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Research Proposal Sample Outline

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Submitted to
the Faculty of Psychology
Adamson University, Manila
In partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree


Department of Psychology

Research Title

2016. The authors authorize the publication, reproduction or transmission in any form or

by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any

information storage and retrieval system.

This material is intended for educational use only.


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in

Psychology, this research entitled “__________” has been prepared and submitted by
“__________” and is hereby approved and accepted for the completion of requirements.
Noted by:

Mr. Ernesto M. Ruivivar III

Research Professor

Approved and accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Psychology by the Committee of Oral Examiners.

___________________________ ___________________________



Dr. Reynold P. Varela

Department Chair - Psychology









Background of the Study

Literature Review

Purpose and Rationale

Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

Research Questions

Definition of Terms


Research Design

Site and Participant Selection



Data Analysis


A Questionnaire


(If there are too many tables and figures, separate list of tables from list of figures.)

Background of the Study

The Introduction should present a background of the problem or the issue leading to the interest in
doing the paper.

Literature Review

The background is followed by the Literature Review that is sectioned into themes or topics. There
is no need to separate the foreign from the local literature and studies. Each theme or topic must be
synthesize. However, each must be properly identified, and the sources cited properly. Below is the format
sample :)

This section presents a review of…

Theme or Topic 1

Several studies have…

Theme or Topic 2

Miller (2003) found that…

Theme or Topic 3

A research on the risk factors of…including age and gender (Miller, 2003).

Purpose and Rationale

This part, called objective, was formerly part of the background of the study. However to give
emphasis to the need of the study, this was put into a separate a section.

The studies cited in the literature review section were mostly foreign investigations. In the local

setting, we have statistics but there is a dearth of information...

Given these gaps in the literature on physical abuse, there was a need for further study...

Theoretical Framework

Have at least one major theory and 2-4 supporting theories. Do not cramp together too many
The theoretical background of the research is an important element of the chapter
one because bases are cited as proof to that the research is worth continuing.

To enhance the accuracy of the research, the following theories are presented as


Conceptual Framework

Present paradigm first. On top of the page is the title Conceptual Framework. A
conceptual paradigm is a figure that illustrates how your variables and constructs relate to
each other. It need not be complicated. It should give the reader an idea about what the
important concepts and variables are. You show the relations through arrows: single
headed arrow to show causality; double headed arrow to show co-variation/correlation.
Below the figure is the title of the paradigm. Example:

Figure 1. Diagram showing the potential risk factors leading to child abuse

(On the next page, describe or explain the paradigm in words.)

Research Questions

The study aimed to find out the __________. To achieve this objective, the

following specific questions were asked:


This research idea, adopted from the previous study of De Jesus, et al. in 2007 will

be used to promulgate and gather resources from the selected respondents in the

community. Based on this information, the researchers will provide concrete information

about the use of medicinal plants. The major predicament of the study is to assess the

condition of the perception of the selected residents of the barangay Dampol 1 st, Plaridel

Bulacan in using medicinal plants.

In particular, the researchers seek to answer the following specific questions:


With an aim of understanding and analyzing different factors that may influence the

emotional development of late adolescents, the research will provide an in-depth

identification of the facets that can significantly affect a person’s emotion.

The research will specifically answer the following questions:

This research entitled, The Effects of Parenting Style and Attachment Style in the

Quality of Romantic Relationship will study the interplay of parents influence and

attachment to the their children that can affect future relationship.

To answer the query, the following questions will be answered:

Definition of Terms

At this stage operational definitions of terms are usually given in research

proposal so that statement of the problem must convey the specific meaning.
The terms used in this study have been defined here conceptually and operationally.

Term 1. Refers to...

Term 2. Refers to...

Term 3. Refers to…

Note that the terms are typed in bold print and are defined in complete statement form and written
in paragraph style.)

This study was conducted in order to _____. To be able to gather the necessary

data, the researcher utilized the _____ method, using _____ approach(es). Herein, the

chosen responded were _____ selected from _____. The _____ method(s) was/were used

for the data-gathering. The results were then processed by _____. The computed values

were compared for data interpretation.

This chapter will be dedicated to the description of the methods and procedures

done in order to obtain the data, how they will be analysed, interpreted, and how the

conclusion will be met. This section is to justify the means in which the study was

obtained and will help in giving it purpose and strength as it will then be truthful and

analytical. All these will help in the processing of the data and the formulation of


Research Design

The study utilized the _____ method of research. As widely accepted, the _____
method of research is (define the method objectively by using references and citations).
The technique that was used under _____ method is the _____ approach and evaluation,
which is commonly used to _____. The _____ is appropriate in this study because it
enables the researcher in _____.
The purpose of employing the _____ method is to _____. The researcher opted to
use this kind of research considering the _____. According to _____ (year), the _____
method of research _____. Since this study is focused on the _____, the _____ is the
most appropriate method to use.

Site and Participant Selection

Explains the setting of the study and the sampling done. Also known as sampling technique in
traditional research. This is also known as scopes in the traditional research.

Describes the sample in terms of significant demographic characteristics. Also called research
participants in the traditional model.

Enumerates and describes in detail the materials and the instruments used. If it is
a self-constructed test, explain the construction process including item generation,
format, item analysis procedures, reliability/validity characteristics, number of items,
scoring, interpretation, etc. Use the term apparatus, if study is an experiment; and the
term instrument if it is non-experimental. Known as Research instruments before.

Must be explained in detail. Also called research procedure in the traditional

Data Analysis
Explain here how the data would be analyzed as to themes and how they would be
treated statistically. Include all the formulae to be used and the meaning of the symbols in
the formulae. This was called Statistical Analysis of Data before.
Arrange references in alphabetical order.

Research Tool

In a proposal, almost all the parts are stated in future tense. Only the literature
review is in the past tense. In the final paper, almost all parts are written in past tense.
The discussion is in the present tense. Proposal ends in the Methodology part but also
with references and appendices.

All main headings are in bold and all caps. All subheadings and significant terms
are also in bold print but caps and lower case. All prints from start to finish use only font
12 and Time New Roman.

There are four major sections of the paper proper, all of which should always be in capital bold
letters (all caps bold) and should start on a new page. All other subsection headings are in “caps and lower
case” and bold (meaning, only the first letter of significant word is capitalized) and may not necessarily
start on a new page.

1. Introduction – includes a background of the paper or the problem, Literature review, Purpose
and Rationale, Theoretical Framework, Conceptual Framework (with paradigm figure),
Research Questions, and Definition of Terms).
2. Methodology – includes Research Method and Design, Site and Participant Selection,
Instruments/Apparatus, Procedure, and Data Analysis.
3. Results – which presents the data in tables and/or figures, each followed by text description.
4. Discussion – includes the interpretation and analysis of the results, practical contributions of
the study, limitations of the study, conclusions, and recommendations.

The following sections must each contain at least one introductory paragraph to describe what the section is
about, or what it contains: Literature Review, Theoretical Framework, Definition of Terms, Methodology,
Results and Discussion.

Text must be typed in double space. Headings must be 3 spaces from text.

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