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Analysis of Labor Productivity on the Summarecon Construction Project Bandung


Genta Putra Adietama Madaliatul Islahiyah

Institute Technology of Bandung Institute Technology of Bandung
Bandung, Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia

Sakinata Zhahrina Ramadhani E

Institute Technology of Bandung
Bandung, Indonesia

Located in the East Bandung area Indonesia, in Gedebage to be precise, Summarecon Bandung is an effort to
develop the first independent city in the city of Bandung. The progress of project work is at 52.44%, still 0.13%
higher than 52.31% for the planned sub-structural work in the following weeks. 21. This study will discuss the
analysis of productivity values in reinforcing work to provide information regarding the causes of delays that
cause project progress to be delayed, worker performance, and the amount of productivity produced. The method
used for data collection includes direct observation, using the Five Minutes-Rating. And direct interviews using
the Foreman Delay Survey (FDS) in the form of questions that will be given to field supervisors in order to obtain
valid and actual data. The results of the research through observation for 20 minutes with the Five Minutes-
Rating is 85% with a comparison of the results of productivity analysis by Foreman A and B are 33% and 17%.
The results of the Foreman Delay Survey show that the factors affecting productivity values with the top three
rankings are damage to construction equipment, waiting for material (vendor delay), and changes/rework (design
Keywords: Foreman Delay Surveys, Five-minutes ratings, Bandung, Summarecon, Construction
Located in the east Bandung area, precisely in Gedebage, Summarecon Bandung is efforts to develop the first
independent city in Bandung City in order to provide residence Which worthy And provide facility like,
shophouse, And areas office, center shopping, educational facilities, etc. PT Summarecon Agung Tbk, itself has a
vision to provide value economy in a way sustainable. In implementation, development area Which comfortable
lived in And familiar with community become point Summarecon rejected to innovate
Project Summarecon Mall Bandung own area land as big as ± 100,504 m2 And wide building ±64,061 m2,
with a scope of structural and architectural work. Assumed job duration Overall construction is 14 months (420
days) starting in June 2022 until completion in July 2023. Project work progress is at 52.44%, still 0.13% higher
than 52.31% plan for sub structure work in week 21. This means a lot of workers and mobilization materials
moving on the project. So this can affect the value of energy productivity Work Which is in the field
Productivity is utilization source Power in a way efficient And effective production For achieve, optimally,
set organizational goals [1]. [2] also confirm that productivity increase correlated tall with enhancement
profitability, Power competitive, performance mark holder interest main And growth period long as well as
continuity something organization, industry or economy (nation). Reason Which stated For low level
productivity And Which related with peculiarity industry construction covers characteristics power Work, various
work project condition And environment as well as activity non-productive which attached [3].
This study will discuss productivity analysis in steel work with the aim of: give information related reason
delay (Delay) Which cause progress project experiencing delays, worker performance, and the amount of
productivity generated. The hope is, Results from analysis This can made as reference in effort For increase mark
productivity on the project Summarecon Bandung
A. Source Power Man
Source Power man is element which the most strategic in organization. Enhancement Productivity can
only be done by humans. On the other hand, human resources can also do it cause happen waste And inefficiency
in various forms.
There are many methods that can be used to measure labor productivity in field. However, measurement
productivity labor in a way accurate hard to do. Method data collection includes a five-minute rating and
foreman delay survey is a method that approach Can used For measurement productivity. Wrong one approach
for know level productivity power work is with use method Which classify worker activities.
Lazy work or corrupt working hours than they should be, is not it supports development, but hinders the
progress that should be achieved. Instead, work effective according to the required number of working hours and
work in accordance with the job description each worker, will be able to support progress and encourage the
smooth running of good business in a way individual nor overall [4].

B. Understanding Productivity
Say productivity own definition which different For every individual. By general productivity can
defined as ratio between input and output. Output is a tangible result in physical form that has value and benefits
for society. Whereas input is source Power Which can form material or service. Productivity Alone can be the
size production efficiency.
C. Factors Which Influence Productivity
According to [5]variables that influence labor productivity field can grouped become several things.
Following is a number of the factor :
1. Condition physique field and means help
2. Climate seasons and circumstances weather
3. Circumstances physique field
4. Means help
5. Composition group Work
6. Size big project
7. Curve experience
8. Density labor

D. Foreman Delay Surveys (FDS)

Foreman Delay Surveys (FDS) depend on questionnaire which will filled by foreman work at the end of
the working day according to a certain survey schedule, for example, one working week in every month. This
questionnaire is mainly intended to identify the number of hours of the day lost due to delay. FDS are divided
into rework and and categories delay.
After form filled, information extracted in form percentage And no way Which taken to ensure that
sources of delay are properly addressed. FDS is a fee relatively low method For analyze source lateness during
construction. That can with easy arranged and implemented.
E. Five-Minutes Ratings
Five-Minutes Rating, unlike work sampling, is not based on statistical sampling theory. Method This
simple that is with observe operation For time Which short. These observations did not produce a large enough
sample to support the work taken sampling. This method does however provide some insight into crew
effectiveness and can identify areas Where observation more carry on required. Procedure following can used to
apply technique 5-minute ratings :
1. Identification member crew which will observed and arrange form
2. Observe the crew as they work. For example observation intervals, the interval is the same as 5
minutes, determine whether the crew member has been active for more than half of the interval. If
thereby mark observations cell with “✓”; If No, let empty cell.
3. Add observation “✓” For all over table And share amount with amount total observation For get
mark effectiveness from the work.

In this research, the methodology used was arranged systematically to make it easier productivity calculation
process. Stages of preparing research in the form of a flow diagram can be seen in Fig 3.1.
Figure 3.1. Diagram Flow Study
Study started with identification work and data field for understand productivity calculations carried out
during field visits. Data obtained is a series labor productivity with labor groups on structural works. Then done
studies literature about calculation productivity. Objective furthermore is give conclusion And determine
recommendation implementation Which done based on calculation productivity.
A. Data General Project
This following data is the project data which is review in this paper.
Table 3.1. Data General Project
o Details Information
1 Project Name Summarecon Mall Bandung
2 Surface Area 100,504 m2
3 Building Area 64,061 m2
4 Work Scope Structural and Architecture
5 Owner PT. Mahakarya Buana Damai
6 QS Consultant PT. Rekagriya Mitra Buana
7 Construction Management -
8 Architect Consultant Cadiz International Middle East FZLLC and PT. Anggara Architeam
9 Structure Consultant PT. Arsini PRIma Cipta
10 MEP Consultant PT. Arnan Pratama Consultants

Source: Document PT. Jagat Construction

B. Method And Instrument Collection Data

1. Method Collection Data

In this research, researchers used the Quantitative Descriptive method, namely observation direct
(observation) and direct interviews in the field. This method was taken because of the source The data used is
from field supervisors who work in the field to obtain data which valid and actual from field.
Method which used for collection data covers observation direct, time taking activity production with use
five-minutes ratings. Observation direct used to assess worker effectiveness based on Activity Sampling .
In FDS ( Foreman Delay Survey) , Supervisor field Which asked level And type delays that affect worker
performance. Considering his close contact with workers and management, foreman is considered more
competent in identifying causes any delay and provides an accurate estimate of its duration. Just a delay those
beyond control are recorded in terms of sources, length of time lost and number of workers Which affected.
2. Instrument Collection Data

Data collection instruments are tools selected and used by researchers in his activities gather data so that
activity the systematic and can done calculation productivity. For determine instrument collection data,
researcher must determine in advance the data source and data collection methods used. The following is picture
determination instrument collection data study which there is on fig 3.2 in below:

Figure 3.2 Step Determination Instrument Collection Data Study

Apart from the things above, the constraints that exist within the researcher are also factors important
things that researchers must consider in choosing their data collection instruments, between other : ability, that is
master of knowledge, methodology, energy and time Which available.
In accordance with the data collection method used in this research, the author using interview guides and
observation guides as instruments for conducting collection data, besides also consider ability writer alone.


A. Five-Minutes Rating
There are four workers who are working on the iron work, therefore the minimum length of observation
for the 5-minute rating is 5 minutes per worker, so the total length of observation is 20 minutes because there are
four workers.
Tabel 4.1 5-Minutes Rating Iron Work
Iron Work
Time Wor Work Worke Work
ker 1 er 2 r3 er 4
03.00 PM ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
03.05 PM ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
03.10 PM ✓ ✓ ✓
03.15 PM ✓ ✓ ✓
03.20 PM ✓ ✓ ✓

Effective 3 5 5 4
I. Total Observation = 20
II. Effective Observation = 17
III. Effectiveness = 17/22
IV. 5-Minutes Rating = 85%

From the observation data above, it was found that the 5-minutes rating of the 20-minute iron work was
85%. At 03:10 PM, worker 4 was transporting from his previous workplace to his new workplace. At 03:15 PM,
worker 1 left the workplace and did not return until the observation time was over. The value of the 5-minutes
rating reaching 85% can be classified as effective because workers do more than 50% of the work without any
delay. Although the observed data is not the overall value of the project, this value is the value that took place in
the field during the observation.

B. FDS (Foreman Delay Survey)

The following data is obtained through the FDS method regarding the amount of production lost per
week through the influence of 11 factors. The following is a table of sorted FDS results that have been adjusted
by the level of production.
Tabel 4.3 Construction Site Delay Factors by Foreman Delay Survey (FDS)
Date : Name :
Total Crew : General Foreman
Foreman’s name :
Problems that cause Delay Manhours Lost
Number Number of Labour
Of Hours Workers Hours
Change / rework (Design error) 14 3 42
Change/rework (Prefabrication 14 2 28
Changes/Rework (Field - - -
Waiting for Material - -
Waiting for Material (Vendor 24 2 48
Waiting for Equipment 15 2 30
Construction Equipment 21 15 315
Waiting for Information 730,000 10 7.300.0
Waiting for the rest of the crew 7 3 21
Unnecessary/unexplained 8 3 21
Machine Damage 14 1 14

Tabel 4.4 Factors and Levels of Construction Site Delay by Foreman Delay Survey (FDS)
S/N Factors Lost Man % Rank
1 Change / rework (Design error) 42 8.09% 3
2 Change/rework (Prefabrication 28 5.39% 5
3 Changes/Rework (Field 0 0.00% 9
4 Waiting for Material 0 0.00% 9
5 Waiting for Material (Vendor 48 9.25% 2
6 Waiting for Equipment 30 5.78% 4
7 Construction Equipment 315 60.69 1
Damage %
8 Waiting for Information 7,300,000
9 Waiting for the rest of the crew 21 4.05% 6
10 Unnecessary/unexplained 21 4.05% 6
11 Machine Damage 14 2.70% 8
Total 519
Tabel 4.5 Factors and Levels of Sequential Delay on Construction Sites by Foreman Delay Survey (FDS)
S/N Factors Lost % Ra
Man nk
7 Construction Equipment Damage 315 60.69 1
5 Waiting for Material (Vendor 48 9.25% 2
1 Change / rework (Design error) 42 8.09% 3
6 Waiting for Equipment 30 5.78% 4
2 Change/rework (Prefabrication 28 5.39% 5
9 Waiting for the rest of the crew 21 4.05% 6
10 Unnecessary/unexplained 21 4.05% 6
11 Machine Damage 14 2.70% 8
3 Changes/Rework (Field 0 0.00% 9
4 Waiting for Material (Warehouse) 0 0.00% 9
8 Waiting for Information 7,300,
Total 519

From the results of Table 4.3, Waiting for information is the main factor that gives the most influence on
the value of productivity. However, based on our data, we did not include it in the ranking because it has a very
high value if included in the percentage category compared to other jobs. The factor of waiting for information is
very high because if there is a change in design but there is no decision yet, then the work in the field will be held
because it must be consulted and coordinated in advance by other parties related to each specialist in accordance
with their respective work and field, for example in the pit lift work the dimensions required for the elevator are
2m x 3m then the field also needs to work larger than the dimensions of the pit lift so that the elevator can be
used properly and the change must be consulted by the party related to the pit lift specialist.
The next rank with the second rank, is in the work of construction equipment damage, especially for bar
cutters and bending bars because the tools used in the field amount to 10 units of bar bending and 5 units of bar
cutter, so there is a high probability of damage. The two tools are complementary tools used in iron work. Of
course, both tools have equally important functions. If the bar cutter is used for cutting then the bending bar is
used for bending. When choosing a bar cutter, you must also pay attention to the engine power. This is very
important because engine power has a big influence on the strength and torque released when the tool is used
which will affect the damage to the cutter bar.
The next rank with the third rank, is waiting for materials (vendor delay), in the Summarecon Mall
Bandung Project the materials used are ordering materials by the owner. Therefore, coordination must be carried
out regularly by the contractor to the owner for the availability of materials and there is also negligence from
suppliers (vendors) in handling the delivery of goods. For this reason, so far, the contractor PT. Jagat has
anticipated with material requests in advance and once a week (every Tuesday) monitoring the available iron.
When the fixings are available in the field, PT. Jagat also needs to check and control the delivery from the
supplier (vendor). The assignor also provides dispensation if the delay is caused by the owner.
Some other factors that affect the value of productivity that give a fairly low value are changes / rework
(design errors) with a percentage value of 8.09%, waiting for equipment with a percentage value of 5.78%,
changes / rework (Prefabrication errors) with a percentage value of 5.39%, waiting for other crews with a
percentage value of 4.05%, unnecessary / unexplained movements with a percentage value of 4.05%, machine
damage with a percentage value of 2.70), waiting for materials (warehouse) with a percentage value of 0% which
means it does not affect the delay because PT. Jagat and the stakeholders involved are meant to anticipate in
advance for the materials in the warehouse and finally for changes / rework (errors in the field / damage) directly
done by the contractor PT. Jagat and does not affect the delay because the work does not affect other work.

C. Comparison between Field Results and PT Jagat Results

Table 4.6 Productivity values obtained from PT. Jagat
Observat Volume Duration Number Worker Worker Worker
ion (Kg) (Days) of Productivi Producti Effectiven
Worker ty / per 20 vity/per ess/ per
s minutes Person minute
Foreman 80,929.92 20 19 56.20 212.97 30%
Foreman 31,605.95 14 12 31.36 188.13 17%
Foreman 99,392.91 14 35 98.60 202.84 53%
Total 211,928.48 48 66 186.16 603.94 100%

From the data obtained from PT Jagat that the total productivity of workers per 20 minutes is 186.16, this
value is assumed to be the maximum value for worker productivity per 20 minutes per foreman. It was found that
for the comparison between the observation of the 5-minutes rating and the results of the report from PT Jagat
that the value of effectiveness was still below the value of observations in the field. The average value of the PT
Jagat report is still below 50%, which is 33%. From the value of each foreman, Foreman A and Foreman B are
still below 50%, which is still not effective, but for Foreman C has exceeded 50%, which means that Foreman C
has worked effectively, but this value is still below the observation value of the data in the field.

D. Recommendations
From the previous discussion, the recommendation that can be given to PT Jagat in increasing productivity is to
improve the damage factor of the tool, this can be done by doing maintenance on the tool regularly, with this the
risk of damage to construction equipment is minimal. Next is to increase the productivity of the concreting work
to reach the value of the field observation, which is 85%. The performance of Foreman A and Foreman B
workers needs to be improved by at least reaching the effective value because the results of PT Jagat are not far
from the effective value.
Improve coordination and communication between each stakeholder related to pembesian work. This can
avoid misinformation if there are changes to the design, so as to minimize errors in the drilling work and the
amount of iron needed according to the amount needed during the initial planning.

From the results of the five-minutes rating, it is found that the value of worker effectiveness at the observation
time of 20 minutes is 85%, it can be seen in PT. Jagat's results that the resulting productivity does not reach the
value of the five-minutes rating from field observations. The highest value of PT Jagat's results is 53% for
Foreman C. This result can already be considered effective if using the assumption that the maximum
productivity value that can be achieved is the total of the three foremen. The value of Foreman A and Foreman B
is still far from the effective number with a value of 33% and 17%. Although the value of Foreman C is still
effective, this result is still below the value of the five-minutes rating observation. This means that the three
foremen are still not maximally achieving the value of the five-minutes rating observations made in the field.
From the results of the Foreman Delay Survey, it is found that the top three values of factors affecting work
productivity in order from the top rank are construction equipment damage, waiting for materials (vendor delay),
and changes / rework (design errors). The construction equipment damage factor is the highest factor in causing
delay in the concreting work. This factor needs to be explored further because, if the construction equipment
damage factor can be reduced, the delay that occurs in the concreting work will be significantly reduced. The
second top factor and the third top factor cause delay, but the resulting percentage value is much smaller than the
first factor. All factors causing delay need to be addressed, but the most important one to prioritize is the first
factor, which is construction equipment damage. This is obtained by excluding the factor of waiting for
information in the calculation, because if it is included in the calculation, the Foreman Delay Survey calculation
is not good, because the number of factors waiting for information is so large that the calculation results are not


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