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Water and Green Areas Pollution in Romania

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Water and Green Areas

Pollution in Romania

Cojocariu Delia
Tîrnovan Miruna
Cazac Tudor
Fujii Luca
Water pollution
Romanian groundwaters are polluted locally from point sources (landfills) and
from diffuse sources of pollution (fertilizers, pesticides and canals, in urban areas).

Despite being surrounded by water, water quality in Romania is still fairly poor,
and Romania ranks 13th in Europe in terms of water resources. Many native
Romanians living in rural areas still struggle with wastewater management, owing in
large part to pollution from sudden economic development between the 1960s and

The majority of Romania is in the Danube basin, with over a third of the Danube
river’s length flowing through the country. Romania relies heavily on water from the
Danube, water that has had some inconsistent quality over the years.

• Global warming
• Deforestation
• Industry, agriculture and livestock farming
• Rubbish water dumping
• Fuel spillages
Suceava river
Suceava river has been heavily polluted with
high levels of nutrients (nitrogen and
phosphorus), causing a massive growth of
algae. This has led to a decrease in the
oxygen levels in the water, making it
impossible for aquatic life to survive. The
problem has been worsened by the recent
high temperatures and slow water flow in the
affected area, resulting in the death of fish.
Acces to clean water and
ways to avoid pollution
Does Romania have access to clean water?

Improved water sources include piped water, boreholes or

tubewells, protected dug wells, protected springs, and
packaged or delivered water. Romania clean water access for
2020 was 81.99%, a 0.03% increase from 2019. Romania clean
water access for 2019 was 81.96%, a 0.02% increase from 2018.
What are 5 possible solutions to stop water pollution?

1) Blow or sweep fertilizer back onto the grass if it gets onto paved areas. Don't put
fertilizer on the grass right before it rains. The chemicals will wash into storm drains
and waterways.

2) Compost grass or yard waste. Or, leave it in your yard if you can't compost. Don't
blow leaves into the street. This clogs and damages storm drains.

3)Wash your car or outdoor equipment where it can flow to a gravel or grassy area
instead of a street.

4) Don't pour your motor oil down the storm drain. Take it to the nearest auto parts

5) Pick up litter and throw it away in a garbage can.

Green areas pollution
and management
1) Green areas pollution

The situation that exists at the level of the urban areas from Romania testifies a
natural environment with a high risk for the health of the inhabitants as a
consequence of the low level of the ecological development resulted from the lack
of an integrated management of the green areas and spaces in comparison with the
other components of the sustainable development.

2) Management of green areas in the urban environment

The big cities of Romania benefited from investments and modernization projects of
the parks and of extending the green spaces during 1950-1990, that is why they still
have generous surfaces of green spaces at this moment.The average towns, having a
population of maximum 100.000 inhabitants and having a pronounced industrial role,
have problems regarding the surface of the green spaces. This is due to the forced
development during 1960-1990 when the evolution of the constructed space
increased with an average of about 60%. Here there are towns like Alexandria, Turnu
Măgurele Piatra Neamţ, Petroşani, Călăraşi that did not care about the green spaces.
Cities must provide access to a comfortable place
to live in, a clean environment. Steps must be
taken to increase large green areas landscaped
as parks and gardens in addition to managing
small green spaces such as square.

Any city must be transformed into a European city

where green space should be wanted,
appreciated and maintained for each resident.
For that will be promoted the establishment of an
efficient urban green area management and civic
awareness. In order to do this will have to be
developed a service, even specialized
department to manage these activities and to
become directly involved in various partnerships
with the private sector.
What do we do?
Let’s Do It, Romania!
Plant flowers and trees
Create objects from recycled materials
Water is a natural resource, essential for life on Earth. It plays a part in all
our daily activities, necessary for eating, washing and drinking, but also for
social and technological activities. Water scarcity and pollution, however,
mean that millions of people lack access to this most necessary of

Over two billion people experience high water stress, while four billion
suffer from a serious shortage of water at least for at least one month of the
year, according to the 2019 United Nations World Water Development

And the climate crisis is making the situation worse. There is less and less
water available and this has become one of the main worries of
international organizations.
Thank you for
your attention!

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute
an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information
contained therein.

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