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EDUC 7 Detailed Lesson Plan in Science VI

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science VI

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. identify the forms of energy;
b. label the forms of energy, and;
c. appreciate the importance of the forms of energy through participating in the
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Forms of Energy
b. References: Melecio C. Deauna, Into the Future: Science and Health, page 146-
c. Materials: Visual Aids, Charts, Flash Cards, Pictures, Name Tags
d. Value Focus: Give importance to the forms of energy

II. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

a. Elicit

Good afternoon class!

Please arrange your chairs and pick up (the students arrange their chairs and pick
some paper on the floor. up some paper on the floor.)

Okay! that's enough, settle down. (the students sit down.)

So yesterday we talk about what? (the students raise their hands to answer)

Angela. Yesterday we talk about matter.

Very good!
What is matter? Matter is anything that has weight and takes
up space.
Very good! you, your pets, your soccer
ball even your ipods. Everything is made
of matter.
b. Engagement

For today's lesson I prepared some

interesting game. So are you familiar with
a game called pass the marker? No ma’am!
In this game you should form into two
groups and line up in front of the board.

Each group will be receiving word from

So, Starting from the last person in line,
he/she will whisper the words to the
person next to him/her until the message
reach the first person. Then, he/she will
write the message on the board.

The first student to write all the words on

the board and spell them correctly wins.
Understood? Yes ma’am!

So, you only have three minutes to do

this game. Your three minutes starts now (the student begins to play)

Time is up! Please go back to your sits.

The group one finished first. Let me

check if they really write all the word and
spell the word correctly that I've given to


So, the group one got the correct answer

so, they are the who win.
Here's your rewards. Horay!
c. Exploration

Okay! Same group. Let's have another

In this picture you need to search for a
thing that produce light, sound, and heat
You only have one minute to search in
this picture. (the picture paste on the
board) The first group to finish the task
will be the winner. Are you ready? Yes ma'am!

(the student start their task and search in

the picture)
Time is up!

The first group who finish the task is

group two! Let's clap our hands for group (the students clap their hands)
So, before we talk about our lesson for
today, what do you think is our topic? (the students raise their hands)

Yes Reymark. I think our topic for today is forms of energy.

Very good!
d. Explanation

For today's lesson we will be discussing

about Forms of Energy.
What is energy? (the student raise their hands)

Yes Mary Mae? Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Very good!
Energy cannot be created or
destroyed, it can only be changed from
one form to another.

There are many forms of energy, but we

are going to focus on just a few.
The heat energy, mechanical energy,
light energy, electrical energy, sound
energy, chemical energy, potential energy
and kinetic energy.

Let's talk about thermal energy known as

heat energy. What do you think is heat
Yes Charles.
Heat energy increases as temperature
Very Good! increases.
It is also created in the movement of
particles that produce heat.

So, let's move on to light energy. The light

energy help us see, the sun, light bulbs
and candles produce light for to see.

The third one is sound energy. Sound

energy is produce by vibrations. when we
are speaking try to touch your throat if it's
vibrating. Do feel it? Yes ma’am
So when we're speaking we produce

Let's talk about electrical energy.

Electrical energy is carried by an
electrical current. It can also obtained
from the plugs in our homes.

The fifth one is chemical energy. what do

you think is chemical energy?
Yes Hazel. Chemical energy is stored in a substance
that is released through a chemical reaction
Very good! Thank you! Hazel

Example: a wood turns into a coal, we

know that burning has a chemical
reaction right? Yes ma’am
You know that food is also a chemical
energy. It serves as a fuel to our body.
Now let's move on to potential energy.
Potential energy is due to position or

Kinetic energy.
Kinetic energy is energy in motion,
example is a moving car. The car has
kinetic energy because it is moving. What
about a flying bird, is it has kinetic energy
as well? Yes ma’am
Very Good flying bird has kinetics energy
as well as potential energy due to its
Kinetic energy plus Potential energy is
equals to mechanical energy.
e. Elaborate
So what is the energy again? (the student raise their hands)

Yes Angel. Energy can’t be made or destroyed, it can

only be changed from one form to another.

Very Good! let's clap our hands for Angel.

How many forms of energy do we have?

May? We have eight forms of energy.

And what are they?

Yes Ivy? We have light energy, sound energy,
electrical energy, chemical energy, heat
energy, potential energy, kinetics energy
and mechanical energy.
Very Good!

g. Evaluation

1. Solar and wind are examples of

a. Sound
b. Electrical
c. Renewable
d. None of the above
2. Batteries are a type of _____
a. Kinetic
b. Electrical
c. Potential
d. Solar
3. Which TWO forms of energy are
the OPPOSITE of one another?
a. Kinetic and Wind
b. electrical and solar
c. potential and thermal
d. kinetic and potential
4. A rubber band and a spring are
examples of what type of
potential energy?
a. Chemical potential energy
b. Electrical potential energy
c. Elastic potential energy
d. Gravitational potential energy
5. What is the opposite of potential energy?
a. Kinetic energy
b. Gravitational energy
c. Light energy
d. Solar energy
6. A student uses a mirror and a flashlight. What type of energy is the student
a. Light energy
b. Mechanical energy
c. Electrical energy
d. Sound energy
7. There are many sources of heat in our homes. Which one is the BEST
example of heat energy?
a. Stove
b. Blender
c. Can opener
d. Refrigerated air
8. The music that high school band plays at the football games is a form of
what energy?
a. Light energy
b. Heat energy
c. Thermal energy
d. sound energy
9. The type of energy that moves objects is...
a. Sound
b. Thermal
c. Mechanical
10. What is the ability to do work?
a. Energy
b. Potential energy
c. Kinetic energy
d. Energy forms
11. What is energy?
a. the ability to do work and cause change
b. the rate at which energy are transferred
c. the rate at which work is done
12. A bicycle and a fan have what type of energy in common?
a. Electrical
b. Sound
c. Light
d. Mechanical
13. People use a lamp to help them see, but the bulb can get quite warm. What
two forms of energy are being produced by the lamp?
a. light and sound
b. Light and heat
c. Mechanical and Electrical
d. Heat and Electrical

14. Many common devices use a plug and a socket. What kind of energy are
they using?
a. Heat/Thermal
b. Electrical
c. Light
d. Mechanical
15. All forms of energy can be described as which two types of energy?
a. mechanical and kinetic
b. sound and thermal
c. kinetic and potential
16. On a roller coaster, where is maximum potential energy?
a. At the bottom of a big hill
b. When going around a corner
c. When going upside down
d. At the top of a big hill

17. What kind of energy does this device use?

a. Electrical
b. Chemical
c. Thermal

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