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Forensic Serology

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Paper No. and Title PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology
MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Module No. and Title
Definitions and Concepts
Module Tag FSC_P12_M2

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts

1. Learning Outcomes
2. Introduction
3. Blood
3.1. Composition

3.2. Functions of Blood

3.3. Examination of blood evidences

4. Semen
4.1. Nature
4.2. Composition
4.3. Locating semen
4.4. Examination of Semen stains
5. Saliva
6. Urine
7. Faeces
8. Sweat
9. Nasal Secretions
10. Tears and Human Milk
11. Hair
11.1. Identification and Comparison of Hair
12. Summary

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts
1. Learning Outcomes

After studying this module, you will be able to know-

 About various body fluids.

 About forensic aspect of these body fluids as evidence
 About examination of body fluids

2. Introduction

Forensic biology and serology is a branch of forensic science which deals with biological
evidences and their examination. In the examination of crimes such as murder, robbery, rape
etc. the examination of biological materials play an important role in connecting the criminal
with the crime. Such biological specimens may be in the form of body fluids, stains or other
material. These materials are:

1. Blood
2. Semen
3. Saliva
4. Urine
5. Faecal matter
6. Milk
7. Hair.
The most important evidences of body fluids are blood and semen from personal
identification point of view.

3. Blood

3.1 Composition
Blood is a complex viscous red fluid with a pH of about 7.4. It is mainly composed of two
parts: Cells and plasma. The liquid part is called plasma and the solids are red cells
(erythrocytes), white cells (leukocytes) and thrombocytes (platelets). The cells are also
known as corpuscles. When the blood flows out of the body a part separates out as blood
clots consisting of blood cells, discs and fibrin. Fibrin comes out of plasma and is responsible
for clotting of blood. The liquid left is called serum. It is the plasma without fibrinogen which
turns into fibrin.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts
a) Red cells:

There are about five million red cells per micro litre of blood, each about ten micron in
diameter. The red cells are continuously being produced and destroyed in the body. The rate
of destruction is about ten billion cells per hour in a normal healthy adult.

b) Haemoglobin:

The colouring substance of the red blood cells is haemoglobin. The substance is of great
importance to the body functions as it is the carrier of oxygen, injected medicines, salts and
food to various body tissues. It is useful in blood examinations.

c) White cells:

The number of white cells is about four to eleven thousand cells per micro litre. They resist
the attack of diseases.

d) Platelets:

The number of platelets is about five times that of white cells. They facilitate blood clotting.

e) Serum:

Plasma and serum are complex mixtures of proteins, minerals and organic compounds
dissolved in water.

3.2 Functions of Blood

The blood performs following functions:

 It carried oxygen and foo to the body tissues.

 It helps to eliminate waste products of the body tissues through kidneys and other
parts of the body.
 It regulates the temperature and acidity of the body.
 It carries administered medicines to the affected parts of the body.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts
3.3 Examination of Blood Evidences
The identification and evaluation of blood is based in its composition and behaviour under
various conditions.

1) Cell structure

Since blood is composed of red and white cells, platelets and plasma. The cells have definite
shapes and sizes which in different species. For example, human blood cells have
characteristic non-nucleated discs with a diameter of about 0.08mm. The identification of cell
structure is possible when the blood is fresh and moist usually less than 1 day old. When the
blood has dried, it is not always possible to completely regenerate the blood cells. The study
of cells is made through microscopy.

2) Enzymatic activity

Blood contains heme group in haemoglobin. It behaves like peroxidase. It catalyses the
liberation of oxygen from oxygen rich compounds like hydrogen peroxide or sodium
perborate. The oxygen is used to carry out certain color reactions. The common color
reactions for blood detection are benzidine, phenolphthalein, leucomalachite green and
luminol reactions.

Other enzymes have been utilized in electrophoretic techniques. When they are subjected to
an electric field due to some polarity, they move towards opposite polarity. The rate of
movement varies with their structure, weight and electric charge. The pattern of separation is
characteristic of blood.

3) Spectrophotometry

Haemoglobin on treatment with acids, alkalis, reducing agents or oxidizing agents gives a
variety of products which have characteristics absorption spectra. They help to identify the
blood. The absorption bands are seen in length which are characteristic of blood.

4) Visual examination

It is useful to determine whether the given stain is of blood or not. Ordinarily, there is no
difficulty in fresh but old stains may not be identifiable. The examination permits:

1. Determination of number and size of stains.

2. Rough estimate of amount of blood shed.
3. The direction from which the blood has fallen is found from the tip of the elongated
stain. The tip of the elongated points out the direction.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts
4. The shape of the stain indicates the height from which the blood has fallen.

 Bloodstains from the height of upto 50 centimetres are round sharp edges.
 Bloodstains from a height of 50 to 150 centimetres have small spike like
projections along the edges.
 Bloodstains fallen from a height over 150 centimetres have corrugated edges.
5. From the positions of the stains, the movement of the victim and the culprit can be
determined. If the culprit ran away bleeding, he can be tracked through blood stains.
6. The degree of fluidity, dryness and changes in color permits rough estimation of age
of the stains.
7. Gross foreign matter like hair, flesh, bones in the blood may identify the site of injury.

5) UV and IR Examination

Ultraviolet or infrared rays reveal washed or invisible bloodstains from clothes, furniture,
earth, doors etc. They also reveal stains on coloured garments or on painted surfaces. They
help to reveal minute blood traces.

6) Microscopy

Microscopic examination of bloodstains is important in many situations:

 Species of origin of fresh bloodstains can be established through microscopic studies

and micro measurements sometimes.
 The part of the body from which the blood has come can found out from the nature of
extraneous matter. Thus, blood from nose, mouth, vagina or anus can be identified.
 Diseases like leukaemia or syphilis can be detected microscopically.
 Menstrual blood can be identified.
 Blood from an infected site can be identified through the presence of puss.

7) Spectroscopy

Spectroscopic examination of blood is very useful as well as convenient. The test is usually
carried out microscopically. The blood haemoglobin is changed in two or three forms on the
slide itself and characteristic absorption are observed. Usually alkali hematin and
cyanhaemochromogen are studied for their characteristic spectra.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts
8) Chromatography

Ascending paper chromatography using acetic acid, methanol and water solvent system has
been employed to study the Rf values.

9) Electrophoresis

It is used for separation of various enzyme systems. It is being adopted to study the body
proteins. This technique is becoming important to distinguish between blood samples.

10) Colour tests

These tests are the first series of tests employed after visual study of stains. If a stain gives
positive color reactions in any of the two color tests, the stain is possibly a bloodstain. If it
fails to give color reactions in all probability it is not a bloodstain or the same cannot be

10.1 Benzidine reaction:

Benzidine (0.1g) and dry sodium perborate (0.1g) are dissolved in glacial acetic acid (10ml)
and sprayed over the stain. A strong blue color indicates blood.

10.2 Leucomalachite Green reaction:

The reagent is prepared by dissolving leucomalachite green (0.1g), sodium perborate (0.3g)
in 65% glacial acetic acid. The reagent is applied to the stain. Intense green color indicates

10.3 Phenolphthalein reaction:

Phenolphthalein (1g) is reduced and dissolved in acetic acid (100ml). Sodium perborate
(1.4g) is dissolved in the solution and applied to the blood stain. Pink coloration indicates

10.4 Luminol test:

Luminol is a chemical which has been used to locate the bloodstains. The articles suspected
to bear stains is sprayed with luminol. It reacts with blood to give fluorescence. The
bloodstains are thus made visible. Even decomposed blood reacts with the reagent. The
reagent does not interfere with subsequent blood tests. It is prepared by dissolving sodium
perborate (0.7g) in water (100ml) and adding 3- arninophthalhydrazide (0.1g) and sodium
carbonate (5.0g) to the solution. The solution is sprayed upon the article with glass sprayers
in a dark room. Blood gives strong luminescence.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts
10.5 Crystal test:

Two crystal tests are commonly employed. They are specific for blood but they are not
sensitive. They often fail if the conditions are not rigidly controlled or if the blood is
disintegrated or contaminated.

10.5.1 Teichmann Test-

Take a dry crust or smear of blood on a slide. Put a drop of potassium iodide, bromide or
chloride (0.1gm) solution in 100ml glacial acetic acid over the blood and cover it with a
cover slip. Warm the slide gently till it gives out bubbles. Typically haemin crystals are
observed under microscope. Heating may have to be repeated a number of times.

10.5.2 Takayama Test-

It is also performed similarly. The reagent is prepared from one volume of glucose solution
(10%), one volume of potassium hydroxide solution (10%) and two volumes of pyridine
which are dissolved in six volumes of water.

11) Precipitin reaction

The reaction is performed to identify the species of the origin of the bloodstains. It is very
delicate test and requires only small amounts of blood. A dilute blood solution is used for
precipitin reaction. The antisera are not diluted. The blood solution and antisera should be
free from turbidity and contamination.

4. Semen

4.1 Nature
Semen is found in liquid form, smears or stains or it may be found in vagina, anus or rectum.
Fresh semen is a gel like fluid, which liquefies on exposure to atmosphere. A normal
ejaculation is about 3.5ml, containing about thirty million sperms. The dry weight is about
seven per cent of the liquid weight. The sperm has definite morphological structure. Its
identification in a stain establishes the presence of semen.

The shape and size of human spermatozoon is characteristic. But the morphology alone does
not permit individualization. Semen of a person does not contain any spermatozoon then it is
called as aspermic semen.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts
This may be due to some disease or it may be due to vasectomy operation. In such cases this
criterion for the identification of semen is lost. Immunological test using anti semen sear
against seminal plasma are increasingly accepted as reliable test for aspermic semen.
Electrophoresis is becoming popular for identification of semen.

4.2 Composition
It is a complex mixture of organic and inorganic compounds. Important constituents of semen
from the identification point of view are proteins including enzymes, blood group factors,
choline, fructose, citric acid, uric acid and zinc. The composition varies from individual to

Enzyme, acid phosphatase found in the semen is in concentration which are significantly
higher than those found in other body fluids. Acid phosphatase offers a very delicate test for
the identification and location of semen stains though positive identification of semen are not
based upon the acid phosphatase test alone. Choline in semen is used to get crystal tests.
Fructose, citric acid and zinc are more or less absent in other body fluids and hence their
detection in semen should permit its identification but these substances have not been utilized
to any appreciable extent so far.

4.3 Locating Semen

Semen stains can be located using following techniques:

4.3.1 Visual examination

The suspected place or article is examined visually. A semen stain, if fresh is colourless or
pale yellow. It gives its characteristic smell. A freshly dried stain on wetting also gives the
characteristic odour. The stain becomes stiff and rough to feel on drying. The stiffness does
not wear off unless it is rubbed.

4.3.2 Ultraviolet rays

The surface or the article suspected to bear seminal stains when examined under ultraviolet
rays in darkness usually gives fluorescence. Some other substances also give fluorescence
while some other mask it. Therefore the technique though useful in most of the cases is not

The fluorescence of semen depends upon the quantity and freshness of the semen. Therefore,
even when a stain shows weak fluorescence, it should be further explored.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts
4.3.3 Spectromicroscopy

Spectromicroscopic examination of the suspected stain may indicate the characteristic

contours and layers like formations in a thick crust of semen stain.

4.3.4. Phosphatase method

The presence of acid phosphatase in semen helps to search large area and garments for semen
stains. The method is:

Large filter paper sheets are dipped in saline. Excess of the solution is removed and the
garments to be examined is pressed against the paper or vice versa. The outline of the piece
of cloth is marked on the paper to facilitate location of the semen. The filter paper sheet is
then sprayed with acid phosphatase reagent. Color spots indicate the location and size of the
seminal stains.

4.4 Examination of Semen Stains

Systematic study of seminal stains involves following steps:

 Smell: The smell of fresh or wet seminal stains is characteristic.

 Peel: Dry stains have a rough feel like dried starch solution and have uneven surface.
The contours of the stains are characteristic.
 Fluorescence: semen stains give strong characteristic fluorescence. Handling,
substrata, the quantity and the age of the stain affect it.

 Chemical tests
The following chemical test are performed for detection of semen:

 Barberio’s test:
A small amount of semen is taken and treated with a saturated aqueous solution of picric
acid. Spermine picrate crystals with characteristic structure, separate out.

 Florence test:
A small amount of semen is treated with iodine in potassium iodide solution. Characteristic
crystals of choline iodide are formed.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts
 Acid phosphatase test:
The acid phosphatase enzyme present in high concentration in semen liberates phosphate
from various compounds attached to them chemically. This property is utilized in liberating
Naphthol from calcium naphthyl phosphate. Naphthol reacts with a diazonium compound to
give coloured products. Anthraquinon-1-diazonium chloride is often used in the test.

The mixture of various reagents is taken and sprayed over a wet filter paper, previously
pressed against the suspected place bearing semen stains. Development of red purple color
indicates semen, the technique is extremely sensitive and several years old stains can thus be
detected. This method is however not specific. Recently modifications had been made which
claim to make it more specific.

 Morphology of spermatozoon:
The identification of sperms in a stain is considered positive proof of the seminal nature of
the stain. Sperm is a unicellular organism with an oval head attached to a comparatively long
tail. If head and tail of a spermatozoon are found intact it is not difficult to identify the stain.
Intact sperm is often not available in a dried stain.

The sperms may be identified with or without staining. But staining helps:

 Ordinarily double staining with haematoxylin and eosin is done. In this way the nose
is stained in pink and the rest of the head is stained purple. This differential staining
distinguishes the sperm from any other organism. Head alone can identify the stain.
 Epithelial cells and leucocytes in excess mask the spermatozoon the difficulty is
overcome by staining the spermatozoon with malachite green and eosin. The
interference is considerably reduced.

 Biological tests
Precipitin reaction with anti-human semen serum and specific blood group anti sera are
employed. The former determines whether it is human semen and the latter determines the
blood group of the secretor.

The techniques employed in are similar to those applied for blood grouping

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts
 Individualisation:
Semen sample of an individual is unique. With the classical method it was not possible to
establish the individuality but DNA profiling has made it possible to pin point the source of
origin even from the tiniest speck or even when it is contaminated with vaginal fluid or mixed
with semen from other sources.

 Age of seminal stains:

It is difficult to determine the age of seminal stains as the changes with age are largely
determined by the environmental conditions.

The semen is a gel like mass after ejaculation. It liquefies on standing. On drying, it slowly
changes to opaque white mass with rough feel. After two or three weeks the color changes to
pale yellow and then to brown.

Sperms in fresh semen are complete with head and tail. On drying and with passage of time it
begins to disintegrate, the tail separates out from the head. The head is also affected. The
sharp division in differential staining slowly appears.

 Survival of sperms:
The sperms remain motile only for a few hours under normal conditions. The motility seldom
continues after twenty four hours. But if the semen is frozen, the sperms may remain alive for
long periods. It shows motility when the sample is brought to normal temperature.

In humid and warm climate, the sperms get destroyed in a short while. In dry and cool
climate the dead sperms may be identified even after months.

In vaginal swabs of a living person, sperms may be detected upto about five to ten days,
though the number of sperms detected goes on decreasing with passage of time.

In dead persons, detection of sperms depends upon the condition under which the dead body
remained. It may be detected in unputrefied bodies even after a few months. But if the body
has putrefied the sperms are also destroyed.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts
5. Saliva

Saliva stains may be found at the scene, on handkerchief, on discarded cigarette stubs, spittal,
on cups, tumblers, bottles on postage stamps or envelopes or even tooth picks or they may be
found on a piece of cloth used as gag.

Saliva contains an enzyme (ptyalin) which when added to starch, hydrolyses it. Saliva extract,
therefore, when added to starch inhibits its color reaction with iodine.

Saliva of secretors contains blood group substances and can be grouped. The saliva on
cigarette stubs is often in criminal investigation. DNA profiling of the saliva stains has
enhanced the evidential value of the saliva stains and has brought it at par with the other body
fluids like that of blood and semen.

Food material mixed in saliva may interfere with blood grouping. Saliva does not give
specific precipitin test.

6. Urine

Urine is identified from the comparatively large amounts of urea in it. The stain located with
ultraviolet rays. It is then extracted with water and tested for urea. Urine stains can now be
individualized through DNA profiling.

7. Faeces

Faeces are involved in cases of sodomy and bestiality. The stains are found on the
undergarments, on the flies of the trousers and on flaps of the shirt of the active agent.

Faeces are identified microscopically. Bacterial studies of the faeces may also lead towards
individualization but the same has not been exploited as a routine at present.

It is possible to identify the human or animal origin of the faeces.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts
8. Sweat

Sweat stains are involved only in the case when some garments are left at the scene of crime
or where the culprit has perspired profusely and left sweat stains. The composition of sweat is
similar to urine. However, if the two substances are warmed, the odour is characteristically
different. Paper and gas chromatography techniques hold bright future for identification of
sweat stains. Sweat stains of secretors can be blood grouped. DNA profiling of the stains is

9. Nasal Secretions

Nasal secretions is similar in chemical composition to saliva. They can be blood grouped, if
they belong to secretors. They are liable to DNA profiling.

10. Tears and Human Milk

Tears and human milk stains likewise permit their identification. Blood grouping of the same
is possible if they have come from the secretors. DNA profile can be developed for

11. Hair

Hair is one of the common and important physical evidence encountered in a crime scene.
Individualization of human hair i.e. whether it is from head or body. Forceful removal of hair
may have blood or skin with the root. In such cases DNA typing can be done. There have
been advancement in the DNA typing technology. Earlier only hair strand with root attached
could be used for typing but now with advanced technology hair without root can also be
used if there are enough number of hair strands.

11.1 Identification and Comparison of Hair

Examination of the hair evidence found at crime scene is the first step which should be
performed. Hair should be examined to establish the origin of the hair i.e whether it is human
hair or animal hair. Comparison of hair with victims and suspects should be done in case of
human hair.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts
Differentiation of human and animal hair can be done with ease. Human hair comparisons
should be done with extreme caution. Variable characteristics can exhibited by hair not only
from one individual to another but also within a single person.

Morphological features of hair can be observed by careful microscopic examination. These

features help in differentiating between human hair and animal hair. Control samples should
always be considered before reaching a conclusion. The main characteristics that should be
examined are:

 Medullary index
 Scale structure
 Medullary shape
As forensic evidence, hair is used to compare and determine whether the hair recovered at
crime is of same origin as that of suspect or not. Scalp or pubic hair are most commonly
found at crime scene.

Color, length and diameter of the hair are the most important characteristics that should be
matched while comparing hair samples. Presence or absence of medulla, its distribution,
shape and color intensity of pigment granules found in the cortex are also important
characteristics for comparison of hair. Hair grows at an average of 1 centimetre per month.

Following features are observed and compared for identification through hair:

 Color of hair
 Area of origin
 Presence of micro residual material
 Unusual appearance of hair
 Pigments

 Color of Hair
The general color of human hair varies from black, blackish brown or reddish brown. In
absence of pigmentation they turn grey and then eventually white. Dyed or bleached hair can
be predicted by examining under microscope. Time passed since colouring can also be
estimated if growth of hair since hair was coloured or bleached is present. The cortex is
coloured throughout when dyed or coloured. Yellowish tint is observed on bleaching hair due
to removal of pigments from hair. Granules are present in naturally coloured hair. The texture
of naturally coloured hair is similar to a picture coloured by a crayon whereas smooth
uniform color is displayed in case of artificially dyes or coloured hair.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts
 Area of origin
The hair of one part of the body differ from other part of the body. Scalp hair are usually
longer than hair on any other part of the body. Scalp hairs usually have flat tips as they are
most often cut. They are soft with tapering ends. Constant combing causes tapering end to
fray out into a brush like form. Periodical cropping shows sharp cut tips which become blunt
and round about a week later. On cross section, the hair appear oval or circular in outline.
Pubic hair are curly, short and stout. Beard and moustache hair are coarse. The tips are
mostly cut. On cross section, they are oval and more flattened as compared to scalp hair. Hair
from nose, eyebrow, eyelids or ear are short and stubby with wide medulla. They taper
rapidly to form a fine tip.

 Presence of Micro residual material

Sometimes, due to external circumstances, the residual material can be found on hair.
Materials like blood, grease, paint, powder, soil, dust etc. can be found on the hair which can
further lead to important clues when examined.

 Unusual appearance of Hair

Due to clipping, pulling, burning or crushing of hair an unusual change in the structure of hair
is observed. Normally the tip of the hair is pointed but when it is cut it becomes flat. Due to
pulling the diameter of shaft reduces and the length of the hair increases. It the hair is pulled
beyond its threshold limit of elasticity then it breaks and the ends become cone shaped.

 Pigments
Various pigments are present in hair. One of the pigment is melanin which is responsible for
color of the hair. Presence of large amount of eumelanin (one of the types of melanin) results
in dark black hair. In case of red hair, pigment called pheomelanin is present. According to
the types of pigments present and its distribution, the comparison between two specimens can
be done. The pigment distribution and internal structure can be helpful in the identification
between species.

 Identification of Race
Through the gross characteristics of hair, a person’s identification race can be predicted. A
cross section of it can show the structure, diameter, the thickness of cuticle, pigmentation,
hardness of hair etc. which can be helpful in identification. For example, In Negroid race, the
pigmentation is more and their distribution is also disturbed. Hair are hard, small, curly and
stiff in nature. In Mongoloid race, hair are usually straight and have more pigments, their
cuticle is thick and cross section is circular in shape.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts
 Microscopic Examination of Hair
Light microscopy is used for examination of human hairs in forensic laboratory. Two steps
are followed in this examination: identification of questioned hairs and comparison of
questioned and known hair. Microscopic examination is conducted to analyse whether two or
more individuals came in contact or a person came in contact with an object. The value of
hair evidence is related to the variability of hair characteristics between individuals in the
population, which can be visualized through the use of comparison microscopy.

Various factors affect the reliability of hair association which includes experience training,
adequacy of equipment and suitability of known hair standards. Although hair evidence is a
valuable tool in human identification, it is difficult to establish a statistical probability for a
particular association due in part to the lack of reliable quantitative assessments of the
microscopic characteristics present in hairs.
Various microscopes used for hair examination are:

a) Stereomicroscope
For initial examination of mounted or unmounted hairs stereomicroscopes are used with
magnification range of upto 100X.

b) Transmitted Light Microscope

For identification and examination of hair high quality transmitted light microscope is
required. The objectives and eyepieces should permit observations in the range of
approximately 40X to 400X. Examiner’s ability to observe certain features is enhanced by
using a polarized light microscope.

c) Comparison Microscope
While comparing microscopic characteristics of hairs, high quality transmitted light
microscope is necessary. High quality objectives are important. The objectives and eyepieces
selected should permit observations in the range of approximately 40X to 400X. A high-
intensity tungsten light source, suitable for photomicrography and equipped with a daylight
correction filter which is present for providing adequate lighting. Both sides of a comparison
microscope should be balanced for light intensity and color. A comparison microscope may
be equipped with one of several types of stages.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts
 Microtomy:
The cross sections of hairs are obtained with the help of an instrument called microtome,
clean hair is embedded in hard wax, plastics or flesh (hardened by special treatment) and
sliced. The cross sections of hairs, obtained, are placed on a microscope slide treated with
albumen. The embedding material is removed with a suitable solvent and the sections are
fixed in Canada Balsam. Microscopy reveals the cross sectional structure of hair.

Microtomy is helpful to determine pigment distribution, medullary shape and medullary

index of the hair. In human hair the pigment is found concentrated near the periphery of the
cortex close to cuticles while in animals, pigment concentration are near the medulla and in
the cortex. It also permits proper study of the shape of cross sectional area.

 Density
It is one of the most important physical properties of hairs. It is best studied and compared by
density gradient tube method. The question and sample hair are placed in the columns of two
similarly prepared gradient tubes and allowed to settle. They settle at the levels where the
densities of the hairs correspond to the liquid mixtures. If the hairs settle at the same height in
two columns, a common source is indicated.

 Refractive Index
Refractive index of hair is determined by Beckline method. There are minor variations in the
refractive indices of hairs of the same individual, the variations are statistically ignored.

Refractive index of hair also gives rough idea about the age and sex of the source of origin.
The phenomenon of deviation of light passing through some transparent materials, differently
at the different angles is called birefringence. The deviation are characteristic of the
materials. The hairs also show the phenomenon but due to inconsistency in the deviations of
different hairs of the same person, it has not been used to any appreciable extent to identify or
individualize hairs.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts
12. Summary

 Forensic biology and serology is a branch of forensic science which deals with
biological evidences and their examination
 Blood is a complex viscous red fluid with a pH of about 7.4.
 The colouring substance of the red blood cells is haemoglobin.
 Benzidine (0.1g) and dry sodium perborate (0.1g) are dissolved in glacial acetic acid
(10ml) and sprayed over the stain. A strong blue color indicates blood.
 Luminol is a chemical which has been used to locate the bloodstains
 Semen is found in liquid form, smears or stains or it may be found in vagina, anus or
 Semen is a complex mixture of organic and inorganic compounds.
 A semen stain, if fresh is colourless or pale yellow. It gives its characteristic smell.
 A small amount of semen is treated with iodine in potassium iodide solution.
Characteristic crystal of choline iodide are formed.
 Saliva of secretors contains blood group substances and can be grouped
 Urine stains can now be individualized through DNA profiling.
 Faeces are identified microscopically.
 Density is one of the most important physical properties of hairs.
 Refractive index of hair is determined by Beckline method.

FORENSIC SCIENCE PAPER No. 12: Forensic Biology and Serology

MODULE No. 2: Forensic Biology and Serology-
Definitions and Concepts

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