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Coastal Regulation Zone

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GSR 37(E) 18.01.2019
The coastal stretches of the country and the water area up to
its territorial water limit ( excluding the islands of Andaman
and Nicobar and Lakshadweep and the marine areas
surrounding these islands) have been notified for regulating
the activities thereon as Coastal Regulation Zone.

 To conserve and protect the unique environment of coastal
stretches and marine areas, besides livelihood security to the fisher
communities and other local communities in the coastal areas

 To promote sustainable development based on scientific

principles taking into account the dangers of natural hazards, sea level
rise due to global warming

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 2

(i) The land area from High Tide Line (HTL)
to 500 meters on the landward side along
the sea front.
(Explanation. - the HTL means the line on the
land upto which the highest water line reaches during
the spring tide, as demarcated by the National Centre
for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM) in
accordance with the laid down procedures).

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 3

(iii) The land area between the HTL and the
Low Tide Line i.e “intertidal zone”

(iv) (a) The water and the bed area

between the LTL to the territorial water
limit (12 Nm) in case of sea and
(b) the water and the bed area between
LTL at the bank to the LTL on the opposite side
of the bank, of tidal influenced water bodies.
dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 4
(ii) The land area between HTL to 50
meters or width of the creek,
whichever is less on the landward side
along the tidal influenced water bodies
that are connected to the sea and upto
a distance till the tidal effects are
experienced (which shall be determined based on salinity
concentration of five parts per thousand (ppt) measured during the
driest period of the year)
(Explanation.- “tidal influenced water bodies” means the
water bodies influenced by tidal effects from sea in the bays, estuaries,
rivers, creeks, backwaters, lagoons, ponds that are connected to the
dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 5
• CRZ-I : Areas that are environmentally most
CRZ-I A consists of the specified (listed
separately) ecologically sensitive areas (ESAs)
and the geo- morphological features which play
a role in maintaining the integrity of the coast
The area between Low Tide Line and High Tide
dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 6
The developed land areas up to or close to the
shoreline, within the existing municipal limits or
in other existing legally designated urban areas,
which are substantially built-up with a ratio of
built-up plots to that of total plots being more
than 50 per cent and have been provided with
drainage and approach roads and other
infrastructural facilities, such as water supply,
sewerage mains, etc.
dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 7
Land areas that are relatively undisturbed (viz.
rural areas, etc.) and those which do not fall
under CRZ-II.
CRZ-III is classified into following categories: -

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 8

• Such densely populated CRZ-III areas, where
the population density is more than 2161 per
square kilometre as per 2011 census base,
shall be designated as CRZ–III A
• and in CRZ-III A, area up to 50 meters from the
HTL on the landward side shall be earmarked
as the ‘No Development Zone (NDZ)’,

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 9

• All other CRZ-III areas with population density
of less than 2161 per square kilometre, as per
2011 census base, shall be designated as CRZ-
III B and
• in CRZ-III B, the area up to 200 meters from
the HTL on the landward side shall be
earmarked as the ‘No Development Zone

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 10

• Land area up to 50 meters from the HTL, or
width of the creek whichever is less, along the
tidal influenced water bodies in the CRZ III,
shall also be earmarked as the NDZ in CRZ III.

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 11

• The CRZ- IV shall constitute the water area and
shall be further classified as under:-
• The water area and the sea bed area between
the Low Tide Line up to twelve nautical miles
on the seaward side

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 12

• CRZ-IV B areas shall include the water area
and the bed area between LTL at the bank of
the tidal influenced water body to the LTL on
the opposite side of the bank, extending from
the mouth of the water body at the sea up to
tidal influence is observed

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 13

Prohibited activities within CRZ
The following activities shall be prohibited, in
general, within the entire CRZ and exceptions
to these and other permissible and regulated
activities in specific CRZ categories viz. CRZ-I, II,
III and IV, shall be governed by the provisions as
(i) Setting up of new industries and expansion of
existing industries, operations or processes.

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 14

(ii) Manufacture or handling of oil, storage or
disposal of hazardous substances as specified in
the notification of the MoEF & CC number
G.S.R.395 (E), dated the 4th April, 2016.
(iii) Setting up of new fish processing units.
(iv) Land reclamation, bunding or disturbing the
natural course of seawater except for the
activities permissible under this notification and
executed with prior permission from the
competent authority.
dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 15
(v) Discharge of untreated waste and effluents
from industries, cities or towns and other
human settlements.
(vi) Dumping of city or town wastes including
construction debris, industrial solid wastes, fly
ash for the purpose of land filling.
(vii) Port and harbour projects in high eroding
stretches of the coast.
(viii) Mining of sand, rocks and other sub-strata
dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 16
(ix Dressing or altering of active sand dunes.
(x) In order to safeguard the aquatic system and
marine life, disposal of plastic into the
coastal waters shall be prohibited and
adequate measures for management and
disposal of plastic materials shall be
undertaken in the CRZ.
(xi) Drawl of ground water.

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 17

(i) Activities as permitted in CRZ-I B, shall also
be permissible in CRZ-II, in so far as
(ii) Construction of buildings for residential
purposes, schools, hospitals, institutions,
offices, public places, etc. shall be permitted
only on the landward side of the existing
road, or on the landward side of existing
authorised fixed structures:

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 18

• (iii) Buildings permitted as in (ii) above,
shall be subject to the local town and country
planning regulations as applicable from time
to time, and the norms for the Floor Space
Index (FSI) or Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
prevailing as on the date of this Notification (
i.e Jan 2019)

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 19

• Reconstruction of authorised buildings shall
be permitted, without change in present land
use, subject to the local town and country
planning regulations as applicable from time
to time, and the norms for the Floor Space
Index or Floor Area Ratio, prevailing as on the
date of publication of this notification in the
official Gazette

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 20

(i) Activities as permitted in CRZ-I B, shall also be
permissible in CRZ-III, in so far as applicable.
(ii) Regulation of activities in NDZ:
Following shall be permissible and regulated in
the NDZ:-
(a) No construction shall be permitted within
NDZ in CRZ III, except for repairs or
reconstruction of existing authorised structure
not exceeding existing Floor Space Index,
existing plinth area and existing density and
dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 21
for permissible activities under this notification
including facilities essential for activities and
construction or reconstruction of dwelling
units of traditional coastal communities
including fisher folk, incorporating necessary
disaster management provisions and proper
sanitation arrangements.

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 22

(b) Agriculture, horticulture, gardens, pastures,
parks, playfields and forestry.
(c) Construction of dispensaries, schools, public
rain shelter, community toilets, bridges, roads,
provision of facilities for water supply,
drainage, sewerage, crematoria, cemeteries
and electric sub-station which are required for
the local inhabitants may be permitted on a
case to case basis by Coastal Zone
Management Authority (CZMA).
dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 23
• (f) Wherever there is a national or State
highway passing through the NDZ of CRZ-III
areas, temporary tourism facilities such as
toilets, change rooms, drinking water facility
and temporary shacks can be taken up on the
seaward side of the road.

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 24

• On landward side of such roads in the NDZ,
resorts or hotels and associated tourism
facilities shall be permitted and such facilities
shall, however, be permitted only subject to
the incorporation of tourism plan in the
approved CZMP as per this notification and
the conditions or guidelines at Annexure-III, to
this notification as applicable.

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 25

(g) Temporary tourism facilities shall be
permissible in the NDZ and beaches in the CRZ-
III areas and such temporary facilities shall only
include shacks, toilets or washrooms, change
rooms, shower panels, walk ways constructed
using interlocking paver blocks, etc, drinking
water facilities, seating arrangements etc., and
such facilities shall, however, be permitted only
subject to the tourism plan featuring in the
approved CZMP as per this notification subject
to maintaining a minimum distance of 10 meters
from HTL for setting up of such facilities.
dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 26
• (h) Mining of atomic minerals notified under
Part-B of the First Schedule to Mining and
Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act,
1957 (67 of 1957) occurring as such or in
association with one or other minerals by such
agencies as authorised by the Department of
Atomic Energy, Government of India, as per
mining plan by the Atomic Mineral Directorate
for Exploration and Research.
dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 27
(iii) Regulation of activities for
CRZ–III areas beyond NDZ
• (a) Development of vacant plots in designated
areas for construction of beach resorts or
hotels or tourism development projects
subject to the conditions or guidelines at
Annexure-III to this notification.

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 28

(b) Construction or reconstruction of dwelling
units, so long it is within the ambit of
traditional rights and customary uses such as
existing fishing villages, etc. and building
permission for such construction or
reconstruction will be subject to local town
and country planning rules, with an overall
height of construction not exceeding 9 meters
and with only two floors (ground + one floor).
dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 29
(c) The local communities including fishermen
may be permitted to facilitate tourism through
‘home stay’ without changing the plinth area or
design or facade of the existing houses.
(d) Construction of public rain shelters,
community toilets, water supply drainage,
sewerage, roads, bridges, etc.

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 30

• (e) Limestone mining:
Selective mining of limestone minerals may be
permitted in specific identified areas under
the mining plans, which are adequately above
the height of HTL, based on the
recommendations of reputed National
Institutes in the mining field such as Council of
Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),
Central Mining Research Institute etc.,
dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 31
• provided that the extraction of minerals shall
be carried out not below a height of 1 meter
above the HTL and an adequate barrier shall
be created so as to safeguard against saline
water incursion and subject to appropriate
safeguards related to pollution of coastal
waters and prevention of coastal erosion.

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 32

(f) Mining of atomic minerals notified under
Part-B of the First Schedule of Mining and
Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act,
1957 (67 of 1957) occurring as such or in
association with one or other minerals by such
agencies as authorised by Department of
Atomic Energy, Government of India, as per
mining plan by the Atomic Mineral Directorate
for Exploration and Research.
dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 33
• Permissible activities /uses in Category of CRZ I
and CRZ IV are not discussed

dmr unit ii Coastal Zone Regulations 34

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