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Investigation of Different Mechanical Properties of Commonly Available Papers

Conference Paper · December 2017

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3 authors, including:

Md. Washim Akram

The Ohio State University


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International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial and Materials Engineering 2017 (ICMIME2017)
28-30 December, 2017, RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.

Paper ID: MS-260

Track: Material Science
Investigation of Different Mechanical Properties of Commonly
Available Papers
M. W. Akram, M. W. Islam, S. K. Choudhury
Author’s Affiliation: Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology


Tensile strength, Friction factor, Moisture content, Opacity, Bursting strength, Folding endurance,
Hardness, Resiliency, Softness, Specific heat capacity, Ash content, Dirt content, Print quality, Printability,
Pinholes, Porosity etc. are the properties which significantly affect the quality of a paper. But there is no
literature available where tensile strength of paper and friction factor between paper and paper materials
were measured. Apart from there is no research occurred on the collection of data about different
properties of paper. Commonly available papers such as Partex, Bashundhara, Japan, Indonesia, Creative
in different gram values (GSM) were used. Friction coefficient is an important factor for production of
paper. Tensile strength can be used as a potential indicator of resistance to web breaking during printing.
Taken all into consideration, the study would assist the researcher for further improvement of the paper
quality and guide the printer operator and the consumer to select the appropriate one.

Keywords: Paper properties, tensile strength, friction factor, GSM (Gramm per Square Meter).

1. Introduction
Paper is a thin material formed by pressing together moist fibers of cellulose pulp derived from wood, cloths
or lawns, and drying them into flexible sheets [1]. Paper is a versatile material because of it has many uses
such as writing, printing, packaging, cleaning, and a number of industrial and construction processes. A
chemical pulping method splits lignin from cellulose fibers for making pulp from wood which is the main
component to produce paper. Lignin is dissolved in a cooking liquor, so that it may be washed from the
cellulose to preserves the length of the cellulose fibers. The papers which are made from chemical pulps
are also known as wood-free papers which do not contain lignin, which deteriorates over time. The
bleaching operation is done on the pulp to produce a white paper which consumes 5% of the fibers. The
papers which are made from cotton or other materials contained 90% cellulose, chemical pulping processes
are not used in these cases [2].

To improve the printing or writing characteristics of paper, the pulps may contain not only fibers but also
fillers such as chalk or china clay. Different types of additives are mixed with it for sizing purposes or
applied to the paper web later in the manufacturing process. The sizing purpose is to create the accurate
level of surface absorbency to suit ink or paint.

There are different properties of paper such as Physical properties (Basis weight or gram values, bulk and
density, book bulk, caliper or thickness, curl, dimensional stability, hygroexpansivity, formation, friction,
directionality of paper, moisture content, smoothness, roughness, conditioning of paper, sideness of paper
), Optical properties (Opacity, brightness, whiteness, color, finish, fluorescence, gloss etc.), Strength
properties (Bursting strength, compressibility, folding endurance, hardness, resiliency, softness, stretch,
surface strength, breaking length, tensile strength, wet strength, tearing resistance, tear factor, tear index,
tensile energy absorption), Electric properties ( Conductance, dielectric constant or relative permittivity,
dielectric strength, pH, pinholes, porosity, air resistance, permanence & durability), Thermal properties of
paper ( Thermal conductivity of paper, specific heat capacity of paper, water absorption), Miscellaneous
properties ( ash content, dirt content, print quality, printability, sizing) [3].

There are many properties of paper which are shown in the above. But, here mainly two important
mechanical properties (i.e. tensile strength and static friction factor) which are necessary for our daily life
are investigated.

2. Experimental details
Tensile Strength: The tensile force required to produce a rupture in a strip of paper or paperboard is
known as tensile strength of paper, which is expressed in kg/cm2. Tensile strength is the good indicator of
fiber strength, fiber bonding, and fiber length. Tensile strength can be used as a potential indicator of
resistance to web breaking during printing or converting [3].

Friction: Friction of paper materials can be defined as the resisting force that occurs between two paper
or paperboard surfaces in contact when the surfaces are brought to slide against each other. This property
is measured as a coefficient of friction, which is the ratio of the frictional force, to a force acting
perpendicular to the two surfaces [3]. The static friction force is defined as the force that holds back a
stationary object up to the point that it just starts to move. The initial peak force which is required to move
the sled is calculated first then it is divided by the weight of the sled to calculate the static friction force [4].
The names with GSM of different paper brands which are used in this experiment can be shown in Table
Table 1: Sample paper brands with GSM (gram per square meter)
120 GSM 100 GSM 80 GSM 70 GSM 65 GSM 55 GSM
Partex Partex Partex Partex Partex Partex
Bashundhara Bashundhara Bashundhara Bashundhara Bashundhara Bashundhara
Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan Japan
Creative Creative Creative Creative Creative Creative
Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia SA

3. Methodology
Principle for measuring tensile strength
Specimens for the tensile test were cut by the instrument is shown in Fig. 1. ETM 50N-500N electro-
mechanical desktop test machine was used to measure the tensile strength of paper which is shown in Fig.
2 and the corresponding schematic diagram of this machine is shown in Fig. 3. There are some
specifications of the tensile test machine, but the most important specifications are given below:
Parameters Model: ETM 50-500N, Maximum Force: 50N; 100N; 200N; 500N, Accuracy: Class 0.5/1,
Force Resolution: 1/300000 of maximum force, without step division, Force Measuring Range: 0.4%-100%
FS/ 0.2%-100% FS, Force Measuring Accuracy: Within 0.5% /1% of reading, Displacement Resolution:
0.08 µm, Vertical test space: 600 mm (can be extended), Crosshead Speed Range: 0.001-500 mm/min,
Dimension (L x W x H): 500 x 370 x 1160 mm, Weight: 50 kg
A certain specimen of paper was attached to the tensile test machine and the tensile force was applied to
the sample. After failure for applying tensile force, the strength was measured from the computer as kg/cm2.
Paper specimens were considered as higher moisture content in the rainy season, medium moisture content
in the summer season, low moisture content in the winter season and dry paper considered the specimen
which was free from moisture.

Fig. 1: Paper cutter used to cut the specimens, Fig. 2: ETM 50N-500N electro-mechanical
a slot for tensile specimen desktop test machine

Fig. 3: Schematic diagram of tensile test machine Fig. 4: Inclinometer for measuring static friction
for the paper factor of paper

Principle for measuring static friction coefficient

At first, the plane was leveled so that it was horizontal when the inclinometer (Fig. 4) indicates zero degrees.
The larger test specimen was mounted on the inclined plane with the surface to be tested facing upward.
The other specimen was attached to the surface to be tested facing downward and rotated 90° to the direction
of the specimen on the plane. There were no looseness or slack in the specimen. The sled was positioned
and its test specimen on top of the other test specimen near the end of the inclined plane that was away from
the hinge and stops. Dwell time was allowed of 10 s, and then the angle was increased of incline at the
specified rate of 1.5 ± 0.5°/s. The incliner was stopped when the sled starts to move and permit the sled to
slide to the stop. The angle was recorded at which the sled has begun its slide to the nearest 0.5°. Again
after the dwell time of 10 s, the inclination was repeated to the start of sliding, let the sled come to a stop,
the incline was returned to horizontal, but no record was made of the angle at which sliding begins. For the
third time, the sled and specimen were carefully lifted to the starting position, it was allowed to dwell 10s
and raised the incline to the inception of sliding, the angle was recorded at which sliding begins on this
third slide to the nearest 0.5°. Then the next pair were placed of test specimens on the sled and inclined
plane but that time the specimen was rotated 180° that had been the oriented with the MD (Machine
Direction) in the direction of the slide. Then the specimen was tested as in the previous type. Then the
remaining three tests were completed, the one specimen was reversed as in the previous method for each
succeeding measurement.

4. Results and Discussion

Tensile strength

The tensile strength of different paper brands and in different weather which are obtained in this experiment
are shown graphically.

Fig. 5: Tensile strength Vs. Grammage value Fig. 6: Tensile strength Vs. Grammage value
curves for Partex paper curves for Bashundhara paper.

Fig. 7: Tensile strength Vs. Grammage value Fig. 8: Tensile strength Vs. Grammage value
curves for Indonesia paper. curves for Japan paper.

Fig. 9: Tensile strength Vs. Grammage value curves for the Creative paper.

Generally, the tensile strength of paper increases with increasing Grammage value. But in sometimes it
diverges which is shown in the Fig. 5 to Fig. 9 because of raw materials used and papermaking or pulping
procedure. The tensile strength also varies from one brand to another brand and the amount of moisture
content which is shown by these figures also. Generally, with increasing moisture content the tensile
strength decreases. From this experimental result, it may be shown that the Japan and Partex paper brand
can carry more load than other paper bands. It may be concluded that the tensile strength increases with
increasing Grammage value and decreases with increasing moisture content. Because with increasing
Grammage value the thickness of the paper is also increased, so tensile strength increased. But with
increasing moisture content the strength of fiber of the paper material is reduced i.e. the tensile strength of
the paper is reduced.

Friction factor

The obtained friction factor values for different paper brands for different weather or different moisture
content are shown graphically.

The friction factor of different Grammage values and different paper brands are different which is shown
by this experimental result. Fig. 10 to Fig. 14 shows the variation of friction factor with Grammage value
of different paper brands and different moisture content. Measurement of the coefficient of friction has
applications in packaging where a high coefficient will indicate that containers such as sacks, bags, and
paperboard containers will resist sliding in unit loads or on packaging lines. This property is also important
in printing papers since a specific coefficient of friction is needed so that individual sheets will slide over
each other, otherwise, double press feeding may result. It may conclude that the friction factor increases
with increasing moisture content because of increasing moisture content the molecular space of paper

increased. Friction factor decreases with increasing Grammage value due to increasing Grammage value
the molecular space decreases.

Fig. 10: Friction factor Vs. Grammage value curves for Partex paper with paper.

Fig. 11: Friction factor Vs. Grammage value curves for Fig. 12: Friction factor Vs. Grammage value
Bashundhara paper with paper. curves for Indonesia paper with paper.

Fig. 13: Friction factor Vs. Grammage value curves Fig. 14: Friction factor Vs. Grammage value
for Japan paper with paper. curves for Creative paper with paper.
During the converting and end-use of almost every paper product, friction is very important [5]. For
example, high friction is crucial for sack paper and linerboard in corrugated containers during transportation
and storage [6], for controlling the paper roll behavior and for good run ability of the paper in a printing
press [5]. The reliability of copiers and printers [7] as well as the suspension from currency bills from
automatic teller machines [8] depend on a constant level of friction between the paper sheets during sheet-

feeding. Low paper-paper friction and low paper-metal friction are required for example during the
corrugating of fluting [5].

5. Conclusions
The tensile strength and friction factor of different Grammage values of papers and different brands with
different moisture content are obtained by this experiment. Tensile strength increases with increasing
Grammage value and decreases with increasing moisture content. It also varies from one paper brand to
another paper brand. It may be concluded that Japan and Partex paper brand can carry more load than other
paper brands. The maximum values of tensile strength at high, medium and low moisture content are 148.75
kg/cm2, 168.75 kg/cm2 and 223.61 kg/cm2. On the other hand, the minimum tensile strength for high,
medium and low moisture content is 41.39 kg/cm2, 63 kg/cm2 and 87 kg/cm2. It may be also concluded that
the friction factor increases with increasing moisture content and decreases with increasing Grammage

Another property of paper such as breaking length, opacity, folding endurance, pH, thermal and electrical
conductivity and calorific value may be measured. The name of different papers which are commonly used
for different purposes is known by this experiment. Tensile strength can be used as a potential indicator of
resistance to web breaking during printing. Taken all into consideration, the study would assist the
researcher for further improvement of the paper quality and guide the printer operator and the consumer to
select the appropriate one.

6. Acknowledgement
The authors would like to facilitate their sincere gratitude and honor to their supervisor Dr. Sirajul Karim
Choudhury, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering &
Technology for his proper guidance, valuable advice, encouragement and supplying with informative
materials collected from various renowned journals that helped them a lot to carry out this work in
scheduled time. Grateful acknowledgments are due to the technicians and laboratory attendants of the
Metrology Laboratory, Machine Shop, Wood Shop, Heat Engine Laboratory, Welding and Sheet Metal
Shops and Material Science Laboratory of Rajshahi University for their assistance and co-operation in
carrying out the study in various ways.
May Allah bless and reward all of them

7. References
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