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Scheme of Work - Std. 2 TERM 1-13-17

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UNIT ONE: Physical Features of Trinidad and Tobago-Natural and Artificial



Agri-Science  Describe the activities involved in - Stand Alone Draw a picture to depict the Laptop, internet, pictures, magazines,
land preparation at each stage. steps in land preparation. textbook, drawing books, crayons,
coloured pencils.

Mathematics  Insert the missing elements in - Stand Alone Teacher generated questions, See Curriculum Guides page 55.
given patterns (concrete or worksheets.
pictorial) and explain the
 Describe a given pattern
(repeating) determine the pattern
rule and extend the pattern using
concrete materials or pictorial
 Create repeating, increasing and
decreasing patterns using solids or
plane shapes (concrete/ pictorials)
and explain the pattern.

Number:  Compare and order numerals up

Rounding to 1000.
 Round numbers to the nearest tens
or hundreds.

Social –Studies  Identify the 4 main cardinal points. My Country--- LP4 Finding Places Create a model of a compass, See PCR Toolkit pages 26 & 27, #5-
Map Skills  State reasons why knowledge of the Land Around Me indicating the four main 8
four main cardinal points is important cardinal points
 Define the term map.
 Identify the basic features of a map See PCR Toolkit pages 30 & 31, #1 -
(title, key, compass and borders) and 6
describe what they represent.
 Follow and provide relatively
complex directions and instructions to
locate places.

General Science  Discuss some of the conditions Uses of Land LP5 Investigating Plants Observation See PCR Toolkit pages 48 & 49 , # 1-
Plant Growth necessary for plant growth. Growth 3
 Demonstrate that plants need light Group checklist
and water for growth.

V.C.C.E.  Evaluate the level of respect for land - Stand Alone Group Work incorporating See PCR Toolkit pages 317- 320, # 1-
that is demonstrated by individuals in drama. 21
the community.

H.F.L.E  Discuss responsibility to the - Stand Alone Writing short essays on issues See H.F.L.E. Curriculum Guides,
Responsibility environment. discussed. Level Two

Spanish  State the four main cardinal points in My Country--- LP4 Finding Places Recitation, games, songs See PCR Toolkit page 26, #3 & 4
Spanish. Land Around Me

E.LA -
Phonics:  Identify words which contain the - Stand Alone Quiz Internet, laptop, projector, pictures.
“ie “ vowel digraph ie.
 List words which contain the
vowel digraph. 21/quest1_p2-3/index.cfm

Creative  Use the process approach in writing. My Country--- LP 5 Mapping My Country Writing a piece See PCR Toolkit page 30, # 9
Writing Land
Literacy/Poetry  Identify the problem of a story in - Stand Alone Read a short story and identify See Curriculum Guides page 30 #9.1.1
selected literary texts. the problem.
Elements of a
Story - Problem

Comprehension  Read and extract the main idea (title) - Stand Alone Read, extract and answer Instructional E.L.A. Workbook page 59
of a passage. questions.
Main Idea - Title Developing Comprehension Skills -
Level E

Study Skills  Put a given list of words, having the - Stand Alone Worksheets, textbook Instructional E.L.A Workbook page
Alphabetical same beginning letter in alphabetical 62

Structural  Create new words by adding the - Stand Alone Exercise will be given from a Instructional E.L.A Workbook page
Analysis prefixes in-. textbook. 115
Oral Reading  Read fluently with appropriate - Stand Alone Individual and group reading. Caribbean Rhythm Book 2
volume, correct pronunciation and
clear enunciation, to convey the
meaning of the text to the reader and
the audience.

Grammar - Stand Alone Teacher generated questions, Instructional E.L.A workbook page 4
Structure:  Identify collective nouns. exercises from relevant
Collective Nouns  Use collective nouns in sentences. textbooks. Instructional E.L.A workbook page 98

See Curriculum Guides page 34

 Use the different forms of verbs- patterns
(do, does) in sentences within context.

 Apply exclamation when writing
Spelling  Use the Spelling Rule: Use i before - Stand Alone Teacher generated questions, Word cards, word lists
Rules: “i” before e, except after c or when sounded as Relevant textbooks

Handwriting  Reproduce correct cursive writing - Stand Alone Handwriting exercises See Curriculum Guides page 33, #10.2.1
patterns, formation, spacing and
Lower Case: “y, Rules of Handwriting for Primary
neatness in their writing.
v, w” Teachers in T&T
 Write the lower case letters y , v , w
Essential Primary Writing Skills for the
Caribbean Book 2

Vocabulary  Apply vocabulary skills to - Stand Alone Teacher generated questions, See Curriculum Guides page 24,
demonstrate understanding of texts. worksheet, textbook. #6.2.3
 Identify and define synonyms.
 Use synonyms in sentences in Instructional E.L.A. Workbook page
context. 37

Drama/Dance  Dramatize the different stages of - Stand Alone Role play being a seed growing Laptop, pictures
germination. into a plant.

Music  Sing Nation-building songs. - Stand Alone Sing songs CD, laptop, speakers, song copies.

Physical  Create shapes while balancing in - Stand Alone Create a sequence of three or See Curriculum Guides page 100
Education sequences. more movement skills. #1.1.1
Movement Skills
and Concepts

Art And Craft  Create a picture of land features using Physical LP1- My Country- Land Creating models See PCR Toolkit page 16, # 13 - 16
shapes. Features
 Create a model of the environment ….Man-made
using three dimensional shapes.

UNIT TWO: Uses Of Land-Agriculture, Recreation and Protected Lands



Agri-Science  List the types of tools required for - Stand Alone Create a model of a tool used Laptop, internet, pictures, textbook.
land preparation. for land preparation.
 Recognize appropriate tools
required at each stage of land
 State why each stage of land
preparation is necessary.

Mathematics  Demonstrate the appropriate use of Uses Of Land- LP 4 Growing Our Own Teacher generated questions, See PCR Toolkit, page 44-45 #11
the measuring instrument for length. Agriculture, Plants worksheets.
Measurement:  Measure lengths and distances using Recreation and
Linear standard measurements (m, ½ & ¼ m
/ cm).
 Estimate lengths in m/cm and verify Lands
results. See Curriculum Guides pages 57 & 58
 Compare and order the lengths of
objects and lines in different
 Explain reasoning using appropriate
 (ascending and descending order,
concrete and pictorial representations)
 solve problems involving measures

 Develop algebraic thinking (number

Number: patterns and number relationships)
Number Patterns  Explore increasing and decreasing
patterns up to 1000

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