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MS 1525 (New)

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MS 1525


 To encourage the design of new and

existing buildings so that they may be
constructed, operated and maintained in a
manner that reduces the use of energy
without constraining the building function,
nor the comfort or productivity of the
occupants and with appropriate regard for
cost considerations.
 To provide the criteria and minimum
standards for energy efficiency in
the design of new buildings, retrofit
of existing buildings and provide
methods for determining
compliance with these criteria and
minimum standards.

 To provide guidance for energy

efficiency designs that demonstrate
good professional judgement and
exceeds minimum standards
The Malaysian Standard sets forth the
requirements for the effective use of new and
existing buildings for human occupancy,
 passive design strategies
 electric power and distribution,
 lighting,
 air conditioning,
 building envelope and
 control system for energy
The Malaysian Standard covers new
and existing buildings such as offices,
hotels, shopping complexes and
department stores as well as those
portions of factory and industrial
buildings that are used primarily for
human occupancy.

Sustainable design approach

A combined architectural, engineering, site

planning and landscaping
(multidisciplinary) approach to designing
an anergy efficient building would optimize
the energy efficiency of a building
especially when employing combined
passive and active devices.

Passive Design Strategy
The architectural consideration in
designing a building is influenced by its
responsiveness to the immediate
environment. The important factors that
should be considered include the
•Building orientation
•Building configuration
(geometry & layout)
•Effective room depth
•Floor to ceiling height
•Location of cores
• Building façade
• Internal layout
• Fenestrations
• Building materials
• Roof design and colour
• Landscaping and shading

Site Planning and Orientation
For climatic zones near the equator,
generally the best orientation for
buildings is with the long directional
axis facing North-South, minimizing
the East-West orientation.

A good daylighting system must
study the building elements in Daylighting
relation to the sunlight:

The orientation and space

Shape and size of glazing through
which daylight will pass
Internal ceiling wall, partition and
floor surface properties
The colour contrast between
windows and internal adjoining
walls and ceilings
Protection from solar gain or glare
afforded by external and internal
shading devices; and
Optical, solar and thermal
properties of windows 10
Facade Design
Correct choice of building materials for
facade design can help minimize solar heat
gain. The exterior wall and cladding systems
should be designed to provide an integrated
solution for the provision of view, daylight
control, passive and active solar energy
collection and moisture management
systems (e.g. dehumidifiers) while minimizing
heat gain

A combination of both technologies is recommended
Natural ventilation
Fresh air is required in buildings to
alleviate odours and improve indoor
environment quality.

Provisions for
ventilated lobby
areas, corridors,
lift cores,
staircases should
be encouraged
Air Movement
Air movement affects comfort. The presence of air movement
enhances evaporative and convective cooling from the skin
Air speed Mechanical Occupant sensation
(m/s) effect
< 0.25 Smoke (from Unnoticed, except at low temperatures
cigarette) indicates
0.25 -0.5 Flame from a candle Feels fresh at comfortable temps, but
flicks draughty at cool temps
0.5 – 1.0 Loose papers may Generally pleasant when comfortable
be moved. or warm but causing constant
Equivalent to awareness of air movement
walking speed
1.0-1.5 Too fast for Acceptable in warm conditions but
deskwork with loose can be from slightly to annoyingly
papers draughty
> 1.5 Equivalent to fast Acceptable only in very hot and humid
walking speed climates
Daylighting and Ventilation from windows
One of the most fundamental components in a building
is windows. They provide a climatic relationship between
the exterior and interior in the form of light, sound, air
and view of the exterior.
The size, shape, position and orientation of windows are
designed based on intended purpose and requirements

Purpose Design recommendation

Daylighting Optimum height and size for daylight
Natural ventilation Orientation towards prevailing wind
Daylighting and Size and sill height suited to occupant
view position and external features
Daylighting and Size and location must be suited to all
natural ventilation parameters


Buildings with two openings offer better ventilation


Stack Ventilation
where the vertical distance between inlet and outlet openings is maximized
Strategic landscaping
Strategic landscaping can
reduce heat gain through
several processes,
including shading from the
sun, shielding from
infiltration at higher levels
and the creation of a cooler
microclimate around the

Strategic landscaping

Strategic Landscaping
Planting strategy to improve micro-climate

Maximising solar heating, solar electricity, solar

lighting and solar assisted technologies.

A design criterion for building envelope known as
the overall thermal transfer value (OTTV) has
been adopted. The OTTV requirement, which
applies only to air conditioned buildings is aimed
at achieving the design of building envelope so
as to cut down external heat gain and hence
reduce the cooling load for the air conditioning
For a fenestration at a given orientation, OTTVi
has three components:

15  (1 – WWR) Uw
(represents heat transfer through opaque wall)

(represents heat transfer through fenestration

(194 x OF x WWR x SC)

(represents solar radiation heat gain)
OTTV shall apply to all external walls.

OTTVi = OTTV value for orientation i

WWR = window-to-gross exterior wall area ratio for
orientation under consideration
 = the solar absorptivity of opaque wall
Uw = the thermal transmittance of opaque wall
Uf = the thermal transmittance of the
fenestration system
OF = solar correction factor for orientation of
fenestration under consideration
SC = shading coefficient of the fenestration

OTTV shall not exceed 50 W/m2

Orientation OF

North 0.90

Northeast 1.09

East 1.23

Southeast 1.13

South 0.92

Southwest 0.90

West 0.94

Northwest 0.90


Colour Suggested value of α

Light 0.2 to 0.4

Medium 0.41 to 0.7

Dark 0.71 to 0.95

•Window-to-wall ratio

•Thermal transmittance of opaque wall

•Thermal transmittance of fenestration


•Shading coefficient of fenestration

•Solar absorptivity
ROOFS (without skylights)
For roofs without skylights the maximum thermal transmittance
is specified according to the weight group of the roof.

Roof weight group Maximum U-value


Light 0.4
(non-concrete construction)

Heavy 0.6
(concrete roof construction)

ROOFS (with skylights)
For roofs with skylights a Roof Thermal Transfer Value (RTTV) is
applied where:
(Ar x Ur x Tdeq) + (As x Us x T) x (As x SC x SF)
RTTV = ------------------------------------------------------------------
Ar = the opaque roof area
Ur = the thermal transmittance of opaque roof area
Tdeq = the equivalent temperature difference
As = the skylight area
Us = the thermal transmittance of the skylight area
T = temperature difference between exterior and interior
Ao = the gross roof area
SC = the shading coefficient of the skylight

The maximum permissible

29 RTTV is set at 25 W/m2

Task and Applications Illuminance Minimum

(Lux) CRI

Lighting for working interiors

Infrequent reading and writing 200 80
General offices, shops and stores,
reading and writing 300 – 400 80
Drawing Office 300 – 400 85
Restroom 150 80
Restaurant, canteen, cafeteria 200 80
Kitchen 150 – 300 80
Lounge 150 60
Bathroom 150 80
Toilet 100 60
Bedroom 100 80
Class room, library 300 – 500 80
Shop/supermarket/department store 200 – 750 80
Museum and gallery 300 80
Type of usage Max lighting power
Lighting for working interiors
Infrequent reading and writing 8
General offices, shops and stores,
reading and writing 14
Drawing Office 14
Restroom 6
Restaurant, canteen, cafeteria 8
Kitchen 11
Lounge 6
Bathroom 6
Toilet 5
Bedroom 5
Class room, library 18
Shop/supermarket/department store 24
Museum and gallery 11
Proof reading
Detailed and precise32
Minimum number of lighting controls

(a)All spaces enclosed by walls or ceiling height

partitions should be provided with at least one
operated-on-off lighting control for each room
(b)One switch is provided for each task or group
of tasks within an area of 30 m2 or less
(c)The total number of switches should be at least
one switch for each 1 kW of connected load
(d)Availability of lighting zones control for energy

 Control accessibility – All lighting
controls should be located at an
accessible place
 Hotel and motel guest rooms should
have a master switch which
automatically turns of all lighting,
power outlets and reduce operating
air conditioning loads
 Exterior lighting not intended for 24
hour continuous use should be
automatically switched by timer
and/or photocell
 Local manual controls or automatic
controls such as photoelectric
switches or automatic dimmers
should be provided in daylighted
This section applies to the energy efficiency
requirements of electric motors, transformers and
distribution systems of buildings.

All electrical power distribution equipment should be

selected for their energy efficiency and to minimize cost
of ownership. Cost of ownership includes the capital
cost and the cost of energy over the equipment life time

Supply system voltage has significant impact on losses.

Hence, the supply voltage should be maintained as
close as possible to the design/optimum voltage of the
equipment installed
 Only motors with efficiencies higher than
Standard efficiency motors(IEC efficiency
Class IE1)should be used where operating
Hours exceed 750h per year.

 Decisions on motor selection between IE2(high

efficiency),IE3(premium efficiency),andIE4
(super premium efficiency) should be done
On an economic justification basis.

PN 2pole 4Pole 6Pole 8Pole
(kW) IE1 IE2 IE3 IE4 IE1 IE2 IE3 IE4 IE1 IE2 IE3 IE4 IE1 IE2 IE3 IE4
0.12 45 53.6 60.8 66.5 50 59.1 64.8 69.8 38.3 59.1 57.7 64.9 31 39.8 50.7 62.3
0.18 52.8 60.4 65.9 70.8 57 64.7 69.9 74.7 45.5 64.7 63.9 70.1 38 45.9 58.7 67.2
0.2 54.6 61.9 67.2 71.9 58.5 65.9 71.1 75.8 47.6 65.9 65.4 71.4 39.7 47.4 60.6 68.4
0.25 58.2 64.8 69.7 74.3 61.5 68.5 73.5 77.9 52.1 68.5 68.6 74.1 43.4 50.6 64.1 70.8
0.37 63.9 69.5 73.8 79.1 66 72.7 77.3 81.1 59.7 72.7 73.5 78 49.7 56.1 69.3 74.3
0.4 64.9 70.4 74.6 78.9 66.8 73.5 78 81.7 61.1 73.5 74.4 78.7 50.9 57.2 70.1 74.9
0.55 69 74.1 77.8 81.5 70 77.1 80.8 83.9 65.8 77.1 77.2 80.9 56.1 61.7 73 77
0.75 72.1 77.4 80.7 83.5 72.1 79.6 82.5 85.7 70 79.6 78.9 82.7 61.2 66.2 75 78.4
1.1 75 79.6 82.7 85.2 75 81.4 84.1 87.2 72.9 81.4 81 84.5 66.5 70.8 77.7 80.8
1.5 77.2 81.3 84.2 86.5 77.2 82.8 85.3 88.2 75.2 82.8 82.5 85.9 70.2 74.1 79.7 82.6
2.2 79.7 83.2 85.9 88 79.7 84.3 86.7 89.5 77.7 84.3 84.3 87.4 74.2 77.6 81.9 84.5
3 81.5 84.6 87.1 89.1 81.5 85.5 87.7 90.4 79.7 85.5 85.6 88.6 77 80 83.5 85.9
4 83.1 85.8 88.1 90 83.1 86.6 88.6 91.1 81.4 86.6 86.8 89.5 79.2 81.9 84.8 87.1
5.5 84.7 87 89.2 90.9 84.7 87.7 89.6 91.9 83.1 87.7 88 90.5 81.4 83.8 86.2 88.3
7.5 86 88.1 90.1 91.7 86 88.7 90.4 92.6 84.7 88.7 89.1 91.3 83.1 85.3 87.3 89.3
11 87.6 89.4 91.2 92.6 87.6 89.8 91.4 93.3 86.4 89.8 90.3 92.3 85 86.9 88.6 90.4
15 88.7 90.3 91.9 93.3 88.7 90.6 92.1 93.9 87.7 90.6 91.2 92.9 86.2 88 89.6 91.2
18.5 89.3 90.9 92.4 93.7 89.3 91.2 92.6 94.2 88.6 91.2 91.7 93.4 86.9 88.6 90.1 91.7
22 89.9 91.3 92.7 94 89.9 91.6 93 94.5 89.2 91.6 92.2 93.7 87.4 89.1 90.6 92.1
30 90.7 92 93.3 94.5 90.7 92.3 93.6 94.9 90.2 92.3 92.9 94.2 88.3 89.8 91.3 92.7
37 91.2 92.5 93.7 94.8 91.2 92.7 93.9 95 90.8 92.7 93.3 94.5 88.8 90.3 91.8 93.1
45 91.7 92.9 94 95 91.7 93.1 94.2 95.4 91.4 93.1 93.7 94.8 89.2 90.7 92.2 93.4
55 92.1 93.2 94.3 95.3 92.1 93.5 94.6 95.7 91.9 93.5 94.1 95.1 89.7 91 92.5 93.7
75 92.7 93.8 94.7 95.6 92.7 94 95 96 92.6 94 94.6 95.4 90.3 91.6 93.1 94.2
PN 2pole 4Pole 6Pole 8Pole

(kW) IE1 IE2 IE3 IE4 IE1 IE2 IE3 IE4 IE1 IE2 IE3 IE4 IE1 IE2 IE3 IE4

90 93 94.1 95 95.8 93 94.2 95.2 96.1 92.9 94.2 94.9 95.6 90.7 91.9 93.4 94.4

110 93.3 94.3 95.2 96 93.3 94.5 95.4 96.3 93.3 94.5 95.1 95.8 91.1 92.3 93.7 94.7

132 93.5 94.6 95.4 96.2 93.5 94.7 95.6 96.4 93.5 94.7 95.4 96 91.5 92.6 94 94.9

160 93.8 94.8 95.6 96.3 93.8 94.9 95.8 96.6 93.8 94.9 95.6 96.2 91.9 93 94.3 95.1

200 94 95 95.8 96.5 94 95.1 96 96.7 94 95.1 95.8 96.3 92.5 93.5 94.6 95.4

250 94 95 95.8 96.5 94 95.1 96 96.7 94 95.1 95.8 96.5 92.5 93.5 94.6 95.4

315 94 95 95.8 96.5 94 95.1 96 96.7 94 95.1 95.8 96.6 92.5 93.5 94.6 95.4

355 94 95 95.8 96.5 94 95.1 96 96.7 94 95.1 95.8 96.6 92.5 93.5 94.6 95.4

400 94 95 95.8 96.5 94 95.1 96 96.7 94 95.1 95.8 96.6 92.5 93.5 94.6 95.4

450 94 95 95.8 96.5 94 95.1 96 96.7 94 95.1 95.8 96.6 92.5 93.5 94.6 95.4

500 94 95.1 96 96.7 94 95.1 95.8 96.6 92.5 93.5 94.6 95.4
94 95 95.8 96.5
~ 1000

Motor power factor
Most electrical loads for non-residential consumers are inductive and tend
to operate at relatively low power factor unless the reactive load
component is adequately compensated, usually by using power factor
compensating capacitor banks at the main supply injection points or at the
respective low pf loads as necessary.

Motor drives
Where applicable, inverter motor drives shall be used to control the speed
of the motors for variable loads. It is recommended that soft starters be
specified for motors exceeding 7.5 hp/5 kW

The cross-section area of the cables and wires should comply with the
provisions of MS IEC 60364 on Electrical Installations of Buildings

The criteria for selection of energy-efficient
transformers are as following:
a) For transformers ≤ 3 150 kVA, the Maximum Allowed
Load losses and No-Load Losses shall fall the within of
ranges as given in Tables 1 and 2.

b) For transformers > 3 150 kVA, they shall comply with

Minimum Peak Efficiency Index (PEI) criteria as given in
Tables 3 and 4.

Table 1. Maximum load and no-load loss (in W) for 3-phase Oil Immersed
type transformers ≤ 3 150 KVA
Ratedpower Maximum load losses Maximum no-load
(kVA) (W) Losses loss (W)
800 8400 650
1000 10500 770
1250 11000 950
1600 14000 1200
2000 18000 1450
2500 22000 1750
3150 27500 2200

Table 2. Maximum load and no-load loss (in W) for 3-phase Dry Type
transformers ≤ 3 150 kVA

Rated power
Maximum load losses (W) Maximum no-load losses
Loss (W)
800 8000 1300

1000 9000 1550

1250 11000 1800

1600 13000 2200

2000 16000 2600

2500 19000 3100

3150 22000 3800

Minimum Peak Efficiency for Transformer Ratings > 3 150 kVA

Calculation Method


Po is the load losses measured at rated voltage and rated frequency, on the rated
Pco is the electrical power required by the cooling system for no load operation
Pk is the measured load loss at rated current and rated frequency on the rated tap
corrected to the reference temperature
Sr is the rated power of the transformer or auto-transformer on which Pk is based.

NOTE. The peak efficiency of the transformer occurs at a load factor where the no-
load loss equals the total load loss.

Table 3. Minimum Peak Efficiency Index (PEI) values for Oil Immersed
Transformers > 3 150 kVA


3150<Rating≤4000 99.465

5000 99.483

6300 99.510

Table 4. Minimum Peak Efficiency Index (PEI) values for Dry Type
Transformers > 3 150 kVA


3150<Rating≤4000 99.348

5000 99.354

6300 99.356
All inverters or devices with electronic switching gates
shall be of at least 12-pulse type. The 24-pulse type is
recommended to minimize harmonic currents

Power factor correction capacitors

Power factor correction capacitors should be of the
low loss type with losses per kVAR not exceeding 0.35
W at upper temperature limit excluding losses in the
discharge resistors

Sub Metering
To facilitate monitoring of energy consumption and
energy management, electrical energy meters should
be installed at strategic load centres to identify
consumption by functional use 46

Calculation procedures

Cooling system design loads for the

purpose of sizing systems and
equipment shall be determined in
accordance with the procedures
described in the latest edition of the
ASHRAE Handbook.

Indoor design conditions:
a) Design dry bulb temperature 24oC - 26oC

b) Minimum dry bulb temperature 23oC

c) Design relative humidity 50% - 70%

d) Air movement 0.15 – 0.5 m/s

e) Maximum air movement 0.7 m/s

Outdoor design conditions
a) Dry bulb temperature 33.3oC

b) Wet bulb temperature 28.0oC

Outdoor air ventilation rates should comply with
Third Schedule (By Law 41) Article 12(1) of
Uniform Building By Laws, 1984

System and equipment sizing
 Air conditioning systems and equipment shall
be sized to provide no more than the space
and system loads calculated in accordance
with ASHRAE Handbook or equivalent
publications, consistent with available
equipment capacity.

 Where chillers are used and when the design

load is greater than 1000 kWr, a minimum of
two chillers or a single muti-compressor
chiller shall be provided to meet the required
load. 51
Separate air distribution systems

 Zones which are expected to operate non-

simultaneously for more than 750 hours
per year should be served by separate air
distribution systems

 Zones with special process temperature

and/or humidity requirements should be
served by separate air distribution
system/s from those serving zones
requiring only comfort cooling
Temperature Control
•Each system should be provided with at least one
thermostat for the regulation of temperature. Each
thermostat should be capable of being set by adjustment
or selection of sensors over a minimum range of between
23oC to 27oC.

•At least one thermostat for regulation of space

temperature should be provided for:
(a) Each separate system
(b) Each separate zone

• As a minimum each floor of a building should be
considered as a separate zone. A readily
accessible manual or automatic means should be
provided to partially restrict or shut off the
cooling input (for the exposure) to each floor.

• Each system should be equipped with a readily

accessible means of shutting off or reducing the
energy used during periods of non-use or
alternate uses of the building spaces or zones
served by the system

Mechanical ventilation control
Each mechanical ventilation system (supply and/or
exhaust) should be equipped with a readily
accessible switch or other means for shut-off or
volume reduction when ventilation is not required.
Example CO/CO2 sensor control

Fan system efficiency

For fan system with air flow rate exceeding 17000
m3/h and operating for more than 750 hours a year,
the power required by the motor for the entire fan
system at design conditions should not exceed
0.42 W per m3/h of air flow rate

Piping/Air Handling duct system insulation
All piping, ducts, plenums and enclosures installed
to serve buildings and within buildings should be
adequately insulated to prevent excessive energy
losses. Additional insulation with vapour barriers
may be required to prevent condensation under
some conditions.

Duct construction
All ductwork should be constructed and erected in
accordance with ANSI/SMACNA 006-2006 HVAC
Duct Construction Standards

High-pressure and medium-pressure ducts should

be leak tested 56
ACMV unitary system
ACMV unitary system provides, in one (single package) or
more (split/multi-split system) factory assembled packages,
means for air-circulation, air-cleaning, air-cooling with
controlled temperature and dehumidification. The cooling
The cooling function is electrically operated, and the refrigerant
condenser may be air, water or evaporative-cooled.
Where the equipment is provided in more than one package,
the separate packages should be designed by the manufacturer
to be used together.
Unitary air conditioners, electrically driven:
Minimum CSPF(Cooling seasonal Performance Factor) - cooling

Equipment Size Sub-category

Non-Inverter Inverter
type type
Aircooled <14.65kWr Singlesplit 3.0 3.0
evaporative 14.65kWrand Split/Package/Multiple 3.1 3.7
cooled) <35kWr split(includingVRF)
35kWr Split/Package/Multiple 3.0 3.2
Watercooled <19kWr Split/Package/Multiple 3.9 4.7
Condenser split(includingVRF)
19kWrand Split/Package/Multiple 4.0 4.8
<35kWr split(includingVRF)
35kWr Split/Package/Multiple 4.1 4.9
Unitary air conditioners, electrically
driven: Minimum COP - cooling
Equipment Size Sub-category MinimumCOP

Non-Invertertype Invertertype
Air conditioners: <19kWr Single 2.8 3.0
Air Split/Package
cooledwith Multi-split
2.8 3.2
>19kWr Split/Package 2.8 3.5
>35kWr Split/Package 2.7 2.9

Air <19kWr Split/Package 3.6 4.0

>19kWr Split/Package 3.7 4.4
evaporatively and<35kWr
Cooled >35kWr Split/Package 3.8 4.4

NOTE:1.The COP for the inverter unit is the weighted value, which is calculated based up on the
Following equation:
COPweighted = [COP100% x 0.40] + [COP50% x 0.60]
Water chilling packages, electrically driven:
Equipment Size 1 a 2 b
Load atM’siantest Conditions LoadatStdAHRI Std
Conditions testConditions Conditions
Min Max Max Min Max
Min Max Min
COP kWe/R kWe/R COP kWe/R
Aircooled,with <105kWr(30RT) 2.79 1.26 3.20 1.10 2.79 1.26 3.66 0.96
2.79 1.26 3.20 1.10 2.79 1.26 3.66 0.96

2.79 1.26 3.35 1.05 2.79 1.26 3.74 0.94
≥1060kWr(300RT) 2.79 1.26 3.35 1.05 2.79 1.26 3.74 0.94

Watercooled, (<260kWr)(<75RT) 4.34 0.81 4.14 0.85 4.51 0.78 5.58 0.63
Displacement >260<530kWr(150RT) 4.34 0.81 4.14 0.85 4.51 0.78 5.67 0.62
Scroll,Rotary ≥530kWrand<1060
4.95 0.71 4.45 0.79 5.17 0.68 6.06 0.58
Screw) kWr(300RT)
≥1060kWr(300RT) 5.41 0.65 4.82 0.73 5.67 0.62 6.51 0.54

Watercooled, <1060kWr(300RT) 5.33 0.66 5.02 0.70 5.58 0.63 5.86 0.60
≥1060kWr(300to600RT) 5.86 0.60 5.41 0.65 6.06 0.58 6.39 0.55

>600RT 5.96 0.59 5.58 0.63 6.17 0.57 6.51 0.54

System testing and commissioning
All system balancing should be accomplished in a
manner to minimize throttling losses and the fan
speed should be adjusted to meet design flow

Hydraulic system balancing should be

accomplished in a manner to minimize throttling
losses and the pump impeller should be trimmed or
pump speed should be adjusted to meet design
flow conditions

ACMV control systems should be tested to assure

that control elements are calibrated, adjusted and
in proper working condition. 61
Preventive maintenance

The owner should implement preventive

maintenance system and schedule
periodic maintenance on all critical
items of air-conditioning systems such
as compressors, cooling towers, pumps,
condensers, air handlers, controls,
filters and piping

Energy management control
The Energy Management
System (EMS) is a subset
of the Building
Automation System
functions. It should be
considered for air
conditioned buildings
having area greater than
4000 square metres.

Generally, a building automation
system has four functions:

(a) Control of equipment

(b) Monitoring of equipment

(c) Integration of equipment

(d) Energy related data collection
and analyses 64
(a) Control of equipment

The purpose of control of equipment is

to save energy. This is performed by the
EMS function of the building
automation system

(b) Monitoring of equipment

The purpose of monitoring the equipment is to

improve the efficiency of operations by:

a)Providing centralised information of current

equipment conditions
b)Providing historical information of equipment
c)Providing a ‘management by exception’
function to alert the operator of any abnormal
equipment conditions, and
d)Providing analysis tools to aid the study of
equipment operations
(c) Integration of equipment subsystems

Equipment subsystems are integrated

for the purpose of improving:

(b)Indoor air quality
(c)Information management
(d)Overall system reliability

(d)Energy related data collection and analyses

The main purpose of energy data collection is to

enable the building owner/operator to conduct basic
energy review of the overall building facilities for
the purpose of developing and implementing a
sustainable energy management programme.
Among the key energy related data to be collected
are the energy load profiles on real time basis for all
Significant Energy Uses (SEUs)
Analysis of these data will provide historical and
current trends of energy consumption of the building
for enabling energy planning activities to set the
objective and target, energy baseline, energy
performance indicator(s) and energy baseload to
implement sustainable energy management
The data collected and analysed can also be useful
for benchmarking purposes when used in
conjunction with other information such as floor
areas, working hours, etc to establish its Building
Energy Intensity (BEI) value.
Application of an EMS to the ACMV system
Central Plant
In buildings where chillers are used, the EMS should
be used to issue start/stop commands to the chiller
control panel. The start/stop commands should be
based on:
(a) Time schedules to match occupancy patterns
(b) Selection of the most energy efficient combination
of chillers to satisfy building load; this is known as
chiller sequencing (chiller optimisation programming)

Air handling Units (AHU)

The EMS should have the facility to start and stop the
air handling units based on a time schedule. For
further energy savings, the cooling coil valve of the air
handling units should be controlled by an intelligent
controller which integrates with the EMS
Applications of EMS to Energy Audit
Buildings provided with EMS should be equipped
with data logging facilities for the collation of data for
energy auditing

Suitable means or facilities for the monitoring of

energy consumption (sub-metering) should be
provided to all incoming power supply to a building
and the outgoing sub-circuits serving, but not limited
to the following;

a)Central air conditioning system

b)Lift and escalator system
c)Major water pumping system
d)General power supply
e)Lighting supply to tenancy areas and landlord
areas 71
 Mandatory energy efficient standards or code of practice for
new or existing buildings can play an important role in a
national programme aimed at promoting energy efficiency.

 Building codes and standards can provide a degree of

control over design and building practices throughout the
construction process and encourage awareness of energy
conscious design.

 The proposed standards/code of practice is comprehensive

and well prepared such that it can be referred to in the
Uniform Building -laws.
End of Session
Thank You
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