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Journal of Autoimmunity 104 (2019) 102315

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Epigenetic perspectives on systemic autoimmune disease T

a a,∗
Panagiota Karagianni , Athanasios G. Tzioufas
Department of Pathophysiology, School of Medicine, University of Athens, Mikras Asias Str 75, 115 27, Athens, Greece


Keywords: Autoimmune diseases are characterized by increased reactivity of the immune system towards self-antigens,
Autoimmune causing tissue damage. Although their etiology remains largely unknown, genetic, microbial, environmental and
SLE psychological factors are recognized as contributing elements. Epigenetic changes, including covalent mod-
Sjögren's syndrome ifications of the DNA and histones, are critical signaling mediators between the genome and the environment,
and thus potent regulators of cellular functions. The most extensively studied epigenetic modifications are
Cytosine DNA methylation and histone acetylation and methylation on various residues. These are thought to
affect chromatin structure and binding of specific effectors that regulate transcription, replication, and other
processes. Recent studies have uncovered significant epigenetic alterations in cells or tissues derived from au-
toimmune disease patients compared to samples from healthy individuals and have linked them with disease
phenotypes. Epigenetic changes in specific genes correlate with upregulated or downregulated transcription. For
instance, in many systems, reduced DNA methylation and increased histone acetylation of interferon-inducible
genes correlate with their increased expression in autoimmune disease patients. Also, reduced DNA methylation
of retroelements has been proposed as an activating mechanism and has been linked with increased immune
reactivity, while epigenetic differences on the X chromosome could indicate incomplete dosage compensation
and explain to some extent the increased susceptibility of females over males towards the development of most
autoimmune diseases. Besides changes in epigenetic modifications, differences in the levels of many enzymes
catalyzing the addition or removal of these marks as well as proteins that recognize them and function as effector
molecules have also been detected in autoimmune patients. Although the existing knowledge cannot fully ex-
plain whether epigenetic alterations cause or follow the increased immune activation, their characterization is
very useful for understanding the pathogenetic mechanisms and complements genetic and clinical studies.
Furthermore, specific epigenetic marks have the potential to serve as biomarkers for disease status, prognosis,
and response to treatment. Finally, epigenetic factors are currently being examined as candidate therapeutic

1. Introduction Sjögren's Syndrome (SS), which have also been intensively studied and
will be mostly discussed in this review. SLE can affect multiple organs
Systemic autoimmune diseases are disorders characterized by in- and systems, including the skin, joints, kidneys, lungs and the hema-
creased activity of the immune system, which exhibits reactivity to- topoietic system and patients usually exhibit anti-nuclear-antibodies
wards self-antigens, causing multiple tissue damage. The group en- (ANA) and a strong type I interferon response [1]. RA is characterized
compasses a broad spectrum of complex and multifactorial diseases, by inflammation and, if untreated, progressive destruction of symme-
varying regarding specific autoreactive immune cells and/or auto- trical joints. SS is an autoimmune epithelitis, primarily affecting the
antibodies produced, the tissue or organ attacked and the clinical salivary and lachrymal exocrine glands [2,3]. Cells of the adaptive
phenotype. The latter can be quite diverse even among patients with immune response are critical in autoimmune disease development, even
the same diagnosis. However, some common features are recognized though the contribution of different subtypes may vary among different
among systemic autoimmune diseases, related to etiology and patho- pathological entities.
genetic mechanisms, which also dictate similar therapeutic approaches. The exact causes of autoimmune disease remain poorly understood,
Three of the most common systemic autoimmune diseases are but in general, an interplay between genetic and environmental factors
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), and has been proposed. Some associations have been observed between

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.G. Tzioufas).
Received 24 July 2019; Accepted 28 July 2019
Available online 15 August 2019
0896-8411/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Karagianni and A.G. Tzioufas Journal of Autoimmunity 104 (2019) 102315

genetic variants and pathogenic phenotype, however, usually only a hydroxyl-methyl-Cytosine (hmC), which is an intermediate in the de-
subset of carriers develop disorders and even genome-wide association methylation reaction. More recently, evidence supports that hmC may
studies have left many unanswered questions. The current view is that, have additional biological functions besides serving as a demethylation
in a predisposed individual, a hormonal, microbial or psychological intermediate.
trigger could initiate loss of immunological tolerance to self-antigens Histones can be subject to a large repertoire of covalent post-
and sustained immunological response, resulting in tissue destruction translational modifications, including acetylation, methylation, phos-
[4]. In the past decades, epigenetic factors have arisen as critical phorylation, ubiquitination and other [7]. These modifications affect
mediators of the cross-talk between the cellular environment and the histone-histone and histone-DNA interactions, generating more open or
genome. Evidence suggests that epigenetic regulation can serve as a compact local chromatin structures. Furthermore, specifically modified
fine-tuning or even as a switch on/off mechanism on genes involved in histones serve as docking sites for the recruitment of protein complexes
the autoimmune response, affecting quantitative and qualitative disease regulating all chromatin-templated processes, such as replication,
characteristics, modulating aggressiveness and reversibility that is transcription and DNA repair. The functional output of histone mod-
usually observed in remission. This review focuses on research studying ifications depends on multiple factors, including the type and degree of
the contribution of epigenetic regulation to the pathogenesis of auto- the modification, which residue is modified, the genomic location, the
immune diseases. Specific associations and underlying biological me- presence of additional modifications in the locus and other. Cross-talk
chanisms are discussed. between histone and DNA modifications has also been described in
many cases, with some promoting others and displaying synergy and
2. Epigenetic regulation others inhibiting or mutually excluding each other. In combination, the
totality of epigenetic marks at a genomic location will generate an open
In the eukaryotic cell, DNA is packaged into chromatin. The basic and accessible chromatin environment or a closed configuration, re-
repeating unit of chromatin is the nucleosome, consisting of a stretch of strictive to transcription, repair or additional factors. Histone mod-
about 146 nucleotides wrapped around an octamer of two copies of ifications are reversible and, in most cases, enzymes catalyzing their
each of the core histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. The term epigenetic addition or removal are known. Acetylation of histones is catalyzed by
refers to all modifications occurring on chromatin without altering the histone acetyltransferases (HATs) and deacetylation by histone deace-
DNA sequence. These include covalent modifications on DNA and the tylases (HDACs). Similarly, a growing list of histone methyltransferases
histone molecules, incorporation of histone variants, nucleosome re- and demethylases, kinases and phosphatases, ubiquitin ligases and
modeling and small or long non-coding RNA molecules. The first two deubiquitinases has been identified and their biological role, which
categories, which are more extensively studied both generally and in often displays cell-type specificity, is a subject of intense research focus.
the context of autoimmunity as well, will be discussed herein (Fig. 1).
The best-understood DNA modification is methylation of Cytosine, 3. Epigenetic mechanisms regulating immune cell differentiation
which occurs primarily in the context of CpG dinucleotides. In the and function
human genome, CpG dinucleotides are under-represented. Genomic
regions with relatively enriched CpG content are termed CpG islands Cell differentiation, maintenance of cell identity and homeostasis
[5]. These are often located near promoters of genes, especially rely on accurate orchestration of gene expression, which is regulated by
housekeeping genes, which are ubiquitously expressed in all cell types. multiple mechanisms, including chromatin modifications. The immune
Methylation of CpG islands seems to be a mechanism that regulates system serves as a prototypical model for understanding how epigenetic
transcription. In general, Cytosine methylation correlates with tran- patterns are shaped in a hierarchical, stepwise differentiation process,
scriptional silencing. Beyond the regulation of individual promoters, through which different cell types arise from common progenitors.
DNA methylation is critical in larger-scale chromosomal silencing, as in Subsequently, the dynamic regulation of epigenetic patterns also reg-
heterochromatin formation, silencing of repetitive sequences and ret- ulates the function of these cell types and their response to various
rotransposons, as well as X chromosome inactivation. The silencing stimuli. The examples provided below illustrate the role of epigenetic
effect of methylation is thought to occur by inhibition of binding of regulation in immune cell biology, which explains how deviations could
transcriptional activators as well as recruitment of transcriptional re- result in disorders like autoimmunity.
pressors. Covalent addition of the methyl group to the fifth carbon of Extensive DNA methylation changes are involved in the differ-
Cytosine is catalyzed by DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs). In humans, entiation and maturation of T cells to cluster of differentiation 4 and/or
DNMT3A and DNMT3B can function as de novo methyltransferases, 8 (CD4, CD8) positive T cells [8]. Deletion of Dnmt1 results in a sig-
whereas DNMT1 prefers semi-methylated substrates and is thus con- nificant reduction of methylation in CD4+CD8+ thymocytes as well as
sidered a maintenance methyltrasferase. This property makes it essen- in naïve CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and increased expression of cytokine
tial in the transmission of genomic methylation patterns from the par- genes [9]. TET-mediated demethylation is also important in T cell de-
ental to the daughter cells during cell division. Maintenance of velopment and 5-hmC enrichment is observed at multiple active cell-
epigenetic memory is critical for the propagation of cell lineage in re- type-specific enhancers and key transcription factor encoding genes
plicating cells. For immune cells, particularly memory T cells, epige- (like ThPOK, Gata 3, and Runx 3) [10–12]. DNA methylation and his-
netic memory is also essential for their ability to display enhanced tone modifications also regulate responses of peripheral T lymphocytes
functional capacity following repeated exposure to an antigen, which is to antigenic stimulation by controlling the expression of immune-re-
the basis for immunization. lated genes, in a cell-type-specific manner. For instance, demethylation
Removal of the methyl mark from DNA can occur either passively or of genes encoding for the transcription factors c-JUN and Nuclear factor
actively (Fig. 2). Passive demethylation is achieved if cell division is not of activated T cells (NFATc1) as well as the effectors perforin (PRF1)
followed by maintenance demethylation. On the other hand, several and granzyme B (GZMB) is required for CD8+ T cell function [13,14].
proteins are thought to be implicated in the active removal of the Moreover, DNA methylation regulates expression of several genes in
methyl group from Cytosine. These include the Activation Induced memory T cells compared to naïve cells, like interferon gamma (IFNG)
Deaminase (AID), with known function in somatic hypermutation and and interleukin 2 (IL2) in memory CD8+ T cells and Chemokine re-
immunoglobulin class-switch recombination, DNA glycosylases, a ceptor 6 (CCR6), RAR-related orphan receptor C (RORC) and genes
member of the methyl-CpG binding domain protein family (MBD2), the encoding ligands for P-selectin and E-selectin in memory CD4+ T cells
p53-effector gene Growth Arrest and DNA Damage induced GADD45A, compared to naïve cells [15,16]. Besides effector molecule expression,
and enzymes of the ten-eleven-translocation (TET) family [6]. The DNA methylation also regulates the expression of critical factors for
latter catalyze the oxidation of methylated Cytosine, generating immune cell survival and proliferation, such as the cell death-related

P. Karagianni and A.G. Tzioufas Journal of Autoimmunity 104 (2019) 102315

Fig. 1. Examples of (a) DNA and (b) histone modifications, as well as (c) a schematic model of how they are linked to transcriptional activity. Act: Activator, TF:
Transcription factor, MBD: Methyl-CpG-binding domain.

P. Karagianni and A.G. Tzioufas Journal of Autoimmunity 104 (2019) 102315

Fig. 2. Model of active and passive DNA demethylation. Maintenance of methylation keeps the locus repressed (flat-ended line) while demethylation correlates with
transcriptional activation (angled arrow).

gene Noxa in CD4+ memory cells and the programmed cell death 1 normally encounter once released to the periphery undergo negative
(Pdcd1) in CD8+ T cells [17,18]. selection. Expression of antigen encoding genes in mTECs is thought to
Epigenetic marks play an important role in memory formation in rely on AIRE. Regulation of the AIRE gene depends on complex epige-
immune cells, which gives them the ability to respond more robustly to netic mechanisms. In cells that do not express AIRE, its genetic locus is
an antigen that they have been previously exposed to, although the hypermethylated and insulated by the global chromatin organizer
exact mechanisms shaping immunological memory are only partially CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) [23]. Transcriptional activation of AIRE
understood. For instance, H3K9 acetylation in the promoters of the in mTECs requires the eviction of CTCF and TET-enzyme-mediated DNA
effector molecules eomesodermin (EOMES), PRF1 and GZMB was in- demethylation on the promoter and downstream elements, facilitated
creased in memory CD8+ T cells compared to naïve CD8+ T cells [19]. by the concerted action of several factors, including Interferon Reg-
Interestingly, although expression levels of EOMES and PRF1 are higher ulatory Factor 8 (IRF8), T-box transcription factor TBX21 and Tran-
in CD8+ memory compared to naïve cells both at resting state and upon scription Factor 7 (TCF7), which render the locus accessible to the
activation, it was only after activation that CD8+ memory cells ex- polymerase. The ability of AIRE to regulate its targets has been pro-
pressed higher levels of GZMB compared to naïve CD8+ T cells. posed to be modulated by its plant homeodomain (PHD) finger, which
Moreover, DNA demethylation occurs in the IFNG and IL2 loci upon mediates its binding to H3K4 hypomethylated chromatin regions,
activation in memory but not in naïve CD8+ T cells [20]. The above thereby recruiting it to weakly transcribed loci [24]. In mice, deletion
findings suggest that chromatin marks, such as DNA methylation and of Aire or mutation of its PHD finger have been linked with autoimmune
histone acetylation, could account for maintaining a chromatin en- symptoms in some strains [24]. The above illustrate that a complex
vironment poised for re-activation of effector genes, producing an en- interplay of epigenetic changes is critical for the regulation of this
hanced response. Since epigenetic modifications can be transmitted master immune regulator and its transcriptional targets.
from the parental to the daughter cells, they could provide a molecular Another cell population critically implicated in maintaining im-
basis for memory preserved through cell division. mune tolerance and restraining immune response towards both self and
Recently an interesting example of epigenetic regulation of the foreign antigens are the regulatory Treg cells, a distinct lineage of
immune response came from studying the effect of gp96 on antigen- CD4+ T cells. The development and function of Tregs depend on the
presenting cells (APCs). Gp96 is an intracellular chaperone that binds expression of forkhead box P3 (FOXP3), a winged-helix family tran-
various endogenous peptides released from damaged cells and can scription factor, which serves as the master switch of their gene ex-
function as an immunogen via its receptor cluster of differentiation 91 pression program. The gene encoding FOXP3 is located on the X
(CD91), expressed on the surface of dendritic cells (DCs). Experiments chromosome and its expression during Treg differentiation is regulated
using mice immunized with gp96 revealed that the antigen can induce by CpG islands located in its upstream enhancer as well as in three
differential responses depending on the administered dose. At low conserved noncoding sequence (CNS) elements in the first intron [25].
doses, gp96 preferentially engages conventional dendritic cells (cDCs) The methylation status of these elements is regulated by the opposing
while at high doses it engages plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) [21]. function of DNMTs and TET enzymes and determines its transcriptional
In the first case, it primes a T helper type 1 (Th1)/Cytotoxic T lym- activity [26,27]. The latter proteins, specifically Tet 2 and Tet 3 are
phocyte (CTL) immune response, while in the second case it primes critical for stable expression of Foxp3 in Tregs and maintenance of their
regulatory T cell- (Treg) mediated immunosuppression. The divergent identity. Upon inflammation, Interleukin 6 (IL-6) and Signal transducer
responses depend on global cell-type specific changes in DNA methy- and activator of transcription 3- (STAT3) mediated induction of DNMTs
lation, leading to differential gene expression profiles. Methylome re- is thought to challenge Foxp3 expression and is counteracted by the
modeling depends on DNMT1 nuclear architecture, which is mediated function of the zinc finger transcription factor Blimp1, which serves to
by the nuclear factor κΒ (NFκB), a transcription factor with important maintain demethylated and active Foxp3. In this way, Blimp1 is critical
immune functions. Given that CD91 is also expressed in other cell types, to preserve Treg stability even under severe inflammation, which poses
including the salivary gland epithelial cells, the repertoire of responses a threat to their identity and function [28].
could be even broader [22].
Among immune-related genes, some key transcription factors at- 4. Epigenetic alterations in autoimmune disease
tract special interest, as they hold hierarchically higher positions, reg-
ulating the expression of a large number of genes, including other 4.1. - DNA methylation
transcription factors. They are thought to function as master regulators
of certain gene expression programs and defects in their activity are A connection between autoimmunity and epigenetic regulation was
detrimental. One such example is the autoimmune regulator (AIRE), a established when it was observed that the DNA of SLE patients is hy-
transcription factor expressed in medullary thymic epithelial cells pomethylated and the degree of hypomethylation correlates with dis-
(mTECs). These cells play a significant role in immune tolerance, the ease activity. Treatment with DNA methylation inhibitors, such as 5-
ability to distinguish self from foreign antigens, by ectopically expres- azacytidine (5-azaC), can render antigen-specific cloned T cells auto-
sing all self-antigens, including those that are highly tissue-specific, and reactive, responding to self major histocompatibility complex de-
presenting them to T cells. T cells that react to antigens they would terminants (human leukocyte antigen HLA-D molecules) in the absence

P. Karagianni and A.G. Tzioufas Journal of Autoimmunity 104 (2019) 102315

of relevant antigens [29]. Moreover, adoptive transfer of autoreactive T (immediately flanking CpG shores). Application of this technology in
cells obtained by exposure to demethylating agents can induce SLE-like different cell types of autoimmune disease relevance has uncovered
symptoms in mice, resembling the human disease [30]. Subsequent regions across the genome that were differentially methylated between
studies revealed that procainamide, a major substance responsible for patients and controls. Information on differential methylation on pro-
drug-induced lupus, is a strong DNA methylation inhibitor [31]. In moters or other regulatory elements becomes more relevant when ac-
agreement with the observed hypomethylation, the gene encoding companied by changes in gene expression. In combination, datasets
DNMT1 has been reported to be reduced in SLE peripheral blood have uncovered genes and pathways that are subject to methylation-
mononuclear cells (PBMCs) compared to controls, while the growth dependent regulation and implicated in disease pathogenesis.
arrest and DNA damage-induced 45a Gadd45-alpha protein expression, Epigenome-wide methylation analysis in peripheral blood mono-
which is implicated in demethylation, was found increased [32,33]. nuclear cells identified 41 differentially methylated sites between SLE
Changes in global DNA methylation levels have also been observed patients and controls, the majority of which (85%) were hypomethy-
in epithelial cells of the minor salivary gland (MSG) in SS patients. lated in patients [37]. The differentially methylated sites were asso-
These cells comprise one of the primary autoimmune targets in this ciated with 30 genes, including the interferon related genes MX dy-
disorder and have a central role in its pathogenesis. namin-like GTPase 1 MX1, IFN-induced protein 44-like (IFI44L), Poly-
Immunohistochemical analysis in minor salivary gland tissue revealed a ADP-Ribose Polymerase Family Member 9 (PARP9), IFN-induced pro-
global reduction of 5-methyl cytosine (5 mC) in SS patients compared tein with tetratricopeptide (IFIT1), and Interferon regulatory factor 7
with sicca control patients, whose glands don't display lymphocytic (IRF7) among others. These were hypomethylated and their expression
infiltration [34]. Hypomethylation in minor salivary glands was cor- was increased in patient versus control cells. Aberrant hypomethylation
related with anti-La/SSB positivity in sera. Methylation of the promoter of interferon-related genes, including some of the above and others, like
of the gene encoding Sjögren Syndrome Type B Antigen (SSB), one of signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT-1), bone
the main autoantigens in SS, is also reduced in SS patient MSG epi- marrow stromal cell antigen 2 (BST2) and tripartite-motif-containing
thelial cells compared to controls. Reduced methylation correlated with 22 (TRIM22), was also observed when the analysis was performed in
increased expression levels of SSB mRNA and protein and peripheral lupus CD4+ T cells [38]. Hypomethylation of a number of loci, in-
autoantibody positivity indicating a possible connection. This ob- cluding genes encoding cytokines, Killer-cell immunoglobulin-like re-
servation probably explains the abundance of autoantigen within the ceptor (KIR), perforin and the Reducing Regulatory factor X1 (RFX1) in
tissue lesion and, eventually, the continuation and sustainability of the SLE CD4+ T cells leads to their overexpression, which results in auto-
autoimmune response. It is noteworthy that global hypomethylation reactivity and aberrant inflammatory responses in multiple immune cell
compared to controls is maintained even in SS patient-derived salivary types. In contrast, hypomethylation of other loci, like the gene encoding
gland epithelial cells (SGECs) in culture compared to controls, as as- the nuclear factor interleukin-3-regulated protein (NFIL3), could be
sessed by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) utilizing an indicative of compensatory mechanisms to downregulate autoimmune
anti-5mC antibody, suggesting that the observed epigenetic alterations responses in SLE patients (Table 1).
are relatively stable and maintained even after dissociation of cells from Comparison of genome-wide methylation profiles between SS pa-
the tissue and ex vivo culture [35]. Although no differences were no- tient and control-derived peripheral CD4+ T cells and CD19 + B cells
ticed by ELISA in peripheral T cell or B cell global methylation levels, B identified a large number of loci displaying differential methylation
cells infiltrating the salivary gland tissue are thought to contribute to between the two groups, without changes in global methylation levels
the observed epithelial cell hypomethylation. This is supported by the [39]. Differences were more pronounced in B cells, with similar num-
observation that salivary gland biopsies with abundant B cells exhibit bers of hypo and hypermethylated loci. Cells derived from patients with
even more pronounced hypomethylation, whereas treatment with the active disease showed more significant changes. Some of the differen-
anti-CD20 B cell depleting agent Rituximab associates with an increase tially methylated loci map near genes associated with increased disease
in patient MSG methylation levels [35]. risk, like the major histocompatibility complex/human leukocyte an-
In RA, global reduction in DNA methylation has been reported in tigen (MHC/HLA) region, Interferon regulatory factor 5 (IRF5), BLK,
synovial fibroblasts (SFs), a cell type with a prominent implication in Signal Transducer And Activator Of Transcription 4 (STAT4), Inter-
the disease [36]. Immunohistochemical analysis using an antibody leukin 12A (IL12A), TNFAIP3 Interacting Protein 1 (TNIP1) and C-X-C
specifically recognizing anti-5mC revealed generalized genomic hypo- Motif Chemokine Receptor 5 (CXCR5), suggesting that genetic and
methylation in synovial tissue sections from RA compared to patients epigenetic alterations could result in aberrant expression of these genes
with Osteoarthritis (OA), which is a non-inflammatory joint disease. and be implicated in SS pathogenesis. Other differentially methylated
Similar to the SS epithelial cell cultures, SFs isolated from synovial genes of potential interest for their implication in the disease are RUNX
tissue and cultured ex vivo showed significantly reduced anti-5mC Family Transcription Factor 3 (RUNX3), TNF Alpha Induced Protein 8
staining intensity compared to OA SFs. The differences remained sig- (TNFAIP8), IKAROS family zinc finger 1 (IKZF1), Solute Carrier Family
nificant even after exposure to proinflammatory cytokines, which 15 Member 4 (SLC15A4), Growth Factor Receptor Bound Protein 2
generally increased anti-5mC content, indicating that epigenetic dif- (GRB2), MicroRNA 21 (MIR21), Interleukin 21 Receptor (IL21R), and
ferences could be associated with altered physiological responses of the TNF Receptor Associated Factor 5 (TRAF5), supporting an implication
cells. Consistent with reduced methylation, the levels of DNMT1 were of the interferon response, the innate immune system, B cell activation
lower in RA than OA synovial tissue and treatment with the DNMT1 and T cell/natural killer (NK) cell activation pathways in SS patho-
inhibitor 5-azaC caused normal SFs to resemble RA SFs, further sup- genesis. A similar analysis was performed in long term cultures of
porting functional implications of the altered methylation pattern. SGECs [40]. The comparison identified a large number of differentially
Beyond global changes in DNA methylation levels, recent technol- methylated loci between patient and control-derived SGECs, corre-
ogies aim to characterize and decipher the totality of epigenetic mod- sponding to 2560 genes. About one-fifth of these genes contained two
ifications within the cell, termed the epigenome. Such approaches have or more differentially methylated sites. Pathway analysis highlighted
allowed mapping of the differentially methylated regions, which can the significant representation of interferon-regulated genes and genes
provide information on the genes and pathways affected. implicated in the calcium pathway (mainly hypomethylated) as well as
Methodologies include the use of arrays targeting a large number the Wnt pathway (mainly hypermethylated).
(hundreds of thousands) of CpG sites across the genome, covering gene DNA methylation patterns were also evaluated in RA Fiboblast-like-
promoters, 5′ untranslated regions (5′UTR), first exons, gene bodies and Synoviocytes (FLS) and compared with FLS derived from individuals
3′ untranslated regions (3′UTRs), as well as CpG islands and their sur- with OA [41–43]. RA FLS exhibit a distinct methylome signature than
rounding shores (immediately flanking CpG islands) and shelves RA FLS and normal FLS, with differentially methylated genes that are

P. Karagianni and A.G. Tzioufas Journal of Autoimmunity 104 (2019) 102315

Table 1
Epigenetic alterations that have been observed in different cell types and tissues in autoimmune diseases.
Disease cell type/tissue gene/promoter/element alteration Reference

SLE PBMC MX1, PARP9, IFIT1, IRF7, IFI44L, IFNGR2, MMP14, LCN2, 18S, 28S rDNA reduced DNA methylation [37, 70, 77]

T cells KIR3DL1 reduced DNA methylation [78]

CD4+ T cells STAT1, BST2, TRIM22, KIR, NFIL3, RFX1, FOXP3, ITGAL,CD70, CD40LG, reduced DNA methylation [14, 38, 78–83]
PRF1, IFN-induced genes

CD4+ T cells IL2, IL17 increased DNA methylation [57]

CD19 B CD5 reduced DNA methylation [84]

Monocytes IRF1 binding sites increased H3K4me3 [85]

SS CD4+ T cells CD70, LTA, CD247, TNFRSF25, PTPRC, GSTM1, PDCD1, STAT1, IFI44L, reduced DNA methylation [86–87]
USP18, IFITM1, IFN-induced genes

CD4+ T cells FOXP3, RUNX1 increased DNA methylation [87–88]

minor salivary glands OAS2, IFN-induced genes reduced DNA methylation [39]

minor salivary glands BP230 increased DNA methylation [89]

Salivary gland epithelial LINE1, IFN-induced genes reduced DNA methylation [40, 50]

whole blood, CD19 + B cells IFN-induced genes reduced DNA methylation [39]

RA PBMC IL6, PDCD1 reduced DNA methylation [90–91]

CD4+ T cells FOXP3 enhancer, IFN-induced genes reduced DNA methylation [83, 92]

Fibroblast-like synoviocytes LBH enhancer reduced DNA methylation, increased [93]


Fibroblast-like synoviocytes CXCL10, IL6 Increased H4ac [94–95]

Synovial fibroblasts SFRP1 reduced H3K4me3, increased [96]


Synovial Fibroblasts LINE1 reduced DNA methylation [36]

APS whole blood F3 increased DNA methylation [45]

whole blood IL8 reduced DNA methylation [45]

critical to cell trafficking, inflammation, and cell–extracellular matrix key mediators in APS, Coagulation Factor III (F3) and interleukin 8
interactions, joint architecture and inflammation. Examples include the (IL8) in whole blood DNA was also found to differ significantly between
cartilage-specific antigen Chitinase 3 like 1 (CHI3L1), also known as APS patients and healthy donors, in a manner correlating with clinical
gp39, which is the target for autoimmunity in RA, STAT3, a key sig- parameters [45]. In an ex vivo model mimicking APS, stimulation of
naling protein activated in RA and associated with interleukin (IL)-6 monocytes induced dynamic changes in methylation in the above loci,
function, TNF signaling (TRAF2), IL-1 regulation (caspase 1) and pur- while in human umbilical vein endothelial cell cultures, the treatment
inoreceptors, several collagen proteins, proteases (ADAM12) and pro- also caused transcriptional upregulation of several epigenetic factors
tease inhibitors (TIMP2), and genes implicated in movement, adhesion, including Methyl-CpG Binding Protein 2 (MΕCP2), DNMT3B, TET1,
and trafficking. The relevance of these genes to RA pathology under- HDAC9 and the AT-Rich Interactive Domain-Containing Protein 5B
scores the link between their aberrant methylation and disease patho- (ARID5B). The above data combined illustrate how epigenetic changes
genesis. could be involved in transcriptional regulation of key factors implicated
A methylome analysis was recently performed in patients suffering in APS.
from the autoimmune thrombophilia Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS)
[44]. The syndrome is characterized by recurrent thromboembolism 4.2. - Methylation of retroelements
and/or pregnancy morbidity in the presence of Antiphospholipid anti-
bodies. The analysis was performed in neutrophils and identified a Among genomic regions regulated by methylation, a large fraction
number of differentially methylated CpG sites in patients compared to corresponds to retroelements. These are genetic elements that have the
healthy controls, with 17 of them hypomethylated and 25 hy- ability to spread in the eukaryotic genome via replication. Termination
permethylated in the disease group. Among these, there were known codons and methylation sites normally make these sequences inactive.
genetic risk loci for SLE (ETS1) and other autoimmune diseases (Protein Though their functions remain poorly understood, retroelements in-
Tyrosine Phosphatase Non-Receptor Type 2, PTPN2). The hypomethy- cluding non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons and en-
lated category was also enriched in genes involved in pregnancy, pro- dogenous retroviruses (ERVs), seem to be important for cellular
viding a possible connection with the pregnancy morbidity occurring in homeostasis, as their deregulation has been linked with disease. This
APS patients. Using a different approach, the methylation status of two connection has also been observed in the context of autoimmunity and

P. Karagianni and A.G. Tzioufas Journal of Autoimmunity 104 (2019) 102315

several mechanisms have been proposed to explain it, including tran- 4.4. - Histone modifications
scriptional interference with other genes, competition for TF binding,
expression of proteins or insertional mutagenesis [46,47]. Besides changes in DNA methylation, alterations on histone mod-
An example is the human endogenous retrovirus (HERV), which is ifications have also been identified in autoimmune disease models. This
found in the human genome in multiple copies and has been linked with comes as no surprise since factors recognizing methylated DNA are
SLE pathogenesis [48,49]. Supporting evidence includes increased often components of protein complexes with other chromatin-mod-
transcript levels of HERV sequences in SLE patients compared with ifying and remodeling activities. Both global and locus-specific altera-
normal controls, as well as detection of antibodies against HERV in tions with functional implications have been reported in autoimmune
about 50% of SLE patients but not in controls. Moreover, a synthetic diseases.
HERV clone derived peptide can induce CD4+ T cell activation. The Although the effects of histone modifications often depend on the
effect is amplified by 5-azaC treatment, which enhances transcription of genomic context, some modifications have been generally linked with
the synthetic HERV clone in PBMCs from healthy individuals, sug- transcriptional activation or repression. For instance, H3K9ac and
gesting that it is regulated by DNA methylation. Reduced methylation H3K27ac are normally associated with active promoters and enhancers,
of HERV could increase its transcription and is thought to contribute to H3K4me3 is also found in active promoters and H3K4me1 in enhancers,
autoimmunity by promoting the production of endogenous HERV an- while H3K36me3 in transcribed gene bodies. In contrast, H3K9me3 and
tigens. H3K27me3 are usually considered silent marks. Thus, it is expected that
Another example of retroelements linked with autoimmunity are the differential gene expression patterns in autoimmune cell types would be
Long Interspersed Nuclear Elements (LINEs). Full-length LINEs are 6 Kb, accompanied by changes in some of the above histone modifications.
but they become shorter and often inactive with age. Transcriptional This has been reported for several examples. For instance, in SLE
repression of LINEs depends on the methylation of critical CpG dinu- monocytes, acetylation of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) promoter
cleotides within their promoter. Loss of methylation can cause tran- correlates with increased maturation and cytokine expression, while in
scriptional activation of LINEs containing active promoters. SLE T cells, histone acetylation and methylation regulate interleukin 17
Demethylation and increased expression of LINE1 have been described (IL17) gene expression [55–57]. Moreover, a global reduction of histone
in MSG tissue from SS patients as well as in lupus nephritis kidneys acetylation and H3K9 methylation was reported for SLE CD4+ T cells,
compared to controls [50,51]. LINE1 expression correlates with type I indicating broad changes in the chromatin landscape, which affect the
IFN expression suggesting a role of LINE transcripts in the activation of expression of multiple genes [58].
innate immune response. In addition, a positive correlation was noted Analysis of histone modifications in splenocytes from the MRL-lpr/
between LINE1 and DNMT3B, DNMT1 and methyl CpG binding protein lpr lupus mouse model using stable isotope labeling followed by mass
2 (MeCP2) transcripts in both SS MSG and lupus renal tissues. The spectrometry revealed global hypoacetylation in H3 and H4 as well as
observed upregulation possibly comprises a compensatory mechanism increased histone methylation (excluding H3K4) compared to control
to silence these elements, though future research should further ex- mice [59]. Interestingly, novel histone modifications, including H3 K18
amine this. LINE1 retrotransposable elements were also found to be methylation, H4 K31 methylation, and H4 K31 acetylation, were re-
expressed in RA synovial tissues and cultured RA SF, by in situ hy- ported at different levels in the two mouse strains. Their implications in
bridization using riboprobes to ORF2/L1 and immunohistochemistry the pathogenesis and relevance to the human disease are certainly
using antibodies to the ORF1/L1-related p40 protein [52]. Treatment worthy of further examination.
with 5-azaC induced LINE1 expression in SFs in a time and dose-de-
pendent manner. The above data suggest that LINE1 induction could be 5. X-chromosome inactivation
implicated in SF activation in RA.
In humans, females seem to be more resistant to bacterial and viral
infections compared to males and have a known ability to produce
4.3. - DNA hydroxymethylation higher titers of serum IgM and antibodies. However, stronger immune
reactivity may not always provide an advantage and could make
The oxidative derivative of (5-mC), 5-hmC is a DNA modification women more susceptible to autoimmunity. Most autoimmune diseases
that lately attracts increasing interest. 5-hmC is generated by the action show a female bias. Though the underlying mechanisms remain elusive,
of TET proteins, including TET1, 2, and 3, as an intermediate in the this sex discordance is thought to be partially due to a dosage effect of
demethylation reaction of 5 mC, however, its functions could extend the X-chromosome. Consistent with this view, an increased number of X
beyond this role. Recent studies indicate that its deregulation could also chromosomes in a karyotype, as observed in XXX and XXY individuals,
be linked to autoimmunity. Specifically, increased 5-hmC levels were is associated with increased risk for SLE and SS, while XO individuals,
detected in CD4+ T cell DNA of SLE patients compared to controls, e.g. Turner syndrome patients, have reduced risk for SLE [60–62]. A
along with an increased expression of the TET2 and TET3 enzymes possible explanation for the link between X chromosome dosage and
[53]. In addition, a substantial number (2748) of genes showed in- autoimmunity could have to do with the fact that multiple immune-
creased promoter hydroxymethylation in the SLE CD4+T cells over related genes map on the X chromosome. Thus, aberrant expression of
controls, including genes implicated in critical pathways, like the these genes resulting from X chromosome aneuploidy could disrupt
neurotrophin, WNT, Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK), cal- normal immune physiology and result in autoimmunity.
cium and the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling In humans, X-inactivation in females is a mechanism of dosage
pathways. In a fraction of the promoters showing increased hydro- compensation between sexes. Inactivation of either the maternal or the
xymethylation, including some with immune-relevant functions, upre- paternal X chromosome is thought to occur stochastically starting from
gulated gene expression was also observed, suggesting that this mark early embryonic development. One of the key factors implicated in this
could be implicated in their regulation. The levels of 5-hmC were also process is the long non-coding RNA X Inactive Specific Transcript
reported to be increased in MSG inflammatory and epithelial cells from (XIST), which is expressed at random from the X chromosome that will
SS patients compared to controls, while the latter also displayed in- be inactivated [63,64]. The Xist RNA serves as a scaffold to recruit
creased TET2 levels, which was also proposed to be regulated by cy- chromatin-modifying enzymes in cis and induce DNA hypermethylation
tokines [54]. Genome-wide technologies and functional studies are and silencing histone marks, like H3K27me3, H3K9me2/3, H4K20me1,
expected to address the role of 5-hmC in autoimmunity in the years to and ubiquitinated H2A, generating a nucleation center for the forma-
come. tion of heterochromatin. This transcriptionally repressive chromatin
environment ensures dosage compensation of X-linked genes, most of

P. Karagianni and A.G. Tzioufas Journal of Autoimmunity 104 (2019) 102315

which become transcriptionally inactive. A small fraction of X genes DNMT3B mRNA compared to their healthy twin [70]. Genome-wide
escape this inactivation, but even those are thought to be expressed at analysis using a bead array interrogating methylation status of CpG
lower levels from the inactive X compared to its active homolog. containing promoters revealed a large number of genes exhibiting sig-
X inactivation is thought to be stable and maintained with high fi- nificant differences of DNA methylation, among which many could be
delity by XIST across mitotic divisions for most female somatic cells. An relevant to SLE pathogenesis. Examples include the interferon gamma
exception to this general rule has been reported for developing B and T receptor 2 (IFGNR2) and interferon-stimulated genes, the colony-sti-
cells, where an interesting temporal pattern of XIST localization and mulating factor 3 receptor (CSF3R), matrix metalloproteinases, the
inactive X chromosome H3K27 methylation has been observed [65–68]. common marker for lupus nephritis Lipocalin 2 (LCN2), and CD9 [70].
XIST RNA and H3K27me3 marks are detectable on the inactive X in The ribosomal genes 18S and 28S were also found to be hypomethy-
hematopoietic stem cells and common lymphoid progenitors. At the lated in patients compared to their healthy siblings, an observation that
pro-B stage, the XIST signal is gradually lost, followed by a gradual loss could be linked to the presence of autoantibodies against ribosomal
of heterochromatin marks during B cell differentiation. During T cell RNA and proteins in SLE patients, although this connection remains to
differentiation in the thymus, XIST and H3K27 marks gradually dis- be examined.
appear from the inactive X and remain undetectable in peripheral T A similar analysis in twins discordant for RA identified genomic
cells. Cytological examination has revealed that in vitro activation of locations displaying significant differences in DNA methylation varia-
mature B and T cells induces these marks to reappear on the inactive X. bility between the siblings rather than differences in methylation levels
The transient loss of repression is thought to generate a euchromatic [71]. The study was performed using whole blood DNA. In RA twins,
conformation of the inactive X of female lymphocytes, permissive to hypervariable loci were mostly enriched in the 3′UTR and gene bodies,
transcription of genes that would normally be monoallelically ex- while in their healthy siblings, hypervariable loci were mostly enriched
pressed, leading to increased expression of X-linked genes compared to in gene bodies. Among the top-ranked differentially hypervariable loci
male lymphocytes. were binding sites for RUNX3, which has been implicated in RA pa-
In SLE patients, the X inactivation pattern seems to be affected, thogenesis. These data suggest that the regulation of RUNX3 target gene
characterized by aberrant XIST localization, leading to upregulation of transcription could be modified by CpG methylation. Other loci ex-
X-linked genes, a phenomenon also observed in T cells derived from hibiting differentially variable methylation between RA and healthy
female mice of the NZB/W F1 SLE animal model. Whole transcriptome twins are mapped on stress-response genes, genes implicated in K63-
analysis revealed that 143 X-linked transcripts display differential ex- Ubiquitination, which plays a role in the oxidative stress response, as
pression between peripheral T cells from SLE patients and healthy do- well as the low-density lipoprotein receptor activity, which has been
nors [67]. Interestingly, the differences became more pronounced with proposed as a potential biomarker of anti-TNF treatment response in RA
increased disease activity index. The levels of XIST did not seem to patients. Functional studies could further address whether differentially
differ between patients and controls, however, a reduction of some variable methylation of certain loci also partially explains hetero-
other genes encoding proteins interacting with it and implicated in X geneity in disease presentation or response to therapies among RA
inactivation, like DNMT1, were reduced. Overexpressed genes included patients.
genes normally subject to X inactivation and functioning in metabolism,
cell cycle, and splicing. Thus, defective X inactivation in SLE patients 7. Summary and future perspectives
could impact several important cellular processes, contributing to the
disease phenotype. Examples of critical immunoregulatory genes lo- Epigenetic mechanisms are critical in ensuring normal immune cell
cated on X which are found to be upregulated in SLE patients compared function and their deregulation is linked with autoimmunity. The
to controls include the Treg lineage-specific marker FOXP3 and the connection may be causative in some cases, while in others the changes
CD40 ligand (CD40L). The latter is a T cell transmembrane protein, can be a result of the pathologic processes or even provide a compen-
overexpressed upon activation and implicated in the stimulation of B satory response of the organism to resist damage. Deciphering the
cells towards antibody-and auto-antibody production. mechanistic role of epigenetic changes in disease development is
The link between X dosage and autoimmune disease is also illu- challenging, and would require functional studies in animal models.
strated by the fact that four of the six known X chromosome SLE sus- However, most animal models are not adequate to reproduce the
ceptibility loci map on genes escaping inactivation. These include the human pathology and can only partially address specific questions. The
gene encoding toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7), which has been causatively complexity of epigenetic regulation is further increased by the fact that
linked with SLE, as well as the CXorf21, which encodes for a small the effects could be cell type or cell state-specific. When accessible,
protein colocalizing with TLR7 in B cells [69]. CXorf21 is induced upon studies of the affected cells or tissues usually prove to be most in-
IFNα stimulation with significantly higher magnitude in female com- formative. On the other hand, findings derived from peripheral lym-
pared to male B cells. Since the interferon pathway is implicated in SLE phocytes could have diagnostic utility. To this end, epigenetic marks
pathogenesis, the above findings provide some mechanistic under- arise as attractive biomarkers for disease diagnosis, monitoring and
standing of the sexual dimorphism in autoimmunity. even prediction and assessment of therapeutic response. The potential
of epigenetic modifications to serve as biomarkers is further supported
6. Twin studies by the finding that several epigenetic alterations occur in disease risk
loci. Integrating epigenetic data with transcriptomic analyses and ge-
Monozygotic twins provide a model to investigate the contribution netic associations may provide a better picture of their functional im-
of epigenetic factors to autoimmunity. The rationale for these studies is plications.
that since genetic variation is minimized, phenotypic disparities could Elucidation of the cross-talk of epigenetic factors with signaling
be associated with epigenetic differences between the siblings. For most pathways and other environmental parameters will also be useful in
autoimmune disorders, discordance rates between monozygotic twins protection from damage. Given that many of the enzymes catalyzing
exceed 50%, supporting that genetic predisposition can only partially chromatin modifications use metabolites as co-factors, the interplay
explain disease development, which agrees with the fact that most cases between epigenetic regulation and metabolism could have significant
are sporadic rather than familial. effects. Current research also investigates the potential of histone and
Comparison of DNA methylation between twins discordant for SLE chromatin-modifying enzymes and proteins that recognize and bind to
revealed significant differences. Consistent with previous knowledge, chromatin modifications as potential therapeutic targets. For instance,
the patients displayed reduced global methylation in DNA derived from DNMT inhibitors have been proposed as a means to promote FOXP3
their white blood cells, as well as reduced levels of DNMT1 and expression in Tregs expanded ex vivo for cellular therapies post

P. Karagianni and A.G. Tzioufas Journal of Autoimmunity 104 (2019) 102315

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