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Lower Secondary English Paper B

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Section A

Carefully read the text below, consisting of 12 lines, about the migrant crisis and migration to
Europe. The first and last lines are correct. For eight of the lines, there is one grammatical error in
each line. There are two more lines with no errors.

If there is NO error in a line, put a tick(✓) in the space provided.

If the line is incorrect. circle the incorrect word and write the correct word in the space provided. The
correct word you provide must not change the original meaning of the sentence.


I arrived(tg)my destination at 2 pm.

My mother aJways wears sensible clothes. ✓

More than a million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015, sparking a

crisis as countries struggle to cope with the influx, and creating division in the 1.. ................

European Union over how best to deal in reset11ing people. The vast majority arrived 2 ................. .

by sea but some migrants had made its way over land. The conflict in Syria 3..................

continues to be by far a biggest driver of migration. However the ongoing violence in 4 ................. .

Afghanistan and Iraq, and poverty in Kosovo, are also leading people to look for 5 ................. .

new lives elsewhere. Thus far, more than 3,770 migrants was reported to have died 6 ..................

trying to cross the Mediterranean in 2015. Most must have died on the crossing from 7................ ..

North Africa to Italy, and more than 800 died in the sea when crossing from Turkey to 8................. .

Greece. The summer months are usually when most fatalities occurs as this is the 9..................

busiest time for migrants attempting to reach Europe, or in 2015, the deadliest mont.h 10............... .

for migrants was earlier before the summer season.

Adapted from Migrant Crisis, BBC News.

Section A

Text 1

The text below is about Mafatu - the boy who was afraid - until his love for his dog gave him the
courage to overcome his fear of the sea. Read it carefully and answer Questions 1 -11.

1 Even on the morning that Mafatu had finished making his knife, he did not feel as
brave as he would have liked. He hoped he would never see the hammerhead*
again. Paddling out to the distant reef, he glanced down at the long-bladed knife
which hung about his neck by a cord of rope. He gulped. It was, after all, only a
knife made by a boy from a whale's rib. 5

2 Uri sat on the edge of the raft, sniffing at the wind. Mafatu always took his dog
along, for Uri howled pitifully if he were left behind. And Mafatu had come to rely on
the companionship of the little yellow dog. The boy talked with the animal as if he
were another person, consulting with him, arguing, and played when there was time
for play. They were very close, those two. 1o

3 This morning as they approached the spot where the fish trap was anchored,
Mafatu saw the dorsal of the hated hammerhead circling slowly in the water. It was
like a triangle of grey rock, making a litUe furrow in the water as it passed.

4 'You there!' the boy shouted roughly, trying to bolster up his courage. 'I have my
knife today, see! Coward who robs traps - catch your own fish!' 15

5 The hammerhead approached the raft in a leisurely fashion; it rolled over slightly,
and its gaping jaws seemed to curve in a malicious grin. Uri ran to the edge of the
raft, barking furiously; the hair on the dog's neck stood up in a bristling ridge. The
shark, unconcerned, moved away. Then with a whip of its powerful tail it rushed at
the bamboo fish trap and seized it in his jaws. Mafatu was struck dumb. The 20
hammerhead shook the trap as a dog might shake a rat. The boy watched,
fascinated, unable to make a move. He saw the muscles work in the shark's neck
as the great tail thrashed the water furiously. The trap splintered into bits, while the
fish within escaped only to vanish into the shark's mouth.

6 Mafatu was filled with impotent rage. The hours he had spent making that trap - but 25
all he could do was shout threats at his enemy. Uri was running from one side of the
raft to the other, furious with excitement. A large wave splashed across the reef. At
that second, the dog's shift in weight tipped the raft at a perilous angle. With a
helpless yelp, Uri slid into the water. Mafatu sprang to catch him but he was too late.

7 Instantly, the hammerhead whipped about. The wave pushed the raft away. Uri, 30
swimming frantically, tried to regain it. There was desperation in the brown eyes.
Mafatu strained forward. His dog. His companion .... The hammerhead was moving
in slowly. A mighty rage stormed through the boy. He gripped his knife. Then he was
over the side in a clean-curving dive.
8 Mafatu came up under his enemy. The shark spun about. Its rough hide scraped the 35
flesh from the boy's shoulder. In that instant, Mafatu stabbed. Deep, deep into the
white belly. Water lashed to foam. Stunned, gasping, the boy fought for life and air.
It seemed that he would never reach the surface. His lungs would burst!

9 At last, his head broke water. Putting his face to the surface, he saw the great shark
turn over, fathoms deep. Blood flowed from the wound in its belly. Instantly, fellow 40
grey beasts rushed in, tearing the wounded hammerhead to pieces.

Adapted from 'The Boy Who Was Afraid' by Armstrong Sperry

"hammerhead: A group of sharks, so named for the unusual and distinctive structure of their heads,
which are flattened and laterally extended into a "hammer" shape.
Section A

Refer to Text 1 for Questions 1 -11.

1 'It was, after all, only a knife made by a boy from a whale's rib'. (lines 4 - 5).
\/\/hat does this suggest about how Mafatu feels towards his weapon?


............................................................................................................................... [1]

2 a. Referring to paragraph 2, why did Mafatu always take his dog, Uri, with
him on the raft?


............................................................................................................................... [1]

b. From the same paragraph, provide two pieces of evidence to show that
Mafatu and his dog were 'very close' (line 10).


............................................................................................................................... (1)

3 \1\/hy does Mafatu need to 'bolster up his courage' (line 14)?



............................................................................................................................... [2]

4 'its gaping jaws seemed to curve in a malicious grin.' (line 17) What is
unusual and effective about this description of the shark?



............................................................................................................................... [21

5 What is the shark's attitude towards Uri's barking in paragraph 5? Answer In

your own words.


............................................................................................................................... [1]
6 a. 'The hammerhead shook the trap as a dog might shake a rat.' (lines 20 -
21}. What does this simile tell us about what the hammerhead was doing
to the trap?



............................................................................................................................... [2]

b. Identify two other words in the same paragraph that are in direct contrast
to the 'leisurely fashion' approach the shark had initially taken.


............................................................................................................................... [2]

7 'At that second, the dog's shift in weight tipped the raft at a perilous angle.'
{lines 27 - 28). What does this tell you about the raft?


............................................................................................................................... [1]

8 Explain why a 'mighty rage stormed through' (line 33) Mafatu.


............................................................................................................................... [1 l

9 Which phrase in paragraph 8 suggests that the killing of the shark caused
great turbulence in the water?


............................................................................................................................... [1]

10 What happened to the wounded shark in paragraph 9?


............................................................................................................................... [1]
11 The structure of the text reflects the main feelings of Mafatu as he reacts to
the shark. Complete the flow chart by choosing one word from the box to
summarise the main feeling described in each part of the text. There are
some extra words in the box you do not need to use.

Mafatu's feelings

panicky stunned lost confused powerless angry relieved

Flow chart

paragraph 5: (i) ............................................... .

paragraph 6 (ii) ............................................... .

paragraph 7 (Ill) ............................................ .

paragraph 8 (iv) ............................................ .

Section B

Text 2

The text below is about the influence of social media on teenagers. Read it carefully and answer
Questions 12-18.

1 The influence of social media on teenagers is of particular importance. This is

because this particular group of children is not only emo1ionally fragile but is also
among the heaviest users of social networking. According to a report by Common
Sense Media, 75 percent of teenagers in America currently have profiles on social
networking sites. While social networking plays a vital role in broadening social 5
connections and acquiring technical skills, its risks cannot be overlooked. The
difficulty in self-regulation and susceptibility to peer pressure make adolescents
vulnerable to such risks.

2 One example is cyberbullying. The American Psychological Association defines

bullying as aggressive behaviour by an individual that causes discomfort to another. 1o
This could take the form of sending menacing online advances, forwarding a private
note to a group without the permission of the original writer, or trolling - the act of
deliberately inflicting hatred, bigotry*, racism, misogyny* anonymously. Research
found that nearly 39 percent of teens on social network have been cyberbullied in
some way, compared with 22 percent of online teens who do not use social 15

3 Cyberbullying appears easy to the bully because they do not see their victims'
reactions in person, and thus the impact of the consequences is small. In reality,
however, the consequences can be life altering to the extent that the victims could
go as far as taking their lives or become psychologically distressed enough to 20
require medical intervention.

4 "Facebook depression" is another problem teenagers have to deal with. It is defined

as emotional disturbance 1hat develops when preteens and teens spend a great
deal of time on social media sites. Recent studies have shown that comparisons
are the main cause of Facebook depression. The studies showed that comparing 25
with people better than oneself is likely to make you feel bad about yourself.
However, there are contradictory reports as well. Another study showed that
Facebook makes us happier and 1here is increased social trust and engagement
among users. These studies show that the effect of social network on well-being
hinges on how social networks are used - whether to connect or to compare. 30

5 Another risk of extensive social networking among youth is having your private life
exposed to the world. The digital footprint is a permanent trail that users of social
media leave the moment they sign into any service. The digital footprint, by its
permanence, can have serious repercussions in future. Potential employers and
those in our social circles may learn about things that disadvantage us through the 35
posts, comments, tweets and retweets we have left on various social media
accounts. Finally, a recent survey of 1000 Americans teenagers found that half of
them divulged too much personal data online which was then used against them.
6 Adolescence is the time to spread wings and take the tentative first flight out into
the world, and parents and caregivers must be part of the process. In the domain of 40
social networking, this entails parents becoming educated about the advantages
and disadvantages of social networking and themselves joining social network
sites, not to hover, but to be aware of the activities of their teenage wards. It is
essential that parents are aware of and monitor privacy settings and online profiles
of their wards. Open discussions about social network protocols and etiquettes 45
would help establish global digital citizenship and healthy behaviour.

Adapted from THE BLOG - Influence of Social Media on Teenagers, Suren Ramasubbu, Co­
founder & CEO, Mobicip. com

*bigotry: intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself
*misogyny: prejudice against women

End of Paper
Section B

Refer to Text 2 for Questions 12 -18.

12 Referring to paragraph 1, explain, in your own words, why the writer believes
the influence of social media on teenagers is particularly worrying?



............................................................................................................................... [2]

13 Here Is part of a conversation between two students, Annie and Ben who have
read the article.

No, social

_j O - �---- may harm

(i) Identify one example from paragraph 1 that Annie can give to support
her view.


............................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Give a reason Ben could use to explain his position.


............................................................................................................................... [1)

14 From paragraph 4, how do the different ways we use social media affect our

If we use it to connect with others,


If we use it to compare with others,

.............................................................................................................................. [2]
15 What does the phrase 'digital footprint' {line 33) refer to?


............................................................................................................................... [11

16 'Adolescence is the time to spread wings and take the tentative first flight
out into the world' (lines 39 - 40). What two things do the phrases in bold
suggest teenagers should do?

Adolescence is the time to spread Teenagers should


and take the tentative first flight Teenagers should
out into the world

.............................................................................................................................. [2]

17 Why should parents not 'hover' (line 43) on social network sites?


............................................................................................................................... [1]

18 Using your own words as far as possible, summarise the impact of social media on

Use only the material from paragraphs 2 to 5 of the passage.

Your summary must be in continuous writing (not note form). It must not be longer than 80
words, not counting the words given to help you begin.

One of the many impacts of social media on teenagers is . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .... . .. . . . . . ... . . .. . .....

















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