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War Diary of Captain 1944 Germ

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Sid' H

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u .S. NAVY





16 MAY- - 15 JULY, 1944

P3 Numbers 31859-31862
1972 3 sm





16 MAY - 15 JULY, 1944 .

PG Numbers 31859-31862

Grid charts referred to may be

found in the War Diary for 18
January to 30 June, 1943.

DEC 1972, S~
DECI ; 31 mil ,_00RDS




16 - 51 MAY. 1944


) .


16 May, 1944

A. Enemy situation:

I. Air reconnaissance

Flieger Fuehrer 3:

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - South Cape - Hope Island -
Banak from 0500 to 1011. Apart from AC 1590 to
1850 .did not examine below cloud because of
measurements, otherwise exhaustive .••
2 FiiV 190 on meteorological and shipping recon-
naissance of Motovski Bay and the waters around
Fisher Peninsula from 1135 to 1230. No shipping

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;
" No sea reconnaissance.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

Jan Mayen area from 0558 to 1050. Route 90%,
northeast part of Jan Mayen 10% examined, nothing
to report.
1 Ju 88 on reconnaissance, route Vaernes - AF
7256 - Vaernes. Route exhaustively examined.

II. -, Reports on the enemy :

( a ) By U-boats ; None.

(b)" By air reconnaissance .: None.,

(c) By naval forces : None.

( d) By radio intercept service :

Norwegian polar coast: few transmissions to

submarines in the operational area.
Murmansk area: minesweeper No. 11, MO-boat No.
133, motorboats "PS 43'!, "P.S:75 >: ,

Britain: no units intercepted In the Murmansk/

Archangel area.
Bearings: Svanvik: at 0734 on 15 May unit AG ir i!

in 258°.
Hammerfest; at 0746 unit "AG" in 255 -3°.
Hammerfest: at 2313 unit "AO" in 264 '5°.
Hammerfest: at 0220 on 16 May "ZG 40 TTOT" '
261°. ;

Hammerfest: at 0347 unit "R5S2" in 236°.

( e By G.I.S. stations i

1550 Teleprinter message Secret 985/44 received from

auxiliary G.I.S. station TromsB:

"Agent Larstt sighted "a submarine of unknown


nationality surfacing in Gryllef jord Senja at

1330. At 2325" on "15 May agent Martin sighted,
at a ^distance of about 1 km. from the coast
west *of Faggerfjord RingvassBy, a periscope- -bf
an unidentified submarine, which was proceeding
northwest at 4-5 knots." : .

B. U-boats ;

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position ;

Northern Waters boats t

( a ) Positions at 0800 ;

In the operational area ;

Group !>
U 289 AB 6254 •
U 425 AB 6522 in. the' depth of
attack "area"/
U 957 AB 6559 15-hour ly
sweep._30 miles,
U 737 AB 6834 north/south dislocation.
U 347 AB 6892
In port;

U 307,, 313, 315, 387, 711 Narvik,..

U 361, 636, 673, 703, 739, 968 Trondheim,
U 278, 354, 716, 956, '990, 992 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward 'and--' outward bound ? -

1215 U 312 put in to Bodo, at' 1315 put- out from BodB
for Trondheim.
U 362 proceeding from Trondhe-im to AB 68.
U 240, 668, 742, 965 proceeding from Bergen to
Narvik via position line -1 AF 4975 8155
and position line 2 AF 2851 - 5359.

U-boat group Central ;

U 276 Trondheim,
U 476, 995, 99.7, 344 » 348,. 394 Bergen,
U 719, 958, 1191 Stavanger,
U 477, 671, 675, 937, 988 Kristiansand (South),
U 293 Arendal,
U 292 Larvik,
U 767 Horte.n,
U 1192 Valloy,
U 365 on special operation.

IV. Current U-boat operations ;

(a) Convoy operations, ; None.

(b) Operational measures to Intercept enemy traffic :

5 boats in attack areas west of Bear Island

passage. 1 boat approaching.

) .


2000 Radio message 1904/735 sent;

"U 562 (Franz); on 27 May, occupy attack

area AB 9239, depth of sweep 30 miles,
joining group "Trutz" as boat No. 6.. With
15-hourly dislocation in the attack area, be
at -the north limit at 1500 on 17 May, in the
south at .0600 on 18 May, etc. Irregular
courses, procedure In accordance with Order
No. 8. Submerge according to visibility
conditions. Remain unobserved. Radio
silence unless reporting enemy vessels,
carrier-borne' aircraft or attacks."

In radio message 1909/754 the boats were


informed of a British unit, which was fixed

at 1600 in AB 8629. It might be the carrier

(c) Special operations by single boats ; None.

( d Miscellaneous ;

Sailin g order for U 544 (Pietsch) ;

"T. Put out from Bergen for Narvik on the

evening of 18 May.

2. Proceed at high speed at a distance of

60 miles from the coast as far as 63° N
in accordance with Order No.. 13. Approach
via Westf jord. Report expected time of
.arrival at approach point 24 hours in
advance, also report passing "V 1" by
time short signal. In case of. bad radio
. ...- -• connection, use' the relevant coastal

5. Radio frequency "Anton"."

V. Reports of successes I None. .



VI • U-boat reports ;

Short report from U 548 (Schunk), special

operation, see Appendix Il/l.

*G. . .
Surface forces;

1605 Teleprinter message "Tirpitz" Most Secret 506

. received;

"On 16 May, moved to newly constructed berth at

Straumsneset (southeast side of Kaafjord)."

D. Organizational ;

1310 Teleprinter message Naval War Staff, Second

Division, U-boats Ops-.- Most Secret


01619 received; .

;,. "l,.- U 344 has 'been in Bergen since 15 May.

2. Cannot proceed to Narvik before the transfer

date/ as group Central must have 20 boats In
readiness w

1600 Teleprinter message Naval Wsr Staff, Second Division,

C-in-C U-boats Ops. Most Secret 01533:

"l. Because of escort difficulties for boats putting

out from Kiel J.the... result of minelaying in the
: ;

western Baltic) U 997 (Lehmann), U 476 (Nietmann)

and U 995 (KBhntopp-) are to remain at present
with group Central.
2, Bpats_pn transfer passage are .to put in to
Bergen as their port of readiness.. Other boats
are to remain in the .old port, of readiness ,"

E. S ur v e y of. t he :
„ sit uat i on ; . .

Re II The bearings in the direction of Iceland are


further indications of maneuvering activity of

British forces. We must expect an increase in
enemy submarine activity off the entrances •

especially before enemy operations, convoys or

, landings

(Signed) Suttren.

17 May, 1944 .

A. Enemy situation :

I, Air reconnaissance s.,:

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ; ..... ..;:..

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - 75° N, 5° E - Banak from
0357 to 0910, nothing to report, not exhaustive.
1 FW 200 carried out special operation. "SchatzgrSber"
from 1820 on 16 May to" 0545 on 17 "May, nothing to
report .•

2 FW 190 on shipping reconnaissance of the waters

around Fisher Peninsula and against an unidentified
warship reported west of Fisher Peninsula. No
. shipping movements

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ?

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route.

AF 7673 - AE 5763 - 8359 - AF 7673 - Sola from
0400 to 1203, enemy not sighted.



Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0550 to 1124. Route 60%" examined,
Jan Mayen area not examined, nothing to report.
4 FW 200 on sea reconnaissance in the sea area
AF 8719 - AS 6966 - AB 7563 - AF 3548 from 0258
to 1455. Reconnaissance area almost exhaustively
3 BV ,138 on reconnaissance of the sea area AF
3542 - AB 8446 - AB 5663 - AC 7177 from 0252 to
1135, exhaustively examined, enemy no t sighted.

II . Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By U-boats ; None.

( b By air reconnaissance :

At 0713 in AF 1645 formation of 1 aircraft

carrier, 4 warships (probably cruisers),
course 030°, speed not identified. 1 "Martlet 11

with the formation. At 0855 in-AF 4889 1

Catalina", course 135° and at 1153 in AF 7259
1 "Catalina" s course 315°.

(c) By naval forces ; None,

(d) By radio intercept service :

Few transmissions to submarines In the

operational area. "S 56" and "S 103" were
named In a radio message of first priority
sent in the evening.
Murmansk area; destroyers "B", "C", "H" ,

MO-boat No. 133, .motorboat "PS 28",

Britain; no units intercepted' in the Murmansk/
Archangel area.
L..: Bearings; Hammerfest; at 2026 on 16 May
British unit in 248°, at 0128 on 17 May
British unit in 278°.
Svanvik; at 1705 on 16 May British unit in
291°, from 0203 to 0206 on 17 May British
radio traffic in 2-60°...

( e ) By G-.I,3« stations : None .

B, U-boats ;

III . U-boat positions and alterations of position ;

-' Northern Waters boats ;

(a) Positions at 08 00; '

In the operational area :

) . )


Group "Trutz" ?

U 289 AB 6254
U 425 AB 6522
U 957 AB 6559 in the attack area, depth of
U 737 AB 6834 sweep 30 miles, 15-hour ly north/
U 347 AB 6892 south dislocation.
U 3.62 A3 9239-

In port ;

U 307, 313, 315,. 387, 711 Narvik,

U 361, 636, 673," 703, 739, 968 Trondheim,
U 278, 354, 716, 956, 990, 992 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

2000 U 312 put in to Trondheim from BodB

U 240, 668, 742, 965 proceeding from Bergen to

U-boat group Central ;

U. 276 Trondheim,
U 344, 348, 394,. 476, 99 7 Bergen,' 1

U 719, 9.53, 1191 Stavanger,

U 477, 671, 675, 987, 988 Kristiansand (South),
U 995 Plekkef jord,
U 293 Arendal,
U 292, 76.7 Larvik,
U 1192 Vail By,
U 365 on special operation.

IV. Current
!i —'
U-boat operations;
--' —' - i
m i
i n I- «! — k bii^ii n. Mi..- m rfc ill I

'(a) Convoy operations ; None,

( b Operational m easu res to intercept enemy traffic t

6 boats in attack areas west of Bear Island
In radio messages 0845/750 and 1721/755 the
boats were informed of the carrier formation,
which was sighted at 0706 in AP 1645 with 1
carrier, 4 cruisers or destroyers, course 030°.

(c) Special operations by single boats i None.

( d) Miscellaneous ;

Transfer order fo r U 544 (Pietschh U 476

(Nie tmann )", U 5 94 ~( Borger y U -995 Kohntopp )


and U 997 (LehmannTi

"1. Put out from Bergen for Narvik - Skjomen-
f jord on 'the evening of 18 May. '

2. As far as 63°' N in accordance with Order

No. 13. Proceed from the departure point
at high speed at a distance of 60 miles
from the coast.



3. Report expected time of arrival at

approach point in Westf jord 24 hours in
advance j also report passing "V 1" by
time short signal.

4. Radio frequency "Anton"."

V. Reports of successes : None.

VI U-boat reports t

Short reports from U 312 (NIkolay), third

operation and U 315 (Zoller) third operation,,

see Appendix Il/2,3.

C . Naval forces ;

Nothing to report.
D. Organizational i

2035 - Teleprinter message Naval War Staff, Second

Division, C-in-C U-boats Ops. Most Secret 01727
"1. Ports of readiness U 242 (Panke) Stavanger,

U 1164 (Schloemer) Larvik, U 971 (Zepelin)

and U 363 (Lees) Kristiansand (South),

2. The 4 boats assigned to Captain U-boats,

Norway will be released from group Central
on 18 May.
The boats to be released on 18. May for
passage to the Atlantic will remain In the
ports of readiness provisionally until 19
* May, because of uncertain information as to
the possibility of putting out from Kiel,
Sailing date follows ."

E, Survey of the situation:

".; : 1311 Radio message 1159/25 sent to U-boat base
Narvik: .
: ;

"Today at 0706 an enemy carrier group was sighted

by air reconnaissance some 260 miles west of the
.entrance to ViTe'stf jord. Enemy radio traffic,
suggesting another carrier group or enemy units,
was detected by D/P west of Trondheim. Yesterday
35 carrier-borne aircraft penetrated the Loppa
area. Present enemy situation in the area east
of Jan Mayen is still unClarified. Transfer of
the U-boat base is therefore again necessary and
has been ordered for this afternoon for "Stella
Polaris" with U-boats and "Huascaran" Re- ..

transfer is Intended after clarification of

enemy position,"

(Signed) Suhren.


18 May, 1944

A. Enemy situation:

I. Air reconnaissance;
Flieger Fuehrer 3;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - 75° N, 5° E - Banak from 0505
to 1038, exhaustive/ nothing to" report
2 FW 190 on meteorological and shipping reconnais-
sance of Kola - Motovski Bay and the' waters around
Fisher Peninsula, examined except for Kola and
Pummanki Bay, no enemy shipping movements

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ; No reports.

Flleger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0330 to 1033. Route only partially
examined on account of 'weather, southeast side of
Jan Mayen 80% examined, nothing to report.

3 FA 200 on sea reconnaissance against a presumed

PQ, convoy in the sea area AF 4673 - AE 3834 - AB
7548 - AF 2671 from 0451 to 1321, exhaustive,
.nothing to report. »

II. Reports on the enemy :

(a)- By U-boats ; See IV (d).

(b) By air reconn ais sance : None.

(c) By naval forces : None. . .

( d By radio, inte rce pt service :

Norwegian polar coast: few transmissions to

submarines in the operational area, S 56" and ll

"S 103" named. Destroyers "Gremyashchi" "J", ,

"3", "C" and "H" at sea, received urgent radio


messages in the morning and the' evening from

Murmansk area: destroyers "Gremyashchi", "B",
"J", MO-boat No. 126, destroyer "E"
Britain:, no units intercepted in the Murmansk/
Archangel area ,

(e) By G . I . S . st t i ona : None.

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters bo ats :

(a) Positions at 0800 :



In the operational area ; -..-..-_.: .-,;

Group "Trutz" ;

''U289 AB 6254 )

U 425 AB 6522 ) in the attack area, depth of

U-957 AB 6559 ) sweep 30 miles, 15-hourly
U 737 AB 6854 ) north/south dislocation.
U 347 AB 6392 )

U 362 AB 9239 )

in port ;

- U 307, 313, 315, 387, 711 Narvik,

U 312, 361, 636, 673, 703, 739, 968 Trondheim,
U 278, 344, 354, 394, 476.., ..716, 956, 990,
992, 995/ 997 Bergen.
( b ) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

U 240 proceeding from Bergen. to Narvik.

U 668 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.
2000 U 742 put in to Narvik from Bergen.
2000 U 965 put in to Narvik from Bergen.

2000 U 394, 476, 995, 997 put out from Bergen to


U-boat group Central ;

U 276 Trondheim, '

U 348 Bergen,. i: ;

U 719, 958, 1191 Stavanger,

U 477, 671, 675, 987, 988 Kris tiansand (South),
U 293 Arendal,
U 292, 767 Larvik,
U 1192 Valloy, ;_.„.._:.' _

U 365 on special operation.

IV. Current U-boat operations !"

(a) Convoy •op e rations ; None..

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic f
6 boats In attack areas west of Bear Island

(c) Special operations by single boats ; None.

(d) Miscellaneous ;

0200 Radio message 0118/62 received from U 965

JOnling), one of the 4 boats approaching from
Bergen:, ,

"Torpedoes from British submarine in AF 3754.

,2 shadows In grid square 3767."

Yesterday evening about 1900, boats were

warned of a submarine sighted in AF 3479 by



aircraft on 17 May, i.e. 30 miles north of the

position reported by "Ohllng" It is probably

the same submarine.- :

U 240 (Link) is the only boat which has still

not reported. He was first asked to report on
17 May in radio message- 1239/661.

0928 .
Short, signal ,0928/762 received from U 737

(Brasack) ';

"Am being attacked by aircraft"

1128 Radio message 1106/764 sent:

" "Brasack": raport type of aircraft and

direction of run-in. u

1252 Radio message 1218/766 received from U 737

. (Brasack) i

"Heavy land-based aircraft, probably "Martin"

bomber, course 210°."

2118 , Radio message 2055/769 sent;

"Meteorological aircraft sighted a U-boat in


AB 6677 at 0915, course northwest.

"Brasack": report "No" by short, signal on
"Anton" if it was definitely not a Ju 88
Otherwise your report of 0928 will be assumed
to be correct."

V. Reports of successes ; None.

C . Surface forces ;

Teleprinter message Most Secret S.O.s only 1522/44

received from Naval High Command, Naval War Staff,
First Division:

"independently of the new basic instructions for the

operations of Battle Group to be. sent out within the
next, few days, attention is drawn to the following:
Experiences of U-boats in convoy attacks have
Indicated a possibility of employing 4th Destroyer
Flotilla. The destroyers would operate against the
groups of steamers and stragglers belonging to the
convoy by combing the sea area through which the
convoy passes-. Report operational intentions to
Naval Chief Command, Norway."

As a result, Naval Chief Command, Norway requested

experiences and details in Serial No. Most Secret
5303 A.l.
Accordingly the following was sent In Captain
U-boats, Norway / Admiral Northern Waters Most Secret
S.Q.s only 66/44:

"Most Secret S.O.s only. By hand of officer only.

In reply to your Most Secret 5303, A 1 of 19 May:

. .


1. Experiences ;

(a) Stragglers can be expected from every

convoy as the res.ult of bad weather and
temporary engine trouble. They proceed
via predetermined -points, provisionally
-on shorter routes/ i.e. along the inner
arc of the convoy route. Damaged steamers
may be on the actual convoy route, if
U-boats have attacked the core of the
convoy. Command, however, does not learn

of this until relatively late.

(b) As a rule, there is astern of the convoy

a large number of enemy destroyers to
prevent the U-boats from getting up steam
and to keep them submerges! in an area up
to about half a convoy day's run astern of
the convoy.

(c) The cruiser or carrier group generally

lies up with the convoy, or not more than
60 miles from it. In earlier convoys
(26 December), a heavy battle group was
also Intercepted west of Bear Island

2. Proposal for execution ;

Requirements ;

(a) Suitable weather situation with sufficient

visibility to .

(b) Adequate air rec.onnai.ssahce_..ln and around

the sea area intended for the operation,
to preclude surpr.Lse.s..:.ii^J.en emy forces as

in Para 1. (c )

(c) Quick execution of the operation at high

levels of speed to prevent enemy counter-
measures being brought into effect.

( d ) Exec ution; In actions against both PQ, and

QP convoys, proceed to a point at
approximately 20° E, one and a half convoy
day's runs or. 360..- miles astern of the
convoy. Prom there, comb the convoy route
and Inner arc in the same direction as the
convoy,' but keeping about 220 miles astern
of it. Then break off and return.
(e) Precautionary measures ; -

U-boats are forbidden to fire at destroyers

in the sea area up to 120 miles astern of
the convoy. Then for still another 100
miles, a safety range will be observed to
allow for errors in. fixes and- mistakes in
estimating the convoy's position.

. " . , .


(f) It is preferable to operate in the same

direction as the convoy, since approaching
on a counter-course it would first be
necessary t o go very close to the convoy to
be effective in picking up the stragglers
A minimum distance of 220 miles from the
convoy Is considered necessary to avoid
encountering the convoy escort or cruiser

E. Survey of the situation ;

Re II (d) ;

Unusual number of Russian destroyers at sea.

Re IV (d) :

U 240 (Link) should have reported from a position

at least 14 hours' passage ahead of the position of
the reported enemy submarine. Radio connection was
good. Loss to this enemy submarine is therefore
improbable . .

(Signed) Suhren.

19 'Kay,. 1944 .

A . Enemy situation :

I Air reconnaissance ;

Flieger Fuehrer- 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance route ,

Banak - Jan May en - Banak from 0052 to 0855

2 PW 190.' on meteorological and shipping reconnais-
sance of Motovski - Kola Bay from. 1825 to 1900.
Operation abandoned because of weather before
reconnaissance area was reached.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

4 Ju 88 on extensive reconnaissance of the coastal

waters off the Danish - Norwegian west coast from
1000 to 1541.

Flieger -Fuehrer 5 ^ .

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance of the sea

area northwest of the Faeroes. Route 60$, area
north of the Faeroes. 80$ examined.

II. Reports on the enemy ;

( a ) By U-boats ; None

. . . . ,


(b) By air reconnaissance

No aircraft on Jan Mayen airfield, only

several Nissen huts, probably billets. On
the second approach, fire from heavy and
light anti-aircraft guns; 4 light anti-
aircraft sites round the field, 1 heavy anti-
aircraft site northwest of the field. South-
west of Berrenberg, -a hut with'' "2 masts,
presumably a radio station. Small coastal
vessel Inshore.
( c ) By naval forces i None
(d) By radio intercept service ';

Norwegian polar coast? very few transmissions

to submarines in the operational area. At
1538 on, 19 May, Polyarno transmitted a code-
word of very high priority to all submarines.
Murmansk area; destroyer "H" .

Ponoi area; BO-boat" No. 201, motorboat U PS 49"

which received several very urgent radio
" -messages --

Gorlo Strait/Archangel area; minesweepers Nos

30, 37, 60, 63, 110, motor minesweepers Nos.
429, 431.
.Britain; no. units intercepted in the Murmansk
Bearings obtained by Hammerfest; at 2247 on
18 May, British unit "AC" in 243°.

( e ) By G. I. S. stations -;
" None .

Bo U-boats :

III U-boat positions and alterations of position ;

Northern Waters boats ;

(a) Positions at 0800 ;

In the operational area ;


Group Trutz";

U 289 AB 6254
U 425 AB 6522
U 957 AB 6559 in the attack area, depth of
U 737 AB 6834 sweep 30 miles, 15-hour ly
U 347 AB 6892 north/south dislocation.
U 362 AB 9239
In port ;

U 307, 313, 315, 387, 668, 711, 742, 965 Narvik


U 312, 361, 636,. 703, 673, 739, 968 Trondheim,

U 278, 344, 354, 716, 956, 990, 992 Bergen.

b ) U-boats ho m eward and outward bound ;

1000 U 673 put out from Trondheim for Ramsund.

) . .


0230 U 476 put in again to Bergen".

0030 U 668 put In to Narvik from Bergen.
U 240, 394 995, 997 proceeding from Bergen to

2000 Group "Trutz" will proceed to attack areas from
AB 8123 to 8558.
U-boat group Central ;

U 276 Trondheim,
U 348 Bergon,
U 719, 958, 1191 Stavanger, :

U 477, 671/675, 987, 988 Kris tians and (South),

U 293 Arendal, (

U 292, 767 Larvlky

U 1192 Valley.,
U 365 on special operation.

IV. Current U-boat operations :

(a) Convoy Operations ; None.

( b Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic ;

6 boats in attack areas west of Bear Island

When the number of boats had been brought up to
strength, the formation was again to be extended
from Bear Island passage to the southwest to
intercept a PQ, convoy as early as possible.
1632 Radio message 1617/775 sent:
"Group "Trutz r at 2000 on 19 May, proceed at

7 knots to attack areas f rom AB :8123 to 8558,

depth of sweep 20 miles."

Boats leaving Narvik were to lengthen the

formation, thus the distances- between the boats
could be narrowed down to 20 miles

( c Special operations by single boats ; None

(d) Miscellaneous ;

Of the 5 new boats, which were to put out from

Bergen for Narvik, two -had engine trouble.
The. remaining 3 boats were directed to proceed
via the position lines 'with 30 miles between
them to reconnoiter the sea area off the coast
'forenemy formations, especially carrier groups
which had often appeared there.

1058 Radio message 1016/688 sent;

"New position lines for "Borger", "KBhntopp"

and "''Lehmann" t

Position line 1 from AF 4694 to 5729 and position

line 2 from AF 2832 to 2.9,91,.. " ,

U 240 (Link) had still not reported despite

several requests to do so.

. " . : .


Sailing 'order for U 587 (Buchlerh U 668 (v.

Eickstedt) and U 742 (Schwassmann) see ,

Appendix IIl/l .

V. Reports of successes ;- None.

- C. Surface forces ;

"Bassgeiger" ';

Teleprinter message Naval Chief Command, Norway

Most Secret 5210 A 1 sent to "Bassgeiger"
"1. Transfer to be effected by Ju 90 (wheeled
aircraft). Time follows.

2. Maximum load of personnel including equipment

5 tons

f 3. Report which area is most suitable for

landing. Prepare surface for landings. Is
this free from ruts, and obstacles?

4. Report present enemy situation.

5. How much time is necessary to approach the

landing ground?: r:

6. Mark the outer edge of the landing ground

with flags. Smoke fires on sighting.
'7. Have green, red and white stars ready.

Further requirements follow.

8. After landing, signal the machine to the

berth. Make it fast at the anchorage to be
prepared for it."

0500 "Bassgeiger" replied in radio message 0125/76 :

"Re 3. 3 km. southwest of Alabamahus

Re 4. Observers identified from time to time.
Re 5, 2 hours. _D/F transmitter was destroyed
with the ship .

Summary of the "Bassgeiger" situation up to 17

May 1944.?

"Meteorological station "Bassgeiger" (Positions

Shannon Island on the east coast of Greenland)
reported on, -22 April? "Station attacked by
Americans, enemy temporarily' driven off. Lt
Zachter dead.. A heavy machine-gun, a sub-
>o:i.>;-.^ma &hihcf-gun, much ammunition, 4- rucksacks of

UoS. equipment were captured." "Bassgeiger"

reported further that -the station cannot be
saved and that defense from the ground is
possible for a limited time only if reinforcements .

arrive. Reconnaissance showed that the position

and strength of the station were known to the
enemy. As an aircraft was seen west of the


station after the attack and since the route from

Sengs t rake Bay t o sJtat i on was -ma rke d In a
. ...t.h.e.:.. r

Bassgaigerit. -suppos ©d- that the enemy-

I§.P.ib^.?.©.^ .map., ..
unit was set down there and fetched- away by the
aircraft. The footprints too led to this point
and the enemy was not .equipped. -t-o r-ema In overnight.
Further reconnaissance however, showed that the
attackers had reached the. Island on a dog sledge.
Aircraft can however land In Sengstrake Bay on
snowy ice and at Alabamahus'. .on smooth ice.
On 26 April, "Bassgeiger" reported enemy patrols
west of the station and asked to be evacuated at
Alabamahus. Evacuation of "Bassgeiger" was planned,
but not possible immediately. Group North/Fleet
therefore requested that, since their ship was a
total loss, the complete crew of "Coburg" should
make for "Bassgeiger" as reinforcements.
On 30 April, Group North/Fleet sent a radio message

to "Bassgeiger"; "Evacuation at present impossible.

Do your best to hold the station, as further
operating of your meteorological station is very
important in view of the present situation."
"Bassgeiger" reported enemy attack on assault unit
repulsed. At Alabamahus there is a smooth, snow-
free expanse of ice 2,500 meters long and 500
meters broad, where it is possible to land. The '

ground stretches in a south-to-west direction and

is protected against the prevailing northwesterly
As we knew that on the leeward side of Shannon
Island there was a steady current in an Ice-free
area, it was proposed to evacuate the station by
means of a seaplane, BV 222. Naval Chief Command,
Norway expected further attacks, perhaps resulting
in the capture of "Bassgeiger" and they therefore
proposed to Naval War Staff that advantage should
be taken of the temporary favorable conditions for
evacuation by land-based plane; preparations would
take 2 to 3 weeks. On the other hand, evacuation
by sea-plane would be' difficult and prospects of
success doubtful. Luftflotte 5 was requested to
extend the meteorological reconnaissance of Jan
Mayon to south of Shannon to examine the seaplane
landing ground for BV 222. The range of the
meteorological aircraft was however, inadequate,
and in any case Luftflotte 5 considered that such
a reconnaissance would be useless, as at the
present time of year the .area would be
subjected to continuous changes due to the moving
of "pack ice by wind, etc.
On 8 May, "Bassgeiger" reported "Station strength
increased by crew of "Coburg" Fuel will last up

to 20 June. Commander of "Coburg" entrusted with

military leadership. Ship blown up on 6 May.
Coding equipment destroyed." The meteorological
unit "Bassgeiger" consisted of 8 men, while the
crew of "Coburg" amounted to 18 men.

. . -


Luftflotte 5 was doubtful about the employment

of 3V 222 at this time of year be cause.... o£. ..the. .

state of the sea and the presence of blue ice

which cannot be observed. They suggested Ar
232 or Ar 442 for the evacuation. The following
questions regarding the landing ground for land-
based planes were sent to "Bassgeiger" on 10
"l. State- size and direction of landing ground.
2. Position and distance of landing ground
from the site of the station.*- ~

3. Quality of ice on landing ground (surface,,

accommodating capacity)
4. Details for recognition of the -landing
ground and the landing cross.
5. Direction of prevailing wind.
6 v Quality of approach ground.

7, Possibility of enemy action against the

landing ground.

8.. Number of personnel and sets to be evacuated."

In reply /'Bassgeiger 1
'Re 1. More than 2,500 meters long, 500 meters
broad in a south-to-west direction.

: Re 2. 5 km. south of the station.

Re 3. Smooth ice surface without snowdrifts;

average thickness more than 1*20 meters.

Re 5. Northnorthwest

Re 6. Flat apart from escarpments in north and


Re 7. From west to north it can be guarded by

our own forces

Re 8. 26 men, 30 kg. expeditionary luggage.

How many kg. per man may be 'taken? Patrol _

activity on both sides at present. 5 '

Meanwhile one of n Bassgeiger n '-s patrol had made '

a reconnaissance of the ice situation south of

Shannon Island and reported oh 14 May an open
channel without drift-ice about 10 miles south
of Shannon. Procedure with all the radio gear
and other equipment was impossible, as there was
no means of transport. Some of the crew were
not completely fit to march over bad ice. The
route and purpose would immediately be obvious

to the enemy. The journey to the channel with

all personnel would take 4 to 5 days if equipment



was limited and no radio gear was taken. The

channel stretches to south of Penkulus On the

other hand, further reconnaissance -on 17 May

showed "Smooth undisturbed ice surface south of
Alabama more than 6- km. long. Route impaired to
the south by soft snow"."

D Organizational :

1954 Teleprinter message Admiral Commanding U-boats

Most Secret 3875. received: ..

"1. With effect from 1 June, the following boats

will be assigned to new flotillas for
administrative purposes:
(a) In accordance with C-in-C U-boats Ops.
teleprinter message 01226 A 2 Most Secret
of 12 May, U 289 (Hellwig) will be trans-
ferred from 3rd U-boat Flotilla to 13th
U-boat Flotilla.

(b) In accordance with C-in-C U-boats Ops.

teleprinter message 01526 A 2 Most Secret
of 15 May, U 344 (Pietsch) will be trans-
ferred from 3rd U-boat Flotilla to 11th
U-boat Flotilla.

(c) In accordance with C-in-C U-boats Ops.

teleprinter message 01325 Most Secret of
13 May, U 394- (Borger from 1st U-boat

Flotilla and U 476 (Nietmann) from 3rd

U-boat Flotilla will be transferred to 11th
U-boat Flotilla.

(d) In accordance with C-in-C' U-boats Ops.

teleprinter message 01325 Most Secret of
13 May, U 995 (K^hntopp) from 3rd U-boat
Flotilla and U 997 (Lehmann) from 9th
U-boat Flotilla will be transferred to 13th
U-boat Flotilla.

2. The transfer date ordered by C-in-C U-boats

Ops-, is not altered."

E. Survey of the situation :

Re II (d) .

"Surprising codeword transmission to Russian

submarines and unusual number of minesweepers in
Gorlo Strait."

(Signed) Suhren. ;

. . .


20 May, 1944 .

A. Enemy situation s

!• Air reconnaissance ;..

Flieger 3::..

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - South Cape"- Hope Island -
Banak from 0456 to 1010. (Special operation).
Not exhaustively examined, but special assignment
carried out without Incident.

Flieger Fuehrer 4;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

sea area west of the Faeroes from 0140 to 1003.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0515 to 0920. Route 70$ examined, Jan
May en not examined because of weather nothing to , .


II. .
Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By U-boats ; See under IV (a).

(b) By air reconnaissance ; None.
(c) By naval forces ; None.
(d) By radio intercept service ;

Norwegian polar coast; at 0647, 1144 and

1538 on 19 May a' codeword was transmitted to
all submarines in the operational area,
otherwise few transmissions to submarines.
Murmansk area; minesweepers Nos-. 33, 111,
112, 117, 118 and another unidentified,
BO-boat No. 202, 1 ice-breaker (4038), 1
unidentified vessel (0561).
Iokanka area; minesweepers Nos.. 61, 63,
BO-boat No. 203; guardboat No. 508, motorboat
"PS 49"; the latter was often mentioned in
what were at times very urgent radio messages,
Gorlo Strait/Archangel area; minesweeper No.
37, motor minesweepers Nos. 429, 430, 431,
BO-boats Nos-. 201, 205.
Britain; no units'* intercepted in the
Murmansk/Archangel area "

Bearings from Hammerfest: at 0015 on 20 May

...unit "AM" in '229-5 ; "at 0050- "NUMS4" in
261°, at 0207 HBDJ" in 263*5° l,

(e) By G . I .
S - . stations ; None.

) ,


B. U-boats:

Ill U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters boats :

(a) Positions at 0800 .;

In the operational area :

Group "Truts" ;

U 289 AB. ''5666

U 425 AB 6477
U 957 AB 6742
U 737 AB 6776
U 347 AB 9151
U 362 AB 9185

In port :

U -30-7., 313, 315, 668, 711 742, 965 Narvik,


U 312, 561, 636, 703, 739, 968 Trondheim,

U 278, 344, 354, 476, 716, 956, 990, 992 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound :

OOOO U 307 put out from Narvik 'for AB 83.

1900 U 742 put out from Narvik for AB 88.
U 240, 394, 995, 997 proceeding from Bergen to
Narvik. .._;. ._ .,


1930 U 344, 476 put out from Bergen for Narvik.

0300 U 673 put in to Ramsund from Trondheim :

(Atlantic boat).
Group "Trutz" proceeding from A3 6254 - 9259
to A3 8123 - 8558.

U-boat' group Central : «*

U 276 Trondheim,

U 348 Bergen,
U 719, 958, 1191 Stavanger,
U 290, -477, 671, 675, 921, 980, 988, 1000
Kristiansand (South)
U 247, 480 Arendal,
U 1165, 767 Larvik,
U -1192- Vail By,
U 293 proceeding from Arendal to Bergen,
U 987 proceeding from Kristiansand (South) to
Stavanger, ;

U 365 on special operation.

IV, Current U-boat operations :

(a) C6nvoy operations '.


( b Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic :

6 boats in patrol line east of Jan Mayen. 1 boat


,i " .


1219 Radio message 1155/782 sent;

','.. t v
"1. U 537 (Buchler) wTIT put out" at noon on
20 Hay from Westf jord for attack area
~A"F'"85BFV.* Cr 742 ;7f3cKwassraanri-r "will leave
: :


early '"on" 21' May "To'fIB "8833/ In each


case depth of sweep 20 miles. .They will
form group "Grimm"

2. Groups "Trutz" and "Grimm":

9-hour ly dislocation in attack areas, at

0500' on 21 May at the northern limit, at

1200 in the south, etc. Submerge
according to visibility conditions.
Radio silence except to report enemy
vessels, carrier-borne aircraft or
attacks. Order -No 8 . •

(c) Special 'operations by single boats ; None.

(d) Miscellaneous :

1610 Teleprinter message Most Secret 2572 sent to

11th U-boat .PlotilLa^.-fpr ^Information Naval . >

Chief Command, Norway, Operations Staff:

"U. 921 (Leu) will move to Bergen on 21 May

for Instruction and equipment for Northern
Waters;. Then, as soon as possible, boat
will proceed to Narvik.
Note for 11th U-boat Flotilla-:-;';
Boat. Is to proceed at a distance of 60 miles
from the coast. As far as 65° N in accordance
with Order No. 15, then at high speed making
for Westf jord. Report expected time of
arrival at approach point 24 hours in advance,
also^ report passing "V 1" by time short signal
In case of bad radio connection, use relevant
coastal frequency. Enemy submarines possible
"at "the" entrance to-"West fjord-. -For- exchange of
recognition signals with land stations, see
Recognition-Signals Regulations, Para. 155."
The new boats approaching from the south were
.. . ,.,',, warned of increased activity of enemy aircraft
and submarines off the Norwegian coast.

0157 ;
. Radio message 0058/697 sent : ;

"To all U-boats from Captain U-boats

1. Enemy submarine reported by U 965, seen

about 60 miles fre-m -the- -approaches to
Westf jord. Accordingly keep a sharp look-
out, proceed at--hlgh- -speed r -z-i-g'-zag course .

2. U 668 reported- "Sunde-rland" -and "Catalina"

flying boats in AF 81 in the afternoon."
V. Reports of successes : None



VI. U-boat reports :


Short report from U 515 (Schweiger), third

operation, see Appendix II/4 .

c « Surface forces :. Nothing to report.

D. Organizational :

1450 Teleprinter message Naval War Staff Second ,

Division, C-in-C U-boats Ops Most Secret 02015: .

"1. Because of escort difficulties for home boats,

it is intended to alter the sailing date of
group Central boats to the Atlantic from 21
May to 22 May.

2. .Prom 21 May U 921 (Leu) is assigned for

permanent duty to Captain U-boats Norway. ',

Boat is intended as replacement for U 240 (Link),

presumed lost. 1 '

E. Survey of the situation ;

Re IV (d) :

668 (v. Eickstedt) put in to Narvik with damage
caused by a "Sunderland The report of the attack11

from the operational area was not heard. U 240

(Link) must have had the same bad radio interference
and may have been badly damaged at the same time in
air attacks, without our picking up the report. We
do not yet know whether there is a special
significance in the increased air activity off

(Signed) Suhren.

21 May, 1944 .

1000 On 19 May, teleprinter message Naval High Command,

Department of Naval Personnel .1 5527 Secret:

Cdr. Suhren (Reinhar-d) up to now of 27th U-boat


Flotilla becomes Captain U-boats, Norway. Captain

Peters is relieved of his duties" as Captain
U-boats, Norway. Order has Immediate effect."

A. • Enemy situation : . .

I . Air reconnaissance :.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - South Cape - Ice Fjord -
75° N, 10° E - Banak from 0417 to 1050, almost

) . - - . .


At 0715 in 1g 7865 a twin-engined land-based

•'-aircraft was sighted, altitude 200 metersT,"

course 160 D " ha tic nail ty~ no t ...idehtJ..£.i e d.

In .

Barentsberg a burning coal dump, otherwise

nothing to report. — --•-- A^, - ^-.:1;_:{1..; .
'. :

2 PVV 190 on shipping reconnaissance of "the waters

around Fisher Peninsula •^-nd^Ko.'l.Q; /.Bay from 0852 to
0950. Except .for Kola Bay and Kola inlet which
were not seen because " of'-de-e-p-'c. lauds., , the area
was examined, no shipping movements

Flieger Fuehrer 4 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

area west of the" Faeroes from "0217 to 1029,
nothing to reports
2 Ju 88 on reconnaissance of shipping anchorages
in the Shetlands from 2230 to 0116. From 2553
t to 0008 north part of the, .Shetlands exhaustively
examined, no shipping identified— ---•.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88. on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen as far as AA 8525 from 0328 to 1347..
'Route as. far -as ,11° W partially examined,
remainder exhaustively examined, nothing to
report .
: >"",

5 FW 200 on sea reconnaissance in the sea area

AF~"46'79""-~AE- 5357- - -.2.9.61.;.-_2823 -..AA 2579 from
0457 to 1450, Reconnaissance "area'exhaustively
At 1255 in AF 5829, a flying boat was sighted on
a northerly course, otherwise, .'nothing to report.

II. Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By U-boats ; None. :

(b) By air reconnaissance ; None.

(c) By naval forces : None. -

( d By radio intercept service :

Norwegian polar coasts very few radio trans-

missions to submarines in the operational
At 1437: on, 21 May, Polyarno broadcast code-
words of very high priority;. to all submarines.
Britain; no- units intercepted in the
Murmansk/Archangei-aroa.. ,.;/.. :.-.._

•---•-—Bearings from Svanvik: at 0005 on 21 May British
radio "traffic' in 26Q£;. kfc. 0250 British radio
traffic in 270° 10'

(e) By G.'I.S. stations ; None-.


B. U-boats:

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position ;

Northern Waters boats ;

(a) Positions at 0800 ;

In the operational, area:

Group "Trut z" ;

U 289 AB 8123 )
•-'•-- --..-•- --
U 425 AB 8161 -

U 957 AB 8193 n attack areas, depth of sweep

' ^-

U 737 AB 8278 '20 miles, 9-hour ly north/south

U 347 AB 8159 dislocation.

U 362 AB 8558 >

Group "Grimm" :

U 387-AB 8589.
In port :

U ,307,. 313, 315,. -668, 673 (Atlantic boat), 711,


965 Narvik,. \

U 312, 361, 636, 703, 739, 968 Trondheim,

U 278, 354, 716, 956, 990, 992 Bergen.

(b) U-boats, homeward and outward bound :

U 742 proceeding from Narvik to AB 88-.

U 394, 997 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.
U 344, 476 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.
1900 U 921 put in to Bergen from Stavanger.

U-boat group Central :

U 276 Trondheim, ; .

~ -'---
U 293 Bergen, '

U 719, 958, 1191 Stavanger,

U 291, 365, 477, 671,- 987,- -988 -Kris-tiansand (South),
U 290, 1000 Egersund, ~'~~
. .

U 980 Plekkefjord, -

U 247, 480 Arendal,

t: •'
U 767, 1165 -La-rv-ik,
U 1192 Valloy,.
U 348 on special operation.

IV. Current U-boat operations : .


(a) Convoy operations : None.

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic:

6 boats in formation east of Jan Mayen. 2

further boats approaching. After a report from
Luftflotte 5 on the increased radio traffic
north of the Fao-roe~s and-af-te^- -air attacks on


our boats west of TrondheimV

1157 radio mess age- 1127/79R w»c
sent .

"1, Increased Indications of the



, ea S convoy, Air reconnais-

sance is. being carried out by
1 laUd
Ex P Qct increased enemy
tctl^L from
activity rt

carrier aircraft.

i, :,U 995
(KBhnto PP )had reported an air

(C) ^
ec±&1 operations by single
boat., None. :

( d niscellanoona

inte rcept service reports

S'° ° Ur b 0atS SS the
indicated air
?he south? ,
^ from
1825 Radio mes sage 1735/filo
At 1248 an enemy aircraft
was seen in
approximately AP 7392 ahov, fii
.050- speed. oLotF 000 *'- 8 TV

"Am being attacked by. aircraft in AP 5796."

0015 Teleprinter message Most

sent to Have 1 War Staff Secret 2577 was
Second Division
,°-° atS PS -' Admlral Commanding
U; boats,
: 2
for information 13th U-boat Flotilla:

Put| ut

^&£?&g: n &" ^J^-t

e d ia
? 8 P° «°« "nes to
P1,0 si
J d ? : -T1
e n We3t
Boll s^wj.
By "v,ien
.viioxi '"Li -" °f
fn'i H ,to i^pnnr>f
Jjini-. tailed no
S t0 d ° 3 ° in radio menage' *"
12o-9/661 oi^?.
I?'59/BrT 17 Bfa-y and in several later
messages. All ln vain The ot h eVboat

J 6d8 was taken by surpr-isW-:

-iay and, as a result,
was unable to tran.mlf
It is possible that U
240 has
Snemy ai rcraft or an enemy been losT?n
v D submarine."
Reports of s uccesses None ...... :

VI '
;••- ^-boat reports i

Short report f rnTn tt .^r

o peration, se e (Wedemever) thi^
emcver ^ -third
Append?* { ;^

: . .


C. Surface forces:

1843 Teleprinter message Most Secret 745/44 received

from Flieger Fuehrer 5;

Subject? Evacuation. of "Bassgeiger"

"1. Execution entrusted to Flieger Fuehrer 5. For

this purpose a special aircraft will be avail-
able in Trondheim (land-based plane) from 21
May onwards
2. 'Plan:

(a) Pre-reconnaissance of the iced landing

ground from the air without landing,
depending on the general weather conditions
and those prevailing in the target area,

(b) "Execution of the assignment in one

operation, depending on" the results of the
pre-reconnaissance and weather conditions.
5. Cargo of 5 tons* i.e. transportation of 26 men
and the most valuable gear.

4 . Execution: '

(a) Weather reports from "Bassgeiger" from a

certain time every 3 hours up to the time
of landing or until canceled.

(b) Marking of landing ground. Specifications

(c) Communications arrangements: From 2 hours
before the probable arrival, direct contact
between "Bassgeiger" and the aircraft on
D/F wave, arranged by radio advisory
station at Tromso.
On the return trip, tactical short or long
wave. Request support to develop radio
and D/F service. Details from both
communications officers.
(d) Re 2. (a) and (b): report of take-off to be
made if possible 20 hours in advance.

5. For patrol escort on return trip request

disposition of second U-boat between the ice
limit and the Norwegian coast."

D. ".
Organizational ,:

1133 Teleprinter message Most Secret 2582 sent to

Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C U-boats
Ops .

"German Air Force assumes from the amount of

radio traffic north of the Faeroes that a PQ,
convoy is approaching. If current air reconnaissance

-..'... -919-

toT? 1 inlenleVJo^Tn ^T^
u > iai,enaea
or Atlantic I


woKiss rsK* TJ - boat pr°» iia M ° 3t

from nei n
^' Central P** out r ° up
24?fW f
S'*»? .and
l^epiien ° U 1001
U 363 (Nepq) +r>
Kristiansand (South)- n ij -,


it V '•

^ /a'
« (Pan^A^^? ^tft^alan"
' i'T u -

TT 29/iQ /r>rs i \
nk6) and U 294 (Schutt)
. ' to LarVlk!

Radio fS
RaSio frequency: U-boat cc
coastal frequency,"
E* Survey of the situation

t™o°ne: ' ^ *" foll °^ information by


radio traffiV ™ S
f S Britls k carrier
-tS o^PaLotr "S a .*? *\|- -f
we have learned thot
\, 4-v,*„ ^ As -

anuait, nas been obsprvp^ o^i^ j »

runs, C ° nVOy
a convoy 'is p^esu^ed to L .§•

a ^ PQ convoy.. .

p Intention .of German Mr

convoy day-s run will Force- Pm™ *•** Sy a
approaching convoy traffic.
be flown t! re ? '

3. According to the listening

b service 2 n f OUr
06 r^ ETog^^f ^ Britisrp?anes°L
ne S6a area n °rth of
y °f —
^^ «
ready as quiclly°a
15 boats could be set
posaiblJ^ IPPresent,
be made
12 to
- the number of
on th.

(Signed) Suhren.

' "

g? May, 1944.

A. anemy situation -

Air reconnais san ne

Flieger Fuehrer* 3 :

0504 to 1005, not exhaustive. E " Ban k fPOm


Flieger Fuehrer, a .

examined, no shipping.
2 JuSn J

in Firth of
to 01l6 on 23 May!
^^^S? ?
/ ^P^g
h anchorages
and Montrose from 2125

Flieger Fuehrer F> :

034,9 to 1258. Recon-

naissance area oih^f- m?
otherwise nothing to report* S

11 ' ' Sports on thr^ n^.

(a.) By. U-boats :'
None. ;

(b) By .air recnnnM^^.

In the inner Firth of
Forth, a convoy of 35
40 merchant ships was identified "

totaling roughly 200.000 at anchor

G.R, T also ?0 .

(c) By _nGv G i forces ; None.

(d) ^L-nadio intercept .r^n^ .

Norwegian ibbThv' oAna-t-

C ° dst > -p~
few x.

1437 'on pt So
transmissions. At
IjLf tf L^=nef iW^e^-I

3 lntG ted - the Murmansk/
Bearings from Hammer feat
British Unit <AC" i n 245 o. n 21\ M»y<
tl\* ntt i4sn
a * 15 2 Br itish
unit "AB in 251°. m- otn

' oi at 2230 allied? unit "U6X4"


in 25RO n ,c '

At? t!?r °? 22
ot 0020 !NUMS2" in 259° J

1445 destroyer "Gromyashchi". ('at


s-a) '

(e) BJ C-.I.S. stations

None .

) ,


B. U-boats ;

III. U-boat positions and alterations-"~of JTOsTtTon :

Northern Waters boats ;

(a) Positions at 0800 : ii

In the operational area :

Group "Trutz" ;

U 289 A3 8123)
U 425. AB 8161) ., . .. _ . ,
attack area, depth of

8193) in

U 957 AB
U 737 AB 8278)
swe 20 miles , 9-hourly
nor fg
th/south dislocation.
U 347 jfe '8519)
U 362 AB 8558)
— Group" "Grimm" :

U 387 AB 8589
U 742 aB 8835

In port ;

U 307, 313, 315, 668, 673 (Atlantic boat),

711, 965 Narvik,
U 312, 361, 636--r --703y 734y:: 968 Trondheim,
U 278, 354, 716, 956, 990, 992, 921 Bergen.

( b U-boats homeward and outward bound :

1030 U 668 put out from Narvik for AB 8944.

2000 U 921 put out from Bergen for Narvik.
2000 U 990 put out from Bergen for Narvik.
2100 U 997 put In to Narvik from Bergen.
U 344, 394,. 476-proe'ee'dihg--from Bergen to
U 995 proceeding from Bergen to Trondheim.

U-boat group Central :

U 276 Trondheim-, - --

U 293, 365 Bergen,

U 719, 958, 987, 1191 Stavanger,
U 477, 671, 988 Kristiansand (South),
U 290, 1000 Egersund,
U 980 Plekkef jord,
U 247, 480 Arendal,
U 767, 1165 Larvik,
U 1192 Valloy,
U 348 on special operation.
IV. Current U-boat operations :

(a) Convoy operations : None. ;

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic :

' '

8 boats in attack areas east of Jan Mayen.

1 boat approaching.
:j , . .


1944 Radio message 1909/715 S ftn^

"U 668 (v. Eickstedt) will put out

Westfjord on the evening of 25- -May to
area aB 8944, depth of sweep 20 miles. attack
r^ v}j^l sA9^3no.n.Arx..±li e ^ttBoy:
boat will be in the north at 1500
area the
on 22 May
in the south at 2400, ...ate. Irregular courses
submerging according to visibility
Radio silence except to. report enemy conditions3 .

carrier-borne aircraft or attacks. Boat
join group "Grimm" " .

(c) S pecial operations, by -single boats ? None.

(d) Miscellaneous ;

h 3 oat s approaching
SI t f
("Kohntopp" J?
and "Borger")

simultaneously, two
had considerable
trouble from enemy aircraft as was evident
the aircraft radio traffic which was from
1016 R me3 a ^ e 03*7/105 received from U 995
?-J?: . ^

"6 runs-in by "Catalinas" and

Two^ attacks warded off ;on the surface,
aerial bombs, 2 men seriously wounded,
damage to range-finder gear and 3-7 cm.
cook-off ,. putting in to Trondheim."
0957 Short signal 0919/1 00 received from U

^^^^^^^^^'^^'^^ My position is

1141 '
Short signal 1120/22 received from U 394
..:: :.
(Borger) :

m n attack@d by air craft. My position is

AF 4667 »
1809 Radio message 1755/658 sent : r.

"According to lively radio traffic, British
aircraft are still operating on our U-boats
between 64° and 65.° N and 2°- and 4° E."

Transfer order for U 1060 (Brammer);


1. Put out from Narvik at 1400 on 22 May via

Ramsund to Bergen. Report sailing from
Ramsund by time short signal on "MC"

2. Proceed via Westfjord and continue at a

distance of 60 miles. ;.from. the.-coast
making for Fejeosen. Prom 65° N in
accordance with- Order., No.. .15,

Re P. ort expected .time", pjf arrival at HellisBy

-923- .


24 hours In advance: if radio connection

is' bad, use' coastal frequency.

4. Radio frequency "Anton".

5. For home passage, orders from 11th , x.

U-boat Flotilla."

V. Reports of successes ; None.

C. Surface forces : Nothing to report.

D. Organizational :

2010 , Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C U-boats

Ops. announced in teleprinter message Most Secret

-.. "If the PQ, convoy has not arrived by 28 May,

U 673 is to put out for the Atlantic on 29 May
to continue his trials."

2308 Teleprinter message Naval War Staff, Second

Division, C-in-C U-boats Ops. Secret 2278

"Command by Admiral Commanding U-boats temporarily


limited as a result of enemy action. You are

largely independent for administrative purposes.
In urgent cases, enquiries' to Naval War Staff,
Second Division, C-in-G U-boats Ops."

E Survey of the situation :

Re II (b) :

Assembling of a PQ convoy possible.

Re IV (d) :

"The sudden operations by strong air patrols in


the southern area of Northern Waters as far as

west of Trondheim lead to the conclusion that
the enemy has learned of the sailing of greater
numbers of boats from Bergen. In the long day-
light of the northern summer, continuous patrol
of this sea area can "make undisturbed charging on
the surface almost impossible for both the
approaching Atlantic boets and the Northern
Waters boats. Moreover, in the uncertain
weather, action by U-boats against aircraft
becomes more difficult."

(Signed) Suhren.

. ) , .


25 May, 1944 .

A. Enemy situation ;

I. Air reconnaissance ;

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, ro.ute

Banak - Bear Island" '-' 75° IT, 5'°" E ""-"'"Banak from
0451 to 1010, nothing to report, exhaustive. ;

2 FW 190 on meteorological" and shipping reconnais-

sance of Kola Bay and the waters around Fisher
Peninsula from 0855 to 0955 7' exhaustive At 0930 .

in Kola Bay off Vaenga 3 merchant ships each ,

1,500 - .2,000 G.R.T. ,, 6 merchant ships, each 500 -

1,000 G.R.T. at anchor.
, In the .rest of the sea
area, no shipping. Bays and ports unoccupied.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 i

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance west of

the Faeroes from' 0158 to 1055, north part of

Sand^y Island examined, enemy not sighted.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0306 to 093,9. Route 80$.-- 90$ examined,
southeastern part of Jan. Mayen 60$ examined,
nothing to report..
3 FkV 200 on sea reconnaissance in the same area as
on 22 May from 0548. to 1544. Reconnaissance area
exhaustively examined,

II Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By U-boats ; None.

( b By air reconnaissance ;

At 0726 in AF 4693 1 flying boat, probably

"Saro Lerwik" course 030°- 040°. :

(c) By naval forces

. ; None. • .-,

(d) By radio intercept service ;

Northern Waters, 22May; in the afternoon .

Polyarno several times broadcast codewords to

all naval 'forces In Northern. Waters destroyers ,
U 203.
''Gremyashchi 'B "EV'and M'.T.B.
No. ,
Destroyer C received a radio message of

first priority from Polyarno at 1959. At 1445

destroyer "Gremyashchi" (at sea) transmitted a
codeword of very high priority to Tsyp Navolok.
From 1310 to 1428 Murmansk broadcast 5 code-
words to all naval forces in Northern Waters
Destroyers "C", r'B", "E" "H" andanM.T.B. ,

were at sea In the Murmansk"' area in the evening.

, >


Norwegian polar coast: normal, transmissions

to submarines in the operational area.
Murmansk area: minesweepers Nos Ill, 115. .

Gorlo Strait/Archangel area: guardships Nos.

16, 76, minesweepers Nos. 32, 60, motor
minesweepers Nos. 429, 4*31'.
Britain: no units intercepted in the
Murmansk/Archangel area.
Bearings from Hammerfest: at 2045 on 22 May
British unit "AP" in 272 '5°: at 0444 on 23
May British merchant ship "NUMSl" in 244°:
at 0302 British unit "AC" in 227°.
Bearings from Kirkenes: at 0448 British unit
"AD" in 231°.

(e) By G-.I.S. stations : None.

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters boats:

(a) Positions at 0800 :

In the operational area :

Group "Trutz" :

U 289 AB 8123
U 425 AB 8161 in the attack area, depth of
U 957 AB 8193 sweep 20 miles, 9-hourly
U" 737 AB 8278 north/south dislocation.
U 347 AB 8519
U 362 A3 8558
Group "Grimm" :

U 387 AB 8589
U 742 AB 8838

In port :

U 307, 513, 315, 673 711, 965, 997 Narvik,

U 312, 361, 636, 703, 739 968, 995 Trondheim,
U 278, 354, 716, 956, 992 Bergen,

(b) U-boats' homeward and outward bound:

1830 U 997 put out from Narvik to AB 88.

U 668 proceeding from Narvik to AB 8944.
0730 U 995 put in to Trondheim from Bergen.
U 334, 594, 476, 921, 990 proceeding from
Bergen to Narvik.
U-boat group Central :

U 276 Trondheim,
U 293, 365 Bergen,
U 987 Stavanger,
U 477, 671 Kristiansand (South)
U 290, 1000 Egersund,

) : ,.


U 980 Plekkef jordj-

IT 247, .480 Arendal,

U 1165 Larvik, -

.U 1192. V alloy, '

U 988 proceeding from Kris t.ians and (South) to

Bergen, •

U 348 on special -operation.

IV. . Current U-boat' operations :

( a ) Conv oy operations ; No ne

( t> ) Operational measures to- intercept enemy traffic :

8 boats in attack areas east of Jan Mayen. 2 -

boats approaching
For patrol of .the area north of the formation
as far as the Ice limit which could not be
covered by alr.;reconnaissance, the 3 most

northerly boats were deployed, depth of sweep

40 miles, while the .remaining seven formed a

patrol line, depth of sweep 25 miles.

2245 Radio 'mess 'age 2111/725 sent:

"l. U 997 (Lehmann) will put out early on 24

May from Westfjord to AB 8941, joining
group "Grimm"

2. Groups "Trutz" and ""Grimm" will leave for

the attack areas at 0000 on 24 May, depth
of sweep 20 miles':"
"Hellwig" AB 4624,; "Bentzien" AB 4694,
"Schaar" AB 5742. Fatrol line from AB 8126
to 8941 in the following order: "Brasack",
"de Buhr" "Franz", "Buchler", "Schwassmann",

"Eickstedt", "Lehmann"."

(c) Special operations by single boats : None.

( d Miscellaneous :

The boats approaching from Bergen were again

to proceed on reconnaissance via 2 position

..... . .lines •-''

1852 -

Radio message 1815/646 sent:

" u Leu"" and '"Nordheimer" i proceed via position
line 1, AF 5712 to 5729, and position line 2,
AF 2943- to 2991.. Observe Order No. 14."

Sailing order for U 997 (Lehmann)', see Appendix

hi/2 . :

V. Reports of successes: None.

C. Surface forces Nothing to report.

. . .


D. Survey of the situation ; \. ;_


Re II (d) :

"The destroyer activity off the Russian coast

might be connected with a new westbound convoy.
On the basis of previous experience, this may
indicate' the running of a PQ, convoy."

(Signed) Suhren.

24 May, 1944 .

A. Enemy situation ;

I Air reconnaissance
I ;

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - South 'Gape - Hope Island -
Banak from 0502 to 1020, almost exhaustive,
nothing to report.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

area west of the Faeroes from 0223 to 1046. At
0340 in AF 7874 a German U-boat was observed at
anchor, recognition signal was answered. At 0600
in AM 2152 2 merchant ships of up to 5,000 G.R.T.,

course 016°, speed 15 knots.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0457 to 1143. Route and southeast
coast of Jan. Mayen 90$ examined, nothing to report
3 FW 200 and 1 Ju 88 on sea reconnaissance from
0443 to 1427 in the area AF 4916 - AE 5347 - 2577
- AA 9844 - AF .5552, 'exhaustive, nothing to report
1 FW 200 on a sea distress mission from 1421 to
2318 to search for U 476 in the sea area AF 5821 -
5554" - 5544 - 5465. At 1920"in AF 5495 rubber
dinghy with about 7 men sighted* One of our
U-boats was informed by lamp; on -return flight,
dinghy was not found owing to a heavy shower.
Further search proved fruitless D/F signals .

given from 1920 - 1950.

II Reports on the enemy ;

(a.) By U-boats ; See under IV (d) .

( b) By air reconnaissance : None

) .


(c) By naval forces ; None.

(d) By radio intercept service :

Norwegian polar coast: on '23 May, lively trans-

missions to submarines in the operational area.
Both at 0907 and 2310 Murmansk sent 1 codeword
of very high priority to all submarines.
Murmansk area; MO-boat No. 127,
Britain; no units intercepted in the Murmansk/
Archangel area, :

( e By G.I .S. stations ; None

B. U-boats ;

III. U-boat positions and a-lterations of position ;

Northern Waters boa ts;

(a) Positions at 0800 ;

In the operational area ;

Group "Trutz" ;

U 289 A3 4624 ) in the attack area, depth of

U 425 AB 4694 ) sweep 20 miles.
U 957 AB 5742 )

In patrol line ;

U 737 AB 8126
U 347 AB 8165
U 362 AB 8274

. , Group "Grimm" ;

U 387 AB 8519
U 742 AB 8559 ., . ,
' .-,...

U 668 A3 8832
In port ;

U 307, 313, 315 ; 673 (Atlantic boat), 711, 965

U 312,. 361, £36, 703, 739, 968, 995 Trondheim,
U 278, 354, 716, 956, 992 Bergen'.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

U 997 proceeding from Narvik to AB: 8941.

U 334, 394, 476, 921, 990 proceeding from Bergen

to Narvik.

U-boat group Central ;

U 276 Trondheim,
U 293, 365 Bergen, |

U 987 Stavanger,
U 477, 571, 363, 971, 1001 Kristiansand (South),
U 290, 1000 Egersund, :

• 929-

U 980 Flekkef jord,

U 247, 480 Arendal,
U 1165 Larvik,:
U 1192 VallBy, ;

U 243 proceeding from Kristiansand (South) to

Flekkef jord,
U 242, 294 proceeding- from Kris-tians and (South)
to Stavanger,
U 348 on special operation.
IV. Current U-boat operations : .

(a) Convoy operations ; None.

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

9 boats in formation east of Jan Mayen. 1

boat approaching ''-
I .- - • ••

(c) Special operations by single,, boats : None.

(d) Miscellaneous :

The next boats to approach from the south

also encountered heavy air patrols.

0736 Short signal 0718/48 from U. 476 (Nietmann)?.

"Am being attacked by aircraft in AF 5573."

1120 Distress message 1106/52 from "Nietmann 1

"Secret material destroyed. AF 5573."

1152 Distress message 1153 from "Nietmann":

"Boat sinking fast,, cannot hold on any

longer. AF 5573."

All boats in the vicinity were sent to help

at once on receipt of "Neitmann"«s distress

1115. Radio message 1132/651 sent:

" "Pietsch" from Captain U-boats. Operate
at maximum Speed on "Nietmann"' s distress
message AF 5573."

1237 Radio message 1158/652 sent:

" "Borger", "Brammer", "Leu", "Nordheimer"
from Captain U-boats. Operate at maximum
.speed on "Nietmann" s distress message,

AF 5573."
1304- Radio 1215/655 sent:
" "Pietsch", "Leu", "Borger" "Brammer", and ,

"Nordheimer" from Captain U-boats. According

to the last distress message, "Nietmann" sank 9

" . V »


at l^OO in AF 5573. Crew probably in dinghies.

Boats are to search until recalled." report any
clues at once. Sea distress aircraft dispatch- '
ed. Watch out for enemy aircraft 1 '

A sea distress plane of Flieger Fuehrer 5 took

off. Admiral Northern Waters at once dispatch-
ed 1 patrol vessel,,! minesweeper and 2 motor
1158 Radio message 1055/52 from 11th U-boat Flotillas

"British reconnaissance plane reported at

0725; "1 U-boat in 6529 N, 0552 E" ,

1447 Radio message 1224/656 received from Admiral

North Coast: ... . .:....:_.:

"Minesweeper No... 132s with 2 motor mine-

minesweepers proceed at maximum speed to AF

5573 to rescue U-boat- e-rew. !!: -

1325 Radio message 11,59/65 received from Admiral

North Coast;
"Patrol vessel No, 5901: put out immediately
maximum speed -to AF 5573 to rescue U-boat
crew .

1432 Teleprinter. message'Most Secret 1492 received

from 13th U-boat Flotilla:
"Re "Nie'tmann" t

1. Distress"plahe with dinghies took off at


2. Patrol vessel No'. 5901 put out -from

Follaf jord at 1245, speed 16 knots.

3» Minesweeper No. 132 and 2 motor minesweepers

put out from Aa!©-sund about 1315, speed 15
knots ."
1525 Radio message .1525/657 received from Admiral
Nortn uoast:
"Aircraft tender will put out from Trondheim
for AF'5573. She will pass Hal ten at 1900.' 1

1519 Radio message 1226/658' received from Admiral

North Coast}/_
"Patrol vessel No. 5901: aircraft tender did

not put out. Proceed direct to AF 5573."

1550 Teleprinter message Most Secret 1494 received

from 13th U-boat Flotilla:

"At 1515' U 276 (Borchers) put out in answer

to "Nietmann"'s distress call."

By direction of Naval- War Staff, Second

Division, the transport boat "Brammer" will
not be sent to "Nietmann" s aid. .!

" .


1614 Radio message 143'3/-661 s e At :-


"1 "Brammer": do not go to the help of

"Nietmann", but proceed in accordance
with Orders jSps ./ 13 and :14i
Patrol vessel No. 5901, minesweeper No.
'132 •'and 2 motor minesweepers should
arrive at the place of -sinking, AP 5573
from 2200 onwards ."
1814 Radio message 1755/665 s ent :

"Air reconnaissance is transmitting D/F

signals on frequency "Dora" from 1730 for
boats which have gone to "Nietmann" s rescue. '

Dinghies in AF 5571, firing shadower's

signal buoys .

1929 Radio message 1915/665 sent?

"Air reconnaissance sighted a U-boat and
dinghies in AP 5571. This U-boat which
has found survivors should report "Yes"
immediately by short signal."
2057 Teleprinter message received from Plieger
Fuehrer 5: .
.-... _:

"Radio message 1935 from sea distress plane:

"Have lost dinghy, continuing" the"search" ."

2135 Radio message 2058/669 received" ''from mine-

sweeper No', 132:

"Attacked by "Sunderland". In AP 5876,-"

2229 Radio message 2114/670 received from mine- A

sweeper No. 132:
" "Sunderland" continues to shadow me. Own
offensive action very limited In rough sea."

2236 Radio message 215 5/672 received from Admiral

North Coast for minesweeper No. 132:
"Break, off operations. Put in via. G-rip-
Holen to Krlstiansund (North)."
Thus only patrol vess.el.No. 5901' was

approaching, -to search, for "Nietmann".

A •

2335 Radio m e ssage 2258/85 received from U 990

(Nordheime.r.}: .,

"Nietmann" .afloat in AP 5574.. 10 men on


board. All engines out of action. Rudder

jammed hard to starboard. Lying alongside."'

0130 Radio message 2358/681 sent:

Admiral North Coast from Captain U-boats

" "Nordheimer" reported at 2258 from AP 5574

• 932-

that Nietmann" is afloat but unable to


maneuver, ..Urgently request towing action by

minesweeper." ,

Transfer order for U 307 (Herrle) and 315

(Zoller) ;
~" U.

"1. Put out from Bogen f or 'Hammerfest at noon

on 25 May.

2. Proceed together via Tjeldsund and the

inner leads. Prom LBdingen to TromsB- with
pilots then under Admiral Polar Coast's

escort. Escort will be .requested from here.

Short stay at Harstad to enable "Zoller
to 5

take on acetylenes from Naval Pitting-out

and Repair Works. "Herrle" will report
sailing for Harstad by time short signal on
MC" i.e. 479 kc/s .

3. Radio frequency s U-boat Northern Waters v



4. At Hammerfest you will be at 12 hours'

v * Reports of successes ; None.
VI» .
U-boat reports ;

Short repo rt from U 995 (Kohntopp) see Appendix II/6


G " Surface forces ?

Nothing to report.
D » Organizational;
0142 Teleprinter message Naval High Command, Naval War
Staff, Admiral Quartermaster II 2450/44 Most Secret ;

"Subject: Operational organization in the northern

The following orders are to be effective immediately;

1. Withthe abolition of the command position of

Captain U-boats, Norway/Admiral Northern Waters,
Captain U-boats, Norway is. formed. For
administration he comes under Admiral Commandinp
U-boats, operationally he is under Naval War
Staff, Second Division, C-in-C U-boats Ops.
In joint operations of U-boats and surface
forces, Naval Chief Command, Norway is the
relevant office for instructions for Captain
U-boats, Norway, but the Chief Command must not
interfere with the actual execution of U-boat
U-boat forces and parent ship "Grille" are, as
up to now, under the command of .Captain
U-boats, Norway.

. , .


2 ., Operationally Battle Group is under the

command of Naval Chief Command, Norway; for
administration it comes under .Fleet
Captain Destroyers is the tactical commander
and- captain of the formation and will be
aboard the "Tirpitz". Forces under his
command as before. Captain Destroyers
exercises his powers of command in operations
involving Battle Group or parts of Battle
Group on instructions from Naval War Staff and,
immediately s from Naval Chief Command, Norway.
Operational direction and command are the sole
responsibility of C-in-C Naval Chief Command,
Norway. Captain Destroyers is responsible for
training Battle Group.

3. For maintaining the necessary liaison between

Captain U-boats, Norway and Captain, Destroyers
Naval Chief Command, Norway will., appoint a

General Staff Officer with subsidiary powers.

This officer will be in. charge, .of -reports and
orders in Naval Chief Command; that is his
particular function. He is aboard. "Grille"
The technical facilities for command available
on the ship and in the staff of Captain U-boats
are to be placed at his disposal,

4. Execution of complete organization through

Naval Chief Command, Norway., Report. execution."

1545 Radio message 1427/750 sent:

"Alteration in command organization in the

northern area? .

1. With Immediate effect, the new command post

Captain U-boats, Norway takes the place of
Captain U-boats, Norway/Admiral Northern

2. Cdr. Suhren is appointed Captain U-boat: s

Norway and has assumed command.

3. Captain Peters has been appointed captain of

Battle Group. At present he is serving in
Germany. Disassociation of the formation will
take place on his return."

• Ee Survey of the situation :

Re II (d) :

U 990 (Nordheimer) has "found the sinking U 476

(Nietmann). As the boat appears to be unfit to
proceed, an attempt to tow it in the rough sea
over the 120 miles to .the coast will prove very
difficult. We still await, further reports from
"Nordheimer". It is strange that U 344 (Pietsch) s
the nearest of the 5 boats to "Nietmann", has not
reported. It is also remarkable that, after

. :


''Nietmann'-'s distress calls, no

aircraft have been reported in this area enemy
up to

The air patrol which has recently

n th the first time at the northern
exits of the g .£°oSea as far
North as approximately 66° N
n ° nl 7*° ^ere to attack, the
^ boats putting out
tlc 0r to No^hem Waters. Perhaps the

!J e
c-nemy f
has observed
the greater number of U-boats
leaving Bergen in- the last few days. It might also
be regarded as a harassing measure
prior to the

':' -(Signed) Suhren.

25 May, 1944 .

A Enemy situation :

£• Air reconnaissance: ;

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

route Bnn?v-
0600 to ?^r"
Shl P
3e USh ^r
and me t e orological reconnaissance,
- Ca P e Kanin Nos - Banak from
1355, not^ exhaustive, nothing to report.
Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological.
reconnaissance west of the
Faeroes from 0140 to 1007, enemy
not sighted.
Flieger Fuehrer 5 ; :

1Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance

to Jan
ex^m?nfd° ?n* v*°
R0Ute 9 °^ Jan M en 95 ^ '
aiPfield P^tOgraphed/enemy
FW 200 and 1 Ju 88 on sea
3 reconnaissance as on
da7 f
, it l°?r
t .1826.
^° 2100 e1£aus1i?ely
,.F 4661 a r"Liberator",
' ^a
otherwise nothing to report.
H l
to abandon the operation because of radar
1 FW 200 had
11 • Reports on the enemv :

(a) By U-boats ;'


D )
By air r econnaissance :


(°) By naval forces None.

( d ) By radio internet service -;'

V 1Zr° C ° ast
to submarines in
ver y few transmissions

the operational area.



Murmansk area; destroyers IV

C", "E" ,
H" and
Britain? no units intercepted In the
Murmans k/Archange 1 area ..

(e) By G.I.S. stations ; None.

B. U-boats ;

Ill U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters boats :

In the operational area :

Group Trutz" :

U-289 AB 4624 ) in the attack area, depth of

U 425 AB 4694 ) sweep 20 miles.
U 957 AB 5742 )

In patrol line s

U 737 AB 8126
U 347 AB 8165'
U 362 AB 8277

Group " Grimm" :

U 387 AB 8519
U 742 AB 8559
U 668 AB 8832
U 997. AB 8941

In port :

U 313, 315, 673 (Atlantic boat), 711, 965

U 312,, 361, 636, 703, 739, 968, 995 Trondheim,
U 278, 354, 716, 956, 992 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound s

1830 U 394 put in to Narvik from Bergen.

1930 U 307 put out from Narvik, at 2400 put in to
1400 U 315 put out from Narvik, at 1750 put in to
U 344 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.
U 921 proceeding from Bergen to Trondheim.
0140 U 476 AP 5574 and
0735 U 990 AF 5677 sunk as result of aircraft -


U-boat group Central :

U 293, 365 Bergen,

U 987 Stavanger,
U 477, 671, 363, 971, 1001 Kristiansand (South),

) • .


• "
U 290, 1000 Egersund, t ::

U 980 Flekkef jord,

U ,247,. 480 Arendal,
u' 1165' Larvik,

U 1192 VallBy,
U 243 proceeding from Kristiansand (South) to
Flekkef jord,
U 242, 294 proceeding from Kristiansand (South) to
Stavanger, -i.-......'... -.....-..:.:•......

U 348 on special operation.

IV. Current U-boat operations ;

(a) Convoy operations ; None.

(b Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic ;

10 boats in formation east of Jan Mayen.

(c) Special operations by sing l e boats ? None.

'(d) Miscellaneous :

Regarding the rescue of the crew of the sinking

"Nietmann", • :. .

0025 radio message 2222/84 was received from U 990

(Nordheimer )

"Up to now 11 men saved. Look out for

shadower's signal buoys. Further .distress
star signals seen."

0100 Teleprinter message Most Secret sent to

Luf tflotte Command 5 for information Admiral
North Coast; '-- '

"According to the last report,:.. II. ..47 6 is still

afloat. Salvage is being attempted. If it is
'possible to tow the boat, Captain U-boats will
ask for air escort. If necessary, the request W
will. be made through Admiral North Coast.'"'

0125 Telephone call from Admiral Ciliax;

"In view of the expected enemy situation and

our own weakness,' C-in-C-Navy, after discussion
with Admiral Meisel, has decided to abandon the
attempt to tow in the -boat."
0130 Radio message 2 115/91 .received from U 990
(Nordheimer) "~

"Dinghy empty in 5575. Look out for shadower's

signal buoys, Type 3."

0209 Radio message 0005/683 sent;

"Nordheimer"; report if "Nietmann" can be
towed; if so, attempt .salvage otherwise take :

on crew and sink the boat."



0225 Teleprinter message Most Secret 2650 sent

Lultilocte 5 and Admiral North Coast;

''Mr escort-not necessary for towing

as C-in-C Navy has in U 476
decided, in view of the
enemy^s superiority in forces, to
U O Q.
abandon the
T~> t

0226 Radio message 0007/682 sent;

t» i?
Borger" "Pietsch", "Leu'h ,

Operate^in AF 5574 on "Nordheimer" s

Assist in rescue, if necessary take report '

aircraft protection." over anti-


0252 Ra dio message 0150/685 sent;


, "Pietsch", "Leu"
1 Decision of C-in-C Navy: crew of
to be saved.
"Nietmann »?

Boat to be sunk as unfit

to proceed. No attempt at towing
oi enemy's superior strength.

2 Report when you meet patrol vessel."

As U 394 (Borger) reported

his position 150
miles north of the sinking
position of
i;hetmann', because he had not
heard the
dispositional order,
0309 radio mess age 0155/686 was
" "Borger"; put
In to Westfiord - Narvik
Operation on "Nietmann" not
again arrival at "V 1"." 'necessaryl
'' Recort

0316 Radio message 0245/687 fl ^..

"U-boats are to attempt to put
survivors of
Nietmann" >s crew aboard the patrol
then to come to Narvik at boa? °nd
high speed."
rl^HMiii^ received
( JMordheimer ) ;
from U 990

Saved; Commander, Chief Engineer,
ld n0t
SUnk b *

First Watch
^ ° Ut and WaS

Officer Warrant Quartermaster,

2 Leading
engine Room Artificers and 15
0400 Radio message 0228/684 received
U-boat Flotilla for U 276: from 13th

uj '!;
comDle?c f ^ting-out.
time snort signal." ^ ^
Put in t0 Trondheim to
Report passing "HA 1"

0619 Radio message- 0'525/r received

from U 921 (Leu)-

and^oc?o r?«^
S ^ *"
^ ° 9 °°< ***™* -cert "

" . : 5
: " ,


This boat also scorned to have- been attacked by


0620 Radio message 0400/5 received- from U 990


"Patrol boat met, proceeding together to

Trondheim, as transfer of survivors is
impossible owing to heavy „sea."-

0304 Radio message 0158/54 received from Admiral

'North Coast:

"To patrol vessel No. 5901. Put in at maximum

speed to Kya No towing.
. If attempts are
being made to salvage, the boat,. cease as
quickly as 'possible .

0835 Radio message 0655/9 received from U 990

(Nordheimer )

"Have been spotted by reconnaissance planes.

Urgently request air escort. l!

0340 Radio message 0814/690 received from Admiral

North Coast

"Patrol vessel Ho. 5901 reported at 0735.°

"Bomb attack in AF 5677 by "Sunderland", U-boat
hit and sinking"."

0950 Radio, message 0915/695 sent;..... .

" "Pietsch": proceed immediately at maximum

speed to help "Nordheimer" in A? 5677, Report
your position. Your own safety must come first
1028 Radio message 0945/692 received from Admiral
North Coast:

"Patrol vessel Ho. 5901 reported at 0845:

"U 990 sunk in AF 5596. Have survivors on
board" „

1036 Radio message 0555/14 received from "Borchers":

"At 0150 2 aircraft were driven off in AF 5674.

Damage: 5 men slightly wounded, 2 struck by
waves. "HA 1" at 1400."

1051 Radio message- 1002/18 received from "Borchers":


"Proceeding with patrol vessel. No.. 5901. Am in

AF 5923."
1056 Radio message 1Q49/19 received from "Borchers":

"Am being attacked by aircraft in AF 5687"

1116 Radio message 1109/20 received... from "Borchers";

"Am being attacked by aircraft in AF 5698."

" •


1143 Radio message 1117/696 sent

" "Pietsoh" from.

Cease search, proceed to Narvik. Report
To send another.: boat;...ta..hal
as, the boats' defense was so
e.eme:d .senseless
very limited in
the heavy sea and they could not assist ;

patrol boat. Instead heavy' fighters and
escort vessels were sent to help.
1157 Radio message 1125/698 sent;

" "Pletsch", "Borchers"

from Captain
hxpect German heavy fighters, Me 110s,U-boats,
BV lo8s and Do 24s. also

1155 633 1053 / 695 ^ceived from Admiral

Mn^g ?CoastZ*i
North for- patrol vessel No. 5916;

"Put. out at once via Kya for Ha

It en. There
pick up patrol vessel No. 5901."
1207' Ra dio massage 1145/697 received
for patrol
vessel No. 5901:

"Fighter protection on the way."

1219 Short sign al 1158/26 received from
"Am being attacked by aircraft In AF 5933."
1356 Radio m essage II57/29 'r^m^'"f.^lp^ Vr: ;i

" "^^^-^^-^er In AF 6711, No further

1442 Radi o mess age 1406/70.0 ^nii -


""Borchors" from Captain U-boats. '

fou are free to abandon escort of

vessel and may submerge .if, petrol
despi.te the air
COrmiander insiders it more
1612 '•

Kg-g^gf 3 ^^^ rceo ived from Admiral

"Patrol vessel No. '5901 reported-

containing 11 men- rescued, and 10 "Dinghv
directly from the boat , men saved !

Presumably no
survivors at scene of disaster' ." 1


I^Sl^ol !!^:
Survivors from U 476: commander and
17 men
n t e way t0 Trcndheim. U 276
?S1 i
put? in to Trondhoimat 1945 on
25 May, after assisting "Nietmann" ir answer


to his distress call."

V . Reports of successes : None

C. :
Surface forces i nothing to report.
D. Survey of tho situation :

"Evaluation of available reports from the radio

intercept service reveal the presence of British
reconnaissance planes since 24 May. Single
submarine and rescue formations were reported in
AP 57, 58, 81, 82.

Re IV (d) :

Since yesterday, we have lost at least 2 boats,

U 476 and U 990 to the increased enemy air patrols
in the southern approach area. Still no reports ^
. .
from U 344 and.U 92.1... (^
In future, without considering the delay, the boats
must proceed via the inner leads as far as north
of Trondheim in preference to the open water
passage. In air attacks, the boats will thus have
better firing opportunities, they will be effect-
ively supported by the. .es.cort vessel and, in the

event of an effective bomb hit, there will be more

chance of towing the boat in or at least bringing
the full complement of the crew ashore."

(Signo-d). Suhron.,-,

26 May, 1944

A. Enemy situation

I. Air reconnaissance

Pl'i sger Fuehrer 3:

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - 75° N, 5° E - Banak from
0501 to 1007, exhaustive, nothing to report.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 'Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance In the

area west of the Faeroes from 0234 to 1111.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

Jan Mayen area from 0330 to 1048. Route 80%
examined, nothing to report.
3 FW 200 on sea reconnaissance as on 25 May from
0540 to 1600. Exhaustive visual and radar
reconnaissance. At 1235 and 1255 in AF 4639 an air



battle between a "Liberator" and a FW 200.

At 1304 in AF 5732 an empty. German 4 -man dinghy,
otherwise nothing to report.

II . Reports on the enemy :

(a) By U-boats : None .

. (b) By air_ reconnaissance -None-. --- ;

(c) By naval forces : None.

(d) By radio intercept service :

Norwegian polar, .coast: on the- afternoon and

evening of 25 May and early on 26 May,
several code-words of very high. priority
At 0300 on 26 May 1 radio message of first
priority, otherwise moderate transmissions
| ... to submarines in the operational area.
"M 201" was named.

Murmansk area: minesweepers No's. 38, 101, «

111, BO-boat No. 209, MO-boat No. 126.

C-orlo Strait/Archangel area, destroyer C
,! ;i

Britain: no units intercepted in the

Murmansk/Archangel area.
Bearings from Hammcrfes't: at 1636 on 25 May
U.S. unit "NO BO" in 236°.
( e ) By G . I . S . stations i -.None- .-

B. U-boats : i:._-'.
. -

III.. U-boat positions, and alterations of position :


Northern Waters boats :

(a) Positions
In the operational area

at 0800:.

-'- --

Group "Trutz" :.;

..'_: :
--' -

U 289 AB 4624 ) .. . ,.
attack, area, depth ofp
. ,

, ,

U A 25 /B 694 -/1
)S wce P 20 miles.
-U 957 AB 5742

In patrol line :

U 737 AB 8126
U 547 AB 8165
U 362 AB 3277

Group "Grimm" :

U 387 AB 8519
U 7i2 AB 8559 ' :

.. .

U 668 AB 8832
U 997 AB 8941 -

. ;


In nort:

U 513, 394, 673 (Atlantic boat), 711, 965

Narvik, i

U 312, 361, 636; 703',' 739, 968 995 Trondhoim, ~


U 278, 354, 716, 956, 992 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bounds

0100 U 307, 315 put out from Harstad to Hammerfest.

1100 U 921 put in to Trondhoim 'from Bergen.
U 344 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.

U-boat group Central ;

U 276 Trondheim,
U 293, 365 Bergen,
U 987, 242, 294 Stavanger,
U 477, 363, 971, 1001 Kristiansand (South),
U 290, 1000 Egersund,
U 243, 980 Flekkef jord,
U 247, 480 Arendal,
U 1165 Larvik,
U 1192 Valloy,
U 671 proceeding from Kristiansund to Bergen,
1800 U 975 put in to Trondheim'f rom Kiel,
U 348 on special operation.

IV. Current U-boat operations ;

(a) Convoy operations ; None.

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic ;

10 boats in formation east of Jan Mayen.

(c) Special operations by single boats ; None.

(d) Miscellaneous ;

0223 Radio message 0127/55 sent to Naval Chief

Command, Norway;

"Request information by return on rubber

dinghy, presumably reported to you, which has
4 men In it in AF 8310 or 8230."

Data refer to "Nietmann" So' it is possible that


the dinghy with 4 men is In AF 5575 or in a

sector southwest via south to southeast within
30 - 50 miles. Air reconnaissance at 1304
reported empty 4— man dinghy in AF 5732.

V Reports of successes ; None

C. Surface forces ; Nothing to report.

D. Organizational;

1405 Teleprinter message Naval War Staff, Second Division,

. . .

C-in-C U-boats Ops. Most Secret 02614 received:
"As from 27 May,... the....f be assigned
permanently to Captain U-boats, Norway? U 987
(Schreyer) and U 363 .iNees )- -to replace U 476 and
U 990."
1900 Admiral Commanding" XT-boat's sent "the following
teleprinter message Secret 25/1100:.
"Administrative command again assumed. Flagship
"Otto Wunsche" at Kiel, Blucher Bridge. Callsign
24031 up to 24 May. Limited watches up to 28

E. Survey of the situation :

" Re IV (d) ;

"The commander and 17 men have been saved from

U 476 (Nietmann); and from U 990 (Nordheimer)
the commander and. 33 men, one of whom died on
.. . the- "homeward passage. The commanders are to fly
to Narvik on 29 May to make their reports.
Otherwise -no comments.' 1

(Signed) Suhren. .

27, Hay, 1944 .

A . Enenry situation :

I Air reconnaissance :

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - South. Cape... -.Hope Island -
Banak from 0504 to 1004, nothing to report, not
1 Ju 88 on meteorological and shipping reconnais-
sance, route 'Banak - Belushya-- Cape Kan in Nos -
AC 8380 - Banak from 0253 to 0958, not exhaustive,
At 0615 no shipping in Belushya- -harbor. No
aircraft observed at the airfield at Belushya.
Nothing to report.
2 FW 200 on supply flight for Schatzgraber n from 1,

1400 to 0320 on 28 May, nothing to report.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

area west of the Faeroes from "0150 to 0906,
nothing to report

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0533 to 1235. Route exhaustively,
Jan Mayen 80/£ examined, nothing to report.

II. Reports on the enemy

• :

(a) By U-boats :"

None. /

-94.4- .
. ,


(b) By air reconnaissance ; None

(c) By naval forces ; None 1

( d) By radio Intercept service ;

At 0844 Polyarno broadcast a radio message of

first priority to submarines in the operational :

. area o
''..'" . ,

Norwegian polar coast: lively transmissions to

submarines In the operational area, 'S 56" and !

"2103" called by name.

Murmansk area destroyer "C", minesweeper No.

125. .;.J ;, ,


C-orlo Strait/Archangel area; destroyers "H"

"E", "J".
Britain: no units intercepted in the Murmansk/
Ar cha ngc 1 area.
Bearings on British units from Svanvik: from
1420 to 2248 units in a sector from 255° - 258°. >(**
From Hammerfest: from 1630 to 2241 in 237° -
258°. From Eirkenos at 1830 in 243°. :

(e) By G.I.S. stations : None.

B. U-boats ?

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position

, . ;

Northern Waters boats : .



(a) Positions at 0800 :


In the operational area r

Group "Trutz" :

U 289 AB 4624)
U 425 AB- 4694) in

attack area, depth of sweep

. .

U 957 AB/5742) 20 miles .

In patrol line ;

U 757 AB 8126
U 347 AB 8165
U 362 AB 8277

• Group "Grimm" :

U 387 AB 8519
U 742 AB 8559
U 668 AB 8832
U 997 AB 8941

In port :

U 307, 315 Hammerfest,

U 313, 344, 394, 673 (Atlantic boat), 711,
965 Narvik,
U 312, 361, 636, 703, 739, 921, 968, ,995
Trondheim, -

U 278, 354, 716, 956, 992 Bergen,

U 987 Stavanger, •
U 363 Kris tians and (South)
) . .


( b ) U-boats homeward arid outward bound :

1830 U 363 put out from Kristiansand (South) for

0800 U 344 put in to Narvik from Bergen.""'

U-boat group Central :

U 276 Trondheim,
U 293, 365, 671 Bergen,
U 242 294 Stavanger,

U 477, 971., 975, 1001 Kristiansand (South),

U 290, 1000 Egersund,
U 243, 980 Flekkef jord,
U 480, 999 Arcndal,
U 247 proceeding from Arendal to Bergen,
U 745, 1165 Larvik,
U 1192 Valloy,
U 348 on special operation.

IV. Current U-boat operations s

(a) Gonvoj operations i None.

( b Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic ;

10 boats in formation east of Jan Mayen.

( c Special operations by single boats : None

(d) Miscellaneous : ... . _ -


Transfer order for U 3.63. and U

987 (Schreyer) :

"U 363 (Nees) and U 987 (Schreyer):

proceed to Bergen as quickly as possible."
Additional information for 11th U-boat
Flotilla :

"l. After providing instructions and

equipment for Northern Waters , send .

the boats to Narvik as quickly as

possible. Proceed in inner leads
and via Frohavet at a distance of 60
miles from the coast to Westf jord.
As 'far as Westf jord observe Order No.
13 ••.,:,

2. Report expected time of arrival at

approach point 24 hours in advance
and also report passing "V 1" by time
short signal. If radio connection Is
bad, use relevant coastal frequency.

3. Radio frequency "Anton".

4. For exchange of recognition signals

with land, observe.,. Para. 153 of

. . : : e



Recognition Signal Regulations /"

V. Reports of successes : None.

C. Surf ace forces i Nothing to report
D Survey of the situation ;'

Re II (d) ;

''The destroyers picked up in the Gorlo Strait area

may be, connected with the assembling of a west- .

bound convoy.'"

Re IV (b)

''Apartfrom the 10 boats In the operational area,

2 boats are ready In Hammer f est and 2 in Narvik and
there is also the Atlantic boat U 673 (8auor), n

(Signed) Suhren.

'-"28"' May,' 1944 f '

A . Enemy situation :

I. A I r- r ec onnalss anc e ?
- :

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju -
88' -on- -me too r o log! ca~l "r e "b hha Is "s a nc s
Banak - Bear Island - 75°"F," 5°"E" from 0505
Banak '

to 1050, exhaustively examined except for AB 3883

and AB 5396 duo to measurements. .Visibility
impaired by heavy mist. Nothing to report.
.2 FjV 190 on,- armed meteorological and", shipping

•'-re' eon-naI-ssance''" o"f"""M'ot'0'vski Bay";

the/waters around '

Fisher Peninsula and Kola inlet',' examined as far

as Vacnga, no shipping identified..

Flioger Fuehrer it

1 88 on meteorological reconnaissance west of the


Faeroes from 0237 to 1050. Anchorages of the Faeroes

. exhaustively examined, no shipping Identified.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 He 111 on .meteorological reconnaissance to Jan


Maycn from. 0326 to 1053. Route 80^ examined, Jan

'May en area Invisible from the north, nothing to

II . Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By U-boats None.

• : .
. .


(b) By air reconnaissance : None.

(c) 3y naval forces : None.

(d) 3y radio intercept service :

Reports on submarines at 0817 a surfaced i

submarine In 63° N, 1° 20' E (AF 7381) at ,

0829 a surfaced submarine in 620 38' N,

1° 18' E (AP 7621): German Atlantic boats.
Norwegian polar coast:, considerable trans-
missions to submarines in the operational
Murmansk area: destroyers tt-oit 3 "0"
minesweeper N't 118, BO- boat No. 29, MO-boat
No. 125, M.T.B.s Nos 211, 2 22. .

Gorlo Strait/Archangel are.ail. destroyer "E" .

Britain: no units intercepted in the

Murmansk/Archangel area._. _._.-. '.'...

< -•- --Be a^rlngs"""bbtalhed by Hammerfest on 27 May:


at 1108 British unit "AD" .in...23.5P-, at 1510

British unit "AD""'in" 241° at 2015 British ,

unit "AH" in 233°,, at 2120 British unit "AK"

in 250°, at 2140" British unit "AD" in 238*5°
On 28 May: at 015:7 ~
British chant ship
" NUI.IS2™ in '251°
at 0202" Br it ish merchant
ship "NUM31" in .252°, at -0355 British unit
"AL" in 238.5°.
From Kirkenes at 0345 British unit "AL" in

235-7°.. -

(e) By G . I . S . stations:

1602 Teleprinter message Secret 0195/44 received

from Evaluation Station West Oberursel:

"With reference to British Fleet units in the

north Norwegian area, confirmed by P.O.W.s'
statements and other evidence, the following
units were Identified:

Battleships "Anson"
"Duke of York"

Aircraft "Illustrious"
carriers "Victorious"

Auxiliary "Pursuer"
aircraft "Searcher"
carriers "Striker".

cruiser: 'Kent rl

Light "Jamaica"
cruisers "Royalist"
Also 12 destroyers.



The formations are under the command of Admirals

More and Frazer.. The c-ruisers "Emperor" and
"Royalist" are described" as 10,000-ton cruisers,
similar to the "Leander" class, with 6-inch
guns; up to now the following aircraft have
been! d.e.nt i f i e d: .

"Baracuda" Squadrons 827 and 820.

Probably on "Furious, "Baracuda" Squadrons
829 and 831.
On "Victorious", "Corsair" Squadrons 1834 and
On "Illustrious", "Wildcat" Squadron 800.
On "Pursuer", "Wildcat" Squadron 890."
B. U-boats :

III.. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters boats ;

(a) Positions at 0800 :

In the operational area ;

" Group "Trutz" :

U 289 AB 4624 ) . ,

,, . , .. _
U ^ 9 5 / B z'694 )
ln attack area, depth of
U 957 AB 5742 swee P 20 niiles '

In patrol line :

U 737 AB 8126
U 347 AB 8165
U 362 AB .8277

Group "Grimm" ;

U 387 AB 8519
U 742 AB 8559
U 668 AB 8832
U 997 A3 8941

In port ;

U 307, 315 Hammerfest,

U 313, 344, 394, 673 (Atlantic boat), 711,
965 Narvik,
U 312, 361, 636, 703, 739, 921, 968, 995
U 278, 354, 716, 956, 992 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound :

1530 U 987 put in to Bergen from Stavanger.

1530 U 363 put in to Bergen from Kristiansand (South)

U-boat group Central :

U 276 Trondheim,
U 293, 365, 671 Bergen,
U 242, 294, 987 Stavanger,

. -949-
) . ,


U 477, 971, 1001 Kristlansand (South)'"

U 29.0, 1000 Egersund,
U 243, 980 Flekkef jord,
U 480, 999 Arondal,
U 745, 1165 Larvik,
U 1192 VallBy, :<-- ..--
U 2.47 proceeding from Kristlansand (South) to
— '

U 975 proceeding from Kristlansand (South) to
U 348 on special operation.

IV - Current U-boat operations :

( a Convoy operations : None

(b) Operational measures to intercept enerov
t raffTel J- — — ~

10 boats in formation east of Jan Mayon.

0038 '

Radio message 2017/782 sentr

"Groups "Trutz" and "Grimm"..,

Air reconnaissance against the PQ convoy

abandoned. Increased alertness..... .Observe
Commanders' Handbook, Paras. 372 - 386
Order. No 8 and.; Northern .Waters Directions,

i'J o • 21 .

(°) Special operations by single boats ; None.

v ° Reports of successes ; None.
G »" Surface forces-

-- ; Nothing-- te~ -report - ~. ....


D Plans



Teleprinter message Luftflotte Command
— ...

5 Most
Secret 4313 received;

"1. To protect our U-boats from enemy-

air attacks
Plioger Fuehrer 4 in collaboration with the
Sea Distress Commander is- executing special
operation ''Prion".

2. Purpose of the operation is defensive action

against enemy aircraft attacks in the sea
area 06 East 653/4/5/6 and 554/6.

3. On receipt of codeword "Prien":

(a) 2 crash boats will put out for the

above sea area.

(b) 4 Me 110, at least, will operate

continuously in the above-- sea area from
0700 to 1700. Thus enemy runs -in and
attacks on crash boats will be driven
off by attacks on enemy aircraft.



.(c) Me 110s will fly only within visual range

of the crash boats.

4 Special regulations ;

(a) Attacks on submarines are forbidden, to

preclude any confusion with our own boats.

(b) Our U-boats are always to be expected in the

sea area.

5. The operation will bo repeated as often as

weather and .forces allow..

6. Extensive protection for our U-boats (Captain

U-boats, 'Norway Most Secret 2644 Aircraft
Decree of 24 May) t possible with the

pr es'0ht'~'f orcos .

7. Codeword "Prion" has been transmitted to v

Captain U-boats, Norway."

E . Survey of the" situation :

Re II (d) :

"Enemy patrol of the North Sea exit against the

U-boats putting out for the Atlantic is still in
evidence. Shipping movements off the Murmansk
coast do not seem to be abating."

(Signed) Suhren. ..-.

29 May, 1944 .

A . Enemy situation :

I . Air reconnaissance : •,

Fliegcr Fuehrer 5 ;-

, . 1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - South Cape - Hope Island -
Banak from 0459 to 1015, nothing to report, not
8 F";Y 190 (in 2' operations) on armed meteorological
and shipping reconnaissance of the waters around
Fisher Peninsula and Kola inlet from 1902 to 1950
on 28 May and- from 1159 to '1252 on 29 May. No
enemy shipping observed. Bays and harbors

Flleger Fuehrer 4 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance west of

the Faeroes from 0158 to 1000. North and south
part of the Faeroes examined, no shipping


Flicker Fuehrer 5 : •;

1 Ju .88 on meteorological and photographic

reconnaissance of Jan Mayen from 0332 to 1047,
Assignment not carried- out because of weather
and fire from medium and light anti-aircraft
guns from sites at 70° 59' W, 8° 25' W, otherwise
nothing to report. Route 10$ - 20$ examined,
southeast side of Jan Mayen 60$ examined.
2 BV 138 on sea reconnaissance with radar gear
from 1010 to 1655. AB 9643 - AG 1168 - AB 9248
exhaustively examined, nothing to report.
5 FW 200 took off at 2147 on radar reconnaissance
of the sea area AF 2618 - AB 7153 - AE 5232 -
AF 7253. Operation carried out without incident.
2 Ju 88 on reconnaissance anchorages east and
northeast of Iceland from 1235 to 2151.

^' Reports on the enemy ;

( a .) By U-boats ; None. -

(b) By air reconnaissance ;

At 1445 In AF' 4574 enemy carrier formation

consisting of 2 large aircraft carriers, 1
cruiser and 2 destroyers,, course 040°, speed
8 knots, 1 line., ahe-ad.- —
(c) By naval forces ; None...

(d) By radio intercept- service ;

At 1206 Polyarno broadcast a codeword of very

high priority to submarines in the operational
Norwegian polar coast; normal .transmissions to
submarines In the operational area.
Iokanka area; minesweeper No. 118, MO-boat No.
Britain; no units intercepted irTthe Murmansk/
Archangel area.
On 28 May Hammerf est obtained" a bearing of
248° on a British unit.
Russian destroyer- C n at sea"at 0030 on 28

•f-— May.

( e ) By G.I .S. stations ; None.

B . U-boats ;

In ; .
U-boat positions and alterations of position ;

Northern Waters boats ;

(a) Positions at 0800 ; .. ,.

In the' operational area ;

Group "Trutz" ;

U 289 AB 4624) in" attack area, depth of

U 425 AB 4694) sweep 20 miles.
U 957 AB 5742)
) : . ;


In patrol line ;

U 737 AB 8126
U 347 AB 8165
U 362 AB 8277

Group "Grimm Tf „

U 387 A3 8519
U 742 AB 8559
U 668 AB 8832
U 997 AB 3941

In port

U 307, 315 Hammerfest,

U 313, 344, 394, 673 (Atlantic boat), 711,
965 Narvik,
U 312, 361, 636, 703, 739, 921, 968, 995 .

U 278, 354, 363,, 716, 956, 987, 992 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound .

1530 U 363, 987 put out from Bergen for Narvik.

1800 U 673 (Atlantic) put out from Narvik for
U 862 proceeding from- Trondheim to Narvik.

U-boat group Central :

U 247, 293, 355 Bergen,

U 290, lOO-O-Egers-und, - -

U 1192 Valloy,
U 243', 980 Flekkef jord,
U 745, 1165 Larvik,
U 242, 294, 975 Stavanger, '

U 480, 999 Arendal, ^

U 971, 1001 Kristiansand (South), .

U 276 proceeding from Trondheim to Bergen,

U 348 on special operation.

IV. Current U-boat operations :

( a Convoy operations : None

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic :

10 boats in formation east of Jan Mayen.

1720 Radio message 1545/792 sent:

"At 1445. air -reconnaissance reported 2 aircraft

carriers, 1 cruiser and 2 destroyers in AF 4574,
course 040°, speed 8 knots."

2316 Radio message 2215/797 sent •

"At 2200 5 FN 200 took off on reconnaissance

against the carrier formation and possible
convoy south of the line from AB 71 to AF 25."



(c) Special operations by single boats : None.

( d) Miscellaneous :

On receipt of the report of carriers, the

boats at readiness were at once sent to the
operational area.

2340 Radio message 2117/798 sent:

"U 307 (Herrle) and U 315 (Zoller): put out

immediately at high speed via Lopphavet for
AB 89. Escort will be provided by base.
Report sailing from Hammerfest by time short
signal .

U 711 (Lange) and U 313 (Schweiger) received

the following from Narvik:

Sailing order, see Appendix III/3 .

Transfer order for U 673 (SauerT s

"1. Put out from Narvik for Trondheim at

1800 on 29 May'..

2. Proceed from Rotver under escort of

patrol vessel No. 5914 (VYQ,) as far as
"Schwarz 9", then via "Rot .13." further ,

on route "Rot" and from Bodo under

Admiral North Coast's escort via the
inner leads Boat is expected at BodB

at 0400 on 30 May,

3. Radio frequency "Anton".

Note Fuel and provision replenishing at


U-boat base Trondheim, then in accordance

with sailing order for Atlantic."
V. ,
Reports of successes : None.

VI. U-boat reports :

Short reports from U 990 (Nordheimer) and

U 476 (Nietmann), also comments by Captain
U-boats, Norway, see Appendix II/7-9 .

C. Surface forces : Nothing to report.

D. Survey of the ..situation :

Re IV (b) ;

"It is not certain whether the carrier formation

sighted is operating against the coast or if
it Is connected with a PQ, convoy, which might
now be expected. At present, 14 boats would be

. .


'available for an attack, but their disposition will

have to be reformed' mdre 'effectively to intercept
the- convoy when the results of the current air
reconnaissance have been received."

(Signed) Suhren.

50 Hay, 1944

A . Enemy situation :

I Air reconnaissance :

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance route

Banak »- Be ar Island - 75° N,"5° E - Banak from

0452 to 1000, not exhaustive, nothing to report.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance west of

the Faeroes from 0220 to 1018.
4 Ju 88 on reconnaissance from 1237 to 1943 to re-
intercept, the heavy enemy formation. No further
enemy sighting reports.
1 Ju 183 on reconnaissance of tho She t lands from
1715 to 1847.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance of Jan

' Mayen, course Vaerncs - A3 8959 - 8123 - Bodo, from
0407 to 0927. Route as far as 69° 30" N, exhaustively
examined, the remainder only 2Q% examined, nothing
to report.

II Reports on tho enemy ;

(a)- By U-boats : None'.

(b) By air reconnaissance;

At 0755 in AE 9647 2 battleships, 3 probable

light cruisers and 2 destroyers. Classes not .

identified, course 090°, speed 26 knots.

At 1746 in Lerwick harbor 1 probable light
cruiser or large destroyer.

( c ) By naval forces' : None .

( d) By radio intercept service :

On 29 May, the Russian signal station at

Dvina estuary (AW 5698) sighted guardboat
"Rulewoj" with freighters "Nitrgra" (1398
G.R.T.), ''Grey' "Barbara Fritsch", "Mud jug"



and the tanker "Bug", course... not.... identified.

Norwegian polar coast: few transmissions to
submarines in the operational area,
Murmansk areas destroyer "C" minesweeper No. ,

. Gorlo Strait/Archangel areas guardships Nos
'.'. -
71, 75, minesweepers Nos. 60, 63, 110, motor
minesweepers Nos. 429, 431.. .

Britain: no units ""intercepted in the Murmansk/

Archangel area.
Bearings obtained by Hammerfest: from 1130 to
2147 on 29 May a British unit in 225-5° - 267°
Svanvik: at 2055 on 29 May a British unit in
232°. Bodo: on 29 May a British unit in 211°.

(e) By G.I.S. stations : None.

3 . U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters boats :

(a) Positions at 0800 :

In the operational area :

Group "Trutz":

U"289 A3 4624 )

U 425 AB 4694 )
^n ^aQ attack area, depth of
U 957 :!b 5742 )
sweep 20 miles.

In patrol line :

U 737. AB 8126
U 347 AB 8165
U 362 AB 8277

Group "Grimm" :

U 387 AB 8519
U 742 A3 8559
U 668 A3 8832
U 997 A3 8941
In port :

U 344, 394, 862 (Atlantic boat), 965 Narvik,

U 312, 361, 636,. 7.03,. 739, 921,-968, 995
U 278, 354, 716, 956, 992. Bergen.

(b) U-boats .homeward and outward bound i


0100 \U 313, 711 .-put out from Narvik to AB 89.

0600 U 307 put out from Hammerfest to A3 89.
0630 "

U 315 put out from Hammerfest to AB 89.

U 563, 987 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.
U 673 (Atlantic boat J proceeding" from Narvik
j. -._....•--: .: - : --
-to' Trohdheim.
0100 U 862 (Atlantic boat) put in to Narvik from
- ) ,


2000 Groups "Trutz" and "Grimm" from U 737 to

U 997 proceeded to a new patrol line from
AB 8126 - AB 8941 to AB 8126 - AB 8964.
U-boat group Central ;

, U 247, 276, 293, 365 Bergen,

U 290, 1000 Egersund,
U 1192 Valloy,
U 243, 980 Plekkef lord,
U 74 5, 1165 Larvik,
U 242, 294," 975 Stavanger,
U 480, 999 Arendal,
U 677, 678, 971, 1001 Kris tians and (South),
U 715 proceeding f rom- Kris tiansand-: (South) to
U 771 proceeding from Kristiansand (South) to
— U- 348 -on -spec-ial-operationr- •••••'
-•-- :.:..-.."..-.

IV. Current U-boat operations- : :-!'.--....

( a Convoy operations ; None .

(b) Operational-measures to intercept enemy


10 boats in formation east of Jan Mayen. 4

boats approaching. Ice reconnaissance was
requested in order to obtain more definite
details for patrol of the sea area against a
convoy, which may be running in conjunction
with the carrier formation sighted.
1022 Radio message 1005/705 sent:-

"A Ju 83 took off from Trondhoim at 0400 on

ice reconnaissance' with a view to extending *-

the U-boat formation."

With the 4 boats which recently put out, the

patrol line was closed in to 18 miles between
each boat and accordingly extended to the.

1127 Radio message 1054/705 sent:

"At 2000 on 30 May, proceed to the new patrol

line from AB 8126 to 8694 in the following
order: "Brasack", "de Buhr" , "Franz"
"Buchlor", "Schwas smarm", "Eickstedt",
"Lehmann", U 313 (Schweiger), U 711 (Lange),
U 307 -(Herrie) , U 315 (Zbller). New boats
join group "Grimm"."

2011 Short signal received from U '125 (Bentzien.) ;

"Land-based plane (s) in AB 4696."

By consultation with Flieger Fuehrer 5, it

was ascertained that it could not be one of our

, : : " ;


planes.. As the boats wore ordered not to

report the usual long-range reconnaissance

2112 radio message 2047/703 was sent:

" "Bontzion" : report immediately:

1. "Yes", If plane was the expected Ju 88.

2. Time of origin and course , if not certain

of type.

3. If carrier-borne plane, otherwise number

of engines .

2341 Radio message 2205/710 received from U 425

P ''Twin-engined, varying courses .shadowing ,..

procedure observed for 2 hours.".

2342 Short signal 2527/711 received from U 957

enemy aircraft carriers in grid square -
1 light cruiser In grid square -, 2 destroyers
in grid square - ."

From the composition it Is obviously the same

formation as was sighted yesterday in AF 4574.

(c) Special operations by single boats ; None.

(d) Miscellaneous ; Ho reports.

V. Reports of successes : None.

C. Surface forces i Nothing to report.

D. Survey of the situation s

1310 Teleprinter message Naval Chief Command, Norway

Most Secret '5725 received:
Survey of the situation at 1050 :

"1. The- -earrier -formation .reported.. An. grid square

4574 at 1455 on 29 May was not re-intercepted
during the night by extensive air reconnais-
sance . -..-..-.
2. At 0755 on 30 May, 2 battleships, 3 cruisers
and 2 destroyers were -.reported in AE 9651, --
course 090°, speed 20 knots.

3. Carriers were not re-intercepted by reconnais-

sance it was improbable .that they were in

reality the battleship group, but the

possibility could not be excluded.

4. Possible enemy intentions



1. Execution of maneuvers (Improbable).

2, Operation against a definite target:

(a) against convoy traffic
(b) against an unknown. point
on the 'Norwegian coast. No clues for
either assumption.

3. Escort for possible PQ, convoy. In this

eventuality the strength of the formation
is striking.

4, Demonstration to draw us from another

target. In view of the present weather
conditions which are likely to continue
favorable over all the west European
coasts, this is not impossible."

U-boat situation in Northern Waters at 0200 on

5 1 May ;

"l. The carrier formation reported at 1445 on

29 May in AF 4574 was re-intercepted at 2357
on 50 May in AB 4696 by U 957 and at 0107 by
U 289. It consists of 2 carriers, 1 light
cruiser and 2 destroyers.

2. It seems that the carrier formation has to

date proceeded alone at 14 knots. Destination
still unknown. Possibly intended to meet a

3. Air reconnaissance with the convoy about 0800.

4. Because of a sharp northerly deviation of the
formation, 10 U-boats were ordered to close in
in a patrol line from AB 3584 to 6256.
Intention: to gain a good attacking position
against a possible convoy or carrier group.
4 boats were put directly on reconnaissance
in the carrier group's area-. 1 '

(Signed) Suhren.

51 May, 1944 .

A . Enemy situation .

I . Air reconnaissance :

Fliegor Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 38 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Hope Island - 75° N, 35° E - Banak from
0501 to 1000, nothing to report, almost

. )) .


1 Ju 88 on meteorological and Ice reconnaissance

route Banak - South Cape - 75° II, 15° E from 1122
to 1600 nothing to report.,, almost exhaustive.

Flieger Fuehrer 4:' _ : I. :...'... .

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

area west of the Faeroes from 0155 to 1013.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance,, route

Vaernes - AF 2257 - "AA 6762 - 6797 - AF 2551 from
0051 to 1002. Route 70$ examined, Jan May en area
exhaustively examined, nothing to report.
6 BV 138 on sea reconnaissance from 0500 to 1548
in the area A3 8694 - 9122 - 6929 - AA 9363 - AF
5343 and further to the limit of their range or as
far as the ice limit.
Mission abandoned because of. lack of cloud and
scarcity of fuel: plane 1 in AB 8568, plane 2 in
AB 4571, plane 3 in AB 4522, plane 4 in A3 5148,
plane 6 in A3 2836. At 0710 plane 3 identified
U-boat at a distance of 15 km. Plane was attacked
In spite of turning off and giving recognition
signals. Enemy not sighted.

II Reports on the enemy :

(a)" By U-boats : See under IV (b).\

( b

3:/ air- reconnaissance .:

At 0545 in AM 1450 2 probable battleships, 2

light cruisers and 4 destroyers, course 120°,
sp^ed 15 - 20 knots.

(c) By naval forces : None..

( d By radio intercept service : None

( e ) B'f G-.I.S. stations :

2333 Teleprinter "message 1106/44 Secret 1 received

from subsidiary C-.I.3. station, Tromso :

"Agent's report of 24 May: About 800 miles

north of Nuvsvaag light at the entrance to
Stjcrnsund, q periscope of a submarine of
unknown nationality was sighted. Submarine
made off seawards."
B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern "waters boats


(a) Positions at 0800;

) ; .


In the operational area ;.

Group "Trutz"
TJ 289 )

U 425 )

U 957 ) operating in AB 55 against

U 737 ) carrier formation.

Group "Grimm*' ;

U 347 U 997
U 362 U 313
U 387 U 711
U 742 U 307
U 668 U 515

In port:

U 344 394, 862 (Atlantic boat), 965 Narvik,


TJ 312, 361, 636, 703, 739, 921, 968, 995

U 278, 354, 716, 956, 992 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

1630 U 344 put out from Narvik for AB 6550.

U 363, 987 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.
G-roup "Grimm" proceeding from AB 6315 -
66G4 to AB 3584 - 6256.
2048 Group "Trutz" proceeding to extend the patrol
line as far as A3 6537.
1730 U 675 (Atlantic boat) put in to Trondheim
from Narvik.
U-boat group Central ;

U 247, 293, 365 Bergen,
U 290, 1000 Egersund,
U 1192 Valloy,
U 243, 980 Plekkef jord,
U 745, 1165 Larvik,
U 242, 294, 975, 715 Stavangcr,
U 480, 999 Arendal,
U 677, 678, 971, 1001 Krlstians.and (South),
TJ 771 Hatvik,
U 276 proceeding from Bergen to Stavanger,
U 348 on special operation.

IV. Current U-boat operations ;

( a Convoy operations ; None

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic ;

14 boats in formation east of Jan Mayen.

U 957 (Schaar) did not at once report the
position of the escort formation.

? :


His attack area was A3 5740. The twin-engined

aircraft reported by U 425 (Bcntzien^ appeared
to belong to the escort of tho formation.

0034 Radio message 0018/715 sent:

""Hellwig", "Bentzien", "Schaar", "Brasack":

operate at maximum speed on carrier formation
in AB 5740, probable course bet-ween 040° and
070°. Possibly connected with convoy."

0014 Short signal,. 0014/712 received from U 957

(Schaar) ;
— - "'

"The reported enemy forces are in AB 4696.

Strong air activity."
0044 Short signal 0041/714 received from U 957

( )

'Have lost contact

"Bentzien" had reported the aircraft in the

same square as "Schaar" i.e. in a position 30
miles north of "Schaar" The latter appeared
. .

to be operating on the formation already. Since

yesterday, the formation had steered a general .

course of 010°,' " making"' almo-st—14 knots. The

group may have intended to by-pass the U-boat
formation to the north to make a surprise attack ;

on the coast from an area which is known not to

be covered by our air reconnaissance except in
special circumstances.
The escort was at any rate very weak, so that
one might almost believe the formation to be on
maneuvers in a chosen area.
However, we must expect as previously, that a
convoy is running in conjunction with the
carrier formation. As yesterday's air reconn-
aissance brought no news, a convoy might
already be lying north of the reconnaissance
area. In view of the lack of details, the
boats were Immediately ordered to a new patrol
line in Bear Island passage with a view to
possible interception. Only the 4 northerly
boats were to, remain on the. carrier formation

to make use of""any "favorable-opportunities to

fire and to reconnoiter the area for the
expected convoy in the vicinity of the carrier

0042 Radio message 0025/715 sent:

"De Buhr" "Franz"

, group "Grimm"?
, occupy new
patrol line, from AB 6315 to 6684 immediately at
maximum speed. Boats in same order."
0112 Short signal 0107/716 from U 289 (Hellwig)
"2 enemy aircraft carriers In grid square ,

1 light cruiser,- 2 destroyers.

: . , :


As "Hcllwig" was 40 miles further north, the

carrier formation appeared to be maintaining
its northerly course.
To c ove.r- -the.. -ap^a---no-rth'0-f-- Bear Island which,
according to the latest ice reports was now
navigable, the patrol line was transferred to
the north.

022-8 Radio message 0215/719 sent:

"Form new... .patrol.. line--- from- A B 3584 to 6256,

order "d'e 3uhr" "Franz", "Buchler",

"Schwassmann" "Eickstcdt"
, "Lehmann",

"Schwoiger", "Lange", "Herrle" "Zoller" as ,

new group "Grimm" Maximum speed."


0232 Radio mo s.s_age- 0-2 25/72Q/ --sent T'\\

""Hcllwig", "Bentzien", "Schaar", "Brasack" Q

follov/ up as quickly as possible. Strive
to attack carriers;. .Report Course. You will
form' group- "Trutz".". '


0533 Radio message 0410/79 received from U 957


"At 2017 fired 1 T"5 torpedo" at the formation

which was varying its course
Explosion ..

after 278 seconds. Submerged because of tube-

runner (?) Depth charges. Grid square 4693,

67 cu.m. now thick fog." ...

Owing to bad visibility, the 4 boats set on

the carrier formation apparently lost it.
No further report from "Hcllwig" who had
contact last.
Between 0700 and 0900, U 307, U 313 and U 315
reported aircraft in A3 9195, AB 8380 and
AB 9241 'which turned out to be our own
reconnaissance planes (3V 138s). The
visibility continued to be very poor.

1036 '

Radio: message 1005/750 sent;-.;..

"Group "Trutz":

1. If you observe course and speed of

escaping formation or any other pointers
to its position, report at once.

2. Continue -to search "thoroughly. If "Schaar" 's

heavy unit Is met, expect reduction in
speed. Fog expected to lift at noon."

U 711 (Lange) reported engine trouble at 1513

and again at 2153 that engines were in order.

1828 Radio message 1805/754 sent: :

"U'344 (Pietsch) will put out from Andf jord

for AB 6560 at 0000 on 1 June."

" :


To obtain a survey of the results of the search

for the carrier formation, radio message -18-15/
755 was sent

1830 " "Schaar" transmit short weather report.


"Bcntzien", "Brasack", "Hellwig": report

position immediately."
In reply came

1854 short signal 1850/756 from U 425 (Bentzien):

"AB 6116 s

1940 Short signal 1925/757 from U 737 (Brasack):

"AB 2967."

2025 Short weather report 2025/758 was received from

U 957 (Schaar): it stated that visibility was
again 5 miles, prevailing wind was eastnortheast
force slight.
Q 121 Radio message 2048/739 sent:

"Group "Trutz": abandon search if no further

clues and proceed at maximum speed to lengthen
patrol line of group "Grimm" to the south as
far as AB 6537. Order: "Brasack", "Bentzien",
"Hellwig", "Schaar '." 1

Thus the patrol line was increased to 14 boats,

distance between each 10 miles, i.e. including
the doubtful U 289 (Hellwig), which did not
reply to the last request to report.

(c) Special operations by single boats : None.

V. Reports of successes :

"At 2017 1 T5 torpedo was fired at the formation

which was varying its course. Explosion after
278 seconds. Submerged because of tube-runner (?).
Depth charges .

G . Surface forces :

Nothing to report.
D. Survey of the situation :

U-boat situation in Northern Waters at 0000 on 1

June 1944 .

"1. No further reports from U-boats concerning the

carrier formation. No news from air reconnais-
sance, as some of the planes had to break off
operations before time because of lack of cover.

. .


2. No new information about the carrier group's

position. Presumed to have gone further
north to the area near the ice limit.
3. No reconnaissance against the formation is
expected on 1 June as the clear weather is

unsuitable. Only if the -carrier- group and the

possible convoy connected with it go further
east through the U-boat patrol line area, is
there a chance of re-interception.

4. The 4 searching boats have abandoned their

assignment and are lengthening the patrol line
southwards to AB 6537.

5. Intention: Boats are to be left in patrol

line, until it is estimated that the possible
convoy must have passed them. The patrol
line will then be transferred to the south-
west to intercept the PQ, convoy. •

6. As reconnaissance cannot be flown against the

carrier formation because of the weather,
Captain U-boats has ordered a normal convoy
day's run reconnaissance In the usual area.
As this measure also may be Impossible on
account of the weather and the fuel situation,
the execution is not yet decided.

7. U 957 (Schaar) reported; At 2017 on 30 May,

fired 1 T5 torpedo at the formation which was
varying its course.,. Explosion after 278
se.conds »
.. Submerged because of -tube-runner
Depth charges (Cj

Note from Captain U-boats As the boat was


then subjected to a depth charge, pursuit and

as there were certainly only 2 destroyers In
the formation (observed 3" times a heavy
) ,

unit may have been hit.''

(Signed) Suhren.
. .




Most Secret

Teleprinter message ;

Emergency. Captain U-boats Norway/Admiral Northern Waters

Clear as multiple address message.

Most Secret .

Short report from U 548 (Schunk) special operation .

In accordance with 11th U-boat Flotilla Operational Order

No. 2 for U-boat operations off the west coast of Norway.

15 April Put in to Bergen. During the whole period did

not sight any enemy submarines or attack any
convoys in Skudenesf jord area. Sighted several
enemy aircraft. Air attack on 6 May after alarm.
Bombs were Inaccurate. No locations, very good
'b conditions.

Survey of 11th U-boat Flotilla :

Quietly executed special operation without any

important -incidents The short nights reduce

the enemy's opportunities to operate, just as

they do ours

11th U-boat Flotilla Most Secret - 1213






Most Secret

Teleprinter message s

1. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops .

2. .Emer.gen.ay... . .Admiral ..Commanding'. IL-.b oats ,

3. Emergency. Per information Naval War Staff, First


4. Emergency, For information 11th U-boat Flotilla.

C lea r- •
as. . . mult l.p 1 e address me s s a g e .

Most Secret.

Short report from U 512 (Nikolay), third operation .

29 April 1944 Put out from Narvik.

13 May Put in to Narvik.

30 April - Operated on QP convoy. As the most

3 May. southerly boat of the formation, did not
sight convoy or escort forces. Six
times forced to submerge by aircraft, no
3 7 cm
• guns

1 May At 0420 in AB 6295 smoke cloud, bearing

040° „ Report not made because of
approaching aircraft.
At 0425 submerged because of carrier-borne
aircraft (monoplane), range 12,000 meters.
After surfacing, operated again in the
direction of the smoke, but did not see it
At 1245 in AB 6178 a similar smoke cloud,
bearing 160°, one of our boats smoking
At 1520 in AB 5695 submerged because of
approaching carrier-borne aircraft (bi-
plane) range 13,000 meters.

2 May At 0620 submerged as carrier-borne aircraft

flew past, range 7,000 meters.
At 1520 in AB 7679 submerged as aircraft
flew past, range 10,000 meters.
At 1930 submerged as carrier-borne aircraft
(monoplane) approached, still 12,000 meters



3 May At 0655 'Submerged as seaplane passed at a

distance of 13,000 meters.
At 1210 in AF 4133 boat reached what the
commander on the basis of the reports had

reckoned to be the convoy's position.

Nothing was observed. t

4-12 May Reconnaissance area AP 4114, depth of sweep

30 miles, no sightings, no locations.

12 May Commenced return passage because of engine


Comments by Captain U-boats, Norway/Admiral Northern Waters ;

Unsuccessful operation. In spite .of very strong attacks by

aircraft the commander strove to gain a forward position
in the continuous daylight, but was not able to attack. ^
Captain U-boats, Norway/Admiral Northern Waters Most Secret
- 2448 - A Ops


. .




Most Secret

Teleprinter message :

1. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops .

2. Emergency. Admiral Commanding U-boats

3. Emergency. For information Naval War Staff, First

4. Emergency. For information 11th U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message.

Most Secret .

Short report from U 515 (Zollor), third operation .

19 April 1944 Put out from Narvik,

14 May Put' In toNarvik.

Proceeded from Westf jord to AF 2155, group

20 - 25 April In patrol line in AF 2155.

26 April At 1600 air reconnaissance reported a PQ

convoy. Operated on report. Convoy not
re -intercepted.

27 - 29 April In various patrol lines. Disposed

against westbound convoy.

30 April At 1600 in AB 6681 occupied patrol line

in Bear Island passage.
At 1722 altered position by 30 miles,
course 000°.
At 1858 first sighting report from "Herrle"

.. then another -from "Buchler''. Operated on
" Buchler" s report

., At 2156 in AB 6377 a "Swordf Ish" „ bearing

000°, range 10,000 meters, run-in warded
off, but boat forced to the southeast.
Dummy runs -in.
At 2223 a bi-plane and a fast monoplane,
bearing 330°, range 12,000 meters.
Submerged quickly. .An aircraft' threw out a
noise box. Later, destroyers and Diesel
noises. Oh surfacing, saw nothing.

. ,


Pressed on. Hauled southwards to -avoid air


1 May At 0310 in AB o515 a destroyer, bearing 330°

range 9 miles at 0315 carrier-borne

aircraft over destroyer, at the same time

smoke cloud, bearing 300°. Run-in. Sub-
merged. Operated to gain a forward position.
At 1327 in AB 6784 smoke cloud no. longer
visible. Although we attempted to follow it
up, nothing else was observed. Previously
only slight deviation. Presume smoking
destroyer. Operated on convoy reported in
the north.. At 1904 in AB 8312 carrier-borne
plane, bearing 340°, distance 10 miles,
passed us. Unobserved.

May At 0215 in AB 8453 noise band, bearing 055° -

070°. ^_^
At 0429 in AB 8483° according to dead
reckoning, shadowers reports and hydrophone

bearing we should be ahead of the convoy.

Proceeded towards it. In spite of 10 miles
visibility, nothing was seen. Cannot
understand It.
At 0930 proceeded southwest against the
, reported destroyer. _
At 1512 in A3 8715 carrier-borne plane,
bearing 180°, range 8,000 meters, altitude
2,000 meters; submerged.
At 2030 1 Diesel engine out of action.
At 2135 in AF 1319 a "Catalina" ,• bearing
210° range 12,000 meters, altitude 2,000

meters; submerged. At 2300 Diesel again

clear, at 2350 again out of action.

3 May :

At 0210 submerged because of location, bad

visibility. At 0522 submerged because of
At 0624 on surfacing in AF 1538, sighted a
plane, bearing 270°, range 5,000 meters,
medium altitude; submerged.
At 0820 Diesel again clear.
At 0830 in AF 1512 a "Hampden", bearing 280°,
range 8,000 meters, low level run-in;
submerged. This enforced underwater passage
and the Diesel breakdowns left us about 50
miles astern of the convoy.

Operated on stragglers. Abandoned the


4 May ',
Steered for patrol line of group "Trutz".
At 0650 in AF 1235 a "Lerwick", bearing
125°, range 12,000 meters. Ran In at
fairly low altitude. Submerged.
4-12 May In AB 7687 and 7937 in patrol line.

13 May Commenced return passage because of scarcity

of fuel.


Comments by Captain U-boats, Norway/Admiral Northern


Well-executed but unsuccessful operation. In spite

of operating initially on an erroneous report from
"Buchlor'' and despite strong enemy air escort, the
boat managed to get well ahead. Cannot understand
why the convoy was missed and the boat had no
opportunity to fire.

Captain U-boats, Norway/Admiral Northern Waters

Most Secret' - 2486 - A Ops.





Most Secret

Teleprinter message :

1. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops

2. Emergency. Admiral Commanding U-boats.

3. Emergency. For information Naval War Staff, First

4. Emergency. For information 11th U-boat Flotilla.

Most Secret .

Short report from U 515 (Schweiger), third operation .

25 April 1944. Put out from Narvik.

12 May Put in to Narvik.. Proceeded via Andf jord

to AB 84.

26 April Operated on eastbound convoy reported by

air reconnaissance. At 1719 In AB 9710,
2 aircraft (type not Identified) flying
low, range 8,000 meters. At 1800 and
1910 in AB 9710 noise of turbines
(doubtful), bearing 210° varying to 270°.

27 April AB 9480 to AB 9491. At 1200 port Diesel

out of action. Maximum speed 10 knots.
Attack area AB 9113.
28 April AB 9198 to AB 8949. Diesel again clear.
29 April Attack area AF 2151 to AB 8897. At 1425
steered on course 070°, maximum speed,
against the QP convoy. New attack area
AB -6959.
30 April Attack area AB 6680. At 1717 reached the
area. Southerly position. At 1732 operated
on convoy. At 2334 port Diesel out of

1 May At 0050 Diesel again clear.

At 0145 starboard Diesel out of action.
At 0400 in AB 6450 turbine noises, bearing
At 0800 in AB 6430 turbine noises, bearing
050° and 330°.

. . .


At 0900 in AB 6450 turbine noises, bearing

At 0915 Diesel clear.
At 1130 in AB 6440 aircraft run-in, low level
approach from 190°
At 1145 singing noise, bearing 190°, thought
to be a noiso box- dropped by aircraft.
Turbine noises, bearing 225 and 015°.
At 1530 operated on smoke clouds reported by
U 315 in A3 6749. Assumed- we were dealing
with part of the convoy, no contact.
At 1715 again on main convoy.
At 2045 port Diesel out of action, at 2145
again clear. .

2 May At 0145 starboard Diesel out of action, at

0515 again clear.
At 1145 in AB 8750 aircraft ("Catalina" (? ) )

ran in at medium altitude, range 5,000 meters.

At 1650 in A3 7980 submerged because
destroyer was approaching from 220°.
At 1656 a depth charge, presume it to be a
countermeasure against T5 torpedoes.
At 1700 hydrophone pursuit, Asdic- short
location transmission by 3 escort vessels,
explosive sounding device at- times a- singing

tone heard for as long as 3 minutes

At 1801 20 Inaccurate depth charges, finally
passed In AB 7980 by 7 escort vessels, course
At 2245 port Diesel out of action.

3 May At 0045 Diesel again clear.

At 1223 operation broken off by Command.
Attack area AB 8770.
7 May At 1600, while executing a practice dive, the ,<«&-

after hydroplane jammed between 17° and 20°.

Cause not ascertained.

9 May As we cannot deal with. the hydroplane trouble

with the means aboard and' as our diving and
operational capacity is impaired, we
commenced the return passage to Andf jord at

Drifting mines 27 April: AB 9470, heavily


overgrown. 30 April: AB 9430 (2). 30 April:

AB 6640. 1 May: AB 6450." 1 May} AB 8220.
9 May: AB 8770 and AB 7990, type not

Addendum At 0822 on 27 April In AB 9710 we


exchanged recognition signals with "Weitz"

(later missing). Commander asked for a
spare part for his Ju- compressor. Not


Comments by Captain U-boats, Norway/Admiral Northern


As a result of continuous engine trouble, the boat

was unable to roach the convoy from the southerly
position. No success.

Captain U-boats, Norway/Admiral Northern Waters Most

Secret - 2561 - A Ops .






Teleprinter Message ;

1. Emergency. Captain U-boats, Norway.

2. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C
U-boats Ops

3. Emergency. Naval Chief Command, Norway, Ops . Staff.

4. Emergency. Admiral West Coast.

5. Emergency, 9th U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message.

Most Secret .

Short report from U 565, third special operation

off the west coast from 1 to 21 May .

1 May Put out from Bergen, proceeded via Inshore

waters to tho operational area off Lister
as instructed in Operational Order No. 3 for
U-boat operations off the west coast.

3-19 May At 0800 occupied operational area. By day,

mostly In Listerf jord, recharged in various
places. Increased enemy low level air
activity off the coast, particularly on 5 - 7
May by full moon. On 10 and 12 May unconfirmed
suspicion of submarines in the operational area,
Tests with the German Air Force location set
at Lister (39 TD) resulted In apparent location
of U-boat, oven under water.

20-21 May Commenced return passage to Bergen with escort.

11th U-boat Flotilla Serial No. Most Secret 1287.





Moat Secret

Teleprinter message;

1. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops '

; .

2. Emergency. Admiral Commanding U-boats.

3. Emergency. For information Naval War Staff, First


Clear as multiple address message.

Most Secret .

Short report from U 995 (Kohntopp), transfer passage

from Bergen to Trondheim .

18 May ;
At 1900 put out from .Bergen for Narvik.
At 2210 left escort at Fejeosen. Surface
procedure, course 275°.

19 May: ;: At 0230 submerged in AF 8717.

At 1745 surfaced.
At' 2023 in AF 7669 submerged, because of

20 May At 0400 surfaced.

At 0655 alarm in AF 8177. ("Catalina" or
"Sunderland"). No location. A bomb was
dropped while we were at 80 meters At .

1355 in"8T74' a '"Catalina" in periscope,

5,000 meters on the port beam. _._ After ..a quick
survey, the seaplane ran in towards the
periscope. We lay at 80 meters. No bombs.
At 1445 in AF 8171 flying boat at periscope
level, same direction and range.
At 1600 no change in the situation. New
course of 090°.
At 1900 surfaced. At 2150 in AF 8143 loud
"Naxos" location. Remained on surface, as
wo were charging.. "}_

At 2152 alarm: "Sunderland on starboard

'" 1

quarter, no bombs.

21 May At 0300 surfaced.

At 0320 in AF 5787 flying boat, bearing 240°.
Defensive maneuver, turned about full speed
all out. Plane could not turn with us and
flew past the boat 10 meters astern. 5 depth


charges heavy machine-gunfire.

, No damage.
3*7 cm. gun broke down after the fifth time of
firing. Numerous 2 cm. hits observed. Plying
boat continued to shadow us. At 0333 submerged.
At 0845 surfaced. At 0912 alarm in AP 5785.
Plying boat, no bombs. At 1200 surfaced.
At 1248 in AP 5791 "Sunderland" flying boat,
bearing 000° ran in, defensive- action- taken.

Good firing position. 1 engine was set on fire,

hits scored on cockpit, wings and fuselage.
Plane flew over level with torpedo hatch,
altitude 12 meters, 5-6
bombs close to
starboard. Violent vibrations, damage to
electrical engine and fus"es While flying off,

plane was hit on tail unit. Two of the crew

were badly wounded by aircraft armament and by
some of our own 2 cm. hits on the protective
shield. Crash-dived. No bombs At 1750 in
, .

AP 5793 very quickly deviating hydrophone

bearing, buzzing, then Asdic noise, ticking.
At 2120 surfaced.
At 2130 in AP 5873 an anti-submarine vessel on
_ 120 megacycles , alarm... .

22 May At 0415 surfaced. At 0520 location on 210

megacycles. At 0525 in AP 8113, alarm, flying
boat, no bombs. At 0820 surfaced. At 0920
location on 215 megacycles. At 0922 in AF 8226,
clicking in the "Naxos" location apparent!;?-
under 4 cm , alarm. At 1030 surfaced, maximum

At 1300 put in to Kristiansund and put ashore
the badly wounded.
At 2300 put out from Kristiansund with escort.

23 Ma'y At 0730 put in to Trondheim. Morale of crew -

.. good, especially the anti-aircraft detachment,

above all P/0 Sick Bay .

Comments by Captain U-boats, Norway .

Boats will in future be ordered to proceed as far as 66° N

in accordance with Orders Nos 13 and 14.
.- Breakdown of
3*7 cm. gun was unfortunate.

Captain U-boats, Norway Most Secret - 2655 - A Op;




Most Secret

Teleprinter message :

1. Emergency. Captain U-boats , Norway.

2. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C
U-boats Ops.
3. Emergency. _
Naval .Chief Command', Norway.
4. Emergency. Admiral North Coast.
5. Emergency. For Information 11th U-bqat Flotilla.
Clear as multiple address message.

Pied - Most Secret .

Short report from U 990 Nordheimer( fourth enemy ) ,

operation (transfer to NarvikT i

22 May At 1930 put out from Bergen.

24 Ma y AF 8150 (all square data reconstructed).

Operated at maximum speed on distress report
from U 476 (Nietrnann) In AF 5575 at 1920

a plane approached. No recognition signals

or guns fired "Condor" flew In irregular

circles until out of sight. An hour and a

half later, we received a radio message from
the aircraft on the sighting of a U-boat and
dinghies. Presume we are near the scene of
disaster. Wreckage of tail of' aircraft seen.
(It was later confirmed that "Nietrnann" had
shot down a plane). Reached the starting
point for the search action at 1950. "Condor"
flew off. Searched by zig-zagging 4 miles
beyond each side of the search area, always
within visual range. Empty dinghy, shadowers'
signal buoys put out; in reply, 2 distress
signals were given and we proceeded towards
the first. We rescued 11 men from a raft in
sea, force 5-6. Then we made for the
second distress signal In AF 5575. At 0015
U 476 with 10 men was sighted. When the
commander reported that the boat could hold
out only 1-2 hours in view of the

continuous "Naxos" location, we sank the

boat by torpedo at 0102. Submerged at 0155.
surfaced and continued to search. Sighted
white star, bearing 050°. Advanced 10 miles
m that direction. Patrol vessel No. 5901


sighted. Search abandoned after 6 hours.

Followed patrol vessel No. 5901 to Trondheim,
keeping 300 meters astern on passage. At
0630 a "Liberator" made contact and attacked
us at 0730 in AF 5676. After firing 7 times,
the 3*7 gun supply failed. 6 depth charges.
The last exploded under the boat at the forward
edge of the tower, heavy damage. Water in fore
compartment,, 2 jolly-boats torn away,, chlorine
gas. At 0755 all men off the boat. Boat sank
quickly, by the bow. Patrol vessel No. 5901
saved 34 men, 1 man was killed, 18 missing.
At 1915 anchored at Trondheim with patrol
vessel No, 5901.

15th U-boat Flotilla Most Secret - 1521 .


. . .




Most Secret

Teleprinter message ;

1. Emergency. Captain U-boats, Norway.

2. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops

3. Emergency. Naval Chief Command, Norway.

4. Emergency. ' Admiral North Coast.

5. Emergency. For information 11th U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message..

Red - Most Secret .

Short report from U 476 (Nietmann) , first enemy

operation .

20 May At 1900 put out from Bergen.

22 May At 1620 in AF 3150 a British periscope was

faultlessly detected 1,000 meters on the
port beam.
At 1630 carrier-borne bi-plane, alarm,
priority "white"
At 2000 a "Liberator" in periscope, course
23 May Surfaced at 1200.
At 1230 in AF '8120 a "Catalina", location
curves as it approached, alarm. Surfaced
at 1330. "Catalina" alarm. Surfaced at 1600.
At 1640 "Catalina", location curves as it
approached, alarm. Surfaced at 1810, course
060°, fast speed. At 1930 we submerged
because of a squall. Surfaced at 2100.
At 2130 "Catalina", location curves, run-in,

24 May At 0000 surfaced and started "Aphrodite".

At 0050 "Catalina" flew in on the beam,
alarm. After 8 minutes bomb on "Aphrodite"
Proceeded under water. Decided to surface
in the morning for defensive action.
At 1630 surfaced in AF 5573.
At 0715 "Catalina" approached, after firing
10 times, jamming in 3*7 cm. gun supply. In
spite of our accurate 2 cm. gunfire,

. '



determined' run-in- at altitude of 40 meters.

bombs and gunfire. Last hits on bulkhead of
after edge of Diesels. Explosion under
becond run-in warded off, then submerged.
A - 30 we blew, as electrical engine was outAt
of action and burning. Water in Diesel engine-
room, chlorine -gas, submerged. In third and
iourth attacks, we scored hits on the aircraft
engine and cockpit. Because of chlorine ^as
all the crew were on the top deck, all boats
At 1600 a. u Condor" exchanged recognition
morse not understandable. After circling
several times, it flew off.
At 1700 it again circled us for 2 hours.
At 2300 white star in the southeast,
by white and red stars.
0005 U-boat In- sight (Nordheimer)
At 0050 picked up the crew."
P ^ sunk b J torpedo. There was no air in the
tanks and the battery was empty. Presume
had shot aown the "Catalina", as boat had U
been molested for 17 hours since the attack.

1,5th U-boat Flotll-Ia Mos Secret - 1522.

. .




Most Secret

Teleprinter message :

Immediate. For information Captain U-boats, Norway.

Clear as single address message.

Red - Most Secret .

1. Boat blown. At 50 kg. all crew left the boat.

2. Crew donned life jackets when aircraft alarm v/as
given. Except for 2 one-man dinghies, no rescue
gear on top deck.

3. In an attempt to fetch dinghies from the hold

Midshipman Tils, P.O. (Engineer) Regber went dov/n
with the boat

4. Crew swam for SO minutes, sea force 5-6,

temperature 3°.

5. Several men were seen to drown, mostly just ahead

. of patrol vessel No. 5901.

13th U-boat Flotilla Serial No. Most Secret - 1571.





Most Secret

Teleprinter message

1. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops

2. Emergency. Admiral Commanding U-boats-*

3. Emergency, For information Naval War Staff, First


4. Emergency. For information Naval Chief Command, Norway.

5. Emergency. For information Admiral North Coast.

6. Emergency. For information 11th U-boat Flotilla.

7. Emergency. For information 13th U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message.

Most secret .

Comments by Captain U-boats Norway on the commanders'

r eports ;

I. U 990 (Nordheimer) Transfer from Bergen to Narvik and


loss of boat on 25 May.

1. Assisting U 476 (Nietmann)s The trustworthy

commander gave up the skillful and successful search
for the crew of the sinking boat after 6 hours,
fully convinced that none of the remaining 50 men
could still be alive. After 11. men from a large
dinghy and 10 men from the U-boat (still afloat) had
been rescued, there were still 3 wounded and 2 men
lost in a work dinghy and 25 more were missing. They
must have been blown away in one-man dinghies.
According to our experiences to date, after 17 hours
of swimming in the high sea of low temperature "without
any help, these men must certainly bo considered as
lost. The commander considered further search useless
and, moreover, it would expose the survivors to
further danger from the enemy aircraft to be expected
if they remained long in this area. I thus justify
his decision, although in more favorable conditions
further details of the whereabouts of the missing men
would have had to be ascertained through continuation
of the search.

2. Re the loss of his own boats On his ..return passage,

the commander remained on the surface to use his
anti-aircraft guns as he felt safe beside the patrol

boat. He failed to realise that an attack would

always be directed against the more valuable U-boat
whose defense would bo limited by the rough sea.
After the boat had been hit, only 2 one-man dinghies
were brought up to the top deck. This was due to the
quick sinking and chlorine gas Rescue of the men in

the water was made more difficult for patrol vessel

No. 5901 by the heavy swell and violent sea. Despite
the commendable action bf the vessel, of the 18 missing
men, the majority, although wearing life jackets, were
drowned as a result of exhaustion very near the patrol
vessel: nine of those men wore not seen. The~'"c~ommander
took all possible measures to save the boat and the

II. U 476 (Nietmann) Transfer from Bergen to Narvik and loss


of boat on 25 May.

1. When the boat's air and current supply had sunk

considerably because of the need for continuous diving
from enemy aircraft, the commander decided to reach r
full. diving readiness again. by proceeding to charge
with anti-aircraft guns at the ready. As sea
conditions for using these guns were most unfavorable
he might have tried to hold on by making full use of
the Intervals between alarms or until there was an
Improvement in sea and defense conditions.

2. Re the loss of the boat? After the boat had been hit,
lack of necessary technical and sea-going experience
obviously caused the commander to lose his sense of
proportion; he overestimated the danger and too early
(about 0800) gave the order to take to the boats".' As
was shown, the water in the Diesel engine-room did

not come over" the " boards for a long time , "so"' that the

ventilator to draw off the chlorine gas and the

electric compressor were still in working order. The
commander wrongly considered that the crew would' be
subjected to greater danger from the explosion of the
batteries than from taking to the dinghies. The
boats were thus put out too soon and then, because of
wind and heavy sea, could not keep beside the U-boat
as the commander had intended. Sinking of the
crippled boat was correct, but could have been
. achieved by ventilation: use of torpedo was unnecessary.

3. Shooting down of a "Gatalina" after the attack is

probable, as the boat while still afloat was no
longer molested by the enemy. Confirmed by U 990 rs
sighting of a floating tail unit.

III. Experiences :

1. 24 May: at 0100 bomb attack on ''Aphrodite", enemy
obviously only acting on location details.

2. The deciding bombs foil on both boats after the

3*7 anti-aircraft guns .had failed. Jamming of
supplies in both cases by recoiling ammunition



frames; first round went slightly out of alignment

and led to jamming.

3. 12*7 mm", ammunition bored through tower armament

and 2 cm. protection shield, but not through 3*7

4. Securing hawser of the dinghies was too weak.

After putting out, the dinghies could not keep to
the lee of the boat, indeed they were more to
windward. One-man dinghies were used to protect
the large dinghy from breakers

5. Morse communication between aircraft and U-boat

was unsuccessful. Propose change to star signals.

6. It is advisable to allocate a sea distress wave

viz. 442 kc/s. for U-boats and aircraft, in
accordance with "Emergency radio service of the
German Air Force in war-time" If the crew has

to leave the boat, the key should be fixed on a

continuous note.

Captain U-boats, Norway Most Secret - 2795 - A Ops.

, . : ,




Most Secret

Captain U-boats, Norway On board, 19 May, 1944

Serial No. Most Secret
2553 A Ops

Sailing order for U 587 (Buchler) U 668 (v. Eickstedt)

and U 742 Schwas sman)
( «

"1. Put out from Narvik at 0000 on 20 May, after

replenishing at Bogcn if necessary. Boats which will
then proceed to 3k j omen, Bogcn or Ramsund, will
switch to the Base wavelength (MC = 410 kc/s until . )

they arrive and on that frequency will report their

time of sailing to the operational area as soon as
possible. Make certain of reception of U-boat radio
messages given in four-hourly routines on very long

Proceed via Westf jord at 7 knots to AB 88. Increased

submarine danger off Westf jord.

Operational Order No. 15, U-boat Northern Waters


Enemy situation The last PQ convoy (31) was attacked


from 30 March to 4 April. On 10 May, air reconnaissance

reported an apparent PQ, convoy in Bear Island passage.
The last QP convoy (28) ran from 30 April to 3 May,
strongly escorted by carrier-borne planes, destroyers
and, south of 70° N, by flying boats Carrier groups,

attacking our own coastal escorts, have appeared in

the last months up to 75 miles from the coast between
Trondheim and Troms'o. We can expect similar measures
in conjunction with PQ convoys or in the event of an

Own forces :

(a) U-boats in attack areas, depth of sweep 30 miles,

from AB 6254 to AB 9239, in the following order
U 239 (Hellwig), U 425 (Bentzien), U 957 (Schaar)
U 737 (Brasack), U 347 (de Buhr), U 362 (Franz)
as group "Trutz".

(b) German Air Force will patrol a convoy day's run

east of Iceland with FW 200s. Daily meteorological
flights from Trondheim to Jan Mayen with FW 200s
and from Banak - Bear Island - 75° N, 5° E -
Banak with Ju 88s Further air reconnaissance In

the operational area will be announced.

p.p. Reche.

. . . . ,




Most Secret

Captain U-boats Norway On board, 23 May, 1944.

Serial No iViOS'C Secret
2613 A Ops

Sailing, order for U 997 (Lehmann)

Put out from Narvik on 23 May. Boats which will then

proceed to Skjomen, Bogen or Ramsund, will switch to
the Base wave (MC = 479 kc/s until they arrive and
. )

on that frequency will report their time of sailing for

the operational area as soon as possible. Make certain
of reception of U-boat radio messages for four-hourly
routines on very long wave

2. Proceed via Westfjord to A3 88.

3. Operational Order No. 15, U-boat Northern Waters


Enemy situation :The last PQ convoy (31) was attacked

from 30 March to 4 April. On 10 May air reconnaissance
reported an apparent PQ convoy in Bear Island passage.
The last QP convoy (28) ran from 30 April to 3 May,
strongly escorted by carrier-borne planes, destroyers
and, south of 70° N, by flying boats. Carrier groups
attacking our own coastal escorts, have appeared in
the last months up to 75 miles from the coast between
Trondheim and Tromso. We can expect similar measures
in conjunction with PQ, convoys or in the event of an

Own forces :

(a) U-boats in patrol line from AB 8123 to 8944 in the

following order:

Group "Trutz" U 289 (Hellwig), U 425 (Bentzien)


U 957 (Schaar) U 737 (Brasack), U 347 (de Buhr)


U 362 (Franz)

Group "Grimm" U 387 (Buchler), U 742 (Schwas smarm)


U 668 (v. Eickstedt)

Procedure in accordance with Order No. 8. Submerge

according to visibility conditions. Radio silence
except to report enemy vessels, carrier-borne
aircraft and attacks.

(b) German Air Force will patrol a convoy day's run east



of Iceland with FW 200s. Daily meteorological

flights from Trohdheim to Jan Mayen with FW 200s
and from Banak - Bear Island - 75° N, 5° E - Banak
with Ju 88s
Further air reconnaissance in the operational area
will be announced.

p.p. Reche

. . .




Most Secret

Captain U-boats, Norway On board 29 May, 1944,

Serial No. Most Secret
2740 - A Ops.

Sailing order for U 515 (Schweiger) and U 711 (Lange)

"1. Put out from Narvik at 0100 on 50 May.

2. Proceed via Tjeldsund - Andfjord at increased

speed to AB 89 from LBdingen to Harstad with

district pilot.. Submarine danger off Andfjord.

5. Operational Order No. 15, U-boat Northern Waters

frequency. Observe Northern Waters Orders Nos
8 and 10.

4. Enemy situation Air reconnaissance at 1445 on


29 May sighted 2 carriers, 1 cruiser, 2 destroyers

in AP 4574, course 040°, speed 8 knots. The
sailingof a PQ, convoy therefore seems possible.
Air reconnaissance is being flown against it.
5 Own forces ;

(a) U-boats in formation from AB 4624 to AB 8941

in the following order: Group "Trutz" U 289 ;

(Hellwig), U 425 (Bentzien), U 957 (Schaar),

U 757 (Brasack), U 547 de Buhr), U 562(

(Franz). Group "Grimm" U 587 (Buchler),


U 742 Schwas smann)

( U 668 (v. Eickstedt),

U 997 (Lehmann) Procedure in accordance


with Order No. 8. Submerge according to

visibility conditions. Radio silence except
to report enemy vessels, carrier-borne
aircraft and attacks

(b) The German Air Force will fly a reconnaissance

against the reported formation with FW 200s.
Daily meteorological flights by Ju 83s from
Banak to Bear Island and by Fi<V 200s from
Trondheim to Jan Mayen.
Re (a)

U 507 (Herrle) and U 515 (Zoller) will put out

from Hammerfest for AB 89 on the morning of 50

p.p. Reche.





1-15 June, 1944


. . ,


1 Juno, 1944 .

A. Enemy situation ?

I. Air reconnaissance ;

Flieger Fuehrer 3 :

2 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - Hope Island - 75° N, 30° E,
- Banak from 0757 to 1236, exhaustive apart from
the stretch AB 6339 - AC 1523, nothing to report.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance of the

central North Sea from 0330 to 0305, enemy not

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Vaernes - AE 8292 - 5651 - Vaernes from 0325 to
1028. Route 90^ examined. At 0450 in AF 7262
1 flying boat, course 160°, otherwise nothing to
1 Ju 88 on aerial photographic reconnaissance of
Jan Mayen'from 1306 to 2110.

II. Reports on the enemy :

(a) By U-boats : None.

(b) By air reconnaissance None :

(c) By naval forces : None.

(d) By radio intercept service :

Gorlo Strait/Archangel area: destroyers "C"

"H u "E"
, minesweeper No. 32, motor mine-

sweepers Nos 429, 430, 432, 431,


Britain: 1 unit intercepted in the Murmansk

Hammerfest took a bearing of 301° on a
British unit at 0340 on 31 May.
(e) By G.I.S. stations : None.

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern '.Voters boats :

(a) Positions at 0800 :

In the operational area :

. • :


In patrol line :

Group "Grimm"' :

U 347 AB 3584 ....

U 362 AB 3487 .---v-i^-.: ._._ 1-.-:.
U 387 AB 3824
3852 ''-- -~::-.:vJ-.;_;-— ..-.•_
U 742 AB -

U 668 A3 3855
U 997 A3 3882 -' ••--•' :.:_._..

> . . U 313 AB 3888

}•' U 711 AB 6223

; : :
U 307 A3 6229
U 315 A3 6256

Group "Trutz" :

.... U 737 A3. 6283

U 425 A3. 6286
U 289 AB 6531 .."'

U 957 AB 6557
" -•— — ' ----:--_
In port :
'*• :

U 394, 862 (Atlantic boat 965 Narvik, ) ,

U 312:, 361, 636.,. 673 (Atlantic boat), 739, 921,

'968, 995 Trondheim, ''•;,/'

U 278, 354, 716, 956, 992 Bergen.

(b) U-boats' homeward and outward bound ;

U 344 proceeding from Narvik to AB 6560.

U 363, 987 proeeed4ng-~from-Bej?ge;& AB 68.
2346 U 394 put out from Narvik for AB 68.

U-boat group Central :

U 293, 365 Bergen, '

U 290, 1000 Egersund-j ..:..''.."'.:,„.:-,..

1192 Valley, .

243, 98'0-'"Pl-e-k-ke"f-5-o3?d-y
745, 1165 Larvik.,.

— , . .


.. ;:.. . U 242, 975, 715 Stav'anger ,.. , ,';


U 480, 999 Arondal,

U 677, 678/971, 1001' .Kris tians and (South),
U 771 Hatvik,"
. U 276 proceeding from Bergen to Stavanger,
U 276, 343 on special operation.

IV. Current U-boat operations :

(a) Convoy operations : None.

Operational measures to intercept enemy t raffic


15 boats proceeding to positions west of Bear

Island. Still no- further. -news .of U 289 .

(Hellwig) which last reported the carrier

formation. -

. ) . ; . . ;


0948 Radio message 0956/746 sent:

" "Hellwig": report position."
Again no answer received.

In view of the tense, uncertain position, 2

new operational boats approaching from the
south were detailed to reinforce the patrol

1001 Radio message 0955/747 sent:

"U 565 (Noes), U 987 (Schrcyer) proceed to


AB 68 at cruising speed, Northern Waters

radio frequency.

(c) Special operations by single boats ; :


( d Miscellaneous I

1911 Radio message 1816/60 sent to U .594 (Borger) .

"l. Put out from Bogen at 0000 on 2 June for

AB 68 via Tjeldsund - Andf jord, from
LBdingen to Harstad with pilot. Cruising
speed.. Report passing of "Schwarz 25"
by time short signal. Submarine danger

2. Operational Order No. 15, Northern Waters

radio' frequency."

V, Reports of successes ; None.

C Surface forces ;

Nothing to report.
D. Flans :

2247 Teleprinter message Most Secret 4597/44 received

from Luftflotte Command 5:

"Complete execution of a day's run reconnaissance

will be discussed by the Chief of/the Ops.
Division of Luftflotte Command 5 at the German
Air Force High Command H.Q,. on 2 June.
Announcement of operational plans will follow
after the return of Chief of the- Ops. Division."

E * Survey of the situation ;

Re IV (b)

"The German Air Force has announced that no

further reconnaissance against PQ convoys can
take place because of fuel shortage. Since
yesterday's reconnaissance revealed nothing as
most of the flying boats had to abandon operations
early owing to lack of cloud cover, we can now
only wait to see if a very strong U-boat patrol line

) . . . ,


will be succ ossf-ul- -in -interception,... Up to date, .

however^ we have no information regarding the

running of a convoy or the intentions of the carrier
formation lost in AB 4690 on 31 May ..-*•'

(Signed) Suhrcn.

2 June, 1944

A . . Enemy situation i

I . Air reconnaissance ;

Flieeer Fuehrer 3;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Jan Mayen - Banak from 2358 on 1 June to
0756 on 2 Juno, nothing to report, almost
1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route
Banak - Bear Island - South Cape - 75° N, 30° E
from 0457 to 1001, nothing to report, almost
Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological- of the- -re-Go-nnai.s-s.ance


central North Sea from 0355 to 0856, enemy not

sighted. --'---- -- '—--- --•- -.::. ,

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance northwest

of the Faeroes route Vaernes - AE 6771 - 9442 -

Vaornes from 0257 to 1031. Route IQffo examined, ,

nothing to report.

II. Reports on the enemy :

( a ) By U-boats i None

.(b). By air reconnaissance ; None,

(c) By naval f orce.s t .None.

( d By radio intercept service ; .

Norwegian polar coast; few radio messages to

submarines in the operational area..
Murmansk area; destroyer C" Ti

.-. Teribcrka area; minesweeper' 'No .45 .

Corlo Strait/Archangel, area; destroyer "H"

minesweeper No. 110. '..",



Britain? no units intercepted. in the Murmansk/

Archangel area.
Hammerfest bearings; at 0550 on 1 June and
0401 on 2 June British unit in 263° - 274°.
Svanvik bearings: at 1540 on 1 June and 0401
on 2 June British unit in 247° - 270°.

( e ) By G.I.S. stations. : None .

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters boats :

(a) Positions at 0800 :

— . .
In the operational area :

In patrol line :

Group "Grimm" :

U 347 AB 3584 " -— -

U 362 AB 3487
U 387 AB 3824
U 742 AB 3852 .

U 668 AB 3854
U 997 AB 3882
U 313 A3 3888
U 711 AB 6223
U 307 AB 6229
U 315. AB 6256
Group "Trutz" ;"'
'.' ,' :

U 737 AB 6283 .

U 425 A3 6286
U 289 AB 6531 . >....

U 957 AB 6537
U 344 AB 6560
U 363
'. U 987
U 394 '•.<..[;.!

In port : .

U 862 (Atlantic boat), 965 Narvik,

U 312 361/636, ''6Y31 Atlantic boat), 703,


-- 739, 921, 968, 995 Trondheim,

U 278, 354, 716, 956, 992 -Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound :

1355 U 289 proceeding from AB. 6531 to Andfjord -


U 363, 987 proceeding from Bergen to AB 68.
U 394 proceeding from Narvik to ^B 68.
1600 Groups "Grimm" and "Trutz" will proceed via
position line AB..2818 - AB 9117 to AB 4673 -
A3 8836.

) : .


2317 U 394 proceeding from A3 92 to AF 169G .

2317 U 957 proceeding from A3 68 to A3 7570.

U- b o a t gr oup- Central :

U 293, 365, 980 Bergen,

U 290, 1000 S^ersund,
U 1192 Valloy,
U 243 Flekkef jord,
U 745, 1165 Larvik,
JJ 242, 975, 715 Stavanger,
U 430, 999 Arendal,
U 677, 673, 971, 1001 Krlstiansand (South),
U 771 Hatvik,
U 276, 348 on special operation.

IV , Current U-boat operations :

( a Convoy operations : Hone

( b) Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic :

14 boats v/est of Bear Island passage. 4 boats


0127 Radio message 0127/767 sent:

"According to a bearing obtained, a British

unit was about 180 miles v/est of Bodo at 1920
on 1 June. Possibly a carrier formation."

Intersecting at a very sharp angle and crossing

long stretches of land, the bearings were very
uncertain, but it did seem advisable to report

0509 Radio message 0410/769 received from U 711

(Lange )

"Suspected enemy periscope in AB 6225."

0559 Radio message 0559/770 sent;

"If periscope sighted at 0410 by "Lange" in

AB 6225 belongs to a German boat, the boat
concerned should report "yes" by short signal

No report was received.

0643 Radio message 0604/771 sent:

"l. U 394 (Borger): put out from Andfjord on the

morning of 2 June.
2. "Pietsch", "Nees", "Schreyer", "Borger":
lengthen patrol line from AB 6561 to 6597,
joining group "Trutz"."

) : . . ,


The-formation was thus increased to 18 boats.

As U 289 had still not reported, it had to
be assumed that the boat had. been sunk by
the carrier group or at least that its
transmitter had broken down.
As no enemy formation had been intercepted
up to date the boats were withdrawn to the

southwest again, searching the sea area on

passage and then forming up with a greater
distance between each boat

1534 Radio message 1555/776 sent:

"1. "Hellwig": return to Andf jord - Narvik

if your transmitter is out of order, be
at- point "S.chwarz 25" at 0400 on 4 June.

2. Groups C-rimm" and "Trutz" at 1600 on


2 June proceed via position line 1, AB

2318 to" 9117, to position line 2, AB
4673 to 8336. Pass position line 1 at
1600 on 3 June, reach position line 2 at
1600 on 4 June. Group "Grimm in the ;i

following orders "de Buhr" "Franz", ,

"3uchler", 3chwassmann" "Eickstedt",


"Lehmann", "Schweiger" "Lange", "Herrle"


"Zoller". Group "Trutz": "Brasack",

"Bentzien", "Schaar", "Pietsch", "Noes",
"Schreyer", "Borger"."

1922 Radio message -1854/780 received from U 737


"At 0553 in AB 6282 and at 1118 in AB 6258

thick periscope seen. Submerged, heard
electric motors. After three hours of
hydrophone pursuit, lost contact. Hydrophone
bearing faded to the east.' 1

"Lange"' s report of the enemy submarine was

thus confirmed.

( c Special operations by single boats :

2 boats were detailed as security boats in

the planned withdrawal by air of
meteorological unit "Bassgeiger"
2547 Radio message 2517/785 sent:
" "Schreyer" proceed immediately at maximum

cruising speed to AB 7570, "Borger" to AF

1690. The two southerly positions of the
lino are unoccupied."

(d) Miscellaneous :

Sailing order for U 956 (Mohs) ;

"l. Put out from Bergen on 3 June for Narvik -


. .


2.. Proceed through inner leads to Frohavet,

then at a distance of 50 miles from the
coast as far as 66° N In accordance with
Orders Nos 13 and 14, steer for Westfjord.

3. Report probable time of arrival at approach

:v point 24 hours in advance, also report
passing "V 1" by time short signal. If
radio communication is bad, use relevant
coastal frequency.

4. Expect enemy submarines at a distance of

60 miles off Westf jord. "For exchange of
recognition signals with land, observe
Section 153 of Recognition Signals

5. Radio frequency "Anton" and Northern Waters

very long wave
f \

6. Further instructions follow."

V. Reports of successes ; None.

C . Surface, forces ;

Nothing to report.

D. Flans; -Organizational ;

In accordance with Naval High Command, Naval War

Staff, Second Division,' C'-in-C U-boats Ops 02614/ .

Teleprinter message A 2 of 26 May, U 987 (Schreyer)

is transferred for administration from 1st to 11th
U-boat Flotilla and U 363 ( from 3rd to 11th j

U-boat Flotilla, both with effect from 1 June.

E. Survey of the situation ;

Re IV (c) ;

"The two U-boats detailed to act as security boats

for the return flight of the meteorological unit
--"Bassgeiger" can' no longer be in position in time
as they are still far off in the east as a result
of the last few days' action.
An attempt will, however, be made to bring them up
for an emergency."

'(Signed) Suhrbn.

5 Juno , 1944 .

A. Enemy situation ; '"....;;

I. Air reconnaissance ;

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ; ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

) : . .


Banak - Bear Island - South Cape - Hope Island -

75° N, 30° E - Banak from 0446 to 0955, not
exhaustive nothing to report.

Fliegcr Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 en meteorological reconnaissance as far

as the area west of the Faeroes from 0143 to
0944, nothing to report..

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

Jan Mayen area between 0300 and 1000. Route 85$,
Jan Mayen area 10$ examined, nothing to report.
1 Ju 290 successfully carried out operation
"Ba'ssgeiger" between 0830 and 2206, route Vaernes
- Jan Mayen - target - Vaernes.

1 II* Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By U-boats None.

(b) By air reconnaissance : None.

(c) By naval forces : None.

( d) By radio Intercept service :

Norwegian polar coast: few radio messages to

submarines In the operational area.
Iokanka area: destroyer "H"
Britain: no units intercepted in the Murmansk/
Archangel area.
Hammerfest bearings: British unit in 229° -
233° between 0932 and 1115 on 2 June.
Svanvik: British unit in 245° - 255° between
0932 and 1710 on 2 June.
> 18th Group: very lively flying activity (44
aircraft). Reconnaissance of the northern
part of the North Sea with focal point
northeast of the Shot lands

( e By G-.I.S. stations : None .

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters boats :

(a) Positions at 0800 :

In the operational area :

Group "Grimm" :

U 347 U 997
U 362 U 313
U 387 U 711
U 742 U 307
U 668 U 313 on passage.
: :


Group "Trutz"

u 737
u 425.
u 957
u 344
u 363
u 987
u 394

In port

U 862 (Atlantic boat), 9.65„ Narvik,

U 312, 361, 636 673 (Atlantic boat), 703
, ,
921, 968. 995 Trondheim s

U 278, 354, 716, 956, 992 Bergen.

(b) U-boats "homeward and outward bound ;

U 289 proceeding from AB 6531 to Andf jord
Narvik. (I
1600 U. 956 put out from Bergen for
Narvik. .

U 394 proceeding from AB 92 to AP 1690.

U 987 proceeding f rom.. AB:. 68 to AB 7570.
Groups' "Grimm" and "Trutz" will proceed from
AB 3584 - AB- -65-97 ...via position line 1 (AB 2818

- AB 9117) at 1600 on 3 June to reach position

line 2 (AB 4673-/to. AB ,8.83.6) .at 1600 on 4 June.
1015 U 862 (Atlantic boat) put out from Narvik for
-' '-"• -
AA 96.

U-boat group Central :

U 293, 365, 980, 771 Bergen,

U 290, 1000 Egersund,
U 1192 Valley,
U 243 Plekkef jord,
U 745, 1165 Larvik,
U 242, 397, 975, 715 Stavanger,
U 480, 999 Arendal, f
U 677, 678, 971, 1001 Kristiahsand (South)
U 276,348 on special operation.
U 317 proceeding from Kristiansand (South) to
U 1007 proceeding from Kristiansand (South) to
Flekkef jord-.- '- '•

IV. Current U-boat operations :

(a-)- Convoy operations : None.

(b) Operational' measures -to .Intercept enemy traffic:

17 boats proceeding in' line formation

from Bear Island passage to the southwest,
distance- between each -boat -15 miles.

(c) Special operations by single boats :

The boats assigned to cover the withdrawal of

"Bassgeiger" received more detailed instructions.

. .


1042 Radio message 1005/792 sent:

" "Schreyer" and "Borger": immediately
cover sea distress D/F wave, 442 kc/s as . ,

security boats for the special flight,

Callsigns: aircraft 01HU, U-boat code group
number from Reconnaissance and Combat
aircraft table No. 993. In the event of
an emergency landing the aircraft will ,

transmit in plain language on 500 kc/s."

After the news was received of the aircraft's

successful landing,

2238 radio message 2221/800 was sent:

" "Schreyer" and "Borger": Turn about, make
for positions in line -2 at -economical speed." :

( d) Miscellaneous :

* Still no signal from- U 289-. -

V. Reports of successes : None.

C Surface forces :

Meteorological unit "Bassgeiger" and the crew of

weather ship " C oburgxr -landed -at -V-a ernes at 2210
from Shannon Island.

D. Survey of the situation:

Nothing to report..

(Signed) Suhren...

4 June , 1944 .

A. Enemy situation :

I . Air reconnaissance :

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - South Cape - 78° 30' N,
11° E - Banak from 0351 to 0953, not exhaustive
At 0440 0515 and 0555 in AC 4734, AB 6363 and

AB 3647 sighted drifting mines, otherwise nothing

to report.


Flieger Fuehrer 4 :

1 Ju .88 on meteorological reconnaissance west of

the Faeroes between 0351 and 1213. At 0524 in AN
2715 1 four-engined U.S. aircraft, type not
identified, course 070°, otherwise nothing special
to report.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0251 to 1005. Route 90$ examined, Jan . ...

Mayen area completely examined,, nothing to report.

II . Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By U-boats : None.

(b) By air reconnaissance : None,

(c) By naval' forces s~ .None.. . .

(d) By radio intercept service ;

Harnmerfest took a bearing of 268° on a British

unit at 0855.
Murmansk area: minesweeper No. 39.
Iokanka area: minesweeper No. 113.

(e) By G.I. 3. stations : None.

B. U-boats s

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position


Northern Waters boats :

(a) Positions at..Q800 i r

In the operational area :

Group "Grimm" :

U 347
U 362
. u 387 .:......,.•
U 742
U 668 "."'
U 997
U 313
U 711
U 307
U 313 on passage.

Group "Trutz" :

U 737
U 425
U 957
U 344
U 363
U 987
U 394.
; . -


In port ;

U 965 Narvik,
U 312, 361, 636, 673 (Atlantic boat), 703,
739, 921, 968, 995 Trondheim,
U 278, 354, 716, 992 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

Groups "Grimm" and "Trutz" proceeding from

position line 1 (AB 2818 - A3 9117) to
position line 2 (A3 4673 - AB 8836) at 1600
on 4 June
U 394, 956 returning to position line' 2.
U 289 proceeding from AB 6531 to Andf jord -
IT 956 proceeding form Bergen to Narvik,

U-boat group Central ;

U 293, 771 Bergen,

U 290, 317 Egersund,
U 1192 Valley,
U 243, 1007 Plekkefjord,
U 745, 1165 Larvik,
U 242, 397, 975, 715 Stavanger,
U 480, 999 Arendal,
U 677, 678, 971, 1001 Kris tlans and (South),
U 365 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik,
1230 U 673 (Atlantic boat) put out from Trondheim,
U 276, 348 on special operation.

IV. Current U-boat operations ;

(a) Convoy operations ; None.

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

17 boats In patrol lino east of Jan Mayen,

1 854 Radio message 1804/710 ;

"Groups "Grimm" and "Trutz";

1. Remain in patrol line from AB 4673 to

A3 8836.
2. "De 3uhr" while, extending the patrol line,

determine the ice limit, reporting the

last three grid square numbers by short
signal on "Anton". Avoid Ice damage."

(c) Special operations by single boats ; None.

( d) Miscellaneous ;

U 289 (Hellwig) has not yet put in to port

or reported as ordered.

)) . .


V. Reports of successes : None.

C. . Surface forces s

Nothing to report.
D. Survey of the situation ;

Re IV (b) ;

"After U 547's ice report, 10 boats will be

disposed in the extended patrol line, while the
remaining seven will put in to port for refuelling
to be on call. The formation depends on air
reconnaissance and at present conferences are being
held on this point with Chief of the Ops. Luft-
flotte 5 at German Air Force High Command E.Q."

(Signed)- Suhren

5 June, 1944

A. Enemy situation;

I. Air reconnaissance

Fliege r Fuehrer 3:

1 Ju 88 on meteorological and ice reconnaissance,

route Banak - Hope' Island - Edge Island - 79° N,
210 E - South Cape - Banak from 0359 to 1140, not
"exhaus five nothing t o report
"'," „'

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 He 111 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0258" to 1007." Route "80^ examined, Jan
Mayen area not examined, nothing to report,
1 He 115 on anti-submarine operations in Foldef jord,
from 1452 to, 1845, enemy not, sighted.

II . Reports on the enemy :

( a By U-boats : •

(b) By air, reconnaissance ; None.

( c By naval forces ; None

( d) By radio intercept service ;

G-orlo Strait/Archangel area; guardship No. 75,

minesweepers Nos 52, 53, 69, 101, 110, motor

minesweepers Nos. 429, 431,

Britain: no units Intercepted in the Murmansk/
Archangel area.



Bearings: Hammerfest took a bearing of 260°

on a British unit at 2040 on 4 June.
Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts.

(e) By G.I.S. stations : None. ..

B. U-boats :

111= U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters boats :

(a) Positions at 0800 :

In the operational area :

In patrol line :

Group "Grimm u :

U 347 AB 4673
U 362 AB 4687
U 387 AB 4926
U 742 AB 4957
U 668 AB 4966
U 997 AB 5771
U 313 AB 5779
U 7.11 AB 8124
U 307 AB 8153
U 3.15 AB 8167

Group ''Trutz"

U 737 AB 8196
U 425 AB 8511
U 957 AB 8519
U 344 A3 8554
U 363 AB 8583
U 987 AB 8597
U 394 AB 8836

In port :

U 965 Narvik,
U 312, 561, 656, 703, 739, 921, 968, 995
U 278, 354, 716, 992 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound :

U 956 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.

U-boat group Central :

U 293, 771 Bergen,

U 290., 317 Egersund, . .

U 1192 VallBy,
U 243, 1007 Plekkef jord,
U 745, 1165 Larvik,
U 242, 397, 975, 715 Stavanger,

. ) :


U 480, 999 Arendal,

U 677, 678 971, 1001 Kristiansand (South)',
' U 365 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik,
U 276, 348 on special operation,

IV. Current U-boat operations ;

(a) Convoy operations : None.

( b Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic :

17 boats east of Jan Mayen.

(c Special operations by single boats :

Still no report on the ice limit received from

U 347 (de Buhr) . .'. ..".,.. .

(d) Miscellaneous ;

Teleprinter message Captain U-boats, Norway

Most Secret 2870 sent to Naval War Staff, Second
Division, C-in-C U-boats Ops.:

"U 289 (Hellwig) is missing. Boat put out from

Narvik on 7 May, last message short signal
0107/716 of 31 May, referring to carrier
formation in A3 46. Did not report as requested
on 31 May and as yet has not complied with
orders to put in to port on 4 June."

V Reports of successes. : None

C Surface forces :

Nothing to report.

D. Plans : .

1333 Teleprinter message' Most -Secret 00507 A 2 received

from Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C
U-boats Ops . :

"1. As no Information is available concerning the

approach of a PQ, convoy, the following
investigations must be made at once to find out:

(a) whether those U-boats which have been

-longest- at -sea cannot be withdrawn to the
readiness ports of Hammerfest and Narvik.

(b) at what degree of readiness the boats

withdrawn can lie- there

2. Plans arc to be reported."

In reply,

1745 teleprinter message Most Secret 2864 A Ops was

sent to Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C
U-boats Ops .


"Reference your teleprinter message Most Secret

00507 A 2:

(a) After receiving the report on the ice limit,

1 intend to withdraw 4 boats to Hammerfest
and 3 to Narvik so that 10 boats will remain
in the extended patrol line. Disposition
depends on air reconnaissance, about which
a conference is being held with Chief of Ops.
Luftf lotto 5 at the H.Q,.. •..of.....C.*.in-C German,

Air Force.

(b) U-boats in port at 12 hours' readiness."

E, Survey of the situation : .

Nothing to report.

(Signed) Suhren.

6 June, 1944 , . ....

A. Enemy situation :

I . Air r e c onna is sance :

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological- reconnaissance , route

Banak - Jan Mayeh "Barduf os from 0252 to 0937,
nothing to report, not exhaustive, only the
• southern part of Jan Mayeh examined.
1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route
Banak - 75° N, 40° E - Hope Island - Banak from
0459 to 1045, nothing to report, almost exhaustive.
1 Ju 88 on an offensive sweep against shipping
and harbors of the northeast Kola coast as far as
lokanka. No shipping around Fisher Peninsula.
Kola inlet - Kildin area not examined because of
weather. Coastal inshore waters Teriberka -
lokanka examined. At 1700 in AW 2122 2 patrol
vessels, at 1722 in AC 8982 1 patrol vessel 10
km. to the northwest and another 2 km. to the west.
Only small section of lokanka harbor examined
becaus'e of thick cloud cover.
1 Ju 88 on shipping and harbor reconnaissance
of the northeast Kola coast from West Fairway to
the waters off Morjovets and photographic
reconnaissance of Ponoi harbor and "the airfield
at Shoina from 1531 to 2105. Ponoi- and Morjovets
not examined because of weather "conditions No .

shipping in Ponoi. 3 freighters, each 1,500 -

2,000 G.R.T., in Shoina harbor." No shipping In
West Fairway.

)) .


Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

area west of the Faeroes from 0142 to 0710,
2 Ju 88 on sea reconnaissance west of the islands
off North Scotland from 2258 to 0416 on 7 June.
In AF 7845 1 aircraft believed to be a "Lightning",
no attack. .Reconnaissance area examined to a
breadth of 40 km. except for the area between AN
1120 and AF 7868.

Fliogcr Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ho 111 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayon via Vaernes - AA 9379 - 9383 - Bardufos

. from 0258 to 1000. Route 80%, northeast part of

Jan Mayen 20% examined $- nothing to report.
1 BV 138 on an ant i- submarine sweep in Westf jord
against a southbound convoy, nothing to report.
1 BV 138 on an anti-submarine sweep in AF 3673 -
3628 against a convoy, nothing to report.

II* Reports on the enemy :

(a) By U-boats ; None.

( b By air reconnaissance ; None

(c) By naval forces : None.. "-!;... ..•'

(d By radio intercept service ;. .

.. :

Svanvik took a bearing, of 257°

on "
-a --British
L """ ;

unit at 1857. '•••-

(e) By G.I.S. stations :

Luftf lotto. Command 5 Ops. Division I c wired

on 3 June i

"According to a report from the B.B.C. on 2

June, the aircraft carriers "Victorious" and
"Furious" and the auxiliary carriers "Searcher",
"Emperor", "Pursuer", "Pincer" and "Striker"
have taken part in the 6 carrier-borne
operations against targets off and along the
Norwegian coast during the last 2 months. The
aircraft, taking part had a greater radius of
action than previously, so that the ships could
remain at a. safer distance from the coast.
Note from Luftf lotte 5 I c: up to now, carrier-
borne aircraft have been: "Wildcats", "Hellcats",

"Corsairs" ..-(?.) "Soafires",. "Fulmars", "Avengers"


and "Barracudas"."
B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters boats :

(a) Positions at 0800 :



In the operational area

In patrol line :

Group "Grimm" :

U 347 AB 4673 .

U 362 AB 4687
U 387 A3 4526
U 742 AB 4937
U 668 AB 4966
U-997 AB 5771
U 313 AB 5779
U 711 AB 8124
U 307 AB 8153
U 315 AB" 8167

Group "Trutz" :

U 737 AB 8196
U 425 AB 8511
..U.-957AB 8519- •

U 344 AB 8554
U 363 AB 8583
U 987 AB 8597
U 594 AB 8836.

In part i.^
...-., :

U 965 Narvik,
U 312, 361, 636, 703, 739, 921, 968
995 Trondheim,

U 278, 354,, 716, 992 Bergen. ..

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound :

U 956 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.

U 347, 387, 425, 957, 278, 737, 742 proceed-
ing from the .-operationa-l. -area to Andfjord -
Group "Trutz": U 668-, -'-997, 3I3-,- 711, 307, 315
344, 363, 987, 394 proceeding to new patrol
line from AB 4455 to AB 8495.

U-boat group Central :

U 293, 771 Bergen,

U 290, 317, 982 Egersund,
U 1192 VallBy, .

U 245, 1007 Plekkef jord,

' U 745, 1165 Larvik,
U 242, 397, 975, 715 Stavanger,
U 480, 999 Arendal,
U 677, 678, 971, 1001 Kristiansand (South)
U 365 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik,
U 276, 348 on special operation.
IV. Current U-boat operations :

(a) Convoy operations:" None.

. )) : ,


( b Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic :

10 boats east of. Jan May en. 7 boats returning.

1154 Radio message 1054/729 sent:

"Groups "Grimm" and "Trutz"

1. The following will return to Andf jord -

Narvik at maximum speeds "de Buhr"
"Buehler", " Schwas smann" Immediate .

readiness after refuelling.

2. The remaining boats will proceed to a

patrol line from AB 4455 to AB 8495 in the
following order:.
"Eickstedt" "Lehmann", ,

"Schweiger" Lange" "Herrle", "Zoller",

''•"" ,

"Pietsch", "Noes", "Schreyer" and "Borger",

as group "Trutz"."
(c Special operations by single boats :

U 347 (de Buhr) in short signal 0257/6/44

reported the ice limit In AA 3657, i.e. 200
miles northwest of the patrol line.

0954 Radio message 0931/724 sent:

" "de Buhr": Confirm immediately by short
signal "yes" that Ice limit is in AA 3657,
otherwise report new grid square."

1125 Short signal 1058/59 received from U 347

'-- •-'•-'- •'•" -•*
;-,.. ..'.„„ BuhrT-:


V. Reports of successes : None.


C Surface forces :

Nothing to report.
D. Plans : ...

1905 Teleprinter message Luftflotte Command 5 I a Secret

2427/44 received:

"Reference your 5441/44 Secret of 6 June:

Reconnaissance flights against enemy shipping in
Northern Waters will be made only if there is
definite information available on PQ or QP convoys."

2150 Naval High Command, Naval War Staff H, Chief of

Naval Meteorological Service wired in Most Secret
1061/44 to Naval War Staff,. First Division, Naval
War Staff, Second Division, for information Naval
Chief Command, Norway, for information Captain
U-boats, Norway: - '"'

"Propose operating meteorological transmitters in

" :


the Northern area.

1. One meteorological buoy to be laid by U-boat

in the Jan Mayen area and one in the Iceland
area to replace the "Bassgeiger" reports.
Buoys will be shipped to Narvik in the next
few days Operational readiness will be

announced. Inspector Werner will be on


2. Bear Island positions U-boat to set up

meteorological shore transmitter on Bear
Island. Set ready for use in Tromso.
Inspectors Stoebe and Person will transfer

3 Spitsbergen positions the same U-boat will

set up a meteorological shore transmitter In
northwest Spitsbergen ("Kreuzritter" position).
Set ready for use in Tromso. Men in para. 2
will transfer it. After they have set It up,
the "Kreuzritter" crew will be evacuated (12
men) .

E. Organizational ;

0300 Naval War Staff, Second Division announced by


"From 0100 large numbers of parachutists have

.-. been dropping from gliders on the eastern side of
the Cotentin peninsula and near Trou'vl lie. At
other places straw dummies have been dropped.
Seems to be the start of large-scale operations.
Increased alertness on all fronts."

0810 Radio message 0545/6/60 received!

'Group Central, Captain U-boats, Norway, 11th

U-boat Flotilla Immediate readiness, indications
of invasion.

1050 -Most Immediate Captain U-boats, Norway Most

Secret 2882 M was sent to 11th and 13th U-boat

"In accordance with Admiral Northern Waters/

Captain U-boats, Norway Most Secret 1856 Order
of 16 April 1944, report as quickly as possible
date of immediate operational- readiness of
U-boats. "Falkfi" and' "Dunkelberg" are ordered
to be at immediate readiness. With the cessation
"of all repairs except those necessary for diving,
"Mangold", "Westphalen" "Seidel" and "Kohntopp"
, ,

in Trondheim and "Franze" in Bergen will! have to

be at readiness in a few days. Report progress
and date of completion."


Codeword "Wallenstein" was received in Naval High

Command I a 345. Then

1845 teleprinter message Most Secret 2912 A Ops. was

sent to 11th U-boat Flotilla, loth U-boat Flotilla,

U-boat base Hammerfest U-boat base Narvik:


" "Wallenstein" 1200 on 6 June."

1330 Teleprinter message Most Secret 02325 received from

11th U-boat Flotilla:

"Reference your Most Secret 2882 M of 6 June, we

report U 716 (Dunkelberg) after 2 days of anti-

aircraft training, ready by 10 June, U 992 (Falke)

by 7 June, U 278 (Franze) ready by 10 June without
equipment and trial run, if run carried out by 17
June? and U 254 (Sthamer) not ready to sail before
14 June."

2350 Teleprinter message Most Secret 1641 received from

13th U-boat Flotilla:

"In reply to Captain U-boats Norway Most Secret

2912 A Ops of 6 June and Captain U-boats Norway/

Admiral Northern Waters Most Secret 2248 A Ops. of

7 May 1944:
U 921 (Werner) at alarm readiness by 2000 on 7 June.
U 361 (Seidol) at alarm readiness by 2000 on 9 June.
The remaining U-boats will not be at operational
readiness so quickly."

F. Survey of the situation :

"With the invasion of France, there is always the

danger of a subsidiary operation in the Norwegian
theater. On receipt of codeword "Wallenstein",
U-boat group Central will be put under -the command
of a new Captain U-boats to operate against a
landing. Northern Waters boats are affected only
in restricted use of very long wave.
The 7 boats withdrawn from the operational area
and those in Bergen and Trondheim are being made
ready for operations as quickly as possible
and will then remain ready in the bases until the
development of events necessitates their sailing."

(Signed) Suhren.

7 June, 1944 .

A. Enemy situation :

I. Air reconnaissance:

. .


Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 38 on an offensive shipping sweep along

Kola coast as far as Ipkanka 'from 1013 to 1445.
Kola coast - Teriberka - Iokanka and the sea
area 90 - 100 km. north of Kola coast from
Fisher Peninsula to AA 2313' examined. No
shipping traffic identified. Iokanka harbor
only partially examined. 2 merchant ships, each
approximately 1,500 G.R.T., in the northeast exit
of harbor .

Flieger Fuehrer 4 :

2 Ju 33 on meteorological reconnaissance west of

the Faeroes from 0227 to 1338,
2 Ju 188 on reconnaissance against shipping
anchorages off the oast coast of Scotland in the
Moray Firth and the- Ty-ne- estuary from 1710 to
• 2025.
2 Ju 88 on extensive- reconnaissance of coastal
inshore waters off the coasts of Jutland and
Norway between 55° and 62° N as far as 160 miles
from the coast from 1554 to 1840, enemy not
1 Ar 196 on reconnaissance against ships reported
in the area south of Bergen from 1415 to 1537,
enemy not sighted.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0255 to 1010. Route and Jan Mayen
area not exhaustively examined, nothing to report.

II > Reports on the enemy ;

W ( a ) By U-boats ; None.

:.-; (b) By air reconnaissance

In AN 1654 1 large ship of approximately

'10,000 - 12,000 G.R;.:T., judging from the
superstructure probably an auxiliary
aircraft carrier,

.(c) By naval forces

: None.

( d) By radio intercept service :

Norwegian polar coasts very few radio

messages to submarines in the operational
Murmansk area: destroyer "H"
Iokanka area: minesweepers Nos 32, 59, 61. .

Gorlo Strait/Archangel area: flotilla leader

Britain: no units intercepted in the Murmansk/
Archangel area. Hammerfest bearings:
British unit at 0821 on 6 June in 233°, at
0358 on 7 June in 277°.

: .


Svanvik: at 0930 on 6 June a British unit in

251 o at 0150 on 7 June in 273°.
Russian radio traffic; slight to moderate
Britain: very few Archangel broadcasts, none
from Murmansk.
Destroyer "H" at 1620 in Polyarno.

(e) By G.I .S o stations : None.

B. U-boats :

III- U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters boats :

(a) Positions at 0800 :

In the operational- area :

In patrol line

Group "Trutz" :

U 668 AB 4455
U 997 AB 4495
U 313 AB 4816
U 711 AB 4859
U 307 AB 4899 .

U 315 AB 7327
U 344 AB 7391
U 363 AB 8411
U 987 AB 8452
U 394 AB 8495

In port :

U 965 Narvik,
U 312, 361, 656/703, 739, 921,- 968, 995
U 278, 354, 716, 992 Bergen. -

( b ) U-boats homeward and outward bound :

1430 U 425 put In to Narvik from' AB 8511.

1530 U- 737 .put in. to Narvik from AB 8196.
2000 U 992 put out from Bergen for Narvik.
U 956 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.
U 347, 362,. 387, 742, 957 proceeding from the
operational area to Andfjord--- Narvik.
Group u .Trutz" proceeding from AB. 4455 - AB
8495"to "AB' 7684 - AF 2674.
2300 U 365 put in to Narvik from, Bergen.

U-boat group Central :

U 293, 771 Bergen,

U 290, 317, 982 Egersund,
U 1192 Valloy,
U 243, 1007 Flekkef jord,
U 745, 1165 Larvik,
U 242, 397, 975, 715 Stavanger,



U 480, 999 Arendal,

U 677, 678, 971, 1001 Kristiansand (South),
U 276, 348 on special operation. •

IV. Current U-boat operations :

- :

(a) Convoy operations :- None. ----

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy


10 boats west of Lofoten.

In order to have those boats still at sea
nearer the coast in the event of a possible
Invasion of Norway, the patrol line was
transferred accordingly.

0117 Radio message 0004/741 sent:

# "Group "Trutz: Occupy new patrol line

immediately from A3 7684 to AP 2674. Radio
silence' except to report enemy vessels,
carrier-borne aircraft and attacks Look .

out for new routine, times.: ..on- very., long wave."

(c) Special operations by single boats : None.

V. Reports of successes : None.

C Surface forces :

Nothing to report.
D. Organizational :

1858 Teleprinter message Most Secret 00719/TP A 2

received from Naval. War Staff., Second Division,
C-In-C U-boats Ops.:
U 365 (Wedemeyer) will be placed under the
command of Captain U-boats Norway with effect

from 8 June to replace U 289 (Hellwig)


Admiral .

Commanding U-boats regulates flotilla distribution"

E. Survey of the situation :


0302 Radio message 0251/744 sent:

"All U-boats, for information:

Enemy landings on 6 June between Le Havre and
Barfleur, obviously a large scale operation.
Speeches of Allied leaders and location of enemy
forces indicate that further landing/actions may
be expected; information as to their targets still
L,._-.:- not; available.. Surprise, attacks in. other areas

must be expected."

(Signed) S.uhren.

. . . . "


8 Juno, 1944 .

A Enemy situation :

I Air reconnaissance ;

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

.......:.;. 1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear" Island - South Cape- •— Storefjord -
Hope Island - Banak from 0530 to 1142, nothing to
report, exhaustive.
2 FW 190 on meteorological and shipping reconnais-
sance of the waters around Fisher Peninsula and
Kola inlet from 0612 to 0705. Westsouthwest of
Eina Bay 1 supply boat on a westerly course,
otherwise no shipping movements

Flleger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on reconnaissance west of the Faeroes from
0200 to 1033, enemy not sighted.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 .;

..on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

1 Ju. 88.
Mayen from 0300 to 0935. Route 50$ examined, Jan
Mayen not examined since planned route had to be
shortened because of technical trouble.
II. Reports on the enemy ;

( a ) By U-boats : None
(b) By air reconnaissance I 'None

(c) By naval forces : None.

(d) By radio intercept service :

Northern Waters: flotilla leader "Baku" and

destroyer " J" at sea on 7 June (according to
radio traffic )

Hammerfest took a bearing of 273° on a British

unit at 0358 on 7 June .

lokanka area: minesweepers Nos 32, 37, 61, 113, .

118, MO-boat No. 252.

Norwegian polar coast: few radio messages to
submarines in the operational area.

(e) By G-.I.S. stations : None.

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters boats s

(a) Positions at 0800 ;

•-1,015- •
) .


In the operational area ;

In patrol lino ;

Group "Trutz" :

U 668 AB 7684
U 997 AB 7926
U 313 AB 7963
U 711 AB 8775
U 307 AF 2113
U 315 AF

U 344 AF 2196
U 363 AF 2524
U 987 AF 2564
U 394 AF 2674 -.V:

In port

U 365, 387, 425, 737, 742, 965 Narvik,

U 312, 361, 636, 703, 739, 963,-. 9-95 Trondheim, :

U 278, 354, 716, 992 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

0920 U 362 put Narvik from AB 46.

in to
0950 U 347 put Narvik from AB 46.
in to
0445 U 387 cut Narvik from AB 88.
In to
0320 U 742 put Narvik from AB 49.
in to
1015 U 957 put Narvik from AB 85.
in to
1000 U 956 put Narvik from Bergen.
in to
U 992 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.
U-boat group Central ;

U 293, 771 Bergen, '

U 290, 317, 982 Egersund,

U 243, 1007 Flekkef jord,
U 745, 1165 Larvik, '•- -.4....:
U 242, 597, 975, 715 Stavanger,
U 999 Arendal,
U 677, 678, 971, 1001, 480, 1192 Kris tians and
U 276, 348 on .special, operation.

IV, Current U-boat operations ;

(a) Convoy operations ; None.

(b Operational measures to intercept enemy

C... traffic : :

10 boats v\fest of Lofoten.

( c Special operations by single boats ; None

(d) Miscellaneous ;

Sailing order for U 1061 (Hinrichs) ;

"1. Put. out from Narvik at 1600 on 8 June.

" . . :


Radio frequency "MC", Northern Waters very

long wave.

2. Take on torpedoes at Ramsund. As soon as

it is known, report time- of sailing by short
signal. After sailing, radio frequency
"Anton", Northern Waters very long wave.

3. Proceed through Westfjord at a distance of

50 miles from the coast southwards through
Prohavet to Trondheim.

4. Expect to meet U 992 (Palke) putting out

from Bergen at 2000 on 7 June via Prohavet.

5. Report by short signal probable time of

arrival at "HA l".*

V. Reports of successes : None. .

C . Surface forces ;
Nothing to report

Do Plans s

1635 Teleprinter message Most Secret 17391 IW from Naval

War Staff (Koralle)

"Subject. Meteorological transmitters in the northern

area. Agree in principle to recommendation in
Chief of Naval Meteorological Service la 1061/44
Most Secret of 6 June 1944. The employment of the
2 Northern Waters transmitters is particularly
urgent in view of the Importance of continuous
weather reports enabling a forecast for the English
area ,

E. Organizational s

1514 Teleprinter message received from Admiral Commanding

U-boats Most Secret 4482 UI

"l. In accordance with Naval "War Staff, Second

Division, C-in-C U-boats Ops., 00719/teleprinter
message A 2 of 7 June, U 365 (Wedemeyer) is
with effect from 8 June transferred for
administration from 9th U-boat Flotilla to
13th U-boat Flotilla.

2. Additional note for 11th U-boat Flotilla: Your

request for allocation to the 11th U-boat 1

Flotilla cannot be granted as flotillas must

be kept at equal strength."

F. Survey of the situation :

Re III (b) ;

"All 7 boats which put in to Narvik from the

operational area were only 20 to 30 days at
•sea. Apart from "Schaar" and "Bentzien", they
. :


had no encounters with the enemy. Thus they

will be ready for further operations shortly
and can be kept at readiness for employment in
the event of a subsidiary landing In Norway. ,?

(Signed) S'uhren.

9 June, 1944 .

A, Enemy situation :

I. Air reconnaissance ;

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ?

X""Ju 88 meteorological Teeennaissance, route


Banak Bear Island - 75° N, 5° E - Banak from

0439 to 1032 exhaustive ,' nothing to report.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 r

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

area west of the Faeroes from 0200 to 1000,

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0326 to 1011. Route completely
examined, Jan Mayen not examined because of mist,
nothing to report.

II . Reports on the enemy ;

( a ) By U-boats ~.
None ...

( b ) By air reconnaissance :

At .0807 convoy in AE 9555. 7 merchant ships

totaling 50,000 G.R.T., 1 probable escort
vessel, course 110°.
At 0813 1 merchant ship of 5,000 G.R.T. in
AE 9531, course 270°.

i± (c) By naval forces ; None.

(d) By radio intercept service ;

lokanka area; minesweepers Nos 32. 37, 53, .

113 (at 1915 Nos. 37 and 113 received urgent

radio message )

G-orlo Strait/Archangel area: Flotilla leader

Britain: no units intercepted In the
Murmansk/Archangel area.
Bearings on a British unit on 8 June
Hammerfest took a bearing of 251° at 1430,

) : ,


Svanvik took a bearing of 259° - 268° in the

Russian radio traffic: slight to moderate
partly very urgent and of first priority.
Britain: very little Murmansk radio traffic,
none from Archangel.. - -

(e) By G.I .3 . stations ;

Naval High Command wired in Most Secret 1205

A 3 of 9 June

"According to an agent's report, the invasion

of Norway is planned for the next 24 hours.
Report seems to have been made with a purpose."

B. U-boats ;

III. . U-boat positions and alterations of position :

(a) Positions at 0800 :

Northern Waters boats :

In patrol lino :

Group "Trutz" :

U 668 AB 7684
U 997 AB 7926
U 313 AB 7963
U 711 AB 8775
U 307 AP 2115
U 315 AF 2156 ... '

U 344 AF 2196
U 363 AF 2524 ..;... ...

U 987 AF 2564
U 394 AF 2674

In port :

U 362, 365, 347, 387, 425, 737, 742, 956, 957,

965 Narvik,
U 312, 361, 636, 703, 739, 921, 968, 995
U 278, 354, 716 Bergen. ...;...

(b U-boats homeward and outward bound


2030 U 956 put out from Narvik for Hammerfest.

U 992 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.

U-boat group Central :

U 293, 771 Bergen,

U 290, 317, 982 Egersund,
U 1007 Flekkef jord,
U 745, 1165 Larvik,
U 637 Valloy,
U 480, 1192 proceeding from Haugesund to Bergen,
U 276, 348 on special operation.

. ) : ;


IV . Current U-boat operations ;

(a) Convoy operations : None.

(b) Operational measures' to intercept enemy

traffic :

10 boats west of Lofoten.

(c) Special operations by single boats : None,

( d Miscellaneous :

1030 Teleprinter- message Most Secret 2953 A Ops.


"Within the next f ew-days-y --U-957 (Schaar)

will be moved to TromsB for operational
reasons Boat at 12 hours- —re-adiness

I)) Instructions regarding berth are requested.

Necessary escort f or salling'wf 11 be ,

announced. at ,the time. Time of arrival will

follow. V'

Sailing order for U 956 (Mohs) :

"1. Put out from Narvik - Skjomen at 2030 on

9 June for Hammerfest via T.jeldsund and ,


2. With pilot from Lodingen to TromsB.

3. Prom TromsB with escort provided by
Admiral Polar ~Goas"tT Boat is expected
at 0900 on 10 June, .

4. Prom LBdingen, U-boat Northern Waters

5. 12 hours' readiness In Hammerfest."
V. Reports of successes ; None,

VI U-boat report s

Short report from U 425 (Bentzien), third operation

Sho rt report from U 957 (Schaar), fourth o peration
°>hort ,

;oo" Appendix I/1,2 T

C. Surface forces

Nothing to report. ' :;;"

Do Survey of the situation -"-"


Pie II (d) ;

"Striking-escort traffic in the lokanka area

indicates movement of merchant ships. The
Hammerfest and Svanyik bearings cannot be of
much use, as they run across land and intersect

) . . .


at a very acute angle. Attempts will be made from

a southerly D/F station with a view to obtaining
useful cross-bearings in the area of approaching
PQ,.. convoys

(Signed) Suhren.

10 June, 1944.

A. Enemy si tuation:

I. Air reconnaissance

Flieger Fuehrer 3:

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance route ,

Banak - Bear Island - South Cape - Hope Island -

Banak from 0447 to 0953, nothing to report. Route
examined apart from 100 km. south of Hope Island
and 100 km. off the coast.
2 FW 190 on meteorological and shipping reconnais-
sance around Fisher Peninsula, Motovski Bay and
Kola inlet from 0730 to 0814, nothing to report.
No shipping movements observed. Kola Inlet not
examined because of low clouds

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance west of

the Faeroes from 0148 to 0915.
4 BF 109 and 1 Do 24 took off between 1020 and
1425 from Gossen and Trondheim lake respectively
in 3 waves for operation "Prien" Operations .

broken off at 1210 because of weather.

Fliep;er Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0314 to 1043. Route 70^, northwest
coast of Jan Mayen 80^ examined, firing, otherwise
nothing to report.

II . Reports on the enemy :

(a) By U-boats ; None. ,

(b) By air reconnaissance : None.

( c By naval force s : None

( d By radio intercept service :

Iokanka area: minesweepers Nos 61, 118, 121. .

Britain: no units intercepted in"the Murmansk/

Archangel area.

( ° ) By G.I.S. stations : None

• :


B. U-boats ;

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters boats :

(a) Positions- at 0800 ;

In the operational area :

In patrol line :

Group "Trutz" :

U 668 AB 7684
U 997 AB 7926
U 313 AB -7963
U 711 AB 8775
U 307 AP 2113
) U 315 AP 2156
U 344 AP 2196
U 363 AP 2524
U 987 AP 2564
U 394 AP 2674
In port :

U 362, 365, 347, 337, 425, 737, 742, 957,

965 Narvik,
U 312, 361, 636, 703, 739, 921, 968, 995
U 278, 354, 716, Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound :

2045 U 956 put In to Hammerfest from Narvik.

U 992 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.

IV. Current U-boat operations ;

(a) Convoy operations : None.

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic :

10 boats west of Lofoten.

(c) Special operations by single boats i

: None.

(d) Miscellaneous * ••-'

1315 Teleprinter message Most Secret 2972 A Ops . 1:

"Sailing order for U 716 (Dunkelberg)

1. Put out from Bergen on the morning of 12

June for Narvik - Ramsund.

2. Proceed through inner leads to Prohavet,

then at a distance of 50 miles from the
coast as far as 66° N in accordance with
Order No. 13, make for Westf jord.

-1,0 oo,
. . . ;


3. Report by time short signal probable time

._'..: of .arrival at approach point and also
passing of "V'T^T" '••'-
• :...:_:.

4. Radio frequency "Anton«_.. 1 -.

5. For exchange of "recognlt-io-n -'•s'-ighais with

lands observe ..section 153 -of Recognition
Signal R egu la tl6"hs"V "--—- •'•---•-.•: ...

V. Reports of successes ; None'.

VI U-boat reports :

Short report from U 1061 (Hinrichs), third trans-

port trip, see Appendix l/5 .

C Surface forces : .

Nothing to report.

D. Flans i

Naval V/ar Staff, Second Division, in Most Secret

1029, wired agreement to meteorological operations
planned in Chief of Naval Meteore-logical Service
la 1061/44 Most. Secret of 6 June.

E « Organizational ;

1735 Teleprinter message Most Secret 0103 A 1 received

from Captain U-boats Central:

"All U-boats lying in operation ports in southern

.,;":. Norway are to be at 3 hours' readiness by day and
at immediate readiness from 2200 to 0700."

F. Survey of the situation*

No comments

( S igne d " Suhren .-• : -•

11 June,' 1944 .

A. Enemy situation:

I. Air reconnaissance

Fliege r Fuehrer 3:

1 Ju 88 on meteorological and ice reconnaissance,

route Banak - Bear Island - South Cape - Hope
Island - Banak from 0504 to 1005',. almost
exhaustive, nothing to report.

)) . .


Flieger Fuehrer 4 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance west of

the Faeroes. Shot down by German U-boat at 0205
in AN 2911. One member of the crew picked up by
the U-boat;, unwounded.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

Ju 83 took off at 0311 on meteorological

reconnaissance to Jan Mayen. Overdue since 0941
in'AF' 6177.''

H • Reports on the enemy ;

( a By U-boats : None

(b) By air reconnaissance ; None.

(c) By naval forces ; None,
(d) By radio intercept service ;

Iokanka area: minesweeper No. 118.

Gorlo Strait/Archangel area: flotilla leader
"Baku", motor minesweepers Nos 429, 431, .

Britain: no units intercepted in the Murmansk/
Archangel area.
Svanvik took a bearing of 259° on a British
unit at 1537.
Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts.

( e By G.I.S. stations : None

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position ;

# Northern Waters boats :

(a) Positions at 0800 ;

In the operational area ;

In patrol line :

Group "Trutz" ;

U 668 AB 7684
"IT9W AF'7926
-"IT 313 AB 7963
......... ....... - -
n 711 AB 8775
U 507 AF 2113 -
U 315 AF 2156
U 344 AF 2196
U 363 AF 2524
U 987 AF 2564
U 394 AF 2674

) .


In port :
— .....— ..

U 956 Hammerfest,'
U362, 365, 347, 387, 425, 737, 742, 957,
965 Narvik,
U 312, 361, 636, 703, 739, 921, 968, 995
U 278, 354, 716 Bergen. "

( b ) U-boats homeward and outward bound :

2100 U 737 put out from Narvik for Hammerfest.

U 992 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.

IV. Current U-boat operations ;

(a) Convoy operations. °


(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic :

10 boats west of Lofoten.

( c Special operations by single boats : None

(d) Miscellaneous s

Sailing order for U 757 (Brasack) s

"1. Put out from Narvik - Sk'jomen on the

afternoon of 11 June.

2. U-boat Northern Waters frequency.

3. Proceed through T j e.ldsund- - Pinnsnesrennen

to Hammerfest.

4. With pilot from Lodingen to TromsB. , .

5. From TromsB to Hammerfest with escort

provided by Admiral Polar -C-oaist
U-boat .

is expected at 0600 on 12 June.

6. 12 hours' readiness in Hammerfest,"

V. Reports of successes : None.

VI U-boat reports :

Short report from U 547 (de Buhr), first operation ,

Short report from U 562 (Franz third operation

), ,

Short report from U 587 ('Buchler), sixth operation ,

Short report from U 757 (Brasack), sixth operation ,

see Appendix I/4-7 T**"

Surface forces :

Nothing to report.

D. Plans :

1640 Teleprinter message Most Secret 2991 Met, sent to



Naval War Staff," Second Division, C-in-C U-boats

Ops., and Naval High Command, Naval War Staff
H Chief of Naval Meteorological
'o- Service:

"Reference Naval War Staff H Chief of Naval

Meteorological Service la "1061/44' "Most Secret,

1. Meteorological buoys are to be laid in the

positions as planned after they reach Narvik.
Request time of arrival.

2. U 737 (Brasack) will set up a meteorological

transmitter on Bear Island, sailing from
TromsB on approximately 15 June. Meteorolog-
ical buoys will be laid insofar as the
invasion situation permits. After setting
out buoys, U-boats will be at full operational
readiness ."

1715 Teleprinter message Most Secret j488 7/44 received

from Luftflotte Command 5:

"In October 1943, a German Air Force meteorolog-

ical station was set up on Hope Island by a
U-boat from Captain U-boats, Norway. Luftflotte
5 requests that a U-boat evacuate the station
at the end of this. month.
It consists of 4 men and radio gear.
Information is requested if and when a U-boat
can be made available for this task."

E. Surve;/ of the situation :

1907 Teleprinter message Most Secret 0110 A 1 received

from Captain U-boats Central:

"U-boat situation of Captain U-boats Central at

• 1600 on 11.' June:

1. The following positions in the operational

area are occupied: 4398, 4665, 3727, 3764,
2829, 2892, 4338, 3465, 3572, 3585, 3478, 2391
all AN 8156, 7622, 8447, 8746 all AF.

2. 5 U-boats proceeding to the north approx-

imately between 59° N and 61° N.

3. 6 U-boats proceeding to the Skagerrak.

4. Miscellaneous: 1 Ju 88 was shot down by U 243

in AN -2911 because it failed to/ give a
recognition signal in time; 1 man rescued."
As there are still no signs of enemy operations
against Norway, it seems adequate to have the
Northern Waters U-boats lying in Trondheim,
Narvik and Hammerfest a_t..!2 hours' readiness.

(Signed) Suhren,

. ) . . . ,


12 Juno, 1944

A Enemy s i t ua t i on :

I Air reconnaissance ;

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - South Cape - 75° N, 10° E ~
Banak from 0458 to 1028, nothing to report,
almost exhaustive.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

area west of the Faeroes from 0237 to 1210.
Southern part of StrBmB, northern part of Sydero
and-NolsB examined.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 He 111 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0258 to 1012. Route on outward flight
completely examined, Jan Mayen 80^ examined,
nothing -to report

II. Reports on the enemy :

( a ) By U-boats : None

(To) By air reconnaissance : None.

( c By naval forces : None

(d) By radio intercept service :

Northern Waters: on the evening and night of j£=

11 June destroyers "C", "E" "G-rcmyashchi" ,

flotilla leader "Baku".

Iokanka area: minesweepers NN, Nos. 37, 59, 111,
118, 120.
Britain: no units intercepted in the Murmansk/
Archangel area.
Britain: very few Murmansk broadcasts, none
from Archangel.
(e) By G.I.S. stations : None.

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters boats :

(a) Positions at 0800 :

In the operational area :

In patrol line :

: . .


Group "Trutz" : :.....„.-

U 663 AB 7684
U 997 AB 7926- • . '..-..

U 313 AB 7963
U 711 AB 8775
U 3G7 AP 2113
U -315 AP 2156
U 344 AP 2196
U 363 AP 2524
U 987 AP 2564
U 394 AP 2674

In port -

'" ""
U 956:' Hammer f-est,-
U 362, 365, 347, 387, 425, 742, 957,
965 Narvik,
U 512,- 361, 636, 703, 739, 921, 968,
995 Trondheim,
f U 278, 554, 716 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

2045 U 737 put in to Hammerfest from Narvik.

1.100 U 992 put in to Rams.und. - .Narvik from
; ;. •


IV. Current U-boat operations :

(a) Convoy operations : None.

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic "

10 boats west of Lofoten.

( c ) Special operations by single boats : None

*) V. Reports of successes : None. •

G • Surface forces :

Nothing to report.

D. Flans :

Teleprinter message Most Secret 2993 A Ops. sent

to Luftflotte Command. 5:,.. Naval War Staff, Second
Division, C-in-C U-boats Ops., for information
Naval Chief Command No'rwa^:,. "11th-. U-boat Flotilla:

"Reference Luftflotte. Command. .5, '/Ops./ Division la

4839 Most Secret of 11 June (not to 11th U-boat
Flotilla) U 354 fSthamer) -will be ready in

Bergen on. 2,4 June, in Narvik about 30 June to

transport the- meteorological -unit back from Hope
. Island. The same boat took the unit there in the

) ,


E. Survey of the situation ;

Re II (d) i

"Suspicious destroyer and escort vessel activity

at sea and off the Murman coast. 11

Otherwise nothing to report,

(Signed) Suhren.

15 June, 1944

A. Enemy situation:
I. Air reconnaissance

Flieger Fuehrer 3:

2 Ju 88 on meteorological and ice reconnaissance,

route Banak - Bear Island - South Cape - Hope
Island - Banak from 0453 to 1553.
1 Ju 88 completed--op-eration, not exhaustive,
nothing to report.
1 Ju 88 broke' off operations in AB 3617 because
of engine trouble, up to then exhaustive
reconnaissance^ nothing. .report •

Flieger Fuehrer 4 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

"ares 'west of "the- Faeroes from 0148' to 0955, enemy
not sighted. fft>

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance between

AB 7415 and 7481 from 0358 to 0954. Route 70$
examined, nothing to report.

II. Reports on the enemy :

(a). By U-boats: None.

(b) By air reconnaissance ; None .


(c) B7/ naval forces ; None.

( d By radio .Intercept service :

Kirkenes took a bearing of 244° on a British

unit at 1955.
Norwegian polar coast: brisk radio messages
predominantly very urgent, to submarines in
the operational area.
Murmansk area: minesweeper No. 59.

: ' ,


Iokanka area: minesweeper No. 32.

G-orlo Strait/Archangel areas destroyer "E"
. minesweeper No. 110.
.Britain: no units intercepted in the
Murmansk/Archangel area.
Russian radio traffic: slight by day,, brisk
in the evening, moderate at night.

(e) By G-.I.S. stations : None.

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters boats ;

(a) Positions at 0800 :

In the operational area :

In patrol line :

Group "Trutz" :

U 668 A3 7684
U 997 AB 7926
U 313 AB 7963- - -' - : V. i - 'A

U 711 AB 8775
u 307 AP 2113 •' ---•..-• -...::.:„.,:-.;:a.

U 315 AP 215.6
: - -~~ ' : -;
U-344 -A'P- 2196 .:,- --.' : A.... i.A

U 363' AF--2524 - > '- '.

A AA...A

U 987 AP 2564
U 394 AP 2674 : ~ •'-,
-:-'~-. ^-l-.

In port :

U 737 956 Kammerfesty--' --^^^--.--'-.-.' 1

n ,

U. 562., 365, 547, 387, 425, 742, 957, 965,

-' --992
•Narvik/- ----'• •AA ••
-••---'-' :

U 312, 361, 636, 703, 739, 921, 968, 995

U 278, 354, 716 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward -bound :

1700 U 425 put out from Narvik for Hammerfest.

IV. Current U-boat operations :

(a) Convoy operations : None.

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic :

10 -boats-west -of Lofoten.

(c) Special operations by single boats :

1800 Teleprinter message- Most Secret -'3034 A Ops.


. . :


"Sailing order for U 737 (Brasack);

1. Put out from Hammerfest at noon on 14 June

for TromsB, escort provided by base. Bring
2 complete sets of U-boat clothing, size of
boots 41 and 43 cm.

2. Make fast in TromsB at the Naval Air Station,

take on meteorological shore transmitter
"Hermann" and Inspectors StBbe and Person.

3. Arrange escort with First Admiral's Staff

- - Officer, Admiral Polar Coast, Report time
of sailing and route in advance by Emergency
teleprinter mes sage .'

4. Proceed via AC 17 to set up "Hermann" on

Bear Island. More detailed Instructions -t
will- be received from Inspector StBbe. \
Report execution by short signal. Return
to Hammerfest.

5. Operational Order No. 15, U-boat Northern

Waters frequency."
V. Reports of successes ; None.

VI U-boat reports

Short report from U 742 (Schwassmann) , first

operation, see Appendix l/8 .

C Surface forces ;

Nothing to report.
D. Organizational :

Change of personnel, Northern Waters boats ;

U 921 (Leu) - new commander, Lt Werner. .

U 965 (Ohling) - deputy commander, Lt Unverzagt. .

E. Survey of the situation ;

No comments,.

(Signed) Suhren.

14 June, 1944 .

A. Enemy situation :

I. Air reconnaissance:

. » .


Fliegcr Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological and ice reconnaissance,

route Banak - Jan Mayen - Banak from 0453 to 1152.
Sea area and island of Jan Ma yen not examined
because of weather conditions nothing to report. ,

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - South Cape - Bellsund -
Ice Fjord - 75° N, 10° E - Banak from 0525 to
1145. Operation carried out on route as ordered;
apart from Ice Fjord, examined exhaustively.
Horns und, Bellsund, Van Keulen Fjord, Van Mijcns
Bay and Svoagruva examined, nothing to report.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

4 Ju 188 reconnoitered shipping berths on the

east coast of Scotland, Firth of Tay, Firth of
Forth, Moray Firth from 1306 to 1637. Peterhead
harbor not examined because of fighter defenses.
Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Vaernes - AE 6444 - 6744 - Vaernes from 0256 to
0905. Route not exhaustively examined, nothinp
to report.

11 • Reports on the enemy :

(a) By U-boats : None,

(b) By air reconnaissance :

11 freighters totaling 12,000 G.R.T., 3

tankers totaling roughly 4,000 G.R.T.
Moray Firth. 7 merchant ships totaling
roughly 37,000 G.R.T. in Firth of Forth.
(c) By naval forces : None.
(d) By radio intercept service :

On 13 June Russian aircraft "U 2"

flew from
Belushya (AT 7234) to Karmakuly (AT 4839) '

Norwegian polar coast: lively, partly

urgent radio messages, and at 1400
codeword to all submarines in the
Murmansk area: minesweepers Nos 112
117 .
S tra VArch-ango 1 area flotilla
» mku
Rn if, f leader :

, minesweepers Nos. 118, 120 (the

latter bearing 113° from Kirkenes
Britain: no units intercepted
in the
Murmansk Archangel area.
Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel
(e) By G.I.S. stations: None.

)) , . .


B. U-boats ;

Ill U-boat positions and alterations of position ;

Northern Waters boats ;

(a) Positions at 0800 :

In the operational area '

In patrol line ;

Grouio "Trutz":

U 668 AB 7684
U 997 A3 7926
U 313 AB 7963
U 711 AB 8775
U 307 AF 2113
U 315 AF 2156
U 344 AF 2196 ""
U 363 AF 2524
U 987 AF 2564
U 394 AF 2674

In port ;

U 737, 956 Kammerfest,
U 362, 365, 347, 387, 742, 957, 965, 992 Narvik,
U 312, 361, 636, 703, 739, 921, 968, 995
U 278, 354 Bergen.

(b U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

1300 U 425 put In to Hammer! est from Narvik.

0400 U 716 put out from Bergen for Narvik.
1300 U 737 put out from Hammorfest, at 2400 put in
to TromsB.
1600 U 957 put out from Narvik for TromsB, at 2340
put in to. Harstad*

IV. Current U-boat operations :

( a Convoy operations : None

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic :

10 boats west of Lofoten.

( c Special operations by single boats : None

( d) Miscellaneous :

" Sailing order for U 957 (Schaar) :

"1. Put out from Narvik on the afternoon of

14 June

2. U-boat Northern 7/aters frequency.

. .


3. Proceed through Tjeldsund, Finns nesrennen

to TromsB.

4. With pilot from LBdingen to TromsB.

5. Admiral Polar Coast, Sea Defense

Commandant and Naval Harbor Master,
TromsB have been asked to allocate a

6. 12 hours' readiness. Radio to be manned

in TromsB.

7. Further transfer to Hammerfest planned

for 19 June."

V. Reports of successes ; None

C. Surface forces : Nothing to report

D. Plans ;

0535 Teleprinter message Naval High Command, Naval

7/ar Staff, Chief of Naval Meteorological Service
la Most Secret 110 received:

"Reference your teleprinter message 2991 Met.

Most Secret of 1 June:

1. Time of arrival of meteorological buoys at

Narvik and operational readiness will be
announced in due course.

2, Chief of Naval Meteorological Service requests

most urgently that, as recommended in la 1061
Most Secret of 6 June paras. 2 and 3, the
positions n Bear Island and Spitsbergen
. should be occupied and that "Kreuzritter" be
evacuated later by the same U-boat."
E. Survey of the situation :

The U-boats were informed by radio of the

invasion situation:

preliminary heavy air attacks, Invasion

forces landed by sea and from the air on the
night of 6 June under cover of heavy warships.
The landings wore made between Le Havre and
Cherbourg with focal points in the St, Vaast,
Bayeux, Quistreham and Trouville areas Troops .

which landed on the Channel Islands and In the

Dieppe - Dunkirk area were rushed and annihilated,
Airborne troops operating in the rear of our
front lines were Immediately destroyed. Starting
with bridgeheads at Carentan and between the mouth
of the Vire and the. Orne the enemy set up an

extensive front from Caen through Bayeuz and

Isigny to Carentan. From the west flank at
Carentan after continuous landings, new attacks


were being made all the time to cut off the

Cotentin and Cherbourg peninsula for use as a
bridgehead. All attempts of this sort were
repelled. The progress of the Allied forces has
been brought to a standstill by the closing in
of our own f ronts reinforcing them with our

reserves. • Up to date over 100 ,,000 G.R.T. have

been sunk, besides numerous naval craft and
special ships. Over 500 aircraft have been shot
down, not including enemy losses In transports and
gliders which were too numerous to reckon. The
strong defensive actions were extremely costly
for the enemy in men and materiel, while our
losses were comparatively slight. The conduct of
the French population in the areas concerned was
everywhere helpful/'

"According to reconnaissance of the north of

Scotland and the S he 1 1 ands "apparently no ,

operations against Norway are to :,be expected at

present. However, more Russian convoys may still
run while the Russian offensive against Finland is
in progress .

(Signed) Suhren,

15 June, 1944

A. Enemy situation :

I. Air reconnaissance ;

Flieger Fuehrer 3;
1Ju 88 on meteorological, Ice and shipping
reconnaissance, route Banak - Bear Island - South
Cape - Prince Charles Foreland - Reindeer Peninsula
- Wijdefjord - Ice Fjord - Bellsuhd™-' Storf jord -
Banak from 0514 to 1504, not exhaustive because
of weather conditions, nothing to report.
Of the Spitsbergen fjords, only Bellsund and Ice
Fjord cast of 15° E were exhaustively examined. [

Very thick, low-lying fog elsewhere.

1 Ju 88 on photographic reconnaissance of
Archangel and Molotovsk from 0255 to 0953.

Fliegcr Fuehrer 4:

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

area west of the Faeroes from 0152 to 0953.
Northern part of Faeroes examined, no shipping

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 He 111 on meteorological reconnaissance of the

. ) . "


Jan Mayen area from 0252 to 1041. Route 10%

examined, Jan Mayen not visible, nothing to

II Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By U-boats ; None.

( b By air reconnaissance :

3 ships southwest of Hudyugski Island. At

1845 reconnoitering aircraft reported to all:
4 submarines in the sea area of Komagver,
course 320 speed 14 knots.

(c) By naval forces : None.

( d 3y radio Intercept service :

f Norwegian polar coast: moderate transmission

of radio messages, codewords of very high
priority to all submarines in the operational
area at 0950, 1708 and 1710.
Iokanka area: minesweeper No. 106, MO-boat
No. 252.
Gorlo Strait/Archangel area: minesweeper No.
Britain: no units intercepted in the Murmansk/
Archangel area.
Svanvik bearings: U.S. unit in 257° at 2155
on 14 June.
Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts.

(e By C-.I.S. stations :

0325 Teleprinter message Secret 1106/44 received

from G.I.S. station, Kiel:

\ "Reference the invasion of Norway and Denmark.

R-eliable source in Stockholm reported on 13
June: A member, of the U.S. Embassy announced
that the Invasion of Norway and Denmark would
'take place within a few days as soon as the
position In Prance was secured. Today there
is a report from the Norwegian Embassy that
the invasion of Norway is expected to take
place on 15 June, 400 Norwegian saboteurs
will 'cross the Norwegian - Swedish frontier
today and tomorrow. The report could not be

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position ;

Northern Waters boats :

(a) Positions at 0800 :

In the operational area :

; ,


In patrol lino ;

Group "Trutz" :

IJ 668
U 997
U 313
U 711
U 307
U 315 on passage.
U 344
U 363
U 987
U 394

In port :

U 425, 956 Hammerfest

U 737 TromsB,
U 362, 365, 347, 387, 742, 965, 992 Narvik,
U 312, 361, 636, 703, 739, 921, 968, 995
U 278, 354 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

1000 U 737 put out from TroinsB on a special

0220 U 957 put out from Karstad for TromsB.
U 716 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.
Group "Trutz" proceeding from A3 7684 - AP 2674
to AB 4828 - AP '2216.
IV. Current U-boat operations -;

(a) Convoy operations ; None.'

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic ;

10 boats east of Jan Mayen.

0S13 Radio message 0140/714 sent;

"Group "Trutz"

Be In new patrol line from AF 4828 to AP 2216

on 15 June, former order

Battle Group reported that, from observations of

enemy air reconnaissance over Alta and loud
radio traffic, they expected another carrier
attack on the "Tirpitz" A PQrco'nYoy ran

simultaneously with the last attack,. In spite

of the -invasion- in France, a Murmansk convoy
seems probable during the present Russian
offensive against Finland. This assumption is
strengthened by most D/F bearings and recently
reported radio traffic between Murmansk and
Britain. As a precaution, the patrol line has
been cxtorided east of Jan Mayen,' air reconnais-
sance has been requested from Luftflotte 5 and
the U-boats in Narvik and Ilammerfost are at
increased readiness.
" " " :


(c ) Special operations by single boats ?

1131 Radio message 1025/721 sent;

"U 737 (Brasack) is putting out_ from Tromso

for AB 3994 at noon on 15 June."

U 737 (Brasack) was leaving Tromso to_ set up

the meteorological shore transmitter ''Hermann"
on Bear Island.

(d) Miscellaneous ; ...

0311 Radio message 0245/715 sent;
" "Schaar"; be at 5 hours' readiness

0314 Radio message 0250/81 sent on "MC"

"Base; "Eamerun" for all U-boats;

All boats immediately at 5 hours '

readiness .

0243 Teleprinter message Most Secret 3044 sent to

U-boat base Hammerfest;

"U-boats at 5 hours' readiness."

2210 Teleprinter message C-in-C U-boats Ops.

Secret 4359 A 5 received;

"U 289 (Hellwig) is declared missing with

effect from 31 May 1944. U-boat put out
from Narvik on 7 May. Last message on 31
May reported carrier formation in AB 46.
Possibly sunk by this formation, fate of
crew unknown. For next-of-kin; U-boat
operated in Northern Waters. Cause of loss

2210 Teleprinter message C-In-C U-boats Ops. Secret

4559 A 5 received;

"U 240 (Link) is declared missing with effect

from 17 May 1944. U-boat put out from
Bergen on 14 May. No signals received.
Loss probably due to enemy aircraft or
submarine. Fate of crew unknown. For next-
of-kin; U-boat lost while proceeding to the
operational area. Cause of loss unknown."
V. Reports of successes ; None.

C. Surface forces ;

Nothing to report.
D. Plans ;

0210 Teleprinter message Most Secret 0141


received from Naval War Staff ~-

} Second... ..Division,
C-in-C U-boats Ops.. A 2:

"Agree to evacuation of meteorological unit from

Hope Island by U 354 at the end of June."

E. Survey of the situation :

1815 Teleprinter message Most Secret 3055 A Ops. sent

to Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C U-rboats
Ops. for information Naval Chief Command, Norway:
U-boat situation in Northern Waters on 15 June
1944 I

1. Group "Trutz" (10 boats) moved from patrol line

AB 7684 - AP 2674 to patrol line AB 4828 - AP
2216 increasing the distance between each boat
to 30 miles, since up to date there have been
no signs of an enemy offensive against Norway. ^
On the other hand further PQ convoys may be
expected during the present Russian offensive
against Finland. Latter assumption strengthened
by the more frequent appearance of escort
forces off the Human coast during the last few
days and Battle Group's suspicion of a carrier
force, in which we are not inclined to believe.

2. In spite of several queries, still no decision

regarding the teleprinter request for reconnais-
sance today by Luftf lotto 5.

3. 10 boats 'at 5 hours' readiness in Narvik and

Hammerfest, 2 boats at 12 hours' readiness in

2156 Teleprinter message Most Secret 5022/44 received

from Luftf lotte Command 5:

"Subject: Reconnaissance of a convoy day's run.

1. Luftflotte Command 5's Listening Service and

Naval Chief Command, Norway have no information
regarding the sailing of a PQ convoy.
2. Daily reconnaissance in the west and examination
of Spitsbergen (Ice Fjord and Bellsund) carried
out on 14 and 15 Junq also failed to provide
information on the presence of a PQ convoy or
carrier formation.

3. With no clues available, fuel reasons alone

make reconnaissance impossible.

(Signed) Suhren,



Most Secret.

Short Reports .

1. Short report from U 425 (Bentzien) , third operation.

2. Short report from U 957 (Schaar), fourth operation.

3. Short report from U 1061 (Hinrichs), second transport

4. Short report from U 347 de Buhr)
( first operation.

5. Short report from U 362 (Franz), third operation.

6. Short report from U 387 (Buchler), sixth operation.

7. Short report from U 737 (Brasack), sixth operation.

8. Short report from U 742 (Schwassmann) , first operation,





Most Secret

Teleprinter message ;

1. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops.

2. Emergency. Admiral Commanding U-boats.

3. Emergency. For information Naval War Staff, First


4. Emergency. "For' "information- -11th- U--boat- -Flot ilia .

Clear as multiple address message.

Yellow - Most Secret .

Short report from U 425 (Bentzicn) , third operation .

27 April 1944 Put out from Bergen.

I May Put in to Narvik.

II May Put out from Narvik.

7 June Put in again.

Proceeded via AB 9831 and AB 86 to attack
area AB 6522.

14 - 20 May Nothing sighted. From 21 May attack area

AB 8162, from 24 May AB 4694.
30 May At 1842 in AB 4696 land-based aircraft, at
least twin-engined, range 12,000 meters,
type not identified. Varying courses of
approximately 320° and 140°. Acted as
shadower.. Reported by short signal. Did
not operate on it as we thought it v\/as only
the long-range reconnaissance aircraft which
spotted neighboring U-boat "Schaar"
31 May Operated on carrier formation as ordered by
Command although, according to the reports
of 3chaar and "Eellwig"
!l !i
it was further

north. However, I assumed that Command had

further information. At 2130 broke off
operations as ordered, no contact. No
Information regarding ."Eellwig' No 1

explosions heard.
From 1 June In attack area A3 6283, from 4 June in AB
8191. No sightings or locations.



Drifting mines: 14 May: AB

; .65.13-, heavily overgrown.
1 June: AB 6119. 2 June: AB 6292, type not
identified probably British.

Comments by Captain U-boats, Norway :

1. Operation with no opportunities for attack.

Disappointing operation for a usually reliable b-ommander
2. On 30 May the U-boat should have approached' the suspicious
aircraft to gain more, information.. It belonged to the
remote- e-seortof the carrier formation,

3. It would have been more correct to operate on the later

reports of the U-boats than on Command's earlier grid

square details which wore based on "Schaar" '
s first
signal. .

Captain U-boats , Norway. Most Secret 2927 A Ops . (





Host Secret

Teleprinter message ;

1. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops .

2. Emergency. Admiral Commanding U-boats.

3. Emergency. For information Naval War Staff, First

4. Emergency. For information 11th U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message.

Yellow - Most Secret .

Short report from U 957 (Schaar), fourth operation .

2.9 April 1944 -Put out from Bergen. :

2 May Put in to Narvik.

11 May Put out from Narvik.

7 June Put in to Narvik.

13 May Attack area AB 6594.

20 May Attack area AB 3247.

24 May Attack area AB 5745.
30 May At 1924 in A3 5714 large land-based
aircraft and flying boat, probably
"Catalina", no attack, submerged. "Fulmar"
type of aircraft continuously circling
place of submerging, 3 nms-In observed
in periscope, no bombs. Withdrew submerged.
No hydrophone bearings, multiple hydrophone
set not working.
A.t 2000 very long wave bu3y. In periscope
2 aircraft carriers, range 5,000 - 6,000
meters, enemy bow right, angle 100° - 110°,
apparently avoiding courses. 2 destroyers
dead ahead, 1 cruiser, bow left, angle 100°,
range 5,000 meters. T5 torpedo fired at
carrier astern (about 24,000 tons). Tube-
runner, submerged because of approaching
destroyer, torpedo discharged after 30 to
40 seconds another T5 torpedo fired at

destroyers discharge failure, passed



underneath. After 4 minutes 38 seconds

knocking on metal", then violent torpedo
At 2025 two .hard thuds .then depth charges

or bombs, above the" boat, shell splinters.

At 2035 banging and cracking noises, Asdic
and several hydrophone bearings. Stern T5
torpedo set. ---- :..-... .

Surfaced at 2309 after hydrophone bearing

faded. Pursued 3 silhouettes, submerged from
approaching carrier-borne aircraft, contact
lost. For one and a half days steered
northeast on searching courses without result.
No sign of "Hellw-ig".. Proceeded to the 2


position lines as ordered, After the •

beginning of the invasion put in to Narvik for

refuelling. '.

Comments by Captain U-boats, Norway ; £

This outstanding commander missed success with the aircraft
carrier- due to an unfortunate chain of c ir cums-t-anc-©^. v.... 1
do s t royc r believed to rp o dp&d

Captain U-boats, Norway Host Secret - 2959 -

A Op s .





Most Secret

Teleprinter message :

1= Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops

2. Emergency. Admiral Commanding U-boats.

3. Emergency, For information Naval War Staff, First


4. Emergency. For information 5th U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message.

Most Secret .

Short report from U 1061 (Hinrichs), third transport


27 May 1944 Put out from Kiel.

5 Juno Put in to Narvik.

Proceeded in escort from Kiel via

Kristiansand to Egcro and further at a
distance of 30 miles from the coast in
accordance with Order No. 13.

31 May At 1729 in AF 8475 four-engined aircraft,

probably a "Liberator", approached. "Naxos"
location at same time as sighting. Range
10,000 meters, bearing 300°, 3 bombs at
depth A + 20, probably rocket bombs as there
was a rushing noise which became louder
before the explosion.

1 June At 1414 in AF 8164, alarm. Bi-plane,

probably carrier-borne aircraft, range
12,000 meters, bearing 330°, course 180°.

2 Juno At 0913 in AF 5644, alarm. Twin-engined

aircraft (perhaps Ju 88), range 12,000
meters, bearing 130°, course 300°,

Put in to Narvik through Andf jord via

Comments by Captain U-boats, Norway .

The T 5 torpedo complement in transport U-boats -

vital In these operations by Northern Waters boats -
must be specially protected from bombing.

. . .


a?pe:tdix 1/ 1


Most Secret

Teleprinter message :

1. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops

2 . Eme r gone y . A diai r a 1 C omman d I ng U-boats.

3. Emergency. For information Naval War Staff, First


4. Immediate. For information 11th U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message.

Most Secret .

Short report from U 547 ( de Buhr), first operation .

10 May 1944 Put out from Bergen.

3 June Put in to Narvik.
proceeded, via. .Narvik.,. Eamsund to exchange
•.... ... torpedoes .

15 May Proceeded through Andf jord to AB 6892 as

boat No. 5 in group "Trutz"

16 May At 0148 submerged from 2 aircraft, range

3,000 - 9,000 meters. No location. Aircraft
alarm at 0910, range 9,000 meters. No location.
Types not identified because of distance.

17 May Reached attack area.

19 May :,
ITaxos" location, signal strength 3, period
of audibility 80 seconds, periodicity 20
seconds, duration of search 1 second. On
19 May patrol line moved to A3 8123 - 8558.

21 May Reached second patrol line at 0100. Nothing

sighted in patrol line.

24 May Attack area AB 8165, nothing sighted till 30


30 May At 0720 surprised by aircraft. No location.

Aircraft flew wide of the boat in visibility
of 200 meters. At an altitude of 100 meters,
aircraft only identified vaguely as twin-
engined in the fog. Did not submerge. Anti-
aircraft guns manned. At 2000 moved to AB
8126 - 3964. At 2330 U 957 (Schaar) sighted
carrier formation. While awaiting orders to
. . ,


operate , weht''-ahead on- 000° for one and a half


31 May At 0018 Command'" detailed 4 U-boats to operate

against the formation. Proceeded at maximum
speed to patrol line AB 6315 - 6684 group ,

At 1951 reached ice limit in attack area AB
3584. Nothing sighted.
2 June At-1630 set off for new patrol line AB 4673
through ,B 2818
4 June At 1600 reached attack area A3 4673. At 1932
reconnoitcred the ice limit while -extending
the .patrol line

6 June At 0201 perceived ice limit in AA 3657,

At 1255 at maximum speed set off on return
passage from AB 4243.

7 June At 0405 submerged from aircraft Flew past

on course 180° type not Identified as distance

was too great. No location.

Comments by C apt ain "U-boats' Norway .

' ..--......

Operation with no opportunities for success.

Captain U-boats, Norway Most Secret 2997

A Ops .

.. i .




Host Secret

Teleprinter messag e
1. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C
U-boats Ops
2. Emergency. Admiral Commanding U-boats.
.3,-. Emergency. For information Naval War Staff, First
4. Immediate. For information 13th U-boat Flotilla.
Clear as multiple address message .

Most Secret .

Short report fro m U 562 (Franz), third operation


14 May, 1944 Put out from Trondheim.

7 June Put in to Narvik - Skjomen.
Proceeded via AF 5610 to attack area AB 9239
No details regarding carrier group sighted
on 14 May off Rorvik.
17 May Reached attack area. '"Naxos" locations
three times in AB 9261, 9239, 9317.
20 May Set off with group "Trutz" to attack area
Aircraft sighted in AB 9164, unobserved.
2 bombs far away on surfacing. "Naxos"
location in AB 9442. Aircraft sighted in
AB. 8655, unobserved.

21 May "Naxos" location In AB 8566, 8582, 8554.

24 May Proceeded with group "Trutz" to patrol line
>iB 8126 - 8941.

27 May "Borkum" location in AB 8274.

30 May Proceeded with group "Trutz" to new eatrol
31 May Set off at maximum speed to patrol line,
group "Grimm" German flying boat (BV) In

aB 5918.
2 June Set off to new patrol line, group "Grimm 1


3 June "Borkum" location in AB 2862.

4 June AB 4687,
6 June After invasion began, returned to Narvik at
maximum speed for refuelling.
Ho attacks followed any locations, submerged
each time.

Comments by Captain U-boats, Norway .

Operation with no chances of success.

Captain U-boats, Norway Host Secret - 2999 - A Ops ,




Most Secret

Teleprinter message :

1. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops

2. Emergency. For information Admiral Commanding U-boats.

3. Emergency. For information Naval War Staff, First


4. Emergency. For Information loth U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message.

Most Secret .

Short report from U 587 (Buchler), sixth operation .

20 May 1944 Put out from Narvik.

8 June Put in to Narvik.
Proceeded via AB 88 to attack area AB 8589,
depth of sweep 20 miles (group "Grimm" )

From 30 May In patrol line AB 8526 - A3 8964 as boat No.

4. From 2320 to 0100 on 31 May operated on
carrier group. No contact.

From 31 May As boat No. 3 in patrol line AB 3584 - 6256.

2-4 June Proceeded via position line AB 2818 - 9117 to

patrol line AB 4673 - 6836.
Enemy not sighted.

6 June At 1230 commenced return passage for

Inaccurate navigation at times because of
compa-ss trouble. Various locations on "Naxos",
singing or humming for 3 to 5 seconds,
repeated once to three times in succession.
No sightings. Suspected jamming of frequencies.
Comments by Captain U-boats, Norway .

Operation with no opportunities for success

Captain U-boats, Norway. Most Secret - 2996 - A Ops .




Host Secret

Teleprinter message ;

1. Emergency. Naval High Command, Naval War Staff,

Second Division, C-in-C U-boats Ops.

2, Emergency/ . Admiral Commanding U-boats.

5. Emergency For information Naval War Staff, First


4. Emergency. For information 13th U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message.

Most Secret .

Short report from U 757 (Brasack), sixth operation .

13 May 1944 Put out from Hammerfest.

7 June Put In to Narvik - Bogen Bay.

14 - 19 May In attack area A'B 6834.

17 May 1 twin-engined aircraft, perhaps Ju 83.

20 May Proceeded to new attack area AB 8515.

25 - 30 May In patrol line A3 3137.

31 May - 1 Operated with group "Trutz" against reported

June carrier group, no contact.
1-2 June In patrol line In A3 6258 on the morning

of 2 June, enemy periscope sighted twice,

then hydrophone bearing from electric motor
picked up and followed to the east.
Lost after a few hours.

2-4 June Proceeded in reconnaissance line to new

patrol line A3 8196.

6 June Ordered to return at maximum speed to Narvik

for refuelling.

Comments by Captain U-boats, Norway .

Operation with no opportunities for success.

Captain U-boats, Norway Most Secret - 2998 - A Ops.

, . )




Most Secret,

Teleprinter message :

1. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops

2. Emergency. Admiral Commanding U-boats.

3. Emergency. For information Naval War Staff, First

4. Emergency. For information loth U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message.

Most Secret .

Short report from U 742 (Schwassmann), first operation .

(group "Grimm" .

20 May 1944 Put out from Narvik.

8 June Put In to Narvik.
Proceeded through V/estf jord to attack area
AB 8838,

From 24 May Patrol line from AB 8126 to 8941.

30 May "Naxos" location on a lower frequency, fast

crackling noise, very short, D/F conditions

From 31 May In patrol line from AB 8126 to 8964 and from

AN 6315, to 6684.
From 1 June From A3 5584 to 6256.
From 4 June From A3 4673 to 8836.

22 May -
6 June, Enemy not sighted.

Drifting mines: 51 May: AB 3849, heavily overgrown.

Comments by Captain U-boats, Norway :

Operation with no opportunities for success or special


Captain U-boats, Norway. Most Secret - 5031 - A Ops.





16 - 30 JUNE, 1944


16 June, 1944 .

A. , Enemy situation:

I. Air reconnaissance

Fliege r Fuehrer 3:

1 Ju 33 on meteorological and ice reconnaissance,

route Banak - Jan May en- - Banak from 0053 to
0815, not exhaustive because of weather, otherwise
nothing to report.
1 Ju 88 on meteorological and ice reconnaissance,
route Banak - Bear Island - South Cape - Hope
Island - Banak from 0259 to 0804, nothing to
report, not exhaustive because of weather.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 He 111 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Vaernes - AE 6474 - 6771 - Vaernes from 0324 to
1045. Route 70$ examined, nothing to report.

II . Reports on the enemy :

(a) By U-boats : None.

(b) By air reconnaissance: None.

(c) By naval forces s None.

(d) By—— radio

— m m ii m 1 1.. . i. i—i
intercept i^»^
w n i« m
i i
i ii i i ' _, '! i .....
^ ,

Norwegian polar coast; lively transmissions

to submarines in the operational area, to
whom Polyarno broadcast a reconnaissance
report and codewords of first priority.
Iokanka area: destroyers "3", "J",
minesweepers Nos 113, 114. .

Gorlo Strait/Archangel area: minesweeper

No. 111.
Britain: no units intercepted in. the Murmansk/
Archangel area.
Russian radio traffic: moderate to lively
aircraft traffic.
Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts.
( ') By G.I .S . stations : None .

B. U-boats :

III- U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters boats :

(a) Positions at 0800 :

In the operational area:

. ) ;


In patrol line :

Group "Trutz'.' .:. .<.. AAA. ...:..

U 663 AB 4828
U 997 AB 4892 A ...::. .-i..-: ±jj~JcLzA±
U 313 A3 7314
U 711 AB 7354 '
U 307 AB 7597
U 315 AB 8441 _..A .',.:_: 1 :--...-.

U 344 AB 8476
U 363 A3' 8729 '•

U 987 AB 8793
U AF 2216


U 737 A3 4410 on special operation,

In port ;

U 425, 956 Hammerfest, f

U 9 5 7 T r oms B , - AAA ._-„' ..-..l..:.::...._r-.-:.

U 347, 362, 365, 387, 742, 965, 992 Narvik,

U 3-12,- "361, '636., 703^, 739 921, 968;, 995 ;

Trondlieim, "; V. •;

U 278, 354' Bergen.

( b ) U-boats homcwardAand o-utxiarcl. bound i

U 716 proceeding from Bor.g-e-h --to-- Narvik. !

U 737 proceeding from Tromso to A3. 3994.

IV. Current U-boat operations:

(a) Convoy operations : None,

( b Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic :

10 boats in formation east of Jan Mayen.

( c ) Special operations by single boats ;

U 737 (Brasack) setting Up meteorological

shore transmitter'"Hermann" on the north coast
of Bear Island. ,

V. Reports of successes :

C Surface forces :

Nothing to report, ,

D. Organizational :

0023 Teleprinter message Most Secret 0236 from Naval .

:... Chief. Command ,...Eas.t/C'apt-ain U-boa;ts-,AOentral

was received:

"As a result of a conference with Admiral

Commanding U-boats, it. IsLpropas'edV.-.t-o leave all

the boats under Captain U-boats Central (at

present 33, increasing to... 38- boats lin about 3 weeks)

. ) :


in Norway for refitting and any necessary

yard repairs, and to allocate them as follows

!• Dockyard arrangements ; _'_,_

(a) In Bergen for urgent dockyard repairs

absolutely necessary for operations.
When Bergen's capacity is not adequate
for this purpose, boats must be trans-
ferred to Germany or laid .up,
(b) In Horten for repairs effected on board •

with minor dockyard assistance.

2 Communications :

In Bergen and Horten, store for spare p^rts

and all kinds of repair facilities for
restoring complete operational readiness.

3. Equipment and replenishment :

(a)^In Bergen: 10 boats per month above the

present refitting capacity.
(b) In Horten and Kristiansand (South):
to be
prepared for 10 boats monthly.
4. Extent of equipment :

(a) Fuel,,lubricating oil, distilled and

drinking water, potash cartridges (400 for
each boat) and the normal U-boat stores.
(b) Provisions for 8 weeks for each boat.
( c Armament ?

Bergen: 6 3-7 cm. guns, three of which

for U 370, U 319, and U 348; 4 twin
mountings with protective screen,
rounds of 3 7 cm. ammunition, of which

6 °° raunds are
h .$??.: !<M .samg ,3. boats, and
1^,000 rounds of 2 cm. ammunition.
Horten: 2 3-7 cm. guns, 4 twin mountings
with protective screen, 2,500 rounds of
3-7 cm. ammunition, 10,000 rounds of 3*7
cm. ammunition, 10,000 rounds' of 2
Kristiansand (South) as at Horten, but no

3« guns.

5>. All the places concerned are requested

examine the practicability of providing
above requirements and to forward the
oi their investigations by
return to Admiral
Commanding U-boats and Captain U-boats,
6. Additional note for all stations 'which
mi ormed: •

Captain U-boats Central and his boats

have no
connection with those of Captain U-boats
Norway as regards organization."

- . ,


E. Survey of the situation :

No comments

( &i~gn"e'err"1SuHr e n

17 June, 1944 .

A. :
Enemy situation -:

I. Air reconnaissance ; ..

Flieger Fuehrer .3 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological and. ice reconnaissance,

route Banak - Bear Island - South Cape - Prince
Charles Foreland, via the coast to Reindeer
TQnlnsula^~'m°- lly'^0 o -^'''-B'outhCRj)G - Banak from

0432 to 1303, nothing to report.,, very Incompletely

examined. -,•„,.

: . . ...

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88' on meteorological reconnaissance west of

the Faeroes from. 0226 to 0955, broken-off at 0625
in AM 1430 be cause-- radio "was" "out of order. Flew
over the southern part of the Paeroels , enemy not
2 Ju 88 on reconnaissance of the central North Sea .

(West Wall from 0806 to 1242. )'

area examined exhaustively by Ju 88- with radar set
"200", no enemy sighting report.

Flieger Fuehrer :
5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0447 to 1130.. Route exhaustively
'examined, Jan Mayen covered by mist, nothing to;

report. ...'."

11 i - Reports on the enemy , s

(a)' By U-boats ; None. .

( b ) By air reconnaissance : No he.".- .);

(c) By naval forces : Hone.

( d ) 3y' radio intercept service : .

'Norwegian polar coast -brisk, partly very urgent :

transmissions and. 2 codewords to submarines in

the operational area.
Gorlo .Strait/Archangel area.; mine swe-e per No. 101
Britain: 'no units intercepted in the Murmansk/
Archangel area.
Bearings from Svanvik: at 1531 on 16 June,
British unit in 253°.


"Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts,

(e) By G.I. 5. stations : None.

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

(a) Positions at 0800 :

In the operational area :

In patrol line :

Group "Trutz" :

U 668 AB 4828
U 997 AB 4892
U 313 AB 7314
U 711 AB 7354
U 307 AB 7397
U 315 AB 8441 -

U 344 AB 8476
U 363 AB 8729
U 987 AB 8795
U 394 AF 2216

U 737 A3 3994 on special operation.

In port : —
U 956, 425 Hammerfest,
U 957 Tromso,
U 347, 362, 365, 387, 742, 965, 992 Narvik,
U 312, 361, 636, 703, 739, 921, 968, 995,
U 278, 354 Bergen.

( b U-boats homeward and outward bound :

2245 U 716 put in to Narvik from Bergen.

U 737 proceeding from AB 3994 to Hammerfest.

IV. Current U-boat operations :

(a) Convoy operations : None.

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic :

10 boats in formation east of Jan Mayen.

(c Special operations by single boats :

0059 Radio message 0057/757 sent to U 737 (Brasack):

"Await improvement In weather until about 18

June. .Always expect enemy submarines.
Fre-edom of attack on all vessels in the
operational area."



0926 U 737 however reported in short signal 0926/17/

742, that the meteorolog-ie-aT--s-hore transmitter
"Hermann" had been set up.

As -U 737 .was next to take the meteorological

~'"'s'hoT^''t'r^nsmitter'-^Edwin •f-rom-T-roms--B to ,t

Spitsbergen, at the same time evacuating the

meteorological uni"t- Jl
K;reu'Z-ri-tte-r" ,

2142 radio mes5'age--2IT4/75T ~-was sent-r -

"l. "Brasack": proceed-- at- once -to Hammerfest -

Tromso, Naval Air. Stat ion,

2. "Schaar" after the arrival of "Brasack" and


the delivery of '".Edwin join the next 11


convoy to Hammer f est .'"

The news cameraman Is to make use of the

Spitsbergen voyage for his film.

( d) Miscellaneous s

0030 Teleprinter message Most "Secret 3068 A Ops. 1

was sent to 13th U-boat Flotilla:

"U 636 (Schendel) in Trondheim in 12 hours'


readiness from 18 June."

V . Reports of successes : None

C. Surface- forces ;

Nothing to report.

D. Plans:

1015 3078 A Ops was sent

Teiep?Int"^'"mes"Bage~"TIost"''S"S''er 'et !

to Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C U-»boats

. .
Ops, f or .information -Naval High Command, Chief of

Naval Meteorological Service and for information

Naval Chief Command .-Norway: ........

"U 737 (Brasack) reported that the meteorological

shore transmitter '^Hermann"""' was" se't up on Bear
Island on.. 17 .June,... The same boat is now scheduled

t "6"""t~aKe ""out" 'the"" mete o"rologl'cal-"tr-ansmitter "Edv;in"

and evacuate "Kreuzritter ,"

E. Survey of the situation :

0227 Radi6^messa"ge "OI09/74-a "sentr


and the' London area were attacked
"^S 6uther"ri'"Ehglahd

during- the night of .15/16 June and M on the morning
of- the 16th with a nev/ type of explosive of the
;<-' heaviest caliber. Although many Germans doubted

after the long delay that we would revenge

ourselves' declared Hans Fritsch, 'the hour has

now come. We are striking back' ."

. ,


The reaction to the new weapon cannot yet be

foretold, but in any case special attention must
be paid to the re.adines.s of anti-gas defense.

(Signed) Suhren.

18 June, 1944 .

A . Enemy situation : ....

I. Air reconnaissance : . .

Flieger Fuehrer 5 : ..

1 Ju 88 on meteorological and ice reconnaissance

route Banak - Bear Island - South Gape - Hope
3 Island - Banak from 0500 to 0956, not exhaustive,
nothing to report,

Flieger Fuehrer 4 :

1 Ju 83 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

area west of the Faeroes from 0115 to 0810.
Faeroes not examined because of fog, enemy not
2 Ju 88 with radar set "200" on reconnaissance
from 1342 to 1754 against enemy locations reported
in the area southwest of Lister. Reconnaissance
area exhaustively examined by radar, enemy not

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

£5 Mayen from 0247 to 0934. Route 40$ examined,

Jan Mayen not examined because of low- lying clouds.

II . Reports on' the enemy :

(a) By U-boats : None.

(b) By air reconnaissance : .None.... :'..

(c) By naval forces : . None

(d) By radio intercept service :.

Norwegian polar coast: moderate number of

transmissions, some very urgent, among them
2 codewords to submarines in the operational
Gorlo Strait / Archangel area: minesweeper
No. 63.
Britain: no units intercepted in the Murmansk/
Archangel area.
Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts.

; . '


( e ) By G.I.S, stations None

B.... U-boa_ts. J

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters boats ;

(a) Positions at 0800 ;

In the operational- -a-rear

In patrol line "' '"

-' :
: -

Group "Trutz" ;

U 668 A3 4828
U 997 AB 4892
U 313 A3 7314
U 711 AB 7354 "

U 307 AB 7397
U 315 A3 8441
U 344 A3 8476
: .
U 363 AB 3729
U 987 AB 8793
U 394 AP 2216

U 737 A3 3994 on special operation.

In port ;

U 956, 425 Hammerfe-s4>-

U 957, TromsB,
U 347, 362, 365, 387, 716, 742, 965, 992 Narvik 3
U 312, 361, 636, 703, 739, 921, 968,. 995
U 278, 354 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

0820 U 737 put into Hammerfest from AB 3994.

1600 U 992 put out--from Narvik for AF 2216.

IV. Current U-boat operations ;

( a ) Convoy -operations ;- -

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic :

10 boats in formation east of Jan Mayen.


1236 Radio message 1215/757 sent:

"1. U 992 (Falke) is putting out from Andfjord

early on 19 June for'AF 2216, joining

group "Trutz" as boat No. 10,

2. "Lehmann" is returning via "SR l" to

Hammerfest at 1000 on 20 June.



3. At the sarao timo boats "Schwclgcr" to

"Borger" will move up one position to the
northwest. 1 '

(c ) Special operations by single boats ;

. "Krcuzritter" reported that the ice situation

at present would not permit their evacuation
by U-boat.

1146 Therefore radio message 1051/755 was sent?

"Br a sack" and "Schaar" await further s

orders in TromsB, Sailing delayed. "Brasack"

may remain in. Hammcrfcst

V. Reports of successes ? None.

VI. U-boat reports ;

* 2230 Teleprinter message Most Secret 605 was received

from U-boat base Hammerfosts

"Short report from U 737 (Brasack)-, seventh

Put out from Tromso on 15 June 44, put in to
Hammerfost on 18 June Reached landing place on
. .

Boar Island at 1500 on 16 June. Prom 1530 to

2340, unloading and erection of meteorological
transmitter "Hermann" near meteorological
transmitter "Christian". Return passage begun at
0830 on 17 June after interception of first
routine transmission,"

C . Surface forces ;

Nothing to report..

0k D. Organizational ; „
I. Result of a conference with Ma jor Schulte-
Mattler, Commanding Officer of Anti-aircraft
Defenses Narvik, about the security measures
to 'protect the berths in Narvik against air
attacks %

"l. The possibility of surprise is materially

greater in Skjomenf jord than in Narvik
harbor from the point of view of the
aircraft reporting network and conditions
of visibility.

2. Ships are not a target for carpet bombing,

but rather....f or single low level attacks

3. Anti-aircraft- protection is most favorable

in Narvik harbor.

4. Widely separated berths offer slight

prospect of success to the enemy.

5. It is therefore intended, independently of



the degree of danger from the air, to re-

transfer the base ship "Stella Polaris" and
the repair ship ."Hua scar an" to Narvik
.... harbor.- -Special -boat's rollers
floating ,

gangways .will b© provided for ships


without fixed connection to the shore for

the protection of the crew during -air-raid
warnings .

II. A teleprinter message v/as sent to 13th U-boat .

Flotilla to- the effect that all boats in

.Trondheim which:. became ready for action were to
remain there 12 hours' readiness until
further orders It seemed advisable, in view

of the unclarified invasion position* that some

operational boats should also remain in
Trondheim as long- as there were no' signs of the
approach of a convoy. ..

1605 .. Teleprinter message 4459 A.l.was received from ('

Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C U-boats
Ops . 2

"l. After carrying out conning tower_ trials In the

Atlantic and using up his fuel, "Sauer"
(U 673) has orders to proceed to Trondheim for
further operations in the Norwegian area.

2, Boat assigned to Norway Flotilla."

"2335 Teleprinter message Most Secret 1771 3,0.s only was

received from 13th U-boat Flotilla:

"Request allocation of U 673 (Sauer) to 13th

U-boat Flotilla. Boat put in here and it is the
commander's wish."

E. Survey of the situation:



"Apart from the 10 boats in formation in the
.:„„::..:.:.„:... area, the following are now at 12
.;.-.._. /.hours' .-readiness 2 boats in Hammerfest,
; .

1 boat in TromsB,
7 boats in Narvik,,!
3 boats In- Trondheim.

Further, 1 boat is proceeding to the formation,

A total of 24 boats is thus ready for action."

(Signed) Suhren.

19 June, 1944

A . Enemy situation :

I. .', Air 'reconnaissance -.': :


Flieger Fuehrer 3

Ju 88 on meteorological and shipping

reconnaissance route "Banak-— Bear Island -
3 nd CG Fjord " South Ca P e --Banak, from
J0U3 +to \~r^l
I0o2. Only certain parts examined,
Bellsund and Ice Fjord not examined because of
weather, no enemy ships observed,
1 Ju 88 on meteorological,
reconnaissance to Jan
Mayen from 0500 to 1300. Area only 30^ examined
because of weather, nothing to report.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 :

3 Ju 88 on reconnaissance of anchorages in
of Tay, Firth of Forth" and Tyne estuary
2155 to 0305.
2 merchant vessels of about
2,000 G,R.T. pt
anchor in Firth of Tay, with them 1 "Sunderland"
landing, no further shipping observed.

5 Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance,
a " AE 6477 " AE 5969 " Vaernes from 0244
to °no^o
Z 0902. Route examined only between 0° and 7°
because of low-lying cloud, nothing to report. w

II Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By U-boats : None.

(°) By air reconnaissance :

From 2355 to 0023 between Largo Bay and

Kirkcaldy In AN OS28 a- convoy of 25 merchant
vessels, each 5,000 - 8,000 G.R.T.,
destroyers and 7- guardships -at anchor widely ,
At 2349 in AN 5434 a convoy of 11
Sj| merchant
vessels, each 3,000 - 5,000 G.R.T 7 merchant . ,
vess-eTs of up to 2,000 "G.R.T.-, course
slow speed. }

(c) By naval forces : None.

(d) By radio intercept service ;

Murmansk area: minesweepers Nos .--111 and 117

Britain: no units intercepted in the
Archangel area. -~

Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts.

(e) By G.I. So stations ; None.

B« U-boats ;

J11 ' U-boat pos itions and alterations of

position :

Northern Waters boats:

, ; . ,


(-) Positions at 0800 ;

In the operational area ;

In patrol line ;

Group "Trutz" ;

U 668 A'B 4828 '

U 997 AB 4892
U 313 AB 7314
U 7-11 AB 7354
U 307 AB 7397
U 315 AB 8441 ..-:..- .
.„ LL - 1.-
U 344 AB 8476
U 363 AB 8729
U 987 AB 8793
U 394 AF 2216

In port :

U 956, 425, 737 Hammerf est

U 957 TromsB, -'- -.:

U 347, 362,,. 365, 387, 716, 742, 965 Narvik,

U 312, 361, 636, 703, 739, 921, 968, 995
U 278, 354 Bergen.

(b) '" ' homeward

U-boats '
and outward
UlW «—» >«
l — ' 11 I. I- 111 l.f » ,

U 992 proceeding from Narvik to AF 2216.

IV. Current U-boat operations :

(a) Convoy operations ; None.

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic ;

10 boats in formation east of Jan Mayen.

(c) -
Special operations by single boats ; None. (,

(d) Miscellaneous ;

Sailing order for U 716 (Dunkelberg) , see

Appendix I.
V. Reports of successes ; None

C Surface forces ;

Nothing to report.

D. Plans :

1935 Coded radio message- 1449/140 received from

- Naval High Command, Naval-. V/ar Staff, Naval Chief
Command, Norway.

"Emergency station on the west coast at Cape Nimrod



grid square 524 erected with emergency

accommodation, provisions for 10 days and 5 watt

radio set (wave range 3,000 - 5,000 kc/s )

Short signal "ALW"' means "request to be evacuated

from Gape NImrod as soon as possible."
Broad channels in the ice suitable for flying-
boat 'landings have been observed there since the
beginning of May."
E. Organizational ;

2153 In radio message 1927/49 (U-boat Base frequency),

U-boat base and auxiliary warship "Huascaran"
were ordered to return to Narvik on the morning
of 20 June with "Stell^JPolaris" "Sandnaes" and ,

U-boats from Sk jomenf jord.

Allocation of berths: "Stella Polaris" with
"Sandnaes" stern berth at Fagernes, "Huascaran"
stern berth north of oil-discharging pier.

P. Survey of the situation ; . . •

'Re D: -;.. .

"When it has been. es.tablS'sh.ijd.,.that'' 'Sk )omenf jord ;

is also essentially more unfavorable with regard

to air attacks than Narvik harbor, it is intended
to leave the ships, of the U-boat base there
indefinitely, as control of the base Is made
considerably easier by the shorter routes and
better' Inter-communication.
Otherwise: no comments," ;i

(Signed) Suhren.

20 June s .1944.

A. Enemy situation ;,.

I« Air reconnaissance ;

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1Ju 88 on meteorological and shipping reconnais-

sance, route 'Banak -'-Bear Island - South Cape -
west coast of Spitsbergen - Reindeer/ Peninsula -
Ice Fjord - Bellsund ~- Banak'Trom 2052 to 1010,
not exhaustive because; of weather* nothing to
report. '.Vest' coast of Spitsbergen, Including all

fjords except Horns und and Bellsund, exhaustively

examined, no enemy ships .intercepted.
'' -'" Flieger Fuehrer 4 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the .

area west of the Faeroes from 0556 to 1346.

. ,


Thorshavn examined from a distance of 10 km.

Harbor unoccupied.
4 Ju 188 on reconnaissance from 2205 to 0222.
Of 'these, 2 Ju 188 made a reconnaissance of
,,, anchorages in Moray Firth and Peterhead -
Fraserburgh, and 2. Ju 188 reconnoitered anchorages
in Scapa Flow and Moray Firth. Moray Firth and
Cromarty Firth Investigated, no occupation observed.
Peterhead harbor apparently occupied by 6 fishing
vessels. Otherwise no occupation observed because
of bad visibility. Fishing lh"progress between
Banff. and Fraserburgh in Moray Firth. A black buoy
in AN 4417. One- -probable ^atrdl'" vessel at anchor
in AN 4445.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from. 0245 to 0850. Jan May en area not
examined, because of weather, nothing to report.

II. Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By U-boats ; None.

(b) By air reconnaissance :;

Scapa Flow; 1 aircraft carrier between Cava-

Fara-Flotta. Deck not running the length of
the ship, possibly "Ranger" or "Furious 1 1

auxiliary aircraft carrier, one battleship,

type not recognized, 3 large units (possibly
1 battleship and 2 heavy cruisers). Between
Fara and Flotta 2 light cruisers, 4 harbor
vessels . •
Between Cava and Rysa 1 destroyer.
Ly Ness floating dock occupied. Between Fara-
Flotta-South Walls, training slil^ J\Ir. on .Vxik.e v ,
17'""v"ess'els","'"e'acH "about 1,000 G.R.T. 3etween
Flotta and South Ronalds ay, 2 guardships at
net barrage. "East of Lowertown (South
Ronalds ay) 1 transport, about 5,000 G.R.T. At
Burray (Burray) 2 coastal vessels...,: each about
1,000 G.R.T. In AF 7799 1 merchant ship of
about 1,000 G.R.T. In AN .1274 .1. destroyer
further occupation not observed because of
darkness. No landing craft .of any type

( o ) By. naval forces : None

(d). By radio intercept service ;

..;• Norwegian polar coast: brisk transmissions ^

among them during the evening and night of

20 June several radio messages and codewords
of very high and first priority to all .

submarines In the operational area.. "I 201

mentioned by name.
Murmansk area; minesweeper No. 112.
Britian: no units intercepted in the Murmansk/
Archangel area.
' , .


Britain: very few Humans k and no Archangel


(e) By G-.I.S. stations ; None,

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position:

Northern Waters boats :

(a) Positions at 0800 ;

In the operational area :

In patrol line :--

Group "Trutz"
9 U 668 AB 4828

U 997 AB 4892
--..-...... U 513 AB 7514
U 711 AB 7354
U 307 AB 7397
U 315 AB 8441 "'
U 344 AB'847"6
U 363 AB 8729
U 987 AB 8793
U 394 AP 2213 ~" '

In port :

U ,"--
956 , 425, 737 HammeTfes t :

U 957, Tromso,
U 347, 362, 365, 387, 716, 742, 965 Narvik,
U 312, 361, 636, 703,. 739, 921, 968, 995
U 278, 354 Bergen.

( b ) U-boats homeward and outward bound :

U 992 .proceeding" from "Narvik to AP 2215.

1000 U 997 on return passage from AB 4892 to
IV. Current U-boat operations :

(a) Convoy operations : None.

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic :

10 boats in formation east of Jan Mayen.

2020 Radio message 1904/776 s-entrs

"Group ff

1. U 716 (Dunkelberg) is putting to sea on

the evening of 21 June from Andf jord for

n . . .


AF 2216, will join group "Trutz n as boat

No. 10.

2. "Eickstedt" will commence return passage

to Hammerfest- viaU 3R n
l at 0200 on 23 June

3. Simultaneously boats "Schweiger" -to "Falke" 5

will move up one position to the northwest.''

(c) Special operations by single boats ; None.

V» Reports of successes, : None".

C . Surface forces .°

Nothing to report.
Do Survey of the situation ; ,

No comments

(Signed) Suhren.

21 June, 1944.

A. Enemy situation:
I. Air reconnaissance

Flieger Fuehrer *7 O

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - 75° N, 5° E - Banak from
0400 to 0930, almost exhaustive, nothing -to report.
1 Ju 83 on reconnaissance of the west coast of
Fisher Peninsula from 0453 to 0630, nothing to

Flieger Fuehrer 4 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

Faeroes area from 0220 to 1030

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

.1 Ju 88 on. meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

-Mayen from 0249 to 0939. Route and Jan Mayen ••

only partly examined, nothing to report.

II . Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By U-boats ; Hone.

(b) By m— reconnaissance:
— — air — « M
M ! »
l IM l
T Hi

19 merchant vessels, totaling about 80,000 G.R.T.,

and a large number of fishing vessels, twelve

. .


'ofwhich were merchant ships at anchor,,.

.... totaling 48,500 G'.R.T ., remainder on westerly
course in the inshore waters off the east
coast of the Faeroes.

(c) By naval forces : None.

By radio intercept service.

-—-- "-•-
""Norwegian polar coast: brisk, partly very
urgent transmissions and a few codewords sent
to submarines in the operational area.
"M 2 Ql".... mentioned by.. name.
Murmansk area: minesweepers Nos 38, 39, 111, .

112, 114, 117, 118.. ~. ....


Gorlo Strait/Archangel, area.:.. minesweeper

No. 59.
Britain: no units intercepted in the Murmansk/
Archangel area.
1 At 2225 on 20 June Kirkenes obtained a
bearing of 221,»4.°....o.n. a British -Unit
Russian radio traffic: slight, partly very
urgent, partly of first priority.
Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts.
Radio message of first priority from Murmansk
during the evening to the above minesweepers
(excluding minesweeper No 118).
"_"~ None...
"Tel Bv'oVlTs . stations. :.

B . U-boats :..£ ... :. ?.ii'j'.t.'..' ....:....-•

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position:

Northern Waters boats : •

(a) Positions at 0300 :.

In the operational area :

In patrol line :

Group "Trutz" :

U 668 AB 4828
U 313 AB 4892
U 711 AB 7314
U 307 AB 7354
U 315 AB 7397
U 344 AB 8441
U 363 AB 8476
U 987 AB 8729
U 394 AB 8793
U 992 AF 2216

In port :

U 956, 425, 737 .Hammerf es t ,. .

U 957 TromsB,
U 347, 362, 365, 337, 716, 742, 965 Narvik,
U 312, 561, 636, 703, 739, 921, 963, 995
U 278, 354 Bergen.
. ) . . . .. :



( b ) U-boats homeward and outward boun d

0815 U 716 put out from Narvik for AF 2216.

U 987 proceeding from AB 4892 to Hammerfest.

IV Current U-boat operations. .; .-•-

(a) Convoy operations ; .None

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic


10 boats in formation east of Jan Mayen.

( c Special operations' by single boats ; None .

V. Reports of successes ; None,

C . Surface forces :

Nothing to report,

D.... ;...' Survey of the situation

. ;

No comments

(Signed) Suhren.

22 June, 1944

Enemy situation -'- '

A'.'" ; _ .....:--

I. Air reconnaissance ;

Flieger Fuehrer 5 I

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Jan Mayen''-'' Banak from 0403 to 0850.
Broken off because of engine -trouble only flew ,

from Banak - AB 3517 - Banak. Route exhaustively

examined, nothing to report.

Flieger Fuehrer 4;

No operations

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance and

reconnaissance of anchorages at Thorshavn and
Skallefjord. Route exhaustively examined. as far
as 6° W, the remainder and .the --Faeroes area not
examined because of fog, nothing to report.

II* Reports on the enemy :

(a) By U-boats carrier-borne aircraft, 1 destroyer


(See IV "Tb) )

: .


(b) By air reconnaissance ; None.

(c) By naval forces : None.

(d) By radio Intercept service :

"Norwegian polar coast: moderate number of

transmissions, among them several codewords,
partly of- first-priority to submarines in
the operational area.
Murmansk areas flotilla leader "Baku",
destroyer "B", motor vessel "PS 48".
Britain: no units intercepted in the Murmansk/

Archangel area..
Russian radio traffic: slight.
Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts.

$} ( e ) By G.I.-S. stations i None.

B. U-boats s

III- U-boat positions and alterations qf position : -..

Northern Waters boats :

(a) Positions at 0800 :

In the operational area :.

In patrol line :

Group "Trutz" :

U 668- AB 4828 — .-•' --^

U 313 AB 4892
U 711 A3 7314
U 307 AB 7354 "
U 315 AB 7397
U 344 AB 8441
U 363 AB 8476
U 987 AB 8729
U 394 AB 8793,

U 992 AP 2216-' .::.-..;.,,-:.-::-.-

In port : ;

U 956, 425, 737 ilammerfest, ,.,

U 957 Tromsfr, r r.T ....
.-.. -.

U 347, 362, 565, 387, 742, 965 Narvik,

U 312, 361, 636, 703 ,. 739 921, 968, 995 ,

U 278, 354 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound :

1545 U 997 put in to Hammerfest from AB 4892.

U 716 proceeding to Narvik from AB 2216.

IV. Current U-boat operations ::

( a ) Convoy operations : None

: :


(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy


10 boats in formation east of Jan Mayen.


1621 Short s ignal 1622/707 received, from U 307

(Herrle V

"2 carrier-borne aircraft in AB 7354."

As it was uncertain whether these were the

escort of a convoy and since yesterday's air
reconnaissance had established an assembly of
merchant ships near the Faeroes Luftflotte 5 ,

was at once requested to carry out reconnais-

sance ahead of our formation =,

The readiness of the o-perational boats in

Hammerfest, Narvik -and TromsB was increased.

1739 Short signal 1755/708 received- from-.U 307


"Carrier-borne aircraft in A3 7355. Possible

that I have been --noticed."

1816 Radio message 1742/710 sent :


"5 hours' readiness immediately for operational

U-boats in Hammerfest, TromsB and Narvik."

1755 Radio message 1550/709. received from U 668

(Eickstedt)V "

- - -

"From 1200 to 1330 2 "Fulmars" observed flying

up and down in AB 4855. Wind north, force 3,
sea 3, patches of fog, visibility 10 miles,
atmospheric pressure 1,020 millibars, temperature
+ 1°, 55 cu.m. left."

1830 Short signal 1825/711 received from U 344


"Carrier-borne plane (s) in AB 8441."

1940 Short signal 1910/712 received from U 307

(HerrleJ i

"Carrier-borne aircraft. My position is

AB 7358."
1940 Short signal 1924/715 received from U 315

""Carrier-borne plane(s). My position is

.AB 7336." .

Accordingly the carrier might be approximately

In AB 75.

. i . . :


2057 Short signal 2044/714 received from U 711


"Heavy air patrol."

(U 711 j the third boat from the north).

2117 Radio message 2017/715 sent;

"Group "Trutz"

At 0800 on 23 June, be in attack areas, depth

of sweep 25 miles, as follows; "Eickstedt"
AB 6635, "Schweiger" AB 4473, "Lange" AB 4738,
and, further, in patrol line from AB 7435 to
AP 1329. "Herrle" to Dunkelberg" .Proceed
at once."

) It could be assumed that the disposition of

group "Trutz" was now known to the enemy. If
a convoy came later, the 3 northerly boats
were to prevent any deviation to the north,
"while the others were to intercept the convoy
in a new formation on the known routes This

new formation had to remain unobserved to be


2217 Radio message 2225/716 ?

"Group "Trutz" i

1. Try to reach new formation unobserved.

Radio silence even if carrier-borne
aircraft are sighted, as long as there are
no new discoveries about the carrier group
or convoy. Attack reports excepted.
m 2. Expect our own daily meteorological flights,
Trondheim - Jan Mayen."
2310 Short signal 2258/717 received from IT 315

"l destroyer, heavy air patrol in AB 7626."

This may be the advance escort of the expected

convoy, with the carrier to the north some
distance away. The carrier-borne aircraft
first reported in the north seemed to bear
out this assumption.

2353 Radio message 2357/719 sent:

"Group "Trutz" operate at maximum speed on


"Zoller" 's report of destroyers in A3 7626.

Assume formation on northeasterly course."

Even if 1 destroyer is still a very uncertain

clue for a convoy, wc cannot afford to miss
the PQ, convoy. It is the main target and the
slightest clue must be exploited as quickly
as possible

" , , .


0034 Radio message 2545/720 sent:

''Proceed at high speed .to AB.64 as quickly as

possible . --

1. From Hammerfest: "Mohs u , "Brasack",

"Bentzien", "Lehmann".

2. From' TromsB 's

u Schaar !i .

3. From Narvik; u de Buhr u -"Wedemeyer"

- -,

"Buchler", "Schwassmann' "Unverzagt" via 1

Andf jord, from LBdingen to Harstad with

pilots .

(c) Special operations by single boats : None.

(d-) Miscellaneous i

1250 Teleprinter message Most Secret 3177 A Ops

sent to U-boat base Hammerfests ;

''Brasack n after delivering reserve torpedoes,

proceed at once to TromsB Naval Air Station to

take on meteorological shore transmitter,
leaving Tromso on the evening of 26 June.
Request escort for the transfer in Tromso" and
report time of sailing in advance by teleprinter
message, for information Admiral Polar Coast,
Naval Harbor Master TromsB and Naval Air
Station, Tromso. Inspector Reichelt will bring
the operational order to TromsB. He and a
war correspondent will make the voyage.' 1

2115 Teleprinter message Most Secret 3194 A Ops. 1

was sent to 13th U-boat Flotilla, for
information Admiral Polar Coast, Naval Chief
Command, Norway, Ops. Staff and Flleger
.Fuehrer 5.

"Sailing, order for "Seidel 51

, "Werney"

1. Put to sea as -soon as- -possible/;."

2. Proceed via Frohavet to AF 29, 'increased


3. U-boat Northern Waters frequency. 1 '

V. Reports of successes : None.: .

C . Surface forces ;

Nothing to report.-
D> Survey of the situation :

2055 Teleprinter message Most Secret 3193 A Ops. was

sent to Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C
U-boats Ops for information Naval Chief

Command, Norway, for information Luftflotte 5s


"U-boat situation in Northern Waters a.t-.20QQ on

22 June :

Yesterday's air report of merchant vessels off

the Faeroes and the. -appearance of carrier-borne
aircraft in formation indicate a PQ convoy.
When the disposition of group "Trutz" had
probably been recognized, 5 boats were disposed
to the north in order to anticipate a diversionary
movement while 8 boats were ordered into patrol
line from A3 7455 to AF 1529 to intercept the
convoy from this new formation, should the convoy
steer a more southerly course'. 9 boats in Narvik,
Tromso and Hammerfest at 5 hours' readiness. 5
boats putting out from Trondheim,"

0205 Teleprinter message Most Secret 3199 A Ops was

sent to Naval" War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C
U-boats Ops., for information Naval Chief Command,
Norway, for information Luftflotte 5, for
information Flieger Fuehrer 5i
d) "U-boat situation in Northern Waters at 0200 on
25 June I

At 2258 U 515 reported a destroyer in AB 7626,

heavy air patrol. Assume this to be advance
escort of convoy. Carrier more than 100 miles
away to the. north. 11 boats of group "Trutz" set
on it at, maximum speed. Expected. .course of convoy
northeast, speed 10 knots. 10 boats are putting
out from Narvik, Tromso and Hammerfest for AB 64,
3 boats from Trondheim. Luftflotte 5 has promised
immediate reconnaissance."

(Signed) Suhren.

25 June, 1944.

A. Enero y s ituation i

I. Air reconnaissa: ace

Flie ger Fuehrer <"7 -

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island- 75° N, 50° E.-. Banak from
0404 to 0815, almost exhaustive, nothing to

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance west of

the -Faeroes from 0151 to 0955. Djuppenf jord and
northern fjords examined, enemy not sighted.

) , . -


•;•; File ge.r Fuehrer 5 ;

3 3V 138 on radar reconnaissance in the sea area

AB 8531, AB 3782, AB 4956, and AB 7515 from 0200
to 1123. .Reconnaissance area exhaustively examined
by radar and visual reconnaissance ,- enemy not

II . Reports on the enemy : -

(a) By U-boats ; Hone.

( b By air reconnaissance :


0300 ;
Teleprinter message :Most Secret 5298/44 received
from Luftflotte 5?

"Conclude there is a PQ, convoy or escort for

carrier group from the presence of the enemy
destroyer in 07 East 014 and carrier-borne
'"'aTrcraft 'to'" the ""east Flieger Fuehrer 5 will .

reconnoitor the area in question with a

minimum number of aircraft in direct: agreement
with Captain U-boats, Norway. Minimum weather
conditions (not under 7/l0 cloud, sufficient
thickness) must be observed to exclude losses.
Aircraft are to be informed of the presence of
a carrier."

(c) By naval forces : None.

(d) Bj radio Intercept service :

Murmansk area: flotilla leader ''Baku".

Britain: no units intercepted in the .Murmansk/
Archangel area. - —
'"Russ Tan radio traffic: s 1 1 ght
Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts.

(e) By G . I . S . stations :

Naval War Staff, First Division 1 ITorth wired:

"Subject: Operations in Northern Europe

In reply to the query about a possible large-
scale landing in North Jutland or South
Norway which is currently rumored in Stockholm,
an extremely reliable agent is of the opinion
that, on the basis of available information,
such an action is considered by official
Swedish political and military authorities to
be out of the question both at present and in
the immediate future. It could only be a
small diversionary operation, as we have
frequently stressed here of late. The agent
believes, however, that the British and
Americans have also lost their enthusiasm to a
great extent, as claims on Allied shipping
space by operations in Normandy are proving to
be far above what was expected. No troops are .

being brought to Northern England/Scotland^


on the contrary preparations are being made

to withdraw them. No large concentrations
of shipping in Northern England/Scotland,
especially not in the northwest coast harbors
from which any large-scale operations would
start. Present state of alarm is connected
exclusively with threatening developments -in

B. s; U-boats. ;

Ill* U-boat positions and alterations of position ;

Northern. Waters boats ;

(a) Positions at 0800 ;

In the operational area ;

In patrol line ;

Group '"Trutz";

U 668 AB 4828
U 313 AB 4892
U 711 AB 7314
U 315 AB 7397 operating from patrol line
U 344 AB 8441 on PQ, convoy believed to be
U 363 A3 8476 in AB 76.
U 987 A3 8729
U 394 AB 8793
U 992 AF 2216
U 716

In port ;

U 362 Narvik,
U .321, 361, 636, 703, 739, 921, 968, 995
U 278, 354 Bergen.

( b ) U-boats homeward and outward bound ,;

The following boats put out for AB 64 and

after recall put. in again;

Narvik ;

U 742 put out at .0200, at 2330 put in to

U 365 put out at 0230, at 1750 put in to
tad, •
U 387 put out at 034.5, on 24 June put in
to Narvik.
U 965 put out at 0400, at 1600 put in to
U347 put out at 0415., at 2045 put in to

) .



U 957 put out at 0430=,. at 2200 put in to TromsB.

Trondheim ;

U 361 and U 636 put out at 1100 for Narvik.

!1 —

U 425
U 737
U 956.

IV* Current U-boat operations ;

(a) Convoy operations ; None .-

( b Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic ;

11 boats operating on destroyer report in AB

7626, where PQ, convoy is ^assumed to be. 9
boats approaching.

0044 Radio message 00Q9/721 sent:

"Until more detailed reports^ are received,

destroyer in A3 7626 is regarded as advance
escort of eastbound convoy or carrier group.
Expect to encounter our own air reconnaissance."

0230 Radio message 2500/726 received from U 315


"Destroyer made off to the southwest."

This still did not preclude the presence of a

convoy, but might indicate the escort of the
carrier formation, which has steered a southerly

0117 Radio message 0051/725 sent?

"Captain U-boats suspects, according to

reports to date from U-boats, that "ZolIer u 's
destroyer is the escort for a PQ, convoy in
AB 76 and that the carrier is 100 - 150 miles
further north. According to previous
experience, speed of convoy is 10 knots.
Northern Waters Order No. 8. Report any clue
at once. D/P wave "Dora" in use."

0154 Radio message 0128 /725 sent;

"Group "Trutz";

Strive hard to reach the suspected convoy area

by 1000. If there are no clues by then, the
boats must be in patrol line from AB 5299 to
6772 by 1900. On no account lag behind."



The patrol line should thus be 10 miles

ahead of the convoy, calculating its position
by dead reckoning' from the position of the
reported destroyer and assuming a speed of
10 knots. 'It --is- probable- -that/ the searching
boats and aircraft will furnish further
clues, if there really is a convoy.

0718 Short signal 0718/729 received from U 992

(Palke) i

"Am being attacked by=-. aircraft,, in AB 8727,"

"Palke" is the second. most, southerly boat.

This report also indicates that the enemy has
moved southward.

0956 Radio message 0958/751 sent

"Group "Trutzi report position at once by

short signal."

The following reported; ,.

U 594 (Borger) at 1051 In AB 8277

U 711 (Lange) at 1052 in AB 5848
U. 544 (Pietsch) at 1058 in AB 8156
U 716 (Dunkelberg) at 1025 in AB 8561
U 507 (Herrle) at 1057 in AB 8225
U 992 (Palke) at 1152 in AB 8425
U 668 (Eickstedt). at 1507 In'AB 5544
U 515 (Zoller) at 1509 in AB'8211
U 565 (Noes) at 1514 in AB 8188
TJ 515 (Schweiger) at 1550 in AB 5410

"Palke" and "Nees" are especially far astern.

It seems as if they had operated on the
destroyer making off to the southwest instead
of on the northeasterly course of the presumed
convoy as ordered.

As there were no clues for a convoy reported
either by the U-boats or by the aircraft on
exhaustive reconnaissance , the operation was
then broken off.

1214 Radio message 1145/741 sent

"Boats putting to sea from Hammerfestj TromsB

and Narvik: turn about and put in to port

1252 Radio message 1146/742 sent:

"Group "Trutz":
Exhaustive air. reconnaissance with no results.
Presume there is a carrier group but no convoy.
Occupy new patrol line from AB 5471 to 8694,"

The boats were again to form a patrol line to

s " ;


the southwest and if possible to extend it to

the ice limit.

1334 Short s ignal 1247/744 received from U 992


"Am being attacked by" aircraft. My position

is AB 8198.

1418 Radio message 1546/749 was then sent ;

"l."Falke"; report type of aircraft at once.

2. "Sicks tedt" return to Hammcrfest at


cruising speed.

3. Group "Trutz" in former order, "Schweigcr"

to "Dunkelberg !?

4. "Brasack"; special assignment as ordered.

Other boats at 12 hours' readiness."

"Falke" reported in radio message 1624 ;

"l,' Multiple "Naxos" and "Wanze" location?

. aircraft ran in from a range of 15 000 ,

meters, disappeared into clouds , then

turned off, type could not be made out.

2. The arrangement whereby a man kept watch

on "Fliege" on the bridge with earphones
proved valuable,"
(c) Special operations by single boats ; None.

(d) Miscellaneous ;

0037 Teleprinter message Most Secret 3198 A Ops. 1


"Sailing order for U 354 (Sthamer)

1. Put out from Bergen on the morning of 24
June for Narvik - Rarnsund.

2. Inner leads as far as Frohavet, then make

for Westfjord keeping 50 miles from the
coast as far as 66° N in accordance with
Order No. 13.

3. Report estimated time of arrival at

approach point and also passing "V 1" by
time short signal,

4. Radio frequency "Anton".

After making fast at Rarnsund, switch on
to base wave "MC" 479 kc/s and report.

5. Expect to encounter enemy submarines off

Westf jord. .

6. Observe Section 153 of Recognition Signal



Regulations for exchange of recognition

signals with the shore."

1237 Radio message 1207/745 sent;

" "Unvorzagt" , ,.'.'. W&de-meye'r"' remain in Harstad
.at- -12 -hours'" readiness. 1 '

1521 Radio message 1448/752 sent?

"1. "Scidol" "Schendol" put in to Wc'stfjord

, ;

- Narvik. Cruising- "Speed. Radio

frequency "Anton".. Report. 24 hour's before
reaching "V l" .. .

2. "Werner" s remain in frdhdhoim."

U 987 (Schroyor) has not yet reported in

answer to radio message 0938/731. He was
^•v again requested to do so in radio message
f '

V. Reports of successes ; None.

C Surface forces '.

Nothing to report. .,_

D. Survey of the situation ;

0107 Teleprinter message Most Secret 5275/44 received

. from Luftflotte. 5;

"l. Merchant shipping in the Faeroes area consists

mostly of small ships •> which" would not be
used for Russian convoys. Only 4 ships of .

4 - 5,000 tons and one- of 10,000 tons were

2. There are no indications of an approaching
P0„ convoy...

3. If the aircraft sighted by "Herrle" was

carrier-borne, exercises may be in progress
in the Northern Waters area.

4. The extremely tight fuel situation prevents

our flying .the day's run reconnaissance you

1415 Teleprinter message Most Secret 3216 A Ops sent;

"U-boat situation in Northern Waters at 1400 on

25 June ;

Exhaustive reconnaissance in the area AB 8785 -

7278 - 4956 - 8584, without result. In AB 7626
the reported destroyer made off to the southwest
about 2200. No further clue apart from the air
attack on U 992 at 1247 in AB 8198. Assume

) . . .


carrier group without convoy, perhaps for "anti-

submarine operations in approximately AB 78.
Group "Trut.z" proceeding with 10 boats to extended
patrol lino AB: 5471 to 8694;. Boats at readiness
arc on return passage."

(Signed') Suhren.

24 Juno, 1944.

A. Enemy situation ;

I. Ajr reconnaissance :

Plieger Fuehrer 3:

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance route ,

Banak - Boar Island - 75° N, 30° E Banak from .


0355 to 0757 not exhaustive, nothing to report.


Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological recbhhalssahce'' west of

the Faeroes from 0223 to 1024. North Faeroes and
Thorshavn examined.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 He 111 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0246 to 0947. Route 50$ examined, Jan
Mayen area not examined because of fog, nothing to

II. Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By U-boats ; None.

'(b) By air reconnaissance ;

... Thorshavn harbor unoccupied. .. 4 merchant

vessels, each 3,000 G.R.T., and 1 merchant
vessel of 8 - 10,000 G.R.T. at anchor in
Skallef jord.

( c By naval forces ; None . - .

(d) By radio intercept service ;

Norwegian polar coast; moderate number of

transmissions, among them very high priority
•~~ --• ;

codewords tcail submarines" in the' operational

Murmansk areas destroyer "Gremyashchi"
^Britain; no units Intercepted in the Murmansk/
Archangel area,

"'• '
. ; :


Bearings from Svanvik on 23 Junes at 1533 in

253° a British unit, at 2155 in 265° a
British unit.
Bearing of 269° obtained from, Kirkenes on a
British unit at 2155.
Russian radio traffic: slight.
Britain: very few Murmansk, no Archangel

(e) By G-.I.S. stations ; None.

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

Northern Waters' boats :

Positions at 0800 ;
D (a)

In the operational area ;

In patrol line ;

Group "Trutz" ;

U 313 AB 5471
U 711. AB 5721
U 307 AB 5753
U 315 AB 5793
U 344 AB 8213
U 363 AB 8252
U 987 AB 8292
U 394 AB 8612
U 992 AB 8654
U 716 AB 8694
In port ;

U 956, 425, 737 Hammerfest,

U 957 TromsB,
U 365, 965 Harstad,
U 347, 362, 387, 742 Narvik,
U312, 703, 739, 921, 968, 995 Trondheim,
U 278, 354 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

0050' U 387 put in to Narvik.

1800 U 965 put out from Harstad for AB 8694.
1800 U 737 put out from Hammerfest for TromsB.
1105 U 987 on return passage from AB 8292 to
Andf jord - Narvik.
2000 U 354 put out from Bergen for Narvik.
U 361 proceeding from Trondheim to Narvik.
2300 U 636 put in to Narvik from Trondheim.
U 668 proceeding from AB 4828 to Hammerfest.
IV. Current U-boat operations

(a) Convoy operations ; None.

. J .


(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic :

10 boats in formation east of Jan Mayen,

(c) Special operations by single boats ; None.

.(d) Miscellaneous ;

Since U 987 (Schreyer) had not reported in

answer to repeated requests, he received orders
to put in. to. Narvik. on the assumption that his
transmitter was out of order.

1141 Radio message 1015/769 sent:

"l. "Schreyer"; put in to Andfjord - Narvik,

be at._point Schwarz.. 2.5". at 1200 on 25 June.

2. "Borger", ".Falke".,. ."Dunkelberg" move up

... :

one position to the northwest in the patrol

line . .
:'.:... : .;.!
::_'.... .'

3. U 965 ( :.put out at 1800 on 24

June from Harstad via. Andfjord for AB 8694
in patrol". line. joining group "Trutz" as >..'

boat No, 10.

4. Procedure in patrol line according to

Order No. 8 and Commanders Manual para. '

370 onwards. Irregular courses. Always

expect to encounter enemy submarines."

V . Reports of successes : None

C Surface forces ;

Nothing to report. ^

D. Organizational :

0215 Teleprinter message Admiral Commanding U-boats

Most Secret 4862' U 1 received:

"Ylfith immediate' effoct :U 673 (Sauer) Is transferred

from 6th U-boat Flotilla to 13th U-boat Flotilla
for administrative purposes."

E. Survey of the situation ;

1727 Teleprinter message Most Secret 02424 A 2 received

from" Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops .

"l. Investigations are to be carried out and a

report made on the. following questions:

(a) Whether the air reconnaissance of Russian

harbors is so exhaustive that conclusions
can definitely be drawn as to the running
or non-running of convoys.

: .


(b) Whether, in view of the very northerly ice

limit and the lack of any air reconnais-
sance, the format ion" of group "Trutz"
south and north of Bear island offers
more chance of intercepting and attacking
convoys for a short time,

2. The exhaustive reconnaissance reported on 23

June embraces only a small area. In our
opinion, it would be quite easy for a convoy
to deviate to the north without being

2110 Teleprinter message Most Secret 3248 A Ops. sent:

"Reference your teleprinter message 02424 A 2

of 24 June
Re 1 (a). Air reconnaissance of Russian harbors
I has almost always produced sufficient
particulars about the composition or
arrival of "convoys .~ During the past
two months there have been no indica-
tions at all that convoys are running.

Re 1 (b)

. According to our experience, only a

simultaneous attack by several boats
from a close formation promises success
If there Is no air reconnaissance, then
the convoy must be intercopted by
U-boats as early as possible, so that
the operational boats in the northern
ports can be suitably disposed.
" In
order to have these boats always ready
for an attack, only 10 boats can be kept
constantly at sea for reconnaissance.
The' formation in Bear Island passage
has therefore to be loose and thus
offers only slight prospects of success°,

also, with such late interception no

further boats could be brought up from
the ports. With 20 boats, the distance
between each boat would still be 15
miles, not offering much prospect of
success, and, furthermore, so many
boats could only be kept at sea for
limited periods.
Plan? To move group "Trutz" southwest
again, the formation stretching as far
as the ice limit as in Captain U-boats,
"Nbrwav Most Secret 3193 A Ops. of 22
June i" :
. .

(Signed) Suhron.

; . .


25 June, 1944 ,

A.. :. Enemy situation:

I. A 1 r re c p nna is sance ;

Flieger Fuehrer S ;

1 Ju 83 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Jan'Mayen' - Banak from 0404 to 1023.
Bariafe". -
Assignment broken off at 72° N, 3° W because of 1


loss of fuel. Exhaustive., nothing to report,

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route
,. Banak - Bear Island - 75o N, 30°. E from 041.5 to 0827,
nothing to report, riot exhaustive'.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

No.\ operations/.

.Flieger Fuehrer 5;

[ 1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

area around the Faeroes. Route 80%, southern
part of the Faeroes 40% examined, nothing to


II.; „ Reports on the enemy ; ; :


(a) By ^U-boats ; None :

By air reconnaissance None,


(b) s

( c ) By naval forces : None .-

(d) By radio intercept service ;

Norwegian polar coast; few transmissions to

submarines in the operational area,
Iokanka area; destroyer "Gremyashchi"
Britain; no units intercepted in the Murmansk/
':., Archangel area.
Russian radio traffic; slight,
'Britain; no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts,
(o) By G.I.S. stations ; None.

BY U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position ,


Northern Waters boats; ;

(a) Positions at 0800 ;

In the operational area :

In patrol line



Group "Trutz" ;

U 313 AB 5471
U 711 AB 5721
U 307 AB 5753
-U 315 AB 5793
U 344 AB 8213
U 363 AB 8252
U 394 AB 8292
U 992 AB 8612
IT -716 AB 8654

U 965 AB 8694
U 675 Atlantic.

In port ;

U 425, 956, 997 Hammerfest,

1 U 737, 957 TromsB,
U 365 Harstad,
U 347, 362,- 387, 636, 742 Narvik,
U 312, 703, 739, 921, 968, 995 Trondheim,
U 278 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

1101 U 668 put in to Hammer f est... from AB 4828.

U 737 put in to TromsB in the afternoon
from Hammerf est.
1245 U 361 put in to Narvik from Trondheim.
U 987 proceeding from AB 8292 to Andf jord -
U 354 proceeding. from Bergen to Narvik.

IV. Current U-boat operations ;

5 (a) Convoy operations: None,

(b) Operational measures to interc ept enemy

.... - trafflc T" •;•--::- '-';

10 boats in formation, east of Jan Mayen.-,

0617 Short signa l 0617 /787 received from U 394


"Carrier-borne plane (s ) . ''My -position is AB


"Borger" reported, however, in radio message



2," Aircraft report; possibly Ju 88, course

west, probably unobserved."

2345 Radio message 2155/702 sent:

."1.- Group "Trutz"; at 0000- -on -26 June proceed

, )


at 7 knots to attack areas, depth of sweep

30 miles "Schweiger" AA 6942, "Lange" AA

6994, "Herrle" AA 9662, "Zoller" AB 7711,

"Pietsch" AB 7497, "Nees" AB 7768, "Borger"
AB 7855, "Palke" AP 1138, "Dunkelberg" AP
1226, "Unverzagt" AP 1296.

2, New formation must remain unobserved. Radio

silence except for reports or clues
concerning convoys, heavy naval forces,
attacks and if observed. Irregular courses.
Submerge according to conditions of visibility.

3. Transmit any reports before proceeding."

(c) Special operations by single boats i

: None.

( d Miscellaneous ;

1653 Teleprinter message Most Secret 3260 A Ops.

sent to U-boat base Hammerfest;

"Sailing order for U 956 (Mohs)s

1, Put out for AB 86 at cruising speed early

on 26 June.

2. Operational Order No. 15, U-boat Northern

Waters frequency. 1 '

1725 Radio message 1700/799 sent;

"U 365 (Wedemeyer) put out from Harstad via


Andfjord for AB 89, cruising speed, at 0800

on 26 June."

Operational Order for U 757 (Brasack), see

Appendix III .

V. Reports of successes ; None,


VI. U-boat reports ;

Short report from U 668. (v. Eickstedt ) , first

operation, see Appendix II .

C Surface forces ;

Nothing to report.

D. Survey of the situation ;

Re IV (b) and (d)i

"The 2 new boats putting to sea will Increase

group "Trutz" to 12 boats, so that interception
of the convoy by the new formation seems
assured, 8 to 10 boats remain in readiness in
the northern ports; after group "Trutz" has
intercepted the convoy, those can be assembled in
a narrow attacking formation."
(Signed) Suhren.



26 June, 1944

A. Enemy situation: >

I. Air recdhhaiss~anee

Flieger Fuehrer 3:

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance route ,

Banak - Bear Island - 7.5° N, "30° E" - Banak from "

0724 to 1150. Assignment-, carried out on

prescribed route. Exhaustively "examined apart
from Bear Island and turning, point (because of

Flieger Fuehrer 4;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

(j area west of the Faeroes from 0120 to 0926.
Sandoy flown over, no shipping observed. North
Faeroes examined In passing,, no shipping

Flieger Fuehrer 5;

1 He 111 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0249 to 0951. Route 70$, Jan Mayen
area' 30$ examined, nothing to report.

II . Reports on the enemy :

... . .(
a) By U-boats : No ne .

(b) By air reconnaissance ! None"."

(c) By naval forces ; None.

(d) By radio intercept service ;

At 2040 on 26 June survey ship "MGLA !r

anchored off Bugrino (Island of Kolguev AW

3337). ..'

According to a Russian radio message of 26

June, a motor' minesweeper group Is stationed
at Cape Orebcn (Yugorski Strait AT 8819).
Group carries acoustic, minesweeping gear.
Norwegian polar coasts moderate number of
trans mls'sions -to. submarines, in the operational
Murmansk' area minesweeper No, 39.
" v ' ;

;..-'. ';,. .._Iokanka area: minesweeper No. 32.

Brit'aihT no units intercepted In the Murmansk/
Archangel area.
Bearings from Svanviks 280° on British unit
at 2333 on 25 June. 250° on British unit at
0155 on 26 June.
'Bearings from Kirkenes: 252° on British unit
at 0156 'on 26 June.
Russian radio traffics slight.
Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts.



(e) By G I .S ., stations ? None.

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations 'of •position :

(a) Positions at 0800 ;

"' '
"" """'" "-"" ~*

In the operational "area f "

""'• *

Group "Trutz" :

= U 313 AB 4677
U 711 AB 4927
U 307 AB 8115
U 344 AB 8154
U 363 AB 8197 on passage.
U 394 AB 8436
" U 992- -AB 8549
U 716 AB 8589
' U 965; AB 8835

U 737 AC 47 on special operation.

In port ;

U.425, 668, 957 Hammerfest,

U. 737-,957. TromsB,
U 347., 361, 362, 387, 636, 742 Narvik,
U 312, 703, 739/921, 968, 995 Trondhoim,
U 278 Bergen. •

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

0800 U 365 put out from Harstad for AP 1391.

0900 U 956 put out from'- Hammerftrst' for AP 1663.
0100 U 354 put in to Alesund from Bergen,
0800 put out from Narvik.
0000 Group "Trutz" proceeding to new attack areas: '

U 313 AA 6942, U 711 AA- 6994, U 307 AA 9962,

U 315 AB 7711, U 344 AB 7497; U 363 AB 7768,
U 394 A3 7855, U 992 AP 1138, U 716 AP 1226,
U 965 AP 1296. ^

1700 U 957 put out from TromsB for SkjerpBy.

IV. Current U-boat operations :

(a) Convoy operations : None,

{ b ) Operational measures to intercept enemy


traffic :.

10 boats in formation southeast and northwest

of Jan 2 boats approaching.

1246 Radio -mess age 1207./706 sent:

,"l. .U 956 (Mohs) is putting out from Hammerfest

on 26 June for attack area AP 1663, depth

.,.. -1,090-
) . -


of sweep 30 miles, joining group "Trutz"

as boat No, 12.

2. "Wedemeyer" is occupying attack area AP

1391 as boat No. 11."

( c ) Special operations by single boats :-- '••'-•

0115 Radio message 2558/716 sent:

"U 737 (Brasack) is putting out from Tromsb'

on 27 June via AB 23 northwards for special
assignment "Edwin"."

( d Miscellaneous i

2110 Radio message 2018/721 sent:

"Sailing order for U 361 and U 636:

1. "Schendel" put out from Narvik at 0800 on

27 June for Bogen and proceed through

-Andf'jord with ,L S-ei del" to AP 21., Report
sailing from Bogen in advance..
Compulsory pilotage from Lodingen to
Hars tad. ...Danger of submarines off Andf jord,

2. Approach the operational area unobserved

at cruising speed. ..... -.-.:

5. Operational Order., .N,o>,.,15, U-boat Northern

Waters frequency."

V. Reports of successes : None.

C. Surface forces. :

Nothing to report
D. Survey of the situation :- - — •-'

1455 Teleprinter message Most Secret 7978 A 1 received

from Naval Chief Command Norway:

"Carrier-borne aircraft repeatedly reported by

U-boats on 22 and 23- June lead us to conclude :

that there is. a carrier in the Jan Mayen area.

Take-off from Jan Mayen is not impossible but
scorns improbable as the last aerial photographic
reconnaissance on 1 June showed no occupation.
A connection may be assumed between the destroyer
sighted and the carrier group. We suspect that
the enemy is at present patrolling the U-boat
patrol line area with a carrier group, but this
seems improbable, as other ai-rcraft could be used
for this purpose. Appearance of carrier group
may also indicate a non-intercepted PQ, convoy.
The carrier may possibly have been intended to
create confusion as on 3 April. With regard to
the agent's radio logs captured on 6 June, plans
to attack the "Tirpitz" seem most probable; it

s .


also appears that operations have repeatedly been

broken off because of unfavorable weather, but also
that it is intended to put the "Tirpitz" out of
action 'by renewed air attacks. The reason for no
attack to date might be the insufficient height of
cloud in. the Alta ...area,.— Sudden attacks against
the" coast .with attacks on convoy traffic were to
be subsidiary to the... main-at-fack on the "Tirpitz",
Presume that the carrier group has now put in to

(Signed) Suhren,

27 June, 1944 ,

A. Enemy situation :

I, .... Air reconnaissance ;

Flleger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological, reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - 75° N, 5° E - Banak from

0355 to 0902. Greater part of route exhaustively

examined, nothing to report,

Flieger Fuehrer 4s-

1 Ju 88 on meteorological re-connai-ssance in the

area west of the Faeroes from 0229 to 1012, Faeroes
not examined because of mist r enemy not sighted,

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological -reconnaissance to "Jan

Mayen from 0256 to 1009. Route 60% , southern part
...of Jan Mayen 90%, northern part 50% examined,
nothing to report.

II. Report i
on the enemy :

(a) By U-boats : None,

(b.) By air reconnaissance : None,'

(c) By naval forces: None,

(d) By radio intercept service :

Norwegian polar coast: moderate number of

transmissions-" to submarines In the operational
Iokanka areas minesweeper No, 93.
Britain: no units intercepted in the Murmansk/
Archangel area.
Russian radio traffic: slight,
Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts.

: :


(e) By G.I.S. stations : None. '.*

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

(a) Positions at 0800 :

In the operational area :

Group ''Trutz" in, attack, areas :

U 313 AA 6942
U 711 AA 6994
U 307 AA 9662
U 315 AB 7711
U 344 AB 7497
U 363 AB 7768 depth of sweep 30 miles.
U 394 AB 7855
U 992 AP 1138
U 716 AP 1226-
U 965 AP 1296
U 365 AP 1391

In port :

U 425, 668, 997 Hammerfest,

U 737 TromsB,
U 347, 361, 362, 387, 636, -742 Narvik,
U 312, 703, 739, 921, 968, 995 Trondheim,
U 278 Bergen.

(k) U-boats homeward and outward bound :

1130 U 361, 636 put out f rem Narvik for AP 21.


1500 U 737 put out from TromsB for special "

operation "Edwin", :~- -

U 956 proceeding from Hammerfest to AP 1663

U 354 proceeding from Aalesund to Narvik.
1500 U 957 put in to SkjerpBy from TromsB.

IV. Curront U-boat operations :

(a) Convoy operations ; None..

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy


11 boats in formation 'southeast and northwest

of Jan Mayen. 3 boats approaching.

0809 Short signal 0808/719 received from U 965

(Unverzagt )

"Am being attacked by aircraft. My position

is AP 1374."

1051 Radio message 1016/721 was then sent:

"1. Aircraft reported by "Unverzagt" at 0808

in AP 1374 Is probably one of our own

• -1,093-
) . .


meteorological planes. If not, report type.

2. Group "Trutz"; expect daily, meteorological

flights from-T-rondkeim Mo= Jan Mayen. Avoid
mistaken reports if possible because of the
danger- of -having bearings taken."

( c -
Special operations by- single boats °.

U 737 (Brasack) proceeding to North Spitsbergen

to sot up meteorological shore transmitter
"Edwin" and evacuate meteorological unit

(d) Miscellaneous ;

2 war distress, reports were received on

Northern Waters frequency;:

0933 "LLL s aircraft is attacking with torpedo,

signature ."

1017 "TTT = Torpedo hit.

XXX a Boat badly 'damaged, sinking."

As the reports were clearly received by

Hammerfest, the messages were first thought to
come from a boat off the polar coast, possibly
.,,...• from U 957 (Schaar) which might .have been

-attacked- with torpedoes^ by a Russian aircraft.


1140 Radio message 1059/722 sent;

"l. At 0940 an apparent war distress report

"LLL" was received, signature not clear.
Boats to report at once if further clues

2, "Schaar" :. report position."

Meanwhile the first signature was doubtfully

deciphered -as— U- 307 (-Her-rle)'. The 2 boats on

either side were put on the trail.


1205 Radio message 1146/725 sent-:

"1, War distress report about torpedo hit

possibly from "Herrle". If not, "Herrle" :

should report "No" by short signal.

2. "Zoller": proceed to look for "Herrle" in

western part of attack areaj "Pietsch":

search in the' eastern -part, high speed."

The decoding was very uncertain. Therefore,

as well as -"-Herrle" r -.the:.:.boat which reported
an air attack (by our own meteorological
plane?) early today was requested to report.
In order to preserve- secrecy regarding the
new formation, the other boats were told not
to report at present.



1312 Radio message 1504/725 sent:

»Herrle", "Unverzagt": re port position."

In order to cover any other possibilities at

the same time, 2 boats were ordered to
search in their attack areas and air recon-
naissance was requested in the operational
area of Group "Trutz".

1442 Radio message 1415/726 sont:

"Group "Trutz" i

The following will exchange attack areas;


"Schweiger" and "Lange", "Nees" and "Borger",

"Falke" and "Dunkelberg , "Unverzagt" and
"Wedemeyer" Then search for rubber dinghies

in new attack area."

1443 Radio message 1405/104 sent on Command Waves

(German Air Force - Navy) 1 and 2 s

Luftflotte 5, Flieger Fuehrer 5 from Captain

U-boats 2

"l. About 1000 a war distress report was

received from .a U-boat about a hit from
an aerial torpedo; Name .of boat and
position unknown. Search for rubber
dinghies requested in linos from AA 9650
to AF 1220 and AA 9690 to AF 1370.

2. Until 1600 on 27 June, radio communication

only with Captain U-boats."

(Parent ship "Grille" at sea from 0800 to

1600 on trials .

1752 Short signal 1752/728 recoivod from U 965

(Unverzagt) :'

"My position Is AF 1268."

1800 Short signal 1757/729 received from U 307


"AA 9665."

It could not, therefore have been one of

these two. I

1913 Radio message 1859/750 sent:

" "Zoller" and "Pietsch" do not operate on

"Herrle", but exchange attack areas and look

for rubber dinghies.

After further attempts at deciphering, U 956

(Mohs) also seems a possibility; this boat
put out from Hammerfest yesterday at 0900 and

. '


ought now .to be off t ho polar coast level with

TromsB. "The' 2 boats just putting to sea from
.,. .
:., Andf jord were at orice directed to that area
and air "help was requested from Sea Rescue
; , .
Regional Command 9, TromsB.^

1928 .
'. Radio' message 1907/751 sent:.

" "Seidel" , "Schendel";: make for AB 9530 at

high cruising speed. Caution, danger of
submarines, Expect our own Sea Rescue planes,"

1942 Radio message 1925/752 sent:'

" "Mohs": report position at once. 11

2025 \ Short:, signal. 2025/755 was received from U 956

(Mohs) :
~~ .

"My position Is AB 8981."


This /ppg si^'|^^%as^;t'Iiug-Ya!L go excluded, As it


was now urgent. It was necessary to have the

other boats report if help was still to be
brought in time.

2058 : ." , ' Radio message 2055/754 sent:

"All boa'ts .which have not yet reported today,

mako short signal -"Yes" at once."

2157 ' -"'

Radio message 2115/755 sent:

"1. Casualty at sea still unexplained.
Not off
polar coast.

2. "Seldel", "Schendel": proceed further to /•

AF 21 at cruising speed,

5. Meteorological, aircraft'" will look for

rubber dinghies in group "Trutz"'s area on
28 June, take-off from Trbndhoim about

The following '-o-f the 1 9'. boats'" which were not in

contact reported:
; -
i. ..

2124 U 344 (Pietsch).

2128 U 394 (Borger)-.

2139 U 363 (Nees) ."


2152 U 315 (Zoller)

2258 U 313 .
CSchweigor) . ,;

, Plieger, Fuehrer 5, whose meteorological aircraft

was to, look for rubber .dinghies early on the

following 4ay, was informed of the 4 attack

areas concerned.



2006 Teleprinter message Most Secret 3291 A Ops 1

sent J

"U 987 (Schreyer) is missing. Put out from

Bergen at 1530 on 29 May. Disposed in patrol
line, group "Trutz" Last reported on 31

May with radio message 2337/685 off Westfjord.

No further clue. Loss by submarine or
aircraft attack presumed. The boat did not
report on 23 June when requested and so far
has not obeyed the order of 25 June to put
In to Andfjord."

-V. Reports- of successes : None.

C. Surface forces

Nothing to report.

D. Plans ;

1915 Teleprinter message Most Se_cret 731.0 was received

from Naval Chief Command, Norway to Naval War
Staff, Second Division.

"Subject: Evacuation of the German Air Force

Meteorological unit on Hope Island.
According to information from Luftflotte 5 there
is still drift ice off Hope Island, which would
impede a U-boat It is necessary to postpone the

evacuation by about- 10. days ^Propose that U 354


puts to sea about 10 July. 'Request" agreement."

E. Survey of the situation :

Teleprinter message Most Secret 4640 received

from Admiral polar coast to Naval Chief Command,
Norway: _ :

"Assumption of the presence of a. carrier about

150 miles east of Jan Mayen proved by bearings
and actual sightings.

Possible purposes
air patrol against our U-boat activity and sudden
attacks on the coast. Large ^formations of
carrier-borne aircraft approached" "fleet anchorages
Execution of attack failed -because of weather." ;

In teleprinter message Most Secret 3293 A Ops.,

U-boat situation in Northern" Waters at 0100 on
28 Juno was sent:

"At 0933 on 27 June, war distress report, on

Northern Waters frequency about aerial torpedo
attack. Unclear signature interpreted as "Herrle",
Second distress report at 1017: boat v/as sinking
after torpedo hit, 2 boats set on "Herrle",
every two attack areas exchanged in group "Trutz"
for a search on both sides. To avoid revealing
the new disposition, only "Herrle" and "Unverzagt"
were requested to report. The latter had



reported an air attack earlier on. Both reported

about 1800. Further decoding of signature and
same signal strength at Hammerf est and Narvik
indicate "Mohs" After "Mohs" report, aircraft
. '

and U-boat operations were broken off. All other

boats were then requested to report. To date, 3
boats have not reported. Meteorological aircraft
will take off about 0300 to look for rubber
dinghies in group "Trutz" s area," •


(Signed) Suhren.

28 June,,. .1944 . i

A. Enemy situation;

I. Air reconnaissance:

Flieger Fuehrer '5;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - 75° Nj 30° E - Banak from
0355 to 0814, nothing to report, not exhaustive
because; of weather.

Flieger Fuehrer' 4 ;

1 Ju 86 on meteorological reconnaissance west of


the Faeroes .from 0307 to 1144. Bays between

Sandoy and Sydero ^as well., as.....;northern part of the
Faeroes examined, no occupation observed.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 He 111 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from. 0251 to 1111. Route. .90$, Jan Mayen
Jo examined, nothing to report.

II. Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By U-boats : None.

:- (b) By air reconnaissance : None,

(c) By naval forces : None.

( d By radio intercept service :

Norwegian polar coast: very few transmissions

to submarines in the operational area.
Gorlo Strait/Archangel' area: flotilla leader
"Baku",, destroyer "Gremyashchi" destroyer "B" ,

Britain: no, units intercepted in the Murmansk/

Archangel area.


Russian radio traffic: slight.

Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts.
Radio, traffic between destroyer "Gremyashchi"
and Archangel at 0202.

(e) By G.I.S, stations : None.

B. U-boats ;

III. U-boat positions and 'alter at ions of position i


(a) Positions at 0800 s

In the' operational area :..

Group "Trutz" t

. U 711 AA 6942
B U 313 AA-6994
U 307 'AA 9662
U 344 AB 7711
U 315 AB 7497
U 394 AB 7768
U 363 AB 7855 in attack areas
U 716 AF 1133
U 992 AF 1226
U 365 AF 1296
U 965 AF 1391
U 956 AF 1663
•-• U 737 AC 47' on special operation.

In port :

U 425, 668, 9.97 Hammerfest,

U 347, 362, 387, 742 Narvik, .

U 312, 703, 739, 921, ..9.6a,- 995 Trondheim,

& U 278 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

1200 Group "Trutz" proceeding, to a patrol line

from AB '4411 to" AB 8821.
,:U 361, 636 proceeding' from' Narvik to AF 21.
U 313 on return passage from AA 6994 to Bergen.


U363 on return passage from AB 7855 to'

Andf jord - Narvik.
0800 U 957 put' out from SkjerpBy, put in to Tromso
at 1700.'
1300 U 354 put in to_. Narvik frop,- Aalesund.'

IV. Current U-boat operations :

(a) Convoy operations : None.

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic :

12. boats in formation southeast and

northwest' of Jan Mayen. 2, boats
approaching. ll

.: . . ,


After the formation of group "Trutz" was

revealed by yesterday's reports from all the
boats, in connection with the questionable
casualty at sea, it was moved some distance.
1131 Radio message 1116/760 sent:

"Group "Trutz" 1

: proceed at once at 7 knots on

course 035°." '.,;. _..„_.-„

.1220 ...
Radio message 1159/761 sent J

"1. Prom 1200 on 29 June new patrol line from

AB 4411 to 8821, order: "Lange" "Herrle",
:. "Pietsch", "Zoller", "Borger", "Dunkelberg"
Falke"/ "Wedemeyer", " Unverzagt" , "Mohs",
"Schendel" "Seide_l

Form group "Trutz".,?


Radio silence except to report main target,

attacks or if o-bserved. Remain unobserved
if possible

2, "Schweiger": "return to Bergen, from 66° N

in accordance with Order No. 14, from
Trondheim via inner. leads.

3. "Nees"; .return to Andf jord - Narvik."

(c) Special operations by single boats :

U 737 (Brasack) proceeding to North Spitsbergen

to set up meteorological shore transmitter
"Edwin"- and evacuate Meteorological unit

(d) Miscellaneous

The approaching .."Wedemeyer" has not yet


0142 Radio message 0104/745 sent:

""'"M^hs*1 '^ proceed via AF

2220 on "Wedemeyer" s probable course,'.
"Schendel". to the north, "Seidel" to the
south. Look out for rubber dinghies. Keep
watch on 500 ko/s." '.: .

0109 Short sig na l 0109/44 received from U 711 -


Suspicion was now confined to. the 3 boats,

U 3 6 5 " We demeye r
( U 716 '[Dunk e lbe r g and
" )

U 992 (Falke.) .;._...; _;; uO

0151 Radio message 0154/747 s e ht {

H report
Wedemeyer", "Falke" , """Dunkelberg" :

at once by short signal "Yes".

. .


0225 Radio message 0149/748 sent;

"Group "Trutz" and approaching boats from

Captain U-boats, Norway:

Meteorological He 111 is taking off from

Trondheim shortly before 0300 for a
simultaneous search for rubber dinghies
between 68° 30' N and 69° N -and -.7.9. .3 to
3° W."

0257 Short signal 0257/750 received from U 365

(Wedemeyer ) :

"Repeat radio messages Nos . 733 and 736 if

they concern me.".

The boats which had not contacted Captain

U-boats seemed to have had difficulties with
reception. Fortunately they also reported

0346 Short signal 0546/751 received from U 992



Only U 716 "(Dunkelberg) had now not reported.

0414 Short signal 0411/752 received from U 716

(Dunkelberg) : .-...:...,......,,

"Yes." - .
:; .,,..,...,,^. ,;

Call to Flieger Fuehrer 5 was canceled. Of

the Northern Waters boats only the missing
- U 987 (Schreyer) might still be involved.
The possibility was investigated.

0419 Short signal 0416/753 received from U 365

(Wedemeyer) i


Obviously the war distress report could not

have been from one of our boats? it must
cither be accepted as a negligent transmission
or an enemy decoy attempt.

V. Reports of successes : None.

C Surface forces :

Nothing to report.

D. Plans :

2212 Teleprinter message Most Secret 4637 A 2 received


from Naval War Staff , Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops i

"Reference. Naval Chief Command, Norway Most


) ; .


Secret 7310 of 27 June;

Agree to sailing of U 354 on 10 July." :

E * Survey of the situation :

1031 Teleprinter message Most Secret 3299 A Ops sent;

"All Northern Waters boats have reported again

after yesterday' s war distress report. Investigations
about misuse of radio arc In progress. Otherwise
we assume an enemy ruse to cause our boats to
transmit and then to take bearings on them. Bettor
interception of the sender by keying the radio
name at the beginning an.d' "the- ond of war distress :

reports Is proposed.

(Signed) Suhren.

29 June, 1944 .

A. Enemy situation ;

I. Air reconnaissance ;

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological "'reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - 75° N, 5° E - Banak from
0335 to 0915, nothing to report, not exhaustive.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance In the

area west of the Faeroes.,- Faeroes not examined
because of low clouds, enemy not sighted.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 He 111 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0246 to 1053. Route 90$ examined, Jan
Mayen not examined because of low- lying cloud,
nothing to report. .

II. Reports on the enemy :

( a By U-boats : None

(b) By air reconnaissance : None.

(c) By naval forces r None. ;

(d) By radio intercept service : .

- '

Norwegian polar coast: few transmissions to

submarines' In the operational area.


CONFIDENTIAL _u >;^ _.._.„.

Murmansk area: minesweeper No. 117.

_ Go rlo. -St rait/Archangel areaf destroyer
"Gremyashchi" , minesweepers Nos . 61, 118. ,

Radio traffic between Russian destroyer

"Gremyashchi" and Archangel. at 0009 on 29 June.
Belushya area: minesweepers Nos. 63, 110, 112,
114, 116, 120, minelayer No. 93.
Britain? no units intercepted in the Murmansk/
Archangel area. '••''

Russian radio traffic: slight.

Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts.

(o) By G.I.S. stations : None.

B. U-boats :

III- U-boat positions and alterations of position


^ (a) Positions at 0800 :

In the operational area :

Group "Trutz" i

U 711 AA 6662
U' 307 AB 4487
U 344 AB 4737
U 315 AB 4848
U 394' AB 4888
U 716 AB 7263 on passage.
U 992 AB 7381
U 365 AB 7631
U 965 AB 8445
U 956 AB 8485

U 737 AC 47 on special operation.

fa In port :

U 425, 668, 997 Hammerfest,

U 957 Tromso,
U 347, 354, 362, 387, 742 Narvik,
U 312, 703, 739 921, 968, 995 Trondhoim,

U 278 Bergen.

( b ) U-boats homeward and outward bound :

U .361 proceeding from Narvik to AB 8493.

U 636 proceeding from Narvik to AB 8821.
U 313 proceeding, from AA 6994 to Bergen.
U 363 proceeding from AB 7855 to Andfjord -

IV. Current U-boat operations ,:

(a) Convoy operations : None ,

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

- traffic :

10 boats in formation northeast of Jan Mayen,

2 boats approaching.

. J . -


( c ) Special operations by single boats f J - : '-

; U 737 (Brasack) proceeding to. North Spitsbergen

. to set up meteorological, shore, transmitter
" Edwin". .and evacuate ^meteorological unit


( d ) Miscellaneous ;

1015 : Teleprinter message Most Secret 3352 A Ops. 1

sent to 13th U-boat Flotilla, for Information
Naval Chief Command, Norway. ,,.""'"

"Transfer order for U 739 (Mangold), U 921

(Werner), U 955 (K&hntopp):

1. Put out from Trondheim for Narvik on the

morning of 30 June, •••'-•

"~2\" Proceed" via "Frohavet,- then keeping 50 miles

from the coast as far as 66° N in accordance
with Order No. 14, approach via Westfjord.
3. Report "estimated time of arrival at approach
point and also passing of "V 1" by time
short signal. - -

4. Radio frequency "Anton 11

, Northern Waters
very long wave>

5. Observe Section 153 of Recognition Signal

Regulations for exchange of recognition
signals with the shore."

V. Reports of successes ;, None.

C . Surface forces ;

4th Destroyer Flotilla is putting to sea via "SR l"

for exercises in the area AB 9315 - 9358 - AC 4858
- 4815. Returning on 1 July via Lopphavet

D. Plans ;

1840 Teleprinter message Most 'Secret 138/44 received

from G.I.S. sub-station, TromsB:.

G.I.S. station, Norway is planning a scouting

operation' 'against"- Spitsbergen; to -be 'carried out
'.by & to 10 men. For this purpose it is necessary

to /.arrange, for a U-boat to transport the scouting

unlt. there and to take them back after about 8

days. G.I.S.. sub-station requests a decision on

whether a boat can be allocated for this purpose,
and if so, when. C-in-C U-boats has given his
approval. Time planned Is middle of July."

Teleprinter .message Most Secret 3356 A Ops was

then sent to G.I.S. sub-station,rTromsB
"Reference- ^^^~dB^/-M'.-.Moa^..3:Q-cx3^.ot' t9 Juno: :

U-boat can be made available, ...inLmiddlo of July."

;'. -i,iQ4-..
) .


E . Survey of the situation ; -

. -i. ._ ; .

Re II (d) ;

"Belushya base seems to be in full working order

again since the Ice has" "melted." - •••

Re, P i

"After his return from North Spitsbergen,

"Bra sack may again be considered for tho Ice

Pjord operation."

(Signed) Suhrcn,

50 Juno, 1944 .

A. Enemy situation ;

I. Air reconnaissance s.-

Fliegcr Fuehrer S t

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - 75° N, 30° E - Banak from
0332 to 0748, nothing to report, almost
4 BF 109, in 2 operations, on aerial photographic
reconnaissance of Kola Bay from Vaonga to south
of Murmansk from 0532 to 0755. Only patches of
Kola Bay examined because of heavy mist. 4
© merchant ships, each some 4,000 G.R.T., at anchor
at Vaonga. Apparently 2 floating docks at

Fliegor Fuehrer 4 ?

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

area west of the Faeroes from 0211 to 1012.
Djupene - Kalsoc — Kanno and Fuglcfjord examined
in visibility of 100 km. , no shipping movements

Flioger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

May en from 0245 to 0959. Route 75%, Jan Mayen
50% examined, nothing to report.

II • Reports on the enemy :

( a By U-boats : -
None .

(b) By air reconnaissance

^ ; None,

) ? . . . .


( c By naval forces t None".

(d) By radio intercept service r"

Norwegian polar coasts few transmissions to
submarines in the operational area.
Murmansk areas flotilla loader "Baku".
Iokanka areas minesweeper No. 118.
Gorlo Strait/Archangel areas minesweepers Nos.
102, 114, 115.
Bclushya area mines.woopers Nos. 63, 120,

minelayer No. 93.

Britain no units intercepted in the Murmansk/

Archangel area.
Bearings 'from Svanviks at 0223 on 30 Juno
British unit in 269°j at 0050 on 30 Juno
British unit in 255°;
Prom Kirkcnos bearing of 253° on
s a British {
unit at 0050 on 30 Juno
Russian radio traffics slight.
Britains few Murmansk, no Archangel broadcasts.

(o ) By G-.I.S. stations s

0142 Teleprinter message Secret 1280/44 received

from G.I.S. officer of -Naval Chief Command,

"Command reporting area Norway Between 2000 s

and 2300 on 28 June, fleet units were sighted

in the following areas between 15 and 30 miles
from the coasts

(a) Moldc - Andalsnes - Kristiansund.

(b) Bergen area. .

(c) Egersund - Plekkof jord area.

Re (a) s Strengths 6_M.T. B. s , 4 submarines, 4

minesweepers or- fast motor minesweepers

Re (b)s Strengths one aircraft carrier with

destroyer escort, 2 fast motor
minesweepers, 2 or 4 lighter units
consisting of M.T.B.s and motor

Re (c)s Strengths 1 cruiser (about 8,000 tons,

"Kenya'' class), escort boats,
destroyers, 2 fast motor minesweepers
(Spcrrbrechor. type ) , 2 ships like

Footnote: Air reconnaissance requested.

Sources a hitherto reliable agent."

) .


B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

(a) Positions at 0800 ;

In the operational area:

In patrol line ;

G-roup "Trutz" ;

U 711 AB 4411
U 307 AB 4452
U 344 AB 4495
U 315 AB 4813
U 394 A3 4856
U 365 AB 7365
U 965 AB 8178
U 956 AB 8429
U 636 AB 8493
U 361 AB 8821

U 737 North Spitsbergen on special operation.

In port :

U 425, 668, 997 Hammerfest,

U 957 TromsB,
U 347, 354, 362, 363, 387, 742 Narvik,
U 312, 703, 968 Trondheim,
U 278 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound

© 0340 U 363 put in to Narvik from AB 7855.

0600 U 739, 921, 995 put out from Trondheim for

U 313 proceeding from AA 6994 to Bergen.

IV. Current U-boat operations i

(a) Convoy operations : None.

( b ) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic :

12 boats in formation northeast of Jan Mayen.

(c Special operations by single boats :

U 737 (Brasack) proceeding to North

Spitsbergen to set up meteorological shore
transmitter "Edwin"' and evacuate meteorological
unit "Kreuzritter"



2148 Radio message 1852/248 received from


''Inspector KnBspel met with an accident at

1005 this morning when blowing up a whaling
hut. He died two hours later. U-boat to
remove unit has. arrived..".. -

(d) Miscellaneous ; ...

Transfer order for U 742 (Schwas smann) was

sent In Most Secret 3354 A Ops. 1:

"l. Put out from Narvik for Harstad on tho

morning of 3 July. ~;
2. Compulsory pilotage from LBdingen to

3. U-boat Northern Waters frequency. Northern V
Waters very long wave still covered in

4. 12 hours' readiness in Harstad.

5. Naval Harbor Master , "Harstad has been informed

of boat's arrival."

1600 Teleprinter message Most Secret 3370 A Ops was

sent to Naval War Staff, Second Division,
C-in-C U-boats Ops:

"Reference Captain U-boats, Norway Most Secret

3299 of 28 Juno on the subject of the war
distress report.

1. No misuse of a war distress report at 0933

and 1017.. by any U-boat- radio- station, \

excluding boats at sea, has been established.

2. Because of the uncertainty regarding the

radio signature and tho suspicion that an
enemy unit might be acting as decoy, it was
finally necessary to request all boats at
sea to report, in order to clarify the
position and to enable help to be sent.
Betrayal of the boats' formation had to be

3, All boats reported again. Suspicion of


deception by enemy unit now again confirmed

(second unexplained incident).

4, Northern Waters -boats -therefore received

orders to transmit signatures both at tho
beginning and the. end of war distress
reports. It can hereby be decoded more
quickly and the report proved genuine.


5. In future, if war distress reports are

not clear, the boats will exchange areas
and search along both limits of their
areas, thus avoiding any radio traffic at

V. Reports of successes ; None.

C • Surface forces :

4th Destroyer Flotilla at sea on exercises in

the southern part of Bear Island passage.

D. Organizational ;

2305 Teleprinter message Most Secret 1839 received from

11th U-boat Flotilla;
9 "In 'view of the increased U-boat activity, a
small U-boat supply base is being set up in
Kristiansand (South) as a branch of 11th U-boat
Flotilla. Disciplinary subordination to 11th
U-boat Flotilla. Accommodation in U-boat
barracks, Marviken; request details of whether
these are ready. Drafting of Supply Lt (j.g.)

Glaasen (officer in charge of the U-boat base

and responsible for discipline), Commissioned
Supply Officer Stoltz and Supply P.O. 1st Class
(accountant) Hipper will take place on 1 July.
1 quartermaster N.C.O. is already there.
Task; partial re-fitting and supervision of
U-boats with the cooperation and support of Sea
Defense Commandant, Kristiansand (South) who, up
to now, has been responsible for this work.
Particulars will be settled verbally with Lt.
Claasen. Boats may call in after the arrival of
© Lt. Claasen about 1 July,"

E. Survey of the situation ;

Re II (e) ;

"The report, like earlier ones, seems extremely

dubious ."

R e IV (d) ;

"In order to relieve the base at Narvik, some

boats in readiness are in future to be accommodated
in Harstad, which is well-suited for this. The
approach to the operational area is shortened by
6 hours for these boats."

(Signed) Suhren.




Most Secret

Captain U-boats, Norway On board, 19 June, 1944.

Serial No, Most Secret
3104 A Ops.

Sailing order for U 716 (Dunkelbcrg) .

1. Put out from Narvik - Skjomen at 1600 on 20 June via

Tjeldsund - Andf jord for AP 2216.
Compulsory pilotage from Harstad to Lodingen.
Constant danger of submarines off Andf jord.

2. Operational Order No. 15, U-boat Northern Waters

frequency. Observe Northern Waters Orders 8 and 10.

3. Enemy situation In spite of the invasion in Prance


we can still expect PQ, convoys and carrier formations,

especially as the Russian offensive is going on
against Finland.

4. Own forces ;

(a) U-boats in patrol line from AB 4828 to AP 2216 in


U 668 (Eickstedt), U 313 (Schweiger), U 711 (Lange)

U 307 (Herrle), U 315 (Zoller), U 344 (Pietsch),
U 363 (Wees), U 987 (Schreyer) , U 394 (Borger),
U 992 (Palke),
Proceed in accordance with Order No. 8.
Radio silence except to report enemy vessels,
carrier-borne aircraft and attacks. Submerge
according to visibility. U 997 (Lehmann) on
return passage from AB 4892 to Hammerfest.

(b) German Air Force will not reconnoiter against

convoys until we have definite indications of
their sailing.
Daily meteorological flights, Trondheim - Jan
Mayen and Banak - Bear Island - 75° N, 5° E (or
Hope Island) - Banak.

p.p. Roche.


) .




Most Secret

. Teleprinter message ?

1. Emergency. Naval High Command, Naval War Staff, First


... Division.

2. Emergency. Naval High Command, Naval War Staff,

Second Division,,, C-in-C U-boats Ops.

3. Emergency. _ Admiral Commanding U-boats.

4. Emergency.
, 13th U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message.

Yellow - Most Secret .

Short report from U 658 (v. ^ickstedt ,

first operation .

1 April Put out from Kiel.

2 April Put in to Kristiansand' (South)

3 April -
12 May. Readiness boat for group Central.

13 May'' Put out from ;Kristiansand. \ .

14 May Put in to Bergen.

14 May Put out from Bergen, via 2 position lines


AF 7117 via AF 8.117 to AF 5315 to Narvik.

15 May' At 0232 short location (3; seconds ) on 218 cm.

in AF 8782.

16 May At 1540 a "-Cataliha" "and "a' ?r 3'uhdcriand 7 sf

course west; managed to out-maneuver them .

on the surface, range 7,000 meters-.

At 1715 in AF 8117 a "Sunderland" was driven
off twice in low level run-in. 'Aircraft ...

armament firing in' AF" SIT 5 V "Stick of bombs

dropped astern on second run-in. No
casualties, shaft D/F loop shot through.

17 May At 0229 aircraft location 3 times. Very high

tone-. At 0032 distant aircraft in AF 7663
(type not identified) j sighted for a short
At 2400 after taking on torpedoes at Ramsund,
put in to Narvik base. Repair work in Narvik
until 21 May.


22 May Put out from'- Narvik.

25 May Put In to Hammerfost. Proceeded to attack

area AB 894-4 to a position in patrol line
from AB 8836 to 8594 ("Grimm").

30 May At 1615 met -H 997 -in AB 8834 to deliver

decoding tables,

31 May At 1232 submerged because- of- circling flying

boat, range 7,000 meters, in AB 6443. No
At 2200 occupied now position In patrol lino
from AB 3855 to 3858.
2-6 June At 1700 proceeded via 2 position lines from
AB 5226 via AB 4965 to patrol line AB 4969
to 4962. Nothing sighted".

6 June At 1252 new position in patrol line from
AB 4455 to 8495 ("Trutz").

8 Juno At 0230 patrol line moved to AB 7673 - : 7688.

9 June At 1415 arrived at new patrol, line from

.-.AB 482.1 to'. 48-56 , -remained there ttii 1500
on 15 June . '

Until 21 Juno, no enemy sighted.

22 June Submergod because of 2 carrier-borne aircraft,

^ type "Fulmar" In AB 4855, no attack.
At 2155 in attack area AB 6635, depth of
sweep 25 miles

23 June At 0015 operated on destroyer in AB 7626..

At 1340 proceeding to patrol line from AB
4669 to 5475. '

At 1600 commenced return passage to

Hammerfest as ordered. Drifting mine in
good condition on 31 May in AB 6448J
drifting mines on 23 June in AB 5468, on
24 June in AB 6754, on 25 Juno in AB 9339,
all overgrown.

Comments by Captain U-bo.ats, Norway :

Not a remarkable operation, no chances of success.

Captain U-boats, Norway. Most Secret - 5262 - A Ops.

. .




Most Secret

Captain U-boats, Norway On board, 25 Juno, 1944.

Serial No. 'Most Secret 3087 A Ops.

Operational Order for U 757 (Brasack) .

1. Assignment ; Setting up of meteorological shore

transmitter, on the north coast of Spitsbergen and
evacuation of meteorological unit "Krcuzritter"

2 Enemy situation : Possible that Barentsbcrg is

occupied by coastal vessels and aircraft. Report
appearance of carrier-borno aircraft at once. Assume
enemy motorboats will ca.rry out. reconnaissance along
the coast. Also expect supply convoys for Barentsbcrg.
In spite of the Channel invasion we can still expect
PQ, convoys running, especially as the Russian offensive
against Finland has begun.

5. Own forces :

(a) 10 U-boats in patrol line from AB 5491 to AB 8694

as group 'Trutz
Order; U 313 (Schweigor), U 711

(Lange), U 307 (Horrle), U 315 (Zollcrj, U 344

(Pictsch), U 363 (Noes), U 394 (Borger), U 992
(Falko), U 716 (Dunkelbcrg) , U 965 (Unverzagt).
Since 0200 on 23 June U 668 (v. Eickstcdt) has
been on return passage from AB 4828 to Hammerfost.

(b) Daily meteorological flights, Banak - Boar Island -

75° N, 5° E (or Hope Island) - Banak. Further
flights tc Spitsbergen will bo announced.

4. Execution ;

(a) Put out from Trams 8 on 26 June 44 to take on

motoorological shore transmitter, Inspector
Rcichclt and war correspondent. Arrange escort
with First Admiral's Staff Officer Admiral Polar
Coast, report time and route in advance by
Emergency teleprinter message.

(b) If possible, approach Liefdo Fjord unobserved

via AB 23 and AG 7110. For approach use attached
description and sketches from U 355.

(c) Steer first for position 12 (sec sketch)..

Recognition signal call on approaching by firing
a white star , then simultaneously a red and a
green star. Stations reply by shooting several
single red stars.



(d) Set up meteorological shore... .transmitter "Edwin" in

accordance with instructions' from Inspector Stobe.

(e) Evacuate meteorological, unit "Kreuzritter" with gear

from positions 12 and "18 'accbfdihg to particulars
from the leader, Inspector KnBspel.

(f) Allow war correspondent take films.

(g) Observe every caution, in navigation and. against


possible enemy troops/ vessels and'aircrraft;- Radio

silence as far as 78° N except to report enemy
vessels, carrier-borne aircraft and attacks,' -r
1: '

further north transmit only if spotted by. the enemy

or if it is vital to the execution of the assignment.

(h) Do not report execution: by> short signar' Tintir--ilG- 77


iis reached.

(i) Return passage to Hammerfest - TromsB - Narvik.

5. Operational Order for Northern Waters U-boats No. 15 in

force. Do not operate independently on enemy reports
received until the order to attack is given.

6. U-boat Northern Waters frequency. Prom 1200 -on- -25- -Juh'e,

code book "M-Niobe" will be used- on all frequencies...-,

p.p. Roche \'{





1-15 JULY, 1944


1 July, 1944

A. Enemy situation •

I. Air reconnaissance :

Flieger Fuehrer 32

1 Ju 88 on meteorological and Ice reconnaissance,

route Kirkenes - 75° N, 31° E - Hope Island -
73° N, 25° E - Kirkenes from. 0410 to 0921, nothing
to report, not exhaustive.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

area west of the Faeroes from 0258 to 0922.
North Faeroes examined, nothing of interest

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

.1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

May en from 0258 to 0922. Route 60%, Jan Mayen
area 20% examined, nothing to report.

II. Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By U-boats : None. •

(b) By air reconnaissance ; None.

( c ) By naval forces : None ..

(d) By radio intercept service s

Norwegian polar coast; moderate transmission

^ of radio messages to submarines in the
operational area.
Tsyp Navolok areas MO-boat No, 126,
Gorlo Strait/Archangel areas flotilla leader
"Baku" destroyer "Uritski" /"'minesweepers

Nos. 114, 115, .118.

61, '

{ }

Britain; no units"' Intercepted in the Murmansk/

Archangel area.. .


"Svanvik bearings British unit "in 254° at:

0735 on 30 June.
Russian radio traffic: slight.
Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts.

(e) By G-.I.S. 'stations : "None.

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position :

(a) Positions at 0800 :

In the operational area :



In patrol line

Group "Trutz":

U 711 AB 4411
U 307 AB 4452
U 344 AB 4495
u 315 AB 4813
u 394 AB 4856
u 716 AB 4974
u 992 AB 7324
tJ 365 AB 7365
u 965 AB 8178
u 956 AB 8429
u 636 AB 8493
u 361 AB 8821

U 737 AC 47 on special operation.

In ports

U 425, 668, 997 Hammer f est-,-

U 957 TromsB,
JJ 347, 354, 362 363, 287, 742 Narvik,
U 312; 703 968 Trondheim, :

U 278 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward -bound ?

1130 Group "Trutz proceeding to new

attack areas,
depth of sweep 30 miles J

U 711 AA 6657, -U 307 AB 4475, U 344 AB 4495,

U 315 AB 4768, U 394 AB 4856, .U 716 AB 7229,
U 992 AB 7324, U 365 AB -7388 > H ' 965 AB 8178,
U 956 AB 8473, U 636 AB 8493, U 361 AB 8844.
1600 U 739 put in to Narvik from Trondheim.
1600 U 995 put in to Narvik from Trondheim.
2200 U 921 put in to Narvik from Trondheim.
U 313 proceeding from AA 6994 to Bergen.

IV. Current U-boat operations ; ,

(a) Convoy operations ; None.

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic ;

12 boats In formation northeast of Jan Mayen.

1105 Radio moss ago 1017/701 sent: ,

"New a' areas for group "Trutz" from

1800 on 1 July, depth of sweep 30 miles;
"Lange" AA 6657, "Herrle" AB 4475, "Pietsoh"
4495, "Zoller" 4768,- "Borger" 4856,

"Dunkelberg" 7229, "Fa Ike" 7324, "Wedemeyer'

7368 "Unverzagt" 8178, "Mohs"' 8473

"Schendel" 8493, "Seidel" 8844."

: .


The formation was to be made more irregular

to mislead enemy reconnaissance, and was to
return slowly to the southwest.

( c ) Special operations by single boats ;

U 737 setting up meteorological shore

-• -
transmitter "Edwin" Oh' 'North Spitsbergen' and
evacuating meteorological unit "Kreuzritter".

(d) Miscellaneous :

1624 Teleprinter message Most. Secret 3387 A Ops.;.,

sent to Sea Defense Commandant", TromsB for

"Transfer order for U 957 (Schaar):

1. Put out from TromsB for Narvik at noon on

2 July.

2. U-boat Northern Waters frequency.

3. Compulsory pilotage from Harstad to


4. Prom LBdingen use frequency "MC" , 479 kc/s.

Report to base.

5. Anchor off "Grille" to service hydrophones.

6. When passing "Luchs 2" carry out ,

hydrophone exercises in accordance with

orders on board*"

V . Reports of successes : None

C. Surface forces :

Nothing to report.

D. Organizational :

2115 Teleprinter message. 11th U-boat Flotilla Most

Secret 1849 U to Naval War Staff, Second Division,
C-in-C U-boats Ops. received:

"in contrast to the previous ruling, training

boats of the Anti-submarine School which can be
used for operations, i.e. on 1 July, only UD 5,
later UD 3 (at present .'in a homo, port) and 2 new

Type VII C U-boats joining the Anti-submarine

School, must join group Central 'instead of
Captain U-boats, Norway In the event of invasion.
Duties at the Anti-submarine School are not
affected by this and will be carried out without
restrictions." As before, 11th U-boat Flotilla
will look after supplies for these U-boats in the
event of invasion and will then report them to
Captain U-boats, Central as operational. UD 5
will be subjected to the same alterations in
communications and command arrangements as group
, .


E. Survey of tho situation ;

No comments ,

.__. (Signed) Suhren.

2 July, 1944 .

A.. Enemy situation ;

I • Air reconnaissance ;

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance , route

Kirkenes - 74° 30' N, 30° 'E - Bear Island - 72°
30' N, 27° E - Kirkenes from 0345 to 0809, almost
exhaustive,, nothing to report..

Flleger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological ^reconnaissance west of .

the Faeroes from 0218 to 1035, enemy not sighted.

Flight cut short to enable the plane to take
avoiding action.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0248 "to 1000. Route 80^ examined, Jan
Mayen not examined because of low-lying clouds,
nothing to report, -

II . Reports on the enemy ;


(a) By U-boats ; None, *

(b) By air reconnaissance ; None.

(c) By naval forces ; None..

(d) By radio intercept service ;

Norwegian polar coast; very few radio messages

•to' submarines in the operational area.
G-orlo Strait /Archangel area; flotilla leader ,

"Baku", destroyer "Uritski" , minesweepers

Nos. 118, 120.
Britain; 1 probablo unit picked up in the
Murmansk area, none in Archangel.
Russian radio traffic; slight.
Britain; no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts

(e) By G-.I'.S. stations ; None.

. . .


B. U-boats

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position ;

(a) Positions at 0800 ;

In the operational area ;

Group "Trutz":

U 711 AA 6657
U 307 AB 4475
U 344 AB 4495
U 315 AB 4768
U 394 AB 4856
U 716 AB 7229 in attack area, depth of
U 992. AB 7324 sweep 30 miles.
U 365 AB 7388
U 965 AB 8178
U 956; AB 8473
5 U 636 A3 8493
U 361 AB 8844

u 737 North Spitsbergen on special operation

In port :

U 425, 668, 997 Hammerfest,

U 957 Tromso,
U .347, 354, 362, 363, 387, 739, .742, 921,
995 Narvik,
U 312, 703, 968 Trondheim.,
U 278 Bergen.-

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

1300 U 957 put out from TromsB, at 2000 put in to

9 U 313 en-return passage from AA 6994 to

-TV Current U-boat operations ;

(a) Convoy operations ; None,

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic ;

12 boats in formation northeast of Jan


( c ) Special operation's '"by" single boats :

..U737 (Brasack) on return passage from

North Spitsbergen with meteorological
unit "Krcuzritter"

(d) Miscellanoous :

Sailing order for U 921 (Werner) see

Appendix i/l .



V. Reports of successes ; None.

C. Surface forces

Nothing 'to report.

D.. Plans ;

1535 Teleprinter message Most Secret 3397 A Ops. sent

to Naval War Staff, Second 'Division, C-in-C
U-boats Ops, Naval Chief Command, Norway, Fliegor
Fuehrer 5, Flieger Fuehrer .3, Naval Air Station

U 354 (Sthamer) will probably arrive in TromsB on


3July to take on & German Air Force filter for

fuelling with Diesel fuel and to discuss the
flight to evacuate "Schatzgrabor" During the ,

flight, U 354 will act as security boat on the

ice limit, if necessary will provide for refuelling,
Finally the boat will evacuate meteorological unit
"Svartisen" from Hope Island."

E. Survey of the situation ;

Re D ;

"The meteorological unit "SchatzgrSber" on

Alexandra Land has reported in the last few days
9 men severely ill, apparently suffering from
trichinosis We are now attempting to evacuate

these men in a large land-based aircraft or

seaplane. U 554, which is not to evacuate
meteorological unit "Svartison from Hopo Island 1

until 10 July, will be able to give support to

this action and is being fitted with gear to
supply the aircraft with Diesel fuel."

(Signed) Suhren.

5 July, 1944

A. Enemy situation ;

I. Air reconnaissance ;

Fliegor Fuehrer 3 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - 75° 'N, 5° E - Banak from
0359 to 0616, nothing to report, not exhaustive.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance west of

. .


the Faeroes from 0250 to 1038. Faeroes not

examined because of mist, enemy not sighted.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 He111 on meteorological reconnaissance

Jan Mayen from 0246 to 1000. Route 60$,
southeastern area of Jan ayen 80% examined.
nothing to report.
II. Reports on the enemy ;

( a) . By U-boats ; None .

(b) By air reconnaissance ; None.

(c) By naval forces ; None .-

(d) By radio intercept service ;

Norwegian polar coast; very few radio

messages to submarines in the operational
Iokanka area; minesweeper No. 53.
Gorlo Strait/Archangel area; destroyers
"Baku", H U", " J minesweepers Nos . 61 and

1 10 mi ne laye r No 94

Britain; no units intercepted. In the Murmansk/

Archangel area. At 2207 oh 2 July Murmansk
sent an operational radio message to Whitehall.
Russian radio traffic; during the day slight.
In the evening and night of 2/3 July moderate
to brisk. Traffic concentration was in the
Archangel/Be lushya area. Units, including
destroyers, often named.
Britain; very .few Murmansk broadcasts, none
from Archangel.

(e) By G-.T.S. stations ; None.

5 B. U-boats ;

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position ;

(a) Positions at 0B00V

In the operational area;

Group "Trutz" ;

U 711 AA 6657
U 307 AB 4475
U 344 AB 4495
U 315 AB 4768
U 394 AB 4856
U 716 AB 7229 in attack areas, depth
U 992 AB 7324 of sweep 30 miles
U 365 AB 7388
U 965 AB 8178
U 956 AB 847-3-
U 636 AB 8493
U 361 AB 8844

U 737 North Spitsbergen. on special operation.

In port ;

U 425, 668, 997 Hammerfest,'

U 354 .TromsB,
U 347, ,362, 363, 387, 739, 742, 921, 957, 995
U 312, 703, 968 Trondheim,
U 278 Bergen.

(b ) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

1300 U 313 put in to Bergen from the north via the

Inner leads.. .. .._.

0000 U 354 put 'out 'from Narvik ~ at 0730 put in to

TromsB : . ;.

0300 U 957 put out f rom HarstadV at 0800 put In to

Narvik. (

0800 U 921 put "out from' "Narvik for AB 88.

1800 U..347 put out from Narvik for AB 88.

1855 U 315 on return passage from AB 4768 to Bergen

via Frohavet.
2030 U.742 put out from Narvik for Harstad.

IV. .
Current TJ-boat operations :

(a) Convoy operations ; None.

(b) Operational. measures to intercept enemy traffic ;

12 boats in formation northeast of Jan Mayen.

1111 Radio message 1015/724 sent; ...

"1. Group- "Trutz" , excluding "Lange" and "Herrle";

at 1600 on 3 July alter attack areas by
40 miles, course 200°.

2. U 921 (Worner) is putting out from Andfjord

at about 1500 for AB 88."

The formation was to be moved back gradually to

the southwest. Some of the boats would now be
relieved from the formation after 30 days.

1855 Short signal 1855/755 received from U 315

(Zoller) i

"Have commenced return passage because of fuel


The TJ-boat had been at sea only 35 days, had

therefore used up a .great deal of fuel in only
two operations against the enemy. The boats
were therefore -ordered to proceed at economical
• • speed.

2049 Radio message 2014/754 sent;

"1. "Zoller"; return to Bergen, from 66° N

in accordance with Order No. 14, from
: . "


Trondheim via Inner leads .

2. "Borger" will occupy Zoller" s attack


area, Dunkelberg" "Borger s, etc as


- far- as^'S-elde!^- -

3.. U 921 (Werner) will occupy,, attack area AP

'2134, 'depth of sweep 30 miles, in group
"Trutz" at 0600 on 5 July.

4, "Borger" "Lange", "Pietsch" and "Herrle"


will be relieved then,"

2115 .


Radio message 2029/756 sent;

"The following will put out from Andf jord on

4 July IU 347 (de Buhr) about 0300, U 742
O (Schwassmann) about 0500, both for AB 83 .

(c ) Special operations by single boats ;

0956 Radio message 0958/723 sent;

" "Sthamer" from Captain U-boats.
As soon as you are ready, put out from TromsB
for AG 9880 at Increased speed,"

U 354 (Sthamer) will act as security boat and

fuel supply boat for a flight to -evacuate
meteorological unit "Schatzgraber" from Pranz
Josef Land; most of the men in the unit are
.suffering from trichinosis,

2006 Teleprinter message Most Secret L 35 received

from Inshore Defenses Unit;
3 "U 354 (Sthamer) will put out from TromsB at
-,. - 2100- on 3 July for "L l" " ,

U 757 (Brasack) on return passage from North

Spitsbergen with meteorological unit

1632 Short signal 1652/728 received from U 737'



"Have completed mission."

This report came from liG 77 in accordance

with the operational order.
2128 Radio message 2046/758 sent;
" "Brasack" from Captain-"U-boats' -i'--

Up, tonow "Hermann" Is 14 minutes overdue.

Report "Yes" by short signal if Inspector'
Stobe considers that you should call at Bear

: :


2241 S hortsignal 2240/759 received from U 737


(&') Miscellaneous :

Sailing: order for

" U 995 (KBhntopp), see
Appendix II/2 ;

ti n
Schwas smann" and "de Buhr"

1. Put put from Narvik on the afternoon of 3

July, notify time of departure in advance on

2. Proceed' through -T jeldsund

- Andf jord to AB
88. Compulsory pilotage from LBdingen to
Harstad. Submarine danger off Andf jord.

3. Operational Order No . 15, U-boat Northern

Waters frequency."

V. Reports of successes ; None.

C' Surface forces ;

Nothing to report.

D. Survey of the situation ;

Re II -(d) ;

"The destroyers picked up in the Archangel -

Belushya area indicate supplies for a further
extension of the base at Belushya."

(Signed) Suhren. ,,.

4 July, 1944

A, Enemy situation s .......

I . Air reconnaissance %

Fli eger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 "onmeteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - 75° N, 5° E - Banak from
0400 to 0921, nothing., to. report., ...almost exhaustive

Fli eger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

area west of the Faeroes from 0144 to 0958, enemy
not sighted.

- : . . . .


Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

Jan Mayen area from 0246 to 1010. Route 80$,
southeastern area of Jan Mayen 90$ examined, .

nothing to report,

II. Reports on the enemy ; ~

(a) By U-boats :_ Sec under IV (b).

(b) By air reconnaissance s- None.

(c) By naval forces ; None.

(d), ;
By radio intercept service

Norwegian polar coast; very few radio

G messages to submarines in the operational
Murmansk area; BO-boat No. 209.
Iokanka area: minesweepers Nos. 61, 63, 110,
;M0-boat No. 252.
Strait/Archangel area: flotilla leader
"Baku", destroyer "Uritski", minesweepers
Nos. 116, 121,. minelayer. No .-93*.
At 2040 Russian aircraft reported: U-boat
Intercepted (attacked? Kin- .71° 52' N, 31°
02' E (AC 5794)
: '-
-.-I—Britain: no units- -inte.rc.ep ted In the Murmansk/
Archangel area.

Svanvik bearings British unit in 262° at :

0940 on 3 July. At 0947 on 4 July Kirkenes

took a bearing of 254°, minimum signal
strength over. 3 degrees, on. a. British unit
communicating with Cleethorpes. Wave 36*19
meters :

Svanvik took a bearing of 266 °, minimum

signal strength over 5 degrees.
Russian radio traffic: moderate.
Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts.

(e) By G.I.S. stations : None.

B. U-boats

III- U-bqat positions and alterations of position :

(a) Positions' at 080Q :

In the operational area :

Group "Trutz" :

. U 711 AA 6657 )

"U 307 AB. 4475 ),

U 344 AB 4756 ) in attack areas, depth
U 394 AB 7129 ) of sweep 30 miles.
U 716 AB'7224 )

U 992 AB 7287 )

) ;


U 365 AB 7375 )

U 965 AB 7649 )

U 956 AB 7669 )
in attack areas , -depth of sweep

U 636 AB 8741 30 miles. ,

II 361 AB 8761 )

U 737 AB 38 on special operation.

In port ;

U 425, 668, 997 Hammerfest,

U 362, 363, 387, 739, 957, 995 Narvik,
U312, 703, 963 Trondheim, '

U 278, 313 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and" outward" bound ;

0130 U 354 put' out" from" TromsB' for fc 9980 on a

special .operation.
0100 U 995 put out from Narvik, put in to Harstad
at 0650, at 1130 put out from Harstad for AB 88.
0450 U 742 put in to Harstad from Narvik, at 0710
, put out from Harstad for AB 88.
U 347, 921 proceeding from Narvik to AB 38.
U:315 on return. passage from AB 4768 to Bergen.

IV. Current U-boat operations ;

(a) Convoy operations; None.

(fr) Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic ;

11 boats in formation northeast of Jan Mayen.

4 boats approaching.

2130 Radio message 1905/754 received from U 956

• (Mohs ) :

"Unmistakable periscope in grid square 7665.

Sonic telegraphy recognition signal not
• acknowledged.. 1 '

We must always expect enemy submarines in our

formation. As the formation was now revealed, '

the boats had therefore to be moved,

(c Special operations by single boats ;

U 737 (Brasack) on return passage from North

Spitsbergen: with meteorological unit
"Kreuzritter" '.

1426 Radio 'message 1557/752 s ent

" "Brasack'' from Captain' U-boats .

Pressure and temperature, reports from "Hermann"

since 3 July repeatedly unreadable, group
consisting only of "T", -Report "Yes" by short
.signal if Inspector St. $be. considers you should
call at Bear Island." \; ,,. .

? . .


1645 Short signal 1645/755 received from U 737



TJ354 (Stharner) on ice reconnaissance prior

to the evacuation of meteorblogioal unit


(d) Miscellaneous ?

1050 Transfer order_for U 278 (Franze) :

Sent in teleprinter message Most Secret 3417

to 11th U-boat Flotillas

"1. Put out from Bergen on the morning of 5

July for Narvik - Ramsund. ..

2. Proceed via the inner leads to Frohavet,

onward at a distance of 50 miles from the
coast as far as 66° N in accordance with
Order No. 14, make for Westf jord.

3. Report, by time short signal probable time

of arrival at approach point and also
passing of V l" ir

4. Radio frequency "Anton".

After reaching Ramsund switch to Base
wave "MC", 479 kc/s , and report to base.

5. Expect enemy submarines off Westf jord

6. For exchange" of recognition signals,

observe Section 153 of Recognition Signal
Regulations ."
a V. .Reports of successes: None.

G . Surface forces :

Nothing to report.

D. Survey of the situation :

Re II (d) : v i
"The U-boat reported by the Russian aircraft
cannot be one of ours. At this time of the year
the Russians suspect ..that our U-boats are in
their waters, again and ..are therefore nervous,''

Re IV (b) :

"it Is possible that enemy "submarines have been

operating against our formation since it was ,

revealed by the false sea distresses' i'gnal of 27

June and the resultant radio traffic-."

(Signed) Suhren.

. - . .


5 July,. ,1944 ".

A. Enemy situation ;

...-; Air reconnaissance ;

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

,.Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance route
..l, :

Banak -Bear Island - 75° N, 5° E - Banak from

not exhaustive, nothing to report.

''••040G~-to "G"3l5 ,

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ; ,,

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance west of

the Faeroes from 0231 to 1045. Faeroes not
examined because of low-lying fog, enemy not
sighted.' :

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on' me t-eo*rological reconnaissance to Jan


Mayen from 0152 to 0855. Route. 75$, Jan Mayen

area 50% examined, nothing to report.

II. Reports on the enemy :

(a) By U-boats : See under IV .(b)

(b) By air reconnaissance ; None.

("c ) By naval forces : None.

(d) By radio intercept service :

Norwegian polar coast: few radio messages to

submarines in- the operational area.

Iokanka area: BO-boair'No. 209.

Gorlo Strait/Archangel area: flotilla leader
"Baku", destroyer "B"\, minesweepers Nos 113 .

and 120, minelayer No. 94 .

Belushya/Kara Sea area:- •minesweepers Nos. 110

and 1, minelayer No. 94.
Britain: no units Intercepted in the Murmansk/
Archangel area.
Bearings: at 0947 on 4 July British unit
bearing 254° f rom, Kirkenes .

At 0947 on 4 July British unit bearing 266°

from Svanvik.
Russian radio traffic: slight:
Britain: no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts
. ii

(e) By G.I.S. stations : None.

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat position^ and alterations of position ;

(a) Positions at 080 0:



In the operational area :

Group "Trutz";

u 711 AA 6-944 .)

a '307 AA. 6992 )

TJ 344 AB 7143 )

u 394 AB 7416 )

u 716 AB 7511 )

u 992 AB 7574 ) In attack areas , depth

u 365 AB 7592 ) of sweep 30 miles.
u 956 AB 7669 )

u 995 AB 7866 )

u 636 AB 7956 )

u 361 AF 1327 )

ti. 921 AF 2119 )


U 354 AC 28 on special operation.

In port t,

.'"',. '.U 997 Hammerfest,

425,. 668, 737,
U 362, 363, 387, 739, 957 Narvik,
U 312,. 703, 968 Trondheim,
U 278, 313 -Bergen.

s (b) U-boats homeward and outward bound


0730 U 737 put in to Hammer f est


2130 U 278 put out from Bergen for Narvik.

U 347 proceeding from Narvik -to AF 2421.
U 742, 995' proceeding "from Narvik to AB 88.
U 315 proceeding from AB 4768 to Bergen.

0200 Group "Trutz", excluding, "Mohs" , proceeded on

a course of 200° for 50 miles.

2300 Group "Trutz" proceeded to new attack areas;

U 307 AA 6944, U 716 AA 6992, U 992 AB 7143,
U 365. AB 7416, U 965 AB 7511, U 636 AB 7574,
U 956- AB 7592, U 361 AB 7866, U 921 AB 7956,
U 347. AF 1.327, U '995 "AF "2X19, U 742 AF 2421.

IV,. ... Current U-boat operations ;

("a ) Convoy operations ; None., ' .


(b) Operational' measures to intercept enemy

traffic ;

. .
12 boats in. formation rjorthea^st of Jan Mayen,
3 boats' approaching.
After the enemy' submarine report had been
-- ','..
>:; received from U 956 (Mohs},

0137 radio message 0025/757 was sent?

^1.. Group ."Trutz" excluding "Mohs"; alter

<: . . attack -areas .by 50 miles, course 200°,
cruising speed.

; s . :


2. "Mohs": from 0800 on 5 July, you are free to

attack enemy, submarines in your former
attack area only.

3. Exceptions are "Schendel" to occupy attack


area AB 7956, "Seidel" AP 1327, "Werner"

AF 2119, de Buhr" AP. 2421."

The 3 approaching U-boats were brought into

the new formation.

1120 Radio message 1055/761 sent .

"1. New attack' areas for group "Trutz"

"Herrle" AA 6944, "Dunkelberg" 6992,
"Palke" AB^. 7143, "Wedemeyer" 7416,
"Unverzagt" 7511, ."Schendel" 7574, "Mohs"
7592, "Seidel" 7866, "Werner" 7956,
"de Buhr" AP 1327, "KBhntopp" 2119,
"Schwassmann" AP 2421, all depth of sweep
30 miles. Proceed at 7 knots to arrive i

in positions by 0600 on 6 July.

Procedure In accordance with Order No. 8,
submerge according to visibility. Radio
silence except to report main targets,
attacks or if observed.

2 , The following will return at .0600; "Lange"

to Hammerfest, "Pietsch" and "Borger" to
Andfjord - Narvik." V.

2001 Radio message 1818/768 received from U 965


"Out-maneuvered fan-of-four in grid square

7536. End-of-run detonators, German attack
: periscope,"

As a German. U-boat would have fired a fan-of-

three at the most without a bubble track,

2320 radio message 2235/774. was sent;

"Group "Trutz" from Captain U-boats

"Unverzagt" reports enemy submarine in AB
7536* Expect ene'my also to have thin periscopes,
In the new attack areas, the 6( westerly U-boats
will remain submerged from 0000 to 1230, the
boats from 1230 to 0030.

(c) Special operations by single boats ;

U 354 (Sthamer) on ice reconnaissance prior

to the evacuation of "Schatzgraber"

0116 , . Radio message 0032 sent» . .

" "Sthamer" from C'aptain U-boats .

Report ice limit from %G 9887 In the direction


of 030° report last three grid square


numbers by short signal on "Anton" , also

whether passage is possible for specially
strengthened' vessels. Avoid Ice damage."

(d) Miscellaneous :

1045 •-, .-Teleprinter message Most Secret 3467 sent to

U-boat base Hammerfest;

"Transfer order for U 668 (v. Eickstedt):

'"TV Put"- out from Tromso with escort on the

morning of 6 July, from there with a pilot
to .Lodingen and then to Narvik - Ramsund.

2. U-boat Northern Waters frequency.

3. From Harstad switch to Base wave "MC",

479 kc/s, and report to'.. base... .•.-:-

4. Exercises are to be carried out during

passage at "Luchs 3" and "Luchs 2" in
.accordance with the orders on board.

5. Hammerfest U-bo-at base will ensure that

Naval Communications Officer TromsB Is
promptly informed of time of arrival at
both points "Luchs ..".>".. ... - -

"Setting-up of new meteorological stations in
the Arctic" received from Naval Chief Command,
Norway in Most Secret S.O.s only 1072 W.

V, Reports of su ccesses ; .'None.- -


VI. U-boat reports :' •


Short report .from .U 565 (Nees), first operation ;

see Appendix Il/l .

C. Surface forces ;

Nothing to report. . ;
;• ...

D. Plans ; .
'-.....' '' :


2240 Teleprinter message Most Secret 3476 A Ops. sent

to Luftflotte Command 5 and Flleger Fuehrer 3?

"Request reconnaissance of Belushya and Kostin

Strait at the earliest opportunity to determine
shipping, ice and booms."

E * Survey of the situation ; <

Re IV (b) '. ;

"The torpedo attack on "Unverzagt" may have been

made by the same enemy submarine reported

. . , .


yesterday by "Mohs" "Unverzagt" was unexpectedly


far north,, probably he received radio instructions

to move too late.
The U-boats can have a greater chance of surprising
enemy submarines if they submerge for half a day,,
thus half of the formation will always escape
enemy reconnaissance especially from the air. As :

the attack areas have been ordered for 50 miles

south of the position of the enemy submarine, no
further move, is intended at present."

(Signed) Suhren.

6 July, 1944 .

A. •,•' Enemy situation ; . /-

I Air reconnaissance ;

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - 75° N, 5° E- Banak from
0400 to 0915. Route almost exhaustively examined,
nothing to report.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance of the

Faeroes area from 0140 to 1006, enemy not sighted.
Faeroes not examined because of mist.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan i

Mayen from 0253 to 1000. Route 60$ examined,

northeastern part of Jan Mayen 20$ examined,
nothing to report.

II Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By U-boats : None.

(b) By air reconnaissance ; None.

(c j By naval forces ; None

(d) By radio intercept service ;

Norwegian polar coast; very few radio messages

to submarines in the operational area.
Murmansk area; destroyer "B".
Gorlo Strait/Archangel area; flotilla leader
"Baku", minelayer No. 93, minesweeper No. 63.
Britain; no units intercepted in the Murmansk/
Archangel area;

; . ,


Hammer f est bearings; at 2130 on 5 July

British unit in 256° , at 0340 on 6 July
British unit in 256* 6°.
Svanvik took a bearing of 255° on a U.S
unit at 0303 on -6 July,
Rus s i a n radio traffics slight,
Britain: very few Murmansk broadcasts
none from Archangel.
At '2353 on 5 July a radio message of
first priority was -sent on "2-7 27 meters •

from Polyarno to Whitehall for Zu 4" i?

'.(unidentified) .

At 0543 on 6 July flotilla leader "Baku"

sent a message .on the Iokanka ^frequency .

(passed on by Archangel).
At 1759 on 6 July... Bglushya transmitted a
radio message of first priority to all naval
forces in Northern Waters
"~ and- flotilla leader
Baku Y !,

I At 1821 on 6 July Iokanka sent a radio

message of first priority to all naval forces
in Northern Waters.

(e) By G.I.S. stations ; None.

B. .
U-boats ; :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position ;

(a) Positions at 0800 ;

In the operational area ;

Group "Trutz"

U 307 AA 6944
U 716 AA 6992
U 992 AB 7143
U 365 AB 7416
U 965 AB 7511
U 636 AB 7574 in attack areas, depth of
U 956:. AB 7592 sweep 30 miles
U 361 AB 7866
U 921 AB 7956
U 347 AP 1327
U 995 AP 2119
U 742 AP 2421

U 354 AG 96 on special operation.

In port ;

U 425^ 668-, 997 Harnmerfest,

U 362, 363, 387, 739, 957 Narvik,
U 312, 703, 968 Trondheim,
U 313 Bergen. -

(b) U-boats homeward and' outward bound ;

U 315 proceeding from AB 4768 to Bergen.

)) ; , . ;


0600 U 711 on return passage from AA 6944 to

0600 U 344 on ^return passage from AB 7143 to
Andf jord - Narvik.
0600 U 394- on return passage from AB 7416 to
Andf jord - Narvik.
0730 U 737 put in to Hammerfest after special
U 278 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.
1500 U 668 put out from Hammerfest for Narvik.

IV. Current U-boat operations ;

( a Convoy operations" ; None . ,

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic ;

12 boats in formation northeast of Jan Mayen.

2259 Radio message 2145/791 sent:

"1, German meteoro'logical arrcraft will be

flying on anti-submarine reconnaissance in
the area AB 87 to AB 72 b-etwo-en 0430 and
0830 on 7 July. Group "Trutz" and
returning 'tJ-hoats are to remain submerged
during this period so that enemy submarines
may be spotted.

2. Careful' hydrophone -watch while surfaced s


keep a constant watch on very long wave

and make use of -periscope -frequently so
that nothing can pass unseen within visual
range. See Order No'. 8."

(c Special operations by single boats ;

U 354 (Sthamer) on ice reconnaissance prior to

.theevacuation of meteorological unit

0527 Short signal 0515/54 .received from U 354

(Sthamer )


"Ice limit in llG 9620."

0740 Short signal 0754/4J received from U- 354

(Sthamer) i

"Passage possible for specially strengthened

vessels ."

1116 Radio message 1013/782 s ent

carry out Ice reconnaissance from
''Sthamer" t_

45° E to 40° E. Report only special deviations.


Remain for the present in the vicinity of Hg 96."



(d) Miscellaneous s

"Lange" reported that his boat must go into

dock, then ;., ;

1516 radio message 1505/786 was sent;.. ,

"Alteration of plans 5 .;_

"Borger" to return to Hammerfest, "Lange"

to Narvik." -

V. Reports of successes ; None

C. Surface forces ;

Nothing to report.

D. Plans ;

J 2043 Teleprinter message Most Secret 1348/44 received

from Flieger Fuehrer 5s

"Reference your teleprinter message 3481 Most

Secret of 6 June. Anti-submarine- operations
cannot be undertaken as the necessary offensive
weapons cannot, be carried. -However, anti-
submarine reconnaissance v/ill be flown and
reports made by radio. Details of time at which
the aircraft will fly" over sea" area mentioned
will be given on the previous evening,-";

2043 Teleprinter message Most Secret 1354 ^received

from Flieger Fuehrer's;

"Meteorological aircraft will "fly on anti-

submarine- reconnaissance in the desired sea area
between 0430 and 0830', reporting every submarine
by radio. Make sure U-boats -are informed."

In teleprinter message 00636 of 6 July^ Naval War

Staff, Second Division, C-in-C U-boats Ops.
agreed to the employment of U-boats to set up
meteorological stations in the Arctic as proposed
in Naval Chief Command Norway Most Secret S.O.s
only 1072 W of 4 July.

E. Survey of the situation ;

Re II (d) ;

"Flotilla leader "Baku" apparently proceeding

from the Iokanka, area to the. Belushya area."

Re" IV (c) ; .,,

"The ice limit, is already very, far north.

Perhaps the U-boat will be able to penetrate to
Alexandra Land and evacuate the sick "Schatzgraber"
(Signed) Suhron.


7 July, 1944, .,..

A. Enemy situation ;

I. Air .rec onnaissance?

Flieger Fuehrer 3 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological and ice reconnaissance,

route Banak - Bear Island - Hope Island - Banak
from 0400 to 0851, not exhaustive. A drifting
mine at 0520 in AC 4172,. otherwise nothing to '


Flieger Fuehrer 4 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance west of

the Faeroes from 0242. to 1046, enemy not sighted.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0222 to .1100. Ant i- submarine patrol
carried out between 4° E and 3° W. Route 80$
examined, Jan Mayen area not examined because of
thick, low- lying clouds, enemy not sighted.

II. Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By- U-boats : None.

(b) By air reconnaissance ; None.

(°) By naval forces ; None.

(d) B^ radio intercept service ;

1, On 6 July Belushya (AT 7234) ordered all

fishing vessels from Rusanova and Krasino
. :

(south coast of Novaya Zemlya) to deliver

their catch immediately.
Norwegian polar coast; very few radio
messages to submarines In the operational
Gorlo Strait/Archangel area; flotilla leader
"Baku" and probably another (7210), mine-
sweepers Nos .63,.. 110, 113, 115,'. 120- and 122,

minelayer No. 90.

Iokanka transmitted several aircraft reports
to flotilla leader "Baku" including one at
1500 giving the' position of an aircraft as
67° 50' N, 41° E.
Britain: no units intercepted in the
Murmansk/Archangel area.. .....-.: .

Bearings: Kirkenes and Hammerfest took

bearings on the evening and night 6/7 July
on several British units in the 251° - 231°
sector; Hammerfest also obtained a bearing 1

of 284° at 0322 on 7 July (enemy submarine?).

. -.1,136-,
. .


Russian radio traffic'.] slight during the

day,, moderate in the evening, and night of
6/7 July. Flotilla leader.. "Baku" received
'numerous mess ages, mainly;: very urgent and
of first priority.
.Britain? no Murmansk/Archangel broadcasts

..Aircraft SCWQ, (18th Group.) reported U-boat

In PG 36 N7~5¥"E"lKA 06 W) at 0305.
Aircraft ( 18th Group) was over a U-boat in

PK 38 N 03 W at 0305 German Standard time.

Aircraft SCWQ, (18th Group) reported a
submerging U-boat in PK 38 N 03 06 W, at
At 0307 aircraft SCWQ to Donnybristle at s

0305 over U-boat In PK 36 N (03) 06 W.

(e) By G.I.S. stations ; None.

B. U-boats ;

III, U-boat positions and alterations,; of position

, ;

( a ) Positions at 0800 ;

In the operational area :

-Group "Trutz"

u 307 AA 6944 )

u 716 AA 6992 )

U" 992" 'AB- •7143 J

u 365 AS 7416 )

u 9.65 AB 7511 )

u 6.36 AB 7574 ) In attack areas, depth

u 956 AB 7592 ) of sweep 30 miles
u 361 AB 7866- )
> u 921 AB 7956 )

u 347 AF 1327. )

u 995 AF 2119 )

u 742 AF 2421 )

U 354 Spitsbergen, AG 93 _on .special . operation.

In por t?

u.42 5, 737, 997 Hammerfest,

U-362, 363,. 387, 739, 957 Narvik, ,

u.312, '315, 703., 968 .Trondheim,

u 3.13 Bergen.

(b) u- boat s homeward and outward bound

0600 U 315 put in to Trondheim from-AB 4768,

. at 1630 put out for Bergen.
2030 U 668 put in to.. Narvik from Hammerfest.
1630 U 737 put out from Hammerfest for Tromso.
U 278 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.
U 344, 711 proceeding from AB 73 to Narvik,
U 394 proceeding from AB 73 to Hammerfest.

^ : . . :


IV., Current U-boat operations ;

(a.) Convoy operations i None

( b) Operational measures to Intercept enemy

traffic :

12 bo ats
in formation northeast of Jan Mayen.

1939 Radio message 1905/704 sent-: <


"Group "Trutz".
No enemy submarines spotted by today's
reconnaissance. It will be- repeated on 8 July.
Therefore remain submerged between 0430 and

(c) Special operations by single boats ;

U 354 (Sthamer) on ice reconnaissance prior to

the evacuation of meteorological unit

1207 Radio message 1156/104 received from U 354


"AF 7122: approach to islands clear. Where is

"Schatzgraber"?" ...

After a telephone conference with Naval Chief

Command, Norway,

1406 radio message 1505/800 Officers only was sent:

" "Schatzgraber" .is in AF 4479, approach from
the south. Supposed to be ice-free. When
approaching, give recognition signal by firing
a white single star, then one red and one green.
The station will '.then -acknowledge with several
red stars. Avoid ice damage at all costs.
Further instructions will follow. Take care
as radio traffic may be picked up by the

1451 Radio message ,1544/701 Officers only sent:

" "Sthamer" from Captain U-boats

1. If it is possible to get through without

endangering the U-boat, evacuate the
meteorological unit at once: it consists
of 10 men, of whom nine are seriously ill
with trichinosis, not infectious. Then
return Immediately. "..

2. All equipment will, remain on the site for

the relief, all secret documents and
scientific records are to be brought back.



3. Charts show Incorrect coastal outlines.

When, the headland north of Cape Neale is
on a bearing of 060° and Cape Neale and
Crowther come into line., set a course of
023° clear of land to Schatzgraber Bay.
The station is on the east side of this
bay. :

4.. If you cannot make your way through, send

position. by short signal.' 1

0100 Radio message 2547/61 received from U 354

(8 July) (Sthamer)

"HF 4775; northern drift ice limit, fairways.

Before that only Isolated thin drift ice-
fields. "Wind east,, force 1, fog banks,
visibility 5 to 8 miles." > "-•','-

(d) Miscellaneous. ;

Sailing order for" U 759 (Man gold) sent in

Most Secret 5497 A Ops, see Appendix 1/5 .

V. Reports of successes ;. None, ;...-:.;_,...

VI. U- b oat re p o r t s. ;

Short report from U 515 (Schweiger ) , fourth

operation, see Appendix I 1/2 .

C, Surface forces ; .

Nothing, to report.

D • Survey of the situation ;


:) |
Re II (d) t

"Remarkable number .of minesweepers in the Gorlo

Strait area;
The Hammer f est bearing at 0522 might be connected
'with the enemy submarine, last reported In AB
7556 on 5 July. Ant i~ submarine, reconnaissance
will therefore be, continued for a .few days by the
daily meteorological aircraft. The. reports from
the aircraft of 18th Group must refer to outward
bound Atlantic U-boats or those of group Central.' 1 '

(Signed) Suhren.

8 July. 1944 .

A. Enemy situation ;

I . Air reconnaissance : .

. :


Flieger Fuehrer 3 s

1 Ju 88 on meteorological and ice reconnaissance and

examination of Belushya and Kostin Strait from
0407 to 1110. Route: Banak - Belushya southern •-

exit of Kostin Strait - Belushya - Banak.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance west of the

Faeroes, from 0054 to 0854,enemy not sighted.
Faeroes not examined because of mist,

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;- ----•

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0443 to 1043. Anti-submarine patrol
carried out between 3° E and 5° W. Route 50%
examined, Jan Mayen area not examined because of
low-lying fog, enemy not sighted. L

II. Reports on the enemy :

.-- ..(a)" 'By -U-boats,

"; None-. '--

( b) By air reconnaissance s , .

From 0710 to 0800 4 whalers, each some 500.

G.R.T. in Belushya harbor; -'No aircraft seen
on Belushya airfield.. 3 hangars. Anti-
..--.- - air-c-raft-defohs'-es con-sxsted" of light guns In 2
emplacements-. No- -booms" spotted" in Northern
part of Kostin Strait. Ice floes in the
southern part of Kostin Strait, Belushya harbor
and the remainder of Kostin Strait free of ice.

(c) By naval forces ; None.

(d) By radio intercept service

Norwegian polar coast: very few radio messages

to submarines in the operational area.
Iokanka area: flotilla leader "Baku"...
Gorlo Strait/Archangel area: destroyer "K",
minesweepers Nos 53, 63, 110, 113, 120,

minelayers Nos. 90 and 93.

Naryan-Mar area: 1 aircraft intercepted on the
night of 7/8. July.
Britain: no units intercepted .in the Polyarno/
Archangel area.
Russian radio traffic: slight.
At 0258 on 8 July an unidentified signal
station in the Novaya Zemlya area received the
-following radio message of high priority from
Belushya (AT 7234)
"Transmit ships' radio message immediately."
(presumably convoy traffic in Novaya Zemlya
area). Wavelength 444 meters.
Britain: no Polyarno/Archangel broadcasts.

(ej By G.I, S. stations. ; None., ;L



B. U-boats t

Ill U-boat positions and alterations of position:

(a) Positions at 0800 ;

In the operational area

Group "Trutz" 1

U 307 AA 6944
U 716 Aii 6992
U 992 AB 7143
U 365 AB 7416
U 965 AB' 7511
U 636 AB 7574 in attack areas 3 depth
U 956 AB 7592 of sweep 30 miles.
il_:361. AB .7S66
U 921 A3 7956
U 347 AF 1327
U 995 AF 2129
U 742 AF 2421

U 354 Hf 47 on special operation.


U 425, 997 Hammerfest,

U 362, 363, 387, 668, 957 Narvik,
U 312, 703 .9.68. Trondhelav

U 313 Bergen. ,

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

0500 U 739 put out from Narvik for AF 22.

2010 U 394 put in to Hammerfest from AB 7416.
2255 U 344 put in to Narvik.' -from AB 7143. :

2300 U 711 put in to Narvik from AA 6944.

U 315 proceeding from Trondheim-Vta. Be:rgen.
U 278 proceeding from Bergen to Narvik.
0520 U 737 put in to TromsB from Hammerfest,
at 1705 put out for Narvik.

IV. Cur-rent U-boat operations i

(a) Convoy operations ; None.

( b ).
Operational measures to intercept enemy
traffic ? ,

12 boats in. formation northeast of Jan


2214 Radio message 2144/750 ;

"Today's reconnaissance again"! ailed to spot

any enemy submarines. It will be repeated on
9 July. Group "Trutz" Is to remain submerged
from 0430 to 0830."

. .


2255 , Radio moss age 2219/752 ;

"Group "Trutz" from Captain U-boats.

1. On all days when there is air reconnaissance

against enemy submarines , the 5 easterly
boats of the formation are to remain sub-
merged until .0230 .and in .the afternoon
from 1600, while the 6 westerly boats sub-
merge from 0200 to' 1630. All boats should
submerge during the air reconnaissance.

2. If no anti-submarine air reconnaissance Is

announced, then from 9 July the easterly
boats will remain submerged from 1600 to
0430 and the westerly boats from 0400 to

(c) Special operations by single boats ; c

U 354 (Sthamer) reported in short signal 0008/
79 that from AP 4742, I.e. the entrance to
Cambridge Sound, the boat could no longer
penetrate the ice to SchatzgrEber Bay.

0142 Radio message 0122/760 sent:

"If you can no longer force your way through,

withdraw to avoid being caught In the ice."

0538 Radio message 0510/715 ;

" "Sthamer" from Captain U-boats,

Aircraft made. a. .good landing near "Schatzgraber" .

Will fly the sick men back In 1 or 2 days.

Until then, wait clear of the ice limit."
V. Reports of successes ; Nono

C . Surface forces ;

Nothing to report.

£>. Organizational ;

0259 Teleprinter message Secret 4168 U received from

11th U-boat Flotilla; .

"On 10 July a sub-station of the... 11th 'U-boat

Flotilla of Kristiansand (South) U-boat base will
be set up i n Kristiansand (South) as a U-boat

Command St a' tion under the disciplinary command of

11th U-boat Flotilla. Teleprinter communication
via Sea Def enee Commandant, Kristiansand (South).
Corresponde nee- via. 11th U-boat Flotilla except for
questions o f positions. Commanding officer -
Supply .Lt Claason with a small office of 6 men.



Duties :

A) He controls local disciplinary; matters

regarding U-boat personnel based In
Kristlansand--( South) in cooperation with
Sea Defense Commandant, Kristiansand (South).

B) Base commanding officer is camp comandant of

U-boat..-'::-b±Ilets--l-n Mdrviken." -

C) Main duty is the control of all U-boat supplies

in cooperation with the local supply and dock
sub-stations of the arsenal."

E. Survey ^f the- situation ;.

Re II (d) :

"The brisk traffic in Gorlo Strait continues.

Apparently small supply convoys are running
again to bases in Novaya Zemlya. It would .

be advantageous for our. U-boats to, operate

against them with torpedoes as long as no
Murmansk c onvoys are running ". .

(Signed) Suhren/."

9 July, 1944 .

A. Enemy situation;

I. Air reconnaissance

Plleger Fuehrer 3 s.

1 Ju 88 on meteorological and ice reconnaissance,

route Banak '-• Bear Island' - Hope"' Island - Banak
from 0405 to 0912, not exhaustive ^, nothing to
1 BV 222 successfully carried out special
operation "Schatzgraber" between 1852 and 0652. ,

Flieger Fuehrer 4 g

1 Ju- 88 on meteorological; reconnaissance west of

the Faeroes from 0157 to 1002, enemy not sighted. :

Faeroes not examined because of mist.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0300 to 1015. Anti-submarine patrol
carried out between. 3° E and 5° W. Route 80$
examined, Jan Mayen area not examined because of
low-lying clouds, enemy not sighted.



II Reports on the enemy :

(a) By U-boats : None. ; .

(b) By air reconnaissance ; None.

(c) By naval forces : None.

(d) By radio intercept service :

Norwegian, polar coast very few radio messages


to submarines in the operational area.

Iokanka.aroa: minesweepers Nos. 59, 116.
Gorlb Strait/Archangel area: flotilla leader
"Baku", destroyer "K", minesweepers Nos. 37 and
113, minelayers Nos. 90 and 93.
Belushya/Kara -Sea area: minesweepers Nos. 63
and 110. :—"
In the afternoon Iokanka transmitted several
aircraft reports giving various positions to
flotilla leader "Baku". t
Britain: no units intercepted in the Polyarno/
Archangel area.
Bearings: Kirkenes took a bearing of 264°,
minimum signal strength. over :6 degrees, on
British unit at 1907 on 8 July.
Svanvik took one of 271°, minimum signal
strength. over 8 degrees.
Russian radio traffic: moderate.
Britain: no Polyarno/Archangel broadcasts . _

(e) By G-.I.S. stations, : None.

B. U-boats :

Ill U-boat positions and alterations' of position :

Positions at 0800

(a) :

In the operational; area :'

Group "Trutz" :

U 307 AA 6944
U 716 AA 6992
U 992 AB 7143
U 365 AB 7416
U 965 AB 7511 In attack areas, depth of
U 636 AB 7574 s we op '30 "mile s
U 956 AB 7592
U 361 AB 7866
U 921 AB 7956
U 347 AP 1327
U 995 AP 2129
U 742 AP 2421

U 354 If 47 on special operation.

In' port :

U 394, 425, 997' Hammerfost,

U 344, 362, 363, 387, 668, 711, 737, 957 Narvik,

. .


U 312 703/-968 -Trondheim,

TJ 313 Bergen.

(b) TJ - boats, homeward and outward bound ;

TJ 739 proceeding from Narvik to AF 2421,

0-800 TJ put in- to Narvik -frorrr-Troms 8.
1030 U 278 put in to Ramsund from Bergen.
TJ 315 proceeding from Trondheim to Bergen.

IV. Current U-boat operations. ;

(a) Convoy operations ; None.-

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic ;

,12 boats in formation northeast of Jan' Mayen.

0129 Radio w* <

i-iw — » message 0100/736
* -A
ifc .
sent;. .iiii i . .,«... i iiiiii

"1, TJ 739 (Mangold) is proceeding from

Andfjord to attack- area AP 2421,, depth
of sweep 30 .miles, joining group "Trutz".
- Boat will arrive at 0400 on 10 July-

2. At the same time/ group "Trutz" will

proceed to the next attack area in the
north or west'..--'--

.."3. "Herrle" return to Andf jord ; - Narvik via

,: AB'4950 at 1600 on '10. July."

2024 .' Radio message 1958/745 sent ;.',.

"Reconnaissance against enemy submarines in

group "Trutz" s- area- will take -place again on T

10 July between 0430 and, 0830." . •,

(°) Special operations by single boats ;

TJ354 (Sthamer) on ice reconnaissance for

the evacuation 'of the- meteorological unit

V,. Reports of successes,; None.

C. Surface forces ;

Nothing to report.

^ ••
Organ! z at ional ; ,

1948 Teleprinter "message .Secret 0985 received from

Naval War Staff , Second Division, C-in-C U-boats
Ops ..' A 2; . .

' .


"Reference Captain- U^bo^ts', Norway Secret 6455 of

'3 July. It is not planned to'ihcrease the number
of U-boats. U 673 is on 'return passage, thus the
complement of boats will be 32."

. .


E. Survey of the situation ;

No comments
("Signed)' Suhren.

10 July, 1944 .

A. Enemy situation ;

I. Air reconnaissance :

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route ..

Banak T Bear Island - 75° N, 5° E - Banak from"

0755 to 1321," nothing to report, not exhaustive.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance west of the

Faeroes from 0230 to 1000, enemy not sighted.
.Sumboe harbor, SyderB examined, .no shipping.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0257 to 1012. Anti-submarine patrol as
on 9 July. Route 70% examined, Jan Mayen area not
examined because of low-lying clouds, enemy not

II. Reports on the enemy^ y

(a) By U-boats : None,

(b) By' air reconnaissance ':


(c) By naval forces : None.

(d) By radio intercept service :

Sighting reports from signal stations in the

Novaya Zemlya area concerning convoys proceeding
from and to Kara Sea: on 7 July off Cape
Chernaya (Kostin Strait AT 7378) 2 minesweepers,
1 freighter on southwesterly course at 0351.
Loginov shoal (Kara Strait AT 8427): 1 mine-
sweeper on northnortheasterly course at 0447.
Chirachi (Kara Strait AT 8464): 2 minesweepers
on southwesterly course at 0900.
At 0214 on 8 July off Cape: Oreben (Yugorski
Strait AT 8819): 1 destroyer, 1 minesweeper, 1
freighter, course southwest, and at 0435 1
minesweeper, 1 freighter, 1 tanker, course

; .


Loginov shoals at 0535 1 de-s'troyer, 4 mine-

sweepers, 4 freighters, and another vessel,
- eourse-'northno-rtheast - - -'' '.

Norwegian polar, coast; very few.- radio

messages to submarines in the operational

Gorl'o Strait'/Are-h-angel'-area-: f-lotilla leader
"Baku" and destroyer "K".
Britain; no units Intercepted in the Polyarno/
Archangel area.
Kirkenes took a bearing of 249° on British
unit at 2348 on 9 July,
Svanvik took a bearing of 258° on a British
unit' at 2348 on 9. July.
Russian radio traffic; slight.
Britain; no Polyarno/Archangel broadcasts.

( e ) By C-.I.S. stations ; •
None -.~ :

B.. U-boats ;

I. U-boat positions and alterations of position ;

(a) Positions at 0800 ;

ln the operational area


Group "Trutz"

U 307 AA 6944-
U 716 AA 6954
U 992 AB 4777
U 365 AB 7173
U 965 AB 7426
U 636 AB 7541
U 956 AB 7584
U 361 AB 8599 on passage
U 921 AB 7946
U 347 AB 7-991
U 995 AF 1337
U 742 AF' 2146
U 739 AF 2421

U 354 AF 47 -bn special operation.

In port ;

"U394, '425, 997 Hammerfest,

U 278, 344, 362,, 363, ,387, 668, 711, 737,
957 Narvik,
' "


U 312', 703, 968 Trondheim, '

U 313, 315 Bergen.

(b ) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

0300 U 315 put in to Bergen from Trondheim.

1400 U 739 on return passage from AF 2421 to
2100 U 307 on return passage from AA 6944 to
Andf jord - Narvik.

; :


IV, Current U-boat operations ;

(a) Convoy operations ; None,

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy traffic ;

13 boats in formation northeast of Jan Mayen,


1512 Radio message 1444/750 received from U 739



"Making for Harstad. First Watch officer has

diphtheria.. My position is AF"2266."

In order to maintain the same number of boats

in the formation despite the loss of U 739 U ,

307 (Herrle), which had just been relieved,

had to return to the attack area.

1638 Radio message 1615/752 sent;

"1. "Mangold"; have crew gargle with potassium
permanganate bridge personnel one targesin

tablet 3 times daily. Take First Watch

..:-. Officer to hospital in Harstad. Await
confirmation of diagnosis. Report by
telephone .

2. Group "Trutz", Including- "Herrle" : occupy

former attack areas."

1723 Radio message 1700/754 received from U 307


"Returning with severe case of appendicitis

from "Dunkelberg" My position is.AB 4868,

18 cu.m, left."

U 307 had a medical officer on board. Because

of the sick man it seemed necessary to speed

up the return passage. The disposition of

group "Trutz" could therefore be held at first
with only 11 U-boats. It was better to have
the northern attack area weak than the southern.

2024 Radio message 2011/755 sent;

" "Herrle", group "Trutz" from Captain U-boats;

1. "Herrle": return to Andfjord.

2. G-rdup "Trutz": return to former attack areas

from AA 6992 to AF 2421."

After "Mangold" had transferred the sick man

and the diagnosis had been confirmed, we
intended the- boat to return to the operational
area. If the U-boat had to remain in quarantine
in Narvik, U 387 (Buchler) was in readiness in

. ) . ) ,


(c Special operations by single boats ;

:. U 354' (Sthamer) on ico reconnaissance for

the' evacuation of meteorological unit

(d) Miscellaneous ;

Transfer order for U 587 (Buchler) sent in

Most Secret 5575 A Ops 1 ;

"1. Put out from Narvik on the morning of

11 July via Ramsund for Harstad.

2. Compulsory pilotage from Lodingen to


3. Radio frequency in Harstad is. still ",MC"

479 kc/s Northern Waters very long wave.

4. 12 hours' rea&ihc-s-s 'in Harstad.

5. Naval Harbor Master "Harstad has been

no-tified of the boat's arrival."

1020 Teleprinter message. Most. Secret 3540 A Ops. "'

sent to 13th U-boa-t- Plotillaf

"Transfer order for U 968 (Wostphalon) t

1. Put out from Trondheim on the morning of

11 July for Narvik. ... ,

2. Proceed via Frohavct, then on at a distance

of 50 miles from the coast as far as 66° N
in accordance with Order No. 14, make for
Wcstfjord (submarine danger).

3. Report probable time, of arrival at approach

point 24 hours in advance, 'also passing of
"V 1" by time short, signal. (

4. Radio frequency "Anton".. Northern Waters

very long -wave. .---

5. For exchange of .recognition .signals with

shore, observe Section 153. of Recognition
Signal Regulations.''
V Reports of successes s None ... / ..

VI. U-boat reports ; r; ';

Short report from U 594 (Borger) first operation , .

Short report from U 757 (Brasack), seventh

operation (second part'), sec Appendix Il/3,4 ..

C . Surface forces ;

Nothing to report.

. . . s


D. Survey of the situation ;

—Re- -I I (a)- r

"Much of the traffic to Kara Sea appears this year

to be passing through Kara Strait, perhaps to
avoid the danger of mines in the smooth waters
west of Yugorski Strait after last isummer '

experiences ."
';... .'_ - -.-;: (Signed) Suhren".

11 July, 1944 .

A. Enemy s ituation ;

I Air reconnaissance ;

Flieger. Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - 75° U, 5° E - Banak from
0401 to 0944, nothing to report, not exhaustive.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance west of

the Faeroes from 0142 to 0906 Faeroes not examined ,

because of mist.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0250 to 0956. Route 30% examined, Jan
Mayen area not examined because of low- lying clouds,
enemy not sighted.

II Reports' on the enemy ;

(a) By U-boats ; :

("b) By air reconnaissance ;

At 0403 in AE 9919 1 merchant' ship of 4,000

G.R.T., course 100°,. speed 10 knots. At 0645
in AE 9519 7 merchant ships, each 4,000 -
5,000 G.R.T., course 090°, speed 10 knots.

(c) By naval forces ; None.

(d) By radio intercept service :

On 10 July Cape Greben (Yugorski Strait AT 8819)

. reported depths of water in Varneka bay at low
tide as 1*1 meters by the pier, 2*5 meters. at

? .


200 meters- from the shore. Later at 1340 a

motor minesweeper was reported standing on
and off. At 0942 on 10 July Gusini Nos North
(AT 4856) reported, an. unknown vessel in
Mbllera Bay. " On" "9" July steam trawler
".Kassatka" (609" -G.R.T. off Lagerni (west, of )

•Matochkin Strait AT 4625).

Norwegian polar coasts very few radio messages
to submarines in the operational area.
Murmansk area on the previous day flotilla

leader "Baku" was''- in radio communication with

Archangel 3 Belushya,, Iokanka. Minesweeper
No. 38.
Gorlo Strait/Archangel areas destroyer No. 4.
Britain: no units intercepted in the Polyarno/
Archangel area. •

Bearings Kirkenes Hammerfest and Svanvik

s ,

took bearings on British, units in the 233° -

'262° sector. '""T \T-

Russian radio traffics slight.

Britain! very-few. Polyarno broadcasts , none
from Archangel.
At 0333 on. 11 July Hammerfest took a bearing
of 251°, "minimum signal strength over 6
degrees on British :unit "AW"/ Wavelength
36»19 meters..
At 0050 on llj July Kirkenes^ took a bearing
of 255°, minimum signal strength over 2

degrees, on a British unit in c ommuni cation

with Cle.etho.rpes. .Hammerfest obtained a
bearing of. 240°, minimum: signal strength over
10 degrees. Wavelength 36»19 meters
(e) By G.I ..S . stations.! None . ..

By U-boats % ;.:-',- •,


III U-boat positions and alterations of position:

(a) Positions at 080 0:

Group "Trutz"

U 716 AA 6992
U 992 AB 7143

U 365" AB 7416
U 965 AB 7511
U 636 A3 7574 in. attack areas , depth
U 956 A3 7592 of sweep 30 miles.
U 361 AB 7866
U 921 AB 7956"
U* 34,7 -AP 1327
U 995 AF 2129
U.742. AF 2421

U 354 AF 47 on special operation.

In port ;

U 394, 425, 997 Hammerfest,

U 278, 344, 362, 363, 387, 668, 711, 757, 957


U 512, 703, 968 Trondheim,

U 313 315 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

2100 U 739 put in to Narvik from AP 2421.

1030 U 968 put out from Trondheim for Narvik.
2100 U 387 put out from Ramsund for Harstad.
U 507 proceeding from AA 6944 to Andf jord -
2100 Group "Trutz" proceeding 30 miles on course
180° U 716 to AA 6899.

-^ • Current U-boat operations i


(a) Convoy operations ; None.

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic ;

11 boats In formation northeast of Jan Mayen.

1715 Radio message 1616/771 sent;

"Group "Trutz"? from 2100 on 11 July alter

attack areas by 30 miles, course 180°.
"Dunkelberg" will, however, occupy attack area
AA 6899, depth of sweep 40 miles."

The transfer was to be made to prevent enemy

submarines having any definite clues to the
position of the formation.

0015 Radio message 2529/778 sent:

"U 387(Buchler); put out from Harstad early

on 12 July for AF 22. Expect to meet "Herrle"
putting in to Andf jord about 0500. Report by
short signal when 15° E is passed."

The U-boat was sailing to replace U 739

(Mangold) (in 'quarantine in Narvik), so that
the patrol line would again -consist of 12 boats.

(c) Special operations by single boats ;

U 354 (Sthamer) on ice reconnaissance for the

evacuation of meteorological unit "Schatzgraher"

1417 • Radio message 1546/768 sent;

"Evacuation of "Schatzgrllber" completed.

Proceed via AC 24 to evacuate "Svartisen".
According to last report, ice limit is 15
miles southeast of Southern Point. If there
is still no through passage, send position
short signal, otherwise report when the unit
is taken on board and return to Hammcrfest -
Tromso - Narvik."


2035 Radio message 2017/775 sent:

"Sthamer" from 'Captain -U-boats

Recognition signal for "Svartisen" as in

radio message 1303 of -7 July;- station
will reply with red,, green and then red
single stars In- succession."- -"

V. Reports of successes ; Hone,

VI. . U-boat reports ;

Addendum to Short Report from U 594 (Borger) ,

' first operation^ see Appendix II/5"

Co Surface forces ;
Nothing to report.

D. Plans J

Teleprinter message 01015 received from Naval

War Staff s Second Division, C-in-C U-boats Ops.

"Reference your Most Secret S.O.s only 84/44 of

6 July.

Re 1. Mines have been ordered. Operations will

be carried- out as -you -recommended,, about
mid-August. Only TMC mines will be used.
General operational order will follow.

Re 2 . -Agree to- your plans.


U 957 released for

first reconnaissance. Send secret plans
regarding cooperation with the German Air
Force to Ops ."

a E. Survey of the situation :

Ro T) t

"If the German Air Force can provide sufficient

aircraft for the purpose,' interception of traffic
east of Wilkitzki Strait Would make our U-boat
operations much easier in the West Siberian Sea.
Last summer we learned, that the 3V 138 is not
sufficiently seaworthy or quick enough at taking
off to be berthed In an unprotected bay for
intermediate refuelling. Luftflotte 5 must first
be asked what the" situation now is. The best
thing seems' to be the use of a long range
aircraft (BV 222) which would only need to be
refuelled from a U-boat in an emergency and
which Is able to cover' a maximum range to the
eas xj »

(Signed) Suhren.

. . . . .


12 July, 1944 .

A • Energy situation ;

I .
• Air reco nnai ssance j

Flieger Fuehrer 5;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological and other reconnaissance,

route Banak - Ice Fjord Bear Island - South Cape „-.

- Ice Fjord - Banak from 0400 to 1048. Route

almost exhaustively examined -Spitsbergen .,.

exhaustively examined. Anti-aircraft guns in the

_ Ice Fjord are.a,.. .othe.rwis..e nothing to-'-report

Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance west of <r



the Faeroes from 0402 to 1218. No anti-aircraft


Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

1 He 111 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0249 to 1125. Route 25% examined, east
coast of Jan Mayen exhaustively examined, nothing
to report.

II. Reports on the enemy ;

"(a) By U-boats : None. :

(b) By air reconnaissance ; None.

(c) By naval forces t None,

(d) By radio in ter cept service ;


At 0056 ori 12. July...: PoLyarno ..s.ent. codewords of

: ;

very high priority to all submarines in the

operational area.
At 1926 KIrkenes took a bearing of 259°,
minimum signal strength over 6 degrees, on
a British unit "AX !

Hammerfest's bearing was 252°, minimum signal

strength over 7 degrees. Wavelength 36*19
At 2031 on 12 -July Hammerfest took a bearing
of 261° on British unit "''AZ" in communication
with Cloothorpes # Wavelength 36»19. meters
At 0350 Hammerfest took. .a bearing of 256°,
minimum signal strength over 6 degrees, on
British/unit "AL", in communication with
Cleethorpes. Wavelength 36*19 meters.

(e) By G.I.S. stations; None.

, . .


:3.- U-boats ;"

I-I-I.i? i U-boat positions and alterations of pos_it_ion ;

(a) Positions at 0800 s


In the operational area ;

Group "Trut"z i?;


U 715 AA 6899 depth of sweep ,40 miles.

U 992 AB 7179' )

'•U 365 AB 7476 )

, ! U.965-AB 7547 ) i;
U. 636 AB 7841 )

U 956 .A3 7838 ) in attack areas, depth

U 361 AP 1213 ) of sweep; 30 miles.
U 921 AP 1312 )

U 547 AP 1384 )
U 995 AP 21-76^-)- - -•' :

U 742 AP 2457 )

U 354 AG 98 on special operation

In port ;

if 394, 425, 997 Hammer f est

U 387 Harstad,
U 278, .344, -362 r -563 668, 711, 737, 739, ,

957 Narvik,
U 312, 703 Trondheim,. ... — ,:
-'-:" -•---'
U 313, 515 Bergen* -
a_---'.---.': -:-: '--

( D ) U-boats homeward arid—outward -bound' :

1230 U 507 put in to Narvi'k-^from Aiv 6944.

0600 U 387 put in to Harstad_ from Narvik, at 1030
put out from Harstad' for AF.22..
U 968 proceeding from Trondheim to Narvik.

IV. Current U-boat operations ;

( a ) Convoy operations .; None .

-"•'"•••(b) Operational measures' to 'intercept enemy

traffic ;

11 boats in formation nort-hea-sir'o-f "Jan Mayen.

(c) Special operations by single boats ;

iU-354 '(Sthamer) evacuating meteorological
:I ;
unit "Svartisen" from Hope Island.


V. Reports of successes ; None.

C. Surface forces ; , ..

Nothing to report.



D. Plans:

Teleprinter message Captain U-boats, Norway Most

Secret S.0.3 only 85/44 A Ops. sent to Luftf lotto
5 for information Plieger Fuehrer 5, for Information
Flieger Fuehrer 3 : .

"Operations by U- heats on the West Siberian Sea

route again planned for summer 1944s

1. Request early reconnaissance of ice situation

off Capo Jelaniya and in Kara- Sea.

2. Request details of how many aircraft can carry

out reconnaissance in the direction of Yugoraki
Strait - Dikson Wilkitzki Strait, and whether

refuelling from a U-boat as was done last year

off the north coast of Novaya Zemlya (BV 138)
or near Sverdrup Islands (BV 222) will be
. necessary. 1;i

E. Survey of the situation :

No comments

(Signed) Suhr'bn,

15 July, 1944

A. Enemy situation :

I. Air reconnaissance:

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak Bear Island - Banak from 0400 to 0801,
exhaustive, nothing to report.

Flieger Fuehrer 4 -;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological' reconnaissance west of

the Faeroes. Fjords of North Faoroes examined, no
,_. shipping.. ..:....'..:...

Flieger Fuehrer 5 :

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Routo as -far as 1° E
Maysn., from. 0340 to 1048. :

exhaustively examined, remainder of route and

Jan Mayen area not examined because of low- lying

cloud, enemy not sighted.

II. Reports on the enemy :

(a) By U-boats : None.



(b) Bj air reconnaissance s None.

(c) Bj naval forces ; None. •

( & " By radio intercept service ;

Gape Chernaya (Murman -coast 'AW 2193):

at 1840 on 12 July 1 motor minesweeper
course northwest,, at 0530 on 13 July 2
vessels, course southeast.
Kanin Nos (AW 3141); on the evening of 12 ;

July and early on 13 July 'several steam

trawlers-., and patrol vessels standing on and
off. Yugorski Strait (AT 8823): at 1830 on
12 July 1 vessel on southwesterly course, at
2315 1 minesweeper standing; on and off, at
0335 on 13 July 1 minesweeper on northerly
course, lost to sight.
Krestovaya Bay (northwest of .Novaya Zemlya
•AT 4337 h at '0O30' 'bn 13' July I minesweeper

standing on and. off, at 0415 on southwestorly

course, lost to sight.
Cape Chernaya (Murman coast AW 2193); at 1422
1 minesweeper on southeasterly course.

Cape C-rebon (Yugorski Strait AT '8819); at 1030

2 motor minesweepers. standing on and off. .

Yugorski Strait (AT 8823 at" 0240' 1 mine- ) :

. sweeper on northerly course, at 0348 1 mine-

"sweeper on eastdrly coursey-' a;t 0345 1 survey
vessel on southerly courstr, at 1725 1 ;

aircraft on southerly course.


Cape Chernaya (Kostin Strait AT 7377); at

1125.2 aircraft en northwesterly course. ..,

Norwegian-po-lar coast ;• mod'erate number of

radio messages to submarines in the
operational area*
Iokanka area: minelayer No. 93.
Britain: no units intercepted in the Polyarno/
Archangel area.
Bearings: Kirkcnes took a bearing of 259° on
a British unit at 1926 on 12 July.
Hammerfest took a bearing of 252° on a
. British unit at. 1926 on 12 July.
Hammerfest took a bearing of 261° on a
British unit at 20.31 on 12 July.
Russian radio traffic: "slight.
• .Britain: no Polyarno/Ar change 1 -broadcasts .

.(e) By G-.I.S. stations ; None.

B. U-boats :

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position ;

at 0800: :--'' --;-;
'•'•"•- 1
(a)-' Pcrs'I"t±""ons" ;

Group "Trutz" :

U 716 AA 6899)
U 992 AB 7119) in attack areas, depth
U 365 AB 7476) of sweep 30 miles.
U 965 AB 7547)
) .


U 636 AB 7841 "') -

U 956 AB .7838 ).
U 361 AP 1213 ) in attack areas/ depth
U 921 AP 1312 ) of sweep 30 miles.'
U 347 AP' 1348 )

U 995 AP 2176 )

U 742 AP 2457 ,j ...

U 354 AC 12 on special operation.

In port :

U 394, 425, 997 Hammerfest,

U 278, 307, 344, 362, 363, 668, 711, 737, 739,
957 Narvik,
U 312, 703 Trondheim,
U 313, 315 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

U 387 proceeding from Narvik. to AP 22.
U 968 proceeding, from Trondheim to Narvik.

IV. , Current U-boat operations i

(a) Convoy, operations ; None.

(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic ;

11" boats, in formation northeast of Jan Mayen.

1540 Radio message 1506/796 sent:.;

"1. "Buchler" will occupy attack area AP 2457

at 1200 on' 14 July, group "Trutz".

2, Then group "Trutz" will move attack areas . v^,
by one position north or west. "Dunkelberg"
in attack area AA 6891, "Palke" in AA 9316,
all depth of sweep 30 miles

", 3, The 6 westerly boats should remain

submerged from 0400 to 1630, the easterly
boats from 1600 to 0430."

(c) Special operations by single boats s

• - •

U 354 (Sthamer) evacai-atihg meteorological unit

"Svartisen" from Hope Island.

( d Miscellaneous i .

!• Transfer order for U 1061 (Hinrichs ) sent in

Most Secret 3618 A Ops. 1 ?
i, ...i;

"l. Put out from- Narvi-k on the morning of 13

July. Radio frequency "MC" , Northern
Waters very, long' wave .

. : , , •


2. Take on torpedoes In .Ramsund. As soon

as it Is known, report time of sailing


by short signal.

3. After sailing from Ramsund, change to

frequency "Anton", Northern Waters very
long wave.

4. Proceed through Westf jord and,, at a

distance of 50 miles from the coast,
south through Frbhavet to Trondheim.

5.. Expect to meet U 968 (Westphalen) off

"V 1" at approximately 2200 on 13 July.

6. Report probable time of arrival at

HA 1" by short signal."

2 Transfer order for U 278 (Franze) sent in

Most Secret 5619 A Ops. 1;

"1. Put out from Narvik on the morning of

14 July via Ramsund to Harstad.

2. Compulsory pilotage from Lbdingen to


3. Radio frequency "MC" . , Northern Waters

very long wave.

4. As soon as it is known, report time of

sailing from Ramsund by -t-lme'v short

..signal. ...... ;. :

... ..:.l..'

5. 12 hours' readiness in Harstad.

6. Naval Harbor Master Harstad has been

notified of the boat's arrival."

3. Transfer order for U 594 (Borger.) sent in

Captain U-boats, Norway Most Secret 5622
A Ops, teleprinter message to U-bo at base

Hammerf est

"l. Put out from Hammerf est on th^ morning

of 16 July for Narvik - Ramsund.

2. U-boat Northern Waters frequency

3. From Hammerf est to TromsB /escorted by

65th Patrol Vessel Flotilla; Then on 1

to LBdingen with pilot

4. From LBdingen switch to Base frequency

j,479 kc/sy and report t:Q; base.

.5.. En route carry out exercis-es off "Luchs

,. 3", and "Luchs 2" as ^ordered, U-boat
base Hammerfest has notified Naval
Communications Officer, TromsB to
expect .the boat."



4. Transfer order for U 562 (Franz) sent in

Most Secret 5650 A Ops. 1 ;

"1. Put out from Narvik at 0850 on 14 July

via Bogen to Hammerfest,,

2. As far as Harstad, radio frequency is

Base frequency "MC" , 479 kc/s Northern ,

Waters very long wave.. From Harstad,

U-boat Northern Waters frequency.

5.. Compulsory pilotage from LBdingen to


Trams B.

4. From TromsB to Hammerfest escorted by

2nd Inshore Defenses Unit. 2nd Inshore

Defenses Unit has been informed.

. Carry out hydrophone exercises as far as

"Luchs 5". Before putting out from
TromsB, report to Naval- Communications

';.'. 0ffi cer/ TromsB. Observe Para. 8 of


the Order.

6. Report promptly by short signal time

'of sailing from Narvik - Bogen.

7. 12 hours' readiness in Hammerfest."

V..- Reports erf successes ; None.

VI. U-boat reports

Short report from U 515 '(Zoller) , fourth operation ,

Short report from U 711 Lange ( ) , s ixth operation,,

see Appendix Il76 ,7.

C • Surface forces ;

Nothing to report.' 1

D. Plans, i

1959 '
Teleprinter me's sage Most Secret ^976 received from
Naval High Command, Naval War Staff Fourth ,


"Reference your Most Secret 5611;

The radio intercept group can be despatched from

Kirkenes on approximately 15 July. We shall have
Naval Communications Officer Narvik install sets. ,

It is essential to contact Naval Communications

Officer, Narvik from here regarding the number of

boats, berths, etc. necessary to expedite

The following teleprinter message Most Secret S.O.s
only 551/44 was received from Naval Liaison Officer
Luftflotte Command 5 o,n the .cooperation of aircraft
and U-boats in the West Siberian Sea;
"Reference Captain U-boats, Norway Most Secret
. s


S.O.s only 85/44 A Ops.

Request Immediate answer to following questions

1. How long will the operation last?

2. What claims (in respect of areas to be

covered, number of flights, etc.) are to be
made on the aircraft concerned for duration
of the operation?

3. Is previous information of a suitable anchorage

necessary or will last year's results suffice?
'4. Is 'one Ice' reconnaissance before the operation

5. What success' is expected from the completion

of this mission after last year's negative

6. Is It possible to .carry it out even if only


an ice reconnaissance has taken place and no

aircraft is operating in the operational area?"

Then the following, teleprinter message Captain

U-boats, Norway Most Secret S.O.s only 89/44 A Ops.
was sent to Luftflotte Command 5 for Naval Liaison

"Re 1. About the beginning of August to the end

of September.

Re 2. Reconnaissance against expected supply

traffic as far into Wilkltzki Strait as
possible. About 3 operations from
Norwegian bases, in each case with 1 or 2
flights using the refuelling U-boat, if
an intermediate landing Is not possible
(BV 222)

Re 3. Apart from last year's landing points,

refuelling off Nordenshelda or on the Ice
limit had been considered.

Re 4. Requested ice reconnaissance is necessary

for the first reconnaissance U-boat.
Further reconnaissance depends on results.

Re 5. Last year the radio intercept group on the

U-boat picked up over 100 different call-
signs east of Wilkltzki Strait, indicating
the amount of tonnage perhaps held up by
the appearance of U-boats. U-boats sank 6
ships, of up to 6,000 G.R.T. from 2 small
convoys. If the boats can remain unobserved,

a surprise success seems possible. In the

absence of Murmansk convoys, operations
here seem profitable. About 6 U-boats will
take part.



Re 6. Interception of traffic already at sea enables

the U-boats to concentrate and attack
simultaneously. Otherwise no complete
success can be scored. Operations can be
carried out without air support,- in which
case ice reconnaissance Is valuable."

E * Survey of the situation ;

No comments

(Signed) Suhren.


A . Enemy situation s

I.-,.; Air reconnaissance ;

Flieger Fuehrer 3;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

.:.. .
Banak - Bear Island - Banak from 0400 to 0755,
nothing to report, not exhaustive.
Flieger Fuehrer 4 ;

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance in the

area west of the Faeroes from 0312 to 1210. Landed
in Lister because of the weather. Faeroes not
examined, enemy not' sighted.

Flieger Fuehrer 5_ ;

2 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan 1

Mayon from 0246 to 1223. Route as far as 1° W

80% examined, the remainder of the route and Jan
Mayan area not examined' because of low- lying cloud, -

enemy not sighted.

II. Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By U- boats, ; None. :

(b) By air reconnaissance ; None.

(c) By naval forces % None.

(d) By radio intercept service ;

Cape Chernaya signal station (Kostin Strait

. AT: 7378) reported several minesweepers active
•southeast of the station "at 2155 on 13 July.
Norwegian polar coast; lively transmission of
radio. -me s sage's' to submarines in the operational
Iokanka area; minelayer No. 94, minesweepers
Nos .112 and 114.
. . .


Ponoi area? minesweepers Nos 32 and 102. .

Belushya/Kara Sea area; minesweeper No. 110.

Britain; no units Intercepted In the Polyarno/
Archangel area.
Bearings; Kir kenes took- -bearings of 243° -
259° on a British unit between 1210 on 13
July and 0303 on 14 July.
Hammerfest; bearings of 243° - 259° from
1210 to 0303 on 14 July..
Svanvik: bearings of £§.6° -; 257° from 1320
to 1810.
Russian radio traffic; moderate.
Britain; very few Polyarno, 'no Archangel

(e ) By O.I.S. stations ; None

B. U-boats; ;

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position ;

(a) Positio ns at 0800;

Group "Trutz"';

U 716 AA 6899 depth of sweep 40 miles

U 992 AB 7119
U 365 AB 7476
U 965 AB 7547
U.636 AB 7841
U 956 AB 7838 in attack areas, depth of
U 361 AF 1213 sweep 30 miles
U 921 AF 1512
U 347 AF 1348
U 995 AF 2176
U 742 AF 2457

U 354 AC 12 on special operation.

In port;

U 394, 425, 997 Hammerfest,-. ;

U 278, 307, 344, 362, 363,,. 668, 711, 737,

'739, 957 Narvik,
U 312, 703,.Trondheim,
U 313, 315 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound ;

1530 U.362 put out'- from: .Narvik, -at 2100 put in to

1130 U 968 put in to Narvik, from Trondheim.
U 387 proceeding from Narvik to AF 2457.
1200 Group "Trutz" proceeding to new attack areas
one position further north or west. U 716

to AA 68'9 1, U 992 to AA 9316.

IV. Current U-boat operations ;

(a) Convoy operations ; None.



(b) Operational measures to intercept enemy

traffic :

12 boats in formation southeast of Jan Mayen.

(° ) Special operations by single boats ;

U 354 (Sthamer) evacuating meteorological unit

"Svartiscn" from Hope Island.

0125 Short signal 0106/42 received from U 354


"My position is AG 1297."

The boat had orders to send a position report

if unable to force way through the Ice.

0315 Teleprinter message Most Secret 3631 A Ops. *

sent to Naval Chief Command Norway and ,

Flieger Fuehrer 3;
" "Sthamer" reported from AC 1297 (18 miles
south of Hope Island) at 0106 on 14 July, that
there was no through passage through the ice."

1122 Teleprinter message Most Secret 8785 W received

from Naval Chief Command Norway?

"Reference your Most Secret 3631 A Ops.

With the present steady east wind in polar
waters; no alleviation in the ice position
can be expected within a short time.
Recommend that "Sthamer" should withdraw and
wait until meteorological air reconnaissance
confirms a favorable ice situation."

However as ice conditions can change very ^

rapidly, contrary to the advice of Naval
Chief Command, Norway, the U-boat was not

1115 Radio message 1052/705 sent:

" "Sthamer"; try to roach "Svartiscn" by
hauling out from the east or the west, but
avoid ico damage."

.(d) Miscellaneous. ;

Transfer order for U 757 (Brasack) sent in "

Most Secret 3658 A Ops. Tl '

"1. Put out from Narvik - Bogon in the evening

for Trondheim.

•2. Proceed to Bod6, from 'there via inner

leads to Trondheim escorted by 3rd Inshore
Defenses Unit.

. ; - ;


3. Radio frequency '"Aht6n' r , Northern Waters

very long. wave.

4. Boat's arrival has .been reported at BodB

for es'cort by 66th Patrol Vessel Flotilla
as 0800 on 16 July.

5. Report promptly on "MC" time of sailing

from Bogon to Base and Captain U-boats."

V, Ropoi'ts of successes ; None.

VI. U-boat rep orts 2

Short report from U 544 (Pietsch) , first

operation, see Appendix II/8

C Surface forces "

Nothing to report
D. Plans ;


1022 Teleprinter message Most Secret 4870 U 1 received

from. Admiral Commanding U-boats

"In accordance with the proposal of Captain

U-boats Norway a the strength of the 13th U-boat

Flotilla will in future be 5 U-boats more than

that of 1.1th U-boat Flotilla.
The total number of U-boats allotted to the
northern area will not be affected."

E. Survey of the situation ?

Re II (d) ;

D ''The Russians obviously expect minelaying

activity from our U-boats."

Otherwise no comments.

(Signed) Suhren.

15 July, 1944 .-

A. Enemy situation s

I . Air reconnaissance ;

Flieser Fuehrer 5;

l"Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance, route

Banak - Bear Island - Banak from 0358 to 0751,
nothing to report, not exhaustive.

; .


Flieger Fuehrer; 4 s

1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance west of

,{: the Faeroes from 0310 to 0952. Shipping not seen
in Thorshavn harbor because of fog at high altitude.

Flieger Fuehrer 5 ;

i 1 Ju 88 on meteorological reconnaissance to Jan

Mayen from 0245 to 0813. Operation broken off at
0525 in AB 7878 because of engine trouble. Route
80% examined, nothing to report,

II. Reports on the enemy ;

(a) By U-boats' ; None. V.

(b) By air reconnaissance ; None.

(c) By naval forces ; None.

(d) By radio intercept service ;

Norwegian polar coast; few radio messages of ,

high to first priority to submarines in the

operational area.
Iokanka area; minesweepers Nos 103 and 111, .

Gorlo Strait/Archangel area; minesweepers Nos.

53, 106, 110 (Kirkenes took a bearing of 130°
on minesweeper No. 106 at 0852).
Britain; no units intercepted in the Polyarno/
Archangel area.
Hammerfest, Svanvik bearings in the 255° to
:> 262° sector.
Russian radio traffic; in the afternoon
moderate, otherwise slight.
Britain; ncPolyarno/Archangel broadcasts.
At 1100 on 14 July the signal station on
Krestovaya Bay (northwest coast of Novaya
Zcmlya AT 4337) reported freighter "Brama",
course 040°. •

(o) By G . 1 . 3 . s t at ions ; None.

B. U-boats ;

III. U-boat positions and alterations of position ;

(a) Positions at 0800;

Group "Trutz"

U 716 AA 6891 )

U 992 AA 9316 )

U 365 AB 7119 )

U 965 AB 7476 )

U 636 AB 7547 ) ln attack areas, depth

U 956 AB 7841 ) f sweep 30 miles
U 361 AB 7838 )

U 921 AF 1213 )

U 347 AF 1312 )

U 995 AF 1348 )

U 742 AF 2176
U 387 AF 2457
) s ; ; . - .


U 354 AC 12 on special operation.

In p ort;

U 394, 425, 997 Hammerf est;

U 278, 307, 344, 363, 668, 711, 737, 739,
957, 968 Narvik,
U 312, 703 Trondheim,
U 313, 315 Bergen.

(b) U-boats homeward and outward bound :

0145 U 362 put out from Ears tad, at 0800 put In

to TromsB.
2100 U 737 put out from Narvik for BodB.

IV, Current U-boat operat ions s — —

( a ) C onvoy operations t None

( b Operational me asures to intercept enemy


12 boats in formation southeast of Jan Maycn.

( c Special operations by single boats J

U 3 54 (Sthamer) evacuating; meteorological

unit ''Svartisen" from Hope Island. Boat is
trying to circumvent the ice off the Island
and break through to the coast.

•V. Reports of successes ; None.

C. Surface forces

^ Nothing to report.

D. Plans

Conference with Lt Col. Boden and Lt. KBhl of


G.I.S. station, Oslo on operation ''Schneehuhn''

U 307 (Herrle) was detailed to carry out the

The following teleprinter message 6023/44- -was

received from Luftflotte Command 5 A 1 on the
employment of aircraft for ice reconnaissance in
the West Siberian Seas

Most Secret ;

" 1. 3 RV 200 would be necessary for a useful ice

reconnaissance in view of the great distance
and extent of the area in question. This,
however, is precluded by the fuel position.

2, The experiences gained from last year's

operation by BV 138s show that it is not
advisable to use these aircraft again.

. :


In any case, It would be necessary to fit tanks

to 2 BV 138 in Travemiinde. The waste of man-
hours for conversion and tho fuel situation
together would therefore not bo justified.

3. Luftf lotto Command 5 therefore regrets that no

support can be given for U-boat operations this
year. 5 '

The following teleprinter message Most Socrot S.O.s

only 91/44 A Ops was sent to Naval War Staff,
Second Division, C-in-C U-boats Ops. from Captain
U-boats, No rway

"Plans of Captain U-boats, Norway regarding co-

operation of aircraft and U-boats In tho West

,, Siberian Sea i

(a) Aircraft operations air reconnaissance against


expected supply traffic if possible as far east

as Wilkitzki Strait. It Is possible, according (

to the observations of the radio intercept

group on board a U-boat in 1943, that the
appearance of U-boats in Kara Sea would keep
merchant ships in the east. About 3 operations
from Norwegian bases and 1 or 2 reconnaissance
flights using fuelling U-boat, If impossible
without an intermediate landing (BV 222).

(b) U-boat operations U 957, the first reconnais-


sance U-boat will be ready to sail within tho

next few days. Radio intercept group
"Kentmann" is ready to be taken on board U 711,
which will be available for operations on 28
July. 4 more U-boats will operate if reconnais-
sance reports promise success. Permission
requested for operations without aircraft, first
for U 711.
Operational Order for operations against the f

West Siberian Sea route follows."

E. Sur ve y of the situation ;

No comments , , ,

(Signed) Suhren., :

.• .



Most Secret

Sailing Orders .

1. Sailing order for U 921 (Werner).

2. Sailing order for U 995 (Kohntopp).

3. Sailing order for U 739 (Mangold).

. . „




Most Secret

Captain U-boats, Norway On board, 2 July, 1944.

Serial No. - Most Secret 3393 A Ops

Sailing order for U 921 (Werner) .

1. Put out from Narvik on the afternoon of 2 June via

Bogon - Ramsund, report time of sailing from Ramsund
promptly on "MC"

Proceed through Tjcldsund - Andf jord to AB 88, from

Lodingen to Harstad with pilot.
Submarine danger off Andf jord.

3. Operational Order No. 15 for Northern Waters U-boats,

U-boat Northern Waters frequency.

4. Enemy situation In spite of the Channel invasion,


Russian convoys can bo expected while the Russian

offensive against Finland is in progress. Carrier
groups at present appearing in Northern Waters are
attacking our bases and convoys, but we must always
watch for a Russian convoy running at the same time.
Operations against convoys in accordance with Northern
Waters Orders Nos 8 and 10. .

5. Own forces t

(a) U-boats

U-2 *oup Trutz in attack areas, depth of sweep 30

U 711 (Lange) AA 6657, U 307 (Hcrrle) AB 4475,
u 315 (Zollcr) 4768, U 344 (Piotsch) 4495,
u 394 (Borger) 4856, U 716 (Dunkelborg) 7229,
u 992 (Falke) 7324, U 365 (Wedemeycr) 7388,
u 965 (Unvorzagt) 8178, U 956 (Mohs) 8473,
u 63S (Schcndcl) 8493, U 361 (Soidol) 8844.

Special operations U 737 (Brasack) North Spitsbergen.

(b) The German Air Force will carry out reconnaissance

against convoys only if definite information of
sailing is available and then only if cloud cover
Is more than 7/l0
Daily meteorological flights Trondhoim (or Banak) -
Jan May en and Banak - Bear Island - 75° N, 5° E
(or Hope Island) - Banak.

p.p. Roche






Most Secret

Captain U-boats , Norway On board,, 3 July, 1944,

Serial No. - Most Secret
3405 - A Ops.

order for U 995 (Kohntopp)

1. Put out from Narvik for Bogen at 1900 on 3 July.

Report time of sailing from there promptly on "MC",
with information as to whether refuelling in Harstad
will be necessary.

2. Proceed via Tjeldsund - Andf jord to AB 88, with pilot

from LBdingen to Harstad, Submarine danger off

Andf jord,

3. Operational Order No. 15, Northern Waters frequency.

4. Enemy situation In spite of the Channel invasion,


Russian convoys can be expected while the Russian

offensive against Finland Is In progress Carrier .

groups at present appearing in Northern Waters are

attacking our bases and convoys, but we must always
watch for a Russian convoy running at the same time.
Operations against convoys in accordance with Northern
Waters Orders Nos. 8 and 10.

5. Own forces i

(a) J-boats l

Group Trutz in attack a reas, depth of sweep 30

miles %

U 711 (Lange) AA 6657, U 307 (Herrlc) AB 4475,

U 315 (Zoller) 4768, U 344 (Pietsch) 4495,
U 394 (Borger) 4856, U 716 (Dunkelberg) 7229,
U 992 (Falke) 7324, U 365 (Wodomeyer) 7388,
U 965 (Unverzagt) '8178, U 956 (Mohs) 8473,
U 636 (Schendol) 8493, U 361 (Seidcl) 8844.

Group has been ordered to move 40 miles, course

:oo l

at 1600 on 3 July (except "Lange" and "Herrlc").

Special operation; U 737 (Brasack) North Spitsbergen.

U 921 (Werner) will put out from Andf jord at 1500

on 3 July, U 742 (Schwassmann) will put out from
Narvik at 2000, U 7 (dc Buhr) has orders to put
out from Narvik. All 3 boats vvill proceed to AB 88.
U 354 (Sthamer) has orders to put out from TromsB
for AG 88


(b) The German Air Force will carry out rcconnaissanco

against convoys only if definite information of
sailing is available and then only if cloud cover I;
more than 7/10
Daily meteorological flights Trondheim (or Banak) -
Jan Maycn and Banak - Bear Island - 75' N 5° E (or

Hope Island) - Banak.

p.p. Reche.


. .




Most Secret

Captain U-boats Norway , On board, 7 'July, 1944.

Serial No. - Most Secret
3497 - A Ops

Sailing order for U 759 (Ma ngold).

1. Put out from Narvik on the "afternoon of 7 July

through Tjeldsund to Harstad, from Lodlngen with

2. Put out from Harstad at 0000 on 8 July through

Andf jord to AP 22, Economical cruising speed.
Submarine danger off Andf jord,

3. Operational order No. 15, Northern Waters frequency.

Radio silence in the formation except to report
major targets, attacks or if spotted. Procedure in
accordance with Order No. 8.

4. Enemy situation ;

(a) In view of the Russian offensive against Finland*

Russian convoys can be expected in spite of the
Channel invasion. We intend to intercept and
attack them in accordance with Northern Waters
Orders Nos 8 and 10. .

(b) Aircraft carriers and enemy submarines can always

be expected in the operational area. Opportunities
for attack!

5. Own forces ;

(a) 12 U-boats forming group "Trutz" in attack areas,

depth of sweep 30 miles

U 307 (Herrle) AA 6944, u 716 (Dunkelberg) 6992,

U 992 (Falke) AB 7143, u 365 (Wedemeyor) 7416,
U 965 (Unverzagt) 7511, u 636 (Schendel) 7574,
U 956 (Mohs) 7592, u 361 (Seidel) 7866,
U 921 (Werner) 7956, u 347 (do Buhr) AF 1327,
U 995 (Kohntopp) 2119, u 742 (Schwas s mann)AF 2421.

The 6 westerly U-boats will remain submerged from

0000 to 1250, the 6 easterly boats from 1200 to
0030, Irregular courses, economical speed.
3 U-boats on return passages U 711 (Lange) and
U 344 (Pictsch) from AB 73 to Andf jord - Narvik,
U 394 (Borger) to Hammerfest,


(b) TheGerman Air Force will carry out reconnaissance

against convoys only if definite Information of
sailing is available and then only if cloud cover is
more than 7/10.
Daily meteorological flights Trondheim (or Banak) -
Jan May en and Banak - Bear Island - 75° N, 5° E (or
Hope Island) - Banak.

p.p. Reche



Most Secret

Short reports

1. Short report from U 363 (Nees), first operation,

2. Short report from IJ 313 (Schweiger )

, fourth operation,

3. Short report from U 394 (Borger), first operation,

4. Short report from U 737 (Brasack), seventh operation.

5. Addendum to short report from U 394 (Borger), first


6. Short report from U 315 (Zoller), fourth operation.

7. Short report from U 711 (Lange), sixth operation,

8. Short report from U 344 (Pietsch), first operation.

. ,




Most Secret

Teleprinter message ;

1. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops

2. Emergency. Admiral Commanding U-boats.

3. Emergency. For Information Naval War Staff, First


4. Emergency. For Information 11th U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message.

Red - Most Secret .

. Short report from U 565 (Nees) 5 |

first operation .

21 May, 1944 Put out from Kiel.

23 May Put in to Kristlansand (South)

Readiness boat for group Central.

27 May Put out from Kristiansand,

28 May Put in to Bergen.

Drafted to 11th U-boat Flotilla.

29 May Put out from Bergen via inner leads with

escort to AF 6741.
Proceeded to AF 68 to join group "Trutz".

From 2 Juno Various patrol linos, nothing sighted.

15 June Petrol line AB 4828 to AF 2216.

20 June "Naxos" location in AB 8487, submerged.

25 June Set off to patrol line AB 7455 to AF 1529

after report of carrier-borne aircraft.
"Naxos" location in AB 8484, submerged.
Proceeded at high speed to new patrol line
AB 5299 - 6772.
Aircraft sighted in AB 7686, unobserved.
Proceeded to patrol line AB 5471 - 8694.

26 June Proceeded to attack area AB 7768. "Naxos"

location in AB 8413, submerged.

28 June AB 7855. Naxos" location in AB 7852,


submerged. "Naxos" location In AB 7862,

submerged.'- Put in to Narvik on 29 June.

. .


No attack followed location. Did not

submerge for 2 locations on 26 June, no
attack. ".Schreyer'L last seen in AB 9779 at
2300 on 1 June

22 June At 1944 heard .4. or 5 short, sharp explosions.

Intervals between them about | to 1 second.
Presumably bombs on neighboring boat "Schreyer".

Comments by Captain U-boats, Norway .

Operation without any special feature or- possibility of


Captain U-boats ,_ Norway -"Most Secret 5468 -

A Ops.





Most Secret

Teleprinter message :

1. Emergency, Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-In~C

U-boats Ops
--2. Emergency.- Admiral Commanding U-boats .

3. Emergency. For information Naval War Staff, First

4. Emergency. For information 11th U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message.

Red - Most Secret .

Short re po rt^ fromjj 515 (Schwolgor) . fourth operation

30 May ut out from ^^ik
5 at 0100, made for AB 89
Mectric compressor not clear up to 180 ke
per cu. cm. & *

Proceeded to patrol line AB 8670.

31 May Proceeded to AB 6610, then AB 3880.

2 to 6 June Proceeded via position lines to patrol

m AB 4810.

7 June Proceeded to AB 7960,

14 June Ju-compressor unserviceable.
15 June Proceeded to AB 7310.
20 June Proceeded to AB 4890„
22 June AB 4850.
23 June Attack area AB 4473.
At 0200 operated on carrier group or
eastbound convoy. Nothing sighted.
At 1000 proceeded to new patrol line AB
At 1300 proceeded to AB 5370. Operation on
carrier group or convoy ended.
26 June Proceeded to attack area AA 6942.
27 June AA 6994,
28 June Returning. At 1640 in AF 5628 submerging
submarine with large white right corner



the'forward edge of the conning tower

(camouflage striping?). Very broad conning
tower. No recognition signal.
... Presumably

1 July Put in to Molde at 1600.

3 July Put In to Bergen. No other enemy- sighting

before 30 June.

Comments by Captain U-boats, Norway .

Operation carried out by thoroughly sound commander , no

special feature or possibility of success.

Captain U-boats, Norway - Most Secret 5496 - A Ops







Most Secret

Teleprinter mess age;

1. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops

2. Emergency o Admiral Commanding U-boats.

3. Emergency. For information Naval War Staff, First


4. Emergency. For Information 11th U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message.

Most Secret

Short report from U 594 (Borger), first operation .

2 June Put out from Narvik.

8 July Put in to Hammerfest,

Proceeded via AB 9530 to AF 2440 as safety

service vessel for special aircraft on 3
June. Positions in patrol line; 4-6
AB 8836, 7 June AB 8495, 8 - 15 June AF 2674
16 - 20 June AF 2216, 21 - 22 June AB 8793,
23 - 24 June AB 8615, 25 June AB 8295,
29 June - 1 July AB 4864. Attack areas, 30
miles depth of sweeps 27 June AB 7855,
28 June AB 7768, 1-3
July AB 4856, 4-5
July AB 7129, 6 July AB 7416.

23 June Unsuccessful attack on suspected PQ, convoy

in AB 7600, no experiences.

Comments by Captain U-boats ;

Operation with no possibility of success and no special


Captain U-boats, Norway - Most Secret 5558 - A Ops.


. . . .


appendix ii/4


copy :;

k ;•:' Most Secret

Teleprinter message ;

1. Emergency. Naval, War Staff, Second Division,, C-in-C

U-boats Ops.

2. Emergency, Admiral' '"Commanding "U-boats.


: •' — • '—-- '-•'•

5. Emergency. ..For information Naval. War Staff, First


.4, Emergency. For information 6th U-boat Flotilla.

5. Emergency. For information 13th U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message.

Most Secret .

Short report from U 757 (Brasack), seventh operation ,

(second part) .

27 June 1944 Put out from TromsB with meteorological

shore transmitter "Edwin"

7 July Put in to Hammerfest.

8 July Put in to TromsB.

9 July Put in to Narvik.

30 June Reached landing place in North Spitsbergen

beside "Kreuzritter" station at 1600.
Station ready for evacuation^ the leader,
Inspector Knoospel, fatally Injured in an
explosion on the same day, (Presumably
premature failure in slow-burning fuse.)
From 1600 to 2300, set up "Edwin near
"Krouzritter" station. Then dismantled the
station and embarked the unit.

1 July Military funeral for Inspector Knoospel at

1200 carried out by crew of U 737.
At 1500 cast off from main station in
LIcfde Bay (Position 12) to evacuate sub-
station at Position 13 (Red Bay)
From 2020 to 2221 ran on to unsuspected
rocks in the entrance to Red Bay. No major
At 1800 took sets on board and closed down
"Kreuzrittcr" (1 officer and 10 mon)



"Kreuzritter" made an excellent impression

after a 9 months' stay at the Station.
Return passage,

5 July Prom 2300 to 0200 on 6 July landed on Bear

Island and eliminated faults which had
appeared in meteorological transmitter
No contact with the enemy. Navigational
report to competent stations follows.
"Kreuzritter" disembarked in TromsB.

Comments by Captain U-boats, Norway ;

Landing operations carried out skillfully according to

plan by reliable Northern Waters commander in areas where
there Is little danger from the- enemy.

Captain U-boats, Norway - Most Secret 5572 --A Ops. .





Most Secret

Teleprinter message ;

1. Emergency, Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops

2. Emergency . Admiral Commanding U-boats.

3. Emergency. For information Naval Vifar Staff, First


4. Emergency. For Information 11th U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message.

Most Secret .

Addendum to short report from U 594 (Border)

first operation .

Reference Captain U-boats, Norway Most Secret 3538 A Ops

of 10 July.

29 April Put out from Kiel with escort.

1 May Put in to Arendal. (South Norway.)

Readiness U-boat for U-boat group Central.

15 May Put out from Arendal. In convoy to Bergen,

put in there on 16 May.

18 May Put out from Bergon.

25 May Put in to Narvik.

Proceeded via AN 2331, AF 7635, 4694,

2832, Westf jord. From 22 May to 23 May
AF 49. In AF 51 strong enemy air forces,
on 22 May warded off depth charge attack
from "Catalina ;i

Captain U -b oats, Norway Most Secret - 5558 2nd Issue

A Ops.

. .




Most Secret

Teleprinter message s.

1. Emergency. 'Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops.

2. Emergency., Admiral Commanding U-boats.

3. Emergency. For information Naval War Staff, First

4. Emergency .

For information. 11th U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message. :..

Yellow _
- Most Secr et.

Short report from U 515 (Zoller), fourth operation .


30 May 1944 Put out from Hammer f est'.

10 July Put in to Bergen.

30 May Joined group "Grimm"

At 2326 .2: U-boats reported sighting carrier


31 May Made for AB 6256 as ordered at maximum speed.

At Q740 in AB 9241 alarm because of land-

based aircraft (type not Identified), bearing
360°, range 10,000 meters, nearly head-on,
modi urn altitude.

2 June Joined group "Trutz" . In various patrol lines,

enemy not sighted.

22 June At 1712 In AB 7636 alarm because of carrier-

borne aircraft, bearing 130°, range 12,000
meters, medium altitude, nearly head-on.
Brief hydrophone bearing in 280°, reported by
short signal after submerging, aircraft in
At 1920 in AB 7636 alarm because of carrier-
borne aircraft, bearing 260°, range 10,000
meters, medium altitude, nearly head-on. 10
minutes later dull explosion in the distance,
hydrophone bearing in 270°, aircraft still in
periscope. Made for hydrophone bearing which
quickly faded.



At 2010 destroyer 'sighted, bearing 190°, range

14 miles, course about 060°, speed 14 knots.
At 2025 second hydrophone bearing in 210°.
3 carrier-borne aircraft in same direction.
Presumed formation to be on northeasterly
course. Proceeded towards it.
At 2100 destroyer on southwesterly course,
lost to sight. No more hydrophone bearings.
3 or 4 carrier-borne aircraft seen .continuously
until 2240. After surfacing reported destroyer.
Operated on probable convoy area in direction
of recently ordered patrol line.

23 June At 0555 in AB 8171 alarm because of flying

boat (possibly BV), bearing 180°, range 12,000
meters , medium altitude, nearly head-on.
: -

At 0643 in AB 8144 alarm because of flying

boat (possibly BV), bearing 330°, range 15,000
meters, medium altitude, approaching.

23 June
3 July In various patrol lines

3 July Returned to Bergen via Trondheim.

Comments by .Captain U-boats', Norway :'

"Operation without any special feature by otherwise

reliable U-boat, Carrier unit on 22 June probably turned
off ahead of the formation."

Captain U-boats Norway - Most. Secret 5612 - A Ops .

" . . ,


APPENDIX 1 1/7 '


Most Secret

Teleprinter messa ges

1. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops.

2. Emergency. Admiral Commanding. ;U~boats .

3. Emergency/ For information Naval War Staff, First

Division. l

4. Immediate.- For information" 13th U-boat Flotilla,

Clear as multipl-e address message.

Most Secret .


Short report from U 711 (Lange ),


sixth operation .

30 May 1944 Put out from Narvik. '—-

8 July Put in to Narvik.

Proceeded to attack area. AB 8913.

31 May From 0400 to 2000 on 4 June operated on',

carrier group reported by "He'llwig" , "Scha'ar"
"Schwassmann" , proceeded via AB 6226, AB
5296 to .AB:. 8113. '.'.....:,.:.'.

2 June' At 0320 in AB 6225 sighted thick periscope

range 1,200 meters. Looked like German sky-
search periscope, first turned away, then
towards it to fire T 5 torpedo. Lost to
:„_..,;. J-, sight... Submbrgod and operated on electric
motor noises, no periscope observation.
Abandoned run-in and reported by radio.
4-7 June In patrol line in AB 8127,

8-15 June AB 8766.

13 June At 2033 in AB 8772 "Catalina", range 8,000
meters, altitude 2,000 meters, course 080°,

From 15 June In new patrol line in AB 7354.

15 June At 2334 starboard propeller damaged when

taking on medical officer from "Horrle"

From 20 June AB 7311.


22 June At 1304 in AB 7311 "Liberator' range .8,0.00


meters, high, altitude course 240°.


At 1341 5 aircraft, type not identified, range

10,000 meters, low. altitude, "Naxos" location.
At 1605 2' aircraft "approaching, probably
"Fulmars", range 9,000 meters, low altitude.

23 June From 0000 to 1200 operated on destroyer reported

by "Zoller".

From 24 June In patrol line- A3 5725

26 June Attack area AA 6994.

27 June AA 6942.
At 1247 "Naxos" location becoming very loud,
At 1500 "Wanze". location, 180 mc/s fluctuating, ,

very loud at times. "Aphrodite" set adrift to

mislead aircraft. No run-in.
At 1605 "Wanze" location, 180 mc/s as It grew ,

louder set "Aphrodite" adrift.

From 29 June At 1200 In patrol line AB 4411.

From 1 July Attack" area AA 6657.

6 July Returned.
"~- "---'---'•'-
Drifting mines:-

30 May A3 8951
31 May AB 8681
3 June AB 6155
7 June AB 7383
15 June A3 8748
7 July AB 8669

Comments by Captain U-boats,, Norway ;

"Operation without any opportunity for the outstanding

commander to attack."

Captain U-boats, Norway - Most Secret 5615 - A Ops .





Most Secret

Teleprinter message ;

1. Emergency. Naval War Staff, Second Division, C-in-C

U-boats Ops

2. Emergency. Admiral Commanding U-boats.

3. Emergency. For information Naval War Staff, First



4. Emergency, For information 11th U-boat Flotilla.

Clear as multiple address message.

Most Secret .

Short report from U 544 (Pietsch), f irs.t operation :

. .

20 May 1944 Put out from Bergen.

27 May Put in to Narvik.

31 May Put out from Narvik.

8 July Put in to Narvik. :i!


20 - 27 May Moved from Bergen to Narvik via AF 84, 81,

57, 55. Very strong forces of enemy aircraft
('feunderlands' in AF 57/55, avoided 2 aircraft

while surfaced, seven alarms. No locations,

no attacks. For 3 hours observed flying boat
over place of submerging-.

24 May In AF 5516 at 0720 6 loud explosions on

starboard quarter.

23 May In AF 5319 at 0720 4 dull explosions. astern. .

1 June Reached AB 6560, joined group "Trut-z" in

patrol line ,.,

2-3 June Proceeded southwest in patrol line,

3 June In AB 6717 submerged because of continuous

"Naxos" location, periodicity 40 seconds.
Further locations after surfacing, suspected
own Interference, remained on surface, nothing
sighted, no attack.

4-6 June In patrol line AB 8540.

. . . .


7 22 June In various patrol lines AB 2270, 8720, 8440.

Enemy not sighted.

Since 15 June Ju-compressor out of action (total failure),

tear in cylinder liner.

22 June In AB 8841 at 1718 carrier-borne aircraft

(bi-plane.) .At 1936 in AB 8484 2 carrier-
. .

borne aircraft of the same type. Submerged;,

hydrophone bearings In same direction .as
aircraft. Diesel and turbine. Followed up
hydrophone bearing on the surface, submerged
again because of carrier-borne aircraft.
Hydrophone bearing agreed with Zoller"'s ,,

report. Lost contact.

23 to 25 June New position line AB 8216.

26 June to
5 July Various attack areas northeast and southeast

of Jan May en.'

30 June -
2 July Port Diesel not working. Another cylinder
liner tear in 36 hours

6 July.--I:-.'.. Return "p-ass age commenced-.

Drifting mines ;

5 June AB 8551
10 June AF. 2193.
14 June :

AF 2277
15 June AF 8487 .

20 June AB 8441
23 June AB 8138
26 June AB 7621
7 July AB .9711 presumably German
"meteorological transmitting
buoy 106"

3*7 cm. anti-aircraft; mostly only semi- automatically clear.

Main reason: rammer was not released, therefore only 1

shot at a time.

Comments by Captain U-boats^' Norway ;

First operation by this U-boat without any special features

or chances of success.

Captain U-boats, Norway - Most Secret 5627 - A Ops.


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