeffery

kissed her on her neck.


“okay fine, I saw you admiring it”

Jeffery has been making plans of proposing

to Jane, but wasn’t sure on what type of
ring she would like. So one day, while she
was at his place, he took one of the fashion
magazine she liked to read, and opened it
to the page that had pictures of different
engagement rings on it, then made sure to
drop it where she would find it. Making it
look like breeze must have opened it to that
page, and he sat down pretending to watch
TV waiting for Jane to come downstairs.

When Jane came to the sitting room, she

picked up the magazine and Jeffery made
sure to watch closely as she admired the
rings. He saw the way she smiled touching
a particular one, before she closed the
magazine, mumbling something about her
forgetting to remove the magazine from the
chair the last time she read it. Jeffery made
sure to mark the one she admired, then
contacted the Jewelry store, and bought the
exact same ring.

“How come I never suspected a thing?”

“Because I never gave you a reason to” he

bent to kiss her and carried her to the bed
as they kissed.
Jane knelt on the bed and started to
unbotton Jeffrey’s shirt, as he stood at the
end of the bed. She placed her lips on his
left n----e and s----d on it, teasing with her
teeth and tongue. Jeffery caressed her hair
down to shoulders and slowly unzipped her
dress and eased it off to her waist.

He cupped her breasts in his hands,

stroked them lightly through the fabric of
her lacy black bra.

Jane let out a soft moan as she kissed

Jeffery while he unhooked her bra, and it
fell off her chest. She pressed her breast
against his chest.
Jeffery bent down and buried his face in
between her breasts, before taking one of
them in his mouth and teased her just same
way she was teasing him a while ago. Then
he slowly pushed her on the bed and eased
her dress off slowly, and then proceeded to
slowly taking off her pant, making sure to
tease her.

“I want you to touch yourself babe” he said

as he licked his lips.

“Do you think you could handle one more?”

Jeffery asked with a smile on his face,
clearly proud of himself after 10 minutes of

“I want you Jeff..” Jane tugged at his belt to

take it off, he helped her and soon both his
trouser, brief and belt were on the floor.
“What do you want babe? Tell me”

“I Want you inside of me Jeff.. please..”

Jane moved her hips closer to him.

“Soon baby, soon” Jeffery smiled as he

held her hands in his, above her head,
kissing her with every burning desire.

“This might hurt a little” He eased himself

slowly into her ***, Jane gasped as he
stretched her out.
“Am I hurting you?” Jeffery ask. Jane could
tell he was really holding back not to hurt

“No, make love to me Jeff… please don’t

hold back”

Jeffery obliged her and started to move in

and out slowly, soon Jane marched up with
his rhythm. Both making animalistic sounds,
groaning and moaning in pleasure.

Jeffery collapsed on the bed, and Jane

placed her head on his cheat as they were
both breathing heavily trying to catch their
“Watching you make love to me in a mirror
heightened the pleasure” Jane said,
referring to the mirror on the ceiling.

“Then I would make sure to put a mirror on

our room ceiling, once we get back” Jeffery
rubbed on her back.


“Yes baby”

“I want to ride you” she looked at him shyly

as she spoke.

“By all means, my beautiful fiancée”

That night, Jeffery and Jane made love in
every way and everywhere possible. From
the bedroom, to the floor and even in the
shower. And when they were both too
exhausted to continue, they ordered for
room service and finally drifted off to sleep.
And the next morning when she was too
tired to stand up, he lovingly carried her into
the bathroom and bathed her.




By noon, they were both on their way flying

back to Nigeria. Jane rested her head
against Jeffery’s shoulders as he worked on
his laptop, trying to catch up on the office
work he had missed during their vacation.
Because Jane made sure he didn’t touch or
work on his laptop, throughout their trip.


“Yes babe?” Jeffery looked up from his


“I will like to organize a little get together for

our family and friends, as a way to thank
them for helping to get me released, when I
was kidnapped”

“Alright no problem, just tell me when, and I

will communicate it to them”
“And also, can we not tell them about our
engagement yet? I would like us to
announce it to them on the day of the get

“Then I suggest we hold that get together

as soon as possible, because I don’t think I
can keep quiet for long about being
engaged to the woman of my dreams” he
kissed her forehead.

“You would have to keep quiet, so we don’t

ruin the surprise”

“Alright, whatever you say my queen. How

much would you be needing to plan this get
“I will get back to you on that”

“Alright, you just cost it and get back to me.

Or better still, you know what? No need”
Jeffery fished out a debit card from his card
wallet and handed it over to Jane “here
have this, so you can always use it for any
of your expenses”

“What? I simply can’t accept it. Once I cost

the amount it will take to organize the get
together, I will let you know. No need to
hand me your debit card”

“Babe calm down, no need to get all

defensive I handed you the card because I
want to, and can afford to. So the card is
yours to keep”
“Jeff you have to….”

“Yeah the password, sorry I forgot. It’s your

birthday” Jeffery turned back to continue
what he was doing on his laptop, leaving
Jane speechless.

When they arrived the airport, Solomon;

Jeffrey’s driver was already there waiting
for them with one of Jeffery’s cars.

“Welcome back sir, ma” he greeted them as

he opened the back door for them to get in.
”hope you had a nice time in Jamaica?”

”yes we did”
“So, you still insist on going back to your
apartment?” Jeffery asked as his driver took
the route leading to Jane’s apartment.

“Yes, and you asking me repeatedly, isn’t

going to make me change my mind”

“You can’t blame a guy for trying, but you

know you can actually move in right?”

“And I already told you, I’m not moving in

with you until we are officially married,
which isn’t so far away” They had both
decided to get married in two months time,
left alone for Jeffery, they would have been
married back in Jamaica.
”In two months time” Jeffery said kissing
her ring.

“So you see? Leaving alone for the next

two months won’t kill you”

“Yeah right, easy for you to say” Jeffery

grumbled as they pulled up in front of
Jane’s apartment.

She kissed him with a promise of coming to

see him soon, and got down from the car as
the driver carried her bags to her door and
Jeffery walked her to the door.

“My Jamaican beauty is back” Amaka got

up and hugged Jane as she came in. “I
missed you”
“I missed you too, how have you been?”
They both abandoned the bags Jane
carried in on the floor, and sat down on the

“I have been okay, no scratch that. I am

great, with that spa session Jeffery booked
for me over the weekend”

“How was it?” Jane asked.

“It was awesome, I swear those people

pampered me up I didn’t want to leave.
Now I see why you always feel relaxed
anytime you go there”

“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself”

“Yes I did, enough about me. How was your
trip? I can see you came back with two
extra bags, so you must have really had a
good time”

“Well.. I really had a great time” Jane spoke

slowly, stressing each word as she used
her left hand to touch her face, just so
Amaka could see her engagement ring.

“Wait, wait, what is that I’m seeing on your

finger?” Amaka asked as she quickly
grabbed Jane’s left hand, and screamed
immediately she had a close look at the
ring. “You got engaged?”

“Amaka bring your voice down, before the

neighbors coming running down thinking
something is happening to us”
“That is their problem, who dem help? Give
me gist abeg, how did he propose?” Amaka
jumped on the bed with excitement as she

Jane told her everything about her trip and

Jeffery’s proposal.

“So have you guys finally done it?” Amaka

asked smiling sheepishly.

“Mmmmmmm” Jane nodded smiling.

“No wonder… I said it, that this glow can’t

only be attributed to Montego Bay
experience, you have finally gotten laid” she
laughed out so loud, Jane became shy.

“Amaka you are not a nice person, you

know abi?”

“I agree with whatever you say, Sha tell me

how was it? Did you enjoy it?”

“You have no idea, it’s a miracle how I was

able to walk on my feet this morning”

“Hahahahahaha…. I knew it was just a

matter of time before the pervert in you

“It’s you that is a pervert” they both laughed

and got off the bed to unpack Jane’s bags.
“I’m planning on organizing a little get
together for Jeffrey’s family and friends. We
will be announcing our engagement on that
day” Jane told Amaka, as she tried on the
dress Jane had bought her.

“Okay, that’s cool” she turned around

smiling as she checked out her reflection on
the mirror.

“Yeah I will also be using it as a medium to

thank you guys for your help when I got

“Alright, when are you thinking of doing it?”

“This weekend hopefully, I will ask Jeffery

to check with everyone to know if they are
free on Sunday. You will be free on that day

“Yes now, even if I had something planned

out, I’m so canceling it”

“Thank you, I will also be needing your help

with the planning”

“No wahala, sha know my services are not

for free”

The next day, after Jeffery closed from

work, he decided to visit his parents. Ever
since they came to pray for him and Jane,
he hasn’t seen them.

His parents were at the balcony receiving

fresh air, his father was reading a
newspaper while his mother was reading
her Bible. “Look who we have here” his
mother said looking up from the bible she
was reading.

“Good evening mummy and daddy” he

prostrated in greeting.

“Good evening my dear, have your seat” his

mother said.

“We heard you were in Jamaica over the

weekend?” His father asked as he put down
the news paper he was reading.

“Yes Dad, I came back yesterday, how

have you both been?”
“We have been good, just your father who
has been acting stubborn”

“Ronke please not now, the boy just came.

At least offer him something to eat”

“Which one is not now? Am I lying? Or

haven’t you been acting stubborn?”

As they started arguing, Jeffery knew he

came visiting on the wrong day. He hated
coming in between his parents’ argument
because it always ended up backfiring as
they always used him to settle.
“Your father has refused taking his BP
medications, please ask him why he won’t
take his medications?”

“Of course I take my medications, your

mother just like to blow things out of
proportion” his father mumbled as he
picked up his newspaper.

“Dad, if you are taking your medications,

then why is mom saying you are not taking

“Your father always likes to choose which

drug to take, sometimes he takes half of the
medication, sometimes he doesn’t even
take them at all”
“Woman will you allow me to talk? I’m right
here you know?”

Jeffery had to seriously resist the urge to

laugh, seeing his parents fight over trivial
issues always made him laugh. But he
wouldn’t dare laugh in their presence to
avoid his mother’s wrath, so he would have
to wait until he was out of there. He couldn’t
help but picture himself and Jane doing this
after thirty three years of marriage.

“Whenever we go to the doctor’s office,

your mother will start talking for me, are you
the one that is sick? Is it your sickness?
Since you are the one telling the doctor
what is wrong with me, then you should be
the one to take the drugs”
“I’m doing that because, if I don’t tell him,
you will tell him you are fine when in the
actual sense you aren’t”

“Ronke I’m fine and you can’t tell me


His mother who looked like she could burst

with anger turned to Jeffery.

“Come you sitting down there smiling, when

are you going to get married?”

How did they get here? Weren’t they just

talking about his father?

It has really been a busy week for Jane,

from her resuming work at her new job as
Michael’s assistant, to planning a get-
together for Jeffrey’s friends and family.
The whole stress of running around to get
the things they needed to prepare the food
on that day is making her regret her not
listening to Jeffery when he asked to allow
the housekeeper handle it.

”Babe I think you should just allow Martha

handle this, since you will be at work
throughout the week” Jeffery told Jane over
the phone.

”I can’t ask her to do that, Sunday is usually

her off day, and she uses that time to see
her grand children”

”but we will be paying her for the extra

work, besides it’s in the contract she signed
to always show up for things like this”
”I still insist on doing this myself, I can’t
stress someone else with my issues”

”oh God, you are so stubborn” Jeffery

Muttered under his breath.

”what did you say?”

”nothing, just let me know if you need

anything” Jeffery knew better than to repeat
himself if he doesn’t want trouble.

It was on a Saturday afternoon, Jane and

Amaka went to the market to get the last
items they will be needing for the get-
together the next day.
“If planning a little get-together is this
stressful, I wonder how I would be able to
cope with planning my wedding”

“And I presume you are thinking of planning

it by yourself?”

“Yes of course, I’m going to plan it. Thank

God I have you to help me so it’s going to
be a lot easier”

“You and who? Who are you planning to


“I don’t understand?” Jane looked


“Who do you think you are marrying? In

case you have forgotten, let me refresh
your memory; it’s Jeffery Ademola, so you
know what that means? People with class
will be in attendance, many of them.
Haven’t you heard of wedding planners

”we are actually planning on inviting just

few people”

”even at that, you still can’t plan it yourself

Jane, please get a wedding planner”

Jane knew Amaka was right, sometimes

she just gets carried away and forgets who
is dating. Definitely planning the wedding
herself will mean her setting herself up.
“Well I guess you are right, I will have to let
the wedding planners handle it”

The next day by noon, Jane and Amaka

had finished up with the cooking and setting
up of Jeffery’s living room for the little party,
all thanks to Jeffery who had to come in
and assist them in finishing up with the
cooking and making sure things were ready
before everyone started to arrive.

”thanks so much for helping out” Jane

hugged Jeffery after they were done with
the arrangements.

”no need thanking me, it’s our party

remember? I’m supposed to help you out.
Most especially since you have refused to
let the housekeeper handle it”
”I love you”

”And you”

“Oya o madam come and get dressed, and

put on your rock” Amaka said, referring to
Jane’s engagement ring. ”the guests will
soon start arriving” Amaka said from

”I think you should go and answer Amaka”

Jeffery said in between kisses. ”mmm…
one more” she kissed him again, and as
she turned to leave, Jeffery drew her back
”another one for the road”
Dele was the first person to arrive, and the
moment he saw Amaka, he tried conversing
with her.

“Dele not now please, I’m here to help my

friend. Let’s not make it about us”

“Alright fine, have lunch with me please”

“Dele I can’t, I’m sorry”

“What of dinner? Or just a walk in the park?

But please Amaka let’s just see and talk
about this. I know you won’t allow me to
come to your place, so please go out with

“Okay fine, lunch then”

“Great, when?”

“I will communicate the date to you, now

please leave me alone let me concentrate
on helping my friend”

As Dele and Amaka were talking, Anita and

her husband Michael walked in with their
son in a stroller. Shortly Erica came, in the
company of her husband.

Jane was saying her hellos to all of them

when Jeffery’s parents walked in. She
immediately went to greet them.

“Hello Jane my darling, how are you?”

Jeffery’s mother raised her when she knelt
down to greet them. “I’m fine ma”
“You haven’t been to my place ever since I
invited you and your friend over, it’s been
months now”

“I’m sorry ma, we will be there to visit you


“It’s no problem dear, where is my son? Oh

that’s him over there” she left with her
husband to go say hello to Jeffery.

“Alright everyone, thank you all for coming.

Before we get started I and my sweetheart,
have something to tell you guys” Jeffery
announced to the house as he held Jane by
his right hand side.
“We are getting married!” the room erupted
in happy screams as everyone stood up to
congratulate them, the women wowing and
awwing over Jane’s ring, while the men
patted Jeffery on the back for taking such a
bold step.

“So when is the wedding?” Erica asked


“In two months” Jeffery replied.

“Two months? Why so soon?” Anita asked

not looking too happy with the time of the

“What’s wrong with us getting married in

two months time? Or is two months not
enough time for you to sew whatever dress
you want to wear for the wedding?”

“That’s too short a time now, I need time to

prepare, it’s not every time one of your best
brothers get married”

“Anita it’s not your wedding, no need to

prepare so much, and I think two months is
long enough to prepare for a wedding” their
mother said, everyone laughed at her
comment because they all knew if she had
her way, she would ask them to get married
that instant to avoid Jeffery from changing
his mind.

“Thank you Mom, and besides we are

thinking of doing something small and..”
Jeffery wasn’t done speaking when his
mother quickly cut him short.
“What are you doing small? Your

“No mom, I’m talking about our wedding,

right honey?” He turned to look at Jane who
nodded in agreement.

“You must be joking, so after begging you

to get married for over two years now, you
want to do a small wedding?”

“Mom we just want about 150 guests


“Hold it please, 150 guests? Is that the

number of people that will be invited from
your father’s side alone or mine? Come this
boy have you been drinking?”
“Emm… Ronke I think we should have this
discussion another time, I’m sure Jeffery
and Jane would work something out on how
to accommodate more guests” his father
quickly stepped in and led her to a seat.

“They had better o” she muttered under


“Well.. I think we should toast to the just

engaged couple” Desmond, Erica’s
husband said raising a glass.



After an hour of eating and drinking,

Jeffery’s parents had to leave, as they had
other engagements to attend.

“My dear please do find time to come see

me, as we have a lot of planning and things
to discuss about” Jeffery’s mother said to
Jane on their way out.

“Yes ma I will”

“So now that it’s just us, I think Jane has

something to say. Babe?” Jeffery said to
the house after his parents had left and
they were all seated playing games.
“I want to use this medium to thank you all
for coming all out to help get me released,
when I was kidnapped, that was actually
the main reason for this get together. I’m
grateful. Thanks guys”

“You are welcome Jane, you are our family

now and we always stick out for each other”
Michael said.

“Now that everyone is here, I think this

would be a good time for the ladies to tell
us how they ended up in police detention
that night?” Dele asked looking at Anita.

“I think it’s time to feed the baby” Anita

started to get up.
“Eh….Anita the baby is sleeping, so sit
down” Dele said.

“So what happened that night?” Jeffery

asked with keen interest. “Amaka, you care
to tell us?”

“What? Why me?”

“Well…. You all were there”

“My mouth is paining me abeg, I can’t talk”

Amaka immediately stuffed her mouth with
meat to avoid her from talking.
“Erica?” Jeffery looked at his elder sister
who was now trying to act busy by refilling
her husband’s drink.

“Honey I didn’t ask for a refill” Desmond her

husband said. “I think you should answer
the question”

“Ask Anita, it was her idea”

“Me? Wasn’t it you and Amaka that kept

saying we should go to the police to avoid
them from being killed?”

“Anita!” Erica and Amaka both called out at

the same time.

“So, you ladies went to the police because

you thought we might get killed by the
kidnappers?” Dele asked, not quite
believing them.

“Yes, and it was all Anita’s idea” Amaka


”You see why I call you trouble?” Jeffery

said to Anita. ”what happened to not
involving the police?”

”you didn’t specify which particular police

that we shouldn’t involve” Anita said in her
defense. This statement, made everyone
burst into laughter.

“See, all I’m saying is, we were only trying

to assist you guys, we thought involving the
police would help, but clearly it didn’t” Anita
said in their defense.

“We really appreciate your effort, but I think

next time you should just listen to what you
are being told” Jeffery said.

”Alright guys, who wants more wine?” Jane

asked as she cleared out their dishes.

”I do, but let me help you with those first”

Dele stood up and joined Jane in carrying
the plates to the kitchen.

”Dele thanks, please place them in the sink”

”uhm Jane?”

”I never got to apologize for what happened

the other day, I’m so sorry for my behavior”

”It’s fine Dele, I understand you were going

through a lot back then”

”Still, it’s no excuse for what I did. I’m truly

sorry, and if you don’t mind, I would love to
make it up to you”

”you can start by helping me carry this

bottle of wine to the sitting room” she
handed him the bottle of wine she took out
of the fridge.
“Alright guys, I think we will be on our way
now” Erica’s husband stood up as Jane and
Dele came back into the sitting room.

“Oh, why so soon?” Jane asked looking

disappointed that they were leaving.

“We have somewhere else to be” Erica said

as she stood up too, and as she tried to
take a step, she slumped.

“Erica!” Her husband was quick enough to

catch her before she fell to the floor. Jeffery
and the others quickly rushed to her side
calling her name, but she wasn’t

Her husband immediately carried her in his

arms. “We need to take her to the hospital”
Jeffery quickly got his car keys and rushed
out to drive it closer to the door. While
Erica’s husband carried her out.

“I’m coming with you guys” Anita said after

they had carried Erica into the car and were
about to drive out.

“No Anita, you can’t take your baby to the

hospital, just go home I will keep you guys
posted” Jeffery said as he got into the car,
and Dele joined him in the front seat, while
Erica’s husband was with her at the back.

“Please let nothing happen to her” Anita

prayed out loud, as Jeffery drove out of the
“Baby calm down, I’m sure she will be fine”
Michael said as he carried their baby into
the car. They said their goodbyes to Jane
and Amaka and then left for their house.

“What could have made her to faint?”

Amaka asked as she and Jane were
cleaning up the sitting room.

“Only God knows, I just hope it’s nothing


When they got to the hospital, Dele quickly

got down to call the nurses who came out
with a stretcher, which they used in carrying
Erica into the emergency room.

“Did she show any sign of not feeling well

or something?” Jeffery asked Erica’s
husband as they all waited at the hospital’s
waiting room.

“No she didn’t, she didn’t show any sign of

being sick”

“Then, what could have caused her to

faint?” Dele who has been pacing the
waiting room since, asked.

“I guess we will have to wait for the doctor

to come out and tell us” her husband

They all waited for another two hours

before a stout man walked in, looking like
he wanted to be anywhere else but the
hospital, for he wore a very grim look on his
face. He introduced himself to them as the
doctor on duty.

“Which of you is her husband?” The doctor


“I am” Desmond replied.

“Okay, please let’s see in my office” Erica’s

husband followed the doctor into his office,
while Jeffery and Dele stayed back at the
waiting room.

“Do have a sit” the doctor said to Erica’s

husband as they got to his office.

“I have a good news and also a bad news.

Which would you like to hear first?”
“Let’s hear the good news first”

“She is 4weeks pregnant”

“Okay” he didn’t look too happy about that

news ”and the bad news is?”

“Her cancer is back, and this time she is at

a high risk of losing her life if she doesn’t
start chemotherapy immediately”

“I don’t understand? I thought she was

cleared two years ago? How come it’s

Two years ago, Erica was diagnosed with

breast cancer. Thankfully it was at the early
stage, so she was able to beat it with
chemotherapy or so they were told.

“You know, these things happen.

Sometimes after getting cleared, the cancer
returns. My advice would be for her to start
chemotherapy as soon as possible”

“What about the baby?”

“It’s just 4weeks, so we might have to

induce an abortion, because she can’t go
into chemotherapy while she is pregnant.
And she can’t wait until she has the baby
before starting chemo, that would be too

“Thank you doctor, can I see her now?”

“Yes sure, come with me”

When they got to Erica’s room, she was

already awake. The doctor asked her how
she was feeling, and checked her vitals
before leaving the room to give them some

“Hey honey how are you feeling?” Her

husband asked.

“The nurse said they would have to kill our

baby” Erica had tears in her eyes.

“Yes, so you can be able to start chemo,

the doctor said your cancer is back”
Desmond whispered as if he was scared of
saying the word out loud. “I’m sorry honey”
he held her hand as she cried.
An hour later, Erica’s husband came out to
meet Jeffery and Dele at the waiting room
and told them what the doctor had said.

“I thought she beat this thing before?”

Jeffery asked with so much pain in his

“Yeah, but somehow it’s back, according to

the doctor”

“Can we see her?” Dele asked.

“Yeah but she is sleeping be careful not to

wake her, I need to go home and check on
Jonathan, his babysitter just called and said
he is running temperature”

“Oh God, what is going on?” Jeffery asked.

”I have no idea” Desmond took them to his

wife’s room and then left to go home and
check on his son.

An hour later, Erica woke up to find Jeffery

sitting on a chair staring at her. Dele had
already left to go inform their parents.

“Hey sis, you are awake”

“How long have you been here?” Erica

asked weakly.
“Not for too long, how are you doing?”

“How else will I do? I have to be fine or

pretend to be. It’s not like I have a choice, I
just have to be fine” she said looking sad.

“You don’t have to pretend to be okay, we

know you are in pains, it’s okay to show
your pains sis”

“I don’t know how I’m going to cope going

for chemo a second time, I don’t think I can
handle it. I’m scared Jeffery, I feel so alone”

“No you are not alone, you have me, you

have all of us; a family that loves you and
most importantly you have your husband.
Don’t cry” he stood up and wiped her tears.
“I and Desmond are getting divorced” Erica
said looking away to avoid Jeffery’s eyes.

“I don’t understand, how do you mean?”

“You heard me correctly, I’m getting a


“But why? What happened, I thought you

guys were doing okay?”

“That’s because, I wanted you all to think

and believe we were doing okay, but we
aren’t. Our marriage hit rock bottom a long
time ago, and we have just been pretending
to be okay, but not any longer. I’m tired of
“What of your trip to Japan to reconcile
things with him? I thought you said you both
had worked things out?”

“No we didn’t, instead we decided to get a

divorce on that trip”

“But why would you lie to me? In fact that

doesn’t matter, what could have happened
between you both that can’t be reconciled?”

“He has been cheating on me for a long

time now, not just with one woman but
different women, I recently found out, one
of them is pregnant with his child. There a
limit to what I can take”

“That bastard” Jeffery tightened his hand

into a fist.
“Jeffery” She placed her hand over his, ”I
don’t want you to go fighting him please, I
just want to have seamless divorce for the
sake of Jonathan, I don’t want anything that
will drag for too long”

“Just concentrate on getting better first, we

will talk about this when you’re done with

“No, I want it over and done with so I can

concentrate on getting better. If not for
anything but for my son”

When Jane and Amaka were done

cleaning, she decided to call Jeffery and
find out what the situation of things were at
the hospital, but he wasn’t picking up. She
dialed his number severally but he still
didn’t pick up.

“I think you should just chill a bit, I’m sure

he would call back” Amaka said to Jane
who was beginning to get worried.

“I just hope Erica is okay” Jane joined

Amaka who was sitting on the couch,
watching a comedy skit on her phone.

Few hours later, Jane and Amaka had slept

off on the couch. Jane could feel the
presence of someone in the living room,
she opened her eyes to find two masked
persons standing over her and Amaka. And
before she could make any sound, the first
person covered her nose with an
handkerchief, and Jane blacked out. The
second person did same for Amaka and
they both carried them out of the house.




It was six in the morning, and Jeffery was

still at the hospital with Erica, he had to
spend the night with her as he couldn’t bear
to leave her alone.

“Please I need you to go to my house and

check on Jonathan, I need to be sure he is
doing okay” Erica said as Jeffery stood up
to take his leave.

“Alright I’ll do that on my way to work”

“No, please Jeffery I need you to go there

this morning from here” Erica spoke with
panic in her voice.

“Why the panic Erica, is anything the


“Nothing, I just need you to promise me,

you will go check on Jonathan as you leave

“Alright I’ll do that now” he bent over and

kissed her on her forehead “you will be fine
while I’m gone yeah?”
“Don’t worry I’m a big girl”

“I’m sure mom will be here soon”


When Jeffery got into his car, he saw his

phone lying on the driver’s seat. It must
have fallen off while they were rushing to
take Erica inside the hospital. And he didn’t
even notice it wasn’t with him all through
the night.

He unlocked it and found several missed

calls from Jane, his mom, and Anita. Dele
must have told his mom and Anita the
situation of things, so he decided to call
Jane back, first. He called severally but she
wasn’t picking up. So he assumed she must
be busy preparing for work.

When he got to Erica’s house, her husband

was about to get into his car with their son

The moment Jonathan saw him, he quickly

rushed and hugged his legs. “Hey big man,
how are you?” Jeffery carried him up.

“Fine” the little boy replied. He seemed

really quite for his usual self.

“Are you guys going out?” Jeffery asked as

he walked up to the father who didn’t look
too happy seeing Jeffery.
“Yes, I’m taking him to school” he replied

“But why is he not on his school uniform?”

“Daddy said we are travelling” the little boy

said innocently

“You’re traveling?” Jeffery asked the father

in shock. “Wait, was that a luggage I saw
you putting into the car as I drove in?”

Desmond who wasn’t in the mood to

answer any of Jeffery’s questions, tried to
take Jonathan from his hands, but Jeffery
held on to him. “Hand the boy over to me, I
don’t have time for your questions” he
stretched out his arms, but this time around
Jeffery took a step back.
“Are you trying to run away with the boy
while his mother is at the hospital?”

“He is my son and I will go wherever I

choose with him, I suggest you go think of
how to have yours, and stay out of other
people’s business!”

“He is my nephew remember?”

“And he is my son, now hand him over,


Jeffery took a few more steps backwards

and dropped the boy on the ground, and
when the father tried coming closer, Jeffery
pushed him back, causing him to stagger.
“Jonathan run to my car, get in, and close
the door” Jeffery commanded the little boy
who immediately obeyed.

“Jonathan come back here!” Desmond

screamed but the boy didn’t answer him,
instead he did exactly what Jeffery had told
him. “You think you can turn my own son
against me? I suggest you hand that boy
over to me if you don’t want trouble”

“The only reason my fist hasn’t made a

connection with your nose yet, is because I
promised my sister not to. You should be
lucky I’m sticking to promise”

Jeffery turned to walk to his car, but

Desmond quickly rushed to the car before
him. Jeffery was quick enough to use his
remote in locking the doors before
Desmond got the chance to open it.

“I guess I don’t have to stick to my promise

after all” he punched Desmond hard on his
nose and as he staggered, Jeffery got into
his car and quickly drove out of the

“Jonathan, I’m sorry you had to see that,

but your daddy did something bad” he
turned to look at the boy who sat calmly at
the back seat.

“Daddy always fight with mummy like that

too” he spoke innocently.

“Your daddy beats your mummy?” Jeffery

asked with so much shock.
“Hmmmm” the boy nodded.

Jeffery saw red, so that bastard not only

cheated on his sister, he also beats her up
in the presence of their son? How come he
never saw any of the signs? That explains
why most times Erica avoided seeing him,
she always claimed she was busy.
Probably she was trying to hide the bruises
she sustained from his beating.

Jeffery had to park by the roadside to avoid

him from crashing into something, for he
was so angry. After a while, he decided to
call his mother. “Hello mummy, good
morning ma”
“Good morning my dear, have you seen

“Yes, he is with me. Are you at the hospital


”Yes I am with your sister”

”How is she doing?”

“She is fine, are you taking Jonathan home

with you?”

“Yes I am, tell Erica when I come, we all

need to talk. I will be there soon”

Jeffery decided to drive to his house and

have a shower and change his clothes
before returning to the hospital. All his
meetings for the day would have to be
handled by his manager. He kept calling
Jane on his way home but she wasn’t
picking up still.

“Please pick up” he muttered as he drove,

he really needed someone to calm him
down and she usually knows how to.

When Jeffery got to his gate, he found it

wide open. “I’m really going to have a talk
with this gateman of mine, I have warned
him not to leave my gate wide open for no

As he drove in, he noticed the estate

security in his compound. He was still
wondering what they could be doing in his
compound, when he saw his housekeeper
coming out of the house with tears in her
eyes. He quickly parked, got down, and
opened the door for Jonathan to get down

“Mama Martha, what is the problem?”

“Sir, there has been a situation” she cried

as she spoke.

“What is the situation, and why are you


“The gateman was attacked”

“What? How? What are you talking about?”

“I came in this morning to find the gateman
on the floor, he was bleeding on the head,
then I tried waking him up but when he
wouldn’t responding, I decided to go call
you or Miss Jane from inside, but I noticed
the door was wide open and none of you
were inside. That was when I called the
estate security”

Jeffery looked down to find blood stains on

the interlocking stones. He quickly carried
Jonathan and rushed into the house calling
Jane’s name but she wasn’t there, instead
he met two estate securities looking around
in his sitting room.

“What are you people doing here? And

where is my fiancée?”
“she was not here when I came in” his
housekeeper said from behind him.

“We have taken your gateman to the

hospital, he should be able to tell us what
happened when he regains consciousness”
one of the estate security said.

“But meanwhile, we think you should inform

the police about this” The second security
man said.

Jeffery slumped tiredly on the couch, not

hearing any other thing that was being said
to him. What has he done wrong? Whom
has he offended? Why can’t he just have a
moment of happiness without anything
coming to cut it short?
“Mr. Jeffery can you hear me?” His
housekeeper asked, after the security men
had left.

“What was it you were saying?” He asked

with a hoarse voice.

“I asked if you would like me to call the

police?” she looked pitifully at him.

“No don’t worry, I will do that myself, kindly

take my nephew and prepare him
breakfast. I need to make a few calls” he
handed Martha the little boy who was busy
playing with the TV remote, oblivious of
what was happening.

Jeffery went upstairs and searched the

whole house, but neither Jane nor Amaka
were inside. He saw that everything was
intact, not even a pin was missing. So this
was clearly a case of abduction and not
theft. He decided to call Anita and her

”Hello Jeffery, I was trying to call you last

night to know how Erica was doing” came
Anita’s small voice.Chaos

”Sorry I forgot my phone in the car, did

Jane and Amaka follow you guys home
after we left?”

”No, we left them at your house. What


”They are missing”

”Missing how? Have you called their

”I found both of their phones on the floor of

my sitting room, when I came in”

”Jesus Christ! What is this now?”

”I will call you back” Jeffery ended the call

and decided to ring up Black.

“Hello boss, have you thought of hiring me

back?” He asked with a smile on his voice.

“I thought you confirmed Timothy and his

men were truly dead?” Jeffery went straight
to the point, he clearly wasn’t in the mood
for jokes.
“Yes I did”

“Did you go back there after we were


“Yes I did, I even set the place up on fire

with the bodies in it, the next day. Why?”

“it seems like Jane has been kidnapped!”


“Yes, and this time it’s with her friend”

“But how could that have happened? Who

could be behind her kidnap this time?”
Black asked.
“I don’t know, if you say Timothy is truly
dead, then I don’t know who could have
kidnapped them” Jeffery was clearly
exhausted from all that is happening to him
and his family.

Just this time yesterday, he was helping

Jane and Amaka prepare for their get-
together and now they have been

“I think you should inform the police sir, as I

don’t think this is linked to Mr. Okafor’s son”

“Yeah, I will do that right away”

“Let me know if you need me”

“I will, thanks Black” immediately Jeffery
ended the call with Black, he decided to call
the police and report the case to them. Few
minutes later the police were at his house
to search for any trace of the kidnapper and
also to take his statement and that of his

“I noticed you have a surveillance camera

outside?” One of the Police officers asked.

“Yes, it’s right at the front door and at the

gate and there’s also one at the pool area”

“Do you mind if we collect the footages and

go through them? One of them might have
captured the kidnappers face”

“Yeah sure, I will hand over to you”

After the police officers had left with the
promise of coming back in the evening,
Jeffery decided to drop Jonathan off at
Anita and Michael’s place before heading
back to the hospital.

”I don’t get any of these, what exactly is

going on? How can things just move from
100 to a 0 in barely 24hours? Who have we
offended?” Anita lamented after Jeffery had
told her all about Erica’s health issue, her
divorce and then Jane and Amaka’s kidnap.

”I really don’t understand it myself, but I do

know things are going to turn around for
good” Jeffery got up to leave, he needed to
see Erica and have a chat with her. He was
really trying hard to not have a breakdown.
The thought of Jane being out there with
some total stranger, who might be causing
her harm, is almost driving him mad. He
has checked his phone over thirty times in
the last one hour, hoping to get a message
or a call from the kidnapper.

”I will need you to look after Jonathan.

Please on no account should you let him
out of your sight, there is no telling with
what Desmond can do”

”I won’t, do tell Erica I will come over to see

her later this evening”

”She will hear”

When Jeffery got to the hospital, his mother

was with Erica’s in her private ward.
“Erica we need to talk” he said to her after
he had greeted his mother.

“Where is Jonathan?” Erica asked as she

tried sitting up with her mother’s assistance.

“He is with Anita, why didn’t you tell me

Desmond was physically abusing you?”
The moment the words left his mouth, he
started regretting it for the look on his
sister’s face was that of both shock, and
embarrassment. For it was evident she
didn’t want their mother to know.

”I’m sorry” Jeffery mumbled under his


“Desmond beats you?” Her mother asked in

disbelief “how come you never told us?”
“How did you know about it?” Erica directed
to Jeffery who was already walking back
and forth in anger.

“From your three year old son! Erica that

boy thinks Desmond beating you up, is
some type of play! Was that the lie you
must have told him to cover up for his loser
of a father? What type of kid do you want to
raise? A woman beater just like…”

“You have no right to judge me!” Erica cried


“I’m not judging you, I’m just disappointed

that you condoled it and…”
“Enough the both you” their mother
cautioned. “Jeffery I won’t have you raise
your voice at your elder sister, apologize

“I’m sorry Erica, but..”

“No buts, stop that pacing and take a sit”

Jeffery immediately obeyed his mother and
sat down on one of the plastic chairs in the

“Erica for how long has your husband been

physically abusing you?” Their mother
asked calmly.

“For three years now”

“Desmond has been physically abusing you
for three years now and you kept quiet
about it?”

“What was I supposed to do mother? You

all saw him as the perfect son in-law!”
Tears were already rolling down Erica’s
cheeks. ”How could I have come back just
barely a year after my wedding, to complain
to you that my husband was abusive?”

“You were supposed to tell us, we are your

family Erica, that bastard did what he did
because you never said anything to
anyone, he felt he could get away with it”
seeing his sister cry, makes him just want
to look for that excuse of a man and beat
the hell out of him.
“You would never understand what’s it’s like
to have everyone look up to you, you have
no idea what it’s like to be the first
daughter, perfection is expected from you.
Everyone looks up to me Jeffery, including
you. Anita calls me for advice almost every
time she has a fight with her husband,
because she believes my home is running
smoothly. Then there is you and Dele who
always call us the power couple, you guys
idolize my marriage, how was I supposed to
come out and say; that same marriage is a

“But my dear I never asked you to be

perfect, no one is perfect, why would you
choose to sacrifice your own happiness just
so others won’t be disappointed?” her
mother said with tears in her eyes.
Jeffery who could not take seeing his
mother and sister cry, decided to excuse

”Jeffery please don’t go and do something

stupid” his mother pleaded.

”mummy I’m not leaving, I just want to get

some fresh air” he closed the door behind
him as he left.

”Mummy remember you used to tell me

when I was much younger, that divorce is a
sin? You always said God hates divorce. I
was only trying to live by the principle you
thought me. I didn’t want to anger God, I
didn’t want to disappoint you. You and dad
are respected elders in the church, what will
people say when they found out your
daughter divorced her husband? These
were the things that held me back from
telling you or taking any action against
Desmond all these while”

”Who cares about what people thinks?

They can think whatever they want I don’t
care. I’m so sorry I gave you a wrong notion
about marriage” her mother wept as she

”No mother you don’t have to apologize,

you didn’t force me to stay, I chose to,
thinking probably he might change even
when he was cheating on me”

“He is cheating on you too? Ha egbami…

(Meaning ‘help me’ in yoruba) I’m finished,
you are leaving that marriage”
“I already filed for a divorce”

“Erica my dear daughter, you need not

remain in an abusive marriage because of
what people will say, people will surely talk
no matter what you do. Divorced or not, you
are still my beautiful daughter whom I love
so much, I don’t want you to ever think less
of that”

“I’m sorry I never said anything mom, I just

didn’t want you or Dad to be disappointed”

“It’s fine my dear, we will pull through this

together” her mother got up and hugged her
as she sat on the bed.
“He threatened to take Jonathan away from
me, if I tell the court or anyone that he is

“Leave him to me, he doesn’t know the

family he is messing with. By the time I am
through with him, he will regret ever laying
a finger on my daughter. You just focus on
getting better, I will handle him”

Jeffery was out trying to clear his lungs,

while taking a walk within the hospital
premises, when Dele drove in.

”Hey bro, what’s up?” Dele greeted as he

got down from his car. “What is this I’m
hearing about Jane and Amaka?” Jeffery
could see Dele was really pained by the
news of Amaka’s kidnap, even if he was
trying to hide it.
”I’m confused myself bro”

”Is there anyone you are suspecting?”

”I can’t say, I have been racking my brain to

think of someone who could or would want
to do this to me, but I haven’t been able to
come up with any name”

Dele folded his arms and leaned against his

car as he tried to think. ”And you haven’t
received any call from the kidnappers yet?”

”No I haven’t”

”This is serious, what of Erica how is she

doing? I have news about her husband”
”She is fine, what news?”

”A friend of mine who works at the

Canadian embassy contacted me earlier
today to say Desmond was at that their
office sometime last week, asking for how
he can seek asylum in Canada”

”What? What for?”

”He is saying his life is under threat. His

wife’s family are after his life and that he
needs protection, he also said he was being
physically abused by his wife”

”So that was why he was trying to run away

with Jonathan this morning, now I
”Exactly, his plan was to take the boy with
him and then seek for asylum in Canada,
and none of us would have access to him
nor the boy” Dele explained.

”How come none of us ever knew this guy

was this heartless?”

”We need to protect Jonathan from that

man at all cost”



“Oh my God, babe where have you been? I
almost went crazy looking everywhere for
you” Jeffery held Jane so tight in his arms,
he almost cut off her oxygen supply.

“Jeff.. I can’t breathe” Jeffery released his

hold on her and then leaned back to look at
her face. “I’m sorry babe, it’s just that I
missed you so much. Please promise me
you will never leave me again?”

”I promise to never leave you again Jeff”

He bent to kiss her, but their lips never

seems to touch, the closer he came, the
farther apart they went. She tried bringing
her lip closer to his, but instead her face
was greeted with a splash of cold water.
Someone poured cold water on her face.

Jane was immediately awoken to

consciousness, she was dreaming all these
while. Where was she? And why couldn’t
she see anything? ”Oh God, please let it
not be that I am blind” she prayed in her
heart. She tried opening her eyes again but
was greeted with a resistance, it was then
she realized she had a blindfold on.

Her wrists were aching from being tied

together for so long, each time she tries to
move them, the ropes ate deeper into her
skin. Because of the blindfold, she couldn’t
see where she was. She was still trying to
figure out how she got there, when she
heard a faint whisper of her name.
“Amaka is that you?”

“Jane, it’s me. Are you okay?”

Jane could hear Amaka’s voice coming

from her righthand side, and with the
closeness of her voice, she knew Amaka
wasn’t too far away from her.

“Amaka are you okay? How did we get


“I think we have been kidnapped” Amaka

whispered back.

“Oh God not again”

Someone walked in as they spoke, the
person moved around Jane’s chair and
then stood in front of her. Jane caught a
whiff of the person’s perfume, it was
feminine, so she suspected the person to
be a woman.

“I advice you ladies to reminisce all you

want” Jane was right, the voice was that of
a woman. She leaned over and spoke to
Jane’s face. The voice seemed familiar, she
tried recalling where she had heard it
before, but couldn’t. Whatever was used to
make her pass out, was messing with her

“Because soon, you won’t be able to do

that. You know why? Because you both
would soon be dead! Hahahahahaha…”
The woman’s mean laughter sent cold
shivers down Jane’s spine. The woman
must have seen the fear on her face, for
she slowly caressed Jane’s face. “No need
to be scared my dear, I promise it’s going to
be a painless death” She walked to where
Amaka was, and touched her face too.
”Or…… maybe not. Hehehehehe…..” As
she laughed, gradually her voice faded
away, and she was out of the room.

“I have decided to have a double

mastectomy” Erica said to Anita as they
both took a walk within the hospital
premises as the doctor recommended she
should. Their mother had gone home to
rest, and Erica hasn’t told her about her
decision to have a double mastectomy yet.

Their mother’s only sister whom she was

very close to, had died of breast cancer ten
years ago. She died during surgery while
undergoing a double mastectomy, as that
was her only chance of survival because
the cancer had eaten deep into her system.

Her death dealt really hard on their mother

who mourned her for almost a year. That
was why, when Erica was first diagnosed
with breast cancer two years ago, every
other person knew but her. They had to
make sure Erica wasn’t in any sort of risk or
danger before they finally told her.

“Have you thought about this carefully?”

Anita wasn’t looking too happy with the

“Yes, it’s the best option for me as it is,

having a chemo is only going to keep the
cancer at bay in my case. Having a double
mastectomy will reduce the risk of
reoccurrence to a minimum”

“You have my support sis” Anita hugged

her. “Have you told Mom about this?”

“No I haven’t, you know this is a sensitive

topic to her? I’m just trying to be careful
when approaching it”.

“We will pull through this Erica, God will

definitely see us through.

It was already 24hours since Jane and

Amaka were kidnapped, and there is still no
news on their whereabout. Jeffery and Dele
decided to pay a visit to the police station
and see if they have been able to come up
with anything.
”We couldn’t find anything on the CCTV, it
seems like it hasn’t been working for
sometime now” One of the police officers in
charge of the case told Jeffery and Dele
who were seated in the D.P.O’s office, with
the hope of hearing a good news.

”No that can’t be correct, those cameras

were working fine before I went on my trip
two weeks ago, besides they all can’t stop
working at the same time” Jeffery argued.

”Or could it be that they were tampered

with? Probably someone had them
disconnected?” Dele said thoughtfully.

”My thought exactly, we think someone

tampered with those cameras weeks before
the kidnap. Whoever is behind this, had it
carefully thought out” Said the other officer
who has been writing only God knows what,
since Jeffery and Dele walked into the

”So D.P.O, what is the way forward?”

Jeffery asked the pot bellied man who kept
picking his teeth.

”Like I told you the last time we spoke on

the phone, we are going to leave no stone
unturned. We will make sure we get to the
bottom of this. You don’t worry yourself, just
relax okay?”

Jeffery couldn’t believe this man was asking

him to relax, while he sat there picking his
teeth like he just finished a meal full of fish
”D.P.O, I can’t relax. It’s the woman I want
to marry we are talking about”

”And her best friend whom I happen to care

so much about” Dele added.

”Ehn….. I understand, but you see there is

a process to these things, we can’t rush it.
So just calm down ehhh? I know your
generation is always in a hurry but I advice
you to calm down” He kept making
annoying sounds as he picked his teeth.

”Isn’t there something that can be done to

hasten the process?” Dele asked, trying
hard not to get up and slap that toothpick
out of the D.P.O’s mouth.
”No sir, the money Mr. Ademola here gave
us yesterday is still in motion. Or except
you want to add something to it to fasten it
a bit more?” he said laughing, exposing
those brown teeth of his.

To avoid any form of violence, Jeffery and

Dele stood up almost at the same time.

”Thank you so much for your time D.P.O,

we will keep in touch” Dele spoke this time
as Jeffery was already at the door on his
way out.

”Bro, we need to find another alternative,

these guys don’t look like they have been
doing much” Jeffery said to Dele as they
got to where they parked their car.
”Same thing I have been thinking, because
with the way these guys are stalling, we
don’t know when they will get to the bottom
of this, that’s if they ever do”

”The worst part is that, we haven’t heard

from the kidnappers yet, so we don’t even
know what to work with”

”I think we need to get a private

investigator, and I happen to know one”

”Guy wetin you come dey wait since na?

Contact him Asap” Jeffery told Dele as they
got into the car.

”I will do that right away”

The next day, Jeffery was sitting patiently in
his compound waiting for Dele who was
coming with the private investigator.

“Hey bro, sorry for keeping you waiting. We

encountered a little traffic on our way” Dele
apologized to Jeffery as he got down from
his car.

“It’s okay, I just hope.. “Jeffery’s words got

stuck in his tongue as the private
investigator stepped out of Dele’s car. First
of all, it wasn’t a he but a she. And not just
any she, but Jeffery’s high school
sweetheart Lauretha.

She was still as beautiful as Jeffery

remembers her to be. He could see she still
possessed her poise as she walked up to
him in her usual elegance all smiles.
“And who could have thought I would see
the famous Jeffery Ademola today?” She
enveloped Jeffery in a hug before he had
time to react. “Nice to see you again after
such a long time Jeffery” Dele had to clear
his throat, before she pulled out of the hug.

“Nice to see you too Lauretha” Jeffery

spoke after he has been able to gain back
his composure.

“Well, since you both already remember

yourselves, I guess there’s no need for
introductions. So I suggest we get down to
business” Dele led the way into the house
and they followed him inside.
“With what you guys have said, it all points
in the direction of kidnap, though we can’t
be too sure. Have you guys been in any
form of quarrel or dispute with anyone
recently?” Lauretha said after they had told
her everything.

“I can’t think of anyone” Jeffery replied.

“No one at all, who would want to harm

you? Or has threatened to harm you or any
of these girls in anyway before?”

“There is one person”

“Who?” Dele and Lauretha both asked at

the same time.

“Who is Vivian?” Lauretha asked Jeffery
who was pouring some whiskey for himself
into a glass.

“Whiskey, anyone?” He asked raising a

glass to Dele and Lauretha.

“I will pass, thank you” Lauretha declined,

Dele gave his consent by a raise of his

“Vivian was Jane’s boss, and she wasn’t

too happy about our relationship when she
found out about it” Jeffery passed a glass to
Dele and then took a seat. “I’m sure you
heard about the scandal two months ago,
involving my ex and I?”
“Yeah I read about it sometime ago, what
about it?”

“Vivian was behind it, she paid my ex to lie

about our relationship status”

“Are you serious?” why did she do that?”

”Seemingly, she wanted me to date her

niece instead of Jane”

”hmm I see, where can I find her?”

“Hold on, if Vivian is truly involved in this,

then why would she kidnap Amaka too? I
mean, Jane is the one she has something
against here?” Dele asked thoughtfully.
“We will have to find out when I question
her. Jeffery can you give me her address?”

“Yeah sure, I can even take you to her


“No, that won’t be necessary. I need to

speak with her alone”

“Okay, I will give you her address and

phone number then”

“That would be great”

Two hours later, Lauretha was at High

Waters Interiors, to see Vivian. When she
got to the door of her office, she could hear
a heated argument coming from Vivian’s
She knocked severally on the door before
she heard an angry voice asking her to
come in.

“Good afternoon, my name is Lauretha, and

I’m here to see Vivian” Lauretha introduced
herself as she looked between the two
ladies in the office, trying to figure out what
could be making the two of them look so

“Oh Lauretha, you were the one who called

earlier right?” Vivian had a fake smile on
her face as she spoke.

Before coming, Lauretha had called

Vivian’s office, to ask if they could see, but
she didn’t disclose the main reason she
wanted to meet with Vivian.

“Yes I am ma’am, I have something

important to discuss with you”

“Sure please have a seat” Vivian gestured

to one of the chairs in her office. “Katherine
please excuse us” Katherine who has been
staring daggers at Vivian ever since,
stormed out of the office, making sure to
bang the door angrily on her way out.

“I’m sorry about about, please what can I

offer you?”

“Nothing, I’m okay” Lauretha said to Vivian

whose face looked like it was going to crack
from the fake smile she had on her face. It
was clear she was trying to hide her anger
from whatever discussion she was having
with Katherine before Lauretha came in.

“Okay, sure” Vivian took a seat next to

Lauretha. “So what was the information you
said you had for me?”

“I’m sorry ma’am, but I’m here to question

you instead”

“How do you mean?”

“My name is Lauretha, I am a private

investigator, and I’m here to question you
about two missing persons”
“What in heaven’s name are you talking
about?” Vivian immediately stood up.
”Which missing persons?”

“Miss Jane and her best friend Amaka are

both missing” Lauretha gauged Vivian’s
reaction as she gave her the news.

“What? Amaka and Jane are missing? I

never knew about it, how long have they
been missing?”

”They have been missing for close to

48hours now, miss Amaka is one of your
staff, how come you are not aware that she
hasn’t been to work?”

”I have over 200 staff under me, I can’t

possible know the whereabouts of all of
them. That is why we have heads of
departments they all work under. So after
this meeting I will confirm what you just told
me from Amaka’s boss”

“Okay, I’m here to ask you a few questions

if you don’t mind?”

“Of course not, please go ahead” Vivian sat

down back on her chair.

“Where were you on Sunday night?”

“I was with my family, after our Sunday

dinner, we saw a movie together until about
10pm, before we all retired to bed”

“And you had this dinner where?”

“At my home, and we also saw the movie
there too”

“That means your husband and your family

are your alibis?”

“Yes please”

“How many children do you have?”

“Two children, a boy and a girl”


“Just call me Vivian please”

“Alright, Vivian I was told that you had some
sort issue with miss Jane which led to her
resignation. Do you mind to enlighten me a
little about what that issue was?”

Vivian who was already looking troubled,

stood up and sat behind her desk. “It’s
something I will always regret for a long
time to come, for it cost me not just my
relationship with Jane, but I also lost an
efficient assistant too”

“And what was it you did?”

“I wanted Jeffery to date my niece for my

own selfish reasons, and when I found out
he was dating Jane, I tried to sabotage their
relationship and paid Jeffery’s ex to go
public and announce that they were still
together” Vivian looked down shamefully as
she spoke. If her actions are anything to go
by, then Lauretha thinks she is innocent,
but she has also learnt in her 5 years as a
private investigator never to believe people
to be innocent because of their looks.

“When I came to realize the gravity of what

I had done, I retraced my steps and
apologized. But by then, it was too late as
the damage had already been done and the
people involved were deeply hurt”

“So after then, what happened?”

“I apologized to Jane and Jeffery and asked

for their forgiveness, which I got, but I lost
Jane as she said she couldn’t continue
working with me and re-signed”
“And you haven’t tried to harm her again
ever since then?”

“No, no, of course not. I promised Jeffery I

was going to stay out of Jane’s way of
happiness and ever since then I have done
just that. Wait a minute, are you thinking I
could have a hand in her kidnap?”

“We are interrogating everyone who knew

Jane and Amaka before they got missing
and you happen to be one of them”

“I swear with my life, I have nothing to do

with this. I have a lot more to lose if I get
caught, so it’s not me”

”Who was that lady who I met in here a

while ago?”
”Oh, that’s Katherine my niece”

”And what were you both arguing about?”

”She is dating some lowlife who can’t even

provide for her, but she claims she is in
love. I was just telling her to stop seeing
him when you came in”

Something told Lauretha Vivian was really

telling the truth, but she didn’t want to rule
her out just yet.

“Thank you for your time Vivian, I would

suggest you don’t leave town yet as you
might be needed for further questioning”
“Sure no problem”

When Lauretha came out of Vivian’s office,

she decided to give Jeffery a call.

Jeffery immediately picked up on the first

ring, “hello Lauretha, what’s the update?”

“Nothing much, I think we would have to

intensity our investigation”

“Oh, okay” Jeffery’s voice on the other side

of the line sounded so depressed, Lauretha
felt for him.

“Would like to meet me at Tasty Kitchen, so

we could talk about it?” Lauretha asked.
“Yeah sure no problem, when?”

“How about in thirty minutes time? I will be

heading there from Vivian’s office”

“Alright no problem,

Jeffery was at the hospital with his sister, so

he decided to go see Lauretha and then
come back later.

“Please do say hello to Jane for me and tell

her I’m not happy she hasn’t come to see
me yet” Erica said as Jeffery hugged her
before leaving.

“Emm she has been sort of busy, but I’m

very sure she will come see you once she
is free” Jeffery hasn’t told Erica or his
mother that Jane was missing, the last thing
he wanted was to tell his sister anything
that will sadden her in her present

“Too busy to even call? I don’t believe that.

The Jane I know wouldn’t hear I’m in the
hospital and not come see me, or even call”

“Well, I will relay your message to her, I

have to go now bye”

By the time Jeffery got to Tasty Kitchen,

Lauretha already had a table reserved for
them, she waved at him the moment she
saw him walk in.
“Hey, I was able to reserve us our favorite
table” Lauretha beamed at Jeffery when he
got to where she was seated.

“Yeah I can see that” Jeffery pulled out a

chair and sat down.

“You remember our first date was at this

restaurant? And we shared our first kiss
here?” She had a longing in her voice as
she spoke.

“Yeah Lauretha I remember all of that,

those were good old days”

“You are right, they were. I still remember

those days like it were yesterday”
“Yeah, so how did your meeting with Vivian
go?” Jeffery quickly changed the topic.

“I don’t think she is behind this, she was

home on that particular night and she has
alibis, though I would have to speak to
them” If Lauretha was hurt, she didn’t show

“So what do we do now?” Jeffery didn’t

want to lose hope, he knew Jane wouldn’t
want him to lose hope.

“I would have to continue investigating,

meanwhile tomorrow I’m going to contact a
fellow colleague of mine who would come
assist me in the investigation. Do not worry
Jeffery, we are going to find her”
”Thanks Lauretha”

”You must really love her don’t you?”

“With every fiber of my being”

”Does that mean, there is no chance that

you and I could get back together?”

”I’m sorry Lauretha, but the answer is no”

”Even if I told you we have a son together?”



”You must really love her don’t you?”

“With every fiber of my being”

”Does that mean, there is no chance that

you and I could get back together?”

”I’m sorry Lauretha, but the answer is no”

”Even if I told you we have a son together?”

“What do you mean by we have a son

together? Are you joking or something?”
Jeffery asked in shock, because he wasn’t
sure of what he just heard Lauretha say.
“We do have a son together Jeffery, I’m
sorry I didn’t tell you ever since” She tried
holding his hands across the table, but he
quickly withdrew his hands from the table.

“Wait a minute, I have a son with you?

How? When?” Jeffery was clearly confused.
Just when he thought his life couldn’t get
any more complicated, now she comes to
tell him he has a son? Is someone out there
playing some games with his life?

“After we graduated from high school, I

discovered I was pregnant” Lauretha
avoided Jeffery’s eyes as she spoke.

“And the pregnancy was mine?” Jeffery’s

heart was racing fast, he was suddenly
sweating even with the air conditioner being

“Yes of course, it was yours. Do you need

even ask? You know we had unprotected
sex severally when we were dating”

Jeffery took a long swig of the bottle water

on the table, he has always fancied having
a child of his own, but never did he think
that he had a son out there somewhere.

“So you got pregnant for me, had the child

and it never occurred for you to tell me?”

“We already broke up before I found out

about the pregnancy, and you were already
processing your documents to travel out of
the country. I didn’t want to be an
obstruction to your travel plans. I knew
coming to you with the news of my
pregnancy might stop you from traveling out
of the country”

“That was my decision to make! Not yours

to make”

After their high school graduation, Jeffery

and Lauretha decided to end their
relationship. Jeffery was leaving the country
for his university education, and they both
didn’t want to do a long distance

”I can’t believe you would do this to me?”

“Jeffery calm down, you are shouting”

Lauretha pleaded.
“Where is the boy?” He asked in a
restrained voice.

“He is staying with my aunt in the US”

“How old is he?” Jeffery clinched his fist on

the table.


Jeffery slammed his fist on the table, “I

have a thirteen year old son, and you never
told me about him all these while? How
could you?”

“I always meant to tell you Jeffery, I was

just waiting for the right time”
“When? On my dying bed? Was that when
you were planning on telling me? Huh?”
Jeffery angrily got up to leave.

“Please Jeffery hold on, let’s talk about this”

“I need to process all of these Lauretha, I

will talk to you later” Jeffery stormed out of
the restaurant before he did something
stupid. He got into his car, and drove to the
beach Jane took him to on his birthday. He
needed to clear his head, probably the
ocean waves would help in calming him

By the time he got to the beach, it was

already getting dark, he went to the sea
shore and screamed out loud.
“God where are you? What has I and my
family done wrong? Why are you allowing
all these to happen to us?” The sea waves
carried his words off into the sea.

“Come on, talk to me, come fucking talk to

me God, I need answers! I know you can
hear me, I know you are out there!” He fell
to the ground as he yelled. And as if to
answer his questions, the sea waves came
and splashed water on him.

“I’m sorry God, I know I shouldn’t be

swearing at you, please help me out of this
misery, It’s too much for me. Heal my sister
Lord, please don’t let her die I beg you.
Bring Jane back to me in one piece please,
I can’t bear to think of anything happening
to her or her friend please…..”
And for the first time ever since all of these
started, Jeffery broke down and wept. He
wept for his sister who’s life was hanging in
the balance, he wept for his fiancée and her
friend who he couldn’t find and didn’t know
if they were still alive or not. He wept for his
ignorance all these years of not knowing he
had a son. The sea waves kept splashing
water on him as he knelt down and wept in

Meanwhile, Jane and Amaka’s kidnappers

have been tormenting them all day. The
lady took Jane to the bathroom, filled the
bathtub with water, and made her kneel in
front of it with her hands tied to her back.
Then she forced Jane’s head into the tub
full of water and held her head still.
Jane struggled for air, but the lady kept
pushing her head into the water. And when
she was almost passing out for lack of air,
she pulled Jane’s head out of the water.

“How does that feel?” The woman asked

Jane who was gasping for breath. “Answer
me you bitch, how does that feel uh?” She
pushed Jane’s head back into the water
and had her struggling again before pulling
her head out.

“You see that feeling right there? That’s

how I feel every time I see you and Jeffery
together. That’s how I fucking feel when he
wouldn’t even notice me because of you”
She pushed Jane’s head inside the water
again and this time when she brought out
her head, Jane started crying and pleading.
“Now you are pleading, if you had left my
man alone, we wouldn’t be here right now.
You are pleading, by the time I’m done with
you, you would wish you were never born, I
will make sure you suffer for every pain you
caused me by making Jeffery to stop loving
me!” She slapped Jane so hard on her face,
she fell on the floor and passed out.

Her partner came in and carried Jane out of

the bathroom.

“I think you should take it easy with them,

especially this one, we don’t want anything
happening to them before boss arrives”

“They are going to be killed anyway, so we

might as well get started with the process”
She went over to where Amaka was, untied
her and dragged her by her hair to the
bathroom. Amaka kept shouting as the lady
kept pulling at her hair. “Shut up you stupid
fool! If you had shut your mouth in the first
place and minded your own business, you
wouldn’t be here. But no, you decided to
make other people’s business yours, by
advising your friend to take another
woman’s man!”

“I don’t know what you are talking about”

Amaka cried as the lady pulled harder at
her hair.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure this will refresh your

memory” The lady pushed Amaka’s head
into the water.

When she brought Amaka’s head up for air,

she started begging the lady.
“Please I beg you to forgive me, for
whatever..” Amaka was still speaking when
the lady pushed her head back into the
water. “I do the talking, not you”

These past few days, Vivian has been

suspicious of Katherine’s movement. She
always moved like she was in a hurry and
sneaks out to take certain phone calls.

At first, Vivian suspected it was because of

that lowlife she was seeing, so probably
she didn’t want to answer his call in her
presence. But on Sunday evening, Vivian
went to Katherine’s room to talk to her, and
she overheard Katherine making a phone
call in the bathroom and she was telling
whoever was on the other side of the line;
“we strike tonight, their so called protector
is not around so their defense will be weak,
I will meet you up in thirty minutes time”

And that night, Katherine didn’t sleep in the

house. Vivian didn’t pay much attention to
this, until that private investigator came and
told her; Jane and Amaka had gone
missing on that same night.

She knew Katherine disliked those two

girls, but not to the extent of kidnapping
them. Vivian blamed herself for all these,
she was the one who sold the idea of dating
Jeffery into Katherine’s head, now Amaka
and Jane are paying for something that isn’t
their fault.

What was she going to do? Should she tell

Jeffery to involve the police? Or should she
just pretend like she knows nothing? After
all, she already told the private investigator
she didn’t have a hand in Jane and
Amaka’s kidnap, which was true.

But what if Katherine harms them, or even

worse kills them? If anything happens to
those girls, and she later finds out
Katherine had a hand in it, she won’t be
able to forgive herself.

Vivian decided to call Jeffery. She had to

call severally before he finally picked up.

“hello Jeffery, sorry to call you at this hour,

but I think I might have information on the
person who kidnapped Jane and Amaka”

“You know who is keeping Jane and

Amaka? Who is that? Where is the
person?” Jeffery who had passed out on his
couch after he got back from the beach,
was suddenly alert, he immediately sat up.

“I’m not so sure, but I have a nudge that

Katherine might have a hand in their

“You mean Katherine your niece?”

“Yes, I have been suspicious of her

behavior for quite sometime now”

“Do you know where she could be keeping

them?” Jeffery was already on his feet as
he talked to Vivian.

“I’m not quite sure, but I heard her making a

phone call about meeting someone in a few
minutes time, I will follow her to where she
is headed and then find out if that’s where
she hid them”

“Alright, you do that and send me the

address, I’m leaving the house now, so I
can meet you up. Thank you so much

Jeffery quickly went upstairs and changed

out of his wet clothes, which he was too
lazy to change when he earlier came back
from the beach.

Few minutes later, Jeffery was already

dressed to leave the house, he decided to
call Vivian to know where she was, so he
could meet her up, but she wasn’t picking
He has already informed Dele who would
be meeting up with them, alongside some
police men.

He kept trying severally to get Vivian on the

phone, but she still wasn’t picking up.
Jeffery became concerned, how were they
supposed to know where Katherine had
kept Jane and Amaka if Vivian doesn’t pick

He finally decided to go to Vivian’s house

and speak to her in person. He was about
driving out from his compound, when Dele

“Bro, what’s up? Has Vivian told you where

Katherine kept them?”
“No, she is no longer taking my calls. I have
called her severally but she isn’t picking up.
I’m on my way to her place now. I will keep
trying her line on my way there”

“Okay bro, keep me informed on whatever

you find”

“Alright sure, I will. Have you informed the

police men already?”

“Yes, all they are just waiting for is the


“Okay, once I get it from Vivian I will send it

to you guys”
“Alright cool. And Jeffery?”


“Please be careful”

“I sure will, and you be careful too”

Jeffery prayed silently on his way to the

Vivian’s house, that Vivian is able to lead
them to where Jane and Amaka were being
kept. And let them be found in one piece.

On his way to Vivian’s house, he

encountered traffic which made him take a
longer time in getting there.
When Jeffery got to Vivian’s street, he
could hear some noise coming from the
direction of her house, and as he got closer,
he discovered the noise was actually
coming from Vivian’s house and a lot of
people were gathered in front of her gate.

Jeffery got down from his car and asked

one of the women standing, what was going

“Dem attack the owner of this house and

him family” she said in pidgin English.

“Attack how? I don’t understand?”

“Some boys come their house come shoot

“What? This can’t be happening” Jeffery
suddenly became confused.

“People dey even talk say, na one of the

oga opponents go don send them, because
them nor take anything for the house”
Another lady who was standing close to
Jeffery chipped in.

“But how did this happen? I just spoke to

the madam of the house not quite long ago”

“E never too tey wen the thing happen”

Jeffery tried to go into the compound, but

was stopped by an officer who was taping
the gate to prevent people from coming in.
“I’m sorry, but you can’t go in sir, this is a
crime scene”

Jeffery stepped back, confused at how all of

these could have happened between the
space of two hours. He was still pondering
on what to do, when some paramedics
wheeled a bleeding woman in a stretcher
out of the house. Jeffery went close to get a
closer look, and he saw that the woman
was Vivian, she was groaning in pains as
she held her bleeding abdomen.

The paramedics, carried her into the

ambulance, and few minutes later, they
wheeled out another younger lady, who
looked unconscious and was bleeding
profusely from her chest and thigh as they
carried her out of the house, into the
The lady’s face looked familiar, he kept
trying to remember where he has seen that
face before, then he remembered; that was

If Katherine was shot too, then how was he

going to find out where she hid Amaka and

Jeffery stood staring at the ambulance with

it’s blaring siren, as it drove off to the
hospital with all the hope he had of finding
Jane that night.



“Please have mercy on us, whatever it is

we have done to you, I beg you in the name
of whatever you hold scared, please forgive
us” Jane was crying as she pleaded to their
kidnappers. The lady still wore the mask
she had on since the day they were
kidnapped, so Jane couldn’t see her face.
But every time she spoke, Jane feels she
has heard that voice before. She has been
trying her best to remember where she had
heard the voice from, but hasn’t been able

“I beg you ma, please don’t kill us. We

promise to stay out of you and Jeffery’s life
for good. You can have him if you want, but
please just let us go” Amaka pleaded this

“Shut up you two, if you had just stayed out

of I and Jeffery’s life in the first place, we
wouldn’t be here, but instead you decided
that my Jeffery is the man you want. No
amount of pleading can get you out of this,
so I suggest you start saying your last

As she spoke, her partner walked in and

said; “The boss is here”

“Where is he?”

“He is outside, he will be here any minute”

They are still talking, when a lanky, dark
man walked in. The moment he came in,
the lady and the guy immediately went to
his side.

“Welcome boss” The lady greeted

“How is it going?” The man asked in a

grumpy voice.

“Very well boss, we have everything under

control boss”

“And who the hell is this?” He asked

referring to Amaka as he walked up to
where she was.

“Emm, that’s her best friend boss” the lady

answered stuttering.
“And why the hell is her best friend here?
What is she doing here? We don’t have any
business with her!” The boss barked in

“She is sought of involved too, boss” the

lady was visibly scared of the man as she

“I still don’t get how she is involved in this, I

specifically told you to kidnap just his

“Ye..s but the thing is; they were both

together when we went for the operation”
the other guy spoke.
“So if she had been with her entire family
during the time of kidnap, you would have
kidnapped all of them too?”

“No sir, we took her beca….”

“Shut the fuck up! Just fucking shut up!” He

grabbed a bottle which was on the floor and
smashed it against the wall in anger.
Everyone became suddenly silent, even
Amaka who was groaning in pains, was too
scared to breath out loud.

“Do you know why I agreed to bring you in

on this?” He asked the lady who was
already shaking like a jelly fish. “It’s
because, we have a common enemy, and
we want a common goal which is to
eliminate Jane, why would you choose to
bring in someone else?”
“I’m sorry boss”

“Now listen good, I want you to take that girl

out of here, now!”

“Sure boss” The lady started untying

Amaka from the chair.

“No, you leave her and let him do it instead.

There is something else I will be needing
you to do”

The second guy untied Amaka, and carried

her over his shoulder into the car that was
parked outside the building and started to
Amaka’s hands and legs were still tied, and
her eyes were blindfolded, so she couldn’t
see where they were going.

The guy drove at a very high speed, Amaka

feared they might crash into something or
someone. After about an hour of him driving
like a maniac, the guy finally stopped. He
got out of the car and carried Amaka out,
and placed her over his shoulder.

“Please don’t hurt me I beg you, please”

The guy didn’t say a word, he just kept

walking. And after walking for a while, he
untied Amaka’s hands and legs and then
dropped her in the bush.
Early the next morning, Jeffery was on his
way out of his compound, to go visit his
sister at the hospital, when he saw two
people standing in front of his gate. He got
down from his car to find a feeble looking
Amaka standing at his gate with a middle
aged man.

Jeffery had to clean his eyes to make sure

he wasn’t hallucinating. Indeed it was
Amaka who was standing in front of his
gate for she called his name as he
approached her.

“Jeff..ery” her voice was a bit dry which it

made quite inaudible.

“Oh my God Amaka it’s really you” Jeffery

quickly got to where she was standing and
hugged her. “Where have you been?
Where is Jane?” She whimpered in pain as
he held her in the places she had injuries.

“Oh sorry, are you hurt?” Jeffery held her

on the shoulders as he examined her.

“Just a little pain here and there” Her voice

was so faint Jeffery could barely hear her.

“Come on, let’s get you inside” he started to

guide her back into his compound, that was
when he remembered the man who has
been standing behind Amaka quietly.

“I’m sorry are you both together?” Jeffery

asked referring to the man.

“Yes, he is with me” Amaka said calmly to

“Alright come in then”

They all went into Jeffery’s house. Jeffery

helped Amaka to sit down on the couch as
she seemed to be having difficulty moving
her body. Then he quickly rushed into the
kitchen and got her a glass of water. She
took a few sips of the water before handing
Jeffery back the glass.

“He helped me to get here” Amaka said

referring to the man who was with her. And
she started to cough, holding her ribs as
she did. Jeffery immediately went to her

“Amaka are you okay?” She shook her

head to indicate she wasn’t.
“You need to see a doctor” Jeffery quickly
brought his phone out of his pocket, but
Amaka shook her head again.

“What is it?”

“I don’t want to go to a hospital please”

tears rolled down her cheeks as she spoke.

“No I’m not taking you to a hospital, I will

have my doctor come check you here”

An hour later, a sleeping Amaka was

surrounded by a medical doctor, a nurse,
Dele, Lauretha and Jeffery.
“Was she able to tell you anything about
who kidnapped them before she slept off?”
Lauretha asked Jeffery who has been
watching Amaka like a hawk.

“No she didn’t, she only said; that man was

the one who helped her to get here”

“You mean the man downstairs in the sitting

room?” Dele asked as he watched Amaka
sleep, not taking his eyes off her.

“Yeah, that was all she could say before her

cough became worse and I had to call the
doctor, and then you guys”

“She has contracted a chest infection,

which most likely must have been caused
by her exposure to cold. I’m also suspecting
a broken rib but we will be able to confirm
that, once we conduct an x-ray” The doctor
said to them.

“Will she be alright?” Dele asked with so

much fear and concern.

“Yes, with the antibiotics I have

administered to her, she should be better in
no time. I will be back to check her on my
way back from work in the evening”

“Thank you so much Doc” Jeffery shook the

doctor’s hands.

“Anytime, and please endeavor not to

stress her with questions, at least not for
today. I will have my nurse stay back to
administer her next drip once this one gets
finished, and also to attend to her medical
needs while I’m away”

“Thank you so much” Jeffery walked the

Doctor to his car. He came back to meet
Dele and Lauretha interrogating the man
who came with Amaka.

“I found her in my farm this morning when I

got there to work as usual” the man said to

The farmer had gotten to his farm quite

earlier than usual, he wanted to get most of
his work at the farm done before the sun
comes out.

He was trying to uproot some cassava

when he noticed a strange movement in-
between the cassava plants. He thought it
might be a snake or a dangerous animal so
he quickly picked up his machete and
advanced carefully to the direction where
he noticed the movement, only to find out it
wasn’t a snake, but human.

Amaka was curled into a ball in-between

the cassava plants as she shivered from
cold. “Ple..ase.. do..n’t kill me” she begged
the farmer who had his machete ready to

The farmer instantly realized she was

harmless and needed help, he carried her
to his farm house and covered her with
some of his old farm clothes, then gave her
some food and water
Amaka ate and drank the water hungrily like
a deer who hasn’t seen water in days. After
she had eaten, she rested a bit and then
told the farmer to please help her locate
Jeffery’s address, which she called out to
him. She told him her friend’s life was in
danger, and she needed to get to Jeffery

“So, she didn’t tell you who had kidnapped

her, and how she got to your farm?”
Lauretha questioned.

“No she didn’t, she was very weak and

couldn’t say much”

“I guess we would have to wait for her to

wake up, and tell us what happened
herself. Hopefully she should be able to
lead us to the kidnappers” said Dele.
“Thank you so much sir for your help, God
bless you” Jeffery went over to where the
man was standing and shook his hands.

“You are welcome sir, I will have to be on

my way now”

“Sure I will have my driver go drop you off”

Jeffery called his driver to come drive the
farmer back. But not before asking the
farmer for his account details and
transferred the sum of three hundred
thousand naira into his account.

“Jeffery please can I talk to you in private?”

Lauretha asked as Jeffery came in from
seeing the farmer off.
“Yeah sure, let’s talk in my study”

Lauretha followed him into his study, while

Dele went to check on Amaka.

“Jeffery I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about our

son all these years. I know no amount of
apology can bring back all the years you
lost with him, I’m truly sorry”

“What you did Lauretha, is bad. You kept

me away from my son all these years, and
that is very wrong. But I don’t think this is
the best time to discuss this issue. Once all
of these is over, we will need to sit and
discuss the way forward”

“I truly understand, does that mean I can

continue working on your fiancée’s case?”
“If I didn’t want you to continue working on
the case, I wouldn’t have called you this
morning to come here. Please do go on
with your investigation and help me find my

“Thank you. I will be meeting with my

partner today, we are both going to check
on your gateman to see if he has regained
consciousness, and see if he remembers

”Alright, though I spoke with the doctor in

charge of his case yesterday, and he said
he was still unconscious”

”Alright. But still, we would go there and see

if there is any improvement”
”Okay, please keep me informed on
whatever you find”

When Jeffery and Lauretha came out of the

study, Dele was at the bar pouring himself a

“Hmmm, guy what is going on between you

two?” Dele asked, after Lauretha has left
the house.

“It’s very complicated man” Jeffery sat

down tiredly on the couch, while Dele came
to where he was seated and handed him a
glass of drink.

“How do you mean complicated? Don’t tell

me you still have feelings for her?”
“Nooo.. that’s far from it”

“What is it then? Because I see the way she

looks at you, it’s evident she still has
feelings for you after all these years”

“How come you never told me Lauretha

was the private investigator you were

“I didn’t know so myself until I met her, she

came highly recommended by a friend.
Besides I knew if I told you, you might not
have agreed”

“Well, I don’t know if I should be grateful for

what you did or not” Jeffery swiped his palm
over his face.
“How do you mean?”

“I just discovered I have a son with


“What are you talking about? A child how?”

“Apparently she found out she was

pregnant after we brokeup”

“And the pregnancy was yours?”

“Yeah, we have a son together”

“But why didn’t she tell you all these years?

Who keeps a child from his father that
long? It’s not as if you broke her heart or
something. I remember your breakup was

“Same thing I have been asking since she

told me”

“Except for one thing though”

“What is that?”

“You know she is the only child of her

parents right? And we all know how her
father wanted a son badly”

“Your point?”

“It could be that she didn’t tell you because;

her father took the boy as his heir. And the
boy could be bearing his surname and not
yours. And if that is the case, then, they
might put up a strong fight before ever
allowing you access to that boy”




“That’s impossible, they can’t stop me from

seeing my son. If anything, I am supposed
to sue them from keeping me away from
the boy’s life all these while” Jeffery was
already getting furious at the thought of
Lauretha’s parents preventing him from
seeing his supposed son.
“Guy calm down, I only told you what I
think. I didn’t say that is what is going to
happen. It’s just a probability. I think we
should just focus on finding Jane first, and
then we can think of a way forward on this

“Same thing I told Lauretha”

They were still talking, when the nurse

taking care of Amaka came downstairs to
tell them Amaka has woken up, and she
was asking to see them.

“Really? That’s great” Dele stood up at

once and started climbing the stairs. While
Jeffery followed from behind.
“Hey…” Dele sat at the edge of the bed,
while Jeffery stood by the wall. “How are

“Water please”

Dele got her some water, and helped her to

sit up. “Is that comfortable enough?” He
asked referring to her sitting posture.

“Yes, thank you”

They all waited for her to finish drinking her

water, before asking any questions.

“Amaka, do you remember anything?”

Jeffery asked calmly.
Amaka nodded “Yes, but just a few things. I
know we were kidnapped by a man and a

“Do you know who they were?”

“No I don’t, we were blindfolded most of the

times, and when we weren’t, they had
masks on”

“How did you escape?”

“I didn’t escape, they carried me out of the

place and dumped me in the bush, I
managed to walk some distance before I
fainted in that farmer’s farm. And then he
came and found me”

“Why did they release you?”

“Their boss told them they shouldn’t have
kidnapped me, the only person they needed
was Jane and not me. So he asked I be
released. Jeffery I think, this has to do with
someone you broke her heart, because the
lady amongst them, kept saying Jane made
you to stop loving her”

“What? Did she say her name or


“No she didn’t, but she was very bitter. We

need to get Jane out of that place please,
before those people kill her. I beg you”
Amaka started to cry, Dele got closer and
consoled her.
“Do you at least remember the direction
back to the place?” Jeffery continued with
his questioning after she had stopped

“No, I was blindfolded all through the ride”

“How about we go back to the farmer’s

farm? Would you be able to trace your way

“I’m not so sure, though I will be able to

trace it back to where they dropped me. But
after that, I really can’t remember anything”

The nurse walked in “I’m sorry, but you

would have to excuse me, it’s time for her
afternoon medication”
“Alright Amaka, you just rest. We are going
to get Jane out by all means” Jeffery
assured her before leaving the room.

“What do we do now?” Dele asked as they

went back to the living room.

“I really don’t know, I’m so confused right

now” Jeffery paced his living room.

“Is there anyone you can think of who could

have been unhappy with you breaking up
with her?”

“The only person who comes to my mind is

Tania, and she has been out of the country
ever since the last time I warned her to stay
out of my life. I confirmed it myself”
“Then, there must be someone else, after
Tania you were never involved in a serious
relationship, or were you?”

“No, after Tania, I only had one night stands

and flings. Nothing serious”

“So it could be someone you dated before

Tania or could it be one of your one night

“I think this person, should be someone I

had something to do with after I broke up
with Tania, because Tania never received
any threats while we were together”

“Do you know all the ladies you have been

with since then?”
“Guy….I don’t have a list where I write their
names now”

”Na wa o, this is serious’

As they spoke, Lauretha walked in with a

guy she introduced to them as her partner.

“Hello guys meet my partner Mayor, Mayor

this is Dele and Jeffery”

“Nice meeting you guys” He was a short

guy who looked so confident of himself, so
much that you could smell it from afar off. It
was as if he wore his confidence like a
perfume. What he lacked in height, he
made up for confidence.
“Same here” Dele and Jeffery said almost
at he same time.

“Lauretha has told me everything, is the girl

awake yet?” He asked referring to Amaka.

“Yeah. But she is taking her after

medications, so we might have to wait a
while before going to see her” explained

“That’s okay, was she able to tell you guys


Jeffery told them everything Amaka had


“I think you would have to think about which

of your ex you suspect is capable of
something like this. But meanwhile, I would
like to interview everyone again”

“How do you mean everyone?”

“Your family members, friends, staff.

Everyone who has or had contact with Jane
in the time past”

“But Lauretha already interviewed them”

Dele said.

“Yeah, she told me that already, but I would

still like to speak to everyone myself. There
might be something they remember
between then and now that might be
helpful. If that’s not too much trouble?”
”Mayor thinks he might find a missing link or
something. Trust me, he knows what he is
doing” Lauretha explained to them.

“Alright, no problem, just tell me when you

would like to start, and I will let them know”

“Okay great”

As they spoke, the housekeeper came in to

tell Jeffery she wanted to close for the day
because she had some errands to run.

“It’s okay Martha, you can go. Please

endeavor to be here on time tomorrow”

“Who is she?” Mayor asked as Martha left

the sitting room.
“That’s my housekeeper”

“That means she should know your fiancée


“Yeah, she does”

“Good, can I speak with her before she


“Yes sure, let me call her for you”

Jeffery went outside to call Martha as she

was about stepping out of the gate.

“Hey mama Martha, please come in for a

“Hope no problem Mr. Jeffery?”

“No, not at all. The private investigator just

want to ask you a few questions”

“But I already told her everything I know”

“Yeah I know, but this is a new guy, he

wants to just do some follow up, that’s all”

“I’m actually in a hurry, can’t it wait until

tomorrow when I come to work?”

“No Martha, this won’t take time I promise”

Jeffery led Martha back into the house.
“I heard you have been Jeffery’s
housekeeper for quite sometime now?”
Mayor asked Martha after they were alone
in Jeffery’s study.

“Yes, and Mr. Jeffery is just like a son to


“That means you must know Jane his

fiancée then?”

“Yes, I do”

“How would you describe her?”

“She is a very lovely girl, easy going”

“On the day of her kidnap you were the first
to notice the gateman on the floor right?”

“Yes, I saw him in a pool of his own blood

when I arrived for work that day”

“Do you mind telling me what happened

when you arrived for work that day?”

“When I came for work that day, I saw the

gate wasn’t properly closed, I came in and
found the gateman lying in a pool of his

“Then what did you do after that?”

“I quickly rushed inside to call Miss Jane

and her friend Amaka, but they weren’t
inside, I found the door wide open. That
was when I raised alarm and called the
estate security”

“Okay, so if I get you correctly, you went

inside to call Jane and her friend?”

“Emm, Yes and Mr Jeffery too, but I didn’t

find any of them inside”

“Then you alerted the estate security,

before Jeffery arrived?”


“Alright that will be all, please if you

remember anything that will be helpful in
this investigation, do not hesitate to let us
“Alright I will”

Martha stood up and took her leave, while

Mayor went back into the living room to join
the rest.

”On the day you hosted the get-together,

was your housekeeper here with you
guys?” Mayor asked Jeffery.

”No she wasn’t, Sunday is usually her off

day, so Jane didn’t want to disturb her”

”So that means, she wasn’t aware that you

hosted a get-together?”

”No she wasn’t”

”That also means, she wasn’t aware that
Jane’s friend spent the night here on that
particular day?”

”No she isn’t”

”Before you came back that morning, did

she call to inform you of what she found?”

”No, I only came back to find her crying and

the estate security were here already”

”I think we might have a lead on who the

kidnapper is”

”Who is that?”
”Your housekeeper”
How possible is this?




“Have you gone nuts or something? How

can you say my housekeeper is behind my
fiancée’s kidnap? That woman is like a
second mother to me, and she loves Jane
just as much. I think it would have been
better, if you told me you don’t know who is
behind the kidnap. Instead of telling me; my
harmless housekeeper is behind it” Jeffery
was already on his feet, looking down on
short Mayor as he spoke.

“I think, you need to calm down Jeffery, let’s

hear why Mayor thinks your housekeeper is
behind Jane’s kidnap” Lauretha tried
calming him down.

“No, I think you both just need to shut it

already, is this your plan? To make me
think someone else is involved, then I start
chasing shadows? How am I sure, you
aren’t the kidnappers yourselves? For all I
know, this could be your ploy to take Jane
out of the picture just so, you and I could
get back together!”
Lauretha was shocked at Jeffery’s
accusations, she stood up in anger and
tried to slap him on his face, but he
immediately held her hand.

“How dare you? How dare you accuse me

of doing something of such magnitude?
When all I have done; is work my ass off
trying to find your fiancée’s kidnappers!”

Lauretha was already shouting as she

spoke. “You know what? I think it’s high
time I left, since you already know so much
about private investigation, I suggest you
go find your fiancée yourself!” She picked
up her handbag. “Mayor, let’s go” She
started walking out of the living room.

“Lauretha please wait, don’t go. I’m very

sure Jeffery didn’t mean any of what he just
said to you. Please come back let’s talk
about this” Dele pleaded with Lauretha.
“Mayor, you too, please don’t leave. Let’s
all settle this and find a way forward”

“It’s not in your place to say Dele, Jeffery is

the one who is involved here, and if he
thinks we are working with the kidnappers,
then we have no use being here” Mayor
said to Dele calmly.

“Please, I’m begging you not to leave. Guy

you sef apologize na, don’t you want Jane
to be found? Or do you think you can find
her all by yourself?” Dele turned to Jeffery
who was already seated watching them

“I umm, I’m sorry guys. I said what I said

out of anger. Please stay” he murmured.
“Well, you can keep your apologies to
yourself, because I’m leaving” Lauretha
opened the door and walked out. Jeffery
quickly went after her.

“Lauretha please wait, don’t go” he quickly

caught up with her before she got to the

“Jeffery what do you want?” She turned

angrily and faced him. “Haven’t you said
enough already?”

“Please I’m sorry Lauretha, I said all what I

said out there in anger, and I know it was
out of place, Please forgive me and come
back inside. I beg you”
“Jeffery you can’t just say things like that,
and expect me to just forget about it”

“I’m sorry, please..” Jeffery looked really

tired and confused. Lauretha immediately
took pity on him. “please I need your help,
don’t leave”

“Fine, but be rest assured that you owe me”

she walked back inside, leaving Jeffery to
stand outside.

“Alright, now that we have settled that little

misunderstanding, I think we can now hear
what Mayor has to say” Dele spoke, after
Jeffery had gotten back inside and they
were all seated in the living room.
“Yes please Mayor, do tell us why you think
my housekeeper is part of Jane’s kidnap”
Jeffery spoke so calmly this time.

“First of all, I would like to say that I’m very

disappointed that Jeffery would think we are
part of his fiancée’s kidnap. But we will
have to come to that later” Mayor sat up,
“Now you remember, your housekeeper
didn’t know Jane and her friend spent the
night here on the day they were

“Yes?” Jeffery questioned.

“So how come, when she came and saw

the gateman lying on the floor in a pool of
his own blood, the first people she went to
look for was Jane and Amaka and not you
her boss?” Mayor had noticed the
housekeeper was trying to hide something
when she spoke to him.

“I still don’t get your point” Jeffery said.

“His point is, probably she has been

keeping an eye on you guys ever since, for
her to know that Jane and Amaka spent the
night here on that day” Dele said,
concurring to Mayor’s finding.

”And also, let’s not forget that your CCTV

was disconnected few days before the
kidnap. And the only persons who have
enough access to your house aside Jane
and yourself, is your housekeeper and the
“It still doesn’t make any sense, why would
she want to kidnap Jane and her friend?
Besides, even if she wanted to kidnap
Jane, she didn’t have to wait until she was
here, she could have just gone straight to
her house”.

“I guess we would have to find the answer

to these questions, when we bring her in for
more questioning. With my little knowledge
in Psychology, I know when someone is
hiding something. And I can categorically
tell you that, your housekeeper has
something she is hiding”

“I still don’t believe this” Jeffery doubted.

“Do you know where she lives?”

“Yes, why?”

“Because I would like for us to pay her a

visit, you never can tell what we might find”

“You sound so sure that she is involved in

this, what if you are wrong” Jeffery asked.

“And what if I’m right? Mr. Jeffery, I believe

you would want to see your fiancée
released, isn’t that it?”

“Yes of course, by all means necessary”

“So I suggest you tell us where your

housekeeper lives, so we could go find her
and stop wasting time. Every minute counts
as it is”
Jeffery contemplated for a minute, whether
or not to believe Mayor, the short guy’s
confidence was beginning to annoy him.
But then, he wants to find Jane by all

“Alright give me a minute, I have it written

down somewhere, let me go and get it”
Jeffery went upstairs to get Martha’s
address from where he wrote it, and few
minutes later, he came back downstairs
with it.

“Here it is” he handed it over to Mayor who

looked at the address and said; “I think we
should go pay her a visit right away”
“What of Amaka? We can’t just leave her
like that. We need someone to protect her
while we are gone” Dele said as they were
about to leave.

“You do have a point, I will call the police to

bring some of their men to be on guard
while we are gone” Jeffery took out his
phone from his pocket and called the

“Oga Jeffery, I know it’s because of your

fiancée’s case you are calling, like I already
said, we are on top of the matter, and we
will leave no stone unturned until we find
the preparators of this crime. Don’t worry
we are doing our absolute best to see that
she is found” The D.P.O said in an irritable
“I know D.P.O, and I really appreciate your
effort” Jeffery almost bit his tongue for lying,
for he didn’t see the police putting in any
effort at all to rescue Jane. Rather, all they
have done is sleep on the case.

”You are welcome, you are welcome” the

D.P.O replied, feeling proud of himself.

”But that is not the reason for this call”

“Why did you call then?”

“I will need you to please send some of

your men to my place”

“Why, what for?”

“My fiancée’s girlfriend escaped from the
kidnappers, and we would need some of
your men to watch over her for the mean

“You see what I told you? We are working

on it. Now one of them has been released.
Thanks to us who have been working
tirelessly on the case”

Jeffery was amazed at how the D.P.O was

taking the glory for something he didn’t do.
But, he chose not to say something about it.

”I’m sending two of my men over to your

place now, you know the Nigerian police is
your friend? But you will have to find
something for the boys o” the D.P.O said,
after gloating over Amaka’s release.
“That’s no problem at all, thank you so
much D.P.O”

Thirty minutes later, two police officers were

at Jeffery’s place to keep watch on Amaka
while they were gone.

“Wait a minute, I hope you guys remember

Amaka said one of the kidnappers were
angry because Jeffery broke her heart?
You don’t think that person is his
housekeeper now, do you?” Dele asked as
Jeffery drove four of them to Martha’s

“We will be able to put the pieces together

in due time” Mayor assured him.
When they arrived at the address written, it
was a block of flats with different tenants
occupying them. They knocked on the flat
number that was supposed to be Martha’s,
but no one answered the door. They kept
knocking until a young man in the next flat,
came out.

“Are you people looking for madam

Martha?” The young man asked.

“Yes please, do you know if she is inside?”

Mayor asked the young man.

“No she’s not, she just left some few

minutes ago”

“Did she tell you where she was headed?”

“No she didn’t, but she looked like she was
traveling, because she was carrying a
traveling bag”

Jeffery immediately started dialing her

number, but she kept ending his call, and
after a while her number stopped going

“She is not picking up, why won’t she pick

up?” Jeffery kept redialing Martha’s
number, and after sometime, it stopped

“What the hell! She switched off her phone.

It says switched off!” Jeffery was beginning
to panic.
“You said she left not quite long, right?”
Mayor asked Martha’s neighbor.

“Yes, it’s not been too long she left, when

you guys drove in”

“Then I think we should go in search of her,

we might be able to catch up with her”
Lauretha said.

“Which direction did she go?” Dele asked.

“I don’t know, but my guess would be the

bus stop. Is there a problem?”

“Not at all, she works for me and I would be

needing her to do something urgent for me”
Jeffery assured the young man.
“Could you please point us in the direction
of the bus stop?” Asked Mayor.

“It’s at the junction, I’m sure you must have

passed it while driving into this street”

“Alright, thank you so much” Mayor thanked

him, and they all got into the car. Jeffery
was visibly confused, and couldn’t drive.
Dele had to take the keys from him.

Martha has been waiting at the bus stop for

close to twenty minutes now, she needed to
leave before Jeffery and his friends caught
up with her. She was lucky enough to have
been the first to see them while they were
coming, and she quickly hid herself in
someone’s shop, waited until they had
passed. She knew they were going to her
apartment to look for her. That was why she
quickly packed up her things and left.

They were not going to see her ever again.

She needed to quickly alert her people, so
they could hasten things up.

She had told them to use the girl in getting

money from Jeffery before killing her, but
that man had refused saying he would give
them the money they needed. Then why
wouldn’t he just kill the girl already? The
longer she is being kept alive, the higher
the risk of them being caught.

There was still no bus in sight, trust these

stupid bus drivers to disappoint you when
you need them most. If only she knew how
to use a smart phone, then she would have
ordered for an Uber ride. Several times, she
has been taught, but she can’t seem to ever
understand how that complicated thing

Jeffery and his friends would be here any

minute, she can’t risk being seen by them.
She decided to start walking, hopefully she
would catch a bus in front.




”Jeffery, it was because of you I did what I

did” Martha said, sobbing.
“But why Martha, what did I or Jane ever do
to you to deserve such? I took you as a
mother, what could I have done wrong?”

“What you did wrong, was not marrying my

daughter! Instead, you went to engage that
gold digging brat”

“Your daughter? Who the hell is your

daughter? Because I don’t know her, and
neither do I remember ever promising her

“My daughter is Sandra you idiot”

“Sandra? As in Sandra my secretary?”

Jeffery never knew his housekeeper and
Sandra were related.
“Yes, Sandra your secretary, you kept
telling her how much you liked her and how
competent she was, but never asked her
out on a date for once. And really broke my
poor girl’s heart”

“But I never promised to marry her? I never

for once saw her in that light, yes I told her
all those things you said, but I meant them
as compliments and nothing more”

“She didn’t see it that way. You have no

idea, how many times my dear child had to
cry herself to sleep because you wouldn’t
look her way. You have no idea, how many
sleepless nights I had, consoling her
anytime you went on date with other girls.
And as if that wasn’t even enough, you had
to go engage Jane! You are not supposed
to marry any other person but Sandra! My
daughter loves you, but you are too blind to
see it”

“Please I’m sorry, but I don’t love your

daughter, I only gave her those
compliments because she deserved them.
Please where is Jane? Where did you keep
her? She doesn’t deserve whatever is being
done to her please”

“He is going to kill her anyway, so what’s

the use?”

“Who is going to kill her? What are you

talking about?”

“I don’t know his name, we agreed not to

tell each other our names”
“Then where is she!” Jeffery shouted at her.
He collected the plier from Mayor and was
about to remove her third nail.

“She is at Ajah”

“Where in Ajah?”

“I will take you guys there if you promise not

to hurt me or my daughter?”

“It’s not in your place to ask for favors now,

you lost that privilege when you decided to
kidnap Jane”

Just then, Jeffery’s phone beeped to

indicate that a new message was sent. He
brought out his phone and opened the
message which was from an unknown
number. It was a video of Jane being
tortured. Someone in a mask was using a
naked wire to shock her under her feet.

Jane kept screaming in pains as the wire

was placed under her feet. As Jeffery
watched her scream in pains, he started to
cry, and in anger he smashed his phone
against the wall.

”We are going to Ajah now!”

Jeffery drove like a maniac, as Martha gave

the directions to where they kept Jane. Dele
had insisted he drove, but Jeffery wouldn’t
hear any of it.
The police van behind them, seemed to be
keeping up with his driving pace too. They
had called the police to inform them about
the new development, and also for the
police to accompany them, to help get Jane

“Jeffery please, reduce your speed. Or you

are going to get us all killed” Lauretha
pleaded as he kept driving at a very high

Jeffery didn’t reply her, instead he kept

driving fast, his grip on the steering wheel
tight, jaw set, teeth clenched, and eyes
focused on the road.

“Just pray, nothing happens to Jane,

because if anything should happen to her, I
will make sure to kill you with my bare
hands!” Jeffery threatened Martha who was
seated at the back with Mayor and Dele.

“For every pain your stupid boyfriend

caused me, I am going to give you double”
the mean looking guy said to Jane as she
lay almost lifeless on the floor. She has
been screaming and crying for over twenty-
four hours, now she has no strength left in
her. She saw double of everything, even
her own hands were double to her.

Jane prayed to God to save her, tears

rolled down her eyes as she thought about
her sister who she has refused to reconcile
things with, she prayed to God to forgive
her for hardening her heart against her
sister. Jeffery’s face flashed before her and
she cried for she might never see him
again. She closed her eyes, trying to shut
out everything that was being done to her.
Then there was a loud bang on the door,
she saw people in black running around the
room. What was going on?

When they got to the place where Martha

had directed them to, the police surrounded
the building, while some went in. It was a
two storey building, in the
G.R.A(Government Residential Area) part
of Ajah. Jeffery and the rest were asked to
remain some distance away from the
building . Few minutes later, there was a
loud gunshot inside the house.

“What the hell is going on in there? I need

to go in there”
“No you won’t, it’s too dangerous” Dele held
Jeffery as he tried to go towards the

“My fiancée is in there, and you talking

about it being too dangerous? Get your
hands off me”

As they argued, one of the police officers

came out of the building carrying Jane in
his arms. Jeffery immediately ran to him
and took Jane from him.

She felt so weightless in his arms, she was

looking pale and malnourished. There were
injuries all over her body. Jeffery was at the
point of tears when he looked at her.

“Oh baby, I’m so sorry”

Jane opened her eyes slowly “Je…ff?” She
called out his name in a whisper.

“Yes baby, it’s me. I’m here to get you”

Jane tried opening her mouth to speak, but

her lips only moved, but no words came

“It’s okay baby, I got you baby, I got you”

Jane closed her eyes and she drifted into

Jeffery quickly took her into the car. While a

policeman came and took Martha out of the
car, and handcuffed her.
Another police officer led out an handcuffed
Sandra out of the building. Behind her was
Simon Jeffery’s business rival who had
slept with Tania his ex fiancée. He was
bleeding on his right arm.

Jeffery rushed out of his car, and ran to

where Simon was, he punched him hard on
his face. One of the police officers had to
hold Jeffery from throwing another punch at

“Mr. Jeffery do not take laws into your

hands” one of the officers reprimanded him.

“You bastard! So you have been the one

behind this, all these while? How dare you
lay your filthy hands on my fiancee?”
Jeffery freed himself from the police
officer’s grip, and pushed Simon so hard he
fell on the ground.

“I might be forced to arrest you Mr. Jeffery,

if you don’t control your anger” The officer
said to Jeffery as he grabbed his hands.

“You are going to pay dearly for this I

promise you!”.

Another officer helped Simon to stand up

from the ground. “I told you I was going to
make you pay for every pain you caused
me, you will know what it feels like, to feel
the same pain I felt, when you took
everything away from me” Simon used the
back of his palm to wipe the blood off his
lips. He had a crooked smile on his face.
Simon and Jeffery have been rivals, right
from when they were in secondary school.
Back then, they used to always compete
amongst themselves, who was going to
take the first position in class. Then, it was
a healthy form of competition, as it always
spurred the other person to do better.

But the competition became an unhealthy

one, when Jeffery returned to the country
after his tertiary education, and started his
own company in the line of real estate

He found out, his rival simon was also into

same line of business. Almost every
contract Jeffery bidded for, Simon also
bidded for same contract. Sometimes
Jeffery’s company would be awarded the
contract, while other times, Simon’s
company would be awarded the contract or
some other company gets it.

They continued this way, until the federal

government wanted to award the building of
a new government house at the federal
capital territory to a real estate company.

Jeffery’s company bided for the contract,

and so did Simon’s. When they got to the
final stage, Jeffery and Simon were the only
two contractors left. As others either did not
meet up with the government requirements,
or something else had happened.

Simon came to Jeffery a week before the

contract was to be awarded, and asked him
to withdraw his application as he really
needed the money from this contract to
meet some personal needs. But Jeffery had
refused, he insisted they both waited to see
who gets the contract. “Let the best man
win” were Jeffery’s words to him.

Finally, when the federal government

published the name of the real estate
company to handle the project, it was
Jeffery’s company.

Simon didn’t take the loss too well.

Apparently, his wife was sick and needed to
be taken abroad for an urgent surgery, but
Simon didn’t have the money.

Before his wife’s illness, he has never been

one known to save for the rainy day. Any
money he ever realized from his business,
he always spent it all, with the hope of
getting another contract soon.
He has been living on the fast lane, until his
wife took ill and he couldn’t afford to pay for
her surgery.

After a week, his wife died. Because the

surgery wasn’t done. This made Simon
hate Jeffery with every fiber of his being.
And he swore to take anything that will ever
make Jeffery happy.

From that day, Simon kept tab on all the

women Jeffery dated. And whenever any of
his relationships were about to get serious,
he would find a way to spoil it.

Jeffery was oblivious of this, until the day

he caught him in bed with Tania on the
night of their engagement.
And when Simon found out about him and
Jane, he started to device a means to bring
their relationship to an end. He knew he
had to do something order than sleeping
with Jane. He needed Jeffery to feel the
same pain he felt in his heart anytime he
picked up his wife’s photograph. He wanted
Jeffery to feel the pain of losing the woman
he loves.

So he decided to kill Jane, he was devising

a way he can be able to kidnap and kill her.
Then one day, he was reprimanding one of
his workers who had arrived late to work.
And he told him the reason he came late,
was because him and his mother had to
rush his elder sister to the hospital, she had
attempted to commit suicide because her
boss wouldn’t notice her, or look her way.
When Simon inquired further, he found out
his sister’s boss was Jeffery, his arch
enemy. That was when he approached
them with the deal of taking out Jane, as
that would mean Jeffery would be without a
girlfriend, and Sandra would have the
opportunity of winning his heart and he also
offered to pay them the sum of two million

Martha and her daughter immediately

bought the idea, Sandra’s younger brother
wasn’t okay with the plan, but his mother
and sister convinced him to join them in it.

That was how they carefully crafted the

kidnap of Jane. First Martha turned off the
CCTV, and made sure it was no longer
working a week before the kidnap, because
she overheard Jeffery talking to Jane about
a get-together that will be held at his place.
So she knew that was going to be a perfect
time to strike. As she was supposed to
sneak into the kitchen with her own key,
while the party was going on, and add
some sleeping tablet to their food. But she
didn’t need to do that, because Jeffery and
every other person in the house drove out
before she carried out her enterprise,
leaving Jane and Amaka alone in the
house. That was when she called her
children and informed them to come carry
out their operation.



“Why did you not tell me she got

kidnapped? And all these while I was
thinking she didn’t want to come see I and
Erica at the hospital” Jeffery’s mother said
to him as they watched Jane who was
unconcious on the hospital bed.

Jeffery had rushed her to the same hospital

where his sister was being admitted. The
doctor had examined her and discovered
her lungs were weak and at the verge of
collapsing, so her breathing had to be
supported with an oxygen machine. Other
tests that were conducted, showed she had
two broken ribs, and pneumonia.

Jeffery hasn’t left her side for the past two

days that she has been on admission. He
has prayed, and even fasted. Now, he
doesn’t even know what else to do

His sister would be leaving for India the

next day for her surgery. Ever since the day
Jeffery forcefully took Jonathan from her
husband, they haven’t seen nor heard from
him. Jeffery knew he must be planning on
how to get back at them, but that wasn’t a
problem him and his family couldn’t handle.
The most important thing, was for his sister
and Jane to get better.

Dele had gone to Jeffery’s house to be with

Amaka. While Martha and her family,
including Simon, have been arrested.
Jeffery would be going down to the station
later in the day, to make some statements
regarding Jane and Amaka’s kidnap.
“How is Jane?” Amaka asked Dele as he
helped her to stand up, so she could use
the restroom. The nurse looking after her,
had gone to get some of her drugs from a
nearby pharmacy.

“She is doing okay, we were able to get to

her on time”

“I’m glad those idiotic fellows have been


“Me too”

Few minutes later, Amaka stepped out of

the restroom holding her head.
“Amaka what is the matter?” Dele quickly
rushed to her side and held her as she
almost fell.

“I’m feeling a bit dizzy”

“You see, why you should have allowed me

take you into the restroom myself?”

“Your head is not correct”

“I’m glad you haven’t lost your sense of

humour” Dele helped her to the bed, and
she laid down.

”Thank you for taking care of me Dele, I’m

sorry I haven’t been nice to you lately”
”It’s nothing to apologize about Amaka, I
understand you hate me for the way I
played with your heart in the past, and for
that, I am truly sorry” Dele looked really
sorry for his actions.

Amaka took his hands in hers, ”It’s fine, but

you need to know that, I didn’t refuse to
date you because of what you did to me,
although I was deeply hurt by that. But I
refused to date you because, I need to work
on myself, I have a lot of baggage Dele,
and I don’t want to bring you into it”

”Amaka, you think I don’t know that

already? We all have our own baggage, but
that shouldn’t stop us from experiencing
love. We can help each other with our
Amaka immediately withdrew her hand from
his ”I’m sorry Dele, but I can’t. I need to
work on myself and completely get rid off
my toxic baggage before I can ever go into
any relationship”

Later that evening, Jeffery went to the

police station to make a statement about
the kidnap. When he was done, he
requested to see Sandra his secretary.

”Mr. Jeffery?” Sandra was shocked to see

Jeffery seated in the prisoner’s visiting

”Yes it is I”

Sandra sat down and placed her hand on

the table demarcating her and Jeffery’s
chair. ”I am truly sorry for everything Mr.
Jeffery, it was never my intention to hurt
you. I just wanted to…”

”Hurt my fiancee? You didn’t want to hurt

me but you chose to hurt my Fiancee

“No, no, I just wanted to get your attention,

and I didn’t know how, so when Simon
came with the idea of kidnapping Jane, it
sounded like a good plan”

“It sounded like a good idea to hurt another

person, a fellow woman like yourself? Can
you hear yourself speak?”

“I know what I did is wrong, and no amount

of apology can undo it. But for all it’s worth,
I’m truly sorry” Sandra started crying. What
she thought was a good idea, has turned
out to be her fall and that of her family. Her
fair complexion which used to be very bright
and shiny, was now dull without lustre. Her
whole body was filled with different marks.
Jeffery suspected her cell mates must have
given her some beating. He felt no pity for
her. The luck she had was that, he has
promised himself not to lay hands on any
woman, because he really felt like
pummeling her body with beating.

“You are right, no amount of apology can

undo what you have done. I wish you the
best of luck. Have a good life Sandra”
Jeffery stood up and left the room.

As he was stepping out of the police

station, he got a call from Lauretha.
“Hi Lauretha, what’s up?”

“Hello Jeffery, are you busy?”

“Not really, I just finished making my

statement at the police station. What’s up?”

“I was hoping if we could see?”

“Right now?”

“Yes, if that is not a problem?”

“Alright, no problem. I’m going to check on

Jane at the hospital, maybe you can meet
me at the hospital’s cafeteria?”
“Alright no problem, I will be there in an
hour’s time”

Jeffery got into his car, and drove to the

hospital, when he got there, the doctor was
administering a drip on her.

When he was done, Jeffery followed him


“How is she doing doctor?”

“I must be honest with you, her condition is

really critical, the infection has really spread
across her lungs, but the drug we are
administering, is helping to combat it. And
she is a fighter, she will pull out of this”
“So she is going to be okay, right?” Jeffery
asked in fear.

“Yes, so you don’t have to worry yourself”

the doctor patted Jeffery on the shoulders
and left to check on other patients.

Jeffery went back into Jane’s private ward.

He went to her bedside and sat down,
holding her right hand.

“Hey baby, I know you can hear me. Baby I

need you to fight, please don’t give up, fight
for the sake of our love, you can’t die on me
now, I promised to show you the world, and
I intend on keeping to my promise. Babe
please get better, I beg you” Jeffery held
her hand for a while, before kissing her on
the forehead, and then left to go meet with
Lauretha who had texted him, that she was
already at the hospital’s cafeteria.

“Hey Lauretha, I hope there is no problem?”

Jeffery asked as he pulled out a chair for
himself to sit at the hospital’s cafeteria.

“Yeah everything is fine, how is Jane


“She is fine”

“Oh that’s good” Lauretha kept fidgeting on

her chair. It was as if she had something to
say but didn’t know how to say it.

“What seems to be the issue Lauretha?

You have been fidgeting” Jeffery asked her.
“It’s about our son Jeffery, what are you
going to do about him? You told me we
were going to talk about it when Jane gets
released. She has been released, now

Jeffery had totally forgotten about the boy,

since Jane got rescued from the hands of
the kidnappers, all he has ever thought
about, was for her to get better. And there
was his sick sister also. In all these, he had
forgotten about his son with Lauretha.

“I’m sorry Lauretha, this period has really

been crazy for me”

“I know, that’s why I decided to remind you.

Jeffery you need to get close to your son,
he needs his father. You need to be a part
of his life as he grows up”

“I’m sorry, but it wasn’t I who kept him away

from my life” Jeffery accused.

“And I have already apologized for that, I

don’t want you or him to miss out on each
other’s lives anymore, that’s why I am trying
to bring you both together now”

“Is he back to the country?”

“He will be coming back for the Christmas

holiday, next week”

“Alright, I guess I would get to see him

“Before that, I need to know Jeffery, what
becomes of us now?”

“I don’t quite understand, how do you mean

what becomes of us?” Jeffery asked with
confusion written all over his face.

“I mean; what happens to our relationship?

I’m sure you don’t want your son to be
raised in separate homes?”

“Your point?”

“Our son needs to be raised together by his

“Don’t you think, it’s too late for this? The
boy is thirteen”

“I know it’s not too late. We can still give

him a home, and if God willing, a brother or
even a sister or maybe both”

“Hold up, hold up. What are you talking

about? Who is giving who a brother?”

“You and I of course, we need to get back

together, if not for anything but for the sake
of our son, he needs the love of both

“And we would give him that, but we don’t

have to be together for him to know his
parents love him”
“I’m sorry Jeffery but that is not the way I
plan on raising my son”

“Excuse me? Is that not how you have been

raising him for the past thirteen years? Why
the sudden change of mind?”

“I’m sorry Jeffery, but if you are not ready to

get married to me, then you won’t be seeing
your son”

Reply her last statement as Jeff….

Problem no dey finish.



It’s been one week since Jane was rescued

from the hands of Sandra and her cohorts,
and she was still unconscious. The doctors
keep assuring Jeffery she was going to
regain consciousness soon.

Erica had already traveled to India for her

surgery. And the surgery was to be done
the following week.

Amaka was fully recovered as well. She

was already strong enough to do things on
her own. But Jeffery insisted she still
remains at his place, instead of going back
to live alone in her and Jane’s apartment.
“I have decided to go to the east to visit my
mother” Amaka said to Jeffery as he drove
them back from the hospital, where they
went to see Jane.

“Are you sure, you are strong enough to

embark on such a long journey?”

“Yeah, the doctor said I’m fit to get back to

my normal life, so long I don’t over stress
myself and I take my medications”

“Alright, when do you plan on leaving?”


“So soon? Why the hurry?”

“It’s something I just want to do and get off
my chest, if I wait any longer, I might
develop cold feet”

“Okay, I know that feeling, how about I buy

you a flight ticket, instead of you taking a
bus? I still don’t think you are fit to be
traveling long distance in your condition”

“No, that won’t be necessary. You have

done enough for me already”

“Are you sure? It’s not really”

“I’m sure, you don’t have to worry about

“Alright if you say so”

Jeffery had to drop her off at her and Jane’s

apartment. So she could pack the few
things she needed for her trip. Her boss
had given her the remaining two weeks of
the month off, she intends to spend a week
with her mother and bury the hatchet
between them.

Very early the next morning, Amaka left for

the bus stop. She wanted to follow the first
bus, so she could get home on time. But
rather, she ended up getting home late,
because the bus she took kept getting spoilt
on the road.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

Her mother asked, as she took Amaka’s
bag from her at the door. “I could have
come pick you at the motor park”

Amaka didn’t say anything to her mother,

instead she went straight to her room which
still looked very much like it was when she

“Would like something to eat? I have ofe

onuegbo(meaning, bitter leaf soup in Igbo),
and fufu, I can quickly warm the soup”

This was Amaka’s favorite meal while

growing up. She wanted nothing more than
to rush into her mother’s kitchen and dish
out some for herself. But then, she
remembers the last time her mother was
this nice to her, she lost something
“No, I’m not hungry. I just want to bath and

“You look really pale, have you been sick?”

Her mother got closer to her as she
assessed Amaka’s face. Some of the
bruises on her face and body were already
healed, but you could still find the scars that
haven’t completely faded when you looked

“I’m fine”

“Are you sure? Because you really look like

you were sick. Did someone beat you?
What are all these marks on your face?”
Her mother tried to touch her face, but
Amaka pushed her hand away. “please
mother, I would like to be alone”

Her mother who looked really disappointed,

decided not to flog the issue. She dropped
Amaka’s bag on the bed and left the room.

The next morning, Amaka woke up to find

her mother having breakfast at the dining

“Mummy ututu oma (mummy good


“I rahukwara nke oma (hope you slept


“Yes mummy”
“Come sit and have breakfast with me” her
mother offered.

“No ma, I’m not hungry”

“Amaka, how long do you intend to continue

doing this?”

“For as long I can, I can’t risk being

poisoned by the same person for a second

“What can I do to show you how truly sorry I

am? Amaka please I’m sorry” her mother
remorsefully begged.
Amaka who was going to the kitchen,
stopped dead in her tracks, for the first time
in nine years, that her mother made her
lose her baby, she apologized.

“You are sorry? Did you just say you are


“Amaka please I’m sorry, I deeply regret my

actions, I was only trying to protect you”

“Protect me? Protect me from what

exactly?” Amaka walked up to where her
mother was seated.

“You were only a teenager, a child. I didn’t

want you to miss out on your childhood
because you are being forced to raise a
child you didn’t plan on having in the first

“And who told you, you could decide for

me? I told you I wanted to keep the baby.
Didn’t my decision to keep it, matter to

“I only thought I was helping you, I didn’t

want you to make same mistake I made”

“And what is this mistake you always talking


“Sit down please” her mother drew out a

chair for her to sit on.

“When I was in my first year at the

university, just a little older than you were
when you got pregnant. I started dating
your father, we were both from the same
village, and attended the same church back
at home. So when he asked me out, it felt
like a match made in heaven. He was a
300level senior in my department, so I saw
him as a god, and felt honored that he
asked me out”

*Flash back*

Amaka’s mother was always following

Mathew around, whenever she wasn’t
having classes, she would go to his hostel.
Everyone in campus knew about their
relationship. At a point, they became the
hottest couple on campus.

They were so much in love with each other,

they went practically everywhere together,
wherever you saw one, the other was
bound to be there. They were like two peas
in a pod that couldn’t be separated.

Until during her second semester holiday,

Amaka’s mother missed her period, and
later discovered she was pregnant.

Mathew had insteaded she abort the

pregnancy, because he wasn’t ready to
become a father yet, he needed to finish
university and get a job, before thinking of
settling down. But Amaka’s mother wouldn’t
hear of it. Instead she decided to report him
to the reverend father of the cathedral they
usually attended in the village. The
Reverend father in turn, called the two
families together, and told them about it.
Both parents insisted they got married as
abortion was a sin. Few weeks later, they
were both married in a small traditional
wedding. But Amaka’s father never forgave
her mother for forcing him into marriage
and making him give up his dreams of
becoming an engineer, because both of
them had to drop out of school to work, so
they could provide for the child.

“So daddy never wanted to marry you in the

first place?” Amaka asked in disbelief.

“No he didn’t, he always resented me for it”

After nine months she delivered a baby boy

and three years later, Amaka followed. But
the boy died of a mysterious illness, when
he was in secondary School.
After they had buried him, Amaka’s father
decided to divorce her mother.

“The child that brought us together is dead,

of what use is there for us to be together?”
He had asked her the day he packed his
things to leave.

“What of Amaka? Is she not your child too?”

“I will support you with her education and

everything that is needed for her
upbringing” he took his bag and left and
never came back.

“I’m sorry mother, I never knew any of this”

“I was only trying to save you from same
unhappiness I experienced, but instead I
ended up causing you more unhappiness.
I’m sorry”

“And because of what you did, I might

never have a child of my own” Amaka
spoke with a tearful eyes.

“What did you just say?”

“I found out few years back, that I might

never have a child because of the abortion
drug you gave me that night” Amaka cried
as she spoke. It was for this reason she
swore never to talk to her mother again.

“Oh my God, I’m sorry” Her mother was

crying too.
“Sorry won’t take back what you have done
mother, I actually promised myself that I
wasn’t going ever see you or speak to you
again. But I know that, if I want to be happy,
then I needed to sort things out with you.
Mother you took away the only thing that
makes me a woman” Amaka was sobing as
she spoke.

Her mother who couldn’t defend her actions

any longer, just sat there crying
uncontrollably. If only she had known, she
would never have added any abortion
substance into the food and drink she gave
Amaka that night.

“So you see, you not only hurt me but

yourself too. For you might never carry your
own grandchild”
She might never even get married, because
no African man in his right frame of mind,
would want to marry a woman who can’t
give him a child. So she was bound to
remain a spinster for the rest of her life.

“My daughter please, I beg you to forgive

me. I know no amount of pleading can undo
what I did, but please I’m sorry”

“Mother I am not going to tell you, I can

forgive you so easily. But I’m willing to try”

“Thank you so much my daughter”

After opening up to her mother, Amaka felt

a heavy weight leave her chest, it was as if
she has been carrying an invisible burden
all these years without knowing. And for the
first time in forever, Amaka hugged her
mother. She knew this wasn’t going to be
an easy journey but she was willing to try
for the sake of her own peace of mind.




Jane tried to recognize her surroundings,

everywhere felt strange. Her throat was
parched, so she couldn’t speak out. After
looking around for a while, it dawned her
that she was in a hospital. Where were the
nurses? Where is Jeffery? Why was she
the only one in the room? Or was it those
evil kidnappers, who brought her here? She
was almost at the point of panic, when a
nurse walked in.

“You are awake” the nurse was all smiles

as she saw Jane lying awake on the bed.

“Wa…” Jane managed to call out as the

nurse got closer to her. Thankfully, the
nurse immediately understood, and got her
some water to drink.

Few minutes later, the doctor came in and

checked Jane’s vitals and confirmed she
was doing okay.

Jeffery just finished having a meeting with

his management team, when he got a call
from the hospital that; Jane had regained
consciousness. He quickly rushed the
remaining things he had to do for the day,
and hastened to the hospital to see Jane.

When he got to the hospital, Jane was

seated on the bed with her back resting
against the wall.

“Hey baby….” Jeffery went to her side to

hug her.

“Jeff” Jane was cautious of hugging him for,

she still felt some pain within her body, so
she gave him a side hug.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t here when you woke up”

“It’s okay”
“How are you feeling?” Jeffery asked after
he had taken a seat next to her bed.

“I have pains all over my body, and my

head feels like it’s twice the normal size”

“Sorry baby, maybe I should call the doctor

to come check you, and see if he could give
you drugs for the pain” Jeffery made
attempt to stand up, but Jane stopped him.

“The doctor already gave me some

medication for that”

“Oh, okay” Jeffery sat down back and held

her hand. “Baby you got me really scared, I
was scared I was going to lose you. I’m so
sorry you had to go through all that
happened to you, because of me”

“It’s okay” Jane knew it wasn’t actually

okay, but at that moment, all she wanted
was to focus on getting better. If she had
her way, she would erase all the memories
of the experience she had with those

Jeffery could tell she was avoiding his eyes,

and he couldn’t blame her. After what
happened to her, he wasn’t surprised with
her actions.

“Do you want me to get you something?

“No, I’m fine. What of Amaka, were you
guys able to find her?” After she was taken
away, Jane kept praying she was safe.

“She is fine, she traveled home to visit her


“Oh okay, that’s nice” Jane was beginning

to feel dizzy, so she tried to lie down back
on her bed. Jeffery swiftly got up, and
helped her to lie down.

“Thank you” she closed her eyes

pretending to sleep, hoping Jeffery would
take that as a cue, and leave, but he didn’t.
Instead, he helped to cover her up properly
and then sat down back on the chair.
Jane knew things were not going to remain
the same again, if she was going to
continue to be in a relationship with Jeffery,
then she would have to be deliberate about;
looking past all that has happened to her
recently. For she pain in her heart hurts
more than the physical ones on her body.
The physical hurt would heal in no time, but
the one in her heart felt so fresh, and the
more she looked at Jeffery, the more it

Few days later, Jane was discharged from

the hospital. Jeffery insisted she stayed
over at his place since Amaka wasn’t back
yet. The last time she and Jane spoke over
the phone, she told her she was extending
her visit at her mother’s by a week, things
were finally beginning to work out between
the two of them.
When they arrived Jeffrey’s place, Jane
noticed a new person was manning the
gate instead of his former gateman.

“Did you change your gateman?” She

asked Jeffery.

“Ummm, yeah, the other one has not been

feeling quite well for a while, so this guy is
just working in his stead, until he gets better
and is fit to start working again” Jeffery still
haven’t told Jane about Martha’s
involvement in her kidnap, or that his
gateman almost lost his life too, in the

When they got inside, Jeffery took her

medications and other things that they
brought from the hospital to his room.
“I’m sorry, but I would like to stay in the
room where I usually sleep when I’m here”

“But you always sleep in my room,

whenever you are around?” Jeffery asked a
bit hurt.

“Yes, but I would like to sleep in a separate

room, or is that a problem?”

“Of course not, anything that will make you

comfortable is fine by me” Jeffery carried
her things into the next room. “Would you
be needing me to get you anything?”

“Nothing, I’m good” Jane stood at the door

waiting for him to leave so she close the
She was doing it again, avoiding his eyes.
Why won’t she just look at him? For
goodness sake he was beginning to get
pissed. Ever since she regained
consciousness, all she has done, is avoid
his face. It was as if he repulsed her, but
she was being too modest to say it.
Probably he would just have to give her
more time, she would come around soon,
he thought.

“Are you sure? It’s been a while you had

breakfast, I’m sure you might be getting
hungry by now”

“No I’m not, when I’m hungry I will let you

know” she still stood at the door, as if trying
to pass him a message; that he should
leave already.
“Alright, I will be in my room then” Jeffery
kissed her on the cheek before leaving the
room. The moment he stepped out of the
room, she closed the door and locked it
with the key.

Jeffery stood at the door, watching as he

heard the sound of the door clicking from
being locked. To say he was hurt was an
understatement, when did they start locking
their doors against each other? He wanted
to knock and ask her what was going on,
but on a second thought, he decided
against it.

The next morning, Jeffery was coming out

of the gym, when Jane ran into him. Since
they got back from the hospital yesterday,
she has been sneaking in and out of her
room to take food or anything she needed.
She made sure to come out only when
Jeffery wasn’t anywhere in sight.

She had come downstairs to make herself a

cup of tea and some toasted bread, she
was hoping to be in her room before he
comes out of the gym.

“Hi, good morning” she greeted, looking

away from Jeffery who was shirtless and
was looking sexy in a bad way with his
sweaty body.

“Hey baby how are you doing today?”

Jeffery wanted to get closer, but she
stepped back to put a distance between
them. He decided to maintain his distance.
“hope you slept well?”
“Hmmm, I did. I left some toasted bread in
the microwave for you, in case you want

“You didn’t have to bother yourself, I was

going to have breakfast ordered for us”

“No it’s nothing, see you later” Jane

immediately ran upstairs before she did
something stupid, like throwing caution to
the wind and kissing him.

By evening, Jane wasn’t out of her room

yet, Jeffery has been sitting in the living
room ever since, just so he could see her
when she came down stairs. But it seems
as if she knew he was there, and has
refused to come out of her room.
At noon, he had to take a tray of food and
placed it in front of her door, and she came
out to take it only when he was already

Why would she be running away from him?

Was this a new way for her to heal or
something? He decided to go into his room
and see if she would come out.

Barely five minutes after Jeffery went into

his room, he heard the sound of Jane’s
door being opened, and heard her going
downstairs. He decided to wait for her to
get downstairs first, before coming out.

Jane was famished, she needed something

to eat before she dies of hunger. She has
been waiting patiently for Jeffery to go back
into his room, before she came out of hers.
She didn’t know how long she was going to
avoid him, but for now she will stay out of
his way, until she has the will power to talk
things out with him.

She opened the microwave to find a plate

of white rice and stew. Jeffery must have
left it there for her.

“I’m glad you have decided to finally come

out of your room”

Jane was shocked to hear Jeffery’s voice

behind her. She thought he was in his
room, why did he come back downstairs?

“Babe what’s going on?” He asked her.

She slowly turned to face him. “I’m hungry,
so I decided to come get something to eat?”
She said, stating the obvious.

“I’m not talking about that, and you know it”

“Then what are you talking about?” She

walked past him and took out a bottle of
water from the fridge to drink.

When the microwave beeped, indicating the

food was warm, Jane wanted to get the
food out, but Jeffery stood in her way.

“Jeff what are you doing?”

“I should be asking you that, what are you
doing babe? You have been avoiding me
since you got back from the hospital, what
is going on?”

This is the exact discussion she has been

trying to avoid. How was she going to pull
herself out of this?

“Jeff, nothing is going on. I’m just tired

that’s all”

“I understand that you are tired, but why

have you been avoiding me?” Jeffery got
closer but she stepped back, the more he
came closer, the further she went, until she
was backed against a wall and had
nowhere to run to.
Jeffery stood in front of her, his hands
placed on both side of the wall, staring at

“look at me please” he used his index finger

to raise her chin. She had tears in eyes
when she looked up. “Why are you crying?”
Jeffery asked.

“I don’t think I can do this anymore Jeffery”

Jeffery wasn’t sure he heard her clearly,

probably he didn’t hear well. “What are you
talking about?”

“You heard me, I think we both need a

break from each other” Jane bent down and
passed under his right arm, she didn’t trust
herself to still stick to her decision being too
close to him.

“I don’t quite follow, babe what do you

mean by we need a break?” He turned to
look at her with sadness in his eyes.

“Jeffery, I’m sorry but I need sometime to

think, to think about us, if I still want to do
this. These past few weeks have been
really something else for me”

“Baby I understand, I know how you feel but

please don’t leave me, don’t leave us. I’m
begging you please”

“No, Jeff you don’t understand”

“Then make me, make me understand
please…, I know those kidnappers must
have hurt you but..”

“But what? But what Jeffery?, Tell me, but


“Babe calm down you are shouting”

“Let me shout Jeffery, let me shout. After all

you were not the one that was kidnapped,
and constantly beaten because of some
jealous admirer, do you have any idea what
it was like to be in that hell hole with those

Jane walked closer, jabbing her finger on

his chest as she spoke. “I was electrocuted,
my head was being constantly dipped in
water. I was flogged with planks. And you
stand there telling me you can understand,
how about you try to understand that?”

Jane took the plate of food she was heating

up, and stormed out of the kitchen. She
wasn’t going to allow him trivialize the pain
she was feeling just because he wanted her
to obey every of his whim and desire.

Jeffery stood staring at the spot where Jane

was standing before she left. He knew she
had gone through a lot, in the hands of
Sandra and her allies, and all he just
wanted, was to help her through her healing

What was he going to do? Never did he

think a day will come when, he would be
scared of a woman leaving him, but here he
was, praying and begging God not to allow
Jane break-up with him. The thought of
living his life without Jane, made it difficult
for him to breathe. He was going to be
miserable without her.




After pacing the kitchen back and forth,

thinking about different ways to make
Sandra and her crazy cohorts pay for
hurting his woman, and nothing seemed to
be painful enough. He decided to take a
drive and clear his mind.
Jeffery drove around the island part of
Lagos for close to three hours, until he
found himself in front of his parents’ house,
he didn’t want to go back to his place just
yet. He wasn’t sure what he would do, if he
gets there, and finds Jane still hiding in her
room. So he drove in.

When he got inside the house, the

housekeeper told him his father had retired
for the night. He was the only one at home,
as his mother had travelled with Erica to
India for her surgery, which was going to be
done the next day.

“Would you like me to go to your father’s

room and inform that you are around?”
Their housekeeper asked Jeffery with
“No, don’t disturb him, I would be leaving
soon anyway”

“Alright, would you like me to get you


“Nah, just do your thing, pretend I’m not

even here” Jeffery walked to the balcony,
the cool evening breeze greeted his face,
the moment he opened the door. Christmas
was in few days and the whole house, both
interior and exterior was adorned in
Christmas decorations.

He sat on one of the chairs, as memories of

his childhood came back to him; by this
time, him and Erica would have been
practicing Christmas carol songs to sing to
their parents on Christmas morning, as it
was a tradition they had formed over the
years. When Dele and Anita joined the
family, it became even more fun.

When they weren’t reciting carols, they

would be in the kitchen practicing cookies
recipes which Erica had learnt, from the
food channel on TV, most of which usually
came out tasteless, or having a funny taste
which is nowhere near the taste of a cookie.

This is going to be the first Christmas he

would be spending without his sister and
mother. Jeffery left a tear drop on his
cheek, which he quickly cleaned off.

“Care for some company?”

Jeffery turned to find his father standing
with his hands neatly tucked in his robe

“Dad, I thought you were sleeping?”

“Nah, I was just lying down, I was finding

difficult to sleep” his father took a chair and
sat beside him.

“Are you having insomnia or something?”

“It’s hard to sleep on an empty bed, when

your mother is not around. Don’t ever tell
her I said that” he warned.

“Your secret is safe with me” Jeffery made

a sign of zipping his lips.
“What brings you here, by this time of the

“Nothing, I went out for a drive and decided

to stop by”

“Mmmmmmm, you only do that when you

are worried about something”

“Do what?”

“You only go out for a drive when you are

worried about something. So what bothers
you my son?” His father looked at him,
awaiting his response.
“I’m fine dad, it’s nothing to worry yourself

“I’m your father, it’s my duty to worry about

you. No matter how big you think you have
grown, as long as I’m still alive, you are still
my little boy”

“Dad…. I’m doing okay”

“Do you want something to drink? It seems

we are going to sitting here for a while, we
might as well bond over a bottle of wine”

“I will go get us a bottle from the wine

cellar” Jeffery made an attempt to stand up,
but his father stopped him.
“Don’t worry yourself, I will go get it myself,
it’s my wine cellar after all” his father stood
up to go get the wine, and few minutes later
he came back with a bottle of brandy
instead, and two glasses.

“I decided we go for some brandy instead”

his father opened the drink and poured
some into the two glasses, before handing
one over to Jeffery.

“Dad, I thought mum said the doctor told

you not to have brandy anymore?”

His father waved off his concern “oh please

leave your mother and that doctor alone,
what does he know anyway? He wants to
teach me how to leave my life because of
some stupid book he read in school. Does
he know how long I have been taking
brandy?” His father took a sip of his drink
as if to spite the doctor.

“But dad, you know mum will be furious if

she finds out you were having brandy?”

“That’s if she finds out, who is going to tell

her? You?”

“No sir” Jeffery knew better not to report

anything his father does to his mother,
because his father will end up denying it,
and then make Jeffery look stupid.

“Good, now tell me what it is that bothers

you, woman problem I assume?”
“Yes Dad” Jeffery told his father, all that has
been going on between him and Jane and
how she wants to break up with him.

“I think you should just let her be for now,

you and I know she has been through a lot
recently, and only her knows and bears the
pains of what she was dealt with, in the
hands of those kidnappers. So if she wants
to take sometime off to think things through,
then I think you should let her”

“But dad, what if she doesn’t want me again

after that? What if she decides to leave

“Then, you will have to let her go, one thing

I want you to know son, is that; you can’t
force love. When you try to force it, then it’s
no longer love”
That night, Jeffery and his father discussed
into the night until they finished the bottle of
brandy and feel asleep on their seats.

Jeffery woke up to the sound of someone

snoring, he opened his eyes to see
everywhere was getting bright. He checked
his watch and saw; it was already six in the
morning. He woke his father who was still
snoring off on his chair.

“Don’t tell me we slept off here?” His father

asked as he wiped his face with the back of
his palm.

“Yes we did, good morning Dad”

“Good morning my son, well I guess, I will
just have to go to my room and continue
sleeping. It’s a good thing your mother is
not around, if not, I wouldn’t have heard the
last of this” his father staggered off to his
room as he spoke.

Jeffery got back to his place to find Jane

sitting down on one of the chairs in the
living room.

“Good morning” he greeted as he walked

past her to go upstairs.

“And where do you think you are coming


“Not now Jane, please”

“I was worried sick about you all through
the night, wondering where you were, and
you come back to tell me not now?”

“You could have called, then I would have

told you where I was”

“And you think I didn’t do that? Your phone

was switched off!”

Jeffery had completely forgotten his phone

battery had died, and he didn’t remember to
charge it, while he was at his parents’

“I’m sorry, I forgot my battery was dead”

“Where were you Jeffery?”

“I was with my father” Jeffery started
climbing the stairs.

“We need to talk”

“I know, I just need to quickly shower. I will

be down shortly”

When Jeffery was done having his bath, he

came back downstairs and met Jane in the
same spot he had left her.

“Before you say anything, I just want you to

know, I truly understand the need for you to
take a break from us, and you have my
“Thank you, I just need sometime to think,
that’s all”

”What does that mean for us? Are you

breaking up or something?”

”No, not at all, I’m not breaking up with you.

I just want to go away from all of these and
heal, that’s all.

“I totally understand” Jeffery pulled her in

for a hug.

“I will be leaving for my sister’s place


“Alright, no problem. Jane?” He called her

as he still held her in a hug.
“Yes Jeff?”

“There’s something you need to know”

“What is that?”

“I might have a thirteen year old son”

It’s been two days since Jane left Lagos

and came back to Enugu to be with her
family. Since she arrived, her sister and her
husband have been making sure she was
comfortable, and had everything she
needed. All she does is wake up, take her
bath, eat, take her medications and rest.
She wasn’t allowed to do anything, not
even sweep her room, her sister insisted
she rests, and allow either her, or their
house help to do the cleaning.

She only spoke with Jeffery the first day

she got here, to let him know she had
arrived. And since then, they haven’t
spoken to each other. She told him she
needed a break from everything, including
calls, and he has been respecting that.

Amaka already told her about Martha and

Sandra’s involvement in their kidnap. She
knew Jeffery was trying to hide it from her.
She doesn’t really blame him, she knew he
must be feeling guilty over his housekeeper
and secretary’s involvement in her kidnap.

She has been trying her best not to think

about his supposed thirteen year old son. If
he truly has a son, then would that affect
their relationship? If they choose to get
married, that automatically makes her a
step mother to the boy, not just any boy, but
a thirteen year old. How was she supposed
to assume the role of a step mother to such
a grown up child? And what of the baby
mama? She is definitely going to be a
constant factor in their lives, how was she
supposed to deal with all of that?

“You know you can’t continue treating me,

like I’m a baby?” Jane said to Dami after a
fruitless argument on whether or not she
should do the dishes.

“Yes I can, you are still my baby sister,

even if you like to think and act otherwise”

Jane knew she was referring to her leaving

for Lagos, and refusing to come back
home, or ask Dami and her husband for
any financial help, even when she badly
needed it.

“Look at you, you have really lost so much

weight” Dami turned Jane around as she
spoke. “You are not even supposed to step
out of your room, because you really look

“I’m fine, you need not worry”

“You still haven’t told me what happened to

you, why do you have so much marks on
your body? Though, I understand if you
don’t want to talk about”
When she came back, Jane didn’t tell her
family anything about her kidnap, and they
never asked.

“Can we talk?” Jane asked Dami who was

looking intently at her.

“Sure, let’s go to the sitting room”

“Can we go to your room instead? Just like

old times?”

Back then, when they just escaped from the

Okafors, and moved to Enugu, whenever
Jane was having a problem, Dami will
always take her into her bedroom and they
would talk about it.
“Sure, why not?” Dami looked really happy
Jane wanted to bond like old times.

When they got to Dami’s room, they sat on

her huge king sized bed. “So what seems to
be the problem?” Dami asked, as they both
sat crossed-legs on the bed.

“First I would like to apologize, for not

keeping in touch with you all these while. I
know how you really tried for us to still stay
in touch after I left, but I kept severing our

“What are you talking about? It’s fine Jane.

The most important thing is that you are
here now, you don’t know how happy I am
that you have finally decided to come visit,
and spend some time with us”
“No Dami, I need to get this off my chest, I
always resented you for sending me to that
therapist, when I was having difficulty
sleeping because of my nightmares”

“But why? I was only trying to help you

overcome the trauma of what happened to
you at the Okafors, and when you said you
wanted to stop seeing him, I didn’t force
you to go back”

“The therapist raped me”

“He did what? How?”

“During one of my sessions with him, he

hypnotized and raped me. That was why I
stopped going to see him”
”Why didn’t you say anything?”

”It was that period you lost your first

pregnancy, I didn’t want to bring up another
sad tale”

“I’m so sorry, I never knew about this, if I

had known I would never have asked you to
go see him in the first place”

“And I’m sorry for blaming you too, because

none of it was your fault”

“I always had a feeling you resented me for

something, but I never thought it was
because of this, I still think that’s not the
only thing you resent me for though, there
is something else, isn’t there?”
Jane nodded.

“Then what is it?”

“Deep down I always thought you used me

to achieve your desire of having Mr. Okafor

“Why? Because I gave you that knife to

protect yourself?”


“I’m sorry, I gave you that knife, I saw the

way you suffered each night that monster
raped you, I only meant for you to protect
yourself with it. I kept one for myself that
night too, just in case he came to my room.
After what happened to Peace, I knew we
needed to do something, if not, we were
going to end up just like she did” Dami was
crying as she spoke. “Do you think, I don’t
feel guilty, every time you have those your
nightmare episodes? I did, and the guilt
always ate me up, that was why I insisted
you visited a therapist, it was the only way, I
thought I could help”

“I’m sorry I blamed you all these years, for

something that wasn’t your fault”

“And I’m sorry, I made you kill Mr. Okafor,

and also sent you to that therapist”

“Does that mean we can hug now?” Jane

asked, stretching out her arm for a hug.
“Definitely” Dami came closer and hugged
Jane. “I missed you so much”

“Me too, I’m sorry I stayed away for so long”

“Please don’t ever stay away for that long

again” Dami pulled out of from the hug,
“now that we have that out of the way, so
are you going to tell me what happened to
you? And the cause of all these injuries on
your body?”

“It’s a long story, where do I start from?”

“Well….. it’s a good thing I don’t have

anywhere I’m going this morning, so you
can start from the beginning”
Jane told Dami everything that has been
happening to her, right from when Tania
came into the picture, and how she was
kidnapped by Timothy. Then how she and
Amaka got kidnapped the second time by
Jeffery’s housekeeper and her children, and
now, Jeffery’s supposed thirteen year old

“Whew..” Dami blew out, “that seems like a

whole lot, to happen to just one

“My point exactly, it’s as if everything has

been against us right from the very first day
we decided to be in a relationship”

“Well, like they always say, ‘love is like a

battle field’, sometimes you just have to
fight for that which you love”
“But Dami, I have been fighting this battle
ever since, I have even exhausted all the
weapons in my arsenal, honestly I’m tired”

“So are you just going to give up? Just like


“I don’t know anymore”

“I think, you are making this only about

yourself, have you ever stopped to think
and ask yourself how Jeffery feels in all of
these too? Or do you think none of these
has been affecting him?”

Truly, Jane hasn’t ever considered how

Jeffery felt. She has been so self absorbed
in her pains, she didn’t realize he might be
passing through his own pains too.

“Relationship involves a lot of hard work,

and you must be ready to put in the
necessary work required, because, it’s not
always going to be rosy”

”You do have a point” Jane concurred with


“When you told Jeffery all about your past,

he accepted you not withstanding, he didn’t
judge you, and didn’t leave you because of
it. He loved you still. If truly he has a son,
like he told you. Then that’s his own
baggage, you shouldn’t leave him because
of it. After all he accepted you with yours”
Dami paused, and took out her bible from
under the pillow.

“Have you forgotten what the book of

1corinthians 13 verse 7, says? Love bears
all things, believes all things, and hopeth all
things. Look, the first verse even says; love
is not selfish. Your love shouldn’t be a
selfish one Jane. Because if you think you
are the only one who is allowed to bring in
imperfections into the relationship, while he
is to remain perfect, then that’s you being
selfish, and you are not being fair to him”

Jane sat there on the bed, digesting

everything her sister just said to her, never
did she think her actions towards Jeffery
was a selfish one. All she has ever done
was think about herself, and not what he
wanted or was going through. Meanwhile
she always came first in all his decisions.
She immediately felt ashamed of herself.

“Oh my God, I never saw it from this

perspective, what do I do now?”

“You can start by calling him, and talking

things out with him, I know you both haven’t
been talking, since you got here”

Jane quickly picked up her phone to call

Jeffery. He picked up on the first ring, but it
wasn’t Jeffery who answered the call, it was
a lady.



“Hello, who is this?” Jane asked in shock.

“Hello, you must be Jane, because I can

see Jeffrey saved your number as bae”

“Yes I am, and who am I speaking with?”

“This is Josephine, Jeffery’s cousin. I have

heard so much about you from Jeffery, and
I have been dying to speak to you”

“Oh, hi Josephine, good morning,” Jane let

out the breath, she didn’t know she has
been holding. ”Hope the things you heard
about me are good things?”
”They definitely are, you are all Jeffery talks

“What are you doing with my phone, Joe?”

Jane could hear Jeffery’s voice at the

“I have finally spoken to her” the girl said


“Hello” came Jeffery’s husky voice.

“Hello Jeff”

“Babe?” Jeffery quickly looked at the caller

ID, which he didn’t even bother to check
when he took the phone from his cousin.
“Hi, how are you? Are you okay? How is
your health” Jeffery spoke very fast, Jane
had to resist the urge to laugh. It was as if
he was trying to say everything at once,
before she changed her mind and ended
the call.

“So many questions at once, I’m doing fine”

“I’m sorry, it’s just that I have missed you so

much babe”

“And I miss you too, how is your family?”

“They are fine, my mom’s younger sister

and her family are here to spend Christmas
with I and my dad. How is your sister?”

“She is fine”
They both paused for a while, both waiting
for the other person to speak first.

“Why don’t you drop, let me call you back?”

Jeffery asked, after a period of
uncomfortable silence.

“No it’s okay, I have enough airtime” if she

was going to do this, then she would have
to do it with her airtime.

“Jeff, I’m sorry for how I reacted lately”

“No babe, you don’t have to apologize”

“Please allow me finish, all these while, I

have been thinking only about myself, and
not considering how you were feeling too. I
know this period hasn’t been easy for you
too. So I’m calling to say I’m sorry for being
a self centered girlfriend”

“Babe, I don’t blame you in any of these, I

truly understand that you have been
through a lot, and it’s normal for you to
react the way you did”

“But still, I should still not disregard your

feelings, from now on, I promise to always
stop and consider how you feel at all times”

“That’s so sweet of you, thanks”

“No need to thank me, you do it for me all

the time, it’s high time someone cared for
“Now, I feel like a baby”

Jane could tell he was smiling from his

voice. “Yes, you are my baby. Now tell me
all about your day and all that has been
happening to you all these while?”

”I have been good babe”

”I’m serious Jeff, I need you to tell me how

you truly feel. No need to hide your

“Well, aside the fact that you left me to

celebrate Christmas alone?”

“Yes, aside that”

Jeffery told Jane everything that has been
going on with him and his family. Including
how his sister’s surgery was successful,
and his troublesome little cousins who keep
bugging him to talk to his fiancée.

He has been finding it hard to find a new

secretary, because he couldn’t get himself
to trust someone else, after what Sandra
and her mother did to Jane.

”I still can’t believe Martha could do

something like that” Jane said.

”Me too, and that I never knew she was

Sandra’s mother, still baffles me”

”They were so good at hiding it”

”Babe I’m truly sorry, for all you suffered in
the hands of those cruel people”

”You have apologized enough, let’s just put

all that behind us”

“I miss you babe, I really wish you were


“Me too, but you will agree with me that we

both need this time apart”

“Yeah, you have a point, just come back

soon okay?”

”You can bet, I will”

“Alright bye, I love you”

“I love you too”

”eumum….” Dami dramatically clears her

throat. Jane had totally forgotten Dami was
still in the room with her. ”So how did it go?”

”Well.. we are still in love with each other”

Jane and Jeffery continued to talk on the

phone everyday, they talked about
everything, from how their day went, to
every other thing they could think of.
Sometimes they had video calls, or just
voice calls.

”Bae, when are you coming back? Being

away from you, is becoming unbearable”
Jeffery complained during one of their video

”Soon baby, I will be back soon”

”That is what you have been saying for the

past two weeks, now we are in a new year,
and I haven’t seen you since the year
begun. Please just come back already”

”Patience, I will be back before you know it”

What Jeffery didn’t know, was that; Jane’s

bags were already packed for her to travel
back to Lagos the next day. She was
planning on surprising him.

The next day, Dami and her husband took

Jane to the airport to catch her flight. They
insisted she traveled by air, and bought her
flight ticket for her. When it was time for her
departure, she said goodbye to them, and
boarded the plane.

Jane arrived Lagos by 12noon, she took

her things to her apartment, Amaka was
already at work. So she decided to unpack,
freshened up and ordered for some food,
which she decided to take with her and pay
Jeffery a surprise visit in his office.

When she got to his office premises, she

met his manager at the entrance, who told
her Jeffery just finished having a meeting.
She noticed he has gotten a new secretary,
a young man this time around.

“Good afternoon, I’m here to see Mr.

“Good afternoon ma’am, your name please,
and do you have an appointment?”

“No, my name is Jane; your boss’s fiancée”

The young man’s countenance,

immediately lit up when he realized who
Jane was. “I’m sorry ma’am, I didn’t know.
I’m new here, I just started working here

“It’s okay, is Jeff in his office?”

“Yes ma’am, would you like me to let him

know you are around?”

“No, I would like to surprise him”

Jane walked into Jeffery’s office and found
him kneading his temple, like he always
does whenever he was stressed out.

“Dotun, please I need to take a break, hold

all my calls” his eyes were closed as he
spoke, Jane stood at the door admiring her
hardworking fiancé.

“Well, I came at the right time then,

because I brought you lunch”

Jeffery didn’t need to second guess the

voice, he quickly sprang up from his seat,
and rushed to hug her.

“Oh God, this had better not be a dream” he

said as he almost crushed Jane in a hug.
“No it’s not a dream” Jane laughed

“Oh babe you are truly here” Jeffery lifted

her off the floor, and spun her around his

“Jeff, what are you doing? Put me down”

“And let you out of my sight? No way”

Jeffery was still carrying her, when he
called his secretary and asked him to hold
all his calls.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

Jeffery sat down on the couch in his office,
and placed Jane on his laps.
“I wanted to surprise you” Jane bent down
and kissed him. Jeffery framed her face in
his hands as he took possession of the

“Baby I brought lunch” Jane said breaking

away from the kiss, she knew she needed
to stop because she was already getting
wet from the kiss.

“You are the food I need right now” Jeffery

reclaimed her lips with his. Jane moaned
softly as her hands freely roamed his chest.

“Baby…” Jeffery groaned out as he kissed

her neck. “I need you so badly, baby”
“Then take me already” Jane couldn’t hold
herself anymore, she started to unbutton
his shirt.

They ended up having a quickie in his

office, after which, they had lunch together
and Jeffery had to close early for the day,
and drove her to his place, where he made
sweet, and passionate love to her.

The next morning, Jane woke up to the

smell of bacon, she opened her eyes and
noticed Jeffery wasn’t in bed. She grabbed
his shirt which they had tossed on the floor
along with other of their clothing, in the
steam of passion the evening before.

She wore the shirt, and walked barefoot

into the kitchen and found Jeffery turning
some bacon on the gas.
”Good morning handsome” She twisted her
hair around her fingers. Like an iron being
drawn to a magnet, Jeffery immediately
abandoned what he was doing and went to
kiss her.

”Morning beautiful, how was your night?”

Jane didn’t answer, instead she took off the

shirt she was having on, and dropped it on
the floor.

”Shit” Jeffery quickly turned off the gas

cooker, and lifted Jane off the floor. He
placed her on the kitchen island where they
both had a mind blowing sex.
”Jeff..?” Jane whispered as they both lay on
the kitchen floor catching their breath.

”Yes baby?”

”Let’s get married next month”

“What? Are you serious?”

“Yes, let’s get married next month”

“You know I haven’t resolved the issue of

my son with Lauretha?”

“I don’t care, if he turns out to be your son

fine, if he isn’t your son fine too”
”Then, I guess we have a wedding to plan”
Jeffery kissed her, and carried her upstairs.




“This style, would look really lovely on you”

Amaka pointed out to one of the dress
patterns, which the designer had sketched
out to show Jane.

Ever since the news of her and Jeffery’s

engagement went public, different top
designers in Lagos, have been approaching
them, bidding for them to design Jane’s
wedding dress. At first Jane was
overwhelmed with the choice of who to
pick, but finally she settled for one, because
he was really good at what he does, and he
also came highly recommended by a top
celebrity, which also happened to be
Jeffery’s good friend. The designer was
going to design Jane and Amaka’s dress for
the wedding.

“Yeah, I love the design too” Jane said to

the designer, who was over the moon with
joy that Jane liked his design.

“That would be lovely, so I would take your

measurements” The designer brought out
his tape rule as he spoke.

After they were through at the designer’s,

Amaka went back home to rest as it was
weekend, while Jane went over to Jeffery’s
parents’ house. His mother had asked her
to come, so they could pick designs for the
hall decorations.

When Jane got there, Ronke was in the

sitting room looking at some wedding

“Good afternoon ma” Jane greeted her, as

she walked over to where she was seated.

“Oh my dear Jane, you are here already.

Welcome my dear”

“Thank you ma”

“Well, don’t just stand there, come sit with

me” Ronke patted the couch she was sitting
on. Jane obliged her, and went over to sit
on the couch.

“I was just going through the decoration

designs, that the wedding planner brought
to show me. Now that you are here, we can
go through them together and pick a design
for the hall decorations”

Jane could see the joy written all over her

face, ever since she and Jeffery had told
her, that they were getting married in a
month’s time, she has been over the moon
with excitement. It was exactly what she
needed to take her mind off what has been
happening in her family, especially after
Erica’s surgery.

“Which would you prefer ma?” Jane asked,

as they flipped through the pages of the
brochures, and looked at the designs

“It’s your wedding dear, so which design

would you prefer?” Jane pointed at a
particular design she liked. She had chosen
gold and army green, as her colors of the
day. So that particular design was going to
be a perfect fit.

“Then, this design it is then. Let’s check out

the center pieces, and charger plates to be

Jane and Ronke went through different

brochures for different designs and patterns
for the wedding day, until Jane became
tired, and hungry. She looked at her soon to
be mother in-law, as she kept smiling and
making plans for the wedding, not showing
any sign of tiredness. Isn’t she tired? Jane
wondered within herself, now she knows
where Jeffery got his tireless spirit from.
She smiled as she remembered the first
encounter she had with him in his house.

“I can see that you are tired, why don’t we

stop here for now? Probably we can get
something to eat, and then continue?”
Ronke asked Jane as she yawned from

“Or maybe, we can continue another day? I

really need to go home and rest ma” Jane
said calmly, trying her best not to displease

“Alright my dear, we will continue some

other time. But we are still going to have
that food though” she led Jane into the
kitchen, where she served out two plates of
yam sauce, and some freshly cooked yam,
which Jane suspected the housekeeper
must have prepared while they were busy
picking out designs.

“Would you please, help me take those to

the dinning, while I get us some water?”
She said to Jane who quickly carried the
plates to the dinning.

“I need you to be free around me my dear”

Ronke said to Jane as they sat down to eat.
“I noticed you have been a little uptight, and
I need you to know that you can see me as
your mother. Okay?”

“Thank you ma”

“I’m glad, you and my son have decided to
go on with the wedding, despite what has
been happening in your relationship. This is
a thing of joy, I can’t wait for you both, to
start having your own children, or wait o,
are you already pregnant? Is that why you
both are rushing the wedding?” Ronke was
looking at Jane with scrutiny.

The yam Jane had in her mouth got stuck in

her throat as she tried to swallow it, this
caused her to choke. Jeffery’s mother,
quickly got up from her seat, and started
rubbing Jane’s back as she gave her some
water to drink.

“Sorry my dear, drink more water” she

continued to rub on Jane’s back, even
when she has stopped coughing.
“Thank you ma” Jane said to her, still not
knowing what to make of the woman’s

“It’s okay, my dear I shouldn’t have asked

you a question when I knew you had food in
your mouth. I’m sorry my darling”

“It’s not your fault ma”

“It’s okay” she went back to her seat. ”So

are you pregnant?” She asked again not
giving up on the question.

“No ma, I’m not pregnant”

“Okay, that’s good. In as much as I would

want to carry you and Jeffery’s child, I still
think things should be done in the right

“Yes ma” Even though Jane didn’t

understand what the woman meant, by
things being done in the right order.

“The wedding is just few weeks away, I

would advise you both stay away from each
other. No need in engaging in what you will
be doing, for the rest of your life together.
So that means you can’t have sex with my
son, until after the wedding. Do you
understand what I’m saying my dear?”

“Yes ma” Jane quickly finished her food and

begged to leave, with the excuse that she
wasn’t feeling well.
As Jane stepped out of the house, she
received a call from Jeffery. She picked up
the phone smiling. “Hey handsome”

“Hi there, beautiful are you still at my

parents’ house?”

“I’m just leaving there now”

“I’m around the area, I’m coming to pick you


Few minutes later, Jeffery came to pick

Jane up from front of his parents’ gate.

“Aren’t you going to stop by, and say hi to

your mom?” She asked Jeffery who wasn’t
making any attempt to go inside as he took
her purse from her, and opened her side of
the door for her.

“Nah, we already saw this morning, and I

just spoke to my dad on the phone, he said
he isn’t home”

When they got into the car, Jeffery bent

over and kissed her. “I have missed you so

“But we were together this morning?”

“And this is 6pm already, enough time for

me to miss my fiancée”

“You just love using that word, don’t you?”

“You have no idea, you just wait until we
are officially married, I’m so going to use
the word wife, you would get tired”

”How did your meeting Lauretha go?”

”It went well, we are working things out

gradually” Jeffery didn’t want to tell her,
Lauretha had given him an ultimatum to
breakup with Jane, and then marry her, or
forget about seeing his son.

When they got to Jeffery’s house, Jane

went upstairs to her room and took the bag
containing her things.

“What are you doing?” Jeffery asked.

“I’m going back to my apartment”

“Why? I thought you were planning on
staying here until tomorrow?”

“Yeah, but that was before I had a talk with

your mother”

“You had a talk with my mother? What


“Well….. she sort of said; we shouldn’t be

involved in things that we are going to be
doing for the rest of our lives together”

“What things are you talking about?”

“Well you know, like sleeping together, and

having sex”
Jeffery smiled as he walked over to where
Jane was. He raised her chin with his hand,
gently teased her lips with a kiss, then
slowly deepened the kiss, making Jane to
drop the bag she was holding on the floor.
And in a spilt second, he had her against
the wall, using of his hands to hold her two
hands above her head, in a firm grip. He
held her body against the wall with his hips.
His lips still on hers, his tongue expertly
exploring her mouth. Janes moans into his
mouth as her tongue joined his, in an
unhurried, and steady erotic dance.

“Are you sure you really sure you don’t

want us to do this?” He whispers into her
ear. Jane was immobilized with need,
completely captivated by him, she was
staring at his lips, mesmerized.
”Do we go on, or you still want to leave?”
He bit her earlobe, making Jane moan.
”Don’t stop” she pleaded.

“You have no idea what you do to me” he

says caressing her chin, as he unbottoned
her top, dropping feathery kisses on her
neck, collarbone, and then he dropped the
top on the floor, she had on a lacy black

He steps back to gaze at her, “fuck you are

beautiful Jane” Jane closed the gap
between them and slammed her lips
against his, she wasn’t going let his mother
tell her what to do.
“Easy there now, remember you want to
take my mother’s advice” he cautioned.

“Please stop talking and kiss me already”

he carried her against his body, she
wrapped her legs around him, as he carried
her to the bed. Jane can never wrap her
head around, how Jeffery lifts her off the
floor like she is weightless.

30 minutes later, Her body quivered and

splintered into a thousand pieces
underneath him. And he comes calling out
her name, then he stills, as he empties
himself into her.

She closed her eyes, trying to keep her

body under control, trying to absorb the
tumultuous feeling that he just unleashed in
her. As Jane closed her eyes to sleep, her
legs wrapped around Jeffery, she knew she
just disobeyed her mother in-law to be, for
the first time, and she wasn’t even married
to her son yet.

Jane opened her eyes to find her right leg

was thrown over Jeffery’s body, and he had
his left hand wrapped around her in a
protective manner, the way he held her
brought smile to her face. She used her
fingers to trace his pouty lips as he slept.
Most times she still can’t believe that soon,
this incredibly handsome, and caring man
would become her husband, and she his
wife. She wonders if their children was
going to have his features or hers, were
they going to start trying to have children
immediately after they were married, or
were they going to wait? This made Jane to
frown because she and Jeffery hasn’t even
discussed the issue of children, how many
were they going to have?

“And what could you be thinking about,

that’s making you frown your beautiful
face?” Jeffery asked with a sleepy voice,
his eyes half closed.

“Good morning” Jane’s fingers were still on

his lips.

“Good morning, how was your night?” He

sucked on her index finger.

“Do you need ask? It was awesome” it was

indeed awesome, for they made love all
night, exploring each other’s body. Not only
did Jane disobey her soon to be mother in-
law, but she disobeyed her several times,
for she and Jeffery made love several times
last night, she feared might not be able to
walk in the morning. She didn’t know she
had such a high sex drive before now, it’s
as if Jeffery unlocked something within her,
that makes her to always want him
whenever he touched her, and surprisingly
she has been able to keep up with his own
sex drive.

“Hmmmmm” Jeffery kissed the corner of

her mouth. “I’m glad you had an awesome
night, because I did too. You haven’t still
answered my question, what was making
you frown?”

“It just occurred to me, that we haven’t

discussed when we are going to start
having children, if it’s going to be
immediately after our wedding, or we are
going to wait for sometime?”

“What do you want, do want to have kids

immediately or would you like to wait?”

“I wanted to know, what you wanted, that

was why I asked”

Jeffery put his hands under the duvet, and

drew her closer to himself. “We are going to
be partners in this, and I don’t think it will be
fair on you, if I decided on when we should
start having kids, as you will be the one
doing the major work here. So what do you

“So, does that mean you are going to agree

with whatever decision I made on this?”
“Not really, if it’s not something that I like,
then we can find a way to meet ourselves

“You are so sweet” Jane kissed him on the

forehead. “I would like to wait at least a
year, before trying for kids, as that would
give me sometime to start up my business”

“That’s totally fine by me, it also gives me

time to have my wife all to myself” he
whispered into her ears, and nibbled gently
on her earlobes, causing a soft moan to
escape Jane’s lips. Jeffery knew her ear
was a part of her weak spot, and he never
failed to use it. “So we will until after a year
“How many children would you like to
have?” She asked, after she has been able
to regain her composure.

“I would love to have four kids, how about


“I would like to have two”

“Two is too small now, four is a perfect


“No two, remember I’m the one carrying the


“How about three?”

“I will think about it, but for now, I still want
just two kids”

“Alright” Jeffery caressed her back, and

when he got to her butt, he cupped one of
her butt cheeks.

Jeffery carried her into the bathroom, where

they showered together and ended up
having another round of sex in the shower.

When they were out of the shower, Jeffery

ordered for food to be brought to them from
a nearby restaurant, and they had their
breakfast in bed.

Jeffery was in a deep sleep, when he heard

his phone ringing, he used his hands to
search for it with his eyes closed. He finally
found it, at the edge of the bed.

“Hello?” He answered with a grumpy voice.

“Jeffery are you still sleeping? Come and

open your door”

“Aunty Ajoke?” He looked at the phone to

see who was calling, because he didn’t
bother to check it before picking up the call.

“Yes it’s me, oya come and open your door,

we are at your door”

“We?” Jeffery asked, as he slowly got up

from the bed to avoid waking up Jane, who
was still sleeping. He grabbed his sweat
pant, alongside a shirt off the chair. He
wore them and went downstairs to open the
door for his aunt.

Jeffery opened the door, and found his

mother and her younger sister, standing

“Mum, aunty Ajoke? Come in” he stepped

out of the door so they could go into the

“Good afternoon ma” he prostrated in

greeting after they had gotten inside.

“Kpele oko mi” his aunty tapped him on the


“Please have your seats, I wasn’t expecting

you both”
“We were coming back from church and
decided to come pay you a visit” his mother
said as she took her seat.

“You both now attend the same church?”

“No, I decided to attend your mother’s

church today”

Jeffery looked at both of them suspiciously,

what could they be up to? Whenever these
two are found together, then something was
definitely fishy. And most times, it wasn’t
always something good.

“That reminds me, did you go to church

today? This one you are sleeping by this
time of the day?” Aunty Ajoke asked him.
Jeffery looked at his wall clock, and
discovered it was already 2pm. “Emm not
really” he itched his ear as he spoke.

“Jeffery Ademola, this is not how I trained

you o, I didn’t train you to become a pagan”

“Mummy, I’m not a pagan I just didn’t go to

church today”

“Ehn, that is by the way, we actually came

here for a different reason” aunty Ajoke
shifted to the edge of her seat as she

“Oh okay, why are you here then?”

“I was told by your mother here, that the girl
you want to marry is an orphan?”

Trust his mother to always find a way to tell

someone else, anything you tell her in
secret, no wonder his father calls her;
Nigerian BBC.

“Yes aunty, she is an orphan” Jeffery finally

answered after giving his mother a deadly

“So who are we going to pay her bride price

to then?”



“I was told by your mother here, that the girl

you want to marry is an orphan?”

Trust his mother to always find a way to tell

someone else, anything you tell her in
secret, no wonder his father calls her;
Nigerian BBC.

“Yes aunty, she is an orphan” Jeffery finally

answered after giving his mother a deadly

“So who are we going to pay her bride price

to then?”
“Her uncle of course, she has an uncle and
he is going to send the list for bride price
this week”

“By her uncle, do you mean the man who

trained her and that other girl he is married
to?” His mother asked.

“Yes mum, that man” what was wrong with

his mother anyway? Haven’t they talked
about this before? Why is she here with his
aunty to talk about the same issue they
have discussed earlier before now?

“Ah, noo… We can’t do that o” his aunty

protested, shaking her head and hands in
“What do you suggest we do then?” Jeffery
asked not understanding where the
conversation was going.

“We have to find her family first, before

anything is done”

“What? You are not serious right?”

“Do we look like we are joking to you? Abi I

will leave my house and come here to joke
with you? You have to look for that girl’s
family before we can proceed with any form
of dowry payment. It’s a good thing she is
not pregnant, so there’s no need for us to
rush, that was why I asked her not to sleep
with you, and I know she is very obedient”
His mother’s last statement, brought smile
to Jeffrey’s face, for if only she knew half of

“What is funny in all I just said?” His mother

asked frowning.

“Nothing mummy, but the wedding is in

three weeks, how do you expect me to be
able to find her birth parents within such a
short period?”

“Then we put the wedding on hold, until

they are found, at least let us know where
she is from”

They were still discussing, when Jane

walked down the stairs wearing nothing but
Jeffery’s polo, which barely covered her
butt. Her hair was disheveled, one could tell
she has been involved in some sort of
under the sheets rumbling.

She was cleaning her eyes with the back of

her palm, and didn’t notice Jeffery wasn’t
alone in the sitting room, until she got to the
bottom of the stairs.

Jane opened her eyes fully, to find six pairs

of eyes staring at her. If the ground could
open up, Jane would have asked it to, so
she could enter inside, and hide away from
this humiliation she just brought upon

“Go..od morning ma” she greeted the two

women who kept staring daggers at what
she was putting on.
“Good morning by this time?” The woman
Jane recognized to be Jeffery’s aunt from
the family pictures he had shown her

“Sorry ma, good evening ma”

“Just greet us good night now, ehn.. Jane?

What was our discussion yesterday?” His
mother asked, her eyes still not leaving
Jane’s half naked body.

“Baby, why don’t you just go back upstairs?

I will come join you soon” Jeffery quickly
intercepted before his mother puts her in a
tight spot with her questions.
Jane who was glad to be released, quickly
ran upstairs. The moment she got to the
room, she started packing her things.
Something she was supposed to have done
since yesterday, before she allowed herself
to be seduced.

“I’m sorry, for what happened back there”

Jeffery apologized as he came back inside
the room, after his aunt and mom had left.

“Why didn’t you tell me they were around?”

“You were sleeping when they came, and I

didn’t want to wake you” Jeffery smiled as
he spoke.

“And what is so funny?”

“Damn you look sexy in that shirt”

Jane walked up to him and hit him lightly

with her purse.

“Ouch… What was that for?”

“That’s for laughing when you are supposed

to be consoling me, for making a fool of
myself in the presence of your aunt and

“I’m sorry” he drew her closer to himself,

and kissed her on her forehead.

“It’s okay, but I still have to find a way to

face your mother though”
”My mother will be fine”

”If you say so, but I’m still leaving, and you
will no longer be getting some, until after
the wedding”

“Is that supposed to be a joke?”

“Nope, the cookie jar is officially closed,

until after we are married.

Jeffery stood there, wondering what he did

wrong, to make the women in his life to
choose to go against him all at the same

“Mum, I still don’t get your point, what are

you trying to say?” Jeffery was in his
mother’s kitchen, trying to find out what she
meant the other day, when she came to his
place with her younger sister.

“The same thing I said yesterday, you can’t

marry someone you don’t know where she
is from”

“And I told you she is from Enugu state, is

that not enough?”

“She is only claiming Enugu state, because

of that man who helped train her in school,
we want to know the exact place she is
from, after all you said she was born in
Kano, that’s a good place to start looking”

“I still don’t understand why you are doing

this, after all, you were okay with Jane’s
situation, and it has never bothered you that
she is an orphan. Why the sudden change
of heart?”

His mother ignored him as she stirred the

food she was cooking. “Please pass me the
salt” she pointed to the salt container which
was closer to Jeffery.

“What are you scared of mum?” Jeffery

asked as he handed his mother the salt

“Who says I’m scared of anything? I’m just

trying to be careful, that’s all”

“Being careful of what exactly? You already

know who Jane is, or weren’t you the one
who kept telling me she was a nice girl, and
that I should hasten up and marry her?”
“And I haven’t changed my mind about her,
I still want her as a daughter in-law, even
though she can be a little disobedient. All
I’m saying is; let us find out where this girl is
from, at least know her family and her
linage. You don’t even know if madness
runs in her family or something even worse.
Or do you want to tell me, you don’t want
your children to know their mother’s
cultures and traditions?”

“And I keep telling you, they will learn the

culture of the Enugu people” Jeffery was
already getting piqued with the line the
conversation was going.

“Jeffery, I just want us to be careful, I don’t

want us to repeat same mistake twice”
“What mistake are you talking about?”

“Your sister’s marriage, if we had

investigated well enough before she got
married to Desmond, we would have found
out that; his father was a woman beater,
and maybe all these issue your sister is
having now, would have been avoided”

Jeffery understood his mother’s fears, when

Erica had brought her husband to be to
introduce to them; she was already a month
pregnant, so they had to rush the wedding,
because his mother saw it as a thing of
shame, for people to know her daughter got
pregnant out of wedlock. So, that didn’t give
them enough time to investigate Desmond,
and Erica kept going on and on, about how
they were in love with each other.
In as much, as he could understand where
his mother was coming from, he wasn’t
going to allow her fears, to stop him from
going on with his marriage plans with Jane.

“Mummy, I understand what you are saying,

but I need you to understand that; everyone
is not the same, people are different, we
shouldn’t allow what happened in the past,
to prevent us from enjoying the joy of today”

“I know, but I still insist we find her family

first before anything is done”

“Mummy, I’m sorry but I’m not doing that,

I’m getting married to Jane, and her bride
price would be paid to her uncle in Enugu
state” With that said, Jeffery placed a kiss
on his mother’s forehead, and then turned
to leave.
“So you are going to disobey your mother,
because of a girl you barely know?”

“I’m not disobeying you mum, I’m just

standing on my decision. And she is not just
any girl, she is the girl I love and I’m going
to marry. Good day mum”

“Won’t you stay to at least eat lunch?” His

mother asked.

“No I have some errands to run”

On Jeffery’s way out, he met aunty Ajoke at

the door, she was just arriving.
“Just the person, I wanted to see” she said
as Jeffery prostrated in greeting before her.

“Stand up my dear, how are you?”

“I’m fine thank you ma, and how are you too

“I’m fine, I’m fine.. ehnn have you thought

about what I and your mother discussed
with you yesterday?”

“Yes aunty, and I have made up my mind

on what to do”

“Ehn…very good, you know we only mean

well, we don’t want you marrying someone
we don’t know where she is from, and for all
we …”
“I’m marrying her regardless of where she
is from aunty”

“So you are not going to make any enquiry

about where she is from? Come let me ask
you, what if she comes from the linage of
witches? Or even mami water(water

“This is my wife to be you are talking about,

so please I suggest you watch what you
say about her”

”All I’m saying is; if we don’t know where

she is from, then we might not attend your
”The wedding is in three weeks ma. Enough
time for you to decide if you are going to
attend, or not. Now, if you will please
excuse me aunty, I have some errands to

”Then I won’t attend”

”Then, please don’t attend”

”What did you just say to me Jeffery?”

”You heard me aunty, don’t attend. That will

be minus one mouth to feed at the

Jeffery didn’t wait for her to respond before

he strolled out of the house, aunty Ajoke
just there dumbfounded, staring at him as
he walked away. He wasn’t going to allow
some busy body family member come tell
him what or what not to do. If he doesn’t nip
this in the bud now, she will think she can
always come and dictate what goes on his
family, even after he is married to Jane.

Jeffery was almost late for his suit fitting

with his designer. He was supposed to be
there with Dele his best man by 3pm, he
was grateful Jane had set a reminder for
him about it, if not he would have totally
forgotten it was today. Dele already called
to let him know, he was on his way there.

“I still don’t understand the meaning, of

these stunts mummy is trying to pull” Dele
said to Jeffery as they rounded up at the
designer’s. The suits were a perfect fit,
save for some few buttons that needed
fixing, after that, the designer was going to
have it brought to them.

“You know how that woman can be at

times, what even baffles me the most, is
that she was okay with the fact that Jane is
an orphan, I don’t understand why the
sudden change of heart” Jeffery said in

“I’m sure, aunty Ajoke has a hand in this,

you know she specializes in sowing the
seed of discord? But I’m glad you have
taken your stand on this, if they are not
okay with it, then that is their problem”

As they walked to the car park where their

cars were parked, Jeffery saw Lauretha
coming down from her car, with a boy who
looked to be between the age of twelve, to
thirteen years. “Isn’t that Lauretha?” Dele
pointed out.

“Yes she is, and I need to talk to her”

Jeffery quickly ran to where Lauretha’s car
was, as she was locking it.

“Hey Lauretha, how are you?” Jeffery asked

not taking his eyes of the boy for a second.

“Remi, why don’t you go inside? Mummy

will come join you soon” Lauretha said to
the boy.

“Okay, mummy, good afternoon sir” the boy

greeted Jeffery before walking away.

“Is that my son?” Jeffery asked after the

boy was off earshot.
“You have no son by me”

“I don’t get you Lauretha, first you keep the

boy away from me for this long, and now
you won’t let me see him. Then why did you
tell me about him in the first place?”

“I already told you what to do, if you want

anything to do with your son”

“You know, you are asking for the

impossible. I can’t leave Jane, and come
marry you”

“Then, we are done having this

conversation” Lauretha walked out on
When Jeffery got back to where his car
was, he saw Dele still standing there. “Guy,
you are still here? I thought you would have

“How could I? When you hurried off the way

you did, what’s up with you and Lauretha

“Does that boy look like me?”

“Oh was that the boy?”

“Yes, and she wouldn’t even let me talk to


“Guy na wa o, it’s as if everyone is against

you getting married to Jane”
“And they are not going to succeed, come
rain, come shine, I’m getting married to
Jane and there is nothing anyone can do
about it”

Jeffery got into his car and drove off, it was

already too late for him to go back to the
office, he was just going to finish what he
was supposed to do at the office, later in his

He decided to call Jane, “hello handsome”

came her sweet voice which always
sounded like a melody to his troubled heart.

“Hi, beautiful how is your day going?”

“You know, the usual wedding preparations
and all”

“Remember not to stress yourself too much,

that’s why we got a wedding planner to
handle all the stress and planning”

“I know, I’m trying not to overwork myself”

“Good, are you busy at the moment?”

“Not really, what’s up?”

“I want us to inspect some houses”

“Because I want us to get another house to
leave in after we got married”

“But what about the one you already leave


“Babe I will explain, when we see. Just get

dressed, I’m coming to pick you up in the
next thirty minutes”

When Jeffery got to Jane’s place, she was

already dressed waiting for him. He hugged
her so tight, he didn’t want to let go.

”Baby, are you okay?” Jane asked.

”Yes I am, come on let’s go”

”I have something I have been thinking to
tell you”

”What is that?”

”I think, I might be pregnant”

”Are you sure?” Jeffery leaned back to have

a proper look at her face.

”I really don’t know, my period is two weeks

late, and you know these contraceptives
can’t be trusted 100%” She has been so
carried away with the wedding
preparations, she didn’t notice she was late.
Not until her period tracker had sent her a
reminder this morning, that she was due to
have seen her period two weeks ago.
”Okay, I need you to calm down” Jeffery
could see Jane was clearly scared. ”There
is one way for us to find out, I will quickly
rush to the nearby pharmacy, and get us
some pregnancy test kits okay?”

”Okay” Jane nodded.

Few minutes later, Jeffery came back with

several pregnancy test kits. “I didn’t know
which brand to get, so I decided to get
several brands instead, just incase one

”Okay” Jane said, without making any effort

to take the bag containing the kits from him.

”Come here baby” Jeffery drew her closer

to himself, and used his hands to frame her
face. ”I want you to know that; we are in this
together, and no matter what the result
turns out to be, we are a team, okay?”

”What if, I’m truly pregnant? What then

becomes of me, my dreams to own a
business before I start having children?”

”And I’m going to make sure, all of that

happens. I’m going to make sure, you live
the life of your dreams, that I promise you”

”Oh Jeff, I’m so scared” She held him

tightly, resting her head on his shoulders.

”You don’t have to be scared baby, now just

go into the bathroom, and do the test”
Jane collected the test kits from him, and
went into the bathroom to find out if she
was about to be a mother or not.




Jeffery paced the room as he waited for

Jane to come out of the bathroom with the
test results. What was keeping her, why
was she taking so long to come out? He
didn’t know why, but deep down, he was
wishing the result comes out positive.

Finally she came out with a test strip, and

showed it to him. “it’s negative” she said
calmly. “I used four different test strips, and
they all came out negative”

“Okay, so it was just a scare” Jeffery sat

down on the bed. “Come sit down, you look
so pale” Jane joined him to sit on the bed.

“Why are you so scared of getting


“I already told you, I want to be able to have

started my own business, before having

“Do you think, having children will make you

not to be able to actualize your dreams?”

“Not really” she placed her head on his

shoulders. “I just fear that; I might get
carried away or get too busy with the affairs
of being a wife and a mother, and I might
not remember my own dreams and

“And you think I would allow that to

happen?” He raised her head from his
shoulders, and then changed his seating
position, so he was facing her. “I will never
allow you to forget, or not pursue your
dreams and aspirations for any reason. I’m
not getting married to you so you could
become a baby making machine, or some
wife who always cleans up after her
husband, and then does nothing else for
herself. If that’s what I wanted, I would have
hired someone to bear me children, and
then get a nanny and a maid to look after
them” He placed his forehead on hers.
“Baby, we are going to help each other,
reach our fullest potential. Marriage is for
companionship, and part of my duty as a
husband is to see to it that you as my wife
lives the life of her dreams”

“Oh Jeff” she hugged him tightly. “I don’t

know what I have done to deserve a man
like you, I love you so much, and I promise
to be a loving wife”

Jeffery smiled at her sudden burst of

emotion. “I love you too baby”

They remained in that position for about five

minutes, before Jane remembered they
were supposed to see some houses.


“Yes baby?”
“You said you were going to tell me why we
were getting a new house, when you

“I don’t want us raising a family in that

house, it has a lot of sad memories in it”

“Is it because of my kidnap?”

“Yes, I just want us to get somewhere new,

and start afresh”

“Okay, that’s fine by me, though I like the

kitchen in this house” Jane pouted as she
“And we will choose a house, that has a
bigger and better kitchen than this one”

Since they couldn’t go and inspect the

house anymore, they decided to go out and
get something to eat, and when they were
done, Jeffery dropped Jane off at her place
before going back to his place.

Amaka was supposed to meet with Dele

after work, so they could discuss about
some of the things, they were going to be
doing for Jane and Jeffery on their wedding
day. Since they were both going to be the
best man and bridesmaid.

The appointment was set for 6pm, and

Amaka made sure to get there before 6. It’s
already 7pm, and Dele wasn’t there yet.
Amaka was already fuming with anger.
“Who does he think he is, to keep me
waiting? And he didn’t even call to inform
me, he would be running late” she was
already getting famished, she had wanted
to order for something to eat from the
restaurant, but their food was too
expensive, who sells a plate of rice for five
thousand naira? All thanks to Dele who
insisted they met in this restaurant, now
she’s not only has to wait for him, but she
has to starve while doing so.

Dele parked his car some distance from the

restaurant, he arrived since 5:30pm, he
even saw Amaka when she walked in, but
chose to stay in his car for an extra hour, he
wanted to make sure Amaka got there
before him.
His intention was to get her angry, he was
missing the old Amaka. Ever since she got
back from her visit at her mother’s, all she
has done, is be courteous to him, severally
he has tried to get on her nerves, but all
she ever does is, smile and walk away. He
looked at his watch and saw it was already
7pm, he decided to it was time for him to go
in. He was one hour late, and that was
enough time for Amaka to be pissed at him,
and for the old Amaka to come out to play.

When Dele walked into the resturant, he

sighted Amaka, picking up her purse to
leave. So he quickly rushed to where she

“Hi Amaka, good evening” he greeted

blocking her way from leaving.
“What is good about this evening Dele?
Look at your time, aren’t we supposed to
meet by 6?” Amaka asked in annoyance.

“I’m sorry, I lost track of time at the office.

I’m sorry”

“Then you should have called, or what do

think a phone is meant for? Making soup?”

Dele tried to stifle laughter, so he ended up


“Oh, it’s funny to you? It’s funny that you

kept me waiting here for over an hour? You
know what? I’m out of here” Amaka angrily
pushed him out of her way, and stormed
out of the restaurant, while Dele chased
after her.
“Amaka I’m sorry”

“No you are not, I know you have been

around for over an hour, because I saw that
same car you came out from, in the parking
lot when I walked in. What do you think I
am, a fool?”

“No.. I ..” Dele was short of words, for he

has been caught.

“Goodbye Dele, every meeting or

discussion that we would be having
regarding the wedding, will be held via
Zoom” with that said, Amaka walked out on
When Jeffery was done dropping Jane off
at her place, he decided to pay his parents
a visit, it’s better he nips this issue between
him and his mother in the bud.

“Ronke, I have told you to lay this matter to

rest, I still don’t understand why you are still
flogging this issue” Jeffery’s father said to
his mother, as they all sat in the living room
to discuss the issue.

“You of all people, should understand what

I am trying to do here, I just want to make
sure our son is marrying someone from a
good family” Jeffery’s mother spoke with so
much pain and fear in her voice.

“And I have told you severally, you don’t

have to be scared, Jane is a good girl, you
said so yourself” her husband spoke so
softly, as he put his right hand around her

“Mummy, I understand you are only looking

out for me, but you need not worry yourself.
Jane is a good girl, and she is the one I
would want to marry. Remember you have
been the one on my neck about getting

“If you all say so, then I will have to lay the
matter to rest then”

“Now that’s what I’m talking about” Mr.

Ademola gave his wife a peck on her
cheeks, making her blush. “Now we can
proceed, Jeffery has Jane’s uncle sent you
the list for the bride price and introduction?”
“Yes, I received it this morning” Jeffery took
out a folded paper from his pocket and
handed it over to his father who went
through it with his mother.

“It’s okay, so I will inform my kinsmen, so

they can all get ready, by next week we will
go over to Enugu, and perform the
necessary traditional rites. Congratulations
my son, you are about to become a real

“Thank you Dad”

As Jeffery drove back to his place, he was

over the moon with joy, he has been able to
convince his mother to forget about looking
for Jane’s birth parents before they could
get married. The only problem he needed to
take care of was Lauretha, and her
outrageous demand. That moment, as if the
law of attraction was taking place, Jeffery’s
phone rang, and it was Lauretha calling

“Hello Lauretha, what’s up?”

“Jeffery… Please I need you to come,

please” her voice was panicky.

“Lauretha, what is the problem? Are you


“It’s Remi”

It took Jeffery some seconds, before he

remembered she was talking about their
son, he only got to know the boy’s name
was Remi when they met at the car park

“Yes, what is wrong with him?”

“He suddenly started running temperature

after we got back this afternoon, and now
it’s gotten worse. Please I need you to
come down quickly so we can take him to
the hospital”

“Alright, send me your address, and I will be

right there”

“Alright, thank you so much Jeffery”

After Lauretha dropped the call, Jeffery

received a text from her with her address.
Jeffery immediately reversed the car and
drove to Lauretha’s place.

When he got there, Lauretha came out and

opened the door for him.

“Where is he?” Jeffery asked as they got


“Oh, you don’t have to worry, my neighbor

already helped me take him to the hospital.
Please have your seat”

“If your neighbor took him to the hospital,

then why are you here? Why aren’t you in
the hospital with him?” Jeffery asked, not
quite understanding why she would be
sitting down so relaxed, while her son was
alone in the hospital with some unknown
stranger, except he was never sick in the
first place, it was then it hit Jeffery.
Lauretha had lured him into coming to her
place with the pretense of their son being

“Jeffery calm down, you worry too much”

She dismissed his concern with a wave of

“Was that boy even sick at all?”

“No, I’m sorry but, that was the only way I

knew I could get you to come see me”

“If you wanted us to see Lauretha, you

could have just said so, there was no need
for you to lie”
“I’m sorry Jeffery, but I really needed to see
you” she said remorsefully.

“It’s okay, I’m here now, so what’s up?”

“Jeffery, why can’t you love me? Am I so

unlovable?” She tried to get closer, but
Jeffery stepped back to put some distance
between them.

“Lauretha, I have already told you before,

my heart belongs to someone else. I’m sure
you will find someone else, who will love
you, just like you truly deserve”

“But it’s you I want, no one else but you,

please love me Jeffery” and that moment,
she threw herself at Jeffery and kissed him.
Jeffery immediately pushed her away, but
she already kissed him.

“Are you out of your mind?” Jeffery

demanded in anger.

“Let’s see what your lovely fiancée is going

to say, when she finds out you kissed
someone else” Lauretha said smiling.


The wedding day was fast approaching,

and everything was being put in place so
Jane and Jeffery could have a successful
Jeffery and his people had already gone to
Enugu state, for their introduction, and
payment of Jane’s dowry. Now the only
thing that was left, was their wedding.

Jane and Jeffery have been inspecting

houses that they are going to buy, and
move into after their wedding. And finally,
they settled for a four bedroom duplex in
banana island.

After the kissing incedence with Lauretha,

Jeffery has not been himself, his
conscience has been eating at him. He
knew he needed to tell Jane the truth, but
then again, he knows how she tends to
always blow things out of proportion, and if
she caught wind of this, there is every
tendency that she might call off the
wedding. So he decided to keep it to
himself, at least for now. Lauretha has been
blackmailing him with pictures of them
kissing, whoever the photographer was, he
or she did a good job, for the person
captured them in a position that really made
it look like they were kissing. She has been
threatening to show Jane the pictures, if he
doesn’t call off the wedding.

Jane had noticed Jeffery hasn’t been

himself lately, and she has been trying to
find out what the issue was, but he keeps
telling her nothing was wrong. After the
pregnancy scare, he had insisted she
visited the hospital and find out the reason
for her period being delayed.

After series of tests were conducted, it was

discovered nothing was wrong with her, the
doctor told her; the reason her period was
delayed, could be attributed to stress, as
she has stressing herself lately with the
wedding preparations. She was placed on
some multivitamins, and was asked to rest
more. Few days later, her period came.

Jeffery had called her this morning, asking

that she got ready, because he was taking
her somewhere, which he refused
disclosing to her when she had asked.

Jane was getting ready for him to come

pick her up. Amaka had insisted she wore a
particular Jean trouser, and body con top.
Jane had refused to wear the top, because
she felt the top would be revealing too
much cleavage. As they kept arguing on
what Jane was going to put on, Amaka
brought out the clothes and everything Jane
was going to need to get ready, locked the
wardrobe, and took the keys with her when
she left the house for her meeting. Leaving
Jane with no other choice of what to put on.

Jane had just finished dressing up, when

her phone rang.

“Hey baby” came Jeffery’s sexy, and husky

voice, which usually made Jane weak in her

“Hi, how are you doing?”

“I’m doing great, are you set?”

“All set, and ready”

“Great, because I’m at your door”

Jane ran to open her door, and found her
knight in shiny armour, standing at her
door, looking so handsome in a pair of
black jean, and a pale blue shirt, with a pair
of white sneakers. Jane thought his voice
made her weak in the knees, but having
him stand at her door, looking all charming
and sexy as hell, is almost making her off
her panties.

“Are you going to let me in?” Jeffery asked

raising an eyebrow at Jane, after what
seems like forever of her standing at the
door, staring at him without moving out of
the door, or asking him to come in.

“Oh sorry, come in” she moved aside as he

walked in. She couldn’t stop staring at him,
and as he walked past her, she caught a
whiff of his cologne which she loved so

“Is something wrong?” Jeffery turned to

look at her as she still held the door open,
and wasn’t making any effort to close it.

The moment he opened his mouth again,

she wished he hadn’t, because now she
wanted to kiss those beautifully shaped lips
of his.

“Baby are you okay?” He came back and

closed the door, and stood in front her,
holding her shoulders.

“Yes I’m okay, let me get my bag so we can

leave” Jane said when she finally regained
her composure.
She went and picked up her handbag from
the bed, and when she turned, Jeffery was

“What’s funny?”

“You. Are you sure, you still want to keep

this cookie jar closed?” He asked with a
lazy smile on his face.

Jane stood staring at Jeffery, he was

rubbing his chin, and licking his lips
seductively as he looked at her. Jane knew
she wanted nothing more than to have
those lips on her skin. And the moment she
tells him she wanted to have sex, he was
going to oblige her. But then, that would
make her weak, and she wasn’t about to let
him have the upper hand in this case. She
would rather tame her desires, and keep
them locked away until the wedding night.

“I’m ready, let’s go please” she walked to

the door, while Jeffery followed from behind

Jeffery drove them to an isolated beach

house. It was a serviced house, which had
everything one would need while they
stayed there.

“So, I noticed that we have both been too

busy planning the wedding, making sure
everything goes smoothly, and have
neglected ourselves in the process. I
decided we have a quiet time to ourselves
before the wedding”
“You know one of the things, I love about
you?” Jane asked smiling.

“I think I do, but it wouldn’t hurt to hear you

say it out” Jeffery sauntered to her as he

“I love the fact that you are so proactive in

your thinking”

“Hmm, do you know?” He bent and kissed

her, making Jane moan into his mouth and
pulling him down for more.

“Remember we are keeping the cookie jar

closed until after the wedding” Jeffery
stepped back as Jane opened her mouth
for more, looking disappointed.
“Your rules, not mine” he laughed as he
took her hand and led her into the bedroom.

“The first time I came to this beach house, I

had just graduated from the University, and
recently got back into the country. I wanted
to be alone for a while, and I needed some
peace and serenity. So I rented this place
for a whole week, and I was here all by
myself. When I was leaving, I told myself I
was going to come back and spend an
alone time with my wife, when I found her.
Since we would be getting married in a few
days time, and I already paid your dowry, I
decided there was no need for the wait”

“This place is beautiful” Jane said, as she

looked around the room which was
beautiful painted in white, and decorated
with beautiful art pieces.

“I’m glad you think so, while I was here, I

wrote a letter to my future wife, and I would
like to read it out to you” Jeffery smiled.

“Let’s hear it then” Jane said gleefully.

They both sat down on the bed crossed leg,

and Jeffery took out an envelope from his
laptop bag.

“Dear future wifey,

As I sit here writing this letter, I wonder
where you are, or what you are doing right
now. Maybe you are busy with some other
guy who is busy lying to you, and promising
you heaven and earth, and will end up
leaving you, just so we could meet. Well it’s
fine, because you have to kiss a few frogs
before you finally kiss a prince. And I have
had my own share of heart breaks, and I
might experience a few more, or even
break some myself, before we finally meet.
Wifey, there are some things I would like
you to know in this letter-
I may not be the most romantic man on the
planet, but I promise to love you every
single time we spend together, until our
dying breath.
I promise to always look at you with the
same admiration I did, when I first fell in
love with you.

I promise to always challenge you to

challenge yourself to go after your set
dreams and goals.
I promise to be a role model to our children,
and always inspire them to do better. I’m a
Christian, and I know you are one as well,
so we are going to bring them up in the way
of the Lord.

Wifey, I really don’t know much about

cooking, but I promise you would never go
hungry for a single minute, as I would
always make sure, you have someone to
prepare your meals at all times. I love good
food myself, so be rest assured that, we
would always dine together. And when you
feel like eating out, we would go to the
fanciest restaurant in town.

You are going to be my world, so I would

make sure to take you around the world. I
would always surprise you with vacations
and trips, so get ready to tour the world with
me baby.

I promise to love and worshipp your body

like a temple that it is, and even if after child
birth, your body changes and is filled with
stretch marks, and the likes, I’m still going
to worship it, and make mad love to you, in
everywhere and everyway possible.

There would never be a day you would

second guess my love for you, because I
will make sure to keep professing how
much I love you, both in words, gifts, my
services to you, and spending quality time
with you.

I’m not much of a talker, but I promise to

listen to your every gist, listen to you
whenever you have something to say, be it
a gist you heard at the office or anything at
all, I’m going to be your gist buddy.

And even in the darkest moments, I

promise to never leave you, but to always
be by your side, holding your hands until
the morning comes.

Nobody is perfect, so I promise to always

go out of my way to accept your


Your future husband.

“This is, so touching” Jane had tears in her

eyes as she spoke after Jeffery, had
finished reading the letter. “I love you Jeff,
and there is nothing I want more, than to be
your wife” tears rolled down Jane’s cheeks
as she spoke.

“Oh baby, you don’t have to cry” Jeffery

took out an handkerchief from his pocket,
and used it in wiping her tears. “If you
continue crying, then I’m going to think what
I wrote in that letter contained onions” his
statement made Jane smile.

“Oh, now you are smiling, probably the

onion in it wasn’t so much then”

“I love you” Jane leaned in and brushed a

kiss on his lips, before she laid down,
placing her head on his laps. Jeffery
caressed her hair softly.
“Baby?” Jeffery said softly.


“I have something, I have been thinking to

tell you”

“What is it?”

“It’s about Lauretha”

“What about her?”

“She kissed me”

There was a deafening silence in the room,

so much that if a pin had fallen, one would
have heard the sound. Jeffery’s hands
stilled on Jane’s hair, waiting for her next
reaction. He bent to look at her face, so he
could guage her reaction, but her face was
void of expression, she was just staring at
nothing in particular.

After a whole minute of silence had passed,

Jane finally spoke; “how did it happen?”
She asked calmly.

“It was on the night of the pregnancy scare,

she had called me to say our son was sick,
and needed to be taken to the hospital, so I
quickly rushed down to her place, but I
found out it was only a trick to get me there,
and when I tried to leave, she threw herself
at me and kissed me” Jeffery tried to omitt
the part where Lauretha insisted he married
her instead of Jane.
“What did she say she wanted?” Jane
asked, her face still expressionless.

“She umm…., She wants me to marry her

and not you”

Jane got up from the bed, went to the fridge

in the room and took out a bottle of water.
She had a long swig of the water, and then
threw the empty can in the trash, then she
leaned against the fridge, folding her arms.

“So from what you just said, Lauretha is still

in love with you?”

“Yes, that is what she said”

“Do you love her?”

“Of course not, how can you ask me that?
It’s you I want babe, not her, not anyone

“Is she blackmailing you with pictures or

something of sort?”

“Yes, I think she had someone hid

somewhere who snapped the pictures of
her kissing me”

“If she wasn’t blackmailing you, would you

have told me?”

Jeffery was quiet for a while, he didn’t know

what to answer Jane, he wouldn’t have told
her if Lauretha wasn’t blackmailing him, not
because he would want to hide something
like that from her, but because of fear of
losing her.

“You wouldn’t have told me right?” Jane

asked, with a hurtful voice.

“I’m sorry”

“But why would you keep something like

this away from me? I thought we weren’t
meant to keep secrets from each other?”

“My keeping it away from you, isn’t because

I love keeping something from you, but it’s
because of the fear of the fact that, if you
are going to trust me enough to believe; if I
was saying the truth, or not”
“I trust you Jeffery, I know sometimes I can
act otherwise, by blowing things out of
proportion, but I do trust you. If I didn’t trust
you, I wouldn’t have agreed to marry you. If
for any reason, you were doubting my trust
for you, then you should have pointed it out”

“I’m sorry, I was just scared of losing you

again” Jeffery looked so innocent as he
spoke, Jane couldn’t resist the urge to go
over and kiss him.

“I love and trust you with my life. You

should never doubt that”

“I love you too, and I’m sorry I tried hiding it

away from you all these while”
“It’s okay, I’m glad you told me yourself,
and I didn’t hear it from Lauretha, or
someone else” Jane sat down on the bed.

“Thank you”

“I want you to message Lauretha, and tell

her you have agreed to her demands”

“Are you joking or something?”

“Nope, I’m dead serious. Tell her you guys

should have a date or something”

“What is your plan exactly?” Jeffery asked

“You are going to text her, and tell her you
have broken things off with me, and that
you are leaving me so you can be with her,
tell her you want to marry her”

“And then what?”

“You ask her to meet you at a restaurant

this evening, ask her to come with the boy,
so you all can have dinner together like a
family, that you are going to become”

“What are you aiming to achieve with this?”

“You told me yourself, you had doubts if the

boy was yours. And the reason she gave
for not telling you about the boy all these
while, doesn’t seem to add up, so we are
going to find out if this boy is yours or not”
“And after that?”

“Leave the rest to me, I will put Lauretha in

her place soon”

“Huh?” Jeffery had to look around the room

just to make sure, it was Jane who actually
made the last statement, and not someone

“You heard me, so pick up your phone and

text her now” Jane was tired of people
trampling on her like she was some piece of
doormat, first Tania came and said all sort
of things about her, then Sandra and her
crazy mother came and kidnapped her,
torturing her until she almost died. Now this
Lauretha girl has sprang up from nowhere
to lay claims on her man. Just because she
had a child for him in the past. She doesn’t
care if she bore a dozen sons for him,
Jeffery is hers, and hers for the keeping.




When Jeffery was done typing the

message, he showed it to Jane, who
embellished it with her own words, before
clicking on the send button.

“Baby, are you sure about this?” Jeffery

asked in confusion. The Jane standing
before him, looked so strange, he could
barely recognize her. She had some sort of
fire burning in her eyes.

“Yes, I am. Now we are going to wait for her

to reply”

A minute after Jane sent the message,

Lauretha called his phone.

“Hello Lauretha” Jeffery answered, trying to

sound natural.

“Jeffery are you being serious? Or is this

some sort of a trick, just so you could see
your son?”

“Lauretha, I thought about all you have

been saying, I missed out on this boy’s life
for thirteen whole years, I wouldn’t want to
miss out on the rest. Besides I just found
out Jane, can’t give me children, so I’m
going to lose on both ends if I choose to
marry Jane” Jane gave Jeffery a thumbs
up, for his last sentence, the phone was on
speaker, so she could hear Lauretha as

“Hmmmmm, so I’m now your back up plan?

Well I’m sorry I refuse to be a back up plan.
I think you should go marry your Jane, after
all weren’t you the one professing your
undying love for her?”

“Come on Lauretha, I’m sorry. Let’s not

make this any difficult than it already is.
Please it wasn’t easy for me to leave Jane,
and I would really love if we could build
something together”
“Not only am I your plan B, but I’m also your
rebound chick?” Lauretha laughed on the
other side of the phone. “See Jeffery, I
refuse to be you or anyone’s rebound chick”
with that said, Lauretha ended the call.

“What now?” Jeffery looked at Jane who

had suddenly become a master planner.

“We will wait for her call, and if she doesn’t

call back, you will pay her a visit and
convince her to go on a date with you”

“I don’t know why, but I think I’m liking the

game player Jane, the bossy Jane” Jeffery
said smiling.
“Well, that’s a good thing. Because this
Jane would definitely be coming out to play,
from time to time”

Jeffery kissed softly, and then gently laid

her on the bed as he explored her mouth
with his tongue. As they kissed, Jeffery’s
phone rang, it was Lauretha calling.

“Hello Lauretha?”

“I will agree to marry you on one condition”


“You will make a video of you breaking up

with Jane, and send it to me”
Jeffery was silent for a while, and then Jane
gave him a sign to say yes.

“Lauretha, this is a difficult thing, why don’t

you ask for something else?”

“Do you want to see your son or not?”

“I do”

“Good, now breakup with Jane and send

me a video” Lauretha ended the call.

“How am I supposed to do something like

that?” Jeffery looked at Jane who was
already on her feet thinking.
“We are going to give her what she wants,
a video of you breaking up with me”

“Have you thought about what she could do

with the video? She could send it to the

“If she does that, we will find a way around

it. But this is our only chance of getting
close to that boy, and finding out if he is
truly your son”

“Baby, I’m not sure about this”

Jane took Jeffery’s iPhone, opened it’s

camera, and positioned it on the air
conditioner in the room, so the camera was
facing them.
“Now get up and breakup with me” Jane

Jeffery got up and did as Jane told him, but

after they were done, they watched the
video and it didn’t look convincing. So they
had to try again, and again and again, they
kept trying, and rehearsing their lines for
the next two hours, until they got it perfect
the tenth time; Jeffery looked so cold
hearted in the video, while Jane knelt on
the floor crying, begging Jeffery not to leave

Jeffery edited the video, and as he was

about send it to Lauretha, Jane stopped
him. “Let’s send it first thing tomorrow
morning, so it would look like, it was really a
hard decision for you to make”
“You know you should consider going into
acting, where on earth did those tears come
from?” Jeffery asked Jane who was
beaming with pride.

“You weren’t bad yourself, for a minute I

thought you were actually breaking up with
me for real”

The next morning, they sent the video to

Lauretha, and waited patiently for her to
call. As they were preparing to leave the
beach house, Lauretha called Jeffery.

“Jeffery, you must be really desperate to

see your son”
“Lauretha, you have what you want. It was
really difficult for me to do this to Jane, she
didn’t deserve this”

“If you keep praising her, then you might as

well go back and be with her”

“I’m sorry”

“Good. Since you have gone to this extent,

just to show how much you want to be with
me and your son, I guess I can allow you to
see him, but you must never mention
anything about being his father, I still
haven’t told him who his father is”

“Alright I won’t, I promise”

“Good, we will see you this evening by six

“Okay, I will book a reservation for us at

sailors lounge”

“Alright, we will see you by then” Lauretha

ended the call.

“We have a date to prepare for” Jane said

to Jeffery as they walked out of the beach

“You are going to try, and make her believe,

it’s her you really want to be with, and not
me” Jane was adjusting Jeffery’s collars as
she spoke. She helped him pick out a white
shirt, and a pale blue jacket, and black pant
trouser. He had on a nice pair of black
shoes to go with it.

“And try to maintain eye contact with her at

all times, so she doesn’t suspect any foul
play, remember she is a private
investigator, and can easily detect when
something is wrong”

“What have you done to me Jane?” Jeffery

asked smiling, as he was still surprised by
her sudden boldness, and craftiness.

“She is standing right in front of you” Jane

leaped, and kissed him. “Now go woe your

“You are my woman” Jeffery kissed her

“Fine, go woe the other woman”

Jane stood watching as Jeffery went into

his car, and his driver drove him to the
restaurant where he booked a reservation
for himself and Lauretha.

Immediately they left, she left through the

back door, to avoid getting seen by anyone,
just in case Lauretha was crazy enough to
send the video of Jeffery breaking up with
her to anyone.

She already paid a huge some of money, to

the manager of the restaurant, who in turn
tipped the waitress that would be serving
Jeffery, and Lauretha at the restaurant.
Asking her to make sure, everything
Lauretha’s son uses on the table is brought
to her, including the spoon, fork, knife, and
glass cup he uses in drinking water.

Jane was going to disguise herself, and

hang around the hotel, and when they were
done having dinner, the manager would
bring the items to her.

When Jeffery got to the restaurant, he had

to wait a little bit, before Lauretha, and the
boy he saw her with the other day at the
parking lot, arrived. She had on a lovely
dress, which brought out her slender figure,
while the boy had on a nice suit and
trouser. Anyone who saw them could easily
mistake them for a happy family.
“Hi Lauretha, welcome” Jeffery got up, and
drew out a chair for her to sit on, while the
boy helped himself to a seat.

“And how are you Remi?” Jeffery asked the

boy, after they had all sat down.

“I’m fine thank, uncle Jeffery”

So she already told the boy his name?

Jeffery thought within himself.

“What can I get you and your beautiful

family?” A beautiful waitress asked
Lauretha smiling. Her mistaking them for a
family, must have really warmed Lauretha’s
heart, because she smiled and looked at
Jeffery with admiration in her eyes. “You
see what I told you?”
Jeffery only nodded and smiled back, when
what he really wanted to do was to get out
of that place and be with Jane.

“I will have this, and so will my son”

Lauretha pointed on a particular number on
the menu. “What would you like to have

Jeffery who wasn’t in the mood to eat

anything, decided to go for whatever
Lauretha was having.

“So tell me Jeffery, why the sudden change

of mind?” Lauretha asked as their food
arrived, and they started to eat.
“I already told you, I want to be with my

They continued to eat in silence, before

Jeffery decided to ask Remi his class.

“I’m in SS1 sir”

“I thought you schooled abroad?”

“Yes, but my mom decided I finished my

secondary school education here, so I can
get learn my people’s culture, and traditions
before I went back for my tertiary
education” he had an American accent.

“Oh, that sounds reasonable. So what have

you learnt so far?”
“Just a few things, like how to greet an
elder, as the yoruba tradition demands”

The more Jeffery conversed with the little

boy, the more he liked him, and wished the
boy is his, so he could lay claims on him.

By 8pm, Lauretha decided it was time for

them to leave, as Remi had to go to school
the next day.

“Thanks for dinner, uncle Jeffery” Remi said

to Jeffery as he walked them to their car.

“You are welcome chap”

“I hope you will keep to your promise, and
teach me how to play tennis?” The boy
asked with hope in his eyes.

“I sure will, I will discuss with your mother,

and know what time would be best, and I
would come pick you up”

The boy thanked Jeffery, and hopped into

the back seat of the car.

“You see what I told you? He needs his

father around” Lauretha said to Jeffery who
couldn’t take his eyes off the boy who was
already seated in the car.

“I know Lauretha, and I’m working on

rectifying that”
“I hope you do it fast enough”

Jane was at the back of the restaurant’s

kitchen waiting patiently, for the waitress to
come deliver the items. Jeffery already
texted to let her know they were done with

She already had a taxi, waiting to take her

to the Laboratory, where the samples would
be tested, she already has Jeffery’s tooth
as a sample.

Few minutes later, the manager came out

with a black nylon bag, which she handed
over to Jane without saying a word.

When Jane got into the car, she opened the

nylon and found a glass cup, a spoon and
some used tissues, neatly placed in
different ziplock bags.

The taxi driver drove Jane to the

Laboratory, where she submitted the
samples, and was asked to come back the
next day for the result.

When she got back home that night, Amaka

was already asleep. She let herself in with
her keys, and quietly undressed to shower.

“Madam, where have you been all day?”

Amaka asked, as she sat up on the bed.

“I thought you were sleeping?”

“Weren’t you supposed to go for your cake

testing today? The wedding planner kept
calling me to say she couldn’t reach you,
and neither could I. What happened?”

Jane had totally forgotten about her

appointment with the baker, she has been
so engrossed in plan with Jeffery, that she
had totally forgotten she has a wedding
coming up.

“I’m sorry I forgot, I will call her tomorrow,

and see if we can book another

“Jane you usually don’t forget things like

this, what is going on?”

Jane who couldn’t keep secrets from

Amaka, decided to tell her what was going
“That girl must be very stupid, to think she
can have Jeffery” Amaka said after Jane
had told her everything. “She is lucky I don’t
know where she lives, if not, I would have
paid her a visit. Stupid she-goat like her”

“Amaka calm down” Jane said laughing at

her statement of calling Lauretha a she-

“Be there laughing, until that heifer

snatches your man away. Jane, even if that
parternity test comes out positive, saying
the boy is Jeffery’s, you should still put her
in her place. She is a baby mama and
nothing more”
The next morning, Jane woke up to a call
from Jeffery.

“Hey” she answered with a sleepy voice.

“Thank goodness, you finally picked”

Jeffery sounded restless.

“What is the matter Jeff?”

“Lauretha already licked the video of our

break-up to a popular blogger, it’s going
viral already”





The next morning, Jane woke up to a call

from Jeffery.

“Hey” she answered with a sleepy voice.

“Thank goodness, you finally picked”

Jeffery sounded restless.
“What is the matter Jeff?”

“Lauretha already licked the video of our

break-up to a popular blogger, it’s going
viral already”


Jane’s scream, woke Amaka up, and she

immediately sprang to her feet, ready to
run. If not for the serious discussion she
was having with Jeffery, Jane would have
bust into laughter because of Amaka’s

“I told you, this was going to happen. I

already sent someone to come take you to
the beach house. No one will find you there.
I have to go now, my mom is calling. I love

When Jeffery ended the call, Jane

collapsed on the bed, what has she gotten
herself into? If the parternity test came out
positive, how was she going to clean up this
mess, and still continue her wedding plans
with Jeffery?

Amaka helped her to pack a few things she

was going to need at her stay, at the beach
house. Amaka couldn’t go with her, as she
needed to be at work.

The person Jeffery assigned to take Jane to

the beach house, was already waiting for
her outside her compound. She got into the
car, and they drove off.
It was already 6pm, and Jane haven’t
gotten a call from the Lab where she took
the samples for the DNA test. When she
called in the afternoon to check if the
results were ready, they told her it wasn’t,
and that they would call her, when it was
ready. She had paid an extra fee, so the
results could be out in 24hrs.

Several people have caught wind of her

fake break-up with Jeffery, and her phone
has been ringing off the hook. Several of
them, wanting to know if it was true or not,
including her wedding planner who was
almost at the point of tears, when she learnt
of the break-up. Jane had to assure her to
go on with the wedding preparations, as the
wedding will still hold.
As she paced the room awaiting a call from
the Laboratory, her phone rang. It was from

“Good evening ma’am, you may come for

your results they are ready now”

Jane quickly got dressed, making sure to

disguise herself, so no one would recognize
her. She ordered a cab, and when to get
the results.

Immediately Jane got the results, she

opened it to read the contents: Jeffery
wasn’t Remi’s biological father.

Jane had to read the result several times,

before she could actually believe what was
written in it. If Remi wasn’t Jeffery’s son,
when then has Lauretha been trying to
force Jeffery into marriage using the boy as
a bait?

She needed to call and inform Jeffery about

the results. But then she decided against it,
this news would better be delivered in
person. Besides she knows a part of him
was already having a liking for the boy. She
could tell from his voice, when she had
called him last night, to ask how the dinner

Jane was still contemplating on what to do,

when she heard a knock on the door.

“Who is it?” She asked, only Jeffery and the

driver who brought her, knew this location,
and she wasn’t expecting Jeffery until the
next one hour or two, he had already called
to inform her, he was still at the office, as
he had some work to finish up, before
leaving. The person kept knocking on the

“Who is it?” Jane was already getting

apprehensive, why wasn’t the person
saying his or her name?

“It’s Lauretha, open up we need to talk”

Lauretha, what could she want from her?

How did she even know she was hiding
here? Jane decided to ignore her, maybe
she will leave.

“Jane, I know you are in there. Please open

up, I just want us to talk”
Jane decided to quickly text Jeffery, letting
him know Lauretha was there. Before she
opened the door.

“Hi Lauretha, what can I do for you?” She

didn’t make any attempt to allow Lauretha
inside, as she stood blocking the entrance.

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” Lauretha

was smiling as she spoke, she looked really
harmless, but there is no telling with anyone
anymore. After all Sandra looked harmless,
but she still kidnapped and tortured Jane.

“I’m sorry, but you would have to say

whatever it is you want to say here”

“Jane please, I won’t be here for long, it’s

really chilly out here and I already have a
cold” she pleaded. Jane decided to finally
let Lauretha in.

“So what do you want?” Jane asked folding

her arms, after letting Lauretha inside.

“I’m here to talk to you about Jeffery, and

our son”

“Oh really? And what is it about them, that

you want to talk to me about?” Jane asked
in annoyance, the nerve she has, coming
here to talk to her about, a child that she
has been lying to Jeffery about who the real
father was.

“I know you had a DNA test conducted, just

so you could know if Remi is truly Jeffery’s
son, and I’m sure you already have your
answer by now”

How on earth, did she find out about the

test? Can’t someone do something private
in this Lagos, and it won’t be heard by
someone else?

“You look surprised? I’m a private

investigator remember? So it’s not difficult
for me, to get any piece of information. I
know the results are not in my favor and I’m
here to get them before you show them to

“Hahahahhee…..” Jane held her abdomen

in laughter. ”I’m sorry but, You must be a
joker, for you to think, you could just walk in
here and demand I hand the results over to
“I know you have a price, so what is it? I’m
ready to pay”

“I can see you have lost your senses, now

get out!”

“Everyone has a price, so name yours. I

know you would need the money now,
more than ever, especially now that Jeffery
has broken up with you”

“You must really be delusional, if Jeffery

has broken up with me, then why did he
bring me here to keep me safe? Oh you
didn’t know? We only played a prank on
you, just so we could have access to the
boy, and have a DNA test done”
“You cheap lier, Jeffery would do no such
thing, now hand over those results to me”
Lauretha stretched out her hands to Jane.

“I would advise you get out now, before I

called the police”

“Now, listen up little girl, I have waited years

to have Jeffery to myself, and now that it’s
finally happening, neither you nor any
stupid DNA test is going to stand in my
way” she advanced towards Jane as she
spoke. “For the last time, give me those
results, or you wouldn’t like the next thing
I’m going to do”

“And I said get lost” Jane was walking to

the door to open it for Lauretha to leave, but
Lauretha pulled Jane on her hair, drawing
her back.
“Don’t you dare walk out on me”

Jane freed herself from Lauretha’s grip, and

slapped her on the cheek. And before she
could react, Jane slapped the other cheek.
“Don’t you ever lay your filthy hands on me

Lauretha who was still shocked at Jane’s

boldness, held her hurting cheeks. “I can
see, the chicken has suddenly grown teeth,
now you think you can bite right?”

“Lauretha, if you try me, I will not only bite

you, but I will chew on you. I warn you to
leave now!” Jane wasn’t taking her eyes off
Lauretha, just in case she wanted to play
funny, even though, she was only bluffing
and couldn’t withstand a fight with Lauretha,
she still needed to keep her guard.

“Fine, show what you’ve got” Lauretha

challenged Jane.

Jane knew Lauretha was stronger than her,

and could easily beat the hell out of her. So
she immediately grabbed a flower vase
which was on the table beside her, and as
Lauretha came closer, she crashed it on
her head, making Lauretha scream out in
pain, and held her already bleeding head.
Just then, the door swung open, and Jeffery
walked in with two police men.

“Freeze everyone” one of the police officer

shouted pointing a gun at Lauretha as she
tried to reiterate.
“Oh baby, I’m so sorry” Jeffery went to
Jane’s side, and hugged her. When he got
her text message, he tried calling her, but
she wasn’t picking up, he became worried
and decided to inform the police.

“You are under arrest ma’am, for

trespassing” the second officer came and
handcuffed a screaming Lauretha and
escorted her to the car.

“Are you okay miss?” The first police officer

asked Jane who held on to Jeffery’s shirt
like her life depended on it.

“I’m fine officer, thank you so much for

coming” she was scared they were going to
arrest her as well.
“Thank you officer, we will be at the station
for her to make her statement” Jeffery
thanked the officer.

“So that boy is not mine?” Jeffery asked in

disbelief, after Jane had show him the DNA

“Apparently, Lauretha wanted to have you

by all means, so she decided pin another’s
man’s child on you”

“This is unbelievable” Jeffery sounded so


“I’m sorry Jeff, I know you were already

starting to bond with that boy”
“It’s okay, we are going to have our own
beautiful children, and raise them together.
And the girls would look just as beautiful, as
their mother”

“And our sons would look just like you,

strong, handsome, smart and intelligent. Of
course they won’t inherit your heart
breaking genes, God knows their father has
broken enough hearts, to last several
generations to come”

“At least they get to inherit my good looking

gene, and also my smartness, I think that’s
enough. They can take the rest from their
mother” he placed a soft kiss on her lips.
“I’m sorry you had to fight Lauretha all
“It’s okay, let’s thank God it wasn’t my head
that got broken”

“I never knew you could fight, to the extent

of breaking someone’s head”

“After being kidnapped twice, you learn to

protect yourself from further threat, or
anything that looks like a kidnap threat”

“I’m sorry you had to go through all these

for my sake. I can’t wait for us to get

“Me neither”

“We are going to get married no matter

what, I don’t care whatever they throw at
us, come next weekend we are getting




Later that night, Jeffery and Jane went to

the police station, for Jane to write her
statement of what transpired between
Lauretha and herself. Lauretha was granted
bail that same night, but not until she had
signed an undertaking, and promised to
stay away from Jane and Jeffery’s lives.
The next morning, Jeffery decided to pay
Lauretha a visit before leaving for work.

“Jeffery I am sorry I lied to you about you

being Remi’s father”

“Lauretha, you almost made me claim

someone else’s son as mine, what if Jane
hadn’t found out? That’s how I would have
raised that boy believing him to be mine?”

“I’m sorry, I was just desperate to be

married to you, now that you already know
the truth, we can still get married. Besides
the whole of Lagos already saw the video of
you breaking up with Jane. Let’s get
married Jeffery. Please”
“I’m sorry Lauretha, but being desperate
doesn’t justify what you did. I’m here to
warn you to stay away from I and Jane’s
lives, if you don’t want to see my ugly side”

*One week later*

Jane was sleeping peacefully, having a

beautiful dream of her getting married to
Jeffery. When she heard Amaka’s voice.

“Wake up sleeping beauty, it’s time to get


Jane opened her eyes to find Amaka

smiling down at her.

“It’s your wedding day, and you must not

attend your own wedding late”
Jane quickly jumped out of bed, and ran
into the bathroom. Finally the day has come
when she and Jeffery would be united as
man and wife.

When Jane came out of the bathroom, her

makeup artist was already in the room
waiting for her, so she could make her up.
Jeffery had insisted she and Amaka lodged
in the same hotel, he had lodged her sister
and family members who had come from
the East to attend their wedding.

Jane wore one of the hotel room’s robe,

and sat down for her makeup to be done.
Few minutes later, there was a knock on
the door, Amaka went to check who was at
the door, and saw it was a female
photographer, she was to capture all the
moments as Jane was being dressed, the
event planner had sent her.

When the makeup artist was done, Jane

couldn’t recognize her own self, she looked
so beautiful and enchanting. The makeup
artist who was also, a hair stylist installed a
beautiful human hair wig, on Jane’s head,
securing it well enough, making sure it
doesn’t come off even if Jane was to jump.

Amaka who was already dressed in her

own beautiful, champagne colored, chief
bridesmaid dress, helped Jane out of the
robe she had on, then she, and the makeup
artist, helped her into her wedding dress.

It was a sparkling white wedding gown, with

an off shoulder, and a V neckline, which
showed off Jane’s beautiful collar bones. It
was cinched at the waist, while the skirt
was flowy in spaghetti layers, which formed
a ball that spread all across the floor. The
dress, gave Jane a regal, and a Cinderella

“Oh my God, you look so beautiful” Amaka

teared up, as she admired the wedding
dress on Jane. “You look so angelic Jane”

“Angelic and breathtaking” the makeup

artist added.

“Thank you, I can’t believe this day is finally

here, after everything, I still get to be
Jeffery’s wife”
“Don’t you ruin your makeup now, I’m the
only person allowed to cry here” Amaka
dabbed Jane’s eyes with a tissue.

“Wow….., aren’t you a radiant sight to

behold?” Dami said as she walked into the
room, and found Jane standing in her
wedding dress. She too was already
dressed in a beautiful skirt and blouse
which was made from a red lace material.

“My beautiful sister and friend” Dami held

Jane’s both hands. “As you get wedded to
the love of your life this day, your home is
blessed. You both have defied all odds, and
are still getting married today, despite all
that was thrown at you. For this, no harm
will come near you, nor your husband. Your
children will surround your table” Dami’s
eyes were tightly shut, as she prayed for
Jane from heart, and tears streamed down
her cheeks. “Because Jeffery has found
you, he has found favor with the Lord. You
will both never have a cause to regret
marrying each other, In Jesus name”

“Amen” everyone in the room all echoed.

The makeup artist helped to make Amaka,

and Dami up. After that, Jane received a
call that their ride to the church was waiting
outside. They helped Jane to put on her
silver heel shoe, and also helped fix her
veil, and all went outside, to enter the car,
but not before the photographer took some
shots of Jane alone, and with Amaka,
Dami, and her husband, and family.

Jane wasn’t surprised, to find out her ride

was a limo. Jeffery already told her earlier,
that he was sending a limo to bring her to
church. She and Amaka were to use the
limo, while a G wagon was provided for
Dami, and her husband, with two other of
his family members he came with. Dami’s
husband, was going to be the one to walk
Jane down the aisle.

When Jane got into the limo, she found a

note on the back seat, from Jeffery.

”I have waited for this day all my life, and

now that day is finally here, you are my
wish come true. I love you Jane, soon to be
Mrs. Ademola”

“Isn’t Jeffery so romantic?” Amaka asked as

she read the note herself. “I’m really happy
for you my dear friend. I’m happy you didn’t
fight love, but allowed yourself to love and
be loved”

“All thanks to you, who kept advising, and

pushing me, the times, I tried giving up on
this love. And I think you need to take your
own advice as well”

Jane was still talking when, the driver

came, and opened the door for her.

“We have arrived the church ma’am”

“I guess, you would have to keep your

lecture for another time” Amaka helped to
raise the skirt of Jane’s wedding dress as
she came down from the car.
There were so many photographers outside
the church building, waiting for her. Many of
which, were from the press, and several
gossip magazines and tabloids. The
moment she stepped out of the car, there
were different snapshots from all angles.
Jane knew their wedding was going to
cause a lot of confusion, as just a week
ago, Lauretha had sent out a video of
Jeffery breaking up with Jane. And now
here she was getting married, to the same

Dami’s husband came to her side, and

hooked his left arm around hers. And they
both walked into the church together. A
pianist played ”here comes the bride”, as
Jane walked down the aisle.
Jeffery was already standing at the altar,
with Dele his best man behind him. He was
dressed in a cream tux, with a black
trouser, and a black designer shoes to go.
Dele was dressed in a similar way too, but
Jane had eyes for only Jeffery. He looked
so handsome, and knightly as he stood
smiling at her, as she walked towards him,
in the company of Dami’s husband.

The closer she got, the realer it felt to

Jeffery. He was finally getting married to the
woman of his dreams; Jane. His chest
tightened at how stunning she looked in her
wedding dress, the way it perfectly fit her,
made it look like the wedding dress was
sewn on her. He made a mental note, to
pay her dress designer extra.
When they got to the altar, Dami’s husband
handed Jane over to Jeffery, before going
to take his seat, Dele went to sit down as
well, leaving Jane and Jeffery alone with
the preacher at the altar.

“You look beautiful” Jeffery whispered into

Jane’s ear as he took her hands from her
uncle. Making her smile, thank God she
had a veil on, so no one could notice.

“We are all gathered here to witness the

holy solemnization of the union of these two
children of the most high, if there be anyone
who has any reason why this two should
not be wed, say so now, or forever remain
silent” The preacher announced to the
There was a loud silence in the room,
Jane’s heart beat hard, and fast against her
chest. Jeffery looked at the congregation as
if daring anyone to dare him, and come out
to oppose their marriage. He had made
sure to put tight security on guard, both at
the church premises, and even at the
reception venue. So anyone who poses as
a threat, will be escorted out immediately.

“If there be none, the couple will now take

their vows”

They had both agreed to write their vows

themselves. Little Jonathan, who was the
ring bearer, brought the ring to them. Erica
his mother who was completely healed from
her surgery, was seated in the congregation
with Jeffery’s parents.
Jeffery was the first to say his vow;

“Jane, I cannot believe I got lucky enough,

to be the lucky man to marry you today. I
promise to never leave your side, no matter
how hard the situation gets. This ring is a
promise, that you will never have to face
this harsh world alone. I promise to protect,
and keep you from harm’s way, and to
always love you until my dying breath”

When Jeffery was done taking his vows, he

slipped the ring on Jane’s left finger. After
that, Jane took her own vows;

“Today, surrounded by all your loved ones,

I choose you Jeffery Ademola, to be my
husband. You make me laugh, you make
me happy. You are my life, you are my
everything. I promise to be your best friend,
and wife, I promise to be your number one
cheer leader, cherish and respect you. And
above all, I vow to love you without

Some of the people in congregation were

already tearing up as they took their vows.

After Jane had slipped the ring on Jeffery’s

finger, the preacher pronounced them
husband and wife.

The whole congregation clapped in

celebration, Amaka stood up and screamed
a loud praise the Lord, and everyone
answered with an Hallelujah. Then she
screamed again; “the Lord has finally done
it ooo, shame on bad people!” Dele had to
gently pull her back on her seat, as they
both sat together. Making the whole
congregation to burst into laughter.

“You may now kiss your bride” the preacher

said to Jeffery, who didn’t hesitate to close
the gap between him and Jane. And slowly,
he raised her veil, and sealed their love with
a gentle kiss on her lips.

The moment their lips touched, the whole

congregation went in an uproar, there was
whistling and clapping of hands from every
corner, none of which mattered to the newly
Weds, as they kept kissing. The preacher
had to clear his throat before they stopped.
And they were led into the pastor’s office to
sign and have their marriage certificate.

When they came back from signing the

marriage certificate, Jeffery’s parents came,
and hugged them both, welcoming Jane to
the family, Anita and Erica weren’t left out.
While Amaka stood behind Jane, making
sure no one stepped on Jane’s wedding
dress, or came to close for comfort. After
which, they all went outside, for pictures,
and headed down to the reception venue.

“Finally, here we are, together as a married

couple, how did I get so lucky?” Jeffery had
his forehead on Jane’s. His hands were on
her waist, while she had her own hands
wrapped around his neck, as they had their
first couple’s dance.

“To think, there was a time I felt this day

was never going to come”

“I told you I would never give up on us,

didn’t I?” Jeffery kissed her. ”So we get to
finally open the cookie jar tonight?” Jeffery
whispered into her ears.

“We will see about it” Jane answered


“What is that supposed to mean? Wasn’t

the deal to open it after the wedding?”

“Yeah, but I sort of changed my mind. But

there’s something that could actually make
me change it back to our former agreement

“And what could that be?”

“Tell me where, we are going for our

“My ever smart Mrs. Ademola, I can see
you are learning some tricks”

“What can I say? My husband is a good


“Hmmmmm…, I can see what you are

trying to do, but it’s not going to work this
time, our honeymoon location is a surprise.
And I’m keeping it so”

“Then the cookie jar, would have to remain


“That’s if you would be able to resist my

charm tonight” They both laughed, because
they knew it was impossible.



Amaka stood at the corner of the reception

hall, watching the newly weds, as they spun
around the dance floor, both looking
lovingly into each other’s eyes. Nothing
seemed to matter to them as they danced.
Jeffery kept whispering into Jane’s ear, and
she kept smiling at whatever he was telling
her. That moment as she stood watching
them, she wished for a love as beautiful as
theirs, a love that stays devoted, even when
the going is tough.

“Beautiful sight to behold, aren’t they?” Dele

said from behind Amaka.

“Beautiful indeed, love they say; is truly a

beautiful thing”. Amaka looked at Jane and
Jeffery with a longing in her eyes.

“That could be us you know? But you have

decided to be stubborn, and fight love from
all sides”
“Bia, this yoruba boy, are you trying to
provoke me or something?” Amaka turned
to look at Dele.

“See what I’m saying? A guy is just trying to

have a harmless conversation, and you
have turned it around already”

“Oh really? Then please forgive me for not

understanding that being called stubborn,
and anti-love, is a compliment”

“I didn’t mean it that way, and you know it”

“I don’t know whatever it is you meant Dele,

and I really don’t want to. It’s my best
friend’s wedding, and I just want to have
fun” Amaka started to move her body to the
music that was being played, ignoring Dele
who stood there staring at her.

After the couple’s dance, it was time for the

best man to give his speech, Dele went
upstage, not taking his eyes off Amaka, as
he rendered his speech.

Amaka who was still standing where Dele

had left her, listened as he told the guests,
of how Jeffery was more than a friend to
him. As she watched him speak, the only
question she kept asking herself was; why
couldn’t she give Dele a chance? He has
been persistent about his feelings for her,
and she clearly likes him too, then why
wasn’t she allowing herself the chance to
love, or at least be loved? ‘It’s because you
have a secret that would break whatever
you think you can build with him’ a silent
voice said to her. Truly, there is no way she
is ever going to be able find love, with the
secret she carried with her.

By evening, the reception ceremony was

over, and almost all the guests who came
to celebrate with Jeffery and Jane, had
already left.

It was just Jane and Jeffery’s family, and a

few other guests, who were left. Anita who
was almost like a second wedding planner
at the wedding, making sure everyone was
served refreshments, and nothing went
amiss, sat at a far end of the hall, tending to
her baby, while her husband conversed
with her.

Erica who was looking so much better, and

fully recovered, than the last time Jane had
seen her, was carrying a sleeping
Jonathan, as she came to say goodbye to
the couple before leaving.

Jeffery’s mother who ended up almost

inviting the half of Lagos for the wedding,
was still moving around, making sure
guests who came from a far distance, and
couldn’t go back that same day, were
provided with adequate lodging
accommodations, while her husband was
busy sipping from a glass of wine, as he
conversed with some old time associates of
his, who attended the wedding.

“Amaka thank you so much, I owe you big

time” Jane said to Amaka as they both
stood to say their goodbyes, before she and
Jeffery left for their hotel, they were going
for their honeymoon the next day, and
Jeffery had suggested they stayed in a
hotel that night, to avoid being disturbed, by
people who might want to come visit all in
the name of coming to congratulate them.

“You owe me nothing, now go and enjoy

your first night as a married woman” Amaka
hugged her.

Finally, after they’ve said their goodbyes to

everyone, the couples left for their hotel.

Amaka decided to take her tired self, back

to the apartment she once shared with
Jane. Now she was going to be sleeping in
it alone, not just for this night, nor a week,
but for a very long time, at least until she
decides to move out of the apartment, into
another one, which she is still going to be
sleeping alone in.
Jane wasn’t even gone for up to a day, and
Amaka was already missing her. She felt
like crying.

“I could drive you home if you want”

Amaka was startled as she heard Dele’s

voice behind her, “Can’t you just speak to
someone in their front? Must you come
from behind?”

“What can I say? I like it from behind, I think

you should already know that about me by
now” Dele flashed Amaka his beautiful set
of teeth, and his dimples which she loves
so much.
“Then go, and look for someone else who is
willing, to do it from behind with you”
Amaka gathered her things and started to

“Why do I need to do that, when I already

have you?”

“Dele please leave me alone, I’m tired and

need to rest”

“And here I am, offering my services, Let

me drop you off, I could even give you a
massage, if you want” he walked beside
her, as she walked towards the parking lot.
Jeffery already instructed his driver to take
her home.
“No thank you, but Jeffery’s driver would be
taking me home, and I don’t need your

“I really want to drive you to your

apartment, please”

“Why? So you can try to seduce me?”

“No, so I can be with you, even if it’s just for

the short period of the drive”

Amaka saw the look in Dele’s eyes, she

could tell he genuinely wanted her
company. So she decided to tell Jeffery’s
driver not to bother about driving her back
to her apartment.
“Where is your car parked?” She asked
Dele when she was done talking to Jeffery’s

“Please come with me my lady” Dele

flashed those his teeth at her again. If only
he knew what his smile was doing to her,
he wouldn’t smile so often.

When they got to where Dele parked his

car, he opened the door for Amaka, and he
drove her home.

“Dele what exactly do you want from me?”

Amaka asked, as they got to her gate.

“I’m not going to do the dance Amaka. I like

you a whole lot, and would love to date you.
I’m not dating to date. I’m dating to find the

“And you think I’m the one? You think I’m

that special someone? Because if you do,
then, I think you are clearly mistaken”

“And why is that Amaka? Why do you think

I’m mistaken if I think you are the one?”

“There is no such thing as the one, besides

Dele, I can’t give you what you want, I’m
damaged goods, I’m not capable of loving

“And I still want you regardless, I don’t care,

if you are a brand new product or not, all I
care about is you, and if you come
damaged, then I’m willing to have you, as
you are”

“You don’t give up, do you?”

“Nope, it’s not in my DNA, I don’t know how

to give up. Amaka please just give us a

“What if it doesn’t work out? What happens

to us? Dele you are Jeffery’s friend, so that
means we will always run into each other,
because Jane is my friend. Look how
awkward it was, when we had a one
nightstand with each other, I don’t want go
down that lane again”

“What if it works out?”

Amaka thought about what Dele said, she
was only thinking of the downside. Dating
Dele might actually turn out to be a
beautiful experience, and she might never
find out, if she keeps pushing him away,
and don’t give him a chance.

“Alright, let’s do it then”

“Is that a yes to you being my girlfriend?”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, let’s just

take things slow, and see how it goes”

“Totally fine by me, does that mean I can

now give you that massage?” He winked at
her, showing off those cute dimples of his.
“Don’t push your luck” Amaka got down
from the car and walked into her
compound. While Dele sat in his car
smiling, he just crossed the first hurdle, and
knew it wouldn’t take time before he makes
Amaka fall in love with him. Patience was
all he needed, and he had enough where
Amaka was concerned.

Dele: How was your night?

Amaka: It was fine, how was yours?

It was 6:am, and Amaka was lying on her

bed, chatting with Dele, something they
always do very often, when they weren’t
around each other.
Dele: it was cold, because you weren’t with

Amaka: don’t you have a blanket?

Dele: blankets don’t talk.

Amaka: then get a radio, and place it under

the blanket, you automatically have a
talking blanket

Dele: very funny, what are your plans for

the day?

Amaka: nothing unusual, do my laundry,

and then binge watch on a series I’m
following on Netflix.
Dele: sounds cool, would you mind
accompanying for furniture shopping, later
this afternoon? I recently got a new
apartment, and I would need a second
opinion in choosing it’s furniture. And I
would like you to come with me, please?

Amaka: hmmmmmmm, no problem, but you

would have to pay for my services though.

Dele: no problem, just name your price.

Amaka: how about, we start with you

making me, that spaghetti bolognese you
made for me the last time I was at your

Dele: Just that?

Amaka: let’s start with that first, I will let you
know the rest later.

Dele: consider it done

Amaka: good, then you have yourself a


Dele: I will come pick you up by 12pm?

Amaka: fine by me

Dele: see you then

Amaka: Bye.

As Amaka ended her chat with Dele, she

laid on her bed facing the ceiling. What is
she doing? She promised herself she was
going to guard her heart from falling in love
with Dele, but here she is, doing the exact
opposite. It’s been two weeks since she
agreed to start something with Dele, and
with each passing day she spends with him,
she keeps falling deeper and deeper for

This was not the plan Amaka, you can’t

allow yourself to fall for this guy, you have a
secret that can ruin your relationship
remember? Amaka could hear her
subconscious part telling her.

But what if Dele wouldn’t mind when he

gets to know about it? You shouldn’t
deprive yourself of the chance to love,
because of fear of the unknown. Her other
subconscious part said to her.
Amaka rolled on her stomach, burying her
face in her pillow. What was she going to
do? Her feelings were already getting in the
way of her reasoning, and her fondness for
Dele, was growing more than she would
want it to.

She decided to call Jane, at least she has

been through something similar, and would
advise her what to do.

She checked the time, it was still quite early

to call someone, especially someone who
was on a honeymoon, but Jane wasn’t just
any person, she was definitely going to pick
Amaka’s call, if she doesn’t want trouble.

“Hello” came Jane’s sweet voice.

“My honeymooning friend, hope I didn’t
wake you?”

“Not really, what’s up”

“Can we talk?”

“Yes sure” Jane looked at a sleeping

Jeffery, and decided to go the balcony
instead, to avoid waking him up.

“Jane I’m in trouble…” Amaka wailed.

“What happened?” Jane asked concerned.

“I’m falling for Dele, oh Jane what am I

going to do?”
“Is that the trouble you are in? Here I was
thinking; something bad had happened to

“Is this not enough trouble? Or didn’t you

hear what I said?”

“I heard you Amaka, and I think it’s a good

thing that you are falling for Dele, you are
falling in love my friend”

“How is that a good thing? I can’t fall for

that guy Jane, he is not good for me and
you know it”

“And just how is he not good for you? In

what way exactly?”
“Do I need to state the reasons? For one he
is a bad boy, Jane you know bad boys are
not good for anyone”

“And the last time I checked, you liked bad

boys, besides people change Amaka,
Jeffery was a bad boy before we met, but
look at us now, you shouldn’t use people’s
past to judge them, Amaka”

“But what if, he finds out I can’t have

children, would he still love me?”

“Amaka, I understand your fear, so I’m

going to give you same advice you gave
me. Allow yourself to love and be loved, live
for the moment, take it one minute at a
“So are you saying, I shouldn’t tell him I
can’t have children?”

“No, that’s not what I’m saying. You guys

just started out, and are still getting to know
each other, by the time you are sure it’s him
you really want, then you can bring up the

“And what if he leaves me?”

“At least you would know, you gave a shot

at love”

“I guess I would just take your advice,

thanks Jane”

“You are welcome”

“And who could have called my wife this
early morning, making her leave me in
bed?” Jeffery held Jane’s waist as he
nuzzled her neck, making her to giggle.

“I guess Jeffery is awake?” Amaka who was

still on the line asked.

“Yes, I have to go now bye”

“Bye, and my regards to Jeffery”

Jane ended the call, and turned to face her

husband. “Amaka, says hi”

“How is she?” He continued nuzzling Jane’s

“She is beginning to fall for your friend’s

“Dele?” Jeffery raised his head to look at


“Yup, I think your friend has charmed his

way into her heart” she wrapped her hands
around his neck.

“Then, that’s a good thing. I have long

waited to see this happen”

“You sure did teach your friend how to

charm a difficult woman”
“Same way I did yours” Jeffery hauled her
to himself, and carried her back into the

“What are you doing Mr. Ademola?”

“How about I show you, instead of telling

you, Mrs. Ademola?”

“By all means please do”

By 12noon, Dele was at Amaka’s place to

pick her up, and they drove to one of the
furniture show rooms on the island part of

“What do you think of this?” Dele asked

Amaka, as they checked out a dining set.
“I love it, it will definitely make eating to be

“Really?, I never thought a dining set could

have an impact on how we ate?”

“Of course it does, if you sit on a boring

dining to eat, you are guaranteed not to
enjoy your meal”

“And I definitely want to enjoy every of my

meals, so I’m taking it”

They went over to the chair section, to pick

the chairs for Dele’s new sitting room.
“Which one would you like?” Dele asked

“It’s your sitting room, not mine, so which

one would you prefer?”

“I would like to see what you like” Dele

folded his arms, flashing Amaka a cute

“Hmmmm, if I were to choose, then I would

go for this set” Amaka pointed to a cream
colored set of couches.


“Aside from the color? Which would give

your space a beautiful ambience, come sit
on it” Amaka stretched out her hand to
Dele, who took it, and followed her to sit on
one of the couch.

“Do you feel that? Do you feel how

comfortable it feels against your body?
Imagine yourself sitting on this couch after
a long day’s work” Amaka closed her eyes
as she spoke.

Dele sat staring at her. “The only picture I

can see, is that of you and I, cuddled up on
this couch after a long day’s work”

Amaka immediately opened her eyes, and

sprang to her feet. “I think you should check
out other couches”

“Nope, I’m taking this one” Dele said,

patting the couch.
When they were done shopping for the
furniture, Dele drove Amaka to his
apartment, and prepared the spaghetti
bolognese she had requested for.

“Ummmmmmm… This. Tastes. So. Nice”

Amaka commended the food as she

chewed slowly.

Dele stood watching her as she chewed

with her eyes closed, something he has
come to notice she always does, if she was
enjoying something, or a moment.

“Where did you learn how to cook such

delicious spaghetti?” She finally opened her
“Well, it’s hard for me not to know how to,
considering the fact that it’s one of my
restaurant’s specials” Dele has over twenty
different restaurants, both within and
outside of Lagos. It’s one of the businesses
his parents had left behind.

“So are you saying, you know how to

prepare every meal your restaurant

“Yup, because I actually develop the

recipes myself”

“Really? I never knew that”

“Well, now you do”

“So what else, apart from cooking, do you
know how to do?” Amaka propped her
elbows on the dinning table.

“I also know how to do this” he bent, and

brought his face closer to hers, he waited a
second, if she was going to push him away,
but she didn’t. She was calm, staring into
his eyes.

He finally closed the gap between them,

and kissed her. First it was a chaste kiss,
which later deepened, and turned into that
of lust.

“I can’t do this Dele, I’m sorry” Amaka broke

away from the kiss.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that”

“No it’s fine, I think I should just go” Amaka
stood up.

“Why? You haven’t even finished your food,

you barely even touched it. If it’s because of
the kiss, I’m sorry, I promise it won’t happen
again, just don’t go, at least stay, and finish
your food”

“No, I think I should just go” as Amaka

walked past Dele, he held her hand, and
drew her back to himself.

“What are you running away from Amaka?”

“You Dele, you”

There was no feeling that could be
compared to that, which Jeffery felt when
he woke up with his wife’s naked body,
closely pressed against his skin. This was a
feeling he was beginning to get addicted to,
and it’s an addiction, which he wouldn’t
want to give up.

He looked at Jane’s lovely face, as she

peacefully slept, her face was placed
against his chest, with her hands on his
shoulders, a position she always loves to
sleep in. He used his finger to remove a
stray hair from her face, as her hair bonnet
should be lying somewhere around the
room, not that it could have still remained
on her head, especially not with the type of
lovemaking they had last night.
Jane stirred a little, making Jeffery have a
clearer view of her full breast. This was his
wife in all her glory, and he loves every bit
of what he sees, a view that he would never
get tired to behold for the rest of his life.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” Jane

slowly opened her eyes.

“You are a beautiful sight to behold by

beautiful wife”

“awww.. okay, now I’m blushing” she smiled

at him.

“You should my love” Jeffery kissed her on

her forehead, and then gently separated
her body from his, so he could stand up,
making Jane grumble.
“Where are you going? It’s too early to be
out of bed” she complained, making Jeffery
laugh as he strolled across the room. They
were already back from their honey, but
they still basked in the honeymoon

Jane propped her head on her left hand, as

she stared at her husband who walked butt
naked around their bedroom, something
she wished, she had the boldness to do.

Jeffery walked back to the bed, holding a

small box wrapped with a ribbon, and
handed it over to Jane.

“What is it?” she asked with curiosity.

“You would have to open it, to find out” he
said smiling.

Jane opened the box, and found a car key

in it. “Is this what I’m thinking it is?”

“Yes it is, I know you can’t drive yet, so

Solomon will have to be taking you around,
until you have fully learnt how to drive”

“oh Jeff, thank you so much” Jane hugged


“You are welcome”

“I can’t wait to see it” Jane screamed

“Then don’t, let’s go see it”




As Jane stood up, she gathered the duvet

with her, using it to wrap around herself, so
she could look for something to put on.
Something Jeffery has been telling her to
stop doing, but she has refused. So this
time around, he quickly grabbed the duvet
from her, making Jane yelp in
embarrassment, as she was left with
nothing to cover herself.

“Jeff…. What did you do that for?”

Jeffery slowly stood up from the bed, and
walked over to where she was, and took
her hand. Jane who looked like she could
kill him with her stare, reluctantly gave him
her hand, as he led her to the large mirror
in their bedroom.

Jeffery stood behind Jane, and placed his

hands on her shoulders as they stood
facing the mirror together, Jane tried
looking away, but Jeffery turned her face
back to the mirror.

“Baby, please look at the mirror”

Jane stared at her own reflection in the

“I want you to look at your body, and see
how beautiful it is, baby you have a body to
die for. And it hurts me, when I see you
trying to cover it up whenever I’m around,
simply because you are ashamed, or don’t
feel confident enough about it. Why would
you be ashamed of a body as beautiful as

“I’m not ashamed of my body, I am just

being….” Jane couldn’t finish her
statement, for she knew Jeffery was right,
she wasn’t proud of her body, she has
never been once known to be comfortable
in her own skin. Something Jeffery has
been preaching about, since they got
engaged. He was able to recently convince
her, to stop rushing to have her clothes
back on, immediately they just finished
having sex.
“You remember that morning in the kitchen,
when you walked to where I was cooking,
and took off what you are putting on, and
we made love in the kitchen?” Jeffery
whispered into her ears, reminding her of
the day, she had suggested they get

“Yes, I do” Up until this day, Jane still can’t

explain, what it was that got into her that

“I considered that very hot and sexy, I love

that part of you Jane, I love every inch of
you, and wouldn’t want you hiding any of it
from me please. You are beautifully and
wonderfully made, so, you should feel
confident in your body, and should walk
with confidence too, because you are my
woman, and I love you”
As Jeffery spoke, Jane stared at herself in
the mirror, taking in every inch of her body.
She stood there believing every of Jeffery’s
word about her body being beautiful, and
she felt every negative thought, and word,
Mr. Okafor had said to her about her body
not being beautiful enough, disappeared.
Jeffery is her husband, and she believes
every word he is saying regarding her body.
She truly has a body to die for.

“Baby, you are crying, what is it? Is it

because of what I said? I’m sorry I….”

Jane turned around, and hugged him.

“Thank you so much Jeff”
“Ehh, what is going on?” Jeffery asked, still
confused at why she was crying, and
thanking him.

Jane pulled out from the hug, and kissed

him, slowly and passionately. Jeffery could
feel her pouring herself out to him, it was as
if something had been unlocked within her,
and whatever it was, Jeffery was the one
who had the keys.

Jane took Jeffery’s hands, and drew him

towards the bed, and when they got to it,
she slowly pushed him unto it.

Jeffery obliged every of her move, with a

smile on his face. Whoever this his new
wife has become, he was definitely liking.
Jeffery carried his wife’s limp body into the
bathroom, where they showered together,
after which they dressed up, and went
downstairs to see the car he had bought

It was the latest Lexus 570 jeep, a car she

had once admired, when she and Jeffery
had just started dating. He had casually
asked her if she would like to own a car like
that some day, and she had said yes,
without knowing he had it in mind to buy it
for her.

“I wanted to give it to you months ago, but I

knew you won’t accept it, so I decided to
wait until we are married”
“My God, thank you so much Jeff” Jane
hugged her ever caring, and sensitive

“Hey Amaka how is it going?”

Amaka looked up from her food, and found

Katherine standing in front of her, holding a
tray of food, all smiles. Since after the
shooting incident at their place, where
Katherine and Vivian were both shot and
badly injured, none of them have been to
work. It was rumored last week at the office,
that they were going to be resuming this
week. And indeed, here Katherine was,
standing in front of Amaka.

“Hi Katherine, how have you been?” Amaka

asked dryly, hoping for Katherine not to
linger. Gunshot or not, Amaka still hated
this girl.

“I’m okay, doing better now. You know I

was shot right?”

Now that she has brought it up, there was

no way Amaka would dismiss her on time.

“Oh, yeah I heard, so sorry about that, hope

you are fully recovered now?”

“Yeah, getting better by the day, do you

mind if I joined you?” Katherine asked.

Amaka could see, she really looked

hopeful, and would want her to say yes,
something she has been dreading, even
though Jane has told her several times to
forgive, and forget all what Katherine had
done in the past, she still can’t. It’s as if
whenever she sees her, the hatred is

“Amaka, if it bothers you that I sit here, I

can go to another table” Katherine said with
a hint of hurt evident in her voice.

“If you knew you could sit somewhere else,

then why did you come here in the first
place?” Amaka wasn’t going to allow her to
guilt trip her. “You can sit if you want”

“Thank you” Katherine joined Amaka on the

table. “Amaka, I know you still haven’t
completely forgiven me for what I did to
your friend Jane, and if there is anything I
really regret it’s the things I did to Jane, and
I would like for you to forgive me please”
“Hmm, Katherine, whatever you did lies
with your conscience, now if you will excuse
me, I need to get back to work” Amaka
stood up and went back to her office.

“Hey married woman, how you dey?”

Amaka answered Jane’s call as she got
back into her office.

“I am great, in fact I am feeling terrific, I

have a great news!” Jane announced with
so much happiness in her voice.

“Really? Oya give me the gist”

“Jeffery bought me a car!”

“Wow, that is a fantastic news,
congratulations my friend”

“Thank you dear, so I need you to get

ready, I’m coming to pick you up after work
because, we are going out to celebrate…”

“Oh, I’m sorry but that might not be


“Really, why?”

“I’m meeting with Dele after work, I’m sorry

maybe we can do this tomorrow?”

“That’s not a problem, I’m happy you have

finally decided to give Dele a chance”
“I haven’t decided yet, I’m still trying to see
how it goes. So please keep your fingers

“Is that the lie you have been telling


“It’s not a lie Jane, and you know it. You of

all people should understand. I don’t want
to rush into anything with Dele, I really need
to be sure of his intentions for me”

“Okay o madam, whatever you say. Do let

me know when will be convenient for you,
so we can go out”

“I sure will do”

After Amaka ended her call with Jane, she
decided to get her work for the day finished
on time, so she can leave the office on time
to be with Dele.

She was so engrossed with the file she was

working on, that she didn’t notice someone
was standing in front of her.


Amaka raised her head to find a guy

standing in front of her, smiling at her.

She had to look at the door to know if he

came through it, because she didn’t hear it
“I actually came in through the door, if that’s
what you were wondering” he responded as
though, he could hear her thoughts.

From the confused look on her face, he

could tell she was wondering, how he knew
what she was thinking.

“Sorry, how may I help you?” She asked.

“I’m Pius Kayode”

“Okay Pius?” Amaka waved her fingers,

asking him to keep talking, because she still
doesn’t understand why he was in her

“I am the new manager of the social media

The moment those words left his lips,
Amaka immediately sprang to her feet. This
was her new boss. Her former boss had re-
signed last week, and his replacement was
to resume this week. She was expecting
him to be a bit older, more like a middle
aged man, like the previous one who just
re-signed. Never did it cross her mind that
he was going to be this young, and sexy.
‘Amaka, comport yourself, remember you
have Dele’

“I’m sorry sir. Welcome. Good afternoon”

He smiled. “Good afternoon, I was here a

while ago, but it seems you went out for
“Yes sir, I actually..” as Amaka spoke, she
looked up at his face, a decision she
wished she hadn’t taken. For her eyes
remained glued on his eyes, and then
moved down to his lips, as they slowly
parted when he spoke. Was he married?
For her own good, she really hoped he was.

“Amaka can you hear me?” He snapped his

finger in her face.

“Oh yes, I’m sorry what was it you said?”

“I said we will be working closely with each

other, especially with this new social media
campaign that the company is about to
launch, I was informed that you, and your
previous boss were working on
“Yes we were” Amaka looked at her desk
as she spoke to avoid being lost in those
eyes, or lips of his again.

“That’s nice, I would like to see it”

“I will send it to your email sir”

“Alright, I will be expecting it” he left for his

office, and as he was at the door, he turned
and looked at her. “And Amaka?”

“Yes sir?”

“Please drop the sir, just call me Pius” he

said with a flirty smile
“Okay sir, oh sorry Pius” she was nodding
her head vigorously.

“Thank you” he smiled at her again, as he

walked into his office.

What was wrong with her? How could she

be drooling over a guy who was supposed
to be her new boss? Blame it on Vivian who
chose to employ someone as hot as Pius,
to be her boss.

An hour later, after Amaka had forwarded

the details of the campaign she was
working on with her former boss to Pius,
she received a call through the intercom,
asking her to come to his office.
“Amaka, please I need you to explain some
things on this campaign to me” Pius looked
up from his computer.

Amaka has never wished for a day to end

as quickly as this day. She wanted to be out
of the same space as Pius, as they worked
together, she kept imagining his lips and
hands on her body, making it difficult for her
to concentrate on whatever he said to her.

As she shutdown her laptop to close for the

day, she quickly grabbed her handbag and
hurriedly left the office, before Pius sees
her and demands she does something else
for him. She needed to go far away from
the office premises, as quickly as possible,
before she ran mad.
When she got to the gate of her office,
Dele’s car was parked outside. For the first
time, she was glad to be rescued.

Dele already saw her coming, so he came

down and opened the door for her.

“Hi sweetie” he hugged her, and waited for

her to get into the car, closed the door and
turned around and got into the car.

“How was your day?” Amaka asked him as

he reared the engine to life and drove out of
the office premises.

He looked at her with a wide smile on his

face, and his deep dimples, and said; “it just
Amaka smiled and laid her head on the
seat of the car, as she tried to forget how
hot her new boss is, and focus on the
incredibly good looking and caring guy
beside her.

“Amaka are you okay?” He looked at her

with concern, she has been awfully quiet,
which was so unlike her.

“I’m fine, just having a slight headache”

“Oh sorry, would you like for us to stop by a

pharmacy, and get you a medication for it?”

“No, it’s nothing serious”

“Or would you like me to take you home?

We can do this outing some other time”
“Okay, I think that will be a good idea”

When they got to her apartment, Dele

walked her to the door.

“Yes” Amaka turned to Dele.

“What? Did you say?”

“I said yes to being your girlfriend, you want

us to date right? So let’s do it”

“Amaka, you shouldn’t say yes because it’s

what I want, but it should also be something
you want as well”

“It’s what I want Dele, so I say yes”




“Amaka are you falling for this guy?” Jane

asked in disbelief. They were having a
celebratory dinner, for Jane’s new car. And
all Amaka has talked about, is her new

“What do you mean by that? Of course not,

how can I be falling for Pius?”

“I should be the one asking you that,

because I don’t understand how you have
been talking about him all evening. And he
is the singular reason, we are celebrating
my new car, a month after I told you about
it. And don’t even come up with the excuse
of you being very busy at the office,
because we both know better.”

“Have I?” Amaka has been trying her best

not to think, or talk about Pius, but she has
been doing quite the opposite. It’s already
been a month, since Pius became her new
boss, and she also agreed to date Dele. But
this past month, all she has thought about,
was Pius and not about her boyfriend Dele.

Everyday, she looks forward to going to

work, because she was going to see him,
and they were going to be spending time
working together.

“Just in case you have forgotten, you are

now Dele’s girlfriend” Jane reminded her.

“Oh my God Dele” Amaka quickly took out

her phone from her purse, and started
dialing Dele’s number. He had called her
severally during the day, and even sent her
several text messages, wanting to know if
she was okay. But she didn’t take his call,
neither did she return any of his messages.
She had the intention of calling him back
after work, but she had forgotten to do so.
“Were you supposed to call him or
something?” Jane asked, as if she knew
what had happened.

“Yes, and I forgot” she called severally, but

he didn’t pick up, so she decided she was
going to stop by at his place, when she was
done having dinner with Jane.

“Amaka, do you want to tell me what is

going on? It’s obvious something is up, so I
ask; what is it?”

“Jane I don’t understand, what is going on

myself, ever since the day my new boss
resumed, all I have ever thought, and
fantasized about, is him. I have tried
severally to get him off my mind. That was
one of the reasons I finally agreed to date
Dele, but then it’s him I keep yearning for,
and not Dele. What do I do Jane? I’m

“This your new boss, is he flirty to you in

any way?”

“Sort of, I can see it in his eyes, that he

likes me too”

“You are playing with fire Amaka, and it

would be better for your own good, that you
stopped now, before that fire burns you”

After dinner with Jane, Amaka took an Uber

ride, and went to Dele’s place. When she
got there, she had to knock severally on the
door before he finally opened the door.
“Hi Dele” she stood smiling at him, as he
stared at her, his face expressionless.

“Can I come in?” She asked, after what

seemed like a whole minute of Dele staring
at her, and saying nothing.

Dele finally stepped out of the door for her

to come in.

“I’m sorry I missed your calls, and didn’t

reply any of your texts. I was actually very
busy with work” Amaka said to Dele as he
walked into the sitting room.

“And you are just closing from work?” He

sat down, and turned down the volume of
the television, using the remote.
“After work, I went out to have Dinner with
Jane, we were celebrating her new car”
Amaka was still standing.

“Okay” His facial expression was still

unreadable to Amaka.

“Is that all you are going to say? You are

just going to say Okay?”

“What do you want me to say Amaka” he

surfed the TV channels, searching for
something to watch.

“Are you seriously, going to give me attitude

because of this?”

“Dele I said I was sorry, what else do you

want me to say?”

More silence.

“You know, what you are doing is not fair

right? How would you feel if I gave you a
silent treatment?”

“But that’s exactly what you have been

doing” Dele spoke in a very calm voice.

“I have not been giving you a silent

treatment and you know it, I just got too
busy to reply or take any of your calls, I
already said I was sorry. What else do you
want from me?”
“It’s not just about today Amaka, it’s about
how you have been acting for the past one
month. You agreed to be my girlfriend, but
it’s as if we even talked, and related more
when we weren’t dating” Dele got up from
the chair, and walked into the kitchen to get
water, Amaka followed behind.

“Dele, work has been crazy and you know

it. I expect you to understand”

“Is it just work? Or is something else going

on?” He opened the fridge, and decided to
go for a beer instead, he offered one to
Amaka, but she declined.

“You haven’t answered my question

Amaka, have you just been too busy? Or
there is something else going on, that I
need to know about?” He took a sip of his
beer, and walked back to the sitting room.

Amaka couldn’t get herself to tell Dele she

was having feelings for her boss, and not
him. How was she supposed to tell him, her
boss is all she thinks, and dreams about,
instead him her boyfriend?

“Dele there is nothing else, going on. It’s

just work, and nothing more. Baby I’m sorry
we haven’t been talking much like we ought
to. I promise things will change”

“Amaka you remember what I told you the

first time, you agreed to be my girlfriend? I
told you, you should do this because it’s
what you want, and not because you want
to please me, or someone else. And I ask
again, Amaka are you sure you want to do
this? I would totally understand if you have
eyes for someone else, so I need you to be
honest with me”

Amaka stood fixated to the spot. This was

her opportunity to tell Dele, about her new
boss and the feelings she was beginning to
have for him. But that would mean, Dele
leaving her, and even if she wasn’t so sure
of her feelings for Dele, she wasn’t willing to
break things off with him yet.

Dele could tell she had something she

wanted to say, but was contemplating on if
to say it, or not. And he would really wish
she tells him the truth.

“Dele, I want to do this, but if you are no

longer interested, then that’s not a problem”
He stood up from his chair, and came to
stand in front of her. He knew she was
trying to play a smart move on him, by
pushing the question back to him.

“I really do like you Amaka, more than you

can think of. So let’s not fight again. I’m
sorry I got angry over your being too busy,
when I should have been more

“And I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t keep you in

the dark about whatever is going with me”

“It’s okay babe” He pulled her in for a hug.

“I missed you so much”

“Me too”
“Then you will spend the night then?” He
pulled out from the hug to look at her face.

“Emm, no. I have to go to work tomorrow,

and I don’t have what to change into” She
couldn’t spend the night at Dele’s, because
she was going to be face timing with Pius,
later at night.

“That’s not a problem, we can get you

something from one of the nearby

“No, no, that won’t be necessary because I

have a document I need to take to work
tomorrow, and it’s at my place. So you see,
I still have to get back to my place after all”
she gave a nervous laugh.
“Oh, it’s okay. I will just go drop you off

“Alright thanks”

When Jane got back home, she was

surprised to find a strange car she didn’t
know parked in the garage.

It was already past 8pm, and Jeffery

already told her he wanted to rest after the
long day’s work.

“Adamu, we have a visitor?” She asked the

gateman as she walked to the entrance of
the house.
“Yes madam”

“Who is it?”

“I nor know the person madam”

“Alright, just go back to your duty post, I will

find out myself when I get inside”

As Jane was about to go inside, Jeffery

came out and met her at the door.

“Hey babe” he kissed her “hmmmm have I

told you, you smell so nice?”

“You said that, when I was leaving. We

have a visitor?” Jane tried to open the door
but Jeffery stopped her.
“Hold on babe, I need to tell you something
before you go in”

“What is it?”

“Please promise me, you won’t freak out?”

“What are you talking about?”

“So, I have been doing some sort digging

into your past for a while now” Jeffery
itched his ear, as he spoke. Something he
only does, if he is tensed.

“Digging into my past? I don’t understand.

What could you possibly want to know, that
I haven’t already told you?”
“It’s about your mother”

“My mother? I still don’t understand, what

about my mother? I already told you she
died when I was in secondary school” Jane
was already getting irritated.

“Baby calm down, I actually meant your

biological mother”

“My biological mother? What about her? I

thought, I also told you I never got to meet,
or know her?”

“Yes I know all that. The thing is she here”

“She is here? Are you joking or what? How
can she be here, we don’t even know who
she is”

“Well.. we do now, and she is here”



Jane stood petrified staring at Jeffery, she

tried to understand what he had just said to
her, but she couldn’t. How could her mother
be here? How did she find her, where has
she been all these years?

Several times Jane has imagined what it

was going to be like, when she finally meets
her mother, many times she has prayed for
this day to come, and now that it is finally
here, she doesn’t know how to react. Was
she supposed to be happy? Or sad?

What was she going to say to her? What

did she even look like? What if her mother
doesn’t like her? That was the same reason
she dumped her in a dumpster, in the first
place. Jane decided not to see her, she
wasn’t ready to get hurt by the same person

As she turned to walk away, Jeffery held

her hand. “Baby, where are you going?”

She stood confused, not knowing what to


“Babe?” Jeffery shook her a little.

“I’m sorry Jeff, but I don’t think I want to see
that woman, I don’t think I can stand getting
hurt by her for the second time. I will just go
over to Amaka’s and when she is gone, I
will come back”

“Come on, just come see her first, I know

this is something you have always wanted
to know since you were a child, please just
come in”

“Jeff, I really think I should just go, probably

I will meet her another time when I’m more
prepared for her visit”

“That’s why you have me by your side, I’m

here to give you the support that you need,
just come inside”
“I don’t think I can Jeff, please let me just
go to Amaka’s place”

“Of course you can, come on let’s go


Jeffery led her into the sitting room, where a

lady was seated on one of the chairs, with
her back to the door. As Jane walked
closer, the lady’s profile seemed familiar,
and then the lady stood up, turned, and
faced them.


Jane asked; “Vivian?” Why on earth was

Vivian the one standing there, did Jeffery
not just tell her, her mother was in the
sitting room? Why then was Vivian the one
sitting here? Or could Vivian be her

Jane turned to look at Jeffery, and he

nodded slowly at her. It was then it dawned
on her, that Vivian was her mother. Jane
placed her palm on her racing heart.

“Baby, are you okay?” Jeffery held her as

she almost fell.

Vivian rushed to Jane’s side too, and as

she tried to touch her, Jane pushed her
hands away.

“Don’t touch me, please”

Jeffery gave Vivian a sign to calm down.

Then he led Jane to sit on a chair.
“Baby please sit down, do you want some
water?” as Jeffery tried to leave and get her
water, she held his hand.

“Please don’t leave me” She whispered.

Vivian was looking confused, and out of

place, she didn’t know what to do, or say to
Jane, was she supposed to hug her? Or
was she supposed to just stand there, and
watch? She has thought all about what she
was going to say to her while she was
driving down here. But coming face to face
with her, she feels so helpless.

“Maybe I should rub on her back?” she

“As my what? Please what are you doing
here?” Jane asked, looking directly at

“I… I … thing is….”

“The thing is what? Go on I want to hear it”

“Baby, the thing is that..”

Jane stopped Jeffery with a raise of her

hands. “Let her speak, I want to hear what
she has to say”

“Jane my dear. I.. am. Your…” Vivian

couldn’t get herself to say out the words.
“You are my what? Say it out!” Jane

“I’m your mother” she stood staring at Jane,

who had a shocked expression on her face.

“Hahahahahahaha……” Jane bust into

laughter. “You are joking right? This has to
be the joke of the year right?” she looked at
Jeffery but he shook his head letting her
know they were serious.

“Jane I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch with

you all these years. I have been searching
for you for the past two years”

“You dumped your child in a dumpster, and

it took you twenty four years before you
started to look for her? Wow bravo, what a
mother that you are”

“I know there is nothing I would say that can

justify my actions, but please hear me out”

“There will be no need for that, it’s too late

for you to give any form of explanation, or
don’t you think so?”

“I know Jane, but please just hear me out”

“Baby, I think you should hear her out”

Jeffery held her hand.

“No, I don’t need to hear anything this

woman has to say, I already know all I need
to know about her, we worked together
There was silence in the room, for they all
knew how badly Vivian had treated Jane
when she had found out Jane was dating

“It’s getting late, and I think you should start

leaving” Jane stood up, pointing towards
the door.

“Jane please, I beg you to..”

“That’s the door use it Vivian!”

“Baby, don’t you think you should hear her

out, Please?”
“Vivian, please turn around, you will see the
door, use it, it will lead you outside”

Vivian still stood looking confused, she

looked to Jeffery for help, he signaled her to

“Vivian, I wouldn’t want to push you out! So

please leave my house before I loose it!”

Vivian seeing Jane wasn’t ready to listen to

her, finally decided to leave. Jeffery walked
her to her car.

“Vivian I’m truly sorry for Jane’s reaction”

“No Jeffery, you don’t have to apologize, I

deserve any treatment I get from her. I
wasn’t expecting her to welcome me with
open arms. Thank you for your help”

“I’m going to talk to her, and then you can

come back another time. I’m not promising
you she is going to come around soon, but
we will just have to keep trying”

“Thank you so much Jeffery, I’m glad she

has a kind hearted man like you, as her

“You are welcome”

Jeffery waited for Vivian to drive out, before

he went back inside. Jane had already
gone upstairs. She was having her bath
when Jeffery came into the room, so he sat
on the bed, waiting for her to come out.
Jane came out of the bathroom, without
saying word to Jeffery. She took out her
nightwear, which she already laid out on the
bed, and put it on. She laid down on the
bed, covered herself with a duvet, and
turned off her bedside lamp.

“Baby, please we need to talk” Jeffery’s

voice was calm, and pacifying.

“I’m sure whatever it is, can wait until

morning, I’m tired please”

“No it can’t wait, and I think we should talk

about it now. Please”

“If it’s about Vivian, then I don’t want to talk

about it”
“Babe are you angry with me?”

“I’m tired Jeffery, not tonight”

“Then you are angry at me then”

“Like I shouldn’t be? You should have

prepped me Jeff. How could you have kept
something of such magnitude away from

“Babe.. I am sorry, I was planning to tell


“When exactly? After she had left? Jeffery

you were supposed to have told me, first
you dig into my past, without telling me,
then you found out who my mother is, and
still didn’t tell me. What were you aiming to
achieve exactly?”

Jeffery knew he should have told her about

it, but he was looking for a perfect way to
bring up the topic. She has been very
happy lately, and he didn’t want to dampen
her spirit with the news of Vivian being her
biological mother.

“What I did was wrong, and I am sorry.

Please forgive me?”

Jane started crying, Jeffery got closer to her

on the bed, and held her as she cried.

“Sorry babe, shhhhhhh….” He rubbed her

hair as she cried.
“All these years, I wondered where she
was, and why she had abandoned me the
way she did” Jane spoke in between sobs.
“I went to bed at night, yearning for my
mother, wondering why she never wanted
me” Jane sobbed harder as she clung to
Jeffery’s shirt. And he quietly listened to
her, rubbing her hair.

“Now after twenty six years, she is coming

back to tell me she is my mother, what am I
supposed to do with that? Does she know
what I suffered all these while? Now she
expects me to leap for Joy because she
claims to be my mother”

“Stop crying babe, I’m sorry things turned

out like this, but I think you need to hear her
“How did you even get to find out she is my

Jeffery got up from the bed, and took off the

shirt, and trouser he was putting on, and
changed into his pyjamas. Then he joined
Jane back on the bed, and sat crossed leg
facing her.

She had already stopped crying, and was

waiting to him to tell her, how he found out
Vivian was her mother.

“Before our wedding, I contacted someone,

to help me do some research and findings
on your past”
“You wanted to find my birth mother?” Jane
asked calmly.

“Yes, I really wanted you to know who your

parents were, and where you came from.
I’m sorry I didn’t ask you before doing it, but
I just wanted you to have idea of who your
folks are”

“But I already told you, I was okay knowing

the woman at the orphanage as my mother”

Jeffery had casually brought the subject up,

and Jane had told him not to bother about
looking for her parents, as she didn’t care.

“I know, but I also see the way you look

with longing in your eyes, whenever you
saw a mother showing love to her daughter.
And I wanted you to just know about your

“Okay, so what did the person you

contacted find out?”

“He was yet to find anything useful, when I

received a call from Vivian one morning,
asking to see me, because she has
something very important to discuss with

“You spoke with Vivian recently? When

exactly was that?”

“Two weeks ago” Jeffery had a look of guilt

on his face.
“You spoke with Vivian two weeks ago, and
you didn’t bother to tell me? I thought you
didn’t like her, after what she did to me?
Okay go on, what happened when you both



*Two weeks ago*

Jeffery arrived Radisson Blu lounge, quite

later than the time he had agreed to meet
with Vivian. He had to help Jane in doing
some house chores, as that has become a
tradition he started since they got married,
he helps her with the cleaning of the house
on weekends, because Jane insisted he
doesn’t employ a housekeeper after
Martha’s case.

Vivian already had a table reserved for


“I’m sorry I came late” he apologized when

he got to where she was seated.
“It’s okay, I’m glad you agreed to meet with
me” Vivian looked like she had a lot on her
mind. This was the first time Jeffery was
seeing after she and Katherine were
attacked. With the way she looked, it was
evident she was completely healed.

“How have you been?” Jeffery asked.

“I’m doing better now, what would you like

to have?”

Jeffery could tell she didn’t want to talk

about the gun shot incident. So he decided
to leave it at that, and ordered for a beer,
while Vivian got herself, a soft drink.

“So Vivian, what was it you said you wanted

to talk to me about?” Jeffery asked, after
their drinks had arrived. He had other things
to do, and needed her to get to the point, so
he could leave on time.

“What I want to talk to you about, is a

sensitive matter, Jeffery” Vivian leaned
closer to the table, not bothering to touch
her drink.

“Okay what is it?” Jeffery became curious.

“When I was 15years old, I got pregnant”

Vivian had a look of regret in her eyes.

“Okay?” Jeffery wasn’t quite sure why she

would call him out of his house, to tell him
“I lost my parents at the age of ten, my
mother’s younger sister took me to live in
Kano with her, and family, as she was my
mother’s only surviving relative” Vivian took
out an handkerchief to wipe the tears that
were already forming in her eyes.

“I practically became the family’s house

help, I did all the house chores, and took
care of her little kids. But I didn’t mind, as
she sent me to school, and paid my fees,
so I saw my helping her around the house
as a payback for her sending me to school.
Then one night, after my thirteenth birthday,
my aunt’s husband came into my room, and
started touching me, I resisted but he
overpowered me, and raped me. He
threatened to kill me, if I ever told my aunt.
That continued for two years, without my
aunt’s knowledge. Then I got pregnant,
when I was fifteen”
When Vivian’s aunt found out she was
pregnant, she beat her up, demanding she
told her who the was responsible for her
pregnancy, and when Vivian finally opened
up, and told her, that it was her husband.
Her aunt called her a home wrecker, that
she wanted to destroy her home, and that
her husband wasn’t capable of doing such
a thing. When she confronted her husband,
he denied it, and told his wife that; Vivian
has been the one trying to seduce him all
these while.

“So what happened to you, and the baby?”

Jeffery asked.

“My aunt threw me out of her house. And I

had nowhere to go, so I started living in an
uncompleted building, doing menial jobs,
and begging for food on the streets. Until I
became due to deliver”

Vivian was groaning in labour pains, with no

one to help her, she couldn’t go to the
hospital, because she had no money to pay
for the hospital bills. So she was all by
herself in pains, not having a clue of what to

“How were you able to deliver the baby?”

Jeffery asked with curiosity.

“After hours of groaning with no one to help

me, and the baby wasn’t forth coming, I
was at the point of passing out, when a
woman who lived close to the uncompleted
building, I was sleeping in, walked in. She
had heard my screams, and decided to
come see what was happening. So she was
the one who helped me with the delivery”

After the woman helped Vivian to deliver

her baby, she took her, and the baby to the
one room apartment, where she lived with
her husband who was a police officer, and
four children. The woman was a petty
trader, and her husband wasn’t being paid
much at his job.

Vivian stayed with them for a week, and

things became quite tough for her, she
didn’t have money to feed herself, nor her
newborn, who cried day and night because
of hunger. The family only gave her the little
food they had, which was barely enough for
Vivian to sustain herself with, talk more of
her to be able to breastfeed her newborn
baby with.
One day, the lady and her husband, gave
Vivian the idea of taking the baby to an
orphanage home, where they could care
better for her.

The police officer, told her he would take

the baby to the orphanage, with the
disguise that they found the baby in a

Vivian didn’t agree at first, because she

couldn’t stand the idea of giving up her
baby, but after two days of the baby crying
continuously because of hunger, she finally
caved in, and allowed the police officer to
take the baby to an orphanage.
She stayed with the family for six months,
saved some money from her menial jobs,
and she moved down to Lagos in search of
greener pastures.

“I’m sorry for what happened to you in your

past, but I still don’t understand why you
are telling me all these?” Jeffery asked.

“Two years ago, I started searching for my

baby, I went back to Kano, to look for the
family, and they directed me to the
orphanage home where she was taken to,
though it was no longer in existence, but we
were able to trace the relative of the woman
who owned the place. And he told us the
family he gave her to for adoption were
dead. So it became difficult for us to find
her, but I kept searching”

“Few days after Jane tendered her

resignation letter, her dress zipper had
issue while we were at the office, so I had
to help her fix it. It was then, I discovered
she had a birth mark on her back, similar to
mine. I didn’t place much importance on it,
until her last day at work, she complained of
a similar allergy as mine”

“What allergy is that?” Jeffery asked


“Peanut allergy”

Jeffery knew she was right, because he

knew about that birthmark on Jane’s back,
and she was also allergic to peanuts too,
several times she has told him about it. If
Jane and Vivian were having same
birthmark, and similar allergies, could it be
that they were related?

“I still don’t get where you are driving at with


“I know this might sound stupid, but I have

been having this strong feeling, that Jane
might be my child, I know she is an orphan,
because she indicated that in the employee
documents she filled out when, I employed
her. There is only one way to find out,
please I need your help Jeffery”

Jeffery looked at Vivian as she spoke, if

what she just told him was true, then there
is a strong possibility, that she might be
Jane’s biological mother, because her story
has many similarities with what Jane told
him about her growing up.

“So what do you want me to do?” He asked


“I need a sample from Jane, to be able to

have a DNA test conducted, please Jeffery,
I know this might seem inappropriate, but
please this is my only way of knowing if she
is truly my daughter, or not. Please if you
could provide me with her hair strand, or a
tooth brush please, so that the test could be

Jeffery thought about her request for a

while, before making a decision.
“I will provide you with the needed samples,
but I’m going to Lab with you for the test”

“No problem” Vivian was relieved with

Jeffery’s agreement to help her.

“And you are not going to come to Jane

with this, until we have confirmed your
suspicion. I wouldn’t want to raise her
hopes, and then have it shattered when the
results come out negative”

“I agree with you on this too”

The next day, Jeffery took a strand of

Jane’s hair, her tooth brush. And took them
with him to the Laboratory, where the test
was to be conducted. Vivian came with her
own samples as well.
Twenty four hours later, they went back for
the results, and found out Jane was indeed
Vivian’s daughter.

“I can’t believe this” Jeffery kept reading the

result over, and over again, he couldn’t
believe Vivian was Jane’s biological
mother. And all these while, she has been
plotting against her, making life hard for her
while they were working together. It’s really
indeed a small world.

“So you are really Jane’s mother?” Jeffery

asked, as if trying to confirm what the DNA
result showed.

Tears streamed down Vivian’s cheeks as

she continued to look at the DNA results
herself. Her daughter that she has been
looking for, for the past two years, was right
in front of her, and she never knew it.

Several times she has wondered what her

daughter looked like, what she was doing, if
she was still alive, or had died when she
was still a baby. But never did it occur to
her that, she was right there with her. And
to think she maltreated her, and plotted her

“I can’t believe it myself” Vivian spoke, as

she wiped tears out of her eyes. “Thank you
so much Jeffery, I wouldn’t have found out
about this, had it not been for your help”

“How do you intend to tell Jane about this?”

Jeffery asked.
“I really don’t know, I know she can be hot
tempered sometimes, something I now
know she got from me” Vivian smiled. “I will
need to inform my husband, and my two
kids first. Let me break the news to them
first, especially my husband, he doesn’t
know I had a child before we got married,
so I will need some time to find a way to
break the news to him, and after that, we
can tell Jane about this”

“Alright, though I think you already know

what Jane can be like when she is angry,
so this is not going to be easy”

“I know, but I think I can take whatever she

throws at me, I actually deserve it. So, I’m
not expecting this to be easy”
Jeffery and Vivian parted ways, and kept
communicating through phone calls. Until
two weeks later, one evening after Jane
had gone out to have a celebratory dinner
with Amaka, over her new car. Jeffery
received a call from Vivian asking that she
wanted to come over to his place, and
discuss something very important regarding
Jane and herself.

“Vivian, can’t it wait until tomorrow?”

“No Jeffery, trust me it can’t. I’m already on

my way to your place, Please”

Few minutes later, she was at Jeffery and

Jane’s place.
“Vivian hope all is well? You sounded really
troubled over the phone” Jeffery asked as
he opened the sitting room door for her.

“There is a little problem Jeffery, where is

Jane is she home?”

“No she went out. What’s up?”

“You know I told you, I was finally going to

brace up and tell my husband about Jane?”

“Yes you did”

Jeffery had advised Vivian to tell her

husband about Jane. When she had told
him, she was scared of what her husband’s
reaction was going to be, when he found
out she had a child before he married her,
and she never mentioned it to him.

“Well, I was still thinking of a good way to

present it to him, when he came to me this
evening asking me about Jane”

“How did he get to find out about her, if you

haven’t told him?”

“Apparently one of my husband’s political

opponents, have been trailing I and my
family’s every move, trying to dig up dirt
that they can use against us, in the up
coming elections”

Her husband’s opponent had sent him,

pictures of Vivian at the Laboratory where
the DNA test was conducted, and also a
copy of the test result showing that Jane
was Vivian’s daughter. They threatened to
tell the public about it, if he doesn’t step
down as a gubernatorial aspirant.

“So we need to let Jane know, before it gets

out, and she gets to hear it outside” Vivian
paced the living room.

“Wow” Jeffery took to pacing the living room

himself, he wanted to be the one to tell
Jane about this first, before Vivian meets
her. If she gets to know about this, in this
manner, she was definitely going to be mad
at him.

“I would suggest I talk to her first, we can’t

just drop such news on her like that”
“I know, but we don’t have much time, the
news can get out anytime. Please Jeffery
let’s just tell her about it now”

*The Present*

“Jeff, so you knew Vivian was my mother

for the past two weeks, and you never said
anything about it to me?” Jane asked
Jeffery in disbelief.

“Baby I’m sorry, I know I should have told


“Like hell you should have, Jeffery we live

under the same roof, we sleep in the same
room, on the same bed! Didn’t it ever occur
to you that you should tell me? How were
you able to look me in the eyes, and lie to
me for two whole weeks?”

“I didn’t lie to you babe”

“But you kept an information from me, not

just any information o, but something as
sensitive as who my biological mother is!
How would you have felt, if I had hidden
something like this from you?”

“Angry” Jeffery answered calmly.

“Very good, because that is how I feel right

now. I am angry! Jeffery I am angry” Jane
got up from the bed, and took her pillow
with her.
“Where are you going?” Jeffery stood up,
and blocked her way.

“I’m sleeping in the guest room this night”

“Babe come on now, don’t allow this to

come between us, please I am sorry, what
can I do to make you forgive me?”

“It’s not about that Jeff, it’s about the fact

that you could conveniently keep something
like this from me, for two whole weeks, Jeff
we had sex uncountable times within these
two weeks, and you were still able to hide
something like that away from me. Haba

Jane tried to leave the room, but Jeffery

kept trying to block her way.
“I really messed up babe, and I’m sorry.
Please don’t go, I will go and sleep in the
guest room instead” Jeffery took his pillow
and went to sleep in the guest room.

After Jeffery had left the room, Jane tossing

from one side of the bed to the other, from
lack of sleep. How could she sleep when
her husband was across the hall in another
room? He caused this, why didn’t he tell her
Vivian was her mother? Why wait until two
weeks before telling her? If Vivian’s political
opponents weren’t threatening to expose
her, probably they would have kept it away
from her much longer.

For choosing to allow Vivian to him to

advise him on keeping a secret from his
wife, Jeffery deserves to sleep in the guest
room this night.

Few hours later, Jane was still struggling to

get some sleep, but couldn’t. She felt for
Jeffery with her hands, so she could place
her head on his chest, but was greeted by
an empty space, on his side of the bed.

After hours of trying to sleep to no avail, by

4am, Jane decided to go to the guest room
and join Jeffery. She wasn’t going to allow
anyone especially not Vivian come between
her, and her husband. Even if she was still
angry at him, she was still going to sleep on
the same bed with him.

When she opened the door to the guest

room, she could tell Jeffery was having
difficulty sleeping as well, for the sheets
were rumpled and scattered from his

She climbed the bed, and joined him,

placing her head on his chest.

Jeffery placed his hands on her back “I’m

sorry babes” he whispered.

“Let’s sleep, we will talk about it in the




The next morning Jeffery woke up before
Jane, who still had her head on his chest,
as she slept.

They had both slept late last night, and he

was still thinking of a way to stand up,
without having to wake her, when his phone
rang, making Jane stir as he picked his call.

“Hello, Vivian good morning”

“Good morning Jeffery, hope you slept


“Yes I did” Jeffery answered politely, when

in actual fact, he wanted to tell her, how her
foolish idea of keeping something away
from Jane, almost caused a problem
between him and his wife.
“Thank God for that, please I need to see
you and Jane this morning” Vivian’s voice
was panicky.

Jeffery looked at Jane, who wasn’t fully

awake yet, he stood up and stepped out of
the room to continue the phone call.

“Vivian what’s up? You sound troubled”

“It’s not something that can be discussed

over the phone, I need to see you in

“Alright, meet me up at T&M restaurant, in

an hour’s time, it will be better we met
there, instead of my house”
“Alright I’ll see there”

Jeffery ended the call, and decided to go

back into the room to meet Jane. He didn’t
want Vivian coming over to the house, and
then end up upsetting Jane again.

When he entered the room, Jane was

already awake, and was seated on the bed
with her back against the headboard.

“Hey babes, good morning”

“Good morning” Jane greeted him with a


Jeffery sat on the opposite end of the bed

facing her, and took her hands in his.
“Babes, I know you are still angry with me,
and I truly understand. I fucked up big time.
Please I’m sorry, I promise not to keep
anything from you again. Except it’s a
surprise of course”

He flashed her his breath taking smile,

which always made Jane weak in her
knees. But she wasn’t going to allow him,
seduce her into forgiving him so easily. So
she got up from the bed, and left the room,
without saying a word to him.

Jeffery watched her, as she walked out of

the room, he knew she was still angry with
him, and he doesn’t blame her. For if he
were to be in her shoes, he would have
been angry with her too.
Jane went back into their bedroom, brushed
her teeth, and went downstairs to the
kitchen, to prepare breakfast for Jeffery,
before he leaves for work.

She knew she should forgive him, but she

couldn’t get herself to stop thinking about
the fact that he could keep a secret from
her, for that long. She felt hurt by his action,
and wants him to feel same too.

She was whisking some eggs wanted to fry,

when Jeffery strolled into the kitchen. She
pretended not to see him, and continued
with what she was doing.

“You know you would have to talk to me at

some point right?” He sat on one of the
stools in the kitchen.
Jane ignored him, and continued with her

“I thought we both agreed, we weren’t going

to go to bed angry at each other?” Jeffery

“And we also agreed to not keep secrets

from each other, and you kept a secret from
me, for two whole weeks, only God knows
what other secret you are hiding from me”
she continued whisking the egg, even when
she knew it was time to stop.

Jeffery watched as she whisked the egg in

anger, he stood up and gently took the
whisk from her, and placed it in the sink.
Then he turned her to face him. He framed
her face with his hands.

“I’m truly sorry babe, please forgive me”

Jane looked at his face as he spoke, his

beautiful eyes, one of her weak points, he
always has a way of looking at her like he
was trying to see deep into her soul.

“If you want me to go to the mountain top,

and scream out how sorry I am, I would do
it babe, but please forgive me, and stop this
silent treatment, because it’s killing me”

“You should have thought about that, when

you were busy keeping secrets from your
“Ahhh.” Jeffery looked up to the ceiling in
frustration, it was as if the more he tried to
apologize, the more Jane reminded him the
magnitude of what he did wrong.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” He

sang it like a song in her ears, until she
started to giggle.

“Please forgive me babes, I beg you” He

made a baby face as he spoke.

“Baby you hurt me, you made me feel like a


“I’m sorry, that wasn’t my intention babe,

you have been very happy these past
weeks, and I didn’t want to bring up
something that would make you unhappy.
That’s why I didn’t tell you”

“Even at that, I would have preferred if I had

heard it from you, before she came here”

“Me too, and I’m sorry for that babes” he

placed his forehead on hers.

“Please don’t keep something like that

away from me again”

“I promise, I would never keep secrets from

you again” he kissed her gently on the lips.
“I love you”

“I love you too” she linked her arms around

his neck, and kissed him.
“What do you say, we take this upstairs?”
He asked with a lopsided smile.

In response, Jane hauled herself against

him, and he carried her upstairs, as they
continued to kiss.

Amaka woke up to the sound of her alarm

from her phone, she had slept late last
night, because after Dele had dropped her
off, she face timed with Pius into the wee
hours of the morning. Now she feels like
her eyes were burning, due to lack of sleep.

As she about to shower, when her phone

rang, she didn’t need to check who it was,
she knew it was Dele, as it was his usual
routine to call her in the morning before he
left for work.

“Hey baby” came his usual baritone voice.

“Hello, good morning, you sound like you

are still in bed?”

“Yeah I am, are you preparing to go to work


“Yeah, I was about to take my bath when

you called, aren’t you going to work

“No, I am not feeling myself this morning,

so I will just take the day off”
“Oh sorry, have you taken any medication?”

“No, I haven’t”

“Why, or don’t you want to get better?”

“You are my medicine babe, seeing you is

all I need to get better”

“And you know you can’t see me this

morning, because I have to be at work, so
go get a medication”

“But I could see you in the evening after


“Dele you need to take a medication, so

you can get better”
“I will wait for you until evening”

“Are you sure, you are even sick at all?”

“Yes, sick for your love and touch”

“You are not serious” Amaka smiled

“I will see you in the evening then?”

“Yeah, I will come over to your place after


“How about, I take you out for dinner

“Hmm that won’t be bad, okay let’s do
dinner then”

“Alright see you in the evening, I will come

pick you up from the office”

“Okay bye”

“Have a nice day”

When Amaka was done with the call, she

quickly showered and got dressed for work.

When she arrived work, Pius was already in

his office, so she went into his office to say
hello to him.
“Good morning Pius” she greeted him with
a smile on her face.

“Good morning pretty” he had a wide smile

on his face as he responded to her
greeting. “Don’t you look so beautiful

Amaka blushed at his compliment, she had

taken her time to pick out what she wore
this morning, because of Pius, as he always
pays compliments to her dressing.

“Thank you” she responded.

“You are welcome, how about I take you

out for dinner after work? Just you and I,
having some candle light dinner, what do
you say?”
“Umm… I don’t know if that will be possible”

“Why not? It’s Friday so you wouldn’t have

to worry about going to work tomorrow, and
if you are up for it, after the dinner we can
head over to the club”

“I actually do have plans Pius”

“Then cancel it, what plan could you have

that is more important than going out with
me?” Pius was clearly gloating over himself
as he spoke.

“Can I think about this, and maybe give you

my answer after lunch?”
“Alright, that’s okay”

Amaka hurriedly went back to her office,

what was she going to do? She already
promised to go out for dinner with Dele, and
she can’t disappoint him because of Pius,
she would definitely have to find a way to
decline Pius’s offer politely.

It was already 5pm, and Amaka was getting

ready to leave the office, she already called
Dele, and told him she was done with work,
and he would be coming to pick her.

She already told Pius she couldn’t go with

him to dinner, tonight and if his ego was
hurt, he didn’t show it, because he only
smiled and told her it was okay.
As she arranged her things to leave, Pius
walked into her office, and held her waist
from behind.

“You have such a perfect ass Amaka” he


“Pius, this is an office environment” Amaka

turned to face him, and tried to get away
from him but he held, pinning her to the

“Pius what are you doing?”

“Something I have been meaning to do,

since the first time I sent my eyes on you”

Pius slammed his lips against Amaka’s, and

kissed her.
That same moment, Dele walked into
Amaka’s office.

Dele stopped in his tracks, was he seeing

clearly, or was that not Amaka in the arms
of another man, holding, and kissing her?.

He had already booked a reservation in one

of the most exotic restaurant in Victoria
island, and he was coming to pick her up,
so they could go have dinner, only to meet
her in another man’s arms. Probably he
was hallucinating, so he cleaned his eyes,
to make sure he was seeing properly. But
the more he cleaned his eyes, the clearer
the scene became.
They were yet to notice his presence, for
they continued to kiss, unaware that
someone else was in the office with them.
Until he cleared his throat, Making them to
pull apart immediately.

Amaka was shocked to find Dele standing

there, for a minute, she had totally forgotten
that he was coming to pick her up. When
did he come in? For how long has he been
watching? These were the questions that
raced through her mind, as she saw Dele
staring at them.

The hurtful look on his face says it all, he

had seen Pius kissing her, there was no
way she was going to explain this, he had
seen everything. Amaka was confused, not
knowing what to say to Dele, the hurt in his
eyes almost ripped her heart apart. She
only mouthed ‘I’m sorry’ to him as he
dropped the rose flower he was holding,
and then turned to leave, without saying a
word to either of them.



Amaka went after Dele, as he walked
briskly towards the elevator, she kept
calling him to stop, but he didn’t seem to

“Dele please, hear me out, it’s not what it

seems, I can explain” she pleaded as they
got to the door of the elevator.

“Amaka, I don’t think there is anything you

need to explain, I know what I saw”

She could tell, he was trying his best to

keep his cool, with the way he was
breathing heavily.

“Dele please, can we talk about this? At

least let me explain myself”
Dele didn’t respond to her plea, he just
shove his both hands into the pocket of his
trouser, as he waited for the elevator to

“Dele, listen to me I…”

Amaka was still talking, when the doors of

the elevator opened, and he walked in,
without saying a word to her. They stared at
each other as the doors of the elevator,
slowly closed, separating them.

Amaka stood there staring at nothing in

particular, what was she going to do? How
was she going to explain what had just
happened, to Dele? It was now, Jane’s
words last night, made sense to her; the fire
she has been playing with, is about to burn
her real bad.
She walked back into her office to find Pius
still there, what was he still doing here? She
thought within herself. Hasn’t he caused her
enough trouble already?

She pretended not to see him, as she went

to her desk and picked up her handbag to

“Who was that?” Pius asked.

“My boyfriend, or do I say my ex? Because

I don’t know where I stand with him right
now, all because of you” Amaka tried her
best to not raise her voice at him, after all
he was still her boss.
“Come on Amaka, we both know you have
always wanted me to do what I just did, it
was only a matter of time, before it was
bound to happen” Pius said dismissively,
walking closer to her.

“I never wanted you to do that Pius, I

already told you I had a boyfriend”

“Oh really?” Pius came to a halt. “Then

where was this your so called boyfriend,
when you were busy talking to me for hours
every night? Or did you forget you had a
boyfriend when you busy flirting with me,
from the first day I introduced myself to you,
as your boss?”

“Flirt with you? I never flirted with you, if it’s

anything, you have been the one flirting,
and throwing advances my way!”
“And you did well to catch them. Amaka we
are both adults, so there no need for you to
start apportioning blames, if you really
loved your boyfriend and wanted to be
faithful to him, then you wouldn’t have been
acting the way you did around me. Who
speaks for hours on the phone talking to
someone they are not interested in? And I
even noticed you take out time in the way
you dressed these days, just so I could pay
you a compliment”

Amaka was shocked at his last statement,

here she was thinking she was acting
smart, but in actual sense she was being

“Oh, you thought I didn’t notice? Clearly you

are not as smart as I thought. Everything
that happened between us; you wanted. So
stop trying to look for someone to blame for
your cheating act”

Pius walked out on Amaka, and went into

his own office. Leaving her to stand there,
and think about how stupid, and foolish she
has been for the past one month. Not only
has she lost the respect Dele has for her,
but also that of her boss. All because she
was trying to have some silly fun.

She decided to go over to Dele’s and talk to

him, hoping he might listen to her, and
allow her explain things to him. Not like she
has much of anything to say, that was going
to make him unsee what he already saw at
her office, but she was just going to try
When she got to Dele’s apartment, he
wasn’t home yet, his neighbor told her he
drove out about two hours ago. So that
means he didn’t come home after he left
her office. She decided to wait for him.

“You can come and wait for him at my

place, instead of staying out here in the
cold, and it’s beginning to get dark” Dele’s
neighbor offered Amaka with a smile on his

If it were to be on a different occasion, she

would have accepted, but knowing she was
here to plead her case with Dele for being
with another man, she couldn’t risk making
things worse for herself, and she couldn’t
trust this guy with the way he was smiling at
her. It was same way Pius smiled at her,
and look at where she is because of that

“So are you coming or what?” the guy

asked, when he didn’t get any response
from her.

“No, don’t worry I will just stay out here, and

wait for him instead, thank you”

“Okay, if you insist” the guy walked back

into his apartment without saying another
word to Amaka.

Amaka waited several hours, for Dele

outside his apartment, the weather was
cold, and she had no protective clothing on.
She had to hold her handbag against her
chest to protect herself against the cold
wind, that was blowing. She kept praying it
doesn’t rain, if not she would be done for.

By 12am, Dele drove into the compound,

he was surprised to find Amaka sitting at
his doorstep. She was shivering from cold.

“Amaka what are you doing here?” He

asked, as she stood up, upon seeing him.

“Hi Dele, I came to see you, but you weren’t

back, so I decided to wait”

“You are shivering” was all he said, before

opening the door, and told her to go in.

“Dele I am truly sorry for what happened, I

can exp….”
“I think you need to take a warm bath, take
off those clothes you have on, to avoid you
catching a cold”

Dele left Amaka in the sitting room, and

came back few minutes later.

“I kept some clothes for you on the bed,

alongside a duvet, those should keep you
warm for the night, you will find a fresh
towel in the bathroom”

Dele left her standing there, and went into

the kitchen, he was hungry and needed
something to eat. He had been drinking on
an empty stomach, which wasn’t good.
Not like he planned on drinking tonight
anyway, but after seeing Amaka in the arms
of that man, alcohol seemed like his surest
solace. He couldn’t call any of his friends
because they were both with their families,
so he was left to nurse his wound alone at
the bar.

He decided to prepare some noodles, as

that would take less preparation time. It’s at
times like this, he feels grateful for taking
the cooking class which he did few months

Dele was about to dish out the noodles,

when he saw Amaka, standing there in the

“Care for some noodles?” he asked her,

without bothering to ask why she was
standing there, instead of changing out of
her clothes.

“Dele, I’m so sorry”

“Amaka, I have heard you, here is a plate

for you, I’m sure you will need the energy,
considering all what you must have done at
the office today”

“Dele please don’t be like that”

“Don’t be like what, exactly?” he turned to

face her with his bloodshot eyes.
“How exactly, don’t you want me to be,
Amaka? Tell me”
He looked at her, with so much pain and
hurt in his eyes, waiting for her to say

“What do you even want from me? Why are

you here? To make me believe I actually
didn’t see you kissing that guy, is that it?”

Dele gave out a sarcastic laugh, and

carried his food to the dinning, and sat
down to eat.

Amaka sat down on a chair next to him.

“Dele please I’m sorry”

Dele just kept stuffing noodles in his mouth,

without bothering to chew, he just
swallowed. He didn’t feel like eating, he had
no appetite, but he knew he needed to eat
something, because of the amount of
alcohol he had taken.

When he was done eating, he took his plate

to the kitchen, and dumped it in the sink.

“Who was that guy?” He asked Amaka

when he came back to the dinning.

“He is my new boss”

“Hmmmm I see, so you have been having

an affair with him since when?”

“I am not having an affair with him, Dele”

“Oh really? So how do you explain the both

of you kissing in your office?”
Amaka was silent, not knowing how to
respond to his question.

“You can’t explain that, can you? Just what

I thought exactly” he walked to the sitting
room and sat down on a couch.

“Dele I can explain”

“You have been telling me you can explain,

but I’m yet to get any explanation from you.
So let’s hear it, go on and explain to me
what you were busy doing, kissing another
man, when you have a boyfriend!” Dele
punched the couch out of frustration.

“I know it seems like I was kissing Pius, but

I wasn’t, he was actually the one who
forced himself on me and kissed me, before
you walked in”

“But that wasn’t what it seemed like to me,

when I walked in”

“Dele you have to believe me, that was

exactly what happened”

“You actually expect me to believe that

Amaka? You must really take me for a fool”

“No I don’t Dele, I respect you and..”

“Would you have believed me, if you were

the one who walked in on me, kissing
another girl?”
Amaka was silent.

“No, I need you to answer me, would you

even allow me an inch close to your house,
talk more allowing me to tell you, I wasn’t
the one kissing the girl, but she was the one
kissing me? Does that even make any
sense to you? Because it doesn’t to me”

“I’m so sorry” was all Amaka could say,

because she had nothing else to say in her

“And so am I Amaka, because this

relationship or whatever it is we were doing,
is over!”

“What? Dele please don’t do this”

“It’s what you have always wanted Amaka,
sometimes I don’t even know why you
agreed to be my girlfriend in the first place,
when you clearly had affection for someone

“I felt something for you Dele, I still do.

Please give me another chance”

“It’s too late for that Amaka”

Meanwhile Jeffery was soundly asleep
next morning, when he was rudely woken
up from his sleep, by a phone call from
Vivian. He was definitely going to warn
her, about calling him this early in the
mornings. If she doesn’t enjoy early
morning cuddling with her husband, that
doesn’t mean she should prevent him
from enjoying his, with his own wife.
He kissed a sleeping Jane on her
forehead, before he got off the bed, to
take the call.
“Hello Vivian” he answered with a grumpy
“Hello Jeffery, sorry to wake you up this
early, but I really need to see you”
Jeffery was supposed to meet with her
yesterday, but later cancelled the
appointment, because he wanted to spend
some time with Jane.
“Vivian, I already told you I need time to
talk to Jane first, before you can come
over again, I don’t want her to be rude to
you again”
“I know, but I really need to see you, there
is something else, I need to talk to you
“Can’t it wait?” Jeffery didn’t feel like
stepping out of the house just yet.
“No, it can’t”
“Vivian it’s weekend” Jeffery told her out of
“I know, and I’m sorry to disturb you. But I
really need to see you” Vivian’s voice was
“Alright, I’ll meet with you in an hour’s
“At T&M restaurant?”
Jane was still sleeping, when he got back
into the room, so he quietly went into the
bathroom to take his bath.
He had his eyes closed as the water from
the shower came on him, when Jane
came into the bathroom, stripped and
joined him in the shower.
She took his sponge, and washed his
back, making Jeffery smile.
When she was done washing his back, he
did same for her, and they both helped
each other to shower.
“Where are you going this early in the
morning?” Jane asked as they both
toweled each other’s body dry.
“I’m meeting with Vivian, she called that
we meet this morning”
“Baby, you know you need to talk to her
right? I know what she did wasn’t right, but
considering the circumstances, one can’t
really blame her”
“I don’t want to talk about this, not right
Jane hung the wet towels, and stepped
out of the bathroom.
“I’m off, I will be back soon” Jeffery said to
Jane, few minutes later when he was
done dressing, he kissed her, and then left
to meet with Vivian.
Jane decided to make breakfast after
Jeffery had left, but couldn’t get herself to
stop thinking about Vivian.
How was she supposed to just accept the
fact that she was her mother? Where was
she all these years, when she needed
her? Where was she when the Okafors
constantly raped, and maltreated her?
Now she thinks she can just waltz back
into her life, after abandoning her as a
child, and expect to be welcomed with
open arms?
Jane decided to call Amaka and tell her
about it, they haven’t spoken, since they
had dinner two days ago.
“Hello Jane…” Amaka sobbed into the
“Amaka what is it?” Jane asked. “Are you
okay, did something happen?”
“Dele broke up with me…. Jane he broke
up with me” Amaka spoke in between
“What happened, did you two have an
issue or something?”
“Yes…. And he broke up with me..”
“Where are you?”
“I’m at the house”
“All right, I’m coming over”
Jane ended the call, and sent Jeffery a
text, letting him know she was going over
to see Amaka, incase he comes back
before her.
Jane changed into a shift dress, grabbed
her purse and car keys, before heading
out to Amaka’s place.
She already knows how to drive on her
own, but Jeffery still insists her car still
bears the learning sign, even though she
had argued that it’s diminishing the car’s
When she got to Amaka’s place, she was
sitting on the floor of the bedroom, with
snotty tissue all over the floor, an
indication that she has been crying for
Jane sat with her on the floor, put her right
hand around her shoulders, rubbing on
her arm, as Amaka placed her head on
Jane’s shoulders.
“What happened?” She asked.
“He caught me kissing Pius” Amaka said
“Who is that? And why were you kissing
“Pius is my new boss, I told you about”
“Amaka! I thought I warned you about that
“I know you said I should stay away from
him, and I was actually looking for a way
to do that”
“Really? How exactly, by kissing him?”
“Jane I’m sorry” Amaka placed her head
on Jane’s laps, and started sobbing again.
“You are apologizing to the wrong person,
you are supposed to be apologizing to
Dele, and not me”
“I already tried to tell him how sorry I am,
but he doesn’t want to hear any of it, he
said it’s over between us”
“You can’t blame him, he caught you
kissing someone else Amaka”
“If I could turn back the hands of time, I
would do it, and I wouldn’t have allowed
Pius to kiss me” she Lamented.
“It has happened, and you can’t undo it.
What are you going to do now?”
“I don’t know Jane… I have sent Dele
dozens of text messages, he didn’t reply
any of them, and he is no longer taking my
calls. I don’t know what else I’m going to
“Don’t worry, everything will be fine” Jane
rubbed her on her back.
“Jane please, can you help me to beg
Dele?” Amaka sat up to look at Jane’s
“Please help me tell him I am sorry, tell
him I never meant to hurt him, tell him he
is the one I want, and not Pius. Jane
please I need you to help me talk to him,
I’m very sure he will listen to you”
“I need you to be honest with me Amaka,
are you sorry because you were caught?
If Dele hadn’t seen you kissing Pius,
would you have been sorry as you are
right now?”
Amaka stared at Jane as she spoke with
her, would she really have been sorry if
Dele hadn’t caught her with Pius? Would
she have told Dele about the kiss, or
would she have kept it to herself?
“If Dele hadn’t seen you both kissing,
would you have stopped your little office
romance with Pius? Or would you have
continued to play your hide and seek
games with him?”
Amaka placed her head on Jane’s laps,
and started sobbing afresh, she knew
within herself, that she would have
continued to play her little office romance
if Dele had not caught her with Pius. She
didn’t like Pius enough to date him, but a
part of her just yearned for his attention,
something she knew she was supposed to
have nipped in the bud from the first day
he came into her office.
Now she has lost Dele, the only man she
ever truly felt something for. Knowing the
kind person he was, she knew it would
actually take the grace of God for him to
forgive, and take her back.
“Jeffery thank you so much for meeting
with me, I really know I have been
disturbing you with my issues lately”
Vivian said to Jeffery as he came to meet
her at the restaurant.
“It’s fine, what was it you wanted to talk to
me about?”
“My husband’s opponent are still
threatening to go public with the news of
my abandoning my baby years ago. And
that might ruin my husband’s chances of
winning the elections”
“Okay? So how do I come in, in any of
“I would like you to please talk to Jane for
“About what exactly?”
“My husband’s campaign strategist said,
the only way to gain the people to be on
our side, is to beat our opponent to their
game, and go public first with the news of
Jane being my daughter, I would need her
consent to be able to that”
“So you want me to talk to Jane for you,
so you can go public with the news of
being her birth mother?” Jeffery asked in
“Yes, please Jeffery I know this might
sound stupid, but it’s the only option I
have left, I need you to help me please”
“You are right, it does sound stupid, how
can you even think of asking me to talk to
Jane into agreeing for you, to go public
about being her mother, when she hasn’t
even come to terms with the fact that you
are actually her mother?”
“Jeffery this is the only option I have, if
these guys get to the media before us, my
husband’s chances of winning becomes
next to none, and if he losses this election
because of me, he might never forgive
me, he has already threatened to divorce
me as it is. Jeffery I need you to help me
save my marriage please”
“Have you even stopped to consider how
Jane feels in any of these, have you
stopped to consider how all these is going
to affect her? You of all people should
know what she has been through in the
hands of the media, and now you want to
drag her back into it?”
“Even if we don’t go public with the news,
our opponents are going to do it anyway,
so what difference does it make?”
Vivian really looked so desperate, Jeffery
felt pity for her, she is so consumed with
the idea of winning, and pleasing her
husband, that she doesn’t seem to notice
what she is doing to herself, and those
around her.
“I’m sorry Vivian, but I won’t be doing any
of that, the only thing I would be doing is
protecting my wife, from the media, and
desperate people like yourself”
Jeffery stood up to leave, but paused.
“You know you should be thinking, of how
to get closer to your daughter, and
catching up on the years you lost with her
as her mother, instead of sitting here and
plotting unthinkable plans. Did you even
come back because you really wanted her
back, or because of your political
“Jeffery I need you to understand me
“I’m sorry, but there is nothing to
understand here, good day Vivian”
After hours of sitting in the same position
for long, Jane’s back began to hurt,
Amaka was already fast asleep with her
head on Jane’s laps. She didn’t want to
wake her up, but she also needed to use
the restroom, and also stretch her back.
So she grabbed a pillow from the bed,
placed it under Amaka’s head, and gently
stood up to use the restroom.
She was still in the restroom, when she
heard her phone ringing, it must have
woken Amaka up too, because she heard
her calling her to come answer her phone.
Jane didn’t need to check the caller ID to
know it was her husband, she assigned a
special ringtone to him, so she knows
whenever he is the one calling her.
“Babe how are you?”
“I’m okay, how was your meeting with
“It went well, I got your text message, is
everything all right with Amaka?”
“Yes, she is fine” Jane turned to look at
Amaka who looked pitiful lying on the
“Okay, are you coming back soon?”
“I’m still going to spend some time with
her, Aren’t you going out with the boys
“No I’m not, Dele was supposed to host
us, but he called to cancel this morning”
“Oh okay, I will be back soon then”
“I love you”
“I love you too”
“Are you going to tell your husband what
happened between I and Dele?” Amaka
asked calmly.
“Whatever happened between you two, is
between you two” Jane sat down on the
“Are you sure you are going to be fine
being alone? You know you could come
with me if you want?”
“No, I will be fine, all I just want is for you
to help me talk to Dele please”
“I will try my best, but I’m not promising
you I can help change his mind”
“I know, but please just try, you never can
tell he might listen. Dele holds you in high
esteem, so I’m very sure he will listen to
what you have to say”
Jane stayed with Amaka a little longer,
before she decided to leave, and
promised to talk to Dele on her way home.
Before stopping by at Dele’s place, she
decided to call him, to know if he was
home or not.
“Hello my beautiful sister in-law, to what
do I owe this call?” Dele’s voice was
cheerful, and if he was affected by what
Amaka did to him, he did his best to hide
“How are you Dele?”
“I’m doing okay, what’s up with you?”
“I’m good, I’m actually close to your area,
and I was wondering if you were home, I
would like to drop by at your place if you
don’t mind?”
“Yeah sure, I am home”
“Alright I will see you soon then”
An hour later, Jane was at Dele’s
“Do make yourself feel at home” Dele said
to her as they walked into the sitting room.
“What can I offer you?”
“Water will be just fine”
“Still the ever conservative Jane, I will go
get you water then” Dele smiled as he
walked to the kitchen.
Jane has been here once with Jeffery,
while they were planning for their
wedding, and needed to pick up
something from Dele, and that day, Jane
had requested for only water, when Dele
asked what he could get her.
Dele came back with a bottle of water, and
a glass cup in a tray. He placed them on a
side stool, next to her.
“Here is your water”
“Thank you”
“I must say, I’m a bit suspicious of this visit
of yours. Because I already spoke with
Jeffery this morning, and cancelled our
regular hangout, so I’m surprised to see
you here, I just hope it’s not what I’m
Dele looked at Jane suspiciously as he sat
down opposite her.
“Why do you think I am here Dele?”
“And I don’t know, you tell me. But if it’s
because of your friend, then you might as
well just forget it”
“Dele she is truly sorry for what she did,
she has been nothing but miscerable
since you broke up with her, please
forgive her”
“It’s just been hours Jane, give it time, the
Amaka I know would soon bounce back
like nothing ever happened”
“Dele this is different, I have seen Amaka
other times, when she was going through
a break-up, and I can tell you that she has
never been like this before”
“Every break-up is always different Jane,
she will be fine”
“Dele please, I know you love her, so
please I’m begging you to please forgive
“Did she tell you what she did?”
“Yes she did” Jane looked down in shame.
“And if I were to be your brother, would
you be here asking me to take her back?”

“Did she tell you what she did?”
“Yes she did” Jane looked down in shame.
“And if I were to be your brother, would
you be here asking me to take her back?”
Jane was short of words, she didn’t know
how, or what to respond to Dele’s
question. If he was truly her blood brother,
would she be asking Dele to take Amaka
back? How would she have reacted?
“Dele, I’m sorry, but I just want you to
think of what you felt, and have always felt
for Amaka, I know deep down that you still
love her, so please think of that love and
forgive her, I beg you”
“It’s not that easy Jane” Dele stood up
from his chair, and went to the window. He
stood there staring out the window,
looking at nothing in particular.
“It’s not that easy to just wipe out the
image of her kissing that guy in my head,
and just suddenly move on like nothing
“Dele I know this is hard for you, but I
need you to find a place in you heart to
forgive Amaka”
“Jane, this is….I don’t know” Dele looked
like he could cry any minute.
“How about you agree to talk to her? hear
what she has to say, at least that is the
first step”
“I will try, I’m not promising you anything
“Well you would have to do more than just
try, you owe me remember?”
“I do? When, I mean how?”
“Well let me refresh your memory a little,
you remember you promised to make it up
to me for barging in on I and Amaka, that
night that you were drunk, and then you
threw up on me, and then..”
“It’s okay, please don’t remind me, I can
clearly remember now”
Those were the days, Dele thought
himself to be in love with Amaka, if he
could reverse the hands of time, he would
do it, and he wouldn’t have pestered her
at all, he would have just left her alone. He
actually thought she was worth fighting
for, but now he knows, he was clearly
“So.. you would agree, that you owe me”
“Yes I do owe you Jane” Dele said out of
“Good, now I want you to make it up to me
by speaking to Amaka, and maybe see if
you can work things out with her”
“You are putting me on the spot Jane, and
it’s not nice”
“Dele please, I know I can’t force you into
doing anything you don’t want to, but
please, I want you to try and forgive her,
she is really miserable, I beg you”
“I have heard you, it’s getting late I think
you should be on your way now”
“Are you chasing me, out of your house or
what?” Jane asked, feigning anger.
“You know, I can never do that, I don’t just
want you to be out on your own at night,
besides I know you haven’t fully perfected
your driving skills yet so..”
“Says who? Is that what Jeff has been
telling you? I’m an expert driver, and you
shouldn’t mess with my driving skills”
“Okay, I agree with you, but still, I think
you should be on your way, I don’t want
Jeffery breathing down on my neck for
keeping his wife out late”
And as if to confirm what Dele was saying,
Jeffery called. Making both of them to
That night, Jeffery and Jane were both
preparing to go to bed, when Jeffery
decided to bring up the issue of Vivian.
“Babe, we need to talk about Vivian, that
woman is your mother, and I think you
need to forgive her for what she has done,
at least speak with her, and hear what she
has to say”
“Fine, I will speak with her” Jane
mumbled, as she took her usual position,
and placed her head on Jeffery’s chest.
She was feeling exhausted from all the
movement, and talk she had with Dele
and Amaka, and all she wanted, was to
“Good, so do I set up a meeting for you
both tomorrow then?”
“Hmmmmm” Jane dozed off, and
whatever Jeffery said after then, she didn’t
The next day was a Sunday, and after
church service, Jane was preparing lunch,
when Jeffery came into the kitchen.
“Babe Vivian is here”
“What is she doing here? Are you both
meeting again or something?”
“You asked me to set up a meeting for you
both remember?”
“I did? When was that?” Jane couldn’t
remember ever asking Jeffery to do any
such thing.
“Last night babe, before we slept”
“Jeff….. you of all people should know
better than to take anything I say when I’m
about to sleep any seriously” Jane
lamented, not that she didn’t want to talk
to Vivian, but she just didn’t feel like she
was ready yet.
“I’m sorry, I will keep that in mind, next
time. But she is here now, so please just
talk to her”
Jeffery had a mischievous smile on his
face, Jane knew he was anything but
sorry. She threw her apron at him, so he
could finish up with the cooking.
She went upstairs to wash her face, and
applied a little powder on her face, she
didn’t bother to change out of the shorts,
and camisole she had on. It was her
house after all, if Vivian wasn’t
comfortable with what she was putting on,
then she can as well go back to her own
When she walked into the sitting room,
Vivian was sitting quietly on a couch, she
was looking really worn out, she had eye
bags, and her skin looked darker, and
pale. Jane could not believe this was the
same impeccable Vivian, whom she had
seen the first day she resumed at High
Waters Interiors, and wanted to be like.
Vivian use to be her idol, and role model
back then, before the issue of her
relationship with Jeffery came to be
known. Jane couldn’t believe this was the
same Vivian.
“Vivian, are you well?” Jane couldn’t stop
herself from asking.
Vivian who was taken aback, by Jane’s
question, had to be sure she heard clearly
before answering. “I’m fine my dear” she
answered calmly.
Jane sat down on a chair adjacent to
Vivian’s. “Jeff said, you wanted to speak
with me?”
“Yes” Vivian came closer to the edge of
her seat. “Jane I know you are probably
tired of hearing this from me but I am truly
“You are right, I’m tired of hearing it, so
please say something else” Jane knew
she was being too harsh, but she wasn’t
going to go any easy on her either.
“I’m sure Jeffery must have told you all
what had happened to me, and how you
were given birth to. Jane I was only a
teenager when I got raped, I was clueless
of what to do when I found out I was
pregnant at fifteen, my aunt who was
supposed to protect me, threw me out into
the streets, the moment she discovered
her husband was responsible for my
pregnancy. I had no one to go to for help”
Vivian cried as she spoke. “When I had
you, I felt the need to live again, you
brought a meaning to my meaningless life,
I couldn’t stop looking at your face, I could
barely sleep”
“But you didn’t hesitate to give me up the
moment you had the chance” Jane
“Because I couldn’t care for you, I couldn’t
even feed you, you were always crying.
And because I wasn’t feeding well myself,
my breast wasn’t bringing out any milk.
There was no means for me to cater for
“And giving me up, was the only option
you had?”
“Jane, I didn’t mean to, I wanted to keep
you more than anything, but it was either I
gave you up, or risked losing you to the
cold hands of death”
“Why didn’t you ever come back for me,
when things started going well for you?
Why didn’t you come back to the
orphanage to get me back? Why did it
have to take you so long, before you
started searching for me?”
“I was too ashamed of myself, I wasn’t
proud of what I did, and I didn’t know how
to face you, I didn’t think you would accept
me, if I had come back to get you”
“Was it just that, or you were afraid your
husband was going to leave you if he
found out you had a child out of wedlock?”
“There was that too, I didn’t have the
courage to tell my husband that I was
raped as a young girl, or that I already had
a child before we got married, I kept telling
myself I was going to tell him some day,
and each day I kept pushing it unto the
next, until days turned into weeks, and
weeks into months, and then years, I
never found the courage to tell him about
you, or to come look for you either”
“If you had come for me soon enough,
probably I wouldn’t have been abused as
a teenager myself”
“You were raped as a child?” Vivian
looked like Jane just dropped a bombshell
on her.
“Yes, not just once, not twice, but several
times. So you see, you weren’t the only
one who was abused, I too was abused.
Wait, why do you even seem surprised?
what were you expecting, when you left
your child at the mercy of other people?”
Jane was surprised that she wasn’t crying
as she spoke to Vivian, she felt completely
“Oh my baby I had no idea” Vivian placed
her hands over her mouth, as she cried.
“I don’t need any of your pity Vivian. And
no you didn’t have any idea, because you
chose to think about yourself alone,
because you chose to please your
husband, and cared more about
presenting yourself to him, as a saint that
you are not! And abandoned your
daughter to suffer in the hands of those
who couldn’t careless if she died or not!”
“I’m so..rry” Vivian sobbed.
“And you expect that to just change
everything? You expect everything to just
get better because you say you are sorry?
You expect me to forget the fact that you
preferred to abandon me, and present
yourself spotless to your husband, even
when you had the chance to come get me
out of that orphanage?”
Vivian sat there, sobbing silently as Jane
“Let me ask you a question, if your
husband’s opponents weren’t threatening
to expose you, would you have even told
your husband about me?”
“I, emm.. I”
“Just what I thought exactly, what do you
really want from me Vivian? Because I
clearly do not understand why you are
“Jane my dear, please I need you to know
that I truly love you”
“And you have a very strange way of
showing this love of yours, well as you can
see; I turned out well without your love, so
I don’t need it, you can keep it for your
other children, I’m very sure they will be
needing it more, that’s if you don’t
abandon them too”
“Jane please” Vivian kept weeping.
“You know it’s really funny, how you sit
there trying to justify your actions, without
even thinking of what I went through
“Jane I was only trying to get you a better
life, a life I couldn’t afford to give you, I
was fifteen for God’s sake, I could barely
take care of myself talk more of a child I
didn’t even as for in the first place.”
Jane sat there staring at Vivian, watching
as she opened her mouth and spilled out
those words at her, she couldn’t believe
how insensitive to people’s feelings,
Vivian was.
“It’s okay Vivian, I understand that you
didn’t want to have a child when you got
pregnant with me, and clearly I didn’t ask
to be born either, I hold nothing against
you, so you can now leave me alone”
“Jane I am your mother”
“If having a mother like you, would mean
having to be constantly reminded, that I
was a child that was never wanted. Then,
I don’t have a mother”
Vivian was shocked at Jane’s statement,
she kept opening, and closing her mouth
for lack of words to say.
“I think we are done here, please on your
way out, do remember to shut the door
behind you”
Jane stood up, and left Vivian who was
still sitting down, in the living room, staring
at her in shock.



After Jane left Vivian in the living room, she

went upstairs to lie down, she cried as she
laid on the bed. She always knew she was
not wanted as a child, that was why she
was abandoned at the orphanage, but
hearing those words coming out from
Vivian’s mouth, hit differently, how was she
supposed to accept such a woman as her


Jeffery was standing at the door of their

bedroom. Watching her cry breaks his
heart. He already told Vivian to stop coming
by the house, since her visits only ends up
causing his wife to cry.

“Come on babe, stop crying” Jeffery came,

and knelt beside her on the bed. “Please
stop crying, whatever she said is not worth
your tears” he cleaned her tears with his

“She told me, she didn’t ask to have me in

the first place Jeff, even though I know she
is right but, it does hurt still”

“Awww baby I’m sorry” he sat down on the

bed, and placed her head on his laps. She
continued to sob on his laps.

“You shouldn’t let things like that get to you”

Jane continued to sob for some minutes,
before Jeffery raised her head to look at

“Come on, let’s take a walk, you have cried


He got off the bed and pulled her up as


“Jeff, I don’t feel like going out, I just want to

be indoors” Jane protested.

“Come on babe, the fresh air outside, will

do you a whole lot of good”

“Oh ohh….. I don’t want to go”

“Don’t be a cry baby, we are going out for a
walk” Jeffery took her hands, and started
walking out of the room.

“At least let me change into something else


“What’s wrong with what you are putting


Jane looked at the shorts, and camisole

she had on, the shorts stopped mid thigh,
leaving the rest of her legs exposed. And
the camisole did nothing to cover her arms

“I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to wear

this out, don’t you think so?”
“What I think is that, you are looking just
fine to go out for a walk with your husband,
now let’s go”

Jeffery took her hands, and they went out

for a walk around their neighborhood.

“Babe, I know you will be feeling bad about

what Vivian said, and then you would start
having a feeling of self pity. But I don’t want
you to feel that way”

“It hurts Jeff, it hurts real bad to know that

no one really wanted me as a child, I was
seen as a burden, even now I wonder if she
still sees me as a burden”
“I don’t want you to look at it that way, you
know, everything that happened to you in
your past, made you into the woman you
have become today, your background
made you strive to become a better person.
Yes it wasn’t a nice experience, but
because of that experience you have
become the woman that I love”

They walked in silence for a while.

“You know Vivian went through a lot as a

teenager herself, and even though the way
she reacted to it, wasn’t the best way, but
she was a child still, and was looking out for

“So are you trying to justify her actions?”

“Nope, far from that, but I want you to know
that people react to problems differently,
some stick around to find a way to solve it,
while others find the easiest route, and run
away from it. Vivian just happens to fall into
the latter, she only did what she thought
was best for you, and herself”

“That still doesn’t justify the fact that she

abandoned her child, and never went back
to look for her”

“Yes it doesn’t, but she did it anyway, she

placed herself above her child. So what are
you going to do about it? Are you going to
keep crying, and making yourself feel sad
for something that’s entirely someone else’s
fault, and not even yours?”
Dele’s phone has been ringing completely
off the hook, and it was Amaka who has
been the one calling him non stop. She has
been sending him text messages almost
every hour, begging him to forgive her,
telling him how much she still loves him.

He couldn’t concentrate on anything he was

doing, because she kept coming to his
mind, and he has been trying to get her off
his mind but to no avail, because most
times, when it’s as if he was beginning to
make progress in taking her off his mind, he
only ends up thinking more about her,
because of her constant calls and

He finally decided to take Jane’s advice,

and chose to see Amaka, and probably
hear whatever it is she had to say, not like it
was going to change his mind, but at least
that would get her to stop bombarding his
phone with her calls, and text messages.

“Hello Dele?” Amaka’s voice held surprise,

as she answered the call, she couldn’t
believe he was calling her.

“Hello Amaka, I…”

“Dele before you say anything, I just want

you to know how truly sorry I am for what I

“Amaka I have heard you”

“Please Dele, let’s meet and talk”

“About what, exactly?”

“Dele please, can we just see, I really would

love to see you?”

“Fine, I’m at my place, can you come over?”

“I will be on my way right away”

Amaka who has been on her bed, lazing

around all day, quickly got up from her bed,
she did a spin dance, before she ran into
the bathroom to have her bath, for she
hasn’t had her bath for over two days now.
After Dele broke up with her, she lost the
will to do anything, bathing inclusive.

After she had finished taking her bath, she

put on clean undies, unlike the ones she
has had on for days, she changed into
something more sexy and appealing.

‘Amaka, he only asked you to come over,

and not to have sex, this is not a booty call’
she reprimanded herself as she selected
the undies. But she still went ahead and
wore them anyway, ‘you never can tell what
could happen’ she said to herself. She
didn’t want to be caught unfresh for any

She picked out a short black dress, which

Dele always loves to see her on. She
decided to put it on.

When she arrived Dele’s apartment, he was

watching a football match on his TV. And
after he opened the door for her, he went
back to continue watching the game. He
didn’t even acknowledge her dressing, or
the makeup she had taken pains in
applying on her face.

She went over to the couch where he was

sitting, and sat down with him.

“Dele please can we talk?”

“Go ahead and talk Amaka, I’m listening”

his eyes were glued to the TV as he spoke.

“Dele please look at me”

“Amaka I can hear you, it’s my ears I’m

using to listen to you, not my eyes”
Amaka kept quiet for a while, not knowing
the right way to react, Dele who wasn’t
even bothered about her silence, kept
screaming, and shouting when the referee
blew against his team. At that moment she
knew she has lost him. The Dele she
knows, would never ignore her to watch a
football match, if the match was so
important to him, he would beg her to watch
it with him, or even turn off the TV, if she
insists on talking to him about something
that was important.

Dele ignored her for about ten minutes,

before he decided to turn off the TV and
faced her. That was when he noticed the
dress she had on, he smiled within himself,
because he knew what she was trying to
do. But she would have to try harder than
just putting on a dress he loves, before she
can be able to get him to fall for her again.
“You have my full attention now, what was it
you wanted to say?”

As he turned to look at her, Amaka sat

there wondering what made her cheat on
him in the first place, what was it she saw in
Pius that made her ever considered him
worthy of flirting with in the first place? First
of all, Pius wasn’t even as handsome as
Dele, and neither was he half as caring, as
Dele was to her. If it were to be for the
money, Dele is far richer than Pius, what
then was her problem? Truly they say; you
don’t know the value of what you have, until
you have lost it.

“If you don’t have anything to say, I might

as well just put the TV back on, and go
back to watching my game” Dele spoke out
of exasperation.

“Umm… I am sorry, I actually want to let

you know that, it was never my intention to
cheat on you, I never meant to hurt you, I
was just being stupid, and you ended up
getting hurt, I’m truly sorry”

“I thought you said, you didn’t have

anything to do with that guy, and that he
was the one who forced himself on you? So
how come you are now saying you were
being stupid? I don’t understand please
enlighten me?”

“I was… emmm” Amaka knew if she really

wanted to make things right with Dele, she
needed to be totally honest with him.
“I was flirting with him as well, I don’t know
why I did it, but I flirted back every time he
flirted with me”

“So you were planning on having a quickie

with him in your office, before coming to
have dinner with me?”

“No, no, no.. I actually that kiss was forced,

he practically forced himself on me, you
have to believe me”

“I have heard all what you said Amaka, so

what do you want me to do? What exactly
is it that you want from me?” Dele asked
“Dele please I would like for us to get back
together, I would love to be your girlfriend
again, and I promise to do better this time”

“This is not just a job that you can just come

back to Amaka, it’s not something that you
can just wake up some day, and decide that
you want to get back to. Amaka I don’t want
to be in any form love triangle”

“Dele it’s you I want, not Pius, not anyone

else for that matter. Dele what we had was
special, it was beautiful, please let’s not
throw what we had away, give me another
chance, I beg you”

“Throw what we had away, you say? You

threw whatever it is we had away, the
moment you decided to start flirting with
that new boss of yours, or didn’t you think
of what we had, when you were busy
flirting, and kissing him?” Dele asked in

“Dele I’m sorry, and if you will have me, I’m

willing for us to start afresh”

Dele stood up and paced the sitting room.

“Amaka, what you did was very bad, it was
heart breaking, I don’t know if we can pick
up from where we stopped”

“Dele we don’t have to pick up from where

we stopped, we can start on a new note, we
can start afresh”

“We can’t just start afresh Amaka, I can’t

just forget what you did” he walked to the
wall dart board, that was hung on one end
of the living room, he took the darts, and
started throwing the them at the board,
each missing the target.

“If we are to come back together, What then

becomes of your relationship with your

“I’m definitely going to be totally

professional with him, and I would stop
flirting with him too, in fact I have stopped
flirting with him already, I promise”

Dele threw the last dart on the board,

before turning to look at Amaka.

“If we are to get back together, you would

have to stop working with your boss”
“Dele I would love for that to happen too,
but I can’t choose my boss”

“You would have to stop working there


“Wait I don’t understand, are you

suggesting I quit my job?” Amaka asked in

“Amaka you don’t expect us to get back

together, when you are still working with
that guy? He is the reason we are here in
the first place”

“Dele I’m sorry, but I can’t quit my job, I just

got recently promoted, and now you want
me to quit simply because you are feeling
“I’m sorry? Did you just say I’m insecure?
You are the one who went and cheated in
the first place, if you hadn’t been going
about flirting and kissing your boss, we
won’t be having this discussion”

“I’m sorry Dele, but I can’t quit my job, that’s

not possible, it won’t work”

“You are right, it won’t work, we can’t work

like this, asking you to quit your job, is
selfish. But I still can’t look past the fact that
you will still be working closely with that
man. So we would have to forget about this,
and go our separate ways”

Amaka stared at Dele as he spoke, she

knew he was right, there was no way she
could quit her job, and he would always see
Pius as a threat, and a constant reminder of
the mistake she had made. They would
have to go their separate ways.

“I’m sorry Amaka, but this is the end of the

road for our relationship”

Amaka stood up from the chair she was

sitting on. “I really wish things had turned
out to be different for both of us, and for all
it’s worth, I’m sorry, and if I could turn back
the hands of time, I would never have flirted
or kissed that guy”

“And if I could turn back the hands of time, I

wouldn’t have pestered you to be in a
relationship with me, the way I did. I would
have just left you alone”
Amaka did her best to not show how hurt
she was by Dele’s words, so she turned,
and picked up her purse from the chair.

“I wish you the best of life Dele, I wish life

treats you well” she leaped and kissed him
gently on the corner of his lips, before
turning to leave the house.

Dele watched as she walked out of his

place, he really wanted to go after her, and
stop her. But he couldn’t get himself to do it.
He knew letting her go was a good idea. It
was the best thing for both of them. He
needed to let this bed fly.
What do you think about Dele’s request that
Amaka should quit her job if she want the
relationship to come back ?



The next day, Amaka got to her office, and
was surprised to find a rose flower, and a
box of chocolates, sitting nicely on her
desk. She picked up the flower and smelt it,
wondering who it came from.

She was still looking at the items, trying to

figure out who they could be from, when
Pius walked into her office.

“Good morning Amaka” he had his hands in

pant pockets, smiling at her.

“Good morning sir” Amaka greeted him as

she went to the other side of her desk, so
she could put a distance between them.

“Amaka I am very sorry for the way I

behaved last time, my actions were totally
out of line, please forgive me, I hope you
like chocolates? Because I got those for

“It’s okay, but these are not necessary” She

said referring to the box of chocolates, and
rose flower.

“I’m sorry, don’t you like chocolates? I could

get you something else, I was just…”

“No it’s fine Pius, you don’t have to get me

anything else, please just take these ones
back, no need to get me anything to
apologize with, I hold nothing against you”

“Amaka please don’t reject them, I actually

got them for you”
Amaka stared at Pius for a while, trying to
figure out the reason for his sudden change
in behavior, what was he getting at?

“I’m sure you are trying to figure out, what

I’m up to, but I want you to know that, I’m
up to nothing, I just want to let you know
how truly sorry I am, and if it’s okay with
you, I would like to take you out for dinner”

“I’m sorry Pius, but I can’t have dinner with

you, I have gotten your apology, and that’s

“Amaka please, I would really like to take

you out to dinner, or maybe even lunch, I
would really love to spend some time with
you outside of work, I want to get to know
you better Amaka”
“I’m sorry but that won’t be possible, the
only time I get to spend with you, is the time
we spend working together, aside that, we
can’t spend anymore time together”

“Amaka I would like for us to…”

“Our relationship is only a work related one

sir, thank you” Amaka folded her arms, as if
trying to dare him to speak any further on
the issue. She just lost a good man,
because of him, and wasn’t ready to
jeopardize her life, or career any further
because of him.

“All right, once again I’m sorry. Please send

the report for last week’s campaign to my
“I will do that now sir…” Amaka made sure
to stress the sir, so he would know she is
serious about being professional with him.

Pius slowly nodded his head at her, before

turning to leave for his office.

As she sat down to send Pius the reports,

she asked herself why she wasn’t this firm
with him, when he started flirting with her
the first time? ‘that’s because you liked, and
craved for the attention he showered on
you’ her subconscious said to her. But Dele
was showering her with more attention
than, Pius did, why then did she decide to
cheat with Pius?
Deep down, she knew she was just trying to
be rebellious, just like she has always been.
A part of her hasn’t still forgiven Dele for the
way he treated her, even if she tried to tell
herself otherwise. A part of her wanted him
to feel a little bit of the pain she had felt,
when he had told her the next morning after
sleeping with her, that he was in a
relationship, and couldn’t date her. She
knew she should have addressed the issue
with Dele before going into a relationship
with him, for he kept apologizing for his
actions, and she kept telling him, she had
forgiven him.

‘Amaka you have an unforgiving spirit’ she

reprimanded herself. What she didn’t know
about trying to make Dele feel a little bit of
pain, was that; she was going to hurt
herself in the process too.
Now she wants nothing more than for them
to get back together, she missed him, his
laugh, his voice, the way he looked at her,
when he thought she wasn’t looking.

Amaka was lost deep in thought, when

Vivian’s personal assistant, came into her

“Good morning Miss Amaka”

“Good morning” Amaka didn’t bother calling

the girl by her name, because she couldn’t
remember her name.

“Vivian would like to see you in her office”

“Yes ma’am”

Amaka wanted to correct the girl about

calling her a ma’am, severally she has
warned her to stop referring to her as such,
but she decided against it. She would have
to leave it for another day.

“Tell her I would be there”

She quickly finished compiling the report,

and sent them to Pius, before going to meet
Vivian in her office.

When she got to Vivian’s office, she was

standing with her back to the door, as she
looked at the ocean waves, through the
glass wall in her office.
“Good morning Vivian”

“Good morning Amaka, how are you

doing?” Vivian still had her back to Amaka
as she spoke.

“I’m fine ma, your assistant said you wanted

to see me?”

“Yes I requested to see you, please have a

seat” she turned to face Amaka.

Amaka did as she was asked, while Vivian

walked around her table, and sat down on
her chair.

“How is work?”
“Work is fine”

“And your new boss? You both have been

getting along well enough, I see?”

“Yes we are” Amaka’s heart was already

beating hard against her chest, why would
Vivian call her to her office this morning, to
ask after her relationship with Pius? Could
she have seen them kissing? If she did,
then Amaka knew she was in a deep shit.

“That’s good then, and how would you

describe your relationship with him?”

“I’m sorry who?” Amaka asked in confusion,

she was already tensed, and couldn’t
understand why Vivian was asking her
these questions.

“Your boss, Pius. How would you describe

your relationship with him?” Vivian was
looking at Amaka with all seriousness,
making Amaka even more tensed. Did she
hear something? Or had she seen
something? Amaka thought within herself.

“Amaka, can you hear me?”

“Yes… Yes I can”


“So…?” Amaka asked Vivian back, not

quite understanding what she meant.
“Amaka is everything alright with you?”

Amaka was still lost in thought, thinking

about how to respond to Vivian’s question.

“Amaka?” Vivian called her name with a

look of concern on her face.

“Ma?” She looked confused.

“Are you okay?”

“No, no not at all, I am not feeling fine, I

have not been feeling too well for a while
now, and I think it just got worse now”
Amaka spoke so fast, Vivian became
suspicious of her.
“I’m sorry about that, probably you can take
the day off..” Vivian wasn’t done speaking
when Amaka got to her feet immediately.

“Thank you ma, I will be on my way…”

“Amaka, I meant after this meeting”

“Ehnn…? Oh I thought you meant like right

now, because my body temperature is
beginning to increase and..”

“Amaka sit down please”

“Okay” Amaka sat down reluctantly, even if

she wanted to make a quick dash for the
door, and run out of Vivian’s office.
“When we are done, you can take the day
off, and go take care of your health. But first
I need you to tell me about your relationship
with your boss Pius”

“I understand your question Vivian?”

“Are you having an affair with Pius?”

“What? Of course not. I’m not having an

affair with Pius, sorry I meant my boss”

“Are you sure of that? Because that is not

the report that I have been getting about
you two lately”
“I’m very sure, my relationship with Pius is
strictly professional, nothing more” Amaka
spoke with a straight face, trying her best to
convince Vivian that whatever she must
have heard about her, and Pius was not

“Then why do I have a picture of you two

kissing in your office?”

Vivian pushed her phone on the table over

to Amaka. Amaka was scared of what she
might see on the phone, so she didn’t pick it
up from the table, she just kept staring at

“Go on, pick it up and see for yourself”

Vivian encouraged.
Amaka reluctantly picked up the phone, and
on the screen was a picture of her and Pius

“Does that look anything close to

professional, to you?”

“I can explain this Vivian”

“What would you like to explain to me

about? The picture clearly speaks for itself.
I’m sure you know what this means
Amaka? You know how the company treats
issues like this”

“Aren’t you going to allow me to explain


“And what do you have to say?”

“Pius has been coming to lay complaints, of
how you have been constantly throwing
yourself at him, but I never believed him,
until he came with this proof”




“And what do you have to say?”

“Pius has been coming to lay complaints, of

how you have been constantly throwing
yourself at him, but I never believed him,
until he came with this proof”

“Pius did what? He was the one who even

forced himself on me in the first place, how
can you just believe his words, when you
haven’t even heard my own side of the

“Because we have this” Vivian took her

phone, and opened to a video, and played it
for Amaka to watch.

In the Video, Amaka was the one who

forced Pius to kiss her, it was as if they both
traded places.

Amaka replayed the video to make sure

she was seeing correctly, and she kept
gasping in surprise, as she watched the
video. She couldn’t believe what she was

“No this can’t be, it doesn’t even make

sense, how can I be the one throwing
myself at Pius, when he was practically the
one who forced himself on me?”

“But that’s not what it looks like in the video


“But you have to believe me, you can’t just

take his words over mine, Pius has been
the one flirting with me, and even forced
himself on me”

“And if what you are saying is true, then

why didn’t you come and report to me?
Why didn’t you say something all these

Amaka was silent, she knew Vivian was

right, all these while, that Pius has been
flirting with her, not for once did she report
him to Vivian, but Instead she encouraged
him by flirting back. The only person she
ever told was Jane, and that wouldn’t even

Amaka knew she needed to think of

something really fast, something that can
prove she was actually telling the truth. She
then, immediately remembered that Pius
had gotten her a flower, and box of
chocolates as a means of apology.

“Just to prove to you that, he was the one

who forced himself on me, he bought a box
of chocolates, and a rose flower this
morning, to apologize for forcing himself on
me on Friday” Amaka was glad Pius had
refused to collect the items back, when she
had asked him to.

“And where are these items?” Vivian asked.

“They are on my desk”

“Come show them to me then” Vivian stood

up and motioned for Amaka to lead the

When they got to Amaka’s office, her desk

was empty, save for her laptop, and
notepad. The box of chocolates, and rose
flower which were on her desk, before she
left for Vivian’s office, were missing.
“Where are the items Amaka?”

“I don’t understand what is going on, I left

them on my desk before coming to your
office” Amaka was confused, she bent
down to check if they had fallen on the
floor, but they weren’t there either.

“Amaka, hope you didn’t bring me here to

play pranks? I’m sure you are aware of the
level of trouble you have gotten yourself

“I swear, I’m not lying ma, I left them here”

As Amaka was still trying to look for the

items, Pius walked out of his office holding
the same box of chocolates.
“Hello Vivian, good morning” he greeted
Vivian, before he turned to Amaka.

“Amaka there you are, I have been looking

for you, to return these, I’m sorry but I’m not
a chocolate person” he presented the box
of chocolates to Amaka, this time, it had a
sticky note attached to it.

“What are you talking about? Weren’t you

the one who gave it to me?”

“Why would I give you a box of chocolates?

What for?” Pius looked at her like she was
loosing it.

“You dropped them on my desk, even

before I arrived this morning, because you
wanted to apologize for kissing me without
my consent on Friday” Amaka was trying
her best to not slap Pius.

“Then I also wrote this note as well?”

Vivian collected the box of chocolates from

Pius, and read out the contents of the note.

“I’m sorry for kissing you Pius, please

forgive me.


“Jesus Christ! I never wrote that! Pius what

are you playing at? Why are you doing
“Now you are accusing me of lying as well?
Vivian you see what I told you about?”

“What did you tell her about me? You punk!

Weren’t you the one who forced yourself on

“Amaka meet me in my office now!” Vivian

turned and left Amaka’s office, and Amaka
followed behind.

“Amaka what is wrong with you? Why

would you be throwing yourself at your
boss? When you already know the
company’s take on issues like this?” Vivian
was furious, as she got to her office.

“Don’t tell me you fell for that? That guy is

clearly lying against me, and it’s obvious”
“Really?” Vivian threw the box of chocolates
at Amaka who caught it.

“Is that note not from you? Or are you going

to deny that?”

“Whoever wrote this note, really tried to

copy my handwriting, but this is not my
writing, Vivian you have to believe me”

“How am I supposed to do that? If he truly

did all what you are accusing him of, then
why didn’t you report him to the HR, or
myself? Instead he was the one who came
to lay complaint about you”

At that moment, Amaka knew she really

didn’t have a case against Pius, he was a
step ahead of her, in every area. How could
she have not seen this coming? How could
she have been this stupid, not to have
noticed that guy was up to something all
these while?

“I’m sure you know what this means


“I wouldn’t if you don’t tell me Vivian” she

looked Vivian in the eye, awaiting her to say
her fate to her face.

“You are suspended”

“For how long?”

“Until a thorough investigation has been

conducted on this case”
“And after that?”

“If you are found guilty, then you would be

sacked, and if not you get your job back”

“All right, thanks” Amaka left Vivian’s office,

and went straight to Pius’s office.

“Are you happy now? This is what you

wanted isn’t it? To get me fired”

“How may I help you Amaka?” Pius had a

smug look on his face

“You won’t get the last laugh, I promise you

“Are you threatening me?”

Amaka smiled at him, then turned and left

the office, making sure to bang the door.
She went to her office, took her stuff, and

When she got outside of the office

premises, she decided to call Jane. She
didn’t want to go back to her apartment,
and be by herself at this point.

“Hello Amaka, what’s up?” Jane answered


“I’m fine, are you home?”

“All right, I’m on my way”

“Okay, aren’t you supposed to be at work?”

“When I come, I will explain”

Amaka ordered for an Uber, which took her

to Jane’s place.

“Amaka are you okay? Why are you not at

work?” Jane questioned as she opened the
door for Amaka.

“Please tell me you have food in your

kitchen?” Amaka took off her wig as she
entered the living room, and dumped it,
alongside with her handbag on the floor.
“I have rice, and there is semo which

“Please give me semo abeg, I need all the

energy I can get”

“Okay…. Are you sure you are fine?”

“Jane please give me food before I faint, I

have problems, but I need to eat first, I nor
kill person”

Her behavior made Jane to laugh, as she

went into the kitchen to serve Amaka her
When she brought the food to the dinning,
Amaka ate silently. After she was done
eating, she told Jane everything that had

“You mean that guy framed you simply

because you refused his advances?”

“I’m as shocked as you are”

“But why was he asking you out to dinner,

when he already planned on setting you

“I’m still trying to figure out what that guy is

up to”

“I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult

this must be for you”
“You have no idea Jane, it’s really hard”
Amaka had tears in her eyes as she spoke,
making Jane pull her into a hug.

“Don’t you worry, things will turn out for the

best eventually, you will surely be

“Because of that bastard, I lost Dele, now

he wants to make me lose my job too”
Amaka cried on Jane’s shoulders.

“Dele broke up with you?”

“Yes he did” Amaka pulled out of the hug,

and cleaned her tears. “He asked me to quit
my job if I wanted to get back with him, but I
refused, so we broke up”
“Oh Amaka, I’m sorry, I never knew about

“I’m definitely going to get my job back,

Pius doesn’t know it, but he has messed
with the wrong babe, and he is going to pay
for this”

“So what are you going to do now?” Jane

asked, as she cleared the plates Amaka
used in eating to the kitchen.

“I don’t know yet, but I need to find a way to

prove my innocence, I can’t allow that idiot
to tarnish my image in that company”
“Don’t worry, I’m very sure you will be
vindicated” Jane placed the dishes in the
dishwasher, and set it to wash.

“Even though Vivian said, they were going

to carry out an investigation on the matter, I
still can’t totally depend on her, especially
with the irrational ways she has been acting
these days. I need to find a way to expose
Pius myself”

“I still don’t understand why he would

choose to set you up, it’s not as if you did
anything wrong to him, or probably he was
scared you were going to report him, so he
decided to report you first?”

“I don’t care whatever his motive was, all I

know is that, he has messed with me, and
I’m definitely going to make him pay”
Amaka gritted her teeth as she spoke.

“Amaka whatever you do, please be


“Now you are beginning to sound like my

mother, yes mummy I will be careful”
Amaka smiled at Jane.

“Speaking of mothers, there is something I

have been planning to tell you”

“Are you pregnant?” Amaka asked in

excitement. “Oh I’m going to be a god
mother…” Amaka screamed. “If it’s a girl,
you have to..” Amaka gesticulated with her
hands as she spoke with excitement.
“Amaka stop it, I am not pregnant”

“Oh….” Amaka started to itch her ears as

she realized she had thought wrongly.

“Have you forgotten told you, I wanted to

wait at least a year before getting

“Abeg nor vex, you know you said speaking

of mothers, so I just assumed”

“Then you should stop assuming”

“It’s okay o, abeg what was it you wanted to

tell me about?”
“Let’s go to the sitting room, you will need
to sit down to hear this” Jane left the
kitchen to the sitting room, and Amaka
followed behind.

“Jane out with the gist already, this

suspense is killing me already” Amaka said
to Jane, as she sat down.

“I have found my biological mother, or

should I say, she found me”

“Really? When? Where is she? Who is

she?” Amaka asked all the questions at
once, Jane started laughing.

“One question at a time Amaka”

“Oya start by answering when you found

“Last week, after we had dinner together, I

came back to find her here in the house
waiting for me”

“Who is she, and where has she been all

these while?”

“It turns out that, my mother is Vivian”

“Which Vivian?”

“The same Vivian you know”

“Vivian, as in High Waters Vivian?”

“Yes the same Vivian”

“It’s a lie!”

“Same thing I said, when I found out”

Jane went ahead, and told her all that has

been happening, and how a DNA was
conducted to prove Vivian was her mother.

“Did you see this DNA result yourself, to

confirm she is truly your mother?”

“Yes, Jeff showed me a copy”

“This is really a small world o, and all these

while you were her personal assistant, and
you never knew she was your mother”
“Small world indeed”

“So have you met with her family yet?”

“What for?”

“So you could meet your siblings of course.

Jane you need to forgive her, considering
the circumstances, and what you said she
went through, you can’t blame her much”

“Amaka please I have other things to think

about, Vivian being my mother is the least
of them, besides I hold nothing against her”

“I know, but this is something you have

always silently prayed, and wished for. Now
it’s here, don’t throw it away because of
unforgivingness, don’t say because you
want to punish someone for what they did
to you in the past, and then you end up
punishing yourself in the process too”

Amaka knew that was what happened in

the case of her relationship with Dele, and
she didn’t want Jane to make the same

“I have heard you ma”

That night, as Jane and Jeffery were done

laid on the bed, to sleep, Jeffery came
closer, and placed his hands on her waist.

“You look sexy tonight” he whispered in her

“Thanks” she turned her back to him, and
turned off her bedside lamp.

“Babe is everything all right?” Jeffery asked.

“Yes Jeff” she still has her back to him.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes” she drew the duvet closer, and

covered herself up to her chin.

Jeffery placed his hands under the duvet,

and gently squeezed one of her butt
“Stop Jeff, not tonight” she pushed his
hands off.

“Why not?” He kissed her earlobes, sending

sweet sensations to Jane’s body. She knew
she needed to stop him now, that she still
can, before he makes her cave in, with his

She turned her bedside lamp back on, and

sat up.

“Jeff, I’m not in the mood”

“That’s a first time, are you not feeling well

or something?” Jeffery looked at her with a
worried look on his face.
“I’m feeling well, I don’t want to have sex
tonight because I’m ovulating”

“And?” Jeffery asked in confusion, not quite

understanding what she meant.

“And having sex with you when I’m

ovulating, can increase my chances of
getting pregnant”

“I don’t get this, so we would have to put

sex on pause, whenever you are

“Yes Jeff, since you have refused to use a


The last time, Jane had brought up the

issue of Jeffery using a condom during sex,
he had refused, saying he can’t be making
love to his wife with a condom.

“I’m sorry, but weren’t you supposed to be

on the pill or something?”

“I told you that pill has been making me

have hormonal imbalance for a while now, I
can’t continue taking it”

“Babe then you change it, if that one is not

good for your system, then you try another
one” Jeffery was clearly frustrated, he
couldn’t believe she was refusing him sex
because of something as simple as a
choice of contraceptive.

“So you want me to be doing trial and error

with my body abi?”
“I don’t understand, aren’t you supposed to
try another one?”

“No I’m not going to try another one,

haven’t you read that taking too much
contraceptive pills aren’t good for women?”
Jane said adamantly.

“So wait, are we supposed to not have sex

whenever you are ovulating?”


“What if I’m horny? Just like I am right


“You could use a condom”

“But babe you don’t expect me to use
condom in having sex with my wife now,
besides it’s not as sweet as when we do
it….” Jeffery started caressing her laps, and
she hit his hands off.

“I’m serious Jeff, no condom no sex. At

least until after my ovulation”

“All these, because you don’t want to get



“Why don’t you form a timetable then? So I

can know when to touch you, and when not
to?” Jeffery asked in annoyance.
“Don’t make this seem like my fault, after all
you are the one who has refused to use a


Jeffery laid down on the bed and turned off

his bedside lamp to sleep.

“Is that all you are going to say?”

“What else do you want me to say?”

“Oh so I’m only useful to you when I agree

to have sex with you?”

“Okay, now you are turning it around”

Jeffery turned to face her.
“How am I turning it around? Tell me?
Simply because I said I wasn’t going to
have sex with you this night, you got angry
and turned your back on me”

Jane laid down, and turned her back on him


Jeffery was confused, for a second he

didn’t know what to say to her, because
what she said was entirely different from
what just happened.


“Good night Jeff”

Sometimes he thinks he has her completely
figured out, and then she brings up a new
character. Now he knows why his father
used to say to him that; ‘you can’t
completely figure out a woman’.
After marriage, is it good and advisable for
the couple to agree not to start having
children for some period?

What do you think about Pius action?




Jeffery tried to sleep but couldn’t, how was

he supposed to sleep, when his wife was
clearly angry at him for something that he
doesn’t even understand.

He decided to have the issue resolved,

before going to sleep. He stood up, and
turned on the bedroom light.

“Babe?” Called her.

He knew she was just pretending to be
asleep, so he went to her side of the bed,
and tap her on her shoulders, she turned
and faced the other side of the bed,
pretending to be deep asleep.

“Babe stand up we need to talk”

No response.

“Is this how we are going to do it now, going

to bed in anger?”

No response still

Jeffery went into the bathroom, and came

back holding a small bowl, with water in it.
“So babe if you don’t stand up, I’m going to
pour you this water I’m holding, no jokes”
he brought the bowl close to her face, so
she knows he is serious.

“If you pour me water ehn.., I’m going to

soak that expensive laptop you just bought,
in a bowl of oil”

Jeffery chuckled at her statement

“It’s a good thing I got your attention, sit up

we need to talk”

“Let’s talk tomorrow morning” Jane picked

up a pillow, and covered her head with it.

“I’m still holding the water remember?”

“You are such a bully” Jane grumbled as
she reluctantly sat up, resting her back
against the headboard.

Jeffery smiled as he dropped the bowl of

water, on the bedside table. And then, sat
down on the bed, beside Jane.

Jane looked away from Jeffery, as he sat

beside her.

“Look at me babe, please”

She turned and looked at him.

“I’m sorry for not understanding your reason
for not wanting to take a contraceptive” he
looked genuinely sorry.

“Jeff, they make my menstruation irregular,

I have used four different types, and each
of does almost same thing to me”

“You never told me any of this, how was I

supposed to have known?”

“Look at the way you reacted when I just

told you”

“Babe I reacted the way I did, because I

was caught off guard, you were supposed
to have told me before now”

“I’m sorry, I just didn’t know how to say it”

“Babe, it’s your body, and if something it’s
not going well with it, you have every right
to stop it. You don’t have to be afraid to tell
me that, I’m your husband not your master”

Jane threw her hands around him and

hugged him.

“I’m so sorry, I said you think I’m only useful

to you for sex”

“Yeah, that did hurt too”

“I’m sorry Jeff”

“It’s okay babe, we will find a way around
this, probably go for a family planning or

Meanwhile, Dele was in his bedroom,

tossing on his bed unable to sleep. He
couldn’t get himself to stop thinking about
Amaka, he wanted to see her badly, he
wanted to hear her voice, her laughter.

He wanted to hold her, his hands on her

beautiful fair skin, caressing and feeling
every part of her.

He craved her, he craved her like he never

craved anyone else, he craved her like his
life depended on it.
After another hour of tossing endlessly on
his bed, he finally decided to go over to her
place. He wore a joggers, and polo shirt,
grabbed his car keys from the dinning table,
and left for Amaka’s place.

It was already 10pm, and Amaka couldn’t

sleep, her mind kept going back to what
had happened in the office earlier today.
How Pius had succeeded in making a
ridicule of her in front of Vivian. The more
she thought about it, the angrier she

She decided to watch a movie on her

phone, to take her mind off what she was
thinking about.
She surfed YouTube for an interesting
movie, and finally settled for a Korean

She wasn’t far gone into the movie, when

she heard a knock on her door. She looked
at her wall clock, it was almost 10:30pm,
who could be at her door by this time? She
rarely received visitors in her apartment,
and no right thinking person would choose
this time of the night to visit.

Except probably it wasn’t a visitor, but an

armed robber? Amaka’s first instinct was to
hide under her bed and call the police,
when she heard the person at the door
calling her name.

She could recognize that voice from

anywhere; it was Dele’s.
Amaka sat still, wondering if she should go
open the door or not. Why was Dele at her
door by this time of the night? What could
he possibly want from her? Or has he come
to tell her, they can get back together? The
thought of Dele saying this, made her heart
to race fast.

She was still contemplating if to open the

door or not, when her phone rang, he was
the one calling.

“Hello Dele?” She answered with a shaky


“Amaka I’m at your door, please open up”

Amaka held the phone to ear, thinking of
how to respond.
“Amaka are you there?” He asked.

“Yes, I can hear you, what was it you said?”

She asked, just to be sure she heard him
correctly the first time.

“I’m at your door, could you open the door

for me? Please?”

That was all Amaka needed, as she quickly

ended the call, and rushed for her mouth
spray which was in her purse, and sprayed
her mouth with it, she didn’t want her breath
smelling like the fish pepper soup she had
for dinner. She rushed to the mirror to look
at herself. Thank God she had on one of
her sexy nightwear, she thought of putting
on a wig, but decided against it, that would
be too much, she thought.

She just brushed the edges of her weaved

hair. Then she went to open the door,
before Dele pulls it down with his non-stop

Amaka opened the door to find Dele

standing there, with his head bent to the

When Dele heard the door open, he slowly

raised his head to look at Amaka.

“Hi Amaka, can I come in?” He asked with a

very calm voice.
“Yeah sure” Amaka stepped out of the door,
for him to come in.

When Dele got inside, her bedroom light

was on, so he could see her face clearly,
her beautiful face, which was flawless,
glowed under the light. His eyes scanned
her purple night gown, with the way it clung
to her body, he could tell she wore nothing
else underneath it.

“Dele what are you doing here?” Amaka

asked. She was glad, her voice still
sounded normal.

“I’m here to..” he stopped his sentence, as

his eyes got to her lips, she was licking
them, something she always did, whenever
she was nervous. He didn’t know why, but
the thought of him making her nervous,
pleased him.

“You. Are. Here. To. Do. What?” Amaka

was visibly tensed, and her voice couldn’t
do much to hide it anymore.

Dele watched as her chest heaved with

each breath she took, her breasts looking
like they could jump out of her lingerie any
minute, making it impossible for him to

He slowly closed the gap between them,

staring into her eyes, looking deep into her
soul, trying to find answers to questions he
couldn’t ask.
“Dele?” She called his name in gentle
whisper, as if afraid to speak out the name
too loudly.

He placed his hands under her chin, raising

her face to meet his, and he claimed her
lips with his.

They were as soft as he had remembered

them to be. He slowly kissed, and nibbled
on her lower lip, before seeking more
access to her mouth with his tongue.

Amaka opened up for him, she moaned as

Dele continued to kiss her. Why was he
here doing this? She didn’t know, but she
was willing to enjoy the moment, before it
gets stolen away.
Amaka groaned in protest, as Dele stopped
the kiss, and stared into her eyes, as if
trying to find out if she was okay with what
was going on. Amaka wrapped her hands
around his neck, and kissed him.

That was the answer Dele needed, he

carried her to the bed, and placed her on it.
Amaka slowly took off her night gown, and
truly she had nothing else on.

He stood at the edge of the bed, watching

how beautiful she was, as her gorgeous
body laid on the bed, looking like, a perfect

He covered her body with his, and kissed

her on the lips, before moving down to her
neck, then to her sternum. He kept
dropping feathery kisses, until he got to one
of her breasts, he teased her nipple with his
teeth, knowing that to be one of her
pleasure points, he continued to tease her.

They made love into the night, until they

were both exhausted, and finally drifted off
to sleep, in each other’s arms.

The next morning, Amaka woke up to find

Dele sitting on her couch, watching her like
a hen watching over it’s chick. He was
already fully dressed.

She immediately became conscious of

herself, grabbing the sheets to cover her
naked self.

“Good morning” she greeted nervously, for

the grim look on his face made her nervous.
He looked nothing like the man who made
love to her, in every way possible last night.

“I didn’t want your door to be left unlocked

when I leave, that’s why I decided to wait
for you to wake up, before leaving”

He was already walking to the door as he


“Dele wait” she stood up from the bed,

abandoning the sheets, it was no use in
covering what he had already seen anyway.

Dele turned to look at her, she looked

irresistible to him, with her just fucked eyes,
and slightly swollen lips, which were a sign
of all the kisses they both shared last night.
Her perky breasts, which stared at him like
they were daring him to leave without
touching them. He really wanted to go back
and have them in his mouth again.

But He decided to turn, and leave before he

changed his mind, and did otherwise.

“Are you going to leave just like that?” She

could not quite believe he was going to
walk out on her.

He walked to the door, opened it, and left

without sparing a glance in Amaka’s

Several minutes had passed after Dele had

walked out of her room, and Amaka was
still standing naked staring at the door,
hoping he was going walk back in.

After standing there long enough, to realize

that Dele wasn’t coming back, and that he
might even be probably halfway to his
house already, Amaka finally decided to
lock her door.

She got back in bed, and as she turned her

face to the other side, she was welcomed
by the scent of Dele’s cologne, which she
perceived on the side of the bed he had
slept last night.

Last night; she definitely was not going to

forget it in a hurry, she perceived her
sheets which now smelt like Dele.
How foolish of her, to think he was here to
tell her he wanted her back, how stupid of
her to assume that because he had sex
with her, they were going to amend their
broken relationship.

‘Sex doesn’t amend a broken relationship

dummy, he only used you to satisfy his
sexual urge Amaka, you are nothing but a
sex object to them all, he is just like the

She buried her face in her pillow and cried,

why did she allow Dele to have his way with
her? Why didn’t she just stop him when he
was kissing her, why didn’t she ask him to

She could have saved herself this

heartache, if she had just stopped him, but
she didn’t, because she wanted it too, she
wanted him to make love to her like he
used to, she missed his touch, and the
moment he came knocking at her door, she
jumped on him like a whore.

She has never felt so worthless like she did

right now, she cried her eyes out, until she
had no strength to go on.
Does sex amend a broken relationship?

Do you think Dele is still in love with




“Dele why are you not at work? You look a

mess, where have you been?”

Anita questioned as Dele handed his

nephew the new toy he just got him.

“I decided to come give William the toy I

just bought for him”

He avoided Anita’s gaze as he spoke, just

like their mother, she could tell if he was
lying by just looking him in the eyes. How
they both managed to do that, was beyond
“Have you been drinking?” She asked, as
she sniffed the air.

“Anita, how can you even tell if I have been

drinking by just sniffing the air?”

Truth be told, ever since he left Amaka’s

place, he has been at a bar, punishing
himself with alcohol, for the way he treated
her this morning. It’s a wonder how he can
still walk without stumbling, for the amount
of alcohol he had taken was enough to
make him drunk by now.

He had gone to her place with the intention

of sorting things out with her, but when he
woke up this morning with her still sleeping
in his arms, just like when they were dating.
He wondered how he had been able to
survive these few days without her in his
life, and in a flash; the reason they broke up
in the first place, came back to him.
Something he has been willing himself to

And he suddenly couldn’t bring himself to

forgive her, like he had planned to.

“Because the moment you walked in, the

smell in this living room changed to that of

Anita replied to his question, her voice

bringing him out of his reverie.

“God Anita you nag a lot” Dele stood up to

“And where are you going?”

“I’m leaving, I only came to give William his


“We both know you are lying Dele”

“Believe whatever you want, I’m leaving”

“What are you running away from Dele?”

He paused at the door, what was he

running from? He asked himself. Nothing,
at least that’s what he has been telling
He came here because he needed to get
his mind off Amaka, shopping for a new toy
and bringing it over to William seemed to
work, but then he forgot how annoying his
sister can be when she was trying to get
something out of you.

“We both know you came here to talk, you

wanted to let something off your chest. So
why did you change your mind?”

Damn his sister for always being right, and

being able to read him like an open book.

“I’m not running from anything” he denied.

“Dele come and sit down please”

Anita pleaded, and as if to confirm his
mother’s plea, little William crawled over to
where Dele was standing, and tugged on
the hem of his trousers, mumbling some
baby words.

Making Dele smile, and he carried him as

he went back to sit down.

“So what is bothering you? Is it the

business?” Anita asked with worry written
all over her face.

“The business is doing just fine”

“So what is it? Or are you and Amaka

having issues in your relationship?”
He looked up. “How did you even know we
were dating in the first place? I never told

“Oh please come of it, we all know about

the both of you’s relationship, it’s not as if
you were being discreet about it”

“Well then, I guess you would also know

that we have broken up”

“What happened?” Anita gasped. “And here

I was rooting for you guys, I really like
Amaka and was hoping your relationship
would work out”

He stared at his sister who has already

developed likeness for Amaka. How could
he bring himself to tell her Amaka cheated
on him? And tarnish her image before his
sister. He couldn’t, it was better she didn’t

“Nothing. Nothing happened, we just

discovered we weren’t good for each other,
and decided to break things off”

By 12noon when Amaka woke up, her eyes

were swollen from all the tears she had
cried. Her eyes felt heavy, and dull in their

She got up, and angrily removed the sheets

on her bed, the last thing she wants is to be
constantly reminded that Dele was here,
and of the things that had happened
between them last night.
When she was done changing the sheets,
she went into the bathroom to take her
bath. She scrubbed her body so hard it
almost bled. She wanted to wash herself of
what had happened last night.

She realized no matter how hard she

scrubs, it’s still not going to take what had
happened away from her memory.

She sat on the floor of the bathroom crying.

‘you can’t continue crying over spilled milk

Amaka, you need to get yourself together,
remember you still have to focus on
exposing Pius for who he really is. Focus’

Amaka got up, cleaned her tears, and

finished taking her bath.
She threw on one of her big shirts, she
usually wore at home, and she went into
her kitchen to prepare something to eat.

No matter how heart broken she was, she

can never lose her appetite for food, she is
yet to see the problem that was going to
come in between her, and her love for food.

Like her mother would always say; ‘no

matter what you are going through, always

She decided to opt for noodles, as that

would be quicker in getting ready.

As she sat down on her bed to eat, she

decided to plot a plan on how to expose
Pius. She needed a hard proof to show to

With him still in that company, he might

sabotage any investigation that is being
carried out to prove her innocence.

She needed to get him to confess, but she

didn’t know how, because there was no
way she was going to be allowed into the
company’s premises, until her suspension
was over, and that’s if she doesn’t get
sacked eventually.

She decided to call the one person who

could be of help to her; Katherine.
Amaka didn’t have Katherine’s number, so
she had to search for it on the company’s
WhatsApp group chat.

It took her almost thirty minutes of

searching, before she found Katherine’s
number. She copied it out, and dialed it,
Katherine picked up on the second ring.

“Hi Katherine, it’s Amaka”

“Hello Amaka, how are you?”

Amaka could hear the excitement in

Katherine’s voice, she was obviously happy
to be getting a call from her.

“I’m good, how about you?”

“I’m doing okay”

“That’s nice, actually I need your help for

something” she didn’t see the need, in
beating around the bush.

“Really? What is it?”

“I was actually hoping we could meet, to

talk about it in person?”

Amaka wasn’t too sure if Katherine was

going to accept to meet with her,
considering the way she treated her the last
time, when she came offering an olive
branch to Amaka.
“Umm okay, how about this evening after

“That would be great, I know a cool place

that’s not too far from the office, I will text
you the address?”

“All right, see you then”

‘That was easier than I thought’ she said to

herself, happy that Katherine agreed to
meet with her.

Then, a text message came in from Dele:

‘Last night was a mistake, I’m sorry if I led

you on. It will never happen again’
It took all the will power she had, to stop
herself from dialing his number, just so she
could give him a piece of her mind.

“Like hell, it will never happen again” she

screamed out.

She really wanted to see him right now, and

punch him really hard on the head, at least
that would hit some senses into his useless
brain, which he obviously wasn’t using
when he sent her this text.

‘Amaka calm down, don’t let your anger get

the better part of you, you have a bigger
task at hand you should be focusing on
that, and not Dele’
Amaka decided to push Dele out of her
mind, but first, she decided to reply his text.

She smiled as she hit the send button, that

was definitely going to get him thinking for a
long time.

When Dele saw an incoming text message

from Amaka, his face lit up for no reason,
probably because he was hoping to find
out, she had written back to tell him how
much she loved him and can’t do without

But he was beyond disappointed, when he

opened the text, saying he was
disappointed was an understatement. He
was horrified, when he opened the text and
it read: It was just sex, no hard feelings, it’s
not like I enjoyed it anyway’
How can she say she didn’t enjoy herself
last night, when he made her come multiple
times? How could she say she didn’t enjoy
it, when she had to bite down on a pillow to
avoid waking her neighbors with her loud
moaning? How could she say she didn’t
enjoy it, when she couldn’t get his name of
her lips everytime she came?

“No this has to be a joke, I’m sure she sent

this text just to get back at him”
He spoke to himself as he paced his sitting
room, reading the text over, and over again.

“She is definitely joking”

He decided to text her back, and ask her

what she meant, but decided against it, that
would only mean he wasn’t confident in
himself, or his sexual prowess.

‘you brought this up on yourself, you

shouldn’t have gone to her in the first place
if you haven’t forgiven her for what she did’
his subconscious reprimanded.

He thought he had forgiven her, but he was

reminded the morning after, that; except he
had a talk with her, about what had
happened, a conversation which he
obviously wasn’t ready to have, then what
she did would continue to hang over them
like a thick cloud.

By 5pm Amaka was already at the venue

she was supposed to be meeting with
She had chosen a fast food eatery that was
not too far from the office, so Katherine
doesn’t have to be burdened with going to
somewhere too far for their meeting. She
also tried to disguise herself a bit, by putting
on a face cap, just in case Pius happens to
come by the eatery by any chance.

She kept herself entertained with a comedy

skit on her phone before Katherine arrived
thirty minutes later.

“Hi Amaka, sorry I came late, I had to help

my aunt tidy up some things before leaving
the office”

“It’s okay, thank you for agreeing to meet

with me on such short notice”
“It’s fine, but I must say I was surprised
when I got your call, and even more
surprised when you said you needed my
help for something”

Katherine who was still trying to catch her

breath from obviously walking fast down to
the eatery, finished a glass of water a
waitress placed in front of her, as she came
to take their orders.

Amaka ordered for a meat pie, and soft

drink, while Katherine ordered for a cup of
ice cream, and a burger.

“Yes Katherine, I can’t believe a day will

come when I will say this, but I really do
need your help”
Amaka said, after the waitress had left with
their orders.

“What could be the problem, is everything

all right?”

“I’m sure you must have heard that, I have

been placed on indefinite suspension?”

The waitress came back with the orders,

making Katherine pause for her to leave,
before answering Amaka’s question.

“Yes I heard, sorry about that, it’s hard not

to hear when your boss has been spreading
it like it was a virus, telling everyone who
cared to listen that you tried to seduce him”

“Pius did that?”

“I’m afraid yes” Katherine unwrapped her
burger, and started eating.

Amaka should have known Pius was that

petty, he knows the result of the
investigation might not come out in his
favor, so he decided to get the rest of the
staff on his side.

“Has he gotten any replacement for me?”

Katherine took a scoop of her ice cream,

and savoured the taste in her mouth, before
she answered Amaka’s question.

“Yes, the same day you were suspended. I

don’t even think you have gotten home yet,
when he got a new replacement”
This again doesn’t surprise Amaka.

“An intern from the IT department”

Katherine continued.

“An intern? Pius replaced me with an


“Not just an intern, but an intern from

another department” Katherine empathized,
just in case she missed that detail the first

“What is Vivian saying about this?”

“Nothing, he has a right to choose whom he

wants to work with, besides he said it’s only
temporary, until he finds a more capable

With the way Katherine spoke, Amaka

could tell she doesn’t believe what she said,

“You don’t believe that, do you?”

“I would be a fool to believe that temporary

crap, especially with the way I caught them
looking at each other when I stopped by his
office to pick up a file for Vivian, there is
something definitely going between those

“Wait the intern is a female?” Amaka asked

in utter shock.
“Yes, haven’t you been listening to all what
I have been saying since?”

“Is Vivian aware of this? She definitely has

be aware of this” Amaka was at the edge of
her seat, leaning closer to Katherine like
she was trying to make her see something
that she wasn’t.

“Vivian has not been herself lately, I’m sure

you are already aware that she just recently
found out that Jane is her biological

“Yes” Amaka nodded, not quite

understanding how that affects what they
were talking about.
“Well her husband didn’t take it too well,
and now his opponents are threatening to
use Vivian’s past against them if he doesn’t
step down.

So all of these is making Vivian not to fully

concentrate at work and attend to the
happenings at the office”

Katherine let out a breath, “and about that

investigation thing, she asked the HR to
handle it, and I don’t if anything tangible is
going to come out”

“How do you mean?”

“Pius has suddenly befriended her, and he

is always going to her office, I even saw
them having lunch together this afternoon”
Amaka knew she didn’t make a mistake by
calling Katherine to ask her for help,
because she always seems to be aware of
whatever was going on with everyone at the
office, how she manages to do it, is beyond
her, not like it mattered at this point.

“Katherine, I need you to believe me, I

didn’t try to seduce Pius”

“I believe you Amaka, otherwise I wouldn’t

still be sitting here”

“Thank you, please I need your help to

prove my innocence”

“What exactly do you need me to do?”

“That video that Pius sent to Vivian, of me
forcing myself on him, I know he didn’t
make that video himself, he must have
gotten help, and I need you to help me find
out who it is, though I’m suspecting it to be
his new replacement for me”

“That can’t be too far from the truth”,

Katherine looked thoughtful before saying;

“I love this sort of things, but I will do it on

one condition though”

“And what is it the condition?”




Amaka had a suspicious look on her face

as she watched Katherine, waiting for her to
give her condition. Hoping she doesn’t
demand for something she wouldn’t be able
to do.

“Well the condition is that you will have to

help me talk to Jane” Katherine blotted out.
Amaka kept looking at her, not quite
understanding what she wants her to talk to
Jane about.

“So are you going to do it, or not?”

Katherine asked.

“Going to do what?”

“Talk to Jane of course”

“And ask her to leave her husband for

you?” Amaka asked with all seriousness.

Katherine choked on her burger, making

her to cough. Amaka handed her, her own
glass of water.
“Thank you” she drank the water, and
wiped the corners of her mouth with a

“So I take that as no to my question?”

Amaka asked.

“Of course not, why would I want you to ask

Jane to leave her husband?”

Amaka stretched her hands, making an I

don’t know sign.

“Very funny, but I want you to help me talk

to Jane about forgiving Vivian, I know
Vivian might seem self-centered and all, but
Vivian has a good heart, and this whole
thing has been eating her up, she has not
been herself lately, If only Jane could
forgive her, I’m sure it will help to ease
things a little”

Amaka being who she is, wanted to tell

Katherine; Vivian brought whatever is
happening to her, upon herself. But then
she remembered no one is perfect, and
beyond mistakes. That’s one of the reason
she is sitting here with Katherine in the first
place, looking for a way to correct her

“Well Katherine, I’m not going to promise

you I can be able to make Jane to change
her mind, this is a delicate matter like you
already know, but I will try my best”

“That is all I need to hear, there is one more

favor” Katherine announced with smiles.
“Come this girl, how many conditions are
you going to give, before you help me? Let
me guess you want me to help find you a
boyfriend?” The seriousness on Amaka’s
face, made Katherine laugh.

“Can you do that?” Katherine asked,

looking serious this time.

“are you being serious?” Amaka asked in

confusion, not knowing if to believe
Katherine or not.

“Relax, I was just pulling your legs”

Katherine laughed. “You are going to be
paying for my food, and I’m also going to be
taking another burger”
“That’s it?”

“Yes, and maybe help me find that

boyfriend we talked about”

“You clearly need help”

“Do we have a deal?” Katherine stretched

out her hand, to Amaka for a handshake.

“Yes we do” Amaka shook Katherine’s

hand, somehow, she was beginning to like
the girl.

When Amaka’s meeting with Katherine was

over, she decided to kill time by going over
to a game lounge, she used to frequent with
Dele. She didn’t want to go home just yet,
and with the way she slept all afternoon,
she knew it was going to be hard falling
asleep, if she doesn’t find a way to tire
herself out.

She decided to go bowling. She bowled for

about an hour, competing with other guys
there, before she went to play other games.

And before she knew it, the time was

already far spent, she checked her
wristwatch it was already past 9pm, she
knew she needed to leave, before it gets
too late to get a taxi back to her place.

When she came out of the lounge, she

waited a while for a taxi but couldn’t get
any, they kept declining, once they found
out where she was headed. She tried to
order an Uber ride, but for some reason,
the network on her phone was so poor that
it wasn’t connecting. So she decided to plug
on her earpiece, and listen to some music,
as she walk down a bit, hoping to see a taxi
that would agree to take her to her place.

As she walked, she noticed the ground was

wet, it had rained while she was at the
game lounge, and she didn’t even notice.

The street was devoid of its usual traders,

and hawkers, only few were still outside
selling their merchandise, they must have
all turned in, because of the rain. She
thought. If she had known it rained, then
she would have left earlier than this,
because getting a taxi, to her place after a it
rains, is usually difficult because of the bad
nature of the road leading there.
Amaka continued walking deep in thought,
thinking about the drastic turn her life has
taken, in the past week. If it was when she
was still with Dele, she didn’t need to look
for a taxi, because he would make sure to
drop her off, before leaving for his

She continued walking, she didn’t even

notice she was already on a lonely street.
She only realized it, when she noticed there
were no vehicles passing by.

The environment didn’t look safe, the street

was dark, how did she end up taking a
wrong route, without even realizing it?

She decided to walk back to the direction,

she was coming from. She could hear her
phone vibrating, but couldn’t take it out of
her bag, whoever was calling, would have
to wait until she gets out of this place.

She could see cars passing on the other

end, so she knew she hadn’t walked to far
away from the major road.

When she turned, she saw a guy walking

towards her direction, she couldn’t make
out his face in the dark but with way he
advanced towards her, Amaka knew he
doesn’t come bearing good news, so she
quickly turned to the other direction, but
saw another tall guy walking towards her
from an uncompleted building which was by
the side of the street.

Amaka started to panic, she turned to look

at her left and the other guy was already
close, leaving her in their middle. Her first
instinct was to run, but before she could
make any move, the first guy who was
already close to her, pulled her back by her
arm, almost ripping it off it’s socket.

Amaka made an attempt to scream but no

sound came out because the guy already
had his hand on her mouth.

She continued to struggle, and the other

guy came and carried her by her legs, and
they started carrying her towards the
uncompleted building.

“I suggest you put her down this instant”

They all froze, including Amaka. She knew

that voice, that was Dele’s voice, how did
he get here? That didn’t seem important
right now, all that matters, is that he was
here to get her.

“Who be this one?” One of the guys asked


“Trust me, you really don’t want to know,

just drop her now, and I might just pity you
and not beat you up”

Amaka silently prayed and hoped Dele had

backup, both for his sake, and hers.
Because only one of these guys, is enough
to knock him out.

“Guy we suggest say, make you just dey go

your way” the other one said to Dele, as
they continued moving.
“Don’t move an inch” Dele warned, this time
with a stern voice.

The guys immediately dropped Amaka,

walked to where Dele was standing, and
one of them punched him. This caused him
to stagger backwards, but before he could
regain his balance, the second one
punched him in the stomach, causing him
to topple over backwards.

Amaka screamed, as that was the only

thing she could do, hoping maybe someone
would hear her, and come to their rescue.

“Amaka run!”

Dele shouted at her as they continued to

pummel his body with blows.
Amaka who couldn’t get herself to leave
him alone with the bad guys, still stood
there screaming.

“Amaka run….” Dele managed to say,

before they sent another blow to his mouth.

Amaka finally decided to run, probably she

would see people who would come and
help Dele.

She ran as fast as her leg could carry her,

heading back to the major road, she tried
asking the few people who were passing by
for help, but no one gave her listening ears,
she seemed almost invisible to them, she
couldn’t blame them, this is Lagos, and
everyone is a suspect.
Her phone wasn’t with her, her bag had
fallen off when she was struggling with
those guys, so she couldn’t make any call.
Amaka cried, and prayed to God that he
sends her help, because she was clueless
on what to do. She didn’t know what Dele’s
fate was at the moment, but with the way
she saw those guys punching him, she only
hopes they don’t get him killed before she
finds help.

As she continued to try get help from those

who were passing, she saw a guy she had
bowled with at the game lounge, she
quickly approached him.

“Hey what’s up?” the guy asked, quite

surprised to see Amaka.
“Please I need your help, I and my friend
got attacked, and as I’m talking to you, he is
still being beaten up” Tears streamed down
her face.

The guy looked Amaka over, she was

barefooted, and her hair was looking
disheveled, the face cap which she had
earlier on was gone. She really did look like
someone was after her.

“Where exactly did this happen?” the guy

asked Amaka, after what seemed like
eternity of him accessing her to know if she
was saying the truth or not.

“Down the other street” Amaka pointed

towards the direction.
“Oh no, that’s not good, that’s the den of
bad guys, we can’t go there alone we will
need help, come with me” the guy stretched
out his hand and Amaka’s hand, and
started walking back to the direction, he
was coming from.

“Where are we going?”

“There is a police station, not quite far from

here, they should be able to help us”

By the time they got to the police station,

the guy seemed to be well known by the
police officers there, because they greeted
him respectfully.

He left Amaka at the counter, and went into

the D.P.O’s office. Few minutes later, he
came out with three police men who
accompanied them back to the scene, with
a police van.

As they drove back, Amaka kept praying

that Dele was still alive, she couldn’t bear to
think of him being dead. There is no way
she was going to be able live with his death
on her conscience.

When they arrived back at the scene, the

bad guys were no where in sight, the police
men asked Amaka and her new friend to
remain in the car while they went out to
survey the area.

Not quite long after they left, they came

back carrying a blood soiled Dele, who
looked almost lifeless.
Amaka let out a loud scream, the moment
she sighted them, she ran out of the car,
and met them half way.

“Oh My God Dele___” she couldn’t finish

her sentence when she saw his bloodied,
and swollen face.

“We need to take him to the hospital” one of

the police officers said, so she could leave
the way for them to put him in the car.

She allowed them to put him inside the car,

before climbing in to join him at the back
seat. The remaining officers, and the guy
who helped her, stayed at the back of the
van as they drove down to the hospital. Her
eyes were already crying a river.
She placed Dele’s head on her laps, trying
her best not to hurt his badly injured face.

“Dele can you hear me? Dele please wake

up” she cried.

If Dele could hear her, he didn’t show any


“You can’t die now, not like this please,

don’t die, I beg you, just wake up please”

He didn’t respond.

“Please I’m sorry for everything I have done

to you, I’m sorry I kissed Pius, I’m sorry for
all the times I have given you hard times
when we were dating, please Dele wake
up, don’t die, I promise I will do anything
you want me to, I will even quit my job, but
please wake up”

Amaka cried as she pleaded with Dele to

wake up, she didn’t even notice the police
men in the car were staring at her, and that
they were no longer moving.

“Officer why did you stop? We need to take

him to the hospital” Amaka said to the
officer who was driving the car.

“We are already at the hospital madam”

The officers came out and helped carry

Dele out of the car, while the driver went
into the hospital to call the nurses, who
came out with a stretcher to carry him.

He was rushed to the accident and

emergency unit, where treatments were
commenced immediately on him.

Amaka kept praying, and begging God to

save Dele as she paced the corridors of the
accident and emergency unit.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure they will be able to

save his life”

Amaka turned to look at the source of the

voice, it was the guy who had helped her to
report to the police. She had totally
forgotten about him. The moment she saw
Dele’s face, everything other person had
faded, no one else mattered.

“Thank you” she answered with a teary eye.

“You have been pacing for over an hour

now, I think you should sit down and rest
before you wear yourself out”

“No I’m okay standing, besides I don’t think

I have been standing that long”

“Yes you have, please just have a seat, I’m

very sure the doctors are trying their best to
save him”

Amaka looked at the clock that was

hanging on the wall, it was already past
midnight, what was taking them so long?
Why weren’t the doctors out yet? They
have been in there for close to two hours
now. Or was something wrong? Could it be
that they couldn’t save him, and are finding
it difficult to come out and say it?

The guy who was with her must have

noticed the look of fear on her face,
because he immediately guided her to a

“I’m very sure everything will be fine”

Amaka nodded, for fear of crying if she tried

opening her mouth to say anything, he must
think her weak, with the way she has been
crying all night.
“Don’t you have someone you would like to
call? Probably a family member or

Jane, she should call her, but she had lost

her phone, and she doesn’t know hers, or
Jeffery’s number by heart, so there was no
way she could contact any of them.

“I can’t reach any of them, I don’t have my

phone” she said, trying really hard not to cry

“Don’t worry everything will be fine” he gave

her hand a reassuring squeeze.

They both sat in silence, each to their own

thoughts, until a doctor came out, and
started speaking to the police officer who
has been sitting quietly in a corner.

Amaka immediately stood up and went to

meet them.

“I’m sorry, who are you?” The doctor looked

at Amaka like she was intruding.

“She is the victim’s girlfriend” the police

officer explained to the doctor.

“Oh Okay, so I was saying, he sustained

several injuries on his head, and other parts
of his body”

Amaka almost told the doctor to stop

beating around the bush and go straight to
the point, they already knew he sustained
several injuries, even a blindman could see




Amaka almost told the doctor to stop

beating around the bush and go straight to
the point, they already knew he sustained
several injuries, even a blindman could see

“Will he be okay?” She asked impatiently.

“That will be ascertained when he wakes

“How do you mean?” the police officer

asked this time around.

“Well like I was saying, the injuries to his

head, are quite severe, very severe if I must
say. And as such might affect his memory,
or even worse his sanity. The x-ray
conducted shows that he received several
hard blows, or impact on his head which is
not good, but we would have to wait for him
to wake up first, before we can know the
next step to take”

Amaka took a really long, and deep breath

before asking her next question. “So does
that mean, he might lose his memory, or
even his sanity?” She held her breath
waiting for the doctor’s reply.

“I’m afraid so madam, but it’s nothing to

panic about, it’s a 50/50 thing, and he might
pull out of it without any of those

“So there is hope then?” Amaka asked,

holding on to the last strand of hope she

“Yes there is, we just have to be hopeful”

Amaka stayed beside Dele all through the

night, praying, and talking to God to please
help him come out of this, with his sanity,
and memory intact. She promised to go to
church every Sunday, without missing a
Sunday, and even pay her tithe regularly.

“God please just save him, I promise to be

a good girl, I won’t sleep in church again I
promise please, I won’t tell lies again, I
promise to not insult people even when
they deserve insult, I will not quarrel with
conductors for change again, I will even
dash them money, but please help me save

Amaka knew God and his angels might be

having a good laugh in heaven right now,
because of the things she said in her
prayers, but somehow she felt relieved, and
had a strong hope that Dele was going to
be fine. She knew it, she could feel it inside
of her.
The next morning she was awoken by the
nurse who came to check on Dele, and also
to administer another drip on him.

She waited outside until the nurse was

done, before she went back in, and kissed
him on his forehead, promising to return
soon. Even if he can’t respond, she likes to
believe he could hear her.

When she came out of the hospital, she

decided to take a taxi to Jane’s house, as
that was the only place she could go, her
place was not an option because her keys
were in her bag that she had lost to those

When she got to the house, she asked the

taxi driver to wait, while she goes in to
collect money from Jane.
“What in God’s name happened to you?”
Jane exclaimed in horror at the sight of
Amaka standing at her doorstep,
barefooted, looking like she had been
involved in a fight with the devil himself.

“It’s a long story, but first give me two

thousand naira to pay the cab driver”

After Amaka had told Jane all that had

happened, she had her bath, changed into
the clothes Jane had given her, even if they
were a bit overseized, they were still

Jane prepare some breakfast for her, and

after which, they both went back to the
hospital to visit Dele.
Jeffery who had an early meeting at his
office that morning, already left for work
before Amaka got to the house.

On their way to the hospital, Jane called

Anita and Michael to inform them of what
had happened.

“Amaka you need to calm down, everything

will definitely be fine” Jane said to Amaka
who has been uncomfortably fidgeting with
her feet, since she got into the car.

“You are going to have a nervous

breakdown if you continue this way”

“Jane you won’t understand, he is in this

situation because he was trying to save me
from those guys, I should be the one lying
on that hospital bed, and not him, he didn’t
do anything to deserve what happened to

“I understand you Amaka, but he did what

he did because he loves you, and instead
of you to be worrying, I think you should be
praying for him, worry is not going to solve

“I have been praying Jane, I even think God

is tired of hearing me talk, because I don’t
even know what I say anymore when I

“He never gets tired of hearing us, he is our

father remember? Just keep telling him how
you feel that’s all”
When they got the hospital, Anita and
Michael were already there in Dele’s room.

“Honey please you need to stop crying, he

is going to be alright” Michael held his
crying wife in his arms, trying to console

“I can’t lose him, God please I can’t lose

him” Anita cried on her husband’s

The sight of Anita crying, made Amaka feel

guilty, how was she supposed to tell her,
her brother is in this state because of her,
because of her carelessness.
She turned and left the room before any of
them even noticed.

Amaka ran out of the room to the waiting

room, thankfully there weren’t many
patients there, and the ones there didn’t
seem to pay her any attention.

She sat on one of the chairs in a corner of

the room, placing her head on her laps as
she cried. If only she had not foolishly
walked into that lonely street, this wouldn’t
happen, if only she had gotten help on time,
maybe this much damage wouldn’t have
been caused on him.

As she sat there thinking of what would

have been different if she had just gone
home straight after her meeting with
Katherine. She felt an arm around her, she
didn’t need to look up to know it was Jane.

“Everything is going to be all right my


It’s been three days after the incident, and

Dele was yet to wake up. Amaka has never
left his side, except when she needed to
use the restroom, and that was only for a
few minutes before she comes back and
resumes her position by his side. Even
Anita tried asking her to go home and get
some rest but she refused. Jane who also
tried fruitlessly to get her to go home and
get some rest, had to bring some toiletries
for her to use while at the hospital.

Jeffery’s parents have been constantly

checking up on him too, and so was Erica
who has been so withdrawn from everyone
since after her surgery.

“Baby I know you can hear me, so I need

you to please fight for your life, I don’t want
you to give up, please fight, for us, for your

As Amaka talked to Dele, she saw from the

corner of her eyes that his fingers flickered.

“Dele can you hear me?” She immediately

stood up, looking into his face for any sign
to show if could hear her. But his face was
as expressionless, as it had been since he
was brought into the hospital.
She sat down with dejection, when she saw
his finger flickering she had hoped that he
had woken up.

‘Don’t give up Amaka, keep praying for him,

he will wake up soon’ a voice in her head

‘you know it’s not just about him waking up

right? Remember he might have lost his
sanity by the time he wakes up’ another
voice said

Amaka started praying and rebuking the

second voice, Dele was going to be fine
she prayed.

Two more days passed in a blur without

Amaka even noticing.
It was in the morning and she was sitting
beside Dele holding his hands and praying
as usual, when she felt him grip her hands.
She opened her eyes and found him still
gripping her hands. She looked at his face
and saw that he had opened his eyes. He
was opening and closing his mouth, more
like he was trying to say something, but no
word came out.

Amaka cleaned her eyes to make sure she

was seeing clearly and not hallucinating.
And immediately she confirmed he was
truly awake, she sprang to her feet and
rang for the doctor.

His nurse was the first to show up.

“He is awake, he is awake” she screamed
happily pointing at Dele.

The nurse immediately went to call the

doctor, who came into the room hurriedly.

“You would have to excuse us miss Amaka”

the doctor said to Amaka as he started to
examine Dele.

“He is going to be all right, right?” She


“Yes he will, now please excuse us so we

can examine him” the nurse smiled at her,
following Amaka to the door, making sure
she leaves.
Immediately Amaka got outside the room,
she decided to call Jane, and let her know
Dele has woken up.

Jeffery had gotten her new phone, the next

day after the incident, she didn’t have time
to go and retrieve her line yet, so Jane gave
her an old sim card of hers which she
barely used, so they could be able to keep
in touch with her.

“Hello Jane, he has woken up” she

announced with so much joy in her voice.

“Oh thank God how is he?”

“The doctor is examining him right now, I

would be able to know the situation of
things once they are done.
“Thank God he is woken up, I will be on my
way soon”

When Amaka was done speaking with

Jane, she decided to call Anita and inform
her, that Dele had woken up. Ever since
Anita knew Amaka was the cause of what
happened to her brother, she has been
acting cold towards Amaka

It wasn’t up to an hour of her informing

them, and the whole Ademola family
already flooded the hospital.

“How is he?” Jeffery’s mother questioned

Amaka the moment she sighted her.
“I don’t know for sure but the__” she wasn’t
done answering, when Anita rushed
forward and asked, “could he remember
you? Does he still have his memory?”

“I don’t__”

“Did he look normal when he woke up?”

Erica asked.

And that’s how everyone kept firing different

questions at her, until she felt her head
begin to spin, she almost fainted.

“Okay I think that’s enough question

already, we would have to wait for the
doctor to come out and talk to us himself”
Jeffery said as he walked over to Amaka,
rescuing her from his family.
“Amaka is obviously stressed, and wouldn’t
be needing us stressing her any further with
our many questions”

He took Amaka’s hand, and started walking

out of the hospital. “We are both going for a
walk and will be back soon” he announced
to his family who were staring at them as
they walked out.

“You didn’t have to rescue me” Amaka said

after they got outside.

“Yes I needed to rescue you, I know my

family, they can go overboard if not
cautioned, besides you looked like you
were going to drop any minute”
“No it’s fine, besides Dele got into this
because of me, so it’s only fair I answer all
their questions”

“Amaka stop doing this to yourself, you are

punishing yourself too much, and it’s not

“But it’s true, if not for me all these things

wouldn’t have happened to him”

“You can’t change what has happened, so

stop beating yourself for it”

“I just hope he comes out of this in one


“Calm down, if there is any more

complications, we are going to be flying him
out of the country for a better medical care.
He is going to be fine”

“Thanks Jeffery”

“It’s okay, you’re my wife’s best friend so

that makes you family, and Dele is my
brother too. You really look pale, have you
eaten today?”

“I will eat later, I want the doctor to finish

examining Dele first”

“You know, you should take care of yourself

first before you can take care of someone

As they were talking, Jane came to tell

them the doctor was done examining Dele.
Amaka quickly rushed back to Dele’s room,
and found him staring strangely at



When Dele opened his eyes he saw
Amaka, and tried calling her, but she didn’t
seem to hear him, he could tell she was
happy to see him conscious, because he
could see the excitement on her face, even
if he couldn’t hear what she was saying, he
knew she was excited.

He tried asking her to calm down, but

couldn’t seem to get the words out.

She must have called the doctor, because

the doctor came in, in the company of a
nurse and started examining him, and
asking him to blink his eyes, and do other
things if he could hear him.

Now the doctor was done, and his whole

family were in the room, he was glad to see
them, but seeing all their faces at the same
and having them stare at him as if they
were expecting him to say or do something,
made him dizzy, he could see Amaka’s face
as he began slipping back into darkness.

“He needs to get some rest” the nurse said

to the Ademola family who kept trying to get
Dele to speak to them, trying to know if he
remembers them or not.

“But why won’t he say anything? Why won’t

he talk to us?” Mrs Ademola asked, almost
at the point of tears.

“He just regained conciousness ma’am, it’s

going to take sometime before he would get
back to his normal self” the nurse reassured
“Are you sure? Don’t you think__,”

“Ronke let’s allow him to rest, no need to

panic” Mr. Ademola put his arm around his
wife who looked anything but convinced
with her husband’s words.

The nurse led everyone out of the room.

“I don’t like this” Mrs Ademola said to her

husband as they all went back to the
waiting room.

“Mom, I think you need to calm down, the

most important thing is that he has regained
conciousness, he is definitely going to be
fine” Jeffery said trying to placate his
“But didn’t you see the way he was looking
at us like he doesn’t know us?” Anita asked
with a lot of sadness in her eyes. “He was
just staring at us like we are strangers”

“And he kept blinking as if he was trying to

figure out who we were” Erica added.

“All right, I think everyone needs to calm

down, we have all waited and prayed for
him to regain consciousness, and he has.
That’s a huge leap, so we are just going to
take it one step at a time and wait for him to
wake up again” Michael said to all of them,
and when his wife tried to say something,
he silenced her with his eyes. Someone
needed to stop the negativity before it gets
out of hand.
“And with that said, I think everyone needs
to go home” Jeffery announced.

“But we just got here, and we haven’t even

spoken to him yet” Anita who looked like
she could bust into tears any minute

“I know, but there’s little or nothing we can

do for him by being here, besides I’m very
sure the nurse will call us once he wakes

“I’m not leaving, at least until he wakes up”

Anita folded her arms like a baby who was
being denied her favorite ice cream.

“Me neither, I’m not leaving until he wakes

up” Erica said.
“Me too” Mrs. Ademola sat down folding her

Jeffery sighed in frustration, his family was

the most difficult to convince to do
something once they have their mind made
up on something.

“All right suit yourself”

He went to meet his wife who was seated

quietly with Amaka in a corner.

“Hey ladies, are you ready to go home?”

“No I’m waiting for him to wake up” Jane

He didn’t even bother to ask Amaka,
because he already knew what her reply
was going to be.

He decided to go look for a seat to sit

himself, they might all as well wait for him to
wake up. “God help you when you wake up
Dele” he muttered to himself.

After two hours of waiting, Jeffery and

Michael drove to a restaurant close by and
bought food for everyone. And they all went
to the hospital cafeteria to eat.

Jeffery sat and watched as his whole family

occupied half of the hospital’s cafeteria,
eating and chatting amongst themselves.
For a minute it didn’t seem like they were in
a hospital, he silently prayed nothing ever
takes away their happiness.

When they were done eating, they all went

back and resumed their position at the
waiting room.

“Jane my dear, how have you been?” Mrs.

Ademola asked Jane who was sitting close
to her.

“I’m doing very well ma” Jane answered

with a hint of surprise in her voice, because
they had both greeted themselves earlier
when they arrived the hospital.

“Eh…. Have you been feeling sick in

Mrs Ademola smiled at Jane in a way that
made her quite uncomfortable.

“No ma, I am not sick in anyway ma, or do I

look sick?” Jane immediately took out her
phone to look at herself in her camera.

“No no you don’t” Mrs. Ademola still had

that smile on her face.

“Mom, is everything okay?”

“Don’t worry my dear”

Finally by 4pm Dele woke up and they all

flooded his room again.
The nurse tried stopping them from all
going in at once but to no avail.

“Dele my dear son how are you?” Mrs

Ademola asked with so much concern.

“Fi.. ne” he managed to say out, he wasn’t

so sure if they heard him, but with the smile
on their faces, he could tell they heard him.

“Dele do you remember me?” Anita asked.

“Of course Nita why not?” he looked at her

with a questioning look on his face.

“What about me?” Amaka asked.

“Babe I remember you”

“Oh my God, his memory is intact” Erica

The whole family were filled with joy, as

Dele identified each and everyone of them
without making any mistake.

After a while, Dele became dizzy again.

This time around the nurse was firm with
her resolve in asking all of them to leave
him to rest.

As they all walked back to the car park,

Anita pulled Amaka aside to speak with her.

“Amaka how are you?”

“I’m fine Anita”

“I just want to tell you, how truly sorry I am

for the way I have been acting towards you
lately” Anita apologized.

“No Anita it’s fine, I totally understand if it

were to be my own brother I would have
reacted the same way”

“No it’s not, you have been there for him all
these while and I really want to thank you
for all you have done”

“Thank you Anita, this means a lot to me”

They both hugged each other for a while

before pulling apart.
“Are you going back with us?” Anita asked

“No I’m going to stay with him tonight”

“All right thanks so much, I will call you

once I get home to know how he is doing”

“All right, no problem Anita”

After Anita left, Jane came to meet Amaka.

“Don’t you think you should come with us to

the house? Even if it’s just to rest for a
“No I will stay with him for this night, maybe
tomorrow I will come by the house”

“Okay, I’ll order for some food to be brought

to you once I get home”

“Thank you” Amaka hugged Jane.

Amaka went back to Dele’s room and sat

down by his side.

“Have they gone?” Dele asked quietly his

eyes still shot.

“I thought you were sleeping?”

“No, I just pretended to sleep so they could

leave, so I could be alone with you”
“You are still very mischievous” Amaka
smiled “how are you doing?”

“Every single bone in my body aches so

badly” he tried sitting up, Amaka quickly
stood up and gently helped him to sit up,
placing a pillow on his back.

“You look pale” he observed, looking at


“I think you should be more concerned

about yourself”

“I know I look like shit, but considering the

fact that I wrestled against hell, the state of
my face is not out place, don’t you think”
“Yeah you are very right, you did wrestle
against hell” Amaka looked teary as she
remembered the day Dele stood up for her
against those guys.

“Come on, don’t cry” Dele said to her.

“I was really scared I was going to lose you

Dele” she cried.

“Oh babe please stop crying” he stretched

out his hands to her, Amaka his hands.

“Please you need to stop crying”

Amaka stopped crying, and cleaned her

“Dele I really want to apologize for what__”

“Shh….” Dele shushed her. “Stop, let’s not

rehash the past”

A week later the doctor confirmed that Dele

was good to go home. He was placed on
crutches, until the injury on his left leg

He was to come back to the hospital for

check up after a week.

“Babes you are coming home with me

right?” He asked Amaka as she packed his
things for them to leave.

“You need not ask, I am not letting you out

of my sight even for a single minute”

EPISODE 100-101

Jeffery’s car was waiting outside to take

Dele and Amaka back to Dele’s apartment.
Anita and her husband were there to go
with them as well.

Amaka put Dele’s things into the car, while

Jeffery helped him to walk to the car.

“Bro take it easy, watch your step” Jeffery

said to Dele as he walked beside him.

“Guy I only have a broken leg, and not

blindness, my eyes are still functioning”
“Well for all we know, your eyes might not
be working so well” Jeffery teased.

“It’s your own eye that is not working” Dele


Before Jeffery could respond, Anita was

already by Dele’s side.

“Jeffery if you are going to keep taunting

him, then he might as well ride with us” she

“Sorry madam” Jeffery mumbled.

Making Amaka smile, the way they all love

and look out at for each other, makes her
feel jealous of Dele sometimes for having
such a wonderful family who would move
heaven and earth for his sake.

Since he regained conciousness, his family

has been showering him with so much love
that even if he didn’t want to get well, he
didn’t have a choice not to.

Mrs. Ademola who Amaka has now come

to like, and is building a relationship with,
has been smothering Dele with so much
love and kisses, making sure everything he
needed was available, asking where it
hurts, making sure to call the doctor or a
nurse whenever he complained of any pain.
She sometimes even googles any symptom
Dele is having, so she would know if they
were administering the right drug to him. At
a point, the doctor had to nickname her
‘assistant doctor’.
“Mum said to tell you she couldn’t come
because of the meeting she has with the
governor’s wife, but she will come over to
your place once she is done, and Jane had
some errands to run too” Jeffery said to
Dele as he started to drive out of the

“I’m very sure Erica had somewhere to be

as well, if not she would have been here
too?” Dele asked rather sarcastically.

“You bet she would have, and dad said he

will be at your place in the evening” Jeffery

When they got to Dele’s place, Anita and

her husband were already waiting there.
“Michael how did you guys get here before
us? I thought you were driving behind us”
Jeffery asked as he helped Dele out of the

“Your sister made me take a short cut, so

we can get here first, for some reasons best
known to her”
Michael said with a resigned look on his
face. Jeffery knows how his sister can be
with her mischievous ways, so he just

“Don’t say it like you aren’t happy that you

got here before them, besides I just helped
save some fuel”
“Of what use is that? You almost had my
tyres punctured with that bad road you
made me take”

“At least, it didn’t get puntured” Anita who

already had the keys to Dele’s apartment,
opened the door for them to go in.

If looks could kill, Michael’s looks would

have killed his wife.

When they entered inside the house, it

smelled fresh, like it was recently cleaned.
Amaka was expecting it to be dusty, and
dirty, since no one has been in it for two

“I took the liberty of having it cleaned before

you come back, I didn’t want you to come
back to a dirty place” Anita explained to
Dele who was also surprised to find his
apartment neatly arranged, unlike the way
he had left it on the evening of that

“Thanks Nita, that was thoughtful of you”

“At least for once, she does something that

doesn’t involve getting into trouble” Jeffery
whispered to Michael who was standing
close to him.

“I can actually hear you” she glared at

Jeffery who quickly sealed his lips.

Amaka assisted Anita in preparing food for

“I’m full Anita” Dele said to Anita who has
been forcing food down his throat like a

“But you haven’t eaten much, here just eat

a little more” she brought a spoonful of rice
to his mouth.

Michael and Jeffery’s attention were

focused on the football match that was
being aired on the TV. While Amaka sat at
the dining, observing all of them.

“I’m okay Anita, no more food”

“Just a little more”

“That’s enough, I don’t need to be babied”
he pushed the spoon away making the rice
to pour on the floor.

“You are very stubborn”

Dele ignored her remark, he stood up and

painfully walked over with his crutches, to
where Jeffery and Michael were seated.
They were too busy arguing about the
game to even notice what was going on.

He used one of his crutches to tap Michael

on the leg.

“Guy wetin happen, you want break my

leg? Abi you want make I use crutches like
you?” Michael asked playfully.
“It’s time for you to leave my house” Dele

“I nor understand, shebi you can’t see that

we are watching a game?” Michael asked,
not taking his eyes off the TV.

“Jeffery it’s time to leave” Dele announced

to Jeffery who acted like he wasn’t hearing

“Guy nor use that thing touch me o” Jeffery

warned him, as he brought one of the
crutches close to Jeffery’s leg.

“You guys should leave now, or can’t you

hear him? You have done nothing but
disturb him since you came” Anita said to
her husband and Jeffery who were doing
anything but standing up.

“Including you Anita, you are leaving with

them” Dele told her.

“Wh… at?” Anita asked in shock.

Jeffery and Michael both bust into laughter.

“Guy abeg calm down let’s finish watching

this match” Jeffery said.

“How about you go to your houses and

finish it? Oya stand up and start going to
your house”
“Why the rush? Abeg go sit down” Michael

“I need to rest and you guys are disturbing


“Rest huh..? Come hope you know you

can’t do anything with that leg? At least until
after 8weeks” Jeffery said with a sly smile
on his face.

“Guy you dey mad, come comot for my


“The doctor said you should stay away from

strenuous activity o…until your leg is
completely healed, and that includes_,”
Michael stood up, and rolled his waist “this
Even Anita who was fuming with Anger had
to bust into laughter.

“Babes let’s go to our house, your brother

has chased us out” Michael said to his wife
as he walked to the door.

“You are very ungrateful” Anita said to Dele

as she picked up her purse and followed
her husband.

“I concur” Jeffery said on his way out, not

looking a bit angry.

“I love you too” Dele said to them as he

closed the door.
“You know you shouldn’t have done that”
Amaka said to him.

“Oh there you are, I was beginning to think

you had disappeared” he leaped with his
crutches and slumped on a chair, he knew
he shouldn’t have done that, but he needed
to. That was the only way to get his sister
off his back.

Amaka came and sat close to him. “I think

you should rest”

“Yes I wou__” Dele’s sentence was cut

short by a knock on the door.

“Don’t these guys give up?” He asked out of

“Probably they forgot something” Amaka
stood up to open the door, and wasn’t
surprised to find Mrs. Ademola standing
there with a basket full of fruits, and her
driver was behind carrying two different
food flasks.

“Good morning ma”

“Good morning my beautiful young lady”

Mrs. Ademola was all smiles, looking rather
too boisterous for her age.

“Oh my dear, sorry I wasn’t there when you

got discharged from the hospital I had a
meeting with the governor’s wife” she went
to Dele’s side, inspecting him over.
“The bruises on your face have almost
completely healed”

“Yes mummy” Dele answered rather


“Why is your face like that? I saw Anita and

the rest on my way in, she told me you
refused eating”

“No that’s not true I ate__”

“Don’t worry you will eat now that I’m here”

she went into the kitchen to dish out some
egusi soup, and semo for Dele. The aroma
of the food alone made Amaka’s mouth to
“Amaka my dear please help yourself to
some food, you look pale yourself, I don’t
want you falling sick”

She placed the food in front of Dele, and

sat down to feed him.

“Mummy I can feed myself, and besides I’m

not even hungry”

“Young man you had better open your


Dele who knew better than to argue with

her, decided to comply. If his family doesn’t
kill him with food, then God truly loves him.

“That’s more like it” she fed Dele with some

semo. “Amaka why are you still standing
there staring? Go get yourself some food,
or do you want me to come feed you too?”

“No ma” Amaka quickly went into the

kitchen to get something to eat. The last
thing she wants is to be in Mrs. Ademola’s

When Jeffery got back to his house, he was

surprised to find Jane standing in front of a
mirror in their room, frowning at herself.

“What could be going on in your head?” He

slipped his hands around her waist,
nuzzling her neck.

“I think I’m beginning to add weight” she

frowned at her image in the mirror.
“No you are not, you have your fat in all the
right places” he kissed her cheek.

“No I’m being serious, I’m resuming my

exercise routine tommorow morning”

The next morning Jane woke up feeling

gingered, and fired up to exercise. By 6am
she was already dressed in her gym outfit.
Jeffery who had no choice but to join her
was dressing up as well.

“Jeff be fast now, I want us to exercise for

at least two hours before you leave for

Jeffery who was putting on his running

shoes, had to pause.”babes you want to
exercise for two hours straight?” He asked ,

“What is funny? You had better wipe that

smile off your face because I’m serious”

“All right, whatever you say, you are the

boss” he raised his hands surrendering.

“That’s more like it”

When he was done putting on his shoes,

took out his body spray, and the moment he
sprayed it, Jane moved away from him
covering her nose.

“Babes are you okay?” Jeffery asked as he

got closer to her.
“I don’t know, but for some reason your
body spray has the pungent smell that is
turning my stomach” she kept shifting
backwards to put a distance between
herself and Jeffery.

“I don’t understand, but this is the same

body spray I have always been using” he
smelled himself to confirm if what Jane said
was true, but the body spray still had it’s
usual nice smell.

“Maybe it’s expired or something” Jane still

had her nose covered.

Jeffery who was confused, picked up the

can of body spray and checked for the
expiry date, and wasn’t surprised to find
that it’s expiry date is in a year’s time.

“Babes it has not expired, are you sure it’s

the body spray?” He was still trying to come
closer to Jane.

“Stay there now, stop trying to get closer”


Jane ran into the bathroom, and shut the


“Babes are you okay?” Jeffery stood at the

door of the bathroom.
Few minutes later, Jane came out, but the
moment she perceived the body spray on
him again, she ran back into the bathroom,
this time Jeffery followed her.

Jane sat down on the floor with her face in

the toilet bowl, throwing up her stomach’s
content. For some reason she couldn’t
fathom why her system seems to be at riot.
After vomiting everything she thought must
have been the whole food in her stomach,
she stood up, flushed the toilet, rinsed her
mouth, and splashed some cold water on
her face.

“Are you okay?” Jeffery asked, as he

helped her back to the bedroom.

“I don’t know what is wrong with me” she

“Maybe you should lie down for a bit” he
helped her to lie on the bed.

“Please go and take a shower and wash off

that smell” she said to Jeffery.

Jeffery who was obviously hurt from being

told he was smelling, decided to go and
have his bath, but on a second thought
came out and asked;


“Yes?” She had the duvet drawn over her

“When was the last time you saw your

“Last month” she mumbled.

“Don’t you usually see it every third of the

month, and today is 20th?”

“Yes, I told you those contraceptive pills

were messing with my hormones, they
make my menstruation irregular”

“Hmmm, okay”

“Oh my God” Jane pulled off the duvet from

her head and sat up on the bed.
“Do you think I could be__?” Jane was too
scared to mention what she was thinking.

“Well… just said those contraceptive

pills have been messing with your
hormones, so that could be the reason for
your delayed period”

“You don’t seem convinced by that do

you?” She was already scared.

“No no no you don’t have to be scared, it

could be just another pregnancy scare,
remember this has happened before”

“Okay” she laid down on the bed, her heart

still filled with fear.




Amaka knew she needed to wake up, but

kept telling herself a little more sleep is all
she needs before she stood up. She hasn’t
slept well for the past two weeks that Dele
was in the hospital. And the moment her
body hit the bed last night, she slept off.
She only stood up at night when Dele
needed to use the restroom. She needed to
rest a little more.

As she continued to toss on the bed, she

noticed Dele’s side of the bed was empty,
she panicked and opened her eyes.

Dele was sitting on a chair in the room, with

his injured leg elevated on another chair.
He has been in that position for the past
thirty minutes, watching Amaka as she
slept. It’s a weird thing which he has come
to like, marveling at how peaceful she looks
while sleeping, while in real sense she is a
far cry from being peaceful.

He knew she was tired and needed to rest,

so he didn’t bother waking her when he
woke up.
“Do you know you look really peaceful
when you sleep?” He asked smiling at her,
when she opened her eyes.

“And how would you know that, aren’t you

supposed to be sleeping?” She cleaned her
eyes with the back of hands sitting up.

“I would have you know that I have been

awake for the past thirty minutes, doing
nothing but watching you sleep”

“Dele you are supposed to be resting, why

are you awake so early?” she tried to get off
the bed, but Dele motioned for her to still
remain on the bed.
“I think you need the rest more than I do, for
the past two weeks you have done nothing
but run around looking after me, thank you”

“It’s the least I could do, Dele I should be

the one thanking you, you risked your life to
save me from those bad guys, if you hadn’t
been there I don’t know what could have
become of me”

“They would have killed me first before I

allow anything to happen to you”

Jane decided to give up on her exercise for

the day and rest, but couldn’t. For some
reason best to it, her digestive system kept
acting funny. Even after Jeffery has
showered, and washed off the smell of the
body spray, she still kept vomiting. She
changed rooms and went to the guest
room, but that didn’t help matters, instead it
seemed to have worsened it. Because the
room was smelling like there was
something dead in it.

“What happened? Don’t you want to stay in

the guest room any more?” Jeffery asked
as she came out carrying her pillow.

“That room smells like something died in it”

she scrunched up her nose as she spoke. “I
think you should go check it out, maybe a
rat must have died there”

“Babes we don’t have any rats in this

house, what are you talking about?”
“I don’t know, why don’t you go and check
for yourself?” She walked past him into their
bedroom banging the door in annoyance.

Jeffery stood watching, wondering what he

had just said that made her get angry.

He went to the room and discovered the

room smells nothing like a dead rat but like
the lavender air freshener that was in there.
He went back to their room, and found Jane
under the duvet.

“Are you feeling cold?”

“Yes” she mumbled under the duvet.

“I think you need to do a pregnancy test”

“I’m not pregnant”

“Well there is only one way to find out, you

get the test done”

Jane didn’t respond.

“Do you have any pregnancy test strip in

the house?”


Jeffery knew that wasn’t true, because he

saw some in her wardrobe the other day
when he was looking for something there,
but he didn’t argue, that would be a foolish
thing to do in her current mood.
“All right, I will go get some from the
There was no response from Jane.

Jeffery went to a nearby pharmacy within

their estate, and bought two different types
of pregnancy test strips.

When he got back Jane was still in the

same position he had left her.

“Babes?” He sat on the bed and took off the

duvet from her face.

“Babe please come and do the test”

“No, I think it’s the food I ate last night that
is messing with my system, I will be fine”

“I agree with you, but I still think you should

do the test just to be sure”

“Which one is to be sure? I said I’m fine!

Instead of you to get me a medication or
something, you went to buy test strips, test
strip buyer”

“I didn’t want to get you any medication

when we aren’t sure what the problem is”

“I have heard you, but I’m fine so don’t

worry yourself”

“No doubt, but you still need to get the test

done, so please get up”
“I’m not doing that test”

“You are very stubborn, you know that

right?” Jeffery said completely frustrated.


Jane stood up and grabbed the strip from

him, and went into the bathroom to have
the test done.

Jeffery waited patiently for her, and after 5

mins, Jane let out a very loud scream from
the bathroom.
The moment Jeffery heard Jane scream
from the bathroom, he knew the result of
the test was positive.

Jeffery wanted to go into the bathroom, but

decided against it, he decided to leave her
alone to take it all in. He knew she needed
time to herself to process the result.

He sat on the bed, and waited for her until

she came out.
Jane sat on the floor of the bathroom
staring at the pregnancy test strip, hoping it
would somehow change from being positive
to negative, instead of the two lines she
was seeing. She decided to have another
test done with the second strip, probably
the first one is expired, or malfunctioning.
She peed on it and waited patiently, praying
and speaking in tongues for it to come out
negative, but the result was positive, she
was indeed pregnant.

What was she going to do? How was she

going to handle being pregnant when she
wasn’t even ready to be a mother yet? She
knows everyone is expecting her to get
pregnant and start bearing children after
marriage. But in actual sense, that was not
what she wanted, at least not yet. She
believes there is more to marriage than the
woman just popping out children because
that’s what everyone expects from her. She
wants to be able to actualize her dreams,
build a career for herself before she can
start having children. And there is also that
fear that keeps nagging at her at the back
of her mind; she might just be a terrible
mother to her child, just like her mother
was. What if she ends up hating the child
for making her put her dreams on hold?
How was she supposed to handle hatred
for her child?

She coiled herself in a corner of the

bathroom and cried, until she no longer had
tears in her eyes. She couldn’t get herself
to come out and face Jeffery, because she
didn’t know what his reaction would be. If
he is happy, then she is going to get angry
at him for getting her pregnant even after
she had told him she wasn’t ready, and
wanted to wait until after a year before
thinking of having children. If he looks
unhappy, then she is going to feel bad, and
hate herself for getting pregnant when
neither of them is ready to be a parent yet.
Either way, she wasn’t ready to face him.

After an hour of being in the bathroom, she

finally opened the door and came out. She
was surprised to find Jeffery sitting patiently
on the bed, when she thought he might
have gone to work already.

“Hey…” He stood up and enveloped her in

a hug, smoothing her head. “Everything will
be all right” he murmured into her ear.

Jane didn’t know if to cry or be happy at

Jeffery’s reaction. She just remained
motionless in his arms for a while before
she pulled out of the hug.

“We are going to find a way around this

okay? We are in this together” he looked
her in the eyes as he spoke.

Jane who seemed to have lost her

speaking ability the moment she discovered
she is pregnant, only nodded her head and
went to lie down on the bed.

Jeffery used a duvet to cover her, and

propped a pillow under her head, making
sure she was comfortable.

“Do you need me to get you anything?”

She shook her head.

“Not even tea, or something to eat?”

She shook her head.

“What about a chocolate drink?” Jeffery

knew she loves chocolate drinks and
doesn’t turn down one when she was being
But this time she shook her head indicating
a no.

“Are you sure? Because I’m very sure a

creamy chocolate drink would really…”
Jeffery had to stop talking because of the
mean look Jane gave him.

“Sorry, you don’t want that, so what can I

get you then?”

She shook her head saying nothing.

“Okay, I’ll just be here in case you need


Jane shook her head, and indicated with

her hands that he leaves.
“You want me to leave?”
She nodded.

This her method of communication was

beginning to piss Jeffery off, why wouldn’t
she just open her mouth and speak to him?
Or did she lose her voice in the bathroom or
something? She couldn’t even look him in
the eye.

He picked up his laptop, diary containing

his itinerary for the day, and left the room.

He went to his study, since he has been

chased out of his room, he might as well
get some work done. He opened his laptop
and was greeted by Jane’s picture which he
used as his background picture, he couldn’t
stop staring at it, she really looked happy in
the picture. He couldn’t help but wonder if
this news of her being pregnant was going
to put a strain on their relationship, he
knows she isn’t ready to have kids just yet,
and he had agreed to wait at least a year
before having kids, they both planned on
how their lives were going to look like with
all the plans they had, but not for once did
they stop to consider what it was going to
look like when or if things didn’t go
according to their plans. What if she
demands for an abortion? He definitely
wouldn’t want his child aborted, but he
knows how Jane can be sometimes, she
could come asking for that.

Jeffery prayed she doesn’t ask for an

abortion, because he knew he wouldn’t
agree to that, and that would cause a lot of
problem for them.
After one hour of staring at his computer
and not being able to get any actual work
done, he decided to go check up on Jane
and see how she was doing, and if she
needed something.

He tried to be quiet as possible, as he

opened the bedroom door, he peeped and
saw that she had already slept off. He
checked the temperature of the air-
conditioner, before going back to his study.

When Jane woke up, it was already past

noon, she noticed she wasn’t feeling
naseous any more, she was even feeling
hungry, she slowly got off the bed, and
went into the bathroom to wash her face.
She stared at herself in the vanity mirror for
a while, trying to see if there was any
noticable change that shows she is
pregnant. There was none, save for a little
weight gain, which she had earlier thought
was from eating too much, but didn’t know it
was from having another human grow
inside of her. She placed her hands on her
stomach which was still flat, very soon she
would start to show, and would become
excessively fat.

‘Jane you are overthinking things’

She splashed some water on her face, and

cleaned her face with a towel, and stepped
out to go look for something to eat.

When she got to the kitchen, nothing there

seemed to interest her, she thought of
making pasta, but the thought of eating it,
almost made her throw up, so she gave up
on that, she considered making rice but that
wasn’t any appetizing either.

After about fifteen minutes of her roaming

around her kitchen, looking for what to cook
that doesn’t make her naseous, and not
being able to come up with anything, she
sat down in frustration. What was
happening to her? She has never been one
to think too much before deciding on what
to eat, but now even her favorite jollof rice
wasn’t even appealing to her. She has
always thought that any sickness that would
make her not want to eat jollof rice, was a
deadly one.

“Oh God my life is changing so fast and I

didn’t even get the time to prepare for it,
how am I supposed to cope with this?” She
cried into her hands, thinking of what to do,
then out of nowhere, she remembered she
hasn’t eaten moi moi in a long while, she
quickly cleaned her tears, forgot about what
she was crying about, and went back
upstairs to get her phone and placed an
order for moi moi from a nearby restaurant.
For some strange reason, the thought of
eating moi moi, brought joy to her heart.
She decided to order for Jeffery as well,
incase he wants to eat.

She knew she needed to talk to him, so she

went to his study, he had a slight frown on
his face as he looked at his computer. He
looked incredibly sexy as he sat there
shirtless, having just a joggers on and she
wanted to have her hands all over his body.
‘Jane be careful, it was playing with this hot
body, that got you here in the first place’

“Heyy …” Jeffery stood up from his chair

giving Jane a better view of his shirtless

“Oh my God” she placed her hands on her

head to steady herself, because she
thought she was beginning to go crazy, how
could she be desiring her husband at a time
like this when she supposed to be
abstaining from sex until further notice?

“Babe are you okay?” He was already by

her side holding her.

“Why don’t you have a shirt on?”

“What? Does it bother you that I’m

“Yes, and I don’t know why” she started

crying, making Jeffery confused.



EPISODE 102-103

It’s been two weeks since Dele got

discharged from the hospital, and he has
been getting better with his leg almost
completely healed, the doctor asked that he
use the crutches for one more week before
he comes back to the hospital for a final
check up. Amaka could swear Dele was
almost running mad from using those

His family hasn’t relented in their constant

visits, and pampering. One would have
thought that after two weeks, they were
going to tune down a bit on their visits, but
they didn’t. Dele and Anita quarrel almost
everytime she comes visiting, because of
her constant way of always nagging him to
eat, asking him not to walk around too
much so he doesn’t hurt his injured leg,
while all Dele wants is to get better so by
his next doctor’s appointment, he would be
fit so he can drop the crutches.

Mrs Ademola the queen of affection, has

made it a point of duty to always bring food
to them at least once a day, and she always
stays and makes sure she sees Dele eating
from it. The day he trys to be stubborn she
would force him to eat. Amaka always
marvel at the level of strength she
possessed in bullying everyone to do what
she wants, at least that’s what her husband
calls her, a bully.

As for her relationship with Dele, it has

been blossoming, they are closer now than
they used to be before their breakup,
anytime Amaka brings up the issue of their
breakup, Dele would always dismiss it with
a wave of his hands, neither does he like to
talk about the night of her attack.

“If that doctor asks me to use this crutches

any longer than a week, then I’m going to
take them to the third mainland bridge, and
throw them into the sea, because there is
no way I’m going to be tortured into using
these blasted things any longer than a

“I think you need to calm, I think you are

overreacting” Amaka dropped an orange
juice in front of him and took a sit from
across him.

“Overreacting you say, I don’t think you

know what it feels like walking around in
these things” he pointed at the crutches
with a disgusted look on his face. “Or for
you to have something that you so much
desire but can’t have or even feel because
of…..” Dele’s voice trailed off as he stared
at Amaka’s chest.
“Dele you can’t do anything until the doctor
has confirmed that you are fit to do so”

“Oh God…” Dele covered his face with his

hands out of frustration. “Can’t I have just a
little?” He begged.

“A little what? Is it biscuit that you bite a

little to come back and finish later?”

“Yes for me it is bi..” he stopped talking

when he noticed Amaka’s looks were not

“Aham” he coughed nervously “baby you

know that’s not what I meant, I..”

“How exactly did you mean it then?” Amaka

folded her arms.
“I actually meant, I wouldn’t mind being
given some sugar please…”

Amaka couldn’t help but smile at his

expression, he looked so adorable like a
little kid who is being denied from eating

“No you can’t have any of these until the

doctor certifies you to”

“Oh my God, I’m going to die” He hung his

head low in frustration.

“No you are not going to die” she stood up

from her seat and walked over to where he
was seated, and bent over to kiss him.
She slightly grazed her lips over his, then
slowly teased his lower lip, deepened the
kiss a little before pulling out.

“Huh….” Dele protested.

“That’s as much as you can get for now”

“Until when?”

“Until further notice, at least until when the

doctor clears you”

Dele looked like he was going to cry. “I

don’t need some stupid doctor to tell me
when I can do anything”
“I’m sorry but in this case you do, you can’t
have any of these” Amaka used her hands
to refer to her body, “until the doctor clears

“Ahah…..” He grunted out in frustration.

The next morning, as they both laid in bed,

Amaka could feel Dele’s hands on her
body. She pretended to be sleeping for she
enjoyed what he was doing.

“Baby I know you are awake” he whispered

in her ears, nibbling on it a little, making
Amaka smile.

“Do you like it when I do this?” He placed

his hands under her camisole and cupped
one of her breasts, and teased her nipples.
“You like that don’t you?”

He smiled to himself as Amaka let out a soft

moan, he knew all he needed was to
seduce her, and she would give in.

He came closer and slowly kissed her on

the lips, teasing her with his tongue, at the
same time using his hands to fondle her

Amaka took possession of the kiss and

without any warning she climbed on him,
making Dele grunt in pains.

“Just what I thought” she got off him and

climbed off the bed.
“You aren’t playing fair, things were going
on fine, and you just had to ruin it with
that?” He asked out of frustration.

“I just needed to remind you what it would

look like if we engaged in what you are

“No, no, that’s not true and you know it,

there are position and styles that doesn’t
involve you being on top, you don’t even
like being on top for crying out loud” Dele
was almost dying out of frustration.

“Well it is what it is”

Amaka walked out of the room making sure

to sahshay her ass in the process.
“Just kill me” Dele slumped on the bed.

After Jane discovered she was pregnant,

Jeffery drove her to the hospital and a test
was carried out, and the doctor confirmed
she was four weeks pregnant.

Ever since then, there has been a great

deal of tension between Jeffery and Jane.
They barely said beyond a few words to
each other.

Jeffery tried to get her to talk to him, but

she was always getting upset at the
slightest issue, before he knows it she was
already crying for no reason at all. It was as
if he was walking on eggshells around her.
They haven’t told anyone about the
pregnancy because Jane didn’t want any of
that yet. He knew they can’t keep it away
for too long, because sooner or later, she
would start to show.

He tried working from home just so he

could be around to help her if she needed
anything but that didn’t seem to work, as
she made sure to avoid him all together
whenever he was around.

It’s a weekend, and they were both at

home, but it seemed like he was alone
because she has herself hid away
somewhere around the house.

Jeffery got up from where he was sitting,

and decided he was going to deal with this
issue once and all, he had given her
enough time to brood, and two weeks is
more than enough to do so.

He checked their bedroom and she wasn’t

there, so he went to the guest room and
found her, sitting on the bed looking at

“Hey babe, can we talk?”

“Not now please, maybe later”

“I would really love to talk to you now,


“Let’s talk later please” she laid down and

turned away from him.
“This is what you have been saying for the
past two weeks”

“I don’t feel like talking Jeff”

Jeffery took a few breaths before saying in

a stern voice; “Mrs Jane Ademola, I need to
talk to you, and I mean now!”

The harshness on Jeffery’s voice made

Jane sit up almost immediately. Since
they’ve been married, never has he spoken
to her in that tone.

“Why are you now shouting?” She started


“Oh God please not the tears again” Jeffery

groaned out in frustration.
“I’m sorry I raised my voice at you”

“You want to talk right? Fine let’s talk” Jane

said dramatically as she cleaned her tears,
angry at herself for crying at the slightest

“Babes I know you don’t want to have a

child right now, and finding out that you are
pregnant is really not something you
wanted, but it has happened and no matter
how we run away from it, we will still have
to face it; you are pregnant, babes you are
carrying our child inside of you. I know that
scares you, but it doesn’t have to because
you have me, I’m here with you every step
of the way”
“I’m so scared Jeff” she whispered.

“I know baby, I know” he went and sat

beside her on the bed. “Babes I know you
are scared, and it’s totally normal. That’s
why you have me here, we are in this
together remember?”

“Oh Jeff, I’m scared I might not be a good

mother, what if I end up resenting this

The fear in her eyes tore Jeffery’s heart, he

drew her closer to himself and hugged her.
“you are going to be a terrific mother, that
I’m very sure of”
“I’m sorry for the way I have been behaving
lately, I just don’t know how to come to
terms with this”

“It’s okay babe, please whatever you are

going through don’t shut me out, let’s go
through it together”

“I will try”

“I love you”

“I love you too Jeff”

They both remained quiet for a while.

“Yes baby?”

“Would it be weird if I told you I’m really


“Are you now?” He asked smiling.

“How long will you be gone for?” Dele

asked Amaka as she got dressed to leave
the house.

“Just for a few hours, maybe one or two”

she combed her hair as she spoke.

“Huh… That’s long, can’t you make it

shorter? Being alone in this house for that
long, doing nothing is going to drive me
“It’s not that bad, you can catch up on
soccer or something on TV”

“Yeah right tell me about it, you know I don’t

want to watch soccer, I want to do
something else” Dele made a baby face.

“I will see you when I get back” she bent

and kissed him. “And we are going to talk
about our relationship, when I do return”
She didn’t wait for Dele to reply before
leaving the room, because she knew what
his response would be. If they are to
continue dating, then they would have to
talk about the issues that earlier led to their
She was meeting with Katherine, they had
spoken last night, and she told Amaka she
has update on who helped Pius in setting
her up.

Amaka was nervous to find out who it is,

she hopes they can get the person to
confess so they can expose Pius for who
he really is, and she can get her job back.

Due to Dele’s health, she hasn’t been able

to keep up with what Katherine was doing
to expose Pius, but now that Dele was
getting better, she was ready to deal with

They had chosen to meet at a restaurant

not too far from where Dele lives. Amaka is
glad Katherine was understanding enough
and agreed to come all the way to meet
with her.

By the time she got there, Katherine was

already there waiting for her.

“Sorry I’m late” Amaka said to Katherine as

she took a seat.

“No you are not, I just came here an hour

earlier, I left my house quite early to avoid

“Thank you so much for meeting with me

Katherine, I’m sorry I haven’t been keeping
in touch like I’m supposed to, considering
you are the one helping me”
“It’s okay Amaka, you already told me the
situation of things with you, and I totally
understand, beside I told you I love doing
things like this”

“Okay” Amaka smiled as she signaled a

waiter to come take their orders. “What
would you like to have? I’m buying”

“Well if you are buying,” Katherine grabbed

the menu all smiles, “then I will have rice,
chicken, coleslaw, prawns, gizzards__”

“Bia, bia, this girl did elephant step on your

stomach or something?” Amaka cut her
short as she continued to order.

“How do you mean?” Katherine asked

“Which one is how do I mean? Why are you
ordering for so much food? Didn’t you eat at
home before coming? Abi there’s no food in
your house?”

Katherine laughed at Amaka’s facial

expression as she talked looking all

“Amaka you are the one paying, besides

you should have known by now that I love

“Hmmm you should be lucky that you are

helping me, if not__”

“You would have said something mean, I

know that’s the reason I’m leveraging on
this opportunity, because I know you can’t
say anything mean to me” Katherine went
back to placing her order and even added
more to it.

“So what do you have for me?” Amaka

asked impatiently after the waiter had left.

“I have finally been able to get the person

who took that video of you and Pius kissing”

“Who is it” Amaka asked almost trying to

get the words out of Katherine.

“Calm down, it is his new replacement for


“The intern?”
“Yes, that’s correct” Katherine paused to sip
and drink, making Amaka to almost snatch
the drink away from her hands.

Katherine who was enjoying keeping

Amaka in suspense, slowly took her time in
sipping her drink.

“Oh God, this drink tastes so nice, aren’t

you going to drink yours?” She said to
Amaka who was really trying hard to refrain
from saying something mean to her.

“I will drink mine later, so what else_”

“It’s best taken when it’s cold, maybe I

should help you to drink it?”
“Katherine you can have my drink, you can
even have my food, but please stop
keeping me in suspense and tell me what I
want to hear if you don’t want me to swear
for you”

“Hehehehehe, I like this part of you”

“Do you really? No seriously?”

“Oya nor vex, so I was able to take a

picture of them making out in the office, and
I later approached the girl with it, and
threatened to show it to Vivian if she
doesn’t tell me what she knows about your
frame up”

Katherine paused as the waiter came back

with her order.
“Hmmmm this smells so nice” she took a
spoonful of the rice and savoured it’s taste.

Amaka almost knocked the spoon off her

hands, how could she be talking about the
taste of rice when they were in the middle
of an important discussion? It’s either she is
mad, or she has not eaten good food since
the last time they saw each other.

“So did she say anything?”

“Yes she did” Katherine continued to eat

her food.

“So what did she say?”

“One minute please” she took another
spoon of rice.

“Hmmm Katherine, Katherine…” Amaka


“Has anyone ever told you, you are

aggressive?” Katherine asked smiling.

“This child doesn’t know anything” Amaka

said under her breath.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing, please go with what you were

“Okay, so I got the girl to talk. Apparently
Pius has been having a thing with her,
since the week he started working at High
Waters, and he promised her he was going
to elevate her from the position of an intern”

“I still don’t understand this”

“Me neither, but he told her he wanted to

give her your position, and for that to be
possible, you need to be framed and gotten
out of the way”

“So he used me to achieve his aim of

elevating his stupid girlfriend?”

“Yeah something like that, and I also

suspect he is sleeping with the HR too,
because he has her wrapped around his
fingers, allowing him to get away with so
many things at the office”

“But how do we prove any of these? It’s

going to be their words against ours”

“Nope, not if we have a recording of the

intern’s confession” Katherine waved her
phone at Amaka.

“You recorded her confession?”

“Here listen to it yourself” she played the

recording for Amaka.

Amaka smiled as she listened to the girl

confessing to Pius asking her to take the
videos of them kissing, and also
manipulating it so it would look like Amaka
was the one forcing herself on Pius.

“Well done Katherine, with this I can go to

Vivian and prove my innocence, thank so
much Katherine”

“So, does that mean I can have another

plate of this rice, and maybe some goat

“Do I look like I’m on some hunger

alleviation mission?” Amaka asked her.

“Oya give me back my phone”

“Oya nor vex, abeg order for another plate”




“Babe are you sure you want us to tell them


“Yes, besides very soon I will soon start to

show and they will all know anyway”
“You are right, just that once my mom finds
out you are pregnant, she is going to be all
over you, watching you like a mother hen,
though it’s nice and all, but it can
sometimes be overwhelming”

“Yeah, I know, I guess I would just have to

brace myself up for it, besides I think she
already suspect’s I’m pregnant”

“How so?”

“She asked me something in that direction

when Dele was at the hospital, and I also
noticed the way she was looking me over,
the last time we met at Dele’s place”

“We will announce it to her then”

Jeffery was preparing plantain for her to
eat, while Jane sat on the kitchen island
sipping on some water melon juice, which
he had earlier made for her.

So far, fruits and ripe plantain are the only

things she has been able to keep down in
her stomach without throwing up. And
Jeffery has made sure she has variety of
them, and always trying to find out ways to
help her eat other types of food without
throwing them up.

“I’m thinking of going to see Vivian”

“Really when?” Jeffery suspended what he

was doing to give her his full attention.
“Maybe tomorrow, I just feel the need to talk
her to her, I don’t know why, but I’m
beginning to see things from her point of

“Do you think it has something to do with

the pregnancy?”

“Yeah sort of”

“I’m really proud of you babe, this is a bold

step you are taking, and makes me feel so

“Thank you, well let’s hope I don’t change

my mind by tomorrow”

“Even if you do change your mind, I would

still be proud of you, though I think you
should call her now to avoid you changing
your mind”

“I really don’t think…”

Jeffery’s phone rang, and it was his mother

calling to let him know she was at their

“Were you expecting her?” Jane asked

“No I wasn’t”
Jeffery went to open the door for his mom.

“Oh Jeffery thank God you are home” she

looked worried.

“Mom what is it?”

“Your sister is getting back with her

Jeffery stood staring at his mom, like he

didn’t just hear what she said.

“Jeffery did you hear what I said?” His mom

asked him.

“Mom, I don’t think I understand what you

just said”

“Me neither, I don’t understand it myself. I’m

even tired” she walked past him and went
to seat on one of the sofas.
“But how can Erica go back to her
husband? Aren’t they supposed to be
finalizing their divorce?”

“Exactly what I asked her when she told me

they are getting back together, but she said
they have both worked things out, and have
decided to call off the divorce. Erica wants
to go back to that woman beater, that
hooligan who almost took her child away
from her, and abadoned her when she
needed him the most!”

Mrs Ademola was furious, she rarely gets

angry but when does, it never goes well.

“Mom please calm down, I’m sure there’s a

mix up somewhere, Erica can’t go back to
Desmond, not after all he did to her”
“There is no mix up o, none at all. I
suspected this was going to happen, the
moment I wanted to have that idiot dealt
with, for what he did to my daughter, but
Erica refused, making me promise I was not
going to do anything to him. Now she is
telling me he is a changed person, what
sort change is that? Changed person my

Jeffery balled his fist in anger, as he paced

his living room, thinking of the best way
possible to knock some sense into his
sister’s head.

“I need to speak with her”

“Please do, talk to her because it seems
she has forgotten the type of mother she
has, there is no way I’m going to sit back
and watch my daughter get hurt for the
second time”

Jane who heard raised voices, decided to

come out from the kitchen, and check what
was going on.

“Oh Jane my darling, how are you?” Mrs

Ademola smiled the moment she saw Jane.

Jeffery could tell she already knew Jane is

pregnant, with the knowing smile she had
on her face. He knows his mother too well,
she will continue to fool them like she
knows nothing, until they come out and say
it themselves.
“I’m fine, good afternoon mummy”

Mrs Ademola kept quiet for a while, looking

intently at Jane, it was as if she was trying
to figure something out.

Jane noticed the way her mother in-law was

staring at her, and she became self
conscious, placing her hands under her
blouse trying to expand the blouse, so she
doesn’t notice anything about her tummy.

“You look a bit pale, have you been eating

enough iron in your meals?”

“Yes ma”
“Mom, we need to tell you something”
Jeffery said, putting his arms around his

“Ehn? What is it?” She asked with all


“We are expecting a baby”

“Oh thank God, what took you so long from

telling me? It took the grace of God for me
to have been quite about it since I noticed”

“You already knew about it?” Jeffery asked


“Oh please, I already knew you were

pregnant long time ago” she dismissed their
questioning look.
“I’m a mother, I know these things I was just
waiting for you both to tell me yourself”

She stretched out her hands to Jane,

“come my dear, come sit with me”.

She looked genuinely happy as she looked

at Jane over.
“Have you been eating well?”

“I really can’t keep anything I eat in my

stomach, I throw up almost immediately
after eating, except for plantain and some
“It happens sometimes, especially for first
pregnancies, but not to worry I will tell you
what to do to help you with your nausea”


“Yes of course”

“All right I will leave you two to it, I need to

finish up what I was cooking, so I can go
see Erica”

“I didn’t know my son knows how to do

anything in the kitchen, talk of cooking?”
Mrs Ademola asked Jane after Jeffery was
out of earshot.

“He doesn’t, the only thing he is good at

making is eggs, and pancakes”
“So is that what he is making?”

“No, plantain porridge”

“Jeffery is making what?”

“Ever since we discovered plantain as the

only food, that doesn’t make me vomit, he
has been learning different ways of
preparing plantain on YouTube”

“I never knew there was this part of my son”

she said laughing really hard, because the
Jeffery she knew would never go into the
kitchen to prepare anything for himself, not
to talk of someone else. Then she realized
her son was truly in love with Jane.
When Jeffery got to his sister’s place, he
wasn’t surprised to find Desmond driving
out of the compound, Jeffery suspected he
was back to living there.

Desmond gave him a very disdainful look

before he drove off.

“Son of a bitch” Jeffery muttered under his

breath, as he came down from his car.

When he got inside, his sister was sitting in

the living room, watching TV with her
sleeping son on her laps.

“Hey sis, good afternoon” he greeted Erica.

“Good afternoon, why do I have a feeling
mom sent you here?” Erica looked at
Jeffery suspiciously.

“Can’t I come say hi to my sister anymore?”

Jeffery took a seat across her.

“If you say so”

“Ehmm sis?”


“Is anything the matter? Are you doing

“Jeffery I know Mom has already talked to
you about Desmond, no need to beat
around the bush”

“Well you are right, and I didn’t want to

believe what I heard, until I hear it from you”

“You heard right, I’m no longer filing for a

divorce, and we are getting back together”

She avoided Jeffery’s eyes as she spoke,

her eyes not leaving the television.

“Was that why I saw him driving out, does

he now live here?”

“The last time I checked, we own this house

“Erica what do you think you are doing?
Have you stopped to actually think about

“There is nothing to think about, I once had

issues in my marriage, which happens in
every marriage, and I have decided to settle
it and I’m getting back with my husband,
instead of getting a divorce like everyone
wants me to!”

“It’s not like everyone wants you to get a

divorce, we all want what’s best for you and
you know it”

“And getting back with my husband is

what’s best for me, and I would really
appreciate it, if you all stay out of my

“You know that’s not possible, you are my

sister and anything that concerns you, is my
concern too. Have you stopped to think
about Jonathan? Do you want him to grow
up in an abusive home?”

“Desmond is changed, he no longer hits

me, he promised to never hit me again”

“Of course he promised to never do it

again, how about if he is lying? What
happens then? I can’t believe you are
falling for his cheap lies”

“You would never understand”

“Understand what? Is it about the money?
Because you know very well I have got you
covered if that’s ever a problem”

“What about at night when I’m lonely and

need someone to hold me, and talk to? Do
you have that covered as well?”

“Erica you are a beautiful woman, and you

can always get another man, one who
would respect and treat you right, and not
that punk”

“Which man would want to be with a

woman who has had her two breasts taken
out?! Which man wants to be with a woman
who has no breasts? Huh? Tell me?”

“I uhmmm, I didn’t..”
“You didn’t what? You didn’t remember I
had a double mastectomy done? Or you
didn’t think it would be difficult to ever be
accepted by any man because of my

“Erica I am sorry but__”

“You would never understand Jeffery, you

would never understand what it feels like
trying to love yourself after a major part of
you has been taken away, you would never
understand the struggle of trying look at
yourself in the mirror and not cringe at your
own reflection because you look like a total
stranger to own yourself”

Tears flowed down Erica’s cheeks.

“Erica I’m sorry I never knew you were
struggling with your self esteem after the

“I am struggling Jeffery, every single day I

struggle to come to terms with my reality
that my life has changed and is never going
to be same again. Every night I cry myself
to sleep, wondering when I will wake up
from this nightmare. And I know you didn’t
realize any of these because you have
been busy with your new life as a married
man, which is expected. That’s why I need
to create my own happiness too, I deserve
to be happy”

“And you think getting back with Desmond

would make you happy?”
“Yes, he is willing to accept me the way I
am, he is ready to look past the fact that my
breasts are gone, and still be married to

“How can you know no one will agree to be

with you because of your condition, when
you haven’t even tried?”

“And then get heartbroken? No thanks, I’m

sticking with Desmond, and that’s it. The
devil you know, they say; is better than the
angel you don’t”

“Someone is in a good mood” Dele said to

Amaka as she came back all smiles and
planted a kiss on his lips.
“Yes I am” she sat happily beside him on
the couch.

“I take it your meeting went well then?”

“Yes it did, and if everything goes well, I

might get my job back soon”

“Is that so? That’s great” he smiled at her.

“Yes, I have been able to find the person

who framed me up, and I even have

“Wow, I’m happy for you baby”

“Are you really happy, or you are just
saying it because you think it’s what I want
to hear?”

He framed her face in his hands.”Why

would you ask that? Of course I’m truly
happy for you. I know your job means a lot
to you, and seeing you happy, makes me

“But, I know one of the reasons we broke

up is because I refused to quit my job,

“Shhhh.. baby let’s not talk about the past,

it’s gone and we ought to leave it there, the
most important thing is that you are getting
your job back”
“No Dele we can’t just sweep the past
under the carpet, if we are to move forward,
then we need to talk about what happened
between us”

“Actually I can’t remember anything that

happened in the past” Dele looked all
serious. Amaka’s heart skipped a beat, and
she panicked.

“Baby you really can’t remember anything?”

“No I can’t, everything just seems so foggy”

he placed his hands on his forehead.

“Oh my God I need to call the doctor, we

need to get you to the hospital” Amaka
started looking for her phone to call the
“But I do have an idea on how my memory
can be jogged back” he suggested smiling.

“Really what is it?” Amaka was looking all

serious she didn’t even take note, that Dele
was only pulling her legs.

“Well.. we could start from you kissing me,

and taking off those extra clothing you have
on, they are getting in the way of things” he
said with a sly smile on his face.

“Dele!” Amaka shifted away from him. “Are

you messing with me?”

“Uhmm… Babe I can’t remember anything,

I need your help to regain my memory” he
made a baby face, getting close to her.
“But you can remember how to do abi?”

“Not really, but I’m willing to learn under

your tutelage” he brought his lips close to
hers, Amaka used her palm to push him

“Why do you like to joke with everything?”

“I’m serious baby, just give me some sugar,

and I will remember everything you are
talking about”

Amaka smiled, and kissed him. “Patience

my love” she said against his lips, and
kissed him again, “soon all of these will be
yours” she kissed him again, “but before
then, we need to talk”
“No let’s just continue kissing” he kissed her

“Dele please let’s talk”

“Why are you so bent on rehashing the

past?” Dele asked out of frustration.

“Because I know you were hurt by some of

the things that happened in the past, and I
need you to talk to me about it”

“Has it ever occurred to you, that I don’t

want to talk about it?”

“But we need to talk about it, I need you to

tell me how you feel, baby I know you are
hurt, and it hurts to see you act like nothing
happened, when I know deep down that
you have been hurt”

“I don’t want to talk about it, because I don’t

like thinking about it, I just want us to move

“How about you tell me how you felt by my


“How else am I supposed to feel? I felt hurt,

I felt betrayed, I was angry, and wanted
nothing more to do with you”

“Then why did you come for me? Why did

you choose to risk your life for me? How did
you even know I was there?”
“I discovered I haven’t been blameless

“Did you cheat on me too?”

“No I didn’t, but I once cheated in my last

relationship with you”

“Well I didn’t..”

“My point is, I have hurt you several times

Amaka, several times I have hurt you and
brought tears to your eyes. I realized you
are not perfect and neither am I, so what
was the point of holding grudge against you
over a silly mistake you made, and are truly
about it?”
Amaka was already teary as she listened to
Dele talking.

“I decided to forget everything that

happened between us, and not allow it to
prevent us from experiencing the joy and
love we both bring into each other’s lives”

“I’m sorry I did what I did, it was really

stupid of me”

“It’s okay babe, I have forgiven you” he

used his thumb to clean her tears.

“How did you know where I was on that

night I was attacked?”

“So after I left your place that morning, I

couldn’t get myself to stop thinking about
you, and felt bad for the way I left your
place. After trying to drown my memories of
you with alcohol to no avail, I knew there
was no way out, I knew I love you, and
needed to tell you”

“Oh my God Dele, I love you”

Dele smiled, and continued. “I decided to

go over to your office, and talk to you, but
was told that you were on suspension. I
tried reaching you on phone but you weren’t
taking my calls, t. That evening I was
coming out from a bar where I went to
drink, that was when I saw you walking, I
thought probably I was hallucinating
because of the alcohol, but I followed you
and realized you were real”
Dele tried calling Amaka’s name but she
didn’t seem to hear him because of the
earpiece she had on her ears. He called her
phone, and she wasn’t picking up either.
Because of his drunken situation, he
couldn’t walk fast enough to catch up with
her. And then he saw those guys that
wanted to attack her.

“So you knew you were drunk and still

stood up against those guys? What were
you thinking?”

“There was no way I could watch them hurt


“So you put your life on the line for me,

even when you knew you could have gotten
killed?” Amaka who couldn’t hold her tears
any longer, was already crying. “Dele you
could have gotten yourself killed”

“At that point, it didn’t really matter”

Amaka threw her arms around him in a hug,

“Don’t ever risk your life like that again”



EPISODE 104-105

Jane noticed Jeffery’s mood since he got

back from visiting his sister, he has been in
a cranky mood.
“Jeff what is the issue? You haven’t been
yourself since you got back from your
sister’s place, is everything okay with her?”

“She is getting back together with her

husband” he kneaded his temple.

“Your mom told me so, were you able to

talk her out of it?”

“No I didn’t, she already has her mind set

on it, and it’s all my fault”

“No it’s not, how could it have been your

“She has been struggling since after she
had her surgery done, and I wasn’t there for
her, that’s why that punk jumped on that
opportunity to get back together with her”

Jane could see the pain in Jeffery’s eyes,

she went over to where he was sitting, and
stood behind him, gently placing her hands
on his shoulders.

“I think you are being too hard on yourself”

she massaged his shoulders gently.

“If only I had been doing more than just

calling to know how she was doing, if only I
insisted she told me how she was feeling,
instead of just sticking to her telling me she
was okay, then maybe this wouldn’t have
“I’m sure we would find a way around this”

“If that guy does anything to hurt my sister,

I’m going to kill him”

“What if he is truly changed?”

“The Desmond I saw today, looks anything

but changed, I doubt if he is changed”

“If your sister has made up her mind to stay

married to him, then there is little or
anything any of us can do to stop her”

“No, I’m going to stop that guy from getting

any closer to my sister!” He hands balled in
a fist.
“Calm down, calm down” Jane continued to
massage his shoulders. “How about we just
support her decision and__”

“No, no way I’m supporting her to get back

with that guy”

“I think you should not fight this, you know

how we women can be, the more we are
being asked not to do something, the more
we would want to do that thing”

Jane came around, and sat on his laps. “So

here is what l would suggest; you support
her, let her know you have her back, and be
ready to catch her if she falls”

“And how is this going to help?”

“That way, if something goes wrong along
the way, she knows she is not alone, and
would not hesitate to tell you about it”

*The next day*

“Thank you so much for meeting with me


“It’s fine Vivian, how have you been?”

Jane had reached out to Vivian asking that

they met. Vivian had insisted on coming
over to Jane’s house to meet her.

Jane noticed she was really looking

stressed when she walked into the house.
Her eyes were looking more sullen, than
the last time she had seen her.

“What can I offer you?”

“I would really appreciate a cold soft drink if

you have that” she calmly requested.

“Sure, would you like a malt?”

“That would be great” she smiled.

Jane left to get Vivian her drink.

“You don’t look good, how are you doing?”

Jane asked Vivian as she placed the drink
in front of her.
“Yeah uhm, I’m fine, thank you”

She took a sip of her drink. Jane kept

looking at her, she could tell Vivian had a
lot on her mind, and needed someone to
talk to.

“How is your family?” Jane asked.

“They are fine”

“Seriously how are you Vivian? You don’t

look fine at all. How are things with you?”

She kept quiet for a while, before turning to

look at Jane.
“My life is falling apart Jane, everything I
built is crumbling before my eyes and I’m
helpless, my life is in shambles”

“I’m sorry Vivian”

“It’s not your fault, I brought this upon

myself, I was so consumed with making a
name for myself, that I didn’t realize how I
was gradually losing myself in the process”

“What exactly is happening to you?”

“My husband is threatening to divorce me

because I kept the knowledge of having a
child before we met, away from him, to
make matters even worse his opponents
are leveraging on that information against
Vivian took another gulp of her drink as if it
were an alcoholic drink she was trying to
drown her pains in.

“What can I do to help? Probably I could

talk to your husband on your behalf or

Vivian looked up from her drink, looking so

shocked. “Why would you want to do that?”

“Well, I don’t know myself, but I just feel you

need help”

“I don’t deserve you Jane” a tear drop

escaped her left eye. “I can’t believe you
would want to help me, even after what I
did to you”
“To err is human, and to forgive is divine,
I’m tired of fighting and getting angry over
things of the past, they all happened in the
past, and I really don’t have a control over
that, but what I can actually control is the
now, so if there is a way I can help, I would
be glad to do so”

“Thank you so much Jane, does that mean

you have forgiven me for abandoning you
at that orphanage?” She asked in a shaky

“Yes I have Vivian, I hold no grudge against

you any more, and really would like for us
to build a relationship as a mother and
daughter should”
“Oh my God” Vivian stood up, covering her
mouth with her hands, tears were already
freely streaming down her eyes. “Are you

“Of course I’m serious Vivian” she stood,

because she was already becoming teary

“Can I…. Can I hug you?” Vivian asked in a

shaky voice.

“Yes sure” Jane who couldn’t hold herself

anymore hugged Vivian.

“I’m so sorry for everything you had to go

through because of me” she cried, “I’m so
sorry you had to go through the hardship of
life alone, without me being there to guide

They both cried on each other’s shoulders.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to give you all the

motherly advice you needed while growing

“Well it’s not too late now, you can still give
me some advice on pregnancy”

Vivian paused for a second, before she

pulled away from the hug, to have a look at
Jane’s face.

“Are you trying to say that you are…?”

“Yes” Jane nodded smiling.

“Oh my God, oh my God” she took a step

back to look at Jane’s tummy. “Are you
really pregnant?”

“Yes I am”

“You are going to be a mother! I’m going to

be a grandma!” Vivian screamed our in

“Yes you are” Jane laughed at Vivian’s


“Come, come and sit down” Vivian led her

back to her seat. And sat on the arm of the
couch. “How far gone are you?”
“Seven weeks”

“Oh that means your morning sickness has

already started then?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

“It was same for me”

Vivian and Jane spent the two hours talking

about morning sickness and pregnancy
cravings, and how to handle the challenges
that comes with pregnancy.

Jane felt so happy at how she and Vivian

were getting along so well, and talking
about almost everything. Though she still
had her reservation about her, but she
could see her resistance slowly melting

That evening as Vivian went back to her

home, she decided she wasn’t going to
allow her ambition to become the first lady
of the state, come in between the
relationship she is trying to build with her
daughter, if it means for her to give up on
her political pursuit, then so be it.

After all, she forgave him when he cheated

on her and had an extra marital affair that
ended up resulting in him having a child out
of wedlock. She forgave him, and never for
once did she threaten to divorce him,
instead she took the child in and has been
raising him like one of her own.
If he wants to divorce her because she
doesn’t want to make a public
announcement about Jane being her child,
then so be it. She is done dancing to his
tune simply because she is scared of him
leaving her.

“Mr Dele you can start walking without the

crutches, but you would need to start
physiotherapy, we will be assigning a
physiotherapist to you, so you start as soon
as possible”

“Thank you doctor, does that mean I can

get back to my daily activities?” Dele asked
the doctor, but looking at Amaka.

“Yes sure, but you have to be careful not to

over them” the doctor answered, oblivious
of what was going on between the two.
“Of course I will take things slowly, there is
no need to rush, I would take it really
slowly…” His eyes were locked with
Amaka’s as he spoke. Only both of them
understanding what he meant.

Amaka slowly licking her lips at the thought

of the things Dele would do to her.

“All right that would be all, please do drop

by at the pharmacy to pick up your

“Thank you so much doctor, we will do just

They both left the doctor’s office and picked
up Dele’s drugs before they left the

On their way back, Dele drove with one

hand on the steering, while his other hand
was on Amaka’s shoulders, erotically
caressing and massaging her neck. His
eyes not leaving the road for a second.

When they got back to Dele’s place, Amaka

decided to prepare something for them to
eat, so he could take his medication.

She was slicing some carrots when Dele

came in and snaked his hands around her
waist and whispered; “I really want to make
love to you right now, I want to make slow,
and passionate love to you”
She abadoned the carrots and leaned into
his arms. His warm breath fanning her

“I want you naked in my bed, with your

body filling out in my arms, I want to spread
your legs and slowly lick up all your juices.”

“Oh my God Dele…” Amaka gasped, as his

lips made contact with her neck.

Dele turned her around, and without

warning, his mouth swooped down and
claimed hers in a slow sensual kiss. She
gave him everything she had to give, and
taking his as well. .
They kissed their way from the kitchen to
the bedroom. Their hands freely roaming
each other’s body.

She slowly took off the dress she was

wearing, and was left wearing only a lacy
bra, and a matching g-string pant.

“Oh Amaka, you have such a beautiful

body” Dele stared at her body, with a dark
desire in his eyes.

He cupped one of her breasts under the

bra. She was perfect under his hand, filling
out his hand. “Such a perfect fit” he

His hands went around, and unhooked her

bra, and the lacy fabric fell to the floor. He
bent and claimed one of her nipples with his
lips, gently sucking and blowing on her

“Oh….” She squealed

“You taste so good too”

“Dele please I want you…..” Her words

faded into his lips as he kissed her.

“You want me to do what?” He asked, his

lips still on hers as he continued to kiss her

“Stop talking and make love to me” Amaka

started to unbotton his shirt.
“Easy my love, we have the whole day to




Amaka was dressed in a beautiful black

pant trouser, with a green chiffon turtle neck
top, which she tucked into the trouser. She
carried a green handbag which matched
her heel pumps. She looked bossy as she
walked with an air of confidence.

“Wa woohoo, you look drop dead gorgeous

in this outfit” The receptionist said to her, as
she walked into the office building.

She was meeting with Vivian today to prove

her innocence, and according to Dele; what
other way to do it, than in a grand style?
Dele made sure to take her shopping for
clothes, a day before.

“But baby I’m not even sure Vivian is going

to believe me, for all we know, this might be
my last time at that place” she protested
when Dele insisted they went shopping for
new office clothes.
“Then if it is, you leave there in a grand

That morning, before she left for the office,

Dele held her face in his hands and looked
her straight in the eyes.

“No matter what comes out from this, I want

you to remember this; I am fucking proud of
you, and I got your back”

Amaka smiled as she remembered Dele’s

words, she greeted the receptionist, and
walked into her office to find the new girl
seated there.
“Sorry who are you, and how may I help
you?” The girl asked, pretending like she
didn’t know who Amaka was.

“Very soon, you would know my name” she

left the office, and went to Vivian’s office.

“Good morning Vivian” she greeted her as

she walked into the office.

“Ha Amaka, just the person I want to see,

please have a seat” she motioned to one of
the chairs in her office.

“Katherine tells me, you have something to

show me, that proves you are innocent of
the allegation leveled against you by Pius?”
She was all smiles as she spoke to Amaka.
Amaka knew her happiness had something
to do with Jane accepting her as her

“Yes I do” Amaka brought out her phone,

and played the recording that Katherine had
sent her.

Vivian’s happy expression changed to an

angry one, as she listened to the intern
confessing of conniving with Pius to set
Amaka up.

She rang her personal assistant, to

summon Pius and the intern to her office at

The moment Pius saw Amaka in Vivian’s

office, he suddenly became pale.
“Vivian, you sent for me?” He avoided
looking in Amaka’s direction.

“Yes, I want you to listen to something” she

played the recording for him to hear.

“What do you have to say about this?”

Vivian asked Pius and the intern who
looked like she would pee on herself any

“I have no idea, of what was said in that

recording” Pius said with a straight face.

“What about you Jennifer?” Vivian asked

the intern.
“Ma he asked me to do it!” The intern
accused Pius.

“Of course not, I didn’t ask her to do__”

“Please just shut up, I want the two of you

to go pack up your things and leave the
office premises. You are fired!”

Pius immediately started pleading with

Vivian, but she didn’t utter a word, instead
she called the security, who came in and
bundled him out of her office.

“I owe you an apology Amaka, I’m sorry I

didn’t believe you before now”

“It’s okay Vivian, I’m just happy to have my

job back”
“Well there is a small issue with that, you
won’t be having your old job back”

“But why? I just proved to you that I’m


“Yes, that’s why I’m making you the head of

the social media department in High Waters
Interiors” she said smiling.

“What?! No way!”

“There is a way my dear, because you are

now the head of your department”


When Jane had gone for one of her anti-
natals, an ultrasound had revealed they
were having twins.

“Baby you are spoiling me” Jane said as

Jeffery placed a large sized pizza and a
bowl of ice cream in front of her.

It was a weekend, and they were watching

a movie, when one of the star in the movie
was eating pizza and ice cream, and Jane
started craving it as well. Jeffery who has
done nothing, but oblige her cravings,
immediately placed an order for ice cream
and Pizza to be brought to them, and in the
next thirty minutes, it was delivered to them.

“You craved it, so now you have it” he

smiled at her.
“Are you trying to get me fat or you are
trying to kill me?” She asked in between
bites of her pizza.

“Where is that coming from? Aren’t you the

one who has been craving for almost every
food you see on TV?”

“Are you calling me a glutton? Is that what

you think I am?” Jane abandoned her pizza,
and became teary.

“No! Of course not, why would I say that?

You are not a glutton babe”

“That’s what you just said, I’m a glutton,

that’s what I get for carrying your children,
do you know what it means to have two
humans living off you?” She whimpered,
“Do you know what it means to carry two
extra humans in your body?”

She buried her head in hands and began to

cry. Jeffery who looked so confused at her
sudden outburst, didn’t know what to say to
pacify her.

“Babe, I__”

“Stop talking already, you are giving me

headache and heartache at the same time”

“But babes I was__”

“Jeff said I’m fat… Oh what a life…..” She

began wailing, scooping ice cream into her
mouth in-between cries. “That is,” she takes
a scoop of ice cream, “what I get,” she puts
another spoon in her mouth, “what I get for
carrying your children…”

Jeffery who was beyond frustrated, just

ingnored her and continue watching the

“You are not going to say anything abi? So

that’s your new plan now abi? To be
ignoring me like I’m a fool”

“You will be fine babe, just eat your pizza

and ice cream” his eyes not leaving the

“Ha Jeff… that is how you are going to be

treating me?”
“I love you” he leaned in, and kissed her on
her forehead, then picked up his phone and
car keys, and left the sitting room.

“Where are you going?”

“To hang out with the boys”

“So you are going to leave me all alone?

That’s it? You are just going to abandon me

“I love you babe, see you when I get back”

Jeffery left the house before she drove him

crazy with her tantrums. Now he
understood what Micheal always
complained about when Anita was
pregnant. Everyday Jane comes up with
different means of accusing of him of
unimaginable things. The other day she
accused him of calling her an elephant,
simply because he was watching a
documentary on elephants.

He was meeting up with his guys at Dele’s

apartment, he was hosting them at his new
place which he just moved into. The time
was just 12pm, and they are supposed to
meet by 3pm, but he didn’t care, it was
either he left the house or he was going to
run mad.

“Guy this one that you are here very early,

wetin happen?” Dele teased as he gave
him a can of beer.

Jeffery took it from him, opened it and took

a gulp of the beer, relishing it’s taste. For
over a month he hasn’t been allowed to
drink beer in his own home, because Jane
threw out all the beer in the fridge, all in the
name that beer smells like dog pee to her,
which makes her feel like throwing up, and
she can’t stand her husband drinking such

“When was the last time you had a beer?”

Dele asked laughing.

“Jane wouldn’t let me have any, she says it

smells like dog urine, and makes her feel
like throwing up”

“Omo guy, she is not making it any easy for

you is she?”
“You have no fucking idea” he took another
gulp of his beer.

Dele smiled because he couldn’t wait to

have an idea of what it feels like, to go
through the joy of pregnancy with his wife.
He was already looking forward to what it
was going to look like with Amaka, he had a
feeling she was going to be so dramatic
during pregnancy, because she is already
so dramatic when she is not even pregnant.

“Dele can you hear me?” Jeffery called his

attention when he noticed he hasn’t been
listening to what he has been saying.

“Sorry what were you saying?”

“What were you thinking about?”

“Can I ask you a question?” Dele asked

“Yeah sure, what is it?”

“How did you know Jane was the one, how

were you sure she is the one you would like
to spend the rest of your life with?”

“I wasn’t sure, I just knew within me, I just

knew I couldn’t live without her”

Dele kept quiet, thinking of what Jeffery just


“Why did you ask? Are you thinking of

popping the question?”
“Yeah man”

As Jeffery got back to his house that

evening, he was still in his car, when Jane
came out from the house, to welcome him.

“How is my baby doing?” He was all smiles,

as he came down from his car and hugged
her, as much as her protruding belly would

“I missed you” Jane said against his shirt.

“But I have only been gone a few hours”

Jeffery said smiling, as he rubbed on her
“That’s enough for me to almost run mad
from missing you”

“You could have called me”

“I didn’t want to disturb your fun with the

boys” she still held on to him.

“I’m here now, so how is my baby doing?”

He leaned back to look at her.

“Which of the baby, me or them?” She

pointed at her tummy.

“You first, you are my number one baby” he

caressed her left cheek.
“Awwwww, I’m okay now that you are here”
she leaped and kissed him.

“And how are, our babies?” He rubbed on

her tummy.

“They are fine too”

“I’m happy to hear that, how did the

remaining part of your day, go without me?”

“It was a total bore, I tried sleeping after you

left but couldn’t, and the movie we were
watching together became uninteresting
after you left too”

“Oh so sorry my darling” he kissed her on

the two sides of her cheeks, and held her
on her waist as they walked back to the

“Then my back began to ache me, I tried

massaging it, but it wouldn’t stop, then my
feet became swollen, it couldn’t fit in my

“Sorry baby, I will massage your feet and

your back before we go to bed”

When they got inside, Jane kept telling him

everything that had happened for the few
hours that he was away, even down to how
many times she used the restroom. He kept
telling her sorry, and concurring where it
was needed. One of the things he loves
about giving her space whenever she starts
throwing tantrums, is that it makes her miss
him, and brings her back to her senses,
before she gets used to seeing him, and
then fall back into her tantrums again.

__so that was how I finally slept off”

“Hmm seems like it wasn’t such a bad day

after all” Jeffery said as he took off his
clothes to take a shower.

“Yeah, except for the part where you got

angry and left the house” she looked down,
twisting her hands on her laps.

Jeffery came to where she was seated on

the bed, and knelt in front of her.

“Hey,” he used his finger to raise her chin. “I

didn’t leave the house angry”
“I’m sorry for the way I acted”

“Shhhh….It’s okay, I understand you are

pregnant and sometimes the hormones can
kick in, and mess with your emotions”

“Oh God, those hormones are killing me, do

you know I cried when I killed a fly

“I didn’t know that, sorry babe” he kissed

her on her lips.

“And they always make me horny almost all

the time” she grumbled.
“I actually like that part though” he teased
as he kissed her again.

“Jeff, stop playing with me”

“I’m not, I actually love the fact that

pregnancy has made you want to have sex
more often, I really find it sexy”


“Hmm” he nodded, using his fingers to play

with her hair.

“Even with the way I’m looking like a fat

whale and…”
“Shhhh… You look beautiful as ever” he
placed his hands on her tummy. “You have
never been more desirable, as a matter of
fact, you make a sexy pregnant woman”

“Oh Jeff, now I’m getting wet” she laughed

at herself.

“Good, because your husband is here to

the rescue”

He slowly laid her on the bed, and made

love to his wife.


EPISODE 106-107

Amaka just finished taking her bath when

she heard a knock on her door, she knew it
must be Dele, for he already called to let
her know he was on his way.

“Who is it?” She asked as she got close to

the door.

“It’s me” Dele replied.

Amaka opened the door to find Dele

standing at her door with a bunch of rose
flowers in his hands.
“Beautiful flowers for my beautiful lady” he
smiled at her, making his dimple more
obvious, and Amaka weak in her knees.

“That’s so sweet, thank you” she took the

flowers from him and closed the door, as he
came in.

“You just finished having your bath” Dele

stated, looking at the short pink towel that
she tied on her chest, it barely covered her

“Yeah, I just came out of the bathroom

when you I knocked” she placed the floors
on her dressing table. And turned to find
Dele looking seductively at her.

They both stood looking at each other.

“Uhmm, I need to change into my night
wear” she said, as if trying to take
permission from him.

“So…?” Dele had a crooked smile on his

face, aware of the effect he was having on

“I uhmmm …..need uhmmmm….” She kept

pointing towards her wardrobe, without
leaving the spot where she was standing.

Dele closed the gap between them, and

with warning he covered her lips with his in
a searing kiss, that made Amaka gasp in
They kissed until they no longer had breath
in them to continue, and they both pulled up
for air.

“You are killing me Amaka” Dele whispered,

placing his forehead on hers.

Amaka who was too breathless to speak,

only smiled, and tried to get past him so
she could get her night wear from the
wardrobe, but he drew her back.

“You smell so nice” he sniffed her neck,

perceiving the soap she just used in

“Dele I need to…”

“Shhh” he started kissing her neck, working
his way up to her ear. “There are so many
ways I want to pleasure you tonight
baby….,” His warm breath fanned against
her skin, making her mouth drop open in a
soft moan.

“but I’m going to first start with this” he

nibbled on her earlobe, sucking and
teasing, and with one hand, he had her
towel on the floor, leaving her naked.

As they continued to make out, Amaka’s

phone started ringing.

“Ignore it” Dele said against her lips as he

continued to his her.
Amaka who had no intention of taking the
call, wrapped her arms around Dele’s neck,
and he carried her to the bed.

Amaka’s phone continued to ring, as the

caller refused to give up.

“I think I should just take the call, the

person doesn’t want to stop calling” She
said to Dele who already had his mouth on
one of her breast.

“Oh God!” Dele got off Amaka and laid on

the bed frustrated.

Amaka laughed as she got of the bed, and

picked up her phone which was on her
dressing table.
Her mom was the one calling, “hello
mummy, good evening ma” Amaka greeted.

“Amaka where have you been?, you got me

worried when you weren’t picking up your

Amaka could tell her mother was truly

worried because it was evident on her

“Sorry mummy I was busy, that’s why I

couldn’t pick your call, earlier”

“Ehn..? What were you doing?”

“I uhmmm….”she looked at Dele who was

already shirtless on the bed, smiling at her,
and she forgot whatever lie she wanted to

“The thing you were doing doesn’t have a

name? Any way, I’m calling to let you know
that prophet I told you about is back”

“What prophet mummy?” Amaka asked


“The one I told you that is going to help us

with issue of you not being able to have a
child, you know he went to the mountain to
pray for the past fourty days, so he is back

“What do you mean by and? We are going
to meet him of course”

“Mummy what for exactly?”

“So that he can tell us what to do for you to

be able to have children when you get
married, I don’t want you to get married and
start looking for children up and down”

“But mummy I thought I already told you

what the doctors said?” She couldn’t repeat
it to her mother, for fear of Dele
understanding what was being discussed.

“Please forget what the doctors said, those

are just mere humans, there is nothing God
cannot do, that is why I want you to come
home this weekend, so we can go and pay
him a visit together, do you understand?”

“Hmmm okay”

“Good, so I will be expecting you home, by

weekend then?”

“Yes ma”

When Amaka ended the call, she slowly

walked to her wardrobe, and took one of
her nightwear, and put it on.

“Are you okay?” Dele sat up on the bed

noticing her countenance had fallen.
“Yeah I’m fine” she went and sat down on
the couch, so she could put some distance
between them. She couldn’t get herself to
look at him in the face.

Everyday she keeps telling herself she will

let him know soon, about her inability to
give birth to children. She has never gotten
the courage to tell him the truth. This is her
chance to come clean.

“Babe are you okay?” He came to sit with

her on the couch. “Is something wrong with
your mom?”

“No my mom is fine, there is something I

need to tell you”

“What is that?”
“I don’t know how to say this” tears rolled
down her cheeks.

“Why are you crying? What is it? You know

you can talk to me, go ahead and tell me”

“I can’t…”

“You can’t what babe?”

She shook her head crying.

“Babe you are breaking my heart with your

tears, what is it?”

“I can’t…. have children!”

“I don’t understand, what do you mean by,
you can’t have children, Is it that you don’t
want to have children or what? Don’t you
like children?”

Amaka looked at him, as tears continued to

stream down her cheeks, Dele looked
confused, it’s hurts her to see him like this.

“I. Can’t. Have. Children! Dele I’m sorry”

“I still don’t understand, why? Why can’t

you have children? What happened, are
you sick or something? Please put me in
the know because I’m lost here”

“It is what it is Dele, I’m infertile, I can’t have

Dele kept quiet for while, staring at her as
she buried her face in her hands crying. He
tried to make sense of what she just told
him but couldn’t.

“Babe please talk to me, why can’t you

have children?” He held her hands.

Amaka cleaned her tears, and faced him.

“When I was seventeen, I got pregnant for

my Jamb teacher, he refused to take
responsibility for it, and my mother didn’t
want me to keep it either, so she tricked me
into eating a meal she had infused with an
abortion substance”

Amaka paused, as she recalled that night, a

night she would never forget in a hurry.
“You lost the baby?” Dele asked

“Yes” she nodded.

“I’m so sorry baby” Dele cleaned her tears.

“The substance she used was too harsh, it

caused damage to my womb and because
of that, I can’t have children”

“Oh no” Dele looked at her like she just said

something that wasn’t possible. “Because
of what your mom did, you can’t have

Dele bent down, holding his head in his
They both remained silent, the silence in
the room was so thick, a knive could cut
through it.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before now”

Amaka touched him on his shoulders.

Dele raised his head to look at her, his eyes

red from trying to hold his emotions.

“Dele I’m so so sorry”

Dele got up from the couch, took his shirt

from the bed and wore it.

“Dele please say something”

He came back to where she was sitting,
and kissed her on her forehead.

“Dele are you breaking up with me? Is this

it? Is this the end of us?”

“I love you babe”

Dele walked out of the door, without saying
another word to her.

Amaka sat on the floor and started crying,

when she found out she couldn’t have
children, it didn’t hurt as much as it does
now, how was she going to live without
Dele? The hurt on his face when he
realized she couldn’t bear kids, made her
heart shatter into pieces.
Dele drove like a maniac, he was angry at
everything, and everyone, including God
himself. He has been searching for love,
and now that he finally found someone he
loves, and wants to spend the rest of his life
with, she can’t have children.

“She can’t fucking have children!, Can you

believe that? She can’t have children not
even one, who does that? Why would you
do that? God why would you allow that to

He kept hitting his steering as he drove, he

knew he needed to slow down, but he also
needed to vent his frustration and anger on
He drove to Jeffrey’s place, that’s the only
place he felt like being right now, he doesn’t
care how late the time is.

The gateman was surprised to see him

there by that time of the night, but he
opened the gate for him anyway.

When he got to the door, he called Jeffery

to come open the door for him.

“Is everything all right? Why is he here by

this time of the night?” Jane asked Jeffery
as he suspended the massage he was
giving her, to go open the door for Dele.

“I don’t know, we will find out when I open

the door”
When Jeffery opened the door, Dele was
sitting on the floor dejected.

“Dele what is the matter, are you okay?” He

bent down to help him to his feet.

Dele got up, walked past Jeffery into the

house, he went straight to Jeffery’s bar, and
started pouring himself some whiskey.

“I need to see God, I have some questions

for him”

“What are you talking about man?” Jeffery

asked, clearly confused.

“Is your wife awake? I know she is very

close to God, probably she can help me ask
him some questions, because I can’t
fucking understand why he allows bad
things to happen to good people!”

“Guy wetin you dey talk? What are you

even doing here by this time?”

“Care for some drink?” He asked Jeffery as

he downed his drink at once, the whiskey
sent a burning sensation down his throat.

“Guy it’s almost 12 midnight, what are you

doing here? What is wrong with you?”

“Okay, I will drink alone then” he poured

himself another shot of whiskey.

Jeffery walked over to the bar, and

snatched the glass from his hands, before
he had the chance to bring it to his lips.
“Guy why now?” Dele protested, trying to
get the glass back from Jeffery.

“You can’t just walk into my house by this

time of the night, only to come and drink,
I’m sure you can go to a bar for that, so tell
me what is the issue? What made you drive
all the way here?”

“How would you feel if you can’t have kids?”

“I don’t get you?”

“She can’t have kids, she can’t fucking have

kids!” He slammed his hands on the bar
“Who can’t have kids, what are you talking
about?” Jeffery asked in confusion.

“Amaka just told me this evening, that she

can’t have kids” he took the glass from
Jeffery and downed it’s contents all at once.

“I don’t understand, how do you mean she

can’t have children? What happened?”

Dele who no longer had the patience of

pouring the drink into his glass before
drinking, decided to drink directly from the
bottle instead.

“She can’t have children man, that’s what

she said, so if I’m to marry her, we are
going to be childless” he walked away from
the bar, and sat tiredly on the sofa.

“I’m sorry man” Jeffery sat with him on the


“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck…..” Dele bent over, as

he screamed.

Jane ran downstairs to know what was

going on.

“Oh Jane thank God you are here, please

help put a call through to God, I need to talk
to him” he took another gulp of his drink
before he continued. “I have somethings I
need to clear with him, I need to clear this
God my mind, because I no understand” he
continued drinking.
Jane who was confused looked at her
husband for explanation.

“Amaka told him she can’t have children”

Jeffery said quietly.

“Oh my God, Dele I’m sorry”

“No don’t be sorry, I want you to call God

for me, I need to talk to him.

“Guy you need to calm down, enough with

the drinking” he tried taking the bottle from
him, but Dele removed it from his reach.

“Dele stop drinking please” Jane went and

took the bottle from him. “I’m very sure
there is something that can be done about

Dele stood up and started walking towards

the door.

“Where are you going to?” Jeffery asked


“It’s getting late, I need to get back to my


“It’s already late, I think you should just

spend the night here” Jeffery offered.

“Yes please, you shouldn’t be driving in this

your state” Jane who was almost crying
After much persuasion, Dele agreed to stay
for the night.

“What am I going to do Jeffery?”

He asked, after Jeffery had finished

preparing the guest room for him.

“Only you can make that decision man”

“But I don’t know what to do, I’m confused, I

love Amaka and can’t imagine my life
without her, but I love children too, and
would love to have a mini me or a mini her
some day” he lamented.
“I understand you guy, it’s very
heartbreaking to find out you can’t have
children with the woman you love, but the
question you should ask yourself is; having
children, and being with the woman you
love, which would you prefer? Which tops
your list?”

Jane decided to call Amaka, before going to

bed. She knew she would still be awake.

“Oh Jane, I told him and now he won’t talk

to me again” Amaka cried into the phone.

“I know, and I’m so sorry”

“How did you know?”

“He is here”.
“Dele is at your place? How is he? Is he

“He is clearly affected by the news, he is

pained by it Amaka”

“Oh my God, Jane I’m going to lose him,

what am I going to do?”

“Amaka calm down, stop crying, we will find

a way out of this, there is nothing God
cannot do, just have faith”

“What if he never comes back? What if he

leaves me because of this?”

“He won’t”
“But what if he does?”

“Then it’s not the end of the world, life goes




It’s already a month since Amaka told Dele

she can’t bear children, and ever since then
she hasn’t heard from, no seen him. She
tried going over to his place to see him, but
was told he wasn’t there. She knew he was
around but was trying to avoid her. After
several attempts to reach him but to no
avail, she decided to let him be. If this is
how he wants their relationship to end, then
so be it.

In order to take her mind off him, she threw

herself into her work, she goes to work very
early, and leaves really late, most times she
is even the last to leave the office premises.
By the end of the day, she would be too
tired to have time to think about Dele.
On weekends, she wears herself out with
so much exercise activities.

By 6am she was already on the treadmill

sweating it out, when her phone rang, she
wanted to ignore it when she saw it was
Jane calling.

“Hello Jane” she answered breathless.

“Amaka what is wrong, are you running or


“Yeah, I’m on the treadmill, I’m exercising”

she decided to stop the treadmill.
“This early? Aren’t you supposed to still be
in bed or something?”

“And be doing what? Cuddling my pillow?

Abeg running is the new cuddle”

“Nor vex abeg, na me find trouble”

“No wahala, why aren’t you still sleeping?

It’s weekend aren’t you supposed to be
cuddling with your husband?”

“Abeg I couldn’t sleep, what are your plans

for the day?”

“Nothing much, why?”

“I was thinking if we could meet for lunch
this afternoon? At that restaurant where we
used to hang out, just like old times” Jane
said cheerfully.

“Hmmm that’s not a bad idea you know, I

can use some good company today”

“And some hug too”

“Yeah I really need to be hugged Jane”

“Then let’s see by 12noon, I will book us a


“All right then, see you by 12noon”

“Bye, and Amaka?”


“I love you”

“I love you too Jane”

When she ended the call, Amaka increased

the pace of her treadmill and exercised until
her body couldn’t take anymore exercise.
By the time she left the gym she could
barely walk.

By 12 noon, she was already at the

restaurant waiting for Jane, she has missed
her company so much that she couldn’t wait
to spend time with her. Jane has been so
sick this period, going in and out of the
hospital, so they rarely spent time together.
She ordered for some drinks, and as she
was seeping on it, Jane came in.

Amaka smiled at the way she carried her

pregnancy with grace, even with all the
stress she has been going through because
of the pregnancy, she still tries her best to
look good, and classy.

“Why are you smiling like that?” Jane asked

as she got to where Amaka was sitting.

“You are a true definition of; not looking like

what we are going through”

“Awwwww, please stand up and give me a

hug abeg” she spread her hands for a hug.
Amaka got up, and hugged Jane. “I have
missed you so much”

“Even me”

After hugging, they sat down. “What have

you been up to? Look at how trimmed you
are looking” Jane complimented Amaka’s

“Your babe here, has been working out on

a daily basis” Amaka said with an air of

“Hmmmmmm, now I’m jealous of you”

“Don’t worry your time is coming, so just

“I hear you, please let’s order for food, I’m

A waiter came to take their orders..

“How have you been Amaka? How are you

holding up?”

“My dear, how else will I be? I’m okay, I

have been busy trying to get my mind off

“Has he reached out to you since then?”

“No he hasn’t, I have been trying to reach

him but to no avail, it’s as if he is avoiding
me, whenever I go to his house, his security
guard keeps saying he is not around, he
doesn’t take my calls either, abeg I have
decided to leave him alone abeg, dem nor
dey die put on top the matter”

“I’m sorry dear, have you tried going to his


“Someone that won’t take my calls, I should

now go to his office? Abeg na pikin I nor fit
born, I nor kill person. I understand if he is
breaking up with me, I just expected him to
say it to my face”

“Don’t worry everything will be fine”

“Yeah, it will, abeg let’s talk about

something else, how are you and the
babies doing?”
Jane was hesitant to talk about her

“It’s okay Jane, you can tell me, infact I

really want to hear about your babies”

“We are doing okay, just that I no longer

sleep well these days”

“What is the problem?”

“Ha, they always choose night time to start

kicking, sometimes I will have to be begging
them to stop so I can sleep” Jane placed
her hands on her tummy as she spoke. “But
during the day, they are calm as ever”
“Don’t worry very soon, you will drop them
and everything will be over”

“I can’t wait, and please get ready because

you are going to be having them over on so
many days, as their godmother”

Amaka gasped in surprise, “I’m going to be

your children’s godmother?”

“Yes of course, who else did you think is

going to be their godmother? Aunty get
ready to create space in your apartment for

“I will be honored, Jane thank you” she

stood up and pulled Jane up for a hug.
“Get ready guys, because your godmother
is going to take you guys partying” Amaka

They both laughed and ate their food, as

they talked about every other thing.

“It was really nice talking to you Jane, I feel

so relieved, thanks for the treat”

“You are welcome, please I don’t want you

to be thinking too much okay?”

“Yes mummy Jane”

After Jane left, Amaka decided to book an

Uber ride back to her apartment. As she
waited for her ride to arrive, she got a call
from Dele, she decided to ignore it, after all
the missed call she has given him, he is just
decided to call her now.

After calling her for five times non-stop,

Amaka decided to pick the call, and hear
what he has to say.

“Hello?” She answered nonchalantly.

“For a while, I was thinking you weren’t

going to pick up”

“Same way you haven’t been picking up my


“Yeah about that, I’m truly sorry”

Amaka didn’t say anything, she kept quiet
waiting for him to say why he called.

“Can we see, please? We need to talk”

Dele pleaded.

“All right no problem”

“So can I come pick you up?”

“Like right now?”

“Yeah, or are you busy?”

“I’m actually out, how about I come meet

you, where are you?”

“I’m at my place”
When Amaka’s ride, arrived she changed
her destination to Dele’s address. By the
time she got there, he was already at his
gate waiting for her, and the moment she
came out of the car, he hugged her tightly.

“I’m so sorry”

Amaka who was caught off guard by his

actions, didn’t say anything.
He carried her off the ground, and started
walking into his compound.

“Dele what are you doing? Put me down”

Amaka protested as they passed his
gateman who smiled at his boss’s action.
When they got to his sitting room, he gently
placed her on her feet. They stood still
staring at each other.

“I have missed you so much” Dele broke

the silence.

“I missed you too”

“I’m sorry I haven’t been taking your calls all

these while”

“It’s okay, I understand you were caught off

guard with what I told you”

“Come have a sit” he led Amaka to sit on a

couch, it’s same couch she had helped him
to pick out, when they went furniture
Dele stood staring at her, as she sat there.

“I can’t live without you Amaka, I just can’t”

“I can’t either Dele but I…”

“Please let me finish” Dele stopped her.

“You said the doctors said you can’t

conceive right?”


“How many doctors have you been to?”

“Three different doctors”

“That’s still too small if you ask me”

“Dele they are specialists and ….”

“And we can try other specialists, better

ones, we can even go out of the country
and seek for help, but I’m not giving up on
us Amaka, there has to be a way around

“And what if at the end of all of these, we

don’t find a solution? What becomes of us?”

“Then…. ”

“Then what Dele?” Amaka asked tensed.

“Then we can adopt, there are so many
homeless children out there who are in
need of a family, we can adopt kids Amaka,
or we can even have a surrogate mother
help us out. There are so many things we
can do Amaka, but leaving you is definitely
not part of it, leaving you is not an option,
because I’m going nowhere”

“Oh Dele, are you sure?” Amaka was

already crying.

“I’m sure darling, I love you babe, and there

is no going back on that”

“I love you” Amaka got up and hugged him.

Dele lifted Amaka’s chin with his hand,

looking into her eyes, seeing deep into her
soul, she drew him towards her with her
eyes, he bent his head, and slowly lay his
mouth on hers which was already slightly
slit open.

Amaka wrapped her hands around his

neck, as she opened herself to him. She
loves this man.

For a long time they kissed, and then

breathing deeply, he looked into her eyes.

“I love you baby” he placed his forehead on

hers. “I don’t know what you did to me,
because I can’t get you off my mind, no
matter how hard I tried”

“Hahahaha…I did nothing to you babe”

Amaka threw her head back in laughter,
with her hands still wrapped around his

“Yes you did” he dropped feathery kisses

on her neck, “and whatever it is you did, I
don’t want you to undo it, because I love
loving you”

“Baby you are making me laugh”

“Hmmm, I love making you laugh” he kept

kissing her neck, making her giggle.

That evening after Amaka and Dele had

made love, they both lay in bed. Her head
was resting on his chest, while he caressed
her bare back with his hand.
“How is work, how have you been enjoying
your promotion?” Dele asked her.

“Work has been good, very well even, I now

have a personal assistant” Amaka said with

“Is that so? My baby is now a boss lady, I’m

so proud of you” he kissed her forehead.

She raised her head to look at him “thank

you, so you should mind the way you talk to
me, because I’m a boss lady, not your
regular kind of babe”

“All right Amaka” he mimicked a salute.

“Amaka? What happened to calling me

baby?” She looked alarmed.
“Well since you are now a boss lady, there
is no need to call you a baby anymore,
don’t you think so?”

“No, I’m still a baby, your baby”

He smiled and kissed the tip of her nose,

“of course you are still my baby and
definitely not the regular kind of babe, we
need to celebrate this”

“Yeah” Amaka sat up on the bed, exposing

her bare breast. “You will make me one of
those your nice meals?”

“I was actually thinking we would go out,

you want us to celebrate indoors?”
“Yup, we will eat, and then cuddle and
watch Netflix”

“Yeah…..” Dele sat up and drew her closer,

“and then we can also make mad love
afterwards” he kissed her, and then kissed
his way down to her breasts.


“Hmmm?” He continued to kiss her breasts.

“I thought you said later? What are you

doing now?”

“I’m trying to get enough energy to prepare

you that meal you requested for”
“You are so naughty”

“Baby you need to calm down, I think you

are getting worked up about nothing”
Jeffery tried to still his troubled wife who
was shaking from anxiety.

Vivian invited Jane over for lunch the next

day to come meet her husband, and family.

“Jeff that man doesn’t like me”

“How do you know that? You haven’t even

met him before, how can you be so sure he
doesn’t like you?”

“Because I can feel it Jeff, I can feel it within

me, that man doesn’t like me”
“He doesn’t hate you, if she did, he wouldn’t
have invited you over, I think you should
just calm down and relax”

“You won’t understand, infact I’m no longer

going, I will just call Vivian and tell her I’m
not coming”

“And what is going to be your reason? You

know she is really looking forward to your
coming, she really wants you to meet her

“I could fall sick, or something, I’m pregnant

so it’s expected”

“Mrs. Jane Ademola?! I didn’t know you to

be a lier” he reprimanded her.
“Ehn… It’s not like I’m lying, I might actually
fall sick by tomorrow o, you know I have
been feeling this pain on my lower back”
she pretended to be in pains.

“Hehehehehe… Babe I know you are

scared, but not to worry, I’m going to be
with you”

“You will go with me?” Jane’s eyes lit up as

she asked.

“Yeah, I will be coming with you, so you

don’t have to worry”

“Thank you so much Jeff”

The next day, after they got back from
church, Jane and Jeffery had lunch, and
rested for a while before they got dressed
and Jeffery drove them to Vivian’s house.

When they arrived, Katherine came out to

welcome them.

“Jane I must say you are really carrying this

pregnancy so well” Katherine said to Jane
as she led them into the house.

“Oh really? Thank you” Jane replied, she

was too nervous to be bothered about how
Katherine thinks she is carrying her
Jeffery who already noticed this, held her
hands in his, giving it a gentle reassuring

“Yeah, look at how beautiful looking you are

in this dress”

“Thank you, please where is Vivian, sorry

my mother?” She is still hasn’t gotten used
to calling Vivian her mother, the last time
they met, Vivian had requested she calls
her mother. Jane agreed to it, but most
times she still catches herself calling her
Vivian, instead of mum.

“She is in the kitchen, she will be out soon,

sorry I can’t stay for lunch, I have a date” as
Katherine spoke, Vivian came out of the
kitchen, looking elegant and beautiful as
Jeffery smiled as he began to see the
resemblance between mother and
daughter. Even though Jane is dark
skinned and Vivian light skinned, there’s
still a lot of resemblance between them.
They both have same slim thick shape, and
walked almost the same way, and smiled
the same way too.

“There you are, I was about to call you to

know if you had changed your mind” she
went to where Jane was standing, and
hugged her, something Jane has gotten
used to anytime they meet.

“Good afternoon ma” Jeffery greeted. He

has taken to calling her ma, since he
discovered she is his mother in-law, even
though it was weird at first, because they
both use to go on first name basis.

“Jeffery, how are you doing?” She smiled at


“Very well thank you”

“Please have a seat, while I go get the

children and my husband” Vivian
disappeared to get her family to come say
hello to Jane and her husband.

“What if he doesn’t like me?” She

whispered to Jeffery who was sitting close
to her.

“Then I will punch him on his nose, and we

will leave, I don’t take it likely when people
don’t like my wife” he whispered back,

“Okay I trust you, but we will eat first o, after

eating you will now punch him” she said

“You are thinking about food? I thought you

were worried of not being liked?” He looked
at her like she was going crazy.

“What? I’m hungry, and that coconut rice

smells really nice, I’m sure it’s going to
taste nice as well”

“How did you even know it’s coconut rice,

that’s being prepared?” The look of disbelief
not leaving his face.
“I just know, can’t you perceive the coconut
coming from the rice?” Jane turned her
head towards the direction of the kitchen,
and continued to sniff.

Jeffery was still trying to comprehend what

his wife was doing, when Vivian came back
to the sitting room, in the company of a tall
dark middle aged man, and two beautiful
teenagers, a boy and a girl, the twins.

“Sweetheart meet my daughter Jane and

her husband Jeffery” she smiled happily as
she introduce them.

“Oh the famous Jane” he said smiling as he

got closer to her, and she greeted him.

“How are you doing?”

Jeffery gently squeezed her hand, to assure
her, he was there for her.

“I’m fine thank you sir”

“Oh please, you can call me daddy, if my

wife is your mother, then that makes you
my daughter as well”

Jane was taken aback by his statement, so

she kept quiet, staring at him.

“But if it’s not okay with you, then you don’t

have to call me that if you don’t want to….”

“No no, I’m okay with calling you dad, I just

wasn’t expecting you to say it”
“You are a part of the family Jane” Vivian
announced. “George and Georgia say hello
to your sister” she pushed the twins

“Good afternoon ma, good afternoon sir”

they both greeted in unison as if they had
rehearsed it.

When they were done exchanging

pleasantries, they went to the dinning to
eat, and true to Jane’s prediction, they were
served coconut rice, with chicken coleslaw.

Jeffery looked at her, as she smiled as she

was being served.
At the end of the day, they were all laughing
and sharing jokes, the twins inclusive, Jane
felt so happy that she never for once felt out
of place for one minute. Contrary to her
thinking, Vivian’s husband is quite jovial
and welcoming.



EPISODE 108-109

“Where is Jonathan, I thought you both

were coming together?” Jeffery asked.
He is having a lunch date with his sister
It has become a norm, for Jeffery to always
take her out, or at least pay her a visit once
in a week. This has increased the bond
between them, as he has also convinced
his family to give her their support in getting
back with her husband.

For the past three months, that they got

back together, there has been no complaint
from Erica, and neither has she shown any
sign of being physically abused, or being
unhappy in her marriage.

His Family hasn’t relaxed yet, they still keep

an eye on her, and are still observing
Desmond too.
“He is with his father, they are staying back
at home together, since Desmond is always
not around, he is always trying his best to
spend any free time he has, with Jonathan”

“How is he?”

“Jonathan? He is fine and….”

“I meant Desmond, how is he treating you?

Does he still beat you?”

“He is doing okay, I already told you he is a

changed man, you don’t have to worry
about me”

“You still haven’t answered my question,

does he still lay his hands on you?” Jeffery
maintained a straight face as he spoke.
“Jeffery, Desmond no longer beats me, if he
was still doing it, then you would have seen
the signs on my body, we see each other
almost all the time”

Jeffery didn’t seem convinced enough, a

part of him knew she could be telling the
truth, but he also knows that a woman
beater will always remain one, except he
decides to get help, something that
Desmond is yet to get.

“Does he abuse you verbally?”

“Jeffery!” She gave him a deadly stare.

“Okay sorry, I’m sorry” he rose his hands in
surrender. “I just don’t want you to get hurt
again that’s all”

“And I won’t, besides I already promised

myself I’m going to walk away, the moment
he trys anything funny”

“All right, You complained about not

sleeping well the last time we saw, are you
sleeping any better now?”

“Yes, my doctor recommended some

sleeping tablets, since I started taking them
I have been sleeping well”

“Are you having any challenge?”

“No Jeffery, I’m not…. Please can you stop
interograting me so that I can have my
lunch in peace?”

They both ate their lunch, talking about

several other things.

“So how are you preparing to be a father?”

Erica asked, as they sipped on their drinks
after lunch.

“I don’t think I can ever prepare enough,

sometimes I catch myself thinking I’m not
ready for this, I thought I was, but ever
since I found out we are having twins, I
have been a bit panicky”

“Don’t worry, I’m very sure you will excel at

being a father”
“Same thing I tell myself all the time”

“How about Jane? How is she? It’s been a

while I saw her last”

“Ironically she has been very strong, I

mavel at how well she is able to get things
done with her pregnancy”

“She is still starting up her business like she

wants to?”

“You bet she is, we just recently imported

some materials she would be needing for
the business”
“You have got yourself a strong woman,

“You can say that again”

When they were done having lunch, and

catching up on each other’s lives, they both
left, with Erica promising to prepare
pounded yam and egusi soup for Jeffery, at
her house the next weekend.

When Erica got back to her place, her

husband was in the sitting room alone
watching football.

“Hey honey” she bent to kiss him, but he

turned his face, giving her his cheek.
“Where are you coming from?” He asked

“I don’t understand?” Erica was looking at

her husband confused at his question.
Because he knew she was going to have
lunch with Jeffery.

“What don’t you understand? I asked you

where you are coming from”

“I thought I told you I was having lunch with

my brother?”

“Which of them?”

“Jeffery of course, I told you before I left or

have you forgotten?”
“Same Jeffery that doesn’t want us to be
together? You have been with him for the
past three hours, what sort of food are you
people even eating?”

“Honey Jeffery is my brother, and…”

“And what?!” Desmond raised his voice in

anger. “And what Erica? You left this house
for over three hours all because you want to
have lunch with that useless, no good
brother of yours?”

“Desmond please don’t start, I beg you”

“What were both talking about?” He stood

up from his chair, facing Erica. “Emm? Go
on tell me, what was it you both were
talking about? Was he giving you advice on
how to leave me?”

“I can see that you are trying to start up a

fight where there ought to be none, and I
really don’t have time for this” she turned to
leave, but Desmond drew her back by her

“I’m now a troublemaker, isn’t it?”

Erica looked him in the eyes, and could see

they looked red, the way they always look
whenever he is in the mood for trouble,
which would later lead him to beating her.

“Please let go off my hand Desmond”

“And if I don’t? What would you do? Leave
me? Hahaha….., Like you could, even if
you wanted to, you can’t” he gave out a
loud gay laughter. “You know why?
Because no one will accept a damaged
goods, and you Erica are damages goods
hahahaha…, So you see, you are stuck
with me”

Erica’s eyes burned with tears as she

listened to her husband insulting her. “Why
are you so wicked? What have I done to
deserve this from you?”

“Oh now she wants to cry, my cry baby is

about to start crying” he faked a sad face
before busting into laughter.

“If you are tired of being married to me,

then you don’t have to stay, you can leave,
no one is forcing you to stay Desmond, you
can leave” she turned to leave again, and
her husband dragged her back, and the
moment she turned to face him, his palm
connected with her face in a resounding

“How dare you talk to me like that? You

ungrateful bitch” he slapped her on her
other cheek, and started beating her.

Jonathan’s nanny, just finished putting him

down for his nap, when she heard the
raised voices coming from the sitting room,
she peeped and saw that Erica’s husband
was beating her up.

Jeffery had secretly given her his number,

alongside Dele’s and his father’s number,
for her to call any of them whenever she
sees Desmond beating his wife.

She quickly ran to her room, and took out

the notebook where she had written their
phone numbers.

She dialed Jeffery’s number, it wasn’t going

through, then she decided to dial Dele’s
number, and he picked up on the second

“Hello Ithoro, how are you?”

“Good afternoon sir, oga you need to come

to the house very quickly” she sounded
“What is going on, is Erica or Jonathan

“My oga is beating madam again, please

you have to come fast before he kills her”

Dele didn’t wait for the girl to finish talking,

before he ended the call and quickly
grabbed his car keys, and ran out of the
house, he didn’t even bother to lock his

On his way to Erica’s place, he tried

reaching Jeffery but his number wasn’t
going through. He drove like a maniac, not
bothering if he was driving above speed
limit or not.
Under thirty minutes, he was at Erica’s
house. Jonathan’s nanny was the one who
came to answer the door for him.

“Where is she?” He asked her.

“In her room, I was helping her to clean up

when you came” the lady had tears in her
eyes, as if she has been crying.

“And where is Desmond?”

“He is in his room too”

“Take me to my sister” Dele followed the

nanny to Erica’s room. She was sitting in
front her dressing mirror using a cotton
wool, to clean the wounds on her face.
“Ithoro who was at the door?”

She was shocked to find Dele standing at

the door of her room.

The moment he saw Erica’s bloodied face,

he became angry, he saw red, “that
bastard! How dare he, Ithoro show me to
his room”

“The next room by your left sir”

“Dele please don’t…” Dele was already out

of the room to even listen to Erica.

He went to the room the nanny described

for him, he entered and locked the door
from inside, before Erica got to the door,
and started knocking for him to open the
door. He ignored her.

He could hear the sound of shower

runningcoming from the bathroom, so he
suspected Desmond was having his bath.

So the bastard has the nerve to bath, after

laying those filthy hands on his sister.

He is sure going to need to do a lot of

washing up, by the time he is done with

Desmond came out of the bathroom putting

on only a boxers.
“What the hell are you doing here? Who let
you in here?”

Dele answered his question with a hard

punch on his face, and before he could
recover from it, Dele gave him another
punch on his mouth, Desmond tried
retaliating but Dele dodged it, and used his
legs to clear him off the floor.

Desmond landed on the floor, and Dele sat

on him and start hammering his body with

Erica could hear the sound of things

crashing in her husband’s room. She feared
for the two men, for whichever of them has
the upper hand, must definitely be beating
the other to a pulp.
“Dele, Desmond! Open this door!” She
banged on the door. She feared if her
husband has the upper hand, then he may
kill Dele, considering he just recently got
discharged from the hospital, with some
broken bones.

How is she going to explain this to her

parents? That her husband whom they
have been telling her to leave, has finally
ended up killing her brother? She would
never forgive herself if anything happens to

She continued to bang on the door, but

none of the men came to open the door.
Instead they kept crashing things in the
“Ithoro” she called Jonathan’s nanny, who
came running.

“Where is Jonathan is he still sleeping?”

“Yes ma, I closed the door of his room so

he doesn’t wake up because of the noise”

“Good, quickly get me my phone, I need to

call someone”

The nanny stood there looking at Erica like

she didn’t hear what she just told her.

“Why are you still standing there? Go get

me my phone”
The nanny ran into Erica’s room, and
decided to hide the phone, she knows Erica
wants to call someone to come break the
fight between her husband, and Dele. And
she doesn’t want that, she silently wished
Dele is having a upper hand in the fight, so
that Desmond can be thought some lesson,
she hates him for always hitting Erica.

She was still thinking of where to hide the

phone when Erica walked in and collected it
from her hands.

“What is taking you so long?”

“Madam why do you want to save him?

Allow your brother to teach him some
“And has it occurred to you that, he might
be the one teaching my brother the

Erica opened her phone contacts, but didn’t

know who to call, if she calls Jeffery, he is
going to come here and join hands with
Dele to beat Desmond, if she calls the
police, they will end up arresting Dele too.

“What sort of thing is this?” She cried out,

“how and when did we get to this?”

She decided to call her father, she was

about to dial his number when she heard
the door to Desmond’s room open. She
turned to find Dele coming out, with a
bloodied face and shirt.
“Oh my God Dele” she gasped at the sight
of him and quickly ran to his side.”Oh my
God Dele, what have you done?” She cried
as she inspected his wounds.

“Go get your things, we are leaving”

“What about my husband?”

Dele looked at like she has gone crazy, “are

you seriously thinking about your husband,
after what he has done to you? Look at
your face”

Erica didn’t reply Dele, she walked past him

and went into her husband’s room, to find
him lying unconscious on the floor.
“Jesus Christ! Dele what have you done?!”
She bent over him to check for his pulse,
she was relieved when she felt it.

“We need to call an ambulance” she told

Dele who was at the door of the room
looking at her.

“Erica we need to..”

“Call an ambulance now!” She screamed at

Dele. “Dele what have you done? Oh God
please let him not die” she held Desmond’s
body in her hands as she cried.

“Dele please call an ambulance, please”

she handed her phone to him. Dele
reluctantly took the phone from her, and
called an ambulance to come take
Desmond to the hospital.

Few minutes later, an ambulance arrived to

carry Desmond to the hospital. After placing
him inside the ambulance, the paramedics
insisted Dele and Erica followed them
because of the bruises on their faces.

“I don’t think that would be necessary” Dele


“But sir we need to have your wounds


“I can handle it myself”

Erica followed them, asking the nanny to

take care of Jonathan in her absence.
“Go get pack a bag for yourself and
Jonathan, because you both are coming
with me”
Dele said to the nanny, after the ambulance
had left the house.

Few minutes later, Dele was driving to his

parents house with the nanny and Jonathan
at the back of the car.

When he got there, his mother was about to

drive out, so she waited for him to get down

“Dele what happened to you?” She asked

the moment she saw his face, as he came
down from his car.
“Good afternoon mummy” she was about to
answer his greeting when she saw the
nanny coming out of the car with Jonathan.

“Where is Erica? Tell me she is safe, tell

me that animal didn’t lay his hands on her
again?” She asked, her breath breaking.

“Mummy please calm down, Erica is fine”

“Then where is she? Why is Jonathan the

only one with you? Please tell me my
daughter is still alive?” She cried.

“Of course she is alive, let’s go inside I will

explain everything to you”

Mr Ademola who heard his wife’s voice,

was already outside to find out what was
happening, and was surprised to find Dele
there with Jonathan and his nanny.

“What is going on here? And Dele why is

your face bruised? Did you get into a fight
or something?”

“Yes, with Desmond, now please let’s go

inside so I can tell you all that happened”

When Dele had finished telling them all that

happened, his parents were quiet for a

“So he is at the hospital as we speak?” Mr

Ademola asked.

“Yes sir”
“You knocked him into unconsciousness
too?” his father asked him.

“Yes sir”

“We need to get you to the hospital, so your

wounds can be treated” Mrs Ademola said.

“I’m okay Mom, I just need some


“No, you are coming with me to the hospital

now, after that I’m going to get my
daughter, she has had enough of that
abusive man”
“Which hospital was Desmond taken to?”
Mr Ademola asked.

“St Patrick’s hospital”

“Then let’s go to that one, you will be

treated there, then we can see Erica as

They left the nanny and Jonathan at home,

in the care of the housekeeper, while they
left for the hospital.

When they got there, they called Erica to let

her know they were in the hospital. When
she came out to meet them, she had
plaster on the injuries on her face.
Her mother quickly ran and hugged her.”are
you okay?”

“I’m so sorry mummy”

“It’s okay my daughter, none of these was

your fault”

“I should have listened, when you told me

to leave him”

“Now is not the time for blaming yourself

baby, are you okay?” She used her hands
to trace Erica’s bruises. “Desmond did this
to you?”

“Yes mummy, but you need not worry the

doctor said it will heal in a few days”
“Where is he?” Her father asked angrily.

“The doctors are attending to him”

Dele excused himself to go get treated.

While Erica and her parents went to see
Desmond. When they got to his room, the
doctor just finished treating him, and he
was sleeping.

“How is he doctor?” Erica asked.

“He is going to be fine, though he lost two

teeth, and has a fractured rib, but nothing
too serious”
What do you think would have happened if
Jeffery picked his call instead of Dele?




Later that day, Dele was able to reach

Jeffery and updated him on everything that
has happened. Of course Jeffery was very
pissed, just like he expected him to be, but
what he didn’t expect to happen was for
Amaka to show up at his door angry.

“What the hell were you thinking?” She

asked angrily, the moment he opened the

She walked past him into the house.

“Baby what are you doing here?” Dele

asked surprised to see her.

“What am I doing here? Oh my God Dele

look at your face” she gasp as she
examined his bruises.
“It’s nothing” he walked past her and sat on
a sofa.

“Did you just say it’s nothing? You call

getting into a fight only a few months after
coming out from the hospital, nothing? Dele
do you have a death wish or something?”

“He hit my sister, and this is not the first

time he is doing it, what were you expecting
me to do? Sit back and watch? She just
had a life changing surgery for God’s sake!
Now tell me if she were to be your sister,
would you be calm?”

“I know baby but…”

“Even if she is not my sister, he is not even
supposed to beat her at all, no woman
deserves to be beaten”

“Babe you should have just called the

police on him, instead of taking the laws
into your hands”

“Well sometimes, when it comes to saving

the ones we love, we don’t think, we just

“Baby please I need you to promise me,

you won’t ever get into a fight again?”

“Babe I can’t promise you that, if anyone

“You have to promise me Dele, that you
won’t use your fist to talk, no matter what!”

Dele raised his head to look at Amaka, and

he found fear in her eyes, and that broke
his heart. He stood up and went to where
she was standing, took her hands in his.

“Please promise me” she pleaded, her

voice shaky. “I can’t stand the thought of
anything ever happening to you again, not
after you almost lost your life, please…..”

“Shhhh….” He placed his finger on her lips.

“baby I’m so sorry” he drew her to himself,

and placed her head on his chest. “I
promise I won’t fight again, I’m sorry I made
you scared”
“When Jane called to tell me, you were
involved in a fight with Erica’s husband, I
almost lost it, please promise me you won’t
get into any fight with anyone for any

“I promise, now will you stop crying?

Please?” He hated to see her cry, and if
promising her he wasn’t going to fight is
what will make her stop, then he would do

“Are you really promising me that?” She

raised her head to look at him.

“I cross my heart” he made a sign of the

cross on his chest.
“Thank you” she hugged him tightly.

“Now can I get a smile?”

Amaka raised her head, and gave him a


“That’s my baby, I would have kissed you

right now, but I have a broken lip” he said

“We will just have to do with a peck for now”

she leaped and gave him a peck on his

“If you continue pecking me like that, my

bruises would heal in no time” he smiled at
her as they both sat down on a sofa.
“So you took out two of his teeth huh?”
Amaka asked with a smile on her face.

“He is lucky to still have the remaining


“By the time I’m done with that Desmond of

a fellow, he would regret the day he ever
laid a finger on my daughter” Mr. Ademola
fumed with anger, as they got home later
that day.

“Daddy please, I think the beating Dele

gave him is enough, I’m very sure he must
have learnt his lesson by now” Erica
pleaded with her father.
“Which one is the beating Dele gave him is
enough? That man deserves to be taught a
lesson, one which he would never forget in
a hurry, when next he sees a woman, he
would know better than to lay his hands on
her” Mrs. Ademola was equally furious like
her husband.

“It’s because of this same pleading of

yours, that’s why he had the nerve to be
beating you up at every whim. If you had
allowed me to deal with him ever since, all
of these would have been avoided”

“Mummy please I beg you, don’t do

anything to him, just let him be”

She turned and faced her father. “Daddy

you too, please don’t do anything to him,
just let him be, no need to teach him any
lesson, please”

“Erica I’m not going to inflict any physical

injury on him, or any thing of sort. I just
want to shake him a little, at least withdraw
the contracts he got through my connection,

“No! Dad please don’t do it, I beg you”

“Why are you so bent on protecting

someone who doesn’t even care about you
but himself?” Her mother asked in disbelief,
she can’t believe her daughter is trying to
protect a man who almost killed her.

“Because this same man we are talking

about is the father of my son, and no matter
how badly we want to punish him for the
wrongs he did, we still need to have it at the
back of our minds that he is Jonathan’s
father, and he is going to need his father to
be a part of his life, if we make him suffer
now, and loss everything he has, how do
you think Jonathan is going to look at us
when he grows up to know what we did to
his father?”

“And you think Jonathan is going to take his

father partying, when he grows up to find
out that his father almost sent his mother to
an early grave with his beatings?” Her
mother fired back at her.

“Ronke let’s leave him, if that’s what she

wants” her father said, even if it was evident
he really wanted to teach his son in-law
some lessons.
“Are you falling for this too?”

“Ronke please, let’s leave him, that’s what

our daughter wants, so let’s respect her

“But what of__”

“That’s enough on this matter please, Erica

go and get some rest” Mr Ademola
dismissed them.

Mrs. Ademola who looked like she was

going to burst from anger, just huffed and
left the sitting room.
“Baby are you sure you are going to be fine
on your own?” Jeffery asked, as Jane tried
to push him out of the house.

“Jeff, I’m only pregnant not an invalid” she

placed her hands on her waist.

“That’s not what I meant babe”

Jane’s delivery date was already close, and

Jeffery has been finding it difficult, leaving
her alone all by herself in the house. In as
much as Jane loves him being around, she
was beginning to get irritated by his
constant asking her if she was having
contractions, everytime she makes any
sound, or complains of any pain. He was
going to drive her crazy, with his constant
questions, if she doesn’t send him out of
her house.
“Jeff, I’m very sure I will be fine, for the few
hours that you would be gone, besides you
need to go to work”

“I mustn’t go to work, I can work from home


“Jeff just go to work, if I as much as get a

slight pain, I promise to call you”

“You will call me without hesitation all


“Yes I will, now get going, it’s not good for

the CEO to show up late”
Jeffery gave her a lingering kiss on her lips,
before pulling apart. “I love you”

“I love you too”

Jeffery kissed her on her forehead, before

leaving the house, his driver was already
waiting in the car to drive him to work.

After Jeffery left, Jane decided to get some

work done on her business, she intends
starting it after putting to bed.

After two hours of being on her laptop, she

decided to stand up from her chair, and
take a walk around the house, so she can
stretch her already aching back.
She was outside, taking a walk by the
poolside, when she felt a sharp pain on her
lower back. The pain was so intense she
had to stop walking, holding her waist for

The pain disappeared as quickly as it came,

and she continued walking.

She was already back inside, back to what

she was doing on her laptop, when she
received the same sharp pain again. This
time more intense than the first. She
gripped the edge of the table, waiting for it
to pass. Not being able to concentrate on
what she was doing anymore, she decided
to go lie down a bit. When she stood up,
she saw water trickling down her legs, she
also noticed her dress was wet. It was then
it dawned on her that her water has broken.
“Jane calm down, you can do this,
ahhhh…” She screamed as another intense
contraction came. She bit her bottom lip,
waiting for it to be over.

When it was over, she slowly climbed the

stairs to the bedroom.

For the first time she hated the fact that

they lived in a duplex, because the steps
seemed unending, and the bedroom so far

She kept encouraging herself and taking

deep breaths, until she got to the last step,
and then went into the bedroom, where she
cleaned herself up, and brought out her
delivery bag.
She decided to call Jeffery to come take her
to the hospital, that was when she realized
she had forgotten her phone downstairs.

“So I have to climb that staircase again?”

She almost cried, upon realizing her

She summoned strength, and decided to go

back downstairs, giving herself all the pep
talk she could think of, until she got
downstairs, and took her phone.

As she dialed Jeffery’s number, she got

another contraction, making her gasp, and
breath heavily.
“Is someone missing me already?” Jeffery
said playfully as he answered the call, but
there was no response.

“Hello babe? Are you there?”

Jane was too busy concentrating on holding

herself from screaming until the contraction

Jeffery could hear her breathing heavily

“Babes are you okay?”

“My. Water. Just. Broke” she said in

between breaths.

“Oh my God, I’m on my way now, I need

you to calm down okay? Babes don’t panic,
you can do this”
The panic on Jeffery’s voice make Jane to
laugh, because it was evident he was more
of trying to encourage himself and not Jane.

“Are you laughing?” Jeffery asked

surprised, as he got into his car.

“No I’m not, I just realized how lucky I am to

have you as my husband”

“No I’m the lucky one here, I can’t believe

we are about to welcome our babies into
the world”

“Me neither” Jane smiled as she sat on a

“I love you so much Jane”

“I love you too Jeff, now please come take

me to the hospital before I give birth to your
children in our sitting room”

“I’m already on my way baby”


After they arrived at the hospital, Jeffery

stayed with Jane in the delivery room,
holding her hands, and encouraging her,
telling her she could do it. And after three
long hours of constant pushing, and
screaming, Jane was delivered of two
beautiful baby girls.
When one of the babies was placed in
Jeffery’s arms, he couldn’t stop smiling and
staring into her face.

He is now a father, this is his flesh, and

blood, he took part in making this beautiful
human. He didn’t know he was crying, until
a tear dropped on the cloth the baby was
wrapped with. He laughed at himself as he
wiped the tears away.

“Daddy doesn’t usually cry, he is just happy

to see you and your sister” he explained to
the baby, who kept putting her fist in her

“Our girls are here, you did it babe” he

whispered into Jane’s ear, she smiled at
him as she held their second daughter.
She was still weak, and still felt pains from
their birth, but the sight of her babies, and
she holding them in her arms, made the
pains seem insignificant.

“We did it” she said to him, her eyes not

leaving the baby in her arms.

“I love you” he pecked her on her forehead.



EPISODE 110-111
The nurses took the babies from them, and
asked Jeffery to excuse them so Jane could
be cleaned up.

When he got outside the labor room, he

decided to call his mother and inform her
about Jane’s safe delivery.

“Jane has already given birth?” His mother

screamed into the phone.

“Yes mum, two beautiful girls” Jeffery

proudly announced to her.

“Oh thank God”

From the background, Jeffery could hear

her dancing and singing.
“Quickly, text me the hospital’s address, I’m
on my way….” She kept dancing and

“All right mum” he ended the call laughing.

Jeffery texted his mother the address, and

called Dele and the rest to inform them too.

Under two hours, the Ademola’s already

flooded the hospital with their presence and
gifts for Jane and her babies.

“Sharp shooter! Only once, and you scored

two goals” Michael hailed Jeffery.
“Hahahahaha” Jeffery laughed at Michael’s

“Congratulations man” Michael shook

Jeffery’s hand.

“Thanks man”

“Congratulations bro, I’m happy for you”

Dele hugged Jeffery.

“Thanks, hope you are ready for godfather


“Ever ready, wait until you hear the places I

plan on taking them for vacation once they
are of age” Dele bragged.
They all laughed at Dele’s comment.

*One month later*

While Jane was pregnant, she made sure

to read all the books she could lay on, that
were about pregnancy and how to take of
the infants, once they were born. But no
amount of reading had prepared her for the
sleepless nights, she has been having for
the past one week. Just the same way, no
amount of reading prepared her for the
labor pains she had in the labor room.

The girls were growing well and healthy, but

lately they have been waking up at night,
and feeding almost throughout the night,
when she complained to their pediatrician,
she told her it was normal for infants.

“There is nothing normal about

breastfeeding two babies all through the
night” she had argued.

Thank God for Jeffery, who is always

awake with her, and helping her to rock the
babies to sleep whenever she gets tired.

They were both named Kylie and Millie, and

because of their identical nature, Jeffery
had a wristband made for them with their
names on it. He did this after mistaking
Kylie for Millie.

Jane had laughed at him when he ordered

for the wristband to be made for the girls,
but now, she is grateful for it, because it
has saved her the trouble of having to tell
visitors which baby is Kylie or Millie.

“Hey….” Jeffery gently woke Jane up.

“Wake up, it’s time for breakfast”

Jane opened her eyes and saw a tray of

food by her bedside.

“Good morning” she sat up yawning. She

barely slept a wink last night as the girls
kept waking up to feed, she was finally able
to sleep by 5am, when they stopped
feeding and slept. Her eyes felt like they
had sand in them.

“Good morning” he kissed her. “No need

asking how your night was, because I know
you didn’t sleep, that’s why I decided to
prepare something for you before leaving
for work”

“Awww breakfast in bed, aren’t you the best

husband ever?” She smiled at him.

“And I have the best wife” he placed the

tray on her laps, and opened the plate to
reveal omelette, and some toasted bread,
beside the plate was a mug of steamy hot
chocolate drink.

“Thank you so much Jeff, I don’t know how

I would have been able to survive these
past month without your constant support,
you have been such an amazing husband
and father”
“What are you talking about? You are the
one who has been staying awake almost
every night tending to the girls, you deserve
some spoiling girl”

“I love you so much”

“And I love you too, now eat up, while it’s

still hot”

Jane who was famished, started eating

while Jeffery got ready for work. Kylie and
Millie were still sleeping, and if she is lucky,
she might be able to nap a little longer after
eating, before they woke up.

She has a nanny that comes to helps her

with the girls when Jeffery is away at work.
Her mother inlaw comes around to help
sometimes too. While Vivian Jane’s mother,
practically lives in the house because she
comes visiting almost everyday, when she
is not at work. And she spends quality time
with Jane and the girls, making sure Jane
doesn’t get too stressed out catering for

When Jane commented about this, she told

her she already missed out on her life, and
she wasn’t ready to miss out on her
granddaughters’ lives as well.

Later that evening after work, Amaka went

over to Dele’s house.

For the past one week, he has been away

in India, where he went to open a branch of
his fast food restaurant. He got back that
afternoon, and Amaka couldn’t wait to see
him. So she hurriedly finished her work at
the office, and rushed down to his place.

“Hello pretty” he flashed her his beautiful

set of teeth, as he opened the door for her.

She threw her arms around him, “I have

missed you so much”

“Me too baby, me too”

Amaka noticed he was talking funny, so she

pulled out of the hug, to look at him.

“Why are you talking like that?”

“How do you mean?” Dele asked.

“I don’t know, but something about the way
you speak seems different”

“I think I’m talking just normal”

He held her on her waist, looking straight

into her eyes.

“I love you babes”

“I love you too”

Slowly, he bent and claimed her lips,

kissing her. Their tongues dancing to a
rhythm, Amaka felt something strange enter
her mouth, so she pulled out from the kiss,
and spat out what was in her mouth into the
palm of her hands.
To her utter surprise, it was an engagement
She looked at Dele, he was smiling at her.
She tried speaking but no words came out.

Dele took the ring from her palm. “People

fall in love in mysterious ways, falling in
love with you wasn’t planned, but it
happened anyway, I can’t imagine my life
without you, because you make my life
complete, you are my world. Please would
you marry me?”

“Oh my God….. Dele are you sure?” She

whispered, for fear of breaking down in
“Baby if I wasn’t sure I’m going to marry
you, then I wouldn’t have been with you this
long, I am very sure”

“Oh Dele” she was already crying.

“Will you?”

“Yes…” She stretched out her left hand to

him, and he slipped the ring on her middle

“I love you so much” he kissed her.

Later that night, Amaka called Jane to

inform her about her engagement.
“Amaka this had better be important,
because I was already sleeping” Jane
grumbled into the phone.

“I’m getting married!” She screamed.

“What! Are you serious?”

“Of course I’m serious, Dele proposed this


“Awwwww….. Congratulations girl, I’m so

happy for you” Jane teared up as she
spoke. For long, she has been praying for
her friend to find happiness and love, just
as she did with Jeffery.

“Thank you, so get ready because we have

a wedding to plan”
“I have been preparing for this, longer than
you can imagine”


They say; when you are really desperate to
have something, you would go to any
length to get it. This was the case of
Amaka, ever since she and Dele got
married six months ago, she has been to
different places looking for a solution to her

Their wedding was everything Amaka

wanted, as Dele made sure to give her the
fairy tale wedding, she always dreamt of
having while growing up. It was a
destination wedding in Paris, with all their
friends and family in attendance, after
which they went to London for their

Since she came back from her honeymoon,

her mother has taken her to different
prophets and prophetess, who would ask
her to do strange things, all in the bid for
her to be able to have a child.

She and Dele have been to several

hospitals, both home and abroad, and still
no solution. So she decided to go
completely spiritual.

One of them, took her to bath in the river at

the middle of the night. While there is
another one who locked her up in a room,
and asked her not bath, nor brush for a
whole week.

Amaka had to run for her dear life, when

she started developing skin rash and
eczema, her mouth was smelling so bad,
that by the time she opened her mouth to
speak to Dele when she got home, he had
to cover his nose.
After that, he warned her never to go for
any so called spiritual cleansing, or prayers.
But Amaka kept sneaking off to other
prayer houses whenever Dele was out of

The last one took her to the beach at mid

night, claiming Amaka had a spirit husband,
and that they needed to go to the beach at
midnight for her to ask him to leave her
alone, she needed to denounce him

“Is this not far enough?” Amaka had asked,

after stepping into the water.

“No you have to keep going further, this is

your spiritual husband we are talking about
my daughter, you need to go a bit further so
you can be able to connect with your spirit
husband and have him leave you alone”
The prophetess urged her to keep going.

It was then it dawned on Amaka that it was

either she left, or she was going to get
drowned in this sea, all because she is
looking for a child.

Besides she can’t conceive because of the

abortion she had years back, not because
she has a spiritual husband, if she truly has
a spiritual husband, then how come she
was able to get pregnant back then?

She came out of the sea and started

walking to where she parked her car.
“Where are you going? Go back” the
prophetess said to her, but she didn’t
answer her, she got into her car and drove

After that night, she swore she wasn’t going

to have anything to do with any prophetess
or prophet ever again.

But here she is again in another house of

prayer, with a man who claims he
specializes in solving fertility problems.

Her mother insisted she came down to the

east, to meet this particular man of God.

“He has helped several women who were

childless to have children” her mother had
said to amaka, when she refused on going
to see the man.

“Daughter of Zion, there is nothing the Lord

cannot do, I treated cases worse than
yours, and I can assure you that once we
are done with all the prayers and spiritual
cleansing, you will carry your baby in Jesus

“Amen” Amaka echoed in faith, believing

what the man of God said.

He told Amaka to kneel down, while he laid

his hands on her head and prayed for her.

After one hour of intense prayers, and

speaking in tongues, the man of God asked
her to stand up.
“Daughter of Zion it’s almost over, one
more session and it’s done, I can feel it in
my spirit” the man of God closed his eyes
as he spoke.

“Hallelujah” Amaka waved her hands.

“Oh give Jesus a wiper, for he has done it”

Amaka continued to wave her hands.

“Now it’s time for the final session of our

prayers, this session seals and supercedes
every other prayer that we have made, so
you have to take it seriously”
“Okay man of God” Amaka nodded her
head vigorously.

“Very good, so now this part requires that

you have sex for it to be effective”

“Oh okay, no problem”

“Good so let’s go to the inner room”

The man of God started walking towards a

door at the extreme of the church

“Wait, I don’t understand” Amaka stopped

the man of God.
“We are going for the second session of the
prayer” The man of God explained.

“Why can’t we do it here? Must we go to the

inner room to do it?”

“You want to have sex out here in the


“Ehn? I beg your pardon? Who is going to

have sex? Because I don’t understand what
you are saying” Amaka asked, clearly
annoyed at the supposed man of God’s

“Which one is you don’t understand again?

This session requires you to have sex for it
to work”
“And I will have sex with my husband when
I get back home”

“No it has to be done here, it has to be

done this minute, infact it has to be done by

“You and who is doing that one?”

“You and I of course, or don’t you want to

have children?”

“Not on your life will I sleep with you”

Amaka quickly picked up her bag, and
started to walk out of the auditorium.

“I would suggest you think about it before

leaving, so many people have been here
before you, and they did what I’m asking
you to do, today they have their children”

Amaka didn’t even stop to answer him, she

just continued walking, until she got to the
nearest bus stop, and took a taxi to the

She didn’t bother going back to see her

mother, and give her feedback like they had
earlier discussed she would. She would
have to call her, and tell her everything that
had happened, when she gets home.

When she got to the airport, she took the

next available flight to Lagos.

All through the trip, Amaka couldn’t get

herself to stop shaking, how on earth did
she get to this point? Is this what her life
has become? For how long is she going to
continue like this?

“I’m done, no more! No more tests, no more

visiting prayer houses, if I can’t have a child
because of some mistake my mother made
in the past, then so be it! Because I am
done!” She said to herself, not minding who
was watching or listening.

The man sitting by her side, was staring at

her in a very strange manner.

When her plane landed, she took a cab to

Dele’s office, and the moment she got his
office, she went straight to where he was
standing and enveloped him in a hug
crying. Not minding that he was in the
company with one of his staff.
“Please excuse us” Dele dismissed the
man, who was confused at Amaka’s

“Baby what’s going on? Why are you

crying? I thought you were supposed to be
visiting your mum?”

Amaka didn’t reply any of Dele’s questions,

she just continued sobbing into his shirt.

“Babes, what’s wrong? Talk to me, you are

making me worried”

Amaka finally cleaned her tears, and told

Dele everything that happened.
He was calm for a long while, looking at
“Dele please say something” Amaka

“Let’s go home, this is not what we will talk

about in the office”

He rang his manager, and told him to take

care of things in his absence.

All through the ride back to their home,

Dele didn’t say a word to Amaka, until they
both got home.

“Dele please talk to me, I know you are

mad at me for what I did but…”
“Like hell I’m mad! Amaka first of all, you
went against something I asked you not to
do, and not only that, you lied to me just so
you could achieve your plans”

“Dele I’m sorry”

“Amaka you told me your mother was sick,

and you needed to see her, only for you to
go visit some fake man of God!”

“I didn’t know he was fake, I’m sorry”

“How am I supposed to believe you next

time? Babe you looked me in the face and
lied to me!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I only wanted to find a

solution to our problem” Amaka cried
“And our problem is a medical one, not

Amaka went to him, and wrapped her

hands around his waist.

“I’m sorry Dele, please forgive me, I

promise I will never lie to you again”

“And you will stop visiting these prayer


“Never again”

“Babes” he held her face in his hands. “I

know you are doing all of this because you
want to give me a child”
“Yes, I just want you to have your own child

“But I’m not complaining, am I? Look at

you, you have lost so much weight all
because you are looking for a way to give
me a child, I don’t like seeing you like this
babes, please you have to stop.

“I’m sorry baby, I’m done I promise”



*3years Later*

Jane stood by a corner of the hall, and

watched as everyone went about, trying to
get a seat for themselves.

Today is the grand opening ceremony of

Erica’s foundation for helping women living
with breast cancer. And both her family and
friends have all come out in full to support
her. Including Vivian and her husband who
finally won the gubernatorial election, and
has since become the governor of Lagos

When the Ademolas found out Vivian was

Jane’s biological mother, they accepted her
with open arms, and she and her family has
since, become a part of the Ademola family.
And Mr and Mrs Ademola threw their weight
behind her, making sure her husband won
the gubernatorial election.

Jane felt a tear coming down her cheeks as

she watched people from different works of
life, including commissioners and
politicians, all were there to support Erica.

Erica’s family who have been very

supportive of her, helped her when she
decided she wanted to start a foundation.
Her father went as far as building a whole
complex, and donated it to her foundation,
as part of his support.

Jane who has already started her interior

decorating business, helped her in
designing the interior of the building.
Every other members of the family
supported her, one way or another.

Amaka and Dele were yet to arrive. Amaka

who is now the new manager at High
Waters, was always busy these days.

Vivian couldn’t combine both the duties of a

first lady, and managing her company, so
she handed over the managerial position to
Amaka, while Katherine took over Amaka’s
position. And so far, Amaka has been
handling the position well.

Jane watched as Anita, who was heavily

pregnant with her second child, was busy
nagging her husband Michael about
something. He looked like he would love to
be sitting anywhere else, but close to his

Their son William, was sitting on Mrs

Ademola’s laps, alongside Jonathan who
was sitting beside Mr Ademola, he was
steadily growing into an handsome little
boy. Jane feared he was going to be a
heartbreaker when he grows up, especially
with the way he smiles at you, when trying
to get a favor, making it irresistible for one
to refuse him.

After the last time Desmond beat her up,

Erica finally made up her mind, and decided
to divorce him.

By the time their divorce was final, Erica

was already on her journey in helping
women like herself who were battling with
cancer. And ever since they finalized their
divorce, they haven’t seen, nor heard from

Erica’s parents always makes sure to be

there for Jonathan, attending every of his
school functions, whenever she was
indisposed, and taking him with them for
vacations, so his father’s absence doesn’t
have much of an impact on him.

Sometimes Jane always tells herself that, if

anything were to happen to her and Jeffery,
she knows her girls would be in safe hands.
Speaking of her girls, she needed to go
take Millie’s teddy bear to her before she
starts throwing her usual tantrums.

“There you are, I was looking for you”

Jeffery wrapped his arms around his wife’s

“Jeff! We are in a public place” Jane tried

removing his hands.

“Almost five years of marriage, and you my

big baby, you are still shy?”

He teased, as he nuzzled her. And just

then, they both saw one of the pressmen
who were asked to come cover the event,
taking a picture of them.

“Great, now we have given them something

to talk about” Jane muttered.
“Then let’s give them something more to
talk about, shall we?” Jeffery kissed her on
her cheeks.

“Mr Jeffery Ademola, if you don’t stop, then

you won’t be getting any, tonight” she tried
to sound harsh, when deep down she really
wants his hands to remain on her waist.

“Small play, and you are already

threatening someone”

Jane chuckled as Jeffery kissed her cheek

for the last time before releasing her.

“Isn’t that Millie’s teddy?” He asked

referring to the teddy bear in Jane’s hand.
“Yes, and I need to go give it to her before
she starts crying and demanding for it”

“I wonder what’s with her and this particular

teddy, she has dozens of other teddies,
what is it with this particular one?”

“You would have to ask your daughter

yourself” Jane left Jeffery and went over to
where her mom was seated with the girls
and her husband.

“Mummy!!” Her daughters both screamed in

unison the moment they saw her coming in
their direction. Kylie stretched her hands for
Jane to carry her, while Millie took the teddy
from her, and immediately became
distracted with it.
“You really did a great job here, I love what
you did with the designs” Vivian
complimented her daughter, as she handed
Kylie to her.

“Thanks Mom, I learnt from you, the best”

“Oh yes you did” Vivian replied with pride.

“Like mother like daughter” Vivian’s

husband said smiling.

“Thanks Dad”

Vivian’s husband has since been a father

figure in Jane’s life. When Vivian went back
to the north in search of Jane’s biological
father, she was told he died a few years
Even though Jane would have really loved
to meet him, she couldn’t complain, she is
grateful she got to know her biological

Her two siblings from her biological father

came looking for her a year ago, and they
have all been in touch since then.

Though, Jane sometimes thinks, they are

only being close to her, because of her
husband’s wealth, as everytime they call
her, it’s always to beg for money.

As Jane conversed with her mother, she

saw Amaka walk in, in the company of her
husband Dele, she gave Kylie back to her
mom, and excused herself to go say hello
to them.

“I was beginning to think you guys weren’t

coming again” Jane hugged Amaka.

“Don’t mind me jare I’m the reason we

came late” Amaka explained.

“Hi Dele how are you?” Jane hugged Dele

as she greeted him.

“I’m good, I must say I’m impressed” Dele

complimented Jane’s work as he looked

“Baby wait until you see the interior of the

offices, she totally outdid herself” Amaka
said, clearly proud of her friend’s work.
“Thank you” Jane curtsied.

“You are welcome. Where is Jeffery?” Dele


“Over there with Michael and Anita” Jane

pointed to where they were sitting.

“All right babe, I’m going to join them” Dele

bent and kissed his wife before leaving.

“Hmmm someone is really glowing” Jane

said to Amaka after Dele had left.

“Thank you, what can I say? I’m happy”

“And it’s written all over you, I’m happy for
you my friend. How is work?”

“Work is fine, it’s the reason I actually came

late. I had to stop by at the office, there
were some files I needed to treat before
Monday, so Dele had to take me there first”

“Oh okay”

Jane collected two glasses of champagne

from a server that was passing by, and
handed one to Amaka. She looked like her
mind was far away as she sipped her drink.

“A penny for your thoughts” Amaka asked,

not making any attempt to drink her
“I’m just here thinking how much our lives
have changed in the past five years” Jane

“Yeah, indeed how life has really changed”

“Hmmm, I remember the day I met Jeffery

for the first time, that was also the first time
I saw you”

Jane smiled as she remembered the

smoothie experience as Jeffery likes to call
it. That was the day she met two people
who have now become a significant part of
her life.

“Now look at us, you are now the manager

of High Waters, when it was just like
yesterday, that we were just mere

“And you are running your own business.

Indeed God has really been faithful, see the
way he turned our whole life around”

“Truly God has been faithful”

Thirty minutes later, the ceremony began,

and when it was time for Erica to give her
speech, Jane couldn’t help but cry as she
watched her mount the podium and
delivered her speech, encouraging women
not to die in silence when being abused,
nor give up on life because they were
diagnosed with breast cancer.
Jeffery who also had tears in his eyes too,
passed an handkerchief to his wife who
was sitting beside him. He watched his
sister whom he has always looked up to,
speak with eloquence and confidence. Just
like a true Ademola. And when she was
done speaking, everyone gave her a
standing and clapping ovation. Sometimes
good things come out from bad situations.




“Have I told you I’m proud of you?” Jeffery

asked Jane as they both laid down to go to
bed, after putting the girls to sleep.

“You tell me that almost every day” Jane

replied as she placed her head on his

“Well, I’m saying it again, I’m so proud of


“Awwwww thanks” she kissed him.

“I am proud of the woman you have

“And I became that woman with your help”

“I barely did anything, you have always had

that zeal in you to grow, it’s one of the
things I love about you”

“That’s so sweet” Jane kissed Jeffery on his

lips, and just when he wanted to deepen it,
they heard their bedroom door, they both
turned to find Millie standing at the door
with her teddy.

“Daddy…” She called out.

“Oh no” Jeffery muttered, for he knows, she
was going to be sleeping in their bed,
meaning no show for him.

“I’m so happy for Erica” Amaka said to Dele

as she sat on her dresser applying her face

“Yeah me too, I’m so glad she is helping

women who have been through similar
situation as herself”

“Me too” Amaka finished applying her

moisturizer, and climbed the bed to join
Dele. She sat crossed legs facing him.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Dele

asked, suspicious of the way she was
smiling at him.
“Nothing” Amaka replied, still smiling.

“What do you have behind you?”

“Shhh” Amaka shushed him as she looked

at the wall clock in their bedroom. It was
only a minute before twelve midnight.

“What is it?” Dele asked as he traced her

gaze to the clock.

The moment it clocked 12, she turned and

looked at Dele.

“Happy birthday”
“Oh…. Thank you” surprised was acting
strange because she wanted to wish him
happy birthday.

“Close your eyes I have a gift for you”

“Hmmm okay” Dele closed his eyes.

Amaka took out a box from behind her, and

placed it in his palm.

“Now you can open your eyes”

“What’s this?” He asked.

“Open it, and find out”

Dele opened the box, and found a Michael
Kor wristwatch in it. “This is nice, thank you”
he hugged and kissed her.

“Okay close your eyes again, I have

another gift for you” Amaka said grinning
from ear to ear.

“There’s more?”.

“Yes, now close your eyes”

“I am liking this” he said smiling, as he

closed his eyes for the second time.

Amaka leaned in, and then kissed him

gently on his lips, before whispering into his
“You are going to be a father”

Dele’s eyes immediately shot open, “what

did you just say?”

“I’m pregnant. We. Are. Pregnant” she said

with tears in her eyes.

“For real?” Dele placed his hands on her

belly “you are really pregnant?” He asked in
a very low voice, as if scared to say the
words out loud.

“Yes” Amaka nodded, tears already

streaming down her cheeks.

“Oh my God!” Dele screamed. “I’m going to

be a father!” He punched his fist in the air.
“When did you find out”

“Last week, you remember I wasn’t feeling

too well, and went to the hospital thinking it
was malaria?”

“You actually said the doctor confirmed it

was malaria” Dele responded.

“well it wasn’t. I was actually four weeks

pregnant and I didn’t know”

“Oh my goodness, why didn’t you tell me?”

Dele kept touching her tummy.

“I wanted to tell on your birthday, as a

birthday present”
“So I’m going to be a father? Where is the
test result? Show me”

“Yes you are, I never believed this day

would come. I actually went to three
different hospitals just to know it’s actually
real, it is. Dele we are having a baby”
Amaka cried, as she gave the three
different test results to Dele, including a
pregnancy test strip, she used in taking the
test at home, after she gotten back from the

“Oh I love you so much, this is the best

birthday gift ever” he hugged her.

“I love you too, there is another gift”

Dele pulled out of the hug to look at her,
“seriously? Another one?”

“Yes….” Amaka slowly got off the bed, and

started to seductively take off her night
wear to reveal a sexy lingerie underneath.

“Is…it safe with your condition?”

“Yes, the doctor confirmed it’s safe” she

seductively crawled back into bed.

“Then with all pleasure my love”

Dele gently laid his wife down, and made

love to her.


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