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West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City


(Anorexia Nervosa)

Defining Characteristics Nursing Diagnosis Outcome Nursing Rationale Evaluation

Identification Interventions
Subjective: Long Term: Independent: 1. Within a helping Goals are completely met.
“Nahadlok ko mag dako akon Disturbed Body Image related to After 2-4 weeks of 1. Establish a relationship, the The client is able to
lawas” as verbalized by the client over concern about physical nursing interventions, therapeutic nurse- patient can begin to acknowledge self as an
appearance and morbid fear of the client will be able patient relationship. trust and try out new individual, establish a
obesity to: thinking and behaviors more realistic body
- establish a more 2. Allow the patient image, and accept
realistic body image to draw a picture of 2. Provides an responsibility for own
- accept responsibility self. opportunity to discuss actions
for own actions the patient’s
3. Promote self- perception of self and
concept without body image and
Objective: Rationale: moral judgment realities of an
- Anxious Body image is the attitude a person individual situation.
- Withdrawn has about the actual or perceived 4. Encourage patient
- Depressed structure or function of all or part of Short Term: to express anger 3. Patient sees self as
- Concerned about physical his or her body. This attitude is After 5-7 days of and acknowledge weak-willed, even
appearance dynamic and is altered through nursing interventions, when it is though part of a
- Fear of gaining weight interaction with other persons and the client will be able verbalized. person may feel a
- Been on a diet that didn’t situations and influenced by age and to: sense of power and
seem to stop developmental level. As an -acknowledge self as 5. Encourage patient control (dieting,
important part of one’s self-concept, an individual to take charge of weight loss).
body image disturbance can have own life in a more
profound impact on how individuals healthful way by 4. Important to know
view their overall selves. making own that anger is part of
decisions and self and as such is
Note: Nursing Diagnosis should be accepting self as acceptable.
base from (NANDA- Approved she or he is at this
Nursing Diagnosis) moment (including 5. Patient often does
inadequacies and not know what she or
strengths) he may want for self.

6. Use the cognitive- 6. Interaction between

behavioral or persons is more
interpersonal helpful for the patient
psychotherapy to discover feelings,
approach, rather impulses, and needs
than interpretive from within own self.
7. Lack of control is a
7. Assess feelings of common and
helplessness and underlying problem
hopelessness. for this patient and
may be accompanied
8. Help patient by more serious
identify actual emotional disorders.
8. Patients may
perceive changes that
are not present or real,
or they may be placing
unrealistic value on a
body structure or
Defining Nursing Diagnosis Outcome Identification Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: “wala ko ya Imbalanced Nutrition: Long Term: Independent: Goals are met as
gana magkaun” as Less than Body After 2-3 weeks of nursing  Establish a minimum  Malnutrition can lead evidenced by:
verbalized by the Requirements related to intervention the patient will weight goal and daily to depression,
patient. inadequate food intake. be able to: nutritional agitation, and Patient was able to
 The client will requirements. cognitive problems, verbalize understanding
establish a dietary but improving of nutritional needs,
pattern with caloric nutritional status can establish a dietary pattern
intake adequate to enhance thinking with caloric intake
regain/maintain an ability and facilitate adequate to
Objective: Rationale: appropriate weight. psychological work. regain/maintain an
 Weight loss The state where an  The client will appropriate weight, and
 Anxious individual experiences or demonstrate weight demonstrate weight gain
 Hypothermia suffers the risk of gain toward the toward the individually
 Bradycardia experiencing reduced individually expected  Supervise the patient  To ensure compliance expected range.
weight due to insufficient range. during mealtimes and with the dietary
intake or metabolism of for a specified period treatment program.
nutrients necessary for the after meals (usually For a hospitalized
body's metabolic needs. Short Term: one hour). patient with anorexia,
After 4-7 days of nursing food is considered a
intervention the patient will medication.
be able to:
 The client will
verbalize  Provide smaller meals  Gastric dilation may
understanding of and supplemental occur if refeeding is
nutritional needs. snacks, as appropriate. too rapid following a
period of starvation
dieting. Note: The
patient may feel
bloated for 3–6 weeks
while the body adjusts
to food intake.

 Expect weight gain of

about 1 lb. (0.5 kg) per  To see the
week. effectiveness of the
treatment regimen

 If edema or bloating
occurs after the patient  She may fear that
has returned to normal she’s becoming fat
eating behavior, and stop complying
reassure her that this with the plan of
phenomenon is treatment.

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