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Crop Protection 21 (2002) 419–425

Influence of plant volatiles on feeding damage caused

by the onion thrips Thrips tabaci
Elisabeth H. Koschiera,*, Katrin A. Sedya, Johannes Novakb
Institute for Plant Protection, University of Agricultural Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, Peter Jordanstrasse 82, 1190 Vienna, Austria
Institute for Applied Botany, University of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinarplatz 1, 1210 Vienna, Austria
Received 9 July 2001; received in revised form 28 September 2001; accepted 1 October 2001


Leaf disc bioassays were conducted to determine the effects of essential oils and their volatile constituents from plant species
(Lamiaceae family) at three concentrations ranging from 0.01% to 1% on the feeding activity of adult female onion thrips (Thrips
tabaci Lindeman; Thysanoptera: Thripidae). The percentage of feeding damage area on leek (Allium porrum L.) leaf discs and the
adult survival was assessed after 24 h. Onion thrips were significantly deterred by the essential oils of marjoram (Origanum majorana
L.), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia L.) and mint (Mentha arvensis L.) at several concentrations, and by the oil of rosemary
(Rosmarinus officinalis L.) at 1% concentration. Furthermore, thrips feeding damage was reduced as a result of linalool and eugenol
application at three concentrations. Adult survival on the leaf disc surface was significantly decreased by application of terpinen-4-ol
at 1% concentration. Evaluation of the potential of biologically active plant volatiles against T. tabaci may provide a new approach
to the development of antifeedants and/or natural insecticides for use in both biological and integrated pest management strategies.
r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Thrips tabaci; Antifeedants; Essential oils; Volatile plant compounds

1. Introduction Lamiaceae family and their volatile constituents have

previously been found to have a broad spectrum of
The onion thrips Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanop- biological activities such as antifeedant, repellent or
tera: Thripidae) is the major foliage pest in field cultures insecticidal properties against a number of agricultural
of onion (Allium cepa L.) and leek (Allium porrum L.) and stored products pests (e.g., Mansour et al., 1986;
in Austria (Kahrer, 1990, 1998). Economic damage by Dube et al., 1989; Shaaya et al., 1991; Hori and
onion thrips infestation is caused by both nymph and Komatsu, 1997; Lee et al., 1997; Tunc- and Sahinkaya,
adult feeding on green leaf parts. They feed by piercing 1998; Hori, 1999a; Isman, 2000). Volatile monoterpenes
surface tissues and suck up the exuded cellular contents. constitute the corpus of many of the essential oils of
The empty cells show silvery-white spots on the leaf Lamiaceae plants (Hallahan, 2000). Several monoter-
surface, which are referred to as silver damage. As a penes are known to act as feeding deterrents (Rice and
consequence, particularly leek plants become unmarke- Coats, 1994), defined as chemicals which inhibit the
table (Cruger, 1991). Besides qualitative losses, quanti- feeding activity of insects on a plant (Dethier et al.,
tative yield reductions in leek (Vierbergen and Ester, 1960).
2000) and onions (Kendall and Capinera, 1987) occur as The effectiveness of plant volatiles as olfactory
well. attractants has been examined for various thrips species
Volatile chemicals of higher plants are part of the (e.g., Morgan and Crumb, 1928; Penman et al., 1982;
chemical defense system against herbivores (Rice and Kirk, 1985; Pow et al., 1999). Surveys on repulsion
Coats, 1994). Essential oils from plant species within the effects of volatile chemicals to thrips have been rarely
reported. Gaum et al. (1994) observed that floral
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +43-1-476-654-3353; fax: +43-1-476- volatiles of several rose cultivars, even susceptible ones,
654-3359. repelled western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis
E-mail address: (E.H. Koschier). Pergande). Koschier et al. (2000) found salicylaldehyde

0261-2194/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 2 6 1 - 2 1 9 4 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 2 4 - 7
420 E.H. Koschier et al. / Crop Protection 21 (2002) 419–425

to elicit negative responses of western flower thrips at ratio 50:1, temperature program 60–2401C with 31C/
different concentrations. a-Tomatine has been demon- min. Components were identified by comparing their
strated to have a strong antifeedant activity against Kovats retention indices (Adams, 1995) and mass
Thrips palmi Karny on tomato leaves (Hirano et al., spectra (McLafferty, 1989). The results are given in
1994). Table 1.
Key objective of the present study was to determine
the effects of essential oils from plant species within the 2.3. Bioassay
Lamiaceae family and some of their volatile main
constituents (i) on the feeding activity and (ii) on the Leek leaf discs (1.6 cm diameter) were taken from
survival of T. tabaci. We selected essential oils and inner layers of leek plants using a punch and were placed
volatile compounds that have previously been found to in glass Petri dishes (9 cm diameter). All essential oils
have allomonic and/or toxic activity against various and compounds were suspended in distilled water plus
mite and insect pest species. Triton X-100 (0.5%) as wetting agent. Because of the
poor water solubility of 1,8-cineole an adequate amount
of ethanol was added to its suspension. The Petri dishes
2. Materials and methods with the leaf discs were sprayed by means of Potter
Spray Tower (Burkard Manufacturing Co Ltd., Rick-
2.1. Rearing mansworth, England) at constant air pressure with
dilution quantities at 1%, 0.1% or 0.01% concentration
A field collected population of T. tabaci was main- to achieve an exact wet deposit of 0.1, 0.01 or 0.001 ml oil
tained in a laboratory rearing using the bean-pod or compound per cm2 leaf surface. Control leafs discs
method, adopted and modified from De Kogel et al. were treated with Triton X-100 (0.5%) in distilled water
(1997) and Loomans and Murai (1997). Rearing units or in the case of 1,8-cineole with Triton X-100 (0.5%)
consisted of a glass jar (0.5 l) that was covered by a fine plus ethanol in distilled water only. After drying, treated
mesh cloth (105 mm) for ventilation. A piece of filter leafs were placed singly in bioassay units which
paper was placed on the bottom of each glass jar as a consisted of glass Petri dish bottoms (6 cm diameter).
hiding place and pupation site for prepupae and pupae. The underside of the leaf discs were embedded into an
The insects were provided with fresh leek leaf pieces agar film (Agar, Fluka Chemie GmbH, Vienna, Austria)
(Allium porrum L.) for feeding and oviposition three on the base of each bioassay unit to keep the leaf discs
times a week. The jars were placed in a climate chamber moist and to prevent thrips crawling underneath them.
at 25711C and 7075% relative humidity with a Ten adult female thrips of unknown ages were collected
photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D)h. randomly from the mass rearing. They were shortly
Fresh leek cultivated in organic farming systems was anaesthetized with CO2 and introduced to each bioassay
purchased weekly for thrips rearing and for bioassays. unit using a fine brush. Each unit was covered with a
thin plastic film (Toppitss, Melitta Bentz KG, Minden,
2.2. Essential oils and their compounds Germany) which was perforated by means of insect pins
(0.4 mm diameter) for ventilation (three holes per cm2
The essential oils of marjoram (Origanum majorana on average). The bioassay units were stored in a climatic
L.), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and sage chamber at 25711C and 7075% r.h. with a photo-
(Salvia officinalis L.) were distilled by the Institute for period of L16:D8. Data on temperature and relative
Applied Botany, University of Veterinary Medicine humidity were recorded continuously (Testostor 171
Vienna using a 60 l distillation unit (Albrigi, Stallave- Logger, Testo GmbH, Lenzkirch, Germany). All units
na-Verona, Italy). Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia L.) were randomized to exclude any position effects in the
and mint oil (Mentha arvensis L.) are commercial climatic chamber.
products of the Kurt Kitzing GmbH (Wallerstein, Each experiment was replicated six times for each
Germany), and basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is a product volatile at each concentration. Differences in color and
of Roth (Karlsruhe, Germany). The pure compounds age of the plant material caused differences in the level
linalool, 1,8-cineole, terpinen-4-ol, a-pinene and eugenol of damaged area between the experimental series. To
used for the bioassays are products of Fluka Chemie equalize these differences we included an untreated
GmbH (Vienna, Austria). control plot in each experimental series using material
The essential oils (5 ml) were diluted with CH2Cl2 from a single plant. After 24 h thrips were removed from
(495 ml) prior to analyses. GC/MS-analyses were per- the leaf discs. The number of dead, i.e. not moving when
formed on a HP 6890 coupled with a HP 5972 MSD and picked up with a fine brush, and live individuals were
fitted with a Rtx-5MS 30 m  0.25 mm capillary column determined indicating adult survival. The percentage of
(0.25 mm film thickness). The analytical conditions were: silver damage area on the leaf discs was measured with
carrier gas Helium, injector temperature 2501C, split an image analysis system that consisted of a binocular
E.H. Koschier et al. / Crop Protection 21 (2002) 419–425 421

Table 1
Relative percentage (>1%) of volatile compounds in the respective essential oil detected on GC-MS

Compounds Essential oil

Marjoram Rosemary Basil Sage Mint Lavender

a-Thujene 1.3
a-Pinene 10.0 3.4
Camphene 2.6 4.9
Sabinene 5.2
b-Pinene 1.8
Myrcene 1.6
Para-cymene 11.3 6.3
Limonene 1.6 6.5 2.1 3.3
1,-8 Cineole 50.8 3.9 15.5
g-Terpinen 1.6
Trans-sabinene hydrate 5.8
Cis-sabinene hydrate 19.1
Linalool 3.1 9.6 42.3
a-Thujone 12.0
b-Thujone 4.1
Camphor 6.3 26.3
Isopulegol 1.1
Menthone 24.0
Isomenthone 10.5
Neo-menthol 6.9
Borneol 5.1 5.6 1.5
Menthol 33.5
Terpinen-4-ol 22.5 1.2 1.7
Isomenthol 1.5
a-Terpineol 4.8 5.0 1.2
Methyl chavicol 78.5
Pulegone 1.4
Cis-sabinene hydrate acetate 10.2
Linalyl acetate 7.4 40.2
Bornyl acetate 1.2 2.7
Lavandulyl acetate 3.4
Menthyl acetate 5.0
a-Terpinylacetate 1.3
b-Caryophyllene 2.0 4.1 1.5 2.4
a-Humulene 7.8
Viridiflorol 4.9
Caryophyllene oxide 1.7

microscope, a digital camera (Nikon D1 Professional 3. Results

Digital SLR Camera, Nikon Cooperation, Tokyo,
Japan) and an image analyzing software (Lucia Gs, Application of the essential oils of marjoram,
LIM Laboratory Imaging s.r.o., Prague, Czech rosemary, mint and lavender showed significant dose-
Republic). dependent effects on the feeding activity of adult T.
tabaci females (Table 2). A clear antifeedant activity
2.4. Statistical analysis against the onion thrips was found by application of the
essential oil of marjoram. Depending on the oil
Data were analyzed using STATGRAPHICS Plus for concentration from 0.01% to 1% the silver damage on
Windows 4.0. Homogeneity of variances was tested the treated leaf discs was reduced between 91.8% and
using Bartlett’s test. In case of inhomogeneity of
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 93.9% compared to the untreated control leaf discs.
variances data were transformed to x0 ¼ arcsin ðx=nÞ: Lavender oil did not deter onion thrips females at
A one-way-ANOVA was performed to determine the lowest 0.01% concentration, but significantly
differences between percentage of damaged area on the reduced feeding damage at 0.1% and 1% solution. No
leaf discs or adult survival of each treatment, respec- significant reduction of the silver damage caused by
tively. Means were compared using Tukey’s HSD test T. tabaci feeding occurred after application of rosemary
(a ¼ 0:05). oil at 0.1% and 0.01% concentration. The highest
422 E.H. Koschier et al. / Crop Protection 21 (2002) 419–425

Table 2
Effects of essential oils on feeding activity (percentage of leaf area damaged) of T. tabaci adult females after 24 h

Concentration Essential oil

Marjoram Rosemary Basil Sage Mint Lavender

% damaged area (7s.e.)

Control 2.79 (70.6) aa 3.80 (70.7) aa 2.32 (70.7) aa 6.05 (71.6) 11.27 (71.5) aa 10.86 (70.8) aa
0.01% 0.23 (70.1) b 4.70 (70.4) a 2.89 (70.7) a 6.69 (71.3) 9.51 (71.3) ab 11.93 (71.3) a
0.1% 0.17 (70.1) b 3.71 (70.4) a 0.82 (70.3) a 5.68 (71.4) 7.27 (70.7) ab 6.83 (70.8) b
1.0% 0.21 (70.1) b 1.31 (70.2) b 0.88 (70.4) a 5.54 (70.9) 6.44 (70.7) b 6.63 (70.7) b
F-ratio 20.2 *** b 9.2 *** 3.3 * 0.2 n.s. 4.1 * 8.8***
Df 3,20 3,20 3,20 3,20 3,20 3,20
Mean percents in each column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Tukey’s HSD test, pp0:05).
F probability was based on the ANOVA of x0 ¼ arcsin ðx=nÞ transformed data.

Table 3
Effects of essential oil components on feeding activity (percentage of leaf area damaged) of T. tabaci adult females after 24 h

Concentration Component

a-Pinene 1,8-Cineole Terpinen-4-ol Linalool Eugenol

% damaged area (7s.e.)

Control 0.37 (70.2) 8.30 (71.2) 0.08 (70.02) 0.31 (70.05) aa 1.36 (70.5) aa
0.01% 0.26 (70.1) 8.82 (71.5) 0.02 (70.01) 0.05 (70.01) b 0.35 (70.1) b
0.1% 0.30 (70.1) 7.69 (70.5) 0.04 (70.01) 0.01 (70.00) b 0.11 (70.1) b
1.0% 0.23 (70.1) 7.34 (71.0) 0.03 (70.02) 0.03 (70.01) b 0.17 (70.1) b
F-ratio 0.2 n.s. 0.3 n.s. 2.0 n.s. 48.4 *** b 7.4 ** b
Df 3,20 3,20 3,20 3,20 3,20
Mean percents in each column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Tukey’s HSD test, pp0:05).
F probability was based on the ANOVA of x0 ¼ arcsin ðx=nÞ transformed data.

Table 4
Effect of essential oils on survival of T. tabaci adult females after 24 h

Concentration Essential oil

Marjoram Rosemary Basil Sage Mint Lavender

Number of alive adult females (7s.e.)
Control 9.83 (70.2) ab 9.83 (70.2) 9.33 (70.3) 10.00 (70.0) 9.83 (70.2) 9.67 (70.3)
0.01% 9.83 (70.2) a 9.83 (70.2) 9.67 (70.2) 10.00 (70.0) 9.83 (70.2) 9.50 (70.2)
0.1% 9.83 (70.2) a 9.67 (70.2) 8.83 (70.5) 10.00 (70.0) 9.83 (70.2) 9.00 (70.4)
1.0% 9.00 (70.4) a 9.67 (70.2) 9.33 (70.3) 9.67 (70.2) 9.50 (70.3) 9.17 (70.4)
F-ratio 3.2* 0.3 n.s. 1.0 n.s. 2.5 n.s. 0.6 n.s. 0.8 n.s.
Df 3,20 3,20 3,20 3,20 3,20 3,20
Results indicate number alive adult females out of 10.
Mean numbers of females followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Tukey’s HSD test, pp0:05).

concentration tested (1%) of this essential oil signifi- application at the three tested concentrations ranging
cantly reduced the percentage of damaged leaf area by from 0.01% to 1%. a-Pinene, 1,8-cineole and terpinen-
feeding of thrips females. A similar result was found 4-ol did not interfere with the feeding activity of the
with mint oil, even though inhibition of thrips feeding onion thrips.
activity was not as clearly pronounced as using Adult survival of T. tabaci females on the leaf surface
rosemary. A leaf surface treatment with basil oil or was not significantly affected by essential oil application
sage oil did not show clear deterrent properties. after 24 h (Table 4). A similar result was found with four
Two of five tested volatile compounds significantly of the five tested plant volatiles (Table 5). Application
deterred feeding by T. tabaci (Table 3). Thrips feeding of a-pinene, 1,8-cineole, linalool and eugenol had no
damage was reduced as a result of linalool and eugenol lethal effect on thrips females. In contrast, terpinen-4-ol
E.H. Koschier et al. / Crop Protection 21 (2002) 419–425 423

Table 5
Effect of essential oil components on survival of T. tabaci adult females after 24 h

Concentration Component

a-Pinene 1,8-Cineole Terpinen-4-ol Linalool Eugenol

Number of alive adult females (7s.e.)
Control 9.83 (70.2) 10.00 (70.0) 9.33 (70.2) ab 9.67 (70.2) 9.67 (70.2)
0.01% 9.83 (70.2) 10.00 (70.0) 8.00 (70.4) ab 9.67 (70.2) 9.83 (70.2)
0.1% 9.67 (70.2) 9.67 (70.2) 8.50 (70.3) ab 9.50 (70.3) 9.17 (70.2)
1.0% 9.67 (70.2) 9.83 (70.2) 7.83 (70.4) b 9.67 (70.2) 9.33 (70.3)
F-ratio 0.3 n.s. 1.4 n.s. 3.5 * 0.1 n.s. 1.8 n.s.
Df 3,20 3,20 3,20 3,20 3,20
Results indicate number alive adult females out of 10.
Mean numbers of females followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Tukey’s HSD test, pp0:05).

caused 14.3%, 8.9% and 16.1% mortality at 0.01%, The essential oil of Lavandula angustifolia (L.)
0.1%, and 1% concentration, respectively. deterred thrips females from feeding at 0.1% and 1%
concentration. Hori (1998, 1999a) found lavender oil to
act as repellent and antifeedant against the green peach
4. Discussion aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer). The analysis of the
lavender oil used in the present study revealed linalool
Bioassays used in antifeedant research should match (42.3%) as major component. Our results with linalool
field conditions as far as possible (Koul, 1993). There- further indicate that the feeding deterrence of lavender
fore, for the present study we chose a leaf-disc bioassay oil to T. tabaci is probably due to the monoterpene
that permits volatilization of the essential oils and the linalool, which is a common compound found in floral
compounds from the plant surface where T. tabaci fragrances (Knudsen et al., 1993). The feeding damage
individuals were feeding. For crop pests such as T. was clearly reduced with linalool even at a low (0.01%)
tabaci a no-choice test is appropriate, because this concentration. In contrast, linalool has been demon-
situation is representative of monocultures in agricultur- strated to elicit positive responses of F. occidentalis
al systems (Lewis and Van Emden, 1986; Koul, 1993). (Koschier et al., 2000). Linalool (9.6%) was also
In general, our results provide evidence for a dose- identified as major component in the essential oil of
dependent antifeedant activity of the tested essential oils Ocimum basilicum L. and is probably responsible for the
and compounds against T. tabaci. Previous studies on slightly decreased onion thrips feeding activity on the
western flower thrips (F. occidentalis) indicated that the 0.1% and 1% basil oil treatment, though the response
plant odor concentration is crucial for its attractiveness was very low. In contrast to our basil oil chemotype,
or repellency (Pow et al., 1999; Koschier et al., 2000). basil often contains the phenylpropanoid eugenol as
Our results demonstrate that the essential oil from main compound (Fugmann and Adam, 1997). Eugenol
Origanum majorana (L.) significantly reduced the area of clearly inhibited the feeding activity of T. tabaci in our
feeding damage caused by T. tabaci females on treated leaf disc assays. In conclusion, we expect a eugenol-
leek leaf discs. Additionally, we observed a somewhat containing basil chemotype to feature a more distinct
lower adult survival at 1% oil concentration. The antifeedant activity against the onion thrips than the
marjoram oil used in this study contained 22.5% of chemotype used in our experiments. Isman (2000)
the monoterpene terpinen-4-ol. Bioassays with terpinen- observed an antifeedant effect of eugenol to the green
4-ol showed a slight feeding inhibition and a decreased peach aphid and other insect species. Contrarily,
survival at the three tested concentrations, even though eugenol was previously found to attract cereal thrips
the responses were very low. Lee et al. (1997) and Isman species (Holtmann, 1963) and western flower thrips
(2000) found repellence and toxicity of terpinen-4-ol to (Koschier et al., 2000) at 1% concentration.
the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) The essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis L. has been
and several insect species. demonstrated to provoke negative responses of two
No other plant chemical tested in the present study aphid pest species (Hori and Komatsu, 1997; Hori,
caused reduced survival of onion thrips. Allelochemicals 1998, 1999a, b). We found rosemary oil to deter thrips
such as monoterpenes are part of the defense system of females at the 1% concentration. Since 1,8-cineole is the
plants against herbivores. Their antifeedant properties, main component in rosemary oil, we expected it to be
which inhibit the ingestion of an insect, appear more the main factor of deterrence in the oil, but neither 1,8-
important than any acute toxic effect (Rice and Coats, cineole nor a-pinene, another main constituent inhibited
1994). feeding activity of onion thrips. Minor compounds or
424 E.H. Koschier et al. / Crop Protection 21 (2002) 419–425

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