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Case Study of Haidian District of Beijing

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Chinese Geographical Science 2007 17(3) 236–242

DOI: 10.1007/s11769-007-0236-1

Object-oriented Urban Dynamic Monitoring

—A Case Study of Haidian District of Beijing

AN Kai1, 2, ZHANG Jinshui3, 4, XIAO Yu1

(1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100101, China; 2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
3. Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, Ministry of Education of China,
Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China; 4. College of Resources Science & Technology,
Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)

Abstract: It is crucial to conduct the land use/cover research to obtain the global change information. Urban area is
one of the most sensitive areas in land use/cover change. Therefore land use/cover change in urban areas is very im-
portant in global change. It is vital to incorporate the information of urban land use/cover change into the process of
decision-making about urban area development. In this paper, a new urban change detection approach, urban dynamic
monitoring based on objects, is introduced. This approach includes four steps: 1) producing multi-scale objects from
multi-temporal remotely sensed images with spectrum, texture and context information; 2) extracting possible changed
objects adopting object-oriented classification; 3) obtaining shared objects as the basic units for urban change detection;
4) determining the threshold to segment the changed objects from the possible changed objects using Otsu method. In
this paper, the object-based approach was applied to detecting the urban expansion in Haidian District, Beijing, China
with two Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data in 1997 and 2004. The results indicated that the overall accuracy was
about 84.83%, and Kappa about 0.785. Compared with other conventional approaches, the object-based approach was
advantageous in reducing the error accumulation of image classification of each datum and in independence to the ra-
diometric correction and image registration accuracy.
Keywords: urban change detection; object-oriented method; remote sensing; land use/cover; Otsu method

1 Introduction remotely sensed data can be generally grouped as two

types—one is spectral classification-based approach, and
Land use/cover research is one of the most important the other is pixel-by-pixel radiometric comparison ap-
ways for people to obtain the global change information. proach. Both approaches have their limitations which
Timely and accurately detecting the change of earth’s influence the land use/cover detection use seriously
surface features is extremely essential to understand the (Michalek et al., 1993; Lambin and Strahlers, 1994). The
relationships and interactions between human and natural former has the obvious limitation of its cumulative error
systems in order to promote better decision making in image classification of an individual datum and the
(Heilig, 1995). Urban is the most sensitive area in land latter needs the strict radiometric correction. Both of
use/cover change. To obtain the urban land use/cover them need the accurate image registration.
change information is crucial for the decision-making on Object-oriented change detection approach is a newly
the sustainable development in urban areas. Remotely developed method to extract the land use/cover change
sensed data have been introduced into land use/cover information. There have been some of studies discussing
change detection widely since the 1970s. The conven- this approach (Bruzzone and Prieto, 2000; Hall and Hay,
tional land use/cover change detection approach with 2003; Walter, 2004; He et al., 2005). Ecological theories,

Received date: 2006-09-20; accepted date: 2007-02-05

Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (No.
Corresponding author: AN Kai. E-mail:
Object-oriented Urban Dynamic Monitoring 237

in particular hierarchy theory, have been incorporated such as image co-registration and radiometric correction,
into this approach to predict the changes in landscape were performed to pre-process the data.
spatial pattern and temporal scales at which they are
assessed (Allen and Starr, 1982; Lambin and Strahlers,
1994). He et al. (2005) obtained the land use/cover
detection information with the objects’ similarity
approach. Walter (2004) segmented the image using
GIS database to obtain the change information. Laliberte
et al. (2004) analyzed shrub encroachment from 1937 to
2003 in the southern New Mexico. Bruzzone and Prieto
(2000) presented a parcel-based technique for unsuper-
vised change detection. Hall and Hay (2003) executed
the digital change detection with a multi-scale
object-specific approach. The examples adopting the
object-oriented method have been proved to be more
successful in analyzing the land use/cover than
conventional method though there are still some
limitations for the object-oriented method needed to be
improved, for instance the operator’s knowledge of the
object-oriented classification and change detection
results in errors, and land use/cover change detection
needs accurate image registration.
The limitations of conventional land use/cover change
detection and object-oriented approaches are both
influenced by the sensor and the image registration. And
the change threshold can not be determined easily. In Fig. 1 Framework of object-oriented
this paper, an object-oriented method with the spectral urban change detection
and texture information is adopted to extract the urban
change information and the Otsu method is introduced 2.2 Multi-temporal image segmentation
to determine the threshold automatically. This method The multi-temporal image segmentation was performed
can amend some of limitations of post-classification, with the software of object-oriented software, i.e., e-
such as producing error accumulation and destroying the Cognition. During the segmentation, the spectral and
spatial information. spatial information was used to delineate the suitable
segments in the image. According to their different
2 Framework of Object-oriented Urban Chan- spectra, textures, structures and contexts, multi-scale
ge Detection objects were extracted from two images at different time.
The objects’ sizes are different, but similar to the actual
In order to determine whether the object changed, the land cover sizes. The object-oriented classes were taken
shared objects’ magnitude of two co-registered images by the object-oriented software to demarcate the seg-
was calculated on the object unit with the approach of mentation. It would be noted in our study that all land
object-oriented urban change detection. The components covers were merged into two classes—one is the
of the framework of the object-oriented urban change non-urban land which includes water and vegetation and
detection were shown in Fig. 1. the other is urban land which includes all other land
cover types except water and vegetation.
2.1 Data pre-processing
First of all, in order to reduce the discrimination of the 2.3 Extraction of possible changed objects
multi-temporal images, the fundamental operations, There are two land cover change directions in this study,
238 AN Kai, ZHANG Jinshui, XIAO Yu

i.e., the change from urban objects to non-urban objects the temporal gray vector G and H, respectively.
and the reverse. After overlapping the image data in two
temporal scales which have been merged into two land 2.5 Setting of threshold by Otsu algorithm
cover types, four types of changed land were obtained: As traditional threshold often involves a subjective
urban to urban, non-urban to non-urban, urban to decision based on an examination of the histogram
non-urban, non-urban to urban. The latter two types structure or the artificial selection, Otsu (1979) proposed
were defined as the possible changed land type, while a non-parametric and unsupervised method of automatic
the former two types, which were classified accurately, threshold selection for image segmentation in CVA to
were considered as unchanged land type. The possible reduce the subjectivity. The optimal threshold was
changed objects were emphasized during the urban selected based on a discriminated criterion, so as to
object-oriented change detection. maximize the separability of the resultant classes in gray
levels (Otsu, 1979).
2.4 Computation of multi-temporal shared objects’
2.6 Setting of threshold to segment objects
Suppose there were two co-registered multi-temporal
It was hypothesized that the difference in texture
images (X1 and X2) acquired in the same area at two
between urban and non-urban is great. Thus, the texture
different times (t1 and t2), and objects A and B were ex-
properties of the objects changed greatly when the urban
tracted from the X1 and X2, respectively. The shared
land use converting to non-urban or non-urban to urban.
object of these two images was defined as the intersec-
The changed objects extracted from the images will
tion of object A and object B. According to the research
satisfy the follow formula:
of He et al. (2005), the shared objects were obtained by
⎧1( S > TOtsu )⎫
overlaying the multi-temporal objects. O=⎨ ⎬ (2)
Texture property is the pixel frequency of the images, ⎩0 ( S < TOtsu )⎭
which is the synthesis of the objects’ shape, size,
shadow and hue, and reflects the local pixels’ gray value where O is the state of object, S is the change magnitude;
and hue, and rules. The texture property of the same TOtsu is the threshold that is the boundary of changed and
land type is stable and independent of time, which is unchanged objects. If S was greater than TOtsu, it indica-
usually adopted to analyze the image change along time. ted that object had changed. Otherwise, object had not
In this study, the change information can be extracted changed.
with spectral and texture information. These two kinds
of information were combined with the layer-stack op- 3 Case Study
The Euclidean distance was computed based on the 3.1 Study area and data collection
shared object with the CVA (Change Vector Analysis) Haidian District, located in the western and northwest-
approach (Chen et al., 2001). The change vector ern Beijing, with an area of 416km2, was selected as
describes the spectral vector from time 1 to time 2. study area. The landform of the district is higher in the
The two temporal gray vectors are defined as G=(g1, west and lower in the east. A plain with an average
g2, …, gk)T and H=(h1, h2, …, hk)T. The change altitude of 50m takes up 3/4 of this district. There are
magnitude of shared objects was defined as below: some pools and ponds in the plain. With the economic
⎛ g1 − h1 ⎞ development, the urbanization in Haidian District is
⎜ ⎟ significant. There were a lot of cultivated lands in 1997,
g − h2 ⎟
ΔG = G − H = ⎜ 2 (1) which disappeared and changed into the urban in 2004.
⎜ ... ⎟
⎜ ⎟ The urban change detection was executed in this district
⎝ g k − hk ⎠ with the object-oriented change detection approach.
where ΔG is the change mangitude of shared objects; gk The cloud-free Landsat TM (123/32) images with the
and hk are the properties, such as spectral and texture pixel size of 30m×30m acquired on 1997-05-16 and
information, based on the object unit extracted from 2004-5-19 were collected. The TM3, TM4 and TM5
Object-oriented Urban Dynamic Monitoring 239

bands were selected to extract urban change informa- set as 0.9 and 0.1, respectively. The homogeneous object
tion. contains at least 20 pixels, which avoids producing min-
With two rank polynomial and double linear interpo- ute size objects and satisfies the urban/non-urban
lation algorithm, geometric correction was conducted on change's basic unit. As mentioned above, the land cover
the TM image in 1997 with the TM image in 1999. The types were grouped into two kinds—one was urban in-
TM image in 2004 was corrected with that in 1997. Af- cluding buildings, streets, bridges and other constructed
ter examination, RMS (Root Mean Square) is less than areas, the other was non-urban including forestlands,
one pixel. Finally, the area of Haidian District was ex- grasslands, rice fields, gardens and other vegetation ar-
tracted from the two corrected images. eas.
The results indicated that a lot of objects were ex-
3.2 Extraction of possible changed objects tracted from the two corrected TM images based on the
The multi-scale objects from the two TM images were parcel units with the approach of object-oriented change
extracted with the software of eCognition3.0. The spec- detection (Fig. 2, the subset of the image). The parcels
tral parameter was set as 0.8, the shape parameter was were easily divided into the urban and non-urban land
set as 0.2, and the smooth and density parameters were types.

Fig. 2 Objects of Haidian District extracted from images of 1997 and 2004
240 AN Kai, ZHANG Jinshui, XIAO Yu

The two corrected TM images of Haidian District were A hypothesis can be drawn that the change magnitude
overlapped with the map algebra to obtain the possible between the changed and unchanged objects is greatly
changed objects. Thus, four types of changed land were different. Based on the Otsu algorithm, the threshold was
produced, including urban, urban to non-urban, non- set as 44.03 to clearly distinguish the changed objects
urban to urban and non-urban. The non-urban to urban from the unchanged objects (Fig. 4). This Otsu threshold
and urban to non-urban were taken as the possible was used to segment the possible changed objects into
changed objects (Fig. 3). changed or unchanged objects (Fig. 5).

Fig. 4 Threshold of object-oriented change detection

Fig. 3 Extraction of possible changed objects

of Haidian District in 1997-2004

3.3 Overlapping of spectral and texture data

The spectral and texture information was integrated to
extract the change information. The Gray Level
Co-occurrence (GLCC) matrix which was brought up by
Haralic has been widely used during the computation of
texture character (Zhang et al., 2003). There are 14 in-
dexes of calculating texture characteristic, and such
eight of them as Mean, Variance, Homogeneity, Con-
trast, Dissimilarity, Entropy, Angular Second Moment
and Correlation were adopted in this study. The 5×5
window size was the optimum size to extract the change Fig. 5 Result of object-oriented change detection
information as applied by He et al. (2005). Totally 54
layers of data were combined, including 6 layers of 4 Accuracy Assessment
spectral and 48 layers of texture information.
The 600 checked points were selected with the equal-
3.4 Searching of threshold by Otsu algorithm ized random sampling method to compare the approach
According to Equation (1), the change magnitude map, of object-oriented urban change detection with the
which is the gray level data, was computed by the infor- post-classification change detection approach. The re-
mation incorporating the texture and spectral information. sults indicated that the change detection information
Object-oriented Urban Dynamic Monitoring 241

was obtained more effectively with the object-oriented about 84.83%, and Kappa about 0.785, while the overall
approach than the post-classification approach. The accuracy of the post-classification approach was about
overall accuracy of the object-oriented approach was 74.00%, and Kappa about 0.480 (Table1 and Table 2).

Table 1 Accuracy of object-oriented change detection

Validated data
Changed Unchanged Total Producer's accuracy (%) Loss error (%)

Changed 281 19 300 93.7 6.3

Unchanged 72 228 300 76.0 24.0

Total 353 247 600

Producer's accuracy (%) 79.6 92.3

Loss error (%) 20.4 7.7

Note: Overall accuracy=84.83%, Kappa=0.785

Table 2 Accuracy of post-classification change detection

Validated data
Changed Unchanged Total Producer's accuracy (%) Loss error (%)

Changed 128 22 150 85.3 14.7

Unchanged 56 94 150 60.0 37.3

Total 184 116 300

Producer's accuracy (%) 69.6 81.0

Loss error (%) 30.4 29.0

Note: Overall accuracy =74.00%, Kappa = 0.480

5 Conclusions tection approach, the object-oriented method reduced

the co-registration influence to some extent as it was
In this study, the urban land use/cover change informa- based on object unit.
tion was extracted from the spectrum and texture infor- In the study, only two types of information were com-
mation with the object-oriented approach. The results bined to detect the urban change status. Actually, more
indicated that the object-oriented change detection ap- kinds of information need to be integrated to more ac-
proach extracted the urban or non-urban change infor- curately detect the change information. Thus, there are
mation more effectively than the post-classification ap- still some of problems need to be settled in the process
proach. The overall accuracy of the object-oriented ap- of land use/cover change detection.
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