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Level of Computer Literacy and Academic Performance among

Students of Capiz State University




Background of the Study 3

Statement of the Problem 5

Hypotheses of the Study 5

Conceptual Framework 7

Significance of the Study 7

Scope and Delimitation 9

Definition of Terms 10



Research Design 21

Locale of the Study 22

Key Informants of the Study 22

Research Instrument 22

Data Collection Procedure 22

Data Analysis 23

IV Results and Discussion

(Under Study)

V Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations


Background of the Study

Computer literacy includes how to use equipment like the

keyboard, mouse, and track pad, how to switch the computer on and

shutdown correctly, and how to lunch applications. User should

also be familiar with basic functionality like typing using

keyboard, clicking and double clicking using mouse or track pad,

and using the copy and paste commands. For younger learners,

typing using a word processor will be one of the first skills

they learn. Word processing will probably also their first

introduction to the ‘undo’ and ‘redo’ functions, as well as text

formatting using bold, italic, and underline. Creating documents

will also require learners to understand how to use the ‘save’


Mason and McMarrow (2012) suggested that there are two

distinct components to computer literacy, “awareness and

competence”. Awareness requires that a person understanding of

how computers affect their daily life or society as a whole, and

competence requires that a person be able to exhibit a hands-on

expertise with a software application. Both of these components

should be evaluated when looking at computer literacy.

Today’s college students have used computer for variety of

reasons starting from a very early age and believe that this

computer literacy enhances learning.

Most of today’s college students attended high schools

during the 1990s, a period in which numerous curriculum changes

occurred as computer literacy evolved into an important aspect of

education. Even though the extent of the computer training might

vary among college student to have perceptions about their prior

learning experiences that may assist educators in developing

approaches to further enhance curriculum planning and learning

strategies. With all this premises that the motivated to conduct

inquiry on the level of computer literacy for academic

performance among the student of Capiz State University.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the extent of computer literacy and

academic performance.

Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following question,

sex, civil status, and course?

1. What is the profile of the respondents?

2. What is the level of the computer literacy of the respondents

according to age, civil status, and course?

3. What is the academic performance of the respondent when group

according to age, sex, civil status, and course?

4. Are there significant differences in the level of computer

literacy and of the respondents when grouped according to age,

sex, civil status, and course?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the respondents’

extent of technology computer use academic performance?

Hypotheses of the Study

The following null hypothesis were tested in the study:

1. There is no significant differences between the level of

computer literacy and academic performance of the respondent

according to age, civil status, and course.

2. There is no significant difference between respondents’

level of computer literacy and academic performance of

the students when group according to age, sex, civil

status, and course.

Theoretical Framework

Based on Albert Bandura’s (1997-1996) Social Cognitive Theory, it

was developed to test the influence of computer “self-efficacy,

outcome expectations, affect and anxiety” on computer usage.

According to social cognitive theory, watching others performing

behaviour, in this case interacting with a computer system,

Conceptual framework

The study will be guided by the conceptual framework showing the

student profile such as age, sex, status, and course, as

independent variables, and dependent variables in academic

performance and computer literacy.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Profile of Computer
respondents literacy

 Age
 Sex
 Course Academic
 Civil performance

Figure 1. A schematic diagram showing the independent and dependent variable.

Significance of a study
The result of the study will significant to the following:

Students. Will be the conscious on how to limit themselves in

relying with computer literacy and understand the positive and

negative impact their academic performance?

Teachers. It will help them to be aware and to understand the

effects of exposing students to computer literacy and to be able

build corrective actions whenever there is too much exposure.

Parents. This study can help them to be knowledgeable of the

exposure of their children to computer literacy.

Guidance Counsellor. The result of the study will be able to help

them in dealing with the 21st century students. This can help

them understand the feelings of students’ exposure to computer.

Administrator. The result of this study will serve as a baseline

data which they can utilized for the improvement of the schools


Future Teachers. This study can give them background about the

said study and they may use the results to cover variables not

include in this study.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study was limited to 136 first year College student at

Capiz state University Tapaz satellite college Tapaz, Capiz,

during S.Y 2022-2023. Student’s related variables are limited

only to age, sex, civil status, and course.

Further the statistical tools used were limited to frequency

count, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and Pearson’s r. the

level of significance was set 0.05 alpha.

Definition of Terms

In order to have a common frame of references for both the

researchers and the readers, some important terms were defined

conceptually and operationally.

Academic Performance is the outcome of education. It is the

extent to which a student, teacher, or institution has attained

their short or long term educational goals and is measured either

by continuous assessment or cumulative grade point average


In this study, the term refers to the General Weighted

Average of the respondents in the first semester of S.Y 2022-

2023. It is interpreted as excellent (1.0-1.20), Highly

Outstanding (1.20-1.75) Good (2.0- 2.25) Very Satisfactory (2.25-

2.50) Satisfactory (2.50-2.75) Unsatisfactory (2.75-3.0) passed

(3.0) and Failure (5.0).

Age a period of human life, measured by years from birth, usually

marked by a certain stage or degree of mental or physical

development and involving legal responsibility and capacity

(Thesaurus Dictionary).

In this study, it refers to the age of the respondent on

his/her last birthday and is categorized as 20 and below, and 25


Civil status refers to person’s status whether single and married

(Amorin, R. 2013)

This definition is also adopted in the study.

Extent is the range over which something extents and point degree

or limit to which something extends (

In this study it refers to the course of the respondents

either the respondents belonged to the Bachelor of Science in

Agriculture, Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Math,

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies, or

Bachelor of Elementary Education.

Computer Literacy is the ability or knowledge to use computers

efficiently and effectively. As the knowledge and ability to use

computers and related technology efficiently.

In this study, the term refers to the computer literacy used

by the students to enhance and supplement learning.



Mendoza (2012), started that computer has been found to have

its negative impact on academic performance on most students.

There are many computer to which students are addicted. They were

their valuable time on these silly computer without worrying

about their studies. This is resulting in their poor academic

performance. It was observed that students nowadays are spent

much time on computer which affect the study habits and academic


Charismiadji (2011) was adopted for the purposes of this

study. A computer literacy as the ability to use computers at an

adequate level for creation, communication and collaboration in a

literate society. This definition was adopted for two reasons.

First, this definition is one of the most recent and

comprehensive definitions which was presented for computer

literacy. Second, the emphasis on the concept of the literate

society might be closely relevant to the characteristics of EAP


Carey & Carey (2013), state that college students likely

use technology to accomplish several important developmental

goals, such as identify development and establishment (and

maintenance) of intimate relationships.

Waist et al. (2013), college students are exposed to new

people, activities, and information, which may contribute to

changing how they view themselves (or how they want to view

themselves) and groups of peers with whom they identify.

Aldwan & Smedley (2012) similar results have been reported

for example students with more off campus computer sources,

internet experience, computer learning experience, and

participation in computer clubs displayed higher computer

literacy levels.

Today, computers play a significant role in all activities

and aspects of living in society, as if it is indispensable in

all its endeavours-business, education, and personal life.

Computers affect every facet of our lives and every sector of the

global society; thus, it is essential for anyone who expects to

integrate into the 21st-century society. According to Cohen

(2010), computer literacy is imperative for every individual,

particularly for the students. Computer literacy as being

knowledgeable about hardware and software capabilities and

understanding how computers and the internet can enhance

student’s educational experiences. It is the basic understanding

of operating computers and similar technology, such as tablets

and smartphones. Hence, being computer literate gives a learner

an opportunity to cope up with the rapidly changing environment

in technology.

MathGenie (2018) many people, especially those who did not

grow up immersed in technology, have trouble understanding the

systems necessary for computer literacy. Though not always

obvious to people with an intuitive understanding of how to use

computers, computer usage requires problem-solving skills, the

ability to process text and symbols, and the development of

various technical and cognitive skills. There was once a time

when computer skills were an optional skill set. Computer

literacy is a mandatory skill for success in school, the job

force, and everyday life.

Ikolo & Okiy, (2012) IT had a positive impact on health care

delivery system worldwide, particularly in the areas of disease

control, diagnosis, patient management, teaching and learning.

Mcevoy (2010) stated on his study that age was largely

unrelated to academic performance among College students in the



As the world grows into the computer there is great demand for

the hottest computers. College students likely use computer to

accomplish several important developmental goals, such as

identity development and establish of intimate relationship.

It was observed that students nowadays spent much time on

computer literacy which affect the study habits and academic

performance. Due to upgrade of these computer in entertainment,

students, most likely focus on what entertains them than on what

may help them in their studies. Therefore, computer literacy, was

founded to have its negative or positive impact on academic

performance on most student depending on its us



This chapter presents the methodology used in the study such as

the research design, locale of the study, respondents of the

study, instrument, and data gathering procedure and the

statistical tools and analysis.

Research Design

This study will use the descriptive-correlation method of

research. According to Glass and Hopkins (1994), descriptive

correlation involves gathering data that described what events

and then organizes, tabulate, depicts, and describes the data

collection. A correlation study is quantitative method research

in which you have two or more quantitative variables from there

is a relationship between the two variables.

Locale of the Study

The study will conducted at Capiz State University, Tapaz

Satellite College, San Julian, Tapaz Capiz, during the 1st

semester of S.Y 2022-2023.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study will be the selected 36 1 st

year college students in Capiz State University, Tapaz, Sattelite

College enrolled the 1st semester of A.Y 2022-2023, only 36 were

involve as the sample size of the study. In obtaining the sample

size of the study, the formula by Slovin (1986) was used.

n = N
1+ Ne2

n= sample size

N= population

E2= margin of error at 5%

To get the sample size from each school stratified sampling

formula of Cochran (1980) was used:

ni = Nn1


N= population

Ni= population size of each course

N= sample size

Ni= sample size of course

Table 1. Distribution of the Respondents

Course, Year Population Sample size

And Section

BEED 1 A 35 18

BEED 1 B 36 18
BSED Math 1 20 10
BSED Social Studies 1 36 18
BSA Crop 1 56 28
BSA Animal Science 1 A 44 22
BSA Animal Science 1 B 44 22

Total 271 136

Research Instrument
The researchers will use a standardized questionnaire

authored by Arthur Luehrmann (1980), entitled “The level of

computer literacy in higher education” .The survey questionnaire

consisted of; Part I, which dealt on the personal profile of the

respondents such as age, sex, civil status, and course and Part

II, dealt on the extent of computer literacy.

For the academic performance of the respondents, the General

Weight Average (GWA) of the students was used, secured from the

registrar office.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before administering the questionnaire to the respondents,

the written request of the permission to conduct the study was

secured from the office of Satellite College Director and

Chairperson of Education department. Upon then approval of the

request, the researchers personally distributed the

questionnaires to the respondents to their respective classrooms.

The researchers oriented the respondents on the purpose of the

study and instructed them how to accomplish the instrument or

test. The respondents filled in the survey questionnaire. After

all respondents finished answering al items from the

questionnaire, it was gathered, checked and checked prepared

tabulator form.
In determining the academic performance of the students, the

researchers asked permission from the office of the Registrar to

get a copy of grades of the respondents. After collecting all

pertinent data, the researcher tabulated them and employed the

appropriate statistical tools that answered the problems

identified in the study.

Statistical Tools and Analysis

The following statistical tools will be use to answer the

problems in the study.

Frequency and percentage will use to determine the profile

of respondents as to age, sex civil status, and course.

Mean and Standard deviation will be use to determine the

academic performance of the respondents as a whole and when

grouped according to age, sex, civil status, and course of the

respondents as a whole when grouped as to age, sex, civil status,

and course.

T-test will be use to test the significant difference in the

extent of the computer use and academic performance of the

respondents when grouped as to age, sex, course, and civil

Pearson’s will be use to determine the relationship between

computer literacy and academic performance of College students in

Capiz State University, Tapaz Satellite College

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