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Mansour Et Al.

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Missoum Mansour et al.

Plant Archives Vol. 22, No. 1, 2022 pp. 36-42 e-ISSN:2581-6063 (online), ISSN:0972-5210

Plant Archives
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Missoum Mansour1,2, Gherib Mohammed3*, Ziane Mohammed1,4*, Ben Braïek Olfa5,
Yousfi Mohammed6 and Amrouche Abdel Ilah3
1Université de Ain Témouchent, route de Sidi bel abbès, N101, Ain Témouchent 46000, Algérie.
2Laboratoire d’hydrologie appliquée et environnement, Université de Ain Témouchent, Algérie.
3Laboratoire Gestion durable des ressources naturelles dans des zones arides et semi-arides, Département de SNV,

Institut dessciences et technologies, Centre Universitaire Salhi Ahmed 45000 Nâama Algérie
4Laboratoire de Microbiologie Appliquée à l'Agroalimentaire, au Biomédical et à l'Environnement (LAMAABE), Faculté

des SNV/STU, Université de, Tlemcen 13000 Tlemcen, Algérie

5Laboratory of Transmissible Diseases and Biologically Active Substances (LR99ES27),

Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Monastir, Tunisia

6Université Amar Telidji Laghouat Département des Sciences de la matière

(Date of Receiving : 15-08-2021; Date of Acceptance : 06-11-2021)

In this study, the chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil (EO) from aerial parts of
Rhetinolepis lonadioides collected from southwestern Algeria were assessed. The EO was obtained by
hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC/MS. In total, thirty-two compounds were identified representing 80.00% of the
total of the EO, withβ-Pinene (41.85%) being the major monoterpenes. Phenanthroquinone (10.39%) and Ethanone,
1-[1,1'-biphenyl]-4-yl- (2.66%) were the main oxygenated monoterpenes, and the diterpene hydrocarbons were
ABSTRACT mainly represented by m-Camphorene (5.43%). Six EO samples of R. lionadioides collected in location exhibited
similar chemical composition evidencing a chemical homogeneity. The agar disc diffusion method showed that R.
lonadioides EO was effective against Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus with
diameters of inhibition ranging from 17±2.65 to 12.33±1.13 mm, and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
values were between 4 and 10 µL /mL. The lowest MIC values (4.0 µL/mL) were measured for Bacillus cereus.
Keywords: antimicrobial activity,chemical composition, essential oil, GC/MS, Rhetinolepis lonadioides;

Introduction blade progressively thinned into a petiole and 3-5 lobed at the
apex, with short subobtute segments, and the bracts are entire
Essential oils (EOs) and volatile constituents extracted
and superior. It is characterized by a synflorescence in loose
from aromatic plants are frequently used for diverse purposes
corymbs, discoid heads, obconic (diameter 5-8 mm),
especially in folk medicine for prevention and treatment of
homogamous, on a short peduncle (3-12 mm), involucre with
different human diseases, such as bacterial and viral
bracts in 1-2 rows, convex receptacle with narrow paleas,
infections (Rates 2001). Indeed, they have gained an
acuminate and hairy. Its flowers are tubular (≤ 3 mm)and
increasing interest in these last years in pharmaceutical and
yellow, with enlarged subailed tube and 5-lobed corolla. Its
food industries due to their safety aspects as they are natural
achenes are less than 2mm, triangular, compressed, glabrous,
products. Hence, many investigations of new active EOs for
bald, with numerous fine longitudinal striations and a central
such applications are intensively conducted.
vein more or less marked on the ventral surface (Battandier
The species Rhetinolepis lonadioides (R. lonadioides),
1888, African Plant Database, 2021).
also known as Ormenis lonadioides (Coss.) Maire, or
Anthemis species have several biological activities and
Anthemis lonadioides (Coss.) Hochr. is endemic to Algeria
are widely used in folk medicine for treatment of
and Morocco (Oberprieler, 1998). Anthemis L. (Asteraceae)
gastrointestinal disorders, haemorrhoids, cough, stomach
is one of the largest genus of the tribe Anthemideae which
aches and liver failure (Baytop, 1999; Kultur, 2007; Ugurlu
consists of nearly 175 species worldwide. It is distributed
and Secmen 2008; Gonenc et al., 2011; Korkmaz and
widely across Europe, South-West Asia, North and East
Karakus, 2015). In addition, they are able to soothe pains and
Africa (Oberprieler et al., 2007). South-West Asia is one of
irritations, clean wounds (Pavlovic et al., 2010), used as herb
the genetic centers of the genus Anthemis (Rates, 2001). In
teas, and used in cosmetics as well as in the pharmaceutical
fact, R. lonadioides is an annual plant, finely canescent
industry (Kivcak et al., 2007). Several Anthemis spp. have
pubescent, of 10-20 cm high, branched from the base with
been studied for their essential oils (Uzel et al., 2004;
stiff stems, erect or lying with ascending hairy leaves with a
37 Missoum Mansour et al.

Javidnia et al., 2004; Kurtulmus et al. 2009; Yusufoglu et al., and finally maintained at 310°C for 10 min. The carrier gas
2018), secondary metabolites, terpenoids, sesquiterpene used was Helium (99.995% purity) with a flow rate of 1
lactones, flavonoids and coumarins (Hofer and Greger 1985; mL/min. The mass spectrometer conditions were as follows:
Bruno et al., 1997; Vajs et al., 1999; Gonenc et al., 2011; ionization voltage 70eV, ion source temperature 200°C, and
Tawaha et al., 2015; Orlando et al., 2019) and their neuro electronionization mass spectra were acquired over the mass
protective (Venditti et al., 2016), cytotoxic (Alessandro et range of 45-600 m/z.
al., 2016), antioxidant and antimicrobial effects (Kivcak et
Identification of Essential Oil Composition
al., 2007; Albayrak and Aksoy, 2012; Stojkovic et al., 2014;
Guragaç Dereli et al., 2018). Identification of components was performed by
To our knowledge, there are about twenty publications comparing their relative retention index (RI) determined with
in the literature reporting essential oils from the aerial parts the reference of homologous series of n-alkanes (C8 to C24)
of 17 species and subspecies of plants of the Anthemis genus. (Rustaiyan et al., 2004 and Toiu et al., 2009).
None concerns R. lonadioides (Coss.). The fragmentation patterns of the mass spectra were
Also, no research has yet been carried out to determine compared with the WILEY and NIST 05 libraries. The linear
the chemical composition of the essential oil from aerial parts temperature-programmed RIs of all the constituents were
of R. Lonadioides or to evaluate its antimicrobial activity. calculated based on the GC through the interpolation between
For this reason, our study was undertaken to assess, for the bracketing n-alkanes as follows:
first time, the chemical composition of Algerian essential oil
extracted from R. lonadioides. Then, the characterized R.  t +t 
lonadioides essential oil was evaluated for its in vitro RI = 100 ×  R (i ) R ( z ) Z 
antimicrobial effect against some microbial pathogens. The  t R ( Z +1) + t R ( Z ) 
expected results were then used for the valorization of R.
Where Z: the number of carbon atoms in the smaller n-
lonadioides essential oil as a new bio agent for several
pharmaceutical or food applications.
tR(i), tR(Z) and tR(Z+1) : the retention time of the desired
Material and Methods compound, the smaller n-alkane and the larger n-alkane,
Plant Material respectively (Jalali-Heravi et al., 2015).
Samples of aerial parts of R. lonadioides were collected Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil
during the flowering period (April, 2021) in the region of Microbial Strains
Beni Abbes (southwest of Algeria 30° 05′ north, 2° 06′ west).
A voucher specimen has been deposited at the Laboratory Antimicrobial activity of the essential oil extracted from
Sustainable management of natural resources in arid and the aerial parts of R. lonadioides was evaluated against five
semi-arid zones, Department of SNV, Institute of Science Gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus cereus ATCC 10876,
and Technology, University Center Salhi Ahmed Nâama Bacillus subtilis ATCC 21332, Listeria monocytogenes
Algeria. Dried aerial parts (around 300–400 g) were ATCC 15313, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, and
submitted to hydrodistillation, using a Clevenger-type Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 49452) and two Gram-negative
apparatus for 3 hours. Yields have been calculated from dry bacteria (Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and Pseudomonas
material. aeruginosa ATCC27853).
Gas Chromatography (GC) Analysis Screening for Antimicrobial Activity
GC analyses were performed with a BrukerScion SQ. It The agar diffusion method (NCCLS 1997) was used for
is equipped with a DB-5 type capillary column (length: 25 m, the determination of the antimicrobial activity of the essential
internal diameter: 0.220 mm, film thickness: 0.25 µm). The oils. Briefly, 1 mL of the tested microbial suspension (at 106
column temperature was set at 50°C for 10 min, then raised cells/mL) was spread onto the surface of Mueller Hinton
gradually from 50 to 250°C at a rise rate of 2°C/min, and Agar (Biokar diagnostics, Beauvais, France) plates. The R.
finally it was maintained at 250°C for 15 min. The injector lonadioides essential oil was dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide
temperature was set at 250°C.The injection mode was Split (DMSO)at 10% to enhance oil solubility. Then, filter paper
(division ratio of 1:100).The carrier gas flow rate (helium) discs (6 mm of diameter) were impregnated with the
was set at 1 mL/min. the volume of the injected sample was prepared mixture of DMSO and R. lonadioides essential oil
0.2µL. and placed on the surface of the inoculated plates that were
afterwards incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. After incubation,
Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC/MS) analysis observed clear zones of inhibition were measured (mm).
The analysis of the R. lonadioides essential oil samples DMSO and antibiotics [spiramycin 100 µg and Oflatoxin 5
was carried out in the Technical Platform of Physico- µg, BioMérieux] were used as controls Set. Each test was
Chemical Analysis (PTAPC-CRAPC)-Laghouat-Algeria, performed in triplicate in at least three separate experiments.
using a SHIMADZU GCMSQP2020 Instruments, equipped Determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC)
with a fused Rxi®-5ms capillary column (30 m × 0.25 mm,
0.25 µm film thickness, Phase: Cross bond® 5% diphenyl The MIC values of the R. lonadioides essential oil were
/95% dimethylpolysiloxane). A solution of 0.5µL solution determined by the micro dilution assay in 96-well
prepared by 10% vol. of the sample dilution in n-hexane, was microplates. The essential oil was dissolved in DMSO then it
injected in split mode (30:1). Injector and detector was first diluted to the highest concentration, followed by
temperatures were maintained at 250°C and 310°C, serial dilutions made in Mueller-Hinton broth (Biokar
respectively. The column temperature was programmed at diagnostics, Beauvais, France) over the concentration range
60°C for 3minthen increased gradually to 310°C at 2°C/min, 1–6 µL/mL. Ten µL of standardized suspension was added.
Essential oil from aerial parts of Rhetinolepis lonadioides (Coss.): extraction, chemical composition 38
and antimicrobial activity

Inoculated plates were incubated at 37°C for 24 hours for the Results and Discussion
bacteria. The MIC was defined as the lowest concentration of
Essential oil samples were obtained by the
R.lonadioides essential oil resulting in complete inhibition of
hydrodistillation of dry aerial parts of R. lonadioides Coss.
visible growth after incubation(Ahmed Elkhalifa et al.,
Yields of essential oil, calculated w/w versus dry material,
2018). Tests were performed three times in triplicate. ranged between 0.90% and 1.40%.Theseobtained EO yields
Statistical Analysis are greater than those found for some plants of the same
Anthemis genus such as Anthemis nobilis L. with an EO yield
All the experimental results were submitted for a
value of 0.67% (Sadiki and Idrissi 2019), Anthemis maritima
variance analysis (ANOVA) using the SPSS software
(version 11.5). Means and standard errors were calculated from Corsica (0.015%) (Collu et al., 2008) and Anthemis
and a probability level of P<0.05 was used in testing the cretica sub sp. carpatica (0.22%) (Kürkçüoğluand and
Tosun, 2020). Indeed, the yield of an EO depends on many
statistical significance of all the data. Tukey’s post hoc test
factors (growth stage, pedoclimatic conditions, extraction
was used to determine significance of mean values for
technique, etc.). One oil sample was analyzed by GC(RI) and
multiple comparison at P<0.05.
GC/MS (Table 1, Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 : Gas chromatogram GC/SM of Rhetinolepis lonadioides Coss. essential oil The numbered peaks are the identified
components as listed in Table 1

Chemical Composition of R. lonadioides (Coss.) Essential 11.3%) (Bulatovic et al., 1998), A. tinctoria L. (1,8 cineole
Oil 7.9%, β-Pinene 7.3%, α-Pinene4.4%) (Holla et al., 2002) and
A. talyshensis A. (α-Eudesmol 18.2%,Borneol 13.3%,
The detailed analysis of a bulk sample was carried out
Hexadecanoic acid 9.5%) (Aghajani et al., 2005). On the
by a combination of chromatographic and spectroscopic
techniques. One oil sample was analyzed by GC(RI) and other hand, it presents some analogies with Anthemis
GC(MS) (Table 1). In total, thirty-two compounds were essential oils that contained appreciable contents of
monoterpene hydrocarbons: 2,4-Thujadiene,β-Pinene or
identified, accounting for 80.00% of the whole composition,
Paracymene. For instance, A. melampodina (Grace, 2002)
and were dominated by monoterpenes (68.33%).The
contained β-Pinene (6.4%) and Paracymene (11%), A.
hydrocarbon monoterpenes (53.94%) fraction was mostly
represented by β-Pinene (41.85%). D-Limonene (6.79%), α- altissima (Javidnia et al., 2004) (2,4-Thujadiene at 27%
Fenchene (3.64%) and α-Pinene (1.01%). Hydrocarbons andα-Pineneat 4%) and A. melanolepis (Saroglou et al.,
2005) (β-Pinene 11.7%).
sesquiterpene (7.99%) were well represented by (E)-.beta.-
Famesene (3.19%) and. α-Curcumene (1.63%), while, m- Generally, the difference in chemical composition of
Camphorene (5.43%)was the only diterpene hydrocarbons our essential oil comparing to others from different Arthemis
present in a significant (P<0.05) amount. Moreover, this plants could be attributed to many factors such as the plant
essential oil is characterized by the presence of oxygenated species, the part of the plant from which was extracted the
sesquiterpene of, Eudesm-7(11)-en-4-ol(0.47%)and essential oil, the genetic factors as well as the physiological,
Nerolidol (0.17%). environmental and geographic variations (Dridi et al., 2020).
According to our results, the composition of the Antimicrobial Activity
essential oil isolated from Algerian R. lonadioides differs
The antimicrobial activity of R. lonadioides EO was
drastically (P<0.05) from those of other Anthemis species
assayed against seven bacteria using the agar disc diffusion
dominated by oxygenated compounds, A. montana (α-
method and measuring the minimum inhibitory concentration
Thujone 46.9%, β-Thujone 16%, Trans chrysanthemyl
(MIC) (Table 2).The results showed that the EO had
39 Missoum Mansour et al.

substantial antimicrobial activity. In fact, it was effective finally (Caillet et al., 2007) reported that EOs prevent the
against B. cereus and P. aeruginosa with inhibition zone multiplication of bacteria, their sporulation and the synthesis
diameters ranging from 13.67±7.37 to 17.00±2.65 mm and of their toxins.
MIC values of 4-6µL/mL. B. subtilis and S. aureus were less
In the whole, as it was previously reported by many
sensitive (diameters of the zone of inhibition: 11.00±2.00 and researchers that the antimicrobial activity of the EOs depends
12.33±1.13 mm respectively, MIC: 8-10 µL/mL). On the on their chemical composition, the obtained antimicrobial
other hand, the R. lonadioides EO showed weak activity
activity of our R. lonadioides essential oil towards the tested
against L. monocytogenes, E. faecalis and E. coli with
bacteria could be attributed to one or more of its
diameters of inhibition zones ranging from 6.00±0.00 to
major biological components: β-Pinene (41.85%),
8.00±0.00 mm. According to these founds, it could be
Phenanthroquinone (10.39%), D-Limonene (6.79%).
observed that the sensitivity of the microbial strains to our R. However, α and β-Pinene have been reported to exhibit slight
lonadioides essential oil was not correlated to the bacterial activity against a range of microorganisms with MIC values
types (Gram-positive or Gram-negative). Hence, the studied
ranged from 7.5 to 20.0 mg/mL against E. coli, S. aureus and
essential oil could affect both of the bacterial membranes.
E. faecalis (Dorman and Deans, 2000; Sonboli et al., 2006;
Generally, the mechanisms of action of EOs and their
Leite et al., 2007; Jung, 2009; Runyoro et al., 2010). Indeed,
selectivity towards certain bacteria have so far remained
it is important to notice that synergistic interactions could
poorly understood (Hammer et al., 1999, Bagamboula et al., occur between major or minor components of the EO thus
2004). Accordingly, this selectivity is the result of the varied playing a key effect on its antimicrobial activity (Dridi et al.,
composition of the active fractions of the EOs, which often
exhibit synergistic actions. It seems that their mechanisms of
action are essentially linked to the structure of the wall and to By understanding the antibacterial activity of the Eos
the membrane permeability of Gram-positive and Gram- extracted from some plants of the Anthemis genus, the
negative bacteria. In this context, the work of (Burt, 2004) Anthemis xylopoda O. Schwarz EO (Borneol, 31.80%;
showed that an active EO will exert its antimicrobial effect β-pinene, 12.67%) showed a weak antibacterial effect against
by its interference with the lipid bilayer of the target cell B. subtilis, E. coli, and P. aeruginosa with inhibition zone
thanks to its hydrophobic property, which leads to a diameters ranging from 7.6 to 10 mm, while the
disturbance of the permeability and loss of the constituents of antimicrobial activity against S. aureus was remarkably
the cell. In addition, this reaction varies depending on the higher (23.2 mm) (Dridi et al., 2020).
nature of the lipid bilayer, which explains the resistance of In parallel, Anthemis stiparum subsp. Sabulicola EO
Gram-negative bacteria (Mahmoud et al. 2004). In addition, (with Germacrene D(11.13%) and t-Cadinol(11.01%) as
(Debbah et al., 1970) demonstrated the high sensitivity of major compounds), also showed low antimicrobial activity
Gram-positive bacteria compared to Gram-negatives. In the against the same bacterial strains with MIC values between
same study approach, (Gordon et al., 1973) and (Mahmoud et 50 and 100 µL/mL (Šarac et al., 2014).
al., 2004) suggested that the antimicrobial effect exerted by
EOs could be explained by the destruction of certain In short, it could be summarized that oxygenated
enzymatic systems including those which participate in the terpenes, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones are active but with
production of cellular energy and the production of structural different specificity and activity levels, which could be
compounds. Moreover, (Mahmoud et al., 2004), (Guesmi and linked firstly to the functional group but also to hydrogen
Boudabous, 2006) for their part, put forward the hypothesis binding parameters (Panizzi et al., 1993; Adam et al., 1998).
of inactivation and destruction of genetic material and,

Table 1: GC/SM Components of Rhetinolepis lonadioides Coss.essential oil from Algeria.

Componentsa RI litb RIc R.Td Area%
1 styrene 870 890.94 6.09 0.11
2 α-Pinene 930 931.67 7.61 1.01
3 α-Fenchene 959 977.81 9.50 3.64
4 β-Pinene 972 980.00 10.93 41.85
5 α-Terpinene 1017 1020.18 11.52 0.03
6 D-Limonene 1018 1031.44 12.13 6.79
7 beta.-Ocimene 1041 1048.07 13.04 0.12
8 γ-Terpinene 1047 1057.99 13.58 0.07
9 Terpinolene 1080 1087.93 15.22 0.32
10 Hotrienol 1115 1116.63 16.91 0.12
11 .D-Camphor 1141 1140.76 18.42 0.22
12 Borneol 1148 1149.66 19.78 0.10
13 α-Terpineol 1172 1188.40 21.39 0.25
14 Bornylacetate 1285 1284.58 27.57 2.04
15 Guaiacol<4-vinyl-> 1293 1310.99 29.26 0.13
16 Myrtenylacetate 1314 1324.01 30.08 0.32
17 δ-EIemene 1334 1335.83 30.83 0.05
18 Methyleugenol 1402 1400.65 35.15 0.82
19 Caryophyllene 1421 1416.21 35.87 1.07
20 α-Humulene 1454 1449.75 37.90 0.06
21 (E)-β-Famesene 1448 1458.38 38.42 3.19
Essential oil from aerial parts of Rhetinolepis lonadioides (Coss.): extraction, chemical composition 40
and antimicrobial activity

22 β-Selinene 1469 1467.02 38.95 1.61

23 α-Curcumene 1472 1478.90 39.67 1.63
24 α-Farnesene 1499 1508.29 41.43 0.24
25 δ-Cadinene 1514 1511.44 41.61 0.14
26 Nerolidol 1605 1564.00 47.20 0.17
27 α-Bisabolol 1683 1681.11 51.19 0.14
28 Eudesm-7(11)-en-4-ol 1681 1686.59 51.49 0.47
29 Ethanone, 1-[1,1'-biphenyl]-4-y 1716 1739.56 54.30 2.66
30 NI ----- 1793.37 57.12 5.26
31 NI ----- 1817.50 58.34 6.93
32 Phenanthroquinone 1880 1867.70 60.85 10.39
33 NI ----- 1890.70 62.00 0.52
34 Farnesylacetone 1895 1897.07 62.32 0.24
35 m-Camphorene 1944 1954.24 65.05 5.43
36 α-Springene 1969 1969.42 66.59 1.85
Hydrocarbonmonoterpenes 53.94%
Oxygenatedmonoterpenes 14.39%
Hydrocarbonsesquiterpenes 7.99%
Oxygenatedsesquiterpenes 3.68%
Hydrocarbonditerpenes 7.28%
Total identified (%) 80.00%
Order of elution and percentages of individual components are given on an apolar column (DB-5).
RI lit, retention indices taken in the literature, ref. (60 ; 61), cRI: Retention index calculated from relative retention times, dRT : retention

Table 2: Antimicrobial activity of Rhetinolepis lonadioides essential oil (aerial parts): Inhibition zones and MICs.
Inhibition zones (mm)
MIC of R.
Bacteria Essential
Spiramycin Oflatoxin lonadioides essential
(at 100 µg/d) (at 5 µg/d) oil (µL/mL)
Gram-positive bacteria
Bacillus cereus 17.00±2.65 17.67±2.08 22.00±1.73 4
Bacillus subtilis 11.00±2.00 16.67±1.53 20.67±1.15 10
Staphylococcus aueus 12.33±1.13 17.33±1.15 24.00±1.00 8
Enterococcus faecalis 8.00±1.5 22.67±2.08 26.67±1.53 --
Listeria monocytogenes 6.00±0.00 30.20±2.00 21.67±2.08 --
Escherichia coli 6.00±0.00 6.00±0.00 41.00±5.57 --
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 13.67±7.37 20.67±5.03 26.67±3.06 6

Conclusion Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum, Menthaspicata,

Lavandula angustifolia and Salvia fruticosa essential
The present study investigated, for the first time, the
oils against human pathogenic fungi. J. Agricultural
chemical composition of R. lonadioides essential oil endemic
of Algeria. The studied essential oil is dominated by Food Chem.; 46: 1739-1745.
monoterpene hydrocarbons (53.94%), oxygenated African Plant Database (2021). Conservatoire et Jardin
botaniques de la Ville de Genève and South African
monoterpenes (14.39%), oxygenated sesquiterpenes (3.68%)
National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria. Available
and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (7.99%). The main
compounds are β-Pinene (41.85%), Phenanthroquinone
recherche.php (Retrieved June 11, 2021).
(10.39%) and D-Limonene (6.79%). Furthermore, our results
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