8 Coffee
8 Coffee
8 Coffee
Coffee History
• Coffee was allegedly born before 1,000 A.D. when legend has it
that a shepherd named Kaldi, in Caffa, Ethiopia noticed that his
sheep became hyperactive after grazing on some red berries.
• Coffee was first introduced in Turkey during the Ottoman Empire
around A.D. 1453 and coffee shops opened to the public.
• Coffee came to India via Mysore in Karnataka, brought secretly by
a Sufi Saint from Meccan named Baba Budan.
• Coffee is pleasure. Its taste, flavor, aroma and refreshing effect
makes it unique.
Classification Of Green Coffee Bean
Flavor substances
• Sulphur compounds are main contributor in
coffee’s flavor
• The flavor substances are volatile, can be
destroyed if heated at very high temperatures
• Also know as wet processing method, is the other main way to process coffee.
• In the washed process all of the fruit flesh is removed mechanically from the coffee bean
before the beans are dried.
• Removing of the fruit flesh is done with a machine called depulper.
• After depulping the beans are put to a water tank where fermentation process will
remove the remainder of the fruit flesh. The amount of time that the fermentation
requires depends on the climate and altitude.
• In hotter regions the fermentation will take less time and vice versa. Usually the
fermentation requires 24-72 hours and if the coffee beans are fermented for too long, it
will have negative effect on the flavor of the coffee.
• After the fermentation is ready, the coffee beans are washed to remove any leftover
flesh and then it is ready to be dried. Drying in the washed process is done similarly as in
natural process so in brick patios or raised beds. To ensure even drying the beans are
turned regularly as in natural processing. The beans can be also mechanically dried,
especially in regions where there isn't enough sunshine or excess humidity.
• The washed process leads to bright and acidic flavors in the cup. It's
commonly highly appreciated among roasters and baristas due to
increased complexity and cleaner cup profiles. Many describe washed
coffees to have white wine like flavors when compared to natural
coffees. Many farmers or producers choose the washed process
because properly done it reduces the risk of defects and it's more
stable way to process coffee. On the other hand, it requires
more water than other processing methods so it's more expensive for
the farmers or producers.
Dry Method Wet Method
• It is Simplest, cheapest & • Expensive method but it
traditional method of helps in preserving the
intrinsic qualities of bean.
processing of coffee.
• Pulping machine is used to
• Harvested cherries are separate beans from the
spread over a concrete or pulp which is washed away
brick surface and sun with water. Beans are pre-
dried, raked at regular graded by using shaking
intervals to prevent strainer.
fermentation. • Beans are then stored in
fermentation tanks for 12-48
• In 7-10 days, the moisture hours, enzymes work
content reduces down to naturally to separate
11% endocarp. After the process,
endocarp has “pebbly” feel.
• The outer shell of pod • The length of fermentation
become dark brown & process is based on the
brittle, and the beans can condition of beans and
be heard rattling around climate. In region of low
inside their husk. altitude, fermentation time is
short and vice versa.
Roasting Process
Chemical Changes
• The chemical changes include Maillard type reactions and caramelization
of sucrose.
• Volatile complex comprising of furan derivatives, pyrazines, pyridines,
benzenoid aromatics, aliphatic, alicyclic and various Sulphur compounds.
These are important for the flavor/aroma in medium-roast Arabica coffee.
• Some compounds are generated by straight
pyrolysis of single compounds e.g., chlorogenic
acids in generating phenols; there is overall 40%
residual content for a medium roast. The change
in chlorogenic acid content is used as analytical
measure of „degree of roast‟.
• Similarly, coffee oil leads to formation of small
amounts of aldehydes and hydrocarbons. The
coffee oil is practically unaffected, as is the
caffeine content. Newly formed residuum of ~ 25%
by weight of roasted coffee is melanoidins or
Humic acids. The loss of mass is 2-3% on dry
basis for „Light roast‟, whereas it is up to 12% on
dry basis for „Very dark roast‟. The beans lose 15-
20% of their weight but increases up to 25% in
Grinding Of Coffee
• The objective of grinding coffee is to get maximum flavor from beans.
Infusing the ground beans in hot water does this. The faster the infusion,
the finer the grind.
• Grinding is mostly done till beans turns into fine a fine powder. Coffee is
grounded to give three types;
• The coffee made from fine powdered & coarse ground coffee in ratio of
90:10 gives a perfect blend.
Grinding Process
Multistage twin horizontal rollers up to 4 stages may be used to ensure more
uniform particle size distribution.
1 st and 2nd stages – Essentially performs cracking or crushing the beans
into smaller units. 3rd and 4th stages – Leads to progressively finer grinding.
The grind size required is related to subsequent method of brewing to be
adopted and whether for home use or subsequent large-scale extraction i.e.,
coarse, medium, fine, very fine.
Coffee Brewing and tasting Panels
• Liquid CO₂ is pumped into the beans at an incredible rate of pressure 1000
psi at a temperature of roughly 200˚F. Each bean needs about 5-7 hours to
diffuse all of its caffeine. Once the beans are caffeine-free, they’re removed,
dried, and roasted for packaging
Health Benefits Of Decaf
Caffeine Amount In Decaf
• Decaf coffee is not caffeine free
• It actually contains varying
amounts of caffeine, usually
about 3 mg per cup which is
much less than the amount
found in regular coffee
• One study found that each 6
ounces (180 mL) cup of decaf
contained 0–7 mg of caffeine
• On the other hand, an average
cup of regular coffee contains
about 70–140 mg of caffeine
• It depends on coffee type,
preparation method, and cup
Health Benefits Of Decaf
• Decaf coffee contains similar amounts of
antioxidants as regular coffee. These include
mainly chlorogenic acid and other polyphenols
• Decaf coffee also contains small amounts of
several nutrients
• Decaf coffee may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes
• Decaf usually contains similar amounts of
antioxidants as regular coffee, although they may
be up to 15% lower
• The main antioxidants in regular and decaf coffee
are hydrocinnamic acids and polyphenols
Health Benefits Of Decaf
• One cup of brewed decaf coffee provides 2.4%
of the recommended daily intake of
magnesium, 4.8% of potassium, and 2.5% of
niacin, or vitamin B3
• Decaf coffee may protect against age-related
mental decline. It may also reduce the risk of
diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
• Decaf coffee causes significantly less acid
reflux than regular coffee. Drinking more than
two cups a day may also reduce the risk of
rectal cancer
Regular Coffee Has Several Advantages
Over Decaf
• Coffee is probably best known for its stimulant effects
• It increases alertness and reduces feelings of tiredness
• These effects are directly linked to the stimulant caffeine, which is found
naturally in coffee
• Some of the beneficial effects of regular coffee are directly attributed to the
caffeine, so decaf should not have these effects
Here are some benefits that probably only apply to regular coffee, not decaf:
• Improved mood, reaction time, memory, and mental function
• Increased metabolic rate and fat burning
• Enhanced athletic performance
• Reduced risk of mild depression and suicidal thoughts in women much
lower risk of liver cirrhosis or end stage liver damage
Who Should Choose Decaf Over Regular
• While individual tolerance may vary, healthy
adults should avoid over 400 mg of caffeine
per day. This is roughly the equivalent of four
cups of coffee
• Increased consumption can lead to increased
blood pressure and lack of sleep, which can
increase the risk of heart disease and stroke
• Excess caffeine may also overwhelm the
central nervous system, cause restlessness,
anxiety, digestive problems, heart
arrhythmia, or trouble sleeping in sensitive
• People who are very sensitive to caffeine may
want to limit their intake of regular coffee or
switch over to decaf or tea
Who Should Choose Decaf Over Regular
• Those with certain medical conditions may also require caffeine-restricted
diets. This includes people who are taking prescription medications that can
interact with caffeine
• Additionally, pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to limit their
caffeine intake. Children, adolescents, and individuals diagnosed with anxiety
or who have trouble sleeping are advised to do so as well
• Decaf may be a good alternative to regular coffee for people who are caffeine
• Pregnant women, adolescents and individuals taking certain medications may
also want to choose decaf over regular
From Coffee Bean to Coffee Cup - Take a Coffee Journey with
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Coffee processing
Types of Coffee