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org © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 8 August 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882

Promoting Research Through India's National

Education Policy 2020 Strategies And
Vijaya Lakshmi.V1 and Ugandhar.T2
Principal Govt. Degree College Mahabubabad
Assistant Professor of Botany, Govt. Degree College Mahabubabad

NEP Focuses on affordability accessibility, quality, equality and Accountability to ensure

continual learning for all this to happen the key element is promotion of research. This paper emphasizes
the need to inculcate research in higher education and how polices must be framed to promote research
more so under graduate research which is the dire need of the hour. NEP recommends setting up an
independent National Research Foundation for Funding and facilitation quality research in India. The
Foundation will act as a liaison between researches and relevant branches of government as well as
industry. To promote research, we need to encourage high R&D investments from government and
private sections that will encourage innovation and innovative thinking. The pandemic has led to great
awareness on Research in India. India must now March forward with research that promotes economic
growth HEI should play an important role in mentoring teachers to promote research. There must be
industry commitment and close intervention with academic for skilling /up skilling/reskilling to carry
forward excellent research. We need a positive research culture that support all individual policies and
programmes. The paper discusses on organization and approaches to promote research integrity and
holistic and multidisciplinary education system.
Key wards: Holistic, Multidisciplinary Education
The National Education Policy (NEP) emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach to education, as
well as the necessity of cultivating a curious and creative mind, with the goal of developing analytical
and critical thinking abilities at a young age. This is the last factor that should be taken into
consideration. These are the abilities that are necessary for formulating the appropriate research
questions and for achieving the desired and pertinent results/solutions in the investigation. Therefore,
this method will be essential in giving research and innovation a genuine push, serving as yet another
key forerunner in India's effort to conduct research that is both long-term and sustainable.

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The research journey until now has not been an encouraging one for India barely spends 0.69% of
GDP on research whereas Germany, USA, China and Japan are spending 3%, 2.8% of GDP on research
lots of research must be on health, sanitation prevention of blood storage but India is spending most of
the amount on atomic energy and space research a balance must be a stricken to promote research for
economic betterment also, along with the country's protection
NEP focuses on research ecosystem comprising of the Government, University research
Institutions and industry previously there was no adequate involvement of industry in higher education
but NEP is involving industry and academic together to promote research. National Research Fund
should work for the seeding, funding, coordinating monitoring research and innovation initiatives. It
must encourage research through merit-based peer evaluation of research project along with the awards
for outstanding contributions. The collaborations between academic and industry envisioned by NEP
encourages patent policy. The policies made must be made to provide research environment and ensure
compliance with the national laws and regulations. A large number of patents will serve as incentives
for continuous and sustained efforts in research.
HEI should setup incubation centers and technology development interdisciplinary research both in
Science and Social Sciences will contribute to advancement of knowledge in a discipline but will also
have intellectual productive growth in the both the learner and teacher because of their affective
engagement, students must be made as strategy development contributors by promoting skills for
employability and making them life-long learners and ideal citizens. NRF must work on strategies for
live research activity it must try to transform learning system for vibrant collaborative research activity.
To work for long term and sustainable research endeavor for the India trust must be laid on research
and innovation in Multidisciplinary education. Education of this type will develop curious and creative
mind with a view to develop analytical and critical thinking that are the essential for the framing the
right research questions and for bringing about the proper solutions to relevant problems society is facing
to develop better society teaching, learning, research all must go hand in hand as Indian education system
is changed by heterogeneous conditions such as infrastructural social, locational regional economical,
to name quality of research has always been overlooked in our country because of above factors. We
need to develop the research ideas to solve the real-life problems.
The quality of research though we have massive potential ecosystem is suffering because of the poor
infrastructure, limited funding, inexpensive staff, improper research guidance, emphasis is more on oral
teaching rather on practical and experiential teaching, stringent rules on Ph.D. admissions and
completion, Discouragement of multidisciplinary and interdisci plinary Research, Plagiarism, fake
Journal publications so on and so forth.
Review of Literature:
The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 report that was only just made public by the
government sheds some light on the situation and provides some hope. The first important thing to
mention is that the NEP, which is managed by the National Research Fund, creates an environment
conducive to scientific investigation (NRF). Building a research ecosystem that includes business,
IJCRT2208097 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) a755 © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, Issue 8 August 2022 | ISSN: 2320-2882

universities, research institutes, and the government as participants is part of what this initiative wants
to do in order to provide the necessary push to increase the R&D agenda. "The NRF will work towards
seeding, supporting, coordinating, and monitoring research and innovation programmes," as stated in
the NEP. Additionally, it would encourage research by employing a merit-based peer evaluation of
research projects in addition to providing incentives such as awards for good work.
Analysis of Higher Education in Indian National Education Policy Proposal 2019 and Its
Implementation Challenges was a paper that was published in July 2019 by Aithal P. S. and co-authors.
This paper reviewed the related literature that had been published over the course of the previous few
years on Indian Higher Education Policies and their consequences, salient features, and their focuses on
the draught of National Education policy 2019. The authors of this paper were Aithal P. S. and co-
authors. In the paper, different policies that were suggested in the draught were highlighted, with a
particular emphasis on the section on higher education, and they were compared to policies that had
been in place previously. The report also analysed the potential effects that the NEP 2019 proposal could
have on private and public higher education institutions in terms of the facilities and limits. The benefits
and drawbacks of the newly proposed policy are broken down and ranked according to the perspectives
of the various stakeholders. In addition to this, the article offers a few recommendations on how to put
the policy into action so that it is free of flaws, efficient from the perspective of the general public, and
beneficial to the development of the nation [2].
In August of 2020, Sunil Kumar and his colleagues presented a new instructional method that
was intended to bring about significant changes in schools and advanced education. He has made it clear
that filling the gap between the vision and the mission will require more than just the action plans and
the strategy for carrying it out. As a result, taking the appropriate precautions is necessary to guarantee
that the implementation will live up to expectations [3].
Aithal, et al further published a paper on "Analysis of the Indian National Education Policy 2020 toward
Achieving its Objectives" in August of the year 2020. This paper highlighted various policies announced
in the higher education system and compared them with the system that is currently being used. There
is a discussion on the several innovations that have been implemented, as well as the expected effects
that NEP 2020 would have on the higher education system in India. There are some recommendations
made for improving the efficiency of its execution in the interest of reaching its goals [4].
Jha, et al. (2020) offered their critiques of the flaws in the National Education Policy, which had
been adopted by the union government on July 29th , 2020. After a lapse of thirty-four years since the
publication of the nation's most recent educational policy document, NEP-2020 has finally been
released. The essay drew attention to some of the pertinent considerations regarding the question of
providing for universal education of a high level, providing equitable access to education, and increasing
the push toward privatization [5].

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As a case study, Suryavanshi, (2020) attempted to compare teacher education in Indian universities
with that in Chinese universities. He came to the conclusion that faculty members and institutional
leaders need autonomy in order to innovate and explore in their teaching, research, and service. In
addition, the study recommended that educational institutions, such as universities, ought to have the
individual autonomy that is envisaged by NEP-2020, which is unquestionably the appropriate move
forward [6].
Kumar, et al. (2020) explored how India's National Education Policy 2020 can serve as a compass
to steer the country's educational landscape into the future. They added that NEP-2020 provides a
comprehensive framework ranging from basic education through higher education, vocational and
technical education, as well as a new paradigm of internet-based e-leanings. In order to accomplish the
United Nations' goal of sustainable development, they decided that access, equity, affordability,
accountability, and quality should serve as the five founding pillars. They outlined certain important
flaws and implementation issues that need to be solved in order to develop quality education for all [7],
and they provided insights into many outlines of NEP 2020 with care in order to fulfil the objectives.
The internationalizations of Indian higher education is one of the stated aims of the National
Education Policy (NEP) 2020 [8, and Deb, P., in 2020, published an article titled "Vision for Foreign
Universities in the National Education Policy 2020: A Critique." This article deals with the topic of the
internationalization of Indian higher education.
The NEP asks for the establishment of a patent policy structure at the university level in order to
encourage an increase in the number of patent applications. This partnership is between academia and
industry. A policy like this will protect the interests of all of the entities engaged, provide an environment
conducive to research, and guarantee compliance with the relevant national laws and regulations.
Incentives for ongoing and consistent efforts in research can be provided by a greater number of patents
that have commercial value.
Suggestions to improve the Research
 Establishing undergraduate research centers in degree colleges.
 Conducting student Research Conference and student research Journals.
 Improving the teaching standards of teachers.
Multidisciplinary Research and community engagement research must be given importance to
Draw an disciplinary affiliations and motivations as they get identified with concerned disciplinary
research background.
Diverse disciplinary settings (Haeley2005) this will be make view explicit and test differing approach
to undergraduate research. Introduction of credit-based courses and hours in teaching education and
pedagogy for the phd students.

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Merit based and peer-reviewed Research fundings.

NRF need to openly fund for all the disciplines sufficiently to carry out to recognize
research. Industrial and philanthropic linkages to promote research must be encouraged.
we need to give importance to value evidence-based Discovery learning.
Rethink the traditional relationship between staff and students. There will be a strong potential
for the development of the staff and student they will be a strong potential for the development of co-
learning communities. We have to explore the strategies for live research activity for the real-world
learning (MC Ewen, 2008). Encourage transformative learning. New methods of assessment must
be explored. Develop strong integration of undergraduate research strategy with the assessment to ensure
research activity is at appropriate level with the external examiners assessing the find outs and we must
also encourage employers in validating undergraduate research approach. Promote Staff technological
and knowledge upgradation in research development activities. Facilitate a research culture supportive
environment to discuss the success and failures. Facilitate faculty forum discussions for fostering a
collaborative environment to support research. Staff work pressure, stress, deadline extension and
mental health and well-being service must be taken into regard. Research teams must amend and build
guidelines to develop a consensus on their collective and individual behavior and attitudes. Individual
responsibility and team responsibility must be explained to set expectations on positive culture on
research. Workshops, symposiums must be a conducted for maintaining academic atmosphere.
The recent to methodologies of carrying out research Viz date, holdings, proposal writing,
resource management must be taught and the gaps need to be identified. Promoting the attitude that
research culture is a pivotal to research excellence is need of the hour.
At least one large high quality multi-disciplinary HEI every district must be provided.
The proposal of research must be sent to top scientist of the world for the review so that there is no
bias and a strong review input is taken. Assessment and accountability will be a Game Changer for the
research and innovation in the country. Intellectual Property Right must be promoted as this will
motivate to do cutting-edge research. There must be continuous flow of funding for all kinds of research
 Entrepreneurship and Research must go hand in hand. A strong skill development component must
be included as a part of the academic program.
 Degree programs should be handled by colleges and IIT’s must concentrate only on research this
will strengthen Indian Research.
 The expertise of outstanding retired faculty service must be used to expand research culture across
the country. They can be used to get funds of international funding agencies. International students
must be attracted and Indian standards of education must be enhanced. Collaborations with
International funding agencies must enhance. There should be strong academia industry interaction.

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CSR Funding must be also done for research percolation and Research projects.
Research must be done on why bright students are not joining research necessary steps must be
taken to encourage such students. HEI besides absorbing PhD scholars should also play a big brother
role in training and mentoring teachers by conducting seminars, conferences, symposiums webinars etc.
This will certainly boost the confidence level of the teachers to a different academic research
International interactions must be enhanced and students should be able to use the laboratory
facilities in universities abroad for this to happen international collaborations must be increased. All
sciences must be merged so that new ideas for startups can be planned same with Arts and Humanities.
Incubation centres must be promoted academia freedom to researchers must be given to choose across
all disciplines and fields. India must promote world class research with high quality teaching across all
disciplines that will significantly contribute to research and innovation. Research intensive Universities
must be strengthened by giving lot of funding. Nalanda Mission to establish a minimum of 100 research-
based universities and 500 high quality universities by 2030 must be taken up seriously. This will
promote research interest and progress of the scholars and faculty.
Lots of focus must be done on the Indian knowledge system, lots of promotion of Indian languages
in research and greater emphasis be put on traditional Indian values. The purpose is to bring to the front
the richness and diversity rooted Indian Ethos. Mission Takshashila aims to build at least one high
quality residential institution to promote research in every district. This would offer space and credibility
to each institute to facilitate research. We need to curtail dropout rate in higher educational institutions.
Government need to promote open distance learning and online programmes and also concentrate on
filling up teacher vacancies.
Research was never a priority in India over the las5t several decades. Government always spoke
on research environment but no concrete policy and focus was made on Research. NEP through National
Research Fund started is focusing on research and innovation which needs to be appreciated. Countries
like China taught in their own language are able to innovate several things and are also able to capture
world market with their patents and Indian Patents are very few and they are with nonresident Indians.
This should be changed by promoting entrepreneurship skills, NRF needs to recognize outstanding
research and progress. NRF must work without any bias and principles must be strict while giving funds
to promote outstanding research and progress in India. Thus through multidisciplinary, Digital literacy,
problem solving, logical reasoning and vocational Education, distance learning, using technology
research can be promoted in India.

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[1] National Education Policy 2020, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. [2] Aithal, P. S.,
& Aithal, S. (2019). Analysis of Higher Education in Indian National Education Policy Proposal 2019
and Its Implementation Challenges. International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management
Letters (IJAEML), 3(2), 1-35
[3] Sunil Kumar Saroha, & Uttam Anand (2020). New instruction procedure 2020 Highlights: To see
huge movements in schools and advanced edification. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science
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[4] Aithal, P. S., & Aithal, S. (2020). Analysis of the Indian National Education Policy 2020 towards
Achieving its Objectives. International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences
(IJMTS), 5(2), 19-41.
[5] Jha, P., & Parvati, P. (2020). National Education Policy, 2020. (2020). Governance at Banks,
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[6] Suryavanshi, S. (2020). Reflections from a Comparative Study for Reimagining Indian Universities.
UNIVERSITY NEWS, 58(33), 96-102.
[7] Kumar, K., Prakash, A., & Singh, K. (2020). What a National Education Policy 2020 can be a
lodestar to transform future generation in India. Journal of Public Affairs, 20(4), e2500.
[8] Deb, P. (2020). Vision for Foreign Universities in the National Education Policy 2020: A
Critique.Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies,1-29.
[9] Aithal, P. S., & Aithal, S. (2019). Building World-Class Universities: Some Insights & Predictions.
Building World-Class Universities: Some Insights & Predictions. International Journal of Management,
Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 4(2), 13-35.

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