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05 H09EventMgt - CookingCatering

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Government of Pakistan

National Vocational and Technical Training Commission

Prime Minister’s Hunarmand Pakistan

"Skills for All"

Course Contents/ Lesson Plan

Course Title: Event Management (Catering / Cooking)
Duration: 6 Months
Course Details / Description & Preliminaries

Course Title Event Management (Catering /Cooking)

Objectives and Employable skills and hands on practice for Catering and
Expectations Cooking

This is a special course designed to address unemployment in the

youth. The course aims to achieve the above objective through hands
on practical training delivery by a team of dedicated professionals
having rich market/work experience. This course is therefore not just
for developing a theoretical understanding/back ground of the trainees.
Contrary to that it is primarily aimed at equipping the trainees to
perform commercially in a market space in independent capacity or as
a member of a team.

The course therefore is designed to impart not only technical skills but
also soft skills (i.e. interpersonal/communication skills; personal
grooming of the trainees etc.) as well as entrepreneurial skills
(i.e.Marketing Skills; Free Lancing etc.).The course also seeks to
inculcate work ethics to foster better citizenship in general and improve
the image of Pakistani work force in particular.
Main Expectations:
In short, the course under reference should be delivered by
professional instructors in such a robust hands- on manner that the
trainees are comfortably able to employ their skills for earning money
(through wage/self-employment) at its conclusion.
This course thus clearly goes beyond the domain of the traditional
training practices in vogue and underscores an expectation that a
market centric approach will be adopted as the main driving force while

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delivering it. The instructors should therefore be experienced enough
to be able to identify the training needs for the possible market roles
available out there. Moreover, they should also know the strengths and
weaknesses of each individual trainee to prepare them for such market
roles during/after the training.
i. Specially designed practical tasks to be performed by the
Key Features
of Training& trainees have been included in the Annexure-I to this
Modules document. The record of all tasks performed individually or
in groups must be preserved by the management of the
training Institute clearly labelling name, trade, session etc so
that these are ready to be physically inspected/verified
through monitoring visits from time to time. The weekly
distribution of tasks has also been indicated in the weekly
lesson plan given in this document.
ii. In order to materialize the main expectations, a special
module on Job Search & Entrepreneurial Skills has been
included in the later part of this course (5 th & 6th month)
through which, the trainees will be made aware of the Job
search techniques in the local as well as international job
markets (Gulf countries). Awareness around the visa
process and immigration laws of the most favoured labour
destination countries also forms a part of this module.
Moreover, the trainees would also be encouraged to venture
into self-employment and exposed to the main requirements
in this regard. It is also expected that a sense of civic
duties/roles and responsibilities will also be inculcated in the
trainees to make them responsible citizens of the country.
iii. A module on Work Place Ethics has also been included to
highlight the importance of good and positive behavior at

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work place in the line with the best practices elsewhere in
the world. An outline of such qualities has been given in the
Appendix to this document. Its importance should be
conveyed in a format that is attractive and interesting for the
trainees such as through PPT slides +short video
documentaries. Needless to say that if the training provider
puts his heart and soul into these otherwise non-technical
components, the image of Pakistani workforce would
undergo a positive transformation in the local as well as
international job markets.

In order to maintain interest and motivation of the trainees throughout

the course, modern techniques such as:
• Motivational Lecture
• Success Stories
• Case Studies
These techniques would be employed as an additional training tool
wherever possible (these are explained in the subsequent section on
Training Methodology).
Lastly, evaluation of the competencies acquired by the trainees will be
done objectively at various stages of the training and proper record of
the same will be maintained. Suffice to say that for such evaluations,
practical tasks would be designed by the training providers to gauge
the problem solving abilities of the trainees.

(i) Motivational Lectures

Training Tools/ The proposed methodology for the training under reference employs
motivation as a tool. Hence besides the purely technical content, a
trainer is required to include elements of motivation in his/her lecture to
inspire the trainees to utilize the training opportunity to the full and

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strive towards professional excellence. Motivational lectures may also
include general topics such as the importance of moral values and
civic role & responsibilities as a Pakistani. A motivational lecture
should be delivered with enough zeal to produce a deep impact on the
trainees. It may comprise of the following:

 Clear Purpose to convey message to trainees effectively.

 Personal Story to quote as an example to follow.
 Trainees fit so that the situation is actionable by trainees and
not represent a just idealism.
 Ending Points to persuade the trainees on changing

A good motivational lecture should help drive creativity, curiosity and

spark the desire needed for trainees to want to learn more.
Impact of a successful motivational strategy is amongst others
commonly visible in increased class participation ratios. It increases
the trainees’ willingness to be engaged on the practical tasks for longer
time without boredom and loss of interest because they can clearly see
in their mind's eye where their hard work would take them in short (1-3
years); medium (3 -10 years) and long term (more than 10 years).

As this tool is expected that the training providers would make

arrangements for regular well planned motivational lectures as part of
a coordinated strategy interspersed throughout the training period as
suggested in the weekly lesson plans in this document.

(ii) Success Stories

Another effective way of motivating the trainees is by means of
Success Stories. Its inclusion in the weekly lesson plan at regular
intervals has been recommended till the end of the training.
A success story may be disseminated orally, through a presentation or

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by means of a video/documentary of someone that has risen to
fortune, acclaim, or brilliant achievement. A success story shows
how a person achieved his goal through hard work, dedication and
devotion. An inspiring success story contains compelling and
significant facts articulated clearly and easily comprehendible words.
Moreover, it is helpful if it is assumed that the reader/listener knows
nothing of what is being revealed. Optimum impact is created when
the story is revealed in the form of:-
 Directly in person (At least 2-3 cases must be arranged by the
training institute)
 Through an audio/ videotaped message (2-3 high quality
videos must be arranged by the training institute)

It is expected that the training provider would collect relevant high

quality success stories for inclusion in the training as suggested in the
weekly lesson plan given in this document.
Suggestive structure and sequence of a sample success story and its
various shapes can be seen at annexure III.

(iii) Case Studies

Where a situation allows, case studies can also be presented to the
trainees to widen their understanding of the real life specific
problem/situation and to explore the solutions.
In simple terms, the case study method of teaching uses a real life
case example/a typical case to demonstrate a phenomenon in action
and explain theoretical as well as practical aspects of the knowledge
related to the same. It is an effective way to help the trainees
comprehend in depth both the theoretical and practical aspects of the
complex phenomenon in depth with ease. Case teaching can also
stimulate the trainees to participate in discussions and thereby boost
their confidence. It also makes class room atmosphere interesting thus
maintaining the trainee interest in training till the end of the course.

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Depending on suitability to the trade, the weekly lesson plan in this
document may suggest case studies to be presented to the trainees.
The trainer may adopt a power point presentation or video format for
such case studies whichever is deemed suitable but it’s important that
only those cases are selected that are relevant and of a learning value.
The Trainees should be required and supervised to carefully analyze
the cases.
For the purpose they must be encouraged to inquire and collect
specific information / data, actively participate in the discussions and
intended solutions of the problem / situation.

Case studies can be implemented in the following ways:-

i. A good quality trade specific documentary(At least 2-3
documentaries must be arranged by the training
ii. Health &Safety case studies(2 cases regarding safety
andindustrial accidents must be arranged by the training
iii. Field visits( At least one visit to a trade specific major
industry/ site must be arranged by the training institute)
Intake to the The candidate must;
Training  Possess SSC or above qualification.
 Be able and willing to carry out catering and cooking related
assignments professionally.

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Learning At the end of the course, the student must have attained the following
Outcome of the competencies:
 Master basic food preparation and cooking processes and
culinary techniques
 Apply food safety and hygiene regulations
 Maintain professional standards throughout shift
 Be aware of nutritional, economic and ecological requirements
 Prepare and cook vegetables
 Prepare, cook and finish meat, poultry and fish dishes
 Prepare and finish simple salad and fruit dishes
 Prepare and cook pasta and rice dishes
 Prepare and cook eggs and egg dishes

 Prepare and cook grain and pulses

 Prepare and cook soups, stocks and sauces
 Prepare, cook and finish simple bread and dough products
 Prepare hot and cold sandwiches
 Prepare and finish simple sweet dishes
 Clean kitchen equipment and cooking utensils
 Complete kitchen shift effectively
 Able to identify and pursue new business opportunities in the
hospitality sector
 Understand Event Management
 Understand cooking and catering industry for events
 Be able to work in Catering industry for Event Management
Course Total Duration of Course: 6 Months (26 Weeks)
Execution Plan
Class Hours: 4 Hours per day (06 days per week)

Theory: 20% Practical: 80%

Weekly Hours: 24 Hours Per week

Total Contact Hours: 600 hours

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1. Hotels
2. Motels
Companies 3. Restaurants
Offering Jobs 4. Cafes
in the 5. Event Management Companies
respective 6. Catering Companies
trade 7. Food Outlets
8. Ships
9. Government Institutes
10. Corporate Companies
11. Tour Operators
12. Factories and production houses
13. Armed Forces
14. Hospitals
15. Amusement parks
16. Clubs
17. Airlines
18. Railways
Job All over the world there is a high demand of hospitality workers
Opportunities including cooks, waiters, housekeepers, front of the house staff, back
of the house staff and event management staff. Hospitality is one of
the fastest growing industries of the world. Nearly above 6.5 million
jobs are expected world wide by 2023.

The latest increased in tourism in Saudi Arabai and Gulf countries has
also increased the demand of hospitality workers.

The tourism sector of Pakistan has also opened its door for the world.
Since last year domestic tourism has also increased many foldsthat in
turn has enhanced the demand of hospitality workers in Pakistan also.

Unfortunately, hospitality sector in Pakistan remained under privileged

in since its birth. The latest initiative of government has created lot of
awareness and demand of this sector.

With the help of this course, we will be able to give necessary skills
trainings of hospitality sector to our youth. There are also opportunities
for new start-up of entrepreneurship because of high demand in the
emerging market of tourists for:

• Road side café/dabahs

• Tea houses
• Fast food outlets
• Snacks shops
• Cold Beverages
• Catering

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No of Students 25
Learning Place Classroom / Lab
Instructional Development Platform:
Resources  Tutorials
 Videos
 Course Curriculum
 Lab
 Knead Café
 Pepperoni Restaurant and Banquet
Learning Material:
 Learning Material from Curriculum
 Videos
 Support books
 Google
 Daily Consumable

Course Details / Description & Preliminaries

Scheduled Module Title Learning Units Remarks

Week 1 Introduction to Course Introduction
Hospitality Sector  Course Content
 Motivational Lecture(For further detail
please see Page No: 3-4) may be seen at
 Pakistani Hospitality industry Introduction Annexure I)
 Middle East Hospitality industry
 World hospitality industry introduction
 Employment opportunities in local and
international Job market

 Workplace ethics (Details may be seen

at annexure II)
 Professionalism
Week 2 Occupational Workplace Hazards
 importance of keeping the work area
neat and tidy while working Task2 (Details
 list the use and importance of safety may be seen at
signs Annexure I)
 list potential hazards at the workplace
 list potential consequences of hazards
at the workplace
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 Reporting Accidents
 What documentation should be
completed in case of an accident
 Importance of training staff in Health
and Safety
 When to check equipment and to
whom damage should be reported
 Describe safe handling techniques for
hazardous substances
 Describe how to store hazardous
substances safely
 Importance of storing tools
and equipment’s correctly
after use.
 Types of Hazards
 Consequences of Hazards
 Case study (hazards &
Safety Details may be seen
at page No: 5-6)

Fires and Safety

 State what action to take in case of an
 Identify the elements of the fire
triangle and how they can be used to
extinguish a fire
 list different types of fires
 Types of fires
 Basic types of fire fighting

Kitchen Tools and Equipment’s

 List the tools and equipment’s used in
 Describe safe handling and operating
techniques of Kitchen tools and
 Describe operating techniques of Kitchen
tools and equipment’s.
 Importance of cleaning and storing tools
and equipment correctly after use
 Success story (For further detail
please see Page No: 4-5and
Annexure-III at the end)

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Week 3 Food Safety in Personal Responsibility for Food Safety
Catering  Outline the importance of food safety Task3(Details
procedures, risk assessment, safe food may be seen at
handling and behaviour. Annexure I)
 Outline the legal responsibilities of food
handlers and food safety including its
role in reducing the risk of
Importance of Personal Hygiene
 Hygiene in food safety including its
role in reducing the risk of
 Describe effective personal hygiene
practices, for example, protective
clothing, hand washing, personal
illnesses, cuts and wounds.
Importance of Workplace Hygiene
 Explain how to keep the work area and
equipment clean and tidy to include
cleaning and disinfection methods, safe
use and storage of cleaning chemicals
and materials, and waste disposal.
Importance of Keeping Food Safe
 State the sources and risk to food safety
from contamination and cross-
contamination to include microbiologic,
chemical, physical and allergenic
 Explain the importance of temperature
controls when storing, preparing,
cooking, chilling, reheating, holding,
serving and transporting food.
 Define food poisoning.
 Outline Hazard Analysis Critical Control
 HACCP practices and procedures
Food Bacteria
 State the bacteria associated with open
 Reports illnesses and infections
 Carriers of bacteria
 Types of bacteria
Pest Control, Cross Contamination
and Food Storage
 list common types of food pests
 identify signs of food pests

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 Describe different pest proofing
 Describe the checks that should be
made when accepting
 Deliveries of ambient, chilled or
frozen foods
 Describe stock rotation systems
 describe the difference between 'best
before' and 'use by dates'
 identify the correct storage conditions
for foods
 Define the term cross contamination
 Describe ways of reducing cross
 State best practice for
thawing/defrosting foods.
Micro Organisms and Food Poisoning
 List the micro-organisms associated with
food poisoning.
 Identify non-bacterial causes of food
 Identify different types of high risk foods.
 Describe common symptoms of food
 Identify the people most at risk from food
 Identify common food allergens and
 Identify the temperatures at which most
food poisoning micro-organisms will
grow rapidly, cease to multiply and die
 Define the term temperature danger
 Identify different heat treatment
Food Allergens
 Describe the importance of the risk of
allergen crosses contamination in
situations where a seafarer has asked
for food to be free of a certain
ingredient that they are allergic or
intolerant to.
 Identify most common food
ingredients which can cause extreme
illness including death:
Peanuts; Nuts; Gluten; Fish; Soya; Celery;

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Mustard; Sesame seeds, Sulphur dioxide

Case Study (Health and Hygiene)

Details may be seen at Page No:5-6).
Week 4 Introduction to Motivational Lecture( For further detail
Nutrition please see Page No: 3-4)
(Healthier Food Nutrition Guidelines in Diet
and Special Diets  Identify the main food groups that
and contribute to a balanced diet
Requirements)  Different types and sources of nutrients
found in the food groups including the
followings: Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat,
Fiber, Vitamins and Minerals.
 Definition of nutrients.
 Understand the principal of balanced
 Describe the catering methods for
retaining the nutritional content of food.
 Identify foods that can be used to make
menus healthier?
Special Diet
 Impact of diet on health.
 Identify groups of people who may Task 4(Details
have special dietary requirements. may be seen at
 Identify changes that can be made to Annexure I)
dishes to produce healthier food.
 Describe ways in which nutrients in
food can be destroyed during:
• storage
• preparation 1st Monthly
• cooking Test at Week
• holding (hot food) 4 end
Foods and Cooking Methods
 Types Cooking Methods
 define the following methods of cookery:
• braising
• stewing
• Boiling
• Pouching
• Steaming
• Frying
• Grilling
 Types of Foods

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 Types of Spices
 Types of herbs
Dietary Requirements for Shift Workers
 Describe the impact of diet on shift
workers at sea
 Describe catering practices to be
considered when planning and
providing meals for shift workers at
Week 5 Applying Maintain Professional Presentation
Workplace and
other associated  Maintain personal professional
skills appearance and demonstrate a positive
and professional approach in their Task5 (Details
working condition. may be seen at
 Explain what is considered to be Annexure I)
professional presentation of one self.
 Explain the skills required to maintain the
work area.

Positive Attitude to work Effectively

 Demonstrate a positive attitude and

behaviour with customers and
 Demonstrate use of correct procedures
and good practices in dealing with
customers and colleagues.
 Communicate effectively to identify and
provide support to customers and
colleagues to solve problems should they
 Demonstrate working with others to
achieve targets.
 Describe the skills required to work
effectively with customers and colleagues
to provide a quality service or product.
 Describe how to identify and solve
customers and colleagues problems and
complaints should they arise.
 List the key stages in working to meet
team targets.

Prepare for Job Application

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 Explain the importance of evaluating an
 Produce a CV and covering letter.
 Demonstrate a variety of interview skills.

Be able to Develop Skills

 Evaluate Current Skills against job aims.

 Identify an opportunity to develop a skill set
and work towards a target.

Week 6 Culinary Introduction to Basic Knife Skills

(Applying Kitchen  Identify the different types of knives and
Operations, Cost cutting equipment and uses
and Menu  State the importance of correct and safe
Planning. use of knives and cutting equipment Task6(Details
 Describe the different ways to clean, may be seen at
maintain and store knives and cutting Annexure I)
 Select appropriate knife or cutting
equipment for use
 Use the correct and safe knife
sharpening technique
 Use knives and cutting equipment
correctly and safely for a variety of
Vegetable and Meat cuts.
 Maintenance of knives and cutting
 Store knives and cutting equipment
correctly and safely

Menu Planning
 Plan Menus.
 Interprets menus for food production.
Culinary Math, Measurements
and Food Cost

 Calculate costs and quantities relevant to

simple activates in different catering
 Calculate the costs of different dishes to
determine the food costs per portion.
 Understand how to perform basic
numeracy calculations in the kitchen.
 State the units of measurement used for

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different commodities.
 Describe the methods used to scale
 Perform basic calculations for recipes and
 Units of measurement
Teaspoon (also t or tsp.);
Tablespoon (also T, tbl., or tbsp.); Fluid
ounce (also floz); Gill; Cup (also c); Pint (also
p, pt, or flpt); Quart (also q, qt, or flqt); Gallon
(also g or gal); ml also milliliter, cc (and mL);
l, also liter, (and L); dl, also deciliter (and dL)

Mass and weight

Pound (also lb or #); Ounce (also oz); mg
(also milligram or milligram me); g (also
gram or grime); kg (also kilogram or
kilogram me)

Mm (also millimetre or millimeter); cm (also
centimetre or centimeter); m (also meter or
metre); inch (also in or “).

Liquid and dry; commodities purchased
according to size and portion sizes.
 Conversion factor; use of cooking
conversion tool; use of culinary
measurements conversion table
Week 7 Kitchen Kitchen Operations, Job Roles and
Operations Responsibilities.
And Religious  Describe the organization structure of the
and Cultural kitchen.
Catering  Outline different responsibilities of Task7(Details
Requirements different job roles in the kitchen. may be seen at
 Kitchen brigade (executive chef, Annexure I)
& executive sous chef, sous chef, chef de
partie, demi-chef de partie, commis,
Preparation of trainee)
Cold Food
Religious and Cultural Catering
 Identify the different religious groups and
cultural practices of seafarers on board.
 Describe catering practices to be

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considered when planning and providing
meals for the major cultural and religious
groups on board the ship.

Motivational Lecture(For further detail

please see Page No: 3-4)

Cold Food Preparation

 list tools used to prepare cold food
 Describe preparation methods and
storage of cold food
 State the importance of presentation in
the service of cold food.
 Select food ingredients and tools suitable
for preparing and serving cold food
 Prepare different types of cold food.
 Combine food items to achieve the
correct colour, flavor and texture
 Display the cold food correctly prior to
 Comply with hygienic and safe working
practices throughout the operations.

Success story (For further detail please

see Page No: 4-5and Annexure-III at the
Week 8 Stocks, Soups Preparation of Stocks, Soups and Sauces
and Sauces  Describe different types of stock and the
use Task8(Details
 Describe different types of preparation, may be seen at
cooking and finishing methods for stock Annexure I)
 State the cooking time for different types
of stock
 list the quality points of finished stock
 Select tools and equipment that are
clean and fit for preparing soups.
 Select appropriate ingredients for
different soups.
 Select ingredients of right quality and
correct quantity for recipe.
 Prepare clear and thick soups using
appropriate cooking methods.

FVTLM016 Page 17
 Store soups not for immediate use. 2nd Monthly
 Comply with personal hygiene and Test
safety standards.
 Plan work and estimate time
realistically for all procedures.
 Describe different types of sauces and
their ingredients
 Describe different preparing methods
for sauces
 Prepare different types of sauces
 State the correct storage procedures
for prepared sauces
 Comply with personal hygiene and
safety standards.
Week 9 Motivational Lecture(For further detail
Prepare and Cook please see Page No: 3-4) Task9(Details
Breakfast Cooking Breakfast may be seen at
 Select equipment and tools Annexure I)
suitable for cooking different types
of local and international breakfast.
 Select ingredients suitable for
cooking different types of local and
international breakfast dishes.
 Prepare different types of local and
international fruits and vegetables
by peeling, washing and trimming
while demonstrating safe and
hygienic practices.
 Control the time and temperature
throughout cooking
 Garnish breakfast dishes
according to the dish
 Store fruit and vegetables
appropriately prior to cooking
breakfast if required.
 Comply with hygienic and safe
working practices throughout the

Case Study (Details may be seen at Page


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Week 10 Prepare and Cook  Select equipment and tools suitable
Fruits and for cooking different types of local and
Vegetables international fruits and vegetables. Task10
 Select ingredients suitable for cooking (Details may
different types of local and be seen at
international fruits and vegetables
dishes. Annexure I)
 Prepare different types of local and
international fruits and vegetables by
peeling, washing and trimming while
demonstrating safe and hygienic
 Control the time and temperature
throughout cooking
 Garnish fruit and vegetable dishes
according to the dish requirements
 Store fruit and vegetables
appropriately prior to cooking if
 Comply with hygienic and safe
working practices throughout the

Success story (For further detail please see

Page No: 4-5and Annexure-III at the end)
Week 11 Prepare and cook Motivational Lecture(For further detail
meat and offal please see Page No: 3-4)
Cooking International Foods using
meat and Offal
 Select equipment and tools suitable for
preparing, portioning and storing meat
and offal to dish speciation.
 Select ingredients suitable for Task11
cooking different types of meat and (Details may
offal dishes. be seen at
 Prepare different types of Annexure I)
international meat and offal dishes
using correct cooking method.
 Control the time and temperature
throughout cooking
 Garnish food according to the dish
 Comply with hygienic and safe
working practices throughout the

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Week 12 Prepare and Cook Cooking different cuisines dishes
Poultry using Poultry
 Select equipment and tools Task12
suitable for cooking different (Details may
types of poultry dishes. be seen at
 Select ingredients suitable for Annexure I)
cooking different types of poultry
 Prepare different types of poultry
dishes using correct cooking
 Control the time and temperature
throughout cooking
 Garnish food according to dish
Comply with hygienic and safe
working practices throughout the
Week 13 Mid Term Mid-Term Assignment & Industry (Details may
Visits be seen at
Annexure I)
Week 14 Prepare and Cook Cooking cuisines dishes using Sea Task14
Sea Food Food (Details may
 Select equipment and tools be seen at
suitable for cooking different Annexure I)
types of sea food dishes.
 Select ingredients suitable for
cooking different types of sea
food dishes dishes.
 Prepare different types of sea
food dishes dishes using correct
cooking method.
 Control the time and temperature
throughout cooking
 Garnish food according to dish
 Comply with hygienic and safe
working practices throughout the
Week 15 Prepare and Cook Motivational Lecture(For further detail
Rice & pasta please see Page No: 3-4)
Dishes Task15
Cook rice&pasta dishes of different (Details may
cuisines be seen at
 Select equipment and tools Annexure I)

FVTLM016 Page 20
suitable for cooking different types
of rice & pasta
 Select ingredients suitable for
cooking different types of rice &
pasta, dishes.
 Prepare different types of rice &
pasta dishes using correct cooking
 Control the time and temperature
throughout cooking
 Garnish food according to dish
Comply with hygienic and safe working
practices throughout the operation.
Week 16 Prepare and Bake Prepare and Bake Bakery Items
Bakery item  Select equipment and tools Task16
suitable for cooking different types (Details may
of Bakery items. be seen at
Annexure I)
 Select ingredients suitable for
cooking different types of bakery
 Prepare different types of bakery 4thMonthly
items using correct baking method. Test
 Control the time and temperature
throughout baking
 Decorate item according to dish
 Comply with hygienic and safe
working practices throughout the
Success story (For further detail please see
Page No: 4-5and Annexure-III at the end)
Week 17 Prepare and Cook Prepare and Cook Chinese food
Chinese food  Select equipment and tools
suitable for cooking different types
of Chinese dishes.
 Select ingredients suitable for
cooking different types of Chinese Task17
dishes. (Details may
 Prepare different types of poultry be seen at
dishes using correct cooking Annexure I)
 Control the time and temperature
throughout cooking
 Garnish food according to dish

FVTLM016 Page 21
 Comply with hygienic and safe
working practices throughout the
 Workplace ethics (Details may be seen
at annexure II)

 Job market& job search

Entrepreneurial  Job related skills.
Skills/Job Search  Interpersonal skills
( Job related Skills)  Communication skills
Continued..... Prepare and Cook Chinese food (Schuan
Week 18 Prepare and Cook  Select equipment and tools
Chinese food suitable for cooking different types Task18
(Schuan Cuisine) of Chinese dishes. (Details may
 Select ingredients suitable for be seen at
cooking different types of Chinese Annexure I)
 Prepare different types of poultry
dishes using correct cooking
 Control the time and temperature
throughout cooking
 Garnish food according to dish
 Comply with hygienic and safe
working practices throughout the
 Workplace ethics (Details may be seen
at annexure II)

 Session on Self-Employment
 How to start a Business.
Entrepreneurial  Requirements ( Capital, Physical etc)
Skills/Job Search
 Benefits/Advantages of self-
( Self business)
Week 19 Chapter 12 Prepare and cook Pakistani food
Prepare and cook  Select equipment and tools suitable
Pakistani food for cooking different types of Pakistani
 Select ingredients suitable for cooking Task19
different types of Pakistani dishes.
(Details may
 Prepare different types of Pakistani
dishes using correct cooking method. be seen at
 Control the time and temperature Annexure I)
throughout cooking

FVTLM016 Page 22
 Garnish food according to dish
 Comply with hygienic and safe
working practices throughout the
Week 20 Continued.... Prepare and cook Pakistani (Dam-Pukhat)
Chapter 12  Select equipment and tools suitable Task20(Details
Prepare and cook for cooking different types of Pakistani may be seen at
Pakistani food dishes. Annexure I)
(Dam-Pukhat)  Select ingredients suitable for cooking
different types of Pakistani dishes.
 Prepare different types of Pakistani
dishes using correct cooking method.
 Control the time and temperature
throughout cooking
 Garnish food according to dish
requirements 5th...
Comply with hygienic and safe working practices Monthly Test
throughout the operation.
Week 21 Continued.... Prepare and cook Pakistani(Mughalai) food
 Select equipment and tools suitable
Chapter 12 for cooking different types of Pakistani Task21
Prepare and cook Dam-Pukhatdishes. (Details may
Pakistani food  Select ingredients suitable for cooking be seen at
(Mughalai) different types of Pakistani dishes.
Annexure I)
 Prepare different types of Pakistani
dishes using correct cooking method.
 Control the time and temperature
throughout cooking
 Garnish food according to dish
Comply with hygienic and safe working practices
throughout the operation.
Week 22 Event Principles of Event Management
Management  From concept to reality - Understanding
event management - resources - activities Task22
- risk management - delegation - event (Details may
selection - role of the Event Manager. be seen at
 Preparing a proposal - Conducting market Annexure I)
research - establishing viability -
capacities - costs and facilities - plans -
timescales - contracts.
 Organizing the event - Purpose - venue -
timing - guest list - invitations - food &
drink - room dressing - equipment - guest
of honour - speakers - media -
photographers - podium – exhibition

FVTLM016 Page 23
Week 23 Marketing of  Marketing tools - Types of advertising -
Event merchandising - give away - competitions
Management - promotions - website and text Task23
messaging. (Details may
 Media tools - Media invitations - photo- be seen at
calls - press releases - TV opportunities - Annexure I)
radio interviews.
 Promotional tools - Flyers - posters -
invitations - website - newsletters – E-
zone - blogs - tweets.
 Evaluation - Budget - cost of event -
return on investment - media coverage -
attendance - feedback.

Entrepreneurial  Session on General Overseas

Skills/Job Search Employment opportunities.
(General Overseas Job search Avenues.
Visa Processes and other necessary
Immigration Information (Legal age
requirements, Health Certificate, Police
Clearance & Travel Insurance)
Week 24 Management of  Catering Menu and Planning – planning a
Catering Business perfect menu, choosing and sourcing
quality ingredients, it’s costing and
number of food portions in line with Task24
number of guests. (Details may
 Managing the Business of Catering - be seen at
Learn how to price menus, figure profit, Annexure I)
track your income and expenses, create
contracts, and arrive at a healthy bottom
Entrepreneurial  Selection of one country from
Skills/Job Search countries of destination (Gulf
(one country) Countries, Malaysia, South Korea etc)
focusing on:-
I. Trade specific Job Prospects and
Earning levels in that country.
II. Country Specific Labour laws, entry 6th
Monthly Test
and exit requirements (Legal age
requirements, Health Certificate,
Police Clearance & Travel Insurance

FVTLM016 Page 24
Week 25 Catering Business Managing Catering Event
initiation  How to work with your client
 How to help your client choose the right Task25
food (Details may
 How to get a signed contract and down be seen at
payment. Annexure I)
 How to organize your time and resources
 Deliver first assignment with great
Selection of another country from
Entrepreneurial countries of destination (Gulf Countries,
Skills/Job Search Malaysia, South Korea etc) focusing on:-
(2nd country) I. Trade specific Job Prospects and
Earning levels in that country.
II. Country Specific Labour laws, entry
and exit requirements (Legal age
requirements, Health Certificate,
Police Clearance & Travel Insurance
Week 26 Course Revision and Preparation for and
conduction of Final Assessment

FVTLM016 Page 25
Note:The following tasks are required to be performed multiple times by each
trainee/group until sufficient proficiency level is acquired. The trainer is required
to determine the number of times, each task needs to be repeated by a trainee as
per his/her low/medium/high level of skill and proficiency during any stage of the
Tasks For Event Management (Catering / Cooking)
Task Task Description Week
No. No.
Presentation: At the last day of the week,the students in groups will
1 give presentation of hospitality sector in front of their class mates. 1
They will cover local and international hospitality in prospective and
highlight job and entrepreneur opportunities exist in the sector
using different media and methods.
Presentation: At the final day of the week, the students in groups
2 will give presentation on Hazards and Fire Safety. They will also 2
make Hazards Assessment of the institute and take part in fire drill.
Presentation: At the end of the week, the students will give
3 presentation on implementing food safety during trainingincluding 3
personal hygiene andkitchen hygiene.
Assignment: At the final of the week, the students will submit
4 prepare and make different menus on healthy/balance diet and 4
special diets.
Activity/role play: At the final day of the week, the students will take
5 part in activity/role play to high light different skills and attitude 5
required at work place.
Competition: At the end of the week, knife skills competition will be
6 held between groups to produce and show case different vegetable 6
Assessment: At the end of the week, thestudents in groups will
7 prepare most popular salads i.e. Russian, German and Beetroot 7
without the support of their trainer for assessment.
Assessment: At the last day of the week, the students in groups
8 will prepare Five Mother Sauces and soups without the supervision 8
of their chef for assessment.
Assessment: At the last day of the week, the students in groups will
9 prepare, cook and garnish different breakfast for assessment. 9
Assessment: At the last day of the week students in group will
10 prepare, cook and garnish main courses of vegetable dishes for 10
Assessment: At the last day of the week, the students in groups will
11 prepare, cook and garnish main course of meat dishes for 11

FVTLM016 Page 26
Assessment: At the last day of the week, the students in groups will
12 prepare, cook and garnish main course of poultry dishes for 12
Midterm Competition: the competition will be held between
13 students to prepare and cook different dishes from the 13
coursecompleted and final three position holders will be given
some sort of prises to appreciate their efforts.
Assessment: At the last day of the week, the students in groups will
14 prepare, cook and garnish main course of sea food dishes for 14
Assessment: At the last day of the week, the students in groups will
15 prepare, cook and garnish different pasta dishes for assessment. 15
Assessment: At the last day of the week, the students in groups will
16 prepare, cook and garnish different pasta dishes for assessment. 16
Assessment: At the last day of the week, the students in groups will
17 prepare, cook and garnish Chinese dishes of multiple cuisines of 17
Chinese origin for assessment.
Assessment: At the last day of the week, the students in groups will
18 prepare, cook and garnish Chinese dishes of Schuan Cuisine for 18
Assessment: At the last day of the week, the students in groups will
19 prepare, cook and garnish main Pakistanidishes for assessment. 19
Assessment: At the last day of the week, the students in groups will
20 prepare, cook and garnish Pakistani main dishes of Dam Pukhat 20
Cuisine for assessment.
Assessment: At the last day of the week, the students in groups will
21 prepare, cook and garnish main Pakistani dishes of Mughalai 21
Cuisine for assessment.
Assignment: At the last day of the week, the students in group will
22 work on assignment to develop event managementproposals for 22
clients and make list of equipments required for the business.
Assignment: At the final day of the week, the students in groups will
23 work on assignment to develop capital investment sheet to start the 23
Students interesting for immigration and overseas employment will
start to make portfolio file for the respective country.
Assignment: At the final day of the week, the students in groups will
24 work on assignments to develop different Catering menus with 24
The students interesting for immigration and overseas employment
will gain important information and prepare required documents for
the selected country and add into the portfolio file.
Assignment: At the final day of the week, the students in groups will
25 develop a business plan for their Catering business. 25
The students interesting for immigration and overseas employment

FVTLM016 Page 27
will gain important information and prepare required documents for
the 2nd selected country and add into the portfolio file.
Course revision and preparation for final Assessment.
26 The students interesting for immigration and overseas employment 26
will process applications for their respective jobs.

FVTLM016 Page 28
Workplace/Institute Ethics Guide

Work ethic is a standard of conduct and values for job performance. The modern
definition of what constitutes good work ethics often varies. Different businesses have
different expectations. Work ethic is a belief that hard work and diligence have a moral
benefit and an inherent ability, virtue or value to strengthen character and individual
abilities. It is a set of values centred on importance of work and manifested by
determination or desire to work hard.

The following ten work ethics are defined as essential for student success:
1. Attendance:
Be at work every day possible, plan your absences don’t abuse leave time. Be
punctual every day.
2. Character:
Honesty is the single most important factor having a direct bearing on the final
success of an individual, corporation, or product. Complete assigned tasks
correctly and promptly. Look to improve your skills.
3. Team Work:
The ability to get along with others including those you don’t necessarily like. The
ability to carry your own weight and help others who are struggling. Recognize
when to speak up with an ideas and when to compromise by blend ideas
4. Appearance:
Dress for success, set your best foot forward, personal hygiene, good manner,
remember that the first impression of who you are can last a life time
5. Attitude:
Listen to suggestions and be positive, accept responsibility. If you make a
mistake, admit it. Values workplace safety rules and precautions for personal and
co-worker safety. Avoids unnecessary risks. Willing to learn new processes,
systems and procedures in light of changing responsibilities.

FVTLM016 Page 29
6. Productivity:
Do the work correctly, quality and timelines are prized. Get along with fellows,
cooperation is the key to productivity. Help out whenever asked, do extra without
being asked. Take pride in your work, do things the best you know how. Eagerly
focuses energy on accomplishing tasks, also referred to as demonstrating
ownership. Takes pride in work.
7. Organizational Skills:
Make an effort to improve, learn ways to better yourself. Time management;
utilize time and resources to get the most out of both. Takes an appropriate
approach to social interactions at work. Maintains focus on work responsibilities.
8. Communication:
Written communication, being able to correctly write reports and memos.
Verbal communications, being able to communicate one on one or to a group.
9. Cooperation:
Follow institute rules and regulations, learn and follow expectations. Get along
with fellows, cooperation is the key to productivity. Able to welcome and adapt to
changing workplace situations and the application of new or different skills.
10. Respect:
Work hard, work to best of your ability. Carry out orders, do what’s asked the first
time. Show respect, accept and acknowledge an individual’s talents and
knowledge. Respects diversity in the workplace, including showing due respect
for different perspectives, opinions and suggestions.

FVTLM016 Page 30
Suggestive Format and Sequence Order of Success Story
S. Key Information Detail/Description
1. Self & Family  Self-introduction
background  Family background and socio economic status,
 Education level and activities involved in
 Financial hardships etc
2. How he came on board  Information about course, apply and selection
NAVTTC Training/ or  Course duration, trade selection
got trained through any  Attendance, active participation, monthly tests,
other source interest in lab work
3. Post training activities  How job / business (self-employment) was set
 How capital was managed (loan (if any) etc).
 Detail of work to share i.e. where is job or
business being done; how many people
employed ( in case of self-employment/
business )
 Monthly income or earnings and support to
 Earning a happy life than before
4. Message to others  Take the training opportunity seriously
(under training)  Impose self-discipline and ensure regularity
 Make Hard work pays in the end so be always
ready for the same.

Note: Success story is a source of motivation for the trainees and can be presented
in a number of ways/forms in a NAVTTC skill development course as under:-

1. To call a passed out successful person of institute. He/she will narrate his/her
success story to the trainees in his/her own words and meet trainees as well.
2. To see and listen to a recorded video/clip (5 to 7 minutes) showing a successful
person Audio video recording that has to cover the above mentioned points.
3. The teacher displays the picture of a successful trainee (name, trade, institute,
organization, job, earning per month etc.) and narrates his/her story in teacher’s
own motivational words.

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