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Materials Today: Proceedings 28 (2020) 1487–1491

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Design & development of a low cost tribometer for nano particulate

Harvinder Singh ⇑, Anoop Kumar Singh, Yogesh Kumar Singla, Kashidas Chattopadhyay
Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Patiala 140401, Punjab, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Pin on disc tribometer is a device to determine coefficient of friction and wear rate of the different mate-
Received 18 March 2020 rials. There is a need to design a tribometer as per standards for different applications. This study was
Received in revised form 3 April 2020 about designing and developing a low cost tribometer to study the wear of automotive engine materials
Accepted 28 April 2020
under lubricants with nano additives. Pin on disc arrangement was designed as per ASTM standard G 99–
Available online 2 June 2020
17. The parameters that can be controlled in the test rig are load, sliding distance, sliding speed, wear
track diameter, lubricant temperature, mixing time of nano additives in lubricants, mixing speed to
the stirrer. Measurement of frictional force was done using load cell attached to arduino circuit. Pilot test-
Pin on disc
Nano additives
ing was done by using 0.5% of nano fly ash having Average Particle Size (APS) < 100 nm, in SAE 10 W–30
Lubricants lubricant. The sliding distance, sliding speed and load were taken as 1500 m, 1.5 m/s, 15 N respectively.
Wear Wear test was conducted for three cases e.i. for dry run, with lubricant and with nano additive lubricating
Friction oils. Wear test was conducted for three replications of each category. It was found that use of nano fly ash
in SAE 10 W-30 was beneficial in reducing the coefficient of friction up to 76.5% and wt. loss up to 28.9%,
as compared with the specimens tested under SAE 10 W-30 base oil only. The use of nano fly ash is also a
novelty of this work. No literature is available on finding the tribological properties of steels using ‘‘Nano
Fly Ash”. Moreover, enhancement in tribological properties using nano fly ash as a lubricant additive
revealed that it can be used as a promising candidate to increase the life of automotive components
up to some extent.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Aspects of Materials Science and Engineering.

1. Introduction where rubbing of different materials take place, resulting in the

loss of material from the surfaces under certain environments. This
Development of low cost tribometer for the industrial applica- loss of material from the surfaces is known as ‘‘Wear”. Wear can be
tions where friction and wear plays a vital role is required to save due to adhesion, abrasion, fatigue and erosion [4]. The wear can be
material and energy. When any material is selected as sliding com- minimized by using the lubricants. Studying the wear behavior by
ponent, it is desired to subject it to a tribo test under similar ser- tribometer is necessary in order to reduce the friction and wear in
vice conditions, to understand its tribological behavior [1]. Then materials. Wear rate of the material can be found by measuring
there is also need to crosscheck that tribological behavior with weight loss using digital balances. Tribometer facilitates the study
the actual behavior in service conditions [2]. In this research, a of the tribological behavior under varied contact pressure, sliding
low cost and efficient tribometer, to study the tribological behavior speed, time and lubrications [5]. Pin on disc tribo test is a labora-
of nano additives in engine lubricants, was designed and tory test to determine the sliding wear [6,7]. In this tester, the sta-
fabricated. tionary loaded sample pin is held vertical on a constant rotating
Various aspects in designing the tribometer were taken into disc. The spherical tip of the sample material ensures that the load
consideration [3]. Tribometer is the important equipment in the is normal to the disc [8]. The pin on disc wear test is conducted as
study of friction and wear under lubrication. Tribometer is a device per ASTM G99-17 standard, which covers the procedure to deter-
mine the wear in sliding pairs. The testing material is pressed on
⇑ Corresponding author.
the disc with constant load by using lever loaded with weights.
E-mail address: (H. Singh).
Wear results are obtained at selected sliding distance, load, sliding
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Aspects of Materials Science and Engineering.
1488 H. Singh et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 28 (2020) 1487–1491

speed and other parameters. Wear at the contact points during the of pin on the disc in order to vary the wear track diameter. At one
test provides the information about the wear characteristics of the end, the sample holder was designed which could hold the sample
materials [9]. pin of 10 mm diameter. Near the other end, the pulley was
Nanolubricants finds rich endeavor in engine applications as mounted on vertical movable structure. This vertical member
reported by many researchers. There are many studies depicting was capable for moving horizontally to adjust wear track diameter
that the nano particle are very effective to decrease wear and fric- as shown in the Fig. 2. Steel flexible wire was used to connect the
tion when dispersed in lubricants. Various nano additives like other end of lever to the pan through the pulley. The dead weights
polymers, metals, organic and inorganic materials have been used from 0 to 20 kg could be placed in the pan to vary the load from 0
in different lubricants [10]. Some researchers have used copper to 200 N.
oxide nano particles in lubricants, which reduced wear and friction
[11,12]. Some have used nano boric acid in different volume ratios 2.3. Coefficient of friction measurement using load cell with arduino
as engine oil additives to study friction and wear performance of circuit
cast iron and case carburized gear steel [13]. 1 to 2 wt% concentra-
tion of nano graphene was reported as the best range in the olive, A strain gauge based load cell, which created an electrical sig-
sunflower, and canola organic lubricating oils, while studying nal, whose magnitude is directly proportional to the load or force
specific grinding energy, coefficient of friction, surface roughness, being measured, was used. The system architecture and the actual
grinding forces and SEM /EDX analysis of TI-6AL-4 V-ELI [14]. picture of the arduino circuit is shown in Fig. 3(a) and Fig. 3(b)
Reduced coefficient of friction was reported, when nano graphene respectively. HX711 24-bit analog to digital converter (ADC) was
with canola oil was used while machining Ti-6al-4v alloy at vari- used. By connecting HX711 amplifier to the microcontroller, the
ous cutting speeds like 80 m/min, 130 m/min and 180 m/min changes in the resistance of the load cell could be read. After the
[15]. Many studies were conducted to know the tribological effect calibration, a very accurate frictional force could be measured.
of the size and morphology of nano particles in lubricants [16]. For the communication, HX711 uses a two-wire interface (Clock
Main mechanisms reported behind the reduction in friction were and Data). PLX-DAQ, Parallax microcontroller data acquisition
rolling/sliding effect, protective film formation, third-body forma- add-on tool for Microsoft Excel was used for acquiring the fric-
tion, and mending effects [17]. Most of the tribo tests were con- tional force from the load cell. PLX-DAQ plots data as it arrives in
ducted using market based expensive pin on disc test rigs [18]. real-time using Microsoft Excel. The Coefficient of friction is given
Therefore, there was a need to develop and test, a cost effective tri- by newton force divided by load in newton. Using this data coeffi-
bometer, to study the effects of various nano additives in engine cient of friction v/s sliding distance graphs can be plotted.
2.4. Sliding speed variation with variable frequency drive(VFD)
2. Design and development of the tribometer
Motor of specifications, 1 hp and 1440 rpm with pulley reduc-
2.1. Disc and pin arrangement tion, was used to rotate the disc of the set up. Fuji electric drive
was used to control the speed of that three-phase motor through
Arrangement of pin and sample is shown in the Fig. 1. The pin the potentiometer. Hence, the speed of the disc could be varied
material should be prepared such that its hardness does not exceed from 100 rpm to 800 rpm.
the hardness of the disc. The tip of the sample should be spherical
in shape. For testing purposes, the pin was made of AISI 4140 (alloy
2.5. Mechanical stirrer and oil supply
steel) and which was hardened to 45 HRC. The material of the disc
was EN 31 hardened to 62 HRC.
Mechanical stirrer to mix the nano additive in lubricating oil
was attached over the rotating disc. It can be used to mix the nano
2.2. Lever/Load adjustments
additives in engine lubricating oil at different speed and for differ-
ent periods. Agglomeration is the main problem of the nano addi-
Lever was developed using square rod of mild steel. Movable
tives in the engine lubricants. Use of different surface chemicals to
fulcrum as show in Fig. 2 was designed to facilitate, the movement
increase the homogeneity of the nano particles in the engine base
oil can be a good option. Therefore, the mixing of different surfac-
tants for the nano particles in the oil could be done using the stir-
rer. After that the prepared oil can be directly be released over the
pin-disc interface through the pipe of 3 mm diameter. The flow of
the oil can be controlled by using one-way valve.

2.6. Calibrations and error analysis

In a trial run, frictional force is measured by placing load cell

touching the sample pin directly. Then it is fixed at an equal dis-
tance from the fulcrum on the other side. Error in the frictional
force can be calculated by subtracting both the values. Hence,
the absolute value of the frictional force could be found. Error in
the exact load experienced by the pin can be calculated by placing
the load cell under the tip of the pin after putting the known
amount of the weights in the pan. The error can be calculated by
subtracting this normal load force in Newton at the pin and the
weight force in Newton in the pan. Hence, this error can be com-
pensated in the frictional force readings to get the exact coefficient
Fig. 1. Pin on disc arrangement for nano particulate lubricants. of friction.
H. Singh et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 28 (2020) 1487–1491 1489

Fig. 2. Schematic Diagram of the Tribometer.

Fig. 3. (a) System architecture for the arduino circuit; (b) Arduino circuit for measuring the frictional force.

3. Experimentation methods and validation Table 1. The graphs for coefficient of friction v/s the sliding dis-
tance were plotted by the set up in all cases.
Testing of the set up was done by using nano fly ash particulate
in SAE 10 W-30 engine lubricant. Nano fly ash powder, average 4. Results and Discussion
particle size (APS) < 100 nm, spherical in shape, was procured from
Nanoshel-Intelligent Materials Pvt Ltd India. TEM image of fly ash The set up designed can be used to study the tribological effect
nano particles can be seen in Fig. 4(a). XRD graph of fly ash nano of any of the nano particles in powdered or liquid form in various
particles can be seen in Fig. 4(b). 0.5% percentage by weight of engine-lubricating oils. Various parameters like load, sliding dis-
the nano powder was induced in one litre the engine lubricant. tance, track diameter, sliding speed, lubricant temperature, mixing
The nano particles were stirred for 30 min at 60⁰ C. A spherical time of nano additives in lubricants and mixing speed of the stirrer
tip, sample pin of AISI 4140 material was prepared. The conditions can be varied in the set up designed. Temperature of the lubricants
taken for the test were load 15 N, sliding speed 1.5 m/s and sliding can be varied while mixing the nano particles. The effect of the stir-
distance 1500 m. Three cases studied were, with dry run, with SAE ring speed on the uniformity of the nano fluids can also be studied
10 W-30 and with SAE 10 W-30 + 0.5% nano fly ash by weight. by this set up.
Three replications for each case were done. Total nine samples, The set up was used to study the effect of the nano fly ash addi-
three repetitions (Rep) for each category were tested as per the tive in the lubricants on AISI 4140. Fig. 5(a) and Fig. 5(b) show the
1490 H. Singh et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 28 (2020) 1487–1491

Fig. 4. (a) SEM Image of nano fly ash; (b) XRD pattern of nano fly ash.

Table 1
Samples & Trails.
dry run, 0.11 with SAE 10 W-30 and 0.02 with SAE 10 W-30
Sample No Trails + 0.5% nano fly ash by weight. The average wear loss in mg was
1 Dry Run Rep 1 44.53 mg in dry run, 17.41 mg with SAE 10 W-30 and 12.77 mg
2 Dry Run Rep 2 with SAE 10 W-30 + 0.5% nano fly ash by weight. The coefficient
3 Dry Run Rep 3
of friction v/s sliding distance plot for the all the three cases is
4 With Base OiL Rep 1
5 With Base OiL Rep 2 shown in Fig. 6(a). In the figure it may also by pointed out that,
6 With Base OiL Rep 3 the cofficient of friction during the dry run increases at about
7 With Nano Oil Rep 1 1200 m and stabilizes beyond that. This is due to increase in sur-
8 With Nano Oil Rep 2
face roughness and depositing of debris removed from the tip of
9 With Nano Oil Rep 3
the material in the long run [3].
SEM image of the tip of AISI 4140 sample in third case is shown
in the Fig. 6(b), which shows scuffing and adhesive wear of the
material. The nano particles under lubrication form a tribofilm
between the surfaces of the rubbing materials. The formation of
tribofilm protects the metal contacts, therefore reducing coeffi-
cient of friction & wear. These particles get embedded in worn pits
on contact surfaces. Tribofilm bears load & separates the surfaces,
which results in wear drop. Fly ash nano particles roll between the
surfaces which results in mixed rolling and sliding friction. There-
fore, the coefficient of friction and wear are reduced remarkably.
The results also indicate the reduction in wear due to ball bearing
effects of fly ash nano particles between the rubbing contacts.
Nano particles resulted in a film formation between contacting
region that resulted in reduction in coefficient of friction.

5. Conclusions

The following objectives were met by this study:

1. A low cost tribometer to conduct the wear test under nano

lubricants was designed and developed. Load cell connected
to the arduino circuit was used to measure the frictional force
experienced by the test sample. Separate stirrer attachment to
mix the nano additive into the lubricant oil, preventing agglom-
eration was also provided in the set up. Coefficient of friction
could be recorded into the excel sheet using PLX-DAQ (Parallax
microcontroller data acquisition add-on tool for Microsoft
2. The pilot wear test was conducted on AISI 4140 steel, using
Fig. 5. (a) Average Coefficient of Friction each trail; (b) Weight Loss in each trail. nano fly ash additive in SAE 10 W–30 lubricating oil. It gave
extremely good tribological results. The comparison of three
cases i.e. for dry run, with lubricant and with nano additive in
graph of coefficient of friction (COF) and the weight loss (mg) for lubricating oil, was done. It was found that the use of nano fly
all the nine sample pins respectively. These graphs depict signifi- ash in SAE 10 W-30 was beneficial in reducing the coefficient
cant decrease in COF and wear loss, when nano fly ash is added of friction up to 76.5% and wt. loss up to 28.9%, as compared
to the base oil. The average coefficient of friction was 0.53 during with the specimens tested under SAE 10 W-30 base oil only.
H. Singh et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 28 (2020) 1487–1491 1491

Fig. 6. (a) Coefficient of friction v/s sliding distance plot for all three cases; (b) SEM image of the tip of pin with nano fly ash + base oil case.

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