SEB-ISO-20022 Specification EN
SEB-ISO-20022 Specification EN
SEB-ISO-20022 Specification EN
Implementation Guideline
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Message content of the Customer Credit Transfer.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Additional description of the specific fields .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Entering an AMK codes ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................16
Economic classification code (EKK code) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................17
RUB payment to Russia ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................18
Payments to other countries maintaining defined domestic bank identifiers (e. g. FW/ABA- ASV; Transit number - Canada) ....................................................................................................20
3. Payment Status Report Response Message ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
4. Account statement message camt.052.001.02 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
5. Official account statement message camt.053.001.02 ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 54
Supported encodings in account statement and official account statement message ................................................................................................................................................ 74
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on the use of ISO 20022 XML according to the Latvian market requirements. This document is based on the Latvian
implementation guidelines for Payment Initiation and extracting of Account Statement which has been complemented with SEB specific rules and examples. If the originator of
the message has stated message elements that are not represented in this document or not relevant to a specific payment type, it will be viewed as data overpopulation and will
be ignored.
This document should be read together with the ISO 20022 XML message standards version No.2 (in case of Account Statements) and version No. 3, as the ISO rules on the
usage of the elements have not been repeated in this document and should be taken into account where applicable.
SEB will accept XML message for Payment Initiation from the Customer and provide possibility to extract Customer Account statements in ISO 20022 XML format in SEB e-
channels Ibanka Business, SEB Gateway and Telebanka.
According to Latvian market requirements the following messages are included in the guidelines:
- Credit transfer message – pain.001.001.03 (approved at February, 2013);
- Payment status report message – pain.002.001.03 (approved in February 2013);
- Account Statement message – camt.052.001.02;
- Official Account Statement message – camt.053.001.02;
- Account Statement / Official Account statement request.
The guidance documentation was created by the Association of Commercial Banks of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian banks.
1. Message content of the Customer Credit Transfer
The message consists of two mandatory building blocks: Group Header and Payment Information.
Group Header: This block is presented only once and it contains elements such as Message Identification, Creation Date and Time and Initiating Party.
Payment Information: This block is repetitive and it contains elements related to the debit side of the transaction, such as Debtor, Debtor Account, Payment Type Information
and Requested Execution Date and also one or several Credit Transfer Transaction Information parts which contain elements related to the credit side of the transaction, such as
Creditor, Creditor Agent and Remittance Information.
Index Or Mult. Message Element <XML Tag> Type Use Comments of XML tag usage
[1..1] + Message root
Index column – number refers to the corresponding description in the ISO 20022 XML Message Definition Report. This report can be found at under “Catalogue
of ISO 20022 messages” with “pain.001.001.03” as reference.
Mult column - indicates whether an element is mandatory or optional and how many repetitions are allowed for the element.
For example:
• [1..1] – shows that element is mandatory and can be presented only once;
• [1..n] - shows that element is mandatory and can be presented 1 to “n” times;
• [0..1] – shows that element is optional and can be presented only once;
• [0..n] – shows that element is optional and can be presented 0 to “n” times;
• {Or…Or} – indicates that only one of several elements may be presented.
Message Element column – element name used in ISO 20022 XML Message Definition Report.
XML Tag column – short name identifying an element within an XML message, which is put between brackets, e.g. <Amt>.
With N/A (not applicable) are marked the fields which are ignored by SEB.
Message Root
Index Or Mult Message Element <XML Tag> Type Comments of XML tag usage
[1..1] + Message root <CstmrCdtTrfInitn> Component
Group Header
Index Or Mult Message Element <XML Tag> Type Comments of XML tag usage
1.0 [1..1] +GroupHeader <GrpHdr> Component Set of characteristics shared by all payments included in the message.
Unique identification of the message assigned by the initiating party. Should be unique per
1.1 [1..1] ++MessageIdentification <MsgId> Max35Text
instructed party for a pre-agreed period.
Date and time at which the message was created by the initiating party.(YYYY-MM-DD
1.2 [1..1] ++CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> ISODateTime
1.6 [1..1] ++NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> Max15NumericText Number of payments contained in the file in Credit Transfer Transaction Information part.
Total of all individual amounts included in the message, irrespective of currencies. For example
1.7 [1..1] ++ControlSum <CtrlSum> Decimal Number 100EUR, 60USD. Field value 160.
After 19.11.2017 field will be mandatory and correctness of this value will be checked.
Party Identification
1.8 + [1..1] ++Initiating Party <InitgPty> N/A
Name of the initiating party. ‘Name’ is limited to 70 characters in length according to SEPA Core
9.1.0 [0..1] +++Name <Nm> Max70Text
9.1.12 [0..1] +++Identification <Id> Choice Component Identification of the initiating party (private person’s or company’s identification).
Identification of an organization. Either ‘BIC or BEI’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is allowed.
9.1.13 {Or [1..1] ++++OrganisationIdentification <OrgId> Component
Same rule as in SEPA Core Requirements applies.
9.1.14 [0..1] +++++BICOrBEI <BICOrBEI> Identifier
9.1.15 [0..n] +++++Other <Othr> Component
9.1.16 [1..1] ++++++Identification <Id> Max35Text Company’s identification.
9.1.17 [0..1] ++++++SchemeName <SchmeNm> Choice Component
For organisation identification scheme code see
9.1.18 [1..1] +++++++Code <Cd> Code External Code Lists spreadsheet
For tax payment code use code TXID
Private person identification. Either ‘DateAndPlaceOfBirth’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is
9.1.21 Or} [1..1] ++++PrivateIdentification <PrvtId> Component
allowed. Same rule as in SEPA Core Requirements applies.
9.1.27 [0..n] +++++Other <Othr> Component
9.1.28 [1..1] ++++++Identification <Id> Max35Text Private person identification.
9.1.29 [0..1] ++++++SchemeName <SchmeNm> Choice Component
For private identification scheme code see
9.1.30 [1..1] +++++++Code <Cd> Code External Code Lists spreadsheet
For private person personal code use NIDN
Payment information
Index Or Mult Message Element <XML Tag> Type Comments of XML tag usage
2.0 [1..n] +PaymentInformation <PmtInf> Component Set of characteristics, that applies to the debit side of the payment transactions.
Reference assigned by the initiating party in order to identify the payment information block
2.1 [1..1] ++PaymentInformation Identification <PmtInfId> Max35Text
within the message. For example number of consolidated payment.
Specifies the means of payment that will be used to move the amount of money. Only ‘TRF’ is
2.2 [1..1] ++PaymentMethod <PmtMtd> Code
allowed. Same rule as in SEPA Core Requirements applies.
Debit all transactions with one entry (batch booking). Same rule as in SEPA Core
Requirements applies.
2.3 [0..1] ++Batch Booking <BtchBookg> Indicator
If all transactions under the same payment information block are with currency EUR and
interbank payments correspond to European payment then batch booking is offered
Number of payments contained in the payment information block.
2.4 [1..1] ++NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> Max15NumericText
After 19.11.2017 field will be mandatory and correctness of this value will be checked.
Total of all individual amounts included in the group, irrespective of currencies.
2.5 [1..1] ++ControlSum <CtrlSum> Decimal Number For example 100EUR, 60USD. Field value 160.
After 19.11.2017 field will be mandatory and correctness of this value will be checked.
2.6 [0..1] ++PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> Component A set of elements that specifies the type/priority of a payment.
Specifies the payment processing priority based on an agreement between the initiating party
2.7 [0..1] +++Instruction Priority <InstrPrty> Code and the debtor’s bank.
Ignored by SEB Bank
2.8 [0..1] +++ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> Choice Component Agreement of rules according to which the payment must be processed.
List of payment priority codes is available here:, in ExternalServiceLevel1Code spreadsheet.
SEPA – payment must be executed as a SEPA payment: URGP – payment must be executed
as an urgent payment; SDVA – payment must be executed with same day value to the
creditor; NURG – payment must be executed as non-urgent payment.
2.9 {Or [1..1] ++++Code <Cd> Code
SEB specific rules:
1) If Service Level Code and Local Instrument Proprietary are not entered by the initiating
party, the bank processes the payment as non-urgent or SEPA/European payment depending
on the payment instruction data. 2) If both, the Service Level Code and Local Instrument
Proprietary are filled, SEB will take guidance only from the Service Level.
Specifies the type of payment.
2.11 [0..1] +++LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> Choice Component
Field is ignored in case this information is filled out in lower level.
List of payment priority codes is available here:
2.12 {Or [1..1] ++++Code <Cd> Code in
ExternalLocalInstrument1Code spreadsheet.
NORM – normal payment, HIGH – urgent payment, EXPR – extra urgent payment. Depending
on the type and currency of payment the bank value date is neither the day after the next, the
2.13 Or} [1..1] ++++Proprietary <Prtry> Max35Text
next, nor the same business day in accordance with the terms and conditions of a bank.
Field is ignored in case this information is filled out in lower level (field 2.38).
Specifies the purpose of the payment based on an agreement between the initiating party and
2.14 [0..1] +++CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> Choice Component
the debtor’s bank.
Payment purpose code. List of appropriate codes is available here:
2.15 [1..1] ++++Code <Cd> Code in ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code spreadsheet.
Customer must agree with the bank on use of the payment purpose codes. For example SALA
code is specified for salary payments.
If initiating party fills the code SALA, PENS or SSBE and all transactions under the same
payment information block are with currency EUR and interbank payments correspond to
European payment, and all beneficiary accounts are in IBAN format, then SEB will debit all
transactions with one entry (batch booking).
2.17 [1..1] ++RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> ISODate Date on which the debtor’s account is to be debited.
Party Identification
2.19 + [1..1] ++Debtor <Dbtr> The party from whose account the amount of payment is to be debited
9.1.0 [1..1] +++Name <Nm> Max70Text Debtor’s name. Same rule as in SEPA Core Requirements applies.
9.1.1 [0..1] +++PostalAddress <PstlAdr> Component Debtor’s address
Identification of an organisation. Same rule as in SEPA Core Requirements applies. Either ‘BIC
9.1.13 {Or [1..1] ++++OrganisationIdentification <OrgId> Component
or BEI’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is allowed
9.1.16 [1..1] ++++++Identification <Id> Max35Text Company’s identification or tax payer code.
9.1.22 [0..1] +++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth <DtAndPlcOfBirth> Component Private person’s date and place of birth.
9.1.23 [1..1] ++++++BirthDate <BirthDt> ISODate
9.1.25 [1..1] ++++++CityOfBirth <CityOfBirth> Max35Text
Country code of the place of birth:
9.1.26 [1..1] ++++++CountryOfBirth <CtryOfBirth> CountryCode
9.1.27 [0..n] +++++Other <Othr> Component
2.36 [0..1] +++LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> Choice Component Specifies the type of payment. Pre-agreed customer-to-bank conditions apply
NORM – normal payment, HIGH – urgent payment, EXPR – extra urgent payment. Depending
on the type and currency of payment the bank value date is either the day after the next, the
2.38 [1..1] ++++Proprietary <Prtry> Max35Text
next or the same business day in accordance with the terms and conditions of a bank.
If this information is filled, then is ignored field in higher level (field 2.13).
Specifies Code of category purpose of the payment. If this information is filled, then is ignored
2.39 [0..1] ++++CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> Choice Component
field in higher level.
For Code of category purpose see External
2.40 [1..1] +++++Code <Cd> Code
Code Lists spreadsheet.
2.42 [1..1] +++Amount <Amt> Choice component Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and the creditor.
Payment amount and the currency ordered by the initiating party. All currencies accepted by
the bank for payment services are allowed.
<InstdAmt ActiveOrHistoricC
2.43 [1..1] ++++InstructedAmount Only ‘EUR’ is allowed. Amount must be 0.01 or more and 999999999.99 or less. Format Rule:
Ccy="AAA"> urrencyAndAmou nt
The fractional part has a maximum of two digits. For example:
<InstdAmt Ccy="EUR">1000</InstdAmt>
Section about Exchange Rate.
2.47 [0..1] +++ExchangeRateInformation <XchgRateInf> Component
This field is not used any more and will be ignored.
Exchange rate.
2.48 [0..1] ++++ExchangeRate <XchgRate> BaseOneRate
This field is not used any more and will be ignored.
FX transaction type:
SPOT – Spot currency rate;
2.49 [0..1] ++++RateType <RateTp> Code SALE – market rate on transaction moment;
AGRD- Agreement between parties (basis rate stated by default).
This field is not used any more and will be ignored.
Reference to the Agreement concluded between the Payer and the Bank (for example
2.50 [0..1] ++++ContractIdentification <CtrctId> Max35Text Agreement No.)
This field is not used any more and will be ignored.
Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges linked to the processing of the payment.
Should be used exclusively at the payment or transaction level.
For SEPA payment code SLEV should be used. For other payments one of the following codes
2.51 [0..1] +++ChargeBearer <ChrgBr> Code should be used: CRED, DEBT and SHAR.
For usage of code CRED, please contact your bank. If this field is empty, it will be considered
as SHAR or SLEV, depending on the payment instruction data (If there is no else value in field
Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
To be used only for SEPA payments and only if different from debtor.
Party Identification
2.70 + [0..1] +++UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> If this information is filled, then field 2.23 is ignored.
For example: Company make hotel booking payment for its employee, then information about
employee should be shown in this field.
Ultimate debtor’s name.
9.1.0 [0..1] ++++Name <Nm> Max70Text
Usage Rule: Same rule as in SEPA Core Requirements applies.
9.1.1 [0..1] ++++PostalAddress <PstlAdr> Component Ultimate debtor’s address.
Ultimate debtor’s country code:
9.1.10 [0..1] +++++Country <Ctry> CountryCode
6.1.0 [1..1] ++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> Component Identification of creditor’s bank’s correspondent bank.
6.1.1 [0..1] +++++BIC <BIC> BICIdentifier BIC of creditor’s bank’s correspondent bank.
Information used to identify a member in a clearing system. For example Fedwire, Sort Code
6.1.2 [0..1] +++++ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId> Component
6.1.3 [0..1] ++++++ClearingSystemIdentification <ClrSysId> Choice Component
6.1.6 [1..1] ++++++MemberIdentification <MmbId> Max35Text Identification of a creditor’s bank’s correspondent bank in a clearing system.
Name is limited to 70 characters in length. Should be used when BIC or clearing system
6.1.7 [0..1] +++++Name <Nm> Max70Text
member identification is not known to the initiating party.
Should be used when BIC or clearing system member identification is not known to the
6.1.8 [0..1] +++++PostalAddress <PstlAdr> Component
initiating party.
For ISO Country code of creditor’s bank’s correspondent bank see
6.1.17 [0..1] ++++++Country <Ctry> CountryCode
s.htm .
6.1.18 [0..7] ++++++AdressLine <AdrLine> Max70Text
6.1.25 [0..1] ++++BranchIdentification <BrnchId> Component
6.1.26 [0..1] +++++Identification <Id> Max35Text
6.1.27 [0..1] +++++Name <Nm> Max70Text
6.1.28 [0..1] +++++PostalAddress <PstlAdr> Component
Country code:
6.1.37 [0..1] ++++++Country <Ctry> CountryCode
6.1.38 [0..7] ++++++AdressLine <AdrLine> Max70Text
Cash Account
2.72 + [0..1] +++IntermediaryAgentAccount1 <IntrmyAgt1Acct> Account of creditor’s bank’s correspondent bank
1.1.0 [1..1] ++++Identification <Id> Identification
1.1.1 {Or [1..1] +++++IBAN <IBAN> IBANIdentifier IBAN number.
1.1.2 Or} [1..1] +++++Other <Othr> Component
1.1.3 [1..1] ++++++Identification <Id> Max34Text
1.1.4 [0..1] ++++++SchemeName <SchmeNm> Choice Component
1.1.5 [1..1] +++++++Code <Cd> Code
1.1.11 [0..1] ++++Currency <Ccy> Currency Code
Financial Instititution
2.73 + [0..1] +++IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> Identification Identical components are used from field: +++IntermediaryAgent1 (field 2.71)
Cash Account
2.74 + [0..1] +++IntermediaryAgentAccount2 <IntrmyAgt2Acct> Identical components are used from field: +++IntermediaryAgentAccount1 (field 2.72)
Financial Instititution Creditor’s bank information.
2.77 + [0..1] +++CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> Identification Please specify from your bank when this information is required in order to initiate a payment.
Component BIC of the Beneficiary Bank. Only BIC is allowed.
6.1.0 [1..1] ++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> Component Identification of creditor’s bank.
6.1.1 [0..1] +++++BIC <BIC> BICIdentifier Creditor’s bank BIC.
Information used to identify a member in a clearing system. For example Fedwire, Sort Code
6.1.2 [0..1] +++++ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId> Component
Creditor’s bank identification in a clearing system. In case of RUB payments to Russia, BIK
6.1.6 [1..1] ++++++MemberIdentification <MmbId> Max35Text
code should be entered here.
Creditor’s bank name. Should be used when BIC or clearing system member identification is
6.1.7 [0..1] +++++Name <Nm> Max70Text
not known to initiating party.
Creditor’s bank address. Should be used when BIC or clearing system member identification is
6.1.8 [0..1] +++++PostalAddress <PstlAdr> Component
not known to instructing party
For creditor’s bank ISO country code see
6.1.17 [0..1] ++++++Country <Ctry> CountryCode
6.1.18 [0..7] ++++++AdressLine <AdrLine> Max70Text
9.1.11 [0..7] +++++AdressLine <AdrLine> Max70Text Same rule as in SEPA Core Requirements applies.
9.1.12 [0..1] ++++Identification <Id> Choice Component Beneficiary identification code.
Creditor’s identification. Either ‘BIC or BEI’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is allowed.
For SEPA payments, the same rule as in SEPA Core Requirements applies.
9.1.13 {Or [1..1] +++++OrganisationIdentification <OrgId> Component
For RUB payments to Russia ‘Other’ is allowed two occurrences and should be used for
entering INN and KPP codes.
9.1.14 [0..1] ++++++BICOrBEI <BICOrBEI> Identifier
9.1.15 [0..n] +++++++Other <Othr> Component
Beneficiary’s id-code or Client’s code in payers information system
9.1.16 [1..1] ++++++++Identification <Id> Max35Text
For RUB payments to Russia, INN and KPP codes should be entered here.
9.1.17 [0..1] ++++++++SchemeName <SchmeNm> Choice Component
For organisation identification scheme code see
9.1.18 {Or [1..1] +++++++++Code <Cd> Code External Code Lists spreadsheet
For tax payment code use code TXID
9.1.19 Or} [1..1] +++++++++Proprietary <Prtry> Max35Text Scheme names INN and KPP should be entered here
9.1.20 [0..1] ++++++++Issuer <Issr> Max35Text
Identification of a private person. Same rule as SEPA Core Requirements applies.
9.1.21 Or} [1..1] ++++++PrivateIdentification <PrvtId> Component
Either ‘DateAndPlaceOfBirth’ or one occurrence of ‘Other’ is allowed.
9.1.22 [0..1] +++++++DateAndPlaceOfBirth <DtAndPlcOfBirth Component
9.1.23 [1..1] ++++++++BirthDate <BirthDt> ISODate
Place of birth country code:
9.1.25 [1..1] ++++++++CityOfBirth <CityOfBirth> Max35Text
9.1.26 [1..1] ++++++++CountryOfBirth <CtryOfBirth> CountryCode
9.1.27 [0..n] ++++++Other <Othr> Component
9.1.28 [1..1] +++++++Identification <Id> Max35Text Private person’s identification code.
9.1.29 [0..1] +++++++SchemeName <SchmeNm> Choice Component
If private person’s identification code is specified, then this field must be filled out. List of
available codes:
9.1.30 {Or [1..1] ++++++++Code <Cd> Code External Code Lists spreadsheet
For private person personal code use NIDN
9.1.31 Or} [1..1] ++++++++Proprietary <Prtry> Max35Text Name of the identification scheme in free format.
9.1.32 [0..1] +++++++Issuer <Issr> Max35Text
Country code from
9.1.33 [0..1] ++++CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> CountryCode
Mandatory field.
Cash Account
2.80 + [0..1] +++CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> Account number of the Beneficiary (Creditor’s account). Only IBAN is allowed.
Information on payment beneficiary’s account number (account to be credited).
1.1.0 [1..1] ++++Identification <Id> Identification
1.1.1 {Or [1..1] +++++IBAN <IBAN> IBANIdentifier IBAN number.
1.1.2 Or} [1..1] +++++Other <Othr> Component
1.1.3 [1..1] ++++++Identification <Id> Max34Text BBAN (Beneficiary account in non-IBAN format).
Party Identification Party which is the ultimate beneficiary of the payment. Usage Rule: Should be used for SEPA
2.81 + [0..1] +++UltimateCreditor <UltmCdtr>
Component payments and only if different from creditor.
Information about declaration of payments.
Usage Rules:
Information needed by Latvian Central Bank – a customer who is a resident of Latvia, should
2.89 +++RegulatoryReporting <RgltryRptg> Component enter creditor’s country ISO code and code of the balance of payment, if payment is sent
outside Latvia and payment amount exceeds10 000 euros or its equivalent in foreign currency.
Information needed by Russian Central Bank -when RUB payment to Russia, VO code and in
some cases KBK code should be filled.
11.1.1 [0..1] ++++Authority <Authrty> Component Entity that requires regulatory reporting information.
Country ISO code of the entity that requires the information of the balance of payments. See
11.1.3 [0..1] +++++Country <Ctry> CountryCode
s.htm ,
11.1.4 [0..n] ++++Details <Dtls> Component Details of regulatory reporting information.
The type of report. For example:
AMK – Area code – code of external payments classifier in the case of Latvia.
11.1.5 [0..1] +++++Type <Tp> Max35Text VO – Code of currency transaction. For payments to Russia.
KBK – number of the budget of the Russian Federation.
Creditor’s residence country ISO code. See
11.1.7 [0..1] +++++Country <Ctry> CountryCode
Precise information / report code. For example: 111 – the export/ import of goods. (Codes are
11.1.8 [0..1] +++++Code <Cd> Code listed in the AMK code report: 111 - export-import of goods:
11.1.9 [0..1] +++++Amount <Amt> Amount Amount in report.
[0..1] +++++Information <Inf> Max35Text
2.98 [0..1] +++RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> Component Remittance Information. Either ‘Structured’ or ‘Unstructured’ may be present.
Unstructured payment details. It is not allowed to fill out if structured information already is
2.99 {Or [0..n] ++++Unstructured <Ustrd> Max140Text filled in the field 2.100. (Can be structured or unstructured information entered. It is not allowed
to enter in formation in both fields).
Structured payment details. Used for entering reference number required by beneficiary.
It is not allowed to fill out if structured information already is filled in the field 2.99. (Can be
2.100 Or} [0..n] ++++Structured <Strd> Component
structured or unstructured information entered. It is not allowed to enter in formation in both
fields).Max 35 symbols are allowed.
When used both 'Creditor Reference Type' and 'Creditor Reference' must be present
Reference assigned by the Creditor (Beneficiary) that is used to identify the document. If this
2.120 [0..1] +++++CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> Component
field is filled out then it is mandatory to fill out also attribute 2.121 together with sub-
2.121 [0..1] ++++++Type <Tp> Component Creditor’s reference.
2.122 [1..1] +++++++CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> Component Creditor’s reference type.
2.123 [1..1] ++++++++Code <Cd> Code Only ‘SCOR’ is allowed
2.125 [0..1] ++++++++Issuer <Issuer> Max35Text Issuer of the payment reference.
2.126 [0..1] ++++++Reference <Ref> Max35Text Payment reference number.
2. Additional description of the specific fields
Entering an AMK codes
To specify in the payment AMK code, the section „Regulatory Reporting” (field 2.89) the following information must be filled out:
Ind. Mult. Message element <XML Tag> Type Comments of XML tag usage
2.89 [0..10] +++RegulatoryReporting <RgltryRptg> Component
11.1.8 [0..1] +++++Code <Cd> Code Precise transaction code, for example: 111 – the import / export of the goods.
XML example:
Economic classification code (EKK code)
Ind. Mult. Message element <XML Tag> Type Comments of XML tag usage
2.89 [0..10] +++RegulatoryReporting <RgltryRptg> Component
Shows beneficiary of the information. For example country which requires additional information about
11.1.1 [0..1] ++++Authority <Authrty> Component
this transaction.
11.1.3 [0..1] +++++Country <Ctry> CountryCode Country code – LV
11.1.4 [0..n] ++++Details <Dtls> Component Precise information of the regulatory requirements data.
11.1.5 [0..1] +++++Type <Tp> Max35Text Code type - EKK
11.1.8 [0..1] +++++Code <Cd> Code Code values according to:
Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No.875 (22.11.2005.)
Rules of the budget financing classification"
Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No.1031 (27.12.2005.)
"Rule of the budget expenses classification according to economic categories"
Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No.1032 (27.12.2005.)
"Terms of budget revenue classification"
11.1.9 [0..1] +++++Amount <Amt> Amount Amount and currency of the appropriate classification code (field 11.1.8)
Following values can be used:
11.1.10 [0..1] +++++Information <Inf> Max35Text Deb – Beneficiary Code and Amount
Cred – Payer Code and Amount
* In the Details field, if Amount is EUR, then it is allowed to enter 10 Code blocks for „Deb” value and 10 Code blocks with „Cred” value. If Amount currency is not EUR, then it is
allowed to enter only one Code block.
** The commercial bank will process only one Code block, in the ways as it is shown in example No. 2.
Example No. 1 (Payment within State Treasury) Example No. 2 ( Payment from commercial banks to State Treasury)
<RgltryRptg> <RgltryRptg>
<Authrty> <Authrty>
<Ctry>LV</Ctry> <Ctry>LV</Ctry>
</Authrty> </Authrty>
<Dtls> <Dtls>
<Tp>EKK</Tp> <Tp>EKK</Tp>
<Cd>2231</Cd> <Cd>2231</Cd>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">2</Amt> </Dtls>
<Inf>Cred</Inf> </RgltryRptg>
<Amt Ccy="EUR">2</Amt>
RUB payment to Russia
In order to specify correct information for RUB payment processing to Russia the following fields must be filled in the payment:
6.1.6 [1..1] ++++++MemberIdentification <MmbId> Max35Text Beneficiary bank’s BIK code value
* This section also includes the name and address of the beneficiary bank.
INN code (for example INN1234567890);
9.1.16 [1..1] ++++++++Identification <Id> Max35Text
KIO ((КИО – Код иностранной организации) – foreign organisation code).
9.1.17 [0..1] ++++++++SchemeName <SchmeNm>
9.1.19 [1..1] +++++++++Proprietary <Prtry> Max35Text Code type, constant INN or KIO.
9.1.16 [1..1] ++++++++Identification <Id> Max35Text KPP code (for example KPP987654321)
9.1.17 [0..1] ++++++++SchemeName <SchmeNm>
9.1.19 [1..1] +++++++++Proprietary <Prtry> Max35Text Code type, constant KPP
Indicate the recipient of information (for example the country which requests the respective additional
11.1.1 [0..1] ++++Authority <Authrty> Component
information on the transaction)
11.1.3 [0..1] +++++Country <Ctry> CountryCode Country code - RU
11.1.4 [0..n] ++++Details <Dtls> Component Detailed information on the data of regulatory requirements
Indicate the recipient of information (for example the country which requests the respective additional
11.1.1 [0..1] ++++Authority <Authrty> Component
information on the transaction)
11.1.3 [0..1] +++++Country <Ctry> CountryCode Country code - RU
11.1.4 [0..n] ++++Details <Dtls> Component Detailed information on the data of regulatory requirements
Payments to other countries maintaining defined domestic bank identifiers (e. g. FW/ABA- ASV; Transit number - Canada)
In order to correctly indicate the information necessary for execution of the payment, fill out the sections below:
Ind. Mult. Message element <XML Tag> Type Comments of XML tag usage
2.77 + [0..1] +++CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> Information on the beneficiary bank (creditor bank)
6.1.0 [1..1] ++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> Component Financial institution’s identification section
6.1.6 [1..1] ++++++MemberIdentification <MmbId> Max35Text Beneficiary bank’s ABA code value
* This section also includes the name and address of the beneficiary bank.
Payment examples
With green background are marked new mandatory elements starting from 19.11.2017.
<!--Payment type code (payment to a supplier)-->
<InstdAmt Ccy="EUR">1000</InstdAmt>
<!--Payment amount and currency-->
<!--Commission fee type-->
<!--Information on the beneficiary bank-->
<!--Beneficiary bank identifier (BIC)-->
<Nm>Beneficiary BANK</Nm>
<!--Name of the beneficiary bank-->
<!--Information on the beneficiary of the payment-->
<Nm>Beneficiary SIA</Nm>
<!--Name of the beneficiary-->
<!--Postal address-->
<AdrLine>Riga, 1 Brīvības Street, LV-1010</AdrLine>
<!--Beneficiary's registration number-->
<!--The code indicates the format of information entered in the ID field -->
<!--Beneficiary's country of residence-->
<!--Beneficiary's account number-->
<Ustrd>Payment for goods</Ustrd>
<!--Information for the beneficiary, free format (payment details)-->
<!--SEPA payment in EUR from a bank in Latvia to a bank in Germany-->
<InstdAmt Ccy="EUR">2500</InstdAmt>
<!--Payment amount and currency-->
<!--Commission fee type. For SEPA payments only SLEV-->
<Nm>Beneficiary BANK in Germany</Nm>
<Nm>Beneficiary in Germany</Nm>
<!--Name of the beneficiary-->
<AdrLine>Taunusanlage 12, 60325, Frankfurt am Main</AdrLine>
<!--Beneficiary's account number. For SEPA payments only IBAN-->
<!--Payment reports stipulated by regulatory enactments-->
<!--Country to which the report is submitted-->
<!--Report type (in this case, AMK code)-->
<!--Exact value-->
<!--Beneficiary's information block, IT IS NOT PERMITTED TO USE Ustrd AND Strd BLOCKS TOGETHER-->
<!--Structured information for the beneficiary-->
<!--Payment in RUB from a bank in Latvia to a bank in Russia-->
<InstdAmt Ccy="RUB">10000</InstdAmt>
<!--Payment amount and currency-->
<!--Creditor name-->
<!--Account to which the funds will be transferred-->
<Ustrd>SCET 12345</Ustrd>
3. Payment Status Report Response Message
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for creation of ISO20022 XML – pain.002.001.03 payment status report messages that the customer will receive from the
bank after sending a payment initiation document to the bank (pain.001.001.03).
Ind. Or. Mult. Message element <XML Tag> Type Use Comments of XML tag usage
[1..1] + Message root
Message elements
Ind. Mult. Message element <XML Tag> Type Comments of XML tag usage
1.1 [1..1] ++ Message Identification MsgId Max35Text Unique message identifier assigned by the person preparing the message
2.1 [1..1] ++ Original Message Identification OrgnlMsgId Max35Text Payment order message identifier
2.1 Textual information on execution status. Mandatory if reason
[0..n] +++ Additional Information AddtlInf Max105Text
2 code (2.10) equals NARR
2.1 ++
[0..n] TxInfAndSts Component Individually
3 NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus
[1..1] +++ DetailedNumberOfTransactions DtldNbOfTxs Max15NumericText
2.1 TransactionIndividualStatus3C
[1..1] +++ DetailedStatuss DtldSts
5 ode
3.10 [0..n] +++ Additional Information AddtlInf Max105Text Textual information on execution status. Mandatory if reason
code (3.8) equals NARR
Transaction information
Ind. Mult. Message element <XML Tag> Type Use Comments of XML tag usage
3.15 [0..n] ++ Transaction Information And Status TxInfAndSts Component Information on the payment’s initiating transaction
3.17 [0..1] +++ Original Instruction Identification OrgnlInstrId Max35Text Original identifier of the transaction
3.18 [0..1] +++ Original End to End Identification OrgnlEndToEndId Max35Text SEPA Original end-to-end identifier of the transaction
3.19 [0..1] +++ Transaction Status TxSts TransactionIndividualStatus3Code Transaction execution status
3.20 [0..n] +++ Status Reason Information StsRsnInf Component Information on the transaction execution status
3.21 [1..1] +++Originator Orgtr Component SEB banka’s SWIFT code UNLALV2X
9.1.12 [0..1] ++++ Identification Id Component
9.1.13 [1..1] +++++ Organisation Identification OrgId Component
9.1.14 [1..1] ++++++ BIC or BEI BICOrBEI AnyBICIdentifier
3.22 [0..1] ++++ Reason Rsn Component Transaction status reason code
3.23 [1..1] +++++ Code Cd ExternalStatusReason1Code For status reason code see
age External Code Lists spreadsheet
3.25 [0..n] ++++ Additional Information AddtlInf Max105Text Textual information on transaction execution status.
Mandatory if reason code (3.23) equals NARR
3.32 [0..1] +++ Original Transaction Reference OrgnlTxRef Component Individuall Information for additional identification for a specific
y transaction
3.34 [0..1] ++++Amount Amt Component
3.35 [1..1] +++++InstructedAmount InstdAmt Amount
3.41 [1..1] ++++RequestedExecutionDate ReqdExctnDt DateTime
3.121 [1..1] ++++Debtor Dbtr Component
9.1.0 [1..1] +++++Name Nm Text
3.122 [1..1] ++++DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct>
1.1.0 [1..1] +++++Identification <Id>
1.1.1 [1..1] ++++++IBAN <IBAN> Identifier
1.1.11 [1..1] +++++Currency <Ccy> Code
3.123 [1..1] ++++DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt>
6.1.0 [1..1] +++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId>
6.1.1 [1..1] ++++++BIC <BIC> Identifier
3.125 [0..1] ++++CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt>
6.1.0 [1..1] +++++FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId>
6.1.1 [1..1] ++++++BIC <BIC> Identifier
6.1.2 [1..1] ++++++ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId>
6.1.3 [0..1] +++++++ClearingSystemIdentification <ClrSysId>
6.1.4 [1..1] ++++++++Code <Cd> Code
6.1.6 [1..1] +++++++MemberIdentification <MmbId> Text
3.127 [1..1] ++++Creditor <Cdtr>
9.1.0 [1..1] +++++Name <Nm> Text
3.128 [1..1] ++++CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct>
1.1.0 [1..1] +++++Identification <Id>
1.1.1 [1..1] ++++++IBAN <IBAN> Identifier
1.1.2 [1..1] ++++++Other <Othr>
1.1.3 [1..1] +++++++Identification <Id> Text
Payment status example
Payment status example contains 3 various payment statuses:
1. Transfer in EUR between two banks in Latvia (domestic SEPA payment);
2. Transfer in EUR from Latvia to Germany (SEPA payment);
3. Transfer in RUB from a bank in Latvia to a bank in Russia.
4. Account statement message camt.052.001.02
Message content of account statement
Account statement message shall be sent by the account host (credit institution) to the account owner or its authorised party. This message shall be used to inform the account
owner or its authorised parties about the account’s entries and/or about the account balance at a given moment.
The account statement message may contain information on more than one account. It shall provide information that is necessary for the management of money flow and/or
coordination of the bank’s entries with the customer’s data. An account statement may reflect the following:
- Expected and recorded transactions;
- Information on account balance.
The account statement may contain additional detailed information on the entries reflected therein. Account statements may be also received by a person other than the account
owner that is authorised by the account owner to receive the account information.
An account statement message must be used to reflect the account statement.
The message shall consist of two mandatory blocks: Header and Account Report
Header: this block is mandatory and is indicated only once. It contains elements that identify the file – message identifier, date and time of message creation.
Account Report: This block is mandatory and may be indicated more than once. It shall be indicated repeatedly for each of the accounts reflected in the report. The report shall
contain components Balance and Entry.
The message is described in the following table:
Ind. Or Mult. Message element XML Tag Type Comments of XML tag usage
[1..1] Message root <BkToCstmrAcctRpt>
Index (Ind.) column – number refers to the corresponding description in the ISO 20022 XML Message Definition Report. This report can be found at under “Second version of the Bank-to-Customer Cash Management messages” with “camt.052.001.02” as
Or column – indicates that only one of several elements may be presented.
Mult column – indicates whether an element is mandatory or optional and how many repetitions are allowed for the element. For example:
• [1..1] – shows that element is mandatory and can be presented only once
• [1..n] - shows that element is mandatory and can be presented 1 to “n” times
• [0..1] – shows that element is optional and can be presented only once
• [0..n] – shows that element is optional and can be presented 0 to “n” times
• {Or…Or} – indicates that only one of several elements may be presented
Message element column – element name used in ISO 20022 XML Message Definition Report.
XML Tag column – short name identifying an element within an XML message, which is put between brackets, e.g. <Amt>.
Type column – XML tag description.
Comments column – additional comments about XML tag usage.
Ind. Or Mult. Message element XML Tag Type Comments of XML tag usage
1.0 [1..1] GroupHeader <GrpHdr>
Point to point reference, as assigned by the account servicing institution,
and sent to the account owner or the party authorised to receive the
message, to unambiguously identify the message.
1.1 [1..1] MessageIdentification <MsgId> Text
Usage: The account servicing institution has to make sure that
MessageIdentification is unique per account owner for a pre-agreed
Note: to be used only when received by a person other than the account
Set of elements used to provide details on the page number of the
Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the
account statement is issued.
2.5 [0..1] FromToDate <FrToDt> +
To be used when necessary to indicate the start and end date of the
account statement’s period.
5.1.0 [1..1] FromDateTime <FrDtTm> DateTime
5.1.1 [1..1] ToDateTime <ToDtTm> DateTime
Unambiguous identification of the account to which credit and debit
2.10 [1..1] Account <Acct> +
entries are made.
1.2.0 [1..1] Identification <Id> Only IBAN allowed in Latvia.
1.2.1 [1..1] IBAN <IBAN> Identifier
1.2.8 [0..1] Type <Tp> … For example Current, Overdraft, Saving etc
The account codes listed in the column next to this one are permissible
Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as
1.2.57 [1..1] FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId>
assigned under an internationally recognised scheme.
2.31 [0..1] CreditLine <CdtLine> Set of elements used to provide details on the Credit line/overdraft.
Usage: If not present, credit line is not included in the balance amount.
2.32 [1..1] Included <Incl> Indicator
One of the following TrueFalseIndicator values must be used:
MeaningWhenTrue: True
MeaningWhenFalse: False
2.33 [0..1] Amount <AmtCcy="AAA"> Amount Amount and currency of the credit line/overdraft.
2.34 [1..1] Amount <AmtCcy="AAA"> Amount Amount of money of the cash balance.
Indicates whether the balance is a credit or a debit balance.
CRDT=Credit Operation is an increase.
2.35 [1..1] CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> Code
DBIT=Debit Operation is a decrease.
Usage: A zero balance is considered to be a credit balance.
2.36 [1..1] Date <Dt> +
4.1.0 [1..1] Date <Dt> DateTime
2.43 [0..1] TransactionsSummary <TxsSummry>
2.49 [0..1] TotalCreditEntries <TtlCdtNtries> Specifies the total number and sum of credit entries.
2.50 [0..1] NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> Text Number of individual entries included in the report.
2.51 [0..1] Sum <Sum> Quantity Total of all individual entries included in the report.
2.52 [0..1] TotalDebitEntries <TtlDbtNtries> Specifies the total number and sum of debit entries.
2.53 [0..1] NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> Text Number of individual entries included in the report.
2.54 [0..1] Sum <Sum> Quantity Total of all individual entries included in the report.
The field may be empty if no transactions have taken place in the
2.76 [0..n] Entry <Ntry>
Note: transactions accounting section. Each transaction is accounted
separately; such entries in the file may be from 0 (no transactions) to a
certain number that the bank can issue in one file.
Unique reference for the entry within one official statement.
2.77 [0..1] EntryReference <NtryRef> Text
Note: may also be the entry’s sequential number.
Amount in the currency of the account reported. Note: This amount can
2.78 [1..1] Amount <AmtCcy="AAA"> Amount
be Zero.
Indicates whether the balance is a credit or a debit balance.CRDT=Credit
2.79 [1..1] CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> Code Operation is an increase.DBIT=Debit Operation is a decrease.Usage: A
zero balance is considered to be a credit balance.
Indicates whether or not the entry is the result of a reversal.
Usage: This element should only be present if the entry is the result of a
Date and time when an entry is posted to an account on the account
servicer's books.
2.82 [0..1] BookingDate <BookgDt> +
Note: expected booking date except when booking has been actually
4.1.0 [1..1] Date <Dt> DateTime
[0..1] ValueDate <ValDt> + May be indicated for transactions with past or future value date.
4.1.0 [1..1] Date <Dt> DateTime
Unique transaction identifier at the bank (e.g. archive no.)
2.84 [0..1] AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> Text
Note: when the same entry is reported in both the camt.052 or camt.053-
, they should be the same.
Set of elements used to fully identify the type of underlying transaction
resulting in an entry.
2.91 [1..1] BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>
At least one (Domain/Proprietary) must be used..
2.92 [0..1] Domain <Domn> Appropriate ISO bank transaction codes are used
2.97 [0..1] Proprietary <Prtry> A place where the currently used codes may be used.
2.136 [0..1] Batch <Btch> To be used to indicate transaction details in the event of file payments.
Point to point reference, as assigned by the sending party, to
2.137 [0..1] MessageIdentification <MsgId> Text unambiguously identify the batch of transactions.
Note: message element number 1.1 from “pain.001.001.03”.
Unique identification, as assigned by a sending party, to unambiguously
identify the payment information
2.138 [0..1] PaymentInformationIdentification <PmtInfId> Text group within the message.
Number of individual transactions included in the batch.
2.139 [0..1] NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> Text
Note: message element number 2.4 from “pain.001.001.03”.
2.149 [0..1] TransactionIdentification <TxId> Text Usage: The transaction identification can be used for reconciliation,
tracking or to link tasks relating to the transaction on the interbank level.
Usage: The instructing agent has to make sure that the transaction
identification is unique for a pre-agreed period.
2.153 [0..1] Proprietary <Prtry> Proprietary reference related to the underlying transaction.
2.154 [1..1] Type <Tp> Text
2.155 [1..1] Reference <Ref> Text
Set of elements providing detailed information on the original amount.
2.156 [0..1] AmountDetails <AmtDtls> +
Usage: This component (on transaction level) should be used in case
booking is for a single transaction and
the original amount is different from the entry amount. It can also be used
in case individual original amounts
are provided in case of a batch or aggregate booking.
Comment: All Amount Details are in all cases given on the Transaction
Details level on single and batch bookings. For consistency purposes
Entry/Amount information is repeated at
Usage: Used for original amount in original currency and is the gross
value (i.e. prior to application of charges) in same currency situations.
For example in the inter-bank MT103 message this amount reports the
33B field contents. Instructed Amount may be omitted in the case when
2.1.0 [0..1] InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> there are no charges or no FX. In FX cases the booked transaction FX
information can be found with TransactionAmount. When account
servicing bank is receiving a transaction via MT103, it might contain
other FX information of sender bank FX operation. This is only in the
situation of original payment initiation done with Equivalent amount.
2.1.1 [1..1] Amount <AmtCcy="AAA"> Amount
2.1.2 [0..1] CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>
Currency from which an amount is to be converted in a currency
2.1.3 [1..1] SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> Code
Currency into which an amount is to be converted in a currency
2.1.4 [0..1] TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> Code
2.1.5 [0..1] UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> Code
2.1.6 [1..1] ExchangeRate <XchgRate> Rate
Unique identification to unambiguously identify the foreign exchange
2.1.7 [0..1] ContractIdentification <CtrctId> Text
Note: message element number 2.50 from “pain.001.001.03”.
Transaction in the account currency and the respective amount should
be indicated
Remark: EPC Mandated for SEPA payments. Recommendation: This
amount is to be used for matching and aggregation purpose and it is
used in all cases when AmountDetails structure is used. It is always in
the currency of the account reported and the Entry Amount and
populated in all Transaction Details–cases when AmountDetails structure
2.1.9 [0..1] TransactionAmount <TxAmt>
is used. It is the net amount of the underlying transaction including
charges expressed in the currency of the posting account. This will apply
both Single Bookings and Batch Bookings with underlying transactions.
This amount indicates the value that has been debited from or credited to
reported bank account (booked or posted amount). Note: this
information may be duplicate with Entry/Amount if the single booking is in
the same currency as reported account currency is.
2.1.10 [1..1] Amount <AmtCcy="AAA"> Amount
2.1.11 [0..1] CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>
2.1.12 [1..1] SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> Code
2.1.13 [0..1] TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> Code
2.1.14 [0..1] UnitCurrency <UnitCcy> Code
2.1.15 [1..1] ExchangeRate <XchgRate> Rate
2.1.16 [0..1] ContractIdentification <CtrctId> Text
2.1.17 [0..1] QuotationDate <QtnDt> DateTime
Note: contains the same information that is in 2.91. However, it may be
2.163 [0..1] BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>
different in the case of batch booking
2.164 [0..1] Domain <Domn> Recommendation suggested that standard BTC are used as first priority
2.165 [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
2.166 [1..1] Family <Fmly>
2.167 [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
2.168 [1..1] SubFamilyCode <SubFmlyCd> Code
2.169 [0..1] Proprietary <Prtry> Note: For bank or community specific transaction coding
9.1.16 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text Company’s registration number or taxpayer’s ID.
9.1.17 [0..1] SchemeName <SchmeNm>
9.1.18 [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
For incoming payments: name, address and identifier are reported if
2.201 [0..1] Debtor <Dbtr> +
For outgoing payments: not used (information is indicated in the Account
Owner block).
9.1.0 [0..1] Name <Nm> Text
9.1.1 [0..1] PostalAddress <PstlAdr>
9.1.2 [0..1] AddressType <AdrTp> Code
9.1.3 [0..1] Department <Dept> Text
9.1.4 [0..1] SubDepartment <SubDept> Text
9.1.5 [0..1] StreetName <StrtNm> Text
9.1.6 [0..1] BuildingNumber <BldgNb> Text
9.1.7 [0..1] PostCode <PstCd> Text
9.1.8 [0..1] TownName <TwnNm> Text
9.1.9 [0..1] CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> Text
9.1.10 [0..1] Country <Ctry> Code
9.1.11 [0..7] AddressLine <AdrLine> Text
9.1.12 [0..1] Identification <Id>
9.1.13 {Or [1..1] OrganisationIdentification <OrgId>
9.1.14 [0..1] BICOrBEI <BICOrBEI> Identifier
9.1.15 [0..n] Other <Othr>
9.1.16 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text Company’s registration number or taxpayer’s ID.
9.1.17 [0..1] SchemeName <SchmeNm>
Identification scheme code. If the taxpayer’s ID, this field shall contain
TXID. Permissible codes can be found at
9.1.18 {{Or [1..1] Code <Cd> Code, list
9.1.19 Or}} [1..1] Proprietary <Prtry> Text
9.1.20 [0..1] Issuer <Issr> Text
9.1.21 Or} [1..1] PrivateIdentification <PrvtId>
9.1.22 [0..1] DateAndPlaceOfBirth <DtAndPlcOfBirth>
9.1.23 [1..1] BirthDate <BirthDt> DateTime
9.1.25 [1..1] CityOfBirth <CityOfBirth> Text
9.1.26 [1..1] CountryOfBirth <CtryOfBirth> Code
9.1.27 [0..n] Other <Othr>
9.1.28 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text Private person’s personal ID number.
9.1.29 [0..1] SchemeName <SchmeNm>
Identification scheme code. If the personal ID number is indicated, this
field shall contain NIDN.
9.1.30 {{Or [1..1] Code <Cd> Code Permissible codes can be found at, list
9.1.31 Or}} [1..1] Proprietary <Prtry> Text
9.1.32 [0..1] Issuer <Issr> Text
For incoming payments: account is reported if available.
2.202 [0..1] DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> +
For outgoing payments: Not used (information is indicated in the account
at the statement/ official statement level).
1.1.0 [1..1] Identification <Id>
1.1.1 {Or [1..1] IBAN <IBAN> Identifier
1.1.2 Or} [1..1] Other <Othr>
1.1.3 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text
1.1.4 [0..1] SchemeName <SchmeNm>
1.1.5 [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
For SEPA payments only. Indicated in cases when received together
with an incoming payment or when the payer has indicated it in an
outgoing payment.
2.203 [0..1] UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> +
Value from tags 2.70 or 2.23 if the payment has been submitted with
pain.001 and if indicated.
9.1.0 [0..1] Name <Nm> Text
9.1.12 [0..1] Identification <Id>
9.1.13 {Or [1..1] OrganisationIdentification <OrgId>
9.1.14 [0..1] BICOrBEI <BICOrBEI> Identifier
9.1.15 [0..n] Other <Othr>
9.1.16 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text Company’s registration number or taxpayer’s ID.
9.1.17 [0..1] SchemeName <SchmeNm>
9.1.18 [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
9.1.21 Or} [1..1] PrivateIdentification <PrvtId>
9.1.22 [0..1] DateAndPlaceOfBirth <DtAndPlcOfBirth>
9.1.23 [1..1] BirthDate <BirthDt> DateTime
9.1.25 [1..1] CityOfBirth <CityOfBirth> Text
9.1.26 [1..1] CountryOfBirth <CtryOfBirth> Code
9.1.27 [0..n] Other <Othr>
9.1.28 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text Private person’s personal ID number.
9.1.29 [0..1] SchemeName <SchmeNm>
9.1.30 [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
For incoming payments: indicated as account owner.
2.204 [0..1] Creditor <Cdtr> + For outgoing payments: the customer’s provided information is indicated
(value from tag 2.79 if the payment has been submitted with pain.001).
9.1.0 [0..1] Name <Nm> Text Statement/ official statement tag 2.10; sub-tag 1.2.13.
9.1.1 [0..1] PostalAddress <PstlAdr>
9.1.10 [0..1] Country <Ctry> Code
9.1.11 [0..7] AddressLine <AdrLine> Text
9.1.12 [0..1] Identification <Id>
9.1.13 {Or [1..1] OrganisationIdentification <OrgId>
Code allocated to organisations by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority,
under an international identification
9.1.14 [0..1] BICOrBEI <BICOrBEI> Identifier scheme, as described in the latest version of the standard ISO 9362
Banking (Banking telecommunication
messages, Bank Identifier Codes).
9.1.15 [0..n] Other <Othr>
9.1.16 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text Company’s registration number or taxpayer’s ID.
9.1.17 [0..1] SchemeName <SchmeNm>
Identification scheme code. If the taxpayer’s ID is indicated, this field
shall contain TXID. Permissible codes can be found at
9.1.18 {{Or [1..1] Code <Cd> Code, list
9.1.19 Or}} [1..1] Proprietary <Prtry> Text
9.1.20 [0..1] Issuer <Issr> Text
9.1.21 Or} [1..1] PrivateIdentification <PrvtId> Private parson’s identifier.
9.1.22 [0..1] DateAndPlaceOfBirth <DtAndPlcOfBirth> Information on place and date of birth.
9.1.23 [1..1] BirthDate <BirthDt> DateTime
Code of country of birth selected from
9.1.25 [1..1] CityOfBirth <CityOfBirth> Text
9.1.26 [1..1] CountryOfBirth <CtryOfBirth> Code
9.1.27 [0..n] Other <Othr>
9.1.28 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text Private person’s personal ID number.
9.1.29 [0..1] SchemeName <SchmeNm>
Identification scheme code. If the personal ID number is indicated, this
field shall contain NIDN.
9.1.30 {{Or [1..1] Code <Cd> Code Permissible codes can be found at, list
9.1.31 Or}} [1..1] Proprietary <Prtry> Text Name of the identification scheme in free format.
9.1.32 [0..1] Issuer <Issr> Text
Code of country selected from
9.1.33 [0..1] CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> Code
For incoming payments: indicated at the account statement/official
account statement level (tag 2.10).
2.205 [0..1] CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> + For outgoing payments: the customer’s provided information is indicated
(value from tag 2.80 if the payment has been submitted with pain.001).
For SEPA payments, IBAN must be used.
1.1.0 [1..1] Identification <Id>
1.1.1 {Or [1..1] IBAN <IBAN> Identifier
1.1.2 Or} [1..1] Other <Othr> If IBAN not used
1.1.3 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text
1.1.4 [0..1] SchemeName <SchmeNm>
1.1.5 [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
For SEPA payments only. Indicated in cases when received together
with an incoming payment or when the payer has indicated it in an
2.206 [0..1] UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> + outgoing payment.
Note: value from tag 2.81, if the payment has been submitted with
9.1.0 [0..1] Name <Nm> Text
9.1.12 [0..1] Identification <Id>
9.1.13 {Or [1..1] OrganisationIdentification <OrgId>
9.1.14 [0..1] BICOrBEI <BICOrBEI> Identifier
9.1.15 [0..n] Other <Othr>
9.1.16 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text Company’s registration number or taxpayer’s ID.
9.1.17 [0..1] SchemeName <SchmeNm>
9.1.18 [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
9.1.21 Or} [1..1] PrivateIdentification <PrvtId>
9.1.22 [0..1] DateAndPlaceOfBirth <DtAndPlcOfBirth>
9.1.23 [1..1] BirthDate <BirthDt> DateTime
9.1.25 [1..1] CityOfBirth <CityOfBirth> Text
9.1.26 [1..1] CountryOfBirth <CtryOfBirth> Code
9.1.27 [0..n] Other <Othr>
9.1.28 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text Private person’s personal ID number.
9.1.29 [0..1] SchemeName <SchmeNm>
9.1.30 [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
2.211 [0..1] RelatedAgents <RltdAgts>
EPC Mandated for SEPA CT and DD. One of the following must be
provided - BIC or Clearing System Member or Name. In instances where
the ReversalIndicator <RvslInd> is TRUE, the Creditor Agent and Debtor
2.212 [0..1] DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> +
Agent must be the same as the Creditor Agent and Debtor Agent of the
original entry.
Note: Used only for incoming payments to indicate the payer’s bank.
6.1.0 [1..1] FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId>
6.1.1 [0..1] BIC <BIC> Identifier
6.1.7 [0..1] Name <Nm> Text
Used only for outgoing payments to indicate the beneficiary bank.
2.213 [0..1] CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> + Note: value from tag 2.77, if the payment has been submitted with
6.1.0 [1..1] FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId>
6.1.1 [0..1] BIC <BIC> Identifier
6.1.2 [0..1] ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId>
6.1.3 [0..1] ClearingSystemIdentification <ClrSysId>
6.1.4 [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
6.1.6 [1..1] MemberIdentification <MmbId> Text
6.1.7 [0..1] Name <Nm> Text
6.1.8 [0..1] PostalAddress <PstlAdr>
6.1.17 [0..1] Country <Ctry> Code
6.1.18 [0..7] AddressLine <AdrLine> Text
Note: value from tag 2.86, if the payment has been submitted with
2.224 [0..1] Purpose <Purp>
2.225 {Or [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
2.226 Or} [1..1] Proprietary <Prtry> Text
Note: value from tag 2.98, if the payment has been submitted with
2.234 [0..1] RemittanceInformation <RmtInf>
The same logic applies as in the payment initiation file – length of the
field limited to 140 characters.
2.235 [0..n] Unstructured <Ustrd> Text
Note: value from tag 2.99, if the payment has been submitted with
Note: value from tag 2.100, if the payment has been submitted with
2.236 [0..n] Structured <Strd>
2.237 [0..n] ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf>
2.238 [0..1] Type <Tp>
2.239 [1..1] CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>
2.240 {Or [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
2.241 Or} [1..1] Proprietary <Prtry> Text
2.243 [0..1] Number <Nb> Text
2.244 [0..1] RelatedDate <RltdDt> DateTime
2.245 [0..1] ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt>
2.246 [0..1] DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmtCcy="AAA"> Amount
2.248 [0..1] CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmtCcy="AAA"> Amount
2.255 [0..1] RemittedAmount <RmtdAmtCcy="AAA"> Amount
Note: value from tag 2.120, if the payment has been submitted with
2.256 [0..1] CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf>
Note: value from tag 2.121, if the payment has been submitted with
2.257 [0..1] Type <Tp>
Note: value from tag 2.122, if the payment has been submitted with
2.258 [1..1] CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>
Note: value from tag 2.123, if the payment has been submitted with
2.259 [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
Note: value from tag 2.125, if the payment has been submitted with
2.261 [0..1] Issuer <Issr> Text
Note: value from tag 2.126, if the payment has been submitted with
2.262 [0..1] Reference <Ref> Text
2.265 [0..3] AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> Text
2.293 [0..1] ReturnInformation <RtrInf> Indicate information related to returned payments.
Specify the payment return code. The codes can be found at
2.304 [0..1] Reason <Rsn>, list
2.305 {Or [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
2.306 Or} [1..1] Proprietary <Prtry> Text
2.307 [0..n] AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> Text
Used to indicate the EKK code (more than one EKK is possible ONLY for
2.313 [0..1] AdditionalTransactionInformation <AddtlTxInf> Text State Treasury customers).
Example: //EKK/12345/
Account statement message example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Amt Ccy="USD">500</Amt>
<!-- transaction without conversion -->
<Amt Ccy="USD">3</Amt>
<!-- unique transaction identifier -->
<Ustrd>Commission fee</Ustrd>
<!-- transaction with conversion -->
<!-- amount in account currency -->
<Amt Ccy="USD">128.2</Amt>
<!-- all this block is indicated only in the case of conversion -->
<!-- how much has been collected from the customer (in transaction currency) -->
<Amt Ccy="EUR">100</Amt>
<!-- amount in account currency -->
<Amt Ccy="USD">128.2</Amt>
<!-- conversion details -->
<!-- currency from which conversion is made -->
<!-- into which currency -->
<!-- against which currency the rate was indicated (EUR 1 = USD 1.282) -->
<!-- rate -->
<Nm>Gatis Egle</Nm>
<Ustrd>Transfer with conversion</Ustrd>
5. Official account statement message camt.053.001.02
Message content of official account statement
Official account statement message shall be sent by the account host (credit institution) to the account owner or its authorised party. This message shall be used to inform the
account owner or its authorised parties about the account’s bookings and about the account balance at a given moment.
The official account statement message may contain information on more than one account. It shall provide information that is necessary for the management of money flow
and/or coordination of the bank’s entries with the customer’s data. The official account statement shall only reflect the booked transactions and account balance. The official
account statement may contain additional detailed information on the entries reflected therein.
The official account statement messages shall be sent according to a previously agreed schedule by the bank and the customer, e.g. once per day. The above messages may be
also received by a person other than the account owner that is authorised by the account owner to receive such information.
The message shall consist of two mandatory blocks: Header and Account Report
Header: this block is mandatory and is indicated only once. It contains elements that identify the file – message identifier, date and time of message creation.
Account Report: this block is mandatory and may be indicated more than once. It shall be indicated repeatedly for each of the accounts reflected in the message. The message
shall contain components Balance and Entry.
The message is described in the following table:
Ind. Or. Mult. Message element <XML Tag> Type Use Comments of XML tag usage
[1..1] + Message root
Index (Ind.) column – message element number. number refers to the corresponding description in the ISO 20022 XML Message Definition Report. This report can be found at under “Second version of the Bank-to-Customer Cash Management messages” with “camt.052.001.02” as
Or column – indication to menu. indicates that only one of several elements may be presented.
Mult column – indicates the mandatory character of using the element and frequency of this element. For example:
• [1..1] – The element is mandatory and may be indicated once;
• [1..n] – The element is mandatory and may be indicated once or several times;
• [0..1] – shows that element is optional and can be presented only once;
• [0..n] – shows that element is optional and can be presented 0 to “n” times;
• {Or…Or} – indicates that only one of several elements may be presented.
Message element column – element name used in ISO 20022 XML Message Definition Report.
XML Tag column – short name identifying an element within an XML message, which is put between brackets, e.g. <Amt>.
Type column – XML tag description.
Comments column – additional comments about XML tag usage.
Ind. Or Mult. Message element XMLTag Type Comments about the tag
1.0 [1..1] GroupHeader <GrpHdr>
A reference assigned by the account servicing institution and sent to the
1.1 [1..1] MessageIdentification <MsgId> Text account owner or the authorised party, which must unambiguously
identify the message.
9.1.16 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text Company’s registration number or taxpayer’s ID.
8.1.1 [1..1] LastPageIndicator <LastPgInd> Indicator Indicates the last page (Yes/No).
Sequential number of the statement/official statement that increases
2.2 [0..1] ElectronicSequenceNumber <ElctrncSeqNb> Quantity
incrementally for each statement/official statement sent.
Date and time at which the message was created (GGGG-MM-
2.4 [1..1] CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> DateTime
DDThh:mm:ss, for example: 2012-11-21T09:10:49)
The time is the accounting “closing” date.To be used when necessary to
2.5 [0..1] FromToDate <FrToDt> +
indicate the account statement’s start and end date.
1.2.8 [0..1] Type <Tp> Account type – deposit account, credit line account, etc.
The account codes listed in the column next to this one are permissible.
1.2.27 {Or [1..1] OrganisationIdentification <OrgId>
Code allocated to organisations by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority,
under an international identification
1.2.28 [0..1] BICOrBEI <BICOrBEI> Identifier scheme, as described in the latest version of the standard ISO 9362
Banking (Banking telecommunication
messages, Bank Identifier Codes).
1.2.29 [0..n] Other <Othr>
1.2.30 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text Company’s registration number or taxpayer’s ID.
2.14 [1..1] Code <Cd> Code INDY vai OVRN
2.16 [0..n] Rate <Rate> A set of elements used to indicate the interest rate.
Mandatory codes:
2.26 [1..1] Code <Cd> Code OPBD = opening balance with a date on which the opening balance was
CLBD = closing balance.
2.31 [0..1] CreditLine <CdtLine> Set of elements used to provide details on the Credit line/overdraft.
Indicates whether or not the credit line is included in the balance.
Usage: If not present, credit line is not included in the balance amount.
2.32 [1..1] Included <Incl> Indicator
One of the following TrueFalseIndicator values must be used:
MeaningWhenTrue: True
MeaningWhenFalse: False
2.33 [0..1] Amount <AmtCcy="AAA"> Amount Amount and currency of the credit line/overdraft.
2.43 [0..1] TransactionsSummary <TxsSummry>
2.49 [0..1] TotalCreditEntries <TtlCdtNtries> Specifies the total number and sum of credit entries.
2.50 [0..1] NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> Text Number of individual entries included in the report.
2.51 [0..1] Sum <Sum> Quantity Total of all individual entries included in the report.
2.52 [0..1] TotalDebitEntries <TtlDbtNtries> Specifies the total number and sum of debit entries.
2.53 [0..1] NumberOfEntries <NbOfNtries> Text Number of individual entries included in the report.
2.54 [0..1] Sum <Sum> Quantity Total of all individual entries included in the report.
Set of elements used to fully identify the type of underlying transaction
resulting in an entry.
2.91 [1..1] BankTransactionCode <BkTxCd>
At least one (Domain/Proprietary) must be used.
2.92 [0..1] Domain <Domn> Appropriate ISO bank transaction codes are used
2.97 [0..1] Proprietary <Prtry> Remark: For bank or community specific transaction coding
Remark: Code format is depending on the issuer. It may be a composite
2.98 [1..1] Code <Cd> Text
Value samples (not exhausted):
BAI = BAI Code
SWIFT = Swift Code
BBA = Belgian Code
CFONB = French Code
2.99 [0..1] Issuer <Issr> Text FFFS = Finnish Code
ZKA = German Code
GVC = German Code
AEB = Spanish Code
DBA = Danish Code
Also other values available such as bank name
This provides a breakdown of the transaction details when the entry is
'batched'. If the entry is not batched and transaction details are to be
2.135 [0..n] EntryDetails <NtryDtls> reported, then transaction details must only occur once.
If the Pain.001 batch booking option is not used, every entry (tag 2.76) is
batched with only one EntryDetails field.
2.136 [0..1] Batch <Btch> To be used to indicate transaction details in the event of file payments.
Indicates whether the balance is a credit or a debit balance.
CRDT=Credit Operation is an increase.
2.141 [0..1] CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> Code
DBIT=Debit Operation is a decrease.
Usage: A zero balance is considered to be a credit balance.
Set of elements used to provide information on the underlying
2.142 [0..n] TransactionDetails <TxDtls>
Set of elements used to provide the identification of the underlying
2.143 [0..1] References <Refs>
Point to point reference, as assigned by the instructing party of the
2.144 [0..1] MessageIdentification <MsgId> Text
underlying message
Unique reference, as assigned by the account servicing institution, to
2.145 [0..1] AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> Text
unambiguously identify the instruction
Unique identification, as assigned by a sending party, to unambiguously
2.146 [0..1] PaymentInformationIdentification <PmtInfId> Text identify the payment information
group within the message
Unique identification, as assigned by an instructing party for an
instructed party, to unambiguously identify
the instruction.
2.147 [0..1] InstructionIdentification <InstrId> Text
Note: message element number 2.29 from “pain.001.001.03”.
Comment: All Amount Details are in all cases given on the Transaction
Details level on single and batch bookings. For consistency purposes
Entry/Amount information is repeated at
Usage: -) used to indicated the original amount if the payment was
started in another currency; -) if the payment is in the same currency – to
indicate the gross amount (i.e. the amount before the collection of
commission fees).
2.1.0 [0..1] InstructedAmount <InstdAmt>
For example, in the interbank MT103 message, this amount indicates
the content of 33.b fields. The indicated amounts may be omitted if no
commission fee is collected or no conversion has taken place during
processing of the payment.
2.1.1 [1..1] Amount <AmtCcy="AAA"> Amount
2.1.2 [0..1] CurrencyExchange <CcyXchg>
Currency from which an amount is to be converted in a currency
2.1.3 [1..1] SourceCurrency <SrcCcy> Code
Currency into which an amount is to be converted in a currency
2.1.4 [0..1] TargetCurrency <TrgtCcy> Code
2.1.17 [0..1] QuotationDate <QtnDt> DateTime
2.164 [0..1] Domain <Domn> Recommendation suggested that standard BTC are used as first priority
9.1.12 [0..1] Identification <Id>
9.1.16 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text Company’s registration number or taxpayer’s ID.
9.1.16 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text Company’s registration number or taxpayer’s ID.
9.1.17 [0..1] SchemeName <SchmeNm>
Identification scheme code. If the taxpayer’s ID is indicated, this field
shall contain TXID.
9.1.18 {{Or [1..1] Code <Cd> Code Permissible codes can be found at, list
9.1.19 Or}} [1..1] Proprietary <Prtry> Text
9.1.20 [0..1] Issuer <Issr> Text
9.1.21 Or} [1..1] PrivateIdentification <PrvtId>
9.1.22 [0..1] DateAndPlaceOfBirth <DtAndPlcOfBirth>
9.1.23 [1..1] BirthDate <BirthDt> DateTime
9.1.28 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text E.g. personal code of debtor who is a private person
9.1.29 [0..1] SchemeName <SchmeNm>
Identification scheme code. If the personal ID number is indicated, this
field shall contain NIDN.
9.1.30 {{Or [1..1] Code <Cd> Code Permissible codes can be found at, list
9.1.31 Or}} [1..1] Proprietary <Prtry> Text
9.1.32 [0..1] Issuer <Issr> Text
For incoming payments: account is reported if available.
2.202 [0..1] DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> +
For outgoing payments: not used (information is indicated in the account
at the statement/official statement level).
1.1.0 [1..1] Identification <Id>
1.1.1 {Or [1..1] IBAN <IBAN> Identifier
1.1.2 Or} [1..1] Other <Othr>
1.1.3 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text
1.1.4 [0..1] SchemeName <SchmeNm>
1.1.5 [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
Value from tags 2.70 or 2.23 if the payment has been submitted with
pain.001 and if indicated.
9.1.0 [0..1] Name <Nm> Text
9.1.12 [0..1] Identification <Id>
9.1.13 {Or [1..1] OrganisationIdentification <OrgId>
9.1.16 [1..1] Identification <Id> Text Company’s registration number or taxpayer’s ID.
9.1.17 [0..1] SchemeName <SchmeNm>
Identification scheme code. If the taxpayer’s ID is indicated, this field
9.1.18 {{Or [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
shall contain TXID.
Permissible codes can be found at, list
9.1.19 Or}} [1..1] Proprietary <Prtry> Text
9.1.20 [0..1] Issuer <Issr> Text
outgoing payment.
Note: value from tag 2.81, if the payment has been submitted with
9.1.0 [0..1] Name <Nm> Text
9.1.12 [0..1] Identification <Id>
6.1.4 [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
6.1.6 [1..1] MemberIdentification <MmbId> Text
6.1.7 [0..1] Name <Nm> Text
Note: value from tag 2.125, if the payment has been submitted with
2.261 [0..1] Issuer <Issr> Text
Note: value from tag 2.126, if the payment has been submitted with
2.262 [0..1] Reference <Ref> Text
2.265 [0..3] AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> Text
2.293 [0..1] ReturnInformation <RtrInf> Indicate information related to returned payments.
Specify the payment return code. The codes can be found at
2.304 [0..1] Reason <Rsn>, list
2.305 {Or [1..1] Code <Cd> Code
2.306 Or} [1..1] Proprietary <Prtry> Text
2.307 [0..n] AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> Text
Used to indicate the EKK code (more than one EKK is possible ONLY for
State Treasury customers).
2.313 [0..1] AdditionalTransactionInformation <AddtlTxInf> Text
Example: //EKK/12345/
Account official statement message example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Amt Ccy="USD">500</Amt>
<!-- transaction without conversion -->
<Amt Ccy="USD">3</Amt>
<!-- unique transaction identifier -->
<Ustrd>Commission fee</Ustrd>
<!-- transaction with conversion -->
<!-- amount in account currency -->
<Amt Ccy="USD">128.2</Amt>
<!-- all this block is indicated only in the case of conversion -->
<!-- how much has been collected from the customer (in transaction currency) -->
<Amt Ccy="EUR">100</Amt>
<!-- amount in account currency -->
<Amt Ccy="USD">128.2</Amt>
<!-- conversion details -->
<!-- currency from which conversion is made -->
<!-- into which currency -->
<!-- against which currency the rate was indicated (EUR 1 = USD 1.282) -->
<!-- rate -->
<Nm>Gatis Egle</Nm>
<Ustrd>Transfer with conversion</Ustrd>
Supported encodings in account statement and official account statement message
Domain Family Family D/C Description Apraksts
Canceled transactions (charges) for account
ACMT MCOP ADJT C administration Atceltas transakcijas (komisijas maksas)
ACMT MDOP ADJT D Canceled transaction Atcelta transakcija
With account administration related fees
based on agreement (escrow account
ACMT MDOP CHRG D opening) Līgumā noteiktas komisijas maksas
With account administration related fees with
With account administration related fees
(Ibank, Telebank, sms, account Komisijas maksas (konta, Ibanas, Telebankas, sms
ACMT MDOP FEES D maintenances etc.) apkalpošana)
CAMT ACCB TOPG C Topping Ieskaitījums konta atlikuma uzturēšanai
CAMT ACCB SWEP D Sweeping Pārskaitījums konta atlikuma uzturēšanai
Cash pool account interests for internal limit
CAMT MDOP INTR D usage Grupas konta iekšējie procenti
CAMT MDOP FEES D charges for cash pool Grupa konta komisijas
CAMT MCOP INTR C Cash pool account interests Grupas konta iekšējie procenti
FORX OTHR FEES D Fee of foreign exchange transaction Komisijas par valūtas maiņu
FORX SPOT OTHR D/C Currency exchange Valūtas maiņa
LDAS CSLN FEES D Loan administration fee Komisijas par kredīta apkalpošanu
LDAS CSLN INTR D Loan related interests Procenti par kredīta izmantošanu
LDAS CSLN OTHR D Loan penalties and delays Kredīta nokavējuma % un līgumssodi
LDAS CSLN PPAY D Loan repayment transactions Kredīta pamatsummas atmaksa
LDAS MCOP ADJT C Canceled loans and deposits transaction (C ) Atcelts kredīta vai noguldījuma darījums
LDAS MCOP INTR C incoming interest Procentu ieskaitījums
LDAS MDOP ADJT D Canceled loans and deposits transaction (D) Atcelts kredīta vai noguldījuma darījums
LDAS MDOP FEES D Loan charges Kredītu komisijas
LDAS MDOP OTHR D Loan related penalty Soda nauda par kredīta izmantošanu
Tax transferring from earned
LDAS MDOP TAXE D deposit/overnight interests Nodokļu maksājums no nopelnītajiem %
LDAS NTAV NTAV D Non-classified loan related fees Citas ar kredītiem saistītās komisijas
Other with loans and deposits related
LDAS OTHR OTHR D/C transactions Citas ar kredītiem un depozītiem saistītās transakcijas
PMNT CCRD CDPT C Cash collection in ATM Skaidras naudas iemaksa ATM
PMNT CCRD CWDL D Cash withdrawal with card Skaidras naudas izņemšana ATM
PMNT CCRD FEES D Card fee Karšu komisijas
PMNT CCRD OTHR D/C Card transaction Karšu transakcija
PMNT CNTR CDPT C Cash acceptance Skaidras naudas iemaksa
PMNT CNTR CWDL D Cash withdrawal Skaidras naudas izmaksa
PMNT CNTR FEES D Cash transaction fee Komisija par skaidras naudas transakciju
PMNT ICDT BOOK D Intrabank payment Pārskaitījums bankas ietvaros
PMNT ICDT DMCT D Domestic payment Iekšzemes maksājums
PMNT ICDT ESCT D SEPA payment SEPA pārskaitījums
PMNT ICDT FEES D Outgoing payment fee Komisijas par pārskaitījuma veikšanu
PMNT ICDT XBCT D Cross-border payment Starptautiskais pārskaitījums
PMNT ICHQ FEES D Cheque purchase fee Komisijas par čeku pārdošanu
PMNT IDDT ESDD D SEPA Direct Debit SEPA tiešais debets
PMNT IDDT PRDD C SEPA Direct Debit returning SEPA tiešā debeta transakcijas atgriešana
PMNT MCOP ADJT C Transaction adjustment Transakcijas korekcija
PMNT MCRD COMM D POS transactions processing fee POS termināla apkalpošanas maksa
PMNT MCRD POSP D Settlements with merchants Norēķini ar tirgotājiem
PMNT MCRD TAXE D Tax for POS administration Nodokļi par POS apkalpošanu
PMNT MDOP ADJT D Transaction adjustment Transakcijas korekcija
PMNT MDOP COMI D Payment related fees with VAT Maksājumu komisijas ar PVN
PMNT MDOP FEES D Other fees related to payments Citas ar pārskaitījumiem saistītas komisijas
PMNT OTHR OTHR D/C Other payments Citi darījumi
PMNT RCDT BOOK C Incoming Intrabank payment Ienākošais pārskaitījums bankas ietvaros
PMNT RCDT DMCT C Incoming domestic payment Ienākošais iekšzemes maksājums
PMNT RCDT ESCT D Incoming payment fees Ienākošo maksājumu komisijas
PMNT RCDT FEES D Incoming payment fee Komisija par ienākošo pārskaitījumu
PMNT RCDT RRTN C Returned payment Atgriezts pārskaitījums
PMNT RCDT XBCT C Incoming cross-border payment Ienākošais starptautiskais pārskaitījums
PMNT RCHQ FEES D Cheque honoring fee Komisija par čeku pieņemšanu uz inkaso
SECU MDOP FEES D Other fees related to securities Ar vērtspapīru darījumiem saistītās komisijas
SECU OTHR OTHR D/C Other movements related to securities Darījums ar vērtspapīriem
SECU SETT REDM C Redemption of fund units Fonda apliecību pārdošana
SECU SETT SUBS C Subscription of fund units Fonda apliecību pirkšana
TRAD DCCT FEES D Documentary Credit fee Ar Kredītvēstulēm saistītās komisijas
TRAD DOCC FEES D Documentary Collection fee Ar inkaso dokumentiem saistītās komisijas
TRAD GUAR FEES D Guarantee fee Ar Garantijā/ Galvojumiem saistītās komisijas
Dažādas, iepriekš nedefinētas, bankas transakcijas un
XTND NTAV NTAV D/C Different bank transactions/charges komisijas