Pain 001 001 03 Six
Pain 001 001 03 Six
Pain 001 001 03 Six
Credit Suisse subversion: 1.11.1
Issue date: 22.08.2022
Customer-to-Bank Credit Transfer
2. Technical Specifications 5
The Credit Suisse Message Implementation Guidelines for Credit Transfers serves as
manual for the technical and business implementation of Credit Transfers pain.001
message in accordance with the ISO 20022 Payments Standard and the Swiss
Recommendations. All Credit Transfer messages transmitted to Credit Suisse must
comply with Swiss Recommendations, ISO 20022 Payments Standard and Credit
Suisse specification (as adhered in this document and XSD).
Swiss Recommendations
Figure 1. Above shows the degree of concordance between the ISO 20022 Payments Standards, Swiss Recommendations and Credit
Suisse Implementations.
This document provides additional information to the Credit Suisse XML schema definition
(XSD) and cannot be read as a stand-alone specification.
CstmrCdtTrfInitn {Or
The technical specifications contain information from ISO 20022, such as Name, Index,
Cardinality (Presence/Multiplicity), Message Item, XML-Tag, ISODefinition (Definition).
The following information for the Swiss ISO 20022 Payments Standards can also be found
in the specifications:
CH definition – Corresponding to Swiss Implementation Guidelines field “General definition”
CH Rules – Definitions for specific payment types as per Swiss Recommendations definition
Credit Suisse – Credit Suisse remark. It includes additional explanation or/and Credit Suisse
specific rule description
RsnCd and AddtlInf – some XML elements are being provided with error example, that is
code and the corresponding Additional Information, which are being sent in pain.002 Status
Reason Information e.g. RsnCd: CH16; AddtlInf: Initiating Party Name may not exceed 70
Example – Credit Suisse example e.g. <Nm>Max Muster</Nm>
CH Status – Information about usage in Switzerland. The following statuses are permitted
for individual XML elements according to the Swiss Implementation Guidelines Version 1.7.
M – Mandatory
The element is mandatory. If the element is not used, a Swiss bank will refuse to process
the message.
BD – Bilaterally Determined
The element may only be used by agreement with the instructed financial institution.
O – Optional
The element is optional.
D – Dependent
The use of the element depends on other elements.
R – Recommended
The use of the element is recommended.
Data type – The names of the data types given in the tables of this document correspond
to the data types defined in XML schemas e.g. Data Type: ISODateTime
Length – In some cases min and max length is indicated e.g. 1.. 70
ErrorCode – list of possible error codes that are being sent back in the Customer Payment
Status Report (pain.002) e.g. ErrorCode: CH16, CH17, CH21
Note: If during schema validation an error is detected in any element, the whole message
can be rejected (error code FF01). Since this response generally applies to all elements
in the table, a comment to that effect is not entered for every element.
Only 4 values are allowed for Batch Booking element: '0'', '1", 'true', 'false', as per XSD definition
(boolean data type). When any other value is provided (e.g. <BtchBookg>TRUE</BtchBookg> or
<BtchBookg></BtchBookg>) - the whole B-Level will be rejected with the Status Reason Code
If the element is not present the default setting of “true” will be applied during processing.
Credit Suisse will always display transaction details for collective debit bookings in "camt.053 with
details", unless special advice steering is provided in pain.001 (DebtorAccount/Proprietary = NOA or
Credit Suisse will only display transaction details for collective debit bookings in "camt.053 without
details", when special advice steering is provided in pain.001 (DebtorAccount/Proprietary = CWD).
example: <BtchBookg>true</BtchBookg>
RsnCd: FF01
AddtlInf: Invalid value of Batch Booking, it should be "true" or "false"
Where appropriate, the value date is automatically modified to the next possible banking/Post Office
working day.
example: <ReqdExctnDt>2017-04-26</ReqdExctnDt>
RsnCd: CH03
AddtlInf: The value date is too far in the future
RsnCd: CH04
AddtlInf: The value date is too far in the past
RsnCd: CH21
AddtlInf: Instructed Day is mandatory
B CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Debtor
+PmtInf XML tag: Dbtr
Data type: PartyIdentification32
cardinality: 1..1
CH Status: M ISO definition: Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
CH definition: The debtor is only identified by the "Debtor Account" element. Information in the "Debtor" field will
be ignored. What is required is the master data for the financial institution for this debtor.
Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several
and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the
CH definition: Is currently ignored by financial institutions.
B CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Debtor Agent
+PmtInf XML tag: DbtrAgt
Data type: BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4
cardinality: 1..1
CH Status: M ISO definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor.
CH definition: The Swiss financial institutions recommend entering the BIC or IID (institutional identification) in this
Credit Suisse: Debtor Agent will be derived from Debtor Account with IBAN present. Thus is not mandatory.
B CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Financial Institution Identification
+PmtInf XML tag: FinInstnId
Data type: FinancialInstitutionIdentification7
cardinality: 1..1 ISO definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under an internationally
CH Status: M recognised or proprietary identification scheme.
B CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: BIC
+PmtInf XML tag: BIC
Data type: BICIdentifier
++++BIC pattern [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}
cardinality: 0..1 ISO definition: Code allocated to a financial institution by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority as described in ISO
ErrorCode: RC01 9362 "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Business identifier code (BIC)".
CH Status: D CH definition: BIC of the Debtor Bank. If used, then "Clearing System Member Identification" must not be present.
example: <BIC>CRESCHZZ80A</BIC>
B CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Clearing System Member Identification
+PmtInf XML tag: ClrSysMmbId
Data type: ClearingSystemMemberIdentification2
++++ClrSysMmbId ISO definition: Information used to identify a member within a clearing system.
cardinality: 0..1 CH definition: If used, then "BIC" must not be present.
CH Status: D
B CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Clearing System Identification
+PmtInf XML tag: ClrSysId
Data type: ClearingSystemIdentification2Choice
++++ClrSysMmbId ISO definition: Specification of a pre-agreed offering between clearing agents or the channel through which the
+++++ClrSysId payment instruction is processed.
cardinality: 0..1
CH Status: O
cardinality: 1..1 XML tag: xs:choice
B CstmrCdtTrfInitn {Or name: Code
+PmtInf XML tag: Cd
Data type: ExternalClearingSystemIdentification1Code
++++ClrSysMmbId length: 1 5
+++++ClrSysId ISO definition: Identification of a clearing system, in a coded form as published in an external list.
++++++Cd CH definition: Codes according "Payments External Code Lists" [7]. Only "CHBCC" is permitted in Switzerland. If
cardinality: 1..1 used, then "Proprietary" must not be present.
ErrorCode: CH16 Credit Suisse: Only value “CHBCC” is allowed.
CH Status: D
B CstmrCdtTrfInitn Or} name: Proprietary
+PmtInf XML tag: Prtry
Data type: Max35Text
++++ClrSysMmbId length: 1 35
+++++ClrSysId ISO definition: Identification code for a clearing system, that has not yet been identified in the list of clearing
++++++Prtry systems.
cardinality: 1..1 CH definition: Must not be present.
ErrorCode: CH16
CH Status: N
Due to standardisation efforts, the structured address (with minimum "Town Name" and "Country"
code provided) will become mandatory in November 2025 - for all payment types. Credit Suisse
already recommends to use the structured address variant for all payment types.
B CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Identification
+PmtInf XML tag: Id
Data type: Party6Choice
cardinality: 0..1 ISO definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of a party.
CH Status: O CH definition: Recommendation: do not use.
cardinality: 1..1 XML tag: xs:choice
B CstmrCdtTrfInitn {Or name: Organisation Identification
+PmtInf XML tag: OrgId
Data type: OrganisationIdentification4
++++OrgId ISO definition: Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation.
cardinality: 1..1 CH definition: Only "BICOrBEI" or an element from "Other" permitted. If used, the "Private Identification" must not
CH Status: D be present.
B CstmrCdtTrfInitn Or} name: Private Identification
+PmtInf XML tag: PrvtId
Data type: PersonIdentification5
++++PrvtId ISO definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of a person, eg, passport.
cardinality: 1..1 CH definition: Only "Date And Place Of Birth" or an element from "Other" permitted. If used, "Organisation
CH Status: D Identification" must not be present.
Usage: Charges account should be used when charges have to be booked to an account different
from the account identified in debtor's account.
CH definition: Not normally used, in this case any charges are made to the "Debtor Account".
Credit Suisse: It will not be used for processing purposes. When provided, it still must conform with the scheme.
Charges by default are made to the "Debtor Account".
B CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Identification
+PmtInf XML tag: Id
Data type: AccountIdentification4Choice
cardinality: 1..1 ISO definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the account
CH Status: M servicer.
CH definition: Must be used if "Charges Account" is used.
cardinality: 1..1 XML tag: xs:choice
B CstmrCdtTrfInitn {Or name: IBAN
+PmtInf XML tag: IBAN
Data type: IBAN2007Identifier
++++IBAN pattern [A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}
cardinality: 1..1 ISO definition: International Bank Account Number (IBAN) - identifier used internationally by financial institutions to
ErrorCode: AC01 uniquely identify the account of a customer. Further specifications of the format and content of the
CH Status: R IBAN can be found in the standard ISO 13616 "Banking and related financial services - International
Bank Account Number (IBAN)" version 1997-10-01, or later revisions.
CH definition: Use of "IBAN" recommended. If used, "Other" must not be present.
B CstmrCdtTrfInitn Or} name: Other
+PmtInf XML tag: Othr
Data type: GenericAccountIdentification1
++++Othr ISO definition: Unique identification of an account, as assigned by the account servicer, using an identification
cardinality: 1..1 scheme.
ErrorCode: AC01 CH definition: If used, then "IBAN" must not be present.
CH Status: D
B CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Identification
+PmtInf XML tag: Id
Data type: Max34Text
++++Othr length: 1 34
+++++Id ISO definition: Identification assigned by an institution.
cardinality: 1..1 CH definition: Proprietary bank or postal account number. Must be used if "Other" is used.
ErrorCode: AC01
CH Status: M
Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several
and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the
CH definition: Is currently ignored by financial institutions.
B CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Credit Transfer Transaction Information
+PmtInf XML tag: CdtTrfTxInf
Data type: CreditTransferTransactionInformation10
cardinality: 1..unbounded
ErrorCode: CH21 ISO definition: Set of elements used to provide information on the individual transaction(s) included in the message.
CH Status: M
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Payment Identification
+PmtInf XML tag: PmtId
Data type: PaymentIdentification1
cardinality: 1..1 ISO definition: Set of elements used to reference a payment instruction.
ErrorCode: CH21
CH Status: M
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Instruction Identification
+PmtInf XML tag: InstrId
Data type: Max35Text
++++InstrId length: 1 35
cardinality: 0..1 ISO definition: Unique identification as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party to unambiguously
ErrorCode: DU05, identify the instruction.
CH Status: R Usage: the instruction identification is a point to point reference that can be used between the
instructing party and the instructed party to refer to the individual instruction. It can be included in
several messages related to the instruction.
CH definition: Recommendation: Should be used and be unique within the B-Level. Only the SWIFT character set
is permitted for this element.
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: End To End Identification
+PmtInf XML tag: EndToEndId
Data type: Max35Text
++++EndToEndId length: 1 35
cardinality: 1..1 ISO definition: Unique identification assigned by the initiating party to unumbiguously identify the transaction. This
ErrorCode: CH16 identification is passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire end-to-end chain.
CH Status: M
Usage: The end-to-end identification can be used for reconciliation or to link tasks relating to the
transaction. It can be included in several messages related to the transaction.
CH definition: Customer reference, normally forwarded as far as the beneficiary. Only the SWIFT character set is
permitted for this element.
CH rules: Type 1: not forwarded to the beneficiary.
Credit Suisse: If instruction ID is not present, end to end ID will be used as a booking reference for messages with
batch booking indicator equals “false”.
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Payment Type Information
+PmtInf XML tag: PmtTpInf
Data type: PaymentTypeInformation19
cardinality: 0..1 ISO definition: Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction.
ErrorCode: CH07 CH definition: Can be used at B-Level or C-Level, but normally not in both at the same time. Some institutions
CH Status: D permit it to be sent at both levels but not the same sub-element at both levels.
CH rules: Type 5: Use at B-Level is recommended.
Type 1, 2.1, 2.2: Use at C-Level is recommended.
Credit Suisse: If same sub-element with different value is present on both, B- and C-Levels, the C-Level will be
rejected with the Status Reason Code 'CH07' Payment. Local Instrument Proprietary cannot be
simultaneously used with Service Level Code “SEPA”.
RsnCd: CH07
AddtlInf: Payment Type Information can be used at B-Level or C-Level but not at both at the same time.
If element is present on both, the B- and the C-Levels, then the C-Level will be rejected with the
Status Reason Code "CH07".
RsnCd: CH07
AddtlInf: Can be used at B-Level or C-Level but not at both at the same time.
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Cheque Instruction
+PmtInf XML tag: ChqInstr
Data type: Cheque6
cardinality: 0..1 ISO definition: Set of elements needed to issue a cheque.
ErrorCode: CH17 CH definition: May only be used in combination with "PmtMtd" = "CHK".
CH Status: D CH rules: Type 1, 2.1, 2.2, 3, 4, 5, 6: Must not be used.
RsnCd: CH17
AddtlInf: Cheque Instruction must be used in combination with PmtMtd = CHK.
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Cheque Type
+PmtInf XML tag: ChqTp
Data type: ChequeType2Code
++++ChqTp ISO definition: Specifies the type of cheque to be issued.
cardinality: 0..1
CH Status: O
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Delivery Method
+PmtInf XML tag: DlvryMtd
Data type: ChequeDeliveryMethod1Choice
++++DlvryMtd ISO definition: Specifies the delivery method of the cheque by the debtor's agent.
cardinality: 0..1
CH Status: O
cardinality: 1..1 XML tag: xs:choice
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn {Or name: Code
+PmtInf XML tag: Cd
Data type: ChequeDelivery1Code
++++DlvryMtd ISO definition: Specifies the delivery method of the cheque by the debtor's agent.
cardinality: 1..1
CH Status: D
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn Or} name: Proprietary
+PmtInf XML tag: Prtry
Data type: Max35Text
++++DlvryMtd length: 1 35
+++++Prtry ISO definition: Specifies a proprietary delivery method of the cheque by the debtor's agent.
cardinality: 1..1
CH Status: D
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Ultimate Debtor
+PmtInf XML tag: UltmtDbtr
Data type: PartyIdentification32
cardinality: 0..1 ISO definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
ErrorCode: CH07 CH definition: Usually not used. Can be used at B-Level or C-Level but not at both at the same time.
CH Status: O Credit Suisse: If element is present on both, the B- and the C-Levels, then the C-Level will be rejected with the
Status Reason Code "CH07".
RsnCd: CH07
AddtlInf: Can be used at B-Level or C-Level but not at both at the same time.
Due to standardisation efforts, the structured address (with minimum "Town Name" and "Country"
code provided) will become mandatory in November 2025 - for all payment types. Credit Suisse
already recommends to use the structured address variant for all payment types.
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Identification
+PmtInf XML tag: Id
Data type: Party6Choice
++++Id ISO definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of a party.
cardinality: 0..1
CH Status: O
cardinality: 1..1 XML tag: xs:choice
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn {Or name: Organisation Identification
+PmtInf XML tag: OrgId
Data type: OrganisationIdentification4
++++Id ISO definition: Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation.
+++++OrgId CH definition: Only "BICOrBEI" or an element from "Other" permitted. If used, the Private Identification must not be
cardinality: 1..1 present.
CH Status: O
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn Or} name: Private Identification
+PmtInf XML tag: PrvtId
Data type: PersonIdentification5
++++Id ISO definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of a person, eg, passport.
+++++PrvtId CH definition: Only "Date And Place Of Birth" or an element from "Other" permitted. If used, Organisation
cardinality: 1..1 Identification must not be present.
CH Status: D
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Intermediary Agent 1
+PmtInf XML tag: IntrmyAgt1
Data type: BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification4
cardinality: 0..1 ISO definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.
ErrorCode: ED01,
RC01 Usage: If more than one intermediary agent is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 identifies the agent
CH Status: BD between the DebtorAgent and the IntermediaryAgent2.
CH definition: This element may only be used by agreement with the instructed financial institution. If used,
generally with BIC.
CH rules: Type 4 and 6: May be present.
Other types: Must not be sent.
RsnCd: ED01
AddtlInf: Intermediary Agent information should not be provided
Until November 2025 many systems and standards allow a range of 4x35 or 4x33 characters
positions for the Name and Address of the Creditor (Beneficiary). Therefore, Name and Address
elements (either structured or unstructured) will be mapped into 4×33 structured address lines in
case of legacy interbank standards, like SWIFT FIN. It cannot be guaranteed that all information will
be transmitted to the recipient, if the information provided exceeds 132 characters. It is
recommended, that for the Name and Postal Address elements - max 132 characters are provided
<AdrLine>Musterstrasse 5</AdrLine>
<AdrLine>8000 Zurich</AdrLine>
- VV = prefix: value is 01 or 03
- XXXXXX = serial number: must be >000000
- P = check digit in accordance with Modulo 10, recursive
Due to standardisation efforts, the structured address (with minimum "Town Name" and "Country"
code provided) will become mandatory in November 2025 - for all payment types. Credit Suisse
already recommends to use the structured address variant for all payment types.
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Address Type
+PmtInf XML tag: AdrTp
Data type: AddressType2Code
++++PstlAdr ISO definition: Identifies the nature of the postal address.
+++++AdrTp CH definition: Is currently ignored by financial institutions.
cardinality: 0..1 Credit Suisse: Not used for processing purposes. However, when provided it must conform with the scheme.
CH Status: O
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Department
+PmtInf XML tag: Dept
Data type: Max70Text
++++PstlAdr length: 1 70
+++++Dept ISO definition: Identification of a division of a large organisation or building.
cardinality: 0..1 CH definition: Is currently ignored by financial institutions.
CH Status: O Credit Suisse: Not used for processing purposes. However, when provided it must conform with the scheme.
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Sub Department
+PmtInf XML tag: SubDept
Data type: Max70Text
++++PstlAdr length: 1 70
+++++SubDept ISO definition: Identification of a sub-division of a large organisation or building.
cardinality: 0..1 CH definition: Is currently ignored by financial institutions.
CH Status: O Credit Suisse: Not used for processing purposes. However, when provided it must conform with the scheme.
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Street Name
+PmtInf XML tag: StrtNm
Data type: Max70Text
++++PstlAdr length: 1 70
+++++StrtNm ISO definition: Name of a street or thoroughfare.
cardinality: 0..1 CH definition: Recommendation: Use.
CH Status: R
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Building Number
+PmtInf XML tag: BldgNb
Data type: Max16Text
++++PstlAdr length: 1 16
+++++BldgNb ISO definition: Number that identifies the position of a building on a street.
cardinality: 0..1 CH definition: Recommendation: Use.
CH Status: R
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Post Code
+PmtInf XML tag: PstCd
Data type: Max16Text
++++PstlAdr length: 1 16
+++++PstCd ISO definition: Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist
cardinality: 0..1 the sorting of mail.
CH Status: R CH definition: Recommendation: Use.
Credit Suisse already recommends to use the structured address variant for all payment types. The
"Address Line" will be rejected from November 2025 for all payment types.
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Identification
+PmtInf XML tag: Id
Data type: Party6Choice
++++Id ISO definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of a party.
cardinality: 0..1 CH rules: Type 8: must not be used.
ErrorCode: CH17
CH Status: D
cardinality: 1..1 XML tag: xs:choice
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn {Or name: Organisation Identification
+PmtInf XML tag: OrgId
Data type: OrganisationIdentification4
++++Id ISO definition: Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation.
+++++OrgId CH definition: Either the "BICOrBEI" element or an element from "Other" may be used. If used, the "Private
cardinality: 1..1 Identification" must not be present.
CH Status: D
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn Or} name: Private Identification
+PmtInf XML tag: PrvtId
Data type: PersonIdentification5
++++Id ISO definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of a person, eg, passport.
+++++PrvtId CH definition: Either the "Date And Place Of Birth" element or an element from "Other" may be used. If used,
cardinality: 1..1 "Organisation Identification" must not be present.
CH Status: D
Please contact Credit Suisse for the detailed guidelines regarding the Regulatory Reporting
requirements for each country.
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Debit Credit Reporting Indicator
+PmtInf XML tag: DbtCdtRptgInd
Data type: RegulatoryReportingType1Code
++++DbtCdtRptgInd ISO definition: Identifies whether the regulatory reporting information applies to the debit side, to the credit side or
cardinality: 0..1 to both debit and credit sides of the transaction.
CH Status: M CH definition: Defines whether the information concerns the ordering party, the beneficiary or both. Permitted
codes are
• CRED (corresponds to BENEFRES in SWIFT Field 77B),
• DEBT (corresponds to ORDERRES in SWIFT Field 77B),
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Authority
+PmtInf XML tag: Authrty
Data type: RegulatoryAuthority2
++++Authrty ISO definition: Entity requiring the regulatory reporting information.
cardinality: 0..1 CH definition: Information about the competent regulatory authority (central bank)
CH Status: O
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Name
+PmtInf XML tag: Nm
Data type: Max140Text
++++Authrty length: 1 140
+++++Nm ISO definition: Name of the entity requiring the regulatory reporting information.
cardinality: 0..1 CH definition: Name of the competent regulatory authority (central bank)
CH Status: O
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Country
+PmtInf XML tag: Ctry
Data type: CountryCode
++++Authrty pattern [A-Z]{2,2}
+++++Ctry ISO definition: Country of the entity that requires the regulatory reporting information.
cardinality: 0..1 CH definition: Is required for payments to certain countries:
CH Status: O United Arab Emirates: Required for all-currency payments to resident individuals/legal entities in the
United Arab Emirates.
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Details
+PmtInf XML tag: Dtls
Data type: StructuredRegulatoryReporting3
++++Dtls ISO definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the regulatory reporting information.
cardinality: 0..unbounded CH definition: Must be sent if "Regulatory Reporting" is used. May be used only once.
CH Status: M
C CstmrCdtTrfInitn name: Type
+PmtInf XML tag: Tp
Data type: Max35Text
++++Dtls length: 1 35
+++++Tp ISO definition: Specifies the type of the information supplied in the regulatory reporting details.
cardinality: 0..1 CH definition: Must not be sent.
CH Status: N