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Wuthering Heights

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**Monthly exams** wuthering Heights**

Q1) Mood is the general atmosphere

inside the literary work. What is the mood
that you can sense in Wuthering Heights?
Wuthering Heights is a marvelous mixture of all emotions. Wuthering
Heights, From the novel's first pages, is gripping, melancholic,
delightful, frightful, gloomy, and often bitter. Additionally, the vast,
sparsely populated, storm-tossed moor creates a lonely atmosphere,
distanced from the civilized world, that forces readers to focus on the
minute details of the characters' lives and heartaches.

Q2) In chapter 10 in Wuthering Heights

the word fire is repeated four times. Why?
Emily Brontë has repeated the word fire for four times in the tenth
chapter of wuthering heights to emphasise one essential point, Which
is, Cathy’s and Heathcliff’s love has been re ignited, after meeting him
and recognising that he looks much better now and his financial state
has been improved to the extant the he’s now considered as a rich man,
plus the fact that she has reminisced to their previous relationship,
hence she started feeling love towards him again.

Q3) Give two examples from the novel

regarding internal struggle.
There are internal conflicts in Wuthering Heights. First,Catherine is
internally conflicted between her attraction for Heathcliff and her desire
for a civilized life and advantageous marriage to Edgar. The division in
classes drives Catherine to choose Edgar as she prefers Heathcliff, but
Edgar is the one who can provide her with the material things she thinks
she wants. Due to this, the life of Catherine and Edgar is not that happy.
The wife becomes cold and alienated. She regrets her decision to leave
Heathcliff for Edgar.
Second, Isabella being torn between Edgar and Heathcliff, in which
Edgar informs Isabella that if she pursue a relationship with Heathcliff,
that action would mean the end of their relationship. But, due to
Heathcliff’s ability to manipulate and persuade others, he convinced her
to run away with him. Eventually, She regrets her decision, since
Heathcliff revealed his real intentions and started mistreating her.

Q4) '' I'm trying to settle how I shall pay

Hindley back. I don't care how long I wait.''
Who said this and why?
Heathcliff was the speaker if these lines. At a dinner Edgar saw
Heathcliff, and made a joke about his hair, saying it looks like a horse
mane. Angrily, Heathcliff grabbed a bowl of hot apple sauce, and threw
it in Edgar's face. Hindley got mad and whipped and sent him upstairs.
Heathcliff being humiliated in front of his rival had hurt him deeply, for
he thinks that he had lost the battle to Edgar, and that made him more
fierce. This was the first time that Heathcliff started thinking of revenge.
He had had enough of Hindley’s humiliation and tyranny to the extent
that he wanted to make Hindley pay back for what he did to him no
matter how long it takes.

Q5) Gothic literature is characterized by

the presence of strange characters
(zombies and vampires). Are such
characters present in Wuthering Heights?

Emily Brontë didn’t mention any zombies or vampires, instead she has
introduced addicted Hindley as a vampire-like character, he was tall,
gaunt, and very dirty, plus his face was hidden behind his shaggy hair
that hang on his shoulders. He looked so frightful to the extent that,
Isabella got scared when she first saw him.

Q1)"Exposition" in Wuthering Heights is

very telling. How?
Exposition is extremely telling in wuthering Heights since Emily Brontë
designed this plot element to provide a background information about
the story settings and glimpse of the characters. Settings are crucially
important, for settings help the readers to make a mental image about
the era and the place where the actions took place. Brontë initiated her
only novel “Wuthering Heights” by illustrating that the actions took
place in England during the Victorian age.
Q2) Complication as an element of plot is
always preceded by a moment of
incitement (spark). Where do you believe
the spark is ignited in Wuthering Heights?
When Mr. Earnshaw brought the homeless boy, Heathcliff, home to be
his new son, both children, cathy and Hindley resented it. Over time,
Hindley became envious when his father preferred Heathcliff over him.
Mr. Earnshaw’s favoritism was shown in his partiality, and that partiality
was the spark that ignited the fire of jealousy and hatred in Hindley’s

Q3) In a decisive moment Edgar offered

two proposals one for Cathy and the other
for Isabella. What are these proposals?
This happened after Edgars’s fight with Heathcliff, Edgar offered two
proposals one for his wife, and the other for his sister. Edgar demands
that Catherine choose between Heathcliff and himself, if she chooses to
stay in contact with Heathcliff, then it would mean the end of their
marriage. Edgar then informs Isabella that if she pursues Heathcliff, he
will cast her out of the Linton family.
Edgar gave these two proposals for he claims that, he’s well aware of
Heathcliff’s intentions.

Q4) Why Mr. Linton did not accept

Heathcliff in his house and what this act
This behavior signifies Mr. Linton's stratification in particular, and the
Victorian society in general, in which during the Victorian Era, society
was divided into three main classes, which are: the elite class, the
middle class, and the working class.
The characters in Wuthering Heights demonstrate the nature of this
class-structured society. The Lintons were the most elite family in the
novel, Meanwhile Heathcliff is an orphan, which means he’s
representing the lower class in the society.
therefore, Mr. Linton immediately looked down on Heathcliff without
even giving him a chance, Mr. Linton judged Heathcliff and cast him

Q5) "It would degrade me to marry

Heathcliff now." For some critics this
speech marks the climax of the novel.
Some critics regard this speech as the climax of “Wuthering Heights”,
since climax is the point of highest dramatic tension or a major turning
point in the story, and Catherine's dual nature reveals itself most fully in
this speech. In one breath she is able to declare her love for Heathcliff
while simultaneously stating she cannot marry him, and her decision to
marry the genteel Edgar Linton drags almost all of the novel’s
characters into conflict with Heathcliff. Plus, This one decision changes
the course of destiny for all of the characters from then on until eternity.
On the other hand, Heathcliff overhearing these words from Cathy, the
only source of happiness in his life, was the last deathblow that
shattered his heart and caused a deep injury in his soul, and this sat
Heathcliff’s and Edgar’s conflict in motion to the extent that Heathcliff
went to the unknown.
Q1) What is the symbolic significance of
the fiddle that Hindley wanted as a gift?
Hindley asked for a fiddle, which is a musical instrument. Hindley
choosing a musical instrument confirms the fact that he’s an artist, and
the artist is known for being extremely sensitive and super emotional.
**Cathy and Hindley choices illustrates the difference between their

Q2) What is the motivation (character

motivation) behind Hindley's tyrannical
practices against Heathcliff?
When Mr. Earnshaw brought the homeless boy, Heathcliff, home to be
his new son. Hindley became envious as he believed that he has been
deprived from his rights and privileges mercilessly by Heathcliff. So,
jealousy was the basis for the conflicts between Hindley and Heathcliff.
moreover, Hindley thought that Heathcliff has dethroned him and took
every good position in the house and in Mr. Earnshaw’s heart, due to Mr.
Earnshaw’s partiality. Hence, Hindley got his revenge by turning
Heathcliff into a servant.

Q3) In Wuthering Heights there is a sort

of dwindle in the role of the narrators.
Bronte chose to begin the narration when Mr. Lockwood rents
Thrushcross Grange, so she could frame the story from the point-of-
view of a complete outsider to Yorkshire. Mr. Lockwood's curiosity
about the past events increases, and he asks his servant, Nelly Dean, to
tell him the history of Wuthering Heights. Nelly lived most of her life
between Wuthering heights and Thrushcross grange, so she’s well
aware about the previous events.

Q4) ''I just hope, I pray, that he may. . . kill

me. The single pleasure I can imagine is to
die or see him dead.'' Why Isabella said
Isabella said these lines after she figured out the real reason why
Heathcliff married her, she’s now well aware about his diabolical
intentions. So, the single pleasure that Isabella can imagine is to die, or
see Heathcliff dead. Isabella couldn’t think of any other way to escape
this miserable marriage, as if death is the only escape mechanism.

Q5) "I love the ground under his feet, and

the air over his head and everything he
touches . . . ." This speech can be taken as
a sort of self-blinding. How?
The division in classes drives Catherine to choose Edgar over
Heathcliff, even though her heart truly belongs to Heathcliff, but Edgar
is the one who can provide her with the material things she thinks she
wants. Cathy, like most of Victorian society, views marriage as a social
contract and not a connection between lovers. So, Cathy tried to
deceive herself, that she’s in love with Edgar to protect her feelings and
make her life bearable.

Q1) With France's death, part of Hindley

dies. Why?
A part of Hindley dies With Frances’ death, for he has believed that she
was the last source of love in his life, and she was the only thing that
beautifies his gloomy life, due to the fact that he had learned to regard
his father as an oppressor rather than a friend.

Q2) What is the symbolic significance

behind Edgar and Heathcliff's meeting at
the door as one is coming in while the
other is going out?
Heathcliff meeting Edgar at Cathy’s doorstep, As Heathcliff is going out,
meanwhile Edgar is coming in, illustrates the idea that, Edgar is getting
into her life and heart, but Heathcliff is getting out of her heart and life.

Q3) What is the motivation (character

motivation) behind Mr. Earnshaw's
extreme affection towards Heathcliff?
Mr. Earnshaw named the orphan kid Heathcliff, after a son who died in
childbirth, and he grew to love Heathcliff more than his own son, for he
has believed that this boy was a gift from God. Additionally, Mr.
Earnshaw showed an extreme affection towards Heathcliff, since he was
an orphan, hence Mr. Earnshaw wanted to make things up to Heathcliff
by showering him with love and care.

Q4) What is the symbolic dimension of

the whip that Cathy wanted as a gift?
When Mr. Earnshaw asks what his children want as gifts, their choices
are symbols of their deepest longings. Cathy choosing a whip, which is
a tool of torment that is used to control animals, illustrates the fact that,
Cathy is after power and she yearns to dominate others.

Q5) Heathcliff has been described as a

taker and a usurper. Why?
When Mr. Earnshaw brought the homeless boy, Heathcliff, home to be
his new son. Mr. Earnshaw showered Heathcliff with love and care, to
the extant that he started to treat Heathcliff even better than his own
son. Hence, Hindley had learned to regard Heathcliff as a usurper of his
father’s affection and his privileges.

Q1) ''Misanthropist'' is the adjective that

Mr. Lockwood has labeled himself with
but it is very ironic. How?
Mr. Lockwood described himself as a misanthropist, and he came here
searching for solitude and peace, but after a while, he decided to pay a
visit to Wuthering heights due to his loneliness.

Q2) Plot must have a beginning, a middle,

and an end. How can you divide
Wuthering Heights into these three

Q3) In a fit that is charged with emotional

intensity Cathy said '' Nelly, Iam
Heathcliff.'' What does this signify?
This speech implies the meaning that, Cathy has surrendered her
identity for Heathcliff’s identity, and her world for his world. she became
the embodiment of the man she loves, his reflection, his double.
In Cathy’s eyes, she and Heathcliff are one. therefore, her marriage to
Edgar could not possibly affect the spiritual connection she has with

Q4) What was the first diary entry that Mr.

Lockwood came across?
The diary begins with “an awful Sunday” and “I wish my father were
back again”. from this entry, Mr. Lockwood knew that there is a girl, and
this girl complained and described Sunday as an awful day. This
illustrates that there is something wrong, because according Christians,
Sunday is a holiday that must never be described as awful. Additionally,
this girl wishes that her father would come back to life again.

Q5) When Hindley went abroad, to pursue

his education, his absence from
Wuthering Heights forms Heathcliff's
prime time that is soon shattered. How?
Hindley’s absence from Wuthering Heights formed Heathcliff's prime
time, since it was only Heathcliff, Cathy who was found of Heathcliff,
and Mr. Earnshaw who adored Heathcliff. But, this happiness didn’t last,
due to the death of Mr. Earnshaw.
As soon as Mr. Earnshaw dies, Hindley takes advantage of the
opportunity to exact his revenge against Heathcliff by turning Heathcliff
into a servant, flogging him for misbehavior, and prohibiting him from
spending time with Cathy

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