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Class 4 Transient Operational Effects On Pollution

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Objective Oriented Learning Process Format RBT (OLF)

Branch: Automobile Engineering Semester: V

Subject code & Title : 18AU504 – Automotive Emission and Control Unit/Lesson No.: I / 4

T-L tools: Black Board, Power Point, Video & Demo kit Faculty name: Dr.M.Bharathiraja

Alpha Breathing
8% 5%

General Objective & Specific Objectives



Mind Map

Stimulating Questions
Formative Assessment
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UNIT I 8 Hours
Automobile emission scenario - sources of emission
from vehicle, contribution to pollution, Formation of
pollutants- photochemical smog, primary and
secondary pollutants, Effects on human health and
environment- global warming, Types of emission,
Transient operational effects on pollution.

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1. Topic for Learning through evocation:

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Prerequisite Knowledge:

 Various Emissions

 Sources of Emission

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2. Topic Introduction:

2.1. General Objective:

• Students will able to understand the transient operational effects on pollution for
petrol and diesel engine..
2.2. Specific Objectives :
Students will be able to

1. Define – Driving cycle. (R/F)(E)

2. List the various driving cycles all over the world for IC engines. (U/C) (E)

3. Explain transient operation effects using driving cycle. (U/C)(E)

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Taxonomy of Objectives

The Cognitive Process Dimension

Knowledge Dimension
Remember Understand Apply Analyse Evaluate Create

A. Factual Knowledge 1

B. Conceptual Knowledge 2, 3

C. Procedural Knowledge

D. Meta Cognitive Knowledge

Explanatory Notes: (This is not the notes for the topic. It is an explanatory notes to remember the reason for doing a particular mapping in the table above)
A. Factual Knowledge: It is a knowledge that contains the basic elements students must know if they are to be acquainted with the discipline or to solve any of the problems in it.
B. Conceptual Knowledge: It includes knowledge of categories and classifications and the relationships between and among them.
C. Procedural Knowledge: It is the knowledge that takes the form of series of logical steps to be followed. It is more skill oriented and can include algorithms, techniques and methods.
D. Meta Cognitive Knowledge: It is the knowledge of one’s own cognition.

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Transient State
One adult male inhales about 10.8 m3 of air per day.
Therefore, achieving good air quality is a global concern from a health point of
As one of the most prevalent toxic pollution sources are emissions from diesel
fleets, researchers have been introducing various approaches to reduce the
exhaust emission, such as introducing new fuels and engine modifications.
 Most of the current research has focused on emission reduction methods in
steady-state operating modes; however, the daily driving schedule of
automotive and truck vehicles is inherently unsteady.
Moreover, the most critical conditions encountered by engines are met during
transient operations.
Despite the increased complexity, results from tests involving transient
operation are more closely related to reality than steady-state testing, in most
cases .
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Transient State
 Generally, transient operation could refer to operating conditions
that are not steady-state, such as: free acceleration, load changes,
cold start and driving cycles.
For example, cold start emissions from a heavy duty vehicle
reported to be 15 times higher than their steady-state values.

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Driving cycle
 A driving cycle is a series of data points representing the speed of a
vehicle versus time.
 Driving cycles are produced by different countries and organizations to
assess the performance of vehicles in various ways, as for example fuel
consumption and polluting emissions.
 Fuel consumption and emission tests are performed on chassis
dynamometers. Tailpipe emissions are collected and measured to
indicate the performance of the vehicle.
 Another use for driving cycles is in vehicle simulations.
More specifically, they are used in propulsion system simulations to
predict performance of internal combustion engines, transmissions,
electric drive systems, batteries, fuel cell systems, and similar

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Driving cycle
 A driving cycle is a speed–time profile for a vehicle driving under a
specified condition, usually selected to represent a glimpse of the
real-life situation.
 Driving cycles have been known to provide a wide range of
applications for vehicle manufacturers, traffic engineers and
 The speed–time traces derived from the driving cycles can be used
to estimate fuel consumption for a particular area.

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Driving cycle
 Some driving cycles are derived theoretically, as it is preferred in
the European Union, whereas others are direct measurements of a
driving pattern deemed representative.
 There are two types of driving cycles:
i. Transient driving cycles involve many changes, representing the constant
speed changes typical of on-road driving.
ii. Modal driving cycles involve protracted periods at constant speeds.

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Driving cycle
 The American FTP-75, and the unofficial European Hyzem driving cycles
are transient, whereas the Japanese 10-15 Mode and JC08 cycles are
modal cycles.
 Some highly stylized modal driving cycles such as official European NEDC
are designed to fit a particular requirement and bear little relation to real
world driving patterns.
On the contrary, the current Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test
Procedure (WLTP) is striving to mimic real word driving behavior.
 The most common driving cycles are probably the WLTP, New Europeon
Driving Cycle (NEDC), SORDS and the FTP-75, the later corresponding to
urban driving conditions solely.

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Drive Cycles

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Driving Cycle In India

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Driving Cycle In India - 2

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 The EPA Federal Test Procedure, commonly known as FTP-75 for the city
driving cycle, are a series of tests defined by the US Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) to measure tailpipe emissions and fuel economy
of passenger cars (excluding light trucks and heavy-duty vehicles).

The testing was mandated by the Energy Tax Act of 1978[1] in order to
determine the rate of the guzzler tax that applies for the sales of new

The current procedure has been updated in 2008 and includes four tests:
city driving (the FTP-75 proper), highway driving (HWFET), aggressive
driving (SFTP US06), and optional air conditioning test (SFTP SC03).

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 The EPA Federal Test Procedure, commonly known as FTP-75 for the city
driving cycle, are a series of tests defined by the US Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) to measure tailpipe emissions and fuel economy
of passenger cars (excluding light trucks and heavy-duty vehicles).

The testing was mandated by the Energy Tax Act of 1978[1] in order to
determine the rate of the guzzler tax that applies for the sales of new

The current procedure has been updated in 2008 and includes four tests:
city driving (the FTP-75 proper), highway driving (HWFET), aggressive
driving (SFTP US06), and optional air conditioning test (SFTP SC03).

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 The New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) is a driving cycle, last updated in 1997, designed to assess the
emission levels of car engines and fuel economy in passenger cars (which excludes light trucks and
commercial vehicles).
 It is also referred to as MVEG cycle (Motor Vehicle Emissions Group).
 The NEDC, which is supposed to represent the typical usage of a car in Europe, is repeatedly criticized for
delivering economy-figures which are unachievable in reality.
 It consists of four repeated ECE-15 urban driving cycles (UDC) and one Extra-Urban driving cycle (EUDC).
 The test procedure is defined in UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) R101 for the
measurement of CO2 and fuel consumption and/or the measurement of electric energy consumption and
electric range in hybrid and fully electric M1 and N1 vehicles, and UNECE R83 for the measurement of
emission of pollutants of M, N1 and M2 vehicles.
 It is maintained by the UNECE World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29), which also
works on its successor, the Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedures (WLTP).
 Although originally designed for petrol-based road vehicles, the driving cycle is now also used for diesel
vehicles and to estimate the electric power consumption and driving range of hybrid and battery electric

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WLTP (Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure)

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The new WLTP driving cycle

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The new WLTP and RDE testing procedures

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Explaining WLTP

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SORDS - On-road test cycle for passenger vehicles and light vans

 An energy consumption analysis of the effects of motor efficiency,

air resistance, auxiliary consumption, start-stop and braking system
efficiency providing balanced evaluation of vehicle performance in
real life conditions.
 SORDS is a new developed on-road test cycle for passenger vehicles
and light vans. Contrary to other test cycles, SORDS is an on-road
test – not a clinical laboratory test. SORDS provides a balanced
evaluation of vehicle performance in real life conditions It is
exceptionally suited for electric and hybrid vehicles and for
comparison across platforms.

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SORDS - On-road test cycle for passenger vehicles and light vans

 Standardised vehicle tests of today take place on roller bench dynamometers in a

laboratory environment.
This leads to under estimation of external wind speeds, hills, turns as well as
consumption for heating and air conditioning.
Furthermore, internationally standardized tests in general fail to represent the higher
speeds and acceleration rates that characterize European roads and vehicles.
Current test cycles provide only one consumption figure, which is not representative of
all driving conditions.
Furthermore, they do not explain the reason behind varying consumption.
SORDS provide a detailed energy consumption analysis, which you can then
extrapolate to almost any driving condition.

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SORDS - On-road test cycle for passenger vehicles and light vans

 A straight test track of 1500 m is required to perform SORDS.

 Data logging is obtained through the OBD/CAN interface, which is
present on most vehicles.
 In simple cases, the dashboard computer of the car can replace the
logging equipment.
 From each part of the SORDS cycle an energy consumption analysis
will appear. The effects of motor efficiency, air resistance, auxiliary
consumption, start-stop and braking system efficiency will be clearly
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SORDS - On-road test cycle for passenger vehicles and light vans

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Transient Driving Cycles
Transient Driving Cycles based on on-road data, were derived under
specific driving characteristics of a particular area of interest (e.g.
urban and rural areas).
These characteristics clearly differ from one area to another, even
within the same city.
 As such, different methods have been used to derive driving cycles
and a large number of driving cycles has thus been developed at
different parts of the world.
At the same time, cycles developed for different geographical areas
are compared to identify any differences in driving conditions and

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Legislative and Non-Legislative Driving Cycles
 Driving cycles can also be classified as legislative and non-legislative according
to the way they are being used.
 Legislative driving cycles are considered to be broadly representative of the
driving conditions within their respective jurisdictions.
 They are provided to governments for motor vehicle emissions controls.
 The US 75 cycle, ECE cycle and Japan 10–15 mode cycles are examples of
legislative cycles being used to control vehicle emissions not only in their
respective region but also in many developing countries that are without their
own driving cycle.
 Being more commonly used by researchers, non-legislative cycles are
developed primarily for the estimation of exhaust emission and fuel
 The Sydney cycle, Improved European Cycle (IEC), the Melbourne peak cycle
and the Perth cycle are some of the examples.
 The IEC was developed for exhaust emission tests.
 The Sydney driving cycle was developed in the morning peak hours to estimate
the emissions in this critical period.
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3. Discussion:

The students will be asked to discuss the relevant topic among their team/other team/Faculty.

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4. Stimulating Question:

1. How do you test your electric car for driving cycle?

2. What are the tests required for getting vehicle certification.

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5. Mind Map: (It must revolve around the concept)

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6. Formative Assessment:
1. In which process, the procedure involves instrumentation of the test vehicle to collect information while
driving on the road test.
(a) Driving Cycle (b) Driving Cycle (c) Driving Cycle Recognition (d) Date collection
Prediction Design

2. By applying a Transient Cycle for the testing of new vehicles, the few engine operating range is tested and just
the maximum power or torque operating points..
(Say true or false)
(a) True (b) False

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