Government of Rajasthan Public Health Engineering Department (Rajasthan)
Government of Rajasthan Public Health Engineering Department (Rajasthan)
Government of Rajasthan Public Health Engineering Department (Rajasthan)
Bid Documents
NIT NO.___36___/2022-23
7. W or k O r der P er iod 60 months from the date of handling Over the work order.
The Executing Agency of this project Is the Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) of
1.4 All wo r k s, p r o po s ed f or ex e cu t i on u n d e r t h e w or k or d er , a r e n ot i f i ed in B id
Document under the headline "Scope of work and Technical Specification s".
1.5 T he B idder s sha ll r ea d t he specif ica t ion a n d st u d y t h e sit e ca r ef u lly
Before submitting the Bid.
1.6The Bidders is requir ed to study all instru ctions, form s, terms, cond ition s and -
O ther deta ils in the B id docum ents. Failu r e t o f ur n ish a ll I nf orma tion req u ir ed b y t he Bid
document s or subm ission of a B id not su b sta nt ia lly r esp onsive t o the Bid docu ments in
every moped will be at the Bidder ’s risk and may resu lt in rejection of its Bid.
1 .7 T he B id d er s s ha ll s ig n a declaration u n d e r t h e of f i c i a l S e c r e t s A c t f o r
M a int a i ni ng se cr e cy of t h e B id d oc u m en t s, d r a w in g s or ot h er r ec or d s connected with
the work given to him in form given below. The unsuccessful Bidders shall return all the
drawings given to them.
D ecla rat ion
"I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the Bid documents, drawings and ot h er r ecor ds,
connect ed with t he work , as secr et conf ident ia l d ocum ent s a n d sh a ll n ot com m un icate
inf or mat ion der iv ed ther e fr om t o an y p erson other than a p erson to whom I/We am/are
authorized to com municate the sa m e or u se t h e inf orm at ion in a ny man n er p r ej ud icia l to
t he saf ety of the Failure to observ e the secr ecy of the Bids will rend er Bids of the Bidders,
Liable to summary rejection.
1.8 The site for execution of the work will be made available as soon as the work is awarded. In
case, it is not possible for the Department to make the entire site available on the awar d of
the work, the Bidders sha ll arrang e his work ing program according ly. No claim,
whatsoever, for not giving the site in full on award of the work or for giving the site
gradually in parts will be tenable. The Bidders may satisfy himself regarding site,
acquisition of land, approach roads etc.
1.9 Bidder s shall subm it only u nconditional Bid s. Cond itiona l Bids are liab le to be
Rejected summarily. The Bid documents show already the specific terms and cond itions on
which Bids are requir ed by the Department, Hence all Bids sh ould be in str ict
conform ity with the Bid docum en ts and should b e fulfilled in, wherever necessary, and
IBI dialed. Incomplete Bid is liable to be rejected. The terms and cond itions of the Bid
docum ents are fir m; as such conditiona l Bids are liable to be rejected.
1.10 The Bidder shall comply with the provisions of the Ap prent icesh ip Act, 1961,
And the rules and orders issued, there und er, fr om tim e to t ime. If h e fails to do so, his
failure will be a breach of the work order and the original sanctioning au thority in his
discretion may cancel the work or der The B idd er that also Ire liable for any pecuniary
liability arising on account of violations by him of the provisions of the Act.
If it is found that the Bid is not submitted in proper manner, or contains too many
corrections and or unreasonable rates or amounts, it would be open for the competent
authority not to consider the Bid, forfeit the amount of earnest money and/or de-list the
The Bidder should have GST registration certificate.
3.1 The work is to be completely finished to the satisfaction of Engineer -in-charge within 5
3. Time of Execution YEARS (60 months) from the 10 th day after the date of written order to commence the work.
The facilities required, Bidding procedures, work order terms and technical
Requirements are prescribed in the Bid document. The Bid documents include the
following sections, and addendum's issued till the date of submission of the Bid: PART -A:
4. Contend of Bid Document Volume I
Instruction to Bidders
Notice Inviting Bids
General Conditions of Work order
T he B idden sha ll been a ll cost s a ssociat ed wit h t h e p r epar at ion a nd sub m ission of this
Bid, and the Department will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, r egardless of
the conduct or outcome of the Bidd ing process.
It sha ll be obl ig a t or y on t he suc cessf u l B id d er s t o p a y st a m p ch a r g es on t h e wor k
5.Cost of Bidding
or der f or pr epa r a t ion of w or k or d er a g r eem en t a s r u l in g on d a t e of e xecu t ion of t h e
center ed.
The Bidders and any of its personnel or agents will be granted permission by the
D epa r t m ent t o ent er upon it s pr em ises a n d la n d s f or t h e p u r p ose of su ch sit e visits.
6. SiteVisitBeforeBidding But the Bidder s and its personnel will b e respon sible for death or per sona l in j u r y , loss of
or da m a g e t o pr oper ty a nd a ny ot h er loss, d a m a g e, cost s a n d expenses incurred as a
result of the site visits.
The Bidder shall satisfy himself regarding the availability of material required for execut ion
wit hin t he t im e f ra me pr escr ibed for t h e work a nd If d esir ed sh a ll tak e into accou nt the
cost of superior materia l to be used as its rep lacement.
B. Pr e -Q ua li fica t io n Cri t e ri a
T he t ender should be m a nuf a ct u r er of AP FC P a n el a n d m u st b e h a v in g
11 . P r e - cer t if ica t e of m a nuf a ct ur ing of AP FC P a n els & sh ou ld h a v e a n exp er ien ce of
Qu a l i fi c a t io n succes sf ul com p let ion o f sim i la r t y p e of wor k f or m in im u m of 5 y ea r s in p a st
C r i te r ia - 1 0 y ea r s by inst a ll ing a ut om a t ic p ower f a ct or con t r ol p a n e ls a t P H E D P u m p
Te c h n ic a l H ouses on r e nt a l ba sis a nd m a in t a in in g g ood p ower f a ct or . T h e cer t if ica t e
r eg a r ding wor k exper ienc e shou ld h a v e b e en issu ed a n d sig n ed b y a n of f icer
not below t he r a nk of Execut iv e En g in eer .
Bidder s are r equir ed to deposit following mentioned Bid f ee and earn est money
both in physica l form in office of the Executiv e Eng in eer, PHED, up to the
prescribed period.
Bid fee: -Rs 1000/- To be paid in the form of EGRAS Challan (Electronic Government
Receipt Accounting System) website http//:www.egras.raj.nic in favor of EXECUTIV E
12. Bid fee ENGINEER, PHED DIVISION ALWAR DDO cod e 5655 under respective Challan head
for your ref erence to generate t h e e Challan cir cu lar of finan ce d ep artment
dated 27-04-2020 enclosed with the tend er document is to be down load ed from
website Tenderer shall have to dep osit ten der fee,
placed along with technica l bid in the sam e envelop e.
Security Deposit @ 10% of the gross amount of the running bill shall be deducted from each
running bill and the same shall be refunded as per the rules on completion of the contract as
per the terms and conditions. The earnest money deposited shall however be adjusted while
deducting security deposit from the first running bill of the contractor. There shall be a limit of
maximum limit of 10 % security deposit. Firms registered under MSME/SSI have a provision of
security deduction of 1 % in each running bill or security deposit can be adjusted towards the
Earnest Money
(c) Ifs Bidders reduces the rates voluntarily or modifies his offer voluntarily after
Opening of the financial Bids/ negotiations, his offer s hall stand cancelled
a ut omamoney.
earnest t ica lly , his ea rnest mon ey sha ll b e f orf eit ed a nd a ct ion f or d eb ar r ing
him from business shall be taken as per enlistment rules.
(d) If a non- Bidders offers lower rates after opening of Bids, action for debarring him
from business shall be taken as per enlistment rules.
(e) For any other act of the Bid der s detailed her ein , for forfeiture of Earn est
The Bid for the works shall remain open f or acce pt ance for a pe ri od of 90 days from the
14. Period of date of opening of Bid. A Bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the department as
Validity of Bid being non-responsive.
In exce ptional circumstance s, the De part ment may see k the Bidde r’s conse nt to an
extension of the Bid validity period. The request and responses thereto shall be made in writing
or by email. If Bidders accepts to prolong the period of validity, the Earnest Money shall also be
suitably extended.
15. Format and Bid document along with relevant amendment(s) can be downloaded from
Signing of Bid; and Bidders are required to fill and upload their Bid on this
C. Submission of Bid
Sealing and
16. The Bids shall be uploade d in T wo cove rs. Fi rst cove r (Te chni cal Bid) shal l cont ain Bi d
16. of Bids
Sealing and fe e s, proce ssing fe e s, EM D , in form of D D / Banke r Che que re gi st rat i on certificate &
Marking of Bids related documents and second cover (Financial Bid) shall contain price Bid.
"First Cover" should contain following document exclusively in ".pdf' format: Scanned copy
of Bid fee DD/ Banker Cheque
18. Contents of "Financial Bid should contain the same BOQ document downloaded from website as
available in ".xls" format and duly filled in the three cells prescribed for "Bidder Name", choose
Second Cover
among "Excess/Less" and figure in percent.
(Financial Bid)
19. Deadline for The web site will not accept uploading of Bids after the prescribed period reckoned from the clock of web
Submission of Bids site
20.Opening of Bids The Exe cutive Engineer or othe r dul y authorize d Committee will ope n t he Bids online in the
presence of Bidders(s) or their authorized representative(s) who may choose to be present at the
byDepartment time of Bid opening.
In first stage, first Cover shall be opened of the Bidders whose Bid fee and e arnest
mo ne y is f ou nd to h ave be e n de p osi t e d i n s at i sf a ct o r y m a nne r. T he Bi dde r s '
name s, the pre se nce ( or abse nce ) of E arne st M one y, and ot he r de t ail s such as
Brief of eligibility will be announced by the Bid Opening Committee at the opening.
21. Preliminary The contents of the First Cover (Technical Bid) of the individual Bids will be exami ne d
summarily in orde r to assess thei r formal conformit y and agree ment wit h the Instructions
Examination of and guidance to the Bidders and the completeness. Any Bid not conforming to any of these
Bids requirements may be disqualified forthwith at the discretion of Department.
Confidential The Bid will be evaluated by the Dept. Information relating to the examination, clari fication
and comparison of the Bidders and recommendations for the award of the Work order shall not
Treatment be disclosed to Bidden or to any other person not officially concerned with the evaluation
process until the award to the successful -Bidders has bee n announce d. Any e ffort by
Bidde rs to influe nce the evaluation process or the recommendations and decisions for award
may result in the rejection of its Bid.
Substantial Bid Notwithstanding the preliminary, the Dept. will determine the substantial Bidders. Substantial Bids
are those which meet the following requirements:
Bid fee and E arne st M one y In the requi re d form
Responsive to all requirements of the Bid documents and the Instructions to Bidders,
Clarification and substantiation re quire d to assess t he qualit y of t he offe r,
No deviations other than those specified above and reservations affecting the scope and
quality of the work, limiting the rights of the Dep’t. Or the Bidders obligations, or
whose rectification would affect the competitive position of the other substantial
If a Bid Is not substantially responsive it will be rejected by the Dep’t. And will not be used
for further evaluation. The financial offers of Insubstanti al Bidders will not be opened. The
Department's dete rmination of a Bi d's responsive ness i s t o be based on the contents of the
Bid itself without recourse to extrinsi c evidence. It is expressly st ated that the information
contained in the Envelope A of the Bid will be used t o define whe the r a Bid is subst anti al
or not. T he Bidde rs are, therefore, advised to submit complete Bids only.
22. Financial The financial offer of all qualified Bidders determined responsive will be opened at a date
Evaluation notified to all qualified Bidden.
The Executive Engineer other dul y authorized committee will open the Bids online i n the
pre se nce of any Bidde r(s) or thei r aut horized re prese nt ati ve who chose to be present at the
time of opening of financial Bids.
23. Award Criteria Work order shall be awarded to the lowest bidd er of tot al bid.
24. Department's The acceptance of the Bid will rest with the Department who does not bind itself to accept the
lowest Bid and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all of Bids received without assigning
Right to Accept Any any reason.
Bid and to Reject
T he De partme nt's right to ac ce pt or re j e ct any or al l Bi ds at a ny t i me pri or t o
Any or All award of work order will n ot incur any li abil it y, M the affe ct ed Bi dders or Bidde rs or
Bids any obligation to inform the affe cte d Bidde rs or Bi dders, of the grounds for t he
Department’s action.
25. Notification
Prior to the expiry of the per iod of Bid valid ity, the Department will notify the
of Award
successful Bidder s in wr iting by reg ister ed letter or by fax, to be conf irmed in
Ring by registered letter, that its Bid has been accepted. The notification of
Award will constitute the formation of the work order, for all legal purposes.
2.0 Eligibility:
(a) The tender er should be manufacturer of APFC Panel and
must be having certifica te of manufacturing of APFC
Panels & should have an experience of successful
completion of similar type of work for minimum of 5
years in past 10 years by installing automatic power factor
control panels at PHED Pump Houses on r ental basis and
maintaining good power factor. The certificate regarding
work experience should have been issued and signed by an
officer not below the rank of Executive Eng ineer.
(b) The experience certificate should be of maintaining power
factor by installing only of APFC panel, if the certificate
stats it is maintained by installing of capacitor bank /
APFC panel then the certificate will be disregarded. The
certificate should be issued for only maintaining power
factor in individual tenders not in club with any operation
and maintenance work.
(c) Only such tenderer who are be registered as a manufacturing
unit having valid registration certificate either SSI / Industries
(d) Only such Bidder(s) who deposits the required earnest money as
per clause 16 of the Bid documents shall be considered eligible.
(e) Tenderer must be registered in GST and valid GST registration
certificate will be required.
(f) Tenderer must have electrical license of Class B and above issued
by senior electrical inspector Jaipur.
(g) If a Bidder imposes conditions which are in addition to or are
in conflict with the conditions mentioned herein, his Bid is
liable to summary rejection. In no case none of such conditions
will be deemed to have been accepted unless specifically
mentioned in the letter of acceptance of Bid issued by the
Purchase Officer.
(h) Department may decide to give an opportunity to the Bidder(s)
to withdraw deviation in the Bid conditions quoted by them.
Financial bid(s) of only those Bidder(s) shall be opened who
withdraw such deviations in format prescribed by the department
reserves the right to agree to any deviation if deemed proper by
the department.
(i) Other parameters of eligibility if any are as per description laid
In the specifications portion of these Bid documents.
(h) S.R. Form No. 11 duly signed and notarized should be enclosed.
(i) Undertaking in prescribed format for acceptance of departmental
specifications, terms & conditions duly signed and notarized
should be enclosed.
(j) The Bidder should be signed on all paged of letter of acceptance
including amendment and tents and conditions &
specifications of the Bid, should be enclosed.
(a) Any change in the constitution of the firm, etc. shall be notified
forthwith by the Bidder in writing to the purchase officer and such
change shall not relieve any former member of the firm etc., from any
liability under the work order.
(b) No new partner/partners shall be accepted in the firm by the
Bidder in respect of the work order unless he/they agree to abide
all its terms, conditions and deposit with the purchase officer a written
agreement to this effect. The bidders receipt for acknowledgement or
that of any partners subsequently accepted as above shall bind all of
them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purpose of the work
(c) Attested copy of partnership firm. Copy of Articles of Associations
&Memorandum in case of company.
(d) Registration number and year of registration in case partnership
firm is registered with Registrar of firm.
(e) Addresses of owner(s) (residence and office) and their telephone
number in case of sole proprietary and partnership firm.
(f) Copy of schedule of fixed assets and balance sheet.
(g) Bidder is require to submit GST Registration Certificate
4.0 Prices/Rates: - All rates quoted shaft be firm & fixed and must be for
rental of APFC panel for per month for pumping station (a where in the
ALWAR PHED, and should include all incidental charges. The rates must be
quoted in schedule of rates (Cover-2) only for each pump house. Work will
be awarded on the bases of individual pump house rates, Work order shall
be awarded to the lowest bidder of total bid . Lowest Bidder will be bound
to at those lower rates if approved by the department.
5.0 The price quoted shall remain firm & fixed during the work order period. If
a Bidder reduces his prices after opening of Bid offers or negotiated bids (if
any) his offer shall stand cancelled automatically, his earnest money shall he
forfeited and he shall be liable to be debarred for three years for further
business with the department.
6.0 Validity: - Bids shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of
Opening of Pre-qualifying bid for the purpose of communicating acceptance
by the department. Bids will validity less than Four months will be liable for
7.0 The approved supplier shall be deemed to have carefully examined the
terms & conditions, specifications etc., of the work to be done. If he has
any doubts as to the meaning of any portion of these conditions or of the
specification etc., he shall, before signing the work order, refer the same
to the purchase of f icer a nd get clar if icat ions .
8.0 The Bidder shall not assign or sub-let his work order or any substantial part
therefore of to any other agency.
9.0 The work order for the work can be repudiated at any time by the
purchase officer, if the work is not done to his satisfaction after
giving an opportunity to the Bidder of being heard and recording the
reasons for repudiation.
10. Direct or indirect canvassing on the part of the Bidder of his
representative will be a disqualification.
11. Extent of quantity - The Work order period expended up to 50 % in
amount and in period on mutual understanding between Bidder and
department as provided in RTPP Rules.
12. Earnest Money:-
(I) Tender shall be accompanied by an earnest money @ 2% of
estimated value as shown in NIT i.e. as per the latest circular
of govt. of Rajasthan. The amount shall be deposited in the
form of EGRAS Challan (Electronic Government Receipt
Accounting System) website http//:www.egras.raj.nic in
ALWAR, DDO code 5655 under respective Challan head
enclosed with the tender document is to be downloaded
from website Tenderer shall
have to deposit tender fee, placed along with technical
bid in the same envelope(c. Concessional Earnest Money: -
Cottage & small scale industries which are registered with
Director of Industries, Rajasthan shall furnish the amount of
earnest money @ 0.5% (quarter percent) i.e. as per the latest
circular of govt. of Rajasthan of the value of quantity offered
for supply by them in respect of items for which they are
(II) No interest will be paid by the department on the amount of
earnest money.
(III) The Central Government and Government of Rajasthan
Undertaking not furnish any amount of earnest money.
(IV) Refund of earnest money: - The earnest money of unsuccessful
Bidder shall be refunded soon after final acceptance of Bid.
(V) The earnest money lying with the department/office in respect of
other Bids awaiting approval or rejected or on account of work
orders being completed will not be adjusted towards earnest
money for the fresh Bids. The earnest money may however, be
taken into consideration in case Bids am re-invited.
(I) The Bidder should upload scanned copy of E-Grass Challan/
DD/BC for tender document cost, processing fee and earnest
money on e-procurement website. The original DD(s)/BC(s) for
tender document Cost, processing fee and earnest money, kept
in a sealed envelope, shall be deposited in the form of EGRAS
Challan (Electronic Government Receipt Accounting
System) website http//:www.egras.raj.nic in favor of
DDO code 5655 under respective Challan head enclosed
with the tender document is to be downloaded from
website Tenderer shall have to
deposit tender fee, placed along with technical bid in the
same envelope up to .
Tenders received without tender fee/ processing fee/ earnest
money shall be rejected out rightly.
13. Forfeiture of Earnest Money: - The earnest money will be forfeited in
the following cases:-
(i) When Bidder withdraws or modifies the offer after opening of Bid
but before acceptance of Bid.
(ii) When Bidder does not execute the agreement prescribed within
the Specified time.
(iii) When he fails to commence the supply of the items as per
supply order within the time prescribed
14Execution of Agreement:-
Successful Bidder will have to execute an agreement in the prescribed form
within a period of 15 days of the date of letter of acceptance. The expenses
of completing and stamping of agreement shall be paid by the Bidder and
shall be furnished free of charges with one executed stamped counter part of
the agreement.
15. Security Deposit: - ✓
(i) Security Deposit @ 10% of the gross amount of the running bill shall be
deducted from each running bill and the same shall be refunded as
per the rules on completion of the contract as per the terms and
conditions. The earnest money deposited shall however be adjusted
while deducting security deposit from the first running bill of the
contractor. There shall be a limit of maximum limit of 10 % security
deposit. Firms registered under MSME/SSI have a provision of
security deduction of 1 % in each running bill or security deposit can
be adjusted towards the earnest money. The maximum limit of
security deduction shall be 1 % for MSME/SSI registered firms.
(ii) The earnest money deposited at the time of Bid will be adjusted
towards security money.
(iii) No interest will be paid by the department on the security money.
The forms of security money shall be as below
(a) Cash/Bank Draft/Banker Cheque.
(b) Post office saving Bank pass book duly pledged.
(c) National Savings certificate, Defense Savings Certificate, Kisan
Vikas Patra or any other script/instrument under National
Savings scheme for promotion of small savings, if the some can
be pledged. These certificates shall be accepted to
surrender value.
(v) The security money shall be refunded within two month after the
expiry of work order on satisfactory completion of the same and after
satisfying that there are no dues outstanding against the Bidder.
16. Forfeiture of Security Money: Security money in full or part may be
forfeited in the following cases.
(a) When any terms & condition of the work order is breached.
(b) When the Bidder fails to make complete supply satisfactorily.
17. Payments:
(i) Advance payment will not be made.
(ii) In case of dispute, 1% of the amount shall be with held and will be
paid on settlement of the dispute.
18. The Purchase Officer reserves the right to accept any Bid not necessarily
The lowest, reject any Bid without assigning any reasons and accept Bid for all
or any one or more of the articles for the Bid has been given or distribute item of
stores to more than one firm/supplier.
19. The bills shall be submitted by the contractor in triplicate to the concerning
Assistance Engineer, every month for the preceding month with the photo copy
of the electric bill of the pump house for the month for which charges are
claimed. If it is observed that surcharge had to be paid by the department due to
power factor, the same shall be deducted from the bill claimed by the contractor.
Payment will be made as per conditions of the tender after deduction of security
deposit if any and Income Tax as per rule by Assistant Engineer concerned or by
Executive Engineer of the concern divisions.
20. If the department has to undertake any changes in the installed load or the
connected load or running load at pump houses then the suitable panel have to be
installed by the tender in that case payment for the increased load will be paid by
the department. The tender shall get the payment of the mention ordered load
every month.
21. If any power factor surcharge is charged in electric bill, the contractor will be
fully responsible for the above surcharge & same will be first paid by department
and then it will be recovered from his payment / deposits. The JVVNL offers an
incentive of 1% of energy charges if average power factor in month is
maintained above 0.95 for each 0.01 (1%) improvement above 0.95 due to extra
efforts of contractor/tenderer, if contractor/tenderer maintain power factor in any
month above 0.95 and JVVNL provides an incentive amount in that case 50% of
that incentive amount will be passed to contractor/tenderer or by P.H.E.D. The
50 % passed amount shall not be deducted from the work order sanctioned
amount GST on the incentive will be paid by the department extra.
22. The work order is valid for 5 years (60 months) from the date of approval of the
tender. The period may be extended for the further 30 months after the expiry of
5 years (60 months) period with mutual consent of the department and the
23. Concern Assistant Engineer only shall verify the power factor. The payment of
work order or of a station shall not be made till dues on account of power factor
surcharge are settled with JVVNL of that station.
24. The automatic power factor control panel should be installed in all respect within
60 days from the date of order. After 60 days of issue of work order the amount
of surcharge if due to power factor shall be the responsibility of the tenderer.
25. The automatic power factor control panel shall be as per enclosed specified
parameters. The panel equipment used by the firm should be of standard quality
for capacitors, preferably make of capacitor shall be L&T / Siemens / Shreem or
its equivalent. APFC Relay shall be intelligent of make L&T / Trinity / Shreem
and MCB/MCCB should be L&T / C&S or equivalent.
26. Installation or transportation or cabling charges shall not be
payable by the department.
27. Maintenance & operation of the automatic power factor panel shall
be carried out by the tenderer himself. In case of any trouble the service engineer
shall be immediately made available.
28. GST on such type of services as applicable as per GST rules will
be paid extra by the department.
29. If any dispute arises out of the work order with regards to the interpretation,
meaning & breach of the terms of the work order, the matter shall be
referred by the parties to the Head of Department who will appoint his senior
most deputy as the Sole Arbitrator of the dispute who will not be related to
this contractor and whose decision shall be final.
30. If the firm fails to executethe work order or fails to execute it satisfactorily, the
Action of suspension of business and banning of business etc. shall be done
In accordance with provisions of GF & AR (Part-I1).
31. The bidders will have to register themselves on website. for participating in this tender. For this
purpose Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) have to be obtained from any
agency approved by CCA. This DSC will be used to sign the bids submitted
online by the bidder. Unsigned tenders will not be entertained and will be
rejected out rightly.
End 1. S.A. 11 Declarations by Bidder's.
2. Format of Undertaking.
3. Specification Schedule.
4. Schedule of Rates.
I/We have carefully read and understood the above terms and
conditions of the Bid and agree to abide by them.
Signature of Bidder with seal in token of acceptance.
Name of Signatory
Address of Firm
Telephone No.
Fax No.
I/We have carefully read and understood the above terms and
conditions of the bid and agree to abide by them.
SR NO 11
I/We have carefully read and understood the terms and conditions of
NIT No.___36___/2022-23Executive Engineer, P.H.E.D,DIVISION
ALWAR and agreed to abide by these. We have carefully noted that my/our
offer, if contain any counter condition or additional condition in the bid
documents/price bids/forwarding letter or any other enclosure of bid
documents will be liable for rejection by the department.
Signature of Bidder
(With Seal)
Attested by Notary Public
NIT No.__36____/2022-23
2. Scoop of Work:-
2.1 Providing and installation of APFC panels with proper rating
And apply them on power line to maintain / improvement of power
factor minimum of 0.90 at various pump houses of water supply. Any
addition of new pump houses in the sub-division will be automatically
added in this work order by evaluation of power factor penalty in the
pump house.
2.2 To install the designed APFC panel at site on existing system of PHED on
as to Maintain power factor more than 0.90. The installed system shall
synchronize with existing power system of PHED.
2.3 The power factor improvement system should be capable to maintain
the desired Power factor within prescribed limits irrespective
connection of the condition of the operating system.
2.4 To regulate, calibrate, inspect, check the meter reading for power
factor replacing the damaged/defective equipment/ parts from time to
time for proper maintenance of power factor for which no extra payment
would be admissible.
2.5 The Bidder will arrange his own Electrician/ Qualified Technician to
visit the Station and record the power factor reading and shall report to
Engineer-in-charge in proper statement regularly.
2.6 The APFC PANELS should be installed as per required rating
capacity with approval from the Engineer-in-charge at all PUMP
HOUSES as required in the Bid.
2.7If the department has to undertake any changes in the installed load or the
connected load or running load at pump houses then the suitable panel have to
be installed by the tenderer, in that case payment for the increased load will be
paid by the department. The tenderer shall get the minimum payment of the
mention ordered load every month.
2.8In case of any damage to the panel, Bidder shall have to replace them on his
own cost. Department will not pay any extra charges on this account.
2.9After expiry of rate work order Bidder shall remove his APFC Panel and
other equipment installed by him at his own cost. However the
Bidder's equipment will not be permitted to be removed from sites in
case there is dispute of power factor surcharge &charges with
2.10 The Bidder shall be free to observe/watch and record Electrical
Meter reading and on power factor value.
2.11 The detail of PUMP HOUSES LOAD is available in Annexure 'A'
Signature of bidder
(Annexure "A" to "D" as per Rajasthan Transparency in public procurement rule, 2013)
(a) not offer any bribe, reward or gift or any material benefit either directly or indirectly in exchange for an
unfair adv anta ge in procure me nt proce ss or to othe rwise i nfl ue nce t h e procure me nt proce ss;
(b) not misre prese nt or omit that misle ads or atte mpts to mi sle ad so as t o obt ain a fi nanci al or ot he r
bene fit or avoid an obligation;
(c) not indulge in any collusion, Bid rigging or anti -competitive behavior to impair the transparency, fai rness
and progress of the procurement process.
(d) Not misuse any information share d betwee n the procuring Entit y and t he Bidde rs with an i nte nt t o gain
unfair advantage in the procurement process.
(e) Not indulge in any coe rcion including impairing or harmi ng or t hre ateni ng to do t he same, di re ctl y or
indire ctly, to any party or to its prope rty to influe nce the procure ment process.
(f) not obstruct any investigation or audit of a procurement process,
(g) disclose conflict of interest, if any; and
(h) Disclose any previous transgressions with any E ntity in Indi a or any ot her count ry during t he l ast t hree
Years or any debarment by any other procuring entity.
Conflict of Interest:-
The Bidde r participating in a bidding process must not have a Confli ct of Interest .
A Conflict of Interest is considered to be a situation in which a part has Interests that could improperl y
influence that party's performance of official duties or responsibilities, work order obligations, or compliance
with applicable laws and regulations.
i. A Bidder may he considered to be in Conflict of Interest with one or more parties in a bidding process if,
including but not limited to
a. have controlling partne rs/ share holde rs in common; or
b. re ceive or have re ceived any dire ct or indire ct subsi dy from a n y Of the m; or
c. ha ve the s ame le ga l re pre se nt ative f or pu r pose s o f t he Bi d, or
d. have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third parties, that puts then in a position to
have access to information about or influence on the Bid of another Bidder, or influence the decisions of
the Procuring Entity re garding the bidding process; or
e. The Bidder participates in more than one Bid in a bidding process. Participation by a Bidder in more than one
Bid will result in the disqualification of all Bids in which the Bidder Is involved. However, this does not
limit the inclusion of the same sub work order or, not otherwise participat ing as a Bidder, by more than
one Bid, or
f. the Bidder or any of its affiliates participated as a consultant in the p reparation of the design or te chni cal
spe cifications of t he Goods, Works or Se rvices that are the subje ct of t he Bid, or
g. Bidder or any of its affiliates has been hired (or is proposed to be hired) by the Procuring Entity/as e ngi neer-
in-charge/ consult ant f or the work orde r.
Bid Documents
NIT NO.___36___/2022-23
Cover- II
(Price Schedules)
Issued By:-
Public Health Engineering Department,
NIT No. ____36__/2022-23 due on: ___________
I/We hereby agree to execute the work on above quoted rates.
Signature of Bidder.
Annexure — B: Declaration by the Bidder regarding Qualifications
1. I/ we posse ss the n ece ssa ry profe ssiona l, technical, financial and managerial resources
a nd competenc e required by the Bidding Document issued by the Procuring Entity;
2. I/ We have fu lfilled my/ our obligation to pa y su ch of the taxes payable to the Union and the
State Government or any local authority specified in the Bidding Docu ment.
3. I / we are not insolvent in receivership, bankru pt or being wound u p, not have my/ our
affairs administered by a court or a judicial officer, not have my/ our business activities suspended
and not the subject of legal proceedings for any of the foregoing reasons;
4. I / we do not have, and our directors and officers not have, been convicted of any criminal
offence related my/ our professional conduct or the making of false statements or
misrepresenta tions a s to my/ our qu a li fi ca tio n s t o enter in to a pro cu r ement work or d er
wit hi n a peri od o f t hr ee y ea r s pr ec e din g th e co mmen cem en t o f t hi s pr o cu r emen t
pr o c e ss, o r n ot ha v e b e e n ot h e r wi se d i squ a li fi e d pu r su a n t t o d eba r men t proceedings;
5. I / we do not havea conflict of interest as specified in the Act, Rules and the Bidding
Docu ment, which materially affects fair completion;
Place: Na me:
Memorandum of Appeal under the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, 2012
1. Particulars of appellant:
(i) Name of the appellant :
(i i ) Offi ci al address, i f an y:
(iii) Residential address
2. Name and address of the respondent(s)
1. Number and date of the order appealed against
And name and designation of the officer/ authority
Who passed the order (enclose copy), or a
Statement of a decision, action or omission of
The Procuring Entity in contravention to the provisions
of the Act by which the appellant is aggrieved:
4. If the Appellant proposes to be represented by a
representative, the name and postal address of the
5. Number of affidavits and documents enclosed with the appeal:
6 . Gr ou n d s of a p p e a l _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
........................................................................ (Supported by an affidavit)
7. Prayer: _______________________________________________________
Place : ………………………………………
Date : ……………………………………….
Office of the EXECUTIVE ENGINEER , Public Health Engineering Department,
DIVISION ALWAR (Sub Division-I Alwar)
Sr. Running Load Amount
Particulars Unit
NO. H.P P.M.