Soga 2
Soga 2
Soga 2
Property/ ownership in goods is transferred from seller to buyer. Property/ ownership in goods gets transferred ar a future time or
subject to the fulfilment of some condition.
It is a contract and conveyance of property in goods. It is only a contract. No conveyance of property takes place.
Buyer acquires a right in rem. Buyer has right in personum- right only against the selelr.
Sale always refers to existing goods. Agreement to sell refers to future or contingent goods.
Goods are at buyer’s risk. Goods remain with the seller until the agreement to sell is converted
into sale.
Unpaid seller has remedy to sue the buyer for price. If goods are in the Seller can only sue the buyer for breach of contract.
possession of seller, he can exercise right such as right to lien; right to
stoppage in transit; right to re-sell the goods
Sale cannot get converted into an agreement to sell. It gets converted into sale after fulfilment of the condition or lapse of
stipulated time.
If seller refuses to deliver goods, buyer can sue him for recovery of Buyer can sue only for damages but he cannot sue for recovery of
goods. goods.
If seller sells goods to a third person, buyer can recover them, subject to Original buyer cannot recover goods from new buyer.
Firm Bhagwandas V. State of MP
AIR 1966 MP 95
Contract of sale between plaintiff and State for
sale of tender leaves for five years.
Consideration was payable at the beginning of
each year.
Held-When goods are not specific and
ascertained at the time of making the
contract, it is only an agreement to sell.
Ram Narain Mahato V. State of MP
[1970] 1 SCC 25
Sale of timber logs to be cut from trees.