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PSS25110.1177/0956797613512465EichBusiness Not as Usual


Psychological Science

Business Not as Usual 2014, Vol. 25(1) 3­–6

© The Author(s) 2013
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0956797613512465

In January 2014, Psychological Science introduces several 2. Why is that knowledge important for the field?
significant changes in the journal’s publication standards 3. How are the claims made in the article justified by
and practices, aimed at enhancing the reporting of the methods used?
research findings and methodology. These changes are
incorporated in five initiatives on word limits, evaluation The first question reflects the journal’s long-standing
criteria, methodological reports, open practices, and emphasis on leading-edge methods and innovative find-
“new” statistics. The scope of these five initiatives is ings (Estes, 1990; Roediger, 2010). The insertion of “about
sketched here, along with the reasoning behind them.1 psychology” and “for the field” in Questions 1 and 2,
respectively, drives home the point that Psychological
Science is not a neuroscience journal or a social cogni-
Revising Word Limits
tion journal or an emotion research journal or any other
Research Articles and Research Reports are the journal’s kind of specialty journal. It is about psychology, broadly
principal platforms for the publication of original empiri- construed. It is also about applying scientific methods to
cal research; together they account for more than 80% study behavior and experience, which motivates asking
of all submissions to Psychological Science. Previously, authors to explicitly tie their claims to their methods in
Research Articles and Research Reports were limited to Question 3.
4,000 and 2,500 words, respectively, and these word lim- Manuscripts that contain clear and compelling answers
its included all of the main text (introductory sections, to the What, Why, and How questions have the best pros-
Method, Results, and Discussion) along with notes, pects of being accepted for publication. To underscore
acknowledgments, and appendices. this point, and to promote fair and informed assessments,
Going forward, the new limits on Research Articles we ask authors to preview their answers as part of the
and Research Reports are 2,000 and 1,000 words, respec- manuscript submission process. Specifically, the three
tively. As before, notes, acknowledgments, and appendi- questions are included in the manuscript submission por-
ces count toward these limits, as do introductory material tal under Manuscript Details, along with text boxes into
and Discussion sections. However, the Method and which authors enter brief (50-word-maximum) replies.
Results sections of a manuscript are excluded from the The aim here is to make the preview exercise manage-
word limits on Research Articles and Research Reports. able for all parties, while helping get everyone—authors,
The intent here is to allow authors to provide a clear, reviewers, editors—on the same page.
complete, self-contained description of their studies,
which cannot be done with restrictions on Method and
Enhancing Methodological Reports
Results. But as much as Psychological Science prizes nar-
rative clarity and completeness, so too does it value con- A third new development is inspired in part by
cision. In almost all cases, a fulsome account of the PsychDisclosure (, a platform
method and results can be achieved in 2,500 or fewer developed by Etienne LeBel and his associates that pro-
words for Research Articles and 2,000 or fewer words for vides authors of recently published articles in psychology
Research Reports. an opportunity to publicly disclose four categories of
important methodological details (exclusions, conditions,
measures, and sample size) that are not required to be
Clarifying Evaluation Criteria disclosed under current reporting standards but are
Editors and external referees will evaluate submissions essential for interpreting research findings. Drawing on
with three questions in mind: Simmons, Nelson, and Simonsohn’s (2011, 2012) publica-
tions on false-positive psychology, LeBel et al. developed
1. What will the reader of this article learn about a four-item survey—the Disclosure Statement—and sent
psychology that he or she did not know (or could it to a random sample of authors of articles in several
not have known) before? journals, including Psychological Science. For all studies

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4 Eich

in their article, authors were asked whether they reported (3) Confirm that all dependent variables or measures
(a) the total number of observations that were excluded, that were analyzed for this article’s target research
if any, and the criterion for exclusion; (b) all tested exper- question have been reported in the Methods
imental conditions, including failed manipulations; (c) all section(s). [ ]
administered measures and items; and (d) how they
determined their sample sizes and decided when to quit (4) Confirm that (a) how sample size was deter-
collecting data. mined and (b) your data-collection stopping rule
According to LeBel and his associates (http://psych have been reported in the Method section(s) [ ] and, the primary benefits of Psych provide the page number(s) on which this informa-
Disclosure include tion appears in your manuscript: ________________

increasing the information value of recently pub- Several points are worth noting. First, the four-item
lished articles to allow for more accurate interpreta- Disclosure Statement applies only to “each study reported
tion of the reported findings, . . . making visible what in your manuscript.” Originally, we considered adding a
goes on under the radar of official publications, and fifth item covering additional studies, including pilot
. . . promoting sounder research practices by raising work, that are not mentioned in the main text but tested
awareness regarding the ineffective and out-of-date the same research question. However, feedback from
reporting standards in our field with the hope that several sources suggested that this would open a large
our website inspires journal editors to change edito- can of worms. To paraphrase one commentator (Leif
rial policies whereby the 4 categories of method- Nelson), it is all too easy for a researcher to think that an
ological details disclosed on this website become a excluded study does not count. Furthermore, such an
required component of submitted manuscripts. item would actually put an additional, meaningful bur-
den on the “full disclosure” researcher. The four items in
The editors of Psychological Science agree that it the Disclosure Statement are equally easy for everyone to
would be a good thing to create a simple public norm for answer; either the information is already in the manu-
reporting what should be requisite information. Our script or it can be entered now. But a potential fifth item,
sense is that Simmons, LeBel, and their colleagues are on covering additional studies, is different. The researcher
the right track and that the journal is well positioned to who convinces him- or herself that one or more studies
promote the cause. do not count has saved the hours it might take to write
Thus, as of January 2014, the manuscript submission them up. File-drawering studies is damaging, but we are
portal has a new section containing check boxes for the not convinced that this fifth item would have solved that
four Disclosure Statement items (which are very similar problem. A better solution involves preregistration of
to existing items confirming that research meets ethical study methods and analyses—an approach taken up in
guidelines, etc.). Submitting authors must check each the next section, on open practices.
item in order for their manuscript to proceed to editorial Second, the focus of Item 3 is on dependent variables
evaluation; by doing so, authors declare that they have (DVs) or measures that were analyzed to address the tar-
disclosed all of the required information for each study in get research question posed in the current submission. It
the submitted manuscript. The new section looks some- is not uncommon for experimentalists to include one or
thing like this: more “exploratory” measures in a given study and to dis-
tinguish these from the “focal” DVs that represent the
For each study reported in your manuscript, check crux of the investigation. It is okay for them not to dis-
the boxes below to close exploratory DVs assessed for separate research
questions, but it is not okay to withhold exploratory DVs
(1) Confirm that (a) the total number of excluded assessed for the current article’s target research question.
observations and (b) the reasons for making those By the same token, correlational researchers in such
exclusions have been reported in the Method diverse areas as behavioral genetics, personality theory,
section(s). [ ] If no observations were excluded, cultural psychology, and cognitive development may
check here [ ]. measure hundreds or even thousands of variables, most
of which are set aside for other articles on separate issues
(2) Confirm that all independent variables or involving different analyses. Item 3 is written to convey
manipulations, whether successful or failed, have our trust in experimentalists and nonexperimentalists
been reported in the Method section(s). [ ] If there alike to report all analyzed measures that relate to the
were no independent variables or manipulations, as target research question at stake in a particular
in the case of correlational research, check here [ ]. submission.

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Business Not as Usual 5

Third, in connection with Item 4, editors and review- •• The Preregistered badge “is earned for having a
ers will verify that the information on sample size and the preregistered design and analysis plan for the
stopping rule is reported for each study, given this is the reported research and reporting results according
only information that authors always need to report. For to that plan. An analysis plan includes specification
the three other items, there is nothing for editors and of the variables and the analyses that will be
reviewers to check because they will simply be taking conducted.”
the authors’ word that they have disclosed all of the infor-
mation. That is, editors and reviewers will take authors at Note that preregistration is an effective countermeasure
their word that they have disclosed all excluded observa- to the file-drawer problem alluded to earlier in connec-
tions (if there were any), that they have disclosed all tion with the Disclosure Statement.
independent variables or manipulations (if there were The criteria for each badge, and the process by which
any), and that they have disclosed all analyzed DVs or the badges are awarded, are described in the open-prac-
measures. tices document, along with answers to frequently asked
Finally, with a view to raising the publication stan- questions. The document proposes two ways for certify-
dards and practices of Psychological Science, the editors ing organizations to award badges for individual studies:
see the mandatory disclosure of exclusions, manipula- disclosure or peer review. For now, Psychological Science
tions, measures, and sample size as a step in the right will follow the simpler disclosure method.
direction—but not the ideal end state. Some readers will Manuscripts accepted for publication in Psychological
complain that the Disclosure Statement goes too far, Science on or after January 1, 2014, are eligible to earn
whereas others will say that it does not go far enough. any or all of the three badges. Copy editors will contact
Similarly, for every reader who believes the Disclosure corresponding authors with details on the badge-award-
Statement is too judgmental and inquisitive, another will ing process. It is perfectly fine if authors are not inter-
think it puts too much trust in the better angels of the ested in earning a given badge, for any reason. But if
authors’ nature. I welcome your suggestions for improv- authors cannot earn a given badge (e.g., because they are
ing the disclosure initiative or any of the other new precluded from publicly posting their data owing to pri-
developments described here. vacy, safety, or other concerns), we will offer them the
opportunity to say so and to include their statement in
the published article.
Promoting Open Practices Psychological Science is the launch vehicle for the
A fourth initiative for Psychological Science in 2014 badge program, so changes are bound to come as authors
involves the promotion of open scientific practices. and editors gain experience with it in the field.
Despite the importance of open communication for sci-
entific progress, present norms do not provide strong
Embracing the New Statistics
incentives for individual researchers to share data, mate-
rials, or their research process. In principle, journals Null-hypothesis significance testing (NHST) has long
could provide incentives for scientists to adopt open been the mainstay method of analyzing data and drawing
practices by acknowledging them in publication. In prac- inferences in psychology and many other disciplines.
tice, the challenge is to establish which open practices This is despite the fact that, for nearly as long, research-
should be acknowledged, what criteria must be met to ers have recognized essential problems with NHST in
earn acknowledgment, and how acknowledgment would general, and with the dichotomous (“significant” vs.
be displayed within the journal. “nonsignificant”) thinking it engenders in particular.
Over the past several months, a group of 11 research- The problems that pervade NHST are avoided by the
ers, led by Brian Nosek, has been grappling with these new statistics—effect sizes, confidence intervals, and meta-
and other issues. The result is an open-practices docu- analysis (Cumming, 2012). In fact, the sixth edition of the
ment (Center for Open Science, 2013) that proposes American Psychological Association’s (2009) Publication
three forms of acknowledgment: Manual recommends that psychologists should, when-
ever possible, use estimation and base their interpreta-
•• The Open Data badge “is earned for making pub- tion of research results on point and interval estimates.
licly available the digitally-shareable data neces- Psychological Science seconds this recommendation
sary to reproduce the reported result.” and seeks to aid researchers in shifting from reliance on
•• The Open Materials badge “is earned by making NHST to estimation and other preferred techniques. To
publicly available the components of the research this end, we have published a tutorial by Geoff Cumming
methodology needed to reproduce the reported (2014), a leader in the new-statistics movement, that
procedure and analysis.” includes examples and references to books, articles,

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6 Eich

software, and online calculators that will aid authors in article adapted from my conversation with the Academic
understanding and implementing estimation techniques Observer about these initiatives (Roediger, 2013).
in a wide range of research settings.
Conclusion American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication man-
ual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.).
At the close of an interview in the Observer (Roediger, Washington, DC: Author.
2013) I remarked to Roddy Roediger that Center for Open Science. (2013). Badges to acknowledge open
practices. Retrieved from https://openscienceframework
the five initiatives we’ve talked about are, at most, .org/project/TVyXZ/
steps in the right direction, not an ideal end state. Cumming, G. (2012). Understanding the new statistics: Effect
The issues of replicability and research practices are sizes, confidence intervals, and meta-analysis. New York,
NY: Routledge.
complex but not intractable if the community at
Cumming, G. (2014). The new statistics: Why and how.
large gets involved. Science organizations like [the
Psychological Science, 25, 7–29.
Association for Psychological Science] and their jour- Estes, W. K. (1990). Journals, journals, journals. Psychological
nals can help, but I think real, lasting progress has to Science, 1, 1–3.
come from the ground up, not the top down. (p. 33) Roediger, H. L., III. (2010, April). Behind the scenes at
Psychological Science: An interview with Editor Robert Kail.
The “ground,” of course, includes you—the journal’s Observer, 23, 41–44.
readers and contributors. Once again, your comments Roediger, H. L., III. (2013, November). What’s new at
and suggestions for improvement are welcome. Psychological Science: An interview with Editor in Chief
Eric Eich. Observer, 23, 31–33.
—Eric Eich Simmons, J. P., Nelson, L. D., & Simonsohn, U. (2011). False-
positive psychology: Undisclosed flexibility in data collec-
tion and analysis allows presenting anything as significant.
Psychological Science, 22, 1359–1366.
1. For more details, see the 2014 Submission Guidelines Simmons, J. P., Nelson, L. D., & Simonsohn, U. (2012). A 21 word
( solution. Retrieved from
journals/psychological_science/ps-submissions#) and an Observer or

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