Installation - Maintenance Manual F15 and F30 Series 150 and 300 Lb. Flanged Full Port Ball Valves
Installation - Maintenance Manual F15 and F30 Series 150 and 300 Lb. Flanged Full Port Ball Valves
Installation - Maintenance Manual F15 and F30 Series 150 and 300 Lb. Flanged Full Port Ball Valves
As a result of this feature, these valves are capable of 3. STEM SEAL ADJUSTMENT
tight shut-off with flow in either direction or dead-ended, 1. For 1/2”- 2”, if slight leakage is noted at stem,
regardless of the position of the valve in the line. straighten lock washer tab, tighten stem nut to
flatten Bellville Washers, back stem nut off 1/4
The downstream seat, opposite the pressurized side of turn, secure lock washer tab.
a closed valve, must carry the load exerted by the line
pressure on the ball, while the upstream seat is subject 2. For sizes larger than 2”, simply tighten gland
to little load or wear. For this reason, it is sometimes bolts evenly until leak stops. Do not over tighten.
possible to increase useful seat life by turning the valve
end-for-end in the pipeline. 4. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR ON-SITE
1. USE: The valve may be fitted in any position on the pipeline.
The valve should be maintained as part of a preventative
maintenance program and in accordance with Flow-Tek’s Before installing the valves, the pipes must be flushed
recommended pressure, temperature and corrosion limits clean of dirt, burrs, and welding residues, or the seats
to insure a long service life. During shipment, storage, and ball surface will be damaged.
and in operation, the valve should be fully open or fully
closed (“open” is preferred for shipping and storage).
Do not use in throttling service without investigating flow CAUTION: Line must be depressurized before disas-
and pressure conditions. sembly. Valve should be cycled to assure there is no
pressure is trapped in valve cavity. Ball valves can trap
WARNING: Before installing this equipment, confirm pressurized media when closed. Flush line with valve
that it is suitable for the intended service. 1/2 open to remove hazardous media.
The identifications tags describe the maximum allowable WARNING: DO NOT remove packing gland or any
service conditions for this product. other valve parts while line is under pressure!
Be sure that the installation is protected by appropriate Stem seal leakage may be corrected without disassembly
pressure control and safety devices to insure that accept- by tightening the packing gland nut until such leakage
able limits are not exceeded. stops. If the leakage continues or valve operating torque
becomes excessive, the seals are worn and replacement
2. OPERATION: will be necessary.
Operation of the valve is done by turning the handle a
1/4 turn (90 degree turn). CW to close, CCW to open. If the valve has been used to control hazardous media,
it must be decontaminated before disassembly.
It is recommended that the following steps be taken for
The handle is parallel with the pipeline. safe removal and assembly.
FLOW-TEK, Inc. Tel: 832.912.2300 © 2011 Flow-Tek, Inc.
8323 N. Eldridge Pkwy #100 Fax: 832.912.2301
Houston, Texas 77041
Installation and Maintenance Manual
® F15/F30 Ball Valves
A Subsidiary of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc. Date: August 2011 / Page 2 of 5
As shipped from the factory, Valves contain Silicone based dry where no lubricants are allowed in the system;
lubricant. This is for break-in and may be removed by however, a light
disassembly and solvent washing, if it is objectionable
for a particular application, lubrication of mating parts will aid in assembly and
reduce initial operating torque. Lubricant used must be
6. DISASSEMBLY FOR STEM AND SEAL REMOVAL: compatible with the intended line fluid.
1. Remove flange bolts and nuts and lift valve from 8. ASSEMBLY:
line for servicing.
1. Install one seat in the body seat cavity with the
NOTE: Care should be taken to avoid scratching spherical curvature facing the ball.
or damaging serrated flange face. These valves
are heavy! 2. Install thrust washer on stem and slide the stem
up through the body. Install packing and packing
They should be adequately supported before gland with packing gland bolt.
removal from the line is begun.
3. Install stop plate, handle and handle retainer nut.
2. Loosen handle set screw and remove handle and
stop plate. Next, remove gland nuts, gland flange 4. Turn the handle CW to the CLOSED position. Line
and gland. up the ball slot with the stem tang and slide the
ball into position. Turn the handle CCW to the
3. Remove body end nuts, using proper wrench size. OPEN position to hold the ball in place.
Lift off body end. One seat should come out with
body end. 5. Install the remaining seat into end cap seat pocket
4. Remove body seal. 6. Put body seal gasket into shoulder counter bore
at flange in valve body.
5. To take out the ball, rotate stem so ball is in fully
closed position. Lift ball from body, using a strap 7. Put end cap back into body and line up end flange.
and lift device, if necessary. NOTE: Extreme cau- Because the body flange bolt pattern is different
tion should be taken to avoid damage to the ball. from the line flange bolt pattern, it is possible to
assemble the valve which the bolt holes in the
6. Take out other seat. line flanges don’t line up. Be certain to align end
flanges bolt holes to straddle valve center lines.
7. Stem must be removed from inside the body - a
tap on the top of the stem should loosen it. The NOTE: Be careful not to damage body seal when
thrust washer should come out with the stem. Then assembling end into body.
remove the stem packing.
8. Install body end nuts and tighten in a crossing
7. VISUAL INSPECTION: pattern to the torque specified in Table 1.
Clean and inspect metal parts. It is not necessary to 9. WARNING: Extreme care must be exercised
replace the hall and stem unless the seating surfaces have during adjustment of body stud nuts to make sure
been damaged by abrasion or corrosion. we strongly that body studs are fully engaged. There should
recommend replacement of all soft parts whenever the be at least one stud thread exposed beyond the
valve is disassembled for reconditioning. flange on the body side and beyond the nut on
This is the surest protection against subsequent leakage the cap side.
after valve assembly. The replacement parts can he
ordered in kit form.
10. Cycle the valve slowly, with a gentle back and forth pour the water out, cycle the valve several times
motion, to build gradually to the full quarter turn. By and recheck. To check for leakage in the other port,
cycling slowly, the seat lips will assume a permanent reverse the valve and introduce air pressure to the
seal shape against the ball. A fast turning motion, port just checked.
at this point, may cut the seats before they have a
chance to form the proper seal. 3. Check stem seal at this time by coating the gland
area with a soapy water solution. If leakage occurs,
11. Test valve, if possible, prior to placing valve hack into tighten stem seal just until leakage stops.
line position. WARNING: If not properly secured,
the valve can separate from the pressure source,
resulting in possible injury. Always join the valve D
to companion.
2 8
9. Short and Long Term Storage: 10. SAETY TIPS AND WARNINGS
Short term: 1. Before installation confirm that valve is suitable for
1. Short term storage is defined as storage of products the intended service.
and equipment to be used in the construction of a 2. Make sure that line is depressurized and drains are
project for periods of one to three months. open/monitored during installation
2. Ball valves should remain in the original shipping 3. Before working on valve being in service make
containers be placed on pallets of wood or other sure that service media has been flushed and line
suitable materials. End protectors should remain on is safe. Make sure that all applicable MSDS sheets
the valve ends to prevent the entrance of dirt. are available. Follow all safety related procedures.
3. Valves should be stored in the open position to protect 4. Before disassembly valve shall be cycled several
the ball and seats. times to assure there is no pressure trapped in
4. Storage of ball valves can be in an open uncovered body cavity.
area provided provisions are made for inclement 5. During assembly make sure that all threaded
weather such as tarps or sheeting. Valves with electric connections are safe and have proper engagement.
actuators shall be stored under cover until ready for
installation. 6. During the pressure test of reassembled valve follow
all safety precautions to avoid possible injury. (Use
Long term: of proper test equipment, correct parts assemblies,
1. Long term storage is storage of products and/or follow test procedures)
equipment for periods of three months or more.
7. While line is under pressure DO NOT remove
1. Valves should be stored in the open position to protect packing gland or any other valve parts.
the ball and seats.