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A Soft Exosuit For Flexible Upper-Extremity Rehabilitation

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8, AUGUST 2018

A Soft Exosuit for Flexible

Upper-Extremity Rehabilitation
Steven Lessard , Pattawong Pansodtee, Ash Robbins, James M. Trombadore,
Sri Kurniawan, and Mircea Teodorescu

Abstract — For stroke survivors and many other people life by limiting both their psychological and physical capabil-
with upper-extremity impairment, daily life can be difficult ities. Treatments such as Graded Motor Imagery and mirror
without properly functioning arms. Some modern physical therapy have been previously discovered to benefit those
therapy exercises focus on rehabilitating people with these
troubles by correcting patients’ perceptions of their own with diminished motor function [2], [3]. These rehabilitative
body to eventually regain complete control and strength techniques focus on visual feedback for the user to promote the
over their arms again. Augmentative wearable robots, such regaining and restrengthening of the patient’s arm movements.
as the upper-extremity exoskeletons and exosuits, may be This mirror technique can provide therapy for improving a
able to assist in this endeavor. A common drawback in many stroke survivor’s motor system. A technique that creates this
of these exoskeletons, however, is their inability to conform
to the natural flexibility of the human body without a rigid visual demonstration of movement through physical action can
base. We have built one such exosuit to address this chal- consequently achieve the same desired effect as traditional
lenge: Compliant Robotic Upper-extremity eXosuit (CRUX). manual therapy but with a higher degree of precision immune
This robot is a compliant, lightweight, multi-DoF, portable to a practitioner’s inherent human error due to the use of a
exosuit that affords its wearer the ability to augment them- robotic guide [4], [5]. Therapists can use these strategies as
selves in many unconventional settings (i.e. outside of a
clinic). These attributes are largely achieved by using a the primary mode for rehabilitation of a patient or they can
modified tensegrity design situated according to measured employ them in conjunction with other methods as well.
lines of minimal-extension, where a network of tension Wearable robots, such as soft exoskeletons (“exosuits”),
members provide a foundation to apply augmentative forces can promote this treatment through the augmentation and
via precisely placed power-lines. In this paper, we detail the subsequent retraining of the nervous system. The goals of
design process of CRUX, the report on CRUX’s prototypical
composition, and describe the mimetic control algorithm Graded Motor Imagery and mirror therapy stem from the
used. We also discuss the results of three studies that combination of moving the physical self along with reward
illustrate the efficacy of CRUX’s mimetic controller, CRUX’s signals in the brain representing that the action was properly
flexibility and compliance, and the metabolic cost reduction completed. An exosuit can theoretically meet this need by
when users exercise with assistance from CRUX as opposed augmenting movements that would otherwise be manipulated
to without. We conclude this paper with a summary of our
findings, potential use cases for this technology, and the by a physical therapist. However, a critical roadblock that
direction of future related work. impedes the design of many wearable robots, including these
potential exosuits, is creating a device which conforms to the
Index Terms — Exosuits, human-robot interaction,
medical robotics. nuances of the human body, specifically its hybrid soft-rigid
structure and consequential flexibility and compliance.

I. I NTRODUCTION B. Bio-Inspired Design

A. Bilateral Therapy for Stroke Survivors The human musculoskeletal system, through many genera-
tions of evolution, has optimized the structure of arms to excel

S TROKE affects almost 800, 000 Americans each year

and is the fourth highest cause of death in the US [1].
Although some treatment options and therapy do exist, for
at manipulating in a redundant workspace. The aforementioned
evolution has accomplished this goal through the creation of
a hybrid soft-rigid structure. Bones are nested within a tensile
many survivors, stroke permanently inhibits their quality of network of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia to create a
compliant body. Tensegrity structures demonstrate this design
Manuscript received November 13, 2017; revised May 7, 2018 and
June 17, 2018; accepted July 5, 2018. Date of publication July 9, 2018; philosophy and have been used previously to construct bio-
date of current version August 7, 2018. (Corresponding author: inspired arms [6]–[9]. Traditional tensegrity structures use
Steven Lessard.) rod-shaped compression elements nested within a network of
S. Lessard, P. Pansodtee, A. Robbins, J. M. Trombadore, and
M. Teodorescu are with the Department of Computer Engineering, cables (tension elements). Each tension member connects the
University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064 USA end points of two rods together. Each end point of a rod
(e-mail: has at least one tension member connected to it and is not
S. Kurniawan is with the Department of Computational Media, Univer-
sity of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064 USA. theoretically limited by an upper-bound on the number of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNSRE.2018.2854219 connected tension members. The combination of these two

1534-4320 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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Fig. 2. An OpenSim [13] simulation of a biceps curl. These simulations

produced quantitative evidence regarding the antagonistic nature of
many upper-extremity muscles as well as their expected force and
moment outputs as they perform an exercise.

Fig. 1. CRUX: a soft, lightweight (1.3kg), robotic exosuit for

upper-extremity augmentation that does not significantly inhibit the flexi-
bility of its user. This exosuit can be controlled using a modular backplate
to augment one arm according to the pose of the other.

components and the stated rules yields tension-based structural

integrity. In the tensegrity robots such as Lessard et. al’s
manipulators, actuation is generated through the contraction
of tension elements that compose the structure itself. Like-
wise, the human body generates forces and moves itself by
contracting muscles anchored to rigid bones.
At the center of this force generation are antagonistic pairs.
An antagonistic pair is two muscles, one agonist and its
relative antagonist, that pull opposite to one other. When
an agonist muscle contracts and shortens, the corresponding
antagonistic muscle lengthens inversely proportionally. This Fig. 3. An OpenSim [13] simulation of the fiber length and moment of
phenomenon can be quantified by examining the net torque triceps and biceps from a biceps curl shown in Figure 2. The relationship
produced by the muscles about the joint. Agonist and antago- exhibited by these two muscles illustrates an antagonistic duality, where
the activity of one muscle is inversely proportional to the other.
nist muscles regulate this torque with respect to gravity such
that the joint as a whole is stabilized in the reference frame of
the body [10]. As a result, antagonistic muscle pairs can do
directly influence system construction, control algorithms, and
work at a linear rate despite the non-linear properties inherent
potential use cases.
to the muscles themselves [11]. Using the MoBL-ARMS [12]
OpenSim [13] simulation, the antagonist relationship between
the biceps and triceps while executing a biceps curl can be C. Exoskeletons and Exosuits
observed. Figure 2 shows the simulation at three different time The mechanical augmentation of humans has been an area
steps and distinguishes the fibers of the biceps and triceps. of extensive research in the past decade. Passive and quasi-
Figure 3 shows the change in fiber lengths and the moment passive exoskeletons and exosuits have been shown to reduce
required to execute a biceps curl. From these figures, it can workload for users equipped with the device [14], [15]. Back
be observed that the biceps and triceps act inversely to each and posture supporting exoskeletons are supporting indus-
other and in fact form an antagonistic pair, consistent with the trial workers and promoting faster rehabilitation [16], [17].
findings of Solomonow et al. and Gordon and Ghez. The fiber Wearable augmentative gloves are augmenting grasping and
length of the triceps increases as the fiber length of the biceps dexterous movement [18], [19]. Lower-extremity exoskeletons
decreases. The moment about the elbow created by the biceps and exosuits have been developed for gait assistance and
is positive while the moment created by the triceps about the leg augmentation [20], [21]. Upper-extremity exoskeletons
elbow is negative. have been developed for numerous purposes centered around
Both the tensegrity models as well as the antagonistic assisting a user through force generation. Training wearable
muscle pair simulations provide insight on force generation devices, such as MAXFAS, improve users’ gun handling tech-
within humans and how such a mechanism can be applied to nique [22]. Other exoskeletons, such as the (CADEN)-7 [23],
hybrid soft-rigid systems. Specifically, these simulations can provide augmentation for the sake of bilateral rehabilitation

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exercises. These designs and others like them have provided we examine one subset of potential CRUX users who may
a foundation upon which other upper-extremity exoskeletons benefit the most from the exosuit. Users who have single-arm
can be developed. For example, the wearable robots from impairment are likely to benefit from or even have already
Tsagarakis et al. [24] and Galiana et al. [25] provide upper undergone Graded Motor Imagery and mirror therapy. Both of
extremity augmentation through the use of compliant mate- these physical therapy techniques demonstrate an immediate
rials. Additionally, exosuits like that of Lessard et al. [26], use case for CRUX. The impaired users we recruited would
Simpson et al. [27], and O’Neill et al. [28] have minimized therefore be able to provide the most meaningful preliminary
the mass and increased the mobility of exosuits to decrease the commentary and feedback on the device given that CRUX was
functional overhead required for compliant augmentation in designed for bilateral mimicry (a necessary feature for both
the upper-extremity. Specifically, the design by Simpson et al. mirror therapy and Graded Motor Imagery). This demographic
features a set of straps that anchor a unilateral device against of users also typically possessed enough upper-extremity
the torso at the waistline and the chest line of the wearer. strength to manually override unwarranted or unsafe actuation
A fabric-based vest is used by ONeill et al. to anchor soft if necessary.
cruciate linkages to the actuator in the users armpit. Both of The primary focuses of CRUX necessary to address single-
these designs use pneumatic actuation to augment users. The arm impairment are its features that augment users without
exosuit by Lessard et al. however, uses a full neoprene jacket significantly sacrificing wearer mobility and flexibility. These
with additional tensile components as a tension-based anchor attributes allow users to wear CRUX, a textile-based robot,
on the user’s torso. Although these devices have provided more like clothing than a traditional exoskeleton or other
important advances towards the goal of improved upper- restrictive wearable robot. As a result, users can theoreti-
extremity therapy, they also highlight the need for further cally don and wear CRUX in “unconventional” settings and
development for new flexible and compliant designs that can environments, such as for highly dexterous and contorting
conform to the nonlinear human body while still providing tasks or simply when at-home. In situations like these, rigid
meaningful augmentation. designs may over-constrain the user, or potentially obstruct
To address this need, we have redesigned and upgraded motion that could be accomplished normally. Flexible robots
CRUX (the Compliant Robotic Upper-extremity eXosuit). We are also more appealing as wearable devices to users than
originally created CRUX for relatively simple compliant, light- rigid robots. Prior studies have shown that intuitive physical
weight augmentation of the arms [26]. Now we additionally interfaces and comfortable fit are significant factors in assistive
introduce the modifications to CRUX that have given it a more device usability and abandonment [29].
flexible structure and more robust control to achieve more To design an exosuit that achieves these goals, we performed
augmentable actions for users than before. three steps: motion capture to identify lines of minimal exten-
The remainder of this paper is divided into three sections: sion in the upper extremity, deriving a cable map from those
the System Design, the Results and Discussion, and the lines, and prototyping the exosuit.
Conclusion. In the System Design section, we illustrate the
methodology for designing CRUX which uses motion capture
and subsequent cable mapping that reflects the morphology A. Identifying the Lines of Minimal Extension
motion-captured user. We then introduce the mechanics that We define lines of minimal extension as those where the
afford CRUX its multi-DoF actuation for greater arm move- skin shears the least as the body moves. Previous literature
ment. Then we demonstrate an implemented controller that has discussed using lines of non-extension for the design
allows CRUX to mimic arm movement bilaterally, a tech- of counterpressure suits [30], [31]. We differentiate lines of
nique critical to the aforementioned Graded Motor Imagery minimal extension from lines of non-extension to account for
and mirror therapy. In the Results and Discussion section, variations we found between specific test subjects and their
we subsequently discuss the quantitative and qualitative results body types when identifying the lines.
obtained when a group of participants individually use CRUX To identify these lines, we first performed motion capture
to perform specific exercises and test the capabilities of the to quantify the surface morphology of the arms (Figure 4A).
exosuit. These tests cover three specific criteria: the efficacy We began by selecting a characteristic subject to serve as
of the on-board controller and algorithm, the flexibility and a template for CRUX. Although CRUX is primarily designed
compliance of the exosuit, and the metabolic impact of the to assist users with single-arm impairment, the characteristic
exosuit. In the final section of the paper, the Conclusion, subject we chose was unimpaired. This decision was made for
we summarize our design, results, and the impact they may three reasons: to allow CRUX to fit more users, to be safer,
have on future soft wearable robots. and to avoid exhausting our limited pool of impaired users.
Unimpaired users tended to be more flexible than their
impaired counterparts and for that reason, a test which uses
a healthier subject for designing a particular cable map will
When designing CRUX, we identified our target demo- yield a design safer for others to use. Although future exosuits
graphic as users with single-arm impairment. Single-arm may be custom-fit and personalized to one person, we used a
impairment is a prevalent medical issue and exosuits can single exosuit for all of our tests. For that reason, we chose
potentially address this need. Additionally, by studying users to create a template produced by one, healthy individual for
with single-arm impairment, particularly stroke survivors, repeated use.

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that test only. A greater number of impaired subjects in that

experiment yields more credible findings.
The recruited test subject sported one of two thin elastane
garments equipped with IR-reflective tracking dots. This sub-
ject then performed a series of movements (to eventually be
augmented by the exosuit) in which they stretched the joint
covered by that garment to the fullest extent of their range
of motion. The subject then donned a second garment and
fully expressed their range of motion for the joint represented
by the second garment. The first garment covered the elbow
and forearm and the second garment covered the shoulder and
Table I details the range of motion of the user during motion
capture. The user performed each listed exercise 5 times with
constant tempo before beginning the next exercise. During
each exercise, the user was told to fully stretch their respective
joint during each movement iteration.
Four cameras which surrounded the user during the stretch-
ing captured the movement in 3D space. From these record-
ings, we identified the parts of the fabric which moved the least
during the test. Parts of the arm which stretched more during
motion capture rendered yellower in the resulting graphic and
parts which stretched less rendered darker. The darkest lines in
Figure 4A are the lines of minimal-extension. As a result, rigid
elements of the exosuit were placed to be as perpendicular to
the yellower lines and as parallel to the darker lines as possible.
Fig. 4. The methodology for designing CRUX required us to identify
We developed CRUX around the subsequently acquired
and quantify the lines of minimal extension upon the skin using motion measurements and found from post-study surveys that most
capture (A). In this figure, the elastane fabric is fitted for the elbow and users found the exosuit to fit well enough to augment them
forearm. A separate garment is used for the shoulder and upper-arm.
From the obtained lines of minimal extension, we determined where to
without major inhibition.
situate anchored parts of the exosuit and the exact paths to place Bowden The process to identify the lines of minimal extension on
cable tendons (B). A prototype of the design was implemented and tested a body can be repeated for any person. This allows future
on users from relevant demographics (C).
exosuits to be trivial to customize in size according to that
particular person’s dimensions and lines of minimal extension.
Any user who has been examined via motion capture can
Additionally, tests that require users to fully express their immediately receive their own personalized map of lines of
range of motion through stretching, like that required in the minimal extension from which a unique cable mapping and
motion capture experiments, are inherently the most likely to exosuit structure can be created. This can be done because
induce hyperextension and inappropriate muscle strain. For when tracked users move while wearing the elastane garments,
unimpaired users, this risk is minimal, but impaired users face a unique map detailing that user’s lines of minimal extension
a greater likelihood of injury. is produced. These lines of minimal extension are annotated on
By reserving our pool of impaired subjects for the separate fabric (in the case of CRUX, a neoprene base-layer)
metabolic tests described in the Results and Discussion for eventual construction. One important factor of producing
section, we improve the quality and reliability of the results user-unique maps is ensuring that the elastane garment used
discussed therein. Stroke survivors with single arm neglect for initial tracking fits and stretches for the user as well as
is a very restricting criterion for recruitment and to ensure their potential unique exosuit would. So, if a user requires
that there were enough impaired users for the aforementioned a larger or smaller elastane tracking garment, the lines of
augmentation experiment, we reserved their participation for minimal extension map fitted for that user should not be

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produced on a differently sized base-layer just as one would

not wear ill-fitting clothes.

B. Cable Map
From these aforementioned lines of minimal-extension,
we wanted to identify ideal routes for tension elements to pull
along the body. These tension routes would provide a specific
path for cables to adhere to and pull along when contracted
by a motor. Our priority was developing paths to guide cables
that augmented the largest and most influential muscles and
muscle groups of the upper-extremity (namely, those in the
shoulder, upper arm, and forearm).
To identify these muscles and muscle groups, we consulted
past studies on upper-extremity muscular strength in stroke-
survivors. Ikai and Fukunaga have observed that muscular
cross-sectional area accurately predicts muscle strength [32].
Further principal component analysis and cluster analysis by
Bohannon and Andrews have additionally shown the impact
of stroke-induced paresis on upper-extremity movement in the Fig. 5. Power-lines, composed of flexible aramid cable threaded through
upper arm and forearm [33]. Additionally, Motricity Index, segments of rigid Bowden housing, channel power from the motors
a measure of motor function in muscles, has been found to be to actuate the exosuit. Seven power-lines on each arm dictate user
augmentation by assisting the muscle groups highlighted in Figure 4B.
a valid indicator of paretic upper-extremity strength in stroke The combination of tension members (i.e. the aramid cables and the neo-
survivors [34]. prene base layer) and compression members (e.g. housing segments)
Using these findings, we then isolated relevant arm move- function similarly to tensegrity structures.
ments according to motion primitives: movements achievable
in one, unique degree-of-freedom. We specifically chose to
augment humeral rotation (in and out), elbow flexion and On top of the elastic tensegrity-inspired base layer, cables
extension, wrist pronation and supination, lateral shoulder are pulled along the described routes (Figure 4B), acting
raise, and forward shoulder raise and lower. We chose not to as tendons in our tension-based augmentation exosuit. These
explicitly augment lateral shoulder lowering as gravity already cables are guided along each arm by anchored segments of
provided enough force to achieve this motion when users were rigid Bowden cable housing. This combination of a cable
upright. and its associated housing is called a power-line (Figure 5).
One issue we noticed that hindered the mobility and pota- Since there are seven cables planned for each arm of the
bility of prior upper-extremity exosuit designs was the need exosuit, there are fourteen power-lines outlined during the
for a structural base. Augmentation of the upper-extremity is cable mapping process.
particularly challenging because unlike the lower-extremities Each power-line is at maximum length when the associ-
which have a single central bone (the pelvis) and the ground ated muscle(s) are completely relaxed (i.e. not contracted)
to support movement, the upper-extremities must rely on sup- and at minimum length when the associated muscle(s) are
porting augmentation without a clear base. We address this by completely contracted. Antagonistic power-lines, like their
constructing a tensegrity-inspired base. In traditional tensegrity muscles, are therefore inversely proportional in length. For
structures, compression elements exist as simple rods and example, a biceps power-line at maximum length implies a
tension elements exist as simple cables that attach two ends triceps power-line at minimum length since the biceps and
of two different rods. We diverged from traditional tensegrity triceps muscles are antagonistic to one another. To further
designs and instead used an approach that featured not just elucidate the above invariant, if we describe the expressed
cables along the identified tension routes, but an omni-present length of a power-line as:
tension element which unites them all by connecting to every
rigid element. This omni-present tension element is an elastic L = l + cx (1)
base which is pre-shaped according to human torso and upper- 0≤c≤1 (2)
extremities, to provide distribute applied forces throughout the
entire structure. For the same reason that tensegrity structures where L is the expressed length of a power-line, l is the
maintain their constitution when internal forces are applied, minimum length of the power-line (also written as the sum
the structural integrity of the exosuit as a whole is preserved of lengths of every tube serially composing the power-line),
during augmentation. An additional change in the design of c as the percentage of contraction, and x as the length of the
our exosuit from dogmatic tensegrity structures is the use of exposed cable when the power-line is at maximum length, then
non-rod rigid elements. Allowing diversity in the shape of the for any pair of antagonistic power-lines:
exosuit’s rigid elements prevents unnecessary limitations to
what shape the backplate, housing and anchors must conform. c1 + c2 = 1 (3)

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These cable mappings provide the layout and construction of shown in Figure 4C supports 5 of the 6 motors as well as the
the physical prototype subsequently created. battery and a 32 kB microcontroller. The sixth motor is located
on the shoulder of the augmented arm. Since our impaired
C. Prototype participants all had right-arm impairment, we mounted this
The parts with which we built CRUX were selected accord- sixth motor above the right shoulder. We found that the
ing to our hybrid soft-rigid design philosophy. Flexibility and movements augmented by this motor (i.e. pronation and
structural compliance were, therefore, achieved by construct- supination) required less anchorage than other movements
ing the exosuit out of mostly compliant materials with rigid augmented by the exosuit and so we placed this motor directly
elements strategically placed to interfere minimally. on the arm to prevent further crowding on the backplate and
1) Base Layer: The base layer of CRUX is neoprene and upper-back.
covers both arms as well as the chest and abdomen. This The battery is a three-cell 3500 mAh lithium polymer power
neoprene is 2 mm thick on the torso and 1 mm thick around source which provides between 11.1 − 12.6 V and up to 50
the arms. Since neoprene is spongy and elastic, users maintain A. This powers the equipped brushed DC micromotors, each
most of their mobility and the exosuit tends to conform to the of which has a stall torque of 88.3 Nm (125 oz-in) and a gear
user’s body shape. This conformability promotes a low-profile ratio of about 1000:1. This arrangement of motors focuses
for the exosuit as well. Both of these attributes are critical on augmenting the right arm of the user. A plunger (not
factors in an exosuit that must tout extreme compliance while visible in Figure 4) is attached to exosuit for use during semi-
simultaneously maintaining the rigidity necessary to anchor autonomous mimetic control.
on-board components and actuation forces. An additional joystick controller can be detached from this
2) Power-Lines: Each power-line consists of a braided- back plate for user manual override control of the exosuit.
aramid cable stretched along one of the tension routes. We When the joystick is enabled, the user can manually control
define the cable routes of CRUX as the physical paths of a two motors simultaneously. The joystick is programmable
power-line along a tension route identified during the motion to perform two arbitrary pairs of antagonistic movements
capture stage of our system design. The cables in CRUX (e.g. biceps/triceps movement and pronation/supination). The
are rated to 50 lbs-force (220 N), but other limitations in two movement pairs can be reprogrammed quickly using an
the exosuit prevent forces that large from being experienced external laptop, such as in the case of user testing for multiple
by the user regardless. There is never more than one cable types of arm movement. Whenever more than two movements
strung through any portion of housing as that would induce were required to be manually controlled by the exosuit,
unnecessary friction on the cables inside. For the entirety of the joystick-interface was replaced by a laptop connected to
the power-line, the cable is above the neoprene base layer, but the microcontroller via USB cable.
for some portions of the power-line, the cable is additionally The on-board microcontroller consists of an Arduino Pro
surrounded by Bowden cable housing adhered to the base mini development board with custom designed circuit board
layer via neoprene cement. Having Bowden cable housing and two stackable motor driver modules. On the circuit board,
along the entire power-line would inhibit the flexibility of the motor driver modules are connected via I2C. Additionally,
exosuit at the joints, where the majority of the morphological the microcontroller supports the input from external controllers
changes in the upper-extremity occur. To counteract this, (including the aforementioned joystick and plunger-button)
Bowden cable housing was placed only in segments. The and the IMU network.
regions of the power-line without Bowden cable housing are 4) IMU Network: CRUX’s IMU network is a collection of
therefore as flexible as the naked cable. The exact method for four wireless standalone IMU nodes where each node senses
determining the location and length of the segments was an using a 3DOF accelerometer, 3DOF gyroscope, and 3DOF
iterative process. For each identified cable route, we started magnetometer. The sensors on these IMU nodes are Bosch
with Bowden housing whose length reached from one distal Sensortec BNO055’s. The manufacturer guarantees that there
joint to the next joint proximally. After lightly adhering the is never more than 0.5◦ in alignment error between the internal
Bowden housing to the base layer, a user donned the prototype gyroscope and the labeled surface on any particular model.
and moved their arms according to the largest achievable range This error falls far below what would be significant for
of motion they could. Until the achievable range of motion our application. To avoid gimbal lock, each IMU internally
matched the user’s range of motion without the Bowden cable represents rotations mathematically as quaternions instead of
housing, the Bowden cable housing was slightly trimmed Euler angles and simply outputs the translated roll, pitch, and
and the process repeated for every segment of Bowden cable yaw. Because our particular use of these IMUs is limited to a
housing and for every cable route. The exact movements used narrow workspace (i.e. only what an arm can reach), we justify
to test the range of motion were biceps curls and shoulder that the error accumulated through the rounding of floating-
rotations. These exercises were selected since they illustrated point quaternion angles is insignificant.
movement according to the outlined motion primitives. The The IMU nodes operate on a wireless network so that
result of this iterative process is the longest lengths of Bowden they afford the system the capability to monitor (sniff) the
housing to provide necessary rigidity without interfering with transmitted data within the network without creating any
user movement. interruptions or lag.
3) Back Plate: On the back of the exosuit is a modular To minimize the difference between IMU orientation and
backplate constructed out of thin fiber glass. The backplate upper-extremity orientation, we kept the housing modules as

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Robot position synchronization is a form of consensus

control used in systems to achieve exponential stability semi-
globally [35], [36]. Since the implemented backplate illus-
trated on CRUX has unilateral actuation, the user’s right arm is
augmented while the left is free to move in the tests described
in this paper. The controller measures the pose of the user’s
left arm and attempts to pull the cables on the right arm to
match that. The measurements of both arms’ poses are sensed
via the IMUs. Two reference points are sensed on each arm
from which the arm’s unique pose can be determined.
Since there are two reference points per arm, a state vector
is defined for the leader and follower: Q l and Q f . These
Fig. 6. The locations of the IMUs on CRUX. The locations of both state vectors describe the locations of the two arms, where
the proximal and the distal IMU are the same for both the left arm and the θn , αn , φn denote the yaw, pitch and roll of the reference point
right arm. Markings on the IMU housing and the exosuit ensured that the
IMUs were installed in the same orientation and position for each use of n.
the exosuit.

Q l = (θ1 , α1 , φ1 , θ2 , α2 , φ2 ) (4)
flat as possible. This low-profile keeps the IMUs close to the Q f = (θ3 , α3 , φ3 , θ4 , α4 , φ4 ) (5)
surface of the exosuit and consequently, the skin of the user.
The user’s leader arm is equipped with a plunger button and
The IMUs and their housing are placed on the exosuit such
accompanying display LED. When pressed, actuation of the
that the pose data for each arm can be distinguished uniquely.
follower arm is possible based on the state. The follower arm
Two IMU nodes are placed on each arm at the forearm (distal)
is moved to mirror the position of the leader arm, such that
and above the biceps (proximal). By placing one IMU on each
Q f becomes equivalent to Q l . However, actuation only occurs
forearm and one IMU on each upper arm, the orientation
when the threshold signal is high. The threshold is defined as:
of both halves of both arms can be continuously tracked
(Figure 6). As a result, knowing the poses of the pair of IMUs Q T h = |Q f − Q l | (6)
on an arm invariably allows one to mathematically reconstruct
the pose of both halves of the arm. Markings on the neoprene and the threshold signal will go high only when:
indicate both the position and the orientation expected of
L ≤ Qt h ≤ H (7)
each IMU attached. These on-suit markings correspond to
matching annotations on the IMU housing boxes. The specific In our implementation, L = 5◦ and H = 40◦ . This threshold
orientation of these IMUs was checked and corrected each allows for smoother and more calculated movements of the
time the exosuit was used for the sake of consistency. In slave arm. Although selecting threshold of 40◦ sacrifices finer
our user tests, we oriented the upper arm IMUs such that adjustments and movements during mimicry than a lower
the housing box was velcroed on the lateral side and the threshold would, we chose a high threshold to ensure wary
forearm IMUs such that the housing box was velcroed on the users felt safe and confident when using the exosuit. Concerns
dorsal side. A feedback acquisition system is used for the IMU for safety were one of the top reasons potential recruited
network via DWM1000 wireless transceiver modules. A prior participants for the user study were hesitant to try CRUX when
version of CRUX used IMUs in a similar fashion to this, but taught about the technology. As a result of the high value, this
did not incorporate any explicit attachment guides or housing threshold also protects against any unintended actuation from
that are necessary for the mimetic algorithm. the user or overloading of the motors. As a result, however,
5) Mimetic Control: Although an exosuit controlled manually the slave and master arm differ minimally in pose due to the
via joystick or laptop can express every possible augmentable 5◦ lower bound of the threshold signal.
arm movement theoretically afforded by the exosuit, passive The state machine consists of three states: off, ready, and
control can reduce mandatory input, making the exosuit easier mimic (Figure 7). The off state is the initial state and does
to operate. Operational difficulty is an important factor to con- not allow the user to activate the suit even if the button is
sider, especially since CRUX is designed to be used by those pressed. In the off state Q l is not within Q t h ; the threshold
who are disabled by upper-extremity impairment. Both the signal is low and so the suit cannot be activated. But once
lack of dexterity and lack of operational experience observed Q l is withing the threshold a transition to the ready state will
in many people with upper-limb impairment could prevent an occur. In the ready state the suit is waiting to be activated by
otherwise qualified user from reaping the rehabilitative benefits the user pressing the button. Once the button is pressed the
of CRUX. For this reason, a passively controlled mode for state will transition to the mimic state, where the LED will
CRUX can lower the necessary level of skill to operate the light up indicating to the user the suit is active and actuation
exosuit. of the slave arm will occur.
The passively controlled mode described in this paper is a This mimetic controller is built upon a simple closed-loop
mimetic algorithm. This algorithm synchronizes the position feedback system. Leading state is tracked by using the median
of one arm to the measured position of the other arm. of the previous five samples. Although a more complicated

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Lastly, every user of CRUX is given a safety briefing

before they use the robot to explain the functions of the
exosuit and familiarize them with the controls. Users who
acknowledge these capabilities and also confirm that in the
event of an emergency, they would be able to overpower the
exosuit’s theoretical maximum strength limit thus overriding
any dangerous actuation.


To study the capabilities of CRUX, we tested both the
mimetic control algorithm and the mechanical functionality
of the exosuit when it was worn by users. We have split
this study into three parts: the performance of the mimetic
controller, the achievable flexibility and compliance of the
Fig. 7. The state machine for a safe, mimetic controller. The exosuit exosuit, and the metabolic effect of the exosuit when per-
functions only when a significant change in orientation between the two forming an exercise. Since CRUX features six independent
arms is detected and the safety plunger is pressed by the user.
motors, there are countless possible arm movements that can
be augmented when factoring in different permutations and
combinations of motor strengths and timings. Each motor can
controller, like a Kalman filter, could yield more accurate state
be operated in parallel to each other motor which means that
tracking, we determined that the added overhead and hardware
with the appropriate controller, almost every arm movement a
necessary to support such an algorithm would not be worth
user can be perform can theoretically be augmented. Instead
the relatively minor improvements in performance. Added
of showcasing results for every possible movement, we chose
overhead and hardware further adds mass to the backplate,
important movements for each test that were indicative of
and requires more computation time and resources.
CRUX’s performance at the most foundational level. The
6) External Applications: CRUX can additionally be com-
discussed user evaluations and surveys (both quantitative and
bined with other technology to further enhance user efficacy.
qualitative) however still address all movement the users tested
In Figure 4C, one user wears a virtual reality (VR) headset
during their respective trials.
that allows them to interact with a virtual environment while
CRUX augments their arm movements. Although the only
equipment required to use CRUX is the neoprene jacket with A. Mimetic Control
fixed power-lines and an attachable backplate, adding more To illustrate the mimetic capabilities of the exosuit,
hardware such as the VR headset can yield new capabilities we chose to exhibit the exosuit response for two basic
for users, potentially improving rehabilitation. arm movements: lateral arm raises (abduction and adduction,
7) Safety: Human interfacing robots, especially wearable Figure 8) and biceps curls (Figure 9). These two movements
devices such as exosuits, require built-in safety measures. We are motion primitives that demonstrate fundamental upper-
recognize safety at three levels: the hardware, the software, extremity movement. Although these two motion primitives do
and the user instruction. not express the full capability of the exosuit or the human arm,
Mechanical limitations are introduced to the design to they do illustrate examples of the exosuit performing along
avoid any physical harm due to cables pulling uncomfort- two axes of motion critical to more complex arm exercises.
ably or harmfully. Motors are limited to never pull more than For example, a physical therapist might attempt to strengthen
88.3 N theoretically, as dictated by their maximum torque of these foundational movements through mirror therapy before
125 oz-in and spool radii of 1.0 cm. Additionally, the backplate a patient attempted more complicated rehabilitative exercises.
can be immediately detached, as can each battery used by After the IMUs were attached to CRUX, users were first
CRUX in the event of overheating. instructed to place their arms at their sides and then lift the
Software constraints via the controller are implemented as a leading arm laterally until their hand was level with their
redundant safety to prevent harmful behavior as well. Motors shoulder, outstretched for the entirety of the motion (Figure 8).
are limited to 80% power, which provides enough strength to For the biceps curls, the exercise also began with the same
provide meaningful augmentation while still demonstrating the neutral pose as before: arms unbent at the side. The user was
capability of the exosuit to support stronger motors safely. The then instructed to curl their leading forearm upwards at the
controller also has checks for extreme discrepancies between elbow until their hand came close to the shoulder (Figure 9).
the leader arm and the follower arm. Specifically, any IMU- In both exercises, users were instructed to purposefully move
sensed angle pair with more than 40 degrees in difference their following arm as little as possible, allowing the mimetic
will stop the motors. IMUs that are inactive for more than controller to adjust their arm for them.
0.5 seconds also disable to exosuit as a whole. As stated in As the user performed each exercise, the exosuit measured
the state machine, these motors are also push button-activated. and output the roll, pitch, and yaw of the four attached IMUs.
These exact numbers can be adjusted according to the user’s These twelve readings and the plunger input constituted the
comfort. control signal of the exosuit.

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Fig. 8. A user demonstrates a lateral arm raise with CRUX. The user’s leading arm (left) dictates the movement of their following arm (right). The
following arm, lagging behind the leading arm slightly, updates its position using micromotors installed on the backplate. IMUs on the exosuit provide
sensed orientation for CRUX’s controller.

Fig. 9. A user demonstrates a biceps curl with CRUX. The user’s leading arm (left) dictates the movement of their following arm (right). The following
arm, lagging behind the leading arm slightly, updates its position using micromotors installed on the backplate. IMUs on the exosuit provide sensed
orientation for CRUX’s controller.

Figure 10 illustrates the pitch of two of the four different design and reassured users. By t = 8s, the user has relaxed
IMUs on CRUX as a characteristic user learns to use CRUX their control slightly and can recognize the pulling sensation
for assisting their left arm while performing a lateral arm of CRUX in their upper-arm (proximally). After a few seconds
raise and lower (Figure 8). Each pair of plots (labeled T1 , of acclimating to the pull along CRUX’s power-lines, the user
T2 , and T3 ) illustrates a 17s time period during which the demonstrates very shaky augmentation, enough to demonstrate
user learned a critical lesson indicative of that user’s progress some degree of control in assisting their following arm.
in mastering CRUX. The time period of 17 seconds was At T3 , the user demonstrates intuitive mastery of CRUX.
chosen because it was the shortest time period that concisely When the user lifts their leading arm, the following arm
illustrated the highlighted lessons learned by that user. T1 , T2 , mimics the precise movement with only a short delay of
and T3 occur shortly after one another such that the end of T3 around 1s. The user demonstrates a relatively large range of
occurs roughly one minute after the start of T1 . operation (around 20◦ in proximal pitch and 60◦ in distal
At T1 , the user wears CRUX for the first time. Unsure pitch), which is necessary for many arm movements in mirror
of what sensation to expect when augmented, the user sub- therapy. We note one interesting observation in T3 at t = 12s:
consciously resists movement in their following arm as they the user’s leading arm rapidly moves (perhaps to scratch their
move their leading arm. Realizing their rigidity, the user at nose) but the following arm does not mimic the movement.
roughly t = 10s overcompensates and consciously forces their This discrepancy can be attributed to the built-in safety feature
following arm to perfectly mimic the leading arm. which prevents unintended movement of the following arm.
At T2 from t = 2s to t = 6s, the user manually overrides the In a more serious case with stronger motors and a weaker user,
exosuit to move their follower arm. The user then immediately this movement could accidentally damage the user, so CRUX
and manually re-corrects their follower arm at t = 6s to correctly intervenes at t = 12s to prevent the movement.
be within the predetermined hysteresis threshold for mimetic The data in Figure 10 demonstrate the proof-of-concept
control so they can resume mimetic movement assisted by that CRUX can augment mimetic movement in users who
the exosuit. The correction performed by the user has to have learned to operate the exosuit. After around a minute
be done manually as it is beneath the threshold to trigger of wearing CRUX, the user featured in Figure 10 learned to
mimetic movement (40◦ ). The rule followed by the exosuit operate CRUX at level sufficient to augment arm movements
is to apply a force via the motors to move the follower arm popular in mirror therapy. Formally measuring device mastery
until it reaches the pose of the leader arm (within 5◦ ). This is challenging, but we can confidently say that every user
rule, however, does not engage until there is a difference in tested was able to comfortably operate CRUX within minutes.
pose by ≤ 40◦ . As previously mentioned, although 40◦ is a Occasionally, users would get momentarily stuck, but after
large threshold, it further ensures safety in this prototypical quick instruction from a study proctor, were able to resume

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any constrictions. The CAVE is a motion capture system that

uses points of reference (in this case, reflective dots) attached
to the tracked medium (either a thin elastene sleeve or the
exosuit itself) to record position over time. The cameras
installed within the CAVE for motion capture are manufacturer
guaranteed to provide within 2mm accuracy for tracking,
however accuracy is often within 0.3mm.
To discover the full range of motion achievable of the exo-
suit, we recruited four users who identified as highly-flexible.
For this study, participants did not need to be impaired users
since the study measures mechanical properties inherent to the
exosuit itself and not the target demographic. Additionally,
unimpaired, flexible users provide a more thorough stress test
for CRUX’s flexibility and compliance. These users performed
five iterations of each exercise while wearing reflective track-
ing dots on their arms similar to those in Figure 4A. They
then repeated both sets of exercises while wearing CRUX,
which was also fitted with reflective tracking dots. Surrounding
infrared cameras recorded this movement in three-dimensions
of space.
Because all four users wore the same exosuit (i.e. CRUX)
during this study, none of them perfectly conformed to the
precise dimensions of the exosuit which was designed using
a separate subject. Although in theory this concession could
have created a suboptimal exosuit for the users to wear,
we fortunately found that there was no significant impedance
in user flexibility when wearing this exosuit.
The arm movements observed with and without the exosuit
Fig. 10. The pitch of two of the four IMUs on CRUX, measured in
degrees with respect to time (accurate to 0.01◦ ). The three pairs of appear to correspond to one another closely. Although there
plots represent three consecutive time periods (T1 , T2 , and T3 ) of 17s is slight mismatch between the red and green trajectories,
each where a user operates CRUX. Here, the left arm (orange) leads this can be attributed to differences in human movement
the movement of the right arm (blue) of one user during a lateral arm
raise and lateral arm lower according to the state machine outlined in between trials and is insignificant regardless. We observe a
Figure 7 and the movement described in Figure 8. This figure illustrates small discrepancy in biceps curls flexibility which we attribute
the improvement of a characteristic user in leveraging CRUX to augment to insignificant noise. Most likely, this was probably users
right arm movements from one time period to the next.
simply stretching their bodies more forcefully without CRUX.
For similar reasons, we see in the shoulder range of motion
operation of the exosuit. Future testing can examine ways to plot that users wearing CRUX appear to be more flexible at
reduce the learning curve for operating similar exosuits. times than without CRUX, which is unlikely given that CRUXs
neoprene is objectively more restrictive than the baseline
elastane garment. These results are consistent with our expec-
B. Flexibility and Compliance tations that CRUX will not impede users significantly since
Flexibility and compliance, the two most prominent features the design process for applying rigid, constrictive elements
that define exosuits apart from traditional exoskeletons, were to the prototype outlined in Section II iterates until the user
measured by change in user range of motion when CRUX was wearing the exosuit confirms that CRUX no longer inhibits
worn and when CRUX was not worn. their motion.
We selected two arm movements, shoulder circles and Additionally during the metabolic testing (which had thir-
biceps curls, to test the flexibility of CRUX. Although the flex- teen recruited users), post-study surveys probed qualitatively
ibility of the forearms is not included within these exercises, into exosuit flexibility and compliance. Two of the thirteen
we found that these two selected movements demonstrated users reported that the exosuit slightly inhibited their range
CRUX’s structural flexibility as required in both the mimetic of motion. Both of these users mentioned in their post-study
control tests and the metabolic tests. Biceps curls fully express interviews that they attribute this inhibition to the neoprene
the flexibility of the elbow joint through one movement while base layer being too tight for their stature. The other eleven
shoulder circles incorporated both shoulder flexion/extension users did not complaint regarding the flexibility or compliance
movement as well as shoulder abduction/adduction into one of the exosuit.
combined movement to express the versatile flexibility of From these findings, we conclude that the structure of
the shoulder joint. This range in motion was tracked in 3D CRUX does not appear to inhibit user movement significantly
via an infrared camera system (the Cave Automatic Virtual enough to impede the movements central to mirror therapy
Environment) in order to determine whether CRUX posed and upper-extremity rehabilitation.

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C. Metabolic Efficacy and User Study

Central to the paradigms of Graded Motor Imagery and

mirror therapy is that the user experiences visual and kinetic
feedback as they perform an exercise [4]. Traditionally, this
reinforcement is physical assistance from the practitioner. For
example, a physical therapist may tell an impaired patient to
lift their arm. As this hypothetical patient attempts to lifts their
arm, the physical therapist uses their own strength to move the
patient’s arm simultaneously. As a result, the user experiences
arm movement for less energy than they exerted, reinforcing
their neurological recovery.
To substitute for this function, CRUX must therefore
mechanically assist the user during the exercise, ideally with-
out any additional metabolic cost. To study the metabolic
reduction provided by CRUX (necessary for the proposed
physical therapy), we measured users’ heart rates as they
performed biceps curls without the exosuit powered on and
then while wearing the exosuit.
To understand the correlation between heart rate and
metabolic expenditure, we consulted a survey paper that dis-
cusses and compares various methods of measuring physical
activity in humans across 63 different studies [37]. One
of the methods to measure physical activity of the body
discussed by Dowd et al. is heart rate, the same metric
tracked in our research examining the metabolic efficiency of
CRUX. Although this paper concedes that heart rate and every
other metric the authors examined are imperfect measures
of true metabolic cost, Dowd et al. still recommend that
researchers should select an objective metric, like heart rate,
over self-reported data for greater accuracy and precision
when conducting studies. Since biceps curls with weights is
a physical activity, we can therefore (relatively) accurately
measure metabolic cost indirectly in adults via heart rate
monitoring. Fig. 11. These plots illustrate the normalized 2D projection of wrists
We chose to demonstrate CRUX’s augmentation on biceps moving through space. The flexibility of a user’s arm is most clearly seen
at the user’s distal portion of the extremity (i.e. the hand and wrist) where
curls for two reasons. First, isolating a single motor’s limits in range of motion are more pronounced. Users’ ranges of motion
metabolic effect on users demonstrates the purpose of the were examined for two main exercises: lateral arm circles and biceps
exosuit most clearly and with the least amount of possible curls. These movements were selected because they exhibit extreme
motion that a person using CRUX may experience. Motion with the
interference. Secondly, we chose biceps curls as an exercise exosuit on or off is portrayed as green and red lines respectively.
explicitly for the reason that discussions with licensed physical
therapists revealed the necessity of strengthening specifically
the biceps muscles during stroke rehabilitation for upper-
extremity neglect due to their prevalence in the majority of of our unimpaired users was 26. Of the 9 impaired users, 7
patients’ day-to-day arm movement. had previously visited a physical therapist. When asked how
We recruited 13 users for our study: 9 who had suffered much they agreed with the statement “My physical therapy
some degree of upper-extremity impairment and 4 who were was helpful.”, all 7 relevant users chose “Agree” or “Strongly
unimpaired and served as a control group. When recruiting Agree” on a five-point Likert scale. Metabolic testing was
impaired users for this study, we used very precise inclu- performed in a lab for 8 participants, and at the homes of the
sion criteria. We requested that users had single-arm weak- remaining 5 participants. All 5 participants who performed a
ness or neglect, but not paralysis. This relatively vague request metabolic test at their home were impaired.
was made to ensure that users who self-selected according Users were instructed to lift a dumbbell that they judged
to this statement to apply for the study were predisposed to would fatigue them after ten repetitions. These measurements
be comfortable with donning CRUX. Additionally, the vague were first taken without CRUX worn by the user. After a
criteria ensure that we do not violate HIPAA laws. Of the five minute break, the user performed the same ten repetitions
impaired users, 5 users were women and 4 users were men. while wearing CRUX (powered on). We found that CRUX
Of the unimpaired users, 1 was a woman and 3 were men. The was able to augment biceps strength in users who wore the
median age of our impaired users was 65 and the median age powered robot (Figure 12, Tables II-III).

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12.4% without assistance from CRUX and 3.03% with assis-

tance from CRUX and the respective medians are 7.7% and
1.6%. For the unimpaired users, there was not as noticeable
of an improvement when wearing CRUX. We investigated the
phenomenon further and inquired about perceived performance
in the post-study survey. We found that all four users reported
a decrease in effort required to lift the weight when assisted
by the exosuit. Potential anomalies could have been caused
by failing to give these unimpaired users enough rest before
their assisted trials. For two of the unimpaired users, their
starting heart rate for the assisted trial was higher than the
initial unassisted resting heart rate. We also noticed decreases
in performed tempo for all users by their second round of
exercise (i.e. assisted by CRUX). This can be the result of
a user selecting a lifted weight that is too heavy for twenty
lifts, which explains both the decrease in tempo and the
abnormal higher starting heart rates and heart rate increases.
We hypothesize that impaired users may be more reluctant
to select a heavy weight and are thus less likely to reach
confounding levels of fatigue.
We also observe that for some users, there were slight
increases and outliers in heart rate increase. In at least one
case, an impaired user mentioned in their pre-study survey
that they suffered from PTSD, which caused their starting
heart rate and heart rate increases to be significantly greater
than normal. Additionally, some very large increases in heart
rate we contribute to the user selecting a weight too large for
Fig. 12. CRUX’s impact on heart rate for users with an existing twenty total lifts. As a result, their energy is depleted when
upper-extremity impairment and users without one. For both test groups, they complete the second round of exercise (i.e. assisted by
users lifted dumbbell weights via biceps curls. We measured heart rate
as an indication of muscle fatigue and metabolic cost due to the exercise. CRUX). We think pre-existing factors such as these caused
For a particular user, we measured their initial heart rate before exercise abnormal spikes in the heart rate increases for users.
(while wearing CRUX, unpowered) and their heart rate after performing Despite some of these observed gaps in the trend, this
ten repetitions of biceps curls. After a brief rest period, the user per-
formed the same exercise now with mechanical assistance from CRUX. overall difference in heart rate increase, especially among
We again measured both the initial and final heart rates of the users impaired users, is significant because it supports our hypothe-
for the assisted exercises. The data of the new starting and finishing sis that CRUX can assist users with physical exercises that are
heart rates are adjacent to the unassisted exercise data for each subject.
Mean and median heart rate increases for impaired/unimpaired and common in upper-extremity physical therapy by reducing the
assisted/unassisted users are presented in Tables II and III. metabolic cost of performing the exercise. This allows users
to perform more exercises for less energy.
TABLE II Additionally, when participants in a lab setting were com-
M EAN H EART R ATE P ERCENT I NCREASES pared against participants at their own homes, we found no
AFTER E XERCISING significant change in exosuit efficacy. Users in labs had a
0.5 percentage point average increase in heart rate over users
at their own homes when accounting for both unassisted
and assisted exercise. For this reason, we believed we were
justified in merging the two data sets and looking at the
cumulative results of both.
Most users saw less of an increase in heart rate while wear- The results from the post-study surveys are as equally
ing CRUX than without the exosuit powered. For impaired promising as the heart rate measurements. According to a
users, there was a noticeable improvement when using CRUX: five-point Likert scale, 8 impaired users and 3 unimpaired
the mean increase in heart rate normalized as a percentage users said that they “Agree” or “Strongly Agree” that the

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exosuit assisted them with the assigned tasks. The remaining system. The difficulty we foresee in these potential designs is
2 users said that they “Neither Agree nor Disagree” that the accomplishing this without over-encumbering the user. These
exosuit assisted their assigned movements. No user said that designs must also maintain proper balance when actuating.
they would “Disagree” or “Strongly Disagree” that the exosuit Any applied imbalance could contort the user dangerously
helped them. Of the 7 users who had previously completed with enough force.
some physical therapy, all 7 agreed or strongly agreed that such Additionally, the control of exosuits requires further study
a device would have been useful during their therapy. Multiple and examination. In particular, the development of additional
users commented that they did not feel the exosuit weighing control interfaces, the optimization of the algorithms behind
them down during the tests. The most common complaints them, and the user testing to support them all require further
when using the exosuit were confusion when operating the investigation. One particular autonomous control method, pro-
joystick while simultaneously exercising (during the metabolic prioception, can yield an exosuit which interprets and reacts
test) and overheating while moving around in the exosuit. to user intention. This problem is difficult to solve, however,
These data illustrate that CRUX can satisfy the need because people tend to have such diverse kinematics and
required of an exosuit for Graded Motor Imagery and mirror redundant workspaces that the decision to preemptively actuate
therapy: the ability to mechanically assist the user and provide an exosuit according to a predicted motion is marred with a
positive reinforcement. high likelihood of actively antagonizing a user’s movement.
Additionally, there is no guarantee that users who don an
IV. C ONCLUSIONS exosuit are comfortable with a non-deterministic robot acting
CRUX enables portable, multi-DoF actuation for the upper- out of their perceived control.
extremity, including both the forearm and the upper arm. To summarize, CRUX encapsulates flexible and compli-
In previous iterations of CRUX, the ability to control the ant augmentation for the upper extremity with a degree of
exosuit akin to Graded Motor Imagery and mirror therapy had capability that allows for tasks such as bilateral mimicry to
not been included. The current version of CRUX features both be achieved by a user. Future iterations of this exosuit will
hardware and software upgrades such as the additional frame- hopefully extend these principles and usher in even greater
work to better support IMUs and the mimetic algorithm to possibilities for portable, lightweight wearable robots.
implement the new controller. Additionally, we provide studies
and evaluations which provide evidence that CRUX augments
users without inhibiting their flexibility or compliance and can
therefore function as a rehabilitative device. The authors would like to thank Leonard Norton for pro-
CRUX augments users with power-lines superimposed on viding advice on the physical therapy movements that were
a flexible base. Along these power-lines, tension forces are translated into exosuit supported movements. Additionally,
directed through a tensegrity-inspired foundation. This foun- the authors would like to thank the Cabrillo College Stroke
dation creates a network upon which localized augmentation Center for their assistance with the user studies.
can occur, affording CRUX its portability and its compliance.
These considerations are crucial if CRUX is to comply with R EFERENCES
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