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Form 2 Mid Year Science Final Draft 2012

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Circle the letter of the best answer.
1. What is the reading on the part of the thermometer shown below?

a. 24.20C
b. 24.40C
c. 25.20C
d. 25.40C

2. A water tap drips slowly. A student wants to find out how much water is lost in 10 minutes.
Which container would be the most accurate to measure the volume of water lost?

a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

3. The piece of equipment labelled ‘z’ on the diagram below is a ___________.

a. watch glass
b. safety goggles
c. magnifying glass

TSS Science 1
d. sun goggles
4. Laboratory Safety Symbols ‘A’ and ‘B’ refers to:

a toxic chemical toxic material
b toxic material biohazard
c biohazard toxic chemical
d toxic material toxic chemical

5. In carrying out a ‘fair test’, if variable “x” changes and causes a change in variable “y” then y is said
to be ____________.

a. dependent
b. independent
c. constant
d. varies

Use the diagram below to answer questions 6.

6. Which of the following statements best describes the difference between the organism shown in
diagram A and B above?

a. ‘A’ is an autotroph and ‘B’ is a heterotroph.

b. ‘A’ is an autotroph and ‘B’ is a consumer.
c. ‘A’ is a heterotroph and ‘B’ is an autotroph.
d. ‘A’ is a consumer and ‘B’ is a heterotroph.

TSS Science 2
7. Which of the following is NOT correct about the ‘cell theory’?

a. All cells come from existing cells.

b. Cells are the basic unit of life.
c. All living things are composed of cells.
d. All organisms are made up of only one cell.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 8 and 9.

8. Name the Animal groups that each ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ belongs to:

a reptiles amphibians mammals
b amphibians reptiles mammals
c echinoderm amphibians reptiles
d amphibians reptiles echinoderm

9. Animals with a backbone are called ____________.

a. mollusc
b. crustacean
c. invertebrates
d. vertebrates

10. An example of an organism that belongs to the Kingdom Monera is

a. Euglena.
b. Paramecium.
c. Blue green algae.
d. Amoeba.

TSS Science 3
11. An earthworm belongs to the group “Annelid’.

One characteristic of ‘annelids’ that shows their difference from ‘coelenterates’ is they have

a. hard external shell.

b. segmented body.
c. stinging tentacles.
d. spiny skin.

12. Which of the following is an uni-cellular organism?

a. bacteria
b. jellyfish
c. snake
d. mangroves

Use the diagram below to answer question 13.

13. The fruit shown on the diagram is an example of which type of plant?

a. moss
b. plantain
c. legume
d. hibiscus

14. An example of a disease caused by fungus is

a. typhoid.
b. ringworm.
c. poliomyelitis.
d. mumps.

15. One way of preventing AIDS is

a. destroy all the birthplaces of mosquitoes.

b. treat with antibiotics.
c. vaccination.

TSS Science 4
d. use injection needles only once.
16. What process occurs in the cell organelle shown in the diagram below?

a. respiration
b. photosynthesis
c. combustion
d. diffusion

17. Which of the following diagrams is an example of ‘elastic energy’?

a. fireworks

b. blowing a balloon

c. bird flying

d. fruits

TSS Science 5
18. An example of ‘kinetic energy’ is

a. a bird singing.
b. an athlete running.
c. a burning fire.
d. rocks on top of a cliff.

Use the following diagram to answer questions 19 and 20.

19. The part labelled ‘A’ on the light bulb below is called a/an

a. electrical wire.
b. element.
c. motor wire.
d. filament.

20. The function of the part labelled ‘A’ is to change

a. electrical energy to light.

b. light energy to heat.
c. electrical energy to heat.
d. electrical energy to light and heat.

TSS Science 6
Write your answer in the space provided. ALL questions are compulsory.


1. One class was investigating whether water still boiled at 100 C if salt is added to it, in their school’s Science

Some of the things that happened were recorded below:

The class were waiting for nearly 10 minutes but the teacher did not show up so the class prefect opened
the door and they all took off their shoes outside and went inside.
Group 1:
‘Ofa and Sanft lit their bunsen burner then they went to the front of the room to weigh out the correct
amount of salt.
Group 2:
Nafe was sitting on the bench stirring the salt into the water with a glass stirring rod. The glass rod slipped
and broke, so Nafe ran to the front of the room to put the larger pieces into the rubbish box. Some smaller
pieces of glass fell into the sink but Nafe didn't worry about these as he thought they would wash away.
Melania was Nafe's work partner. Melania didn't see Nafe break the stirring rod because she was busy
putting out a fire. Sanft's book caught fire because it was left too close to their bunsen burner.
Group 3:
Masina and her partner Siua were busy heating their test tube full of the mixture of salt and water.

List five (5) separate safety rules that were being broken in this laboratory. (5)

i. ________________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________________
iii. ________________________________________________________________________
iv. ________________________________________________________________________
v. ________________________________________________________________________

2. Write down the uses of the following laboratory equipment. (4)


TSS Science 7
3. A student set up the following experiment to see if heat travel faster in aluminium metal or copper metal as
shown below.

a. What is the aim of the experiment? (1)

b. Explain why the rods have to be the same length. (1)
c. The experiment can be done using two Bunsen burners. Explain why the student used only one
Bunsen burner. (1)

d. Give a title for the experiment done. (1)

e. Clearly explain why the above experiment is a ‘fair test’. (2)


TSS Science 8


1. The diagram below shows two types of cells. Cell organelle ‘E’ is being enlarged below. Use it to answer the
questions that follow.

a. Write down the function of the cell organelle labeled ‘A’. (1)
b. Is ‘CELL Y’ a plant or an animal cell? (1)
c. Write down four (4) differences between ‘cell x’ and ‘cell y’ that is shown on the diagram above.
i. _____________________________________________________________________
ii. _____________________________________________________________________
iii. _____________________________________________________________________
iv. _____________________________________________________________________ (4)

d. The cell organelle labeled ‘E’ contains a green pigment. Name the pigment and describe its function.
Name: ________________________ (2)
Function: ________________________________________________________________

TSS Science 9
2. Write down the groups to which the following animals belong to. (3)


Group: Group: Group:

3. Choose two (2) micro-organisms from the diagram below and write down two (2) good uses of each.

A. Write down the letter of the micro-organism you have chosen: __________
What is the name of the micro-organism?: __________________________ (3)
List down two (2) good uses of this micro-organism:
i. ___________________________________________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________________________________________
B. Write down the letter of the micro-organism you have chosen: __________
What is the name of the micro-organism?: __________________________ (3)
List down two (2) good uses of this micro-organism:
i. ___________________________________________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________________________________________

TSS Science
4. For the following diseases, write down the name of the micro-organism that caused it and also state one way
of how to prevent the disease. (4)

a. Disease: Tinea
Name of micro-organism that caused this disease:_________________
How can this disease be prevented:______________________________________________
b. Disease: Tuberculosis
Name of micro-organism that caused this disease:_________________
How can this disease be prevented:______________________________________________
5. Describe the difference between horticulture and agriculture. (2)

6. The diagram shows a legume plant.

a. Name the part labelled ‘A’. (1)


b. What is the importance of the part labelled A? (1)


TSS Science
7. The diagram below shows the respiratory system. Use it to answer the questions that follow.

a. Name the parts labelled A to C on the diagram. (3)

B- __________________________________
C- __________________________________

b. Explain the function of the part labelled B. (2)

c. Describe the movement of structure labelled D and E when someone exhales (breathe out). (2)


d. Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow.

TSS Science
i. Name the structure labelled ‘X’. (1)


ii. Gas exchange takes place at structure labeled ‘X’. Name the gases
that involved and also their movement. (2)

e. Write down the word equation for the process of respiration. (5)
¿¿ +¿ −→¿

f. Name the waste product produced from the process of respiration. (1)

8. Use the diagram of the human digestive system to answer the following questions.

a. Name the parts labelled E, F and G. (3)




TSS Science
b. Name the enzyme found in parts labelled ‘A’ and ‘D’. (2)
Enzyme found in A- _____________________________

Enzyme found in D-______________________________

c. Name the substance that is produced at part ‘E’ which helps with the digestion involved the small intestine.

__________________________ (1)

d. What is the function of structure ‘H’? (1)


e. The diagram below shows Ulcer.

i. List down one cause of Ulcer and explain how to prevent it. (2)

Cause: ___________________________

Prevention: ________________________________________________________________


1. Write down the three types of Potential Energy and also give example of each. (6)

Types of Potential Energy Example



2. Write down the energy changes involve when

TSS Science
a. Striking a match. (3)

b. waves hitting on the shore (2)

3. Define the following terms: (2)

a. Conservation:
b. Generator:

TSS Science
4. Describe the word ‘renewable’ and ‘non-renewable’ energy and give an example of each. (2)
Renewable: _____________________________________________________________________
Example: ______________________
Non-renewable: _____________________________________________________________________
Example: ______________________

TSS Science

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