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Chapter 1 Activity (Entrep 1) - 125605

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APPLICATION “Entrepreneurs Perform”

DIRECTIONS: Write a 1 paragraph composition, with a minimum of

5 and a maximum of 10 complete sentences, about what you envision
yourself 4 – 5 years from now in line with the Vision and Mission of
ZPPSU. Create a title for your composition.
Title: “My Vision for the Future at ZPPSU: A Commitment
to Global Excellence”
In alignment with the mission and vision of ZPPSU, I envision
myself making a significant impact in the field of education and
research four to five years from now. ZPPSU’s mission to produce
globally competent human capital resonates deeply with my
commitment to contributing to the development of a skilled and
innovative workforce that enhances the quality of lives worldwide.
I see myself actively involved in educational initiatives that
prepare students to excel on the global stage, equipping them with
the knowledge and skills needed for the ever-evolving challenges of
the 21st century.
Additionally, I am dedicated to advancing research and
innovation at ZPPSU, aligning with the university’s vision of becoming
a world-class polytechnic institution.
Through collaborative projects and interdisciplinary research, I
aim to contribute to cutting-edge solutions that address real-world
problems. Ultimately, my vision for the future at ZPPSU is to play a
pivotal role in fulfilling the institution’s mission and realizing its vision,
thereby shaping a brighter future for students and society at large.

A. The syllabus and Course Outline

The Syllabus is your road-map and your contract in this course. It is

your road-map because it contains information about the course
overview, course topics and course schedule, requirements, and
grading system. It will also guide you on what is expected from you

and the policies that you need to follow and abide. On the other
hand, it is your contract because it will serve as an agreement
between you and your teacher. Hence, after going through your
syllabus you have to sign the student's acknowledgement portion as a
sign of your pledge of commitment and loyalty to ZPPSU's policies
and values and to the course.

1. Read the Course Syllabus. You may access it from your e-class portal; download
it from your email, read the Group Chat in messenger.

2. Digitally sign the last page, and email it or submit

the printed copy of the syllabus’ last page with your signature.

3. After reading and going through the syllabus, in 5-10 complete sentences,
explain the importance of the syllabus in the learning process.

DIRECTIONS: From the list:
1. Choose your 3 personal choices from among the 10 that are listed.
2. On the Concept Map below, write the 3 entrepreneurs on the
rectangular box.
3. On the dialog box, write the product or service the entrepreneur has
made available in the market.

• Electrical power
infrastructure of the
1. Thomas Edison United States
• founder of General
Electric (GE),

My 3 Personal
2. Bill Gates • he invented the
Microsoft’s corporation
which plays a pivotal role.

3. Henry Ford

 founded the Ford

Motor Company and
invented the Model T
ANALYSIS “Entrepreneurs Think”

1. What significant contribution do you think the product or service of

your chosen entrepreneurs has made?

It has a very huge contribution because us a student this product or

service that entrepreneur has made is important for me when it comes in
studying and working And also make our lives easy.

2. Cite at least 2 reasons that the product or service has been useful in
the current situation, brought about by the COVID19 pandemic, which
people are facing.

 It helps us continue to learn and work

 It keep us safe and felt secured even we go outside or in our own

Self-Check #1:
DIRECTIONS: Read each statement below. Circle T if the statement is TRUE and F if the
statement is FALSE. (2 points per item)

T – F 1.) If Angel, an entrepreneur, puts together her available resources to

establish a small business, then she is considered an entrepreneur.

T–F 2.) If entrepreneurs are responsible in providing products and services for
customers and producers, then entrepreneurs are not important in
economic development.

T–F 3.) If entrepreneurship requires devotion, then it demands time and effort
from the entrepreneur.

T–F 4.) If entrepreneurship is a process and an activity, and the entrepreneur

is the person behind, then they are one and the same.

T–F 5.) If entrepreneurship is creating something new that is of value, then

entrepreneurship is an important economic activity.

APPLICATION “Entrepreneurs Perform”

Guided Practice (“We do” – shared practice with peers)

To overcome boredom, one of the things that people do during the imposed
quarantine period is movie marathon. One popular internet site where
people go is Netflix. The site offers a variety of movie genre. What is
amazing, movies that did not do well in cinemas years back, ranked Top 1 in
the list on Netflix. One classic example is the movie “Through Night and
Day” starred by Alessandra de Rossi and Paulo Contis. In 2018, when the
movie opened in cinemas, it was pulled out three days after it was shown
because nobody was watching (Panaligan, 2020). In other words, the movie
was a flop! Amazingly though, through NETFLIX, it ranked number #1, and
it became a trending movie in the entire Philippines.

Looking at the movie, there were no changes made about the movie, nor
was it updated neither was it promoted again to the public. In fact, it was
not even re-launched. However, the producers or those who are handling
the movie changed the approach used in marketing the movie; not to
mention the patience in waiting for the right timing.

DIRECTIONS: Reflect on the above situation by answering the guided

questions below. Write your answers on your Reflective Journal. Label it as
“Journal Entry #1”.

1. What specifically was the mechanism used that led to the success of
the movie after experiencing failure?
In my own perspective and understanding the mechanism that
have used is the platform which is the Netflix the producers or who
those handling the movie used the platform of Netflix which people
can see and access it in a short couple of times without going outside
and keeping them safe.
2. What entrepreneurial mindset or behavior can be seen from the
For me the entrepreneurial mindset that I can see and observe
on this situation is the patience and initiative, since the movie was
pulled out in the cinemas in just three days the producers think other
idea and wait for a right time where they can produce again the movie
and to gain the objective that they aimed.
3. Is there a similar experience in your life or what you observe around
you that is similar to the above scenario? In 3 – 4 complete
sentences, elaborate on your answer.
Yes it has a similar experienced in my life because I’ve
experienced failure and think for a solution of that failure for me to
experience the word success, sometimes, I am failing in some school
duties and child duties in my family but I am making it correct in a
right time.

ACTIVITY: ”Entrepreneurs Act”

“A Piece of Something is Worth a Thousand Innovation”

Below are three images of things that are considered as trash. Use your
creativity and innovate to turn the trash into something new that is of value.

Show your output on the box below the picture.

piece of wood
empty bottle
piece of cloth

ANALYSIS “Entrepreneurs Think”

Processing Questions

DIRECTIONS: Write your answers on the space provided after each


1. In 2-3 complete sentences, assess the value of the new product that
was created from the things that were already considered as trash?
The value of the new product created from trash will base on
how it transform and make it into something useful and potentially
profitable. In disregard the materials that being used.

2. What specific usage do the products contribute to the community?

First thing first, the trash or the waste pollution of the
community since we all know that waste pollution is really known in
our community in this product making out of trash we can lessen our
trashes and make it as a useful one.

3. Cite 2 reasons for your answer in item #2.

First reason was the situation of the community on how we deal to

it everyday next is the situation of every individual here in our
community because it can affect not only our health but our every day

Self-Check #2:
1) DIRECTIONS: Match the activity in column A in connection to the
concept in column B. Write the letter on the blank before the number in
Column A. Take note of the underlined phrases.(1 point for each item)
Column A Column B
A. Innovator/
___B__ 1. A gardener selling coconut Entrepreneur
husks turned into plant pots.
B. Innovation
__A__ 2. The gardener who came up
with the above idea. C. Conception

D 3. The phase in the innovation D. Marketing

process when the gardener made the
coconut husks turned into plant pots
available in the market.

2) DIRECTIONS: Match the situation in column A in relation to the type of

innovator in column B. Write the letter on the blank before the number
in Column A. (1 point for each item)
Column A Column B

___E___ 1. Andy emailed the President

of his company regarding an important A. Coach
information he learned when he attended
the Filipino Chamber of Commerce meeting. B. Idea Generator

B 2. Andy trained his employees C. Project manager

on the use of a new technology that is
needed for the launching of the company’s
D. Champion
new product.

D 3. Andy is so concerned about E. Gatekeeper

results, so he mobilized his people and used
available resources to have the new idea
about a product to materialize.

C 4. Andy is looking into the

possible purchase of a new machinery to
address the production of a new product.

APPLICATION “Entrepreneurs Perform”

Do this independently.

Let’s see what you learned! solve the Puzzle…


1 2P
3 4I
6E N T E R P R E N E U R O
E 7R 8 T A
P S 9C E I
10 E E S
Across Down
1. the discovery or devising of a new product 2. the development and construction phase
5. the phase in the innovation process when the in the innovation process
new product is launched 3. this type of innovators collect and
6. innovator, risk-taker channel information about changes in the
8. innovation brings up new set of possibilities technical environment
10. in the innovation process, it is generation of 4. the key function of the entrepreneurial
idea process
7. don't care about consequences or failure

9. the type of innovators who provide
technical training related to new

Do this independently.

DIRECTIONS: Read the situation below.

It is observed that during this pandemic, lots of businesses were greatly affected because
they have to stop operating. The construction industry is just one of those that suffered.
This resulted to income loss due to decrease in sales and as a result loss of jobs among
construction workers. The Contractors Guild and the Association of Architects and
Draftsmen in Zamboanga City, will be conducting a virtual meeting to seek ideas on how
to keep the construction industry relevant during this pandemic. As a graduate of
Architectural Drafting, and a young entrepreneur, you were chosen by your fellow
draftsmen to represent your group. Your task is to come up with an idea for an alternative
business that will still make use of your drafting skills. The idea will be presented to the
contractors, architects and your fellow draftsmen during the virtual meeting. In your
presentation, you need to cite the important contribution the alternative business can
provide to society. Your presentation shall be in the form of a leaflet. Your work in this
activity will be assessed based on the facts about the kind of behavior and mindset an
entrepreneur possesses. Your output will serve as your summative assessment for this
lesson. An analytic rubric will be used to grade your work.

Directions: Before doing the leaflet answer the following questions:

1. What is the purpose of the virtual meeting? (Goal)
The purpose of the virtual meeting is to come up with idea that
can help the society even it is pandemic and on how to use My
profession in this field of situation.
2. What is your assignment during the virtual meeting? (Role)
I was assigned to tackle about new ideas that can help my
society even they are in their home and on how to use it as a
entrepreneur and a architecture graduate.

3. To whom are you going to present your idea? (Audience)

My audience in the virtual meeting are The Contractors Guild
and the Association of Architects and Draftsmen in Zamboanga City.

4. What specific situation is being addressed? (Situation)
The situation that being addressed was the pandemic and lots of
businesses were greatly affected because they have to stop operating.
The construction industry is just one of those that suffered. This
resulted to income loss due to decrease in sales and as a result loss of
jobs among construction workers.

5. What is it that you need to accomplish in this activity? (Product)

To come up with a solution and a product that can help not only
to the society but also to the workers of Construction workers to
continue their job even it is pandemic.

6. How is your output assessed or graded? (Standards)

In my own perspective I think my output will be assessed
according to my presentation on how people will consume it, on how
workers will continue their work even it is prohibited to go outside and
on how I deliver my presentation.

Other Instructions:
 You may use publisher,, or others apps in making the leaflet.
 Upload your personalized leaflet in the answer box of your quiz in the
 For the rubrics in assessing this task, refer to Figure 1.1 Rubrics for
Process/Performance Based Assessment

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