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Business Ethics and Social Responsibility: Introduction To The Notion of Social Enterprise

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Senior High School

Business Ethics and

Quarter 4 – Module 4
Introduction to the Notion of
Social Enterprise
Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility – Grade 11/12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 4: Introduction to the Notion of Social Enterprise
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones, PhD
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio,
PhD Assistant Secretary: Alma Ruby C. Torio,

Development Team of the Module

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Business Ethics and

Quarter 4 – Module 4
Introduction to the Notion
of Social Enterprise

This instructional material is collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators from public and

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Table of Contents

Introduction 2

Pre-test 4

Lesson 5

Assessment 18

Answer Key 20

References 21
What I Need To Know

For the Learners

This module is to be done for two weeks. Included in this module is the creation of a personal a

Module Content

This module consists the lesson:

 Explain the importance of establishing and sustaining business enterprises

as a source of job opportunities and financial freedom and prepare and
implement a proposed personal action plan to assist an existing small
business enterprise to practice ethics and social responsibilities in their
business operation


For the learners: To be guided For the teacher: To facilitate

in achieving the objectives of this and ensure the students’ learning
module, do the following: from this module, you are
Read and follow instructions encouraged to do the following
carefully. (you may edit this part):
Write all your ANSWERS in your Clearly communicate learning
ACTIVITY NOTEBOOK. competencies and objectives

Answer the pretest before going Motivate through applications and

through the lessons. connections to real life.

Take note and record points for Give applications of the theory
clarification. Discuss worked-out examples
Compare your answers against Give time for hands-on unguided
the key to answers found at classroom work and discovery
the end of the module. 2
Use formative assessment to
Do the activities and fully give feedback
understand each lesson.
Introduce extensions or
what you learned in each lesson.
Engage in reflection questions
Answer the posttest after you
Encourage analysis through
have gone over all the lessons.
higher order thinking prompts
Provide alternative formats for
Let us check your prior knowledge about this module’s coverage.
student work
Remind learners to write their
True or False. Read each statement below anadnsewvaelrusaitne
twh eh ier t Ph eh ri l oi tsios pthr uy e or false. Write letter A if the statement is true and B if
othAecrwtivisitey . Notebook

1. Financial independence is to have enough savings and cash on hand

to sustain the kind of life we desire for ourselves and our families.

2.Corporate social responsibility that created as an act of protecting the

profit of the company is not a realistic social responsibility and it is not a
genuine work towards doing something good for the world.

3.Good marketing strategy applies effectively in achieving this financial


4.Sticking to a budget is the most effective way to make sure that all your
bills are paid and your money will be monitored.

5.Negotiating can be helpful in achieving your financial freedom.

6.A person should have goals and make these goals specific like at what
time of your life will you want to achieve it.

7.It is the accountability of the corporation or businesses to think beyond

profit for the reason that it helps the community where the business is located
to create jobs for the people.

8.High interest loans are very toxic in increasing wealth that is why it is
essential that you have to pay the balance each month.

9.The principle of diminishing interest will help you build financial


10. It is important to pay attention with your credits because these

determine what interest rate you are offered when you decide for your next

Importance of
Establishing Business

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the week, it is expected that the learners must be able to:

1. Explain the importance of the establishment and maintenance of a

business as a source of job opportunities and financial freedom;

2. Express appreciation of the importance of a business enterprise as a

vehicle for job opportunities and financial freedom; and

3. Create an action plan to assist an existing small business enterprise to

practice ethics and social responsibility

What’s In

How can a business help create job opportunities in the community? What is financial freed

1. How can we generate job opportunities through creating a business?

2. Why establishing a business can help the community?

3. Why is it important for business to think beyond profit?

4. How can a business help you achieve savings?

5. What are the traits needed by businessmen in order to save more money?

Create a diagram that shows the benefit of the business in the local community
as a role for creating impact.

Small Business

Discuss the significance of the picture in terms of its contribution to the community
regarding job creation and teaching people to generate more income.

The pandemic that the world is experiencing at the moment has
affected the lives of people all over the world. The economy has been injured
and jobs have been lost. Slowly, the world is trying to recover by transitioning
into what we call the “NEW NORMAL” Countries like the Philippines is trying
to recover by pushing on the continuance of economic activities. Businesses
are allowed to open again adapting new policies. Since a lot of people have
lost their jobs, how can corporations help the government in terms of their
corporate social responsibility in the new normal? How important is job
creation during the implementation of the new normal in business?

What Is It?

Job Creation as Corporate Social Responsibility

Job creation is the process of creating new jobs, especially to
provide work for people in the community through establishment of
What’s More

Financial Freedom

Financial freedom is to have enough savings and cash on hand to sustain

the kind of life we desire for ourselves and our families. This means that a person
should have a rising amount of money to manage a career that we want to have
without being focused earning a fixed salary every year.

Attaining financial freedom can be very tough especially when you have
growing debt, cash emergencies, medical issues and overspending. This can be
countered through careful management of money. Good planning applies effectively
in achieving this financial freedom.
According to Matt Danielsson, there are important points to consider in
achieving financial freedom. Among of these are the following:

1. Set Life Goals – a person should have goals and make these goals specific like
at what time of your life will you want to achieve it. It is good that these goals should
be written down so that it will serve as guide to achieve it.

2. Make a Budget – working on a budget is more reliable than anything else.

Sticking to it is the most effective way to make sure that all your bills are paid and
your money will be monitored. Make this as a regular routine because it supports
you goals and strengthen you finances

3. Pay Off any Financial Obligations – high interest loans are very lethal to
accumulation of wealth that is why it is essential that you have to pay the balance
each month. Paying on time will also help business to have good reputation in terms
of payment of debt.

4. Create Automatic Savings – enrollment in a retirement plan and other similar

activity will help you build your finances in the future. It is also good to have savings
as an emergency fund to prepare for unexpected expenses in the future.

5. Start Investing Now – there is no other way of growing your money than to invest
no matter how small your money is. The principle of compound interest will help you
build financial gains.

6. Watch Your Credit – it is important to pay attention with your credits because
these determines what interest rate you are offered when you decide for your next

loan. Always monitor your credit performance because the way you respond to your
creditors will either ruin or elevate further your good name. Thus, the entrepreneur
builds a good reputation to his creditors.

7. Negotiate – some people are very conscious about negotiating for goods and
service because to some entrepreneurs this will make them look not charming to
creditors and suppliers. Negotiating could actually help entrepreneurs save
thousands of money each year. An entrepreneur has to be open for negotiation
especially when buying bulk orders to open the doors for discounts. This can be
helpful in achieving your financial freedom.

8. Continuous Education – Educate yourself on government policies and other

laws that governs business activities to make sure of the maximization of all tax
deductions. Thus, saving money in return.

9. Proper Maintenance – There should be proper maintenance of your assets to

maintain the marketability of these assets. Once you decide to sell these assets, you
can still sell it at a higher amount because it is well maintained.

What I have Learned?

1. Why is financial freedom important to businesses and individuals?

2. Explain the importance of creating budget as a means of building financial


3. How important is establishing goals in pursuing financial independence?

4. Why do we need to pay periodically our financial obligations?

1_ 0
What I can do?

Prepare an action plan to assist an existing small business enterprise to practice
ethics and social responsibility in their business operation by using the template

Name of Business:


Plan Statement:


Action Consideratio Timelin or Hazard
challenge Outcome
Description n e estimated Forecast

Make a reflection on the activity above:


Remember these key points:

 Job Creation as Corporate Social Responsibility

 Financial Freedom
 Important points to consider in achieving financial freedom:

o Set Life Goals
o Make a budget
o Create automatic savings
o Start investing now
o Watch your credit
o Negotiate
o Continues education
o Proper maintenance

Great job! You have completed Lesson successfully! Before going to the
next lesson, check the icon that best shows your learning experience.

I have understood the lesson well and I can even teach what I learned to others.

I have understood the lesson but there are still other things that I need to review

I need to do additional work to be able to master the lesson. I need help in some

If you checked the first icon, you are ready for level. If you have checked the
second icon, you need to review the things that you need to relearn. If you have
checked the third icon, it would be best if you read more and ask help from your
teacher, parents or peers in clarifying the lessons that you find difficult. Be honest so
that you will truly improve.

Additional Activity

After doing the activities:

I noticed

A question I have is

I’m not sure
Let check how much you learned from this module’s coverage
True or False. Read each statement below and evaluate whether it is true or false. s
Write letter A if the statement is true and B if otherwise. s
1. Financial freedom is to have enough savings and cash on hand to
sustain the kind of life we desire for ourselves and our families. e
2.Corporate social responsibility that created as an act of protecting the protfit
of the company is a genuine social responsibility towards doing something good for
the world.

3.Job creation is the process of creating new jobs, especially to provide work
for people in the community through establishment of enterprise.

4.Sticking to a budget is the most effective way to make sure that all your bills
are paid and your money will be monitored.

5.Negotiating is not useful in achieving your financial freedom.

6.There should be proper maintenance of your assets to maintain the

marketability of these assets.

7.It is the responsibility of the corporation or businesses to think beyond profit
for the reason that it helps the community where the business is located to generate
jobs for the people.

8.Always monitor your credit performance because the way you respond
to your creditors will either ruin or elevate further your good name.

9.The principle of compound interest will help you build financial gains.

10. There should be proper maintenance of your assets to sustain the

marketability of these assets

your journey in Business Ethics and Social Responsibility. You did a great job! It’s time to celebrate and
Good luck to the next level of your journey!

Answer Key

Pre-assessment Test
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. A

Post-assessment Test

1. A
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. A


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call: Department of Education– Divisio
Don A. Velez St., Cagayan de Oro City
Contact No. (08822) – 724615 / (088) 856 – 4454
Email Address:

Annex 1


DepEd-developed ADM Modules

Learning Area : Bussiness Ethics and Social Responsibility Grade Level : Grade 11

Title: Introduction to the Notion of Social Enterprise

1. Carefully read the learning resource (LR) page by page to evaluate the LR for
compliance to standards indicated in the criterion items under the six (6) factors below.
2. Put a check mark () in the appropriate column beside each criterion item. If your
answer is NO, cite specific pages, briefly indicate the errors found, and give your
recommendations in the attached Summary of Findings form.
3. Write Not Applicable (NA) for criterion items that does not apply in the LR evaluated.
4. Based on the number of criterion items marked “YES” under each factor, mark the
appropriate column to indicate if the LR complied or not to the standards.
5. For factors with items marked Not Applicable, count the total applicable criterion items
and multiply this with 75% to determine the cutoff for compliance.

Standards / Criterion Items Yes No

Factor I. Intellectual Property Rights Compliance
1. The learning resource has no copyright violations. √
2. The copyrighted texts and visuals used in the LR are cited. √
3. The copyrighted materials used in the LR are accurately cited. √
4. The references are properly cited in the Bibliography. √
Complied Not
Note: At least 3 criterion items must be marked YES to indicate compliance to this factor. Complied

Factor II. Learning Competencies
Content is consistent with the targeted DepEd Learning Competencies (LCs)
intended for the learning area and grade level.
Complied Not
Note: The item must be marked YES to indicate compliance to this factor. Complied

Factor III. Instructional Design and Organization
1. The LR contributes to the achievement of specific objectives of the learning √
area and grade level for which it is intended.
Standards / Criterion Items Yes No

2. Sequencing of contents and activities within each lesson facilitates √
achievement of objectives.
3. Content is suitable to the target learner’s level of development, needs, and √
4. Content reinforces, enriches, and / or leads to the mastery of the targeted √
learning competencies intended for the learning area and grade level.
5. Content is logically developed and organized throughout the material. √
(Lessons/activities are arranged from simple to complex, from observable to
6. The LR contains useful introductions, reviews, summaries, and other √
devices that facilitate smooth progression from one lesson to another.
7. Development of lessons allows for review, comparison, and integration with √
previous lessons.
8. Motivational strategies (e.g., overviews, advance organizers, puzzles, √
games, etc.) are provided.
9. The LR uses various teaching and learning strategies to meet individual √
differences/ learning styles. (if applicable)
10. The LR develops higher cognitive skills (e.g., critical thinking skills, √
creativity, learning by doing, problem solving) and 21st century skills.
11. The LR enhances the development of desirable values and traits such as: √
(Mark the appropriate box with an “X” applicable for values and traits only)
11.1 Pride in being a Filipino 11.2 Scientific attitude and
11.3 Striving for excellence 11.4 Love for country

11.5 Helpfulness, teamwork, 11.6 Unity

11.7 Desire to learn new things 11.8 Honesty & trustworthiness

11.9 Ability to know right from wrong 11.10 Respect

√ 11.11 Critical and creative thinking 11.12 Productive work

11.13 Others (Please specify)

Complied Not
Note: At least 8 criterion items must be marked YES to indicate compliance to this Complied
Factor IV. Instructional Quality
1. Content and information are accurate. √
2. Content and information are up-to-date. √
3. The LR is free from any social content violations. √
4. LR is free from factual errors. √
5. LR is free from computational errors (if applicable) √
6. LR is free from grammatical errors. √
Complied Not
Note: At least 5 criterion items must be marked YES to indicate compliance to this Complied
factor. √

Standards / Criterion Items Yes No
Factor V. Assessment
1. The LR provides useful measures and information that help the teacher √
evaluate learner’s progress in mastering the target competencies.
2. Assessments are aligned with the specific objectives and content. √
3. The LR provides “self-checks,” ready-made achievement tests, and/or √
review activities.
4. The LR provides variety of assessment types. √
5. Assessments have clear demonstration / examples, instructions, and/or √
rubrics to serve as guide on how these will be used.
6. Variety of activities within the LR are utilized to ensure active engagement of √
the learners.
Complied Not
Note: At least 5 criterion items must be marked YES to indicate compliance to this Complied
factor. √

Factor VI. Readability

1. Vocabulary level is adapted to target users’ experience and understanding. √
2. Length of sentences is suited to the comprehension level of the target user. √
3. Sentences and paragraph structures are varied and appropriate to the target √
4. There is logical and smooth flow of ideas within a lesson and from lesson to √
5. There is consistently good use of transition devices to focus on the main √
topics and signal a change of topic.
6. Lessons, instructions, exercises, questions, and activities are clear to the √
target user.
Complied Not
Note: At least 5 criterion items must be marked YES to indicate compliance to this Complied
factor. √

Recommendation: (Please put a check mark ( ) in the appropriate box.)

 Minor revision. This material is found compliant to the minimum requirements in

all six factors. Revision based on the recommendations included in the Summary
of Content Findings form and LR with marginal notes must be implemented.

 Major revision. This material is non-compliant to the requirements in one or more

factors. Revision based on the recommendations included in the Summary of
Content Findings form and LR with marginal notes must be implemented.

 For field validation. This material is found compliant to all factors with NO

I certify that this evaluation report and the recommendation(s) in the summary report are my
own and have been made without any undue influence from others.

Evaluator: CHIBERT L. JALA


Date accomplished: SEPTEMBER 17, 2020

Annex 2

Summary of Content Findings for DepEd-developed ADM Modules

Title of LR: The Business Responsibilities and Accountabilities Grade Level: Grade 11

Paragraph / Line Brief description of Errors/ Findings/ Specific recommendations for

/ Page number Observations improving the identified criterion
(in chronological
This activity should suit learners A diagram that shows the benefit of
understanding, instead create a question the business in the local community as
Page 7 that show effect of the role of business a role for creating impact.
in the local community.

Page 15 The design should be in a form of Change to:

business action plan
Action Description


Timeline Prospect

challenges Resources or

estimated cost Hazard

Forecast Outcome
Other technical changes are change

Prepared by: CHIBERT L. JALA Date accomplished: September 17, 2020

Signature over printed name:

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