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Smart India Hackathon 2023

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Ministry/Organization Name/Student Innovation:

PS Code:1439

Problem Statement: Robotics Device for Borewell Rescue Operation

Team Name:alphaBVC

Team Leader Name: Ashish Kumbhar

Institute Code (AISHE):

Institute Name: Bharati vidyapeeth college of engineering kolhapur

Theme Name: Hardware

Idea/Approach Details
 Compact and Modular Design:
 Efficient Use of Space: Maximizes available
space for optimal functionality, minimizing
 Telescopic or Articulated Sections: Incorporates
flexible sections for navigating tight bends and
 Quick-Release Mechanisms: Allows rapid
disassembly for maintenance or component The technology stack for the Borewell Rescue
replacement. Robot project includes a microcontroller (e.g.,
 Interchangeable Parts: Enables easy replacement Raspberry Pi or Arduino) as the central
or upgrades, reducing downtime. processing unit. It incorporates a range of sensors
 Ergonomic Controls: User-friendly controls for obstacle detection, depth measurement,
ensure easy operation, even in high-stress temperature, and gas levels. Camera systems
situations. provide visual feedback and aid in mapping the
 Compact Power Storage: Efficient power system borewell environment. The robot is equipped with
for sustained operation in confined spaces. a manipulation mechanism, such as grippers, for
 Foldable Components: Reduces footprint during safe and secure extraction. Power is supplied
transportation and storage through rechargeable batteries or a combination
of battery and solar sources. Communication is
facilitated via wireless modules
Idea/Approach Details
Agricultural Regions: In farming communities, • Failure of Safety Systems: Any failure in the fail-
where borewells are common for irrigation, the robot safes or emergency stop mechanisms could pose a
can be deployed in case of accidents involving serious risk to both the trapped individual and the
people or livestock rescue team.
Construction Sites: On construction sites with deep
• Inadequate Testing: Inadequate testing in simulated
boreholes, the robot can assist in rescue efforts in the
borewell environments may result in unanticipated
event of accidents or emergencies.
issues during a real rescue operation.
Remote Villages and Rural Areas: In areas where
borewells are the primary source of water, the robot • Regulatory Compliance: Non-compliance with safety
can be crucial for rescuing individuals who and regulatory standards can lead to legal and
accidentally fall into borewells. operational complications.
Urban Areas: In cities or towns with extensive • Lack of Operator Training: Insufficient training for
infrastructure, there may be instances where the robot operators could lead to errors in controlling the robot,
is needed to access confined spaces like borewells. potentially jeopardizing the rescue operation.

Rescue Services and Fire • Environmental Hazards: Unforeseen environmental

Departments:Professional rescue services and fire factors, such as unexpected collapses or toxic gases in
departments can integrate the robot into their the borewell, could halt the rescue process
equipment inventory for specialized rescue operation
Team Member Details
 Team Leader Name: Ashish Prashant Kumbhar
 Branch (Btech): Stream (MECH): Year (IV):
 Team Member 1 Name: Aditya Dhondiram Sawant
 Branch (Btech): Stream (MECH): Year (IV):
 Team Member 2 Name: Rushikesh Ranjeet Harale
 Branch (Btech): Stream (MECH): Year (IV):
 Team Member 3 Name: Mayur Ajay Shinde
 Branch (Btech): Stream (MECH): Year (IV):
 Team Member 4 Name: Anil Ramesh Pujari
 Branch (Btech): Stream (MECH): Year (IV):
 Team Member 5 Name: Manasi Vinayak Khadake
 Branch (Btech): Stream (MECH): Year (IV):
 Team Mentor 1 Name: Amit desai
 Category (Academic): Expertise (AI/ML/Blockchain etc): Domain
Experience (9years):

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