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Self Alignment Mechanism - For Upper Arm and Leg

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Self-Alignment Mechanisms for Assistive Wearable

Robots: a Kineto-Static Compatibility Method
Marco Cempini, Student Member, IEEE, Stefano Marco Maria De Rossi, Student Member, IEEE,
Tommaso Lenzi, Student Member, IEEE, Nicola Vitiello, Member, IEEE, Maria Chiara Carrozza, Member, IEEE.

Abstract—The field of wearable robotics is gaining momentum artificially supported, keeping the others unaffected by the
thanks to its potential application in rehabilitation engineering, robot. Controlling the physical human-robot interaction at the
assistive robotics, and power augmentation. These devices are joint level poses several problems in the mechanical design
designed to be used in direct contact with the user, to aid the
movement or increase the power of specific skeletal joints. The of exoskeletons, which arise mainly from the kinematical
design of the so-called physical human robot interface is critical, complexity and variability of the muscle-skeletal system. The
since it determines not only the efficacy of the robot, but also the design strategy for the user interface covers therefore a very
kinematic compatibility of the device with the human skeleton, important role in this issue, affecting both the efficiency and
and the degree of adaptation to different anthropometries. Failing the safety of the exoskeleton [11].
to deal with these problems causes misalignments between the
robot and the user joint. Axes misalignment leads to the impos- The most critical issue in this process is the human-robot
sibility of controlling the torque effectively transmitted to the axes misalignment [12]. In order to transfer the desired torque
user joint, and causes undesired loading forces on articulations to the user’s joint, the relative position of the instantaneous
and soft tissues. In this paper, we propose a general analytical centre of rotation (ICR) of the human joint, with respect to
method for the design of exoskeletons able to assist human joints the ICR of the robot-actuated joint, should be fully defined by
without being subjected to misalignment effects. This method
is based on a kineto-static analysis of a coupled mechanism the geometry and posture of the closed chain created by the
(robot-human skeleton), and can be applied in the design of self- connection of the robotic structure with the user’s limb. If this
aligning mechanisms. The method is exemplified in the design of is not true, the ICR are misaligned and the transfer of torque
an assistive robotic chain for a two degrees-of-freedom human is compromised.
articulation. A correct alignment between the two axes is very difficult
Index Terms—Axes misalignment, exoskeleton, kinematics, to obtain in practice, because of the nature of the human
mechanism design, rehabilitation robotics, wearability. musculoskeletal system. Soft tissue (i.e., skin, muscle) de-
formations, inter- and intra-subject variability affect position
I. I NTRODUCTION and orientation of the axes of any human articulation, making
almost impossible to build an accurate and reliable model of
P OWERED exoskeletons are wearable robots designed to
assist human movements either for augmenting the perfor-
mance of healthy persons (e.g. endurance [1], [2] and strength
it. Human articulations are influenced by many factors that can
change their geometrical description [13]. A wide inter-subject
enhancement [3]), restoring normal abilities in patients af- variability is present, due to differences in size and shape of
fected by movement disorders (e.g. tremor [4], hemiplegia [5], bones. In addition, other intra-subject variability, depending
paraplegia [6]) or providing controlled rehabilitation therapy on the looseness of the articulation, lead to a joint orientation
[7], [8]. Despite the different application fields, a common which is not fixed, but depends on the loading and constraining
objective for all exoskeletons is to transfer a controlled amount condition. Moreover, the soft tissues are highly deformable,
of power to the user’s limb, monitoring its position at the so that the robot attachment itself has a variable position with
same time. In most cases, a controlled physical interaction is respect to the skeletal system. As an overall result, the relative
needed at the joint level to finely support the user movement position and orientation of the human joint axis with respect to
[9]. In rehabilitation, for example, the capability of controlling the exoskeleton geometry can only be roughly estimated. If no
the trajectory or torque of each user’s joint independently is compliance between the user and the exoskeleton is present,
a great advantage to provide a more effective therapy [10]. this error can lead to large “parasite” loads, which make the
In assistive applications, only the impaired joints should be exoskeleton unusable and potentially dangerous for users.
The introduction of compliance in the connection between the
This work was partly supported by the EU within the WAY Project (“Wear- exoskeleton mechanism and the user’s limb has been a com-
able interfaces for hAnd function recoverY”, FP7-ICT-Ch5 G.A. n. 288551)
and CYBERLEGs Project (“The CYBERnetic LowEr-Limb CoGnitive Ortho- mon way of getting round the problem of axes misalignment
prosthesis”, FP7-ICT-Ch2 G.A. n. 287894), and by the Italian Ministry of in the past years [9]. This was achieved by imposing a single
Economic Development within the AMULOS Project (ADVANCED MULOS, contact point between the robot and the user, usually localized
Contract n. MI01 00319),and Regione Toscana under the Health Regional
Research Programme 2009 within the project EARLYREHAB. at the end-effector (i.e., the hand [14], or the foot [15], [16]),
Authors are with the BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore di Studi or, in the case of multiple connection points between the limb
Universitari e di Perfezionamento Sant’Anna, viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 34, and the exoskeleton, by using flexible attachments, such as
56025, Pontedera, Pisa, Italy. Marco Cempini is corresponding author
to provide phone: +39 050 883475, fax: +39 050 883497, e-mail cuffs [17], [18] or orthoses [19]. Commonly, exoskeletons feature manual regulations of link lengths, to fit the specific
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 1. Schematization of a wearable robot. (a) The robot designed to assist an articulation (e.g. elbow) is attached to the corresponding body segments
(e.g. arm and forearm). Several variables (segment lengths, position/orientation of attachments, muscle and skin thickness) can affect the coupling. (b) The
physical interface is schematized as a rigid connection between the robot extreme links and the human skeleton. The kinematic model of the articulation (c)
includes the main DOFs of the joint, as well as additional DOFs to convey the effects of misalignments and variable or unknown quantities. The reference
model is the white joint (q̃), while the additional joints representing misalignments are in grey (δi ). Reference points (OF , O0 , E, Ẽ, Õ0 ) of the system
schematization are depicted, together with nominal lengths Si .

user anthropometry. While easy to set up, this solution can problem of misalignments between a robotic linkage and an
only compensate for macroscopic deviations from the ideal articulation to be assisted. A formal definition and approach to
relative alignment. Therefore, this solution does not allow to the following concepts is given: (1) kinematical adaptability
accurately control the torque or position of the user’s joint, (i.e., the capability of the exoskeleton to comply with axes
can also load the articulation with undesired force/torques, and misalignments); (2) observability of the human-robot dynamic
cause shear forces on the skin at the attachment points. This system; (3) effectiveness and safety in providing torque to the
can cause an uncomfortable, painful and even risky situations user limb (i.e., to transfer the desired torque to the human
for the subject [20]. joint without loading the articulation). The proposed design
Proper solutions for the problem of axes misalignments have framework could be used as a general means for the solution
been proposed in several recent upper-limb exoskeletons [12], of the axes misalignment problem, regardless of the specific
[21], [22], [23], [24], [25]. All these devices feature a one- application of the intended exoskeleton. A proof of concept
to-one correspondence between human and robot joints, but of the proposed method is given in the paper through the
introduce the use of supplementary passive degrees of freedom design of a robotic linkage for the assistance of an articulation
(DOFs) in the kinematic chain. Passive DOFs are intro- having two orthogonal revolute joints (2R) (e.g., the finger
duced in the robot between two subsequent active joints, metacarpophalangeal joint).
or to connect the robot links to the user limbs. This way, This paper is organized as follows: Section II presents a
macroscopic misalignments between the robotic chain and the formalization of the misalignment problem. Section III carries
limb can be compensated. Although these works represent a on a general kineto-static analysis of the coupled chains.
clear advancement towards the solution of the misalignment We provide some synthetic analytical steps for the analysis
problem, several limitations are still present. Although these and the design of misalignments-free exoskeletons. To show
works represent some advancements in the solution of the the potential of this method, a case-study design for a 2R
misalignment problem, they are focused on a specific case human articulation is presented in Section IV, together with
of study, rather than trying to find a general solution for the a technique to split a three-dimensional (3D) analysis into
problem. simpler two-dimensional (2D) problems, analyzed in Section
A general treatment of hyperstaticity in exoskeleton con- V. Finally, a discussion of the method and its potential
nections has been given more recently in [26]. This work applications are given in Section VI.
showed how to add passive DOFs to the attachment points
of robots to comply with hyperstaticity. When the exoskeleton
structure replicates the limb kinematics, rigid connections with
the body lead to a reduced mobility. While the approach in A. Introducing human and robotic chains
[26] is quite general, it cannot be applied when the robot
This Section aims to find a functional description for
does not replicate the body kinematics. As shown in [24],
the alignment of two coupled kinematic chains. The first
this is a strong limitation, since an anthropomorphic robotic
represents the human articulation. This chain has a certain
chain cannot comply with the movement of the human ICR
mobility along its main degrees of freedom (DOFs), the so-
(neglected in [26]). In addition it lacks a formally complete
called natural workspace, but is affected by uncertainties in
treatment of the force/torque transmission problem.
its descriptive geometrical parameters (i.e. lengths, offsets,
In this paper, we propose a complete analytical treatment of the
twists). These parameters reflect the variability of the human
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

anthropometry, the deformations of soft tissues and the pres-

ence of spurious motions of the articulation’s ICR around its
reference position [22], [24]. This paper focuses on the case
of two limbs, proximal and distal, connected by a single joint
which provides multiple DOFs, i.e. a single articulation.
The second chain models the robot, which should provide
torques along the human DOFs, without being affected by
variations of the human chain geometry. We will refer to
such a robot as a self-alignment mechanism (SAM) [12], since
our analysis deals with the mechanical description and axes
alignment properties of the robotic chain. Our analysis will be
focused only on serial SAMs, which are preferable in terms
of controllability, modeling, and wearing comfort. The SAM
is connected to the human chain at the proximal and distal
segments, so that a closed kinematic structure is formed.
The human articulation is represented by a simplified kine-
matic model (the “reference model”), involving a set of DOFs
of interest, together with nominal anthropometric sizes: typical
models are the 1-DOF hinge joint (elbow or knee, [2], [3], [9],
[12]), the 2-DOF gimbal joint (metacarpophalangeal articula-
Fig. 2. Reference frames of the human H (light grey) and SAM (dark grey)
tions, [27], [28]), and the 3-DOF ball-socket joint (shoulder kinematic chains. The transformations between the frames are indicated by
and hip, [9], [12], [14], [23]). dashed arrows.
Such reference model is the starting point for the design of
the exoskeletal chain. Misalignments between the SAM and
the human chain occur when the human joint axes are in the reference model, will be addressed as “deviations” or
a different configuration than the one hypothesized by the “misaligning joints” and their variables will be indicated with
reference model. This difference can always be interpreted δ. The closure of the complete mechanism is then expressed
as the effect of additional, unmodeled DOFs around the as:
human articulation, which translate and rotate the human joint
centre of unknown small quantities. This way of modelling F
misalignments is depicted in Fig. 1(c). It is worth to note that Te (SAM ) = F T0 (S)0 Te (q) = F Te (H) =
any condition leading to misalignments, such as the variability T0̃ (S, δ)0̃ Tẽ (q̃, δ)ẽ Te (S). (1)
of human links lengths and the offsets and twists of the human
joints axes, can be represented by means of these additional • F T0 (S) determines the relative positions of the attachment
DOFs. Hence, the connections between SAM and the human point of the robot on the proximal link.
chain will be treated as rigid (see Fig. 1). • 0 Te (q) is defined by the robot posture, and is therefore
known except for the SAM mechanical imperfection (toler-
ances, backlashes, etc), which can be neglected.
B. Geometric description
• F T0̃ (S, δ) defines the position of the H chain initial frame.
Both chains will be described following the Denavit- • 0̃ Tẽ (q̃, δ) defines the position of the H chain final frame.
Hartenberg notation. A tilde accent is used to indicate the • ẽ Te (S) expresses the connection between the exoskeleton
human chain (H), and to distinguish it from the SAM 1 . As and the human distal link.
shown in Fig. 2, the two serial chains begin respectively from
the points O0 and Õ0 laying on the proximal link, and end on
the points E and Ẽ, laying on the distal link. The human joint C. Observations on variables definition
reference model is described by a set of joint variables q̃ and Equation (1) expresses the coincidence of (E − xe , ye , ze )
a set of given dimensions S, while the SAM joint variables are frame position and orientation as seen from each of the chains
q. The aim of the SAM design is formally expressed by the (H and SAM). This is expressed by means of a minimal set of
following equivalence: N variables, with N = 6 in 3D space and N = 3 in 2D space.
F However, the totality of SAM’s DOFs (dim(q) = n) may be
Te (SAM ) (q) = F Te (H) (q̃, S),
greater than N , allowing the SAM chain to be redundant (i.e.
where F refers to a fixed global reference frame (OF − n > N ), if needed to satisfy other design constraints.
xF , yF , zF ). In order to comply with misalignments, this On the other hand, (1) can only be solved2 if a minimal
equation has to take into account possible deviations from equivalent set of variables is chosen for the human chain,
the reference model, otherwise equality cannot hold. In the H. This is shown for a 2D (N = 3) example in Fig. 3.
following, The additional joints, representing deviations from While multiple sources of deviations δ exist (e.g. segment
1 The human joints axis and the SAM one are denoted as z and z̃ 2 Matrix equation (1) is equivalent to N independent scalar equations, due
i i
respectively. to inner constraints on the rotation matrix elements.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 3. Example of different misaligning models for a given human joint planar articulation. The reference model (white joint) has 1 revolute DOF. The
limb moves from the initial (dashed line) to the final (solid line) position. Both q̃ and δ may change. E is the attachment point of the exoskeleton. (a) shows
a possible model with four deviations δi (two representing a misplaced joint centre, two representing the variability in attachment’s fixation). Since equation
(1) can be solved only in three variables, two misaligning δi can be modelled. In (b), the joint centre misplacement [δ1 , δ2 ] is derived, while the offset l is
constant. In (c) the attachment’s fixation variability δ3 , δ4 are represented, while the joint centre is fixed.

lengths, variable joint centre position, soft tissues, backlash requirement should hold robustly for small variations of δ,
at attachment points), equation (1) requires a total of three and for different sizes S. The closure constraint (1) can be
variables to be solved. In fact, if dim(q̃) = ñ < N , then the also expressed as
deviations δ must obey −1 F 0̃
Te (q) = F T0 T0̃ Tẽ (q̃) ẽ Te =
dim(q̃) = ñ < N, dim(q̃) + dim(δ) = N. (2) 0
TF F T0̃ 0̃ Tẽ (q̃) ẽ Te = 0 T0̃ (S, δ)0̃ Tẽ (q̃, δ)ẽ Te (S)
Importantly, our methodology complies with any choice of ∆
= M (S, δ, q̃) (3)
misaligning DOFs respecting (2). As a matter of fact, there
are a multitude of δ set combinations that can be inserted where 0 T0̃ collects the offsets due to sizes S and the displace-
around the reference joint model to satisfy equation (1). In ment δ of the human joint centre.
Fig. 3(b), 3(c) two possible ways of modeling the misaligning Given the objective chain sizes S, SAM should led, via solution
DOFs are presented for a 2D case. In the design examples of (1), to a continuous functional relation between q and
presented in Sections IV-V, the approach of Fig. 3(b) is (δ, q̃). Such function will be denoted as
followed because joint axes misplacement often occurs in
wearable robots, affecting deeply the way motor tasks are (δ, q̃) = f (q) ⇔ 0 Te (q) = M (S, δ, q̃) . (4)
executed [13], [29]. In order to guarantee continuity, SAM must avoid singularities.
It may happen that f is not invertible, i.e. the SAM structure
III. T HEORETICAL FRAMEWORK FOR SAM DESIGN is redundant (n > N ). Redundancies may help the platform
in satisfying external constraints or requirements [32].
The SAM design’s framework will be based on the for-
malization of four main requirements. The first is about the
correct kinematic coupling of the two chains, and deals with
the analyses of singularities, redundancies and workspace B. Evaluation of adaptability performance
limitations [9], [26], [27], [30]. The second is about the Let us denote with Ω ⊂ Rn the SAM workspace, enclosing
adaptability of the SAM chain, and gives a formal interpre- the q which comply to the joint limitations (mechanical stops
tation of the exoskeleton workspace performances. A third or singularities threshold)3 . Then the set
requirement is that the SAM should allow the human joint
Γ = f (Ω)
posture to be controllable. The fourth requires that the SAM
can generate desired torques on the human main DOFs [2], collects the reachable (δ, q̃) points. As stated before, our SAM
[31], while ensuring the alignment, i.e., without loading the is designed for a reference geometry (correspondent to δ = 0),
human misaligning DOFs. The Denavit-Hartenberg notation but is required to be efficient for a range of geometry variations
offers the possibility to compactly express the kineto-static belonging to a neighbourhood I of 0, given by
description of a robotic structure, therefore will be adopted
throughout our methodology. δ ∈ I = [δ(1,min) ; δ(1,max) ] × [δ(2,min) ; δ(1,max) ] × . . .
. . . × [δ(N −n,min) ; δ(N −n,max) ].
A. Solution of kinematic closure The set

The problem of kinematic compatibility between the two Ω̃δ = {q̃ : (δ, q̃) ∈ Γ} ⊂ Rñ
chains can be formalized as follows: the design of the SAM 3 Ω is closed and simply connected, since it is given by a product of real in-
should minimize the impairment of the workspace of the tervals, Ω = [q1,min ; q1,max ]×[q2,min ; q2,max ]×. . .×[qn,min ; qn,max ].
human chain, arising from the coupling with the robot. This Γ as well is closed and simply connected, since f is continuous
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

is a subset of Γ expressing the reachable human joint variable qc . For the above matrices such condition can be
workspace, when the human articulation is in a particular expressed by means of the induced 2-norm (maximum singular
configuration in the neighborhood of the reference one (that value)
is, for a given δ). The aim is to have a SAM structure such
that ∀q ∈ Ω, kG0 (q)k2  kG(q)k2 ⇒ G0 (q) ' 0ñ×(n−r) ,
Ω̃δ ⊇ Ω̃des , (5) leading (8) into
q̃ = g(qc )
. (10)
where Ω̃des is the set of human chain postures the SAM will be δ = h(qa , qc )
able to reach regardless of the human chain variations. Clearly,
This formulation implies that the human joint posture q can be
this subset of the natural workspace depends on the specific
robustly identified through the SAM variables qc , regardless
task for which the robot is designed. There are three elements
of the adaptive variables qa assume in adjusting for the
in (5) that can be set by the designer: the desired workspace
misalignment. It is worth to note that a full separation (i.e. δ
Ω̃des , the human articulation variability I the SAM should
depending solely on qa ) is not necessary in order to achieve
comply with, and the SAM chain itself (hence the f function
the human joints controllability.
and the Γ set). If (5) does not hold, either a smaller Ω̃des or a
Some considerations on the dimensions of partition (7) should
smaller articulation variability I can be chosen (requirements
be made:
relaxation). Alternatively, a different SAM structure can be
used. • For q̃ to be controllable, at least an equal number of
controlling variables qc should be provided:
C. SAM joints partition dim(qc ) = r ≥ ñ = dim(q̃). (11)
Besides satisfying the workspace requirements, the SAM • The number of adaptive variables qa should be not-greater
should allow to build a correspondence between its actuated than the number of misaligning DOFs δ. Otherwise, when qc
joint variables and the human chain posture q̃, regardless of (and then q̃) and δ are given, some adaptive DOFs can change
the misaligning δ (inside the I set). configuration, even if the human chain remains fixed (i.e. the
Starting from (4), function f is split into g and h functions, SAM chain is underconstrained):
by separating the q̃ and δ expressions
 dim(qa ) = n − r ≤ N − ñ = dim(δ). (12)
q̃ = g(q)
(δ, q̃) = f (q) ⇒ . (6)
δ = h(q)
D. Effectiveness of the assistance
We will now draw a sufficient condition to separate the effects
of q on q̃ and on δ. We define a partition of the SAM variables The last requirement is more directly related to human
q ∈ Ω ⊆ Rn by the following: assistance: SAM should be able to exert the desired assistive
  torques along the human joints q̃, without inducing loads on
∆ qa the misaligning DOFs. Given the SAM joints partition of the
q= ; dim(qc ) = r ⇒ dim(qa ) = n − r,
qc previous section, if q̃ is mainly defined by qc , as stated in
qa ∈ Ωa ⊆ Rn−r , qc ∈ Ωc ⊆ Rr . (7) (10), the desired torques at q̃ are obtained by commanding
proper torques at the SAM joints qc (i.e. kineto-static duality).
We will call qc , and the corresponding SAM joints, controlling Calculations for the general case are not trivial, though, and
variables (joints), and qa the adaptive variables (joints). This are given in the upcoming section.
partition yields to an equivalent division within the functions 1) Kineto-static duality: As already done in (9), it is useful
g and h  to separate adapting and controlling contribution in h in the
q̃ = g(qa , qc ) second of (10):
. (8)
δ = h(qa , qc )
By properly choosing the partition (7), the human DOFs will

δ = h(qa , qc ) ⇒ δ̇ = H1 (q) H2 (q) =
be mainly dependent on the controlling variables qc . The con- q̇c
cept of “proper” partition can be better expressed by analyzing H1 (q)q̇a + H2 (q)q̇c ,
the dependence of q̃ on qa and qc , by differentiation: ∆ ∂h ∆ ∂h
H1 = ∈ R(N −ñ)×(n−r) , H2 = ∈ R(N −ñ)×r . (13)

 ∂qa ∂qc
q̃ = g(qa , qc ) ⇒ q̃˙ = G0 (q) G(q)

= Differentiation of (10) yields therefore to
G0 (q)q̇a + G(q)q̇c , 
q̃˙ = G(q)q̇c
. (14)
∆ ∂g ∆ ∂g δ̇ = H1 (q)q̇a + H2 (q)q̇c
G0 = ∈ Rñ×(n−r) , G = ∈ Rñ×r . (9)
∂qa ∂qc Matrices G, H1 and H2 can be considered the Jacobian matri-
By imposing that the contribution of the matrix G0 is negli- ces of the close kinematic. Matrices H1 and G determine the
gible (into the workspace Ω) compared to the contribution of SAM efficiency performances, and should satisfy the following
G, we approximate the function g as a function of the sole conditions:
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


τ a = H1T τ δ

• G must achieve maximum rank to ensure the independent . (20)
control of each element of q̃. By incorporating (11) we obtain: τ c = GT τ̃ + H2T τ δ
Equation (20) is the static dual of the kinematic (14). It states
rank(G) = ñ ≤ r. (15)
that a desired assistance on the main human torques τ̃ affects
• H1 must achieve maximum rank, otherwise at least one only the control joints torques τ c and not the adaptive ones
non-trivial linear combination of q̇a is ineffective in the τ a , and that having no torques acting on the misaligning DOFs
adaptation, corresponding to at least one useless DOF. An implies that the adaptive joints are passive: (τ δ = 0 ⇒ τ a =
equivalent condition implied by (12) is 0).
rank(H1 ) = n − r ≤ N − ñ. (16) The opposite is not straightforward: by leaving the adaptive
SAM joints passive (τ a = 0) and commanding the proper
A static dual expression of (14) can also be derived. Two τ c may not always correspond to having the desired τ̃ while
geometric Jacobians can be built from (3), which express the relieving the misaligning DOFs. Partition between active and
same end-effector link velocity: passive joints [33], [34] should be then carefully evaluated.
A particular case arises when condition (16) holds equal. In
˙  q̃˙
˜ δ) q̃ = J˜1 J˜2 this case matrix H1 is full-rank square (thus invertible), and

ve = J(q̃, =
δ̇ δ̇ adaptive joints are as many as the misaligning DOFs. This is
the case in which [26] falls, but only if, adopting their robotic
J˜1 q̃˙ + J˜2 δ̇, ve = J(q)q̇ = J(q) . (17) joints separation, the equation (8) can be well approximated
by (10). The first row of (20) then ensures the equivalency
Following II-C, the human-chain transformation implies a total between having unloaded deviation δ on human and passive
of N variables, and J˜ is square (N × N ) and invertible. Its adaptive DOFs on SAM:
portions have dimensions J1 ∈ RN ×ñ , J2 ∈ RN ×(N −ñ) .
Substituting expressions (9) and (13) into (17) yields to rank(H1 ) = N − ñ = n − r 6= 0 → τ δ = 0 ⇔ τ a = 0.
2) Assistance torques: The formalizations that we have
J q̇ = J˜1 q̃˙ + J˜2 δ̇ =
  introduced cover a more general case: if H1 is not square,
J˜1 0ñ×(n−r) G + J˜2 H1 the correspondence between δ torques and adaptive torques
H2 =
q̇c is only partial and not invertible. This section will address an
 q̇a actuation strategy allowing the SAM to relate given torques on
J˜2 H1 J˜1 G + J˜2 H2

q̇c the controlling joints with the desired torques on the human
joint, without loading the misaligning DOFs.
" #
J˜2 H1 J˜1 G + J˜2 H2
J= | {z } | {z } (18) Condition (16) implies that, under proper columns rearrange-
∈RN ×(n−r) ∈RN ×r ments5 , H1T ∈ R(n−r)×(N −ñ) can be divided into two aligned
Given any end-effector wrench fe , the dual expressions for blocks, a square full-rank (and so invertible) block and a
(17) are rectangular block being a linear combination of the square
     T  one:
τa T τ̃ ˜T J1
τ = = J fe , = J fe = fe .
J2T H1T = H10T H100T with H10 ∈ R(n−r)×(n−r) ,
τc τδ
˜ a relation between the SAM torques and the
By inverting J, ∃A ∈ R(n−r)×(N−ñ−(n−r)): H100T + H10T A = 0(n−r)×(N−ñ−(n−r)) .
human torques can be obtained: The first of (20) can be rewritten, partitioning τ δ into two
    subsets τ δ1 ∈ Rn−r andτ δ2 ∈ RN −ñ−(n−r) compatible with
τa τ̃
= J T fe = J T J˜−T ⇒ the dimensions of the H1T blocks, as
τc τδ
τ̃ T
 τ δ1
 τ a = H1T J˜2T J˜−T
 0T 0T

 τ a = H1 τ δ = H1 −H1 A =
 δ   . (19) τ δ2
τ̃ τ̃
T ˜T ˜−T T ˜T ˜−T  τ δ1
 τ c = G J1 J + H2 J 2 J 0T

τδ τδ H1 In−r −A .
τ δ2
To further simplify (19), it can be noticed that the products Since H10T is invertible, τ a = 0 condition corresponds to an
J˜1T J˜−T and J˜2T J˜−T are block matrices whose blocks are equal inner linear dependence between the elements of τ δ :
to either identity or empty matrices4 :
τ a = 0 ⇒ τ δ1 = Aτ δ2 (21)
J˜1 J˜1 J˜
 T   T −T 
˜T ˜−T
J J = IN = J˜−T
= = This demonstrates that if the adaptive DOFs are less than
J˜2T J˜−T
  the misaligning DOFs, a number (N − ñ) − (n − r) of τ δ
Iñ 0ñ×(N −ñ) elements (in our notation they are τ δ2 ) remains undetermined,

0(N −ñ)×ñ IN −ñ and can only derive from the controlling joint torques τ c .
4 I indicate the k × k identity matrix, while 0 5 Such rearrangement is equivalent to change the order of the elements in
k l×m an empty matrix with l
rows and m columns. τ δ.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

Conversely, since the controllable torques are more than the remaining r − ñ are defined from τ ?c = 0 ⇒ τ c2 = −B T τ c1 .
human joints (see (11)), we can find an actuation strategy This is a case of underactuated system [35], [36]. The key
such that r combinations of τ c are independent and work on point of the above discussion is that, assuming all matrices to
τ̃ , while the remaining r − ñ work on the τ δ2 variables. In have maximum rank, while the first of (20) cannot be always
the following paragraph we show how such partition can be “inverted” because H1T may have not independent columns
derived and the condition on which it is effective. (i.e. #columns ≥ #rows), this can be done with the second
As done before for H100T , we can divide G from equation (15) of (22) (for X, #columns ≤ #rows). The rank of X tells us
as follows: how many conditions can be imposed between the controlling
torques in surplus from the required τ̃ , and the misaligning
G = G0 G00 with G0 ∈ Rñ×ñ ,
DOFs torques remaining undetermined from τ a .
∃B ∈ Rñ×(r−ñ) : G00 + G0 B = 0ñ×(r−ñ) .
E. Summary of requirements verification
B can be used to build a combination block matrix
  This section summarizes the main requirements to be sat-
∆ Iñ 0ñ×(r−ñ)
T = ∈ Rr×r , isfied by a general wearable robot in order to assist a human
BT Ir−ñ
joint that is subjected to variable misalignments conditions.
and τ c can be divided accordingly to such block dimensions 1) Choose a SAM structure which has at least n ≥ N
into τ c1 ∈ Rñ and τ c2 ∈ Rr−ñ . Multiplication of the second DOFs, where N is the operational workspace dimension.
of (20) with T and substitution of (21) leads to 2) Solve the kinematic closure: the function f in (4) is

Iñ 0ñ×(r−ñ)

τ c1
Tτc = = 3) Evaluate the reachable workspace Γ = f (Ω). Verify if its
BT Ir−ñ τ c2
    subset related to human joint variables satisfies equation
τ c1 T T τ δ1 (5).
= T G τ̃ + T H2 =
B T τ c1 + τ c2 τ δ2 4) By differentiation of f , verify if human joint posture can
A be derived by a proper subset of SAM joints variables
T GT τ̃ + T H2T τ δ2 .
IN −ñ−(r−n) as expressed in equation (10). Such partition of q̃ must
verify dimensional requirements (11) and (12).
The product T GT becomes
5) Differentiation of relation (10) leads to (14): ranking
condition (15) and (16) must be verified on the obtained

Iñ 0ñ×(r−ñ) G
T GT = =
BT Ir−ñ G00T Jacobians.

 6) Equations (20) expresses the relation between human
= ⇒ chain torques and SAM torques: the assistance require-
B T G0T + G00T 0(r−ñ)×ñ
   ment is to obtain desired torques τ̃ on the human joint
  T A DOFs, while not loading the misaligning DOFs, τ δ = 0.
 τ c1 = G τ̃ + Iñ 0ñ×(r−ñ) H2 τ δ2

 IN−ñ−(r−n) 7) If SAM is “square” (i.e., r = ñ and n − r = N −
A ñ), matrices H1T and GT are square, so equations (20)
 B T τ c1 + τ c2 = B T Ir−ñ H2T
τ δ2

IN−ñ−(r−n) are sufficient to invert the torques relation by matrix
(22) inversion.
Equations (22) show that if the active joints torques are divided 8) If SAM has arbitrary dimensions, matrices A and B shall
between two subsets τ c1 and τ c2 , the linear combination be partitioned and the additional ranking condition (23)

B T τ c1 + τ c2 = τ ?c defines solely τ δ2 : must be verified. If so, the assistive torques strategy is:
A ∆
τ ?c = B T Ir−ñ H2T
τ δ2 = Xτ δ2 Passive adaptive DOFs: τ a = 0 ⇒ τ δ1 = Aτ δ2
IN −ñ−(r−n) ⇒
Actuation strategy: τ ?c = B T τ c1 + τ c2 = 0
The matrix X ∈ R(r−ñ)×(N −ñ−(n−r)) has at least as many

 Relieved misaligning DOFs: τ δ = 0
rows as columns, since r − ñ ≥ N − ñ − (n − r) ⇔ n ≥ N . Underactuation requirements: τ c2 = −B T τ c1 (25)
So, if X achieves full rank, Assistance-desired torques relation: τ c1 = G0T τ̃

rank(X) = (N − ñ) − (n − r) (23)

it’s left-invertible, and therefore Section III provided several requirements that a SAM chain
τ ?c = 0 ⇒ τ δ2 = 0, should obey. However, the choice of a suitable kinematic
chain (see Point 1 of Section “III-E. Summary of requirements
which then implies from (21) and the first of (22), verification”) is out of the scope of that framework, and is
extremely difficult to generalize. In a typical design problem,
τ δ1 = Aτ δ2 = 0, τ c1 = G0T τ̃ (24)
several a priori constraints are imposed before the choice
As anticipated, even if the r active SAM joints are more than of the kinematics of the robot; for example constraints on
the ñ human joint DOFs, only a part of ñ torques is sufficient weight distribution, limitations introduced by the material,
for the actuation (first equation of (22), last of (24)), while the accessibility, interchangeability and aesthetics.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


is used here for the mechanism design of a wearable robot.

Specifically, we show the design of a SAM for a 2R DOFs is
formally equivalent to the splitting of the spatial mechanism
into two planar sub-mechanisms: hence we will refer to this
approach as planar decoupling.
The initial SAM has N = 6, ñ = 2, while the resulting two
SAMs are planar and assist one joint at a time (N = 3,
ñ = 1). Consequently, the misaligning variables shall be
redefined accordingly to the planar decoupling.

A. SAM for 2-revolute DOFs human chain

Following the definitions introduced previously, N = 6
while the human joint variables are two, q̃ = [q̃1 , q̃2 ]T ∈ R2 .
Then δ = [δ1 , δ2 , δ3 , ε]T ∈ R4 are the misaligning variables,
accounting for 3 translational terms and for the third rotation
(a) angle ε.
Referring to Fig. 4(a), the fixed frame (Õ0 − x̃0 , ỹ0 , z̃0 ) is
centered in the 2-DOF joint centre, such that the axis z̃0 lies
along the first human joint axis, and the axis ỹ0 along the
second one when q̃1 is null. The axis x̃0 closes the right-
handed frame. The rotations q̃1 and q̃2 , around the axis z̃0
and z̃1 respectively, move the original frame into the fixed
reference frame of the human link, whose axes directions are
so defined: x̃e lies parallel to the new direction of x̃0 ; z̃e is
chosen parallel to the joint axis z̃1 ; ỹe closes the right-handed
frame. The ε contribution can be treated as the last rotation
occurring along x̃e .
By proper calculations, we can find the following formulation
for the right-hand term in (3):

M (S, δ, q̃) = 0 T0̃ (S, δ)0̃ Tẽ (q̃, δ)ẽ Te (S) =

       
lX (S) δ1 lH (S)
R0  lY (S) I3  δ2 0̃ ẽ 
0 
 Tẽ (q̃, 0)Rx (ε)Re

 0̃  ,
 lZ (S)  δ3   0 
0T 1 0T 1 0T 1
Fig. 4. Geometric references for a 2R human chain. (a): frames and (26)
human articulation joints. The two main DOFs are revolute with mutually
orthogonal axes (q̃1 and q̃2 ), the misaligning displacement [δ1 , δ2 , δ3 ]T are
expressed along the Õ0 reference frame; the fourth misaligning variable is where we choose to express δ along the fixed frames axes
the rotation ε. (b): decomposition of δ suitable for the planar decoupling. (the prismatic grey joints in Fig. 4(a)), and lX , lY , and lZ are
δ is equivalent to the vectorial sum of [δ10 , δ20 , 0]T along the (x̃0 , ỹ0 , z̃0 ) human-size related offsets, while lH is the offset between the
directions, plus [δ1? , δ2? , 0]T along the (x̃1 , ỹ1 , z̃1 ) directions (details can be
found in Appendix A).
E attachment point and Õ0 (0 represents the vector [0, 0, 0]T ).
More details can be found in Appendix A.

Being aware of the deep gap between a the analysis and the B. Planar decoupling and SAM design
synthesis of a robot, in this Section, we exemplify how the
proposed theoretical treatment can be used for designing the In order to get a satisfactory expression for the SAM
robot mechanism. decoupling, the q̃ components must be separated: referring
We will focus on the case of a double revolute (2R) single- to Fig. 4(b), planar decoupling lead us to work separately in
joint with mutually orthogonal revolution axes. This model is the planes π1 and π0 . Equation (26) lumps the ε effects in
of interest in the wearable robotic field, since it is commonly a separated factor: if we temporary ignore it, only two linear
used for many biomechanical joints, e.g. the metacarpopha- combination of the three displacements δi still matter when
langeal (MCP) joint of human fingers [28], and the thumb’s working in each of the planes.
carpo-metacarpal (CMC) joint. A common approach for the In Fig. 4(b), a visual representation of an equivalent decom-
mechanism design of a 2R DOFs joint consists in treating the position of δ in two vectors δ ? and δ 0 laying on the π1 , π0
revolute DOF separately. This approach, called decoupling, planes is given. Details of related calculations are given in
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.

Appendix A. The main result is

I3 δ 0̃
Tẽ (q̃, 0) =
0T 1
c̃1 −s̃1 0 δ10  0 δ1?
   
c̃2 −s̃2
s̃1 c̃1 0 δ20 Rx − π 0 s̃2

0 δ2?

  2  c̃2  . (27)
0 0 1 0  0T 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
The first and last term of (27) represent the planar transforma-
tions that rule the design of the reduced planar SAMs, while
the middle term is an axes rearrangement. The last factor is
the only term that matters in the plane π1 , while the first
one affects the π0 in-plane motions. However we observe that
δi? and δi0 depends on q̃1 . Considering the requirements in
“III-A. Solution of kinematic closure” and “III-B. Evaluation
of adaptability performance”, this dependency will only results
in a modified neighborhood I. For example, a condition for Fig. 5. Example SAM kinematic diagram.
a suitable I could be kδk ≤ , i.e. a maximum joint centre
displacement  is assumed. Due to rotation properties, the I
the human body, and that q2 < π2 , otherwise singularity occurs
boundary remains the same, kδk =  ⇒ kδ ? k =  whichever
and it is not possible to reach q̃ = π2 . This last condition
the q̃1 . The planar decoupling splits this condition in two suffi-
T implies that lb > h+lh which is the maximum vertical distance
cient but not necessary conditions: δ1? δ2?

=  for the between P1 and E.
π1 -coplanar SAM and kδ3 k =  ⇒ δ1 δ2
0 0
=  for
Equation (3) can be solved in order to get the f expressions
the π0 -coplanar Ire- (details are in Appendix B):
 one (see Fig. 4(b)). The
T  neighbourhood
sulting from δ1? δ2? ≤  ∧ δ10 δ20

≤  is

(q̃, δ1 , δ2 ) = f (q1 , q2 , q3 ) ⇔
larger than the starting one, so SAM is requested to show 
 q̃ = q2 + q3 − π2
more adaptability performance than those effectively needed. δ1 = (q1 − l0 ) + la + lb c2 + lc c23 − lh s23 (28)
Despite that the planar decoupling approach simplifies the 
δ2 = lb s2 + lc s23 − h + lh c23
design process.
Since the first of (28) does not depend on δi , imposing (5) over
V. SAM DESIGN EXAMPLE : 1R HUMAN PLANAR JOINT (28) leads to the same conclusions whichever I is chosen: Ω
must include the subset q2 +q3 ∈ [ π2 ; π]. Then, a limit to the I
In this Section we apply our methodology to a specific contour comes from degeneration of the other (28) relations.
SAM structure. Specifically, we present a simple planar case, For the δ2 limit, for example, we will get
with a single revolute (human) joint, which can undergo
displacements in the plane perpendicular to its axis. Clearly, δ2
δ2 = lb (sin q2 − sin q2,REF ) ⇔ = sin q2 − sin q2,REF ,
this is not a complete example of SAM design for 1R joint. In lb
fact, it neglects the out-of-plane misaligning displacement and
the other two rotations, other than over-simplifying the human ∆ h − lc cos q̃ + lh sin q̃
joint with a perfectly planar model. Nevertheless, it can be sin q2,REF = .
used in continuation with the planar decoupling approach to Limitations over δ2 /lb are then given by extreme values of
executing the design of a complete SAM structure: the planar sin q2 − sin q2,REF :
decoupling approach simplifies a multi-dimensional problem
in several independent planar problems, which are analysed in δ2
−1 − sin q2,REF < < 1 − sin q2,REF .
details in this Section. lb
The SAM kinematic chain for this example is shown in Fig. 5, Choosing lh ≥ 0, the expression of sin q2,REF is monotonic
together with its reference frames: its structure is PRR, while in q̃ between the values
the fourth joint R3 represents the human joint. It is out of h − lc h + lh
the scope of this paper to discuss about its advantages and ≤ sin q2,REF ≤ ,
lb lb
disadvantages against other possible structures. which are contained in the [−1; 1] set if

A. Kinematic compatibility lb > max {lc − h, h + lh } .

With reference to Fig. 5, H and lh are body size related Then, limitations above δ2 /lb are given by:
quantities (components of vector S), while l0 is an offset for δ2,min h − lh
= −1 − max {sin q2,REF } = −1 − ;
the position of the prismatic joint. Let us denote the desired lb lb
workspace with q̃ ∈ Ω̃des = [0, π2 ]. It can be noted that h > δ2,max h − lc
H > 0 and lc > H > 0, in order to avoid interference with = 1 − min {sin q2,REF } = 1 − .
lb lb
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


and leads to
τ c1 = [τ2 ] , τ c2 = [τ3 ] , τ ?c = [−τ2 + τ3 ] ;
• matrix X results
 T  T A
X= B Ir−ñ H2 =
IN −ñ−(r−n)
  T 0
−1 1 H2 = [−lb c2 ] .
Condition (23) becomes rank (X) = 1, which is equivalent
to c2 6= 0, which is guaranteed by the workspace constraint
Fig. 6. Representation of δ2,max boundary when q̃ = π
. δ2 is limited by
q2 < π2 . We have therefore
further opening of R1 joint up to q2 = π2 .  ?
τ c = [−τ2 + τ3 ] = 0 ⇒ τ δ2 = [τδ2 ] = 0

τ c1 = [τ2 ] = G0T τ̃ = [1] [τ̃ ] = [τ̃ ]

Regarding the δ1 , it can be easily allowed whatever its maxi- τ2 = τ̃
. (30)
mum value by enlargement of the prismatic joint stroke. In Fig. τ3 = τ2 = τ̃
6 the singularity condition related to δ2,max is represented.
Relations (30) suggests the actuation strategy that defines the
required SAM controlling torques τ2 and τ3 when a desired
B. Actuation effectiveness torque along the human joint τ̃ is required. Equations (29)
Given that workspace requirements have been met, the as- and (30) help in estimating the SAM performances: within a
sistance effectiveness shall be addressed. The division between design process, they should be used for numerical evaluation
q c and q a results straightforward from (28), with r = 2, of workspace, encumbrance, weight and actuation costs. De-
n − r = 1: the dimensions satisfy (11) and (12). Functions pending on the results the designers can choose if proceed
g and h of (10) are obtained with the actual architecture or try another different solution
than the one presented in Fig. 5.
δ1 q2
q̃ = [q̃1 ] , δ = , qc = , qa = [q1 ] ⇒
δ2 q3
 C. Back to the 2R spatial joint
 q̃ = g(qc ) ↔ q̃ = q2 + q3 − π2
To complete the description of the planar decoupling ap-

 δ1 = (q1 − l0 ) + la + lb c2 + . . .

. proach, here we show how the proposed planar SAM structure
 δ = h(q a , qc ) ↔ . . . + lc c23 − lh s23
can be exploited to complete the 3-D spatial mechanism. With

δ2 = lb s2 + lc s23 − h + lh c23
 
reference to Fig. 4(b), we can design the reduced π0 and π1
Matrices G, H1 and H2 of (14) are
SAMs independently: they both will build a 1-DOF single
closed loop planar chain when linked with the respective R
∂g   ∂h 1
G= = 1 1 , H1 = = , human joint. The two-dimensional Kutzbach criterion [37]
∂qc ∂qa 0

−lb s2 − lc s23 − lh c23 −lc s23 − lh c23
 suggests that 4 links (including the fixed one) connected by
H2 = = . four 1-DOF joints are necessary to achieve such solution:
∂qc lb c2 + lc c23 − lh s23 lc c23 − lh s23
Ranking conditions (15) and (16) give rank (G) = 1 = ñ, X
M = 3(n − 1 − j) + fi = 3(4 − 1 − 4) + 4 = 1.
rank (H1 ) = 1 = n−r. This SAM is not “square”, so partitions
for G and H1T must be expressed,
This will results in 4 joints for the π1 section (including the z̃1
H1T = 1 0 ⇒ H10T = [1] , H100T = [0] , A = [0]
joint) and 4 joints for the π0 section (including the z̃0 joint),
and for a total of 6 joints in the SAM chain: the three-dimensional
Kutzbach criterion will give (7 joints, 6 with 1 DOF and the
⇒ G0 = [1] , G00 = [1] , B = [−1] ,
G= 1 1 human one with 2 DOF, 7 link including the fixed one)
and the arguments of (25) are recalled: j
• partition of misaligning torques comes from H1T blocks M = 6(n − 1 − j) + fi = 6(7 − 1 − 7) + 8 = 2.
decomposition, i=1

Nevertheless, if the SAM structure is built in this way, it may

τ δ1 = [τδ1 ] , τ δ2 = [τδ2 ] ,
be underconstrained. In fact, let us assume q̃ and δ fixed: the
and leads to two points O0 and E are fixed. Referring to Fig. 7(a), the two
planar sub-chains can be intended as having their end-effectors
τ a = [τ1 ] = 0 ⇒ τ δ1 = Aτ δ2 = 0;
in A0 and A1 points. Each chain regulates its end-effector x, y
• partition matrix for active torques is and orientation on the respective plane: the structure depicted
Iñ 0ñ×(r−ñ) 1 0 in Fig. 7(a) is undetermined with respect to translation of the
T = = ,
BT Ir−ñ −1 1 A0 A1 link along a direction parallel to both π0 and π1 , i.e.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


(a) (b)

Fig. 7. Planar-decoupling approach in SAM design. (a) example of underconstrained SAM concept. The mechanism results from the union of two 1-DOF
planar SAMs: once q̃1 , q̃2 and the human joint centre position are fixed, the chain still is undetermined with respect to the ∆ displacement, parallel to x̃1 .
(b) example of correct concept of a spatial SAM, exploiting the Fig. 5 planar SAM in its π1 -coplanar part. Its prismatic joint is exploited even in π0 -coplanar

their intersection, the x̃1 axis. These exoskeletons can withstand large axes misalignments
This incongruity with the Kutzbach criterion can be explained and can be worn correctly by people with different body
by the fact that the SAM and H chains do not possess the sizes with no need of manual adjustments. If an exoskeleton
third-axis rotation DOF: their operative workspace have then includes sufficient passive DOFs to cover a wide variability
dimension equal to 5, not 6, and the resultant mobility is 3. in limb sizes, manual regulations become useless, and can
Therefore, one SAM joint should be eliminated. A possible be excluded from the design. In practical cases, including
solution is to exploit the unconstrained direction just described, some degree of manual regulation of link lengths in a SAM
by introducing an adaptive P joint with axis parallel to x̃1 . can result in a relaxation of the maximum deviations δ the
Such joint works in both the π0 and π1 plane, and so it can be designer wants to cover with the passive DOFs. Depending
used both as starting joint for the π1 -coplanar chain (as in Fig. on the specific joint and bulk of the robot, this hybrid solution
5) and ending joint for the π0 -coplanar chain. This solution could be beneficial.
is presented in Fig. 7(b), where the π1 -coplanar mechanism is Very often, passive DOFs have been used as “patches” of
the same depicted in Fig. 5. the main active DOFs, with the design being driven on case-
specific considerations. In [26] authors proposed dimensional
VI. D ISCUSSION AND C ONCLUSIONS constraints over active and passive DOFs in an exoskeleton
A. Discussion chain (similar to those expressed by (3)). In this work, the
main focus is about the “hyperstaticity” of the coupled human-
The variability in the user anthropometry is the primary
robot system (i.e. the motion impediment due to an incorrect
source of misalignments between the actuated axes of an
alignment of homologous robot-human joint axes), which
exoskeletal robot and the wearer’s joint to be assisted. To
represents a particular case of what the present paper calls
properly transfer the desired torque to the user, the structure of
“misalignment”. In order to avoid hyperstaticity, authors of
the robot has to deal with unpredictable variations of human-
[26] propose to endow the attachment points with passive
joint position and orientation, introduced by the variable link
DOFs. The mobility of these DOFs respects dimensional
lengths and other factors. A macroscopic regulation of the
constraints so that each closed kinematic chain joining the
robot link lengths [19], [38], [39] can only alleviate the
human, the robot and a fixed reference frame (as the loop OF −
problem, because an accurate measure of human link lengths
O0 − E − Ẽ − Õ0 − OF in Fig. 2) has the same mobility of the
cannot be obtained “in vivo” without complex instrumental
human chain. The main conceptual difference with our work
analysis. Such regulations introduce unknown errors, which
is that [26] does not stress the possibility of misplacement of
depend on the skills of the experimenter in evaluating the
the human joints’ axes from the supposed positions. If such
user anthropometry and fitting the user inside the exoskeleton.
deviations occur, and the dimensional constraints on mobility
In addition, regulations of robot links cannot compensate for
of each chain are respected, they will be absorbed by the
all the variable misalignments. Finally, adjustable link lengths
passive attachments, permitting human limb motion. In [26],
can affect the mechanical solidity of the robot and vary its
an initial choice over the qc and qa partition (equation (7))
dynamical parameters (e.g. centre of gravity positions and
is made, inherently given by the anthropomorphic structure of
inertia tensors).
the exoskeleton: qc are the robotic joints, and are in a one-to-
Part of these problems have been solved in literature by in-
one correspondence to the human joints q̃, while the qa lies in
troducing additional passive DOFs [22], [25], [26], [33], [34].
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


the attachments passive mobility. No formal demonstration that of its absolute capabilities to transfer the controlled loads
such a partition leads to controllability of the human joints q̃ is (robot joint’s torques) to human’s articulation ones (torques
given. Moreover, while [26] ends its compatibility analysis at that we want to exert and/or parasite loads), in condition of
the dimensional level, in this paper we link the SAM’s joints complete kinematic compatibility. Conversely, the conception
with the human chain main joints q̃ and misaligning joints of a new architecture can be more efficiently lead if the
δ, through Jacobian matrices. In our work, the treatment of designers already have in mind the need for a partition between
redundant DOFs is systematized, and the design of the full “adaptive” and “controlling” joints, that is the basis from
chain is given comprehensively. which results of Section III have been achieved, and that
Most of the studies on assistive actuation and exoskeletons [2], extends the concept of “active” and “passive” DOFs that
[30], [31] follow a robot centered approach: great attention usually permeates exoskeleton design.
is given to the choice of control laws conceived and tested Another design tool is presented in Section IV-B, the planar
at the level of the robot joint. Conversely, less attention has decomposition approach. Apart from being a logical and
been devoted to understand how the assistive torque, which intuitive way to tackle the mechanical design problems, we for-
is finely controlled on the robotic joint, is transferred to the mally demonstrated that the proposed decomposition approach
human joint, and then how it is perceived by the user, which is theoretically equivalent to split the design of a full 3D SAM
is the final goal of the exoskeleton. into the design of two simpler and lower-grade 2D SAMs. For
With this study we introduced a novel human-centered design this reason, it can be considered a useful mean to bridge the
methodology for powered exoskeletons, starting from the very gap between the theoretical analysis and the practical design
basic problem of a proper transfer of the desired torque on the process.
user’s joint using a serial robotic kinematic chain. So far, the The case study presented in this paper focus on a single human
most accurate investigation about this topic was given in [24], joint. Despite not representative of the full complexity of the
[26]. These works took into account for the first time the spu- human limbs, the proposed model can be used for a large
rious effect that the passive DOFs may eventually introduce in part of the human articulations that suffer from the problem
the actuation, even if only for a specific application. To the best of misalignment (e.g. finger articulations, elbow, knee). A
of our knowledge, nobody provided an analytical description simple extension to multiple human joints could be obtained
of the adaptation and actuation transmission features, which by treating each joint independently. This solution however
are both strongly affected by the presence and arrangement of could lead to useless underconstrained structures (see Fig. 7).
active and passive DOFs. For this reason, a full discussion embracing the presence of
This paper presented an exoskeleton-design methodology for multiple different joints could be useful.
the evaluation of the compatibility performances. Being an- A possible limitation of the current design method is given by
alytically simple and not involving dynamic calculation, our the effect of external applied loads (e.g. the weight), which
method provides an efficient way to evaluate the effectiveness has been neglected in section III. This simplification may
of a wearable robotic platform in providing the desired torque, become unreliable if the mass of the robot is relevant, and
and to verify the maximum tolerable misalignment from the the orientation of the joint to be assisted changes with respect
design phase. In addition, we validated a general construc- to gravity. The same problem can occur if the inertia of the
tive approach for the definition of an actuation strategy that SAM links becomes relevant [40]. This problem was never
transmits the desired torques at the human joints, despite the treated in past designs of exoskeletal platforms with passive
presence of misalignments, without producing any undesired DOFs, but should be considered in the design phase.
loads or kinematic constraints over the joint to be assisted.
The technique we proposed provides an analysis methodology,
and is not sufficient to determine how the self-alignment chain B. Conclusions and future works
should be constructed. The synthesis of a SAM for a given This paper presented a complete analytical treatment of
human joint is indeed a much more complex and difficult the problem of misalignment between a robotic chain and
to generalize problem. This dichotomy is often encountered another modelling the human limb to be assisted (i.e. a
in mechanical design: the shape of the desired structure is formal description of the coupled kineto-static problem). This
chosen following global criteria (such as weight limitations, approach can be applied to solve most of the critical issues
accessibility, operating conditions and so on), then several in the design of a wearable-robot structure: flexibility to
“affordable” architectures may be identified. At this point, variable user anthropometry, evaluation of natural workspace
the different solutions are parameterized and analyzed (one impairment, and capability of transmitting assisting torque
by one) by means of a given set of tools (for examples, to the user joints. We presented the planar decomposition
evaluation of peak forces, power consumptions, overall costs, approach for a spatial 2R human joint case, and formally
weight, etc), in order to elicit pro and cons relatively to demonstrated that it corresponds to splitting the design of
each analyzed feature. As an analytic tool, the set of rules a full 3D SAM in two simpler and lower-grade 2D SAMs.
depicted in Section III-E may be used in this design phase: Finally, we proposed a possible architecture for an exoskeleton
our methodology provides the tools to evaluate the type and assisting a spatial 2R human joint (see Fig. 7). While this
number of joints that should be controlled (and how) in methodology was developed as a tool for wearable-robot
order to achieve both self-alignment and torque transmission. design, it could be applied to all coupled serial kinematic
Basically, it evaluates a proposed kinematic chain in terms chains that need an active assistance support along some
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


Joint a α d θ
axes while not constraining the others in term of force and 1 0 π
q1 + la π
2 2
displacement. 2 lb 0 0 q2 + π
3 lc 0 0 q3
1̃ 0 0 0 q̃

In this Appendix, detailed mathematical derivations of ma-

trix transformations related to the 2R joint example (Section
IV) are shown. In order to get (26) in Section IV-A, each of from δ3? :
the factor of (3) is calculated. Variables and axes are defined
in Fig. 4(a) and 4(b). The homogeneous transformation matrix
I3 Rx π2 Rz (−q̃1 )δ 1̃
from the O0̃ frame to the Ẽ frame results from the composition 0̃
T1̃ (q̃1 ) Tẽ (q̃2 , 0) =
0T 1
of rotation q̃1 about z̃0 axis, q̃2 about z̃1 axis and ε about x̃e     ? 
axis: 0 δ1

 0 I
 3
 δ2? 
 1̃ T (q̃ , 0) =
T1̃ (q̃1 ) 
 
lX (S)
  
   ?
δ3  0  ẽ 2
 R0  lY (S)    I3  δ2  0T 1 0T 1

T0̃ (S, δ) =  0̃   , (31)   
 ? 
 lZ (S)  δ3 
Rz (q̃1 )Rx − π Rz (q̃1 )Rx − π  0 Rz (q̃2 )  δ2? 
0T 1 0T 1  2 2  .
 δ3?  0 
0T 1 0T 1

Tẽ (q̃, δ) = 0̃ T1̃ (q̃1 )1̃ Tẽ (q̃2 , ε) =
The product Rz (q̃1 )Rx − π2 [0, 0, δ3? ] gives

Rz (q̃1 )Rx − π2
0 Rz (q̃2 )Rx (ε) 0
0T 1 0T 1
Rz (q̃1 )Rx − π2
0 Rz (q̃2 ) 0 Rx (ε) 0    
=  π 0  π 0 0 0
0T 1 0T 1 0T 1
Rz (q̃1 )Rx −  0  = Rz (q̃1 )Rx −  0 0 0  δ ? =

Rx (ε) 0
Rx (ε) 0
 2 2

T1̃ (q̃1 )1̃ Tẽ (q̃2 , 0) = 0̃
T (q̃, 0) , δ3? 0 0 1

0T 1 0T 1  
 π 0 0 0 π
Rz (q̃1 )Rx −  0 0 0  Rx Rz (−q̃1 )δ =
2 2
0 0 1
   
   c̃1 0 −s̃1 0 0 0 c̃1 s̃1 0
lH (S)  s̃1 0 c̃1   0 0 0   0 0 −1  δ =
 Reẽ  0 

Te (S) =  . (33) 0 −1 0 0 0 1 −s̃1 c̃1 0
 0   2   0
s̃1 −s̃1 c̃1 0 δ1
0T 1 ∆
 −s̃1 c̃1 c̃21 0  δ =  δ20  . (36)
0 0 0 0
In order to get (27) in Section IV-B, we start from the central
factors of equation (26), and manipulates by means of (32):
The important feature is the abscence of the third component,
    meaning that we decoupled the 3D problem in two 2D sub-
I3 δ 0̃ I3 δ 0̃ problems. Substituting (36) into (35) leads to (27).
Tẽ (q̃, 0) = T1̃ (q̃1 )1̃ Tẽ (q̃2 , 0) =
0T 1 0T 1
Rz (q̃1 )Rx − π2
I3 δ 0 1̃
Tẽ (q̃2 , 0) =
0T 1 0T 1
Rz (q̃1 )Rx − π2
δ 1̃
Tẽ (q̃2 , 0) =
0T 1
In this Appendix, calculations related to the 1R joint exam-
Rx π2 Rz (−q̃1 )δ 1̃

T1̃ (q̃1 ) 3T Tẽ (q̃2 , 0). (34) ple (Section V) are given. Equation (28) in section V-A comes
0 1
from solution of equation (3): for both left and right terms,
Denavit-Hartenberg parameter are needed (see Fig. 5: z0 lays
The vector Rx π2 Rz (−q̃1 )δ is the human joint centre dis-

on the plane, whereas z1 , z2 , ze , z̃0 and z̃e are normal to the
placement represented along the frame (O0̃ − x̃1 , z̃1 , z̃1 ), and plane and pass through R1 , R2 , E, R3 and E respectively,
we will indicate its components with the symbols δi? : for our pointing inward the drawing). They are given in table I.
purposes, we detach the π1 co-planar components δ1? and δ2? The left-hand term of (3) therefore is
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication.


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