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Communication Ethics Notes

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COMMUNICATION ETHICS regulations and ethical standards to follow,

communication professionals should follow an unwritten
rule of ethical conduct that serves as the foundation of
Communication involves an exceptionally high standard
our communications strategy and a vital virtue of
of ethics. Whenever we communicate, we ought to
professionalism. The ethics of interpersonal
consider whether our words and actions are beneficial or
communication pertains to the principles regulating
harmful to others.
communication, the right and wrong elements that make
up it, and the moral-immoral components pertinent to
What is Ethics? Interpersonal communication. Establishing the proper
Ethics is a methodical approach to evaluating and balance of speaking and listening, the credibility of fear
judging what is right and wrong. Equally outstanding and emotional appeal, and the appropriate level of
and miserable. An ethics framework involves an criticism and admiration. A death or overdose from
established set of moral principles. It addresses the either of the variables could have negative implications.
behavior of people's values, which include the The notion of honesty ought to be implemented equally
appropriateness and inappropriateness of particular on both sides due to any measure of insincerity from
actions, as well as the positive and negative aspects of either the listener or the speaker would be undesirable.
the motives and ends of such actions. The study of what
is good for an individual as well as society as a whole is 4 Principles of Interpersonal Communication
known as ethics. The Greeks were the first to develop 1. Interpersonal communication is inescapable -
the notion of ethics. They stated that courage, morality, It is difficult to avoid communication. The desire
and right behavior were the requirements for individual to avoid communication exposes something. We
morality and ethics. The virtues of wisdom, justice, and continuously communicate with those
temperance were also included on the list. Ethics refers surrounding us using tone of voice, gesture,
to the value system that a person uses to decide what is posture, and facial expression. We are
right or wrong, fair or unfair, just or unjust. It reveals continually receiving contact from others across
itself in certain situations through moral behavior. The different methods. You communicate regardless
activities of an individual are judged not only against his of whether you are sleeping. The basic idea of
or her conscience but also against a socially, communication is that "individuals are not mind
professionally, or organizationally determined standard readers." This means that "individuals judged
of acceptable behavior. In today's society, ethics has you by your behavior, not your intent."
grown to symbolize the capacity to differentiate between 2. Interpersonal communication is irreversible -
what is good and what is harmful, what is ethically You cannot take back something you stated. The
justifiable and what is not. It also refers to the ability to impact of what you say must eventually remain.
choose the best option from a variety of alternatives, all According to a Russian saying, "once a word
of which may be ethically acceptable. It is the ability to leaves your mouth, you can never swallow it
articulate these things that is important. People have again."
choices that reflect ethical and logical thinking, and 3. Interpersonal communication is complicated
these choices must be translated into action. A reporter - There is no such thing as an easy way of
may be challenged to make numerous considerations or communication. Even basic searches are highly
ethical choices about the source of his story, his complicated due to the quantity of variables
colleagues, and the public who reads or sees it when involved. Theorists point out that each time we
writing a story for a newspaper or television. If he makes communicate, at least six people are involved:
the right judgment, it will not offend or injure any of the (a) who you think you are; (b) who you think the
parties involved. other person is; (c) who you think the other
person thinks you are; (d) who the other person
The Difference Between Morals and Ethics thinks he is; (e) who the other person thinks you
Morals and ethics guarantee that we remain disciplined; think he is; and (f) who the other person thinks
without these standards of conduct, norms, or rules that you think he is. We don't sincerely exchange
govern our behavior, our world would be in chaos. ideas. We barter symbols that represent ideas.
 Morals are a personal set of norms that no one This also makes communication more difficult.
else feels forced or driven to follow. Words have no inherent meaning. We merely
 Ethics are socially acceptable and empowered employ them in specific ways. No two people
rules that are enforced on everyone. use the same term exactly the same way. Osmo
Wiio provides certain communication principles
What is Communication Ethics? that are equivalent to Murphy's law (Welin-
The ethics of communication is the study of the manner Goos, 1978). (a) If communication can fail, it
in which one's morals guide one's actions and how they will; (b) If a message can be understood in
impact the way we communicate with others. Ethical different ways, it will be understood in the way
communication, as a collection of principles, that triggers the most harm; (c) There is always
acknowledges that one's thoughts must be delivered and someone who knows better than you do about
presented properly and clearly, and that the ensuing what you meant by your message; and (d) The
actions or consequences will possibly be based more communication there is, the more difficult
exclusively on how the message was communicated. it is to succeed. These are not actual values.
Ethical communication is based on legal concepts, They only serve as a reminder of how difficult it
including being open, concise, and is to communicate accurately.
accountable with one's words and the actions that follow. 4. Interpersonal communication is contextual -
Simply stated, ethical communication involves In this sense, communication does not occur in
expressing oneself in a concise, straightforward, truthful, an atmosphere of silence. There is a
and responsible manner. However, in a profession with psychological context, which is your identity
no specific set of norms, it might be difficult to tell the and what you contribute to the conversation. The
difference between right and wrong. However, similarly psychological context is made up of your needs,
to how the medical business has its own set of desires, values, and personality; (b) relational
context, which is concerned with your reactions the language used by listeners
to the other person; and (c) situational context, that the communication's recipients
which is concerned with the psycho-social (either verbal or written) are
setting in which you are talking. Interaction in a capable of fully comprehending what is being
classroom will be significantly different from said communicated.
one in a bar; (d) environmental context, which 3. Technology accessibility. In this information
deals with where you are physically; and digital age. Some people perceive
communicating. Examples of environmental accessibility to advanced technology as being
context factors include (e) cultural environment, taken for granted. For example, while
which covers all taught practices and regulations smartphones are easily accessible, and although
that impact the relationship, such as furnishings, there are many apps available, not everyone can
location, noise level, temperature, season, and use them. to gain access to such programs or
time of day. For example, if you come from a platforms. If a company wishes to present
culture where it is considered impolite to make specific pieces of data to an While anticipating
long, direct eye contact, you should avoid the crowd to translate it into their local
making eye contact with others. If the other language, there could be a language via an
person comes from a society in which long application. be perplexed. As a result, the ability
direct eye contact denotes trustworthiness and to access particular technology as well as the
you avoid long direct eye contact because you know-how on how to use specific applications
are from a different culture, this cultural context may be a stumbling block when it comes to
will lead to misunderstanding. talking with a person in an ethical manner with a
specific audience. It is crucial that there are no
Fundamentals of Ethical Communication misconceptions or confusions when Businesses
As numerous others have pointed out, the fundamental strive to build relationships both within their
concept of ethical communication is honesty. This own organization and with other business
essential objective of giving information in the most organizations, clients, and customers. To achieve
dependable and factual way possible is reflected in the this, ethical communication guidelines must be
factors. The ethical principle of "honesty" in followed to guarantee that all parties hear the
communication has an unbreakable connection to two same message and understand what has to be
other basic principles: consistency and responsibility. done and how it should be done.
This requires that the information offered to various 4. Development of Relationship. People can
parties be consistent, as well as that short-term and long- express themselves through communication in
term goals be met. Honest communication will have order to build relationships. This can be an
long-term repercussions. employee speaking with a manager, executives
It is accepted as one's obligation. Ethical communication engaging with stakeholders, or managers
is also important. conversing with other business representatives.
assumes that information communicated is always There are numerous key principles related to
presented (and ethical communication, beginning with the core
heard by the listener). value of honesty, which underpins all other
values. However, there is a value that underpins
Principles of Ethical Communication honesty (in terms of ethical communication).
1. The most fundamental ethical principle is That is, emotional intelligence or empathy is the
Truthfulness and honesty communication. forerunner of all soft skills, allowing all staff to
This indicates that telling the truth 99 percent of be understood and interact effectively with
the time while throwing out one percent of the others. Within emotional intelligence, the ethical
information is not ethical communication, foundation of communication enables one to
considering eliminating any detail (intentionally comprehend others' needs and address those
or unintentionally) changes the situation. The needs in the most effective way possible, as if
manner in which a listener perceives an event. you were in their shoes.
2. Consider any potential roadblocks. When  Be Truthful and Honest - Being honest means
interacting with another party, fully ethical demonstrating to all listeners what is known to
communication requires consideration. A be true (only 100 percent of the facts), with no
potential aspect that can impact how the aim to deceive or offer only portions of the truth.
communication is understood or received by the It also implies remaining as objective as
recipient. possible, which means not altering the narrative
Example: to what the speaker wants the listener to believe.
 Language Usage: Obviously, ethical Allowing the listener to accept objectively
communication requires that presenters use the offered evidence and believe what they want to
language that their audiences comprehend. It think is a basic goal of ethical communication.
would be absurd to give a business presentation Ethical communication should be founded on
in English to a non-English speaker. The target correct information and facts - in other words,
audience is Chinese. do not deceive.
 Jargon: Every sector has its own lingua franca.  Active Listening - Hearing somebody and
When speaking to a layperson, it is ethical to use paying attention to them are not the same thing.
basic, easy-to-understand language while It is required for ethical communication to be
avoiding jargon. Usage of jargon, resulting in effective for the receiver to eagerly listen to the
parts of the presentation or communication speaker, rather than just hear what they want to
being incomprehensible to some of the audience. hear or hear only portions of the discourse. This
 Language Proficiency: also includes asking clarifying questions when
Ethical communication considers any topic is unclear. For the sake of clarity, I
take into consideration the level of fluency as totally understand.
well as
 Speak Non-Judgmentally - Communicating Concentrates on the outcomes and whether or
ethically and clearly entails speaking in a not they would be helpful to the majority.
nonjudgmental manner with each recipient, Utilitarianism is concerned with the implications
avoiding unneeded conflict, which generally of every action or decision. In this method, the
leads to a breakdown in communication and moral quality of an action is determined by its
misconceptions. Needless conflict is never outcomes. This approach to ethics, as articulated
beneficial to business, and such conflicts usually by Jeremy Bentham, argues that morally
originate from unethical interactions, with acceptable decisions are those that produce the
judgmental, accusatory, and overly critical greatest amount of happiness while minimizing
statements frequently being the cause for such harm.
communication breakdowns. 2. Moral Duty - The righteousness of an action
 Speak from Your Own Experience - relies not on the benefits we develop for
Integrating your own experiences into a ourselves but on the rule or responsibility that
conversation with business listeners is essential controls it. This approach differs from
for offering real support for your views. utilitarianism in that it focuses on the rule or
 Consider the Receiver’s Preferred obligation that regulates our actions rather than
Communication Channel - If you use a what we gain from them. Humans live under
communication channel that is not favored by formal laws that must be followed. Furthermore,
your target receiver, you could lose an audience. the approach requires everyone to respect the
Use the most preferable communication method dignity of the human person.
with your listeners, whether it's face-to-face, 3. Virtue Ethics - rather than laws or
email, conference call, phone call, messenger consequences, fosters an individual's cognitive
app, etc. virtue, character, and sense of honesty. Dealing
 Strive to Understand - While proactive with moral character sets greater emphasis or
listening is essential, listeners should also importance on a person's worth and humanity's
attempt to completely absorb what is being said role in nurturing one another. It focuses on
before replying. While asking for clarification or character rather than obligation or consequence.
confirmation of a topic is acceptable, many Rather than laws regarding the acts themselves
questions posed by listeners have already been or the effects they have, this approach highlights
addressed. an individual's character as the main part of
 Avoid a Negative Tone - Ethical ethical thought. Virtue ethics, widely associated
communication expects that the speaker will with Aristotle, divides the virtues into moral
avoid being disrespectful, will be polite and virtues and intellectual virtues, claiming that
professional, and will use tact. The ethical each moral virtue is a golden mean, or ideal
communicator understands that it is crucial not middle ground between two unpleasant extremes
only what you say but also how you express it. or vices.
Tone is one of the most important aspects of 4. Common Good Approach - considers all
communication. If the tone is off, the listener individuals to be integral parts of the wider
may misinterpret the meaning entirely, which community and believes that each individual's
can lead to unimportant conflicts that reduce well-being matters to the well-being of the
company efficiency. community. is a concept that may be traced back
 Do Not Interrupt Others - Empowering others to Plato's, Aristotle's, Socrates', and Cicero's
to speak is essential for creating a civil and writings. More recently, current ethicist John
effective working atmosphere. Disturbing others Rawls developed the concept in his work
leads to misunderstandings, not-needed "Theory of Justice." In this method, we
arguments, and a breakdown in professional emphasize making certain the social policies,
communications, all of which hampers and social systems, institutions, and systems of
generates problems for the company. justice are all in place and that the environments
Interrupting people not only demonstrates a lack on which we rely are helpful to everyone.
of respect, but it also prevents the listener from
fully comprehending what is being said, which How to be an ethical communicator - Richard
frequently leads to inaccurate assumptions. Johannessen 2017:
 Respect Privacy and Confidentiality - Most 1. Audience analysis is an important part of the
organizations should include a provision in their communication process for an ethical
code of ethics outlining the definition of proper communicator. Our attitudes toward our
customer and employee confidentiality and audience determine how we persuade others.
privacy. Respecting others, regardless of their culture or
 Accept Responsibility - As has been said, beliefs, is critical to the process.
taking responsibility for the behaviors that come 2. Respect for the truth is crucial for an ethical
from one's words, whether good or poor, is a communicator.
basic component within any ethical 3. An ethical communicator makes proper use of
communication norm. This encompasses both information.
the immediate and long-term effects of one's 4. A person who is an ethical communicator does
communications. Owning one's words not fabricate information.
emphasizes the significance of practicing ethical
communication. What does each of the guideline tell us about
how to become an ethical communicator?
4 Approaches to Ethical Decision-Making  Respect the Audience.
1. Utilitarian Ethics - A significant ethical system  Respect the Truth.
that focuses mostly on the results of ethical
 Use Information Properly.
decisions in order to achieve the most beneficial
 Does not Falsify Information such as plagiarism.
effects on the largest number of people.
A real, effective communicator understands how to 3. When errors occur, they must be fully and
respect the individual with whom they are conversing. promptly corrected.
They speak honestly, supply information and use it 4. Headlines, news teases, and promotional
correctly, and do not fabricate information. materials, including images, video, audio,
graphics, sound bites, and quotations, should
Law Governing in Communication at 1987 never misrepresent, oversimplify, or highlight
Constitution: situations that are not in context.
1. The confidentiality of communication and 1. Cite sources wherever possible so that the
correspondence shall be protected unless ordered audience has as much information as possible to
by a court of law or in cases where public safety judge the reliability of the sources.
or order dictates otherwise, as provided by law. 2. Keep any promises made in exchange for the
(Similarly, we keep all personal information source's assistance.
confidential. When something is confidential to 3. Only ensure a source's anonymity if the source
a person, it generally means that it is special and requests it, if he or she delivers critical
sensitive to them. As a result, information information, if there is no other means to receive
privacy refers to our power to govern how our that information, and if the source is informed
personal information is gathered and used.) and trustworthy.
4. Make an effort to quote sources accurately and
2. Any evidence gathered in violation of this or the in the appropriate context.
preceding provision is rejected in any AVOIDING BIAS
proceeding for any reason. 1. Differentiate between advocacy and news
coverage. Analysis and opinion should be
Media Ethics labeled and should not be used to mislead facts
There is an ethical code or set of standards that regulates or context.
how we communicate and broadcast information in the 2. Distinguish between news and advertising, and
media. To be a professional communicator, you must be avoid hybrids that combine the two.
proficient with media ethics in mass communication if 3. Examine your own cultural values before
you are a writer, journalist, news broadcaster, or social forcing them on others.
media content creator. Given the industry's set of values 4. Avoid categorizing people based on their color,
and ethics, media ethics shapes how we handle our gender, age, religion, ethnicity, region, sexual
responsibilities in the context of mass communication. orientation, handicap, physical appearance, or
For example, especially when it comes to news social standing.
coverage, media ethics addresses issues such as fairness, 5. Support the free flow of ideas, even if they are
objectivity, balance, bias, confidentiality, and the public unpleasant to you.
interest. The term "media ethics" relates to ethical PREVENTING DISTORTION
concerns about how the media should use public- 1. Never intentionally include false information in
supplied words and images. The discipline of media material intended for publication or broadcast.
ethics is concerned with the specific ethical norms and 2. Never change the substance of a photograph,
principles of media, including broadcast media, film, video, or image.
theater, the arts, print media, and the internet. The COLLECTING INFORMATION
discipline covers a wide range of complex and 1. Except when standard open procedures will not
contentious topics. Media ethics includes promoting and give information that is essential to the public,
upholding moral concepts such as respect for all life, the avoid using undercover or other covert means of
rule of law, and legality. The identical First Amendment acquiring information.
liberties that allow U.S. media organizations to report 2. Any non-traditional techniques of information
without fear of government interference also make collection should be explained as part of the
imposing a standard of ethics or professional practice for story.
journalists extremely impossible. There is no institution 3. When obtaining facts for an article, rely on the
that certifies journalists, and there is no uniform most recent and accurate research.
mechanism for regulating unethical activity. 4. Never, ever plagiarize.
Nonetheless, professionals in the sector often take REDUCING HARM
considerable pleasure and responsibility in their work, 1. Compassion for individuals who may be harmed
and organizations such as the Associated Press and the by news coverage, particularly young people and
Society of Professional Journalists provide inexperienced sources or subjects.
comprehensive and valuable ethical rules. In general, 2. When seeking or using interviews or images of
ethical issues in the media can be classified into a few people affected by tragedy or sadness, exercise
major categories. The points below synthesize and caution.
simplify several critical ethical concerns raised by the 3. Recognize that private individuals have a higher
Associated Press and the Society of Professional expectation of privacy than public authorities
Journalists. Media ethics is an aspect of applied ethics and others seeking power, influence, or
concerned with the unique ethical principles and attention.
standards of the media, which encompasses broadcast 4. Be cautious when identifying child sex crime
media, film, theater, the arts, print media, and the suspects or victims.
internet. From war journalism to advertising, the field 5. Be cautious when naming criminal suspects
covers a wide range of topics that are frequently before formal charges are filed.
ACCURACY 1. Avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest.
1. To avoid errors, double-check the accuracy of 2. Stay away from affiliations and actions that
information from all sources. could jeopardize your integrity or undermine
2. Subjects of news stories should always be given your credibility.
the chance to reply to any claims of misconduct.
3. Never accept gifts, favors, fees, free travel, or happen. They must just offer the facts and not
preferential treatment. promote their thoughts as facts.
4. Avoid secondary jobs, political activity, public Guidelines of Ethics
office, or community service if it jeopardizes In addition to giving useful information to those who
your journalistic integrity. read and knowing their constraints, there are several
5. Declare any unavoidable conflicts. fundamental and highly significant aspects of
6. Advertisers and those with special interests journalism.
should not be given preferential treatment. Journalists should:
7. Be careful of sources who give information in  Seek and report the truth. Journalists must be
exchange for favors or money. truthful, impartial, and fearless. One of the most
important obligations of journalists is to ensure
Importance of Code of Ethics in Media the factual accuracy of their reports and to tell
 Media ethics must be adhered to in order to the truth. To prevent misrepresenting
sustain an appropriate reputation in your field, information, journalists must express the facts in
provide balanced material in media, and follow a all formats and provide context. Ethical
code of ethics that aligns with your company's journalists, for example, should avoid clickbait
beliefs. By following these criteria, you will be titles that oversimplify or misinterpret the truth.
able to develop trust with your audience and Along with providing clarification, journalists
increase brand exposure. should always verify sources and ensure their
 Media ethics is critical if you desire to maintain dependability and neutrality.
a reputable reputation in your area, generate  Reduce the amount of injury. Ethical
objective media material, and follow an ethical journalists ought to view all sources, subjects,
code that is consistent with your organization's and colleagues as humans. Journalism ethics is
beliefs. Following these guidelines may boost based on the concept that humans deserve to be
brand recognition and help your audience create treated with dignity and truth. Journalists must
trust in you. be compassionate and avoid inappropriate
 Media ethics determines how we conduct our intervention. They must also get legal access to
obligations within the context of mass information while respecting a person's consent
communication because of the compilation of and right to refuse information. When covering
principles and ethics within this industry. For sensitive themes, including children, crime
victims, or working with inexperienced or
example, media ethics addresses issues such as
vulnerable communities, journalists have an
fairness, objectivity, balance, prejudice, privacy,
even greater obligation to minimize harm.
and public interest in news coverage.  Take responsibility. Journalists must respond to
 The ethical standards for the media are aimed at their readers, subjects, listeners, viewers, and
providing the most reliable news reporting to the peers. When journalists release their articles,
public, thereby achieving the objective of timely they have an ongoing obligation to respond to
information distribution in the service of the the public and swiftly fix any errors.
public interest. To a considerable extent, the Furthermore, journalists must be willing to
codes and canons emerged as a result of the provide follow-up information, clarification, and
observation and response to previous ethical answers to the public's questions. A journalist's
violations by journalists and publishers. Today, it job does not end when their content is published;
is typical for employment terms to require it continues as the audience consumes and
compliance with such rules, which apply equally reviews it.
 Act on your own. Journalism is meant to help
to staff and independent journalists. Journalists
the general population. Journalists who are
are sometimes fired because of ethical
ethical must behave freely and avoid conflicts of
shortcomings. Maintaining professional interest. Dr. Mortiz investigated how conflicts of
standards also improves a news organization's interest can jeopardize a journalist's integrity and
reputation and credibility, which increases the impartiality in the sports gambling case study.
number of audiences it serves. Journalists must refuse gifts, fees, and
 Ethics is more crucial in journalism since it preferential treatment, and they must avoid
establishes criteria for journalists to follow, political actions that could affect their reporting.
which prevents people from being uneven or
excluded. They are also fundamental in ensuring Standard Ethical Principles for Journalists
that the media remains true and in assisting  Honesty. Journalists have a responsibility to
journalists in maintaining a feeling of equality. seek out and convey the truth as accurately as
possible. This involves diligence: making every
Reasons for Ethics in Journalism attempt to gather all necessary facts for a story.
Following ethical principles is critical since journalists Journalists should also seek confirmation from
must exercise a variety of responsibilities. different sources.
 Legal Impact - Individuals have rights, and  Independence. Journalists should avoid
journalists must consider this while publishing adopting political positions and should not
every piece of content. represent special interest groups. Any political
 Social Responsibility - Journalists have an ties or financial investments that could create an
ethical obligation to deliver information in a fair, imbalance of interest in the subject matter
balanced, and trustworthy manner. Journalists should be disclosed to
should avoid sensationalizing any media  editors and readers. Some organizations call this
incident for personal gain. approach "objectivity," whereas others,
 Professional Responsibility - Journalists must particularly non-profit civic journalism ventures,
provide a reliable account of events as they reject it since they are openly on the side of
public interest.
 Fairness. Journalists must be unbiased and somewhat from country to country and organization to
balanced in their reporting, in addition to being organization, but there is a significant overlap among
independent. Most news stories have multiple mainstream publications and societies. Ethics are
sides, which journalists should document. standards relating to conduct that distinguish between
However, they should not put two opposing acceptable and improper behavior. It is concerned with
viewpoints on an equal footing when one is whether something is right or wrong, good or bad, fair or
unsupported by evidence. Opinion writing, as unfair, responsible or irresponsible, required or
well as "gonzo" journalism and creative acceptable, praiseworthy or blameworthy. Journalism
nonfiction, are exceptions to the impartiality ethics and standards are the concepts of ethics and good
norm. practice that apply to the specific issues that professional
 Accountability to the public. News journalists encounter. Traditionally and currently, these
organizations should pay attention to their target ethical standards are commonly referred to by journalists
audience. Journalists should write under their as their professional "code of ethics." In recent years, it
own bylines and assume responsibility for their has almost become the norm that most renowned
comments in order for the public to hold them professional journalism associations and individual print,
accountable. When news organizations publish broadcast, and online news organizations have issued
factual inaccuracies, they must release a their own set of basic ethics codes to serve society. The
correction. main goals of these journalistic ethical rules are to
 Harm reduction. Not every fact that can or provide the public with news, opinions, comments, and
should be published should be. If the degree of information on issues of public importance in a fair,
harm that could befall private individuals— accurate, unbiased, sober, and decent manner. To that
particularly children—as a consequence of end, the press is expected to follow certain
exposure outweighs the public good, news internationally recognized standards of professionalism.
outlets may choose not to publish the story. These internationally accepted rules are intended to be
When it comes to public figures, this is less of applied with proper judgment and adaptability to the
an issue. It is significant, however, in matters of different circumstances of each case, which will
national security, where lives may be at stake. undoubtedly assist journalists in self-regulating their
 Keeping libel at bay. This is both a legal and a conduct. The recent surge of code writing indicates that
moral requirement for journalists. Journalists are editors and newsrooms are taking ethics seriously. The
not permitted to publish false comments that process of writing, rewriting, discussing, and applying
harm a person's reputation. True remarks cannot the codes is helpful in and of itself. Even better,
be defamatory in most jurisdictions; therefore, newspapers with clearly articulated beliefs and
journalists may defend themselves by proclaimed values, along with excellent ethical decision-
thoroughly examining the facts. making skills, can better serve their readers and the
Appropriate attribution. Journalists must public interest. There is an important link between
never plagiarize their work. If they take believability and this. Codes of ethics can help
information from another media organization or journalists make smart decisions and build journalistic
journalist, they must credit the source. credibility in the face of the many ethical issues they
may face in their profession. There are numerous
Journalists Ethics organizations and associations worldwide related to
Journalistic ethics are the values that all reporters share. journalists, and the majority of these relationships have
They give forth both the goals and the responsibilities their own set of codes of ethics. The principles of these
that journalists, editors, and others in the field should national and international journalistic codes of ethics
have in order to do their jobs appropriately. Over time, serve as guidelines through multiple challenges to assist
journalism ethics have developed. Most news journalists in dealing with ethical dilemmas. The norms
organizations, as well as professional membership and canons provide a framework for journalists to self-
associations, have established codes of ethics. monitor and self-correct while seeking professional
Professional journalists and news organizations that responsibilities.
violate these ethical norms will lose credibility.
Journalists play an essential role in discovering and MTRCB (Movie and Television Review and
communicating the truth to the public. Journalism is
Classification Board)
more democratized, interactive, and instantaneous than
The Movie and Television Review and Classification
ever before as we undergo a media revolution in the age
Board is a legislative as well as a development
of digital-first news. Anyone with access to the internet
organization. It has the authority to assess and categorize
can open Twitter and post a comment that others may
motion films, television shows, and promotional
interpret as true. As a result, professional journalists
materials, as well as to exercise all authorities and
have an even greater obligation to advocate the truth,
privileges associated with such tasks. The MTRCB, as a
debunk fake news, and fact-check trending narratives to
Regulatory Board, aims to provide the public with
guarantee that the public has access to trustworthy
outstanding film and television exhibitions with the goal
information online.
of promoting the production of globally competitive
movies and exhibitions that are both engaging and
Media Code of Ethics artistic, with the objective of improving the standard of
To assist journalists in dealing with moral challenges,
art for the general public.
media codes of ethics are produced as guides through
The MTRCB is a government agency organization in
various issues, such as conflicts of interest. The norms
charge of rating television and movies in the Philippines.
and canons provide a framework for journalists to self-
The board has legal criteria, regardless of how
monitor and self-correct while seeking professional
thoroughly they were designed, based on one's liberal
responsibilities. While journalists in the United States
preferences (Yuson, 2011). The chairman, vice chairman,
and Europe have led in the formulation and adoption of
and 30 board members make up the regulatory board.
these standards, such codes can be found in news
reporting organizations in most countries with press
freedom. The written codes and practical standards differ
IMPLEMENTING RULES AND works. Copyright, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets
REGULATIONS OF PRESIDENTIAL are all examples of intellectual property. Writing, music,
DECREE NO. 1986 drawings, paintings, photography, and films are all
The movie and television review and classification board protected by a plethora of federal and state regulations.
(mtrcb), henceforth called the board, therefore enacts, This area of legislation is known as "intellectual
and promulgates the following rules and regulations as property" law, and it encompasses copyright, trademark,
guidelines in accordance with Section 3(a) of and patent laws, each of which is relevant in different
Presidential Decree No. 1986. contexts and has its own set of technical regulations.
BOARD: Established by Presidential Decree No. 1986, When requesting permission to use creative works, you
the Movie and Television Review and Classification are primarily concerned with copyright law. However,
Board (MTRCB). when permission to use specific sorts of works is sought,
Motion Picture: A series of images expressed on a trademarks, trade secrets, and publicity and privacy
screen in rapid succession to create the photographic rights may come into play.
effect of a constantly moving picture in which things Copyright: Original creative works like paintings,
move, whether in black and white or color, silent or with writing, architecture, film, software, photography, dance,
accompanying sound, on whatever medium, mechanism, and music are all protected under federal copyright law.
or equipment they are projected for instant showing. To qualify for copyright protection, a work must adhere
Television Broadcast: The public display of images to certain minimal conditions. The term of protection
(video) and sounds (audio) via free television on Very also varies based on when the work was created or
High Frequency (VHF) or Ultra High Frequency (UHF), published for the first time. The laws protect the work's
including cable television and other limited audience owner if others copy, present, or show it without
distribution. permission.
THEATRICAL DISTRIBUTION: The public Trademark: Trademark rules protected brand names
exhibition of motion images in theaters, movie houses, such as Nike and Apple, as well as logos, slogans, and
or other establishments that charge admission. other features that identify and differentiate between
Publicity Materials and/or Promotional Materials: products and services. Unlike copyrighted works,
Any material that fosters public interest in a motion trademarks appreciate varying degrees of protection
picture or television program, including television based on a variety of factors, such as consumer
commercials, movie, and television trailers, print knowledge of the trademark, the sort of service and
advertisements, still photos, photo frames, leaflets, product it denotes, and the geographic area in which the
posters, and billboards, as well as other related media. trademark is used.
Live TV Show: A television program that is broadcast Patent law: Protects new innovations, which might be
while it is being performed. products, processes, or designs, and provides a method
Taped TV Show: A television program that has been for the invention's protection. Patent law fosters the
recorded before it is broadcast. sharing of new advancements with others in order to
General viewing: is the viewing of motion films by the drive innovation. The owner of a patent has the right to
general public, whether through theaters, film libraries, prevent others from making, using, distributing, or
or other similar institutions. exporting the protected item. A patent is essentially a
REVIEW: the procedure of previewing motion property right that can be licensed, sold, mortgaged, or
pictures, television programs, and associated publicity assigned.
materials to figure out whether they are fit for Trade secrets: are commercial techniques, formulas,
importation, exportation, production, copying, designs, or processes that are employed in a business to
distribution, sale, lease, and exhibition in theater or non- create a competitive advantage. An "outsider" to the
theatrical distribution networks, based on legal company is unlikely to be aware of these trade secrets.
standards; and to classify the material. Coca-Cola's formula is one example of this. Trade
NEWS: Distinguishes pure and impartial news reporting secrets are protected without registration, and the owner
from news analyses, commentary, opinions, and should make proper efforts to prevent breaches of
editorials. confidentiality.
NEWS ANALYSIS, COMMENTARIES, OPINIONS, Publicity right: A complex set of state laws known as
AND EDITORIALS: Refer to SUBJECTIVE POINTS the right of publicity protects a person's image and name.
of VIEW, whether of the speaker or the network. These rules protect against the illegal commercial use of
Non-theatric distribution: a public exhibition of a full- a person's name or image, such as the use of your
length or short-feature motion picture using mobile or photograph on a box of cereal. The level of this
stationary projection equipment with no entry fee. Full- protection varies by state.
length and short-feature motion movies, containing The right to privacy: Despite not being part of
juvenile, educational, documentary, cultural, scientific, intellectual property laws, state privacy laws protect
journalistic, industrial, sales, public relations, and everyone's right to privacy. When somebody publishes
instructional films, are shown solely to civic or publicly exploits knowledge about another person's
organizations, societies, clubs, and other similar groups. private issues, this is considered an invasion of privacy.
Privacy laws prohibit you from invading someone's
Intellectual Property Law privacy, publishing private information about them, or
Intellectual property (IP) law is concerned with the intentionally portraying them. If the subject is a public
development and protection of intellectual creations such figure, such as a celebrity or politician, the scope of this
as innovations, designs, brands, artwork, and music. protection may differ.
Patents (typically for technical inventions), trademarks  Counseling, protecting, and enforcing are the
(for goods and services), copyright (music, art, and three basic categories of intellectual property
literature), and designs (items and logos) are used to practice. Client counseling focuses on how to
establish, protect, enforce, and promote these rights. protect the intellectual property that the client
Intellectual property law is concerned with laws that owns or wishes to acquire. In trademark law, the
guarantee the protection and enforcement of the legal lawyer will do searches on the client's proposed
rights of creators and owners of intellectual property, trademarks and advise the client on their
such as inventions, writings, music, designs, and other availability. When a customer has already
invested time, work, and money in a mark and a Elimination of All Forms of Racial
prior usage in a similar industry is discovered, Discrimination and the Convention on the
conversations with the client may include Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
changing or even abandoning the client's mark. Against Women.
In order to satisfactorily understand the client's  Therefore, under international law, states have a
patent and determine its validity or possibility of duty and an obligation to respect, preserve, and
patent infringement, the lawyer must have a fulfill human rights.
technical background.  The commitment to respect requires states to
 Intellectual property protection involves setting take steps to prevent meddling with or
up a trademark, patent, or copyright to get the restricting the exercise of human rights.
most rights available for the client's asset. In the  The commitment to protect obligates states to
case of a trademark or patent, the process provide protection for persons and groups
requires the preparation and filing of an against human rights violations.
application with the United States Patent and  The commitment to fulfill emphasizes that states
Trademark Office (PTO), as well as reacted to must take proactive steps to promote the
PTO activities until the trademark or patent is enjoyment of fundamental human rights.
registered or issued. Furthermore, intellectual  Being individuals, we have a responsibility to
property enforcement entails defending the protect our own rights, but we must also respect
owner of the intellectual property against and defend the human rights of others.
infringement. This may result in a federal court
lawsuit. Duterte Foul Mouthed 2016
 Other aspects of practice may include licensing, The most striking aspect of 2016 is that it was the start
carrying out due diligence when dealing with of the year in which the country experienced virtually
mergers or acquisitions, and developing daily doses of President Rodrigo Duterte's heated
strategies for international and domestic remarks. These remarks were frequently filled with
intellectual property protection. Communication profanity and vulgarity that have contributed to Duterte's
skills, both written and oral, negotiation skills, reputation. The Philippine president has used a broad
and business acumen are all beneficial for IP range of insulting words (can you guess which one is his
lawyers. Domestic and foreign factors are favorite?) against a number of organizations and
typically present in intellectual property law. persons, including US President Barack Obama, the
European Union, Senator Leila de Lima, and even
Human Rights Law priests. His nasty language has resulted in a broad range
Human rights are rights that we have due to the fact that of reactions from his audience, with reactions ranging
we are human; they are not provided by any state. We all from awkward laughter to complete revulsion. Duterte
have these universal rights, no matter what our may have understood the consequences of his curse
nationality, gender, national or ethnic origin, color, words since he joked that God threatened to bring his
religion, language, or any other status. They span from plane down if he didn't clean up what was in his mouth.
the most basic, the right to life, through to the things that Rodrigo Duterte's first 100 days as President of the
make life valuable, such as the rights to food, education, Philippines have been nothing short of remarkable. Over
labor, health, and liberty. the last three months, he has continued to follow through
 The universal concept of human rights is the on the election promise he made to eradicate the
foundation of international human rights country's drug trade, a campaign that has resulted in the
legislation. This means that we all have equal deaths of over 2,400 individuals and the surrender of
access to our human rights. This idea, initially thousands more. Human rights groups and other
highlighted in the Universal Declaration of governments have been horrified by Duterte's public
Human Rights, has been repeated in other encouragement of civilians to take matters into their own
international human rights accords, declarations, hands, as well as his alleged employment of hidden
and resolutions. Human rights are fundamental. murder squads. He has proven to be a man of the people
They should not be taken away unless there are and for the benefit of humanity. Yes, he is crude, foul-
special circumstances and a proper process is mouthed, and speaks exactly what he believes. He is
followed. For example, if a person has been nevertheless sincere, truthful, and diligent, and he cares
found guilty of a crime by a court of law, their for the poor and the weak. He also has an excellent sense
right to liberty may be restricted. of irony. Despite his harsh words and sloppy behavior,
 All human rights are interconnected and he is educated and clever, and he thinks and plans
indivisible. This means that one set of rights intelligently. Although drugs are a concern in the
cannot be completely exercised in the absence of Philippines, not everyone agrees on how the matter is
the other. Making advancements in civil and being treated. When confronted with objections to his
political rights, for example, has made it easier drug-war program, he has and continues to provide
to exercise economic, social, and cultural rights. evidence of horrible, unstatesmanlike behavior. His
Similarly, violations of economic, social, and blabbering verbal bombastic manner clearly
cultural rights can have a negative impact on a demonstrates his ineptness. Worryingly, his attitude that
variety of other rights. he is above reproach appears to be creating a culture of
 Article 1 of the UDHR states that "all human impunity within the troops fighting his drug war for him.
beings are born free and equal in dignity and
rights." Freedom from discrimination is what October 20, 2016 (Beijing, China)
ensures this equality, as stated in Article 2. Non-  The morals, values, and appropriateness of
discrimination applies to all aspects of behavior in multicultural settings are referred to
international human rights law. All major human as communication ethics. An effective
rights accords include this fundamental communicator requires a commitment to ethics
principle. It is also the major issue of two key that allows them to transmit information quickly
documents: the International Convention on the and effectively without offending anyone. We
noted in the accompanying video that President
Duterte did not follow ethical principles or cases, the state has the legal authority to regulate or
effective communication guidelines. punish harmful expressions. Private life violations,
 At the start of his address, he recognizes the gap defamation, hate speech, obscenity, pornography, public
between China and America, where the latter has order, national security, classified information, trade
received countless harsh words and has been secrets, or copyright violations are examples of this.
painted in a poor manner. His words, as we have
come to expect, are highly insulting and Media
dismissive of Americans.  The media has specific rights and duties under
 However, he also included a whole bunch of freedom of expression. The media informs
dark humor, critical words, and yet another nasty society about issues of public concern and
swear remark. He concluded his remarks with provides an essential platform for public debate,
lighthearted humor and gratitude to China. scrutiny, and reflection. As a result, independent
 We can identify countless unprofessional media and high-quality journalism are regarded
remarks in his entire speech, citing his as the "watchdogs" of a democratic society.
inappropriate behavior and damaging attacks on Media Freedom
America. His comments generated a poor  In view of their unique role as a "watchdog" in a
atmosphere in which the United States was democratic society, the media has separated
portrayed in an excessively negative light, which rights, freedoms, and duties.
can be classified as rude and inconsiderate
behavior, especially given that he is in a Role as a “watchdog”
multicultural situation. Furthermore, his crude  The media is entrusted with a critical role: to
words and bold assertions have no place in the inform society about critical issues and to
international world, and his honest opinions provide an open environment for public debate,
should be expressed in a way that does not reflection, and examination. As a result of this
degrade a nation. Furthermore, he is not precise duty, independent and high-quality media are
with his issue, and his freestyle idea construction regarded as the "watchdogs" of any democratic
resulted in ineffective communication. Despite society.
the fact that his humor may be tempting to
China by providing unfavorable criticism from a Special rights, Freedoms & Protection
former ally, the international community may  The media serves the entire society by keeping
see our country's leader as a vulgar, unethical, the public informed and allowing the public to
and ineffective communicator. gain insight into the work of the government,
 Moving back to the goal of ethics and its lawmakers, and other people who play key roles
recommendations for efficient communication, in society. As a result, they have more freedom
we learned that moral values should be our and protection. They may, for example,
highest guide in order not to upset people of implement harsher language in their critique in
different backgrounds and to establish a order to protect their sources.
respectful, courteous, and open-minded  Given that the media is seen as the "watchdog"
environment among cultural variety. of a democratic society, it is provided with
Furthermore, when speaking on an international specific rights, liberties, and protection.
platform, we must be concise and straight-  The media has been regarded as a "public
forward in giving our speech. Overall, we watchdog" in democratic societies. Therefore,
should use the video to enhance our speech the media's role is to inform society about issues
production while keeping ethical considerations of public interest and to provide a forum for
in mind in order to become more effective and public debate and reflection. As a result, when
efficient communicators. executing its function, the media comes with
specific protection and rights.
Freedom of Communication
 Everyone has the freedom to express his or her Reporting on matters of public interest
views and opinions, as well as spread  The general public has a right to be informed
information in all the forms it may take. This is about issues of public interest. What forms "the
known as freedom of expression in the context public interest" is not well defined and, to some
of human rights. It forbids the state and other extent, has to do with the environment in which
members of society from censoring, and it can a certain topic is debated.
only be restricted for very serious reasons. Example: According to the report about the manner in
which a minister abused his or her position of authority
Freedom of Expression & Democracy by manipulating the results of public tenders, an
 Freedom of expression is a fundamental human illustration of tensions in society between different
right that is necessary for a democratic society. It ethnic or religious groups, or criticism of errors in a
provides for the free flow of ideas, opinions, and police investigation of a murder case would all be
information, allowing individuals in society to subjects of public interest.
establish their own perspectives on public
matters. Freedom of expression promotes public Protection
debate, a free and independent press, informed  While reporting on subjects of public
citizenship, and the efficient operation of the importance, journalists have access to the
state. highest level of security. This implies they have
more freedom to criticize and disseminate facts
Restrictions that would otherwise violate the rights of others.
The right to free expression is expansive, but it has Even in these instances, press freedom is not
limitations and can be limited. This occurs when one unconditional; however, any restrictions must be
person's freedom of expression affects the rights of carefully considered. This protection comes with
another or the principles of society as a whole. In such responsibilities and duties known as a standard
of professional behavior, which the media is provided should be validated and supported by
supposed to follow. evidence.
 Opinions - Opinions express media firms',
Reporting on other matters publishers', or journalists' thoughts, ideas,
 The rights of the media are also secured when beliefs, or value judgments. Opinions can be
they report on subjects that are not considered to presented in a variety of ways, such as
be of public interest, such as entertainment. comments on general ideas or statements on
However, because such reports have no broader current events.
public interest or relevance, the media is going Considering that opinions are always subjective,
to be given less freedom to criticize or publish it is impossible to determine if they are true or
facts or comments that may violate the rights of appropriate. However, this does not exclude
others, such as the right to privacy. critical sentiments about a specific person from
having a factual basis. Opinions that lack a solid
Duties & Responsibilities factual basis may be considered excessive and
 However, these exceptional rights and liberties go beyond the bounds of free expression.
are not limitless, and they are accompanied by  What constitutes a sufficient factual basis is
obligations and responsibilities. Journalists have determined by the gravity of the allegations in
a specific obligation to society to publish each case. The more serious and specific the
accurate and verifiable information. A charge, however, the more exact and dependable
journalist's freedom of expression may also be the factual basis should be.
limited if he or she violates the privacy and Example: If a journalist makes a significant charge that a
reputation of others. For example, by publicizing certain politician is a child abuser, he or she must have a
private facts that are irrelevant to public debate solid factual basis to back up his or her claim.
or claims that lack factual support.
 The media's specific rights, freedoms, and Grossly Offensive Language
protection also come with special duties and  Journalists should avoid using unnecessarily
responsibilities. offensive words to communicate their
More freedom is granted to the media on the condition dissatisfaction with the article. When reporting
that they act in good faith, base their reports on correct on problems of public concern, they are given
facts, and deliver trustworthy and precise information the freedom to be controversial and even use
while sticking to journalism's ethical principles. foul language if appropriate in the context of the
In this section, you can learn about the media's Example: A journalist would not usually refer to
responsibilities to: someone as "an idiot." However, this could be
 Deliver accurate information and check the appropriate in a publication in response to a member of
sources' accuracy. parliament's public celebration and denial of crimes
 Easily distinguish between news and opinions. committed by an invading authority during WWII.
 When it is not acceptable avoid using highly
abusive language toward an individual. Protection of journalistic sources
 Journalists have the right not to publicly disclose
Truthful and Verified Information their sources' identities.
 Journalists have a responsibility to give accurate
information and to check their sources' The right not to reveal journalistic sources
authenticity. The more serious the allegation, the  Among the most important rights that journalists
more precise and trustworthy the facts must be. have is the right to maintain the confidentiality
Example: If a journalist reports that someone has of their sources as they seek to exercise their
committed a crime or done something illegal, he or she freedom of expression and fulfill their role as a
must ensure that their sources and facts are forthright "public watchdog."
and credible.  Without these types of protections, journalists'
Journalists should not simply assume that anonymous sources may refuse to assist them in carrying out
letters or statements from people personally involved in their duties. This right applies to journalists
the reported dissatisfaction are accurate. Journalists are regardless of whether their sources received the
expected to verify their facts in certain circumstances, information legitimately or illegally.
for example, by reviewing other available sources or  The right not to disclose their sources shields
getting comments from the individual in question. journalists not only from specific orders to
Exception: If they base their publishing on official reveal the source's name but also from actions
reports or other material provided by public by the police or any public authority that could
organizations, the media is not required to verify their lead to the source's identification.
sources or do an independent investigation. For example, Example: The police cannot require a journalist to give
public information could include court decisions, papers containing information that could contribute to
statistical data provided by official organizations, or the identification of the source, nor can they listen in on
statements made at a press conference. a journalist's phone conversations or search his or her
home or data storage devices.
Separation of News and Opinions
 Journalists must distinguish between reporting However, journalistic source confidentiality is not
news and expressing opinions. This is necessary absolute and can be limited in extraordinary
so that the reader may form their own opinion circumstances:
about the subject.
 News - Facts and statistics that can be verified Restrictions
are included in the news. A news broadcast  Only in extraordinary circumstances, such as to
should thus be genuine, and the information preserve a critical interest, may a journalist be
obliged to expose his or her sources.
Example: The necessity of identifying the person additional information on how a proposed
(source) who disclosed a company's confidential garbage factory will impact the environment.
corporate strategy or information in a highly sensitive
criminal case would not automatically be judged to be in Request information from state institutions
the overriding public interest, justifying journalistic  As a citizen, you are accorded the right to at
sources' disclosure. least receive information on state management
decisions of public relevance.
Any attempt to compromise the confidentiality of a
journalist's sources must be treated with extreme caution. Public information
Adequate legal safeguards should be in place to prevent  Whether it is categorized as restricted or not, all
the government from misusing such exclusions. information maintained by governmental entities
should be made freely available to the public.
Only an investigative judge in criminal proceedings
should issue an order requiring the disclosure of a source Restricted information
after a thorough evaluation of all concerned interests.  Restricted information is designed for a limited
The judge should examine the following factors while number of people who need it to do their jobs,
determining his or her decision: and they usually have exclusive access to it. The
 whether the requested information is connected disclosure of such information may jeopardize
to a serious criminal offense, such as child the functioning of state institutions or jeopardize
abuse, and can lead to the identification of the the rights of others.
 whether there are no alternative avenues Access to certain information can be restricted by:
(sources) for locating the culprit. Law
 For example, information on an individual's
In his or her decision, the judge is responsible for private life, confidential material about criminal
clarifying why an interest in determining the source of investigations, or classified documents about
information overcomes the journalist's freedom of state security.
expression and the confidentiality of their sources.
Head of the state institution
How to complain  In this scenario, the institution's head should
If you believe the investigative judge's judgment to explain why access to information must be
reveal a source is inappropriate and does not balance all restricted. Heads of state institutions can only
of the parties' interests, you have the right to appeal to a restrict access to information for one year before
higher court. The decision has to include the appeal reviewing whether they need to restrict it further.
mechanism and time restrictions. 
Within 10 days, the higher court should conduct a Request
written examination of your complaint. The higher  If you ask state entities for publicly available
court's decision is final. information, you are not required to explain why
you require the information. You can request
Access to information public information from a state organization in
 The right to have access to information is a any way you like, including orally, in writing, or
component of free expression. It grants you the online.
right to access information that others are
willing to provide. You also have the right to Time
access at least some information on state  If your request for information does not
management decisions of public interest. necessitate any further activity on the part of the
institution, it shall be responded to within 15
Being able to access information is critical for two days of receipt. The information can be
reasons: delivered orally, in writing, or, when practicable,
1. It is connected to freedom of expression and by electronic communication.
citizen participation in public life. Individuals
would not be able to obtain alternative Fees
perspectives on societal issues and governmental  If your request does not require any further
policies if they did not have access to
operations from the state institution, the
information, such as the printed press, radio and
information should be delivered free of charge.
television, or social media. This makes it
necessary for people to establish their own However, the state may force you to pay the fees
opinions and discuss matters. associated with locating or copying the
Because of this, access to information is critical information you want. In any instance, the fee
for the media to create an environment for for the information cannot exceed the
public debate and contribute to the discussion of institution's expenses for fulfilling your request.
public affairs.
2. Access to information is essential for Refusal & Explanation
guaranteeing that the state administration is  State entities cannot refuse you access to the
transparent and open to the public and that it public information that they hold. If an
acts in the highest-quality interests of society. institution partially or completely refuses you
Society can expect the government to make at access to public material that it has, it must
least some information available that helps to make a written decision explaining why:
explain and justify its policies and actions. For  the motivation, outlining the reasons for
example, why did the government opt to sell a restricting access to the sought information.
state-owned enterprise or to explain and provide
 the legal basis for such refusal, including a are entitled to specific protection under our laws.
citation to a provision of law or government Institutions and laws. This particular treatment
regulation. involves, in large part, an exception from
 If you disagree with this decision, the procedure political restraint, but it also includes various
and time constraints for appealing. forms of encouragement and assistance. The
main issues are not so much technical ones of
Criteria communication method and efficiency as
 When a state institution or a court considers semantic ones of interpretation or meaning, as
whether or not access to information ought to be they are matters of political and societal control
granted or rejected, your rights and interests over the effects of communication. Nonetheless,
must be balanced against other interests it is useful to analyze the entire subject of free
protected by the concealment of the information. expression as a system. In a similar meaning to
As a result, they must assess: how the term is used in other areas of
 The public must be given the information they communication theory.
would like to receive.  The system of freedom of speech consists of a
 Your goal and reasons for requesting the set of fundamental rights, constitutive principles,
information. operating rules, and social institutions that
 The possible harm that disclosure of the operate together to accomplish certain purposes
information could cause to other people's rights in our society. Essentially, the individual's rights
or other critical interests. are those to share ideas, opinions, feelings, or
Example: State authorities may grant an environmental facts on any subject of interest. to him, whether
NGO access to basic information about a proposed wind by speech, writing, music, art, or any other
power plant but may deny access to technical media, whether in matters of politics, religion,
information in order to protect industry secrets. culture, or otherwise. To some extent, the rights
However, in this circumstance, an absolute prohibition may be seen to encompass more than
of access to information would be manifestly "communication" in a restricted sense. They
disproportionate. additionally include certain rights to
communication methods, to receive
Freedom of Communication and Discharge communications from others, and to collect
 There are regulations on freedom of information on which to base judgments or
communication and freedom of procurement in engage in communication. Furthermore, while
the Freedom of Press Ordinance (TF) and the the rights are ultimately those of the individual,
Freedom of Expression Foundation (YGL). they include the right to engage in interactions
with other people in order to obtain or enhance
Freedom of communication and freedom of the impact of communication.
procurement  These rights are embedded in constitutive
 Every citizen has the right, but not the principles, which are moral, philosophical, or
obligation, to give information on any topic for legal in nature and which identify the right,
publication, including dissemination in the legal supply its justification, and indicate its
media. The right to privacy extends to a certain restrictions. The principles are translated into
degree to confidential material, such as practical regulations, most of which are legal in
information from non-public documents. The character, and are then implemented through
right to obtain information for the purpose of numerous social institutions meant to make the
making it public or publishing it might be basic rights a reality in practice. Rights, values,
viewed as an extension of the right to rules, and institutions all work together to
communicate. achieve particular goals.
 There are also exceptions to the freedom of  The system of free expression as it has evolved
communication between the TF and YGL, as it in the United States is intended to serve four
is not authorized to disclose information if it distinct but connected goals. The first is personal
involves certain significant offenses against the gratification. The freedom to express oneself is
country's security or some other crimes intended critical to realizing one's true character and
against the state. potential as a human being. Through self-
expression and dialogue with his peers, man
Prohibition of investigation and prohibition of lives, evolves, and finds purpose in life.
 The investigation ban stipulates that authorities Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression
or other public organizations may not investigate  The right to freedom of expression refers to the
anyone who has left a message in the media in freedom to have opinions without hindrance and
favor of free expression. A recipient of such is not subject to exceptions or restrictions. The
information guarantees confidentiality of the right to free speech embraces all forms of
informant's identity, and a violation of the communication, including written and spoken
investigation ban is penalized. Additionally, communications, the media, public protest,
there is whistleblower protection for public broadcasting, artistic works, and commercial
employees, which takes effect when advertising. The right to be a human being is not
communication freedom is utilized. This entails absolute. It carries specific duties and may be
a so-called restriction on retribution for the restricted for a variety of reasons. For example,
employer to punish the employee who has limits could apply to blocking access to specific
exercised his or her right to communicate. websites, inciting violence, or categorizing
artistic material.
Communication and Freedom of Expression
 The concept of free expression is founded on the We considers the right to freedom of opinion and
proposition that certain types of communication expression. You must consider the right to free
expression if you are working on legislation, a policy, or ethics are generally accepted and empowering principles
a program that: that are implemented in every individual. Ethical
 Imposes restrictions on the content of any communication, on the flip side, involves talking about
speech, publication, broadcast, display, or your business values, having the ability to be open to
promotion. other individuals' opinions, or acceptable
 Restricts the structure or manner of any kind of communication.
expression (for example, requires prior
authorization for public demonstration or limits
the use of sites where protest action may occur).
 Controls or reduces media coverage, particularly
coverage of political issues item must be
approved before it can be published. 11 Scope of Freedom of Expression
 Imposes criminal or civil penalties for the 1. Political Discourse - When we say discourse,
dissemination of thoughts or information. we mean oral or written communication between
 Controls or limits access to information, individuals, particularly a serious debate about a
especially access to the internet imposes certain issue. Political meaning refers to how
censorship or requires entertainment content to power is obtained and wielded in a country or
be classified, or controls commercial expression culture. According to what I have researched, it
(for example, advertising). pertains to the discourse practices that are
undertaken by everyone who takes part in a
This list is not intended to be thorough. political process, ranging from politicians and
 When developing a measure that restricts organizations to citizens. Political discourse,
freedom of expression, consider whether it can according to Baranov, is "the sum of all speech
be justified according to the permitted grounds acts used in political discussions, as well as rules
for restriction, whether it will be efficient in of public policy sanctified by tradition and
achieving the desired ends, whether it affects verified by experience." Both the speaker and
freedom of expression to a greater extent than is the audience are taken into account in the text
necessary, and whether there are less restrictive and conversation of professional politicians or
means of achieving the desired ends. political institutions, such as presidents and
 The necessity to prevent incitement to hatred as prime ministers, as well as other members of
well as incitement to discrimination imposes government, parliament, or political parties, at
legal limits on freedom of expression. If you are the local, national, and worldwide levels.
working on legislation, a policy, or a program 2. Teaching Discourse - Discourse means verbal
that restricts offensive speech or the publication or written conversation between individuals.
or broadcast of offensive content, you need to Discourse in education allows students to
look into the requirement. communicate with one another and express their
opinions while also overcoming difficult
Law Governing the Media dilemmas. There would be nothing to learn if
 Every citizen has certain legal responsibilities. there was nothing to talk about, since ideas must
According to Day, the value of these obligations be exchanged and studied for learning to occur.
is determined by their level of relationship with Classroom discourse is traditionally defined as
one another. the language (both spoken and written) used in
 Why does the subject matter of justice's duties the classroom by teachers and students to
not always coincide with the sphere of legal communicate. While discussion may not be
obligations? unique to school, the classroom model has
 Given that a law cannot encompass all that has evolved over time. One of the roles of discourse
to do with justice, in education is to enable teachers and professors
 Given the fact that some civil laws are unjust, to convey academic topic material to learners.
Educators must be able to describe and discuss
As a result, there are three forms: the ideas and concepts they are to convey to
 Legal and ethical students, whether they are primary school
 Ethical is greater than legal. reading skills or university-level astronomy.
 Ethical does not imply legal. They must be able to communicate with
children, listen to them, and respond to their
The Philippine Constitution queries. This can be done either verbally or in
 Section 24 of Article II: writing.
 The government recognized the importance of 3. Journalism - Journalism is the collecting,
communication and information in nation- analyzing, producing, and presenting of news
building. and information. These actions have had an
Section 3 of Article III impact on it. Certain characteristics and
 The privacy of communication and practices differentiate journalism from other
correspondence shall be protected unless ordered activities and products. Thus, the goal of
by a court of law or where public safety or order journalism is to supply citizens with the
dictates otherwise, as provided by law. information that is needed to make the wisest
 Any evidence gathered in contravention of this choices possible about their lives, communities,
or the preceding provision is inadmissible in any societies, and governments. Journalism is the
proceeding for any reason. obtaining, preparation, and dissemination of
news and related commentary and feature
Recap… materials by means of the use of electronic and
In the previous meeting, we discussed ethics and ethical print media such as newspapers, magazines,
communication. Ethics is a structured approach to books, blogs, webcasts, podcasts, social
evaluating and judging what is right and wrong, and
networking and social media sites, and e-mail, sermon on a religious or moral issue, usually
as well as radio, film, and television. delivered during a church service and based on a
4. Commentary on Public Affairs - Public affairs Bible chapter.
can be thought of as an organization's efforts to 11. Commercial Advertisement - A commercial
track, interact with, and organize its external advertisement is a communication created for
business processes. Public affairs is concerned distribution using motion picture film or video
with issues that directly influence the public, in media in order to captivate consumers' attention
the form of legislation or public administration. or have an impact on consumers' attitudes
5. Commentary on One’s own Affair - Once we toward a specific product, service, event, or
said commentary on one's own affair, we meant cause. Advertising has three main goals: to
that we condemned the way they conducted inform, convince, and remind. Informative
themselves, their effectiveness, style, and advertising raises brand, product, service, and
creativity. In other words, we critiqued or concept awareness. It publicizes new products
evaluated the way they presented themselves or and initiatives and provides information to
any piece of art they created. people about the features and benefits of new
6. Human Right Discussion - Human rights can and existing items. Commercial activity, such as
be regarded as the fundamental norms required selling furniture through a storefront or a
for a life of equality and dignity, and their restaurant, is for profit. Commercial activity can
universality originates from the reality that all be defined broadly as the sale of commodities,
humans are equal in this sense of the word. We services, food, or materials.
should not and cannot make boundaries between
them. Human rights have been established to New Civil Code of the Philippines
protect and preserve each individual's humanity,  The Civil Code of the Philippines is the result of
ensuring that each individual has the opportunity the Philippines' formulation of private law. In
to live a life of dignity and worth as a human the Philippines, it is the general law that controls
being. family and property relations. The Civil Code
7. Anti-Trafficking - Anti-trafficking laws, efforts, establishes the legal status of individuals, legal
and programs are designed to prohibit unlawful persons, and other subjects, as well as their
trading, such as trading in drugs, people, or rights and obligations related to their private
illegal weapons. The recruitment, shipping, lives and assets in civil, marriage and family,
exchange, harboring, adoption, or receipt of a business, commerce, and labor relations (from
child for the purpose of exploitation, or when this point on referred to as civil relations
the adoption is facilitated by any form of collectively). The Civil Code is responsible for
consideration for exploitative purposes, shall be defending persons' lawful rights and interests,
considered "trafficking in persons," regardless of organizations, state interests, and public
the fact that it has nothing to do with any of the interests; guaranteeing legal equality and safety
above-mentioned means. in civil relations; making a contribution to the
8. Labor Issues - Any tension that results between creation of conditions for meeting people's
a worker and an employer, or between a trade material and spiritual needs; and promoting.
union and employers, related to the application Human Relations
of law, collective agreement, work rules,  It exists to set forth the standard of behavior for
employment contract, or customary rules, as all the things we must observe, follow, or abide
well as any disputes resulting throughout by while dealing with other humans—the
collective bargaining or in connection with a limitations of our rights and the causes of our
collective agreement, is referred to as a labor acts.
dispute. International labor concerns are abuses Article 19: “Every person must, in the exercise of his
of workers' rights that occur on a regular basis rights and in the performance of his duties, act with
around the world. Workers' legal rights, which justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty
protect them from employer abuse, differ from and good faith”.
country to country. Exploiting workers with  Took use of rights abuse.
excessive hours, poor working conditions,  Aimed at everyone — two kinds of people:
unpleasant conditions, no living wages, and so natural people (human beings) and artificial
on are just a few of the issues workers face people (made by law).
around the world.  The University of the Philippines, the Kidney
9. Cultural and Artistic Expression - Musical National Institute, and the PAGCOR are all
arts, dancing, artwork, layouts, titles, signs and legally recognized organizations that have the
symbols, performances, festivities, architectural right to enter into contracts, file complaints,
forms, handicrafts, storytelling, and many more open bank accounts, and perform other functions
creative or expressive forms of culture are normally reserved for natural individuals.
examples of traditional cultural expressions States that every person should do three things:
(TCEs). Artistic expression has evolved in every
culture around the world in order to offer a form
of expression for thoughts, feelings, traditions,
and beliefs. Art can be both traditionally
1.) Act with
anchored and a motivating force for cultural
change. Many notable pieces of art are religious
in nature.
10. Religious Discourse - Religion discourses are
types of social engagement that take place when
one's relationship to religion is stressed. This
2.) Give everyone
could be due to the religious nature of the setting
or specific elements of the social interaction. A his due
essence of good faith is an honest belief in one's
3.) Observe honest rights, ignorance of a higher claim, and the
absence of a desire to overreach another.
1. The chapter exists to provide us with a
and good faith framework for exercising our rights and carrying
out our responsibilities. It gives procedures for
violations of rights.
1.) Act with 2. Article 19 contains the notion of rights
violations. An abuse of rights occurs when the
following conditions are fulfilled: 1) there is a
justice legal right or responsibility; 2) it is exercised in
bad faith; and 3) the sole goal is to prejudice or
damage another.
2.) Give everyone 3. The absence of good faith is absolutely
necessary for righteous abuse.
4. There is a presumption of good faith in all
his due dealings. Clear and persuasive proof overturns
this presumption.
 The right to life and liberty, freedom from
3.) Observe honest servitude and enslavement, freedom of
thought and speech, the right to labor, and
the right to an education.
and good faith Article 20: “Every person who, contrary to law,
1. Act with justice. willfully or negligently causes damage to another,
2. Give everyone his due. shall indemnify the latter for the same”.
3. Observe honest and good faith. 1. Determine the situations in which the Damnum
Also known as the principle of abuse of rights, it Absque Injuria principle applies.
conveys to us the reality of the limitations of our rights 2. List the requirements for a case to succeed.
and how they should be exercised. 3. Identify the legal provisions relevant to Article
 So, for instance, when we nurture dogs, we have 20 of the Civil Code.
the right to take ownership of them, care for  A cause of action is a circumstance or group of
them, and keep them on leashes. If the same facts that gives cause for a legal requirement to
animal does harm to another, any individual has file an action in court. The grounds for going to
the right to defend his property, himself, or his court should be the cause of action.
family; hence, they are justified in killing the As an example, a company's graphic designer is required
dog. to work more than 8 hours each day. Overtime pay of
 In other words, we have the right to express 25%–30% on rest days is mandated under the labor
ourselves, yet there are boundaries, such as the code. If he files a complaint, the nonpayment of his
crime of libel and anti-terror legislation. overtime salary will be the basis of his case. He goes to
If we fail to abide by the limits imposed by law, we end court in order to receive his overtime wages. If he got
up violating our rights. These rights can be the basis of overtime pay, the employer ought to hand over time
various unlawful conduct if they are abused or misused. records. The reason for the dismissal is that there is no
When the following events occur, there is an abuse of cause of action.
rights: 1.) When there is a legal right or duty; 2.) It is  If an individual lacks the right to have a cause of
taken advantage of in bad faith; 3.) The sole goal is to action, they are not provided with the relief they
prejudice or cause injury to another. seek, and the courts cannot provide a means of
 A person should not exercise his rights in an resolving the issue.
unjust or dishonest manner, as this leads to  THE INABILITY TO STATE A CAUSE OF
liability. It aims to prevent the use of, or the ACTION.
desire to make use of, the legal right of Provides us with numerous reasons for action.
responsibility to achieve unlawful purposes. 1. The loss, damage, or harm caused by an injury is
Whenever rights are exercised solely to referred to as damage.
disadvantage or damage another, they are 2. Injury is the illegal invasion of a legal right.
abused. A right must be exercised in obedience When both are united, a cause of action exists.
to the intended purpose for which it was Somebody, for example, paid from the XYZ store, which
established in the first place. There must be no delivered its things to courier J. The courier, on the other
purpose in causing harm to someone. hand, did not bundle appropriately. As a result, when
they received the item, it was defective.
To give everyone their due, to contribute what they  In this case, the damages were the broken laptop
have. and everything he could have done if he had
 It is one's responsibility to act honestly and in received the laptop in excellent working order. X
good faith. Good faith is an intangible or was hurt and sustained harm. As a result, he can
abstract trait that includes an honest belief, the hold the shopkeeper or the courier liable.
absence of maliciousness, and the absence of Let's say that X purchased land in the midst of a
intent to hurt someone or gain an unfair benefit. neighborhood with few residents. When X built his
Considering an individual's personal good faith house, he made care to include a number of windows
is a construct of his own mind, it may not be that looked out into the vacant lots. In the unused lot, he
evaluated just by his protestations. It implies set out to grow crops. X's family spotted the property
sincerity of intention and freedom from and purchased it. They ruined the crops by establishing a
awareness of circumstances that should call the big structure that covered the windows.
person who is expressing it into question. The
 X experienced damages by losing his crops and much evidence that Alfonso did so on purpose.
his view, but these losses are not founded on Lolita's attachment cannot lead to any other
injury due to the fact that he had no legal power conclusion but that it was he who intrigued the
to control what happened to the vacant lots latter to the point of falling in love with him
because he did not own them, and the view was through a clever technique of trickery. This is
not a part of his property. This is an instance of demonstrated by the defendant's numerous visits
Damnum Absque Injuria (damage without to Lolita's house under the pretext that she
injuries). Simply because the plaintiff wanted to teach him how to do the rosary.
experienced losses does not entitle her to In this scenario, the PARI DELICTO rule does not apply.
reimbursement. To be eligible for damages, there Pari Delicto indicates equal blame or illegal fault in a
must be both a right of action for a legal wrong similar offense or crime.
committed by the defendant and damage  THE MAN AND THE WOMAN WERE
suffered by the plaintiff. Wrong without damage, GOING TO GET MARRIED. The woman had
or damage without wrong, does not form a cause bridal showers, etc., but the man sent her a letter
of action because damages are only one requesting that the wedding be postponed and
component of the remedy available for the injury then departed and never returned. He should be
inflicted. held responsible for his damages for breaking
There is a significant difference between damages and his pledge to marry, but this is also clearly
injuries. Injury is the illegal interference of a legal right; against good custom.
damage is the loss, hurt, or harm caused by the injury; Breach of a marriage pledge is not a punishable
and damages are the compensation or reimbursement offense for the following reasons:
received for the damage suffered. As a result, there 1. When there is seduction—or when the male uses
might be damage without injuries. trickery, enticement, greater power, or abuse of
1. To indemnify is to compensate. trust on the part of the seducer to which the
2. Indemnify can mean to be unharmed, to be free woman has given,
of loss or injury, or to release someone from the 2. When the promise of marriage is the primary
consequences of their conduct. reason a woman would have sex with a man, and
 According to Article 100 of the Revised Civil the man appears to have no intention of
Code, anybody who is convicted of a crime is upholding this commitment,
similarly subject to civil liability. Once 3. When the wedding has been carefully arranged
convicted of a crime, a person is obligated to and one of the parties walks out as the ceremony
pay for any damages he may have caused. is about to begin.
Article 20 makes no distinction between The family might potentially file a civil lawsuit for
intentionally made and impulsive actions. damages. Not only is there a breach of the agreement
to marry,
Article 21: “Any person who willfully causes loss or  Bisaya actor Roberto, for example, recognized a
injury to another in a manner that is contrary to buddy, Violetta. Roberto was informed that he
morals, good customs or public policy shall was a guest. Someone informed Roberto that he
compensate the latter for the damage”. was not welcome. Roberto filed a lawsuit for 2
 A violation of the law is not needed by the law. million pesos after being evicted. Roberto was
All that the law wants is that legal conduct be not on the list, according to the secretary. The
committed that is opposed to morals, good court ruled in favor of Ms. Secretary Lim, and
customs, or public policy. This is why an action Roberto was not supposed to be present. They
under Article 21 of the Civil Code is referred to considered the hotel responsible for the behavior
as CONTRA BONUS MORES, or against of how they treated the actor in terms of
excellent morals. reputation and so on. The doctor invited
 The injury or loss must be the result of an Roberto, and if the doctor had not invited
intentional action. Roberto, he would not have suffered from
Breach of Marriage Promise humiliation.
 The boy wants to commit to marrying the girl, An action under Article 21 must include:
and they did things that caused the girl to 1. A legal act exists.
become pregnant. She brought a case for the cost 2. The act is against morals, good manners, public
of the damages. Both were consenting adults, order, and policy.
and the case was dismissed due to a lack of 3. The act is performed with the intention of
cause of action. This case has been remanded by enduring.
the Court of Appeals. According to Article 21,  VOLENTI NON-FIT INJURIA indicates that
they established that the guy seduced the girl as what a person commits is not considered injury
part of their commitment to marry, to which the in law. This expression can also refer to self-
girl agreed. If both parties feel desire, there is no inflicted injury or consent to injury. Anyone who
seduction. The idea of seduction originates from intentionally exposes himself to injury, even if
the idea of the seducer. The lawsuit concludes carelessly, cannot recover damages.
with the girl being free to pursue other remedies, 1. A case under Article 21 will only succeed if
but her case is dismissed. there is a lawful act that is against morals,
 Alfonso works as a factory salesman. Alfonso good traditions, or public policy.
was a married man from a family with similar 2. Article 20 is based on unlawful conduct that
surnames. Alfonso fell in love with Lolita and can be committed knowingly or
wrote messages to her. They were shocked by unintentionally. Article 21 is predicated on
the relationship due to the fact that he was CONTRA BONUS MORES conduct that can
treated like a family member and Alfonso was only be committed deliberately.
married. Lolita found a love note from Alfonso 3. A breach of promise to marry is not
requesting that they meet at a specific time. considered actionable wrong unless there is
Alfonso made Lolita fall in love—there is not seduction, the promise is the proximate
reason for sexual intercourse, and wedding needed components to prove the charge are
preparations have commenced. feasible.
4. The doctrine of volenti non fit injuria Online Responsibility and Risk Mitigation
prohibits the collection of damages when a  Cyberlibel prevention begins with ethical online
person voluntarily exposes himself to the activity. When sharing facts or thoughts online,
danger of injury, even if he is irresponsible in it is critical to take caution and ensure that they
doing so. are accurate, fair, and respectful. Understanding
 Morality is concerned with what is right and the limits of free speech and adopting digital
wrong; it is concerned with the norms of good ethics can dramatically lower the likelihood of
and proper behavior that have formed in a being involved in cyber libel lawsuits.
community; morality is often referred to as good Facts that Constitute Cyberlibel
customs; and any contract that has an unethical  An act, neglect, status, situation, or event must
objective is opposed to good customs. have the purpose of doing harm.
 Good customs is the place that collects all of the  Aside from the author and the person defamed
behaviors that help to contribute the most to our or referenced, the defamatory post must be seen
everyday well-being. by at least one other person.
 Public policy is the set of unwritten ideas that  The defamatory post had to be malicious, which
govern social rules; the principle that harm to means the author knew it was false.
the public benefit is evidence for denying the  The libelous information must be about a living
legitimacy of a contract or other transaction. person, a firm, or a deceased person, which
means that the post must identify the person who
Revised Penal Code of the Philippines is being defamed, or at least a third person can
 The Revised Penal Code criminalizes a broad identify the person who is being defamed.
variety of commonly acknowledged criminal  The defamatory material must have the
activities, including the taking of a life, whether possibility of making the person defamed seem
by murder or homicide, rape, robbery and theft, bad, lose respect, or be mocked.
and treason.  The libel was committed using a computer
system or a similar approach that may be further
Cyber Libel Law developed in the future. This category also
 Cyber libel is the action of hurting or harming includes smartphones, tablets, and other digital
someone's reputation by the use of electronic gadgets.
methods such as the internet, social media Common Defense to Cyberlibel Charges
platforms, or other digital communication  Justification. This rule applies if it is discovered
channels. It includes making false or malicious that the defamatory post was true.
assertions that interfere with a person's  Consent to the piece's publication. The
character, reputation, or integrity. Cyber libel is defendant has no case if the plaintiff agreed to a
a public and malicious imputation of a crime, or defamatory post.
of an offense or flaw of any kind, or any act,  That is a fair point. If the defamatory post is
omission, condition, position, or circumstance largely an opinion, the individual charged with
tending to shame, discredit, or disdain a natural libel will not be penalized. If the plaintiff is
or juridical person, or to blacken the memory of well-known, this is a popular defense.
a deceased person.  Privilege is both absolute and conditional. The
 The dissemination of false information about accused published the post without intentionally
another person, group, or organization over a considering it part of their employment.
computer network. Libel is the act of publicly  Innocent distribution. In that the accused is not
and purposefully attributing a crime, vice, or accused of acting purposefully when making the
flaw (real or fictitious) to a person or criticizing post public, this is identical to both absolute and
the memory of a deceased person. Like common qualified privilege.
law libel, cyberlibel is libelous, communicated
with a third party, and directly names the Recognizing this two-pronged component of this
victim(s). Cyberlibel is a complicated issue paradigm-shifting action, Congress adopted Republic
because cyberspace fosters libel without end. Act 10175, better known as the Cybercrime Prevention
When proven in a court of law, the repercussions Act of 2012. Offenses against the confidentiality,
can be harsh, depending on the country. integrity, and availability of computer data systems;
Legal Framework in the Philippines computer-related offenses relating to computer forgery,
 The Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 fraud, and identity theft; and content-related offenses
regulates cyberlibel in the Philippines. Online such as cybersex, child pornography, and, most
defamation is a criminal violation punishable by importantly, cyber libel were defined and punished under
prison and fines under the law. Understanding this new law.
the legal framework governing cyber libel is Section 4(c)(4) of the Cybercrime Prevention Act of
critical for avoiding legal problems. 2012, which punishes online libel, refers to Revised
Elements of Cyber Libel Penal Code Article 355: Libel means by writings or
 Certain aspects must be shown to establish a similar means. — A libel committed by means of
case of cyber libel, namely the publication of writing, printing, lithography, engraving, radio,
defamatory comments, identification of the phonograph, painting, theatrical exhibition,
victim, and the presence of hatred or intent to cinematographic exhibition, or any similar means,
injure. shall be punished.
Penalties and Legal Defense
 Conviction for cyber libel may outcome in harsh Philippine Laws punish Libel
punishments such as jail and large fines.  Art. 353. Libel definition. — A libel is a
However, legal defenses such as truth as a malicious and widely circulated allegation of a
defense, lack of malice, or the absence of the
crime, or of a fault or defect, whether real or
alleged, or any act, omission, condition, status,
or circumstance aiming to dishonor, discredit, or
disdain a natural or legal person, or to blacken
the memory of a deceased person.
 Art. 355. Libel means by writings or similar
means. — A libel committed by means of
writing, printing, lithography, engraving, radio,
phonograph, painting, theatrical exhibition,
cinematographic exhibition, or any similar
means, shall be punished.
(Revised Penal Code of the Philippines [Act No. 3815
 Sec. 4. Offenses related to cybercrime. The
following acts constitute a cybercrime offense
punishable under this Act:
 (b) Content-related Violations:
 (4) Libel. Illegal or banned actions of libel, as
defined in Article 355 of the Revised Penal
Code, as amended, are perpetrated through a
computer system or any other analogous means
that may be created in the future.

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