Telehandler 5
Telehandler 5
Telehandler 5
Turntable Covers
Turntable Covers
How to Remove a
Turntable Cover
1 Raise the turntable cover. Support the open
cover with an overhead crane or forklift.
Do not lift it.
Crushing hazard. Due to its heavy
weight, do not attempt to support
the cover by hand.
Component damage hazard.
Protect the cover from damage by
using carpet or padding on the
crane or forklift forks.
2 Remove the upper and lower retaining clips
from the gas strut.
3 Gently pry the strut pivot sockets off of the ball
studs and remove the strut. Protect the strut
cylinder rod from damage.
Mark the location of the hinge
support bracket on the bulkhead to
ensure proper cover alignment
during installation.
4 Remove the cover hinge bolts, that fasten the
hinge support bracket to the bulkhead.
5 Carefully lift and remove the cover from
the machine.
Crushing hazard. The turntable
cover may become unbalanced
and fall if it is not properly
supported and secured to a
appropriate lifting device.
If a turntable cover must be
replaced, be sure that all
appropriate safety and
instructional decals are
applied to the new cover.
Alignment adjustments may be
necessary when a new cover
is installed.
Oil Temperature and Pressure
f Gauges
a pump
The oil temperature gauge is an electrical gauge.
b pump shaft
c coupler The sending unit has limit contacts that are factory
d flex plate with raised spline set. The contacts will close at 300o F (147o C).
e flywheel When the contacts close, the engine will shut off to
f 1/2 inch gap
prevent damage and will not start until the
temperature drops below the contact point.
How to Remove the Flex Plate Temperature will be indicated when the key is on
1 Disconnect the wiring plug at the electronic and the Emergency Stop Button is pulled out to the
displacement controller (EDC), located on ON position.
a b c d
Adjustment of the governor 4 Position the linkage rod so that the throttle is in
actuator is only necessary when the idle position. Then adjust the clevis yoke on
the governor actuator or the the linkage rod to obtain the proper length.
linkage has been replaced. Install the yoke onto the actuator arm.
1 Connect the linkage rod to the throttle plate 5 With the throttle in the idle position and the
shaft, then tighten the lock nut. actuator arm at a 110 degree angle to the
linkage, rotate the clevis yoke on the linkage
2 Fasten the lock nut and clevis yoke to the
rod two turns counterclockwise to pre-load the
linkage rod. Do not tighten the lock nut
spring. Tighten the lock nut on the linkage rod.
against the clevis yoke.
3 Loosen the fastener on the actuator arm. Rotate
the actuator arm until it is at a 110 degree angle
to the linkage rod. Then tighten the actuator
arm fastener.
rich lean
7-3 7-6
Timing Adjustment Flex Plate
Complete information to perform this procedure is The flex plate acts as a coupler between the
available in the Ford LRG-423 2.3 Liter Industrial engine and the pump. It is bolted to the engine
Engine Service Manual (Ford number: PPD-194- flywheel and has a splined center to drive
287). Genie part number 33907. the pump.
a b c d e
Carburetor Adjustment
Complete information to perform this procedure is
available in the Ford LRG-423 2.3 Liter Industrial f
Engine Service Manual (Ford number: PPD-194- a pump
287). Genie part number 33907. b pump shaft
c coupler
d flex plate with raised spline
e flywheel
f 1/4 inch gap
RPM Adjustment Flex Plate Removal
1 Disconnect and remove the hose between
Refer to Maintenance Procedures, B-12, Check the carburetor venturi and the air cleaner.
and Adjust the Engine RPM.
2 Disconnect the linkage from the governor,
then remove the governor linkage from
the carburetor. Do not alter the length of
the linkage.
3 Disconnect the wiring plug at the electronic
displacement controller (EDC), located on
the drive pump.
4 Remove the mounting fasteners from the
regulator mounting bracket, then pull the
bracket up past the bell housing. Secure
the bracket before continuing.
5 Support the drive pump with an appropriate
lifting device. Then remove all of the pump
mounting plate to engine bell housing bolts.
6 Carefully pull the pump away from the
engine and secure it from moving.
7 Remove the flex plate mounting fasteners,
then remove the flex plate from the fly wheel.
Vacuum Switch
d c
a ohmmeter
b common terminal (SOL.)
c vacuum switch
d normally open terminal (ING.)
Ground Controls
8-1 8-4
Control Relays Resistors
See 1-6, Control Relays How to Test the Resistor
The resistor is used to maintain proper control of
boom function speeds. A 10 ohm resistor reduces
8-2 voltage to all the boom function switches at the
ground controls.
Toggle Switches
Refer to the schematic legends for
See 1-5, Toggle Switches. resistor locations and values.
1 Turn the key switch to the OFF position.
2 Disconnect either end of one of the wires
8-3 connected to the resistor to be tested.
Wago® Components 3 Connect the leads from an ohmmeter to each
end or wiring of the resistor being tested.
How to Remove a Wago® 4 Compare the ohmmeter reading with the
Component resistance rating printed on the resistor.
Electrocution hazard.
Contact with electrically charged
circuits may cause death or
serious injury. Remove all rings,
watches and other jewelry.
A small screwdriver is provided
and should be used when
removing a Wago® component.
This screwdriver is located in the
operator’s manual storage box in
the platform.
1 Label the wiring from the component to be
2 Locate the removal tab on the bottom or top
side of the component.
3 Use a small narrow flat blade screwdriver to
push in and release the wire from the
4 Use the small narrow flat blade screwdriver to
gently pry up on the tab of the component and
remove it.
Hydraulic Pumps
9-1 3 Remove the pump mounting bolts. Carefully
remove the pump.
Lift/Steer Pump
Component damage hazard.
Be sure to open the two hydraulic
How to Remove the tank valves and prime the pump
Lift/Steer Pump after installing the pump.
When removing a hose assembly
or fitting, the O-ring on the fitting
and/or hose end must be replaced 9-2
and then torqued to specification
during installation. Drive Pump
Refer to Section Two, Hydraulic
Hose and Fitting Torque The drive pump is a bi-directional variable
Specifications. displacement piston pump. The pump output is
controlled by the electronic displacement controller
1 Close the two hydraulic tank valves located at (EDC), located on the pump. The only adjustment
the hydraulic tank. that can be made to the pump is the neutral or null
adjustment. Any internal service to the pump
should only be performed at an authorized
Sundstrand-Sauer service center. Call Genie
Industries Service Department to locate your local
authorized service center.
2 Close the two hydraulic tank valves located at How to Prime the Pump
the hydraulic tank.
1 Connect a 0 to 600 psi (0 to 41 bar) pressure
gauge to the test port on the drive pump.
2 Gasoline/LPG models: Disconnect the
electrical connector at the ignition coils. The
ignition coils are located above the alternator.
Electrocution hazard.
Contact with electrically charged
open closed
circuits may cause death or
Component damage hazard. The serious injury. Remove all rings,
engine must not be started with watches and other jewelry.
the hydraulic tank shutoff valves in Deutz Diesel models: Hold the manual fuel
the CLOSED position or component shutoff valve clockwise to the CLOSED position.
damage will occur. If the tank
valves are closed, remove the key a
from the key switch and tag the
machine to inform personnel of the
3 Tag and disconnect and plug the hydraulic
hoses from the drive and lift/steer pumps. Cap
the fittings on the pumps.
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
hydraulic oil can penetrate and
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
connections very slowly to allow
the oil pressure to dissipate
gradually. Do not allow oil to
a manual fuel shutoff valve
squirt or spray.
4 Support the pump with a lifting device and 3 Crank the engine with the starter motor for
remove the two drive pump mounting fasteners. 15 seconds, wait 15 seconds, then crank the
engine an additional 15 seconds or until the
5 Carefully pull the drive pump out until the pump pressure reaches 320 psi (22 bar).
coupler separates from the flex plate.
4 Gasoline/LPG models: Connect the ignition
6 Remove the drive pump from the machine. coil wiring and start the engine from the ground
controls. Check for hydraulic leaks.
Component damage hazard.
Be sure to open the two hydraulic
tank valves and prime the pump
after installing the pump.
Function Manifold Components
The function manifold is located on the tank side tray, behind the ground control box.
Index Schematic
No. Description Item Function Torque
1 3 position 4 way D03 valve ................ A ........... Turntable rotate left/right ....................... 30-35 in-lbs / 3-4 Nm
2 3 position 4 way D03 valve ................ B ........... Boom up/down ...................................... 30-35 in-lbs / 3-4 Nm
3 3 position 4 way D03 valve ................ C ........... Boom extend/retract .............................. 30-35 in-lbs / 3-4 Nm
4 Check valve, pilot operated ............... D ........... Boom extend/retract circuit ................ 11-13 ft-lbs / 15-18 Nm
5 Relief valve, 2500 psi (172 bar) ........ E ........... Boom extend ...................................... 25-30 ft-lbs / 34-41 Nm
6 Relief valve, 2100 psi (145 bar) ........ F ........... Boom down ........................................ 25-30 ft-lbs / 34-41 Nm
7 Flow regulator valve,
1.5 gpm (5.7 l/min) ............................. G ........... Boom extend/retract circuit
(prevents over flowing
the proportional valve) ...................... 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
8 Flow regulator valve,
1.5 gpm (5.7 l/min) ............................. H ........... Boom up/down circuit
(prevents over flowing
the proportional valve) ...................... 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
9 Flow regulator valve,
1.5 gpm (5.7 l/min) ............................. I ............ Turntable rotate left/right
(prevents over flowing
the proportional valve) ........................ 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-6 Nm
10 Flow regulator valve,
0.1 gpm (0.38 l/min) ........................... J ............ Bleeds off differential
sensing valves to tank ...................... 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
11 Check valve ....................................... K ........... Differential sensing circuit,
boom extend/retract .......................... 11-13 ft-lbs / 15-18 Nm
12 Check valve ....................................... L ........... Differential sensing circuit,
boom up/down .................................. 11-13 ft-lbs / 15-18 Nm
13 Proportional solenoid valve ............... M .......... Boom extend/retract .......................... 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
14 Check valve ....................................... N ........... Differential sensing circuit,
turntable rotate left/right .................... 11-13 ft-lbs / 15-18 Nm
15 Proportional solenoid valve ............... O ........... Boom up/down .................................. 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
16 Check valve ....................................... P ........... Differential sensing circuit,
platform level up ............................... 11-13 ft-lbs / 15-18 Nm
17 Check valve ....................................... Q ........... Differential sensing circuit,
platform level down ........................... 11-13 ft-lbs / 15-18 Nm
18 Proportional solenoid valve ............... R ........... Turntable rotate left/right ................... 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
19 Solenoid valve - N.O. Poppet ............ S ........... Platform level up ............................... 25-30 ft-lbs / 34-41 Nm
20 Flow regulator valve,
0.6 gpm (2.27 l/min) ........................... T ........... Platform level circuit .......................... 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
21 Solenoid valve - N.O. Poppet ............ U ........... Platform level down .......................... 25-30 ft-lbs / 34-41 Nm
22 Differential sensing valve .................. V ........... Meters flow to functions .................... 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
23 Relief valve,
2600 psi (179 bar), S-60 models
2900 psi (200 bar), S-65 models ....... W .......... System relief ..................................... 35-40 ft-lbs / 47-54 Nm
24 Diagnostic nipple ............................... X ........... Testing
25 Check valve ....................................... Y ........... Differential sensing circuit
Platform rotate left ............................. 11-13 ft-lbs / 15-18 Nm
26 Check valve ....................................... Z ........... Differential sensing circuit
Platform rotate right .......................... 11-13 ft-lbs / 15-18 Nm
27 Priority flow regulator valve, .............. AA ......... Steering ............................................. 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
3.5 gpm (13.2 l/min), without oscillate axle
5 gpm (18.9 l/min), with oscillate axle
28 Solenoid valve - N.O. Poppet ........... BB ......... Platform rotate left/Jib boom up ........ 25-30 ft-lbs / 34-41 Nm
29 Solenoid valve - N.O. Poppet ........... CC ........ Platform rotate right/Jib boom down . 25-30 ft-lbs / 34-41 Nm
30 Flow regulator valve,
0.6 gpm (2.27 l/min) ........................... DD ........ Platform rotate .................................. 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
31 Counterbalance valve ........................ EE ......... Platform level up ............................... 35-40 ft-lbs / 47-54 Nm
32 Counterbalance valve ........................ FF ......... Platform level down .......................... 35-40 ft-lbs / 47-54 Nm
33 Check valve ....................................... GG ........ Boom extend/retract circuit ............... 11-13 ft-lbs / 15-18 Nm
S-60 models 2600 psi 179.3 bar
S-65 models 2900 psi 200 bar
Turntable Rotation Manifold Components
The turntable rotation manifold is mounted to the turntable rotation motor on the tank side of the turntable.
Index Schematic
No. Description Item Function Torque
1 Shuttle valve 2 position 3 way ........... HH ........ Turntable rotation brake release ....... 10-13 ft-lbs / 14-18 Nm
2 Counterbalance valve ........................ II ........... Turntable rotate right ........................ 35-40 ft-lbs / 47-54 Nm
3 Counterbalance valve ........................ JJ .......... Turntable rotate left ........................... 35-40 ft-lbs / 47-54 Nm
1 2 3
Oscillate Manifold Components
The oscillate manifold is mounted inside the drive chassis at the non-steer end.
Index Schematic
No. Description Item Function Torque
1 Orifice Plug, 0.052 inch (1.32 mm) .... KK ......... Differential sensing circuit
2 Differential sensing valve .................. LL ......... Differential sensing ........................... 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
3 Check valve ....................................... MM ....... Oscillate check - left .......................... 35-40 ft-lbs / 47-54 Nm
4 Pilot operated unloader valve
950 psi (65 bar) ................................. NN ........ Sequencing ....................................... 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
5 Shuttle valve 2 position 3 way ........... OO ........ Pilot ................................................... 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
6 Piston ................................................................ Check valve circuit
(the piston is located between
index numbers 3 and 7)
7 Check valve ....................................... PP ......... Oscillate check - right ....................... 35-40 ft-lbs / 47-54 Nm
8 Shuttle valve 2 position 3 way ........... QQ ........ Unloading .......................................... 35-40 ft-lbs / 47-54 Nm
9 Diagnostic fitting ............................................... Testing
1 2
8 4
Plug Torque Specifications
6 5
Description Hex size Torque
Directional Valve Manifold Components
The directional valve manifold is mounted inside the drive chassis at the non-steer end.
No. Description Function Torque
1 Cap ................................................................... Breather ............................................. 20-25 ft-lbs / 27-33Nm
2 Spool valve ....................................................... Directional control
Steer Manifold Components, S-60/65 Oscillating Models
The steer manifold is underneath the function manifold.
Index Schematic
No. Description Item Function Torque
1 3 position 4 way solenoid valve ......... SS ......... Steer left/right ....................................... 30-35 in-lbs / 3-4 Nm
2 Check valve ....................................... TT ......... Priority flow regulator circuit .............. 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
3 Orifice Plug, 0.025 inch (0.635 mm) .. UU ........ Priority flow regulator circuit
4 Priority flow
regulator valve, 3.5 gpm (13.2 l/min) . VV ......... Regulates flow to
oscillate manifold .............................. 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
4 2
2WD Drive Manifold Components
The drive manifold is mounted inside the drive chassis at the non-steer end.
Index Schematic
No. Description Item Function Torque
1 Relief valve, 250 psi (17.2 bar) ......... WW ....... Charge pressure circuit ..................... 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
2 Flow divider/combiner valve .............. XX ......... Controls flow to drive motors
in forward and reverse ...................... 25-30 ft-lbs / 34-41 Nm
3 Orifice 0.070 in (1.78 mm) ................. YY ......... Drive circuit
4 Shuttle valve 3 position 3 way ........... ZZ ......... Charge pressure circuit that
gets hot oil out of low pressure
side of drive pump and allows
low pressure flow path for
brake release and 2-speed
motor shift ......................................... 15-18 ft-lbs / 20-24 Nm
5 Diagnostic fitting ............................................... Testing
Valve Adjustments, 2WD
Drive Manifold
4WD Drive Manifold Components
The drive manifold is mounted inside the drive chassis at the non-steer end.
Index Schematic
No. Description Item Function Torque
1 Directional valve, 2 position 2 way .... AB ......... High speed divider bypass
N.C. Pilot to open .............................. 25-30 ft-lbs / 34-41 Nm
2 Flow divider/combiner valve .............. AC ........ Controls flow to flow
divider/combiner valves 6 and 7 ....... 25-30 ft-lbs / 34-41 Nm
3 Relief valve, 250 psi (17.2 bar) ......... AD ........ Charge pressure circuit ..................... 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
4 Check valve, pilot to close ................. AE ......... Works in conjunction with
Index no.12 in the high speed
divider bypass circuit ........................ 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
5 Orifice - plug, 0.052 inch (1.32 mm) .. AF ......... Front drive motor circuit
6 Flow divider/combiner valve .............. AG ........ Controls flow to steer end
drive motors in forward
and reverse ....................................... 25-30 ft-lbs / 34-41 Nm
7 Flow divider/combiner valve .............. AH ........ Controls flow to non-steer end
drive motors in forward
and reverse ....................................... 25-30 ft-lbs / 34-41 Nm
8 Orifice 0.070 in (1.78 mm) ................. AI .......... Rear drive motor circuit
9 Orifice 0.070 in (1.78 mm) ................. AJ ......... Equalizes pressure on both sides
of flow divider combiner valve
Index no. 2
10 Shuttle valve, 3 position 3 way .......... AK ......... Charge pressure circuit
that gets hot oil out of low pressure
side of drive pump and allows low
pressure flow path for brake
release and 2-speed motor shift ....... 15-18 ft-lbs / 20-24 Nm
11 Diagnostic fitting ............................................... Testing
12 Check valve ....................................... AL ......... Works in conjunction with
Index no.4 in the high speed
divider bypass circuit ........................ 10-12 ft-lbs / 14-16 Nm
Valve Adjustments, 4WD
Drive Manifold
How to Remove the Fuel Tank The primary functions of the hydraulic tank are to
cool, clean and deaerate the hydraulic fluid during
Explosion hazard. Engine fuels operation. It utilizes internal suction strainers for
are combustible. Remove the fuel the pump supply lines and has an external return
tank in an open, well-ventilated line filter with a filter condition indicator.
area away from heaters, sparks,
flames and lighted tobacco. How to Remove the
Always have an approved fire Hydraulic Tank
extinguisher within easy reach.
Component damage hazard.
Explosion hazard. When
The work area and surfaces
transferring fuel, connect a
where this procedure will be
grounding wire between the
performed must be clean and
machine and pump or container.
free of debris that could get
1 Turn the manual fuel shutoff valve to the into the hydraulic system.
CLOSED position.
When removing a hose assembly
2 Remove the tank side turntable cover. See 5-1, or fitting, the O-ring on the fitting
How to Remove a Turntable Cover. and/or hose end must be replaced
and then torqued to specification
3 Gasoline/LPG models: Disconnect, drain and
during installation.
plug the fuel hose.
Refer to Section Two, Hydraulic
Deutz Diesel models: Disconnect, drain and Hose and Fitting Torque
plug the supply and return fuel lines. Cap the Specifications.
fuel return fitting on the fuel tank.
1 Remove the fuel tank. See 11-1, How to
4 Remove the retaining fasteners from the fuel Remove the Fuel Tank.
tank hold down straps. Remove the straps from
the fuel tank.
5 Support the fuel tank with 2 lifting straps. Place
one lifting strap at each end of the tank and
attach the lifting straps to an overhead crane.
6 Remove the fuel tank from the machine.
Crushing hazard. The fuel tank
may become unbalanced and fall
if it is not properly supported and
secured to the overhead crane.
Clean the fuel tank and inspect
for rust and corrosion before
2 Close the two hydraulic shutoff valves located 10 Remove the hydraulic tank from the machine.
at the hydraulic tank.
Crushing hazard. The hydraulic
may become unbalanced and fall
if it is not properly supported and
secured to the overhead crane.
11 Remove the suction strainers from the tank and
clean them using a mild solvent.
12 Rinse out the inside of the tank using a mild
open closed
13 Install the suction strainers using a thread
Component damage hazard. The sealant on the threads.
engine must not be started with 14 Install the drain plug using a thread sealant on
the hydraulic tank shutoff valves in the threads.
the CLOSED position or component
damage will occur. If the tank 15 Install the hydraulic tank onto the machine.
valves are closed, remove the key 16 Install the two suction hoses and the supply
from the key switch and tag the hose for the auxiliary power unit.
machine to inform personnel of the
17 Fill the tank with hydraulic oil until the level is
within the top 2 inches (5 cm) of the sight
3 Remove the drain plug from the hydraulic tank. gauge. Do not overfill.
4 Completely drain the tank into a suitable 18 Clean up any oil that may have spilled and open
container. See capacity specifications. the hydraulic tank valves.
5 Tag, disconnect and plug the two suction hoses Component damage hazard.
that are attached to the hydraulic tank Be sure to open the two hydraulic
shutoff valves. tank valves and prime the pump
after installing the hydraulic tank.
6 Disconnect and plug the T-fitting located at the
return filter with the 2 hoses connected to it. Always use pipe thread sealant
Cap the fitting on the return filter housing. when installing the drain plug.
7 Disconnect and plug the supply hose for the Use only Dexron II equivalent
auxiliary power unit. Cap the fitting on the hydraulic fluid.
hydraulic tank.
Hydraulic system
8 Remove the retaining fasteners from the
hydraulic tank hold down straps. Remove the
Hydraulic tank capacity 45 gallons
straps from the hydraulic tank. 170 liters
9 Support the hydraulic tank with 2 lifting straps.
Place one lifting strap at each end of the tank Hydraulic system 55 gallons
and attach the lifting straps to an overhead capacity (including tank) 208 liters
Hydraulic fluid Dexron equivalent
How to Prime the Pump Deutz Diesel models: Hold the manual fuel
shutoff valve clockwise to the CLOSED position.
Component damage hazard. Be
sure that the hydraulic tank shutoff a
valves are in the OPEN position
before priming the pump. The
engine must not be started with
the hydraulic tank shutoff valves in
the CLOSED position or component
damage will occur. If the tank
valves are closed, remove the key
from the key switch and tag the
machine to inform personnel of the
1 Connect a 0 to 600 psi (0 to 41 bar) pressure
gauge to the test port on the drive pump.
a manual fuel shutoff valve
2 Gasoline/LPG models: Disconnect the
electrical connector at the ignition coils. The 3 Crank the engine with the starter motor for
ignition coils are located above the alternator. 15 seconds, wait 15 seconds, then crank the
engine an additional 15 seconds or until the
Electrocution hazard. pressure reaches 320 psi (22 bar).
Contact with electrically charged
circuits may cause death or 4 Connect the wiring and start the engine from
serious injury. Remove all rings, the ground controls. Check for hydraulic leaks.
watches and other jewelry.
Unlocked position
Locked position
How to Remove the Turntable 4 Remove the plug from the side of the torque
hub. Then drain the oil from the hub.
Rotation Brake or Torque Hub
5 Install the torque hub. Torque the hub mounting
1 Secure the turntable from rotating with the bolts to 180 foot-pounds (244 Newton meters).
turntable rotation lock pin.
6 Install the brake and motor onto the torque hub.
7 Fill the hub with oil from the side hole until the
oil level is even with the bottom of the hole.
Apply pipe thread sealant to the plugs, and then
install the plugs.
8 Adjust turntable rotation gear backlash. See
Repair Procedure 18-1, How to Adjust the
Turntable Rotation Gear Backlash.
a b
How to Adjust the 6 Rotate the torque hub pivot plate away from the
turntable until it contacts the adjustment bolt.
Turntable Rotation Gear Backlash Then tighten the mounting fasteners on the
The turntable rotation torque hub is mounted on a torque hub pivot plate.
adjustable plate that controls the gap between the 7 Rotate the turntable through an entire rotation.
rotation motor gear and the turntable bearing. Check for tight spots that could cause binding.
Readjust if necessary.
Be sure to check the backlash
with the machine on a flat level
1 Loosen the mounting fasteners on the torque
hub pivot plate.
Torque specifications
2 Loosen the wheel lug nuts. Do not 4 Remove the lug nuts. Then remove the tire
remove them. and wheel assembly.
3 Block the non-steering wheels, and then 5 Remove the dust cap, cotter pin and
center a lifting jack of ample capacity under the slotted nut.
steering axle. 6 Pull the hub off the spindle. The washer and
4 Raise the machine 6 inches (15 cm) and place outer bearing should fall loose from the hub.
blocks under the chassis for support. 7 Place the hub on a flat surface and gently pry
5 Remove the lug nuts. Then remove the tire the bearing seal out of the hub. Remove the
and wheel assembly. rear bearing.
5 Place the outer bearing into the hub. 1 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hoses
from the steering cylinder. Cap the fittings on
6 Install the washer and slotted nut. the cylinder.
7 Tighten the slotted nut to 35 foot-pounds Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
(47 Nm). hydraulic oil can penetrate and
8 Loosen the slotted nut, then re-tighten to burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
8 foot-pounds (11 Nm). connections very slowly to allow
the oil pressure to dissipate
9 Install a new cotter pin. Bend the cotter pin gradually. Do not allow oil to
to lock it in. squirt or spray.
10 Install the dust cap, then the tire and wheel 2 Remove the pin retaining fasteners. Then
assembly. Torque the wheel lug nuts to remove the pivot pin from each end of the
420 foot-pounds (569.5 Nm). steering cylinder.
3 Remove the steering cylinder from the machine.
13-3 6 Slide the tie rod off the yoke and adjust it by
turning the end.
Tie Rod
One half turn on the adjustable
end equals approximately 1/4 inch
How to Remove the Tie Rod (6.4 mm) change in the front
1 Remove the pin retaining fasteners, then and rear measurements.
remove the pivot pin from each end of the tie 7 Slide the tie rod onto the yoke. Install the
rod. pivot pin, then install the retaining bolt.
2 Remove the tie rod. 8 Tighten the jam nut against the tie rod.
How to Perform the Toe-in 9 Lower the machine and recheck the
Adjustment front and back measurements (step 2).
If further adjustment is needed, repeat
Perform this procedure on a steps 3 through 8.
firm, level surface. Block the
non-steering tires and be sure Toe-in specification 0 ± 1/8 inch (6.35 mm)
that the machine is in the
stowed position.
1 Straighten the steer wheels.
2 Measure the steer tires, front to front and back
to back, using a measuring fixture.
Lug nut,
dry 420 ft-lbs 569.5 Nm 14-3
lubricated 320 ft-lbs 433.9 Nm
Tie Rod
Torque hub mounting bolts,
dry 120 ft-lbs 163 Nm How to Remove the Tie Rod
lubricated 90 ft-lbs 122 Nm
This procedure is the same as the 2WD procedure.
Drive motor mounting bolts, See Repair Procedure 13-3,
dry 75 ft-lbs 102 Nm How to Remove the Tie Rod.
lubricated 56 ft-lbs 76 Nm
How to Perform the Toe-in
This procedure is the same as the 2WD procedure.
See Repair Procedure 13-3,
How to Perform the Toe-in Adjustment.
Torque specifications
Lug nut,
dry 420 ft-lbs 569.5 Nm
lubricated 320 ft-lbs 433.9 Nm